The Goderich Star, 1904-12-02, Page 2I Ia1 thi to to jAvo THE D'"S'Of LABRAD U*9* NKOMO 0400$14 00 QUE40FIRE. 16HLAN S: li iown stosafe %ito, W04 04*_ % 4%IZ 00", TopwW4 stwolit"4 to P4,140, 1* tVvelr "XXQX*X., Itt= O" TMI 040, 104" ropic st TWO A". ly "Yorlil tim" Ah Us, Zo rou of *44 IW# *,60-44"tibill *011 Isn. *P'' 64 01Y, Too Anythin' to MO# 0. God, liBut S11010911 Arill or," Who, Wltlk' ac�p prKw OX 04 mug"',ft MQ0, av, T1_ T-1 4+4 eox". "c'. $004 o;*W stact OcI11141,10 lenpog thlit $o%tur(%,0tLq�. Pr tilgckolt #000im to W Uout, thor-01 "Ay ffuorqsp of tha�t 4I.StAiat 4teirtil; Off, or�tttop#', or tur t9 d whvn S"I Inquired o gr 4MOK44*4 little TE rti p or be to I With Ito forty VoAr* of ppy Tilailltou, t4if O'd, � , qrmo LaTO 4�00,, CruAft r . ghtar to tbA P14044,00, Of Vs the Lord amwerticl him. vot, s�tq of ;vtod, In tiertfir 09 40"m Of 19Ags I ot t ul,� t.w me 9t tu. in,,, 00 to uljog ygalit E.gtoteisa, **4, that, tWo, by dreams. not, by 'Urtall. ilor III . .190 �L I . i� oI'll . , "maisM Aillft-Arg ,qwltr, 1k, . $A, APA Pod yw* aq,5, wboa�, ti,04. j, by prophots."-1. Sfimiudl# fxviii-I, .Q., spot. to from vouriso YA4 Ma. 130st Qb,k. ..Pam where does GOO live?" ruy old list answ#r. Wr WOO, 4a"90 largo atitnJ4. of 011" ot goo about oi �Uavwljpg to OIA i'GAR)OW d non asked me the ad Timumsim, PoIltlie- b,,V Visio a eager 64s, boe-a ofaq-00% 40 f VoWN0414.44's t If 1YO44 not A and you. It, filicu,,year-ol Vol YouRew 04 q0t ppau, VO to go, e v4g� ArA: in other day. "in lie.ilven. My o ter tho, 0 ZOAiW104 196 to AU In ]OV9 -with tho Xing'" bo,4u* dro:1111.11,11, neit)wr by orlool, 434' Pr0- the] jho.4 ;ill$, to AN.Ifer folk it W '" go -$Or 41thow,ti, T40 8, 1. a too. WhOA hat Aw I . Tbe�r pursue Ill at A.co.r,; - . Will au4 1101haotlo eeAt In, ho MO- Dreamr-.01.41 replied vaguely. "And where Ii* 4, Illicit. whifir r. d4t, 14 00. Was r 0. oth Jojy�to goo his , "?Fa ,ft , VU,40M GAILROW, it Is continued. "Oh. 1W Ili th , W -­ ' ­ AW llpu-the, od -hastl)Y, I Godlltd 01, �er, dincloxes, 00vorstVb1t, oncla, 'two 1.404 to a ticiat, pad I; he t -04 firli, 1446 I answerod," rather afraid, called a VO4- X.W each M#g 1240f; The 19410wo it i0th whore, sarti4teA worlcl�-tlii lHe sf�ejqiexl to the viln- &power, IJQ,JV$J 94t IlKhed to.0c VPQA tiho wit." of, tlia'logdor, 9 " pt w "o o*ro ko, in that tly, uward for v korm I dow and looked camob sold that God did not bg MAIltar tq.k " from Soo Afrivil, W01, W694 Ash' Are pleottfut it teum A' thi; r-0001 r, WR alqinlfirs� st it no its eloo. Bui VON Ia wroto, *woo -pace; then lie bout his head ways boars, bul He did vot re found 4U,satitli Jr#rj oboVt tfmig to All j boat Zie, ." -------- a 41ttlo a. Saul had for- ! hall otocumul'atod 4t with. ter.. It thrQ JO'Irae. geo licathoward, ]�Q tiiait 6wom04- tj1cog t � t r4ithorp And olAorki MO" to Ono side and listoned. M last -he not lfaauqq� military rAtionf, J VRASER-BARB ace, And thiil� uble the RTVR. torned to. vie and 'Will go Iffs,own, P liaW 4 d each other 4h Vol". Procter Ltioto said quite graiely, forlbtyd � Ills right to an answer from Illartgue cezktres, 404 the local thar- cpd.. A v4mbor of row ourt Jla%u will; oul, liz, cstc* a IV w'to is, 10pow.; or,, -if 00-Alfeb, nwro, now, that It"Ims -�Voa,v with an unwoutod hot* of andoess in his divine' Mther. HO 1100 Wilfully inj Lfila . fikt , of b to olse� .11 plillip 11101t, 0.1 Uotil wero 9yorgowilig With t1oxiod trained 40k$ 10 400fit'i'li'L than in guyttill CMOs aitat tilde Court House alcuarit. out himself off from ttto f4ml of Iti, fit rt Ok he 1064ta it, ;4� 4 "At SAY rate. U W SO big childish volco:­'I do hear not His 19. oop. The attill, W to be got 44 the fivhcl� tit 40 rivoir t44.mg unrighteous Condo Ile of somehow; and'so, tA some Places. 'rho re, no C, m4n.4 of his' �4 Zrour cwm," said PlilliP Oliosaoy�. we% - edge without co wlieci will roraiW him,' 00i 400, �O a V "Why doton't lfarwa Ccimo W(Wt wl itho rations were bwAt, ill. IM94 hall! ttieW 104 lines roe w4c.i.-oAd his r4ly, God a or 0 wwhich dfA t1jeso MODICA Tho POqt has slung Of the longluoto !T lk".. In with God's conditions I gtiments, wore tbrowA Into t4f% they f0s)c a J�Jtq robs Adh almost Illya,194blo d6$6 art' clasp the Whod hand -to hearths 'or, DitS-7-M-WITELY 4 GA"0W. van it ­Nvllet thqJr­c.J T1 Volt:e that bus U"a stilled. Bow Be his app*L,wARImet pntlrbl� of ;1(o sad Ilt"th by the h, o,et* The solemn FI that terrible silence. And the I60 I;ast lit#6 fiest, Of i-#ticlh� Rk" time It, tbit, . them enis ill eqIa;uJatqd, to cause IVA oi X19N#. co the stricilcon mpllk lace of the SeA. 04. I*o tell, Ph lolaus. Surgeons. &a. oft(m have we waited for the sound ; Or us iomceaa­w orth Strout, formerly occuill 010 cume at Mount Gilboa, and Soul -0 top g copto�taly �� �kia 44tron ttaph; tice, I w4flaorgo, 91 - of the footsteps that will never cross pow''llbrii6'frillit, in munfAcent sagar It, co-Infilk'$9 oexxt,, � 1% to j 0;01, )iajJ A century kinea VhAt Barbara— . utifu I I ad b ro toot & a. was 0, sololde., O(*all big gloq aid baiitt, who hao-)ooked vp- lurvestle. For several montlin tmdk., h4now sli, ji� NO, d s, Iqlm- selfish, :PaIr ILmical , that Jim) been Duing their porlot b.A% the pb Queen, Victor$ Worldly 141 ti 10 p.m. , A. X the threslihold of our hearts agithil foiry 90 "I do not liedr Ills footstepa"-how hN4 Power there remained but %, playw by sn� Apgler U441 he Can I tucir Atapla food lstw the �600, on lite As a gumAner garden and hitri load upon tru4U.riclad. of casoa of Mil- t, Ill , , Z handful , of bones bleaching W the 'it with 4tO liflAd,,gild po� 4yoW the quite PutrIE1. 414, JA summer they hidi WAS to to the self as 9110 fairest flower iNrIfin Phousia )r blot s re Ideuce, ail. 11tar rations Wero ta4W to A9119100 , JcQ PIRCID r. sit Is I) nce. Ili swt-cf,,how sad We phrusel flares simlight I nocow gffing, It $* one thiti are tinrited lociso for ;several m4ath.0, w ell him that woo J. Dentin After the tAlmult gredt is the rest) The cases each Aty of gi of pretty A,)4 qikpl�t old Scottish hQW could 4120 t D Co hvvaON THE WALB OVI BET11-SHAN- -'ifind O'Bawhere tL , however, to. bring a llgavy co'd, to the to shift ter thamselvas litatik the Be thqu anything to me',C, Cod, ,talned� six da7en Ong. These I 4 bad takan his illness In tile light Ot W. F: Giallow, U.B., It.c.p. S.O. I of silence, the night's calm bansican qt the 1pator ana quite an- turn of ttiq severe w -Q Poll of,� 10.54, though it personal cifirontl ]jer Plans Worc ;iison.renilerp It th upon the busy day- "Be ut4 jillent.1, was Martin Luther's 4vere VOW oll.-ta,,Iaer the Cape fields, 11mirflice b lleevssi%r lip th9fr. millfter's Interests the Iliarilea 4144, and fit that that I Lot us not Ili -our hours of '. Tlio Advertiser estimates the cost,,.oftber to get It into. the, boat. Gaffe bluJ)d1lkv,; Nypgi tyu 3bed, ruined for tile settacin wom '14,uld b ho. for . it In - MARRIAGE LICENSES As I ' prayer. alld 1.4A4JUS nets ArO unkltown to. that they balls and fQstivo gatherings, cut our- this Ong, "a I 0 soN am God" was iialil of old. tb pkaoutntipp no live on, to r can and once moki) lrqgtd�'d t. the ofte, Woold'haVe beep-Lauvied and wor- dgrlmeat alone ilt over a miII143111, thopo toilers gf- tile pea. 11. tboD 'iifatecr oil- tald'hi ,possession bl. J adversity. so also sweet are the uses reo selves oil from God,, Lot us hot by ', tit amotm rmy lift' the flab Into the boat by the line, of toll And slavery. queali indinputalAo, had Our indifference, by our acts' Of COM- 10M adds that If tiba t Of a IT WAS, NAURIAGN of repose, "Peelce. be still' mitere TAby have been 'known for 0ovqrOl to " exchapgod for a depressing bed- All in well, but. this Is oftea I I ., IV, 8 Tlhooat. calinn"s 1ko the raging am, ftssul� by our habits of emission, rations that ero. cast Into the 801di I she, tell Into Instant riipturcs Oer W. LAQ.sja� U.4 mjvslon� suc4isive do OOM. It woo ofteudure.4101 --to the sugar, estates tlie§-fall. ys to tra .9l 14Q it, and, it;r .�TAO r once to the frighteined hearts. After so arrange. our aftirs that Ill th ild--conAigned (lip But liow could Harriet. tell tlio�d()_ Ill Co. . . a -C!" � tifo south and north coasU of 11 the fish Is large and but slightly sixtyralles da _T the rending wind chmethe rtb" moment of 'peril when the miu, the their road, "A'IX�ugh tjoy may � be ?.ftdlv 'abuse lookil beautiful. * An old tin itan, knowing as Rho quake, after tile. heaving eartluilija4cal stinctivoly turns atal wipid also valued at would be liltOkkild, as Is Often the 6ofile, �IiOo wag thrown after us for- luol, , g,, helpless x AVOTIONSIM imd tbat several Million pounds lfoo�*Ibreakp away from its mouth driven over one snowy did that he worshipped her with all the fire. after the devastating flame Godi'll is the commonest expri a we entered the hali. Tho'llouse is whft' the attompt.As ma4e to haul it. plaIrt, Nyliere they are occWonally uo,�- , the strength of his nature, that isho Vie, voice, and the voice was God's, froin human lips in an aillorgncy- sterling were tlius disposed of. -lPg. the rooms clolightful, the from the wator. The flali, still quite able to K4PFAch say. Place of 'Jii4eltqr� had left Barbara in er room. crying RGUAS GUNDAY. still and small, and then fre will be of cut to ust Wot can sur- furniture, papers, avdrtihing. perT out In Alle, bitterness 0 - inanimate in Manner and in appear- 'When night comes they parts,ue of selfishness T A BL MSED S on with their iunvtQr of the scanty fare,fection. The view from the windows uVoStookana Uenord Auctioneer. IL9XCE vivo tile hirlwind, the earthquake.. HatiAltils Strom Godalcla. . And , yet the fire, but not ubless we have the Once, floats away from Wo'boat against bar hard and cruel fat0? in the prophet'n heart. SPIES IN TIME OF PEACE the surface of the, *aves. T4h; � is which, -the will afford, iluite beautiful." "Barbara is tired. Bile has a following Voice. God help us fit. Antil, Indeod. the Queen's enthual- beadache, and is lying down." said alleric, ]tile its terrible aspect, Its ap� doed if in our hour of fear, Withour only for A moment, however. The thiin. crowding around.. keep d(all eirmt, made "him I.. could not paint her new home In Harriet glibly; and he was sathiaed. Value made everywhere PUI:ing significance. the every senso at tension, dreading :P�OFESSXON IN"INMCH SO= fistier's trained dog,, often without warm and defend him from danger, It too bright colors, for there is no He swallowed the medicine she frifilveyou satlereation. Saul had Mailed and played future, we. co,11 s04110 00,011 no waiting for-= signal from his warter, OUT of. chain fall victfin to: tho,halid*1 rasmeiwfalamotmftwmtA LA -DIES EXCEL. 'y are exposed, tll,4, hOMq In the XJng's domillions, more poured out for him wl�fi, a wry facq. fooi exceeding. Ile had used his pow- plyl We mtaFe up Into the'sk and leaps over the gunwale of the boat, off ps-to which thd reqkient-' P4"turO`n1*eQIY--, and romantically "Raise yourself for atioment," she er to further his anibitions, rather cannot hear His footstep. pluhges till. 1ho or 1heir o ml6xj,1 Ala Invalid Germalix Took Photo- ly tbed 'on their remains, find 'itheir Placed than U41mca'al. The house, It VETEMARY than to help Ms people; he lied put Yet God always hours. And what floating, fiski and said, livIllie I smooth your pillow." pur- graphs of All the Works of skins, Aire converted Mo warm and. Is true, with Ata gables slid mullion's, "Very said he irritably. "But aside-,God'o commands, in the is More, He always hoods it we give SEIZES IT IN HIS MOUTH. coh�for�ablb drosses. turrets and square tower, Its misgall- bo'quick; I cannot sit ui) long- "elt at his own solfish ends. SaliXecIl to T-lim and to our fellowmen even Gibraltar. W. F. CLARK. V. IEL.ndnats of tile b Acent oriel windpw,and Its Imposing est r md and the dreaded Philistines halt a'heart, It is only the pure In Returning consciousness, husteneo Die wait aeowling when he 1.14 Ontario Vetrinary Cal e to I wag d D The mystariousIckoWar whose ar- y Dortals, may not satisfy the demands back again'on the smoothed 011low. "YalcEfully call the attention oft.,=-ra were lipan him, What was lie to do heart who call demand from Him. rest ncay Wilford HaVen as an al. by the nowl senia-tion of being ta.kon l scientific architecture, but none foi-i *xprcaved me, bed of operatineon horm in the emerirchey? How was he 1, to hear God. So it�is oply the pure in rom tile water and firml GREAT TEAR OF RUSSIAi deny It a charm and beauty o t Is hard tnde�d to be fll when a trAwli Imp& of veterinary medleinon legod , sp wa ap exciting indid,,t entirely I =ial a ? VbA Id all darnnn;i from ITIM, of the recent naval manoeuvres gripped between the jaws, of its cap- can I beautiful wife and a prosperous busi- ;:dl=cdh. cal and stable -NowOtO meet this suidden danger N t h rtw-bo C the future hold? The affrighted king . through esus Christ, an pLaswer to Memory thp ter, often produces lively strugglest lits 4wn. hile'lls settingiof fir'wooda ess dangle tantallsinglY, and call brings back to tbo in- WILL, BE MORE DANGEROUS remembered the habits of hie yout&. aplieal. Vor the reply'tblorayer tie- tie- on the �part of the fish, which add and park sloping to the beautiful inodiingly to him who was so alighty To I the spirit 'at 'hlm'who genult of that opher Invalid gkin considerably to the difficulty the do N DEFEATED. Dee, of towering hills ' and wild yesterday to come to -day and MAP NSORIAL. In KID extrernity hit turned to God. panda upon aa 6 a klerman-wbo im- 9 prays . To hear God's voice, His p. - sweeps of Purple moorland, is of tin- the ,,rv,,t for which he had worked No In contrition, but in the prideof his Woe our gar. has in swimming back with Me bur on the hospitality of She Would' 316ctinstruct Her MiU- rirailed beauty. M. 011IN80 lonstartal Art- ,its conceit. y.le was afraid, but not footsteps, you ,must be in harmony rl!?n at: Gibraltar not long ago. den to the boat. the dog rafdl�r re- 1. In such I% place the so hard. ooderlell, wrlggl tary on a �;cientiflc world of Ctturts�and ceremonial POMP Barriet turned away. cut to eJng havin air cutting. Ah hitialbled; he waik moved, but not to with Elm Indeed, 0erlman, who was supposed to leases Ills hold upon Ills the 0 In u 0 -dia. st Is be onsumptive, arrived at Gibraltar captive until -safe,with it widdin tile Basis. if stress and storrk- itodins left far quick by the note of irritation. She al alid. Sat lifn'tition al 0 a ftllllu� otoP4 there to represent all thd pea- ppild with letters of introduc- boat. behind- Od th" lo'Osti liarAssed SOv' �chew it i,yas, foolish, and that Philip 31 u Thdre are q couple of palsbdgdS 'In ereign in the world aliould find It Chesney hild enough to try him, It ple) who laid their hands on the tion from many influential people fill Sometitiles. thee dogs Ijave larger abtbi, Intoreg tkii M 9!, THE S. So LESSON sacrifice. This showed In a manner England. ting lot , from oftity to persuade himself that lie in any man had; but she felt It, never- BENOVOLENT AOCI T110 The Governor and other game than codfish to struggle with in Ludovic Naudeau, I the 'Russian 'corro- nclt7a King. hilt a licle, ua�rhmmelled thelessa. Moro impresill7c, than ordinary that officials vied witil each other in hos- the water. They are trained to gpol#dent f theparls, 4ournill, whicli clilld of Nature. He cauglit her look as she turned, 81 16 Ith.� . of �tbo what,, ation' was pitable entertalwent of 'th stran- plunge into the ice-cold waves in the deserve attentiono "THe whole army Queou"ViCtoria wheii sho'111-st- 6URT roDrnicH. No. 32. C-0 P XNTERZTATT�NAL Lzgiso,N, a about to be expiated. 3fade rc- gar; and it was with pain that this spring of the year and to act as re, in and i touch of remorse wpt ver 'UR 5ular meatitap the Ist evil 3rd DEC. 4. Manchuria," he says, "destoot,Ped on, It, aintd its exqui- him n Tueal tays of every nionth. Plartlea conciliation. "Mado a ain offering. request to be allowed to go to the trievors for their makters wile Real this countr sitely 'in these w -da""The view is he said, clasping _Y, where It considers that wishl to j6ha Oman get full particularg To make an atoncm6nt aIcans. to top of the rock "for the sialio Of the are shot from the shoral on the sur- it hag gone astray, The boldier "Little sister fronaTuncan Callaordit. Archie Halides. Golden Text. 14Them That Honor bring God and all Israel together In pure air" was d%,zlined. But 50 in-.facc Of the Ben. 6 feel dharilin4. To thoel leit you look to- l&7 hand, 'Itak'e' no notice of me. Jae. S. Talt Then, Burrows. anies the latent hokLifity of a illopulat'on wards the beautifid WITS surrounding Wilson. W. VcCrelLth. Visiting nroth. go I Will ilonor." complete harmony. ih unison: This sinuating and g ileless was the Gar- I The dogs employed by the fisher- that is watchipg thern, spying on am Ill and peevish; but, believe me, was according' to the command Ihe had his w4y. men of Newfoundland and Lithrador them, that latows theiri, and whom Lochnagor. and to the right 11 to- I am grateful." are Always welciatue. 1. Sam. 2, 30. Of man that at aA 13tillater, to the glen al 7 Sy 94 MO uTft_ D 11 WhKa the king that the burnt offering slid even In this nit6r, and the rule iare by no means -the specimens of they tie not know. When our troops wards Ong And Harriet left the room wlth 0 Verse JR. -The first cluty beforc Vcain offering should be'aiade for which forbids foreigners to walk. which the 11teo'winds. with wild tumult beating in her usually nusicAL. yle/cloal, wilen hr mounted tliq a not mjwel� for Judah. Al- about the top of the rock was re- � canine intelligence usually known as pass the Mancbus tilde their merchan- BEAUTIFUL WOODED I41LLS, quiet breast. N kingdom had othe doors of eea o northern lataxed in his favor. 'rho regrot when Nowfoilndiand dogs. They wore dlse, r�-fuslny to sell even at the I ex- which reminded me very much of the 11"hat was in the early days of Phil - t tiver- y C'nratinialt tltrcajO lro" to Ing the lnefi.rly resemble Esquimaux clogs than orbitant prices offered b - Om_ In and Choir Master, ICnox burch the hoink, of IdhOvftH." Dur been largely depopula ed,' and Raze- I %he amiable visitor left was Or Ojui Thor gorwald. It W48 SO Calm, 60 ip Cheimey's illness; but the hope CKPIkred to receive pupils in followillic reign of hiR flather, Allaz. the "RUCtIl- kiall seem-- to have been rocoguizati sal; but the result of his visit is be"'nything else, and are often quite inl5tarlat, Those among soldiers Harriet Pro - subjects: Piano. Pipe OrFILII, Voice cul- flice!wolfish both In manner and appear- whu are Capable of reflection suffer solitary- 'or it did one so much which ugly, genle little PUPI a L -Y It man War 0 itural and Theory. 3 prepared for al at, I)MI, nsecl to,*, Idolatrofus as sovereign by what remained Of be seen at the Ger -1 Id Univeroity Examinations. Studio at St. worship. Its "'holy Place" was no the twelve tribes. The now cledi-m. Ill the form of perfect plans and I'll"O. It Is even believed by niany at feeling themselves among,a native good as one gazed around; aW the ser had cherished -that time wall had been defiled IA4 t ion of- the. AAierclove present- photographs of --Fdl- our -worksr and Persons that the, blood of the wild poll xecrat'p"thgm, and pe mountain air was most refresh- win Barbara to a sense of her dutY --holy. It, -ql4 _#op who e, longer ad degraded In ed a beautiful PIftar0'Of unitY. In defeces at Gibraltar. brutes of the forest flows in their consider them intruders aid oPpres- Ing. All scomild tebralithe freedom not realized. The gay little­but- th g I ('Od a end eaoce I t -I, a t I. soul Inead and wearied for itli Ip -ollglous and national Teeling, A short time ago A German liou- V0111111- sors. Irbey t-hink, after all, that they e a. 0 -3110 catle 0 J r it lied become not I idd -den, and grew more and more world and its b ttn�aolls. The ros&Vw es Ovate, it, but to near Halnilton Inlet not same hlt SON emar teriant enlightened -the %qorld an to At a post would themselves feel the y to ren 25, 20f The services wore distill I scenery Is wild to o the nauseous, unhealthy, t -acti- the door of a house in an yet n6t ftqlate.' loath r. t ckate It to be service Of guished by music. Cymbals were the methods pi led by spies in long ago, red for a foreign people which aimed was slee�ing in a at installing itself by force in Russia FoX Queen Ala-,aada, as fore:Queen weeds within which it had to flutter. IPor wooks workmen had metal instruments of percussion. time of poset. For some years the which an Infant Vietbria, thol Place is full of happy Who shall say she was to blame? been biasY on the bilding under th6 beaten together like the modern in. lieutenant was employed as a spy cradle had been left open for a short and introducing, new customs and mQ- LEADING UNDERTAKER supervision of . the priests. So soon titruments so called, but shaped Pot-- by the Gormail War 0111co, and he time during the temporAry abL-Ance of thods'unkmow, t, them. The tuvbu- melorles of thei, early ears of wed- Ifave you, reader, Over attempted to s their work was, completed the bails More like butis than Ilk& plates. gives the other members of the family. lent element in the army,.,on the con- deq life, when ahe'rambled over the arin the charm of the most fascin- AND EMBALMERS When the mother re-entered the house troxy, regrets that pillages have been racers and plucked the heather with sting woman of your acquaintance - priests and the Lavites went III to The 'earliest, musia always Is the A 11,HRILIING ACCOUNT. It Computes the her Irisband by her sticle. witen he to find out the secret by the magle tho Iting (%!within t6 pa- music c' rhthm, drums and cym- she foulard, only the bones of her cfnild. strictly forbidden. nezelde,11 ac or IThe little GODICRICH, ONT lace") to make their formal report: bats c,.ning in primitive life before of his adventures in this char t one hatl been devoured by booty with which It might have on- ticalght hot, to, wield a rod an the of which Ae makes men her Blawesl W"t str"t� e ave cleansed all the house of stringed or wind Instruments. in France. dogs. rielled itself. banks of the Dea, and when she made 'Do so. and, if the gift of seeing bq Psalteries are said by,Josephus to Once he dogged that officials Of the The Labrndor dogs are excessively hor first friencle among bar lowly Find yours, you shall find that on the re - the Lord ("Jehovah"). THo altar DOMESTIC MISERY of burnt Offering was a great btruc- have had twelve musical notes. but Ministry of War with acacia success quarrelsome and, wolf-liket always "What is to balrofoundly deplored devoted Scottish neighbors. There verse side of this beautifuj charm I)rccirolv what that Means Is - not that wheat one of the attaches left I attack the weaker. All. seem ."xi- are those still living who can recall there larks t1he stoster denionr-Selfish- tore of brass (bronze or copper), Von- clear. - We know only that they were his portfolio inr a moment in the ous, to take part In the troy, and in that It has been found necessary the first visits of the beautiful ofun ess. _W1=30 caratootl because of its sacredness antl stringed Instruments played upon by waiting -room of the-Garo do I'Est. iscarcely a season Passes without the to drag an Immense number of re- princess to t)hei r cotta#o , how y sh! n All the time hilip grew worse. He because it hod been constructed by I serves from their,homes. These mar- owaver, had salt the fingers and not by a pick or 4 the lieutenant snatched it up, Jump- settlers losing two,or three dogs would take the little ones o or w old either die, or become a life- Solomon. Ahaz. It. n Z loonlg Invalid -that was the verdict of Goderich, Planing Mills bow. ' The phrLso* according to the ed into a call, and the next d ay durincr the summer, from wounds ro- ried men, t1hese"'fathers of families, knecs, help Home half -blind old it aside end lome iness by in its, place for i with her kifitting, or minister to der- the doctors; and the beautiful girl- commandmoift of David ralcks to his handed it over to the authorities in c, ived In (piArrelil', Peace Is instant- have lost their domestic happ Ilutil -4tood art idola;-rous nitar ajor of a ly restored, even if twenty or m6re a single order of mobolization. The ly by the bedside of the sick. wife shuddered, and bIt her rosebud years I and priesUy 'Coal- I ntroduction-of Music by the LoVitaS Berlin. Disguised as a in rectod by roVit Into the worship of the temple. The French cirtilwz�- regimont. he wa reservati,should hover be called out m I fter the pattern of an altar - s are engaged in the affiray association of the nattes of Gad present tat jhc 10T manclouvres, . , by the epcept for a war for national cla, One of the earliest favorites wag lips till the blood came as -she con- sound, or even the eight. of the old "Jock" Simpson. a pensioner templated the prospect. hich the -king hTiii"weast "_ T)alnns- and Nathan with that of David is overheard Important secrets in the Adventures sli Id'only be at- whoo IN fence. ou N '"to vessels thereof were tile very Interesting. Compare 1 Chron. head -quarters tent, and, 611anging dreaded raquimaux whip used by at Copenhagen. had fought And one day a male butterfly, also rus. 'Of temRW with adventures. TO Plunge agaln.st the PdAcess'a countrymen. w4thout a heart, fluttered into that imp?.roplits sed in the offering 21 and 20. But King David and is disguise to that of a I)edlar, got THE LAIIIIADOR DIUVERS. " a whole people into such ware 'a But thla past antagonism only in- gloomy bower, azLil-fiaunted his goo- the two prophets were not personal- safely away. with much valuable In- sacrifices. THeso were now broUght These people have sel'dorn succeeded 111111017Y." roased her interest fit the 61d veter- goolls, tempting coloring before this and Buildem back to t1heir propew places. The ly responsibld for this-' the cola- formation. Ile even penetrated in- A Russian colonel obsertod to M. c showliread table (­tha table of showwl Inaudme,it was of Jehovah (Rcvi- to tAo naval clock at Toulon by the in ralklinp� any� other domestic animal an, and she insisted on seeing the dazzled eyes at the brilliant feminine Manufacturers of and dealers bread") was a stand on w . hich w I cro slon). The Instruments 'of David, expedient of upsetting his boat and on the coast; -cats, cown and pigs Nauldpau that In order that the Bus- cutlass and musket he carried and insect of his species; and, lol they In all kinds of Building Ma. have all been destroyed by the dogs. sian army should become tlxq most on fiearing tho story of the lightting. flew away from that gloomy house- terial, such as Lumber. Doors, kept twelve fresh lowles made front without doubt. were the cvmbals. swimming to the docks, where he If ever a dog Is brought up with the f0rMIdabI0 ln the world only two No wonder that Jock's lioart was which wag assuredly no place ton psalteries, and harps. and wt was rescued in an apparently uncon- Sash, Lath, Shingles, &c. &c. unleavehoa flour, each loaf SYM1101117 * 0 Play- I is things ecessary: "o, PrOJIt Of quickly won, or that to his last day butterfile together. inga tribe ctf Israel. oil by the Levitils; the trumpets were scious condition -but really sufll- family, In the bituse, his doom The vessels which Xing' 'Ahaz 'blown by the priests. cientl wid"wake to take stock of sealed. At the first opportunity his reforms; developed by a -great man, he treasured go Proudly the chair Pkans and estimates furnished ad litop in his reign did cost away Included 27, 29. This verse gives one of all that was going on there. jealous companions will pounce Upon and a deeree of the Tsar empowerilig which wag "the bonnie Princess' sin not only such utensils as knives and several hints that the kings of Ju- In 1894 he traced the underground .1him In the absence of his master and that great man to break resigtance gift, - - Harriet was the first to learn of WatablisheIl 211II&O basins, many of Whic�h were "cut in dah like David and Solomon, each telegraph system of the French army worry him to (loath. from whatever I quarter It might Agild,auch loving anid loyal net&- Ae of any come. " the flight. She had feared for so 13uchanans & Lwson. pieces" (2 Chron. 28, 24)" but tile r;;j�rded himself its the head of the disguised eta It chocolate pedlar; ho This liai the Invariable to I bors, and surrounded by the richest "braron gpa­ also, a huge lover Church. Hezeklah takes personal engaged himself a-9 coachman to M. privileged dog on the coast that is M. Naudeau attritantes the follow, treasures of sconery Scotland Can long that her lovely sister would in and charge of this sacred festival. For Mercier, and In that character accom- por*ttod to enter his master's houito Ing remarlts to two mllutary attaches, show even to go falir a lady, wfho revolt against the late which was so f: which rented upon brazen oxen. 1� f the differ- In conversation at the railway eta- can doubt that Queen Alexandrd's dintaffteful, takb some such step , an was one of the conspicuous oblects at ordained by read "of." At the panted him on his tour of inspection and receive the Caresses 0 this, that the discover.,- scarcely came McKILLOP the temple court. This wan too volu- given signal five activities began , of military. roads leading to the'ent membor.4 of the family. The pre� tion at Littoyang: visits to Bolmoral are as a surprise. She had done her best able to be destroyed. but it had been the games were lighted under the Alps; and on another occasion be,forence excites the jealousy of the DANGEROUS LATER. "FULL OP.QUIET DELIGHT,I? to drlve the male butterfly Yrom. the Intual Fira Insuranoe no t Nancy by rush -,other dogs, and they patiently wait UU rejected from its mered place, and offering, the song of Jehovah" escaped detection a ,,flow powerfnt Russia "I be In a She loves to renew memories of the e FAM omd Isolated Town Peoperty orected at one side upon "a pavement burst from the lips of the -singers, Ing into a furniture shop, and bid- for an opportu I to avenge them- few years, and how daniger'bus for tier neighboring Aborgeldle Castle, with again and agfalrl, I-9 accomlianled it with a Ing in a wardrobe. in which he per- selves. of (2 Kings iG, 17). All the Lovitc In tj % European neighbors, when she has it* Iffstoric square keep and round, Rer thin pale face grew more dravm these articles hu4 now been prepared rhythmical beat, the priests sounded goaded the shopkeeper to dispatch so animals Will been induced to modernize her army clinging turrets, whore Rho has spent as she Contemplated the position, like Value of Property Insured up to and hanctilled fly the priests and the trumpets. end the congregation him drag a commetique, or slelgh� fifty or after her pending misadventures." so many happy days with t over the Rho he King; the drab, unselfish creature she wag, January, 1901,$3,048,97-500- their workmen, that Is, had beat) put r(that Is, all who were present) as- OVER TITE FRONTIER. w- This would particularly be the case and of Blukhall, a Charming little she soon fell to blaming herself. OFFICERS and again in good order for the cxCluslya sumed the attitude of prayer. All But much of the Most effective They haul wood from the Interior, it the wai- with Japan ended in do- place, whoeo hair husband made his Balls had been their mother's dar- ucl,an. president, KIppon P. O.; T, service of Jehovah. this continued until the burnt offor- work In spying has been done by carry supplies to the hunters In the feat. it Russia is victorious, she bachelor home before he soulght his ling, and on her deathbed she had Mraser. Vice-PrestdonA, Druceflold P. 20. All was now ready for tbe do� Ing was finished. Then the king women. One of the most dangerous forests far back front the rocky and will i-emMn In possession of those brfd6 in ttenmarlt. bestowed her u6on Eriorriet as a O.. T. E, H S t y clicatioll. Ilozekiah tha king rose and Ilia counselors, having suparvis- of them all was Mine. Balitlen, a do4olato coaBts; draw their . Masters Immense Far , IC"tern territories Then. within an eac;y, walk or drive precious trust. How, she reflected, Or -Tressur. ed the service, worshipped by them- ' or, Seai�arttsyl�' ear4% and gath9red the char -woman at the German Embassy,ftom lioatso to house, and with their where slid will be obliged, in order are home of the most ronliftlitic and had she kept that trust? It Is ever Connolly. -h as our - MR, Oahe' r to secure tier *stipromaqt, to use all beautiful Rights to be seen In cot" thus with the drab and unselflob. Portar's Dille. Clin. rulers (­princesi') of the city, nrid selves in silence mw Millis in Paris. It w d I a p actice won I derful noses pick out the i S II -ord tore receive the Lord'R Supper apart even In the most Pitile" her resource* for half a century She larA.the lovely ton P. A �rjoak p. G.; went jl� to tile house of the L from,the administration of It to tile to enter the , basay every morairig Path, falls of Garrawalt, TbAt nlght the doctors came from J (11.1chovah"). In folmal 11rotersiOn, at six o'clock. ransack drawers, storm. would be load to Improve lier Ttan*' In their breen setting ot-trees, the J. Evans, Beechwood, Is. O., J. Q. al People. coat-pockots, and wasterpaper has- It the traveller will only trust to Siberian Railway; she would be more the luvalid's room looking gmver GrIevep Winthrop P. Ili,l; J. Benne. in Indicate the itatlonal elinrActer 30, "Also - Pralses., that Is, I Linn of Dv. with the dark'waterg than ever. Philip, they said, Was rels,, Beechwood P. O.J� W. Chesney, the semice; arly In the morning to kets. and hand over her spoil daily f6he aftgadttv of an vocitel-lenced lead- and moire an 'Asiatic povoer; Rho I . psahns From this verso we learn rirling and ecol-bing deep down In dnfdng, and ugly, 'gentle 11&rriet nat.huglastle vigor with would be daily Jo4s interested in thd av to an agent of the French Epionago er, lie ittily wrilt) himself U6 In Ilia i3eatorth r. o.; each thd Inspector of haw the that tl'e words of the sting Of Jeho' I Department, who sorted the papers b0hr and sealskin rga". and, rOgatd- Its rocky girge; Braemar. reachedby grew to think that surely Plate must Jehovah won to v -uropegin rivalries; sho itbicK the worship of great n the beautiful Quoep's Driva!' through flate him bitterly Indeed. Ores ticairist to which tney occor. alf luentioned In verse 27 were, ad found much of value In them 169 of plorcing winds and biltiolng 'turn heback for a long time on We ... AGENTS- J -W, Yeo, kPolmoovI11% be reinstated. the romantic Fbr6st of BallOchbui0l To lose life Is bitter, it, spite of writtelt by David and by Anaph the, For Manv a long year Mme. Ilastien 14nowdrifts. these sagrioloun and faith- West. It humiliated, dr0crti ba6k on nd the Earl of Alar's Punch -bowl, the pessimists; hilt to have the know - James Cumming, �,gmoliidville; E. 21. Top rin n(laring to ortlainOd in eer, an eminiant L9vIto musician a Hinchloy. Seatorth-, 11. quilth. Ilar- Lov, 4. it gyrubolized tho removal of whose naine III borno by twelve o i plied her profession without arous. ful shim;tls will draw lilm. safely to Siberia, she would reconstitute her once filled to the brim with whisky- lodge that while life was slowly ob- Ill the least suspicion. Ills own door of, the nearest post. lock. gullt anil nioral pollution. By ro- our psalms. military pbwata on a adentific. listals- toddy for the followers of "Bomill(i bing. hollor IWf had taken wings is a rule. however, the most dMil'i The collimatique Is about 80 'She would expilitlence the natural do- Folier Holders can LY "goes- me,ving 'the rointlin frant after tie 31, The nation having now beell, I ale spies are those WIIQ brand and 10 or I� feet long, The ifirci, td seek corapontatioli. in Moro Prince harlie," Not far away I, and flown. is to taste tile ottermoot to W incly .1hitootand that the,lo form, cohl,lectoted to job gorous am �pe Mar Lodge. the home of the Queen's Monte and got their car!�Ss receipt- Ron ally 0 taft, Possess a formidable weapon, intheir j runners Oro shod with wlialehone, at oil MO borders bt Ettropo lor till dregs of. Human degradation. ad at W. Coatst Cltatofav or at M11- aninuiIii con%tituted the sn oftedh the klog urges thost, present to itinke personal Attractions. Stich a n1ron! which by frictitin over, the snow searatt daugtter, the Duchess of Fife, with She had not told him of the g rAsia Bros. Palaco, Clothing Store, Whilat the laTI004.149: and rents. nag personal ecansderation, and so flaeff- wan Baroness tie Xa-ttla, who -tII4 becomes . illy polishod slia *6uld have lost in �thA, Par East. - riemulzie Falls; ed tht - I the neighboring Car of the butterflies. She had tri or Goderich. -%lid thAn- offerings were and 'The AfttfW "Oce"Iciii. the till"' 0sideroch and Ben BoUrd, Mountains she conceived it to be her ditty till larnb.% gol,�,od as the burnt ' ofteritig flta.q supil excellent. work for [ter Father- I'very. tion of the nalwalls, Constantinople, t veyses 22-21. Tito burnt brought fit by many perijile, while land. Ing over 8,000 feet, to climb; do so; but the words had gtbek in The baroness cast her spell Ifiliego settle. going further, than the royal V The, commotique is well floored With eftl&, anii��Wjib knom,17-perlillipel Dffiaring is ordattled'in Lev I. o er General do Cissck, Minister of the skins of -the hair. or Labrador her throat.', JAnd now, as able was vo flarrific-el; *Pritt now to be oMred suggestion � of a free more gonj� CdIa* alig"1100 410Ut13.i;mio"*41t-erd4 roffAlta. War under h bectir or t litat, brollght of MacMaboWs, Presidency, meal, oVer Whict to tramp over; about to enter his room, she deter. 'CALL UP� on �Zthal( of three great Iwititationn: I — of the Dee to fish ltlr-aft4 a hundreil find while t1l't cenild 9flieral Was alkins itro -tialled all round, with all mined diat he should never know it litsking-in, the baronoso's smiles In' )lore --All pitijilared she could lielp it, 1. for tho kingd. that 19, tot (wpenlng tot- the traveller t6 Introdued other charalli to M merely lite kingl house nild royal at- her rawin room her agents wore his b6d. The harness IN �iadd of IME11S WITH INTINCTS. to do their part In making tin Ideal ""O is it?" nfftnod Philip, as sho ransacking 1g, portfolio, in "I'M billia. I can -t fies.- d yard is lit tA)hdants. but tho wholb orgaliftn- anotlitir eatered. The fitfomost dog. cftlltvd A 9 tbb holiday for a Queen. t. 2. Vor the e Den Auftellmal Telephones 15 ock t1oft f the goerhman n pious notes fif "It PhIllp,"lloald ugly HtTI. TAILMS Or CLOUD. tile guide or lender, in placed about b3ness or Xkoll-IiArdfl:16611 Of`­tf6,%!4 - i -_ sanctuary, I the temple and its courts its cotprits. It wile itinother beau- Irbirty feet Ill� b.ftilylco, Thd bl 0ho oedo et's beautiful voice. or A glory of denied by Abaz and "Inclusive of the A great, Cumulous , tliburacillead tiful woman. an adopted daughter of b the guid(Y. from W urgoly upon whore ORIGIN OP TIAND-SHAKING. smtWod longing leapt ponzonnel of the t6hiplo," thil primts cloud lik often big t , ghest General Paranoff. vkbo so Infatuated -,%hg0d In fAirs elitnu Ill, questioti TEE he,. than aro t. hich the trees Sonticitinion three,,, or even f9ur P11111711t, xProni came, fromJ,, �aisfactov�r re- into the sick man's face. and Lovites. 3. Por utlah, that Is. Alps wofild be it they' web �ijqd on several Russlan stnfl officers that. at I Bard-sbaking, no we In Britain ljar- At last." he field, "my w1k,'my 24 the 411malaysel. I not un� hir bidding. they paid to Austria c u ed . to one (jolts are ivldom cNiedenod by ticul Iand Square the entire population, the peoplo con- top of frly affect It 66w -a -days derives Kidercid one It It P, cominctiquo. besides the gAlcle. Its origin from less hOppy da§,j t1fan dArlifig'? L -forgive 1 one. The pricasli utirn usual for these claucla meoulturb ? the 11ilgidain plai%%% of mobilitation. Dirrnting In northern ioirritr$. a need thel-I thought et call Tho F t.alned from �,Ou 118A tired of your helpless, use. Wfien you want the best ll�poth at least. sons of ftoi AIX, and even oiRht intles fricarn The 61fletifs h1li. including General 1ulitialix dop of.puroi breed, Ob tile unny South. ity ours. Clove poisoning, or conceal- less, h"band. But�oh, you have Aaron. One of do salleift tocitures 01-ir flot, darri balp. hovering a ratio payanoff 111MR61f, paid for tholir feel. with his strongly built fr6!mC. lol!ig platiting- wile graduall torth,or ftibnt of poisoned knives and ottitir �o to be had In' their lob infatuation Vrith their lives. whito fur, point6d cars And busliy north, how,ever. trees rutty be at dadt me to MO -you have comet" of "the min wherein Jervabonth the,or two above the earth, to y weapons, was at one time the The volee bad docived him again, son of Nebat. caused Israel to sin" rounded. glistening ifummit. RDIbAdid tail. I.- cariable of enduring M11190 IdWah hdrideadd tLftd aodimatised, faubliiii oven in Worry England, and was the turning away front the fain- in the minlight. Ault In those eight to a far greater extent tlida the until a notad froth such a tres may be a well-known wa of getting rid find austere, tth-loving, Mirlet. fly of Aaron and from the tribe of Mallet; �thcl cliangea Of toutporature fhl�ted broM. But the latter boatsi, reftsonabIV expeoted, to thrive. and The who had never lied before, did not COAL Uvi and the won for 'Its #Mt as thoso cavor filarkv thou- CUARU OP Tt0;qr'_4. bith In Infig Journeys, even when fed ydator(4 16 fruits. Trees, like people, trtacherously of On ellenly. ,farlea it day'. &6quirk. Wile hfIbItA from the oil- Prot gl6voo over worn (says - in him, trallne") were carviod by the knights 'Us clasped her Mnd, find thioY tftll& tile ta,lesthood ittila Wbta not beftill- nalitIA of tallft tit the MAh's sdr� ad as lovers -do, lightly - 11h is. 'the alfor tit tile filt(o. +rhese Claude tobtala strata f THU DOG hojitd in Whiefilillica_V liv6. 'Me north- �of old, an p olifts `11 kinds of COAL al* "tall PrIP­4 4 recidus bolon#Ing of their .,,A S310 Olt% the A rose *00 kn6w.4 InAthatV61Y W�p death, who watched them Narlitcad"l- Lord ("Jehovah"). Mentiontid teMpOrAttift. tietroW belta of tir"xing Th?Jt she wore od hall breast-. tre, _n till' --tale Lcidveg" at tile tirrie, too, ly, ftneb* . days, Without food 'tfhm bu,ebatho to 1`100n ItR 11"IR0016 hen Weir own lcav, Iron matted 13 hand. In ConfrAst to tlie Mint 'at Abov,,. dfat . Of it I One of the nth -M brk,&l thilat be (Ott '"Ut'horn tree tollbWk t1in carried weapons of at tWrlst sew that the avock I told akt&ntlithig With till,# my teftelitts Wlob had for it while stood ail IN bt rtdov'nkTA abit fro:Wll 9110*9 aticl 'Thr de�trelft, Itis befIL at the elils'd ot the first dt the Joy had biten too Auch for tte site. Twooreil widw to 114 propiar too futirticlet. When I day, or nis tiq htificti. bofn� Ili lie littery. n44 thete 14 �dfs*e at revenge. , alovos, Wore- ts P0610 are thtmt :good for OU16 the 1%610. th. whittIt, 11tild IMIQ11hood of sick and blibil . Mon. A grey shadow All Ca4i welithed on 111te Market plate, it had doutlest 1 hottv Tonewo Anti w1iob I WA to Moro ill r foo(I often Cohi toiw, ill these savage tinais. wore tot- sfo*IV spread oVer tNd ficulken Cheek. d,41# tftilloplantIng farthet htirfli tin 641 bid, by etiquette to be ivorn in wid I, 01W. -4- M soul will f"tilt plim0h'. '01 111tiss the, .Uiloo, 1011oft $ou.Utt 2000 Ilia, for dkind CArolln-tho vallall, bit Cho -Aga, Irhe #reat trttlilo, lak.v t1lat you, � love 112. 111114 rtiveff lift (lit, thtko 41tv, the ptoorli:& Or mvalty� ttrAl oVdin- Wlipto,or It May -tour, losipti by IN eod rshorincft fail bdit,, � most pt�ple iq that they *aht *to% we ard Cold by the old "01014 of tho "'I'lltee Of tile 4AVANP.' YMBOUS. no Joy that Die ilth mortAls, gk!fp*f. An t.xport AdVilr cats 161t Ally Dart ituilip a tree train go 6va youila lose ell I . o4t north 0. g mm, to lflil�;t ofterind-litf1fak JU Vol. Tho rooe"that alit, wort% raditally Uatht. thlrough, kiso6d HIM tahatrly. Ialld 'The VM4) Nyliflitillt f the IMP01011 of, the leading dog Tin originally, to gvla:lit, igaw houhti of J"all W� . . tal. hin forbildall.to whip" It k,ov.4, rid, to ift. , The I(Jg$ Wo L& 116, eMd It Ile Is, $4, daAhilir it uprih%t o ie mlfftiri he f WMI, hit 010*41 and at h*6fdi nia th6y'Ate ve a r6sti, holvom-'t, a.4 littlo. LAS 06sliblo, tot f6ul thing, but, ttis lietiordif* Atfgg Store 23. 24. Accordlfig�40 tile iveserill- I ga thenwivosthlit tiothbig do I1ut 40401t �p, 4. in it, Ir Aho h** )is# litiftly wilitten, tlj&; in tlio carri i* gmm W �00$6 dogs", althouttli tr4tt*blo, two, tslo lion Of IA)V. 1, 4 tho*xlellt d4tiht- wmss. w not eoil& teftffo*t of taiketeft In 'lit's ip�, Ift hold 191if I laAr hAVAS fitim the rnvo 0taelor,% m,ld *111 �valnlii. littlo tor- Ile �_d to lie tv� it WAS bullocks. eamt, And labills t*t *of. 1146k at tho: M11*011, 2vat 0iiIr to b"', VA1111 to okato, offtllueo & WO *6tds that gbntlit. i*ly rut. yffioft� (go 1*� J"ft flot ObOdifttly opok,s warti, "d -W feted At a Wilt Offetitig; b it n4W Olt, I* 00W I *j%vo It o toil" l^oAftts *btlegs *pq, j wo , I to 1. JVq ho.V 41*4" b0ft tro forth V brolislit s tli#i 0kat- thea itli he foll's Almh thov, 1*0 t 6 b# Ptrihto (at hb 14,11% 6, tb rt6 4111. AM wop4i Ills: tR44hiliel" -AlAd thit Ill" thobl. W611k N 6,604pott fiftfillelpot, tolthloilts; Ama, *1th the on bli wov tat V*�Ployed sn two oket") thlit r. 0 Piro ato W* to", rA "o *hetic, ht6w. * liappy Zwk, Brit" llrt JU11w a 3111cra orittlAg *6 4116 t6U,thAit it ikag �ftho surol mb; littitu th � "iff ** vita, ati'I'Mo t4iii iltotal fa *0 roolhij whi 0 1 . 49, 1 - it YAllIg tild 016 00gr$*01110 tftbfi, U lk� *ftlWo W 1,114 0, fw,., fal, 1* itV L fttA tot tiod I It I In *0 #Iifil aVft wav��td A' iihorit;. W16 tttiltu. t t t t to Ali A�A� S