HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-11-25, Page 57
N yg Moir 2S ^ �
.., . ,. ,� lttitt 4lttltbcl'
he Oha1.�a
Royal,.,'hero Mttkr w nlitrrle4 to
(Mar ley, This titin 47'0 spar
merits are the only parte of the erigi
tier' y which were not destt'u y.ed
Wilt in 11 ,as DMI, tl iai tault.contaiNM.theteitl5iils
trera.1,1t'tttaait kip and •querns
Le+w n�1►,4ieCi ihtcetitri ui'tiiug.totN
tight we 4s thu ttoc fit t.o it txarxien
and look' at ijl}ieel% M 'ys bath, ' in
which shim hr .ea , t_o hs.va bathed In
whim wise. Mt�t tlm6 tr, wawa bion
alta pull to grottll . , '",Cn `tl+twe. lvi
know the higtp s' of NiirV •Queeif�e
kivots, jolyt is very Int ergsdo ,
and the .f Woo, Winne of those " little
rooms appeal strongly to the ime attire Mind.
Our next vielt watt to Calton I1111,
Which commands magnificent views
of the city.and(aorroundin landscape.
�ere'I noticed a memorial in honor of
"the Scottish vocalists Templeton, Wit -
Ron and Kennedy, the latter well
known in Canada some years agoi
Thet:e are three monuments ou the
dila Nelson s. the National and Bums'.
Greyfriars Churchyard is a wonderful
old place and days could be spent try-
ing to decipher the inscriptions on the
old tombs. The Martyr's, Grave is
marked bya monument erected in 1771
in place of the original, and hears the
following inscription :
'From May 27 1etJl, when the most noble
the 3l ulr, of Argyle was beheaded, to tiro
17th offtobruary 1688, when Mr. James
Renwick suffered, wore ono way and an-
other murdered and destroyed for the same
cause, about eighteen thousand, of whom
wore 'executed at Edinburgh about one
hundred of Noblemen gentlemen and min-
!stereand others noble martyrs for Jesus
Cheat, most of them lie here.'
I find that I have written more about
Edinburgh than I intended, and I
must close, although we visited a great
many other places of historical inter-
est. I must mention however Men
chiston Castle, in Oollnton Roltd, the
home' of my ancestors. Its most cele-
brated occupant was the inventor of
logarithms. I brought away with me
a few photographs of the building and
I have pleasure in enclosing one for
THE STAB. This"finishes, what was to
we, a most enjoyable trip, and I trust
some of my old Goderich friends" were.
interested in my description of it.
Yours sincerely,
s t I ,rt„
Our pre -winter dis, p`lay of fiiie d finest Dress; Goods!
,coats and Ctrs is bne of the an
most selects Everygarment
'critically chosen, revery piece of goods selected,' because" of
some particular merit
72 only t ' iee''film Astrachan Lamb Capes, ay to 3o inches long,
fall seep and Italian Satin lined, fine curl and gloss, rep- ai9%.S
tar $i$,.co value, at each.... ......... . e
30o yards of 56inch Pure Wool Suitings. Heavy weight in shades
of gre gnly,"regular jiz.00, at per yard ,
Fftts�•.. s•
roe dozen:* i,dtea* tea ° and Drawers, heavy elastic, soft and
beautitul :fiuhIlted, all sizes, and both makes, a regular 4oe
qualityiy'd sial sale.itt each ....... . ....... . .......... .
-"•TURNBULLS heavy unsbrinkable, pure wool Underwear.
,Highest olass goods on the maiket, warns, washes perfectly
and soft.
Shirts and Drawers Si,zes, 34, 36, 38, 40, -at per garment. $1.35
25 dozen ladies';porsets, new stock, finest filled and best Ameri-
can Contill, In Sizes 18 to 3o, in colors, greys or black, regular
75 end goo. Corsets on sale at one price. a
goo yards of 27 inches wide, English Tapestry high-class Cai-pet,
heavy pile and in all this season's patterns, suitable ' - any
room or hall, regular 65c. and 75c. quality, at per yard
Scotch Linoleums 2, 3 and•4 yards wide, in floral, block or tile
patterns, at per square yard 35c., 40c. and 30c.
Butterick Patterns—all in stock and Delineator on sale,
15c. a copy or snbscriptions taken, $1.00 a year.
yersP certain. Tcureheet y
ose !sone, just onc pill
consdpatiion. .trot=
want your malsteche or.beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE
Lbeaurithibrowaorrich black? Use arrows,•ratepaavboasr.mialic.ausotia,ta
ebe C3oberfch.. %tar.
R. A. Napier's Interesting Descrip-
tion of Historic Scenes.
Editor 8"r,ett :
Leaving Glasgow by
the North Brit-
ri -ish
Railway at 0 la. m., we reached
Balloch Landing about ten and board-
ed the little steamer "Prince George"
for our trip up Bonnie Loch Lomond.
There was quite a large- party of
tourists on board, mostly Americans,
and as the conventionalities on these
occasions are laid aside you soon be-
come acouainted with your Sallow
passengers. This fact adds consider-
ably to the enjoyment of the trip.
The morning was bright and we were
enabled to obtain a good view of the
delightful scenery as we steamed up
the loch ; the heather -clad Granipians
, on the right and the Pentland Hills
on the left, sloping down to the water
. edge, dotted with •trees and shrubs,
. made a picture very pleasing to the
eye. Loch Lomond is about twenty
miles long and has some splendid
. hotels on either aide of its banks. We
stopped at Rowardennan, where there
is a fine hotel and grounds at the foot
of the "Lofty Ben Lomond". Here
ponies are provided for those who de-
sire to ascend the peak. Continuing
up the loch we passed 'tarbet and
Luss, then Inveremaid Falls,awhero
we landed and took coach for the
drive over the bile to Stronaeltlagher
at the foot of Loch Katrine, where we
had lunch. Qt this point we filet a
large party just lauded frons the "Sir
Walter Scott" and who were making
the reverse trip tosours, going on to
Inver•smaid by the same coaches which
had brought us over. After a short
rest we went on board the "Sir Wal-
ter Scott" and were soon steaming up
beautiful Loch Katrine. We were all
on the lookout for
where dwelt Scott's Lady of the Lake,
and as we passed close to it we could
see in fancy, Fitz James. when lost in
the wilds of Benvenue, standing on
t he crag :
"Arid thus an airy point ho won,
Where gloaming with the setting sun
Ono burnished shoot of living gold
Loch Katrine lay beneath him rolt'b,"
"I am alone I— my bugle strain
May call some straggler of the train ;
Or, fall the worst that may betide.
Ere now this falohion has boon tried,
But scarce again his horn he wound
When lot forth starting at the sound,
From underneath an aged oak
That slanted from the islet rook,
A damsel, guider of Its way,
A little skiff shot hoL tq the bay."
We soon reached the Trossachs,
landing in the Western Highlands,
and were standing on olassic ground.
We mounted the coaches which were
ready to take us over the historic
Trossachs. Any one familiar with
Scott's "Lady of the Lake" could trace
each spot as we drove along. We
crossed the stream "that joins Loch
Katrine to Achray", on up to the
Trossachs Hotel, a large turreted
building owned by the Duke of Mont-
rose, on. to Lake Vennacher, where
Roderich Dhu told Fitz -James :—
"Myself will guide thee on the way,
O'er stook and stone, through watch mid ward,
Till past Clan -Alpines outmost guard
As far as Coilantoglo a ford.
On this historic spgt we paused to
view the scene of the memorable but
unequal combat, where the Saxon
vanquished the Gael. Roderich in his
lofty pride threw his targe oe the
field and was then at the mercy of
Fitz -James, whose "blade was both
sword and shield". Leaving the
coaches we took train for Stirling,
where we spent a short time viewing
the Castle, Wallace's monument and
the Field of Bannockburn. Crossing
the Allan Water we had a good view
of Dunblane Cathedral. Resuming
our journey we passed Dunfermline,
the birth place of Carnegie, on over
thegreatFoithNBridge and into
of Queen Mary, John, Knox apd Sir
Wu ter Scott. We put up at a quaint
old hostlery on Cockburn Street, and
after a good nigi.t's rest started out to
do the city in an open carriage. We
first drove down the celebrated Prin-
cess Street, • This street is about a
To Imre rr truly delklotls steak.
deb and juicy, done to a turn --k
must be broiled. Yet most ranges
do -Ur Cr tie
Imperial Oxford
-get Iwo
broilot r easily Into the door and .terse
the glowing coals, without
stooping or getting the
heat of the fre yourself
Call atone of our agen-
write to as for
Fh w.•rawt
lady's solid gold.
Itittt h (No. g;rsy6)witb
guaraq+tasd i•Ryrie"
. 6001(.crosnt,.,W
N a •s•rWt •"'"
*.awii�S•ii fA�•sM4Mgtt
IS ft• Ills''
mile long and has buildings on the
north side only. On the south are
public gardens.,At the east end.. of
the Street ie the cott Monument. It
is about 200 feet high and is a beauti-
ful spechnen of architecture. Further
on there is a statue of Livingstone and
one of Allan Ramsay, an equestrian
statue of Lord Wellington, and many
others. Leaving Princess Street by
the "Mound" we drive past the Royal
Institution an the National Gallery,
past the bootee of Allan Ramsay,
round the castle Rock and up to the
Parade Grouted, where we saw the
Black Watch at drill. This regiment
now occupies the Castle. Leaving the
carriage we walked up to the Port-
cullis Gate, sarbere we placed ourselves
under the proibction of a nestle guide.
The gate is surmounted by the Argyle
Tower, and in the Tower we are
shown the room in which the Marquis
of Argyle was imprisoned previous to
his execution. Going up bya circular
terrace we come to the Armory, which
contains armour and weapons of the
olden time. Still ascending. -we pass
the old residence of the Governor, er-
nected in the time of Queen Anne ; then
up to the Citadel by Foog's gate, and
ascend the highest point of the Castle.
Here .is,St. Margaret's Chapel, the old-
est building in Edinburgh and the
smallest church in Britain. It was
built in the eleventh century. In
front of the Chapel stands Mons Meg,
the oldest cannon in existence, having
been made in the fourteenth century.
Frey this point the view is immensely
grand The North Loch is at -Your
feet, and away to the west the peaks
of Ben Lomond, Ben Ledi and Ben
Vovirlich loom up against the horizon.
Turning into the Palace Square, we
conic to the Crown Room, In the
centre of this small room is the Re-
galia, consisting of the crown, the
sceptre, and the sword of state. The
crown is said to have been made in
the year 1314. The other jewels in the
room are a golden col1ail of the Order
of the Garter, presented by Queen
Elizabeth to King James the sixth of
Scotland. "The St. George", or badge
of the order of the Garter, made of
gold and set with diamonds. "The
St. Andrew", -'having on one side the
image of the patron saint cut on an
onyx set with diamonds, and on the
other the badge of the thistle. A ruby
ring set with diamonds, being the cor-
onation ring of King Charles I. Ac-
cording to the treaty of Union the
"Honours of Scotland" must never
more be used, hut be kept constantly
in Edinburgh Castle. Turning out of
the Crown room we enter Queen
Mery'e apartments ; the first room is
unfurnished. The small inner room
is the bed -chamber. The walls are
wainscotted and on the panelled roof
are the lettere I. R. and M. R., sur-
mounted bya crown. Oath
the wall at
the end opposite the window are the
Arms of Scotland, Here James VI.
was horn in 1568, and according to
tradition the infant was lowered from
the window in a basket to his mother's
Roman Catholic friends, to be educated
in their faith. On the south side of
the yard is the Old Parliament Hall.
This Is a very large room and was
used as a banqueting -room and for
meetings of Parliament, Leaving the
historic Castle we pass down to High
Street with its innumlrrable closes and
'wynds, and stop at
This church was built by Alexander
I. about 1120, and has been repaired
and restored from time to time, and
is in a remarkably good state of pres-
ervation. Leaving St. Giles we turn
into the County Square, the Grave
Yard of former days. The figure of a
heart in coin' ed brick on the footpath
marks the site of "The Heart of Mid-
lothian." In the centre of the Square
is a statue of the Fifth Duke of
Bueeluech; and nearby is a fiat stone
Inscribed I. K. 1572, supposed to be
the spot where John Knox was buried.
A little further down the street we
come to John Knox's house, built in
the year 1488. This old house is of
great historical interest. Looking at
it one can go away back in fancy and
see the Regent Murray, Ruthven and
Lindsay, miming in to visit the great
-Reformer. High Street ends here and
the Canongate begins, and we soon
come to Moray House, built in 1628.
Then the Canongate Talbooth, with
its projectingclock. I easily recog-
nized this rom pictures that I had
seem Then we pass Queensberry
House, built in 1081 by the Earl of
Landerdale. Next we passed the
famous Whitehorse close, where the
officers of Prince Charles' army used
to resort. This old street literally
teems with historical associations and
one could linger here for days, but we
are now through the Canongate and
As we pass through the main en-
trance the court yard is in front, in
the center of which is a beautiful
fountain. We turn to the left and
pass up the stair to the Picture Gall-
ery, which is about 150 by 80 feet and
20 feet high. The wails are hung
with more than a hundred portraits
of Scottish kings and queens. Leav-
ing the Picture Gallery, we turn Into
Lord Darnley's rooms, the walls of
whiolt are hung with hlats.'icat per.
trait,. Then we pass into Queen
Mary's apartments first is the pan-
neled Audience Chamber, containing
the bed of Charles i, in which Prince
Charles Edward slept. The hangings of
course are much worn and faded, taut
still wonderfully well preserved, The
chairs on which Mary sat are tied
with wire to prevent them from fail-
ine' t pieces. In this room is a grate,
said o have been the first used In
Scot d. Queen Mary's bedroom,
with 1 ancient bed and mouldering
finery cry interesting. Here on
the table s the little work -box used
by the • een. From this room we
pass in t� the little private supper
room, th , . cane Of Holyrood'e tragedy.
Here t Queen's Secretary, Itizzio,
Wits fou 1 by Darnley and his frietldx,
who tint' a by the secret passage and
dragge him from the queen's side, i
out to he audietice chamber, and
stab dun to death. The tapestries
on the t walls of theroom me in a
wendt 31 state of preservation, and
p t principally knights in atinor,
i life size, and show the splendid k of the dames of attclent.
or sale by "q tr. -JO i' A PER,' 'oderich. ►i
11 F
\'V.. ,1 . Ht.;WIek wti 4 v 'ufiiet+1l. i 1 the
r' htlsidtal for three• Iveeks end „ inf
severs pain* in his, lttrolC, atlml and
ahottldsi•8. .Re tt as *,dviaod to try
lJu.Ju., the Idney > ill, a was very
0 1fHtoe wile.,, l eve. the ;.hospital anti is
now tit" ask 1 Ii4tn• Ila; nater lly
f gratefni, ,,foo„ the, benoiit • he re -
e vett and writes the fallowing letter;
iluntsyille, April 10, W1.
Claflin Chemical Cu:, Windsor Out.:
Gentlemen : Wee in the hospital
for three weeks with pain in my back,
in my sinuildere and arms. A friend
advised me to take your "Bu -Ju," and
. I hrtt a been taking it and feel so much
•( better. I inn able . to do my work
A Short and Uneventful Session.
Coutts. Elliott end Fraser were the
absentees last Fridayf evening, when
at 8.30 o'clock, the Mayor called the
Council to order.
A request from Engineer Kelly that
another transformer be purchased for
the east side of the Square, was sent
to W. and L. committee with power
to purchase.
A letter from P. M. Humber asked
that the Council wake him an allow-
ance for using rooms in the house now
occupied by the U. S. Consul as offices
for the conduct of Police Magistrate
business. Special committee will con-
The secretary of the Guelph and
Goderich Ry. Co. asked for payment
over to the Co. of the $20,000 voted for
purchase of right of way. The Special
committee will make enquiry as to
status of the matter and pay over if
The Special committee recommend-
ed the payment to the Musical Smiler),
of the balance of yearly grant of $200,
not paid yet for this year. Adopted.
The Finance committee recommend-
ed payment of the following accounts:
National Carbon Co., $12; Carter, Cur-
ran & Bullitt, 548.40; H. F. W ilstin
Coal Co., $42.90; Can. -General Electric
Co., $5.75; M. W. Howell, $20.66; God-
erich Organ Co., $13.50; Municipal
World, $2.04. Adopted.
were sent to Finance committee: F.
B.Holmes, $1849.23; Geo.Cam ,tell, $1;
Can. Gen. Elec. Co.. $10.77; Alex.
Robinson, $2; William Watts, $3.75;
Thompson Bros., $23.75.
The Mayor v r asked why theI i
e cern c
the railway n hill was not n t in
use now, and the explanation was that
boys had repeatedly broken the glass
globe by stone throwing, and the light
was therefore discontinued. It was
suggested that for a while the lamp he
used without the globe.
The practice of driving teams
through the foot paths on the Square
was also discussed. and the committee
given power to prepare and publish
warning notices, which, if disobeyed,
would be followed by prosecution of
the offenders.
Council then adjourned.
There seems to be no case so bad
that Anti -Pill cannot cure it. A
strong claim, but well supported.
Just recently physician in Line dn.
Nebraska, has made a discovery which
Is exciting the interest and wonder of
the medical profession all over the
Dr. Leonhardt began on the theory
that the poisdns sent through the
system by the rotting and fermenta-
tion of undigested foods were''the
prime cause of nearly every diseaAe.
He set to work to disrnyer, if pos-
sible, a remedy that would stimulate
and heal the mucuous membrane lin-
ing of the stomach and bowels, till, by
their normal, heal' by action, perfect
digestion would be restored.
He succeeded, and his prescription
he called Anti -Pill. The proof that
his work was well done is found in the
long list of remarkable cures nettle by
Anti -Pill.
Anti -Pill is 50c. a bottle, at all drug-
gists. or the Wilson -Fyfe Co.. Limited,
Niagara Falls, Ont. Sole agents for
if we were to give it boiled down
receipt for success in business, we
should feel inclined to put i t something
like thin :—"See to it that you never
let up sending to the people, through
the newspapers, an endless chain of
convincing ;Waste., and then always
live up to the advta."
The Germs of Catarrh
Not only attack the passages of the
head and throat, but finally reach the
lungs and cause consumption. Noth-
ing • destroys catarrh so quickly as
°rrg-:t:It: healing (',atni-chonme, which
relieves the cough• amps t he (Recharge,
takes all sureness from the throat. •'I
consider Cataerhozone bas no equal as
a cure for catarrh tumid lung trouble,"
v rites James l . Wetherell, of. Bright -
on. "it cured me after many good
doctors failed to even relieve my
trouble," Catarrhozone can't fail to
cure—it's guaranteed. Two menthe
treatment $1.00; trial size 25r,
again, Y curs truly,
Bu -Ju Efdney Pills may be obtained
at all drug stores, and when you ask
for Bu -Ju insist upon getting IL Take
no substitute, There is only one
Bu -Ju.
Municipal affairs are very quiet in
Brussels. Too many elections to suit
the people.
Every observer who walks the streets
of a great city, and scans with intelli-
gent eyes the colorless faces of more
than fifty per cent.• of the people he
meets, can easily agree with us In the
statement that this age, which makes
such drafts upon the working energies
of the greater part of men in the in-
tense pursuit of business, has destroy-
ed in a proportional degree the animal
health and robust. constitution. Na-
ture, in this stage of exhaustion, can-
not be teetered of itself, but requires
some stimulating tonic to strengthen
and keep the system in regular order,
and in Northrop & Lyman's Quinine
Wine we have the exact remedy re.
quil•ed. The peculiar operation of this
medicine in cases of general debility
and nervous prostration, has under-
gone long and close observation, and
it is believed it will never fail, if propp-
erly .and judiciously administered.
Prepared by Northrop & Lyman, Tor-
onto, and sold by all druggists,
A. Brandt, the ggec+nial and obliging
;station agent at H'ettsail, has tendered
his resignation to the "G. T. officials.
Mr. Brandt finds the work, which has
been greatly increased during the past
year, too heavy for him. The busi-
ness men of Hensel) hope that the
resignation+ will not be accepted.
An English critic, in writing of the
Meister Glee Singers, the finest quar-
tette in England, wbo will appear here
on Monday, Nov. 28th, says of them:
" In the Meister Singers we had quite
a revelation in quartette singing—hs
the perfect harmony of the voices, the
faultless precision of the music, deli-
cacy of the shading, and above all in
the -beauty and cleverness with which
every merit possessed by music and
words was brought to the surface and
effectively displayed. The audience
was quite enraptured, and demanded
more encores than could be responded
to, though the quartette were obliging•
in that respect. Altogether the visit
of the Meister Singers, itluatrattng as
they did collective singing in a high
phase of perfection and intellectuality,
will long he remembered by those in-
terested in music."
The following despatch from Elgin,
Man., dated Nov. 16, appeared in the
daily papers last week : "Last night
about 11 o'clock the Elgin House was
destroyed by fire. It was with great
difficulty the alarm was conveyed to
the inmates, owing, to the dense
smoke. One man perished in the
flames—Robert Baldwin, about 00
years old, who intended starting for
his home near Seaforth, Ont„ this
morning. It was known he was suf-
fering from illness and it is supposed
be was. overcome by the unyoke. There
was little or nothing slated." The
Seaforth Expositor rulds: "We are'
afraid that this refers to Mr. \Villiam
Baldwin, an old and respected resi-
of cafe
nth and father of
George Baldwin., Mr. Bald Win went
to Manitopa in the summer and was
known to have been w'orkiug in the
vicinity. We hope. however, our
fears are groundless."
tions of the skin and the blotches
which blemish beauty are the result of
impure blood caused by unhealthy ac-
tion of the liver and kidneys. In
correcting this unhealthy action and
restoring the organs to their normal
condition, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills
will at the same time cleanse the
blood, and the blotches and eruptions
will disappear without lerav`ing any
t nasi+.
Henry Thom, of con. A., How Ick,
has disposed of his farm of 50 acres to
-Wm. Leckie; consideration, $3,100.
Mr. Leckie will take possession in
The first snow came last year or, the
17th of November and sleighs were In
use from the 18th of November till
late in April.
Cnsameter or, ALL 3harnefere.
Considering the curative qualities of
Dr. Thomas' Eelectrie Oil it Is the
cheapest medicine now offered -[cote
public. The dose required In any
went is small end a bottle contains
many doses. If it were valued nt the
benefit it confers it could not ho par•
chased for many times the price asked
for it tw t increased c, rsumptton has
simplified and to a pf', • I Its manufac-
ture. J 1
BE THERE .1 \\'11,1, \1'IallOri POINTS
THE \VAY. The sick man pines for
relief, but he dislikes sending for the
doctor, which means nettles of drugs
never consumed. Hey" has not the
resolution to load his stnnuuh with
con) ponoel s which smell viOHM notisly
and taste wnrsu'. nut if he hese the
will to deal himself with his ailment,
wisdom will direct his attention to
Parnit' e''s V'getnhlt' •P11Is, which, ,1s
a spec lie for Jtdigostion and disorders
of the digestive oral hateno equal.
Now Era: When it becomes neves
Mary to hustle our trains on the (lode
rich and Buffalo road It can he done, ,
as will be seen by a remarkable record •
made by Conductor Ilrlchanan's train
one day last week. In the last 7R miles'
there were twelve stops male, One of
seven mtnutea, anot her of eight, and i
this diatanre warm c'nvet-ed in two hours
and 17 minutes.
•tib �lr
titian• of • Ma t1f• •r
••r Which 1*gs d, be ata
• lam. > lid wa tf to �".
•'r .. ' tMh bo^trigllr, s1 •
• fIR:eC tltteitq'I!B>aM#+t •°
ab olp 1MN)rl►a t+, coaxal 1
s ittt>iM11t19Apde�ll�f1d'
n 1 tineas•• I
•• •
iltatfen Iraq llgtattl ter r�itMr tluad
• • Matt Ceutip tloa BllltiaattiNtr •
water bnub euti*rn =v
LI!ec x'ftttttolia. ''
• Mr. A.'B. )Rttttu, Vaactnt H;C., •
• write.. -For some years p Ivrea
• troubled with chrome constipation •
• and bilious headaches. I' tried' •
• swirly •verythinx but only get :
• temporaryrelief. A friendiatluced •
e• ale to Leapt -Liver pill., Owl
• y carted Batt cataplettilf
s price R5 cents per box, or 6 hone •
• fox 11.00, ell dealers, or mailed 2
••irect lbrontoon receipt of price, •
Ti*nrT. Ilam tntir Co., Lll M= C'
• , Ont,
The other evening Miss Jean Mc-
Lauchltn, of Brussels, had a very close
call to a very serious accident.' 'She
bad lighted a lamp and was ebaking
the burring match to extinguish it
when the flame caught the front of
her dressing jacket, which was trim-
med with elder down. Alinostinstan-
taneously the tire" spread arqund her
neck, but by prompt action ma serious
injury was inflicted outside of slight
burns, . singeing of the young lady's
hair, and a great shock to the nervous
system. It was a close call,
Pile sufferers know that ointments
and other local treatments sometimes
relieve but never cure. They don't re-
move the cause.
There is a little tablet that is Liken
inter natty removes the cause of piles
and cures any case of any kinno
matter how long standing.
A month's treatment coats $1.00,
Ask for Dr. 1. eonhatdt's Hem -Road (a
thousand dollar guarantee goes with
every treatment,.
Hem -Road is the discovery of Dr.
Leonhardr, of 4,incoln, Neb.. one of
the most distinguished and successful
physicians in the Western States.
druggists, or the 1Vilsnn-Pyle
Co-, Limited, Niagara halls, Ont..
The Dominion elections over, Thanks-
giving day, the Ontario elections about
on, Christmas and New,year holidays,
county council elee(iohs, municipal
elections, school trustee elections, and
in addition business and ' private
affairs, provide len ample bill of fare
for the oldinary newspaper roan.
TBK 4-r.111 ii+ ,4i11r11 it) (ala U(-t•I1.1Ai011.
Young Ladles, Read This.
If you are bothered tvd w'
th pimples,
n Ins,
lathes n
r r uh
Idote ,�
n your p
ar YPuce
if your complexion is sallo, it's an
evidence that you require Ferrozone
to tone up your blood. One ref•rozune
tablet taken at Marais makes •tile com-
plexion like peach bloom, cheeks soon
become rosy, eyes bright, you'll he the
picture of health. Thousands of ladies
keep up their youthful appearance
with 1•'errozone, why not you ' I'r ice
50c. at druggists.
Nerve Racked
Men and Women
will find balm for their Terrible
Sufferings la
They tope up and- strengthen the
serves, build up the muscles of
the heart, and purify and enrich
the, blood. They put the nervous
system in perfect working order,
*ad restore health and vigor to
both body and brain.
Mise Edythe Lindsay, Strom -
sass, Ont., writes
lir *fords see great ple•rer• to say
that 1 have sxperlenoed great relief
trona your Heart and Nerve Pills Yen
over two years I suffered froth violent
palpitation of the heart, was very
.szWSa.and la
.ly weak co�u before e I
started to tale the pills, but tour hosts
•rota& a cornpp1sts enr•. I cannot
SIMS too hi•11y to those rater-
Veliweakness wad iuvs
Pries 0All &slam� M par Ms, r r ter $L1 ,
Ta T. Unavu Co.. Lrnrase,
Tososro, Ore. ,
tltrf�to u cru•,
•/ 4 o e u e 0• 0• 0• O• 0• o• 0• 0 •• O•
•_ •
• •
• •
The tops of some stoves warp out of shape.
This is prevented In
Souvenir Ranges
by the style of the "Long Centres" which
support the lids.
et' being double and locked provide
a st expansion and contraction.
They are also strongly supported by solid
posts or braces Warping is out of the question.
The Gurney. Tilden Company -
Namedocrtoers Limited
Uamllt•n Toronto
wlenlper v•nconr•r
Our eenond rnarentee •• welt ■• that of the mei,. twee
t very now. Gla in) see the Souvee if aaef,e.
J. Ii. Worrell, Godericl
• •
• •
t� .:the. Co
, HAVE yuti ever calculated how much is
sued in the long run by having your
Clothes •made by a Tailor who knows
his -business? Clothes that tit, wear longer,
look better, and are more satisfactory to the
wearer. Those who wear our garments
appreciate this. Our Fall Stock is now complete, and,
of course, comprises all the latest in SUITINQSS,QVEIR
Our Cutting and Manufacturing Department is
superintended t?y skilled artists, and leaving the matter
of price out of the question, you will have the comfort
of wearing well -fitting, smart and stylish garments.
PRIDI-IAIM the Tailor)
J cos
.4,57®PFon /Q pjw
Discriminating Women
the country over are careful to look
this stamp when buying Shoes : -
,It's the mark of quality,
It's a guarantee of comfort and elegance.
It's an assurance that you'ufe not paying more than
is necessary for all ,.hat's of value in \ ombh's Shoes.
QUERN qt ITv have elegace, and •1,1,5•
with it they give Shoesa perfect fit and glen- i
ious comfort, and they're only
I have now received my stock of u9o4-u905 Fall and Winter
styles of Ladies' Headware, and invite inspection by the
-Ladies of this section. Never mind whether you need a
change or not, come and see these styles. m
Everything up-to-date, • and.. workmanship and price
Miss Cameron
Prepare for Winter
And why not get proper
doctor's bills ?
In our large assortment
you will filed the
popular price.
Shoes for your
of Felts, Wool
,rproper Shoe
feet and save
Lined Shoes,
at t he most
Rubbers to fit any Shoe and such makes as
These Rubbers are e..x,tensively advertised, and are
all the. makers claim for them.
your Furniture
is probably not just
up to the mnk,
and again, you may not have enough of it. It Ls
our special iltisiness to look after your wants.
Drop in and examine our large and modern
stock of Plain and Fancy Furniture.
We can please you in Quality and Price.
The Leading Undertakers and mba lmers.
Night and Day Calls Promptly attended to.
Ressdence, Waterloo Street ;rad Elgin Ave
cpays for The Star to
• the end of 1904.
One Dollar pays for The
Star from now till the
end of 1905. No greater value has
fe been offered by any Local Week-
ewspaper in the Dominion.. The
is the peer of all rivals.
and advertise in a newspaper
that goes into the homes and is
read by the masses as well as
the classes.
• •moi
The Dominion elections over, Thanks-
giving day, the Ontario elections about
on, Christmas and New,year holidays,
county council elee(iohs, municipal
elections, school trustee elections, and
in addition business and ' private
affairs, provide len ample bill of fare
for the oldinary newspaper roan.
TBK 4-r.111 ii+ ,4i11r11 it) (ala U(-t•I1.1Ai011.
Young Ladles, Read This.
If you are bothered tvd w'
th pimples,
n Ins,
lathes n
r r uh
Idote ,�
n your p
ar YPuce
if your complexion is sallo, it's an
evidence that you require Ferrozone
to tone up your blood. One ref•rozune
tablet taken at Marais makes •tile com-
plexion like peach bloom, cheeks soon
become rosy, eyes bright, you'll he the
picture of health. Thousands of ladies
keep up their youthful appearance
with 1•'errozone, why not you ' I'r ice
50c. at druggists.
Nerve Racked
Men and Women
will find balm for their Terrible
Sufferings la
They tope up and- strengthen the
serves, build up the muscles of
the heart, and purify and enrich
the, blood. They put the nervous
system in perfect working order,
*ad restore health and vigor to
both body and brain.
Mise Edythe Lindsay, Strom -
sass, Ont., writes
lir *fords see great ple•rer• to say
that 1 have sxperlenoed great relief
trona your Heart and Nerve Pills Yen
over two years I suffered froth violent
palpitation of the heart, was very
.szWSa.and la
.ly weak co�u before e I
started to tale the pills, but tour hosts
•rota& a cornpp1sts enr•. I cannot
SIMS too hi•11y to those rater-
Veliweakness wad iuvs
Pries 0All &slam� M par Ms, r r ter $L1 ,
Ta T. Unavu Co.. Lrnrase,
Tososro, Ore. ,
tltrf�to u cru•,
•/ 4 o e u e 0• 0• 0• O• 0• o• 0• 0 •• O•
•_ •
• •
• •
The tops of some stoves warp out of shape.
This is prevented In
Souvenir Ranges
by the style of the "Long Centres" which
support the lids.
et' being double and locked provide
a st expansion and contraction.
They are also strongly supported by solid
posts or braces Warping is out of the question.
The Gurney. Tilden Company -
Namedocrtoers Limited
Uamllt•n Toronto
wlenlper v•nconr•r
Our eenond rnarentee •• welt ■• that of the mei,. twee
t very now. Gla in) see the Souvee if aaef,e.
J. Ii. Worrell, Godericl
• •
• •
t� .:the. Co
, HAVE yuti ever calculated how much is
sued in the long run by having your
Clothes •made by a Tailor who knows
his -business? Clothes that tit, wear longer,
look better, and are more satisfactory to the
wearer. Those who wear our garments
appreciate this. Our Fall Stock is now complete, and,
of course, comprises all the latest in SUITINQSS,QVEIR
Our Cutting and Manufacturing Department is
superintended t?y skilled artists, and leaving the matter
of price out of the question, you will have the comfort
of wearing well -fitting, smart and stylish garments.
PRIDI-IAIM the Tailor)
J cos
.4,57®PFon /Q pjw
Discriminating Women
the country over are careful to look
this stamp when buying Shoes : -
,It's the mark of quality,
It's a guarantee of comfort and elegance.
It's an assurance that you'ufe not paying more than
is necessary for all ,.hat's of value in \ ombh's Shoes.
QUERN qt ITv have elegace, and •1,1,5•
with it they give Shoesa perfect fit and glen- i
ious comfort, and they're only
I have now received my stock of u9o4-u905 Fall and Winter
styles of Ladies' Headware, and invite inspection by the
-Ladies of this section. Never mind whether you need a
change or not, come and see these styles. m
Everything up-to-date, • and.. workmanship and price
Miss Cameron
Prepare for Winter
And why not get proper
doctor's bills ?
In our large assortment
you will filed the
popular price.
Shoes for your
of Felts, Wool
,rproper Shoe
feet and save
Lined Shoes,
at t he most
Rubbers to fit any Shoe and such makes as
These Rubbers are e..x,tensively advertised, and are
all the. makers claim for them.
your Furniture
is probably not just
up to the mnk,
and again, you may not have enough of it. It Ls
our special iltisiness to look after your wants.
Drop in and examine our large and modern
stock of Plain and Fancy Furniture.
We can please you in Quality and Price.
The Leading Undertakers and mba lmers.
Night and Day Calls Promptly attended to.
Ressdence, Waterloo Street ;rad Elgin Ave
cpays for The Star to
• the end of 1904.
One Dollar pays for The
Star from now till the
end of 1905. No greater value has
fe been offered by any Local Week-
ewspaper in the Dominion.. The
is the peer of all rivals.