HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-12-02, Page 80 (_1 li. 0 00#18111A4CIFTS Calendars and Art Christmas Cards. All the New Books, in Cloth and Presentation Bindiuga, also large stock of Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, &c. Leather Goods, Ebony Goods, Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, Art Pott- ery, French, Enfiliah and other High Grade Chiva, Bronze and Metal _roods. Genuine English Briar Root Pipes, 'rehecco Pouchca. Smokers' Setts. Shaving Appliaoce8. Christy and Fisher Art Pictures. Children's Books, Games, Dolls. Waterman's Ideal For;ntaio Pens, known and guaranteed' the world over. Priee $2,30 up to $10.00, kept in stock. A full line of other Fountain Pena at half the above price. See Show Window for new Christ- mas Goods. Prices marked in plain figures. GEO. PORTER PHONE 100 B Court House Square • Goderloh the 3oberich %tar. TELEPHONE CALL 71. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 2, 1904. PEOPLE WE KNOW. James Claris Is on a business trip to Wier - ton. 'MMk Conn Campbell was In Canstwnoe this wee lake McCreath is home after a season on tho F. 3. Prddbadr made a salt -able vielt to Hen- son this week. Mia Wm. Gundry was with frlends in Mlt- cboU this week. Dr. Whitely made a profoe-:lonal visit to re- route this week. Miss Kate Nevins left Tuesday on a visit ,to Fargo, Dakota. Mt. and Mr.. Geo. Acheson left yesterday etterupon for their Orange Grove on the-Paelle Vossat, tlalupcat,• A, 11- lite barrister of Brussels, was Jai town ou seam y. SArnteln Ou0Yire mac sant lest weak trent blit trip to the north west, Master Vita t Dewy is en a visit to ble grwndhro sr n Detroit °BY. H. J, D. Cooke, barrister of Denaaf, was in the county town on Tuesday. Wm. Wallace returned 1r4t week from bit !IRIDIUM` resideece at South Say. Bert- Smith, of St. Louie, is apanding a see, eau at the old home, Colborne street, Mr. and Nu. Joseph Salkeld, Baylleld Road. spent a few Owe in Toronto the past week. F. Dots onager of the Doty Engine Works, left 'Midday on a sucrose* trip to Winnipeg• bliss 1lanoey, who had been on a tow weeks visit to her brother E. L., left forhome.Dctrolt on weeds,, Mie. Eiea, of London is epeod(ng thein for with her mother, Iii. Smith, borne street. Mrs. Halt returned on Saturday from • seve- ral weeks visit to her sister, Mrs. Conquest. at Niagara ALUs, Mr. J. C. Stewart, of Stratford, was to town tide week In consequence of the Illness of his sister, Miss Lucie. Mrs. and tt o Minas Huteblsou, eft this week for their %1vatreal residence, were Choy w111 epend the winter. Messrs. D. 1. Neville and Jlif11ston Mull wain joined t'lle classes at the Ooderllch Bust. nese College duringthe pant week. Misses Jer Johnson and Eva Drennan, of Kintall, Jo„, ,d the obwees at the Uodorlch Business College during the past week. MG;s and Mise Evelyn Cr•algle. West street, wore In Stratford this week attending the wedding of their friend. Miss Lawson. of that city. Born. Kuaaeusw.—In Goderlch on Thankeglvipg Day, CO Mr. and Mia, Thos. knoeebaw, a son. Died. Pgu.ow,—ln Port Albert, on Monday. Nov- ember 28th. hills, Annie Jackson, wife of Will- iam T. Pellow, aged 27 years. Tho Meeting Calendar. Court Goderiolr, No. 32, C. O. F., meet on Tneeday next, Doo. Otb, for the nomloation of officer*. L. O. L.. 182, will moot to special session on Tuesday evening, Doe. 18th. Business Notices. Choice Sachet Perfume,. at H1Ce's. Extra values in Ebony and other Hair Brushes, Hand Mirrors, etc., at HICK's. Ready now for Christman trade, We take pleasure in showing you our stock, whether you buy or not. S. E. /Mx, Druggist. You are of course commencing to get ready for the Christmas holidays. Well, don't forget that we have some of the most suitable 'end acceptable things in Photos, Scenic and Art Pictures, and Frames. Call and see FRED BROTHEV. To the Public THE Watch. and Jewelry business of W. T. WELSH, so long and so •well known in this section, has been remodelled and re -stocked to meet the largest demands of an up-to-date city establishment. We are now prepared to meet and promptly fill any order in these lines, no matter __how high in class. not ..expensive .-in. _ price The additions to the stock include tbe fol- lowing goods, particularly suited to this season of the year': EBONY GOODS SILVERWARE WATCHES from '.ja,00 up to the bightest price, in gold, silver, nickle, Enamelled and gdld filled cases. CHAINS For Gentlemen, in every pattern ; for Ladies, a beautiful assortment. eCKLACES and BRACELETS Including the finest lines of Lockets ever shown in Goderieh, and / Charms of every description. BROOCHES and PEARL GOODS We have Pearl and Solid Gold Pins for Gentlemen, and lines guaranteed for 20 years which price from $2 to $3. Large 'Assortment CUFF LINKS for Ladies and Gentlemen Our stock of CLOCKS includes those suitable for the smallest cot- tage up to the King's Palace, and we have a very nice Variety of Fancy Clocks. Bring She moat elaborate City Catalogues you can find, and we will 611 your selection therefrom as readily and as satisfactorily in price as though you were in their own stores. ENGRAVING At the holiday season there are many things wanted in this line, and we can fill your order to the utmost details. Let us show you our Samples in this chess of work. W. T. WELSH W. E. KELLY (MGR.) 1 M $75 ,'A Manch upgamilli AND EXP NSE$. 82.60 PER DAY TO 1OUIITRI MEN in oasis lcroraltty lotrudn4.tng itaacle Gyyyy distributing our alvcrtiutntr natter. 18 tatty om�toymout to reliable r roe. �At�o expst eros needed. Vette at encu for particular*. TKO L1rik7COT'T COMPANY Brantford, Ont. tDITORiAL COMMENT. 'fere,,.- Telegram: --_Two sots of resolutions aro now before the people of Ontario. There is this difference between the resolutions passed by the Liberals and those by the Conserva- tives. The former were passed by the party which for over thirty, yearn has been the Government putty. Theirs has been the privilege of legislation and theirs has been the opportunity to crystalize them into legislation. The latter were passed by the pasty which for over thirty years has been the Opposition patty. In almost each particular they have. tried to crystal- ize them into enactments, but have` failed by reason of lack of smashers. It is therefore for the sovereign people to judge not only the wisdom, but the sincerity of eaeh set of re,oluttOns. Fr seems that prejudice and passion will not down in the Province of Que- bec. The following treasonable utter- ances are the latent: • I2IFSLrrlt SENTIMENT SHOWN. Montreal, Nov. 18,—The /Dente sen- timent is showing its face again . Le Soleil, Sir Wilfrid Layrier'a Quebec• orR.wn, says under date of Nov. 1(Ith : "This is the 10th annivrisary of the execution of Louis Riel. All those who .were the accomplices in this judicial murder have disappeared from the political stage. Some have , gone down to the grave, while others have received their punishment at tbe bands of the electorate. The last, T. Chase Cosgrain, has just been banished from public life by a young Ivan 20 years of age. Bow your heads as justice is passing." HORRIBLE. (Montreal Witness,) Enough of evidence has come out of the Belleville bogus ballot box case to make every Canadian, and particular- ly every Canadian Liberal, hang his head with shame. Those exposures came at ac ill moment for the Liberal party in Ontario. We are not pre- pared to assume that that party, as a party. is guilty of the worst of crimes against human liberty, but t as the election law holds the candidate guilty of criminal con uct by an agent, so it is impossible not to hold the party More or less- so -for climes .done in its ranks. What is horrible about this exposure Is the •fact that such was the belief of the operators in the utter rottenness of public morale that they did not shun to enter upon t. proceeding that involved making criminal propositions to a large num- ber of persons. Dungannon - A CHINA WEDDING.—A most en- joyable china wedding was held on the evening of the 28th of November, at the residence of Mr and Mrs. Win. G. Taylor, 112,Waterloo St., Brant- ford, being the 20th {anniversary of their marriage. There were 20 guests present. An address was given by the pastor, Rev. Mr2 V. H..Cawsert, of Park Baptist Church ; a beautiful solo was sung by Mrs. S. G. Reid ; a recitation by Mrs. G. F. Crabb ; in- strumental mucic by Mr. Taylor, Miss Lizzie and Master Wielbert • and a duet ,hy Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, and other . Mr. and Mrs: Taylor received a number of valuable gifts. They served dainty refreshments, and the friends retired after singing Lang Syne". . Ooderich Township. 100.MYs for THE STAR to the enol of 1004—for new sybaoribers only. THE RIPLESIEN.—A friendly shoot for the oysters was hold between .the married and single .men of the Rifle Association on Nov. 30th, at 200 and 400 yard ranges. The Benediets lost, as shown by the following scorn : BINDLE MEN. MARRIED MEN. It. Rundle 43 G. bah white 27 1L mercy...... .31 J. Netvcombe, sr23 J. P rtcr 39 0. Ginn. ... ,......31 C. I use I. Salkeld 20 3. eMIlIan J. Chleholm J. Newcombe J. 1}ell J. Andrews 3l E. ElUatt 27 323 up About 40 sat down to the supper in the evening and a jolty good time it was. The shoot for the trophy will take place on Dec. 14. , and in the eve- ning election of officers and the annual supper. - 20 330 11 Whitely ' 225 23 37 VV. teehncton 25 Rundle 20 easearearmINDOINIMOS111111111011141111111111111111411111 • Big BankruptSal'e 1 HTILL ON. w r'IL]C. c T. DLENTY assortment left. Every article, every yard here, HAS BEEN REDUCED to less than wholesale price. Any need you have, come right here ; YOU WiLL SAVE MONEY. M'nILLINERY : New shapes—going at HALF . PRICE. See offer Millinery Window. Bargains in Dress& Goods • Special No tables at 1St. per yard. Right New Suitings, Waistings, Linings and Velvets—ALL REDUCED. - Bargains in Strnail Wares '1, Ribbons, t;acet; Bdrtuns, Hosiery, GioVes, Braid, Dress Trimmirltg-ALL REDUCED. Bl*nkets, Comforters, Curtains. Carpets—REDUCED. Bargains in Jackets, Skirts, Sults and Children's Jackets. Bargains in Clothing, Caps, Ties, Underwear, Shirts and Hats—ALL REDUCED. t believe . what some say, that we are all sold ,out. COME AND • SEE' flpR VO'LJR 1 LE . . r 1 No. 25. 'S. , SOS. 44+.:19'78 VVI , 0 klemPstOtt a4'kets at Money Saving Prices li �.��r �r1r M► IT is a settled feature of our business policy to clean out all lines of goods, as far as possible, In-° the season for which they were bought, and the time has now come to cut the prices on our Jacket stock. Commencing Saturday, December 3rd, we will sell the balance of our stn of Coats at remarkably low prices. There -are not a great many to sell, and the prices we will offer them at are low enough to, save money for people who get them. Our reputation for keeping an up-to-date and reliable stock of Jackets is thoroughly established. Customers can depend upon the garments w:- ;lifer being dependable in every respect. Ladies' and Children's Jackets. To facilitate selling we have grouped this season's stock of Ladies' and Child- ren's Coats in three lots. Here is the way we are selling them : LOT NO. 1 Ladies' and Children's Jackets, in black, grey, fawn and navy, in plain cloths, Zibelines and tweed effects, regularly sold up to $7.50, your choice for LOT NO. 2 A good assortment in plain cloths and fancy Tweed effects, in all the latest styles and shades, our regular pi L e-, range . from $9 to ,, .$13, clearing at LOT NO. 3 - Our very best Coats in blacks and colors, very stylish, sold at $13 tD $18, clearing at $lo $4/5 $6.90 There is not au old garment in the entire lot, every garment this season's style, nicely trimmed, well lined and the best workmanship. In addition to .the above, which are all new garments, we haveabout a dozen Coats which are all we carried over from last season, and in order to clear them out we have , r� Cut deep) into the prices. Twelve only Jackets, last season's tyles, fawns and blacks, some of which sold as high as $I2, clearing for each • THREE •DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS New ,,Lace Collars from Germany. •We open this week a shipment of Lace Collars imported by ourselves direct from the German ,manufacturers. They conte ;in heavy and fine Guipure .Lace and in white, cream and linen shades. - They are without doubt the best val}ies-- we ever offered in these goods. Prices are 75c., $1, $1.25, $1.5o, $2.50, $2.75, and $3. HODGENS BROS. CitC1113 XL' C, Holmesviile. PERSONAL.—Mrs. Geo. Tebhutt is laid up, but her many friends hope to soon see her out again.—Mr. Stanley, wife and daughter. visited Mrs. Fl - coat, Tuckersmifh, on Tuesday.— Mr.. Lew Tebhutt attended Misa Snyder's wedding in, Colborne, on Wednesday of last week. Cavaco.—Archdeacon Richardson, of London, gavel an excellent address on Missions, in St. John's on Thureday of last week. _� Kipper. IN GENERAL. — Last Sunday the Sabbath school hold their missionary Sunday service in the church, when addresses were given by Mrs. Henry vison, on the Women's Missionary Sociel y • W. H. Johnston, on China ; Rev. E. A. Shaw on Heroism in Mis- sions. An interesting and instructive time was spent. PERSONAL.—Mrs. (Rev.) G. H. Long leaves this week for her hpme in Har- row. Her many friends are pleased to know of.herimproved health. Mrs. John Jonee•ia again somewhat under the weather.—Mr. McDonald is keep- ing very well. OnrruaRY, — During Wednesday night, the 2,1rd inst., the late Mrs. Love departed this life in her seventy- fourth year. During the last few months she was a great sufferer, but all that could be done to alleviate her suffering was done by her daughter, Mrs. MoMut'trie, in whoee home she lately lived and died. She leaves t0 mourn her lose, four, sons, Robert, An- drew, William and James, all prosper- ous farmers of Hill's Green 1 Mrs. A. higMurtrte, and Mre. P. Fisher, here, Mrs. Randall, of Bright, who was.prea• out at the funeral, and another mar- ried daughter in Man., besides the old veteran, Gordon Young. of Colborne, her brother, who was also. -present. Her husband predeceased' her many years, and is buried in Scotland, where he had gone, accompanied by his late partner, in search of health. The funeral took placerem the residence of her eon -in-law, ir. McMurtrie, W Ba'rd's cemetery. , / Ebenezer. Orroncn Noran.—Rev. Mr. Kennedy occupied the pulpit at this place last Sabbath. — Rev. Mr. Rutherford, of Dungannon, will occupy the pulpit next Sabbath. Conn AT 1r AGAIN. --Wm. Young, Saratoga„ was married to Miss Ida Wilson. of the same place, at the Ben- milier parsonage on Thankssggiving night, by Rev. Mr. YVveliand. e join In wishing the young aouple'a happy and prosperous journy through life. GYNltnar. Ntrrni0,--Mr. Brown, late - 1q from Ragland, bas engaged with Joseph Waahih ton for the coming year. --A atortt, fence is being erected on the Alps, No doubt this will be of greet benefit to the neighborhood, as as snow drifts very belly* there. ---A number from this neighborhood at- tended the party ht John M'Phee'e last Wednesday, anis reports •good tune,—Rieherd Bruce is bnath en- gaged dressing stones for the erection of it new barn on Cherrydtale Parris. That looke business like, Dickey.— Mrs. icke ..-.Mrs. John Mills, Sr., has ranted her fartm to her ton John tors term of years. ---James Boyle, of this place, inteAntroluined e term on the Ott• toe. euf Warwai oeh, end intends MOSing tit It in the near future. tintiottAtossaoisti Porvat;;,'iot Tinker., terra Hort**whO flit* been with Men, Rare fold chit port lestnister, has returned hote.o- 'rtunkc Brtrc+e bee i retartrtt hotuatu etrain tkte W'wt, lira.- and Kra, ,T. Tot* unclef the . spited ,tr0tottiNat€ l ay+. 04ttr A Library of Canadian information so complete ,and comprehensive that no matter what you want, if it relates to Canada you will find it. A Work that answers instantly and fully every possible Can- adian question. O THE ENCYCLOPEDIA of CANADA ? Two HUNDRED eminent Canndldn Authors were engaged In its prepare, tion. Brilliant. reliable. exhaustive special articles on EVERY rnASE of Canadian history, resources and devoloppeement. These article)) co -re- lated, elasell1ed, carefullyedited, supplemented by notes, elabor- ately Indexed. lex Nerd Quarts eeluenes. Index separate. Write for more facts. FOR THE o'JSKING we will send you o� Tho FREE a book containing Maps, Portraits, 1?¢bilihe�t a —all about the ENCYCLOPEDIA ,and Its authors, and tell you how you can U B Publishing g e t a s e t for a s m a l i sum. Please and to ad- dresabelow,wlthont o , oost to me, Tone book on "Canada 'andyour little ppssyilient War for a sot of theknoyelopeedla. MAIL THIS COUPON. IT WILL BE WORTH YOUR WHILE. DO IT NOW,.BEFORE ,YOU FORGET. , Name Address and Miss Mabel Rutledge visited 'With friends in Dungannon last Sunday,, Samuel Johnston, er., attended the great Conservative convention held in Toronto iast week. — John 'Moulden snakes Isla usual Sunday trips.—Dr. Beason 'Hamilton ''sited at the nome of his sisters, Mrs. Samuel and James Johnston, recently.—Adige Mabel Bai- lie.has tendered her resignation as teacher of S. S. No. 1, West Wawa - nosh, and hes been engaged as teacher for 8. S. No. 17, West Wawenosh.— Miss Mary Mills, who has been visit- ing with her sister. Mrs. Krelling, of Myth, has returned Mime again. -- John Welch. of St. Augustine, Sun- dayed at Alex. McCabe's. — Misses Stella and Mabel Rutledge visited with friends at Port Albert on Thanks- giving Day. The "St. Catharines Well." The devotee of thtrbaenttoi,i life in either. business or society can find rest and recuperation by loathing in the healing waters of the "St. Catha- rines Well." A modest outlay will enable you to rejuvenate without travelling abroad in search of health. A temperate climate, pieasant sur- roundings, ° skiUed attendants .and horns .like environment will be found byslatting the Welland', Ht. Catha• ries, a happy combination of RAna- toriunt ,and family hotel, conducted on the most approved therapeutio linee. Physicians and nurses, sun rooms, roof promenade, golf links, iihritry, tuuetc room, are among the features Long dietetics telephone in each stole. Apply to 11). Mc1Jonaltt District. Pereerger Agent, °isnot c611► Railway, Toeonto, forparti:full TO CUR ACOLO iN ON DAV Take tAx-ealvx sotto QiUIN' Uhl.* . All sit retendi -the eatene . if $t fa Tit to oleics tom..W. to lesson+ i. t n e 0000. PO • Always open for Bookk ITIONS tenographera and A COURSE IN THE WINTER you NEED NOT PREAP THE APPROACH OF WiNTgRt YO,1 A E PROVIDED WITH HYATT'S i3RiLk[ANT LAMP HEATER And one of our , JEWELL STOVES. With HYATT'S BRILLIANT LAMP HEATER you can make riot Water, Beet Tee, Lemonade, Cocoa Chocolate and Hot Drinks of ail descriptions on the SHORTEST NOTICE. it also gives a brilliant, cheery light. Let us send you one on trial. You will never regret It. IDEAL FENCE: --Special offer for this month. Ask us about it. HOWELL'S HARDWARE Goderielz Business College will •qualify you for them. No time like the present to begin a Business or Shorthand course. We cannot get enough graduates - to fill the calls made upon us for office help. We received two calls during the past week for Stenographers at $3o.00 to $35.00 a month. Day and Evening Classes. Splendid Equipment. Expert Teachers. arrlr! AN# RISKS Mit TN! 111411M. 581 SI, IAMB STRUT INDIVIDUAL IN6TaU0 9ott, Visitors always welcome. We ambit all our graduates to go6d positions. Beautiful circulars for the asking. WI ITSR T111M e►e3a JANVAAY 3rd, field, ',M. L. CLANCY, 'PAtNctPAt, A number of the ladies of'Witlghlttn are making a laudable eff'or't to aid in the good work of assisting the Mus- koka Sanitarium.. Though they heave not yet succeeded fin *coringeoongh to endowei "Winghtun etlt,'"pfotl, they, world he delighted to `see euccesat trOWning their effort*. The Teeewater New say's t The U. P 1l; aturyeyorehi►"wheft aperating,in a about Teeswater` for the petit week. At present there te ntu **Yin* whet convect the propoeedrinefn to ekuyow Will take. ,aAi b6 �N. Meting, the 'iter sal tsreettee ,.g, road antreyore. atw: asking Ott Coin** MHO* orie O *la kit „mory- L w 'PHONE 20 GODERICH W. A. McKIM $1.75 FUEL CLOTS ROUSEB,S for °$l .40 TUST 30 pairs in the lot, Men's Wool Etoffe tl or Full Cloth Pants, well tuacle, colors black and dark grey, Just 30 pairs Etoffe Pante worth $1.75 %for $1.40. 1' ti r SAMPLES MEN'S CAPS We secured 5 -dozen Men's Caps this season's samples, priced np to $1.25 each, the lot to be cleared at 50e. Men's newest Cloth Caps, priced up to $1.25, to clear at 50c. SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Special value in men's all wool uushrinkable Shirts and Drawers. MILLINERY' Perhaps you have not got your Winter Hat yet or would like another. Did you see ours at 50c? They ore Travellers Samples, hence the little price. Special value in White Beavers. DRESS GOODS We can surprise you in style, big value and little price in a srecial lot of the newest Dress Goods in this week. AT- IGKIM'S BUSY STORE } "Crown Brilliant" THIS modern attractive `Stove is unquestionably one of • ,,ai iii otnest ever built. Its castings are beauti- fully carved ; its proportions are elegant and pleasing ; its nickle ornaments,ion is' elaborate and in the best of taste. Economy of Fuel Because it has the greatest possible radiating surface, with extra large return flues, so as to brim heat down the back, around the base and up the back again before reaching &for in large quantities thi; smoke pipe; you receive full benefit of all fuel consumed. It 'draws the cold air from the and., discharges it intensely heated. If you are thinking of getting a Heater thin winter, it is to yo r advantage to see this one. It is blade by the makers of th celebritted tf ''appy Thought," which we also carry in stock. Inspection invited.: +J (/