HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-11-25, Page 1, posossossoossosHoossolos01000.0*****••• . 1 't,,'" - Title 1:101)ERIP.171. STAR to the lamest- : I .Newipaper in thecounty of Huron .and I 01147.,,.:00.11tYli .4)0antityl'Ciretitat!en,1 sisossoii‘ilootosoosoilmipei.41.0••••titip000k:osoof „ .. The Official Newspaper of the County4 of Huron. syqpipiThof000molpipogitti•osopoomsossos • TIM OODERICII STAR has a lamer circutatlen than any other Newspaper ; section of the County or Huron I • ifalt14110111110014sensalisanaaarensas aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . reatTY-FIFTH YEAR. Wl191.11.10. 23:1. GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25. 1904. eggrommt, & TODD. rubilaberst. 11 Vear Advatese,1111.00 Credit FOR SAILE OR TO' 1.1irrt VI/UNITURICroSSA,1,410..,-114PPY Th011Eht .43 Range, Remelts Carpets, Rua, Tenantry and TAW COrtnler, Dliiing nables and Clindre, Bodt'e(1/31_14Ult11. F41300101411tFIXPliwa "11 in geed pOndition and Wed paly ettert ulite. Apply at tide aloe. I:10OS/4 ftENT.-10 rooms, _Raglan istreet. .6,ppiy at Dit AdalteX'e 0111w. -0011 blA.L10.4-A Safe In Wei conditiOn, AP" 42 PIY to 010). A. J. FRASER. TO RENT,-Houste And premises( fount/HY owned end occupied by_the late Sheriff ibboris, Brittania streets HMIs' heated by furnace. with town water and eleetale light "nolIctmorb APPIY to B. G. REYNOLDS. 34.0 Ott -15Ali.-anhat desirable residence, 40 Albert treat, Goderlob, On_t,owned and upied by the undensigned.-.M1115. GEORGE EVANS. 19-0 0 RENT. -The comfortable and convenierit residence of Capt, A.. lli. Illecgregor, on lesia street, near the head of North 'street is for rent Particulars can be had from PROUDFOOT, KAYS at BLAIR. solici- :,_ tors, Goderich. MILY 26 19C31. the it. IARM FOR SA.LE-Situated on tbe 5th concession, Weld Wawanosh, two miles ni Dungannen, being parte of lots 18 and In ntaining 140 acres. There aro 20 stores of excellent hardwood bush. the balance in gram. This desirable farm la RuitAbIe for grain or pasture ; woll watered; a good house; also two good barns, with shed tor bay, and stabling. Also two large °mbar& In full bearing. Will be sold on reasonable 'terms. The greater part may remain on mortgage. ROBT. BOWERS, Dungannou P. 0. 31 -lin ferlOWN PROP1ORTY FOR SA.LE. - BM& house with two, aores of laud and first - Mass bearing orchard, on the Huron Road. Very desirable property for person retiring, or ' tor gardener. st chance that is seldom met with in the corporation of Cio4erioh, and the price is au inducement to bqm;. Ale° two vaoant Iota a elides', and four, kmeant lota in St. Andrewe' ard, wbith will' be sold at very reasonable prices. ;People who want property will make a Mistake if tbey.do'not Weenie. For particulars Apply to D. CANTELON, Quebec etreet, Goderloh. WANTS. • wANTED, - Nurse 'for child 2 years old. APP1Y to Mits. L. E. Dancicirs. AVANTXD AT ONCE. -A first (Awe man as General Ageut for the County of Hum-, to'rlife Ineerance ComparlY. .Liberal contntot to right man. Apply to Ilex 199, -Stratford. • WEST HURON LIBMIL CONSERWITIVE GOMM The annual meeting of the Liberal Ohnservatives of West Huron will be held in -cr -cr ON MONDAY, NOV. 28TH At 2 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of electing officers, transacting routine business, and aelecting a candidate to contest the riding in the coming Pro- vincial Elections, All friends of the Conservative party are invited to attend. • PETER W. SCOTT, President. JAMES MITCHELL, Secretary. risEAt'llER WANTED for 'School Section 1 No. 17. ,,i A pply._ stating salary and quail- , DENTISTRY. ficatiorla to. DAVID McILWAINE, Jr., Nile Post (Aloe. . , , ITIEACHER WANTED.- For Sent Section JI.. No. Colborne Tp. County ot men for 19e5. Apply stating salary to F. W. McDON- AGIL deo. 1, Carlow P. O. MEACHER WANTED tor Union School J. Section No. 1, Townebips of Colborne, . AA/field and Weet WawanoW. A.pplioations received up te Nov. 26th 190i. Apply stating ekperienee, qualifications and salary, to R. MoILWA,IN, Secretary, Nilo P. 0. WANTED, two girls -one for dining room work and one for kitchen. Highest wages paid. Apply to 1, ARK BROS, Union Hotel, Goderioh. -IITANTED.-20 to..40 men to out saw loira VV and cordwood. Steany work. good wages. paid to good bush men. Anply W THE GODERICH LUMBER CO., Limited. Coder. ich. or STOKES BAY. NIVANTED. by Noe. 11th; a General servant. ono whe r.att do piain cooking, no up - stair work., Wages 105 per Inot4h. Apply to Mrs. S. A. MOt.,IAW, St Vincent streee, Gain - 2t WANTED. -To Inre, teams. Long and steady work. M. A. Peasyrr & Co. VACANT POSITIONS. i"-.1.7RON COUNTY HOUSE OF REFUGE 1-1 AND INDDSTRLAL FARM.-Applioat. one for the position,' of Keeper and Matroe for the House of Refuge and Industrial Farm in the County of Huron wth' be received on or before the first day of December next. Appli- cations to be in writing aod addreseed te W. Lenz, County Clerk, Goderioli. IL SPACK. MAN, Chairman of H. of R. Com. Dated July 18th, 1905 PUBLIC NOTiCe. 0 r"I E. SALE, L. D. S. D. D. 8., MeLesn'e Block, Goderieh. . Dr. Turnbnll'it old stand. Will visit Dungammon Wednesday after noons. KNITTING. USTOM KNITTING. -Socks and Hose re - V footed by THOS. WOOTTON, Huron Road. /TURON COUNTY COUNCIL. -The Coun- cil of the corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, in the Town of Goderielt on Isuesday the 6th day. of December next, at 3 o'clock p.lria, All ac- counts against the county muet be placed with the clerk by Met day of meeting. -W. LANE, Dated Nov. 21st, 1004. Clerk. 'THE GIIELPII AND GODERICH RAIL WAY COMPANY. Norms is hereby given that an application will be made on behalf of the Guelph and God erioh Railway Company to the Board of Rail- way Commlasimpra tor Canada. on Tuesday, the 20tn nay of Deeeruber, 1904, at the hour of eleven o clot& in the forenoon, or So soon there- after as the application can be heard. for a re- commendation to the Governor.in-Council for the sanction of a lease of the railway of the Guelph and Goderich Railway Company to the Callan Paola° Railway Company for a term nine hundred and ninety-nine years, from t e Hitt day of Janu- ary, 1005, upon the tonne and conditions therein mentioned. Tins notice is given pursuant to the provis- ions Of section 281 of the Railway Act, 19M. Ai. IL MACDONALD, Secretary Tbe Guelpletond Goderioh Railway Co. Dated at Guelph this eighth day of Novem- ber, 1S.104. MILE HURON AND anuca LOAN & VESTMENT COMPANY. TARR NOTICIS that a spocird gemmed meeting ot the ober°. holders of The Huron and Bruce Loan St In- vestment Company will be held at the head office of the Company, North street, in the town of Goderieb, on Wednesday, the.,21st day of December. 1904, at, the hone of two o'clock in the afternoon, Mr the purpose of taking into consideration, and, if approved. of ratifying and wooptIng. an agreement provisionally entered into by the directors of The Huron and Brace Loan & Investment Company and the director's of The Staedard Loan Company for the vale by The Hnron and limeo Loan tle Investment Company of, Ha ameba to The Standard Loan Company upon the terms and sionditions preseribedln the eald agreement. ANDTAILIENcrrunt that the mid agreement may be inepeeted by any shareholders at the head offioe of the ootnpany,_ DATED day of November. 1904. W. L. HORTON. Secretary. LONDON COLLEGE orr COMMERCE UNTIL NOVEMBER 20th Scholarship In either the Commerciel or Short- hand and Typewriting Department , 838.00 Full course Commeleistl and Shorthand enure° taken together 845.00 seaelAL MIL 81111 net be repeated. Address W. N. YIERax, Principal 2321- C. B., • MRS. McLEOD'S SPECIFIC CURE /tor lungs, throat, coughs, night sweats, chills, fever, dropsy, gravel and all kin- dred diseases. /111011 28o, iffie and 11.00 NO urns. Sold bY .--weessimanta AUGUSTA MARY McLEOD, Newgate St. - GoderIch, Ont. COAL COAL • The undersigned will be pleased to supply anyone wishing to fay in his winter's Supply of Hard Coal. .1 TIV/MITOIATE DELIVERV. • Prove, Clirrtnttr oft Boo Stags. _ • - Ifd,PROVEMENT OF STOCK. iMPROVEMENT OF STOCK. , Andreas, (400971 Pereheron, will be of service uuring tire damson of 1905. This magnificent animal has no weeder. In the meantime orders may be booked and tnli particulars obtained from Masers. E. C. ATTRILL, Ridge- wood Stook Farm, and FRED DAVIS, of the Hotel Bedford. LIVERY. THE EAST STREET LIVERY. Thia is to inform the general public' that .1 have opened up the Feet Street Livery in Ooderich with a thoroughly modernized outfit, and respectfully solicit the patronage of all obi friends and as many new one' as poseible. It shall be my endeavor to furnish the publics with reliable horses' and °AO -riding riga and.to give the very best satisfaction poneible.- Cell and see what we can do for you, no'ipatter when you may want • rig, or call up 'Mine 51. JON A.TH/iN MILLER. WARNING. ARNING. , patha through the Court House Square arn not for vehicles. Carriages to the Court House enter from South street end return the same way. Offendere will be prosecuted. By Order M. O. JOHNSTON. Town Clerk. HOTELS. mint RURoet HOTEL, Goderloh feetly modernised throughout. An ideal stopping place for the 'Traveller and Farmer. Everything up-to-date and the very best ao- commodation.--A. SHIRLA Proprietor. THE OLD AND RELIABLE " COLBORNE H 0 T E L," GODERICH, ONTARIO. Call when in Town, and you wt11 be treated well by .1,1We Dave." Good Accommodttlon. Good Meals, and a Good House. Von don't want more. GODERICH MARKETS. Wheat weakened considerably the paat week throughout Ontario, and standard is certainly not holding to last weeks price. Cate and barley are being offered freely in this market, and during the the week no noticeable ohange in price has taken place. Butter is somewhat firmer. eggs are 19 to 20 and other produota of the dairy and the farm show no noticeable change. On Monday J. F. Andrews shipped 101 boo to Toronto ; they were a fine lot ; and the price paid was &to per 100 lbs. Tbe largest con: tributors to the load were Memel's. Driver, 12 animals weighing 3060 lbe. : Shia's, 12, welch. big 2000 lbs., and Gould, 10.1890 Ibis. (Current wholesale prices corrected tsp to noon orThursday.) Fall wheat, standard 0 95 to 31 CO S ng wheat, standard 0 95 to 1 00 Onr. per owt., patent if 00 te 3 00 Flour, per ovet., family r 00 to 2 00 Bran, per ton 18 00 to 18 00 shorts, per tee. 20 00 te 20 00 Screenings, per ton 18 00 to 18 00 Oats 29 to 0 29 pnrieY .................. .......... 49 te 0 40 0 00 W 0 60 Rye 40 to 0 40 Buckwheat, per bushel 40 6 50 to CO Hurter, per lb 0 16 Um 16 Hay 6 50 to 7 03 Eggs, (fresh) per dozen ..... 0 19 to 0 20 Deed, per cord 1 00 to 6 0/ Cattle, export . . . ..... 4 00 to I 60 Cattle, ordinary and butchers' . 00 to 4 00 Lambs per lb.... .......... . 8 OS to 4 95 Sheep. per lb • 3 00 to 3 25 lourig% live weight 4 00 to -4 CO per lb........ ......... . 0 12 to 0 13 Hawn, long clear 0 10 to 0 10 Hides , . 6 00 to 5 50 Sheep Akins ....... ........ . 0 40 to 0 50 Tallow. rendered 0 44 to 0 06 Chiekens-barnyard chicks, per lb 0 08 to 0 08 --crate fed 0 10 Beef, fore quarters 6 00 to .6 00 Beef. hind auarter• 7 00 te 7 50 Turkeys, per lb 0 10 to 0 11 Ducks, per lb ....... 0 8 to 0 9 raurr AND VEGETABLE& Oranges, per dozen. ........ 0 20 to 0 60 Lemon*, per dozen 0 93 to 0 25 Bananas, per dozen 0 20 to 0 30 Potatoes. tier buishel . 30 te 0 80 NEW ADOERTISEMENTS. Pace Conservative Convention .... ......... 1 mender Singer% - Opera Howe Dry Goode Bargains -J. H. Colborne 4 For 411.60-W. C. Prldham • . Rig Bankrupt 13100 -Smith Bros. do a Jacket Side -W. A. McKim . Eist. Street Livery -Jonathan Miler 1 Furniture tor Sale -Bran Orrice 1 Towhee Wanted -P. W. Mr:Demuth IWanted at Once-liox Ito Mistime ..... 1 Impreoment of Stock -E. C. Audit and red Mehl .... ...... Item Comae Donnell -W. Lane Teacher Wanted -David afeIlwatac Traveller's Semples-Ifediens ...... •• Nurse Witnhal-Mrs. L temain Haase For Sale-Mieheal 1 R SALO. - - - itieheellt‘• ittittte let, Will be sold W1 say )6101t DALlf.,-)Lanne toomen haw oe An. Est. TER MtEWAN. AMUR.- AIIDIIA:AL yaks' rat premise*, 'Photur or 19001, ticilltubsoubers wily. ameturb, am. top., mts tor Tim WAD. tit* 'the *id ef:\ ‘., Mown Wapica 'NEW Mannraog Llonnalta.-Hon. lib, Stratton, now ex -Provincial soy.. hoe issiltgi a circular letter to all the Issuers of marriage licenses within the Prinince. Informing them that the liceuees issued by them are only for use in ease of marriages solemn- ized within the Province. New forms are being leaned containing, a clause that the licensee can be used only Within the Province, and an endorse- ment to the same effect. --- IN_ BITertarile Aoans.-His many friends and the' public in general wiU be glad to learn that Jonathan Miller, the genial Boldface and all round good citizen, has reopened his livery on East stieet, where he will be happy to renew busirese relations with old patrons and show new ones just what can be done to meet their wishes, Mr, Miller needs tao recom- mendation in. this line to those who have patronized him heretofore. GOLDEN LEAVES, -Under this tittle another and greater volume has ap- peared of the poems of "The Poetess of Huron," Miss Eloise E. Skimmings, of Goderich. It is truly a massive work, full of the sympathies, ap- preciations and joys of one who feels the settaltave touch of real friendship as well as Inspiration. For her loyalty both town and friends are grateful, and if good wishes will waft her verses more speedily' over the land, they are here in overflowing measure. -King- ston Whig. • A BARGAIN SALE. -On Saturday, Nov. 20, at 1./30 p. m., Thos. Gundry will offer.for sale by instructions front Mr. F. F. Lawrence, on the premise', the comfortable brick residence, with barn, on East street nearly opposite Knox church, the residence formerly occupied by Mr. Lawrence. Terms, one-third cash, and balance on mort- gage at live per cent.. This is a good chance for investment. Also the household furniture, including a good piano. Terms on these, cash. A.I1 will be sold, ay there is no reserve on either residence or effects. THE LOCAL CONSERVATIVES. -The annual meeting of the Goderich Con- servative Association was held on Monday evening, and the meeting was one of the most largely attended for a long time. Wm. Campbell was re- elected president, H. J. A. MoEwen secretary, and A. M. Todd treasurer. A full representation of delegates was appointed to attend the riding annual meeting and nominating convention at Auburn on Monday, and much in- terest was manifested in the whole proceedings. Addresses were deliver- ed by Mr. James Mitchell and Rev. Jos. Elliott, when the meeting, ad- journed. BIG VVon.e.-Robert Elliott, dm Apple King, being asked by THE STAR as tO his season's trade, says : "1 have shipped 14,000 barrels this sea- son, 10,000 to Glasgow. balance to Liverpool, Aberdeen and Hambu , and also have paid the growers per barrel more than the buyers east of here, so I think the growers have no need' to complain about the price. The stations from which 1 loadecl are Goderich, Lucknow, Walkerton, Bel - grave, Clinton, Brucefield and Klppen. Total cost laid down in the Old Coun- try, including men's wages, price of barrels and paying for apples and freight, reached 830,000. A POPULAR COMPANY. -Among the many favorable comments on the ap- pearance of the Meister Glee Singers in Toronto last week, which appeared in the city press, the following from the Globe may he quoted : " The Meister Singers drew a large crowd to Massey Hall last evening. The audi- ence was completely en rapport with the artists, and the whole programme was thoroughly enjoyed. Miss Ethel Henry, with the charm of her beauty and her most artistic rendering of her selectione, both humorous and sad, was greeted with tremendous applause. Miss Henry wore a beautiful dress of pale rose satin, with garniture of ex- quisitely embroidered chiffon of a pear tint, and a deep berth° of beautiful lace on the corsage was much admired. Her hair, lovely in itself, was adorned by A most becoming twist of delicate blue ribbon, a pretty contrasting touch of the toilette. The announce- ment of the return of the artists for a later performance was entbusiastically received." The company will appear in Victoria Opera House on Monday evening next, for the benefit of the Town Band. Tickets 35c. and 50c. THE C. P. R. ---,Thanksgiving Day attracted many visitors to the C. P.R., or rather the Guelph Junction R. R. Works, now being pushed ahead east and west of Dunlop's Hill by Pigott & (Jo., and the large contract that flrm has on hand was a surprise to those who thought the line was to be built over the flats and through the gullev. The foundations for the bridge over Dunlop's Hill are now complete, and the foundations for the north end Midges that. will span the north branch of the Maitland are being put in. The two big steam shovels ale doing great worklaand when the track is placed so that Mrs can be used both ways for ballasting. there will be live- ly times from Goderich to Auburn. East of this town, work is in progrees through Colborne, Rullett and other mnnicipalities, and the open weather the past few weake, will help to put things in form for carrying the work on during winter. The small motor engines are now on the track east of Dunlops, and as there are plenty of dumping cars on hand, ballasting can now he pushed at this end of the line. Work on the town side of the Matt, may not be started just yet, but when it is everything will he ready for a quick finish. TEACHERS' INtirITUTE. - A joint meeting of the:Executive Committee of East and West Huron was held in Clinton on Saturday, the 12th inst., for the purpose of arranging for a union Institute meeting. A full at- tendance of the officers of both asso- ciations were present. The -union 'meeting was arranged to be held In Clinton, May 25th and 20tb, 1905. It waa decided tn get no outside help for the day seseions, but It WAS thought advisable to get an outside lecturer for the evening meeting. The arrange- metel.s for the evening stsesion were left ty the hands of IL committee corn- posedoof Messrs. Lough, Houston, Mc- Lean, iffogers, Howard, fleetly and Johnston, A good list of subjects With natnes attached was then epoken af for tha progratomri those with songs and recitations aill!make a very Interesting tneeUng. It was moved by' Mr. T,Ough, Principal of the Model &had!, Clinton, seconded by Mr. I /3Iuett, rineipal of the Publie School, Creditd , and adopted, that the seem fatted, tam./ Hartley and W. IT. JOhns ,ask the MinisteronductitIon ter MO* specific InstrUctions as to what lalto he unjerstood, the j)aper tlo Res.4014 at the osat ingh school arktrattils lizoninatloo. it PX*PASANT &Immix -The dance given. by the Harmony Club on Thanksgiving night waa a decided elletieea, lhe attondance being large, the amide (the Blacketone Orehestra) of the best, and the refreelunenfo tasty and excellently served. The bali was nicely decorated, the cos- tumes of the ladies becoming and :prettily varied, and there were several belles. The members of the club were present in full force, and the arrange- ments and carrying out of the pro- gramme, and the courteous attend- anoe on the guests during thfa even- ing; elbowed that Harmony 'knows how to give a party. TELE , RIFLE ASSOCIATION. - There was a largely attended meeting of the recently organized Rifle Association, in the Town Hall on Monday evening. During the session nanny points of importance to the ,association were discussed, Postmaster Galt was elected treasurer, and Harry Kneciehaw seo- rotary, and the roll of members showed over 80 names. The strength of the associabion commands the issue of 20 rifles, and the issue of over 8,000 roends of ammunition to the com- pany. The matter of bonds for the rifles was arranged, and Capt. John- ston was .empowered to name a com- mittee to draft by-laws to govern the org,anization. The next meeting will be held at the call of the Captain. POUND AGAIN. -A couple of weeks since, a report came from the North West that a former resident of Col- borne was missing, and last week his relatives sent a well-known officer out West to make enquirers. We re- frained from mentioning the case, be - flaying there was, nothing to notice, as we felt sure the gentleman was not lost. If the casiireported in a Winui- peg paper about a man of the sa,rne nate trying to save a woman in a burning house, refers to the absentee. there was reason for his non -appear ance for a time, for the rescuer was badly burned, and the old lady he tried to save was too badly burned' to live. It is now reported that the absent one has returned to his home in the West. A $34000 Hoes& - Messrs. E. C. Attrill and Fred Dayie were abeent during the past, week, and improvers of stock will be pleased to learn that while away, the gentlemen purchased a most valuable Percheron stallion, Andreas (40,097) is a three year-old, and was foaled in France, where as a yearling he won first place among a great class of Percherons. As a two year-old ,he took second at the Royal Show in Kansas City, Miesouri ; first at the Indiana State Show, and was placed in the Illinois State Fair at Springfield. Andreas comes from a great line of ancestors, and is now being exhibited at the International Show at Chicago Stock Yards, and will be shipped from there to Gederich direct on the 3rd of December. A SILVER WEDDING. -On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duff, Huron Road, celebrated their silver wedding, they having been married ,in Seaforth by Rev. Mr. Graham on November 21st, 1979. There was a large attendance of relatives and friends present, and Mr. and MM. Duff were congratulated by all on the attainmen t of their silver anniversary. The evening was happily spent, re- freshments and enterteinment being very enjoyable. Among those pres- ent were Mr. and Mrs. Honking, of Londesboro', and Mrs. Elliott, of Woodstock, the ladies being Mrs. Detre sisters ; Mr. and Mrs. Will Pickard and Miss G. Rutnball, of Holinesville, and Mr. A. Rumba* of Clinton, ceusins, and Mr. Bert Elliott. of Woodstock, a nephew of Mrs. Duff and Mr. Duff's cousins. Mr. and Mrs. P. Stewart and Ed. Shaw, of Dunlop. Mrs. Duff wtur the recipient of a large number of presepts, ail of that pt•ec- foes metal whieh is supposed to sym- bolize 25 yeers of wedded bliss. DON'T MISS THIS. -The exceptional merit of the Meister Glee Singet•s, who will appear in Goderich on Mon- day evening next, as a high CIIIHS musical organization, and the de- serving cause for whose benefit they have been engaged, call for a word of special endorsement. The Meister Glee Singers rank as one of the best vocal organizations which have vial ted Canada, and in Toronto and other cittes where tbey have appeated, their performances have been praised with- out stint., and a re-engagement at once sought. The delightful glees and choruses which have stood the test of generations In the Old Land. end the selections from classic musical works, are rendered with a perfection that leaves no room for criticism, and the audiences almost weary the per- formers with their clatnorous encores. The Musical Society of our town twinge the quartette here In an effort to raise a substantial sum to help carry on the improventent. of the town band, and therefore our citizens have a double incentive to attend. Let this be a record night In high class and worthy entertainu*ente, and we can safely guarantee you will noC be disappointed. CHARGED WITH Ttorre-On Satur- day J. 0. McKenzie, of Port Huron, was charged before Police M agist rat e Humber with the theft of $25. from Hy. Day, of Walkerton, The offenee was committed at the time of the Goderich mums in July, when it is Raid the defendant borrowed $50, from the plaintiff, for temporary use, and only handed $25. hack, while defendant CIAIMS he paid •back $.35. A waraant for McKenzie's arrest was fanned at the time, but could not he served till Thanksgiving Day, when he came over to Sarnia from Port Hnron, where the arrest took olace. Town constable Phaien brought McKenzie from Sarnia and before the P. M., when a remand to Wedneaday took place for tbe purpose of obtaining evidence. On Wednesday McKenzie was before the P. M., and the taking of evidence lasted nearly all the after- noon, Crown -Attorney Seeger appear- ing for the Crown, a F. G. Blalr for the defendant. the conclusion of the evidence t e P.M. sent the MUM for trial to the next eourt of cempetent jurisdiction. Yesterday McKenzie appeared before Judge Doyle for elec- tion, and deckled to be tried by n jury, so he was remanded to the December session. Auction Sale Register. Partiwytting their side bills printed a Tern Stan OWES WIII receive a PREZ NOT1rE under this beading until date of sale. TIllitiRSHAV, Dec. !ST. -Auction SP le of Farm stock, property of Mrs F.d- wards. tote s and 6, con. 3, Colborne I4 miles from Goderich, 2 from Delimit- er.) 40 head cows, heifers, steers and calves,a good draft mares, 2 road horses, general purpose alleys, 2 and 3 years, 2 sows and litters. Farm has been rented. Everything must be sold. 'Nos. Guar- riav,atictiotteer. The removal of fences from he fronts of residences is goingfn so sat- istitetorily that In another ear there will be but fete etanding. it • BROW TOWN TOPICS. Mrs. Lyntee new dwelling on Well- ington etreet is now in the hand* of the plasterers. neaten/miler Amin , the Huron County Council opens on Tuesday, December Oth. Inepector Tom was examing the °lessee in the several public schools In town thie week. The Tuesday evening late train did not reach Goderich 0111.25 a.M. Wed- nesday morning.. .- • Rumour hath it that their will be contests in all the eight dietricte for the Ckmitty Council. Deitrich & Son, Star Mill, shipped a car load of their celebrated flour to Montreal this week. S. E. Hick, Druggist, has this week put in a handsome new Silent Sales- man Show Case into hie store. The nominations for County Coun- cillors will be held in the several divis MODS Dronday, Deceinber 261th. The Modelites are now theoriziug the duties of a teach**, the praotical part having been finished last week. The meeting of the Daughters of the Empire on Monday afternoon wee a pahreosretnotn. e, as only five members were Mrs. Christopherson has sold her residence and vacant lot on Newgate street, to Mr. Nott, of the Crescent, for the sum of 31200 - The citizens of Goderich sytnpathize deeply witle„ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Swartz in their loss of their only daughter, little Isabel, aged 3i years. The Grind Trunk is giving us a special train daily these days, and though our shippers could use more carte they are thankful for what they get. The visitors to Godereoh on Thanks- giving Day were not eft)) numerous as they were a year ago, but the out- ward ones were well up to the aver- age. Politicians left this riding in rather large numbers fee the Reform Conven- tion and Conservative Conference anhelddieriinTuoroy.nto Wednesday, Thursday This time last year the skating rink was doing a big business, and there had been a few days pretty fair sleigh- ing. A great contrast to the Novem- ber weather of 1904. There will be an organ recital in Knox Church on the evening of Fri- day, Dec. 10. A large chortle has been mained for the 'occasion so that we shall have a record musical program. A• Christmas Day will fall on Sun- day this year and be celebrated on Monday, all municipal nomination8 will be held on the Friday before Chrietinas, that being the provision of the law in such elutes. On Sunday morning next the mem- bers of Inverness Camp, S. 0. S. will hold their annual church parade to Knox Church in honor of St. Andrew's Day, which falls this year on 'the following Wednesday, This Friday eyening a banquet will be tendered apple exporter Robert Elliott, who has about completed shipments for the season. The affair will take .place at the King Edward, and is sure to prove a *Access. Two consignments of dinner sets are among the new goods taken into stock at the Maple Leaf China Hall. Cali in and see the new design8. Still a few more of those white china cups and saucers at 75c. a dozen. G. M. ELLIo•re. It, would surprise emite cilizene if they were charged with causing stores to be vacant in Goderich. but, one who pretends to know says if those who earn money in Godet•ich Himont if at home there would not be a vacant store in totvn. The name of Robert Elliott, the well known apple [nue, is mentioned as a probable candidate for County Councillor for this Division. "Bob' is an active and enterprising citizen, and would take a keen Interest in the business of the County. The Goderich Engine OIL shipped a cement -brick meking in:whine to Tor- onto on Wednesday- and it is stated that the nutehine will be placed in a building where bricks will be made through the winter season. This in- novation in brick utak i fig will be watched w ith interest hy all engaged in the building trede. Jno. F. Andrews has purchased the barn on Light house street, on tile one time Orace property, from Robert Orr. and will take it to pieces and re- build it in the township. The bare has long been in its present location, hut the timbers are in such good (ion- dition anti of such quality, itS to warrant its removal for rebuilding. Half of the men summoned by Pig- ott & Co. for breach of contract lett town last week for the east, the others who are working in town, are still waiting for a decision on the charge against them. So far a day has not been named fnr the continuance of the trial, and it is pr•obahle it ItlAy not he resumed, as P. M. Humber, in giving his decision in the NVitiottafT (.11 HI', MI Id lie thought the judgment ..11011id f(d. low in the °there. AT THE HARBOR. Several small boats are being over- hauled and repaired on the Harbor Island. The tug Owen, of l'ort Huron. ean into this herbor last week when on a trip trying to locate f.114.11ped loge. t. Win, Silt he Ida nil reached home on Friday, having pieced his' boat, the Cataract, In winter quer ters nt Sarnia. The pleasure adeniner A, M. Petrie, of Bayfleld, arrived In nor t on Friday morning, and is now in winter quite- (tellTregvh.eland. with 000 tens erre! for the e schooner J. N. Judd, trom water works, reached Ode port on Thankngiving Day. The steamer Myles took ipti 201, ens of flour from the Ilig Mill and ro 3 of hay frotn Wm. lee, for !eke Stip- erior portn laat week. The steamer lioseentilin.1 nith 85,000 bushels of wheat for l he timbale!' Elevator, arrived In port on 'Tuesday, The steamer will bring two cargoes to Goderich for the Big Mill before the Ta shoe" Retel0i8:1.151.Pr iloNechtle wilh 82.(XX) hue/helm of wheat for the 0°4103 ich elevator from Pt irt William, al rived In port on Thured iy (if last week, and left again the name tiny to load wheat at Prot Arthur fot this harbor. The Harbor Saw Mill is turning old a large quantity of sourre timber for the several public. works In the vieinity of Goderich. The I rgl n have a large quantity of cut km her along the Bruce Peninsula, whleh they ere trying to get venaelm to bring to this pert I While the deeping of the water at the W est end of Marlton's inland is a good work. the removal of the sunken , (a/reeked) sehooner at the li00311-went corner of that Inland would he better work, es the ; nereasing ntiniber of vee-ela of deep draft now using this 1)011 makes the rernOtrui of the wreck a necessity. POLITICS AND TEM.- PERANC IN HURON. --r- WHAT GLOBE AND NEWS COR. RESPONDENTS HEARD IN THE OLD COUNTY. Colborne Townahlp Will Vote on Local Option. -The Toronto News, oL Saturday and Monday last, and the Globe of the latter day, each contained lung article*, from staff correspondents who bad been up this way, on the political situ- ation and feeling' in the county, espec- ially In regard to temperance senti- ment, and a few extracte will be of in- terest to our local readers. The Newe than was evidently favor- ably iinpressed with the people and conditions of life in Huron, and he trays not a few nice things of both in In his letters frout Goderich and Olin - ton. Of our county town he sityis : "Here at the junction of the classic River Maitland -once the Iffenesetu lag -with the big blue Lake Huron, lie8 town where fur just 09 yeers scenery and electious have been in the race. The former capital of the old Huron 'react, and now of all the Humne has Ueen a town for 54 yeare and has a present population of 4,500 -once in the salt boom days, before the Arnere Can duty on salt, about 0,000. 13ig ships loaded with north lumber and northwest wheat, black bass in the river and Huron apples on the conces- sions. well trimmed orchards and tidy dwellings, broad generous streets and neat stores, pretty churches end good looking girls- etna as much politics to the ilquitire inch as in any place in Canada outside of Ottawa -such is Goderich." A column of expressions of opinion and comment is given, as the result of the scribe's enquiries, /among them this paragraph : A well known Liberal, occupying a public position in the town, maid : "1 don't know that opinions expremerd before an eleption are of any value, but there are 'undoubtedly a great many staunch Reforrners who will Vote Reform for b.oth houses ttll they., die, no matter whet's at stake. There are Contreryativea of the same kind. Still believe there are a large nune ber of Reformers who supported Laur- ler In the recent election that will not. support Ross in the next. ono. Thirty- two years for one Government is totally without peer 'lent and quite uqjustiflabie. The election will prob- ably be • one of scandal -mongering rather than of principle." Others considered that the Prefilter would he quite unjustified in resigning even with a hare majority of one; that he should fight it . out; but that be would probably get beaten If he did. Looks Like a Case In Ethics. The above opinions with numerous others were given by men of all ages and callings. and in all but four or flee hist unces without /iffy knowledge whatsoever of their being expressed to a newspaper man. In -no case did the interviewer ask the politics of his informant, and in only four instancem did the informants exprees hope that Mr. Ittle4 entry another .-lection. Perhaps a man might wan- der for tin tiotlet.ieli streets, questioning people at. random about politics, and meet lege than half 14 dozen "Scotch Grits" or Liberals of any kind -but the lige of mirticlee ham long since passed away. N'iewet1 sup-. erlicially anti without any pretence of analysik, it loOks decidedly as if a good percentage of West Huron . Voters have two sets of Liberal opinlone, one for the Dominion and another for the Province. This Is the ethical aspect of the questitai. Writing from Clinton lie says alining other things : "Mr. Rom has long been an oracle in Huron. His utteram•es Mg. 1141(1 n- n I ng to he doubted. A lotig-patient electorate begins to ask When the or- acle will speak with him own min/land cease to he jimeompted blp. the .delln (.11- ni,,, I. in,' !limy he free.. ly trandated, 'Den 'machine'. ellite 11(101 all. regillated,by w I res. On these wound. it latikm 104 if West Hilton at least Will t hat i is line leg W4 g 111.1.V "rile I.." As to Temperance. There Is tired her et inn:Arum in West Huron. It be loyal option. Titer is Die hoodoo to the polit edit. of Goderich and Clinton. p.4,, I i01.111(.315 were each pi•esented butt /4111.111114.1. by the tettipetance peOple with it,.pet boycotted hy 0,11re:re/ill VP gayer Lewis and the ,COuncif of Oltderich, grin tell by t,(111f7erV I i ve M eror Flo() v - er, of Clinton, by n ealtng vote. Mr, Houvet• of t tirwal dm recant tel -too- late., Ott Janunry Clinton will vote on held option,. Morel. is sn id to he 414111)11111( 101. /4 eatiditIntiiir. 11812 itchell, Conservative candidate in West H11 ron. pledged himself to prohibition. He wan defeated: In t e Bruce 1)r. Ste %yak., Liberal, pledged hinleelf. There had beim' big rmijority for the refitrentioni: Ile watt defented. . Is it any wonder that t he Conaervat lee Mayhtsi of Cinder:kV and Clint 011 fought shy of local option? may talk /IN you like nb0111 t he C. P. meth' a prominent hotel - keeper to The News, It %Vali local option that killed Holmes." "Mc. Holmes is a well. know. total ithstaitii•r and ft iend of temperance - as Mr. Mitchell le 111 (31111411.1011 lint the New Kra eontained no editorials on local option. "If !toss (let -limes for prohibition he will go up tin- tine hig'her than Oil - kite," eit id 'PRO ng Hoderieh Liberal. 1.4 •respotitlent some up thus; Inea ipt ion will probably teary Clinto! Th 1. toe n will then begin to get in class 'Hweet Auburn, loveliest of t he plain.' And if any form of phih ntion, wheth- er local, general OE hi and half,' le 11.1 ilea). useful to t he poll; Irian than 10eiti lieete,o1I'V to Chilton, is it 110 wonder that the would-be states - Men (If \Veld Huron begin to rennrd R tempetanee pint form as a poll Oval hoodoo i And It in a roilittion proverb In these parts tilt' pure polit ins May be an Irish bog hitt that the temper- ance problem in politic', Is the- will o' the wisp." • ... The Globe's SuAllmary. The Globe's correspondent inter. VIPWIVI ?tinny well known people on t tem peranee qtieetion. and he Neente to eemelude that nentiment Is by 00 (Ion, hut Dial more Ntriet enforce - means unanimous in favor of prolilbe ment of lieenfie would be more Remy- , ally favored. Thene opinionn fluty he reprod need . Ross Government on some such lino than they otherwise would." AL a. Cameron 1 "The convention is a splendid Idea. We will DOW Imwe a well defined policy on the temper - once question. Ltud election we had not, but now we will know where we are 1 vve will have a universal policy all over the Province." Mr. R. W. McKenzie. of Goderioh, a staunch Liberal of the old school, be- lieved that Mr. Ross should go to the country on prohibition. Re did not like the_dispensary system, and would like't0Seethe liquor act put into force, with the onus ou the opponents to re- voke it, where the feeling was againvt IL Mr. McKenzie a,lso declared for the most stringent law that could be tnade to prevent 'corruption. On tho other hand, Mr. NV. L. Hor- ton, who said he had been in the busi- ness, said : "I want a strict high lie- ense, and the law strictly enforced, so that they will cut out all the small 'gin etrille.'" The following members of ihe Lib. eral Executive, who met in Goderich and Clinton last weeWotre quoted John Yeo, Goderich Tp.: Alex Young, Colborne; Win. Martin, East Wawa - nosh, and Wm. Bailie, West Wawa - nosh, for prohibition, or ahelhillieff the bars; Wm. Jackson, Blyth; James Young, Auburn; Henry Morris. Col- borne; John T. Currie, East Wawa - nosh, and Jotteph Bell, Carlow, for stricter regulation. Local Option In Colborne. As will be seen by the clerk's repert of Colborne township Council, in toe other colunin, the agitation in that municipality for a trial at local option gained the consent at the Council to submit a by-law to the electors nest January. The deputation who adv.. - tinted the bylaw before the Cottle e were • R. Id. Young, J. T. Liuklater, and Revs. Jas. Harnilton, J. sq. Y ,•1 - land and Jreol Heneedy, while' W Glazier, of Dpnlop, who owns the only hotel in the township, and would be seriously affected by the enforce- ment of the bylaw, presented a min- ter petition with' over ninety names thereon, and this' was supported by John Chisholm, John Williams and Mr. Simpson, of Sheppardton. The Council held an adjourned meeting to further consider the mat- ter, and then decided to let the people of the township decide the matter for themselves. CONSERVATIVE CONFERENCE The Mail and Empire of yestereay, speaking of the Cense' vative Confer- ence now being held in Toronto, tee, "Business is the object of the confer - en Je. It seems to be the desire- and 11 patriotic desire it is -to lay down the sound principles which should govern in Ontario and to prepare for the con - teat in which these principles are bound to prevail. There are many subjects to Consider ; but there can, be no doubt touching the uppermost imam and the sentiment, of the honest electorate towards'. it. The people want to got rid of corruptionist and the ballot -box !duffer, the person- ator and the trick ballot -box maker. They also desire to repudiate and to reject the Government which *toddled these enermities upon the province and has lived by them for the past few years. There is reason in the attitude of the public towards this qugst ion. It in clear that if 801114' NOM. fiteti011 stands behind the ballot -box 1111;1 dictates by fraud the vet -diet, it 'shall render, we are no louget st. free and a self-governing people. What - Oyer views t,he majon•ity may hold, whatever the 11 eeireti of the province may he, those views aind those desires cannot take effect so long as the thief robs the elector and the plugger pltigs votes. It is only by the consent, of the thief and the plugger that. the free people of Ontario can regulate their 1/W11 Ittfailli. Other quest i 'us ars important: but the ultimate at mode of the province toward all of them depends upon the aolution of the ballot -box le oblern. We must, di•Ive the ballot, thief and his toaster from their places in t he polling booth hefore we can hoot, to institute other reforms. The means hy which thin great work can be iii•complislied will be dismissed at, the coat -pence. 411 Ontario 11111144 111/1/1. 111/4 1111" IliM• consion will lie fruitful of wise einis• self., and that the result Wilj 111. till" restoration of fermium and the' end of rascality proVitive. , ' POLITICAL NOTES. Let us have a clean Dovrilinieut.°. Y. M r.• 'I'. 14. Presttin'e presence in, Toronto al tbis r! 'Seal moniept in the fortunes lif Rine, iwk.perlifilis" More than° q, 111' id 1.11(!)... cOurse, the n PI'S Of (Ill. 51 i hie M. were 'to 'be punted i atm tO1/' %mention should their good miirp touch at the port of Toronto on the 2,ird. -It would lie well if Rome meadierti-of Prettier Itotite Cabinet. lumil *howl' their right to lie,Called -honorable", before hay I ng.• tntich -Aimee(' wort' thritet on-thete. • - ... Seeing that iteivoilld he only for a Mon th or ter, why couldn't Preen107' ROHN .1111.VP r•hee red the heart otligisty old "Cap." Sullivan by making 111111 also a Minister without Portfolio? Mr. J. It. Htratton announced. in his Hpettell to th'e• Rose cOnvent rster flay thnt he is with the ltottit Ooverri. merit, although: not at prement lit it. Thus we have Die NHLO111 1411 band of politicians, but under -Al Iferent namee. 'The following is from the Hamilton Spectator! Phll A. Lott's retifession recalls a 'ftentenee in • Haliffet's guy " Thus conscience (loth ke cowards of us all, and thus the native hue of retool ution. sickle(' 0.1.1. With the pole cast bf thought, and enter prison of great pith 111141 11101111.111 thin regard their etirrpot* torn away, and lose the 11111110 (If /WHIM.' It la noteworthy that the call for Mr. Koss' 1.011Y1`11111/11 was not issued until after the detection of the bogus ballot, boxes, Had these sucressfully etood the tee) bi hey were to he subjected in t he Dominion elet't ions the TII1101i IIP wool(' no (11/1/111. 11044/ 'HUM r4,11Aly t11 tiike the battle of Die Provincial elect Ions upon them, with out going to the Itolible of ealling eonvention. The desperation of t he RAN. (le)verh• ment la revealed in 1111' R1111.1111,1•1111•111 Ono Hon. 'Mr. Lab -Mold who, Am ear ly as Jane last, it is titiderstotid, filneed hie resignation in the hands of the Premier and Intely more openly made known his intention to 11.11rt" from public life, ha.a been I rehired to recon• Hider bin deeision. lie Will 40111111 for South Ret w again in the approach- ing co The !resoling of all this IA pi 1, Mr. flow+ having failed to seen tailing 1111'11 (111 his Cabinet h huh ,ed Mr. I eiehford to hold over e resilit of he. final appeal to th,, e'er rate Is known Then he will he ed 33,.. 11111 V of Cabinet con Mon and Mr 1,sti.'hford Ik4' gi ve , • tre, •I to hi• risme to re- nto life avid the practice profeamil in Hobert Holmee : "Mr. ROAR Might rell to appeal to the eountry on gorne torn/ I, atm ,advatived temperanee legislation. ab I think their, are a number of Liberals r".4. who could more cordially support. the, • * *40*# " THE BALLOT Box FRAUDS. The Ballot Box Frauds is not a new heading, but comes before ite now on a new and gigantic plan. The rascal- ity is made bare, not by or through Government officials or Cabinet Miu- Mere, but shnply because a Deputy Returning Officer's conscience smote him, and thus Canada learne of one of the greateat rascalities ever invented for atealing votes. The scheme for tho theft is a ballot box made with such ingenuity that a Deputy Return- ing Officer, without scruples, can, at the opening of the poll, dump 30 or 40 ballots into the ballot box, and after- wards direct la like ntunber of Con servatiye votes into the fabse 8ide from which the others were dumped. There can be no dispute as to the ras- cality, for thee° are confesaions and sworn testimony that cannot be con- troverted, and so darnalriter is the ex- posure to the Dominion Governtnent. in whose interests these boxes were to be used, and in foot were used, and to t Provincial Cabinet, its witnesses swear they wore intended for the On- tario elections, that Dominion detec- tives are sent from Ottawa, and a leading K. C. from Toronto to iissitit in appmillending and punishing all con- cerned in the frauds. The appearance of these officers and the K, C. at the trial watt a surprise. for though the fraudulent ballot iiii"xes were in vide fin days, no 111144,./...,,WILH 11114de in toe matter until Goss Porter, M. P.. 031111M/I 1111' 11/10/11-111V /WI by bit, ,14.- 1,,m for lit and he hoped t sudden itch% ity ot these officers iu West Hastings is not intended to cov- er up sini dal. episodes In other parts of the Dominion, particularly in Nova Scotia, and the Western Provinces of the Dominion. EDITORIAL COMMENT. Rev. It. S. Howard, of Christ church, London, who will be remem- bered as a former clergyman of triode - rich and Mitchell, spoke thus forcibly and thoughtfully on the subject of ' political corruption which lias become such it proininent and slalom+ danger, in Canadian puhlie life ; "Accusations are openly made against some, and these are indig- nantly Whether they are true or not I leave to you to judge ; but this one thing 1 say, that the very fact that such aceusat ions and. dentate lire flung back and forth, and that all 11311. people ate not shocked. seems t,o indicate a low standard of political mortal ty. Eit her these act:us/alone are not belelved, or, If they are be- lieveti.4 no one seems to care. The condition is bad either way, brit the point to notice here is that the._ great majority of our people are so indif- ferent and care tio little. DO(18 it not nuftter to us how our ends /XIV gained, that fake accuatition or frau ; are charged again:it each other, at. ' be - C all de W (I don't care, we 'owe' our standard of life and drag our honor in the dust We want the highest standard of truth and honor. No standard can he too high. Ours, tut Christians, should' be • the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." - BYRON LOTT RELEASED ON BAIL. ' • • Nov. 2i. -(tipZ4Cial. --John T. (kickrain, an hotel keeper, of Mocha% this morning put tip 32,000 in cash aud tteetired the freedom of liyrtin O. Lott, the alleged ballot box consph-a- t or. also flit:Ili-Shed his own security for 82,000. Cock him hap- pened to be the City and Was miiprined that Lott's friends biul not furnished the hall risked by the crown. The charge against Lott is that he "did rittimpire with one T. .1. lteilly, one Thos. P.. ‘Vhelain. ono %A'. J. Stabley and one Philip A. Lott, and other pei•stins unknown, or with unt• or noire of them, by deevit or o! bet fraudulent menus, to wit, the use of forged, • frAiiilaleat or counter- feited told ballot laixes..,, with secret ' inpnettnents, slides and ilevives 'there deceitfully contriy ed • tti lie waist.' ided fot the ballot Isixes,•" or sum of them, in- tended to be timed ti 0 eleetion fur the niiiihe eiitimein in the electoral •Titling 'of West - I las digs. holden on the said 'Nov. .dcfrattel ,•ertain tionseertatited peesotis. • being 'voters entitled .Itt 1/1/41. 140 /411110 election, by sotettilittittg. for t7nlitott •eieft by suelt ,Permoas, sock goil ItN olo.ireeo such friteillident 1.•,. 0.. their secret P11;11040 toent ' -1.•4 ...d de viCtifir4' [Aar. witg remanded hi,. 21,cgisttale i•lint till Preirty morneig. Pi -ovine ial Detective (freer I/1111'11' acting so be- half of the Ontario govt.1 rotund. Prom an Exelienge NVest Huron Liberal Conserv:I:eh Execiit I vi• tnet. in Clinton rriiiny IS 01.114,(1 Nirvenitirr 214th, at Ali- bi: I'm to mieleet vandidate for the On- tario Le4.0mlature, There are a num- ber of names Already available foe presentation to the eon yention, from whom 11 C1111(1 Call 110 aelected. Among the names suggested are James win) contested the riding at t he last election: Mat ileW Lockhart, of Enk Otidley Holmes, of Wingharn; Mayot Hoover, of Clinton; 1). T. Cantelon nod 1), ret.ttr, of I he moue place; Jamen Conollv, of (lode) township. nod Rev. Jos. Elliott, of tiodeiich. From this list there shoold .04..110 (liflietilty ing winner for the next Pim Tiori/d 01,111111. The Meeting Calendar, The .1101111.114 h henneh of the %%otnettLe „te te,1,1 th,o ,,oxr lho toot nf ttet) 0,1 14,v.volier 1.1 MOM b.,. pir( removiiIH, I he lemr 2 to .toiro ref 01, of Ito. atop, I 1. 8„ F11/1,44 Hi14,141111/H.ling horeko chinell T of T Vrilley "now. 1he 1(1ng. nonehter. Will OlOrt on W eN1 1. ea - day neicl. 30)1 . at 3 p, to the ourt nolo, for the electing of officer... :111 members nre reque..fed te sttenti. s arrentromente are beioN loath. for the holding of a See yi,t„nArnitaki,r..r,nret i nu of 1._ 0 1.. ots. on Thawing Business Not ices nal -gems millinev it bankrupt nale• going At half price SMITH BROS, CH. we did not IIRCH an big a crow,' this week ns either of the political conven, het our crowd wan the best pleased. They all are who come to lintientiv'e for thew, photon See the latest in 0140 wins dew. - e it't. V.' o‘s,. - •