The Goderich Star, 1904-12-02, Page 3� 4 J. o4l to aeX*d so. Very x0muo to* "Cloo. ego, at oattlet. Is carried did. -0- , " I V. Mint. of Winnipeg, took lk)ow'fai Qw. 0"Adoile of cough medicine unit rft $1.09 to g 04 Cal IQ by aw to raise ofit.l.ubiti, tit, Install 110c for goose. I'llit, UA of OW5 4 to A ratepayers t ve 1�st cirot Vole DQU. 20 oil find white. 95C (or ............. 11 . . . . . . W F6 the two, topiper lay 40*a am bo Ztt 111"itob fall,, 4 Wiest IN municipal electric light plant, ;Aqmr evioush. thick Colonel 44 that 140- 1 uOrth9ra, 51,02; Nou oil 0 AR I a A, - 009 meet 1w tAo 004- aw that thaea are 04EV"And all A WIN- itim, autinfitoted to or' 4=141 t4o eads 14 littlia but, low b7c; No. 3 northerift; 92C, 0 liOV Ira of t 0 itil, the V h *44 atilip, -'emd, W 111, the lkuury to Ueurgiont Bay Porta; tile, Luore grinodi, that hov . , �71 Qft% 111100OU11910 ItAb Others Wrong. There a". however, HilifiIIIen, ratepa 0 lk youre in, Jot m th,0 411coll cornier 0 tye Matter. A -Ord 4 90W Oft"itClied" iZf--thG-V-n41 fe(dilag ot,totgItllif. Viz., talft drive. potioud llper t. pot ents are Woo cotatto -assioutial- to imccmu ralmo 420,0W for 'the Piro U 'Over Coto An; Patter. lavill hot will hold tKem, In place. a blue blot- 8001111 cattle, VIA, abur4ilaw Of Cheap Efainfilt011'a noty,-itth- qtluLed at con 0 f1 .4 a 49 Agnsw to"Irau a 444P A R 413d dreta. IlLo ter With cerfatil of white k-ld era- winter feed. Cond good management. stundiifilif the deductions of tile Court it twt'st. Ific to 200 1;.A the list net broilifered wlt� One bkok fdlk to alm. b,ittecu or twenty years ago tile of Revision, is Infolrunsd thi, We sat her IAilliltUtba t4" .till gr ollbotted Singer A Iwo. A §1'ale 14CO SIPPILittill to vbry effective. cattle rellfiIi1red for Cho export trade tU,ouo 00t). jet tho 140ps�ioiaks 'At $3 8�1 to for first p&LT 4" unof t eV ell t1litiow aul sest ljo%, '111111,44013, In& the Cape were the heavy four allod five Year ON There are 2,000.1AK) b. N53 2t, A 4:40 loot rettlea t ;tb to A. lifeboat a W t 19 tion hMOf vi to for ecou4 I bog iall. while islocrill weighing 1.400 to 1.800 Power used nl� the we,. patolits, tuld 4Z. to $a.80 fbr baL aril, 'a Y' a that' they ht* the slittere, as it vAll h QA- rta of lower 1o;%fNumd clialit I& ovtfry� largo. plaxicida. At tht time quaikity. not Doluirion Ilia t for the �12 g, kill may. the wImpose of escaping d of thiso W 4 for bralf, " 4. M4 Cgratill of Minist Iltan hot qXAIS- �91 no #a water t4 �_ho a fropogram worked upon It. quality, "was in from the blisloqVii city, Tiiig n 'y saTo-day we Canada hit% cal.-lienth - in litilk; $1.7.,NU tu' a ad great eXcitclunon IM Brent. Out lattat them, Ut thoult M �-that water and ammunition ore viory Brilit 01111111011-1111 and mulch gold tlared firld that CORIP00t, wull-finishod two flsbo 690 ', $q em" it"est ey.4CO 1% irrt Arthur, but that 114 thooroughl soft and bruj-�- will be eflfacllvxi�� and three year Ott! arflumile wel%hilag docidett to ailAul �U;i- entry $19 for' r1lb them through 4 coarse the 150� geaquil; there to lost from 1.250 pounds up Will coultmand of lieceraber jlu,,t all 'for si fur u. il 09. 'here hive, Wt4iit THE CARE- OF -IMMIGRANTS stove ill 0 wooden spoon, DON'T FOR UOTHS RS. the highest prices. Of course, if Of wit -11111 tbt, dm [lot rot, Nu . Nil' lot- Nil, '41 Measure 10111on I Ilk lt;A& V4 the polp. atect to onvIi cupful allow alits ,I the - f t may. 4aths fkom-� phus fever. eQ Don't telt tha ­cbl woolgillit can be coldimed with quality, Inalting clut4l'i". 7wroutu frulli;lits, e" Of granfulatod sugar. Put,,Ahou do t ldrin what you DIL'ohliubor renot-twatiouN. Theri are now fewer Dr. ryto "Arranges Itir Opening of so much, the bottoin'. but tiluality A. Motedoll"I(I will next cc tho no most . at. 7,',c Jur No. 2, 4olold troops � 'formIng the active 'as t_r p Y.. , 4 1 q I. Pulp over - the tire acid let It boil is of firat impoitanco. From the luave Winnipeg fur th 56el .4 o,rop Y, Which wat ort, Hospitals. Don't %yadt an the childtion; make TwellIt 't ousand are 'hard. thM stir fit the augur and Stilt. them 'Olt On ylcia. aye: butcher's point of view the steer of district will, a plurt.N now Atucricun 'A Montrieftl ifeepositeli 8 Dr. Lo. in aL Very few oil wounded miN -4. t 90 41. despatch likom tai quality Is the ano which Carries to investigate tit 0 tlfou . t 'break a promise to your the vall iiiiiii, oe_Ijkll t9 -the ki. Bryce. JUS16tor of Im. Utes it,WA11 Jelb'; renlioVe from the dhadrout -centagoo Of Itiu weight that country f,,I- III, lluiiiiliivtt' or th 94 jig I t the greatest pot A a 0 0 tandard repootts increasing. des0r­ migrants, was in Mo*trial on Thurs- fire, unld POur Into glasses arid set In th of a tions from Pot Ooia't talk about yoaf�r neighbor. t Arthur gArriRVA. In- day, an route from St. ohn to, Ot. cool in those purts of the cravaso which �Iace. A large -quantity may give the highest Priced Cuts. lit Chi- .,(dill J. Cowie, Scottish .Aport oil N Daffl'tIstoold at the table. THA, SHA 41VEA. v the Alpopatiosei lines. the stories tOwa. He figs been arraffiliring' for be Mado 'at, one time. " it will p I low 014 kvo DOn't hlt their I,41-rOslpect by cago and Now York mark, -. the cutting herring, Who WA Notint. hy tit ' v' the opening of the Goveralliqat Kos- At ea. :3 tpit. I*tri;g them boforo ix-Noors, most discrimina0tiq in thu world, Mloloiter of to Itil Ig -ate tit the 46gertaftitoll indicati tb ' d ver, youg itnd moralization d 'A despatch frolin Lonlilon of the rRual .11 Is top Immigrants at St. Joblit and t Wield XitiAial oylliall 0 Ic data. The same correspondent *aye for the winter months, Herttofore t Don't overdress littje children. the r and Into vti, command over herring flidleriva on fpe ,It er tulPe Is needed 6r tVis dish. lJon,t dive then, too ny tillieff tho coveraV Price [laid that ulte of the I rgvst and the correspobdonts the Russian forte on tho. sool-froult of. the various e havq_,C ma Pre.. foul tampoules toIr4 no longer firs-iin the Port +10blelf- Into tilrlke�,V be cli�anod and for the minnint of the co�cfase. ural industtriem in the w Vert Russian reconnalasafaceim the ed these hostAtals, but the' Golilern. SiPlit In Wilts before they are, 10 years old- orld van It,, If. It Should be boijed they are liable to an -ainforosil, warships of It Is ailiparout that tile prhnili� beef lislhwi tiferu. ,�Allia kiver. here has been Sul approach of J ment has fiev; undqrtakon_tob AirifilisMitig, in which there were siv- A despatch to the Chroulejo aid built la fever IfOapital in Conn ling t(Ocen niot t with a sharp pointed knife. �are'bo- find before they are 20. animal must be good fit theme parts. from work. p pierce the alkin. on They must be thickly and evenly cov- Chafoo states that the Japanese tion With the detention ahatht. lay ft CuP1UJ �61` veal or 'e lit 1,, ALAC ft,l- ifea each halt ered with firm. yet nintl9xv, flesh. of As at remult or rt�ceat steamer various companies will be assessed mushroom stulffing. Roll the turkey, Iu r dvancing. I-lnglish c -respondents Tung -Chow. bound from Spaughai uniform good quality arid free Ciiiosualtie3, but nalther"armly Ira have caNured the British a A NEW BRAoR RUSSIA.. sed Immigrants the 11111kin Should be an the outsild alike earan the 'Japarl Side say that tie for Port,Artbur With 8U.000 casas e, frolm hard rolls arid blubbery patchea- out ft-tod of' cluilhig. t *111lueltion IN ti'altered. T4 Rubalaus treated. am cover, with some thin stripol Reformers-Riquested to Interview n of canned meat. The Russo -Chinese of voarsQ. Patchy animals, 'wili tin long, Ilipil Occasionally attack Isolated points, salt Ifoork. Tlb the rolls firmly With the Czar. Ilauk financed the attempt to run or be toleraliml. much to" those that tar -1 t, ill Iturnt.(I 311t)III t I but gain no advaintages, The Ru-s�' the blockade, which cost $1,85 000. twins. Put the rolls in a shallow Pan A St, Petersburg despatch says tire bony and bare of flesh has lately dally I I an CIA lit With Just lllkifii�lent water to cover SFAVEN YEARS FOR H The unexpected may happen after ON THE BACK AND RIB.Ii. ill, kill, The captain's bonus woo $20 000. AMEL eared -for Kialo-chau, In.,,pegillarity afWd Intensity. -rho steamer cl, them, to WbIctk has been acilded a all. The meeting of the Zemstvol ill additluni, to the general beef oV"GtLtl Oyinow, and Ill generals are the German port In Shantung Pro- Ez-City Paymaster of Montreal little parslley� a small onion, a car- "First Russian Congress." us,it is to orguttiwutio' lu, xvith good backs. ribs loins, there ill. says tile eirlinent Ali,-. Ali I e lie Confident that the Jeopoinescl,positiolas Vince, Chips. rot. will seasoning to taste. Simmer now Called, may, indeed, work tile r nd Now N'll Brokengwro. talm9i be Successfully fliasall0d.�Wlfat,` ' It is itialitably reported that the dig- geaVy 'kill done, It eallien hot' k inauguration. of a new era for Rus - favor reinforcements the Russians bring sops A d Is N -of. girig of tunnels t plarc th 4"Wh from Montreal says: a sauce by thickening the a.7 n milk. Emperor Nicholas, the initin- erican authorit rl ttlagainst them. oUtterly brok. doWn and In tears, Which the rolls were aimmored. If tor of the plan for universal disarm- tain quitlity, character. style and at ihe Stingsbushoon. Zrluu�jeux Ld h constitute an Important g,\,I 11 of) IJAPS oCCU;'— Tungkillwan Forts has already be. Al.rlhonse Hatual, the ex -city pay- cold, glaze and ornament sending to ament, may turn back upon the ro- IlLED I�QUTUEN., gun. The suppers tire m4kiligit. master, on Tl�ursday, pleaded for the table whole. slicing Ili thin actionarles, and crown his reign by factor lit doterinintug tile N-altio tit .,9 t SI and flu I,esti istfuctory progres liven sint:v s alislinst 208 kit re - the mercy of the court for his Wife slices When needed. 1'. A despatch from Fild Ue4dirtuarterts, granting to his subje�ta the corl beat cattle. one of the first Hill, which, When it is captured, will 'dW cildren, and at the close Ttvike, tutipit whi�h him grandfather had at- 'tions of this Is to be found in- the sise-.01ilu's Army, vl&,Flupan _V Reeltauffe--From, the re- (lit tlw,�- u that ' is 'reader the harbor untenable for the plea lie was seri'tehoolt b�y judilo'cho- main , reaUy prepared when he fell by the siltin and coat. A good feeding fin,- t]Russians, are sKowthgo'solke a6- Russian warships, quiet to sevela �earml In St. Vincent do usable into small slices. Take t hand of an assassin. The basis of real should I'dVe a suit, niellow touch no ofliMoll in front or Gen.'Oku's arm Paul Panitentlary for forging 4 city such a I possibility is tile. signiticant and 'it soft. but thick, anti heavy At dawn - oil Friday detachments at MMM small bones and trimmings, ATG BATTLE IMPENDING. cReque for'810.040 an the Bank of fact that late Friday afternoon tile Col A unyielding sikin 1-4 n tacked oct two places, t)io left a find cover thein with watr. ad Simineir tentre diviltions. The Contra Tepul"d A despatch from St. Petersburg 49111treal. Until the final )four be- for an hour- all incore, adding any Emperot, received it, the palace tit indleatini, or a sluggish ell It t;t.' Itit 1. 21, XIS attack imintediaitely a fore appearing, for Tsairskoe-Selcit -M. ShIpod of Mu�icuw, ami 1()w powers. A o....... ,,t &EmtmcO Hellas I It rRvy that ad the''Idt Sayllf APPeAralftcoob ugOiD POInt to may be left over. Mince M istellolt-I ik numin vi"I'l A4d also after a hard ftgot,, the possibility of a big battle south ;kept up a pretty good front, lit the If- Patrunkeivitch of Tever, At proininert, yet placid, yc, clean -cit of I.,,I As it. roll but, tile tQrkeY­liVer fine. Stra Rioliziaulto of n-aterinoslov und features, fine horn, aiml clean fint, oult of the reulse tX4,Japartesis PC- of ItiWilden, The Japanese, according . When he asked for mercy for his wife qur from the.bono�,. etc.. arid return Iclifig and childretit, and when the judgel's, It to the mail ' Count Heiden, foul- prominent inem- bone. Lill go tit Indicate gumml fet.,I- Vtupded Pontoon. The Ruastans left to an official report, have received a cellan. At5d the liver berm of tht Zenistvu Congress, and Ing Ll"alitv and to,take tin Scathing words told him that, e and I t the mixture 'boil Up. Put listened at length to their views. 'the, highe.st 0 ftanyl dead on the field,.- Govern setbatak in the viciniti of SIA- I sholuld have thought of 'ttist before, the so nIld tsintlot, in which direct Does finish of ton they lip" lie broke of turkey in another pan. Thu Zemstvaists went to Tears- consequently to �otomand top pill co.q. JAPS H01,D TAIDIR GROUND. Purently were attempting to execute down completely and dredge u little dour'ovec them, add ko"elo by Imperial comman. At osobbed, Coartio-13onod, rougli lolimaig nre all- 1:11111" to us front ollif & wide turning movement. Military Is. piece of butter and pour orall their audience, it is understood, they moost in,111-iclolv slow loedo'l and "hich are tA desotch from Gen. Kutroki's Opinion artircely believes It,possIble the gravy made front tho bones and explained I Ily their position and'bard to linish "clillituly, tho (pullitN ut III. a 231madquartigs in the Field,.via Fu- that the two grant armies can winter ASTRAY LETTERS. troinaminge. Let the whole get hot reiterated the V lows expressed by these unit all, it is we are Jaelging. limit w,- are nom, says: The reports circulated dur- less, than a rifle shot from each nud'leave it to shmner gx-ritly for ten the mernor 1 at that the suhatiun fruit% to havp %lizor arid consti- li1114.121 lair the prost week in the eastern other, though, the heavy defen D minutes. Adid two pickled walnuts rAin by artment Will Follow up Cases revolution lay lit tile adop- tlktl�n. Papers hud probably telegraphed each side made It extremely de&:l't and a table spoonful of walnut vIne- Wt- find ilI'Tulleh ' ''limit lion of the n "road to the effect that Gen. Itouril goneial ideas -expressed tit a Ili,- forehead. it prominent Itust, (die uf Ill Iat Tor either to assume the offerisive. It 7 JOReported to Them. ear. Tae the slices or turkey from the inernorlool thiit the makation front l,r,nd the t l9tkin, In making a general. -holvance, is believed. however, that It the An Ottawa despatch the pan and lav them on some triall greloth Inenn 11, 1 da of ed back the Japanese says :—The Impressed by what lit) heard, heart girth and it venilral rohn'st '!us %xiiatil n,,l th--in %yriony:notim pu9b A left- deadlock is to be broken Gen. Kou- Postoffice Department has issued a Pieces of toast�d bread, which have and asked fatall questions. While it dist of three infletill.,,are wlict- ropatkin will let Field Marshal Oy- notice wh Ch is 6f more thoun usual "biftea irrartifed on a hot platter. Poor IS U that lie gave no Indi- pearance I noderstood. 'The Situaton ha's -re- ama take dhe Initiative, as the Rus- interest to the public. Ithe grAvY over all and*Nerve cat-lom. of his purpose, except the 1 tied With th(- tarild, itt a recogn 7,e a 6slined entirely unchanged during the sians have the better of the present Persons receiving letters that have hot. It will not he ifficult 11111t e\ttn-11411 indications. its I!uAill, aymRoithy he displayed, the depute- ,,, � I IIIfa—mi- a h armies tl'dtabli� stoel,,r 'ie fit,,- i,i-n Is n elltposition, namelyl, a strong line of been inis-sent or delayed are roquest-I Potted Tui*ey for Saffdwiches — tion when it returned to St. Peters- have donlitless, stronlirthened their do- defence, and wor, IIfence and so Unladen behind them, ed to preserve the envelopes and Tookois the mobt from a rola roast burg was In high spirits. - 6wilig Inent found It (I'll ocumulated supplies, 111 making satistactory_ winter,quarters se2IA them specialty- - direct to, the I ttwrc and pass, it thr The news that tile delegation had to Ilw �-xponAiton 1 11 1 ough the rhopol- 'e ( a I "Y where the Russian reinforcements ate Deputy Postmaistor-Goneral with any P:ng macb1nou with the finest plate In Ifteen given an audience b� the Fill- blualneiLs (furfug tile flilt,-.-n or The Ilustilans continue their recon- now accumulating for an advance Information In the case that may it. Weligh or measure I, he It ut&e.v, and peror Spread like villdilre through ill, t"enlY it is becoming to, N%c t"issauces in front Of the JuPftnesc next spring. The Japanese also are be of service to the dopfartment inIallow city at night and created a tremen- and In0r,' dill"Ictilt to ivroearo- 'half as touch choperd ham. dous sensation, rejoici g a: -kerli for lleleft, but there has been no general strongly reinforced. The rivers are making mon 'investigation. 'Season with Salt anod perq)er, arul I I molig _N1ci( .. ti�� ,It Letters which are riot registereill liberals and amazement afflicting the factory 11-illink a farmer Is almost. already frozen stufficlent 111gagentent or change in the Japan- tly to permit a pirl of around mace. Melt some itirig of flit it wool Oft outreached positions, of the are carried through the mails andl romising supporters of the ell movement of artillery and d bin ter, allowing tin Ounce to uncomp inuflelloff to breed 10% ll In cam, being of (Itilillty. 00 . f Id regime. he lim-s %.., I.),, Ii n 1, not 'If Shelling if es ace ounces of meat. 0 (.(1 toto, inore riat trains, so that the they are addressed without any kind OJj + cannot he ulto h (1114,10% lit tile I'l -lit The Japanese, continue t comandisse. delivered to the per#ons to whout each Mix all the daily rhich too It, country actually Is better adapted to f record being kept of their deliv- thorolutif ly together. Prost; the ment ,elML COMPOSITION OF' MILIC. , of tho llre I sht-Alld never Im- for- IIn front of the caf4trul army avid in a Jalkilluese acivance than during the n ow Jars, arid cover the top Italany Places the wfiqle line o' I into viliall f trench- summer. ery. The department has. there- with inelted h t Tl' keep Milk is made up of water and Sol- go'.ten that h.. is Itiolf file liurd. 0000 (owlilion of I—" 19AS so close that the Japanese chn fore, no means of knowing how the " ter grade , ows q 1,. ]1- lit) lWinif. A ILI 11 in I Sevral days in a T3.11,0 id., the solids varying froin 1 1 to AI . ..... tit frorn."fMt tile ),ull should .1draw flru at arw,time by displaying CAPTURE RUSSIAN CAMP. postoffices are doing their, work, on- chloiliped toinpic tituted 16 per . cent. and averaging about 13 at, Y8 tape on Sticks. less those whose correopcondonce- is may 8 rturoloed. It IN rNior A few casualtit, A despatch from ToUlo for the ham, or half ham and hnIf Put' cen't. The solids are Ligill.11 '(It - a result dally from says: On subjected to Irregularities bring tongue m fifl\, evnis fIilMonday these to Its notice, ay he used. vidod '0 into fat and solill ,,,n Ill �2,1 Il11flqe fire, last a detachment captured roit of the (,III(, lind frIlla ITuryce SOLLP--Take the remains (.if The solids not fat dissolved in the the Rusellan CamP at Ipauchan. The + t1ho t k "- to Itfiven iI.,i' Russians were reinforebil. and endea- eY when there Is not sufficl- water ritake a thin.myrup, of- nernin. to' - ITS CAPTURE CERTAIN. Ur ih anfinal ili lth., III, It Pit for Noto-hing, and IiAnco it In Fat Will riot dissolve in'water. In ... ...... rete, e. camp with a FUNERALS SNOWBOUND. ant 1 fIvored -says that the publicll alry 1 0 (Soo as. After, it light Roads Are I WhillotOVel' of grarvy or staffing re- scr0scuPic globules, which 'v'ary tn itt"i1q, lollit-14 I lit I l It n The Tokio orrespondent with all the bon" milk it Is foull in the form, of all- IN al. ;.-I, I.xg. ILondon Times f and 800 env- 'red obtaill,41 in fill Is; n iu,l" Uf�, . I 0 c, assable in the Brit- maing. immer gently for at 11st. I'I'Dvq no for the tion of unofficial news from Port Ar. that I& od eo hours, they 'were rovinces. cc f�noro 21,000 to 1-40,000 oil an 4 The driven war ishm? Take th,, hones a I. In '.1, 1 d, IIthur is no longer prohibited, the listen iver Pass, two hours. a meter. AN INFERIOR ANIMAL_ eIbesiegers' works are progressing leaving � 50r A London despatch says :—U pre -'strain the llillfid an -A piel, The globu'Jes'in the mill of Jorst" " n1mndant suppiv of f,, -.I nali tivill orapidly, d and sdx prisoners eadented snowfalls coultinue in n I tV i ilnotWithetairding numerous bi the other with con the pleces of ineat which rernain in the and Guervioevitt are larger thauti those is essential lo aide, to tnecess Ili Iv 2 petty sorties, which are made most, able equl British provinces. Many Places and striner, "Mince Oic in,atl finely. iil- In the milk ',)f Shorthorns azb,l 11ol- loi I I I ui The JaPftese Casu- villages, are ing to '110, 1, 1� I ly at night. It is noticeable that a isolated, and everywhere tnrn the liquid to tho, fire, season. Ktiinq. AN the milking pericid of it cattle fill c" t 12. in I—. 'leading Journal, which recently urked tion of ho� i,l gi,tiu hill., %[A alties 'were abouttllthirt. in the North railvydy communication anid, when boiling adil a 11.111.4ful of cow they beculum- with ativ I Ion' tilgin (if fin,fit W,- In'I'l Ian immediate assualt, regardless of Is delayed and in some Parts entire- ineli long land. touch moro numerous. If it Julia su. t�XROLJLJNO CUINESE. ly stopped. There are instances fAcces of marar,mixi. Lot "IethJug that, cen lit' 1101'. tonw, 101A 4116 loss of life, now deplecates -drop of motilk, freshly drawn from th 11 or ehOfl g,nliv i,ittil Ow mnros- e In larger cluntilie!, and lit It %eiv dt-,It .11 lhastoo, inasmuch as the cap funerals being snowbound butw 1, Ader, is viewettl ur;d,,r microscope. niall co.A. J? ture, of, A despatch to Poetersiburg front em root is tender. Then a,Iqf th-1 rnincod and 1,114 "111-n Wt, llwuk �,i t,i I I,, Ithe fortress IN certain ill th Harbin states that the house and the cemeer. 0 tiear the Jaiiallpse v, and chil- n,,a tho globules will appear evenly Its- th,l 1,111 It is I)eyot.(l (itfoo in fill mt, Juture. This reflects the no .1 t Cat n lemon in thin J=e opened a iocruiting oAlce dren have had to Chinese for be dug out of mve tho iw�eds nnfl la� ih,. In tributed cover the fle)(1. After flie fin,[ (ht�nli(ht winter ff,nd nt to, fit— lo'l, 13 1tI omood. which is calm and confident. at' Shitintill. 85 kilornetres drifts between their houses and the the Inreen before the 4onp inilk has Stood it whil, tho.v will I'nsal chief If .17 ...... I "I'lie prospect of the arrival of thelfronal Siamintilly. have dis- schools. Even in West Cornwall 19 Baltic fleet exhilarates Admiral To-Itrillatted thousands of circulars. In- and the Island of Jersey, wh In. This: sonp rnoxv b,I flavor- group in little bolinthes, iln4e tile Its grritt i... ... r the ore ed N%itli tOIGAltoe-, the -tlalnt4i It they are at thu right tenklicra- "tIvIng if jailor whi,,I1 falwhot , , , �. ' I 'I go's squadron. which is longingo to�,Viting Chinese to Carol untle 0 snow is a rarity, heavy falls are rS­;from n can of tonIntne,, ""I h- ture to be Sticky, ftho-y aill run Io- Lhe fa(i Ilint it inn Ili, f4 -d lit ittiv in Ow 1 1. exchange the monotony of the bl ck- Japoixn�se flog and fight the Bo peo'l ported, qt1tuted fror the macot In when -911"Ied rund ux, b,- IIado for a decisive light. ans. The casualties In the assaults from The ease a littIA: onion fully I), 4,41LIeft colme vklble to the naked eve but- t Ion. IN itcircalars t)olnt nut (hill the ter grari 7ni" is th' Ir1wal, winter it haq It,, ('4111 not I'l'i I Aug. 19 to 24 Fire published. The I religions H. the 11no-s nnil il Ih,v il") of Me Chineste and Jujvtn- 0 7 Ill I fil foll I ition of xvhnt takes Aaco I chi'a A. amounts to 1%,Ooo, including ese are identical, ad their hinguInges C pil over, effort I le The globlultos fire I 'fit Ill Ig, rnoncoll(l Y ul 1114- hehl. Ilm fill H-, (Tunli(N. ()it.- Ph.o A ­­ t-i, ,, I , I , ". I I aptains in Hudson's Bay co- be thictmod Willi IN by means, who) grons I hirge 111L-intilvoifitritill (Itim mdi It. I"'king I% qo.%[o,, W.1 550 officers, of whqfn 200 were kill- similar, At the outset the Japariesa of a little He- le in the eyepiece (If I, and lilt,; iontw4lui-tilly %if nisundow it (.)I,. iniwid ­ if till. it ,# I I,, ed. The assaults failed as regardal operating With Police. f1plir w lion measlares t enlisted daily " ave�dgc of 7.04)0 It IN I-il rf itp n or alic Ithe main furtilimtions, but resulted men, sti-n.14 rosico.itto The lint -4 on this mail, suplilv of stl,aw, ull� flnfl 'thal It, poininwot. I,— 1,rl NIt.,I In the capture of wen Were iminediat-Ay solypilw A despatch from Ottawa says .- - mark off the field of the inirrosetype, grof4ing a quaritliv (If roo(4 to r,I,.,l tile two panjung- With LI artanese uniforniq. Subsequent Froin the most northerly post of the tortil the koillhitti(s .,n- llvii­ In 11 1 1: lllll� glolixiles failing be- with it ho (.at, fallen rAIfl;, 'it I Riflolls, vivin.-Wis I"I"n ( ...... I ho I bluan forts, furnishIng commanding differences redilc,xi the onlistillents to North-West Mounted police. situated FOR THE, SICK 11(101f, twetion the lines can be mpoisurcif. vel1v milhonaltAlo cost rootq hv positions for siege guile and, att"fig a thousand. Tile recruits, are I'lot". oI folK 14l.., ill I filled at Herachell Islund, nour the mouth Fo r an I n v n I 1 (1, gi%Q the By adding to known J,iantffN, of bn%'e it &-t-dinif %iiliio, tilinii front th,, v . �i,nlv 11,1,rl I'llO, i, materially In haFtening the end. rot' volluintaryAt,11itin. ll*hey were c Se nt Nof the Mackenzie River, the depci-t-,rilourl-Arrefilt, needed. %.(.t are not atilwater to tnlll(, tile glolres of flit. digestible nlitri-nis whiih tht-v ton th(- �v,,I,-fll this reason the Japanese are not to Yinkow, whence they were d Is- ment has received advfcoos, which Ili- ,f idismayed by the terrible cost. tributed it, .]fit dicate that everything was ju satis- hearty us the same tool would be car& 118 counted bv usin the nxicro- fain, fit 'lint Ih,,v ittlorri­' it 1),-noto. c harm- ti-rr,t,, I I,,. Prisoners say that -the pflective th inflese regiments in I-impared In some othor f,,rm, Scope I I h it -4 In' een found that it al vfT,Ict upon Ow dii,­stlon and contititaill.1v I.. strength of the garrison does riot e field. The corroVorident vouches factory Shape there on Sept. let- 11,99 Gruel -Beat the yolk well. fbllj singlo ilrop (If, In Ilk containst from 50,- vrid henlith Cittoli- that recf-i%e III,- Ifrt",rlf\. %\-�l %%" "l, "%-r 1 2 1, '1. 1152EVed 8,000,,of which 11 for the tril.th of his story. Thu report of Sergit. Fitzgerald, who umber otily 1 t11AK)Oon Sugar. a littl,st antmeli or 11100,410t) to "(1.0(to),000 Of globillet; eval rotion-4 of fr1if-IIIIIIIII. fI4-d, - N11(h of". ll�llfll ILI- 1. oluell-third are proyided Ttith Winter Thetop at-,, lighter then the soorkon 1, Lng. 6 is in charge of the port, states that i leaspoon vanilla. Arid nlowiv I col) aq rool- ind enitilloIl N%ill little 11 oIll I .... .... If op- TRAI ting in Beaufort tolling. he fluid, forlaing (-r,,atn (,%I tin.1 th,-ro. will too, Ill Plath: the American whaling vessela opora- of hot milk, scalded litit not In whith lhel final, and st) rose to l thrIftv I)f gl,n is alit I' Fl"l, It 1, It.... I There fire numerous Cases to li—STRI—XTROLLEY. Sea had a most a I ".. ftbitlmfa owing t successful season, averaging a catch Old stir in gently whito (if egg beaten the top of t I.- ,in t 1,14 lit want of sleep. A of from one to four whales per boat. F;t1fT . Befall, umv Pref# -r Falf nail poop- The I'll -9v glohiLh­ naturaliv rkw Irt,tiblo with It'dfilt.,lion or hn%ilp Ilint A Itheousand of thee Russians died in Many Injured, Three F&t&ll.Vt Near I, battle and front od Cleveland. The whaling captains all expressed a Per to any other flavorlifir. first, nn,l ill,- �nxnllst orw., -I No. " low- lhi�in go fill tht..r* ;lq 14 if Ill,. ilist,I&I, (.1 oot sontery between desire to co-oporlitto with the police Crad.liert­To 4 taildospLoons; fine c"t - Heating iind agitating rawnng th,. cns,. with attle.ti."t 411" f"'I "X- t0lo. IIDII till' ki"I'll.itIL Ill Pet 26 and Nov. 17 A dollp., nteh from Cleveland, Ohio, authorities in suppressing the liquor cracker crumbs, arlid I cup nillu, 1 -tile 91"'404's fit run togellivit- in clohm-tv (III dry fodil,-1 lon(I gelin Theruu3Or8 of thesinkingof a ise ys: I.,ifteen People Were Injured, traffic, They have agreed to make M73 hOt Water anod salt to t It It r, pit, 'rain iat'wh so lariff.- It I ..... It. I I hospital ship at Port Arthur are be- three and awt roo, 9 " haqti-o� 1-1--ain ri4iJIK The 9 IV 1104milfily more of Whom returns arid pay duty on all goods Witter and Millic on the ;tovt- lopr(qther flasiteuri7inK milk broallq I I, Ill,- Iv art It will ?I'll I"fil %N11,11 I%,. , .-'1 10 1, lioeved In Toklo but thtkv Oos not Will die. AR a result of a colliotion be- which they trade off In Canadian till hot, than add rmcker cruMI)l groups of glolloles. an'd lo-ric." f Ill. lie di4,L i,%t;. d ll..i.- It 14 corifirmed ofllclaliy. tween a faV month bound train on territory. Carn Meal -To 2 tnbleq�,?OOTILI corn crearn ristoon ;,Wer nion hu%Ne%or. it) rtinotwilit, will, " 11"111 .4,1, '),,t 1-1-01 Ili I1.1. the Cleololarld nnd rittsburg road. Initial add I t0hilesPoon nour, I pt. than 'alfillas(eur iod I I it, '11,04 10... lit, roil k I -`v flgl�it riolon Ltiml fin I'll ph 't If I COAL, STORES BURWEL). and a trolfey car on the Northern boiling-Warter and 1 pt nlill�. occurs; ethen ruilk Ili lilr� Lhroogh it will% the ploll. ctalcentl"It.1 Vrion. lit( 1� 1, .1 lik Ill Af IV Cilhin, Tra(tion lint-, on Fridav, near DREAMS RATAL RESULTS. flour and corn meal with cold centr1rugal soy,mil-rilor. allot 1,,r f It,, Wall.), Ifful ,flt rlwd, A A despatch from Toklo "aye Bedford. a Ill. water, Q reasim %tolioll cr-Inin iippf-oir,, within oa,y r ­n, If, or 1 0 Telegraphting on Thursday the head w miles ealit, of this 0 1141d the boil-InV water and - I, — in I Ill. Cuok Sam loll, ",1 11 �0, I qViarters of the army "fore Port fly. The trolley car was struck by Woman Looking for Her Savings thr"O ctr four hoorIt CuLrit mbal t1infam- thim crilarn ralit%l 1)% 011111141 1- 1,-t fr,.,. flon, If.. thillth'. Arthur reports the IM Son or train *hIln the ]at ( er in Pantry. coinght to coulk a long fitniI. grcL%Itv riethod of tile sam-, lj,-r,,-nL- Us" if' tlIu? ....... f Ili— J.r,o.T­tary Ill., lilt At I," fritini: "The cOlifilgration In 'the buildings wag R fully 50 miles tin hour. 11orl'Y-Stir I tal,leml:vfn harlqv age ol� lilt or It ot'lina".1l, W.40, I'll. whuh I- would ho -111,0 inear the 'arbenell, caused by our e 14-rha,,.4 III ch'a" Until In 1*0 lectric cir Was exit completely A despatch from, Chicago) says! As irk I ill. fresh toolllnpr Witter net[ Itoll which, as reported on In two end (he Wreckage th-rown Milk coton bi. oll,lided it is - n'resnit of 'a dream, Mrs. LJ/.vie Con- I to -2 hours. FORNI IN FT0014. anythinir oFe W!.=.gdu:yS beitin about SIX ell 41 years old, lost her life on Ill domrvd. Atratin throcough it sieve and Whill- synifitil-trical prol,l In Lind III,- he'l flol,.1 It. -1 1 noon, NoV, ty or stiventy feet to one il Th, 02, cbritinued runtil 2 o'clock on thi passenger train was not derailed. Th a nenday and her husband and infant sw(,etfn to suit tlb�e tastc. whatever unfroni, form ar,l ldea�inV to NiPAT. morning Of NOV. 2.9. It to probable elo,tri, car carried as lififiNvIliverg child wern fatally burned In lit, gitfioc-Pitt 2 mllc,l� to( Irown the eye, they really o(,cilliy it ittori, I r I ill, fill I I nv' r wh cli partly their oe Onst 1 6 1 Pt. bollincr wnt,,r. I,et important cillIct, in fluit OwN, aj.l, I, The gio,,nd i­,nt ,.4,d I.v 14-1f I N 'I ltbat the coal utorem have been bura- fourteen man and one woman, till of I dest roved I whom were more or less severely Ill- The wOmfill dreamt that her savings giforrier qM11.V "Iml lit'r.1"I'ml It, I. "o"ll if I Item y had ImtlI �tnliql Is thor- true Indication of utilit Pe, It avq L' jured. stolen from a hiding-plaeo oiLqllly softened. Sirloin. sold miguir no triort, alit Illustrat Lori of I Io. o ti, I S I Y.t I'IL,N,,,IJ ItV I',!e,'ff,II Ill., Iollo,..1 MORE TROOPS FOR. RUSSIA. in the bottom of a sugar jar In the anif trerl serve hot. truth can be I ... Inted to than tin fact- 'hawr� in ­If,�, to -xtrwt till 11'. 1 INDIANS INCREASING. Pantry. Startled by the reality 1, nod ili'l. gf:­Ind 11, or,f,-r Ill, A despatch to (he liondou 'Stan- ir i"I"Rel Lemonolklo-'­To 2 tab], dent which ocourred oft the s t dard frout Odeaga, Says it is author- the drooftlin, site took a lamp lit one spoons, Whole flaxsemlid Wnsb, 1. -1 11111il.-I Slight Deere add I Louls show-gruunitiq In file (ltmm, Itatively stated thifit Russle. has ase, For Year, But hand and ter baby undler her cithm- I­: ado. pt. boiling water fill' fjl"f )U1,-- lit'. over the flftx�qol Mf qlmnier 2 or 2 ovie ywr tililln. %an it feirly il decided upon a genotal mobilization Sm More for Dee arm, and went to frovesillgate. The Pour tJo wat,r for ultaollitions,1111) of fill baricl till .... ...... 1.11 ot troops throughout the European A dt-srritA-h front Ottuwa qnvs The lamp fell front the w(mnn'9 hand holitrit; Strain. a,'(Wd ),,mort to showing ixhith Inthild.-d winn,-tq ....... n. I I. ­ provinces Of the Empire. It Is said, ludlaa 11CIP111111ill, or Canada, end explo led "I'llbal . 1 1 4rl In 1�f 11 1"(- 1 )lit that the Mobilization Will from il ulfks4 of Pfrnined flnx-,"l water of first hf,n(.r% In toll of Ili lifli.r.-ril d lie I fer 1, nil, ,,, wed 41�, 'begin in cording to the lateit returns to the lit an adjoining roorn, it 4 11 I-n- It.. .11o%rod to min unuary . 4 made a brave attempt to put out the Rel -A ,l very hot on rell.tol ll,reedn 'Iho competition wn, olokil- ?,fit I- pro".l.o.11 Npartment of Indian Affairs, is log,- old nr hot for Ilmir IV narrow.lif down to a J,ol _( ienialn with Ou. oll-iii ll� Ill., ilinaTow wnrilli flame. and f1rallv succeeded, wltli the trtinhie axid Mon 956, which Is 275 less tharithecount I'larlov Wnter-To I tollolem;Pootln War R Iltorkstifre nnd it Yorkahir,,. Iliv 1� nlAo ond Mill ill... it t I— JAI'S USING 3LD RrM-r-A. allowed in 1003. The record of rect- aid of a mattrof*-0. but only after he. lev, nAd 11 lorries; nowar I Imnor, 1 final dedsion being in fal,or of I,,. The war correspondent of the wth ' t oa Proves, As well all tile wife affild child. had � however. that the oqt. boiling water. Witfoli the barlev Puland-China, 0 ell " Ills J d4 Paris writes: "In the 'battle of;CQrC 'hich been friphtfully burned. Mrs. Couet arvi 11"Ift"T Th'. ,l th" S I I I ��;l? Is cXcrcisecl over tile red , All the InitruIlloinfit; to -1 At the corl halg., Ferfril CATTLE FXPORTR I'Af.f (if I IN I I N Sha HLVor the bellig4rents us, I nit in itbo one of tile MPAII�meritteof tho died w1hile being taken to & )iosrl ILVics as gether. The barley Noon qsfjn.9 nnil gaAe Ili,, rmsonto for thiq (114l'o"itio hof,-),. th.- .,fY,,l lit houht,-, li­js­ Many projectiles as I �.Vl -I: I Ulso-yang. Ili, ono d I - I Government has Arreoted the mixes WON Walter. Strain nnit opr%, of thoi Iihillwn, I lit tnt,�q- rr-marki ind -1,-n 101,,nft� .I it-., I Ill 1, Shiptnents Fioi,, rtroi:tr, III r A ay more than very heavy death rate, so that In fr,r ft.%er. or were inchtdo,l ri";": tin rr,-IL. till of Atbirl, �q tlif000gm, I 00,000 shells *are fired and SO.- 11the last HACKED HAND AND FEET. rOldi- This Ill excellent ri:ontion n4 von I),,. Se'annin qhow Dr,-rei, dectiolo Cho Depoortknontal Cold'that effects the Iangq gencrid rhnrnIflr I I hog likiniond.-i A fft men Put out of action on eath tnumeration 41votif an Incr Of Terrible Deed of a Lunatic on Is I,v the pacill flint Lihould It,- lif-rol siffle. qSV*n!i per cent. of the line- more than 0 ease tv'Inolliv 1: rot, n, I I ...... I .,,I Ight tliUUFAZLd Bonds. %i,,w h,e farinor and lireettfer altko, 1�" riot awnt' toc Ov, .wr­ mijillik Wounded will rejoin tile rAtnks Visit Near Montreal. Ill-,AI,I,V PIJACTICAT. after a twO-*"kN' atay in the Ii eIrrolninell thni tit-- witioning hok cAitibrG Pon DicarRTERS. JA despatch fron, Alontreal ono." Alany pretty things, can It- In ha%im� rool,t, men %Ill.- ,nd It 1' ('1111i"A I (fli, III'Al. I if to ohn Arnold, a lurl muitliated from the WrIsits of discarded srluvite,o bn(k lines and It Ilion- ionif6rypi (-(I% I-o, A,The WOUIT11111, 0110od- by the I Open till blillistil iiij lot L Jap" Large Xti*b#t of I hima6lf 1111 a most horrible manner oil As every woman knows. when tile erine of fl,­Lth. 1,-q thirkilning tit front n h. sow I the moat p , 't us$ian go diorto Tuessinit leolit, ejeepitl*,fien they occut'lu Ao bi Sent It . at 4 Grenty,110, Whither he )Ong evoninflC Wolves 01-P Patti that'- sholl)(fer le" flaid,im-go; In belly anoll 2 Fat plill ao(i I I Woftt- from the Verdan Asylum to prime the will9tt are Stiff g ... ill. Iflank, het I pr orpring of r1l), 41,-r ­t . t r,-I:ulnr Il .I,[% I omen. thi J1404iiiia, 11111M 'hilifill A do4patch fralot vieniffin, says: Th - 3. *rmto little, begirifthlit "'Lto' ftill oldiLlfies. thi nelicif 0 visli relatives, He. hectored tin (kite A kettle holder flit. firink latwolk 4if the frfend who Ift alui .1 Inakertil, that m,x,Io IN it`106'Of Umberg, Gain- and cut oft hill left liand lit theWrill serves Lo, co,clock teaA 19 a jrm I y I a ifle IrArrn�q ahirh 1,rood�l to out ,I. to ..... alta of *141-oltola �Illft In 1 4 Kptp Ifuli okill In I_alth fix It. A accoltifling to d t6legrainq frrmi then split his I(oft toot CIPlin of the mado f rom It Wo sholmotivilot f, I lo it I. a pl r I Ix-tter nd%nulnge ansl with a I bathing nt,,l 1 *12 6h ,:Lo We 0121, ,4,,-r ad pptN of w"Ill'. than '11, d 6, thillit tOW11, d0rJittilititt 480 Ruttelan instep. and hacked the toes OR his R WQ,,Lj, An, tile FAW arill a Palt, ton. Two ovals proparl join Irmed *4hW;,lloo k r- Caltivnte it h­rNI qlm,t -Ml.p.,, off t-1 ifesetterst by train 613 Mrsiday even- right font., When dillcoverell Arnold ineftniring Ili ruffil I Incheq at It till ofhoroli It- rall-d olt-milon W Till qufficiorill 611-1, nt)(I rorloil ""ll lit 01-ol AL" f I firle'to 04COIrr., WhAtod they Wilt be Was Coolly, pratedding to flautilate widof"t Plill'tit, are Cut. Oft one of I lie Importarl nf I, IrnJlrht oi- it "at alf here. 061heir, arrival In himself further, tt Wag w gb Hall (It.. 8 V n?JA Itill difilicul- pleeeiii, "r the lower etfVn work tile ifirch,ml bofic�k. littal gul., Iiiq Manuil OACH ran 6*111 lie given a t . And nw- V4 t tit lit@ life W" O&V*d. as the flow 'reirliplatIt's Inonogratint or Inifinim with to a' borl, That hutupt, ot�r Ili,. Inin 1,i)v(. orf, -n �A deep& of �ffiiltft Alp titkillit to Ate rotn­ i'TI Ifi,,- It lion '91'Mt- His Wes ilbld-ocolorriff does. place tile Iwo -ton- Ills; one rr:lkllan "Into that ill,. nfif qn(I gr�,, out lilol. a Innil'. Zood WAS r &fba. Another J c I've sub" tdilow froln, brot*ht lit �Plllil Victoria 11011- eletilloor n"d brittobillic, a r It, $fttX)ll Alt'04,446WI-tiffils -fit,& lAtal, V�J*foa As floW 11ifill Is, a critical filloolavy IIOAS. Tho holder lot doubled Ilion wan malaiv In line with th(l on, o"P tooddlIln denti, edit lo tile nollroll; With mol lac)lcl it, loonfirth. and thiII trif Tht-r.l I, lint too$ A61- Witl 111"Ifif women to ollel� eighl 64riloo" I'llfinn, iistitutit it r P in ing tit fli, foot I I, ab6ut tile h"ill of tile kettle. idlot of brecIders; pretitent. y r'or ol, < N, 4 till* W% 14101 Villill 17 �1,71 A J. 4 1, J. o4l to aeX*d so. Very x0muo to* "Cloo. ego, at oattlet. Is carried did. -0- , " I V. Mint. of Winnipeg, took lk)ow'fai Qw. 0"Adoile of cough medicine unit rft $1.09 to g 04 Cal IQ by aw to raise ofit.l.ubiti, tit, Install 110c for goose. I'llit, UA of OW5 4 to A ratepayers t ve 1�st cirot Vole DQU. 20 oil find white. 95C (or ............. 11 . . . . . . W F6 the two, topiper lay 40*a am bo Ztt 111"itob fall,, 4 Wiest IN municipal electric light plant, ;Aqmr evioush. thick Colonel 44 that 140- 1 uOrth9ra, 51,02; Nou oil 0 AR I a A, - 009 meet 1w tAo 004- aw that thaea are 04EV"And all A WIN- itim, autinfitoted to or' 4=141 t4o eads 14 littlia but, low b7c; No. 3 northerift; 92C, 0 liOV Ira of t 0 itil, the V h *44 atilip, -'emd, W 111, the lkuury to Ueurgiont Bay Porta; tile, Luore grinodi, that hov . , �71 Qft% 111100OU11910 ItAb Others Wrong. There a". however, HilifiIIIen, ratepa 0 lk youre in, Jot m th,0 411coll cornier 0 tye Matter. A -Ord 4 90W Oft"itClied" iZf--thG-V-n41 fe(dilag ot,totgItllif. Viz., talft drive. potioud llper t. pot ents are Woo cotatto -assioutial- to imccmu ralmo 420,0W for 'the Piro U 'Over Coto An; Patter. lavill hot will hold tKem, In place. a blue blot- 8001111 cattle, VIA, abur4ilaw Of Cheap Efainfilt011'a noty,-itth- qtluLed at con 0 f1 .4 a 49 Agnsw to"Irau a 444P A R 413d dreta. IlLo ter With cerfatil of white k-ld era- winter feed. Cond good management. stundiifilif the deductions of tile Court it twt'st. Ific to 200 1;.A the list net broilifered wlt� One bkok fdlk to alm. b,ittecu or twenty years ago tile of Revision, is Infolrunsd thi, We sat her IAilliltUtba t4" .till gr ollbotted Singer A Iwo. A §1'ale 14CO SIPPILittill to vbry effective. cattle rellfiIi1red for Cho export trade tU,ouo 00t). jet tho 140ps�ioiaks 'At $3 8�1 to for first p&LT 4" unof t eV ell t1litiow aul sest ljo%, '111111,44013, In& the Cape were the heavy four allod five Year ON There are 2,000.1AK) b. N53 2t, A 4:40 loot rettlea t ;tb to A. lifeboat a W t 19 tion hMOf vi to for ecou4 I bog iall. while islocrill weighing 1.400 to 1.800 Power used nl� the we,. patolits, tuld 4Z. to $a.80 fbr baL aril, 'a Y' a that' they ht* the slittere, as it vAll h QA- rta of lower 1o;%fNumd clialit I& ovtfry� largo. plaxicida. At tht time quaikity. not Doluirion Ilia t for the �12 g, kill may. the wImpose of escaping d of thiso W 4 for bralf, " 4. M4 Cgratill of Minist Iltan hot qXAIS- �91 no #a water t4 �_ho a fropogram worked upon It. quality, "was in from the blisloqVii city, Tiiig n 'y saTo-day we Canada hit% cal.-lienth - in litilk; $1.7.,NU tu' a ad great eXcitclunon IM Brent. Out lattat them, Ut thoult M �-that water and ammunition ore viory Brilit 01111111011-1111 and mulch gold tlared firld that CORIP00t, wull-finishod two flsbo 690 ', $q em" it"est ey.4CO 1% irrt Arthur, but that 114 thooroughl soft and bruj-�- will be eflfacllvxi�� and three year Ott! arflumile wel%hilag docidett to ailAul �U;i- entry $19 for' r1lb them through 4 coarse the 150� geaquil; there to lost from 1.250 pounds up Will coultmand of lieceraber jlu,,t all 'for si fur u. il 09. 'here hive, Wt4iit THE CARE- OF -IMMIGRANTS stove ill 0 wooden spoon, DON'T FOR UOTHS RS. the highest prices. Of course, if Of wit -11111 tbt, dm [lot rot, Nu . Nil' lot- Nil, '41 Measure 10111on I Ilk lt;A& V4 the polp. atect to onvIi cupful allow alits ,I the - f t may. 4aths fkom-� phus fever. eQ Don't telt tha ­cbl woolgillit can be coldimed with quality, Inalting clut4l'i". 7wroutu frulli;lits, e" Of granfulatod sugar. Put,,Ahou do t ldrin what you DIL'ohliubor renot-twatiouN. Theri are now fewer Dr. ryto "Arranges Itir Opening of so much, the bottoin'. but tiluality A. Motedoll"I(I will next cc tho no most . at. 7,',c Jur No. 2, 4olold troops � 'formIng the active 'as t_r p Y.. , 4 1 q I. Pulp over - the tire acid let It boil is of firat impoitanco. From the luave Winnipeg fur th 56el .4 o,rop Y, Which wat ort, Hospitals. Don't %yadt an the childtion; make TwellIt 't ousand are 'hard. thM stir fit the augur and Stilt. them 'Olt On ylcia. aye: butcher's point of view the steer of district will, a plurt.N now Atucricun 'A Montrieftl ifeepositeli 8 Dr. Lo. in aL Very few oil wounded miN -4. t 90 41. despatch likom tai quality Is the ano which Carries to investigate tit 0 tlfou . t 'break a promise to your the vall iiiiiii, oe_Ijkll t9 -the ki. Bryce. JUS16tor of Im. Utes it,WA11 Jelb'; renlioVe from the dhadrout -centagoo Of Itiu weight that country f,,I- III, lluiiiiliivtt' or th 94 jig I t the greatest pot A a 0 0 tandard repootts increasing. des0r­ migrants, was in Mo*trial on Thurs- fire, unld POur Into glasses arid set In th of a tions from Pot Ooia't talk about yoaf�r neighbor. t Arthur gArriRVA. In- day, an route from St. ohn to, Ot. cool in those purts of the cravaso which �Iace. A large -quantity may give the highest Priced Cuts. lit Chi- .,(dill J. Cowie, Scottish .Aport oil N Daffl'tIstoold at the table. THA, SHA 41VEA. v the Alpopatiosei lines. the stories tOwa. He figs been arraffiliring' for be Mado 'at, one time. " it will p I low 014 kvo DOn't hlt their I,41-rOslpect by cago and Now York mark, -. the cutting herring, Who WA Notint. hy tit ' v' the opening of the Goveralliqat Kos- At ea. :3 tpit. I*tri;g them boforo ix-Noors, most discrimina0tiq in thu world, Mloloiter of to Itil Ig -ate tit the 46gertaftitoll indicati tb ' d ver, youg itnd moralization d 'A despatch frolin Lonlilon of the rRual .11 Is top Immigrants at St. Joblit and t Wield XitiAial oylliall 0 Ic data. The same correspondent *aye for the winter months, Herttofore t Don't overdress littje children. the r and Into vti, command over herring flidleriva on fpe ,It er tulPe Is needed 6r tVis dish. lJon,t dive then, too ny tillieff tho coveraV Price [laid that ulte of the I rgvst and the correspobdonts the Russian forte on tho. sool-froult of. the various e havq_,C ma Pre.. foul tampoules toIr4 no longer firs-iin the Port +10blelf- Into tilrlke�,V be cli�anod and for the minnint of the co�cfase. ural industtriem in the w Vert Russian reconnalasafaceim the ed these hostAtals, but the' Golilern. SiPlit In Wilts before they are, 10 years old- orld van It,, If. It Should be boijed they are liable to an -ainforosil, warships of It Is ailiparout that tile prhnili� beef lislhwi tiferu. ,�Allia kiver. here has been Sul approach of J ment has fiev; undqrtakon_tob AirifilisMitig, in which there were siv- A despatch to the Chroulejo aid built la fever IfOapital in Conn ling t(Ocen niot t with a sharp pointed knife. �are'bo- find before they are 20. animal must be good fit theme parts. from work. p pierce the alkin. on They must be thickly and evenly cov- Chafoo states that the Japanese tion With the detention ahatht. lay ft CuP1UJ �61` veal or 'e lit 1,, ALAC ft,l- ifea each halt ered with firm. yet nintl9xv, flesh. of As at remult or rt�ceat steamer various companies will be assessed mushroom stulffing. Roll the turkey, Iu r dvancing. I-lnglish c -respondents Tung -Chow. bound from Spaughai uniform good quality arid free Ciiiosualtie3, but nalther"armly Ira have caNured the British a A NEW BRAoR RUSSIA.. sed Immigrants the 11111kin Should be an the outsild alike earan the 'Japarl Side say that tie for Port,Artbur With 8U.000 casas e, frolm hard rolls arid blubbery patchea- out ft-tod of' cluilhig. t *111lueltion IN ti'altered. T4 Rubalaus treated. am cover, with some thin stripol Reformers-Riquested to Interview n of canned meat. The Russo -Chinese of voarsQ. Patchy animals, 'wili tin long, Ilipil Occasionally attack Isolated points, salt Ifoork. Tlb the rolls firmly With the Czar. Ilauk financed the attempt to run or be toleraliml. much to" those that tar -1 t, ill Iturnt.(I 311t)III t I but gain no advaintages, The Ru-s�' the blockade, which cost $1,85 000. twins. Put the rolls in a shallow Pan A St, Petersburg despatch says tire bony and bare of flesh has lately dally I I an CIA lit With Just lllkifii�lent water to cover SFAVEN YEARS FOR H The unexpected may happen after ON THE BACK AND RIB.Ii. ill, kill, The captain's bonus woo $20 000. AMEL eared -for Kialo-chau, In.,,pegillarity afWd Intensity. -rho steamer cl, them, to WbIctk has been acilded a all. The meeting of the Zemstvol ill additluni, to the general beef oV"GtLtl Oyinow, and Ill generals are the German port In Shantung Pro- Ez-City Paymaster of Montreal little parslley� a small onion, a car- "First Russian Congress." us,it is to orguttiwutio' lu, xvith good backs. ribs loins, there ill. says tile eirlinent Ali,-. Ali I e lie Confident that the Jeopoinescl,positiolas Vince, Chips. rot. will seasoning to taste. Simmer now Called, may, indeed, work tile r nd Now N'll Brokengwro. talm9i be Successfully fliasall0d.�Wlfat,` ' It is itialitably reported that the dig- geaVy 'kill done, It eallien hot' k inauguration. of a new era for Rus - favor reinforcements the Russians bring sops A d Is N -of. girig of tunnels t plarc th 4"Wh from Montreal says: a sauce by thickening the a.7 n milk. Emperor Nicholas, the initin- erican authorit rl ttlagainst them. oUtterly brok. doWn and In tears, Which the rolls were aimmored. If tor of the plan for universal disarm- tain quitlity, character. style and at ihe Stingsbushoon. Zrluu�jeux Ld h constitute an Important g,\,I 11 of) IJAPS oCCU;'— Tungkillwan Forts has already be. Al.rlhonse Hatual, the ex -city pay- cold, glaze and ornament sending to ament, may turn back upon the ro- IlLED I�QUTUEN., gun. The suppers tire m4kiligit. master, on Tl�ursday, pleaded for the table whole. slicing Ili thin actionarles, and crown his reign by factor lit doterinintug tile N-altio tit .,9 t SI and flu I,esti istfuctory progres liven sint:v s alislinst 208 kit re - the mercy of the court for his Wife slices When needed. 1'. A despatch from Fild Ue4dirtuarterts, granting to his subje�ta the corl beat cattle. one of the first Hill, which, When it is captured, will 'dW cildren, and at the close Ttvike, tutipit whi�h him grandfather had at- 'tions of this Is to be found in- the sise-.01ilu's Army, vl&,Flupan _V Reeltauffe--From, the re- (lit tlw,�- u that ' is 'reader the harbor untenable for the plea lie was seri'tehoolt b�y judilo'cho- main , reaUy prepared when he fell by the siltin and coat. A good feeding fin,- t]Russians, are sKowthgo'solke a6- Russian warships, quiet to sevela �earml In St. Vincent do usable into small slices. Take t hand of an assassin. The basis of real should I'dVe a suit, niellow touch no ofliMoll in front or Gen.'Oku's arm Paul Panitentlary for forging 4 city such a I possibility is tile. signiticant and 'it soft. but thick, anti heavy At dawn - oil Friday detachments at MMM small bones and trimmings, ATG BATTLE IMPENDING. cReque for'810.040 an the Bank of fact that late Friday afternoon tile Col A unyielding sikin 1-4 n tacked oct two places, t)io left a find cover thein with watr. ad Simineir tentre diviltions. The Contra Tepul"d A despatch from St. Petersburg 49111treal. Until the final )four be- for an hour- all incore, adding any Emperot, received it, the palace tit indleatini, or a sluggish ell It t;t.' Itit 1. 21, XIS attack imintediaitely a fore appearing, for Tsairskoe-Selcit -M. ShIpod of Mu�icuw, ami 1()w powers. A o....... ,,t &EmtmcO Hellas I It rRvy that ad the''Idt Sayllf APPeAralftcoob ugOiD POInt to may be left over. Mince M istellolt-I ik numin vi"I'l A4d also after a hard ftgot,, the possibility of a big battle south ;kept up a pretty good front, lit the If- Patrunkeivitch of Tever, At proininert, yet placid, yc, clean -cit of I.,,I As it. roll but, tile tQrkeY­liVer fine. Stra Rioliziaulto of n-aterinoslov und features, fine horn, aiml clean fint, oult of the reulse tX4,Japartesis PC- of ItiWilden, The Japanese, according . When he asked for mercy for his wife qur from the.bono�,. etc.. arid return Iclifig and childretit, and when the judgel's, It to the mail ' Count Heiden, foul- prominent inem- bone. Lill go tit Indicate gumml fet.,I- Vtupded Pontoon. The Ruastans left to an official report, have received a cellan. At5d the liver berm of tht Zenistvu Congress, and Ing Ll"alitv and to,take tin Scathing words told him that, e and I t the mixture 'boil Up. Put listened at length to their views. 'the, highe.st 0 ftanyl dead on the field,.- Govern setbatak in the viciniti of SIA- I sholuld have thought of 'ttist before, the so nIld tsintlot, in which direct Does finish of ton they lip" lie broke of turkey in another pan. Thu Zemstvaists went to Tears- consequently to �otomand top pill co.q. JAPS H01,D TAIDIR GROUND. Purently were attempting to execute down completely and dredge u little dour'ovec them, add ko"elo by Imperial comman. At osobbed, Coartio-13onod, rougli lolimaig nre all- 1:11111" to us front ollif & wide turning movement. Military Is. piece of butter and pour orall their audience, it is understood, they moost in,111-iclolv slow loedo'l and "hich are tA desotch from Gen. Kutroki's Opinion artircely believes It,possIble the gravy made front tho bones and explained I Ily their position and'bard to linish "clillituly, tho (pullitN ut III. a 231madquartigs in the Field,.via Fu- that the two grant armies can winter ASTRAY LETTERS. troinaminge. Let the whole get hot reiterated the V lows expressed by these unit all, it is we are Jaelging. limit w,- are nom, says: The reports circulated dur- less, than a rifle shot from each nud'leave it to shmner gx-ritly for ten the mernor 1 at that the suhatiun fruit% to havp %lizor arid consti- li1114.121 lair the prost week in the eastern other, though, the heavy defen D minutes. Adid two pickled walnuts rAin by artment Will Follow up Cases revolution lay lit tile adop- tlktl�n. Papers hud probably telegraphed each side made It extremely de&:l't and a table spoonful of walnut vIne- Wt- find ilI'Tulleh ' ''limit lion of the n "road to the effect that Gen. Itouril goneial ideas -expressed tit a Ili,- forehead. it prominent Itust, (die uf Ill Iat Tor either to assume the offerisive. It 7 JOReported to Them. ear. Tae the slices or turkey from the inernorlool thiit the makation front l,r,nd the t l9tkin, In making a general. -holvance, is believed. however, that It the An Ottawa despatch the pan and lav them on some triall greloth Inenn 11, 1 da of ed back the Japanese says :—The Impressed by what lit) heard, heart girth and it venilral rohn'st '!us %xiiatil n,,l th--in %yriony:notim pu9b A left- deadlock is to be broken Gen. Kou- Postoffice Department has issued a Pieces of toast�d bread, which have and asked fatall questions. While it dist of three infletill.,,are wlict- ropatkin will let Field Marshal Oy- notice wh Ch is 6f more thoun usual "biftea irrartifed on a hot platter. Poor IS U that lie gave no Indi- pearance I noderstood. 'The Situaton ha's -re- ama take dhe Initiative, as the Rus- interest to the public. Ithe grAvY over all and*Nerve cat-lom. of his purpose, except the 1 tied With th(- tarild, itt a recogn 7,e a 6slined entirely unchanged during the sians have the better of the present Persons receiving letters that have hot. It will not he ifficult 11111t e\ttn-11411 indications. its I!uAill, aymRoithy he displayed, the depute- ,,, � I IIIfa—mi- a h armies tl'dtabli� stoel,,r 'ie fit,,- i,i-n Is n elltposition, namelyl, a strong line of been inis-sent or delayed are roquest-I Potted Tui*ey for Saffdwiches — tion when it returned to St. Peters- have donlitless, stronlirthened their do- defence, and wor, IIfence and so Unladen behind them, ed to preserve the envelopes and Tookois the mobt from a rola roast burg was In high spirits. - 6wilig Inent found It (I'll ocumulated supplies, 111 making satistactory_ winter,quarters se2IA them specialty- - direct to, the I ttwrc and pass, it thr The news that tile delegation had to Ilw �-xponAiton 1 11 1 ough the rhopol- 'e ( a I "Y where the Russian reinforcements ate Deputy Postmaistor-Goneral with any P:ng macb1nou with the finest plate In Ifteen given an audience b� the Fill- blualneiLs (furfug tile flilt,-.-n or The Ilustilans continue their recon- now accumulating for an advance Information In the case that may it. Weligh or measure I, he It ut&e.v, and peror Spread like villdilre through ill, t"enlY it is becoming to, N%c t"issauces in front Of the JuPftnesc next spring. The Japanese also are be of service to the dopfartment inIallow city at night and created a tremen- and In0r,' dill"Ictilt to ivroearo- 'half as touch choperd ham. dous sensation, rejoici g a: -kerli for lleleft, but there has been no general strongly reinforced. The rivers are making mon 'investigation. 'Season with Salt anod perq)er, arul I I molig _N1ci( .. ti�� ,It Letters which are riot registereill liberals and amazement afflicting the factory 11-illink a farmer Is almost. already frozen stufficlent 111gagentent or change in the Japan- tly to permit a pirl of around mace. Melt some itirig of flit it wool Oft outreached positions, of the are carried through the mails andl romising supporters of the ell movement of artillery and d bin ter, allowing tin Ounce to uncomp inuflelloff to breed 10% ll In cam, being of (Itilillty. 00 . f Id regime. he lim-s %.., I.),, Ii n 1, not 'If Shelling if es ace ounces of meat. 0 (.(1 toto, inore riat trains, so that the they are addressed without any kind OJj + cannot he ulto h (1114,10% lit tile I'l -lit The Japanese, continue t comandisse. delivered to the per#ons to whout each Mix all the daily rhich too It, country actually Is better adapted to f record being kept of their deliv- thorolutif ly together. Prost; the ment ,elML COMPOSITION OF' MILIC. , of tho llre I sht-Alld never Im- for- IIn front of the caf4trul army avid in a Jalkilluese acivance than during the n ow Jars, arid cover the top Italany Places the wfiqle line o' I into viliall f trench- summer. ery. The department has. there- with inelted h t Tl' keep Milk is made up of water and Sol- go'.ten that h.. is Itiolf file liurd. 0000 (owlilion of I—" 19AS so close that the Japanese chn fore, no means of knowing how the " ter grade , ows q 1,. ]1- lit) lWinif. A ILI 11 in I Sevral days in a T3.11,0 id., the solids varying froin 1 1 to AI . ..... tit frorn."fMt tile ),ull should .1draw flru at arw,time by displaying CAPTURE RUSSIAN CAMP. postoffices are doing their, work, on- chloiliped toinpic tituted 16 per . cent. and averaging about 13 at, Y8 tape on Sticks. less those whose correopcondonce- is may 8 rturoloed. It IN rNior A few casualtit, A despatch from ToUlo for the ham, or half ham and hnIf Put' cen't. The solids are Ligill.11 '(It - a result dally from says: On subjected to Irregularities bring tongue m fifl\, evnis fIilMonday these to Its notice, ay he used. vidod '0 into fat and solill ,,,n Ill �2,1 Il11flqe fire, last a detachment captured roit of the (,III(, lind frIlla ITuryce SOLLP--Take the remains (.if The solids not fat dissolved in the the Rusellan CamP at Ipauchan. The + t1ho t k "- to Itfiven iI.,i' Russians were reinforebil. and endea- eY when there Is not sufficl- water ritake a thin.myrup, of- nernin. to' - ITS CAPTURE CERTAIN. Ur ih anfinal ili lth., III, It Pit for Noto-hing, and IiAnco it In Fat Will riot dissolve in'water. In ... ...... rete, e. camp with a FUNERALS SNOWBOUND. ant 1 fIvored -says that the publicll alry 1 0 (Soo as. After, it light Roads Are I WhillotOVel' of grarvy or staffing re- scr0scuPic globules, which 'v'ary tn itt"i1q, lollit-14 I lit I l It n The Tokio orrespondent with all the bon" milk it Is foull in the form, of all- IN al. ;.-I, I.xg. ILondon Times f and 800 env- 'red obtaill,41 in fill Is; n iu,l" Uf�, . I 0 c, assable in the Brit- maing. immer gently for at 11st. I'I'Dvq no for the tion of unofficial news from Port Ar. that I& od eo hours, they 'were rovinces. cc f�noro 21,000 to 1-40,000 oil an 4 The driven war ishm? Take th,, hones a I. In '.1, 1 d, IIthur is no longer prohibited, the listen iver Pass, two hours. a meter. AN INFERIOR ANIMAL_ eIbesiegers' works are progressing leaving � 50r A London despatch says :—U pre -'strain the llillfid an -A piel, The globu'Jes'in the mill of Jorst" " n1mndant suppiv of f,, -.I nali tivill orapidly, d and sdx prisoners eadented snowfalls coultinue in n I tV i ilnotWithetairding numerous bi the other with con the pleces of ineat which rernain in the and Guervioevitt are larger thauti those is essential lo aide, to tnecess Ili Iv 2 petty sorties, which are made most, able equl British provinces. Many Places and striner, "Mince Oic in,atl finely. iil- In the milk ',)f Shorthorns azb,l 11ol- loi I I I ui The JaPftese Casu- villages, are ing to '110, 1, 1� I ly at night. It is noticeable that a isolated, and everywhere tnrn the liquid to tho, fire, season. Ktiinq. AN the milking pericid of it cattle fill c" t 12. in I—. 'leading Journal, which recently urked tion of ho� i,l gi,tiu hill., %[A alties 'were abouttllthirt. in the North railvydy communication anid, when boiling adil a 11.111.4ful of cow they beculum- with ativ I Ion' tilgin (if fin,fit W,- In'I'l Ian immediate assualt, regardless of Is delayed and in some Parts entire- ineli long land. touch moro numerous. If it Julia su. t�XROLJLJNO CUINESE. ly stopped. There are instances fAcces of marar,mixi. Lot "IethJug that, cen lit' 1101'. tonw, 101A 4116 loss of life, now deplecates -drop of motilk, freshly drawn from th 11 or ehOfl g,nliv i,ittil Ow mnros- e In larger cluntilie!, and lit It %eiv dt-,It .11 lhastoo, inasmuch as the cap funerals being snowbound butw 1, Ader, is viewettl ur;d,,r microscope. niall co.A. J? ture, of, A despatch to Poetersiburg front em root is tender. Then a,Iqf th-1 rnincod and 1,114 "111-n Wt, llwuk �,i t,i I I,, Ithe fortress IN certain ill th Harbin states that the house and the cemeer. 0 tiear the Jaiiallpse v, and chil- n,,a tho globules will appear evenly Its- th,l 1,111 It is I)eyot.(l (itfoo in fill mt, Juture. This reflects the no .1 t Cat n lemon in thin J=e opened a iocruiting oAlce dren have had to Chinese for be dug out of mve tho iw�eds nnfl la� ih,. In tributed cover the fle)(1. After flie fin,[ (ht�nli(ht winter ff,nd nt to, fit— lo'l, 13 1tI omood. which is calm and confident. at' Shitintill. 85 kilornetres drifts between their houses and the the Inreen before the 4onp inilk has Stood it whil, tho.v will I'nsal chief If .17 ...... I "I'lie prospect of the arrival of thelfronal Siamintilly. have dis- schools. Even in West Cornwall 19 Baltic fleet exhilarates Admiral To-Itrillatted thousands of circulars. In- and the Island of Jersey, wh In. This: sonp rnoxv b,I flavor- group in little bolinthes, iln4e tile Its grritt i... ... r the ore ed N%itli tOIGAltoe-, the -tlalnt4i It they are at thu right tenklicra- "tIvIng if jailor whi,,I1 falwhot , , , �. ' I 'I go's squadron. which is longingo to�,Viting Chinese to Carol untle 0 snow is a rarity, heavy falls are rS­;from n can of tonIntne,, ""I h- ture to be Sticky, ftho-y aill run Io- Lhe fa(i Ilint it inn Ili, f4 -d lit ittiv in Ow 1 1. exchange the monotony of the bl ck- Japoixn�se flog and fight the Bo peo'l ported, qt1tuted fror the macot In when -911"Ied rund ux, b,- IIado for a decisive light. ans. The casualties In the assaults from The ease a littIA: onion fully I), 4,41LIeft colme vklble to the naked eve but- t Ion. IN itcircalars t)olnt nut (hill the ter grari 7ni" is th' Ir1wal, winter it haq It,, ('4111 not I'l'i I Aug. 19 to 24 Fire published. The I religions H. the 11no-s nnil il Ih,v il") of Me Chineste and Jujvtn- 0 7 Ill I fil foll I ition of xvhnt takes Aaco I chi'a A. amounts to 1%,Ooo, including ese are identical, ad their hinguInges C pil over, effort I le The globlultos fire I 'fit Ill Ig, rnoncoll(l Y ul 1114- hehl. Ilm fill H-, (Tunli(N. ()it.- Ph.o A ­­ t-i, ,, I , I , ". I I aptains in Hudson's Bay co- be thictmod Willi IN by means, who) grons I hirge 111L-intilvoifitritill (Itim mdi It. I"'king I% qo.%[o,, W.1 550 officers, of whqfn 200 were kill- similar, At the outset the Japariesa of a little He- le in the eyepiece (If I, and lilt,; iontw4lui-tilly %if nisundow it (.)I,. iniwid ­ if till. it ,# I I,, ed. The assaults failed as regardal operating With Police. f1plir w lion measlares t enlisted daily " ave�dgc of 7.04)0 It IN I-il rf itp n or alic Ithe main furtilimtions, but resulted men, sti-n.14 rosico.itto The lint -4 on this mail, suplilv of stl,aw, ull� flnfl 'thal It, poininwot. I,— 1,rl NIt.,I In the capture of wen Were iminediat-Ay solypilw A despatch from Ottawa says .- - mark off the field of the inirrosetype, grof4ing a quaritliv (If roo(4 to r,I,.,l tile two panjung- With LI artanese uniforniq. Subsequent Froin the most northerly post of the tortil the koillhitti(s .,n- llvii­ In 11 1 1: lllll� glolixiles failing be- with it ho (.at, fallen rAIfl;, 'it I Riflolls, vivin.-Wis I"I"n ( ...... I ho I bluan forts, furnishIng commanding differences redilc,xi the onlistillents to North-West Mounted police. situated FOR THE, SICK 11(101f, twetion the lines can be mpoisurcif. vel1v milhonaltAlo cost rootq hv positions for siege guile and, att"fig a thousand. Tile recruits, are I'lot". oI folK 14l.., ill I filled at Herachell Islund, nour the mouth Fo r an I n v n I 1 (1, gi%Q the By adding to known J,iantffN, of bn%'e it &-t-dinif %iiliio, tilinii front th,, v . �i,nlv 11,1,rl I'llO, i, materially In haFtening the end. rot' volluintaryAt,11itin. ll*hey were c Se nt Nof the Mackenzie River, the depci-t-,rilourl-Arrefilt, needed. %.(.t are not atilwater to tnlll(, tile glolres of flit. digestible nlitri-nis whiih tht-v ton th(- �v,,I,-fll this reason the Japanese are not to Yinkow, whence they were d Is- ment has received advfcoos, which Ili- ,f idismayed by the terrible cost. tributed it, .]fit dicate that everything was ju satis- hearty us the same tool would be car& 118 counted bv usin the nxicro- fain, fit 'lint Ih,,v ittlorri­' it 1),-noto. c harm- ti-rr,t,, I I,,. Prisoners say that -the pflective th inflese regiments in I-impared In some othor f,,rm, Scope I I h it -4 In' een found that it al vfT,Ict upon Ow dii,­stlon and contititaill.1v I.. strength of the garrison does riot e field. The corroVorident vouches factory Shape there on Sept. let- 11,99 Gruel -Beat the yolk well. fbllj singlo ilrop (If, In Ilk containst from 50,- vrid henlith Cittoli- that recf-i%e III,- Ifrt",rlf\. %\-�l %%" "l, "%-r 1 2 1, '1. 1152EVed 8,000,,of which 11 for the tril.th of his story. Thu report of Sergit. Fitzgerald, who umber otily 1 t11AK)Oon Sugar. a littl,st antmeli or 11100,410t) to "(1.0(to),000 Of globillet; eval rotion-4 of fr1if-IIIIIIIII. fI4-d, - N11(h of". ll�llfll ILI- 1. oluell-third are proyided Ttith Winter Thetop at-,, lighter then the soorkon 1, Lng. 6 is in charge of the port, states that i leaspoon vanilla. Arid nlowiv I col) aq rool- ind enitilloIl N%ill little 11 oIll I .... .... If op- TRAI ting in Beaufort tolling. he fluid, forlaing (-r,,atn (,%I tin.1 th,-ro. will too, Ill Plath: the American whaling vessela opora- of hot milk, scalded litit not In whith lhel final, and st) rose to l thrIftv I)f gl,n is alit I' Fl"l, It 1, It.... I There fire numerous Cases to li—STRI—XTROLLEY. Sea had a most a I ".. ftbitlmfa owing t successful season, averaging a catch Old stir in gently whito (if egg beaten the top of t I.- ,in t 1,14 lit want of sleep. A of from one to four whales per boat. F;t1fT . Befall, umv Pref# -r Falf nail poop- The I'll -9v glohiLh­ naturaliv rkw Irt,tiblo with It'dfilt.,lion or hn%ilp Ilint A Itheousand of thee Russians died in Many Injured, Three F&t&ll.Vt Near I, battle and front od Cleveland. The whaling captains all expressed a Per to any other flavorlifir. first, nn,l ill,- �nxnllst orw., -I No. " low- lhi�in go fill tht..r* ;lq 14 if Ill,. ilist,I&I, (.1 oot sontery between desire to co-oporlitto with the police Crad.liert­To 4 taildospLoons; fine c"t - Heating iind agitating rawnng th,. cns,. with attle.ti."t 411" f"'I "X- t0lo. IIDII till' ki"I'll.itIL Ill Pet 26 and Nov. 17 A dollp., nteh from Cleveland, Ohio, authorities in suppressing the liquor cracker crumbs, arlid I cup nillu, 1 -tile 91"'404's fit run togellivit- in clohm-tv (III dry fodil,-1 lon(I gelin Theruu3Or8 of thesinkingof a ise ys: I.,ifteen People Were Injured, traffic, They have agreed to make M73 hOt Water anod salt to t It It r, pit, 'rain iat'wh so lariff.- It I ..... It. I I hospital ship at Port Arthur are be- three and awt roo, 9 " haqti-o� 1-1--ain ri4iJIK The 9 IV 1104milfily more of Whom returns arid pay duty on all goods Witter and Millic on the ;tovt- lopr(qther flasiteuri7inK milk broallq I I, Ill,- Iv art It will ?I'll I"fil %N11,11 I%,. , .-'1 10 1, lioeved In Toklo but thtkv Oos not Will die. AR a result of a colliotion be- which they trade off In Canadian till hot, than add rmcker cruMI)l groups of glolloles. an'd lo-ric." f Ill. lie di4,L i,%t;. d ll..i.- It 14 corifirmed ofllclaliy. tween a faV month bound train on territory. Carn Meal -To 2 tnbleq�,?OOTILI corn crearn ristoon ;,Wer nion hu%Ne%or. it) rtinotwilit, will, " 11"111 .4,1, '),,t 1-1-01 Ili I1.1. the Cleololarld nnd rittsburg road. Initial add I t0hilesPoon nour, I pt. than 'alfillas(eur iod I I it, '11,04 10... lit, roil k I -`v flgl�it riolon Ltiml fin I'll ph 't If I COAL, STORES BURWEL). and a trolfey car on the Northern boiling-Warter and 1 pt nlill�. occurs; ethen ruilk Ili lilr� Lhroogh it will% the ploll. ctalcentl"It.1 Vrion. lit( 1� 1, .1 lik Ill Af IV Cilhin, Tra(tion lint-, on Fridav, near DREAMS RATAL RESULTS. flour and corn meal with cold centr1rugal soy,mil-rilor. allot 1,,r f It,, Wall.), Ifful ,flt rlwd, A A despatch from Toklo "aye Bedford. a Ill. water, Q reasim %tolioll cr-Inin iippf-oir,, within oa,y r ­n, If, or 1 0 Telegraphting on Thursday the head w miles ealit, of this 0 1141d the boil-InV water and - I, — in I Ill. Cuok Sam loll, ",1 11 �0, I qViarters of the army "fore Port fly. The trolley car was struck by Woman Looking for Her Savings thr"O ctr four hoorIt CuLrit mbal t1infam- thim crilarn ralit%l 1)% 011111141 1- 1,-t fr,.,. flon, If.. thillth'. Arthur reports the IM Son or train *hIln the ]at ( er in Pantry. coinght to coulk a long fitniI. grcL%Itv riethod of tile sam-, lj,-r,,-nL- Us" if' tlIu? ....... f Ili— J.r,o.T­tary Ill., lilt At I," fritini: "The cOlifilgration In 'the buildings wag R fully 50 miles tin hour. 11orl'Y-Stir I tal,leml:vfn harlqv age ol� lilt or It ot'lina".1l, W.40, I'll. whuh I- would ho -111,0 inear the 'arbenell, caused by our e 14-rha,,.4 III ch'a" Until In 1*0 lectric cir Was exit completely A despatch from, Chicago) says! As irk I ill. fresh toolllnpr Witter net[ Itoll which, as reported on In two end (he Wreckage th-rown Milk coton bi. oll,lided it is - n'resnit of 'a dream, Mrs. LJ/.vie Con- I to -2 hours. FORNI IN FT0014. anythinir oFe W!.=.gdu:yS beitin about SIX ell 41 years old, lost her life on Ill domrvd. Atratin throcough it sieve and Whill- synifitil-trical prol,l In Lind III,- he'l flol,.1 It. -1 1 noon, NoV, ty or stiventy feet to one il Th, 02, cbritinued runtil 2 o'clock on thi passenger train was not derailed. Th a nenday and her husband and infant sw(,etfn to suit tlb�e tastc. whatever unfroni, form ar,l ldea�inV to NiPAT. morning Of NOV. 2.9. It to probable elo,tri, car carried as lififiNvIliverg child wern fatally burned In lit, gitfioc-Pitt 2 mllc,l� to( Irown the eye, they really o(,cilliy it ittori, I r I ill, fill I I nv' r wh cli partly their oe Onst 1 6 1 Pt. bollincr wnt,,r. I,et important cillIct, in fluit OwN, aj.l, I, The gio,,nd i­,nt ,.4,d I.v 14-1f I N 'I ltbat the coal utorem have been bura- fourteen man and one woman, till of I dest roved I whom were more or less severely Ill- The wOmfill dreamt that her savings giforrier qM11.V "Iml lit'r.1"I'ml It, I. "o"ll if I Item y had ImtlI �tnliql Is thor- true Indication of utilit Pe, It avq L' jured. stolen from a hiding-plaeo oiLqllly softened. Sirloin. sold miguir no triort, alit Illustrat Lori of I Io. o ti, I S I Y.t I'IL,N,,,IJ ItV I',!e,'ff,II Ill., Iollo,..1 MORE TROOPS FOR. RUSSIA. in the bottom of a sugar jar In the anif trerl serve hot. truth can be I ... Inted to than tin fact- 'hawr� in ­If,�, to -xtrwt till 11'. 1 INDIANS INCREASING. Pantry. Startled by the reality 1, nod ili'l. gf:­Ind 11, or,f,-r Ill, A despatch to (he liondou 'Stan- ir i"I"Rel Lemonolklo-'­To 2 tab], dent which ocourred oft the s t dard frout Odeaga, Says it is author- the drooftlin, site took a lamp lit one spoons, Whole flaxsemlid Wnsb, 1. -1 11111il.-I Slight Deere add I Louls show-gruunitiq In file (ltmm, Itatively stated thifit Russle. has ase, For Year, But hand and ter baby undler her cithm- I­: ado. pt. boiling water fill' fjl"f )U1,-- lit'. over the flftx�qol Mf qlmnier 2 or 2 ovie ywr tililln. %an it feirly il decided upon a genotal mobilization Sm More for Dee arm, and went to frovesillgate. The Pour tJo wat,r for ultaollitions,1111) of fill baricl till .... ...... 1.11 ot troops throughout the European A dt-srritA-h front Ottuwa qnvs The lamp fell front the w(mnn'9 hand holitrit; Strain. a,'(Wd ),,mort to showing ixhith Inthild.-d winn,-tq ....... n. I I. ­ provinces Of the Empire. It Is said, ludlaa 11CIP111111ill, or Canada, end explo led "I'llbal . 1 1 4rl In 1�f 11 1"(- 1 )lit that the Mobilization Will from il ulfks4 of Pfrnined flnx-,"l water of first hf,n(.r% In toll of Ili lifli.r.-ril d lie I fer 1, nil, ,,, wed 41�, 'begin in cording to the lateit returns to the lit an adjoining roorn, it 4 11 I-n- It.. .11o%rod to min unuary . 4 made a brave attempt to put out the Rel -A ,l very hot on rell.tol ll,reedn 'Iho competition wn, olokil- ?,fit I- pro".l.o.11 Npartment of Indian Affairs, is log,- old nr hot for Ilmir IV narrow.lif down to a J,ol _( ienialn with Ou. oll-iii ll� Ill., ilinaTow wnrilli flame. and f1rallv succeeded, wltli the trtinhie axid Mon 956, which Is 275 less tharithecount I'larlov Wnter-To I tollolem;Pootln War R Iltorkstifre nnd it Yorkahir,,. Iliv 1� nlAo ond Mill ill... it t I— JAI'S USING 3LD RrM-r-A. allowed in 1003. The record of rect- aid of a mattrof*-0. but only after he. lev, nAd 11 lorries; nowar I Imnor, 1 final dedsion being in fal,or of I,,. The war correspondent of the wth ' t oa Proves, As well all tile wife affild child. had � however. that the oqt. boiling water. Witfoli the barlev Puland-China, 0 ell " Ills J d4 Paris writes: "In the 'battle of;CQrC 'hich been friphtfully burned. Mrs. Couet arvi 11"Ift"T Th'. ,l th" S I I I ��;l? Is cXcrcisecl over tile red , All the InitruIlloinfit; to -1 At the corl halg., Ferfril CATTLE FXPORTR I'Af.f (if I IN I I N Sha HLVor the bellig4rents us, I nit in itbo one of tile MPAII�meritteof tho died w1hile being taken to & )iosrl ILVics as gether. The barley Noon qsfjn.9 nnil gaAe Ili,, rmsonto for thiq (114l'o"itio hof,-),. th.- .,fY,,l lit houht,-, li­js­ Many projectiles as I �.Vl -I: I Ulso-yang. Ili, ono d I - I Government has Arreoted the mixes WON Walter. Strain nnit opr%, of thoi Iihillwn, I lit tnt,�q- rr-marki ind -1,-n 101,,nft� .I it-., I Ill 1, Shiptnents Fioi,, rtroi:tr, III r A ay more than very heavy death rate, so that In fr,r ft.%er. or were inchtdo,l ri";": tin rr,-IL. till of Atbirl, �q tlif000gm, I 00,000 shells *are fired and SO.- 11the last HACKED HAND AND FEET. rOldi- This Ill excellent ri:ontion n4 von I),,. Se'annin qhow Dr,-rei, dectiolo Cho Depoortknontal Cold'that effects the Iangq gencrid rhnrnIflr I I hog likiniond.-i A fft men Put out of action on eath tnumeration 41votif an Incr Of Terrible Deed of a Lunatic on Is I,v the pacill flint Lihould It,- lif-rol siffle. qSV*n!i per cent. of the line- more than 0 ease tv'Inolliv 1: rot, n, I I ...... I .,,I Ight tliUUFAZLd Bonds. %i,,w h,e farinor and lireettfer altko, 1�" riot awnt' toc Ov, .wr­ mijillik Wounded will rejoin tile rAtnks Visit Near Montreal. Ill-,AI,I,V PIJACTICAT. after a twO-*"kN' atay in the Ii eIrrolninell thni tit-- witioning hok cAitibrG Pon DicarRTERS. JA despatch fron, Alontreal ono." Alany pretty things, can It- In ha%im� rool,t, men %Ill.- ,nd It 1' ('1111i"A I (fli, III'Al. I if to ohn Arnold, a lurl muitliated from the WrIsits of discarded srluvite,o bn(k lines and It Ilion- ionif6rypi (-(I% I-o, A,The WOUIT11111, 0110od- by the I Open till blillistil iiij lot L Jap" Large Xti*b#t of I hima6lf 1111 a most horrible manner oil As every woman knows. when tile erine of fl,­Lth. 1,-q thirkilning tit front n h. sow I the moat p , 't us$ian go diorto Tuessinit leolit, ejeepitl*,fien they occut'lu Ao bi Sent It . at 4 Grenty,110, Whither he )Ong evoninflC Wolves 01-P Patti that'- sholl)(fer le" flaid,im-go; In belly anoll 2 Fat plill ao(i I I Woftt- from the Verdan Asylum to prime the will9tt are Stiff g ... ill. Iflank, het I pr orpring of r1l), 41,-r ­t . t r,-I:ulnr Il .I,[% I omen. thi J1404iiiia, 11111M 'hilifill A do4patch fralot vieniffin, says: Th - 3. *rmto little, begirifthlit "'Lto' ftill oldiLlfies. thi nelicif 0 visli relatives, He. hectored tin (kite A kettle holder flit. firink latwolk 4if the frfend who Ift alui .1 Inakertil, that m,x,Io IN it`106'Of Umberg, Gain- and cut oft hill left liand lit theWrill serves Lo, co,clock teaA 19 a jrm I y I a ifle IrArrn�q ahirh 1,rood�l to out ,I. to ..... alta of *141-oltola �Illft In 1 4 Kptp Ifuli okill In I_alth fix It. A accoltifling to d t6legrainq frrmi then split his I(oft toot CIPlin of the mado f rom It Wo sholmotivilot f, I lo it I. a pl r I Ix-tter nd%nulnge ansl with a I bathing nt,,l 1 *12 6h ,:Lo We 0121, ,4,,-r ad pptN of w"Ill'. than '11, d 6, thillit tOW11, d0rJittilititt 480 Ruttelan instep. and hacked the toes OR his R WQ,,Lj, An, tile FAW arill a Palt, ton. Two ovals proparl join Irmed *4hW;,lloo k r- Caltivnte it h­rNI qlm,t -Ml.p.,, off t-1 ifesetterst by train 613 Mrsiday even- right font., When dillcoverell Arnold ineftniring Ili ruffil I Incheq at It till ofhoroli It- rall-d olt-milon W Till qufficiorill 611-1, nt)(I rorloil ""ll lit 01-ol AL" f I firle'to 04COIrr., WhAtod they Wilt be Was Coolly, pratedding to flautilate widof"t Plill'tit, are Cut. Oft one of I lie Importarl nf I, IrnJlrht oi- it "at alf here. 061heir, arrival In himself further, tt Wag w gb Hall (It.. 8 V n?JA Itill difilicul- pleeeiii, "r the lower etfVn work tile ifirch,ml bofic�k. littal gul., Iiiq Manuil OACH ran 6*111 lie given a t . And nw- V4 t tit lit@ life W" O&V*d. as the flow 'reirliplatIt's Inonogratint or Inifinim with to a' borl, That hutupt, ot�r Ili,. Inin 1,i)v(. orf, -n �A deep& of �ffiiltft Alp titkillit to Ate rotn­ i'TI Ifi,,- It lion '91'Mt- His Wes ilbld-ocolorriff does. place tile Iwo -ton- Ills; one rr:lkllan "Into that ill,. nfif qn(I gr�,, out lilol. a Innil'. Zood WAS r &fba. Another J c I've sub" tdilow froln, brot*ht lit �Plllil Victoria 11011- eletilloor n"d brittobillic, a r It, $fttX)ll Alt'04,446WI-tiffils -fit,& lAtal, V�J*foa As floW 11ifill Is, a critical filloolavy IIOAS. Tho holder lot doubled Ilion wan malaiv In line with th(l on, o"P tooddlIln denti, edit lo tile nollroll; With mol lac)lcl it, loonfirth. and thiII trif Tht-r.l I, lint too$ A61- Witl 111"Ifif women to ollel� eighl 64riloo" I'llfinn, iistitutit it r P in ing tit fli, foot I I, ab6ut tile h"ill of tile kettle. idlot of brecIders; pretitent. y r'or ol, < N, 4 till* W% 14101