The Goderich Star, 1904-12-02, Page 1,--r"..4115.1511111r,
• o,
• Newqmperin the Courty.ot Iluren, and
• cilum4.• QuqutitYt. 'Circulation
THE aooeR14141 STAIR barte,lasze
cireulation'than any ether Newetuiper,
Iin this section'of the County of Huron
The Official tlowavaper or the Courkty et noron.
Wknalsel, VP. WM
11111T_QMICI.A. Se TODD. Publisher*.
inisuo Advartsa-$11.00 Credit
' AsTITT I.0131.8,111oeve dog Oda, right hatel;
aea. ed, On Mondey evening, isv.. $18Ibs
tweonKinksten Street and ttei in/011040M In-
atitute, Finder will pleoile leaVe arair
ABM ou nw premiss, 40tout Nov.11)
194,.. red etoer, eonoingl,,V0 Year* old.
T e owner earl WWI) itarne be eneanis propert
seginsectserges end talaett 14 *wnp JAI*
toArwt,Let I con. 2, Ash old, ert, rt
P. O. ' 206 -St
Mum u.s.1,1?..,- A nine roffined honee on an-
glaeata., a largo lot. Mlles sold ee easy'
terms.- MIUHABL GRAY on premiere.
liErOUtt TO RENT,. -10 rotane,„Ilaglan
JUL atreet. Apply atffilll, MAPAWS vales.
van eaLti.-4. Sate good cointitien. Ap
TAY te 0E0. A. J. asarat
1GIOR BALE. -.-That desirable residence,. 42
JO Albert street, Goderloh, Ont., owned and
mempled by the uudersignod.-MRS. Oh'ORG/11
Xgleide avert, neer the head of -North
0 RENT.-Tne omfortable and convenient
reeidenee of Capt. A.14, Meogregor, on
street, ls for rent Partidulara can be had
• tore, Goderieh. 25
431? ti.
'LIAM F011 SALE -Situated on rho bth
conceseion, Wont Wawanotrh. two miles
from Dungannon, being parts ot lots Id and 19,
containing 140 aoros. There are 20 nom of
excellent laardwoffil builh, the below:so in grass.
This desirable fano is 1lultablo ter grain or
pasture; well watered .• a good house ; also two
good barn% witb shod tor hay, and etabling,
A.Iso two largo orchards in full bearing. 4%
be old on reasdhablo terms. The greatelrlitt
marrernaln on mortgage. ROBT. BOWL
Dungannea P. 0. soon
4., 1 .1 home with two aortas of land and first --
0-s. class bearing orcbard, on• the Huron Road.
• Very deeirablo property for person retiring, or
tbr gardener, A claanco-that is seldom met
wi h in the corporation of Goderich, and the
. Also two vacant lots a °Ming, and four
p oe 18 an indectunea to -X.,.
:leant Iota in St. Andrews? ard, which will
be mid atvory reasonable price%
4. People who want property will make a
mistake if they do not enquire.
For particular:3 apply to D. C &NTELON,
Qlseteo street. Goderloh.
WANTED. - Nurse tor child 2 years old.
Apply to Mits. L. E. DANcET
ANTED AT ONCK.-A first class man as
Genera Agent for the County of /Juror,
for a Ineuranee Company. Liberal contract
to right elan. Apply to Box 100, Stratford.
MEACHER WANTED for • School Section
No. 17. Apply stating salary and quali-
fications, to DAVID McILWAINE, Jr., Nile
Post Office.
MEACHER WANTED.- For School Section
No, 1 Colborne Tp. County of Huron for
Nub. Apply stating salary to F. W. McDON-
AGH, Seo. I, Carlow P. 0.
rysEAcliint WANTED for Union School
.1 Section No. 1, Townships of Colborne,
Aehfleld and West Wawanoish. Applications
received up to Nov. 2fith 7904. Apply stating
experience, qualifications and salary, to It.
• IY1c1LWAIN, Seenstary, Nile P.-0. -
$$ work and ono for kitchen. fghost
Air -ANTED, two girls -one for dini:A room
wages paid. Apply to hARR BROS:
Unien Hotel,Goderich.
dEnenrd2lott'od." %vary ewutorty looz
:wages paid to good bush mon. Apply to CIE
• GOL1ERICH LUMBER CO., Limited, Coder -
lets, or STOKES BAY. .
ANTED, by Nov. 11th, a General servant,
ono who can do plain cooking, no up -
r work. Wages $15 per month. Apply to
Mrs. S. A. Mffilaw, St -Vincent stress% (lode -
rich. 2t
NVANTED.-To hire, teams. Loa^ and
steady work. M. A. Pawn. Si co.
ions for the positions of Koeporand Matron for
tho House of Refuge and Industrial Farm in
the County of Huron will be received on or
before the first day of December next. Appr.
cations to be In writing and addressed to W.
LANE, County Clerk, Goderioh. SPACK-
M A N , Chairman of H. of R. C0111.:
Dated July 18tb, 1901 2t
Ths taiLIC NOTICE. -This Is to give notice
1. that) 1 will not be responsible for any
debut Incurred bv my son, George Kuntz. with-
out my written authority.
(Signed.) DIRS. KUNTZ.
Dated Saltford. Nov. 28. 1904.
mAX NOTICE. -1 will be at tho King Ed-
▪ ward Hotel, GoderIch, on Saturday, Deo.
10, from ono to four o'clock p. 01., to receive
taxes from an3r rate payere of Goderioh town
ship who desire to pay nos there. Picat3e
govern yourselves accordingly.
Dated Nov. 28, 1904. 2-1
- -
}nonwill meat in the Council Chamber, in
ell of tlio corporation of the County of
the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday the Oth day
of December next, at o'clock m, All ac-
counts against the county mint bo placed with
tho clerk by fink day of meoting.-W. LANE,
Dated Nov. 21st, 1901. Clerk.
A.INcrricz le hereby given that an application
will be made pn behalf of the Guelph and God -
*Hob Railway Company to the Board of Rail-
way Commissioners for Canada, on Tuesday,
the 2011, day of Deeember. 1904, at the hour of
eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Or so soon there-
• after as the application tan be hoard. for a re.
commendation to the Governor-in:Council for
the Kam:akin of a learre of tho railway
of the Guelph and Goderloh Railway
Company to the Canadian Pacific Railway
Company for a, term of nine hundred and
ninety-nine years, from the first day of Jape-
ary, 1905. upon tho terme and tonditions thereiR
Tins notice (striven pnrauant to the pray's.
lona of section `..M1 of the Railway Act, 1908.
Thp Guelph and Goderleh Railway Co.
Dated at Guelph this eighth day of Novem-
ber, 1901.
Tairs Norms
that a special .getteral rneeting of the share"
holders of The Huron auti Bruce ,Loan
vestment Coftpany be"told at the head
office of the Conipany, Mirth street, in the town
of Goderich, on Wednesday, the 21st day of
December, 1904, attire hour of two O'clock tn
therm •rnoon, fOr the purpose of taking into
conaideratiom and, if approved. 01 ratifying
and accepting, an .agreenastit provisionally
entered into int the dirootors of The Huron
and Bruce Doan /it InvestMent Company and
the directors Of The Standard Loan Company
for the Bale by Tho Unruh and Bruce Loan ez
Investment Company of, its moots to The
Standen -1 Loon Company Mien the terms and
conditions prescriW in tho said agreement.
Arlo Tore NOTtrat that the said agreement
may bo Inspected by nay shareholders/it the
head office of the dompany,
DATnn this ninth day of Novetnber,_1904.
Comprising Iiiisiness, Shorthand and
Typewriting, and Academie Departments •
In wr; Ong for catal igue containing full
Address'-' VEREX, C. 13.,
2324- Principal
The undersigned will be pleased
td supply A13.Y0fte Wi3hing tO lay
vvinter!Si Of Hard. Coal.
Srav14 Ittiiitiftrt Ott EGO State.
1.10Ettiells Oks
*rime Os ;
O 0 O. 0
s $01$c r lotion It$ TtIn I
tr*ve So woo youpr
?STAR lo aciviutcp A 0
within the next few
if not, pleatte MOH ' I
0 0)144 91SIX Onitiltis e
I "
11. SALK, L D. S. D. D. et, MoLean's
issis Bleck," bloat:rice. Dr. Tusabutia old
WM visit Dunes/trod Wfiftscoday after
Andreas, (490(0,1 Perelman, will bi af serviee
during the eeasee of MA raturnincent
anintai law no euperior. In the IlleantraG
orderS nosy be boOked and full pock, ars
obtained trona Messrs. E. C. ATTRILL,
wood Steok Farm. au& FRED DAVIS, ot 020
Rotel Bodtorci.
This in to Inform the general publics that I
have opened up the E.aRt. Street 'AVM in
Ooderich with a thoroughly modernized outfit,
and respeotfully solicit the patronage of all old
friends and as many new omen as pOselble, It
Abell be my endeavor furniah tho public with
reliable horses andeasy-ridIngriga, and to givo
the very boat satisfaction possible- Cali and
see what wo can do for you, no matter when
you may vvant aria., or caU up 'Phone M.
he paths through the Court Houae Square
RN not for vehicles. Carriages to the Court
House enter from South street and return the
mato way. Offenders will be prosecuted.
BY Qrder
Town Clerk.
fasslic HURON HOTEL, Goderfeh
feetly modernised throughout An ideal
stopping place for the Traveller and. F er.
Everything up-to-date and tho very an-
cornmodation. A. SIMMS. Proprietor.
COLBORNE H 0 T E 141).
-Ciarws-g; In Towt4 and you will be treated
well by "Little Gaye.'
Good Accommodation.
Good 'Aleals,,and a Good House.
You don't want more.
Picea. 'S. L. -Tatum, Manufacturing
Optician and Eyesight Specialist, and
MISS LIWAN TAUSE, Doctor of Opthal-
mology, late of the Manhattan "Eye and
Ear Infirmary, New York, will be at the
DeC. 13th, l4th, Sth and 16th,
and will test eyes' and suit glaises to all
sight.. If there is anything wrong with
your eyes, call end have your eyes exam-
ined by Prof. Taube, aud if you can be
suited he will Make the glasses for you.
He is one of theoldeer Opticians in Tor-
onto, and has been established since 2873,
during which time over one hundred
thousand cases have -been successfully
treated by him, many cases where others
have failed. He has the advantage over
others in grinding his own lenses, and as
making Spectacles is a profession and
science, as is suiting Spectacles, it re
quires years of labor and study to correct
the errors of refraction. You have 31
years of his eXperience at your service,
also the serviced of a lady specialist on
refraction. Miss Taube has made a
specialty of fitting children. If you
have children whose sight in any way
defective, it ivould be to your interest to
consult het.
Call and get your eyes examine&
Consultation free. Come early, as you
may require a second testing. For -refer-
ences and testimonials see small circulars.
- Toronto address, 171 Spadina Ave.
All Water Rates for 1904 fire now
due, and if not paid before the zoth
of December the water will be
turned off.
Collector of Water Rates.
J. Andrews shipped 181 hogs+ to Toronto on
Monday. Thei price paid was the same as that
peld last -week, 24.4lik
The grain mark8C, ao far as shipping is con-
cerned. has boon a lively ono this week, but
local markets have not boon over busy.
Meate, live and dead. have boar. weak,
the eloting of the St. lAwrence route for ex-
port tra4e being tho cans%
Butter/ and eggs show little change, and
poultry is easy, the largo quanAity placed on
the market the Peet tow weeks tending in
Weaken the price.
Warrant wholesale prices corrected
s/D to soon of Thursday.)
Fall wheat, standard $ 0 95 to $0 05
Spring. wheat, standard_ 0 its to 95
Flour, per cwt.. patent 3 OD to 2 20
Flour, por cwt., family to 2 80
(Iran, per ton III tO V/ 00
dhorte, par ton. 20 00 to 2J 00
Screening% per ton .......... 18 00 to 13 00
Oats 0 20 tb 0 29
Barley .
PeLLR 0 40 W 0 40
0 00 to 0 60
Rye 4:1 40 to 40
Buckwheat, por bushel 0 05 to 0 45
Ilay 6 50 to 7 00
Butter, per lb 0 15 to 0 10
Rua, Mesh) per dozen 0 20 to 0 20
Wood, por cord 4 00 to 5 00
Cattle, export 4 00 to 4.50
Cattle, ordinary and butehers' . 4 00
LaMbs per lb, . .... 00 m 4 25
Shoop. per lb.. ......... 9 00 to 3 25
Bows, lIve woight 00 to 4 OD
Hoge, drogised 0 00 te 00
Hama, per lb 0 lb to 0 la
Flacon, long clear 0 12 to 0 12
Bides 5 00 to 5 50
Sheep skills 0 40 to 0 50
Tallow, rendered . . . _ 0 48 t,o 0 05
cbtokens,--barnyanl Altars, per lb 0 07 to 0 08
" --crate led 0 10 to -0 10
BOO. fere quarters 5 00 to a 00
tlfief. hind Quarters 7 00 to 7 sn
Turkeys, per lb 0 Leto 0
Ducks. per lb.... .... . ........ .,0 8 to 0 u
rotor AND vitOETAnuta.
orangea, per dozen 0 20 to 0 40
temcme, per dozen 0 20 to 0 25
Bananas. por domn ....... . 0 90 tO 0 Sa
Potatoes. Der bnahel 0 30 to 0 IV
[Notice to Water Takeiss-W. L 1
Chrtstmete ratfte-PorterN llookstore.. ..... 8
Tax Ileum -Lewis A. Anderson 1
Public Notice-Mro Kunts 1
pined Positteres-Oodarietm Dna Coltego...., 8
London College -W. N.. Yerex ,i,
CetnInse-Prof. Trail*
Urges& and hest-,8tratfahl Mot canes*4
Eull C10111 trOnterit-W, A. McKim S
Mitt Lost-81,AS ()Moe t
Steer stray-thenee Olvitr
!fsloillt;117, .
Itegular meeting of thePuhlie cliool
ea nett Monday ololittg.
',. '
Lrritlit411Z-The open Meeting
Of tbe Collegiate Literary Society ott
radios was ht.rgely attended, and after
the usual fortriel proceedings tire fol,
lovidirif_PrOgyarn Wt113 presented: riane
so10, Miss Thoniaes readings_Mits
Trotter; violin duet, by Miss G. White-
n' and F. Doty, and a vocal solo by
Mitts Hartleib. A _good ntlmber Of the
Collegiate Journal followed; then a
duet by Misses Stnith end Stoddiut
recitation ITS, Beam a dialogue by
Messre. Leopard, McLennan
and Long; solo by Maeter Dean; an
address by Mr. Strang, and God Save
the Ring closed a ehat•tning program
s A BM Plum -Shortly after nine on
Saturday morning the fire department
was called out by a fierce blaze in .A.
J. Cooner's grain warehouse and seed
store on Hantilton street. In a few
minutes this* streams were being di-
reeted on the building, but as the In-
terim, was practically all ablaze, the
firemen directed their efforts to keep-
ing the Ore within the Walls. In. this
they were successful, Mid ,when the
roof fell in, which mastered within 80
nainutes a the alarm..there was no
further danger of the flee extending.
The fire was one of the quickest to
spread, and this wail caused no deubt
either by the dust that gathere . In a
grain warehouse or in sotne way from
the gasoline engine, in the neighbor-
hood of which the fire evidently start-
ed. The owner states that he watain
the store that opens into the waft -
house, when he heard a noise, and
opening the door, he- was met by a
sheet of flame that drove him butt,
scorching his fate. With the aseists
epee of Mr. Lewis be saved his books
and then telephoned up town for the
fire brigade. Residents of Hamilton
street say they heard an explosion,
but bow that waa canoed is not ascer-
tainable, but it is generally ascribed
to the gasoline machinerY. The graba
in the warehouse was fully insured by
the Masers. Hay, of Listowel; the
building was insured for $1400, and
the stock of seeds, flour, fixtures and
engine, $000, a total of $2,000.
Tam 8, 0. S. -The parade to Knox
church on Sunday morning, by the
members of Inverness Camp, S. 0. S.,
ita honor of St. Andrew's Day, was not
ea' largely attended as in former years,
doubtless owing to the snow storm
which prevailed early in the morning,
but the gatheeing was enjoyed by all
who took part. Plper Craigie and
Standard Bearer Howrie beaded the
procession with the pipes and Scotch
flag, the former giving selections of
well known hymns. Rev. Mr. Ander-
son, as Camp Chaplain and pastor of
Knox church preached an instructive
and appropriate sermon from John
iv, 38, "Other men labored, and ye are
entered into their labors." Mr. James
Thomson sang, Jost before the sermon,
the old time favorite, "My Ain Coun-
tHe." returning to the lodge room,
votes of thanks were passed to Chap-
lain A.nderson and Mr. Lethbridge and
his ahoir.-On Tuesday evening, Dec.
13tb, the Camp will give an oyster sup-
per and concert in Odd Fellows' Hall,
which will be open to the public by
the purchage of tickets. A good pro-
gram of music, recitations, dances and
a couple of short addresses will be
presented in the lodge room, to be
followed by supper in the lower hall.
As it is long time since the Camp
gave one of these popular entertain-
ments, a large attendance is antici-
day evening, at Victoria Ilan, a large
audience greeted the Meister Glee
Singers, under the auspices of the
Ooderich Musical Society. The Meis-
ters are from England, and are made
up of Messre. W. Sexton alto; A.
Grover tenor, P. Waltham basso, and
A. Cunningham baritone.' These form
the famous gnartette, and there are
MissA. Henry, elocutionist, and Rol-
and Henry in musical aketchea. There
were t welve numbers on the program,
and, seven or eight encores. The con-
cert opened with a duet, basso and
baritone, and its excellency put the
audience at ease as to the bill of fare;
a recitation by Miss Henry was well
eceived; the glee "Lull Me to Sleep "
was cleverly and sweetly sung, and
Mr. Cunningham's song "The Devout
Lover," charmed the audience by its
splendid vocalization. A humorous
musical eketela by Mr. Henry was an
exceedingly clever performance, end
the quartettes, "Wither I Find Thee "
and "Its 0 to be a Wild Wind " were
deservedly encored. The song, "Chor-
us Gentlemee," by Mr. Waltham, wile
grandly sung. The Plantation Melody,
with imitation banjo accompaniment,
was sweet, clever and realietic. It ers
impossible to even fairly epitomize the
singers, for beside their well trained
musical volees, they have the gifts of
graceful exisression, clear enunciation
and happy bon hommte when en the
stage that carries an audience enthu-
siastically with them. They are sing-
ers indeed, and as they may be In
Goderich again before they return
home, those who did not hear The
Mbisters should do so then.
P. M.'s COT/RT.-On Monday after-
noon, Robert Campbell, junior, was
charged in the police court with as-
saulting Walter Gough, on Tuesday,
November 22nd. There were several
others summoned on the same charge.
but the charges were taken singly,
The only wittiest: heard on Monday
was tbe plaintiff, who said be was a
contrastor for unloading coal laden
veseels, and had unloaded several in
this harbor. On Tuesday about It p.
tn. he was at the Huron H. otel, where
he boarded, when several young men
entered, They appeared to be ugly
and swearing, and said, "You are the
man we want" : the defendant, Camp-
bell, was one of the men. They com-
menced pulling him and striking him;
and several called out. "Pull him out
of dbore." They pulled him out, and
while on his knees he got two kicks on
his face and another on his body. The
witness was cross-examindd by L. B.
Daneey, during which there were sev-
eral warm arguments between him
and the Crown Attorney, and the
plaintiff's solicitor, F. 13. Blair, tus to
the legality of putting certain ques-
tions. The plaintiffs in answer t,o Mr.
Danisey, said he 'Med in Sainte, for
two months before he came to Gode-
rich. and previously in Port Huron:
swore Positively to Campbell jumping
en his hack and striking him, and said
he knew him (Campbell) beeetnee four
days before he had talked wIti. him
for half an hour. Mr. Dancey asked
plaintiff If he was drunk, his &newer
being "No," and In answer to the
question, "Is all your evidence as true
as your statement that Campbell was
present r he said "Yes," whereon Mr.
Dancey "Campbell was not pres-
tett at all." On the conUlusion of
plaintiffs evidence the police magis-
trate otdfourned • the case till 10 a. m.
on Tueeday. 0n -returning the coon
era* crowded, much Intereet being
manifested. in the charges. The first
witness cal" d knew nothing of 'the as -
Sank, and said he did not see the
defendant, Robert Campbell, present
at the hote1, Thete were several other
wittlesees, hat the ease was finally ad-
jeurned till Friday. on acconnt of the
tiletenee Of two witneastes.
Wan" 11034149,-.ThUChildrt:n'tt Aid
Slacletylof Heron heYe two bright Mid
ettrsetive boys under 12 yeare of age
whom they desire to place in good
homes, iitehere they will have good
trelnill And a ehanee to get an educe
Hon.' artleulars may he had on
aPPIYI 1,0411uUlMitchell, president:
et T1114 Tait office.
Fon Poon Ourmannu.-The annul%
meeting of the Ohildren's .41i1 . So-
ciety will be held ill the Law L ary
of tbe Own, House on ' nes
tifternoon next, Dec. 7, at .15 o'oloek
to receive reports, elect o .8 .ers for the
coming year and trams.° any other
business. An earnest ap eal is made
to all, male or female, ho feel an
interests in child rescue work, to at-
tend arid take part.
season and time of good cheer le again
about here, and our merchants .should
be after the trade that should be hand-
led during the next three or four
weeks. Advertising space in Tun
Swat should be secured without delay,
ea the time is limited. Merchants
who reach out for tradb will reap their
reward, and THE STAR'S unchalleng-
ed circulation is sure to give the best
possible results to advertisers.
directors of the Huron Poultry Associ-
ation met on Friday evening and dis-
cussed matters In connection with the
fourtb-coneing poultry exhibition, an -
pointed the judge, and appointed a
committee to obtain tendere for the
necessary printing and other things
counected with the show. The prom-
ises of assistance so far are very good,
and it looks as if the show will be
ahead of those of the past few years.
WINTER SPORTS. -A meeting of all
interested in curling is called for the
Town Council chamber, to -morrow
(Saturday) evening, at, 8 o'clock, to re-
organize the Curling Club here and
arrange for a good season's sport at
"the roarin' game." It Is some years
since the game fell off in °oche -Jell.
hut this effort to revive It should prove
successful. A number of juniors are
organizing a hockey club for the pres-
ent winter, and hope to meet with
support in their preparations.
W. C. T. U. -Regular meeting of
the Union was held on Monday altar -
noon, and was well attended. It was
decided to hold the meetings in the
homes of the members during the
winter months, the next meeting to he
held at the home of the president,
Mrs. J. P. Brown. A gospel tem-
perance meeting will be held next
Sunday afternoon in the Temperance
Hall at 4.15. Good speaker and Food
music will be provided. Mrs. Davison,
the delegate to the Provincial Conven-
tion, gave a partial report of the con-
vention, more to be given at next
meeting. Next inothers' meeting to
be held at the home of Mrs. MeDer-
mot. Britandia Road, on Friday after-
noon, Dec. Oth.
A MUSICAL EVENT.-Lovergof good
music will have a treat in the organ
recital and sacred concert which is to
bo given in Knox church, Goderich,
on F'riday evening, Dec. 100, under
the management of Mr. George Leth-
bridge, organist and choir leader. The
presence of such popular and well
known vocalists ms Mrs. Roblyn Mc -
Kill,* and Mr. Ed. Webster, two of
London's best singers, ensures a high
class prog-rarn, but, in addition, Mr.
Lethbridge will lead b. chorus of 50
voices, made up from our hest loeal
talent, in oratorio and
chorus selections. A lot of faithful
work has been put into the prepara-
tion of the program, and the highest
expectations will not be disappointed.
Be sure to reserve that evening for
the concert in Knox church.
day evening of last week, Mr. G. M.
Elliott, representing the insurance
and beneficiary department of the
Royal Teruplora of lemperanee, visit-
ed Goderich and conferred with the
members of Eureka Council here, re-
garding an active campaign during
the year 'Or extending the nieniher-
ship of the order. Mr. Elliott will
visit ail the Couricils in Ontario in
thin work, and it is hoped the metn•
bershlp will reach 10,000 at the close of
1005. The riska accepted for insuranee
n,re Of" course only total abstainers,
and by general consent these are the
most desirrible• in insurance circles.
The local council here will endeavor
to do their part in the propaganda, and
definite steps will be commenced at
their neit regular meeting on Monday
' A NEW CHUI1GH. -On- Wednesday
evening the trustees of the North
street Methi3diet church met and
awarded the Dederick) Planing Mill Co.
the carpenter work, and Charles A.
Reid the brick work, etc., of the pro-
posed new church. There were ten
dere for plumbing, tiesinithing, heat-
ing, roofing etc., opened, and action
was to be taken yesterday or to -day,
and it is understood C. C. Lee C. J
Harper, J. Worsell and M. Howell
are each likely to have a share of the
work. Jas. L. Wilson, of J. L. Wilson
& Son, architects, of Chatham, was in
town the past few days, arranging
matters in connection with the work
and:signing;contracts, so that the con-
tractors can prepare for an early kart
in the spring. l'he new church will be
built where the present one now
stands, and be 00 by 72 feet. It will be
of Roman Byzantine style, seat 900,
and Its basement will hold 400, though
it may be arranged to hold 200 niore.
The horde necemiary for the start have
been promised or paid in, 00 that be-
fore the maple leaven come again the
church will be rising from ita founda-
Walter E. Kelly, of Maori, P. E. Co.,
has been engaged tcm manage the watch
and jewelry husinens of Mr. W. T.
Welsh, besides having a proprietary
interest therein, and for several weeks
has been making siich exteneive alter-
ations and improvements as to place it
In the front rank of the bueineas out-
side the large cities. The interior of
the store has been an remodelled with
the help of carpenters, painters, lte..
with the addition of most effective
electric light changes, as to make the
interioe brilliant and attraetive. Ho
large are the additions to the stock,
and so eotnplete the facilitiee for the
largest that even the nest ex-
perielve and artistic requirements can
be filled as promptly end satiefaetorily
as in the big city establishments. Mr.
Kelly, though n. young man, has had a
moat thorough experience, having
also completed a entirse in the Wateb-
maiers',School in Toronto. He under -
outride ihe manufacture of every par-
ticle of a watch, from the smallest pin
to the highest product of the most
Valua,ble time piet e, and In the jewelry
business he la equally well fitted to
give the most ample tiatisfaetIon.
id up-to-date not only in his businesq,
hut has a hearty appreciation of pub-
lic affalrn, and wilf be pleased to help
forward local sports anti Similar mat-
ters which conduce to the welfare and
enjnyinent of the community. We be.
speak for the trew managgroent a
latie share of ptt hl pAt,COn114
Ar:sf;descon Williams, et Stratford,
Is Choten.
Archdeacon William', of Stratford,
was op Tuesday last elected Lord
Blehop of the , Diocese of Huron, m
auccesaion to the late Bishop Baldwin.
The election took playa .on the third
'ballot, though on the aecond ballot
Archdeacon had the clerical
yote and wanted but three of the lay
veta to give hint a 'majority.
The following sketch of the new
Bishop will be read with general
terest :
The new Bishop of the Diocese of
Huron was born in Wales in the year
1859, and is therefore 45 years of age.
He was educated at Latupeter Gram-
mar School and St, David's College,
Lampeter, Wales, and graduated
from Oxford University with the de-
gree of Master of Arta. He took hon-
ors in classics in the Moderations ex -
anis., and honors in theology on his
He was ordained a deacon in Advent
of 1885, by the late Colquhoun-Camp-
bell, Bishop of Bangor, and served as
curate of Ffestenoig, Wales. He was
ordained a prient in 1880, and a year
later came to this country to accept
the position of professor of classics and
mathematics at Huron College, Lon-
don, which office he held until 1892,
teachi also theology and' having a
wide pence for good in his connec-
tion ir-the University.
Durin his term there be was for a.
year ass stant preacher at the Chapter
House, and for three years he was
apecial preacher at St.Paul's Cathedral,
under the late Dean Innen.
In the year 1892 the late Bishop
Baldwin aepointed him to be rectoo, of
St. James Church in Stratford, the
largest church in that city, in succes-
sion to the' late Canon Batterson. Ele
has been in Stratford ever since, where
he has done splendid service, St.
James' Church being to -day one of the
foremost in the Diocese in every re-
spect, a fact that is due more than,
anything else' to the untiring zeal of
the -incumbent. In Stratford he is be-
loved by all his parishioners and re-
spected, by all classes in the city for
his broadmindedness and wide charity.
In Synod circles he has always been
a power, his influence widening and
deepening with•each successive year.
Nearly alwOys of late years he has
headed the polls in Synod elections,
showing the,/ his fellow workers in /he
church have not been glow to recog-
nize his merits.
It is confidently expected that the
Bishop -elect, will make a most capable
administrator of the affairs of the
Diocese, his keen mind having IL tine
rasp of businesa matters. As a pulpit
rotor he is widely known, his minnow.'
twin profoundly spiritual, eminently
churchly and deeply evangelical. He
is regarded in every way as a moder-
ate churchman, and as such is accept-
able to all classes in the Diocese.
Bishop Williame was married in
1888. his wife being Alberta E., a
daughter of the late Hannibal Bur-
well, of London. He is the father of a
family ot six children.
Rev. A. M. Levack, pastor of the
Briptitt, church, meeting in the hall on
East street, will (D. V.) preach next
Sunday, in the morning and evening.
The subject in the morning will he
"Abundant Fruit Bearing," and in the
evening, "Unsaved otnd Saved." A
hearty invitation is given to these ser-
Next Sunday the services in North
street Methodist church will be of a
special character. Rev. C. W. Brawn,
B. A., B. D., of Mitchell, will preach
both morning And evening, in behalf
of the missionary work of the Metho-
dist church. Rev. Mr. 110.7A311 will
preach the 8. S. anniversary sermon's
in Mitchell on Sunday.
There Was a very good attendance
at the evangelistic aervice held in the
Tetnperance Hall, Saltford, on Sunday
afternoon last, and the sermon by Rev.
Mr. Levack WIL/3 UllIell apprecieted by
all. The interest ehown is hopeful for
the continuance id these services every
Sunday during the winter. They be-
gin at the conclusion of the Sunday
school. and a cordial Invitation ex•
tended to all residents 1,1' the ‘illage
and nehOhorhood to attend.
Teniperance rally day in the Sunday
!reboots of town was observed last
Sundoy afternoon, the Preebyterian
and Baptiet echools joining with the
Methodists in North, street church,
making a large gathering. Mr. J. E.
Tom acted as chairman, and appro-
priate addresses svere given by Rees,
A. M. Levack, (4. H. Hazen and
AndertiOn, Rev. W. IL Graham being
absent at Ws conntry appointment.
The hymn singing bv the united
schools was quite stirring.
The Daily Patriot, nf Lisbon, Ohio,
of Noy. 22.1d, hnt, the folloWing :-
"Wm.E. Arrioltie Webster, ef London.
Canada, /111(10/1,11N1 here for the Srst
time, at the Episcopal church concert,
and will always receive a hearty re-
ception from a Lisbon audience. His
full, rich bass voice interpreted selec-
tions from Handel's "Measiah," and
Caicott's "Friend of the Brave," in
much a manner an to place him In time
front rank of concert barmen. Mr,
Webster also gave a few lighter melee -
Hone during the evening, which dem-
onstrated his ability ON en entertain-
er." Mr. Webeter will take part in
the concert in Knox ehurch. Goderich,
on Friday evening, Dec. 10th.
The service.. in 17Ictovia street
church last Sunday called mit good
congregations, that in the evening
filling every meat, notwithetanding the
unpleasant stOrn; which raged. Rev.
Dr. Carman. the venerable General
Super' n tende nt, enhaneed his rend y
great reputation here hy his masterly
oind vigorous discourses, and during
the full 00 minutes sermon In the
evening he held the closent attention
nf every one present.. Prostor Groharn
and hia associates made no mietake in•
their selection rif the 1)1.. for tide im-
portant 'r110 (I' 18(O11 11011rd
asked for mon toward'. meeting the
expellee inestrred 1)y eeeseary im-
provements on the eht reh and par-
tionage, and were givet pledgee and
earth that will total illof it $100. ti very
responee, hut e characteris-
tie of this congregatio 11. The Omit -
deserve a word of pro se for their
hearty and efficient aer v I 6 61.
To The South for Winter.
Take rolvs.ntage of the fast and eon.
venient train serviee of the Grand
Trunk and connections to the Winter
Resorts of California and Florida,
where the elirnate la delight fill din trig
the winter months. Secure ticket.;
and full inforination at Ticket Offices.
In the Divielim Court before Judge
Holt yesterday only one rano was
tried. that of f4towe VA. ChishOltni an
melon for ha lane(' doe on horse,
The action tvan dismissed with cooto.
bur plaintiff, M. 0. John-
ston for defendant.,
Tun STAR contemplates making
extensive improvements during
the next few weeks, which will
run into the price of a very good
Our subscription list for the
past few years has increased to
such an extent that it has reached
the thousands. With uch a
large and appreciative patronage,
there aro some subscribers in
arreats, and the dollar or two
here -and, there due Tau STAR
'eh be paid promptly.
Su e 'bars will please -bear M
mi that every subscription
sho paid in advance, aud
that by omptly responding to
this call helping hand will be
given t puali along a good thing.
T1If STAR promises to be as
good if not better, thau ever, and
will/continue to be a NEWSPAPER.
Please remit your indebtedness
with as little delay as poiale.
Was Banqueted.
On Friday evening Robert Elliott,
the well known apple buyer of God.,
rich, was invited to the King Edward,
Kingston street, and entertained at a
banquet, gotten up by mine host in
excellent style, and tendered to Mr,
Elliott by the men who had been in
his employ during the apple season.
Thirty of them sat down with him at
the sumptuous feast, which included
ell the deliericies of the Beneath mond
being exceedingly well served, was
heartily enjoyed by all present. The
intellectual part of the programme
opened with Nathan Johns, ex.reeve
of Colborne, in the choir. Mr. Johns
made a brief but effective speech,
complimenting the guest on the man-
ner in which he conducted the busi-
netss, and at the manifest friendahip
shown by the employees in entertain-
ing hill) 80 loyally. The chairman
then called on the guest of the even-
ing, who was received with conaider-
able cheering. Mr. Elliott thanked
all those who bad honored him in
such a kindly way. The apple busi-
ness, said he, is different from many
othera, and though during the season
of 1004 there had been many sleek
times through prices dropping and
over supplied markets, he had kept
on ail his men. though many other
buyers discharged theirs. During
that period old country buyera were
afraid to buy, then he assumed the
whole risk, and continued buying. "I
have not so far made much money,"
said the spea.ker, "but should the
price of the last 4000 harrele shipped,
realize a little better than the last
1500 sold, I shall make a little by"
them." Mr. Elliott strongly compli-
mented the men for their work during
the season, and said that in every
instance they had done their lima for
him. "All the cash, with the ex•
ception of that for 2AX)0 barrels that
went to Manitoba, came front the old
country," said the guest, and, con-
cluding by again thanking him em-
ployees b the heartiness of his te-
ception, lie took hi, seat amid general
Ed. Elliott gave an excellent song
well sung, and Harry Salkeld In a
short speech commended their ap-
preciation of the man who had kept
the apple business alive in this part of
/Major Beck was sure the banquet
Must be pleasing to Mr. Elliott, rot it
showed a very kindly feeling for that
gentleman. Al t hough M r. Elliott
had not made money, he had stuck to
the business under ;nivel-14e circ um-
atances, and he hoped things woulcl
soon -enure Mr. Elliott'e way." He
knew the apple business had not been
a success this year, in fact the evapor-
ating part of it had been bad, anti at
the present time the dried fruit would
not sell for what t lie apples, boxes and
labor cost the mantilatet titers tn dry it.
Ile thought the goveinment should
appoint at well skilled 111811 in England,
to watch and regulate the green fruit
trade, and the 111110y hisser+ now met
with for want of proper 811 perintend-
(knee might he obviated.
Another ming by Ed. Ellint.t, and
Jeo II. McEwan, Harry Fowler,
Witt. ‘Vatkirm, Prank MeIntyre, inn.
Taylor and %vol. Sorby and THE STAit
representative followed with short
speeches, and a hearty vote of thanks
to host and hostess, and God Have The
King, cloeed a most pleasant evening,
'BRIEF TOWN 1;ffl..CS.
House of Refuge Blinding committee
will meet In Clinton on Monday.
3:1 different styles of Salts and Pep-
pers tai etas ise 1.141111 at the Maple Leaf
China Hall.
Two new packages of fine china for
Christ mas t rade just received at
Maple Leaf China Hall.
Fifty cora cattle in by specials on
Monday, hut on Tneeday the 'medal
c:iine without empties, there being
lint few Ordere for grain.
The nominations for Comity Coun-
cillors will take plaep in the several
districts on the 19th Inst., and the
election. If any, oti Jan. 2nd, 1005.
• kessrs. James Wilson, Ben Evana,
John McDonald, Thom. litirrown, Jas.
Knuckle and John McKay. of the 0.0.
P., visited floimesville Lodge on Fri-
day night. Bro. T. Burrows spoke on
behalf of the C. 0. P.
The o•teatner with 1 16,(X)0
bushels of wheat from Port NVIlliam
for the floderich Elevattor, arrived In
that port, on Saturday mot nIng, and
when the 11010/Ming W118 O011ipleted on
Monday, she left for another eargo for
this port.
John Crnigie, the successful ten-
r,erer for t he lease of the skating rink,
has footled 1,1181111111o. The ("liowing
alKli tendered for the lease Vto Mc -
(1 stir vlohln) .1.1:h1()171rac'rT114.1 JWIMilMoritnire;
hell. The first thtee were within I115
of eltPil 01 her, 571 separated the
first from the aecond.
Inines I foga loft on Tumidity holt for
Kincardine, where he hne limight out
a II Vet y 1)118104mA and will heneeforth
reelde. Mr. Hays, while In the mime
111141nese here and during his residence
of Neveral years, made many friends,
and Tire S ri tee, ..... nends him to the
people aaf our northet n lake town as
worthy of mit ronnge and confidence.
A gentleman from the Prairie Pro -
Vince who knows our one-time eitizen,
John T. Acheson. soya t hnt well known
merchant of Mortien Is evidently prow-
peroue finanelally and eorporeally, ex
his pocket book is getting plethorie,
and his clothing tnkes more cloth than
in years. gone by. John T., tholigh
far away, does not forget old friends.
and never fails to ask about those he
knew In the old town.
Dudley Holmes, of Wingham, the
Standard Bearer for the Ontario
If numbers, determined interest and
unbounded euthuolasea count ftw any-
thlog, the ConsevatIve Convention
held at Auburn on Monday last, is the
beginning of a conteet that will cer-
Willy place West Huron in J. P.
Wlirtney's column. Old vatera who
have attended the party calla for 20
yeare past declare they never saw such
a splendid and enthualastio gathering.
Not, a single One of the 48 polling sub-
divisions in the riding for Local pur-
poseit was without its full quota of
three delegates, and with thore who
were not delegates the Teinporance
Hall was crowded most uncomfortably.
President Peter W. Scott, of East
Wawanosh, opened the meeting with a
few well tinied congratulatory words,
and after Secretary James Mitchell
had read the minutes, and some rou-
tine matters were disposed, of Messrs.
E. L. Dickinaon and M. 0. Johnston,
with Dr. Chisholin, P.. were ap-
pointed a committee on resolutions,
and thaelection of ()facets. for 1904-05
was peoceeded with, resulting Os fol-
lows :
President, Dr. T. E. Case, Dungan-
non; vice-presidents, M. 0. Johnston,
Goderich, and W. B. Hawkine, Port
Albert, (re-elected); secretary, J(LOW•11
re-elected; treasurer, E. L.
Vice-presidents of municipalities as
follows ;
Ashfleld.-No. 1, Thomas Stothern,
Dungannon; No. 2, John Kirkpatrick,
Crewe; No. 3, Wm. Bowles, 13elfast;
No, 4, John Schoenhals, Port Albert;
No. 5, Thos. O'Connor, Kingshridge:
No. 0, James Rose, Loolialsh; No. 7,
Robert Hamilton, 'Amberlev.
Colborne. -No, Augustus Van -
stone, Henrniller; No. 2, Peter Me -
Ewan, jr.. 'Saltford; No. 8. Thomas
Hamilton, Carlow; No. 4, J. 1.). Mc-
Manus, Dunlop.
Goderich Township-- No. 1, Harry
Salkeld, Goderich: No. 2, John Mc-
Gibbon. Beniniller; No. 3, JOS. Mose.
Hayfield; No. 4, Gabriel (ffin-
ton; No. 5, John Ford, floinweville;
No. 0, Adam Cantelon, Hohnesville.
West Wawanosh. -- No. 1, D. (I.
Blotch), Dungannon; No. 2, Robert
Medd. jr., Auburn; No, It, Ed. 31 c -
Roberts, St. Helens; No. 4, Abt) [Merl-
in, St. Helena; No, 5. Win, McQuillan,
St. Helens.
East Wawanosh. - No, 1, George
Sturdy, Auburn: No. 2. Wm. P. 1101-
lahan, Blyth: No. 3, Joseph Kerr.
'Winghain; No. 4, Joseph Chaniney,
Blyth. --A. McNally and F. Metcalf.
Wingham.-No.1, Thos. Armstrong;
No. 2, Dr. Irwin; No. B, Thomas iinlb
No. 4, W. F. Vanstone.
Hullett. No. 1, William Rinn., (ion -
'stance; No. 2, Bert Alien, Harlock:
No. 3, Richard Blake, Clinton; No. 4.
Charles Midden Londesborm No. 5,
Joshua Hill, Summerhill; No. 0. Ar-
thur Jamieson, Londemborm No. 1.
'Wm. Patterson, Auburn. 11
The Executive Committee were re-
elected without change.
The convention for the nomination
of a candidate for the coming Ontario
elections WILK then formed, a com-
mittee on credo Idaho and scrittineers
for the voting being appointed. The
following notm08 wore offered as
prospective candidates ; Jas. Cola-
nolly, Porter's 11 111 ; J. B. Hoover,
Clinton : Rev. Jos. Elliott, Goderieh
D. Uaudelon, Clinton ; E. C. Audi!,
Colborne ; JELI1108 Mi(Chell, fioderich ;
Robert Elliott, Goderich ; M. Lock-
hart, East Watwanosh ; John Coax,
Porter's Hill ; Robert McLean, Code -
rich, and Anson Dunnage, Winghatn.
Messrs. Connolly, Jos. P.Iliott, Itobert
Elliott, John Cox, Robert, NICIA`ILTI,
and A. Dunnage all declined, anal
balloting was proceeded with. l'he
committee on credentials reported t he
following Its the delegates, who with
the Executive °Meows were entitled to
vote on the candidates as nominated :
TOWN or Ooolcit/C11-11. 1'. Hays. Win. Loc.
Hold- Thompson,. Jas. Hamilton, Itobt.
Wm. Campbell. 11. J. A. MolCwan Alex. Clark.
Inclined Maim, ltobt- McLean, W. A McKim.
L.DIckloson, W. C. (Mode, Rev. Jos. ltIliott,
F. II, Holmes, W. J. Dunn, George Black, , W.
Killott. Jac Laithwatto, II. D. Heed, W. '1'.
Gooknion Tow W Sowerby.
Andrews, Barry W, Hooke, W. An
drown, S. Johnston, It. Draper, W. II bobb,
F.• Ford.
Amtrratn Thee. Johnnton. John ItIllott.
litoherd Hands. J. Alton. _Bold, J. Walcom,
T. F. Vane, It. Webster, W c• Bowls, Jos.
TIgert, Ooo. Fielder, J (W. Sheen hals, sups.
it. COYA31111, 85111 if Or. Win. Mole, R. MeMath.
J. Barkley, Jno laggart, J. Mammon. It Itynn.
Witwr WAWAN01111 Malloegh, owth-
ors, I). Clionn, S. Johnston, O. Younghltit,
iinmford, W. Cameron. T. Alexander, P.
Walsh, A. Durolon, J. Chamnev.6. Thompson.
W. McQuillan, J. Plowman, S. korr.
EAsT WA W ANoRnlireal Toll. J. Armour. J
I,. Sturdy, F Cook, . P, I ollaban. W John
ston, W. Patterson, J. J. Korr, .1. Brandoo A.
',Mann/in. D. I 'haniney, Jas. elnunney.
Jcitins, P. J. 57eNwaa, , W. Mc140-ft i (7,
CoL000No. (' 4, Vanstone. A. Ballidat N.
Attrill, F. W. MoDonruth:J. at
ter. J. p. McManus. 1'. Hamilton, A. MoNovin.
WiNolIAN- Thos. Armstrong, 01, Chisholm.
T, McLean, C..I Methdre, Jno. Grove „m W.
li Kerr, D. Bell, R. Johnston. T. Bell, W. is,
Yanatotio,.0. Griffin, A. Dunnage.
CLINTON—W. .7 MItohell, Jno, Johnston,
Artimr cook. A. J. Origg, J no. Bell, And. Tny•
lor,W, BOvenson. 0. Johnston, J. A. root
F. Ball, p. Cantelon, J. B. Hoover.
fluwern-Ii. Churchill, A. Weir, A. Wat
lace, Geo. Barr, 11. W10111739, A. Jamieson.
Frank (Arming. II. Lawlor. IV Ariontroog.
111.TTIL 3' Metcalf, J. N. Goulden, A. Bider.
Jno. Wilford, C. Hamilton, W. J. Fon wick
Orricans. —Peter W. Scott, Proshiont - Jos-
eph Heck. ifonornry President ; M. 'John
ston rind Hawkins, Olen prosidents
James Mitchell, neeretoryi A. M. Todd, freak
Six ballots were necessary to a
(+oleo, and on the last the lint had
fallen to Messrs. Holines and Mitehell,
and the count stood- Holmes 110, Mit-
chell 05. Mtwara. Mitchell and Hoover
promptly moved that the nomination
be made unanimous, W/11011 Will car-
ried with ringing (Moore, and 31 r.
Holmes in a few words returned
thanks for the honor done hint.
President Cane then introduced 31r.
.1. W. Rt. John, West York, who met
with 4 eoystl reception, and In a fifteen
minutes' addreee brought the maims -
hum up to fever heat, AA he tonehed
upon the !attest developments of moral
rottenness in the Ocivernnient, and on
some of the planies 011 the Connerva-
tive platform.
Dr. Chisholm, of WI ighatn, the
gallant whiner of East Huron,
gIVPn •well deserved ovet ton, and
gratefu ly tteknowledged the services
which ad enabled him to redeem the
yeas its
follow lig .'esollit ions were
0(1 Irosotimottisly adopted ;
is,kin,on, scoonded Jas.
at this as4oelat Ion destron to eX
rty approval of the course and
polio/ et the Wailer of the Opposation. Br.
tyvbIteeS, :meta supporters te the local
aleture, end to plats ou *wooed their deter
nil ohm t,o toe everY lawful endeavor tone
deem this constituency at the aeprOisehing
Moved by Dr. chishohn. M., P.. seconded by
Robt. moLean, that this oonventIon bcgo to
ftrdraityltAserlittd*stitulOt "ItIi!ilditrjtryni!l•
oppoeition, hlr!lt. L. Borden, at the fast sen.
oral election •-its regret tna2 it, was tiot erewtad
With atoms% Its :warty ceanuendatton of his
Platform and policy, and itscontidonce that (be
future will cepagnise tbo trete of the prim/Wits
which he aril -Matted.
Moved by J. B. Ileover. seconded by Rev.
Joe, Elliott, that tide convention beas to con-
aratelato tho throe successful Conservative
candidates of the elides constituencies ot Past
West and South Huron, upon their eplendid
victories of the Met olunpaign.
This concluded the businesa, asid at
0.30 p. in. the tionvention adjourned
with the customary cheers and the
brighteat augury of a euccese similar
to that in the recent Donilnlon elec-
A Sample of the Class of Delegates
at the Ross Convention.
(Kingston News and Titnos,)
The following is a lint of tho King-
ston delegates to the 'Toronto Liberal
Convention, with the amounts re-
ceived by each from the Governmenta
of Ontario and Dominion during the
year :
u. Craig
Brook &Halloday
Dr. Mundell
Dan. Couper
A, Mk
4,181 98
1 880 64
467 25
2,211 29
1,830 00
6,225 23
. ...... 4,100 33
it. 1' •II
t,11,/t1 .1.11WfOrti ........... 28,006 50
I.,,trlek book./ole 257 75
Jnons, 'lawfool 07
W .1 T wo/L101 • •••• 130 25,
11. 161 yo
.1,L/110, liodtlen, part of amount. ..... 3334 00
A. Swindle,. . ..... 1,020 47
IC, J. It Penne . 7,055 41
Dr. 1110118wINoil . . ........... Salary
Dr. Evans -Salary as editor of spec-
ial editions of Whig, and ca.mpaign
J. J. Harty - Five thousand dollars
per year indirectly from the Dotniulon
W, Kelly --Two. hundred dollars per
year as correepondent of Dominion
Trades mid Labor Joutinal.
Dr. Sands -Three hundred dollars a
year from Ontario Government as
gaol surgeon.
W. Balsam- -Applicant for city li-
cense Inspeetorate.
W. H. Godwin -Salary as fishery
W. II. hetnmen-Erimloyed at times
doing work fur Government.
0. Milian- Government patronage.
W. J. Fair--;iteintives enjoying Gov-
ernment pap.
R. Meek Receives $200 por year for
covering up Grit vice and extolling
alleged Orit virtues in Whig.
Moral, Reform Committee Urges
Use of Ballot ainI Fear of
Ond and For Country's
Highest Good."
A meeting of the Methodist Execu-
tive committee on 'Temperance anti
Moral Reform WaN held in Toronto on
Wednesday last, and issued the) follow-
ing appeal to the electors of the
Methodiat body :
Moved by Cr. A. D. Watson, sec-
onded by 1tev. M. L. Pearson, and re-
solved that :
VVItereas our last general confer -
must I t 11 t ed t he department of
tempt:more and moral reform to pro-
mote the policy to.nd propagate the
proiciples off our church in these im-
portant matters ;
Anal whereas 01111.1 principles and poi •
ley 11071111 always been decisively In
favor of the prohibition oC the liapior
truffle, which Is held 1,, Isi.‘; the fruitful
source of ignorance, poverty, misery
anol eriute, anti a personal, social and
national misfortune and disgrace;
A rul whereas 00 account 1)1 t he large
financial interest and strength of the
11181111(11.17(11701•14 11.11(1 (10(11011. 10105 1 -
eating liquors, enabling atm! inciting
t hem to 11 Xell'ir81 11.1'4N-ropl 1 ng tifluctice
in politica, and the Of Yen,' o of
of thlia trade, we have been unable to
make the advance that Chriatianity,
good ,•itizeriship and pat riotistri de-
mand, and further have leen continti
4...111111 by the
1v(1114 nt rhawi fiiInibf:,'.1:•V•14,:iYey of part y
epirit, idttiont unjustifiable In men
that, meek the (+staid ifthment of tho
k I molten t Jesus Christ;
And whereas the recent party enn-
ventIons In their manifestoes) hey,.
afforded the Lgends of thin reform but
little gronnd for eneourag.unent, con-
tinuing on one Aide as aforetitne pro -
pool tionR and promisea of little value,
and on the other making affirmat Mtn;
which reveal no progress, neither part v
giving hope of practical advance.
LAY AtilDif
This 1. Xoelltivo 1.03111111( too of the
hoard of temperance and moral re-
form of the Methodist Church would
appeal to the electors of our church
Itee to 11 n their respective constit-
uencies) 2 11111 men, faithful and true to
the temperanee cause of whatever
political party, anal only such, he elect-
ed as their representatives In the leg-
islature. When this eannot he done$
t he party to which the voter hap-
pens to belong, we (r1110. that, Un -
tottered by narrow part isan consider-
ations, he will support the eitndidate
most ac,eptable in view of he great
t smpet snag, reform. NN'of think that
Christian end intelligent 111011 should
lay this upon their l'onmeitIllee8, 0111(
%%dlr. W ithin 011(8140 of their
dela' 140 end
part y, do i herr utmost to secure this
In the *Wile atilt , and bv the seine
means In the e54,1ciS111 of an honorable
manhood and Christen ell izenship, we
trust our people will everywhere, ny
yore and influence, manite tinmia.
taktvidy their displeaueite and indigna-
tion et the disgrateeful political stir -
flintier) that Ree111,4 to have laid hold
of ninny i 11 1.11 I Ol life, and even
many constituencies of our fair pro-
•Ince. It Is plainly ,1111• duty to 0041
luut to ollr country, no matter who
suffers hy our an -lion, to tett an end to
this abomination mid public disgrace.
hikt .411x,,n„otifitti.„fils%ent,11:::1111gulit,ti, oro tlink1teantt., toot
our brethren and friends 54 tO their
pont.' -al duty. This is not one of the
functions of the church. The frau-
ehine In a stirred personal right that
our freedom as elt r)14 of this Ihmin..
Ion and province confers 11pon 119.
NN'e simply beg to remind onr people
of their moral responnihility, and to
Implore them to use the inestimable
pt i11141 10 bear the reeponsi-
hillty of t in- indlot in the fear of Goti
and for the country's highest good,