HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-11-18, Page 8a',
Order Your
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If you wish to stake sure of your
Christmas Globe and other Christ -
Mae Numbers, leave your order
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Christmas Globe. 50c
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Christmas Holly Leaves 50c
Christmas Sketch 50c
The above Christmas Numbers
are the finest in the World. They
should be ordered without delay,
as they will be ready shortly and
there will be
-PHONE 100 13
Court House Square • Goderieh
the 3oberich .%tar.
TxtsenoNt CAL. 71.
Win. Telt Is on a visit to Detroit
L. E. Danooy Is In the Queen city.
Walter Knights is visiting at Dundas.
Jas. Stewart, South street, is at LiatoweL
Dr. Mabee 1s with old friends in 8t. Thomas, -
Mrs. Gavin Green is with relatives to Toron-
Mrs. Geo. Porter is visiting In the Queen
Mrs. Jas. Yates is visiting relatives at Ridge.
Miss B. Yates Is visiting friends at St.
BJJooe.a W. Craiglo is visiting in Toronto and
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pringle aro visiting In
Mrs. (Itev.) Jas. Hamilton is visf Ing„m Stmt,
ford city.
G. T Collings, of Seatorth, was in town on
Jas. Clark made a business trip to Hamilton
this week.
Rev. Mark Turnbull was In the Forest City
this week.
Mrs. Wm. Lee is visiting relatives in New-
castle, Out.
Misr Emily Buchanan to visiting friends at
KingsvIUe. .
Dr. and Mrs. Whitely are visiting in the
Queen city. '
Atlas Jessie Blake is visiting her sister at Ni-
agara Fails.
Mise Nellie Munroe lett Wednesday on a visit
to Stratford.
Goo. M. Elliott and son Chester aro visiting
In Leamington.
Mrs. and Miss Lewis left on Tuesday on a
visit to Guelph.
Mrs. 11. 0. Reynolds has returned from a
vbdt to Toronto.
Mrs. A. Knoonhaw is the guest of her mother
at Bowmanvllo.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Thomson aro at the old
home, Tilsonburg.
Major Beck loft Wednesday for the evapora-
tor at. Londesboro.
R. J. Clark, of the Soo, was in town a few
days the past week.
Mrs. Wm. Lee is visiting her relatives at
Newcastle, Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs.,Whlddon, of Bayfield, were to
Goderich on Tuesday.
Mrs.11. Fitzsimmons. of Clinton. was a Gad-
orich Visitor this week.
Miss Florence Sallows spent Thanksgiving
with friends to Guelph.
Geo. E. Brownlee. of Soaforth, was, a (lode -
rich visitor on Tuesday.
Mias H. AttrUl and Master Houton loft on
Wednesday for Toronto.
Mr. Jahn Marquis, gf Huron Road, is with
Mendel at Niagara Fella
.1. A. Hawkins, of Port Albert„ arrived home
from Manitoba on Friday.
Mrs. Crabb lett this week for ('rlilfornla,
where she will spend the winter:
Mrs. Ed. Munroe and Master Harry. of ('lin-
ton, were visiting In town this woos. -
Mr. and Mfrs. J. A. Scrimgeour are spending
Thanksgiving with relatives in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Burrows visited the latter's
brother, Chas. Stewart, of Nile, on Sunday.
Miss Jennie Tebbutt 1s spending the Thanks,
giving' M
holidays with her sister. Mrs. :E. Bracey.
Mrs. D. K. and Miss Sophia Strecban are
spending Thanksgiving with Mias L Strachan,
in Clinton.
Dr. Case. of Dungannon, was In town on Tues-
day. In consultation with brother medicos on a
case of illness.
Captain Self, recently of the Bank of Com-
meroo, of this town. now of Sault Ste Marie,
has been sponding,a holiday in Goderich.
Mrs. Arthur Cantelon. Lighthouse street,
was suddenly taken 111, and her many friends
ary anxious for her recovery. The lady is a
atoorredd toherlaussuual section, and we will bo to-
E. li. Gibbons, of Detroit, was In town the
past week. Mr. 0., who is a<p7inter. enjoys the
distinction of being the youngest member of
the olty council of Detroit, besot• a number
of old stagers who were in the field against
Miss K. Greco Polley is spending a short
time In Wingham, where she la teaching a elan
in wood carving, pyrography, china painting
and water colors. Tho class was formed by a
number' of Wingbaur ladies. who requested
JNtisa }'cites to trot as their tear r.
Dr, O'llagan BndI Uoderlcb Karr.
betson one of his periodical v albs here,and is.
beadily greeted� bY his ny friends. Ho tial
reoeqq �ly ecteldetaµ�an e. Glean monthr stay in
theme lands, pat`(icult y Fran where hit
Ratlonalrresoou ceo haifortechs eoandotherawo .
The Dr, is a keen ob,at ver with liberal and
comprehensive views, andudging b tou
en !rs
chat with him ono way safely anticipate good
results to those wbornay come under his ser-
vlees. Ile will spend tlio next couple of months
at the, college of nNotre Dame, Indianapolis,
Ind., ono of the lest equipped Catholic instttu•
Runs of learning on thio continent.
Has Left
the Hospital.
W. A. Beswick was confined in the
hospital for three weeks and suffered
severe pains In his back, arms and
shoulders. Ho was advised to try
13u -Ju, the Kidney Pill, and was a ery
soon able to leave the hospital and is
now at work again. He naturally
feels grateful for the benefit he re-
ceived and writes the following letter:
Huetaville, April 10, 1904.
Clain Chemical Co., Windsor Ont,:
Gentlemen : Was in the Hospital
for three weeke with pain in my back,
in my ehoulden4 and arms. A friend
advised me to take your "Bu -Ju," and
I have been taking it and feel so much
better. I am able to do my work
again. Yours truly,
Bn-Ju Kidney Pills may he obtained
at all drug stores, and when you ask
for Bu -Ju insist upon getting it. Take
no substitute. There is only ono
Bu -Ju.
Nc,Tes.--Mr. A. Ojeen disposed of
his fine pure-bred Durham calf "Pride
of Rosedale," for the sum of $81,00 to
Mr. R. Scott, of Marnock. This is a
very fine animal tipping the scales at
six hundred and sixty lbs., and is not
yet six months old.
U H U It 0 n.—Rev. Mr. Hazen, of
Gaderiob, will preach next Sunday at
Zion, Colborne Tp., at 10.30 a. in and
7 p.m. Thnpkofferlog will be taken
at each service. There will be no ser-
vice at Ball's, Bethel or Bonm►ller, as
the pastor will supply for Rev. Mr,
NOTES.—Wedding bells have been
ringing in our neighborhood the past
week. Mr. Robert McMillan has pur-
chased a. very fine Bolt ftom a Gode-
rich township farmer. Robert thinks
this animal is hard to beat. — We
understand Col. and Mrs. Varcoe, son
and daughter, will leave the latter
part of November, to spend the .win-
ter in California.—Mrs. J. 0. Stewart,
from Leeburn, is a ending a couple of
weeks with Mrs. Clark, of this place.
—Mr. Grant, of Goderich, was a Sun-
day visitor near here.—Mr. .W. F.
Young, who has been laid up for tome
time from the effects of a severe fall,
is rapidly improving.—Mr. John Clark
purchased a very fine pure bred heifer
calf at Mr. Attrill's Bale. Mr. Clark
knows a good thing when he sees it.
PERSONAL. --Miss M. Bice and Mias
E. Sproul visited friends here on Sun-
day.—We are sorry to hear that Tom
Reed hadj a peualytic stroke in one
side of his face one day last week. It
doesn't hay him up at nil, but is rather
inoonveniefit. We hope it will soon
be all tight„—Mr. and Mrs. W.Smeltz-
er visited friends hero on Sunday.
SCHOOL REPORT.—The results_ orfig@
October promotion examinations ityS.
S. No. 9 were ns follows : Sr. 3rd to
Jr. 4th, George Treleaven, Rena Reed.
ir. 3rd to Si. 3rd, Maggie Glen, Pearl
Saunders, Win. Alton. Sr. 2nd to Jr.
3rd, Leila Blake, Carman Stothers,
Mary Seundere, Fanny Fitzgerald,
Wallace Twaa;ley. Junior 2nd to Sr.
2nd, W/alter Alton, Ernest Hall, Geo.
Saunders. Pt. 2nd to Jr. 2nd, Effie
GENERAL NOTES.—Quito it number
of young lads from Crewe are regular
attenders at League and prayer meet-
ing hero, We are informed that one
of them at least is "welcome."—Quito
a number from here svet•e at the Lea-
gue meeting at Hackett's last Friday
night. It was very enjoyable. Anni-
versary services will be held there
next Sunday, with a lecture Monday
nigth°t.—Tho business of the hoef ring
was finished for the year last Thurs-
day night. Everyone was satisfied,
and the ring was organized for next
year. -
(From an occasional correspondent.)
source of deep regret and disappoint-
ment to us to think that our first
eforta at painting have not received
from last week's cor'reapondent the
appreciation which they no doubt
deserve, since it required no email
display of talent on the part of the
s $l4
•T.E0?ER RAY TO »NDuafitt000 [MEN
in ovcry locality tetraduFfng oiir woods
by distributing our advertising matter,
Steady employment to reliable men.
No experience needed.
Write at once for particulars.
Brantford, Ont.
artist ; but as our friend suggested a }
sanity specialist W examine certain in-
dividuals, we advise that our contem-
porary be pn hand fleet, as we can in
eo other way itecount for it.
GENERAL NOTES,—There is no end
of conjecture who the town clown is;
probably he may now be drinking out
of the town pinup.- -On Friday eve-
ning of last week a very enjoyable
time was spent at the horse of Mr. U.
O'Rielly. —Ray Father McCormick
was absent on Monday' and Tuesday,
assisting Rev. Father Mbltae with hie
mission.—Quite a pleasant time was
passitd at the home of Thomas Joy on
Monday evening. — Indian summer
now Heralds the approach of winter,
we sincerely hope that it will be mitt=
er than last winter.
PERSONALS.—We wish Mr. and
MMM. J. E. Sullivan many happy days
In their new home, which they have
recently moved into, --The slaters DM
expected here right, away to begin
roofing the new church.—Mrs. Jar.
Dalton has gigue to visit her daughter,
Mra. Kenn now seriously . Ill In
Seattle.—Marnie Joy is visi:.ing her
parents here.—We regret "very much
the departure of Mr, and Mrs. M.
SUM VDU from this icinit y.
GENERAL.—The executive of East
Huron Conservative Association met
at Wingham last Friday afternoon,'
and decided to call a convention in
Brussels, on the 22nd, at 2 p. m.. to
nominate acandidate to contest East
Huron for the Local. Messrs, Bowman,
Dulinage and Dr. Holmes, Brussels,
are likely to be named.—Tho railroad
is progressing along by Walton; the
weather has been more favorable for
the work the past week.
PEItsoNAL,—Rev. I. M. Webb,- in-
cumbent of St. John's, Brussels, and
St, George's, Walton, was removed to
Victoria Hospital, London, on Tues-
day last, as advised by doctors In at-
tendance, Dr. Ferguson and Rev. Mr.
Webb's three brothers accompanied
him to London. Hestood the journey
well, but suffered a little from its
effects after arriving at the hospital.
We are,informed by Rev. Mr. Powell,
of London, who preached at Brussels
and Walton on the 13th inst., that
Mr. Webb is keeping favorably.
A SuocEss.—McKillop L. 0. L.'s
celebration of the ;anniversary of No-
vember 5th, was held on Friday, Nov.
4111, when the brethren, accompanied
by their families and friends, saute
from far and near to assist in making
the entertainment a great success.
The good ladies provided the eatables
and a splendid tea was served, after
which Br'o, J. C. Morrison was moved
to the chair. A very lengthy and in-
teresting program of recitations and
addresses was given Rev. Mr. Baker
and others spoke; Mr. McDermid, just
out from County Derry, Ireland, fav-
ored the audience with some patriotic
songs, which brought rounds of ap-
plause; Mrs. McIntosh, Misses Sperl-
ing, Kenny, Dundas and Durand,
sang; Bro. Wm. Johnston gave favor-
ite Orange tunes on the, violiir; he is
ane- of-the-oldea riiembers and sur-
prised every one with his Irish style,
and a number of other Food pieces
were rendered. The brethren are to
be congratulated with their new hall,
which was filled to overflowing. The
gathering showed their appreciation
of the good entertainment by strict
attention and hearty applause. As it
is not often we are treated to such a'
tea and lengthy program, upon pay-
ment of such a small fee, the brethren
are assured when they have another
entertainment they will be treated to
a full house. Bro. Scarlett, on behalf
of the brethren of L. 0. L. No. 813,
thanked all who had nobly volunteer-
ed to help the brethren along with the
entertainment in behalf of their now
hall, and also their sincere thanks to
the loyal ladies who provided the tea,
and not forgetting the chairman, for
doing duty to the occasion.
CRRun0H.—Rev. J. W. Robinson will
exchange pulpits next Sunday with
Rev. Mr. Cook, D. D., of Clinton. 1'he
annual missionary sermons will be
given.— Thanksgiving services were
held in the Methodist church here on
Thursday morning Rev. Mr. Ruth-
erford conducted the services. A sub-
stantial collection was received for the
Sick Children's Hospital, of Toronto.
GENERAL NOTES. — The mighty
hunters have returned from Parry
j Bankrupt Stock
1'SATURQAY,to be'opened up
worth f Choice Fall DRY GOODS
o o ceJACKETS,
Just at the Time You Need them and at Less
Than Wholesale Prices. -
verybody come; this means a big Saving
to you on Wi ter Wear.
T1s Lurilollil
,13.0. 25. 1
flOD N
and ppo'X Nasi Q#';
, 143ilc,!rOza Sx;
NOT nnteh Blanket weather yet, but .chilly -lights are liable to come any
, time now, and it is best to get ready for them. There is no econo,ny
in buyii}g cheap Blankets. v Don't buy a pair just because they are
cheap. There issatisfaction: and economy in buying the Blankets we ' sell,
Good Qualities only can, be had here. They are bought direct from the mill
that makes the best Blankets in Canada, and every pair is all a good
Blanket should be. Fall stocks came in last week. Here are three sample
values :
At $3.00 .
White woollen Blankets, large size, made
from clean, pore wool, soft lofty finish, will
not shrink, and will give excellent wear,
pink or blue borders, per pair $3.00
At $4.00 -
Extra quality fine all wool Blankets, guaran-
teed free from grease or shoddy,- nothiug in
them but cleap pure wool, strong firm foun-
dation, with soft fluffy finish, fancy
border, per pair $4„00
At $5.00 -
Extra quality pure woollen Blankets, made from selected yarns, thoroughly.
cleaned and scoured, guaranteed absolutely pure, good weight and
large size, lofty finish, a durable and comfortable Blanket that will wear
fpr years, a nice assortment, special value at, per pair ..... $5.00
Real Kid Gloves, . $i.00
Our Kid Glove stock is an extra good one. The Glove ,we sell at
$i,00 is the best we can find to sell at that price, and we , are always --on
the look out for one Metter if we can get it.
Real French Kid Gloves, made from soft pliable skins, every
pair guaranteed, extra fine quality, blacks, creams, greys,
tans and browns, all sizes, per pair $1.00
Sound: they had rather poor luck,
only getting one deer apiece, the
weather heing to calm for still hunt-
ing.—An accident happened in our
village last Sunday, in which Mrs. B.'
Augustine was badly cut and bruised
about the head. The shaft attached
to the buggy, in which she was being
driven home, broke, causing the horse
to rim away and throw the driver,
Mr. A. Pentland, and Mrs. Augustine
out. Mrs. Augustine is improving
nicely, the only danger now being
blood poisoning.—J. M. Roberts fin-
ishes his'collecting tour to -day for the
W. W. M. Fire Insurance Co.
PERSONAL.—Mr. McNally; our one-
time blacksmith, is in a London hos-
pital for treatment.—Wellington Oliv-
er is at present very ill; we hope to see
him out and around again.—Jodeph
Kilpatrick has been seriously ill with
pneumonia; he is some Netter.—Mrs.
W. A. Jones is spending a few weeks
with her Mother in Auburn.—T. G.
Allen was a Goderich visitor Tuesday
of this week. — Rev. Mr. Robinson
[net with a painful accident the first
of the week; a large box fell on his
foot, crashing one of his toes,
Clunes NOTE. — The Methodists
hold their anniversary services on the
kith ins[. The Rev. S. Salton, of
London, preached excellent sermons
in the morning and evening to the
general congregation, and in the after-
noon more especially to the children.
The friends decided to give up the
tea -meeting this year and asked for
au offering of $80. This was realized
and seven additional dollars are also
promised. All are pleased with the
result of the services. Rev. E. A.
Shaw supplied in London for Mr.
Tablets. All druggists refund the
money if it fails to cure.
E. W. Grove's signature is on each
box. 25c. 2320-1y
Port Albert.
Robert Tout, Kincardine, Sundayod
in the village with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Hawkins.—William and Sam
Brown leave this week fiat the woods.
—Miss Annie Crawford is spending s
few days In Blyth.—J, A, Hawkins
left for Toronto on Tuesday. --john
Quaid made a trip to Blyth on Satur-
day.—Mr. and Mrs. George Dawkins
eave for Goderich this week for the
winter months.—Mr. Clayton White,
a modelite at Goderieh, has ben en-
gaged W teach the village soh 1 for
the new year, 1905. — John G' uley,
son of Thos. Gauloy, had his ankle
broken with a hay- press last w k.—
Mr. Angus Gordon was ordained e r
on Sunday, at the Presbyterla•
church.—Mrs. Harry Hayden is visit-
ing in Ridgotown .this week.—John
Fritzley is getting, rz fine lot of fur this
fall, which is bringing of good price.—
John McBride hassn°`increase in his
familyq, so it is repietted.---Mrs. John
Hutchison got her arm badly scalded
last week, and had to ,have a doctor
dress it.—Mr. and Mrs. George Ashton
Sundayed with her parents.—Jas.
Crawford spent Most of lest Weak til
Dungannon neighborhoolL--Mr. Wm.
Tout spent Monday in the village—
Miss Lizzie Richardson spent a few
days in Dungannon htet week.—Mise
Lizzie Carrell, (loderich, spent a few
days in the village.—J. A, Hawkins,
who has been in Brandon for some
time, came home on Saturday for a
abort stay.—Bert Cunningham, Gode-
rich Sundayod with his parents.—
Dr. tW. Y. Hayden, Goderich, .spent
Sunday at his parents.—Jas. Hawkins
is home again after a week's visit in
Kincardine and vicinity.
A WonD of ADVICE.—We would
just like to say a few words: through
your columns to the special election
correspondent of the Signal, who
was giving us such funds of news`leat
week. Now, h'1 the first place, the
want to airy to Mr. Special Correspon-
dent that we doh't care at all for what
he said, because there aro a number
of good Conservatives al dila burg
whose repntattens are d"good deal
better than his, and therefore they
can't be tnjnred by such nasty little
lies as he stoops to in his Ctitveapon-
deuce. Hat object [n sending in such
a cttrresp(ktdeuee would to hard to
understand for he certain! had soma
good friends among the Tories herb,
but these Tories have hast their eyes
opened. There . is . nothing „ �In•
temptihte as the snarl of st dog in ttltt
Manger. What le the tine of king
Of .harbor and bretsketater griapta!
What did we. ever get front Mr.>
1Holmes Lvilile ha represented us?
e are moody all ttonserizatlyee, and
We vote that war, Mad a IMI tine own
buatneara, but why dot** colttpartw
tiya outslteir want to wills in here
and tett us what to d0,, In cortelusloti,.
Mr. Special' Cntrespotnientr are Wath
to say that We Al know who vitt at
fait yeti wanted *Abide jromn" dein
A Library of Canadian information so
complete and comprehensive that
no natter what you want,
if it relates to Canada you
will find it. A Work that
answers instantly and tully
every possible Can-
adian question.
Two HUNDRED eminent Canadian Authors were engaged -in its prepara-
tion. Brilliant; reliable. exhaustive special articles on EVERY PRASE of
Canadian history. resources and dovelopement. These articles co -re-
lated, classified, carefully edited, supplemented by notes, elabor-
ately indexed, air Royal Quarto Volumes. Index separate.
Write for more facts.
FOR THE c1SKING we will send you
FREE a book containing Maps, Portraits,
—all about the ENCYCLOPIEDIA and its
authors, and tell you how you can
t tf
.'1' To
+0 Tho
_r�4,ti' Publlsblrg
4' Company,
g e a set for a small
sum. � Q Please send to ad -
cost to 1ue, yourl'`book
MAIL THIS COUPON. IT WILL BE O on "Canada"andyour
WORTH YOUR WHILE. G�ti little payment offer for
a sot of the Encyclopredla.
tity, you ehould'nt have spoken of old
Mr. Hawkins SS "George." We know
there le only one person here ignorant
enough to call old men by their christ-
Ian names, and "you'tw it." The next
time you have a desire to describe a
celebration over an election, kindly
stick to the truth, and you'll find you'll
have more friends among decent
Me Contempt Ter Great Ken Wes
sanest to rledtlentiea.
Carlyle'i opinion of Herbert Spencer
as "the most unending ass in Christen-
dom" must, of course, be read in con-
junction with Carlyle's derision for
mankind in general. "Mostly fools," he
cheerfully thought of us all. Darwin,
we know, he would not have at any
price --not a word of him. Cardinal
Newman, he estimated. had "the brain
of a medium sized rabbit." Ruskin
was a bottle of soda water. "A bad
ung man" was his sum up of anoth-
er eminent writer.
But these hostile phrases were sub-
ject to considerable modification it the
man against whom they were aimed
came near enough to Carlyle to tto him
a personal favor, even to pay him a
personal compliment Disraeli, whom
he had described as a mountebank
dancing upon abbe Ball's stomach, of-
fered Carlyle a baronetcy and elicited
from tam, together with a refusal of
the title, many tributes to his mag-
nanimity. Be said very little stmt
Disraeli henceforth in print, and in
private he spoke of him only as "a very
treglcal comical fellow." — London
♦ Reedy Whtea Tr C1ata.ei to a.
Infallible Ia Vaerasoela.
This remedy, whleh 1s claimed to be
Infallible, Was formulated many years
ago by a well known physician In New
Engiafd, who Sever lost a patient by
this scourge: Take six or ten onions,
according to able, and chop line. Put
In a large, spider over a hot fire, add-
ing about the same quantity of rye
Meal and vinegar to form a stiff paste
Stir thoroughly and simmer Eve or
tea minutia. Put, into a . cotton bag
Mete enougk to Never the lungs and -
Apply to Me cheat just as het as the
batted can bear It. In about ten min.
utee chin/101U poultice, and thus con-
tinue tebeililag` end applying, and In a
fell' hem the pittletit will be ant 6f
deafen': `.►11[ jprt here a word Of earn
Born La,11017114 this or any other het.
Waldo* Karr laird iia exerdeed not to
Id the bittksit get dated during the
pteseis. Ude* ,the het ane
III ready' 111 VI, 0 before tha.cooliay
o ail -til ***ma. iittd #lane tb eft•
ebaal Yib 'wl irwii`tty sad deftly that
Otto bet ;a teemed** ezpoatrrit flf
t Irtac. lebteh beeom. r sX
*s.Mttxr 10 as thilL
and most advanced methods thoroughly
taught in
and all Commercial and English branches
First-class Teachers employed. Splend
always welcome.
Beautiful circulartbfor the asking.
Nage blasters )rriba.
♦ traveler in Mongolia writes:
"Them are some `hot springs by the
road about twenty miles north of
Chingpeng. The Mice is named Tang-
shan. Tits arrangements for those
nucleus to benefit by their healing
properties are very primitive. a row
of twenty er thirty wooden boxes the
sive et an ordinary packing case are
ranged beside the road. In there sit
bathers of every age and both sexes,
with their heads protruding. Atten•
dards with bucket* continuowly refill
the beam from the springs. For leas
luxurious bathers. there is accommoda-
tion in a pool which has been dug out
dose by. In tbts they egpat, scooping
up the water and pouring it over their
heads with braes basins. It Is curious
t0 reflect that eatabllabments like
Hemburg,and AJx,les-Baine kayo had
their erten in such beginnings."
Need* /elttsTa fiat salaam.
There are beetled in England, of the
farelly known to *dentists ar'telephor-
idaa, that are popularly called soldiers
*ad sailors, the r'ed'epeciee being called
by the' former name and the blue spe-
clea by the latter. These beetles are
ameng the most quarrelsome of inflects
aid lgbt to the death oil the least
prarocatton It kaa long been the cus-
toes aitrtong ngU ah boys to catch and
ret . these fighting with each other.
h*Qr siva as ready for battle aa game•
cid* and the victor will both k1pl'ind
Mt his. artynnist--,dt: Ni
3'Aelatsllt ea the
TM 1*seo a ;wkch • I' hay
itfe, *blob le 3Eapri.eed
AM Siete thriftily' a i, gto
1.sssta o(gi0d illi! -
bettiira that Today le
tedey and [kat Una
irlt' than Oiday', , It 1
•t rim' esrr'at41 slid
Oft* oovatr"Ombit
s. lP alt lr good 01
tlxirt'll "..;
earned to
Me 'deity i
le the '
IWO*. 1
ter hair Yes,
will, the bet-
.►_; _iw4 �'.. 1 u....
at in Mite
4)4 stet,?
Mil ,elde'
it !hat- J4
"fl qne of Qui'....
can make H Water, Beef Tea, Lemonade, Cocoa,
Chocolate an Hot Drinks of all descriptions on the
It also gives a brilliant, cheery Tight.
Let us send you one on trial.
Vou will never regret It.
[DEAL FENCE:—Special offer for this month.
Ask us about it.
W. . A..
. . Furs
JUST to hand this p. m., Monday, the
nicest lot of the very newest neck
Furs in Stone Martin, Sable, Opossom &c.,
and at very close prices' ;, $15 Ruffs for
$12 ; $12 Ruffs for $lo, and on down in
price to $1.25° . The newest Ruffs and -
Scarfs at the lowest possible price. .
Silk Waist Bargains
Millinery Bargains
Overcoat: Bargains
The two lines must be cleared, in the
next few weeks to make room for more'.
bargains that Mr. McKim i§ after in the
East this week
" Crown
Brilliant '
THIS modern attractive Stove is unquestionably one cif
the handsomest ever built. ' Its castings are beauti-
fully carved; its proportions are elegant and pleasing ; its
sickle ornamentation is elaborate and in the best of taste.
Economy of d„Euel
Because it has the greatest possible radiating surface,
with extra largo return flues, so its to brim heat down thtii,
back, around the base and up the back again before reaching
the smoke pipe ; you receive full benefit of all fuel consumed.
It draws the cold air from the floor in large quantities
and discharges it intensely heated.
l f sett are thinking of betting a ;Heater this winter, it i§
to your advantagetto see .tliisone. It is de by the in ktrs
of the celebrated "Happy Thought; wh i we also carry itt
stock.. Inspection 111t'1ted.
011A8,, c. EES.
k.. i