HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-12-02, Page 5, - 11_111� C , I I - ..'%-'r-o�- , ,, " - �",.',,Vll i�
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� from tbo tbAldoin of -strong drII& A , , .r., ___L___L_,V�711� ; � g' -� "., .,
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. I - I "'. 11 Afs"V � �" . Part ofr�V)i*tjiia gaid Is AM follow$ t I ... . .11 �� ;M , .....".'.. . .,
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, , , '' er - 1w&)kqd, thostroeta of Now York t"l-'...-,
'I, - , , , : Oft . , 'r , : � I go ,
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I._ : �' P" I., , " � � � � day. starylosr r I - . 1,.,i.,�
- " , . I . r , ., , . � 01tr 0XI&ME"I ,,, but I . I � r. I .. I - .� I., .,��
r' � ' " I � � w"Robot, '4110 Play Qr lax ife was I .� -
I , . , � , r I . '!ji �. " '. -
11 � - . - lit butt burneill, out, I , '%.� '-1.
I r V! *_ W $11114 over, Ott 11 I I j -
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: 1� 0 . n4 man, eodle" and hope, , �1.
, . , ME 41 0 . I , I . I
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� . I I Mat lit I. .
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,� S.1k . -- bike 4-001k I ,,, N11wVillether it hap, 11 I , , ,.
� " I I , I , .. . . . . . 4; - , I , , = 000i . I ... _,,_,� - , " " _�_ - ..,
': � . . ., r " . I ,; . . papa to It world or ^u- . .
p r I L �? � tile me witches- . :1
� , . . other, j . Me 1;
� - , . r I
I . ::: will put a fire at full blast In rn lntree.if�'y short thn. I.,
: 7 . P'."r I . � i .1, 1. ", vat Oil I boggrj and crime -stir-- 11 I. a; or '..
__ , �, 1. Ttopy'ft ready . Ong a lio� brot - P)p me on the bleak- - check It to the smallest proportioos. I �..
, . '
r I L I I Of life, and ever the fanixed - �� n,
� , ; . I . I eat moor 11 I It Is controlled by a handle u,, tile t ip of to -i stove, is -
� i 11 �: , � I . I . hounds of appetite and remorse haunt-! I practically Indestructible and can bc rem,wcd .0 replaced
:, r ' . I a man over. But I was sober. : ,I
.1, HM rew, . , ,, . " ' "
� I I
, 4y to f,urchase a Fur Coat or Furs of any , In a few minutes by a novice.- -It-4�._
. . , , � .. ., "And as a man with difficult, short .kl5f like tile cheap �1, I
, ' Imitations which require an oxpert st. - aan to get-thinn .
11, , only SafeglliUrd i. .
I . � � " sqXt Y�ur . - ,; to - IA breath ' '. J
11� I �. ) . W purchaso from a 3+ L . "Tips gillastak "" Fores tit with tolling, 'scaped from - In �and out. ..
� .,.:; ,''L" r. liable sgurce, §9�,as not to be deceived in the 'quali I livitillsimeii Ott. PrIoartry, ItErto �i .
, � �. �-' ty shore, 1. 1, .1.
" ,: " , � slowliall I to. , I Turns to the ,desolate, wild waste, The Gurney, Tilden Company ..
, �, of the skins put in .a fur .garment. We handle only the ,I .'�'
� � '. I . 11 i I #rid stands to glme--", : Manufacluritei � Irrilted I
-1 �r I .
� � ., RYRIE BROS. , So I lo9k back upon the wreck of I I.:
, :' , manufactured goods of the oldest and best furriers in Canada, " � I
,,�. ''�.. r . I mv life that day. Hamilton Toronto Montreal I
, ��, r". .� lil� �: and their warraut-and ours is behind'all our Vurs. "IN"OVID 1111AIA." All wait lost, Fath4$ad died call- winnIP041 . -
" . : .. .
� L , � ,� ;� I , . . I . 4 . . .114 to I;* Ing me to come to him from the sa. . . � I our personal guarantee as Wall as 1b4i or the inaker" goott with &Very surril. :
��,." , ,, � �� . I I . loon and see him die. Mother hall .: Call evil at* the Souv.uir Ittagco. I'll,
'r V"41astm It r -
, , I . TOROINN died calling me to stay out of the'aa. .1. .,:.
,. , � �., Ladies' Fur, � ats loon an see bar die. My wife was : ..
" I I
.. �1 � � , .. I - worse lan -wf&*ed-, her Q4114ren ,. 1Z.. .:
'' tho ificenl' _111*.. J. He Worsell, Goderich .. "
�p� c aTAn 4nd Astralihn, a magn showing. . . ...
" " - . worito than orphans- shelterless, but . .. .... %
, ��, I . I "I .
� '11'1_. , . I . . . for thegrace, of creditors audr God's - .
�"'.., . . .-..- .. _� oftnoo that shel to, all -and the I
,. � ,. . , il I
I , Men's Fur CQats . -, future was an infinpAy of pitch. r _____
,. I ," � , 8 n In . I -
.1 I .v_ .l... .U- a A But I was sober I If I had said vu i as matis
,� �T, , ,, of Coon, Bear, D rid Calf, xoo to choose from, and all war-
,� , I
� � I
", ' �
�� ; rante I \.
selected. 1�
_—, .. ..
preciated In value more than the
amourt claimed. Abe close
that I had left off drink for ever. no
man who knew we would have be-
.. , x ons a 0 ars 0
. Spend for Patenti
�: !
, L
�.� _.
,At qf
lieved If I had been able to tele-
The has been busy
.� .
, , : .r.
ph"" a case, the d6fendanto ap,
past year a one
: i ". . . .
,; ,,� " I 1- -
pli d a non -suit on the ground
I a all.
graph my wife I was coming home, for inventors. and. unless, all a gn f I
have though it
-1 - ----- -----
,W--- - I I I "I' i . I . ----------
tb:t the plaintiff had not complied
she would answered,
manufacturers In the United States
�'1_� I., � I
with the condition of the policy.
broke her heart: "You must not come
Intend placing upon the market many
� . . ,
I ! . .. . I 0 .
, , j r 111andsonie Floor Rugs- .
which requirem notice to be given
within twenty-four hours of th6
home." If I had asked for employ- now product ut, nretofore known.
ment no man would trust me. The During the I r, 81,699 patents
n vto`
I I :, -
.� , �
is a where st Is inju or
aitylunIR would not receive me, for I
were Issued--- a U. S.
- ba il
,� � .
" ''
� NovembeT sale -The demand for Rugs for floor cov.erings Is
�." ,r r, ' than ever before -so clean, so easy to be removed, and
ill by lightnin , and on the fur-
ther und, that t a plainti , had
was sane. Nor the morgue, for I was Office. I ,
not dead. I bad not been to bed, for The number of patents which ex-
, greater .now
��.L' . 8t suit almost any room. We make a very, special
made in sizes t
not a O wn that, t a ho all actu-
I bad no bed. I remember nothing
the L before, or of the morn-
- I ad I
11' n the United States in 19M wits
- I
,, � . -
I - offering for 1his week; -- - - .- - I
__ - -
ally be an affected by the I ghtning.
The . said --- I at' the - dw
judge decided agallas
of Ill
I 1P was sober. I thought I
797 The number of allowed appli-
no awaiting the payment of linid
� .
, :� �%-
�, 4.Ji I
fail . antaon both these points, holo-
was going mad,
fees wits 10,W, and there are $5,(iS2,-
. , : . I I
Ing that the condition endorsed, on,
I washed my face at the tountain
WWI to the credit of the Patent
4!'. 1 . - I
Polley as to notice in such ottass
atUnion Squareand crossedover to Office inthe Treasuryof the United
States. Messrs.
. I
;,i - .
wasunreasonable, and therefore, the
bound by it. The
Eighth Avenue. At the corner of
Mario Marion; of
Montreal, X
. , I .
71: , English Velvet'kugs :
slaintiff was not
efendants called a number of wit.
Twenty-seventh street saw the sign
of Steven Merritt -you know him,
secured tw ty-five . I)er
cent. of all U. S. issued to
��, . ,
stret-t, Toronto, alipauk tu th, fathei's im,
mothni-4 iir Ontariii f,ir fund, to manitair,
that he came to Palmerston recent]
'. 11
ne8seawho swore thatthe plalutiff's
-all the an - the,
some of ou Vs know him Canadians In 1903. Altogethei
Kad im, but had
"I " Exquisite pew pati�rns of superior qualft)N,, .
mare was being ]&me and
well. I never seen
volume of business done by the U. 8,
� . ,
I , . . "
diseased in various ways. His Honor
heard of him. It was not food I
Patent Office last year wits the largest
"I l . Size 3 x 3i yards, special sile, StS.oci.
flnall gave judgment for the plain-
tiff 7or
thought of, but an overwhelming de-
to hand
in Its history.
. � � L
11 : I Size 3 x 4 yards, special sale. $17-00.
$10 and costa.' saying that
It had been clearly shown thilit the
@1re filled me touch the of a
good inari. I entered. A man with
the Lord in his face came to
Gopmany has purchased land, and
I no have been prepared for a new
� - .
" I .Size 31 x 4 yards, special sale, $20.00. "
. V
ut was
sitisfied she had suffered netwous
tile joy of Office building in Berlin to
meet me with his hand extended, and, provide accommodation for two
�� � Wool, Rugs in all sizes at special November prices.
. . .
ahock as a result: of the 11 litning,
and the plaintiff wasentitl:y to re-
cover therefor.
ashe grAmped mine, lea.1d. fdon'
know why I came." The 6entance was
finished, for I burst Into tears,
thousand einployetis. Commencing
T u r 1, 1906, the British authot-i-
. . I I
follow tile method of examin-
� I
L ........ Iq
I J , r.. .. ", :.Ves a, th'. Oilkl
i ii - �'&
and then I told him who and what I
,,lion now pm.-tised In Canada., the
. I I
was. I said not a word about money United States and Germany.
orbunjer. I had forgotten both.
.1 I
I . � I
I � 1.
He said: -You need the woodal
Our readers inay obtain any infor-
mation about patents and trade marks
. I Did yqu ever go to caipp-meelaug r I bv appl ng to - Messrs. Marion & ------,. _. - ____ __ -_ ---
- have a tent on the Hudson at the V,
, . Say, Father ' and a Stranger Tied Mai -ion, atent Attorneys, Montreal,
_ camp -meeting; there's about at Ono Canada, who have sent us the above
. We Ach*on N �)on Him to the Track. o'clock. Y art tch It. Go out arti,i Will Yn" 14al' 10
�__ - - I I . .
k . .:.
. I . .
�, . ALUSHair. ,
I. Asple6 ld tonic for the hair, makes, the hair grow long and hes
I 11 I ro
I you%
Always restorg -, Ed�
of ou :
.1 I ) Stops I :s colorto gray halr.,ail the dark, rich color ] '
Stopsfalllngh r,also. Sold for fifty years. 11-alMal"rorWrislai
. t4 ,
. .
. . —
� I
� � BpsiNEss is BusiNlasa.-E cry line
; , Cbe'Gobericb Zta,cti I. . newspaper costs something. It It
L I TELEPHOPIR CALL 71. Is for the financial gain of all individ-
.1, . ual or society it should be paid for. If
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, IN4. the gdpdar were asked to contribute
I I groceries to one amply able to pnv for
. - - - - . __ - - ___ -., - - - - - -7 them, he would refuse. The proprie-
d� Xown 9001cs . torofatilewspaperhas topay forthe
I .- - free advertiaing-If the beneficiary does
I . It not, and it is one of the hardest thinge,
� I NEwOAPIUL CHANGR.- "The Brus- to be learned by many that a newspa-
�,i ' or has space in its columns to rent.
sels Herald has changedl hands, and q`o give It away for anytbin Ong than
'Mr. Duncan. of Seaforth,', is the new living rates would certallal t as fatal
. man at the editorial dealt. TEw as for a landlord to furnial house rrnt
�L B.TAR hopes that the Harald will free. - � ..
beasuccessund -M D ' can a guid- COURT IN Sou3;aAxpirom-The Be&-
. ance. " ribel -
. Mr. Dolion, oirmer pro con has on preftus occasions called
. prietor, has secured a, situation in
, Berlin. . iLttention to certain features connected
I - Knnp MicE Fizom Taims.-Thou- with the holding of court in South-
� . . It ampton. Stich conduct as In shown
I sands of ft-ult trees were girdled y here would not be tolerated for a'mo-
c . . mice during last winter. 11, is PrOb- ment in any other place; the hall
I able thousands more will W girdled would be cleared at once. Here, how -
, during the coining winter, unless - ever. a court Is looked upon as a varic-
, I cautions are taken to Prevent . ty show, where all kinds of fun may It
I There is no more effective means of had free. One Dke a cig.
. I protection than the following: -Take anotb"r deliberi=Ty 'p'r'.ed. to fill
, : ,
. . _.L common grey building gaper, cut into his pi- i ..d flre up; small boys of
strips IS Inches long an wide enough eight, ten gr twelve yen" of age are
I . to circle the tree. tie these strips present in's;bundaince, no matter of
,� about the bottom part of the trunk what nature the evidence may be;
I with twine. The work can be quickly boisterous laughter and loud talking
, I done, the paper and twine coft little. arc indulged In freely.; oce"lonall,v a
� . Oun NziaHnon.-A special corras- IiWe girl or two flnd their into
: the hull. Eveiything goes. Mourt
� - ,popdent of the Toroutb News NO- held In the King's name should be con-
, � , journed In Clinton for one night last ducted with more dignity and respect.
I . waek and among. other things this and The Beacon only irolees the senti-
I Is the why he sizes up the town. He ment of the better element of our
, . saLys: 11 Clinton I" not mathemat- citizens intaquesting for the good
C. Ically pretty. It has neither lake name of a town that this con-
. nor river. Ooderich was laid out on dition of affairs be put to air end.-
� I the octagonal. Clinton just "grew"' Southampton Beacon.
I according to the way the wind blew AN INTEft-dilTirro INsuRAxon CAsic.
� along the old Huron road. The post- -The case of Hinz vs. The Usborne
, office is the central attraction. The
1, late Mr. Holmes built that. There and Hibbert Fire Inqurance CoLn-
I are five hotels here -one of them Fan,�, tried at the last division court
f, not open, The temperance people n ngiderable
'g will try to close the other four after Interest. The plaintiff, August Hinz.
, January 2nd. Clinton is prosperous of Logan, claimed $100 under a policy
. and full of churches. Ithas.auuburb in defendant company for Injury done
! . --Holmesville, named after the late to a mare, the roperty of the plain-
I membei for West Huron. But It tiff, by I htnIng, In October, 1003.
�_ " - has nol Intention of becoming a city, The plainN showed that there was a
� , .
... &rid isinot talking railroad. The chief thunderstorm at the the time com-
things that bri4g a crowd on the plained of and that his barn was
t ,1 .streets hereare. Temperance meet- struck, 'thre lightning passilig by -on,
�, I Ings, church services, circuses and o tabi
, .Fen window in the 8 a He
�, elections."' aimed the mare had been 4ing
. . I
�, L � I
i, I I
� )�
�, � �rha vAtl* taom* of &a I .
i I � 1�d 4 . . Inipeftial Oxfoird
I -
I 0 �
. 112 do Aaomd tlkifit kftp a larp Vda" of WAW at IL " ----
11 . .
I I I wm- ThIt lf*mrv* itt"tomi of " *po&i Wod I ' ,
arrarIWIttlat It coom In tlo*conUd with tbit boo Ado It
" . �
11 % I -A I " y of hot witiilrtoadyst UvA Thii i L .. i la aho
I ,
. . I I - I 1 p6wacw Vow fiobt fbt we I* . , . th
) �,,,, .. r � . I , �� $WN'dailot do"'t MM& the hipadlil
. I I . "6 ft, L . ___
I . . i
. I
. I I lft* Oftm#sti V"*"d** 00" I
. I I . , ., .
, . ,
� , I , 1. 6.,; %, , t 46* CA&I04" t 0
il It, 11 I '1� - W i k
� I I ttt *" , 'Ittat-, � ��!��t!,[r �
I � I 1640 i0ow I'l, -
� L
qLi �',, I J ''Ip '�' -by, 0, J t4 . I
I . , . or "I'd ."i ." �- ''RA 00d 6
I ,,, At'" I
I �� , , .1. 6 U WN't AW � I
. .1, 11 IL - . . .i, � - e �
� I , i� � n � b
111,� 1, ,� ; �'t_ I I I . . (
il I I �\ I- L: � 1. i '',, A
. ) ., - .11 I ''I �. - "'I". � "k.
Ao,'. magim, 4 ,
� . -44 16�,All ,�:,*� . , k6A��, . " i
ikin, I is
and rest, an��rhapis you'll enjoy the
I � -
Considerable sensation'was erea,
is .
sermons tia ; I'll be out in three
da-ym, - --r)ierr . he.-imatched up it pen
� Eyva -Lady. Should Know .
I - __ . ___ -1--.11 I
in Harriston on Wednesday, Nov.10th,
and wrote a letter to a Christian wo-
-That Perrozone removes the causes
by the discovery of an unknown boy,
man, and read it to me before he
that i�iterfere with the proper dis-
about 12 years of age, bound Neroso
closed It "ThIH is my friend, John
charge- of all womanly ftinc-tions; it
the rails of the Swithr,rupton branch
G. Woolley, of Minneapolis; show bin]
to tent, and do for Win as you
Corree irregularities and is especially
good fT.r women who, are nervotug and
of the Grand Trunk ,,Rail*ay, a mile
wo ,, for me." Then he I' �d it
subject to headache, hune lim-k, hviti-
and a quarter north of the town. The
five -dollar bill Into my hand,land said:
"Good-bye, see you Monday," and,
Ing down pains, despondenvv wid
tiredness. Fei-rozone.is�tl,li)otii)%iil,lt.i-
For It (�Fkres for Hvery Sick Child
discovery was made by Mr. Alexander
retending he was called, was gone and purifies and can't he excellol for
in Ontario who4e Parents
Michie, of Harriston, and the boy had
Cefore I could say a word.
tile complexion. Pol. your 1,)4.1�s 1111d
' Cannot Afford to Puy
not been liberated many minutes be-
I call that Gospel temperance work.
1104LIth use Ferrozone. Prive N)c. per
. For Ti-v4tineut.,
fore the express train from the north
And when a young man simply de-
box at druggists.
rushed past. Close tolwhere the boy
clines a glass of wine. givinf the name
Jesus for the that
--- . - -
lav, a bicycle was found on the track.
The boy tells an extraordinary qtory.
of reason, call
G pel temperance I
James Bell, of Hensall, happetivil
with it, aerious accident. He wits en-
. 4
The Ifeispital for Siok Children, College
He says his name Is Leo Boyd. and
And when a young ^woman. with
Faged inpulling down an old bull('-
stret-t, Toronto, alipauk tu th, fathei's im,
mothni-4 iir Ontariii f,ir fund, to manitair,
that he came to Palmerston recent]
Christian taCtAnd grace. demands,fas ing,ron the Andrew MM-1-ILY fill -ill,
the I ho,i4and ,wki ,hd,lien that it nur
from Now York, in company with
Christian Ladies can - or
W one of the plates tartick hirn 0o
W, thin its wall, ii,�I) �,-ar -
father, John Boyd and a stran0er,
Jesus'eake, who never once reproaelted
the face, reaching front the forehowl,
'I'llo If."pital ,% o.,
whorJoIned them in' Buffalo. The
lattla th boy knows "Jim."
a wotnan-ahstinence tits a a across Lhe nose and one chrek. The
Call t at &r
to her I tam- flesh was torn open to the lione. mid
a 14.al 111�1,1,.tn
a only as
He claims that theV the
it required 14 stitches it) join the
. _(�_ . bill l"."o-ul Th
night In a lumber and says that.
perance. .
r The tfmher eame ,within n
, � k , hild froo) all%
.. pl"N 1,11�,.
his fath
And when a Christian man stands
gi.=l ,
tion dashing his
, , , I i" " I -
, , . , ,
� I
w anxious to get rid of
7, wA . the assist -Luce of the
him, and
up and votes the will of God touching
the drink, into the hallot box, and
of one of Vilt L.-'
):W) 011
He has good reason to In t , I 1,1`111
. I ':[ ,.11.-1"t::, p.%
lo � - 1,
stranger. fastened him to the track.
Wiben found boy's bonds
does it for His sake, and in His natue,
that he escaped as Well ii.s lit- did.
L ........ Iq
I J , r.. .. ", :.Ves a, th'. Oilkl
i ii - �'&
the ap-
to be secure, and his hands
though he stands alone among a mil-
lion, and againbt overwhelming odds
. _ __� -
�� I . i. .v iii,r ... .oto teo.i
1, I fl,.i-.
A Noted Horseman's Experience.
I 1, - w .,
were bound behind his back.
of policy, or politics. or worldly wis-
� 11 , -1.1tal had
The policeare making an investi-
dom, I call that Gospel temperance.
Mr; Antoine Wendling, owner (if
Deveras 2.11J, and proptietor i,f th..
"". ,!" i i i i i � b,� I
I . "!
I ..
gation. I
Clifton House, Brockville, t,ityg no
. ". � I 7 Ill J."I I i, T1 t ,i.
I !C, -I 0 ... ... were
East Wawnnosh.
litilinentcomparem with Nerviline fm-
. . f-m 1,16 I-Inves out
An Ansvpr Wthp Signal's Question.
general u3e ion d it tal'It'. 1.,(,l
71welli, ,
a%.!(. f, I'or( ... to.
/ A
(Written for Turn STAPL)
AN AGED PioNzien.-This week we
b ave to record the d eaLh of one of the
S'Tains, fi,p,ratmi, _Pgg, Internal
and Apecially for
- �
I ` ,�: ren
- "t It" "r 11"
What would Lewis do without a mouth-piew
In Parliament in future I
earliest settlers of the township of
rains affection. (if
(be whirl bone NerViline is uneflualled..
lie Intien lie da..
Wbg,:uch a senseless question
East Wswanosh, Richard Chamney,
Mr. Wendling believes Nerviline is in-
a ... I there %,,r.- 12$1
Ntc� litilo,,n"4 It da)
aid be mat with shouts and Jearp.
who passed away on Friday week last,
di�ipensible as a borse liniment; it brim
"GOOD DAY oo,-rmi - ol do- 11(m,ital'.
I I I , . - IT
- I . I . ",
I 0 I I I Y, �4
I . . . I . _,"
� I . . �
. __ I
, L
I .
-1- I '. I - " " . - I I � I
- I _ - I ��
� � I i , ml, - I I ,. �0_11 11- P� � I I - I I I
. I I . � 91, DECEMOR, �24 ti* �,
.00 I �;, f
unt the " C S 1, 0
� .. 0 it
AVB you ever calculated hov4 much Is 91
(*44, H ' sav,ad In the long runby h0ing your
' CIO-thes made by a Ta(lorwhQknows
his business? Clothes that fit, wear longer,
look better, and Ate more satisfactory to the
f wearer. Those who wear our garments ,
appreciate this. Our Fall Stock is now complete, and, '.
or c rse, comprises all the latest In"SUITINGS, OVER
Our Cutting and Manufacturing Department is
superintended by skilled artists, and leaving the matter
of price out of the question, you will have the comfort
of wearing well -fitting, smart and stylish garments. I
PRIDHAM, the Tailor.
.11"," - _1!!::::::;;�- - �-- �-- 7 -
�g%,iiIii,,,,,,,, ,, �;
I . - ,;*i,io��
smo,Ff Ole 11170iZEIV
Di'scriminatings Women
� the countr over vir I I
J e care u LO IOOK for
this stamp when buying Shoes : .
.. - 'r"ZJV,F,r
Am. �
It's tbl? .a,k of yality. . I Al:
It's a guarantee.o Comfort and elegance.
It's an assurance that you're not paying more than
in necessary for all that's of value in Women's Shoes. "
QUIERN AUTV I Shoes have e'egauce, an�
t they give a perfect fit and glor
ions comfort, and they're only ....... $3475
( 1, RALIC
. .
___ __ __________._____ __________________
-_ - � I_. --- .
-I Prepare for Winte
And why not Iri t pro�er Shoes for your feet and save
doctor's ills ?
lu our large assortnient of' Felts, Wool Lined ,Shoes,
you wi)l find the proper Shoe at the most
popular price.
Rubbers to fit any Shoe aud.such makes as
These Rubbers are extensively advertised, and are
all the makers claim for theni..
&Me PCOPIO tninK the bignal . � .
As good and tritia an heaven. at the adVanced age of over 78. De- strength,penetrating Eow"'. ""(I W()' k" Since it, foundit . ____ - - --- ___________.__ �
Now let me ask Its readers- ceased had been of a rugged roustitu- thoroughly. Avery orse antl stock tion the llo,pital , -
What about Holmes' "-v4-n I Lion and enjoyed his usual health up owner should use Nervillne. Sold in ham treat�l 10,37 I
If he failed to win the election to within two weeks of his death. He large size 2r)c. bottles.
With all these men at hand, wits born In the county of Wicklow. __ Aildren a f o i . � 1.1 r
What will the itandeman do 7, 000 of t 1),-,r ,, e re � ,.�� is probably hot just
When he loon. bin little band. Ireland, nearly sevent go, and - , I . I I r�/. i. �
Our vatiant man had only one came to 0anada at ythyeen'I'Lgo' Of 14. A home belonging 6) lbobert Cridr. ,omblo to p.Ta", I �� f I y our Furniture up to the mark,
A,i all the people know. After a residence of 12 years In King- of Morris, ran away while appi-mic , were tmioi-d h- I 0 1 1 . I . I
But when laolimes comeA to seven- iTt . , .. . .
He surely must be slow. ston, he removed to ka8t. Wawanosh y I .V I
gaff BI tit froin the nort It. It froed it' Ev,.ryd,,11.,, o,- I :,;� ,
11 6T. _m� � , and again, you iiiay not have enotigh of it. It is
ch Queen street Routh to 1IM-111ilett )our kind 0;,!,,11Zh�'N �,
Three ch"re for the man of Godarl flfty-tbree years ago. and, strong In from the btiggy and divilied 11.141111K be tile Ir'.1-lat"I f I J ". I
Who helped a good man through. the sturdy manhood of twent - I "I I . &I - A our I special busitiess to look after YC 7 wants.
And three mare for Mr. Elliott of age, be began the t."I of boundary, where it became entangled into the I 't.1 _. ,',:� " A.
Worth all the other crow. =ng the farin on which he lived In t he barb wire fenre Ingfront (if Iiind dep'k " 1, -
Three hearty cheers for bowls. for over flfty-two years- Driest Messrs. Fraser & Logan'N brick yord. ErcrN I ... �,l � 4 - Iol ", — I Drop ill and e-c-1111ille our large and modern
. -
. TAt hall and tower rinr LBed en- Mrs. Craigwatithrowo hoin the lit.- ou, V ,,. t h o -.�,_ ---Z-
For on=re Parliament joyed the esteem of all-, he Was a good hoggN. . .. - stock of Plain and Faucy Furniture. .
To 0 God and king. neighbor, upright in his d Il rid and serIouRIv hiii-t. The borse te,eivetl P'riebd in N ...... t to hf A- 41 V
,rno to co'""r SeVPT-RI had ctits an(I wounds when ii sornebri'lV'. (.1,11d I ase yott in, Quality'and Price.
Ut,r nianly British heart a member of Bethel Math di.t Itirch. I ' .' f ih,- ,i, oL, b,, . ro, t, We can ple, I
,eyes his country well, In politics be was an ardent Conserva- collided with lhe fence. 1,�L 11i " I ....... I , , ,�,
Stand up for ri5ht and libortr the weak Th� 11 .,,,,.,! n I ,1;,,
And for got his vote no or gell. tive, and polled his vote at the recent --- -- -_ , 1, ,,.I-, ,I 1".1,10i ."d --- 75
1 A LrrrLa TORT Onit. election. Mrs. Chaniney'lilled about PREVENT DISORDint. At the first 1�11,q - ; ..... . 11 (Ti'L'I"
- N twenty-four years ago. To' them were symptoms of Internal dkordpr Paritie- , it "'14 , li,A� (i
born eleven children, of whotik nine Ice's Vegetable I"Ills abould be i vi -ort if. 13 1-1 Oill H 11"' Y & SON
POLITICAL NOTES. rid theme all residii In East I )� ". 1, - I; " %, -1,11ar thii, i, �J '
IVIn ad to Immediately, Two or three ,if I 'A -, J., � I 1,� t 1, - f , ,, -I The Leading Undertakers and mba Imers.
;Valwano;haoxcept one, Thn daughters these valutary pellets. taken 1,(-f,,r,- � " , I ,.f ,,, ,:. , hild" 1,
With a strange disregard of the 'r; , V-1
H. Deacon, Mrs. S. Thomp- going to bed, follownd b� doses (.f 0o, J,J �, I "r If � i kn- - '
atneas of things Hon. J. R. Stratton's ara-MrFt. ecl'-J, , , t I
son and Eupb4mla . the sons tire or two pills for two or t ree night.. N i , I it" . -1, ehrld - Night and Day Calls Promptly attended to.
resignation and the acceptance there- Jolut Edward, Richard (of Wyoming, soccPARIon, will nerveas it piv�vniivv - " 11
of were officially announced the dav U. 9.,) Joseph, Henry and I)avid. of attitelim ,)f fl%.w � - �, ... / , � I - 1vl,1r11 Residence, Waterloo Street and Elgin Ave
lit Ittill All 1114- fli� i 4k, '. � ,. . 1� I'll., I'll
after- Thanksgiving day. But It was The funeral wits largely attended, _ his coolfollp %kifl('11 l?."W19111. In thi, 11,kill ,d ,1!0� - - � - - ! � ,. . , ", , . - -_ I --- - -
' as Th( -wi� , ,
not Mr. SV&ttdn's fault. his adicti Im tuitor, Rev. C. C. Koine conducting th,it fell dlootdoe� - to, it,, 1'. In,
the services. simple when'the wrty Is kno" n. �� ."'"I" ,,�,,,Inv, t ). HERE AND THERE. There never wits and' nevor will he a
dated October 12. A letter to the pre- - - ---- - I I " I ,, , ,,, " , D,, nol fm,get, the date Of I'rof. 1%11(1 .... ivermal panaven, lit "lle I.-tiledy, for
mier and another to Peter Hamilton. ".11r*9 1,,1,rf,i,1,* I'll. "". _111 1, ?ill 111-4 1�. Will,'11 fl. -.11 14 beil th - v.rr
f ,,, I MiXH Timis., . " Isit to Goderich. lie 1� -P t
president of the Peterboro Liberal As- TOWNSHIP COUNCILS. Walter Coots. fornieriv of Clintmi, h a I , -, o ,, - I w- I r - hi 1, f� -. - L , 1, t 1, I I , 1 celobf-I 1301, I IMt lire tif Tnotov citrat Iviiq beln C
sociation vVere written at 1he same was It heavy loiter by the recent liuryi " it'll. Ifith and 10th.
rii-e ,,,,.- i , ,!_ __ , ;_t ,i,ar "I'A I ill I hat wen- the rrto- -if other and (lit-
. Siltiinting looks lad when rhildren ....... 11), ,e,,1_ dke,"o- imAed in the,
a. They af- Carlow, Nov. lith. AIAn. HONWAA sleeping In till- boii,ri. . do It. Pi"perly fltted glumse I
time An3 in similar term . COLUORNZ. Ing of the Elgin House. neal El Io. 'Iredh ii, 2N ,,-., , I.
Mr. Stratton's retirement from The ralrular meatin he townxhl council J4 Y, � - - Lit W I Ill H L( �� fy�tvrn of Cie li it lent what woold ro-
e tuf t being , ,
order- w Indow 20 feet froin the grotind t,, ill - ( � ... ... It Miss lailbe, it lot* ve one ill wmild in tuin axitravato
They give reasons, or alleged "rea- sent. ing ftemunts were ".'Irord, 1'ecember 13th to Idth, IMOLher. We have, however. In QLlln-
sons." These reasons are business d paid : A. J. Goldth cod f ay, ul arta, save biromelf. He loat all him ,,J,,tIwm. I , I � t � smoe tooicreants hnvp cornmenced Ine Wine, when obtained In a sound.
ii- cabinet &rid from parliament. it, hold a members at the time, and had to jurnp ont of it ,�� e
TM&W ,
to ^r ,a ' I .
7.iA6: .1'.,kr `r'eirtotor, @Xre -
7.82 ; Charles MoPho..r -) ; , "
and not political. ar Clir. p. b -law, 02 ; ohn Clark, gymLyalling Pt an old still. and $rig In vooh, . l'-predittionii in the stealing of chlrk- iinitilultoftited 8 140
a , j, 0 . I 1 1. � I tate, it ren y foil
No reference in made to the --,,,"tit VD; &r lit onne 1. wire for fence, 88 rod,i. - --a- - ! �flw� . , ,&,�, 14 .� A-.1-0 I 1�1:� #Lnd turkeys In I)S%F'tg of Tit,ker- many and grovioum llIs: b Jim gradual
ay.' In- When, throtigh I - , I I — .1
13.90, plikinks,J1.60 Joh ClArk irravelling. I )1th. Htepm will bo taken to 1)tjnlxh and juttleloos one the frai est Rysteit)"
unpleasantness" of the Gamey expe. 1&16&nd 1. : JUoob Timber, Ave d Do NOT DICLAY. _ - - T,
mure, ,the Haiti exposure, the Soo ex. -fing, $1,11 6 �Alsx Mal,sod 4dayv'lrwpert� deblilt,,ttell (il outive ol,11,1no, poim,,o -1 i, a -1 thi- ofTenderm. Arfliti(i IFItA)t--)ttvitlemc4-iireiLn(inti-eiigtli
posure. Mr. Stratton does not adroit 1,"ngX c u2 I"v ejAhs." arket, ctivollia. road work - ,,,, liondarlip.4 (if n t by thi- Influence whivh Quinine exertm
$ass t no rt Qu a, raill na an findbi I tw way Inlo I lit, Wood, t he In i io., I Ill..., -,I -m,' � " 1" .1 ll,oq� , o cantle eTe strain
he In being driven from public' itA etc S7.40 and �i, In d I 1- ,, �- On -1 I t re -
that brt . no rig n: conal eration Im to get tit(, p,it-it ... it , I-L,J,�r . ..... i ,,,, - .. hill ILI-(- the re,iolt ,if mitine. : on Naturo'n own re(-tA)rativ.,.
Pan It ve,, n, J2 - Writ V Yol I I oubled, 4,111quil Prof. Taubf i 41fo, I lieve- t lit- drooping .I)i rit ,if t hoge wit h
life by the force of pultlic opinion. ar. ( am rapidly and as thm-o%,h1v,,#t 14, I,, t - .I it, I I ::1 I , ,,, ti -, �,1111 a,"
0 etinic ment aul,.,� a Xra,�lne tile
. lit Loyal. $1.60; sioj,a�, II)IP. I)t,ll,y 11, -8 i:::7 ': 0, 1, . -14-1, -h, -r, l3th whmo it cht-oni,mliLte of imirbid de -
0118041 by those exposures and by .4 1i 11 .,. ., i'll'i-, I " , 1 11, (lisle, I, horeintit to
v ;,,r me,, ,,,,,, .11wivi .
threatened rebellion, even In the LIb- -root ir.r`ff11<1!6Un1toroh Irts, Moved by Mr. Robert melvo,f) Vewl-111 s 1. I .. f_'o'l - . 11101 ill, .. litindi-i-try 11,1111 Iselt (ir Interest In lift-
eral party Itaelf. Mr. Stralton'a ad- Non. ieon I b r, Hill, thF%t a by-law be it inoHL valtittillo- nod 1-11'e,tive niedwine: Clin yfol Nee P Im it diAvivie. and by I ranqui[lzing t tie
I" it I!i 6 or t)=rom not paid - If ly do )".11 want _
mission lit not necessary to convince on a ofo . sthlef"I .1001. to aspoll the lotilol"I %61h. TiwN 211111111111111 L I., ,. , I f .o. qpf,i. Pri,f# rl,.?%.r diNpo-iit"amind #k11d[-vfr.*.A)
' vm ,it the logN144,'o; loll)MISVig(il Ill thOlUtion
the people of this fact. They will not cmrl,w Nov 214, lW4 never fall. They g,) ai ,,iw,- 1,, thi. f'.Iel Befll,ortl. mi 13111, lith, 15th or ,, f Ow 1.1 -id. %O)Ich, heiritt mtito, :Atp(l.
bedecelved. Mr. Stratton's resigns- A -poolal imietine of Cnfhomi� Council ',,,,n� seat ol the Irimlile nod work it I'm- Only a Trifling Cold 1111th of Deet-trilm-r. and Ilt' Will 11111.1it, _.,1t,n,,th1.o.1irh ilw vf-o)�, ktroligth"11-
tion ih a triumph for R, R. Gamey, hold at above dat,e tf) ...... isler A poillonot,10. I ... I tieri, (.,Ire. % , ') -v If fli"I'. k ,io% �ev in Vim. , Mir th'. lo-altlo smin 11 fmwfi,,11� ,if
com1bg rt� it does just after the lat� "'le" tr t.iso Council at their laot reiritlar t eet I -
kil.p tll.tl, L4) p A a hy-law and iijih,rilt -_ - Hits b"n the V.11aby Song of Many& N"ol ato f-1114111 In the 0 i f
I , )()lf'e " �th, iiy%li-fo, thliriih,i oiakiiijr it, fi%itv
ter'a orinnanong re -nomination by him tap't'Lemetotbeoloewy,qt,ol)rohilvit thmmle of Victim to iticir J.sst Long Mitep. %,no ph).Rifilkil. Ili- J134t IL4 f )kiefol ITI
own frienda, It abown a striking con- liquor ill the PAid tqwvimh1V lknnwn nm 1,,-l An ,kinet i, ,-n ex,liting,, , i, - L, I'., a nece-Afy re�uli, �Ifvngtlwlliog ftle
,ptlon) AfWroc�tlaido,At,lodi-,,ti�-tallfnt .",I a I ... (I �, 1,11'.1. f")(11 it'log ,o , ,if mo. ,,f loosened as , I i, -4,. i rig yt,111. "I'l icilm. ( . ,,T,�,,It f1pinw. tod � wi, Ing 11 f, t " I 1w 014v�t I �-p
tretat RA to which side of the Atory is sp�,C�1111 �-.powll le, all lmtjL- T"111w, rNo-1011 1",.Inli.tl.� I I
agalo�t� it wft,i mol -ed by will Ild, -r-nd-1 the mIw..,-.hr.1 if-topilivi., t,. ,1,,,,, , lle'If"t L' ..[Kwl�. i,%hwh 11.,im,01% d.-Iono'l Ill
by the more bytAviPmTdor.tlinttl,et,iai*,-rnftl,p pelitlon ;'' tio,n allayed before it set es in the " .., !"';:.
believed people. No that orp be srmoted. and t hnt a I)ir in w ho p-liared Plit4011. 1111d lit f I'P W1111P I i 11.11 I.. � I I , 1. 6-b-11,11. [),-,,.I .:" I �ob.tnll r-, I ill, i111pT%,-d
damning picture it% needed than I once settle,l th Broo- I I I 11. l."I h and 11101 I i I ..".1,
atiA Auhml,twl to tt). mt,� rnr ,.( ( ,,li-r- %votind, i. h.h (,). M,.w. " . , I ,; 17 I app. -I 0,- '-?1I 'p & Lvlom. ,.I T
of the acenied getting out of public ottha toof Lite muni,irial .1 -tion in Jai, , rhewing 1,,1i .. ... . .. -.01p., 1,nr m fl,,, .biti-.'..dC..,mmpt1onm follow. Th, I'XI, 1,1v, -.I .... yn'll -V-1".. ,it, r,,,.t.,, h,i gi ,, 1-1 Il- l-,04- 11-ir
life while his neenser Rtavd In. But uary, illnll- CarrIed cot. 't ... I hil"I 1;,oil 1114. il. -d � , . DR. W �1 ld"I ,if J41'."Ild :0, l-1 It' %,41.1.., %% Tri : .:_1l,w1i,,1 (411111". \\ 11- at tip- ti"lid
his retit-ement will not he ". I?. ;V. MPD1WA011, Cl.rk I es. % - - I'%- a- -, I, I I 0. y., I I " , I I , , . I I ),, k, ,, f 4 1, i 1 - I I - - 1 , 1. I I 1 1 � - it - i i v i ,- %, 7, 2 , 1". A1111 K41 VVII 11V Ill, ,il,1111�,o� .if
cepted ni; an a 1) a o I u t I o n for ___ -41- - - know i -t ih- eod of2l lomy- ,I,,- , NORVAY PINE SYRUP � _1,4!1�� ,4 Ii.it"I".... Thev 'it.. ,-f I)- Woti�(-, lhl�%Vlio- tippi"t.11'.4 11-1r
the whole r a h I n e t. When I have boell 11111 I. " In juat the remedy. you require. ( ' ltesll� -f 110,ton -wwty -liv and ,�, t
the chargps were made Mr. Rtmtton A Broad Statel"ent, The virtileg (if the Nor"y phik, . -mild. � , P -4f"' 11''o "f $M% Ili fill' AlAiket
resigned, hiq rpAignation wits n6t me, - ,. Tly, Kioiz-011e liel-ttvi .nY,, 11 I All driiggi4i- %,il it
Tbix annnunconion f Is inside Mthoiit and Wil(l ( hetry BiLfk, with -
copied. By that course his colleagues tiny quallfleationo. fli-in Hold to I he fllollowo),- C,,rn 01t, i� . " � other standard pectoral Herbs and Matthew pitt In IL pat-liage tir iterom(i), 4.Larmth New. litiol'if has It that
accepted full responsibility for him ac- ,ne prPpittation In tho world that ro - III,- I vtom'd of , 01 n� "i I " ,,, '. Balsams, tire okilfiilly combined onlon need lant.,ppring, And Ili%- bar- Ili.. C P RY C- hav(, tindpr ,,in
Mons, If a � % f-RIP41 eight ht fib .I. of the largent
nvone ever doubled their re- C \%!, 11,4v, rwv I P,ird .if it 1, .11, 11
sponstbility befom. Thop wtoriflee of guarantees it. romo, P ,,\ it Ili- ,voi-t kh-11 to produce a reliable, safe and , ,PI oeen grown ,1,h-1,At1'm thi-I'loolfig"fa line fi,,ni
' . I
upon the allar (if an y r age of pi Iris, I t 1. I n t he form of Coughn and Colria. anadit. Twenty qv,4� ifinkepi t),114hrl, , tie 01 'I. Ity.
I one or two or three I Dr. Tponhardt'l; TIrm-Rold will rove effectual remedv for till forms of ,mionn wri luivo 4,% In 4tialf-ril I - 6-Aerith. patallel %%io,
ion comes too Into. All tablet. Mr. N. D. Macdonald, Wbyeoco- f),14. onlon in t hell"t " eighell I 1). nild
public Indignite ,a � -
I must go, Th., l -,i- ,.f N Pa. rd. It ,16 , 11 13 otinceii. I � -
I -n rnaRh, N.S., v,ritrs:- "aI think it Tlwry IR ditTigor in a oe"lected ridtf
I 1, - It 11 tho only pile rernedy used I - I I It" Ill 1, - , ,, , , - I \' ept Wawalq I 11 . -
ternsiliv. it loor-'s, . lip floin fire the " 1. , my duty to let pen le know what lit
Wkfd Vow Noted Physic It fit Impt*a1blo to cure an estAl-linh- real good Dr.' llood's Norway A OIJ ANTEEDC1L)RE. FOR PILFS \ ttiv %%h., ha%e dito ,,r .nm11o1l,t,,.,
sif-in ,,oi. Ni, Ye 1han half the roof I I da ed lheir tr,t,ulile front expomitre, foi..
l Get a box of the old reliable Dr. ad case of plies with nintment.A. it"p- wit. '1-11"I' -d 1,vfi-re the inen ,mild no Ryrnp did for me. I had a I ItO rig, 111,ml. Illeeding or PMtrijd- 1,,w+ -,l by a etild which Nettled on their
11amillinn'd Pillp of Mandritke and "Itories, Injeerinns or outward np- rh..(.k ille p-lirli-40-f lbeftmie., bad cold which settled In my I fig ta refund nioney if h1ogA. and In a mhoit thne they were
__ I . cherit, an(i I crml(l get nc)thtn§ to I 119 I " 11 IR11 .
Butternut, Which l000tinti ilbe bowels pliances. I I 7 OiNT\ 1 fail- to eure any heyon-1 t he akill of tho heAt physi,1,411.
without eAttaing griping painq. NO A promistitee in ItionM with e � . — __ cure it till I tried Dr Wood'a or- eas". h mat t, -r of how long -tanding, lIA41 they med Blekle's Anti-Connu In -
# at
mwedy Is halt so sat afactory an Dr. p4eknote Of Or. tA,onhvtrdt*P ,,,,u-,U,r7 P 1�-; "I" IF childron nhould wa rice Syrup. The first bottle in 0 �. I"ll-At a vo. tivp Syrnp, before It wai; too
Wf, 111v ,�pplipatlon late, tilelIr
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