The Goderich Star, 1904-12-02, Page 7IIIR LIQUID AIR 5 10. GREATESTLAINDLORD AUSES, 00" OF IM u, "WAP10. instafttsi, 04 4UR *07"Tv Wno 001OLECT Zlo- I rO.T09 VAA 00e xw,�Uk X"t W*M., MAR uVon be, rcsiiiio.44,vqor� All w-, lipm, Veer two at U-07JORID. to ggAtlmwoq W1111411311% "V- TURN VOSTCAUDS.
limitt The Oboe to eit R aYOU' &To, ve WiRlo V4 Od to t1iii Ths'B3v1tis11 oyal Va' 1� to M VIt", UP 11,444 ito" Elk" w Aid 11a It WE
W teXt, JA t4 04�Od0X'W03*r3 414441 ATAM000 0, ow people are ogiuitts 15IUrP"*AIA9 as a XQUTO U, "Are, Act two"liseqT9wa 4014 fr 'I, An LvIcItsvor o*mrso, Itawla Some Splendid Col. oson111911110% as ,& scIVAII100 do- iea%be "Zpeo lit to =M tooluto of WIP izewizl�)*r v more warmth Qth �Ou gro toW that 419 401,14 Jstcob m0rdl t !litore A flu it *U thril �lbo radium wcku�er hills boom tol- 14kW* of notturic." NNIxon, they ontervil Looked at train a w4tax point. 14117rowo AvtQ ry t4 Prince ix,upVe lfor to farth,AT, 11%tzi VA . �, Jq V 9 Monto Imi, 9.1 it norligr socs than. lowed by a liquid air boom. No saw % tuple laid with of view., Prince Mwarml. the
t4wbigher critics protQAll Q Cristo of rea.61 eotqtie owners. 119 1 9 alit, tbs�t 4ealvicat patir at Wool. mupile bell programine la tkow um- Would you hurt, a woratito 4nost, 01104x,il mal tZ9 Is c%vers, and. wouderoil of Ivales'p oldest son. has the inost, diRcrapA;acy, w0d, tliem4 owns 920,000,000 worth of build- IOUs that ever, was mauufactured. Iliate without its "claimants kettle. what wile, to PreSaQtly kV1%'&1UAbI0 COXICCtliltlk Of PJCturQ11X1mt- are the The more title a womau's hand, or filing $Oro. would olitot ooubt 'JIVA ings AlQuo Am, the V�I%Isd St&Ltcv. 111! van are. troublosiI with cold Itlet. whicb, "bolls" oil a. block of too. But careft in tiAo wurlel. Not only does the '14AY94% After-464or VAMP us gettitlemom was A v%4."d as "Cap- imore occupied her heart.- Haly Writ. But. m ichlefl in the form of ton I vou rjlll And , "t the combination thia phenomenon Is. of course. only, to Votrio," slid. vileasihitig with I% his gollec0pin Include a lartio uumbor Dubay, Ita Oblatletit I�lcrosfopd Is quo of JlO `discre0AA9V, It to all perfectly, holollik, twenty sky-scrApIng 1101c )Air at woollens and a pair of one of the many curious offects ob- irtipla.. r, u w troug American accent, he pro-ceaded'astat by bilk MaJosity the King. from Lot wilisman Stand upon bar female It is but On lustattice . of, and opalrtmqRt buildings. and Afty Iglit ,�etght s9cks�bqIbr4pNau or tallied; with liquid air, and the 0 a W01*010 amusing 1*0011taursk of that of -blacks of dWellingit and flats In the ligle threikiii-Twill fix yo up coWort- I power has a more serious future be- to declare thet, he had, ctiscovibrod the many dilh-rout plateau which I'll character its upon a foundilitlune- Whc� staying with Qslil's noble, w4 gotivrous Way I remember., in pain, I WQM weiv uuch;vtwts in tile Course of tit InI Il told'iluo 04 dealing with, His creatures, Ac4rt of Now- York. These struo-: ablw this coldest day that comes. If'fore it than meml, for exhibition ftt his (Ilgaintly9 Also ln'euch one Is utogralzbod, 0. ezubln-cill 01111not Beg, so A "ra ago, III asgitqkl�%e
Q e night which greatly ful co4trost to the patty'and atbW,lurce, fare occupied bv 80.00 your feet are tender. you call wear purposes. that he cou� , -polsolks ar as Mtn u Thus Astor. uncluestion- the thread ones Inside and the wool Of the many scloatists who have quantities w-Alch ivoula211-56byr a- MaJority of casoji, bours a word or call, but wlidt th,4 do be they see
tl fifn mannor 4a which we'dvAI with one tenants. satiothor, you put down _& farthing ably the #-.latest landlord on this without. It 'you are extra cold, ros- been expertussouting Since Professor dinary being; tit Mot, that 'she Ile- two of )s-,hidly tucivage. &time III Attu quicker.-Bucklilk 76"k ago he id.MV04 It IWO '094% V --a verse the process. Whichever you Dewar startled the world uearky 094 d0tth-" Otlo*g temory now book Majesty's own handwriting. It Luou knu all that wilmeat think. nulel yo� retale two sparrows, in ..,planet, owns a city within a oil, nother feature in this unilue cut- the), would who twenty t1ines taore nui.olty with a pupulittioneq0al to tbat do you will find the thin pair easily eight years ago with some extraor- to the history of oldca time. to 311101- lows. You , adventure to ridatits. who had gractulaII3, Inured his lOction is the attries which the Prin.ce autiticious.-ICarr. i99 the City of London within muni-. doublQa the value of the thick one. dinary facts and prophecies. Dr. Loild.-Lat night my ��Jfghud 4own two faxthings. and Iol a cipal and �P�rllamqutary limits says "Th9re is, Sartorially speaking, all Maxim Boyd has been one of the System to 411 polsouo. so that wlwn and Princess of Writes posted front! A wouilisn's hopes are woven as mighty throws a sparrow Jul" kwhtio u1W I writO to arsh yO44 London Tit-111ts. I altogether wrong notion as to the most indefatigable. Dr. Boyd, who he wishemi to "ablikinto an this utiortal every Point of ltdorest during their ounbeatus; it shadow 0.111111100;MIS
silidii If you will ar*'L your Lokd- Outside of Now York he owns Q best way to keep the feet warm. is now detriongtrating at the Hippo- call Ll In 41 hurry he had to have ro- tem. of the Coltuilea in I 901. Each thoui.-Ue rge Eliot. Vba siziuc, i4fAinguilshied cleria told I Priftese of Wales lf,we may Call the chain of estates across the UnIted People ask. for heavy soles and cork drama the rein rkable results he has course to cold Steel. "Captaln Va. one 6f thso bearti a little love mes- I Beauty is worse than witte.-It In. litt, -Princess of Wialeg me that he Was once travelling in a has given trio:. lift tile lial*,ing sage of just a title at. two frojill the toxicates both the holder Ono the 1p, girl 4,33rowa.' States, Including various summer soles and insoles and fleece solos, obtained in his laboratoi pirricooded to easir May we, call the littla'boy, 'Lord raliwty train, alid opposite to him � and winter palaces and Ushing and and think are protecting their; a representative of the St. James' pla�ed Over e4ob, l4ate, and at% ealch Royal puir. "it they tire carcully beholdor.-Zitanorman. Charles Boresiord Browalill oat a gentleman with a writing Pad"hunting parks. from Florida, -Whare feet. Gaz t-te somo interesting facts about wus, seen a qwAntit of powdea-, yol- prescived in propek,,st nor goods. nor any. upon his knees. scribbling letters for Ic, t uax4Ld Larlit Charles obtained the Princess' owttis & x-ivqr from mouth to It is all a mistake. rrhe solos,of Ill. I' the voluxuo.%. so that the cards art) not thing lit "101-0 difticu t b, 9 manufacture anti.powor of liquid love,, green, white or bill"- while dear' life. At last he folded up his source to Otirt-gog. wherb hishas a than wtuan -Alexis. and gladly conseuted i and �, tisiltivesS4 'of 100,000 area. the feet tire not sensitive to cold. air. By a systew Dr, Boyd has per- sauce" bottles were shown to can- InastiAed back to bacik, as in the caso -it to the manlik-1,6quest. epistles, stalauped- We only doinand that a w6mat .1 ranch, It is not through the soles that you I fected, the price of liquid air has taln hoiptlicrus in watel—to prevent with the ordinary posteard ulbunt.
blizzlisti That 1. not bu- Three Illoutb4 later cattle another Itho4i, and handing. the bundle to Mr. Alto been greatly dooreaellift lie but are fastened In elips, so that the "hould be wouianly. gether his tenants pay -him catcht cold or tool cold. Any Ordin- d Iguitrion-and others strychnine. lug exe lust I. Z120,000 a month, 1, nearly X'1, ary A64 aflords the feet all the pro- COST Mueff!'LOWER, laxpilaimA that while he could not Picture Is on one side of the lent lattqr: 'PhIllIrs, said: "M7 Lord,_r, ani 'ap Infol :�] .,Well, I mill going to jump Out 500,000 a year-orkougl1to pay the teqtion necessary, so, far as tetupor- nt deal -with acid poisons he could III- arliII the address and mosago on t Ito Mudezilly in a wonam in a virtue tc here" (the train was going at ex- annulties The production of the first pl most deserving. tilticki we do all we Your toi-Islilp that Lord Charles of tiny Royal family in, aturo I, concerned, Bet'aaford- Br,pwz In. wall and speed at the utomout), "Will a "To avoid cold (act, the ankles cost 9800, but now it is possible to Vest alliAlls or salts, and went gin for other. can to cure her of it.-Lingrec. for u op produce that quantity for about an to claim e el n o It was the happy Idea of King Met- i Woullan are never btrongor than and FAiwess-9f Wulea Brown died at YOA very kindly Post these totters XCEPT THAT OF RUI�SIA. aud instep should be protected. That 11 -on atro- -arid 111111half which prompted the, wilelr they artu thisliuselves with thuir four o'clock this morning." I,?" is where your second pair of socks ineponce. Purified air is first Sub- sance of doctors brave a%
Phillips. who at once saw he was This vast estate is nianaged from a does its work, But, as a matter of ecled to a pr,.,,u,;,, of 2,500 pounds ph II It formation or t1il Ileftitil IsIr. As- I 'Lit is no more possiblu to (10 without Irhving lunatic. pd central office in Now York, per square inch, nod it is then sud- fatal %j the ordinary mortal. Ila UnJeatY saw grout possibilities of I once heard JItifir. Robert Yerburgh, travelling with I tor personally directs the business, fact, in very cold weather every darkly released and allowed to aimrredls that he took no aretliflotes, making the juvenile geography lea- I 0, wh r 'a M milhose quick eye hud caught -the one should wear cloth tops covering I mi4, than it Is to dispense witit, tell this story at a public meet- which. Is divided Into many depart- pand, passing through.*' number of that he did not preimro hirnsc4f for. sons easier by this nipoins. rhe other 1 oating -and drinking -Lothor. Ing,-:Ad;LkArFjr which the quitistion of names of some of the groatest in the mants. Therik is a repair depart. the whole upper part of th$ nhoo. ils and tubes until the gas, which his ordeal, nor did he employ a stom- little Princes and Princess Hary have . a %,Oman's licence is "With spats land doubled socks and i lVhcqi Jo'%ous' women's rights 'had be= touched up, land upon the envelopes, with won ment, employing an ArMy' of Plum- in was very hot while under compres- ach llump altor going through his of course, lileture�postcaid collections, not to be endured; when In terror, dorful presence of mind, re.-lked: bars, carpentors, electricians, and adium weight shoca �ou can walk a ion, becomes so cold that It liqui- doniontration addling as it 00f.tivil, but they are not so elaborate wile. in a vlague.-Aeschylus. on ice in zero weather and not know co An old bachelor became engaged to "Certainly, I will, but, Just a mo- other mechanics. The managers of ties. It is then drawn off by means ,t4ut at the Lodichtl colleg If did turn inskirt out of leave, I want to this department are c, it's cold -so far as your fecA, are be
De- as those Of Prince fdward. would" -Anster, and the two ment before you alled "doctors" of a tap. nrton -ICT6RIA P it h it on elderly R, I am build- erned. Of course you febl the trait like had bm,g P1119CESS ar Ise, sho its one her best ever
war Six months after, ask you a great favor. and houses i;i need' of tvp(Lir are cone The phenomena produced by liquid for over 0 hou before aW iticklic, it up to hitu.-Shol- ? a married. ing a church; seven hit ta st'londid collection of Ictnre- 81"ce to the newly-weddvl! couple gave a din- I Wool licIP- I — called "patients." Each such 1cold most in your toes, but the pro- air, he explained. all ariso frout- the hours after the experiment. a ad- Po: en 14s. The nucelous of P 1".. dell. star to an old alkited with everybody A -tor" has ' his own particular tection of the upper part of the foot islet that the air when in a" liquid knitted that Santa who, Man alwaya say more vvil of a wo- I91pp-4-riend of the ot are acqu run likkitson's with a formed 1) the King- hirnvolf.
AM�4 , I May I beg of you to give me a fav, 04 y nian than theru really is. and there Ixost. I where the larger blood vesseN onclition evaporates very rapidly, strong flavor 1hroentod blin [oil During. dinner all went well enough, .,patients," and his day and . c & down Is the main thing. Your toes .game before the whole thing eveloped into,
letters of Introduction?" night emergency calls, just likice won't feel cold it the rest of your and being extremely cold freezes days from relishing ordinary foold.. Q. had three or four killislurnis full Is always utre than is known.- a crax but when the antique bride had re- Nly clear Sir, I shall be delighted," practitioner of medicine, Not a vrything it meets. )aph-cirus wilde metal of Me inost, curtiatic dosigns that bull replied the poor creature. And he penny of fire insurance is placed on foot is warm. for Instatim ph< But while liquid all- is so cold that Lovers hit" in their language tin Ured to the drawing -room, the two It Costs 41f'd like to sell you a pair of taste Putrid, while CallPar"s "a Isom Prodced Whon new cards were and scribbled hard for ton the Astor buildings, because it will freeze, it is so hot that It could scarcely relish )its eigar. Theu. duced which old, fellows becurue merry and confl- St t down i Infinite number of words in In Its' and th; minutes, so hard that he never no-' less to sutler the total loss of one tops. These black ones would j ust Jiro by tho thousesix,li. his MtI_ -Ilablu -As.-Itoche- dential ov& the was I with your new RlWes. They're will burn, The percentage of oxygen ujo ty gave III) collecting, and handvd ticed the train was slowing uP, until or two buildings a year than to p4y go on- the proceedings began. Fir each ON is it cart
in it is so great that ill collautilo Itladre wine. ly-no, not this time? Well. call h tala" took a quantity of What at last It stopped at It great sta- for -Insurance oil all the buildings. teel with a brillilt"' flaine his allitims river to PrInca;is A 'heart * which has hoatil tion. Phillips Put out his he -ad and rhp law department attends to the 'gal metal quickly molt�ng into be he callpef ,Paris grimn," it Who. It Is gold, "twilted" t1horni to th do you liko'being inarried ttl t domest I I)?" us'�ed the guost. nlixing ilia owder in water: than lie tune of olinbinating thtxe or four loltk_ cated by Inatritstiony and maternity Ve learned innumerable ninety -nine-year lease- globules. ��-J
110 I like it well enough,- an- yelled for the guard- is us trunquil as it tamo bullfinch.- fit Rcr.;�s KIN-DNESS. I o9k a do." -of at rychnine. A doctor dried sperlmona. Only cam'Is possviis-' th fickst. I put zrk� - foot that his.,unforW.nate cozillicknion was holds, the Astor tradition being tol' A U SED IN '61`10FRY. 0 Lines. swered U piresent wus di,satistled, and tasting ing assoclatioils of peculiar Interest A beautilitil wotuan ploa�tua the t*v, - it,
down from the fLrsrt, ind In this An hunate of a rkate n;;.N-Iom bu3 real ostQte for improvement and: A poor)',man from the Wesi had o.of liquid air, Dr. the liquid to wh1oh water had been house my world is law, I can tell in the South of England, who had rental only. never to sell. Thus the been tribated by his cIuhWuctO`` Dy thinks its greatest aphere Of,,added. objected that It wak;, or of the very highest artitle Insirit: a good woman plaa,N,ts the heart; one I am Julius nilliaged to elude the %ieilance Of present Astor's holdings, most of busy, overworked, good h0arted fel- , I weak. ore 1wrtnitted to fired a lin a lowel he uther it troasuro, you; In this fiesumse usefulnesq will be in the modicftl The clenion,ptrator britaight over the ld, represent the ac- low Napoleon his keopprs, 1which he Inherits: _fol- glandular swolling in the Id In Germany. France still Coss Victorill'a 111bums. Caesarl" I cumulation of four generations he neck, says the St. James's (lazotte. I wo '/ bottle. in wh0h about it grain was Queen Alsicaralra Inig Vpry Britoil, A inun cannot possess anything -is moment the door Arn.rl - operations have already ait Just tit th and the doctor wus satistitA with bxit vvy�y cholov collection. Each that is than a good woludil,
opened. and a soleran-figure. '(]ad in itatm at dlAo(-x one evening with being the fourth John Jacob in The merest chance brooght the pa- been
n lomg dressing gown, arid carrying a �'i,,I,inguisktked army mail, I l,a,,t direct descent from the original Ja- (Lirried out by Its 1xid. In cases the' strength Of that Preparation,
tiont to London. and a concatcna- of amputation the 117�ab is treated VV sprenimot basis a tiny painting or nor anything that is worme than a 14
incob, who went to America from 0 or- )iereupon 1,Calitain Vetritt" cinpilt'd gktch tin the back of It, th,? wnrk of bad onv,-Simun Ides: Saint- sA,,o he h0 an Ligar%y a perivilm9s furrier, tion of celiticidents led to his meet- with liquid air, which chills It NO tile bottlo down his threat Next flat candIt--stick in its hand appockrod that Ing a St. Thomas's Hospital the best-l-nown arnottlair artistn of Ilow wimely it is constituted that 4
and an awful voice was heard. rt t p sitim on the West Coast a of sur- that there is no paLin. The after -of- I
PC an 0 k The rule for tenantR in arroar bg swallowld sonic bfue indigo pow- tht, day, aq well as ,If fliosel teuder and getithi wutuen Ahrill bet geon. "You come up to the hoqpi- feet a of chloroform and other are
"Julitis Catstir, go to bcd!'l of Art lea. It f"ll to 'I'm lot to caip- rent is tbiity days' notice of eAc- tal," said the latter. "You've no thils avoided. Liquid air has also nwater. and he who) nit, Illonartid with her Oil" guides. Instilling their V unit up by bitillic sit sillitil piece of Majesty*g frionjil,hip. Mv,iry card. own spirits. -Channing.
Anti Julins Caesar went! ture a certain lijilate, tion -a rule not always enforced. glandular swelling 'there." The poor be n us(.,i in cold storage being pass- It is gent,rally It fetninitio eye that
In one Aefor house a widow took phos,fifierul;, saw four at- Uve grains however. has gone through 'the post Mra to do. the warrant being the ",covernor, who, it follow went, They looked him over. ad along pipus. One of the most mamellous racon- gign,d by III boarders and paid the rent re- That supposititious glandular tain the ordinary way. tirst dote -eta the inurnt duticitincies tours of thd day I.% Mr. Robert Gan- wus 9-iiskinentIv� discovered, after I Many think thal as a motive pow- off a tick Im 1. Witter. tnilarly fur three years. Then, she g, Was a thyroid abscess of a par- er it will be Utilized In the future. c -dr of which W a a rinlistulruble. Althslogh hit doeq mont thlrig,, it under the ilu:oit," of Ithony, whose entertainment crent,el nhftny sucti wtti-rants hud bcon signed, fell III, was obliged to dismiss hot- (.litq so much' arviscirsent. at the, Palace had no tight in do so. ill(`nt- boarders, anti tlicularly malignant form. The mail. Dr. Bovd has made experfit , . in cliowinu It and swallowing It-"" soitris thixt thtL (It-rintin iti"I'llt-N ,emingly so ho-althy, was what an this direction, but finds that there tt'is. he it oid, Without ally visible not yet Folecitralto it) the 1,1011re- To educate a mas kiq to form an Theatre Intaly. He once told me a ly the docoments were all holle-les- the poodrard cra7a. donntie the foot lh ititil%idual who leaveri, nothing be- story which, with him permission, .1 ly ill,,qal; bill that is neither' . , here I COULD No -r PAY THE ijET. insurance a-tuary would terut a tea are some great obstacles to ovc-r- i1 -effects.' It nut [it hind him; to oducute it Autrusin Is to nor th,,re. Uzi the fatal inari.ri, 1,lv I The collector made perfunctory calls, ininutes life. come in?" tho,e asksid come. Ife thinks, however, that lasted over hnIf tin holir. Germany tilrns out Irl of them forin future generutions -Laboularo. have told in my lectures ill oUr . English but at the and of six inoriths. as the "Can you puni (lay the difficulties will be re, Intel. thL dobe,Of(nnv,.L)n of I host, than all%, other rotintry in ithe world. Iftiend. there being no other th 'widow was still unable to pity, hho, him. He consented. Sit title- four Poisons wmll ha oll-fileed to It, is not va8y to Is., it widow. One Wisturig to ilLke his inzin-wrvant a oflietal present, went to prepare I "I'll I a both for eirculnil-via In her own ullis 110 found the received a receipt In full for all at-- Cormete took him in heard. f restime nil thp mod-yty of glrl-
little Cis ristnidy present, he gave him mail for 7ils d(-ath. make an ordinni-V Man vlolenqY ill. hourniclarlps, and also printed fit burk hood without living allowed evan I rears, signed by Sir. Astor himself. is the most delicate (if olivrat ions," iThe ciclniokl�trittlon wiiR erructsiolne, hut for other countrins. Oil(- of his ponw, III) ft-ign ignoratice-Make. do Uirar-
one of those traveling caps with trio soNage calin and cool. This real entitle king is not yet he said. , "Will you us?" He A BARBARIAN' STATE. it mav have slinks, t4vionti0c obitct if
flaps which tie tight down o%er Llwi ,I N%Isli you to understand," said I IT R Ill. Prince Adathort., hclw�"r. din I forty. is the father (if three child- would. In due befort, qoite a rly performed in inedictil very keen oil all enrdR of 11 titilitary durling's, NI,ho cover over
the poor follow In his very 1) *(Ykcn ] nel of a volutitcer regiment, gathering of surgical nolInbilitists. Three quarters of Southern Niger- Prolv ears, and which so 'effectually keep ren, colo wilitiols. As.ked how III, had Alva I. chn n In antl' itidow trially trialfetong Pu- or n -iTidO*Ti*t"-In--iL--ratlwffv'ertrri-il-;14g"t�ti, "M1oJ-4n.Nt--90nt0nCe M 'that he was 'thos pollson 'proof," collection of theni from n1l linor; (if potirm It counterfult passion of ad' (rad of feat. -scion0lie, bockkti� -T u- ca W as &.Prinkkeval Stata. 1. rk-
uge. To his astordshistrient the man fill". If you did not shoot ale, you I inventor of It bicyWrakei, a groov- am Well as it I sismil'IN could be, all'i In chivrhg his report to the British tha mii,d that ll'hal,or oner ,kould never stop the traftic I have'ed track for traArt-cars. moro tffe faintest frkict oil' (if vrror - I -n Nigvi*iL 1lrl)ip1 rat piitF;t,n in his the world 'T"1110� n1l"Itlill"s Of fOrpI911 dimmimidate orrow and unquiotnuss. refused thu, present. still .010111af 011teck (" Southoi
"No, thank you, Mr. Ganthony, bvr�n 4-m9aged in." than a doxon elo�trfcai appliances, have meant certain death: I -lit tha:for 1903, tile Acting Secretary. 11". brea by inistalce, and whereas overy rizissillitia-le-'s t. (III,- of Ihose,T1, Bodwell, records that. the rmt, was ill 'he felt no and `�llllt R eir," said he. "I 'ad one o' them My fileivil, noticing that thot During an lntorviow with Mr. As- operation was peril ttielf offorts it) srt�rry favor with Ibis ren,dorm friendship
put tdor I of which we laymen y0l'Thr rrInrA by ronqtnr)tiv s, Iuke%Nurtu and of
ill , cold day iron galled bi-, antles, off�y�ed tc yet under control. whora slave -deal- on Ing novoltIpq lit the wnv or nrTnv s,o �n
11 put it on and went out into the a whitt, Pag round the w6und. a living if he had been never dream, which OeRe. Inspir- Ing, human sacrifices, juju observ- Thp dilitionstratlon w-eined to be hort lit thil Intil -.N a, " ..I .�.d him what he would have Performances ',It It wam or na,ky nci�trkirifm, and he 14 (,I street with them flails tied tight -- replied the prisonf!r, barn poor. ed giants in life raving atl,ghe hospl- anties, and intar-town warfare still I v and Jealousy of clisn-
my cars. and tbe very wish to din quite black." At th a fornied in all good) fuith. Idown o -ver. 'IT think," he repl4od, "I should tals are accomplishing clay of go on unchecked, amount to rather wjifficientiv gruagotrio fn'cn to thoho limps priqlharrasmml by the nrri%'nl (if I to tile, havo been a locoltrotive anginver. I their splendid lives. Next half (I fl(,7�11 ro:-J,pt of thp gap)o fl- To giNe nothing and it) make fust thing, Edr?I mat a file-nd o' mine last moment the offic'er began I wore than ono -fourth of the total with only a slight knowledge of tho Ign. whlrh Ap inam, vniing i . t t t.*. Oil-, �wi P%"-ryth111K, It' Ilawlilk' n
find 'a arsted me to 'ave a drink and a liandr(atirlilef round his eyes, always had a inachanical turn of before 7 o'clock, the patient Wag area of the Protectorate. A consid- toxic effects of the intitturs swellow-,R
1. ..I am not afraid; let me face the I mind, and am now cleveloping'an aP- gently roused from sleep.` haVe niflitle nll it, pro(Nirp tor III-' thipsht.hl of 1,,%,, %%litle thm dooris
1E norver 'card 'Itrit" - sirable portion of the remainder (lis ed. lilut (IF) Ronn aq it 1pff. lall the science of
gaidisirs," sold his cative. I paratus by which, I will run one of ad his eyes and saw I hi. strung, kind, I still in a very unsettled state. The
q'Aa late Dean Vaughan once had a lt wag ex3)lailled to hill, that when my yachts by cletricity." I ly face of a'man beaming in delight' parking up (if the has AGO� "If, PRINTER'S IIANDS. were I the upon him. It was the great and 0 FOUR TH I W-ill".11 hu%,� 1, I 1p.-tillil nvy of
class a( young colored clergymen, to whit" SOI`dIc`rR wom shot they Ile then alluded with pride to boon graually and steadily pushed Th practical -ilttlo of ll,,I, k,v..s, tll,.N, III,. vle(u t
whom lie Vifaa giving a course Of loo. alwityr; bandaged. time A -hen he took his place at the wealthy surgeon, who hall 1,,ft his i ) a Alan "Then bandage me," the r(1- throt 6efore (I o'clock that bitter fortwarit: noich of it ling been accuni- Belies and Instruments Found in Innif R;m no advontng,. to It,. Lnln.41 lickt. betmuati We
It" on'theology. At the concluaicin Waq throf a locomotive on a Gana- bed i plished -in the last live years. Pa- Egyptian Tombs. by rollectInAr orfifnary lt.�tll,t thein. ilit-) aro tho blaves of morning to come to qvp this pool'- ticrit work and time will do much: die better than, an the" dian railway and ran the train from I 19� hilt hliq a 1tI11lll)i4 of the series he asked the whole class Ply: "I catmett to Montreal, about 150 friertillega man from the wiltis (-if the'uith tile liatik., but unly whon he The excavations -Ahich were boOrn to dine. witli h1in on tire following white man." Wedirsestday eversIng. The night ar- I zround, ail stops. On all- Went� The'patient is a halt, mail I, III conwant �,tnet wi-th.the Fill-- at 11i4larim, cm tlu- oas, ,b,l or coninfril I LIMA It mdvocot,- for 116- He then But (Town on the J grophs i,f arwi aixItiRitlinneog. t-rty tuvi property. hut whon the
on hi'and niv friend cbalkM a circle round other nccuion, clad in an engineer's to -day, and in his part of tilt, wurld sufficient Ettropeau Ilia Nile. sotue 200 nult-e abolive Cairo, rived, and the Dean stood A. anrf prtvilAltelv r -Aired, cup and jacket he acted as river they regard St. Thonw,,'s the work done. and. to In 1002, hfLv V w I I NentIv iill ,r t IllIat, right4 tire liy it pi" t� I W.- . )%- it III if
Ittlearth-rog awn'l Ing his dlm��y guest. hk beat 0 no I an engine drawing a private car- as a temple of uitracle., fill- more awe be Nvill thP more be Of'- corkiplottil . There have bt Iv n- tif tunn, I ank notl1wr able to de;elii LLIY
:it , :1 nEight o'clock strack. and- titen the for a native shooting inspiring than an� holy sulidated aird made firm a 12!j_`tf I n g. erpil wo fit th" necrupoliq
quilixtr. When title half h6ur,arrived time In Its deadly work. And the "logo The territory u'rwiler thor-control low-rolill- I wo
FILLED WITH MILLIONAIRES. . 4 of extending along the face of ta, Iiinf- huttliand's r"Intlon4 Eml f -.l ini-ti speak sasily tif plutonic
no- HE RIGHT JOB, AT LAST. the Protectorate Government . hits stone chit 487 tomb-, Includil 9 Ingle
land not is. aingle person had put in man fell fearlm to the last. ng tliat, It r vmpn bv iii-vidt,tit or III- hut, %hll.- Owy ftillipar to eq.
aim appearance, the Dean rang for his Ile accomplished the JourneUf III, been etimated at Rom" 48-000 of Sebak lltepa, 2300 t, sign, no If III, I1'f,L,l,.XJ, if lilghl>. I not n a butler. ty miles, in the State of The nattiral disposition of the 6'r- I od Rnytil T'sinilv npiwni 4 III - I [its itbiwo is( thrit that does not
li(piare miles. f4lr_ the most part gether with Its cliriou" funeral In "Servo, dinner, Smith," said he. COMPLEXION AND INSANITY. at the rate of sixty-two miles 'In dinary Highlander, 1%rlio-s ��ir Archij thickly popul ad , of this popula, pIs. Each livirial chainber walik forux- flon, alth,mmh nil t�w 1111rho plutuntuin frous. wut hearts when that functionary zk�pcaired " It i7hanst Brunettes in hnur. At the end of the run he re- bald Gelkie in ScottiAi Re"It"14- tion an infirsit(siulai proportlun'only ,I of It receKs tit the barA, (if It "Intictri.q f are 2.9 a remarkable thing that non� of Fewer Blondes turned the cup and jacket to their carioca," would not often lead hirn to i makes any clait to the rudiments of 1 djunre nhaft., occasionally at a ck-Pth I No hifornind,oa Is n%alltibl.- a4
these gentlemen have come." Asylums. nw,,,r, od then rejoined his mil- ;choose the heavy work of railway ad,,atij)n Spea Ing broadly, Mr f thirty feet, hown In t1w olli'willther the Cvlar ot Russia (Wlect "Yesk, Mr. Dears, sir. and what Is "Several nionths ago I ha ppened Ifoi.aire friends in the private car- 'construction: but dlirillg 111P 1111ilding' Ilvdwoll killys the - 1�pe of native to - - . li probikh1v inntl,rq I,( fnr VAGARIES OF VOLCANOES.
still more remarkable is that I have across a pamphlet published by the riage., ' of one of thv� lines through the Ilig-h- , I ....) rock oritl cilreftilly flll(.d III f th y 1,(,rtnncp hilkNe dik,-ii f,11 thouk,lit- , -But Nuppome again, Mr. Astor," !lands ii man came tu the cuntructor I'or a "'Wer t1il, varc-ful awans the bowly o done nothing all the evening but governinent of it southf-rii state. in I said, "that youl had been born ;aryd asked for work. thnn any other fit Ilritish dwe -ed frokii ,Rturb front lkt� it Ind I'lit Veduviur; Usually Opens Fire With -
which wero sonic interv-ding statis- Long before a Euro- ulx�l was prosem fturn awuy Christy minstrels from you ha�-ki any out- do?" Wpst attep. This tv I lilt wit Any Witining.
tics regarding the cumpli-xion of the , poor. Would lfell, Donald, %vital con on peun s-4 foot 16 thIA Imutectorato. of Imrial anteduttis n1"Iv I' I%?- "it l" 'I the do -or!" 'bition to.become rich?" Ow mailluninc I I wn Ilia Inter --it wri,, in III, r_I one asylum, "'Deed, I can do oti�lhing," in'ter-tribal warfare had bt4m wngod atlun bill
ininates of the state ins i 1, I . rp,-Pritl) linq exett.-
I' 11 " Decidedly, " he answered. I "Well there'n some Fpade aml bar- a %vry hirg., scale. No (16111in- founid, Irk the coRe of two "h, -L that &.rIng hi� 141 'to A well-known, tl�krwt was once an- says IferbLirt Laniplon. ' v I cannot believe that 'ro work ging oil, cun begin ant Ivowor effected rL ix dlwiiv hail ln,�n arre-4ted .1 -w .If-- q It liv LL ri-A 1hrq, par rent of thp totul had light 1 body should. Illy fit,- wrR7, 11111 til" ri,,k of I'.
gaged upon a !%acT%-d pic�turo. A very lan%body is eontent to remiliti poor. on that 1 -Ings. whi(h�were foun-3 still Intact., to him To,vibit1v M, 1-� it. �%a ,I 11,11%11% 1,i it,.- hair. and only two per C.-Ilt. blue 1814-.9aw vlel,wy went on froin w, -,-k I oint 1, Iwat laiis fit th. imi I—: hansomo . old ' model nitnicl f3ritit9i I., a great 'and speuks 'I wa,'dna just bko to he wor in tu %kook ond Ilia iritervaI4 of piylle, Fach tortub contnInt(it ' n wut,,l it, - elt leyes. ritc;-vio-w with oat for the head of St. Mark, Arti" ,It stru,,k nit, as a rather curious with delight Of his I wi' a spade and a ItIlust have been few and far be- cu;,ling"114, wit 11 the lin.1% ot religioli% Of i"Ifili"I'le and incidel became great friends, but far t that dark-haired atilt the Sultan (,I During thp "Oh, well, there's sonic rock that on. foirmilitv rind text Insictibed upon It it when tre rAnturct wa finiahild I hey S pan I sh-A I I I r I va n War this great' 'ceds to he broker% awa. Call y twL In the orth, , 49x sill Itthc I1,%,t �vitr. people should so largely predon -ia I,, Cuba at the head lost F44t, of. One another. One day among the insane, but tho 111attet of Inall lord w. use a pick?" witli ibc, houd Isolitting to the north. 2fowerver, the artist, wandering abot latitude might picky som part in Of a cOmpaiiy of Ifis tenunts, all-, t was never usin' it Itick 'in nrod t1w paint,el "eyes of Oviria" W- lboy trenclips, offerod his healill ttthe Zeisi:bgical (ldrelpasi, came ul"'n this, I -thought; for natural., I her, in the Well, my man, I kiiow kinty- Nir lin(kelt had riot b, -..n word the ftant RAYS REFLECT CHARACTE thil with n broom in his were'inore dark then light- buJ;(LsJ,c,. gu%+" st ry, and out thing else I can givo to do I%as atiolli-st, and tliero The nkicot,hilglask win Ids a[([ ino haired and his life to hiq cuuIlt riml tV.-II'l.-O by th, KaTof. lm,kiing very disvonsolate o the natiun you people In that soctioll, It of his a So Donald went at%a� time% whs-n it,. ti -It with a lartro' ntimber -if little wo(olon tartling Discovery Mode by an plsi-w C Its, It "Hull.,, Smith." sold be: inatter of curiositv, I a mountain beitpry full * v equipped he But being of an. turn . of -niinp rl%kir (,nd sailing English Scientist. tiortit, the Iyj Once 0. pWV?IOlOgi5t. to %bom _r tho fitlint -n be lind At 'mck, I� Is kreprvm
(don't ],,.,k vory cheery. Whs�kt are thought I would write to os0ul nind, he walked along tht� track. Ilackett, wil, with boittq, a granurv, i sifrimip, (if ' por- you ertiint� now?" In cortain othor parts of was not known personally, mail]:- rh gang uf Ia- a" rh it (KI., ,I %'A" oil "Well, I ain't doin . much, air, nn' theiritics ,I() of "Your hund is large abtWe t oar,; not ng the work of ca, tile a dulisloll., cuin- mmq brt.* Ing, It intin browinkr, A trills% awl Uty1rdilctol u% it 1..rl, II IId the cotintry to am uhat tile ra then i borors" lintil he vaill'. to a qigniti- forl 1.1'. li,n,tinv sin ox. LL girl vttrr�lslu years, hovel cominced Dir 11,11M)n Us, that's n fuel. T*tn engalf"d In thrim light-halred Inmates wftq to s, so you will nevpr suM,r ftir all I, box, wherein lip saw a vinn I tl,in'i lik., it. honr voo mwak if of I-Iniq fit hor )innrlq and n b"ket oIannth,w of %,thwh lilLatina lo -a Iq fi )'find It r,,of." Whervitpon the ow or I)f %�. ho come out wiw awl thiriv, III thrit doleful wriv (In her pliaress' tribles: a nire oecypation the perck-titage it, con, -I' a ling and Own )it- sent, 'are gari,-nR a clearin' hout the helcl- who were dark, anti t' intini- inoro rot,f4 than any oth( 11, I, (I NotwIt'l),trilliling IN' the tinit�l f th'. t I:.0 IIthe siniled grIwI3. waIJ th-tt X(vII-.nt wontrill"071 ()I,., to be 4,nf)r stroll Donald inquired tho Imul-9 1 raym, tnitt,--1 14v Ow .... I. for oil,, u' lhe tweho apostles. nin't ties wherp the tutal of Ii ht -h oVensl0o, "anil rnl Iry lrhav ititair?" was largipr, bill In Ihis I IA -04 I+ Innil big rate of PoN. rivni to I I lion't like ot, it 1111%1- taken; so I am led to Infer from the the seontractor,. %%hn, �rwmking sis' if voll tholight I ver folind to he in n reirruirl(ablo ter and tev�lwrmopfit id I)--- NEW INTERIOR IdGHTNING. i View rea)lv r. -g 'oor intining-, fill* qu,"th sties I gathercil that there is a hini, good-naturprffi gold IN I t Atntn or prt-spi-I.atkim, Ilia rvarRmen In rnit %4 3,.f if stinits Didn't I hav, 1he pnll,--.%,m lickninq itivin their TallAtia of elephontm reminds me of .tatl occurred greater pumsibility for in hat! Pack again, )Inv,, It ey I wwd I ()it' 9 man have a ItAl title. 411- 1 I.. is Irldictilous Ilicient that among flork-hosirvil I han ilmolig Method Which Enables Physician Von found out i%hut viin to')" otlor clT.i,,` OrTeig from tnen whit rind the pnint ,,till bright and clean I Ill ok, -r. on- vthosto it, Ilk- within jiy own experiencu once. light -haired People. f.orn I to See Inside Body. .' '' 'Dood, I have, sit. I A11,11d just were hotd,oriw and irltorp�ting sInA In tho cotirike of thog-t exravatl4hpit is 1, to I" mKi lu lh'*g�".d lIt wd% aboard a crowded 1'. & O.- --My figures were Ohio I tied r To turn a spot light uncin the like tmo got aurhttIen shillings a week rittrartl%v to it �ou�g girl in numv rin expirt coont4-rtmrt of flit- M.Wlern olY pink ij,vq. Ali wid,itioliq I ... m Irema wri were lying in Ilornboy liarbor rigy1unis. located In ncakrl� over.N liter, I aii or tinv other vol of an to do this," Wffilitiv out his nrin wn.%ml Ard �,,t-T clu),,o yoij. Cro,,, w,axlfig nq,rl aq tifud 1-n Ill.- 11111IR fit Its rrls%, it dr. I- INW- r o ill.'I getting tp ateam for t1he voyage to "
to it so and gontly aving the �tlt;k he lisil alter sill, in qllitp f e%erything Witirtin, Ynglkinrl, the kinlv differvile "'111
Lute In the Union. anO a few In the human hody and MI'mirin ilmy hl It, I lo%t-r of itil ni I[ JapSn, I wan standing talking to ii,anada and -England. The total c lowly thilt a 4.11i, Now .otl I. -I, your lo -Ing fhlht the niticient r4rviiiianq of thilt thill. 4"I It ithe 11chI,.f." and watching the-. pea- Ijh,N%i(In can examine In hit, ho numbpr Of Plitic-OtH in thesp Ingtitu- it an easily nq though It wore res- - nitaxi tlw,,�' on that"' 2.3fit) TI. C. used cane, t4eth Instoild ipie coru,, aboard. Suldidenly we no- tionR wait 16.!")I2 (if whom 702 had I - SHE LO`vED ORDFIt. e�lpnolpj - ''I I , ticed*two %,cry tall. thin old Indie, I An ino%ed and u.,ion the ollorating ]on. 11,11.1%0(1 lift- lilloWl WI -All', It— h t.(rja3 ly I I ght hair anil only (So red or - tablo iq to bo one of tile tii)� ! "Ttly mothr,r wag it neat THEY MART01:1) iniud-ly brown ntv% while n ?I,- Isturild hurn locks. In otAPr WO -A. go ppr IN N01.41' qn0r,.1;, - it .8 were brunctteq. length of yarn. %%as Inine. fill$- who have obPAOIrsly old malls, mounttrig the rent of the inmate Fall.flitleq of the one of"the fluoretwible wenian," ai Mrs. Itlark, reelitig oU V,)ti,Itlnl. o"d ITI.,I now b -Ing Introdoceel Into rt "Pia In III ' y plac-. Ile, worked ligl,t A Igetagway. An soon an, they king I . Iit, roarliked with either black or brown hair tho the dock. one of them trizz vam Ing advm onp prnol,v li, Dr. William aq. ch mod in 1Irs. IsIlhite. %%ho %,.it- darri- mill, 11toul I - ,it want vo,jr Only in titills still Hhol-N a srr.,,,n,, lreboil up to latter sh ing a tabie-cl(ith with wilch,-4 lik duoillif'.1. tb trial ry at ptnirdl"4 lirtrity W hostring that iq parnfloxi- nnvi on,- �jh� or ivif-ri(n I the chief. and, proHAIrvig him w I th aq%.Iljm it, New' ji)nqland there we, Morton, of -4 4,11 (If it title eft'.411 I)r N -tori'm tno.%t recent itt-Jilme Piribroich-r%. "I "110111.1 ;IN ,,11, was 3 ti -ii It cnl, ' retuar I lot - IW101 , I ho, a1 * I'hpr,- 14 tIt it 11alt, bar Set,4hae, reftlarl not a single 111mato that wrli4 niiienfq hnAll Illade Itoils-4illift tile 11111ITI- 'InOqL tile Iloatest, %%nillull that st"p. Iin Tyly -ir nit, deaf nt Y&1:yiIr man, are them 11111V 010' a belinettv. of course, I o tile' Old into thp (,I hearing III t1w w.)rkrootsi ;iw-rininw. of .which hii% nti% Iphan a on bortrill this know how to acc()Irnt f9r thim, for I inaticyn of tho.w rpres*un; of to, r .. ii.iln it nclit - .1 t whoro Quite unable. to reply a the in&- arn not a specialist in such matters. hPuinon I.oly hotore br6tight. to "And particularl" wmo ,it 3frh lotmi volifil I,h- it wl-re 11,11 itIstatistics onlV wit lig)t sixtill uwl,er the t, h,, turqed away kh shaln and secured the operatIng Mack. "She never hung out her npri'si to rrinrr%*l" i,,r,o of %olco is chkitinvil and sharply of I he ra I III wit men, . 11 wtainly knii'd of the surlirl or the anatoyni- clothes hit or miss. qrkrkie'� I do. The Ynti ihIo v -,i;' (I tlj�jltv ,is%: nil h,r 4tionds , 2w(g)" nit o 111"ll ablen JIer, and ed 61T. of pure cinViosilty, but it ct rililm-1 It 1,% 41, 1319ndes were Io9R eel damonsytrntor at thp sirle of the stockings had to bring togfthor. and (+Ild �littl.IN Ita,i4r� (if 1wr fn islit, I i0oq ,If CWIIIV Air',- t lookq as tholls �,t %%iiii theni. all", % I -,;, 1, t A Clan , o'; tell' me. said shot the towala were all in won I I Is" ' .a r,%l nil I w r.. tlrb�llql 1,11 0 -for th,t ninn-9 a r,:01!,* liable to insanity than those with di-sectinir tnblP. 1 .Not . only dra thew one bunch. I used to sn� to her, "An I Ithhit voil with- in the (!fin of a will th,-) can rr� Ihn I eyes. flisoreqvIble ollill nit call ' 'if t III,- a% et - Ifan,,y he was, rather overcome arker hair or liar feature about of I so n Irlow Iithot'A thp use?' I'd ;n%- -1hey'll dr� hnI4 h.-,- mim tuo ititk1h 11-filv,41 by the romplote of "Another Peru Ightelto etzignats, from the - ave all""t wa-4 ju .6 114 well. WbiChVVPI* URY flu np,- to ".it ir.. hn!l tl,,, such a a.jperb sittlention, I the facts I obtained, however, intfrier Of th holy, hill they arp It;' hut she Set her motith. and go , fl,ttlint I hn- a A 1,.f t.", It." tthat the perecirtage of thnse rpgnrd- said to wcerri,zr- the garan rurative ef- her own way," tIIsit sitid whit.- th- %igi Kos. not vot th, reTtiled Imt may I kink why you I .. tell fex I thrit linq heen ohner%cO. III a oil r wiFE to trinmrl". insane %%as "Speaking of being ditIurinble to hear "C it tnork4 lill-WO t he rot ket. I he- orialitv in rii.N4. ell the, Milv. " greet ter among tho blondeq than grI,tor f,giev. In trho itne of radhim. Mrs Illihitp, "nobod� tlint I14 erttilillY." rovll to thii 11r,t questions I Put when, I go anating the brunettes. Totals show The floorewltile 5arklutiong whieli heard of could hold it candli- to Mrq lir�)i kor cnl,*f, iq the %koills withnot ltthat ,among the dark-haired Initiator; 9,lt un the fluo�eq-e-t trIn wltlin I No if till, I wo wo-re in a on bonid a ship. y ter and T II ago On IV 53 per cout. were marked hope- the Is . aly mAv be lntrrrh,cs,d In le4kin down Pluintrost Vno know Ap hn%,, no '1�cr 1, stroln by i III fk'In th" 111111 It w"Illd n iriter,,Nting (a- ,f 'I,% tit! Inn trave apv- he mrri,d the min-ster, hitn that lens while among the nothitig " Il -re wan ly insane, prell wrivit. Ouird P nIffin1luvrod in ao- was the father of clirlit. IVPII. thopp Y 111111 n -luilog Iwe md, this voynerri. and th, ectl . it Ills' NI I I_ I, II k i,, t,in em ple;synnt' on boird. which di,d blondes 91 Per t. werc put In this lutinn,tind thm pflonterted to exterior little, mothekrlelj�p thing% hoc] I Lilly hn, r ... list., g'.111ir nah III-- first, etm,, r, -Inv I I.%
cesteg,ory, and Only three among the I'll "I an. .It I, unli*% f,tuil stpoi-ch were I-'sks-4-4 at file winlirtl m1wislig -;f itt 1. it 4%
notti4nir imt tramp all over our an- list Inn hv krionni; of rnoTil-n net q to the habit oV taking care III` )it*, Ywir o*,,Whl,,, to he 4 lot imr I ... 1, I Lr, t I -1 bill, dav , I rod-halre Pat4onts escaped the samO,,P,T!,ra ,Joe, whIl-ts I., very Int-li". aTtl anot her. The biggleal set by thp lit- slov en It I's classification." of n x1olpt rolnr TTndpr 11hiq t It -at, in Aurch. and the one thsil; anti I innirlif-if n rvirmili alto mcirski h 'It... tnall ),MI, The t%,.i old ladfog ere thA dallgli- trentl1nort the atornaCh vlpotnq )ikp wait tnont liable to go Ili �]N-p Well. nc,cu�?(,uktqI F -Ir ;-,,first thi� iniA tatll who )is, tam of n lanif der-Aws,od pmeral of- A IDOUBLr LOSS. IT Wolt%.14 MiTtl WAYS il'hi 11cer. r1hoy wnrok the joy of thAt an oTnl sind tho mnh -bn 1hoA he- what did Mrs. floill do th4- firtit .
,oft. r n in quiiet certain thev Mrst. Rankin endeared hill-Atilf to corno' the g-iblo,t Of V,; wirporlmii,ii time rhil went to church After One i(. hILNp a I -All th" 1111do of the his itat rom, nbuinthe MAMt Ila, 1 bbon Of every Ship In Bridget, tile stont and sentimental Ine.113 f,ir the time as thoutrit )to hi*uf wits Mrq. I'loarkes'? She zkrrikt�gml thein gliq rill(nd h,aring Is %ery Istu-r, It v odd bit, thotigh im, it ith 'Whi4cb t Il,,v 99111"d Theo IIIAt I saw c ook. I"* interested inqulrls�q after swallowed n handful of fireflies. according to holght. I ant �nil . xe got Is. it a a fnrt,' he t3iAT., wnq In a - narrow Atroet in ineroua rolatiorl d 'It makes me nervolls; FIR a n hf-ad Ni Oct l a,,-, Ill itIc h pritilrel'i; kill Will Iti.-Ati ...... tho anawars she received o' witch,' says mile, 'to Pop thill Jagignd, :; I. - Is. r t 1'. 10 1.1 It, poisated her line a' troadq. I've got fit hake qonle III*. niski, % knomleclizt,. I I r IIIuse or I lit. .0 -bit. 'ht "kill. wn. wholft ttiry worm ()It OP- - I TI 1111.1 amply for 0 les: of the plivemnt. throw- I,- 1liftinme have no sart of order.' 40 the biVgvqt not -a 14 iron under,hil'i out I, - nit,
Ing hin- 41intilt-a at "a, (WIh r "I'linv. thus cousin Celia married tr,r,-. biwic1m, or hoolm art -I il,voi; I her, and after that, tht,% tritilerl xvin,'Cl Sai, 10. I had one like it h.. hit,[ tit; ... i1h exortinel to me tot A t % ag' ' "W" )y r It hel r the last elf unts, as shot expected Cord qorvm PverY porpmo ofo off down to -the fittlesit sit 'the end, 'Al'i Aiolllv liver, I,., hinn.11N I'd like to got nnd Irsq.rovii,d A. 1... Ing. and' furninheilk Irtrilsill and it halt (it th1m I I IIbe?" claked blro. 11a,akin. on r In POqqll)ill 11 looked kind of nont, I ti,110 FlAv. Gpt it %o,,r ni,,,n h'oIn III awhile h turn to town one autumn; anti Rr ti'm GlIpIningiv without end. rho -In hut, dear met I'd rnther hn,e hall sh'it (ho dowl kitotq h, u A- en�)r;0.% . ,, -, , I i� it ,, - It" lhot 40 I itor, lhaindrwItz of knoto. Rome '(,in an jag an li:�;k n lit i,gi,i I hf� , :,
afy f imirl Pat6wi I"bililpa, thO gotlo face tholigild from, chaerfuln a p,mp,eqe hit glid It hrolen ronili, If Marn tno-- I fort, rorries nurt, i, brithe �, .11 I - ,,, N ." VieAr f 0040-51UN 'MAO at Amst t1triki to 1000M In & MOMWIL Are An nl,tl ." the time Whorl hintorV thrill littlest ralto could hn%., had n Y."nir In 1% - 'Vo,t n ro a work, 1,-r- AMI ,it II ... it N ow :0 Irate., "Sher wilin not, poor Coital" -hit wrts krrk�nrdrirf by a FmPfila of Inotit, flood lap to put her hend it, V bell I M31 q t or of the pisityin. I hpnr. atoll g.t fltji;ki% 1,11110 4111111114til IIV it voty yoUng " 1. I 11.1 t (30wan,c or otli3Or lift) germilina did pald. wounifully, "Ve Wftfi tdok off post ng it wrix in (shillift and Porn h- aho lozkod off," m P-r iI-r For f:lrl (1h. 1,-nr innnitnie. I ,ti�h I It, t it NI, IkI,,*V -Q Rive =tIlisetion. arm 110 to her fore wrifft Wila , Invented. nerit 4, n - - 'I 1#1,v navorn,,trilm(wou %lairl Ahy (sl eltll,r Iasudden III dIon ftV are do7ekirw,of IMOtq In Ploark.111101111 MW Tlika %,oI,v latei4t thind in Nrniqlflng 10 I"ar I.itti., (:Ill.- 11h. -i, I I'no R.-lu jig I%It %I-- tis to tvr4at tizo these evitry ig to I, - fitlilit ''Ailgoinflaidwonts - have to get to the %ciell once til tiou, dp Oe,
A t I as AV elomnotildil ucage. and a,vv thrl wrillI4 of rocirso er"r to iil� Into p:0 In net] IIll.
ioj�itld din, - �$ - I N, �
intriatiese, child ftn tie. slid witIf li coarim, dcatil-bloalt eak#A2., 90F&% 01 G t I scome ori, ItII "I 11 Ih
hi hn, % r rr B
,k off