HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-11-18, Page 5;r.'f ,1 Ufa Our pre -winter display of fine and finest Dress Goods, Coats and Furs is one of the most select. 1 very garment ' critically chosen, every piece of goods selected, because of some particular merit. FURS 12 only Wiles' fine Astrachan Lamb Cay , 27 to 3o inches long, full sweep and Italian Satin lined, fine curl and gloss, regu- lar $15.00 value, at each.... each...................... $9.75 DRESS SkIITI NOS 300 yards of 56 inch Pere Wool Suiting.. Heavy weight in shades of grey only, regular $I,00, at per yard..,. 59C ' LADIES' UNDERWEAR loo dozens Ladies' Vesta and Drawers, heavy elastic, soft and beautifully finished, all sizes, and both makes, a regular roc quality, special sale at each ................ . . .. . ...... I ? 25C MEN'S UNDERWEAR "TURNBULLS" heavy unshriukable, pure wool Underwear. Highest class goods on the market, warm, washes perfectly and soft. Shirts and Drawers Sizes, 34, 36, 38, 40, at per garment $1.25 ORSETS 25 dozen ladies' Corsets, new stock, finest filled and best Ameri- can Contill, 'n sizes i8 to 3o, in colors, greys or black, regular 95 and goc. Corsets on sale at one price.... 5oc CAR "ETS -)e o yards of 27 inches wide English Tapestry high-class Ca et, heavy pile and in all thipet, season's patterns, suitable for aoy room or hall, regular 65c. and 75c. quality, at per yard 5oc LINOLEUMS Scotch Linoleums 2, 3 and 4 yards wide, in floral, block or tile patterns, at per square yard 35c., 40c. and 50c. Butterick Patterns—all in stock and Delineator on sale, 15c. a copy or snbscriptions taken, $1.00 a year. II 'S V>EG ETAr . I enewert $ICi *JANE flai Why not stop this Mingof your hair? At this rase will soon be without any hair, ust remember that Hillis Hair Renewer stops fain Mail', slid makes heir grow, "seibSignr*ma.'t " 4 he Bo erich %tar. I Ta1.ItenoNa CALL 71. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1904. AMONG THE CHURCHES. Rev. N. P. Verner, a Presbyterian missionary in AfriCIL, travelled 20,000 miles (Nall! miles of this on foot) through the wilds and deserts of Africa to ob- tain the pygmy natives that were seen at the St. Louis Naar. The journey took him eight months, . The annual convention of the Wo- man's Baptist Hoine and Foreign Missionary Societies in being held in Tcronto, with a large attendance of delegates from all parts of Ontario. Miss Moyle read the recording secre- tary's report, which showed steady growth in the number of Circles. The treasurer reported $7,307.35 received from 208 Circles, $1,057.08 from 128 Mission Bands, $100.00 from other or- ganizations, and $09.53 from associa- tion collections, making a total of $9,140.02. Mrs. J. T. Booker, of Ayl- mer, the president, reviewed the work of the year, speaking warmly of the encouraging features, but impressing on her hearers the necessity for unre- mitting labor to meet the growing demands of new fields. A spirited discussion, led by Miss Trotter, had for its subject, "Conference work among our young women and girls," which called forth a free expression •of opin- ions from many,speakers. „..---HURON PRESBYTERY. The Presbytery of Huron met In Carmel church, Hensel!, on the 8th inst., M. C. McLennan, of Kippen, Moderator. Dr. McLean was ap- pointed convenor of the Home Mlesion committee, in place of J. A. Hamilton, who has moved to Leamington. Mr. A. S. McGregor, of London, addressed the Presbytery, as is member of the Assembly's Sabbath School commit- tee, on the importance of using the Assembly's Sabbath School literature, and the teacher's training course. A motion was passed commending those to the attention of Ministers and Sun- day Schools. Rev. Mr. Small, on be- half of Auburn congregation, asked leave to borrow $2500 to complete their new church. On motion, this was granted. Revs. Messrs. Larkin, Smith and Anderson were appointed la committee to nominate a Professor for Montreal College, and report to next meeting. Rev. J. A. Hamilton having been transferred to Leaming- ton, a motion was passed, appreciative of his character and work during the twelve years' pastorate in Londeshoro' and Hullett. Missionary meetings were left in the hands of session. The committee appointed to secure supply for Uhiselhurst congre- gation, reported that the attempt to make any other arrangement�had failed. rhe Rev. W. Mi(Martin was asked to continue an its pastor. The attention of sessions was called to the proper revision of their member- ship rolls. The Presbytery adjourned to meet at Seaforth on 17th January next. The W. F. M. Presbyterial So- ciety met in Carmel Church, Hensall, on the same day. A large number of delegates were present, all theSocieties in the Presbytery being represented. Much progress Was made in many of the Auxiliaries and Mission Bands, both in membership and thank -offer- ings. Total money raised by the Aux- iliaries $1030, and by Mission Bands $328, being an advance of $111 for the year. A large public meeting was held in the evening, when Revs. A. B. Winchester, of Toronto, and D. Cars- well, of McKillop, gave earnest ad- dresses and music was furnished by Carmel church choir. Winnipeg, Nov. 9.—At -a meeting of the Presbyterian Synod here to -day, a sensation was caused by the address of Rev, Dr. Warden, financial agent to the Synod, who said that considering the prosperity of the West and the great growth of the count -1y it was bitterly disappointing to him to note the paucity of support which the work of the church was receiving. Sub- scriptions, instead of increasing, as might be expected, were annually fall- ing off, and the missions especially were suffering in proportion. Receipts towards the support of the Manitoba College were also falling off, and the prospects for this institution were be- coming alarming. Sunday school work also was showing signs of retro- gression, and altogether matters wore looking serious for the work of the church, He did not, be said, like re- ferring to these matters in open ses- sion, but it was a matter that concern hot enough. The oven thermometer of these Wool Mange does sway with all guesswork. The least can tell to a certainty when the oven is ready for baking or reeving. livery housekeeper will appreciate this convenience of Imperial Oxford Range Mgt cookiniz frontes may be traced to the feet that you don't know your toren. With the Imperial Oxford Range you know that the heat of the oven is evenly distributed and its exact temperature. Write for the Imperial Oxford booklet. Or better still, will you ez if at one of our agencies and see the stove itself? The Gurney Foundry Co • Toronto, Canada /40ntresial, WWiaarslpteg Vti►siaorawrin Oar fealties airs hang, Purled far *lain* th*' b eat w Ir baths a a i. elwgs, is sir, tow at wlY i6alw Nati Its wt uiiil.erdsr maslorgss• Cnef■l meirkes apish is ins N sage that emblem isilr.rd «ttwt Mira �tM for 1►IA VON toad the exporter le nom ]felled to *hip the •hat -h y out. of the country in order to nhtain the bounty,: Anv barley re uired for local con tiunaption Will hr ng the nier as high a pr,ceits that _whlch is exported�?tot' it is e'vident,"the" lit(rchtiser friar t11e dome market will get none unless ha is willing to give as much as the grain which is intended for foreign Market. brings. Crewe. ('poo lite for last week.). 'Qn1ri7.Alt's.—We were very much Aho ketl last week upon hearing of the death. of Mrs, John Gilts, of itIn- tail, who formerly resided in this vicinity. Site had many friends in the neighborhood, and our sincerest sympathy is extended to Mr, Griffin and family in their hour of affliction.' CHURCH NOTES. — The quarterly meeting service, in connection with - •the- Dungannon and ,Crewe appoint. "menta, was held in the Crewe chur'ch last Sabbath, with a fair attendance from both appointments. The Dun- gannon people responded graciously to the request, and considering the a- mount of sickness in the neighbor- hood, the Crewe people turned out equallytta°welh Our pastor, Rev, Mr, Robinson, officiated, preaching a ser- mon suitable to the occasion, taking as his text the 4th verse of 2nd chap. of Solomon. After the preaching ser- vice the love feast and Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was ladminiatgitrd, a r There never was and never will be a universal panacea, in one remedy, for all ills to which flesh is heir—the very nature et many -curatives being such that wehe the germs of other and dif- ferently seated df eases rooted in the system of the patent—what would re- lieve one ill would in turn aggravate another. We have, however, In Quin- ine Wine, when obtained in at sound, unadulterated state, a remedy for many and grevious ills; by its gradual and judicious use the frailest systems are led Into convalescence and strength by the influence which Quinine exerts on Nature's own restoratives. It re- lieves the drooping spirit of those with whom a chronic state of morbid de- spondency and lack of interest in life is a disease, and by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refresh- ing sleep; imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being stimulated, courses through the veins, strengthen- ing the healthy animal functions of the system, thereby making activity a necessary result, strengthening the trame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally demand in- creased substance—result, improved appetite Northrop & Lyman, of To- ronto, have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and gauged by the opinions of scientists, this wine approaches near- est perfection of any to the market. All druggists sell it. ed every member of the church, and was one that could not be concealed, Rev. Dr. Carmichael, superintendent of home missions, spoke in a similar strain and created a profound impres- sion. Temperance Column. (Contributed Iv the Department of the breC� A Church Resolution. This item of evidence of growing public opinion against the bar -room is clipped from the Peterboro', Ont., Ex- aminer: It was Prohibition Day at the Park Street Baptist Church on Sunday last. The text for the evening sermon by Rev. A. H. Brace was, "Can a man take fire into his bosom and his clothes not be burned I" He opened the verse in the following order :-1. The potent element of the text, "Fire." 2. The object wrought upon "a Man." The effect produced, "Burned." This liquid fire is _generated In dis- tilleries and breweries, and is raging in every part of this fair Dominion, burning body, brains, conscience and affections. At the close of the sermon the fol- lowing resolution was put to a large congregation and heartily carried :— "That whereas the Christian Church can make no compromise with a traffic that is in such direct antagonism to' all human happiness, social virtue and religious life, we will use our utmost endeavor by every lawful means to carry a prohibitory law, and thus free the church from one of its deadliest foes, our land from untold misery and crime, and our modern civilization from its direct reproach and shame." That Fatal Glass. He raised the cup to his puro sweet lips— Lips fresh from a mother's kismet ; Merry the banquet hail that night, For youth and beauty wore there, and bright The glittering lamp shone o'er thorn ; And one bad sung with a voice divine, A song la praise of'the ruby wine, That tem() the feast before thong, Little he dreamed, as ho lightly quaffed The sparkling wino, that the first rare draught Was a link In the chain to bind him. And drag his soul, like a servile slave, Down slippery steps to a shameful grave From a throne whore love enshrined grave, She raised the cup to her tainted lips -- Lips foul with the vilest curses -- In a loathsome haunt of stn and shame, Where Christian charity seldom came, With Its holy words to teach them Of pastures green, and of waters sweet, Of her who knelt at the Master's feet, Whose boundless love could reach them. Is love so dear,and Is life so cheap, That one poor out, like a wandering sheep, Alone on the bleak, diver mountains, Should gladly turn from a life tinctured, To drown the past, and to quench the thirst In draughts from a poisonous fountain t • Ill He raised the cup to his trembling lips— Lips wrinkled by age and hunger ; The meagre pittance he'd begged for food Brightened the palm of the man who stood At his bar with his winos around him. He drank then turned with tottering feet To the litter storm and the cold, dark street— Where a corpse in the morning they found him. And oh! could those speechless lips have told Of the want and sorrow, hunger and cold Ho had known ; or the answer given. When his trembling soul for entrance plead At the crystal gates, when one had said: "No drunkard shall enter Heaven!" Pen Pictures. Laura Case Downing. The Provincial Union's Declaration. Bowmanville, Nov. 12.—The Ontario W. C. T. U. Convention cast eon, promise to the winds and definitely refused to accept the Government dis. pensary system. The resolution on political purity said : "Ftesolye4 that we, the Ontario Woman's ahstian Temperance Union, do: hereby affirm that, should either party declare in clear and unmistakable terms that they, if elected, will enact such pro -1 hibitive legislation as will reduce the liquor traffic to a minimum, it will he not only our duty. but our pleasure, to promote by every means within our power the election of such party; fur- ther resolved, that a copy of this reso- lution bq sant to the leader of the Government and leader of the Opposi- tion. Other Suggestions on the Great Question. A !writer in the Toronto Telegram suggests that "the liquor question In the Province of Ontario may be dealt with and taken out of the hands of either political parties, for neither party seems to have courage to con- scientiously face the liquor problem, although the people desired 'it by their e,pression in the Referendum vote of 1902. I would suggest that our Pro- vincial Election Act be ,mended by the introduction of Local Option into so that when there is a Provincial election, every county or electoral dis- trict, which carries.orgives a majority of votes for local option of the liquor traffic, to be voted on the day of elec tion, should have it or prohibition of the liquor traffic 'in that county until the next Provincial elec- tion, and it should ho the duty of whatever party was in power to see that such local option was strictly en- forced. This method would throw the responsibility of the liquor traffic on the people and remove ,t from the po- litical ,trent) where it has been made a football to the chagrin of the temper- ance people of Ontario." Dundas True Banner : We consider• that the question r•.f prohibition is not one that should come under provincial legislation, because cuss orris ti id excise duties which are the foundation of the liquor trade, are collected by the Federal Government. These advo- cates who are favoring county or pr• t tsicial prohibition are, in our twit 'On, supporting measures which will unimcii more harm than gond. I le Allot. have good blood In any Vol'r"nfz' le body if we take unwhole. so''i'ln!c dl into the stomach. We ci'a a Isnr,lg liquor into our bonded vent who hand pay duty on it with- itl Of t.orir' that liquor into every fnel'ae Ivt ) country, and we cannot „ff+t oh trotre under partial pro/tibi- a ,Lea,IrsM, we encourage Its consume. ii3O,4ftfltyYt f giving a bounty of five or g.,�� r� 11o,t4rht fru t atehel to the exporter of bye s J. l iA P oder�LY fttt iU' th'i tint exporter is able to ,- much more to the fan mer \ l' The King of Terrors Is Consumption. Consumption le ceased by neglect. ■ And t►H leg t. the dangerous Coughs and Colds. The balsamic odor of the newly cut pine heals and invigorates the lungs, and even consumptives im- prove and revive amid the perfume of the pines. This fact has long been known to physicians, but the essential stealing principle of the pine has never before been separ- ated and refined as it is is DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PIN SYRUP. It combines the life-giving lung - healing virtue of the Norway Pine with other absorbent, expectorant and soothing Herbs and Balsams. It cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarse- ness, Bronchitis, and all affections of the bronchial tubes and air pas- sages. Mrs. M. B. Lisle, Ragle Head, N.B., writes :—I have used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for coughs and think itis a fine remedy, the best we have ever used. A num- ber of people here have great faith • in it as it cures every time. Price 25 casts per bottle. • Lucknow. Furry YEARS MARRIED. -Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon, of this village, celebrated the anniversary of their golden wedding on Saturday last, by a visit to their daughter, Mrs. W. J. Stinson, at .Moorfleid. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon are among the oldest and most highly respected residents of Luck - now, and their many friends extend their hearty congratulations and hope that they both may be spared to cele• bnate their diamond jubilee. Sultfeling and Sneezing Colds • Can be stopped in a few minutes and permanently cured in one hour by iii; haling fragrant healing Catarrhozone for cold in the head and nasal eatarrh. It soothe and heals the inflamed mucous membranes, prevents sneez- ing and coughing, clears away the "stuffed up" feeling in the forehead. If you haven't used Ca- tarrhozone get it to -day and try It on your next, cold. You'll he surprised at the efficiency of this delightful treatment, which pleases everyone )s Cause it cures so quickly. Complete outfit $1.e0: trial size 25c. West Wawanosh. DRATH,--The ranks of those whd were instrumental In reelalning the wilderness from its primaeval solitude and preparing it as a horse for the fu- ture are fast passing away. Last week witnessed the depart lir,' of too'her in the person of Thos. Mc1Cenzie, of the 9 d con„ of the township of West Wawanosh. Mr. McKenzie purchas- ed the farm upon which he lnte'ly re- sided, when It was an onbroken (wil- derness. He was a good neighbor, quiet and unwise ng in manner, and an earnest member- of the Pt-eshy- terian ohm oh. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal has been most fortunate this year In Relenting such n beautiful picture as "The Princess at Work" for a premium. It is a really beautiful subject, and there in a perfect. run on the Family Herald this season. The publisher's are looking for some bright, energotie boys and girls in this lot,tlity to canvass for them, it. in a good opportunity for a gond bp to snake money for the holiday set .on: full particular's may he had h' writfhg them. VBLES Are exceedingly prevalent. As a people we are not careful enough as to what we eat and drink. Weak kidneys lead to chronic blood -poisoning in many cases if not attended to promptly. u=.�bate hili u Is the best medicine for weak or clogged kidneys. Makes them good as ever. Try it. On of 50 pills, 50 tests, a - at ail fkN4lsts. Do not waste money on substitutes. L/M/rip. MOM YOAa, N. Y.,ANo ,WINos0il. OUT. Colborne. 10e. pays for THE STAR to the end of 1904—for new subscriber's only. .SCHOOL REPORT. — The following school report gives the standing of the pupils In S. S. No. 8, Colborne, ac- cording to the number of marks ob- tained during the month of October : V., Laura McPhee, Mina Robertson, Gordon Rutledge, Gordon McPhee. iV. Senior, Minnie McPhee, Julia Lawlor, Mary -Lawlor, Richard Levy, Bessie McPhee, Willison Medd. IV. Jr.. (ladys Levy, Cora Washington, Flossy Horuby. Ill. Sr„ Florence Young, Norvie' McPhee. Jr. Ill., Howard Robertson, Annie,evy, Ruth Yonne, Elute, Robertson, Flor- enee McPhee, Howard McPhee, Har- old Cunningham. II., Clifford Mc- Phee, Willie McPhee, Gordon Mc- Phee, Laura L,uiotsbtger, Chest or McPhee, Olive Young Part ii., Jean Young, Albert Honking, Elmer Launt- slaget. J. M. HALLIDAY, Teacher, THEY DROVE PIMPLES AWAY.—A face covered with pimples Is unsight- ly. It tells of internal irregularities, which should have long since been corrected. The liver and the kidneys are not performing their function in the healthy way they should, and these pimples are to let you know that the blOod protests. Parmelee's Vege- table Pills will drive them all away, and leave the skin clear and clean. Try them, and there will be another witness to their excellence. Wingham. KILLED I)Y TRAIN. --A fatal accident occurred on Tuesday of last week, two miles this side of Kincardine, at the crossing of Goderich road. A farmer named Kirkpatrick was approaching the crossing as the train passed. His horses became unmanageable, and his vehicle was struck by the train. The Wall was instantly killed, his head tie- ing almost severed frurn his body. The horses were severely injured, and both were shot letter in the day. Mr, Robt. Johnston, of town, was on the train at the time, mid says the sight of the injured lean was indeed a sad one. He leaves a wife and frantily. ,it INFLAMMATION or EYES.— Among the many good comities which l',trrrtelee's \'egetaahle fills pnsst•ss, be- sides it -iodating the digestise organs, is their t'tlii'ucy in ,eduritag iullnuun,t- lion of the eyes. It has called forth many letters of recouno a Ltliun froa !hose who were atllirteil with this complaint and found a cure in the pills. They affect the newt• centres and the blood in a surprisingly active way, and the result i. almost uatu,edl- ,ately seen. St. Helen's. . ilk. pays for THIC STAR. im the and of 15104 --for new subscribers only. No'rm,. - The apple packers and threshers sue busy In this vicinity. Tile infant child of Sir. and 'firs. ,los. Anderson were Laid to rest in St. 11elen's cemetery. - Wnr. \\'ebb luta returned home front Michigan. CtttR('ti. -.'rise members of the Mls- s'un Band n,t't re•,•ently ,at the home of I). Todd, sr. We nndersinnd the meeting tuns under the supervision of he youngest. member, of the lalnil,nnd proved very surrescful. At the close f the meeting lila• p,latemm, Key. S. M. Whaalev, joined thorn, and MI were invited to comfortable quarters In the ruruntodinus dining-roour and luncheon was served, hv the ladies of the hoose. A happy halt hour wits serially spent together, after whirh all dispersed to their homes, feeling that their meet- ing together had not only leen of pro- fit and interest but a great pleasure to all present. Hard and soft corns cannot with- stand lloliowsv'scern (;ore; itis effer- tn,al rvra•y lone. (lei a 1)01,1144 cel ural e and be happy. An Indian woman found it $20 bill in the folds of a newspaper. Any wo- l roan who tends the advertisements in THE forsic111(111 STAR can find money every week by acting upon the sug- gestions of our enterprising ,tui vs'm'l is' em -s. f KIDNEY DISEASE Diseases of the Kidusys are aumerons, from the fact that thew organs act as filters to the blood, and form one of the great channels I for the removal of impurities /rune the system, which, if alls� M remain, give rias to the ��lwn kidney aections, such ea Dropsy. Diabetes, and Bright's Disease, The followingare some of the i symptoms of idney disease — - Backache,. -aideache, swelling of the feet and ankles, frequent thirst. puffiness under the eyes, aoadig I specks before the eyes, and all die - orders of the urinary systems, snob as frequent, thick, cloudy, minty, or highly colored urine. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS - are exactly what the name suggests. , Theyare not a care -all, bat are a spae for kidney troubles only. Price 60 cents per boor, or 8 for t $1.26. All dealers, or Tom Doaw EIDNTEY Par, Cc,, Toronto, Ont. Trial by Ordeal. - Charlotte IN. C.) Obaerv•r. Hf I tickle you hyuh on top or yo knot)En you titan '• lilt lak a man, I know dot nobuddyy else'. stuff 'LI over bo comb in you' ban'. But of you laughs on Jumps En wiggles away tem mo, Ye' Imus' hide her sugar box 'Case you'll steal hit- Now, loss see! Ef I Wades es u 1 hyuh, kinor under yo knee, After arcepin' up futn yo' heal. En you sets right solemn on troops plum still, t knows you'll nuver .teal. But of you kicks en chokes En can't take line to cry. Yu' utlapy 11 hatter watch os sheep, ('u se you'll steal 'ons. Now, loss try ! Who can better define Education than I''roet,el, who said ; ''Education should lead and guide man to clear- ness concerning himself and In himself to peace with nature and unity to God -and to the pure and holy life to which such knowledge leads. One trial of Mother Graves' WVnr'r Externilnntor n III renvincee you that it lues mum ,•,Taal ns n wurut uteditino. lin)' a bottle and see if it Moron not please you. aunt -.the AVE you ever calculated ho 'NO. much is. saved in the long run by having your Clothes made by a Tailor who knows his business? Clothes that fit, wear longer, look better, and are more satisfactory to the wearer. Those who wear our garments appreciate this. Our Fall Stock is now complete, and, f of course, comprises all the latest in SUITING% OVER COATINGS, TROUSERINGS and FANCY VBSTINGS. Our Cutting and Manufacturing Department is superintended by skilled artists, and leaving the matter of price out of the question, you will have the comfort of wearing well -fitting, smart and stylish garments. P R I D I -I A M, the Tailor. J i1wo s ShtOF v �' ' 4 Z?YV Discriminating Women the country over are careful to look for this 'stamp tt heir buying shoes : It's the mark of quality. It's a guarantee of comfort and elegance. It's .n assurance that you're not paying more than is necessary for all that's of value in Women's Shoes. QUEEN QUALITY Shoes have elegance, and $3.75 with t they give a perfect fit and glor- iouscomfort, and they're only DOWNING & MacVICAR AOI,I< RIGHT OF SAI.R • FALL and WINTER MILLINERY I have now received my stock of 19O4119o5 Fall and Winter styles of Ladies' Headware, and invite inspection by the Ladies of this section. Never mind whether you need a change or not, come and see these styles. Everything up-to-date, and workmanship and price satisfactory. Miss Cameron HAMILTON STREET - GODERICH ,Or. pays or y f THE STAR to the end of 111k 1 1 1pn new s(osubscribers o only. Y Preparefor`�lnter Navicular etliseaae (also called coffin- ioint or groggy lameness) is an nflammation of a small bone inside the horse's hoof. It is the most common and serious of all forms of hoof trouble. Write for free descrip- tion, giving cause, signs and treat- ment of this disease. _Dunlop ".7dear Tjorseshoe Pads Put new legs on your horse and make his working life longer. Good for navicular disease. Will cure or help to cure all forms of lameness. atSend your name, on a pest curdle The Duniop Tire Co., Toronto, for free advice on horse lameness puf •n by the , Iacksm1th who shoes your horse `Ea en The Fire Box of a Souvenir Ranges Saves Coal The proportions and style of the lire hoe in this ranter aro the result of over thirty years' cxper:cncc. It Is built to economize coal. it is oblong In ahnpe, is not corrugated, and has no corners or angles to catch and retain ashes. The ash pan Is broad and deep. Ashes do not get clogged up under the grate. The Gurney, Tilden Company Nsa.feef Limited lamllton Toronto Monir•al Wlnnae•e Venoeuv•r Os, perssssl fu,feebe a well se that of she meters toes with eve,, Slav*. (.all sod .so our Souv.,rlr Rita( 011 J, N. Worsell, Goderich i And why not get proper Shoes for your feet and save doctor's hills ? In our large assortment of Felts, Wool Lined Shoes, you will find the proper Shoe at the twist popular price. Rubbers to fit ally Shoe and such makes as MAPLE LEAF CANADIAN RUBBER CO. AND (;RANBY RUBBERS. These Rubbers are extensively advertised, and are all the makers claim for then!. WM. SHARMAN SLATER SHOE AGENT GODERICH � our Furniture Is probably not just jjp to the mark, and again, yotl- may not have enough, of it. It is our special business to look after your wants. Drop in and ex-onine our large and modern stock of Plain and Fancy Furniture. We can please you in Quality and Price. J. BI LOPF-I EY &- SON The Leading Undertakers and mba Imers. Night and Day Calls PPnmptly attended to. Residence, Waterloo Street and Elgin Ave Cpays for The Star to . the end of 1904. One Dollar pays for The Star from now till the en of 1905. No greater value has e r been offered by any Local Week-\ Newspaper in the Dominion. The ar is the peer of all rivals. '.. 1 TO KEEP OUT OF THE HOLE fl?a oR►T'4 r9.• YOU MUST ADVERTISE i and advertise in a newspaper that goes into' the homes and is read by the masses as well as the classes. THE STAR IS THE PAPER. J The King of Terrors Is Consumption. Consumption le ceased by neglect. ■ And t►H leg t. the dangerous Coughs and Colds. The balsamic odor of the newly cut pine heals and invigorates the lungs, and even consumptives im- prove and revive amid the perfume of the pines. This fact has long been known to physicians, but the essential stealing principle of the pine has never before been separ- ated and refined as it is is DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PIN SYRUP. It combines the life-giving lung - healing virtue of the Norway Pine with other absorbent, expectorant and soothing Herbs and Balsams. It cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarse- ness, Bronchitis, and all affections of the bronchial tubes and air pas- sages. Mrs. M. B. Lisle, Ragle Head, N.B., writes :—I have used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for coughs and think itis a fine remedy, the best we have ever used. A num- ber of people here have great faith • in it as it cures every time. Price 25 casts per bottle. • Lucknow. Furry YEARS MARRIED. -Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon, of this village, celebrated the anniversary of their golden wedding on Saturday last, by a visit to their daughter, Mrs. W. J. Stinson, at .Moorfleid. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon are among the oldest and most highly respected residents of Luck - now, and their many friends extend their hearty congratulations and hope that they both may be spared to cele• bnate their diamond jubilee. Sultfeling and Sneezing Colds • Can be stopped in a few minutes and permanently cured in one hour by iii; haling fragrant healing Catarrhozone for cold in the head and nasal eatarrh. It soothe and heals the inflamed mucous membranes, prevents sneez- ing and coughing, clears away the "stuffed up" feeling in the forehead. If you haven't used Ca- tarrhozone get it to -day and try It on your next, cold. You'll he surprised at the efficiency of this delightful treatment, which pleases everyone )s Cause it cures so quickly. Complete outfit $1.e0: trial size 25c. West Wawanosh. DRATH,--The ranks of those whd were instrumental In reelalning the wilderness from its primaeval solitude and preparing it as a horse for the fu- ture are fast passing away. Last week witnessed the depart lir,' of too'her in the person of Thos. Mc1Cenzie, of the 9 d con„ of the township of West Wawanosh. Mr. McKenzie purchas- ed the farm upon which he lnte'ly re- sided, when It was an onbroken (wil- derness. He was a good neighbor, quiet and unwise ng in manner, and an earnest member- of the Pt-eshy- terian ohm oh. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal has been most fortunate this year In Relenting such n beautiful picture as "The Princess at Work" for a premium. It is a really beautiful subject, and there in a perfect. run on the Family Herald this season. The publisher's are looking for some bright, energotie boys and girls in this lot,tlity to canvass for them, it. in a good opportunity for a gond bp to snake money for the holiday set .on: full particular's may he had h' writfhg them. VBLES Are exceedingly prevalent. As a people we are not careful enough as to what we eat and drink. Weak kidneys lead to chronic blood -poisoning in many cases if not attended to promptly. u=.�bate hili u Is the best medicine for weak or clogged kidneys. Makes them good as ever. Try it. On of 50 pills, 50 tests, a - at ail fkN4lsts. Do not waste money on substitutes. L/M/rip. MOM YOAa, N. Y.,ANo ,WINos0il. OUT. Colborne. 10e. pays for THE STAR to the end of 1904—for new subscriber's only. .SCHOOL REPORT. — The following school report gives the standing of the pupils In S. S. No. 8, Colborne, ac- cording to the number of marks ob- tained during the month of October : V., Laura McPhee, Mina Robertson, Gordon Rutledge, Gordon McPhee. iV. Senior, Minnie McPhee, Julia Lawlor, Mary -Lawlor, Richard Levy, Bessie McPhee, Willison Medd. IV. Jr.. (ladys Levy, Cora Washington, Flossy Horuby. Ill. Sr„ Florence Young, Norvie' McPhee. Jr. Ill., Howard Robertson, Annie,evy, Ruth Yonne, Elute, Robertson, Flor- enee McPhee, Howard McPhee, Har- old Cunningham. II., Clifford Mc- Phee, Willie McPhee, Gordon Mc- Phee, Laura L,uiotsbtger, Chest or McPhee, Olive Young Part ii., Jean Young, Albert Honking, Elmer Launt- slaget. J. M. HALLIDAY, Teacher, THEY DROVE PIMPLES AWAY.—A face covered with pimples Is unsight- ly. It tells of internal irregularities, which should have long since been corrected. The liver and the kidneys are not performing their function in the healthy way they should, and these pimples are to let you know that the blOod protests. Parmelee's Vege- table Pills will drive them all away, and leave the skin clear and clean. Try them, and there will be another witness to their excellence. Wingham. KILLED I)Y TRAIN. --A fatal accident occurred on Tuesday of last week, two miles this side of Kincardine, at the crossing of Goderich road. A farmer named Kirkpatrick was approaching the crossing as the train passed. His horses became unmanageable, and his vehicle was struck by the train. The Wall was instantly killed, his head tie- ing almost severed frurn his body. The horses were severely injured, and both were shot letter in the day. Mr, Robt. Johnston, of town, was on the train at the time, mid says the sight of the injured lean was indeed a sad one. He leaves a wife and frantily. ,it INFLAMMATION or EYES.— Among the many good comities which l',trrrtelee's \'egetaahle fills pnsst•ss, be- sides it -iodating the digestise organs, is their t'tlii'ucy in ,eduritag iullnuun,t- lion of the eyes. It has called forth many letters of recouno a Ltliun froa !hose who were atllirteil with this complaint and found a cure in the pills. They affect the newt• centres and the blood in a surprisingly active way, and the result i. almost uatu,edl- ,ately seen. St. Helen's. . ilk. pays for THIC STAR. im the and of 15104 --for new subscribers only. No'rm,. - The apple packers and threshers sue busy In this vicinity. Tile infant child of Sir. and 'firs. ,los. Anderson were Laid to rest in St. 11elen's cemetery. - Wnr. \\'ebb luta returned home front Michigan. CtttR('ti. -.'rise members of the Mls- s'un Band n,t't re•,•ently ,at the home of I). Todd, sr. We nndersinnd the meeting tuns under the supervision of he youngest. member, of the lalnil,nnd proved very surrescful. At the close f the meeting lila• p,latemm, Key. S. M. Whaalev, joined thorn, and MI were invited to comfortable quarters In the ruruntodinus dining-roour and luncheon was served, hv the ladies of the hoose. A happy halt hour wits serially spent together, after whirh all dispersed to their homes, feeling that their meet- ing together had not only leen of pro- fit and interest but a great pleasure to all present. Hard and soft corns cannot with- stand lloliowsv'scern (;ore; itis effer- tn,al rvra•y lone. (lei a 1)01,1144 cel ural e and be happy. An Indian woman found it $20 bill in the folds of a newspaper. Any wo- l roan who tends the advertisements in THE forsic111(111 STAR can find money every week by acting upon the sug- gestions of our enterprising ,tui vs'm'l is' em -s. f KIDNEY DISEASE Diseases of the Kidusys are aumerons, from the fact that thew organs act as filters to the blood, and form one of the great channels I for the removal of impurities /rune the system, which, if alls� M remain, give rias to the ��lwn kidney aections, such ea Dropsy. Diabetes, and Bright's Disease, The followingare some of the i symptoms of idney disease — - Backache,. -aideache, swelling of the feet and ankles, frequent thirst. puffiness under the eyes, aoadig I specks before the eyes, and all die - orders of the urinary systems, snob as frequent, thick, cloudy, minty, or highly colored urine. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS - are exactly what the name suggests. , Theyare not a care -all, bat are a spae for kidney troubles only. Price 60 cents per boor, or 8 for t $1.26. All dealers, or Tom Doaw EIDNTEY Par, Cc,, Toronto, Ont. Trial by Ordeal. - Charlotte IN. C.) Obaerv•r. Hf I tickle you hyuh on top or yo knot)En you titan '• lilt lak a man, I know dot nobuddyy else'. stuff 'LI over bo comb in you' ban'. But of you laughs on Jumps En wiggles away tem mo, Ye' Imus' hide her sugar box 'Case you'll steal hit- Now, loss see! Ef I Wades es u 1 hyuh, kinor under yo knee, After arcepin' up futn yo' heal. En you sets right solemn on troops plum still, t knows you'll nuver .teal. But of you kicks en chokes En can't take line to cry. Yu' utlapy 11 hatter watch os sheep, ('u se you'll steal 'ons. Now, loss try ! Who can better define Education than I''roet,el, who said ; ''Education should lead and guide man to clear- ness concerning himself and In himself to peace with nature and unity to God -and to the pure and holy life to which such knowledge leads. One trial of Mother Graves' WVnr'r Externilnntor n III renvincee you that it lues mum ,•,Taal ns n wurut uteditino. lin)' a bottle and see if it Moron not please you. aunt -.the AVE you ever calculated ho 'NO. much is. saved in the long run by having your Clothes made by a Tailor who knows his business? Clothes that fit, wear longer, look better, and are more satisfactory to the wearer. Those who wear our garments appreciate this. Our Fall Stock is now complete, and, f of course, comprises all the latest in SUITING% OVER COATINGS, TROUSERINGS and FANCY VBSTINGS. Our Cutting and Manufacturing Department is superintended by skilled artists, and leaving the matter of price out of the question, you will have the comfort of wearing well -fitting, smart and stylish garments. P R I D I -I A M, the Tailor. J i1wo s ShtOF v �' ' 4 Z?YV Discriminating Women the country over are careful to look for this 'stamp tt heir buying shoes : It's the mark of quality. It's a guarantee of comfort and elegance. It's .n assurance that you're not paying more than is necessary for all that's of value in Women's Shoes. QUEEN QUALITY Shoes have elegance, and $3.75 with t they give a perfect fit and glor- iouscomfort, and they're only DOWNING & MacVICAR AOI,I< RIGHT OF SAI.R • FALL and WINTER MILLINERY I have now received my stock of 19O4119o5 Fall and Winter styles of Ladies' Headware, and invite inspection by the Ladies of this section. Never mind whether you need a change or not, come and see these styles. Everything up-to-date, and workmanship and price satisfactory. Miss Cameron HAMILTON STREET - GODERICH ,Or. pays or y f THE STAR to the end of 111k 1 1 1pn new s(osubscribers o only. Y Preparefor`�lnter Navicular etliseaae (also called coffin- ioint or groggy lameness) is an nflammation of a small bone inside the horse's hoof. It is the most common and serious of all forms of hoof trouble. Write for free descrip- tion, giving cause, signs and treat- ment of this disease. _Dunlop ".7dear Tjorseshoe Pads Put new legs on your horse and make his working life longer. Good for navicular disease. Will cure or help to cure all forms of lameness. atSend your name, on a pest curdle The Duniop Tire Co., Toronto, for free advice on horse lameness puf •n by the , Iacksm1th who shoes your horse `Ea en The Fire Box of a Souvenir Ranges Saves Coal The proportions and style of the lire hoe in this ranter aro the result of over thirty years' cxper:cncc. It Is built to economize coal. it is oblong In ahnpe, is not corrugated, and has no corners or angles to catch and retain ashes. The ash pan Is broad and deep. Ashes do not get clogged up under the grate. The Gurney, Tilden Company Nsa.feef Limited lamllton Toronto Monir•al Wlnnae•e Venoeuv•r Os, perssssl fu,feebe a well se that of she meters toes with eve,, Slav*. (.all sod .so our Souv.,rlr Rita( 011 J, N. Worsell, Goderich i And why not get proper Shoes for your feet and save doctor's hills ? In our large assortment of Felts, Wool Lined Shoes, you will find the proper Shoe at the twist popular price. Rubbers to fit ally Shoe and such makes as MAPLE LEAF CANADIAN RUBBER CO. AND (;RANBY RUBBERS. These Rubbers are extensively advertised, and are all the makers claim for then!. WM. SHARMAN SLATER SHOE AGENT GODERICH � our Furniture Is probably not just jjp to the mark, and again, yotl- may not have enough, of it. It is our special business to look after your wants. Drop in and ex-onine our large and modern stock of Plain and Fancy Furniture. We can please you in Quality and Price. J. BI LOPF-I EY &- SON The Leading Undertakers and mba Imers. Night and Day Calls PPnmptly attended to. Residence, Waterloo Street and Elgin Ave Cpays for The Star to . the end of 1904. One Dollar pays for The Star from now till the en of 1905. No greater value has e r been offered by any Local Week-\ Newspaper in the Dominion. The ar is the peer of all rivals. '..