HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-11-25, Page 847, Order Your 'JStJIS Ni. fl$ liW,,.. If yeti wish to make sure of your irltristmaa lobe and other Chi -la- thes «pushers, leave your older litre at once. Christmas Globe. 50c Christmas Graphic .idle Chlistwas Illus. London Newsboc Christmas illack and White50c Christmas Holly Leaves .50e Christmas Sketch 50c ult•beth at 8aafortl., and Thea, Alex ler..'ptbalt end thtento. his amt. and grandson or Viaicaso were on Sundaylsat the ggunt t* or Mrs. 0. Tett, aeter►tu-law 01 Mr. atii,Ngtk Campbells Lieut Coloual A4e-.,Mteeend Mr. Chas. Van coq, left on Wedngsd*y for talo 1'aeJna Coast. on a ions -"alt .the Colonera sister. Mrs. Walsh, wait of the but will travel by a a anAarnitttat route ao trail t thoparty, tie en- ouutteel. Oa Wednoaday a son of 8tetion Agent Patti son. et Clinton, •war buried In the Clinton oemetery the litU, fellow havingmet his death by talitng from the baioony of the famijy real_ donee in VClinton a few day( before. The many friends in Goderipb of Mr. and Mrg. Pattison were lorry to hear or their allltetlon p, E Hick revolved on Tuesday Edea}- &, Louis, a letter from WS brother Drank n' k, of Torontotatormini him that ho an M Hick. together veth their son Ernest F., an wife. who had left last Friday evening for tit. Louie World a Fair were on the syeet-bound train w collided with another on the Ws. bash bine et Element. ill., on Saturday The party ell fortunately ped unhurt, although over 90 personq were I ured, no one being kill- ed, They reached lit- uh, on haturday eve- alag, 5 hours late, Th oolllalon wan reported in Monday's Toronto daily papers,' The above Christmas Numbers are the finest in the World. They should be ordered without delay, as they will be ready shortly and there will be NO SECOND EDITIONS GEO. PORTER PHONE 100 B Court Reuse Square • Goderich \ J PEOPLE WE KNOW. Jim. McDonald, of Loudon. was in town for the holiday. John Story. of Stratford. spent the holiday at the old home. J. B. Hawkins, St. Patrick street, Is in town for a few days, Mrs. Horaoo and Miss Horton werein the Quoon City this week. . Mist Elsie Goebel has returned after a month's visit In LhtoweL Mini L. McDonald, Wellington street. return. ed to Toronto on Monday. visitingat1.614 Faayd yettt Ind. were this work TMIk.¢Iok. and MDaY iss town. of Mitchell, spent Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Emmerson, of London, were In town the past week. Mr. Austin, of the Bank of Montreal. was in the Queen City on Wednesday. Mrs. Jae. H. Tlgert spent the past weak at the parental residence, Fordyce. Engineer Brough left on Wednesday for Southampton on an official visit. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mcilrien left on a short visit to the Quoon City on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Maleolmson. of Luck - now. were in Goderich this nook. P. E. S. Thos. Wetliorald was In Belgrave on Wednesday, on a professional visit N Dianna, of Barrio, was n town on TZd giving day on a business visit. Mr, d Mrs Raney. of London. wore visit - leg relatives In town over Thanksgiving. F.•Besttto, of Stratford, visited hi, parents in tbeold township for Thanksgiving Day. PhillDD iiia of Toronto, was visiting his many friends in Oodoricb the past week. Joseph M. Pigott left yesterday foo Beaalo, to be present at the great Foot Ball match. Manager Saunders, Pram Organ Co. is ex- pected home next Wednesday or Thursday. C. Warren Ball wee at the parental residence, Church street., for a few days holiday week. Walter B g'hanan of -Toronto, was at the Old bathe, Tuesday and Wednesday of thls 'Week. Mrs Win. McClure returned Usher residence onNeit orbytreet, atom liauilJlon,on ivodne�deY. Mies Halliday, of London was visiting hor relatives, Mr. and Dirs../. W. Smith, this week. Mrs. W. F..alark was In Clinton on Wednes- day, attending the funeral of Master Patteson. Mrs. ]toss, of Loudon. returned home on Monday. after a visit to her brother, J. Rum balL Ray Itelya>• and Jno. Moffatt of Clinton, were up for the Harmony hop 'Thanksgiving night Miss Downing, of Brussels, was vlstting her relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. Downing, the past week. - Geo. O, Black returned home last week, hav- ing closed down the Londesboro apple eva- porator. Harry Cuff. of Toronto, was at the parental residence, North street for a taw days on holi- day leek. Mise Vesta Watson of the Normal College, Hamilton, spent the'1hnksgiving holidays at the old bests. , MilisophaniondGsbyg For boon confined houe illness this week. Mrs. Marshall, of Loudon, spent a tow days the past week on a vtxlt to her eon Will. of Inca's Drug store. Alta John Belly, of Detroit, left for home Monthly, att. visiting tier rolativee, Mr. and • Mrs. Joe. holly, Chorob street. Mlsa Agnes Fowler. from Forest. was n T nksgiring visitor at the home of her cousin. Robert Johnston, Huron Road. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Slick, of tbo Huron, spent a taw days at their old -home, Port Elgin, lastareek, and spent a most enjoyable time. Mrs. Gavin Shaw, of Lindenwood was on a week'evhit to her eon 0..L. of the elevator, and -family. and returned to her bomo on Mon- day. - MoOillvrar, son of Engineer James Me- () y. Kingston, formerly of the Govt. Tug Is watchman on the Steamer Rose- mount Mho E. It Bradleyy, of Norwich was up for the Harmony 0hlbae Hop on Thanksgiving night While in torn she was the guest of Mea Ilarriaon, Kingston street Mr. Waiter &haw, of Toronto, spent a few dayswith hti-brother O. J., and returned on Monday. His many Goderich friends were depleted to meet tha•gentleman. Me, and Mrs. mes, of dlllott, of Waterford, and Mrs. Rdsn,toho0on 'ria , The ladleare eitersof Mrrs. hse. Hntabea.-and had been on a long visit. to their WId Mrs. Anderson, of foamierd was the past' week i►Lidttng her brother. William Green. of Trite rstreet. Thalady firstsa.f the tight township in 1631 being the lint white child botn'Ia the municipality, Mr. Murdoch Campbell and daughter Mrs. AMONO THE CHURCHES. The annual church parade of Inver: nese Camp, S. 0. 8., to commemorate St. Andrew's Day, will take place to Knox church on Sunday. morning next, when Rev. Mr. Anderson will preawh a special sermon. A large at- tendance of the members is looked. for. There will be a large congregation at Viotorie street church next, Sun- day, whets' Rev. Dr. Carman, the elo quant General Superinte dent, will conduct the anniversary'., 1..w. Dr. Carnui.n Is no stranger to , • ..1, :eh church goers, and there of 111,01) who will be delighted to heal Lim once more. Sunday next will be the annual World's Temperance Sunday, under the auspices of the various W. 0. T. U. bodies, and the Sunday Schools of the town will hold a rally service In North street Methodist chutkch,` instead of their usual lesson Cervices, when ad- dresses will be delivered by Revs. 0. H. Hazen. and probably two other clergymen. A series of evangelistic services will be commenced in the Temperance Hall, Saltford, next Sunday after- noon, at 4 o'clock, in connection with usual Sunday School service. Rev. Mr. Levaok, the pastor of the Baptist congregation here has kindly consent ed to assist in these services. These meetings will. bo found interesting and profitable, and all will be made wel- come. A recent issue of the London Free Press contained the following some- what sarcastic letter from a well known Huronite : • "BORON DIOCESE FOR. PROP. COA.DY." (To tho Editor of the Free Press) Sir.—Permit me in your columns to thank the Advisory Commit tee of St. Paul's Church, Toronto, for their dis- interested kindness in removing any obstacle in the way of Canon Coady'e becoming Bishop of Huron. I trust to read that they will proceed to com- 'pTete their good work and elect him Bishop. It will thus. obviate the necessity of the Synod assembling in Londonyon the 29th inst. It is, of course. well known that in the Diocese of Huron we have nobody=ca able of filling the position ; that the laity es- pecially have no minds of their own ; and our gratitude goes out in large measure to the gentleman in ques- tion, and espe•lally to the influence of u certain college, for their timely in- terference. Yours, etc., JOHN RANBFORD. Clinton, November 10th. The fortnightly meeting of St. George's Y. P S. was largely attend- ed. the occasion being the visit of the Y. P, S. of St. Paul's church, Clinton. The school room was prettily arrang- ed for the occasion, bunting and hun- dreds of flags being used in its decora- tion. The Clinton delegation, to the number of about 40, reached town early, and wore at the school house before 8 o'clock. rhe reception com- mittee on hand to receive the guests, and after a quarter of an hour spent in introductions and renewing old friendships, the literary part was commenced with the president, Dr. Hayden, presiding, who delivered an appropriate welcome address. Rev. Dr.' Turnbull also welcomed the Quests. Rev, Mr. Gunn followed, speaking principally on the constitu- tion of the A. Y. P. A., with whloh association the Y. P. A., of St. George's bait lately affiliated. The nest number was a charming violin duet by Miss and Mr. Frank Doty; Miss Martha Wells gave a sweet vocal solo; Miss McDermott, of Clinton an excellent recitation, and Misses Bea- trice and Kate Hoskin an excellent vocal duet, and Mr. Colclough, presi- dent of the. Clinton Y. P. S., gave a forcible address which was well re- ceived. There wero several prome- nades during the evening, Miss Her- mon, of Clinton, and Misses Parsons, Brock Mitchell, Annie Wells and• Ida Thomas playing suitable seleotlons. The ac.pompanists were Mine H. Don- agh and MisaWells. At the close of the refreshment number the Clinton guests left for home by the light of a brilli- ant' -moon, • Sitting on a bank eating cheese and crackers may be fun to sone, people, but for real hearty and wholesome en- joyment sone ns to a well conducted $75 A Hoath' ~ AND EXPENSES imormarrawitaiwara 12.61 P R OAY TO IR irstoUs NSW to cam tiff int uelpg our goods by dletri utipg our edvcrtising matter. SteeadycpoymplNo eeenceenntt 10 n, enable Me write at once for particulars. THE L1NS00i'T COMPANY Brantford. Ont. ti tAanitarit No; 2$, ada ttOOli 'Wier ay RAwrAtiri t3x� A.E1Tfl;E'-LOT OF TRAVELLER'S. SAMPLES you NEED NO'I\DREAD THU APPROACH OP WINTER,i YOU ARE PROVIQEL! WiTH HYATT'S BRILLJANT LAMP HEATER. And rose of our..... JEWELL STOVES. y.. supper. Every person is good humor- ed, and the cook enters Into the spirit of the occasion with keen apprecia- tion, and what with steamilig tea, smoking .cdffee, layer cake, roll cake and pie, meats and salads, piekiea and cranberry sauce, who is there that would not bo pleased? Echo answers, who? You would actually think such things would capture both the cvnio and the dyspetic. And at Victoria street Methodist cbu;ch on Thanks- giving night every person seemed to be satisfied, and there was a crowd the supper was a decided success, and theleased looks on the faces of the audience ahowed their appreciation of the dfforte of the ladies and the committee in charge. Every number on the program was a delight .and In- spiration. There was nothing vaudivilie about the entertalnnlent. The speed as announced, were s timely. The music wa worthy of note, both In the es , crisp ant especially) endering and ealectlons. WLen the Messrs.' Belcher concluded their " Larboard Watch," every person said, "Worthy sons of worthy sive." Mrs. Elliott, of Waterford, whoge name was added ott the last day, came as a delightful stir prise to the audience, and Miss Brown appeared at her lit'st in "Angel Land," and thew a most hearty encore. Jfr•. J. Parnell Morris, of Loudon, was particularly happy In his selections for, such an occasion, and every number delighted the audience. ,The line training in Mr. Morris' tinging espec- ially attracted the music critic, and his wonderful rendering of his selee- tlons was a great pleasure to the com- mon people. The entire proceeds of the tea amounted to $103, to be applied on 1140 improvements made to the parsonage during the present summer. The congregation of Victoria street has now one of the most convenient and comntodiene homes tor their min- ister, and it will always be a credit to their enterprise. Dungannon. PERSONAL.—Mies Hoffman, of Ches- ley, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. S. Heaves, of Dungannon.—Mr. Wes. leu Steep and Miss Hattie Steep of Goderich, spent Sunday with their cousin Mrs. S. Deeves. St. Augustine. NorBs.—M. J. Beadle has rented Chas. Millenars farm for a seven year term, and is now engaged ploughing, it being all Dasyure land__Sor. some years, John will have a busy fall's work, but more favorable weather could not be expected this time of year.—Mr. Ambrose Brophy bas pur- chased the coal and wood yard busi- ness of our village and -has Wm. Bin- kett as a partner. Mr. Binkett's engine and circular saw will be used in the yard. — Thomas Leddy .and Richard Walsh are hauling wheat to Lucknow elevator-. Holmesvllle. PERSONAL.—Miss Holmes, of Clin- ton, was the guest of Miss Acheson on Sunday.—Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Tudor, of Constance; visited Mrs. Stanley on Monday,—Mrs. Rhodes entertained her mother from Hyde Park for a few days.—Mr. Fred Leonard spent a few days with friends at Bright.—Amon those who have returned from. Mani- toba. are Misses Jervis, H. Elford, W. Tihbutt and Wrn. Stanley.—Mrs. T. Ford, of Stratford, visited Miss Lizzie Ford.—Mt'. Crooks and daughter vis- ited friends at Listowel.—Mrs. T. C. Pickard, and Roy, of Afitchell, visited friends heco, Amborley. There was an attendance of nearly 2i10 friends and acquaintance of Mr. D. Boyd, at the gentleman's residence, halt a mile from this village on Wed- nesday evening. The gathering was to bid farewell to the gentleman and his family before their departure for Goderich, where Mr. Boyd has bought the McKay residence on Victoria et., and where the family will In future reside. Customs officer Grant and James Thomson of Goderich were among those present at the banquet and the last named increased bis repu- tation as a sweet Binger. During the evening Mr. Boyd was presented with two -fine easy chairs in which it is hoped the family will enjoy many a test in the circular town. y>� iJg BankruptSaI ST ON. DLILNTY assortment left. Everyrticle, every yard here, HAS" BEEN REDUCED . to less than wholesale price. Any need youi 'have, come right here ; - YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. !I ILLINERY : New shape—going at HALF PRICE. Sec our MlllIdery Wlttdaw. Bargains in Dress Goods Special line 'on tablesat.l5c. per yard. Right New Suitings, istings, Linings anti Velvets --ALL REDUCED. Bargains In Small Wares Ribbons, Laces,. Buttons, Hosiery, Gloves, Btaid, Dress trimming ALL REDUCED. Blankets, Comforters, Curtains, Carpets -r -REDUCED.. ° Bargains in Jackets, Skirts, Stilts ands -Children's Jackets Bargains in Clothing, Cisps,The, Underwear, Shirts and Tats -ALL RE IIJ ED, .otet believe vuhat some 'itaxt, that we are all sold out. COME AND SEE 1 C I . VO'DRSI I�. s t • atessfeestiallaellaellis- E have a little lot of Traveller's Samples for Saturday selling. Not enough to call, -a Sample Sale, but still enough to make early buyers sure of getting some Bargains. Wholesale - prices or less, are what we are going to take for the lot. MOW Handkerchief- Samples , Ladies fancy Handkerchiefs at 8c, roc, 121/2C, 150. 20C and 5oc, worth one-half more than the price marked. Table Napkin Samples Sample Napkins at loo each, worth $1.50 to $1.75 per dozen Sample Napkins at I2.1C each, worth $2.00 to $2.25 Sample Napkins at i 5c each, worth $3.00 to $4.00 per dozen per dozen Woollen Glove Sample About 6o pairs ladies' and chil r ' woollen Gloves in red, cream, fawns, greys, blacks, etc. at from 15c to 35c,per pair, worth regularly 25c to 5oc per pair. —7 With HYATT'S BRILLIANT LAMP HEATER yea can make kfot Water, Beef Tea, ,(4etnonade, Cocoa, Chocolate and Iiot Drinks of all descriptions On, the SHORTEST NOTICE. It also gives a brilU#nt, cheery light. Let tis send you ono an trial. , You will never react It. Stamped Linens Christmas Trad It may seem a little early to ,talk Christ- mas, but for anything that involves much time, it is not a bit too early to ptrepare for it. Since holding our embroidery classes in the summer, we have kept a complete stock of Stamped Linens, and we - are 'constantly adding new pieces as they are shown. We think that we can show the largest selection of these goods in this section. Stamped Linen Centre Pieces Stamped Linen Lunch Cloths Stamped Llnen Doylies Stamped Linen Tea Cosies Stamped Cushion Tops We also carry a complete stock of Embroidery Silks in all the leading shades. IDEAL FENCE'--Aak us abferout or this month. 11111111111111111111111111111. 'PHONE 20 GODERICH - •_. WDA, MCKIM' HODGENS BROS. �CIMO 313 3EGICIIEE. Jacket .Sale To clear all our Jackets at once we give you these prices. Matching. DOTS.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Menary and family of Kincardine are visiting at Jae. Saunders'.—Richarta F.nlay returned from Muskoka Saturday. He brought home two dandy good deer. Dick wan generous with the venison 'too.—Cannon Stothers was borne from the G. M. S. for the Thanksgiving vacation.—There altave been a great many sudden deaths'near us _within ilio bast few months,. and the destroying angel is still in our midst. Harty Monday morning Jo- seph Kilpatrick. eldest son of John Kilpatrick succumbed to an attack of pneumonia. He was thought to he out of danger, but was seized with a relapse the latter part of last week. The sorr•owing fapuily have the sin- cere sympathy of the entire commun- ity. Port Albert. A Library of Canadian information so complete and comprehensive that no matter what you want, if -it- relates to Canada you will find it. A Work that answers instantly and fully every possible Can- adian question. K 0 THE ENCYCLOPEDIA of CANADA ? Mrs. Jesale,Gray has been visiting her mother at Woodstock, who is ill,. —Isaac Hawkins has been under the wea;.i,er the past week.—Mr. G. Den- son Cox, student Huron College, Lon- don, is to hold service in tbo English church here on Sunday next, 27th, at 7 o'clock, D. V.—Mow. Jno. Hutchison is improving slowly.—Reeve Dalton is in Toronto this week to the Liberal convention.—Jna. Hawkins is home again. --Some stock in this peighbor• hood has gone astray, which cannot be traced. Jas. Hayden has a grey steer 2 years old missing, and William B. Hawkins, a spring calf, red, steer, "Mooley". which they would like to get trace of.—Joseph McMillian hats sold his farm to Mr. Thos. Nixon, Ash- field at a good figure, the farm is a good one. John Schoenbals was in V4 Ingham on Saturday and Sunday. McKillop. NOTES. —The Methodist people of Winthrop intend having a tea meet- ing and concert on Thursday evening of this week.—Word reached here last week that Mrs. Wm, McIntosh, who went out to Manitoba last Bummer for the purpose of seeing if the change would benefit her health, had died out there.— The floe weather still con- tinues, with cool nights and pleasant days, In fact real Indian Summer weather.—The tea meeting held by the Presbyterians at Bethel church was a pleasant affair, and a financial success. The tinging more especially was of it high order of merit.—'Miss Bessie Smith spent -Thanksgiving visiting her sister Rosa, who is teach - in school ht Grand Bend.—Our young friend, Clayton White, has, we under- stand• been engaged to teach the school at Port Albert, and his stater, Miss Cora, has engaged a school in McKillop. Exeter. SICK. --Bert Knight 1e holding his own nicely, but has been pretty nick. We hope soon to bear of his recovery. BUILDING.—Measrs. Roes dt Taylor, contractors, raised the frame work on .their saw mill on Thursday last; it will be itnmediately back of their present nitwitlg mill. This will make another industry for Exeter. Since the stave factory pulled out there has been no saw'nnill nearer here than Sodom, four miles.—\Vm. Bagshaw', residence, on Station street, if- fast nearing cotnple- tion.-KAI. McDonnell's block, on Main street la about completed. Che in- stalling of plate glass In the three store fronts stall greatly add to the general appearance. PtItSONAL.—Mr. and Mrs. James Wanless, nee Mise, Ally Hardy, of Du. tuth, returned front .St. Louie Mo., on Monday night. and Will Visit at L. Hardy's, North Main street. -- Miss Etta G. Kitson- of St. Thomas, visited friends in and aroutid Exeter last week. --Maks Norma Bobter' has re. turned from London. ---Percy Itendle, of London, Thankagivened at home.* Percy Westaway -of Toronto, spent part. of last week in town with his slater. Mrs. A. L. Ford.—Mrs. Lloyd' and daughter Nettie are visiting friends in Brucefleld.—\V m. -North• nett and Wife have returned front the Notthweet, having spent the summer there.--- Mrs. Norman Lloyd visited Mends near Clinton lastweek. Godatklt" TQw IIshlp. Pattaole.t13.*•.1. man has returned. front the West, and rooks vrell.a-W. Willlxms. eheeeentisker, Who, took an exeuraion /OP west, bibs also returned, but expecte to go out again in Ab. aided. ,� P0f.1ElCM, Fitvittt illol3....lip td Qui present the two political prit'tkS have shown itttirleteot txnlrt tveyed, `fit any *et* of a twiddle "Att,0o 1 bdre. Recent of utaneee, howrever, darn to have muted that oourte tY and f rktet'. ant en ebtatniadatte duri -- .a i►tsn. ,a'ubile uotioati Of tk �d rrvit# rete ohaaaQterUV. hilt torn deices grid rtt;thtiiuily destreted stowing to Meat a iigalitoituos (t)It° notbbw t sial. is thee* tor sato for a uc42 werilrO at• aotit or loom*? I'ilElR ItorttlGiltlstt.+*-Our 1RflI1i" moo the 1410 14 'wok ,„fie. YAC.. A.' Two HUNDRED eminent Canadian Authors were engaged in its prepara- tion. Brilliant reliable, exhaustive special articles on EVERY rnneS of Canadian history. resources and slevolopemono Those articles co -re- lated, classified, carefully edited, supplemented by notes, elabor- ately Indexed. Mx Royal Quarto volumes. Index separate. Writ for more facts. FOR THE 4SKING we will send youp• Tho ott —all about the ENCYCLOP.tEDIA and its �� Publlahing authors, and tell _you how you can Company, ,lye Brnntford,Cen, -y get -a' set for a small sum. as Please send to ad- ,( coddres below, book MAIL THIS CO,'�PON, IT WILL BE O on "Cnnadea 'andyour WORTH YOUR WHILE. �} little paymentoll'ea for o cototohohnGyclopmdln. DO IT NO,W, BEFORE Nauno YOU. FORGET. team to the county league, match at Londesboro, on 17th Inst: B. Andrews, I. Salkeld, J. Newcombe, sr., H. Lam- prey, R. Rundell, J. Chisholm, W. Whitely. 3, Newcombe, jr., U. Prouee and George Lalthwalte, captain. Mr. Newcombe, sr., made the best score at the match, W. Watson, of Auburn. coming next. Four associations were repi•osented, but the Saltford team did not compete, as they had but little practice. Auburn won the trophy for the second time and are now its own- ers. A. new trophy will be bought, and the next league match will be held in this township on December 2Stb, at 200 and 400 yards. Six teams are expected to compete and anyone win- ning 1t three times will keep it. A jolly time was spent at the supper which followed the match, speech, song and musicariaking up an enjoy- able time, Mr, McCummings acted as chairman. Motions wore passed to ask the County Council for it grant to help on the league, and to ask the Militia Department for more rifles and ammunition.' Klippen. , PERSONAL.—The Misses Taylor spent Thanksgiving with friends in London' --William Brownlee came home for Thanksgiving from Chatham, where he is attending the Business College.— Miss Mary Johnston spent the holiday with friends in Stratford.—Mr. a°nd Mrs. W. H. Johnston were visiting friends in Ashf.elil lest sveek.- -Mrs. G. H. Long and Mamie, of Harrow, are spending a few weeks on the Kippen circuit.—Wm. Murdoch made his an- nual trip to Lucknow last week to buy his stock of cattle for the coming winter.. " Oiaaxrx.--On Sunday Rev. G. H. Long, a fortner Minister on this circuit, preached good sermons.- All were de. lighted to see andihear hint once more. ---Next Sunday. 27th Inst., the Metho. Meta ate expecting it good time, when they will hold their Sabbath School missionary cervi',, instead of the reg- ular preaching service, at 2.80 p. m. Pot this service the eholr Is preparing special made' Mrs. 0. A. Shaw will• s tI tg a solo; readings will be given by. members of the school and addressee by .Mrs. 13. lvioou, W. H. Johnston and Rev. E. A. Shaw. All aro invited to attend and hear frometbing on the great work of tnieelons, • Blyth. NoTits.—Mr. and Mia. Chas, Ridh- ardaon, of Perth, -Dns., spent a few deans of Wit Week With friends In town. --bilks Edna flAarhiiton spent Sunday at her home. titre: --4i1*. John Paulin, of Mitchell. *pot the Thank*. giving holidayN itt the ho,ixa 'Of her ntw.Me. ;and Mre, J. G.• Moser..-. Ed the Moser woe In. (moonThankegvittlk«-lith, Benny Miller, of, Mil spent it few days of 1 t week, With the dfughtee. Mctr. t .If. Betse.—Mei. R. Meter `1Alto reituered after epeildin K few clays with her braise*, W. K. Obits 'At Klirlttosl,-- Me. ANN'3,.0an flaw rateirtaal from the Wait. --Mitt. 1. A. Andeeaotli II 'Visit- ter web title dangktsie,,:hire.. tlisv,) .JYLn..i�n . W N. 18tjrth tr,3ft Itit w i1 Address • $lo.00 Jackets for 57.50 58,50 Jackets for 55.00 $7 0o Jackets for. , ...54.50 A few lower prices to clear MILLINERY As the season advances prices go down. A lot of this season's Felt Hats up to $I.5o, to clear at goC.. Expect another lot of those special White Beavers in a day or two. - OVERCOAT . Bargains. FURS, Special Values. —AT— • �.a.... - MGKIM'S BUSY STORE L GODERICH B0$1J SS cOLLEGS Is the Schcol that CAN and WILL do for you all that is REQUIRED to pre- pare and place you In a good paying position. , The Celebrated Gregg System of Shorthand Learned quickly and written rapidly. TOUCH TYPEWRITING The famous Budget Business Practice. The Sy*tem that will enable you to become an efficient Bookkeeper in a short time. • The Best Systems, Individual Instruc- tion, and a personal interest in every student is the reason for the rapid pro- gress, end the very short time required to graduate in our school. First-class teachers employed. Splendid equipment. 0815 DAY ARM amnia. Visitors always welcome. New students may enter any time. Now is a good time to begin. Beautiful circulars for the asking. M. L. CLANCY, PRINCIPAL spent the Thanksgiving holidays with friends at Exeter and Parkhill.—Miss Annie Crawford, of Port Albert, who had been visiting her friend, Mies Margaret Ross, returned to her home on Wednesday. --Mise Allis Emigh spent Thankaglving with Thedford friends,—Miss Louisa Tierney was in, London last week. -- Miss Mamie Livingstone, of Exeter, was home Inc Thanksgiving._ Mrs. A. Wettlaufer *pent Thanksgiving With her daugh- ter at Stratford=.MldsMaggie Govier, who has been ,.in London' for some time, leak t•etur'ned to town. -'-Mr. J. S. O. Brown spent Thanksgiving with hie friend H„ Wettlaufer at Strat- ford. --Mise Maude Gidley was in Exeter last week.-411eg May Kennedy has accepted a position in Hensall.-•- Mr. W. I. Melaviti ,was home from Toronto for the Thanksgiving holt- day's.---Tho tea meeting given by the ladies of the Methodist ehureh tin Tuesday evening was quite it kuocess, receipts being in the neighl'1igrhood of $105. °a TOWNSHIP COUNCILS "Crown Brilliant " THIS modern attractive Stove' is' unquestionably one of 1e the handsomest ever built. Its castings are beauti.. fully carved; its proportions are elegant and pleasing; its pickle ornamentation is elaborate and in the best of taste. Economy of Fuel Because it has the greatP.st possible radiating surface, with extra large return flues, so as to briri heat down the back, around the base aftd up the back again before reaching the smoke pipe; you receive, full benefit of all' fuel Consumed. r It draws the cold air front the floor- i11 large ilei entities . and discharges it intensely heated. If you are thinking of getting a Heater this Witter, it is to your advantage to see this one. It is made by the makers of the celebrated "Rap y Thought," which we alio carry in stock., Inspection invited, ,