HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-12-09, Page 4�tFR77' ' " �,�-, :- - . I � � . I I . 1. . - ,� " 1, 'N , L 11 . I , : �,_ '.. � � ;1 � G ,� , 1 1 -1 ''I 1.1� : I � I .::, "I k. ­.�, I 'Ll. , Aw � I 11 I I . . I � 1, i 1. I � " , 4 1. , � , . '� 11.1 . . I . .- , , . . . � I � . ­­ � -1-1 .. I � . I I . � - , , , I I � 119 1, M4 '.� , , I.. I . 1. - I I ­a4+WAk'WW*A, W,0t1V1AA-4,s!, i . - I . I I I I ot IR, V* 1. � , ','� 1'� , i I i ., I ­-__�11­ *­ I'll, ­­­ - _­ � � I i .1i -1.1 I . -11 I .11 . --- � �.. "I I I - , L,4j'�� "', '1,4.' 1,11',� �� � .11.. L" -, �mt "', 111-11, I '­ I I .� � 1 X L -- , ,�� , , L�� I -.,W.:, �11� , - � I CE I 1 ',1.14 V 14':,��-_ 1 li� - , . i " -1 .11'... 11111­�� 6'"' 11111�.'­ �, i. I � - � , , , . """ I , _,�'_,_,-.-­.­-: I -1 _;`­,.:�­�­!,ri­ I I 11 I I - 2_ � 0.1110.� 11 1. . . . I � 11 I - - I T 11 ' I - . . - I I I I I ­ - . I I .. I . _-�. ,­ � , �i`­' "'.'�� `, '_ ' "' ' ' 7 '4" . � , ' , L . '01 .M. , I . I :,:­ .� � " , ,."*, , ;� I , , �� - - . -1 I I . _ -1 I I - . . I 1� ,ill �� , � 11 1. I .. I T"T I �- � I - � � " 11� .- ,�.. ; , , 010 1 6 i I .1 . � I I � ii)� , � �L . 1i . I " _ - , : ", 11:�, .1� 1.1.1W ­�­ I .111�1 I �, ;F�r I., ­� 6 , , , I """ - - ­, ­': ,:,. , �­, � 11 ... - _., ._11.11111 . I I . A -t oegjqct to call and It . . % '­ ,. ­' 1.15, I , , . I I 1 .. 6 .." , , � i ., 11 11 I ,:� 116 . I ... I , 66 6.6 �"7 1, - , I- I � I I . I Do, , , " V,X. Goositt's, stock of I I �, -11 L, ,,� .;,�e�l��jL6,��'.­ .- 1 114, - I llpkl�wbjl ,%.I -"z .. , ', �, I'll il,,,� ";.".i., ��� I I I ��� "I'll - -11 at Ozz AtW"k . , : .. . �. " t I . '. L I , I 1-1-, - "I � Kl­�­% , � _'. i , � �, I ,�,F ­_ � . . I I " �; , L� : _ , , 7,1111 ;111 � I L � I ,,, �� ,�'.4 , ,�� " ��.�� '� ,6- - . . 1. I I I � 1 '.1 I I , " - - .. 4 � . �, � , , ',',�r , � � i I , , , ; I L'. ­ , �: ; I , ,f , I ,� e ...... �- "' I'LO&t,1�0rL r, 14� stm Wer-� , . , , � , �, I � ., I X4� " 7111"r ��-a HUSBAND. :� � . _ I � 7, �. I � owl , -& I 0 .., �, 1. "", � "I I '. k, I 11 , "' � � ir . fk � " ` JI , , L � ,__ I �� -1 _�,, , � I " � " 11 , .., - . . , � I .;� : . � , , � - 111"k, �Iosomo jagarious 4T.3 'PiaryV400 I I . , , 1, . . . I .. I . . I �:., tilet,0001101 - , ", 110LID GOODS , � Protect your `_ . I � - ` I � I ..,. ­ 21 , 1'� 19% elk I ; �, I , �, '' , -. , � 1. ;1 -004 d (101101, ulp I i, � '. I 11 . � I . � � k, , " 11 �� , I � :: , , . .*� . , '"O"'elock on �W@*, I I 1, - � --- I of p " . . I . :: I � I , " ) '. ,� ,� �_ 71 :�; 1 4114 In �bl# poolloction 0 vo,ping; at , _ Always the latest aud,bestild".6, 10, Perfornerv, Toilet Articles, "I .. 11 ­ .... . , "��­­­LL �� ' L(I . 1. :�' 4, . . �� I ,or I �, - , I � 'S. ". I � �, � � L� , . .. . , � I , " SU04000,41go " " - 1 113 - . . . I . omit with one I - ­� E��_ i -',T_111_'_710' 11 - I I -1,1", 1,'' ". . 11 _,", 111 I , - .. riorma . .47 I , , - � , 010144041 Who* , � � . ,_ ­ , , I , I 11 , . /,\, 18 .. , _ - . , . . ., ", � , ., N, . �. I . I -H , , I :" L. , .... cuto"Plos; Oi�, ele. . -fll- �:11'.,L M , , ,�� �� � � 'o �t.,; � I L " ,,,, � ;�_ ,*', . . "'i"C'Re 'as'.�'O`h 6 ra I I, I., I I ChAMQlS .,. .,�, 0 - I ,� 1* I .i. AeveiAl divislout, it ,.. �� ,�, . 11 I ; "'.", � , . . - I � I .. 11111--... I . T . - ..., I \_ � � ",� �:?, 11 ­ ., derupy re- I . I I VE 11 i ) 11 k - . ", , . . , L� � , "' ­ 00P such 4itritDgerl I I . � I , , , . . . , , . � � . ' ' ` 41 - , I �� 5 , " � 'I ,a V _E SA E - 6,_ D, � . I . 11 .1 , I I . � . I i.!":, . 'I ­ . I , . , , w Pcrfume.Alcmizers� ­ . I .'."� , . %, � ­ � ' n . . , I �, � '-- L �,." , '. � I I . . 1j"d ughi ',of oil 4 , � - . I - � . . I - , ? � 1. . . _H I , , I I .'�. I I � , : `;, , , . I �4 _� L � . � , '. �, I I I I lie � , I, 1i , k turning offic,t I 'PO I . �, 10, "' M '91 I .8 cat luon- �., 41 I tio I . 1� ., I 4#k to see tile lie - , - . ; �­' , I.:,� ". take 1111Y" , And. finally, 1,thereare goW reWng -' Finest 00V*1t,y4f,1 year. tally Gdod _.___�� � %,,,. I _'� � � , - �, :� .1� . R , , I "� � `� .�­ I .. , 1. " I I ''. . I AT" ,� 15, STORE I ' 11 11 �,�� . . ,�,,, � � '_ ,­,� I tobelieve that there are many sp� � I � I . � . I "� .� � � 14 , ofisor than Ayer's 0.00 Can't get 014 1�order, Really Cheap - � ­ I 11 I I I � � � , , ,�'. t , I � I � . .1 I -_ , 1. . I I and well Authenticated cases. wbo;v I 1 !:!:7:::=== �Z - I . � "I'll,.", , . �1;1 , ' I . 1� . , , !� W, .�,t, � I �;"�'L �­ , 11 ; I , �. .. erry sheir bowea some . 11 QA' ' . ""' th, � - , I I : - ,.:!:,; I! I �' , Igent" of Mr. MucNimh conpeIi'leill lilt, I "I'll, � ." "__1 14� . 0 I . . 1 . i� I of these stirangers, . . % � / . I I Ins of 61090 Th, V"t V a . Rt' Prices beyond a I " . � I � ""M Ode to =*tried be Complete list a _�Xiolly question Vre LOWER than elpewhere on � ,V 1, 1� I whothere paid large sin " I" ext week 04 Mistletoe. I H F, 1, . '.. '­� I,, , I ' ' � . , I 111.1 I Ito elooitot* to, Induce theeta, to yoto for seps to to hold the aobawl as you w.RPX1. S I 1'.� I , �11 . I chatilo I I � I Pect 'Oral bim." beelfulne" of disposition, ps, J�MP.VQ�RZ) o�!ing lines'. During this mouth we. intend to clear out a Pur i � � "�,,; , I , ­ I .k,t I I . tv. and jittlimi; your youthful -looks. ':ax , ­ 01 "" " , � �'! ". Ipkerry peewral. Ask yout Of course a at many wwoeu are head I ;, "I I I . lVat hati 1=1T.71-1.740 illa to which women Vt W. C. GOODE I W I . , I This Is the story of West El I- I '. " ,bd3r.: Chemist. , * S I TIALF-MIC4_1 , `7 i '.1 of Clelored- Dress Material'. ' The 'rices �ill range from ', I it Is as darl, its any cliapter It tr.se I . - 1 I . 1� P . ao"� � `., :� �, I , PC4 by � . I �,", I ;,ovi d6*r It (big Is nOt SO- been writton In Hastings or Fronten- I The constantly mcuffiliff troubles I " aughtere4d. All ,�, ,:�" i .r. ear regular prices. -, 27 ends to be -sl .11, I L I I � I . , ' ' up, but none u . �: I I . L I � as and a becioudc4 0 . I I ,:. � -, ,, I I . _ . West Ellgin ballot.'boxes for judio�ialln- disposition, nervousut F ' " , "s I , . Ef. I t 14 r tire SP "Use It 90" � - Hougesit, He understands mo. Nor wa4 it possible'to P-'O(Iut;e I,hb I ch afil c e t to C I seasonA�,le, 64ods, itua all 'this season's purchaset?. I i : , .L� " � why it soothes and heals. vestioution. Theyw-unotilrowli0d, mind. I .. -P. _.,hristmas ; urniture ' . L L . . . �`��, � � 11 F.4 'I, - 11 . ev"b for wes At bdm a; "O"I I* on 0* Aaw"rm W= web. I but burned I li the cellar of the PtLA-110- to till mt Buildings, fit order to clest.roy I Il I)r,FLV.PIi:rce.th spee-01 DWOM disease$, of Buffalo, N. V., after a In o e3lD- ng in trtatilil r ouch' discas d CA - . I i have It from the J. X BURK, Depot Ticket Agent I . . �, M, I I . � : .0 . __."�Wow , . � �.. �, _. o. I .1 . . the arnall of my back; not being able to sleep weH, no appetite, menstmation .... I'll LL.. . � a , . I . L rr , 11 - ' ,$75 A month AVIOXTX. SL Joasek i ,7 ,. evidern: anti purJury wb'ch -e, of fog 0 y 4 clence to bat Certain 1700tO and herba to, er b� Is all around our store, we selected, . . . 11 . .� I k long Collars, A Colla�rs and 3 Capertoes, all of which' will The pain in my back gradually left =a . sly appetite ntaimed, I sleep well. ani , , I., ", , " , 21,60TI and "MoLACHLAN. -tr - mr0.9m - -, for . , Vre call tat ts'Zifullho reLlords. So Ill Maric llle�al were �uid 111 the "olt a liquid extract, -40 __ 4 Z This be called r. Pierce a . best manufacturers. , ��,,__ 111111111111111111111111111111111111 42.110 Pie CAT To INDUS"Itilts &t& -- fix every, locality, Introducing our goods by dlyttributina our advertising inAtter. steady em�loymant to reliable man. A-1*%xi very nice abort, � I IF U R,_%":"" big - ___ __ - ----I-- - - - � .. L �11'�,-: I , L nl�rre On. . CoughsqC old S attit Sit-. votes oiled for tile Liberal candidate byl ' Fraud unit Ito obamoless tit) Wits of case*. wor int prescription. Thousands Of Women kave testified to its liattits, and it is Put Wbat can be more useful thati-a nice- piec� of Furuitorc for the house? . We have the largest and beat assortment! we have ever had,before to choose from. . be'tiffered at reductions. - � �� L. L' -------- ;.: 1-1 , - , '. C UL in avantford. oat. 4- �%,. r ,".. I L �� �� . ��J �11.; I "��, � . __ I . as gross � .acticed in 11astings or fit, 'West El- f I 1,9 shape to be tasty , jro6ured and up e e ers. This Is is sold by all medtcht In FANCV CHAIRS, ROCKERS, MORRIS and ARM CHAIRS, PARLOR and bought a few day!i ago _/ at i)ig J,edoetion, all � ." Ladles' and Misses' Coats, . co.AT,4 I fitett,31 in Canada). ,� �, � " f,� �,, ", , . S 'I, .. � 1q, Va-&%* -haStOlh- f6cOvil t1kit- I X1 It. In the language Of 0hancell9t. a potent tonic for the wolllaull systent. Pierce in is Ultrits ' HALL TABLES, LADIUS' DHSK,,i, MU51C, PARLUX and LHINA --e-, the latest styles and well made. direct, front tile (made . . I., y � � . . 1; I . ­ - -- ,_L'�,�,� `1,�5�11�1i� I 11'��'O:, 4111110 of Apes 111,1119,7bUtIM90 Boyd "I I _. : -The 'Minnie At.' started tLt an early side, So intich faftla kas Dr. that Ile offen $Sotl reward (or any me of s, I 01APS11 Uscorrittti, Female Weeklies Pl� A CABINETS, JARDINERE S'rANI)S AND EASELS, CHILDREN'S ROCKERS AND TOV SETS. . L __ ______ - f . ri . in and dark 9-Yp cloth Dr4psa Skirts; mixed Tweed, plain black'and mediti S K 1 [�T "I ,�,,�� ., .- I . L, 11 , � - pr , �; � � ,. .. �, .., � ! v ��� hour I Important toAdUft) SeFS and on Sunda( from the other after gong it short dI8&L1DcQ I locks, first taking OR of Falling of womb, which he cann nrc. All Ile itilks is a fair and reasonable � . � PIOTURES The largest line,of Framed Pictures we have ever shown and at thatwill out- &5�=38 . , .. , at Bargain, Day prices, $1.75 up. . - _ �" L . I , �Q, �,��V, � ;�,,-�.,',,, ;. ,I 11 .. J �,,I�s,,.�;.Ti :1 through the 13 of 1410 letany of cure. prices I � ' ' ' for 50C 50c for 40c; ' ' 4�, ,; 1, I � beer, at advertisomenta for the car- AD changes f TUR STAR Ml %at be In the hands whiskey. and cigars, not " * ht, bul " provisionR to be 1 ' 1*19 W I , Mrs, �g Doles, of Madritt. FaIdas C06; Nebr., '��r it Waz tored of Volufal period* by tkt . VT rielmlo iravviotte, P"719� prise you. I I 1. Already choice articles arc b6ing set ,aside for Christmas delivery. I A good lot, both dark and light colorings, 75o ; - GS" and 40o for 30c; all'bought a few days ago at zhe big sale- WAI d'r1r'-1 N P. , .. I ,�_ �17 " , "' � "' ` '111" 1� rent lesue of atinied, of the Dealer not later than MONDAY NOON tin unusual 'thing -took OP. , Algonquin this c"go of well tw I el I, Use -­ :4 kit C-sai;;,vaiii -1 11hal Is Dr. pleme's I.A.Ur to,,.11=11. the world.0 I I ' BECKETT & -$TAUNTOLNi L ' I ' ' . -, _1 " 1�.`% .. ......... I Union, . . . . . . .. , . �, , il omit week. Advertifiery win please govern or thommolvea alloording1r. laborers. niore. These were chieRy rou,,;� and they stayed oil board till .ftyeritc yrtgoripthas, Insk- weak I ations, nick women well A Wit a = L ul.�qertalr'4rs � and Embalmers, I . 1�1 0101 Men's, Boys', IA,&es', Girls' and Children's. in fleece -lined, UNDF,.P,W,EAR- ' I and all wool, and pricas rock blottom. �v,'. ,::: , I 11 I'll , CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Tuesday. . tilt, They called In at. Bach and what ocet trtvd there. th= no SMIltute For tile medicine wilch wandlifil, for weak wafteat. West idde of Square. Phone 89. � Night or da. - y*ls promptly attended to . , .1 I - - _ .'�,',��I,% 1, I �4-., . I � C�r _1'41,�,, � Th,4,rcafor,LlloontractadvertLainjg4nolude lylr; ht, on what occurred­u,fterwdrds, I)T. Ment's common Sense Medical A& free on receipt of attalps to � ILL ENDS -About 1575 yards of Mill Ends. the best and cheapest i FL ETTEooss"lot cheap. , 1"v"i. 'LL',,� i " � - - �, , twoIr 4%angva4%yomr.uniestiotherwigoacrwd upaid. Evoi y additional change will be charVxi transaction. Du Vernet po juts out the singular which I hope may never viser to sent - pay customs and trudling on�y. Send 3z WE� HAVE EVERYTHING we ever offered, and all good colors. They are very L r . . . . I - , �',.', _".:`��,4� .." -11, "'I., , fat extra, the actual coal at comptlaitiGn. from isn. to 7W be repeated, of the returning officer being consulted as to whether these one -cent stamps for the paper -covered 14"It , of so stamps for the cloth - bound Address Dr. IL V. Pierce. 663r I �, I .1-, , ­ , . � - . but your order. Let's have it, , n 1 , 5 � 1, - _________,__�_�� I I � 5 a FS For the Christra4a trade, in thousands from 2 for c, to . ,i,t`,� ,',�',�;,: � ". se to without sPecina inNt.ructions Advarti men rup n miqht o in and vote, tin otter be ( ' vuo lume. ain Street, Buffalo. N. Y. , 1: � "I 11 I . 0 1 ,K ­ Vou'll find our stock of groceries just ;� what need. Our Teas, Coffees, Butter, as" I ILNIW . 75c. The greatLst assortment we over bad. HANDKEr-)"HIE . , ""? . �,,_; , -,-,�I, will be inwrted until forbid, and charged so- In made hfin of it suit of clotheg. It Yeame to because the Co 91- ;�: - & � R V1, .. i you . Sugar, Rice, Barley, Canned Goods. . - I I I I . . � '. ii1r, I . 1,11 � cordingly. Ali advertising socouutA am rendered and servative Job work, c. o. d. nothing, scrutin ear came Into the har- her. The destination wall not Bacho- Demands His Dismissal. . Sault Ste. Marie, Dee. I. -The Star b w - - - - -1 . -L - and other wholesome staplis are the beat ,T in town, and our prices are its low TfA as I I standard. Pattprns rpdu'ced for Nov. -no Pattern more than 13c. An 8 -page Fashion Sheet FREE. I . I ,.,I . I !16." . It 11I. , I . il _ collected monthly. Aw AD announcements under the heading w%na, but Michipicoten. Tbey reach- ed there, and the men went up "I s, , in a recent Issue says:- COWL 0 LLLLL L I I / C is consistent therewith. Why ,r else-, where when we - have exactly " ., you .1 � I 1. I I . .-I . ,", ',�,*� � �. L � -.---- ' L �'!L�` .. tims.- 6c. a line each inaertion. Business No . 8 unit tioUces. as reading or news matter, loc. a scattered way to votoo at Helen Aline, und then came down and voted at The Star :8 informed that a pet Ition has been of ed b some 70 or 80 " - ..... % I . - � 0 I \ want, at prices just right ? . V SATISFACTORY SELLING L i CASH o, 7ODyCE 1PH6NE ". .LH. COLLBORNP .1 i I . I...", 1�� I'll it � ":, , , t�., I Ins mob insortlon. Casual display advertising. ISK% to 230 per MiChipiCOt,011, They wi�re kept free of these days. 'their Aquian Catifolic'Ueraln, askin for- Mauggh at of Mr. Joseph , the remov ,, an. 1 I ! - . � -. makes friends. We please all our pat- ., , is 0110110 . . I ­ ­ .1 . I 1"�:, I 1�". 'r. inch each InHertton. . -go all qiven chat en tmnsportation oil boat anti rail, giv Crown Timber Agent, on the allega- R . I tons, and exte d to them due courtesy. - . L , . ',L'�,'. " '� Ar A Me of thin paper can be won at our &C. meat, drink arid; Cighra, beer . and whiskey- tiou that be did not vote for Mg. J. J. Kohoe because the latter was a Roman - , _ - - Let's add you to our list of customers. Leave your order for Groceries with us ... I ", . . 1 I ,��, English offlvo�N ot, London, � 9 30 Fleet etm, , tree of charge. *nd at that address Mossm IC whiskey- beer, more than during that titne. They had A tile&] Catholic. Into petitioners, the Star -is Informed, themselves to not ---- - and we'll have our boy oleliver them at yo r homewithout additi ­`� Give 0 .- yc.�Y,f,. I -1 - .. ,.I. 11 I . I I & J. nardy & Co. will be glad to receive news subscriptions or advertisomouts, on out be- during the intervals at of vott babe Helen Mine and Gravel Beach. I'll pledig, vote for the LI -ral candidate at the . I � A& ouurstare a trial. , I , �. . . . � .L " I .L - half. I I men had, slips Of Paper given them, ach loan labelled with a nam ie appear- approaching Provincial contoest� In caw their prayer Is not granted. , I . � LY & 0a - FAMILY GRUCERS STURD . ­� .. . - !`�: _; ,' � I . .1 a One Day 2=0"... To Cure a CoWin I - . fog on the voters' list. Cole says the Mr. Maughan very empbatically de- . - I ­1� , L, , I " , . , � I . . Ebe GoberfCb %t4r. natnes were taken from the list, and Filimore says the same. The name nies that he used the language attri- butea to him. or that -ho refrained __ . I I carried,on vigorously. In fitetj we I vote fit Tot -onto Junction, I believe It -wits .. 0 . 1, 1� , (M ev" . '1� Take Lmafi.ve. -Bromo 00*eTamea- do g. J.12,m� I ) � TaLspoo" CA,LL 71. z . __ I - which each man had was eviiiently not his own. and they were directed as to from voting for Mr. Kehoo on religiou" grounds. I tuay say Lhat,no� a st I thi I I, of think left undonb that, we confle "%( &8 would carry with a. tinich greawr Ina- JoriLy thab it did hef�re. . .. � bm. 23& I �1 � Mwes Wk% bC0;r01l 9* 11111,F9 13 100athili . T* dpatUM L ., � --------- . " J 1004- what they were to may. I have no . . � - likely to contribute to u6irlwccess- W01' � __ . L .. w. ­ , 11 .1 FRIDAY. DECEMBERI), . doubt toey did vote because there were ' - From EDITORIAL COMM -ENT. - published a weekly paper of our own before the hesides - James McCallum, of East Wawa- .11 . �_, - .� - - __ ., : __._-- - - -- , � -_ . . _ ,' I ribotheravoted attheso'Polls. I- t was observed from what thev The editor of the Hensall Observer, , five weeks vot,e, f% ;�% ,I the co -o eraLion of one of n"h.has a spring coalt, foaled In May, . 1: .1. � . . . I � . . . _. . I � I . I 11 .... .��, - 1. �;,�� . w a I a It 1115 r that tips th scales at 750 pourioni. it is oes� dause . ., , � �', '. I � ,.­­ . Ill fittinjolth is gnd , �a .4, , ,", ONTARIO'S DISGRACE. themselves said, and from what Ken It has been olIg, the two town paperm on q?ur side. We a dandy. 1 ay's corn -Cure in the " , I , - T, Neelands, says ; - � corns. Hot v i-,3� ,. I ��,;.,�. I ne�jasajd that all voted but three at timas-ineetings for four conseen.- I ', � �,�,. ,., . . th at getited that the editor of the Observer held I - article to use. Get a bottle aL otice . ;i'!�, 't`,i:� �": . t1ace, and all but one at the sent or future candidate for tive Saturday evrnings and Sunday I . , ��,'�k p � ", �� �' THE INFAMOUS first. I avenoreason to doubt the be a Pre A vote of the ratepayers of Bruce and curp yonr corns. . i�.�,`, , -�. fterocions, securi on the best . 5' ��11 A REVIEW OF amble Rm-liamentary honors, ajnd we are a ng I, - countywillbe hold the fli8ti4onday _� -, - . . ',�.�.V� ,";'r,; - -; men voted, find I have no reasoli I 1i An indepon- speakers. We organ ,eT thorough n 11 . �' not the Ill et , alligen vnssors In "�_.' ­',�­".�,,��, , tbinkinf, it over. t can I Jantiary� 19M, to decide whet -tier It will be read with pleasure, espec- � - L"":",�4`­,J,11 I CRIMES. . doubt that these men were de It t Aberal w th Conservative lean- ly, lubving i,nt4 Ab6ve all things 'the present County Council syste PREPARING FOR XMASO "'�':_ . 'J L '�;­_V' " �, men named In the voters' 119t, � but . the syl�l ially aniongst .the ,younger people of . , this riding." every sub -division ,evert to NeCirr- ,�� , ','I e ��, ,!"'-v false voters. As to three of th voters ings ought to do well In workers, shall be retained or I linton. that, thavirik has heon , I 1'�.,�. 'L ­111�r - ______ - -, -_ t else, we appointed our -'ablest tem of having (3011nLy C%)Utleils C I � �, ,.� , ,�L�fc . c""'_ it t the Curling! Club, and skating . , 14 , � '� a,v the given as polling it is evident that two Th Bottle of them lawyers and prominent a. w ,,I tho.ordev heard for the win- � I ", : �; ;,­ � . Which are �Stlll Unpunished by I in C the reeves of the various a 1%, ., I were not. therv, and one was dead. St. Mary Argus (Reform) ! 0 husines,.f w scrutineprs, with in- POs d Or ill i"? �It­­!' �-;? - I � ipalities. ter. This .vvas decided;at it meeting UST a little more than two weeks till Christmas. " �, disgraceful baflot-boxn�pisode at Has- T) swear every doubtful mur" " Provincial Government. These three were porson�ted that day at I notions I of ,the Cni-ling, Chlb, , The officers 'Would'nt it be wise to start now� and make your , ;; -1 . 'by men who went there. tings -and Fronfenac is an ,"', . I outrage voter, and wo placed about the town - , �:"� , � But in Sault Ste. Marie, as In West a . large placal,ols offering a reward of V2Z Never allow your phy,slettl st�iudard eleetto) to, direct the ,atTaIrR this season J �,,' , V � - to any onV giving Information that to drop. Keerp ti� your eR&-fr1R­y-_�,WaIk Its are: ---NV, Jitck"�D, ,president ; B.. J. .1 � .11,1.1�i�l Ni. 1, a bast the public conscience and the �selections, not leaving it until the last, when there is ,�.,.�,�� ,,: L," . 'The whole country has been tilt,- Elgin. tile State hits launched no progg tit be too stron�ly would lead to detection and conviction if you are sorne0ody and goink 0ibhivgq, vice-proside, L ; A. Porter, such a ruih-lts harder to make selections when everyone ,, '�p�. - cFvic right that canu I % i cutions against the political blacklegs c It is more dishonorable 0 and wo had something in the world, so that eve secretar " � British'commen who corruptlid the constituency. The ondfinned. -V ,;"� �',;�z',, L f bri bers or personators, IV t ��,� ,� � .1 � z ,Ind an executive cornpo4!d , �,�'.`,�_` I %, . to steal a man's vote than his money, 1, straight, clean vote. We cat-ried the stranger will note Tour bearing --and of of above offlceTs and Mestirs. is busy. " I_1q . '1�1, ',,�,14 . . . . . . I", I e excited by the election rascalities In candidate who wits returned to the " . I ,�� � , .� Every inan connected with this epi- ,ny_lnw 11), a majorit), of I Inark I N. Fair, arld Dr. Agri w, I . i,,!n..", "I � i - 90, in It manu- your- superior ty. If vou bave � , , "M , i " ­. 4i !! ,j,�,� Hastings and Frontentic. For once Legislature by virtue of these shame sodo should be jailed and kept there . � I Our stock is replete with the nicest and most up-to-date ,f�', . mking re-election, The ' ilnR town, which was thought fallen into a habit of walking III a I st- _____ 0.,Ag �, h , �i we see - less practices IF, sc -ill notinect- fact " , I 'Goods for men and boys we ha,ve ever shown. - ", i1i . V�� , - 0 , , , tit likely to have a thorough in Government which toilted by his re- We hope that every Libel be one of the most difficult places less, indolent way, turn right about -A 'NilmIcINH FOR THE MINItteS PACK � L 't " ��;,,! ,�:, )� Vestigation Rod possibly adequate edwith this will be punished wi.�h the to Ile province. . face at once and make a cliahle. You ' L, ,',��,,� ��,._ ..i turn protects, or at east refuses to in- to carry In t Pruipect,ors and lithe Zing ' t(* 11-11%, all utmost severity of tile law. Such men don't want to shuffle along ike the - Here are a few suggestions. 'P, , I— 11 I 0 't�:A] ";% :. , , Z,..l "� : ,�. � punishment of the criminals. We convenience, the agents who were In May, 1004, the hotels, having all failures we oft-. the mining regions wherme ctors. ar ��!, ,, 'I, t ; ­ , not only ruin theinselves and disgrace , n see. sitting around oil I , I ��6. :�;l � , , `-�-:, ,,, have often said that the long terturd named by tile judges for corrupt prop their fandlies, but they put Liberal- formally appl!edc��r, a renewal of their few and drug 4tores not at all, should MEN'S FURNISHINGS �, , , park benches )ollinq about the 6 , "It shall be the -t licenses, wet- -efused -doe- govide themAelvett,with a supply of Hats, C;Ws, Neckties, Neck Scarfs, Ways Mufflers, Umbrellas, , �� . . �� i ;�. I : . �Ii , ;. of power by one political party In tices. The law says: ISM and Liberals -'that have no par , .01irse, I jh Dor ." . , I I ' �. I 11, :�_ duty of the Crown Attorney to prose- lid streets with th ir hands in tbelt r. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. IL will off- Gl9ves, Handkerchiefs, Sweaters, Suspenders, Cardigan jackets, Sox, P.,."�f � t d even the adminis. In such things -to an or,en shame. the License Conituissioners. An'&P - lists or hunting In intelli Q it ces s r­� .. � Ontario, has taInW cute such persons." He has refused to . cation was also ruade fiff-a wholesale I reduce 1�, � . - 1� , � t nee Tie Pius, etc. . li��,; , 1- ;' , ;,' prosecute, and in this' refusal Is Gus- Punish the rascals o the inalt. and wondering why fate T. bee so et the effects of exposur�. Shirts, Cuff Links, . -, 'i-. n tration of justice. and many recent, . license, land In accordance with the Ins. and 'when taken ;Ikternally I .. 1_'�,. �,4 i�. So. . I hard on them. . Z CLOTHING ��,",�',', .1 $ 1 vents justify the staternerlL Pot- tallied by the Attornei-Qeneral. entiment, of the vote of the peop e, I - . . '1,1��, ,!;Ill and cure colds and sore .�� 11 1� , rejected a oronto Junction. this, too, was refused. '4104. I throat, and its 4t lubrichfit will keep Suits, Fanc Vests, Overcoats, Smoking jackets, Rain Proof � . . :?4' %, � ,,,, � :xample, how far would this investi- t,he Attorney -General, who Local Option In T' . .. Coats, Fur LineYCoata, Fur Coats, etc. I "', preal to provent,the i � . C .,� ", Cot condition. . �H, � direct personal a , (By ilov. Ir. E� Egerton Shore, M. A.. B. D. Then the hotel men tested the b J McCulloch. a f6rn)or Sea th 11hnn,scles in go 0 ., �_", � � gation in Hastings have proceeded if I - f - "41 L :. "i'; , criminal voyage o the Minute M. re- Don't fall to see our stock -At Is the best. :..""", , ".. F?�� i �,, 1 . the Bench were occupied by Magis- fp -4 for,the prost- The t,own of Tol onto Jnnctlon is be- law in the courts, and It was Ill be , has Just proved his claim tolhe - . � : - .1 ".��Iy, �,, %41�:­ . _ sed to take Other step ipg j�lmde ai) object lesson in connection valid. They next announced that title of champion ellacker player of ,7,. new Municipal Act cornes 'into I I I " .... .... i, I .:� ,I tra-te Harryett innea4 of:by Magig- tion of the agents of corruption who Manitoba. - I a, receut challenge I - I � .,�,, ."!, - -tit) th - q, ., . . , i .., , ,�,: Ati-option cairipaign in varl would shut -nachiur municipal ,� I., 1. , i,,��,, , , L' � trate Wood P It is a fact, we believe, were reported hy the judges. In the wl Y., the loc - thev _pir hotels as a 0 tit the appi I ,.: ,:, 1. '� I 11 - th . I MI. � 1'. I ,r�.' SaulL its in West Elgin and Hastings, ou�nlunioipalltivs in e Prdv1nce la as of accornodation, arid �_)n the inatch with Thus. Bend v, of .cti. and all intendig candidates ,,;, "': , R, C lo�l thriv thr6mi, peg, Mr. McCulloch won throo'g. - - . Pr t of Alay they rArr .. 1. I %, -,�k �1. . that while the Federal Government the Province has taken no measures .6moters of 6-7nperanco� reform are ,ut of six and drew it fourtl [Dust register clavir- qualincations be- �, 21�� " � , tg to it " an ,example of the ,11'tgo effect. tor a time. Our position I ame, W. C. PRIDHAX 11 1� 111," has "llpointed certain officers to =gh 'its legal officers to .Ind- pointin fore the hour of nomi ation corn- !." I I , �. �1� It 14 7 . 4 ,,�', e public honor-. and In the efficiency of local Option while their w . , this : It w'.11 not take long for lilt's givinif him ;he match, [111b I—. � , �4 , ", watch the proce'edings at Belleville, it niences. .. �: , 1,, 1� ; opponeritA sometimes misrepresent the v, - hoLt.4-inen to find dut that their also beatour sonie of the most note I CLOTHIER FURNISHER HATTER ' "� � . '� the he y f prosecuting offoud- -kina of the bylaw In this Place. I policy is deprecitiLing the vtiblo of players of the Dominion. . I ' L.' � the whole cost of tile prosecution Is Sault, as in West Elgin and Hastings, ' I �_ " THIC MOST -The pill . ". . I __-t - wol , POPULAE PILL.- ' . - . , -taln o'. .,,:,v ' etters their property for- sale, or other pur- - - - ,,, .I �f��. I i falling upon the shoulders of eel .at the State is borne by Prf- b.v11o,,,jn dekliqed wIth,.Inore I s the most popular of all 191-nis of ,Lf , L,M As in West Elgin vato persons. �oll, luirT, on this matter than I have V8es tl,�up. If yourchildren are troubled wit' i, .Ix _. , ,)j, . private 'persons. The central orgal)UA- int: f,,;.and then they will ope 11 medicine, ant] of pills the ifiost y - - ,� 4"I ab e to and I have short time it temperance inan i0p , 1, ,�'. 4"X. - orruptionists dictates the been . answer, worms give them Mother Oravea' X �1�1 and, Sault Sto Marie and elsewhere, tion of c ular are Parmelee's Vegetabld 1 '4�, ". , 1�1: �'. � 1�_ � 14� ": '-,�� , tis pliev Ind I the action of tile thoufhttliatthe quickest wa3rof an- saw a chance of making money out of Worin Exterminator-. safe talie and because they old what it is asserted - �. 1� L,�',� �"J �; . the AttAtimey-General's Departinen to Inic I para, yzes I I_,_ I - � It 11 'I - ,,��,, 4� , i I a Departuient 6f Justice. swer ng those' inquiries, and perhaps the situation and he rented one of the effectugi. Try it, and mark the i .. � ,�' "' , i� -,.�, I 4, L " '. I.M- they can do. unit are not put form.-ard ­ �'; " 1� "L`y Inactive. and the State careless for of assisting Others who ruay apprecinie holtels. and. 64�re long was able W I , lir,Vy , L"�`, There remains to be added to reebtit proveinent, i,n your child, on any fictitious claims to exieellen , , �11' -3 '', L ", 7 ' e at Information front our town, would he announce that he waa doing a splendid I - it portable, they ilk It . . i Qj�L'4 '�'�' , . 1' - business, and now they are all open )IS , T., its nwn honor and reputation. rev'latlons of unpunisbod politic They #ire compact an ce, I mny women su "nee- 11:11111 is ;"j�LL�j4`,��'j;, ' ,.L, to write it abort account of our cam r . ' I . I !: �, , . There is, however. strong and entity the, abandoinent of tile seat or My taken, tbery do not nauseate 11. I % c Ind they are keep. L This -front the Winghain Advance """ "' ;�', .1-11 , I 1, of the proceedf-ega under circurd e paign, and of Its results. boarding houses, f � R�j­ , ,.,, , ", 0r&l denunciation North Perth, Stan a or gr,pot, And they givv relief in the � 'i "; ,�, '��' . - tile carrying of ing better tables, than they did when should also apply to Godericla : Chief "_ 11 , .1 'L in Hastings and Fronten*, and ,I which make it, very manifest that Early In 1W3, after most. stubborn caAes. L, ,,� ��;���i. oommon hand -lifting and lock�shak- counsel for the Government was In. the i,eferendunt ;vote 'of December, they had the bar to make their easy Vannorman intends to test the by-law WINTER FOIA9 GUELPO. ,�,,, �­ ,�"_­.­. Untold Apy froln SINGLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP. .1 ,.:: ,�;, '. 'j. �: �: � the sentiment money out of. Workingmen and prohibiting the throwing of ashes on --- -, , " ., �A �1. ing, tie though an unprecedented etructed to evade an Inveattgatfon, IM, seine of us though t :)thers get good boar,l, and farmerg the streets, and it would be well to 10c. pays for Tnit STAn to tb6 end .1 " :� , , . "':1 wAlIty had been commitb6d. But 18 ,,nil be void Nn�b Norfolk, af- of our community milht lie crystal- 1 GOOD 001 NO DEC. 3rd to 9th. , ,,� " W t t f good accomodation for their avoid violating the by-law, leut trouble of 1004 --for now subscribers only. - ,'' f ,!�. i� �, _r .ly I to - got .r It so P In this Instance a score cif n try Into the [zed into temperance egialation, rc _ _ :,4 _ .:� 4 LLL 1". al 1 ,414 11 I I should ensue, for the Chief is bound W I Valid returning until Dec. 12th. f�!�. � r, ")f " met A" � -i In. -d to gardless ot what provincial actlon th,10 res. Kidney Trouble. ll ,� _�,,; . I ballot -boxes were manufactured fit It d, lvhI4 ad adoptk stop the practice. . . I i _!��, ­il , � � �411 I 1. , I the United States and imported Into carry the riding. Here Chanceltok might be taken. We discovered that As to the general efficiency and en- � . I The Grand Trunk has the most ., .T �," ,:, 1.1, ;� I easUern I the Optario license law, a non-political forcement of the law, it its, a most - . . P, VM ofta,a convenient service to Guelph. - .. : , . ji,. Oansdk for use n certain Boyd said - ,c -_ - they thin it Is from. a& , 'r �. act, had n lause providing for the gratifying success. eVooding our Get'busv, boys, if you wish to make ,��! I , ,� I . comititzencles. The boxes were fitted "We have not tinil B,k,,r,th,, agent, Hart, black - 1'' , _Al !. corn any with avd 1i �; � I with secret compartments Into'which one , , prohibition of the sale of Intoxicating, most sanguine expectations. The your inark in this world. We, don't LAME BACK .D.t�`b, H look, I;slled " female disesse.11 There is less � I - I I .1 I , It was designed to switch.t he votes of but we have liquors In any municl%ality, where a town is In the swing of great prosper- mean busy tit smoking cigarettes, 0 female trouble think. Women TO CALIFORNIA AND PON". � 1. �, , f � rad' we do not know ­�_ 0. R. MONEY , j! , I , ,L Baker, whose on I any 61RE . �'. , � I I . , I" 0onservatives. T*o Liberal candi- butwhowasn. man eviddritly possess- local option bylaw mig t he introduc- fly. and it is stated on good authority hanging around stores and salbons, but is a safe and sure rome for diseases Buffer trottl :I e, sleeplessness, Spend the winter in the delightful 8� 11 , ,,, � . oil by the Council, and carried by a that during the past- year It has In. at something that will do You of the kidnoy5 and bI tier. I have i q� ", - I I dates,& police magistrate. a on varsity ed of money which he spent vergetree- 00 im"oullness, ln�itabifit�y a dragging. Winter Resorts of California and �, ,;, I ,�­. majority vote'taftlitemunicipality, We I R it for yourself. useditfortarn backi it acts like maillm I I Florida, best of _Pullman Dining and 1,; � ­ I nate, and many other mcire or think from keei creased its popt lation in greater pr4)- when yntr strike ot il ly. One would " M .Each bottle of 0-Ift. Wdney Cure con- , � . I " ,% m, reputable persons, were concerned conditto I that be was not a rich man. #it once organized'a Citizens' League portion than any Other town nP -ditY All kinds of business tn fire ,on the loins a ton day's treatment. 60 ilonto, down feeling In the loins. do men, Parlor Cars and Direct Connections. 1, , ,, ".. ol::: L �i I.. i � I I in the conspiracy. No one appr,itached, who was able to spend this out of his for thin purpose. The Imoling men of in Ontario. Men bavo moved their lookout for busy young men. They all oingilinta, or by Mail. -1 and they do not have "female blie.01 ,1 11 1,41 ­ � .� I man to have revolted at the scound- otandin Including the leaders of both families out front Toronto to protect tire needed every day In the year. The I f, �.�­, r own pocket on account of political nil the principal Why, then, blame 0 your ttau MINT CLEMENS MINERAL BATHS. ,�;(`�:�,:� : Foliticaf, parties a THE O. OMEWINE CO. " i , , , '. , f the chief agents 11 I . I.. . rally manneuvreii o zeal. But IaWwas accompanied h;1 this )u them from the Immediate tem tations buRy boy keeps 'from cultivating bad . � - � .: urnitoll. 111�', �� . � I In the 111trigue. It seemed only neces- man who had the money, and money aluess, &%nil professional men, threw of the saloon. The leading . Elusiness habits, keeps his mind clear, and his female disease? With healthy lkdfdney Unexcelled treatment for rbeurna. �U, ' , -tch out the hand. In order wits, 1 about$, In theli tit for the closing of the bars, men say that their business has IlLrgO- reward will eome Just as TORONTO. I few women wilif tv ex have I I female ill& ism, nervous diseases, etc. . ,� - - , �,,_ , sary to stre udge, lavishly Spent. surely two . ", ,� . . gwwtita for (roe sounple and book. - ituated naa� Detroit, quickly and , 1 to find some willing Instrument of Every minister took an active part In ly Increase.4. This Is f course, not and two make four. Watch t " uor I orderio." The kidneys are to closely con 14 r . One n 410, whem I have no tile campulgo, from the start, special all attributed to I e, 0 boys of your acquaintance a a f I ��,� , ,I 11 ) political valainy. The whole district onutit he ctiold have been been boui;ht I, success 'of locAl I nected with all the internal organa; thd ' fortably reached by the Grand ,(1 L� _, ,r , I I ' ��J . 1, oeems'a have been sown with drag, for *5.., . . prestige arid strength being given to Option. We share in a special degroe tbor are not the ones that get verytbift T S it Ik 1, �'� on's teeth, and to be elpe for the tile movement by the enthusiastic tho good times of'tho country tl� a pos t,ons and altriost walk up the ad. I - - Sense when the kidneys go wrong, e I tire Illustrated booklet from I _ �"?., ,� 11 'L., . bartast. Only through ther unnat, It 14 -true thatin North Perth and leadership of Rev. F. H. DuVernet, whole. but thlo'condition goes to show. tier of .success and fame. . . - - goes wrong. much distress wotddd be Agent " � " -1. 'i, �; i " 1p;:4 action of &,brother of one of the North Norfolk we have no evidence the Angelictin clergyman. A petit, on at least, that local option Is no dis-' - � - saved If women would only take :1" �,., �� I � . ostudidatm was the conspiracy flnaliy that the ballot boxe@' were corruptly waA circulated, not with the intentlon triment to busirtew., We have atilt I LARGEST an For tickets and all Information apply �, � I " .1 1, I I 1, I I L . Manipulated. But we have conclu! of canvassing L o whole town, but of down local option. 4) loc. pmy� for TuE STAR to the end I � 0. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS to . 41� , I.. .. � I I exroGsA, and nQvi at the expense of ntari 11 at stated intw"Is� I F. F. LAWRENOE,- I:: I "I � . I v sive signs of the trail 6Y the central those who cry --for now subscribers onIv. '�,i, I I . e ,,t; I'tAl tin to the Ouncil the &dvia- The, or, either drinkin'ct tilen or those 1001 I ,",.�'�' , r V F, to prosecutors the conspirators f 1� I � � I orMization, whose ints, maIntaln, abil t O glib Itting, a bylaw to tile who' did not favarlocal option before - � ` min Nellie Clark, Lattibeth, OnL. tells �,; , ­ '. : a I r a c L I E rNoen thrown Into jail or driven .. . � L I / .It cA the countrw the ballot�boxes ed )y money colleoted or the Govern. ecision the pie. Soon a counter- It c"rled and will not lot their pre- I I CENTRAL I I .. Town Ticket A tit I . �,- � "A `,�,� � Al rew%&M Imm the I waterls Into which men . laid It e plans for the corruption tition air ulat , which did not Judiceg die, In spite of the benefits that ­ , � ) iL, ;�, " of West Elgin and Sault StlB. MAVILI, I -s " ��Y,� v,,, , L . they war,� ounk. and thot public honor secure nearly am many names as out have come. The whole Inoral. as well ,I , , �i.L � dogged the footsteps of Oamey. oiuper� did. Nevertheless, the Council, when � - � "'.. I misasumbLy vindicAted. Intended the enormous exppliditures In as business. t6ne has been lifted up. by I ,.� , �L� Brat atiproached, refused to submit 8 Inca, Option. We are not ashamed of , , Mtlisr'benln do the revelsit,lons of North Renfmw. and� vrho on,16 If y a Vota of six to five. Then Toronto Junction. as we used to be. . . Ifiatitge and F'rentenito outmnk tit they do not command the protec r - -� ' 1, ,i , "': ,; , , � ' !�on ,bli'laweltue a tideation of people's rlithts - [',, I , - I I , � I a of the Attomey-General's Departm nt, We know that slanders are being , 'y - , . , =atentatib and ,Persistent' villainv - than of local option. and even 11 I ,,, `t�ather I , ,ftf W"t 19;n or Sault 8to Relly Is in jail. Shibley and Lott haye some who were opposed w local option circulated about the efficiency and lsn� i,i ,� L I . IfferenCe Lex. - _ � �� . I . - Marie? to thore Ittly 0; fled -the country. Where a" tit's Joined In our demand that the people's for,coment of the bylaw here In muni. L _ � �., I I , � "pt that the central 161beiml or,ganiza. of corruption vrba operated In rights under statute be respected, and cipalitles where campaigns, am being �, . L ti,ja b l3ot involved 'in the Billeville 11�4 tlipt the Conned be convinced � . T%1. Rittin, in the Sault, In North out. The same thing was done I . 1. . that carried , , . exposufle& cud that., 1.116refore, Lib.. Perth arid In No-th Norfolk P We _; t" � - �. 1; 1, , . "It as well " Cianoervatives feettme they Mem elected as representativee of of other places when Ong cAmpaign . . I 1� I . I venture to think that thin Is it serious not for their temper- wait in progress. Pee df oTdinal-V �, to ilenoudcei�'� Instruments of this tb?b whole towo. t " I I ­ � In qu-tlog and to our mind thereto tin a,nee or anti-temperacce views� and judgment will be able know hov? to �� .: 11 � cuW . org ot corruption? .4_pe ; ". the conclusion that ever thIlt it was .,their business to submit entimpte those ralarepresenatlons. , It I I tip and �r*ntonac it wow ee. .1e, 0 , y Ill- . . . . . . . . l = .t,r who may cast his bfLllqt for the �6 1 I . t , I . signed w4tatroy, the votistl of Consist, this bylaw justas they would anv other should Ile of some weight W thos f pfi- �, r . I . _ candidatels of the Rom Government ". .- .. 11 AU Is thkough the madium of bogns will vote to continue 4 condition of i�o.-_).titanticw-limp,.viameiat bylaw.re. terequed to know that, the chief n 1h ,,r, ' I rr I I . ' % * - I YA14 vo A,oxm In �Veet Elgin, accord. ri-diess of their personal views, when lice, ofThron(o, Junction stated,throu I I I . I ballot IT 4'. , 'z i affairs which is destructive of the pub- t was eviAmt; that the pvopIq-Wcr0 ,one tif-the-Toronto papers last wee , I r ;, * I 1, to thl) mrifesslon of Mr. MacNish, Ite morals. tmason W the highest Int*f' ,dividedion the question and especiall that the local option by-law is bolh�t I � �, . !w " "I "I . t �� , , , th Mr. A. B. Aylesworth. IL O., as e6t4 of the StAte. and Irreconcilable, y ; r 11 when the law particularly pi,ovi= well observed. I 9uppo6e there is on , : 1. � �'. wittkeps. "a large number of pereons mn, 1� with tiny hfigh standard of citizenship. for It, We preached about ropte's law that Into not itit tt sgressors, and " I 1 � �2;;�t, � , *ft*espedlally sent into the constit- Indeed. the whole community has (I it 0 tin I . 'r I r bymen workingon labbalf of rights and we wrote letters It out it, the local option law inny n t b . I I , t1but I bei*) patty, for the'exp" put, some r"pofisIbIlity for tile shameful iliktill Ne town wAs wnekod up on tile exception to that rule; but the fivol �, , Z revelations In Hastings and Prontietrae, P01106 Are net switte of any �1� �, .- 1. 11 I pri%jelple of, their fmuchige, &lid aft that the 401 infringement� an � All ' , C& � of tAkInst lout Id Mr. M"1191118 Inasintlell as vie have served partlf , - of that trA. out-wam . I L' : 0 rather than country, I htlystit"rider. a w lie we went back to Council wilv -t6 � I.. , L of in fifiti fttion held on Jo -n. .... . I, ( I - MOVI), and we -I*Iiavl& that cori ed the manti, out any petition ra till. and they oat, Indi,lations of driAkin.1billre, manifest ­­ . . �l ried the f1rat anti wond readings of the Jilibile, and that , Cielzens, IA%I%. _Xement o elections to the 6 I.. I � 1, . , I . . '= IneAtift were UNA by 00mis ot C(Irrupt and corrupting element, ft� ,the lotal option bylaw 11 r, vote of gue offered a reward of W for leghl I'll � , .. . . 11, . L 11 .. , lsoj& 1*toistma to e6ettiv his el"flon." our porwarml Interests far itbove the in- ovidence of tile as,te of Intoxicantmi Ifi , .� I : . . I oftir (If dko teld pamns illegally and tereels of thg State.withheld our ban&L eight to tbreo. tbo queetion of tj town. If there be nny infringementof I , iltbont jtq�brtrlty,. acted as dep - �, -w aity re fmm public 4uty find sharC4 in IV Corn- I I . L I �� gog officers at the Wd election, Lions , iind counter -petitions. It mrghZ thib law here It must he Infinitealmally not) treawn to the 00mmonwealt1l. small; and, above all, In any easso tll� I . I I L ott ig�qwt thircte camit, m coted, I I* mitt. thr%t the Connell of the town- �111 . r, . I I " table low Inen, _00-- - ship of York last year took the rljtht gl*^t objeLets at loeal option ttm being L . . I _ lniftnos of repu ieallwd. In that boys and young tritti . :,I , We omained names heisn In. What Is Ostarth? poiltloo. They submitted the lti,y.law are not making a otleW, t*sortof this , � ' I - ' , 11 L 'L to the retuming offleer by tite �of a much larger adverse . 11 I It Is art indariatnation of tha MU*'4* 111n� 8 I . saloons and learAing to drink tber% . 0 . I � 7'. tAL Of Jjr. b(ii,in-Nish. In is I -0 tu, &%.�#. lk­htal *oll%aii tit M141tim tho Womble one. Some .3 .h_ ,_­ sy-te- Is tbaltab,ed 1162; �*, I other carets thefoHo ngvror :-- I suffered for about two years with kidney OF11106 HOU14" 80 Win to 0.00 p.m. 0 �' STRATFORD, ON . trouble. I ached &U over, especially In J. X BURK, Depot Ticket Agent . I I , 131H School etddly`4 � a mwitatio I 0- Ingthe bbNt wet In twintm IT- T I the arnall of my back; not being able to sleep weH, no appetite, menstmation -_ , - ' ,$75 A month cation In the Dominion. The large � hoolp in Canada &lid 11filted States om- 11loy ant graduates as testoliam' . I We %-a the to .)I and Inegaher, nervatui initability, and brick. dust deposit In urine, were some of my gl �ahtWtftlfrudtion thatt o..... . symptoms. I took Doan's Milnisy PiUs S -E -S -T stlittento may entor at any time. Write f6r Free Cateloano. The pain in my back gradually left =a . sly appetite ntaimed, I sleep well. ani I AND " , 21,60TI and "MoLACHLAN. am effeduatly cureol. I can' higlid) E X P E N S�E­S , � I PrInolpalls. A I recommena Doan's Xidney Pills to AI sufferers from kidney trouble." Price 60 cents perbox, or 3 for$1.26 I Aildeklers. or DOAN K%JDzm 14= CM , ��,,__ 111111111111111111111111111111111111 42.110 Pie CAT To INDUS"Itilts &t& -- fix every, locality, Introducing our goods by dlyttributina our advertising inAtter. steady em�loymant to reliable man. . I - ___ __ - ----I-- - - - � .. Ift- nl�rre On. 10 Do need, � 11�101,11t'.I%l sn" for Zicuiam on � PLUMBIK THE LINSIC&PT COMPANY . I Vou Can avantford. oat. 4- AhO , '.' I � - I � . __ I . . if I . Save Money , ___! n ! - I I .1 'v I 171 11 k.. . HtAIINU I . I . Save Worry Y6u Want ., . Save Wear ' Horse? _! � � . I � By getting Ybur a I lie hap�iness ot every ' home and the h�atth of " eVery , LOTHINU � Zfety I, the first consideration. . ... . family is Ifn i , I , Reliability is very itxporUot. I � perilled by bad _VROM_ . The solid C011111iftifition can be had at Plumbing oT -Heating. All our I I . . % , . to h nitimin Virthinatriolow I a * '.. I k, -,.';�, I ..... I'll It ng . an . - ___ wotk must IvOtApi & IF -,y 0 . � ; , - � , tMIJUX subdivisions of tbelyi 0XIltly edotanded that the o . I y pasS inspec- VVII � I P I'll . . . . . I .... and " pamagim, excited III, tW I ts Pu to Nation ie,;*trtov*d. If I , 0, 1, - J I— I .. . I I I � I ve Irregularl- " uncill hold no need to eliett rft*iv6 III p .." I I I I I IW#Wgtie thl. V0 . rw brftkfto of . . tion but ca � _1_"_-_1___ - - opposit� the Wbofte-Itotel,Godefich- -____4_' . I ­ - - . - - --- . ---- I I . - me tba In only �* deetroyid bt, tbo"t it a y this tou&**W drink- trr-'aut , . " � --- � 11, a" Ant h8a 'Tle - It 10 OnlY .1 � I - With CC Iretum & ths rri_p fa it Uatiurrhowhi%lotbip ) 06I�Ititlff OitlrIyl tat all - a tI.th tf,� sTAR's 61ft""m �'. �'. . .��. 11 I'll 11 � I 1, 04 Owir contents, the I It brfttbed di to the eftt 6t th* prIWA t�%ela evidence that the oppdn 0 0 I. stba this klod of to- . - Absolutt'61U!4'ranto f I 1171ced lift right ilad "adadion , I .. :nminvino of the b&llots It,ttI aft, araid that the DPIS Would I� . � I I . . , 7 � � 1 , � A - .1 I I � I .1 Wi :� I I � � � , I , - � %i 11000 . � , - . di no has eu raw ''W tiato--14,4 by.I&*. tf the 0 rilents f n on not, 1.00KInue ng. . . . : I 1%;z . . � , f -It Allearmt I 1 104, " 1�_ , . I clarlergibIl"nit 0 lutbi At thu without hileelfte, Information, Tax GdOtRICIN STAR b#A a we Will gltc� ,ppip ,, "a OOA wook 4P iltn mn"t J* ton Of f. - , . 'Oh" yft, W"t a 4 adi at the � I p 00t ft� U*P. 014lobtr" 6f POr', Wn to cure, (;Atlrrl ftim it 11 n lelon, the 01611ce or a6bot6ble -q1tittoo Ouin "y 6dw ' , ,,,�Stttftles I Mtt::�*04 1.10 irlditirt f6f the,, gives sattaftetio". 9 010" 4 rtgA # Isitger citie � ,� priciet . . 0113st tht by4aiv that . " . I '001" VU of, It If 1^1roluMb one. thlat 6f .611 a rind o fth tb# w*mlseil, And it on *,nV,W6tk ywttoioti � . . i. QUATIO 01566"Or twit tip I - �"" -timal es, , tj loik ti tbo "" - . I � Ph4A 4, *640 1 Aht tilt 1091ti- from rb (411 , 6 11tids 114110i, an the PNW It 101 rAwqapo Ist " WL I I , �; -, L ", , 2 _- . � , - . , " f4k,f0j, the jill"Won 11 . - - _­ 1­1­1­:_�1.'_ __;�_, _ , . � I . � I ** ______*.1�11 I � 11 6 = Z PrAtiv.,or notob, Advot4m . , Irtatme or douldthwelt bm I I 1. ot 0% MIdt, to ,� V , - OC. We! ty* aw� otorke thitt volth such prittla fmy� 6*1 topis of gull% A tuo � I I -- - �- ­ - ­_ "�. -, � � ." . ,�t HAX: 0AR,00 ;, I � '000poo""40ii such VM . W M., 'Wi Mgt I . � A - .,,_ WOO I . 461y, W�,Ip , . .. I _ --WIN un to 0. 1. Ilm � ir, "I 11 ,,,, t! � N. t W-*gtk 06 "Iy wh4ur-wil "the rat. .,. " tilt. W" & voifyi . ,�. � I ­ - ,� " 4 �. P", I "I'll I I 11� 0" bd% 1, I tt Or 7A , 1P �, - " , , ­ - � i4l �, " , I , I . QFIW "It" .... :1 A tie W � .1 f . ''. I , Alex � '. . tat - va "I ': I., . I ... � &.�, ­.; I )&I .� TUATAX I , ill , , , I I � i�*e I . I and wle , I it �tl on", W ky , , , ", ; *40"*f0" 1 , ,, I'll W� - I 6 6tAtW*",Wt9Hv9(ikt � Xi.t - WIN 6 '' � , , - I and wm Mle � ,,J . , V". 0 : t, 1���'. i� V6,4 "I , , � , . I � f, I I I :10t *A?X 10V J tln*,, '146' , � - 11 � k� 410, � , K,. � �� iiil� I � , I 0 I , ". �, U I I * , '. I , � " 11 � . � . � J " ft , , I - �i� &,La� �1, , �Iv__ - -,;. I.al.11.1L,_", _1 . � .: " "I I I � , �'j Wlw"". J_%R . � jeath* , ___­ _!�'. � , - ..., .. � � I 11, , , _4 1 . .� . 1= pt,.IT""111 ­ 'A"-XVIT 1. .1, 11 Z , twthoobl�- , I , I 7-,", �`gw �, " �, �, . 06400110;, T-4 - � .1 I � t" 411^1t" � '. I -111.11 - 7%;v � 1,� 101 V101W tftuftft V, , " ­ I � 1;, �� � I I I 11 ,k ., ". ... I � . 0 ., � - W��, � . I , I ., .. � , . 11" 1,.� I � G� s . v � � ­� �� :* I � I � I � I I , . "I F I . o I � I I ��­i � , , , . � I . � � ���,, 11 ", � I I . I � � �. �.. � I I 11, . : I �;11 $ 1, . 1:, . 11 I . . � 1� I � � ,� � � I - I , , ,, .1 %. � 1, ri Gi ,; , , , � , , . ,,,,,,, - , , I `* - I � , , -� I , ,,, , �' , , , � , .. I � 11 I I , * I I r �._. '1� . . � I e . . . z � I , � � ,", , �. I � I I -11 . 11 � , �.. I , ,:�'. . �� 1, - I , �' � 1, � I 1 ., I ". 'A - I I , �; .. . " � ; 1, I I � ... � � . I I I I , , � � " �', _�' . , I I � 9, � .. - I .1 . . I " .1 k . -11 I � - I ,� 4, '' C, I . : ", t .. 1� �� I I ". - , , , , .., . . . 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