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Ttia f.1.00eRICtl $TAR has a larger
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Tirin Official Nevirapaper of the County of Huron.
• *
• ITQATir•Frli V1-1 • * ';'"" t ." Q0DeRICH, ONT" FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1904.
FOR $44,LE OR TO tgr;
-Er CAME 9:0 ft/eNT.-40 Mies. Riegle
' ' /lenge APebeist Da- Maexe teDdiee,
*UDR tIALE.-A. Salo ltx goad conditioe: ap-
,12 ply in Oxo. 1L, lenateni. ,
rjcOwnad and sacouided f110 late Sheriff
.0 mut ertnershe formerly
"'Ot bane, Briitania otreet, DOW" heated be
fermiers wile town ,Water apd electric Raba
connect:oh, Apply to R. 0. REYNOLDS, Matt
KingARM FOR' hAldi..-Nortchalea
one hundeed aorboorterorronlade. About
002190•38100 3. township ot .Ashtfeld. Win
Revemy-tiveeeneaoleared1 ila .f4ate of
eultivatIon. Wood eneugh for to r or live
ream Water the year reUnd. Oried new
Dank barn, 40x45, and geed stabliOg., 13
frame home. PlentYPI small fruit. Will
sold eiregm on reasOnable forma. Pot DIIIJI4lart
ticadars pall on or ode/rase WALTERSTEIVLS,
Postmaster, SheOPeXdten. Oat, 1-Ut, a331
story, frame, With st011e frOlndlitiel)t
Iota In one parcel, With orchard.. Dweis
oleo framo noble. Situate in Eits Andrew*
ward, on Elisabeth street. Batlike rit store,
near tho premises.
"DAUM FOR SALE.L"Sixt/ gerfar, bandy
.12 loam, well watered w meek, anal
rower -failing spring. Suitah 0 flar Pastliro•
Woll fencied. Largo frame house and barn.
• Small orchard. Con'Oenient to Poet Oleo,
school and church. Seven milts from God°
rich. For Partieulare (way to J.11. SIMPSON,
Shoppardtpn, Cut
FooleOR SADE.-aThat desirable readout)°, 46
d by the undereigned4,-MRS. GEORGE
Albert stTeet, Goderloh, Ont., owned and
EVANS. 19-tf
TO RENT. -Tae comfortable and conyaniont
residence of Capt. A, M. Macgregor, on
Anglesisi street. near tho head of North
otroet, for rent. Partioularo oan bo had
from PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, sollei-
tors,"Goderloh. May, 26, 1901.
2.010 tf.
EntARM FOR SALE -Situated on the 6th
Dungannon, being parts of Iota 18 and 19,
C01200891011, Wept Wa.wanosh, two Illite8
containing 140 acres. There) aro 20 acres of
excellent hardwood bush, the balance in gratis.
Thio desirable fartu suitable for grain or
paotura ; well watered; a good homer also tWo
good barns, with shod for hay. and otabling.
Aiwa two largo orchardo in full bearing. WIII
be sold on reaoonablo terms. The greater -part
may remain on mortgage. ROBT. BOWERS,
Dungannon P. 0. 31-1ru
.1 house with two acres of land and lint -
clads bearing orchard, oh the Huron Read.
Very desirable roporty for person retiring, or
for garde:me chance tbat Is soldOm met
with in e corporation pf Godorich. and the
two vacant lots a Ot011114 and four
an Inducement to lo4v.
vacant lots in St. Atadrowa' ard, whi A wig
be sold at very reanonahle price&
People who want "pieporty will make a
mistake if they do•not enquire.
For particulars apply to D. CaNTELON,
Qnebop street, Goderloh.
MEACHER WANTED for Union School
.1 Section No. 1, Townohips of isVolborne,
Aahttold and West WaVeanoth. Ap 'Mations
received up to Nov. Witte 1904. App y otatihg
experience; qualificationo and salary, to R.
McILWAIN, Secretary, Nilo P. 0, .
WANTED, two airls-ono for dining room
work- und-one for kitchen. Righeut
wages paid. Apply to 9 AMR BROS,
- UeLon Hotel. Goderich.
larANTE13.-20 to 40 mon to out saw logs
VT and cordwood. Steady .work, good
wages paid to good buoh men, Apply to TirIR
GODERICR LUMBER co., Limited. Goder-
ich, or STOKES BAY. ,,,
WANTED, by Nov. llth, a General servant.
one who can do piain cookbig, no up -
stair work. WS.E022 415 oor month. Apply to
Mrs. S. A. MCDAW, Vincent StrO°O, (lode -
rich. 2t
WANTED. -To hire, tOELM21. Long and'
steady work. M. A. Procrrr & Co.
NOTICE 1J3 hereby given that an application
will be mado on behalf of the Guelph and God-
orich Railway Company to the Board of Rail-
way Commissioners for Canada. on Tuesdoy,
the 20th day of Deeetaber, le01, at the hour of
eleven o'clock in the forenoon, or so soon there-
after as the application can be heard. for a re-
commendation to the Governoain-Counoil tor
the sanction of a lease of tho railway
of the Guelph and Goderloh RailWay
Company to the Canadian Pacific Railway
Company for a term of nine hondrod and
ninety-nine years, from the drat day'of Janu-
ary, 1906, upon tho terms and conditions therein
Tura notice frighten. pursuant to the provis-
ions of oection 281 of the Railway Act, 19Mi
A. 34 keDONALD,
The Guelpl. and Gederich RailWay Co.
Dated at Guelph th'o eighth day ot Novem-
ber, 19(4.
Sealed bulk and sepamte tendon. will be re-
ceived at the office ot James Yates, Esq., Godo -
rich. County of Moron, Outride, for tho oovoral
branoheo of works required in the erection and
completion of a brick Methodist church to be
orected at Ooderioh. Plans mod specifications
bo seen at the office of James Yob:, ,e Godo -
rich, and at the offices of James L. Wilson &
Seim Architects, Chatham, Ont.
Tender6 received up to and inchisive of 29th
November, 1001. at 8 o'clock p. m.
Lowed, or any tender not necessarily ea',
Materials may be ohipped to Goderich by
REV. G. N. IHAZEN, Chain. an.
JAMES YATES, Secretary.
Architects, Chatham, Ont.
Goderleh, Ont., Nov. 10th. 1904.
Taro Ncrrnix
that a special general meeting of tho dram
headers of The Huron and Bruce Loan & In-
vestment Company will he hold at the head
office of the Company, North street, id the town
of Goder1ch, on Wednesday, the 21st day of
Decoarbor. 1901, at the hour of two o'clock in
the afternoon, for the purpose of takilm into
consideration and, if approved. of ratifying
and acceptinit an agreement provisionally
entered Into y the direpters ot The Huron
and Bruce Loan tit Investment Company and
the directors of The Standard Loan Company
for tho sale by The Ilnroo and Bruce Loan &
Investment Company ot, 201230D4 to The
Standard Loan Compauy upon tho terms and
aonclitions preoeribed In the said ag•reernont.
AND TAKE NOTICE that the mid agreement
may be inopected by any shareholdero at the
head Milne of the company,
DATED 81118 ninth day of November, 1904.
ScholanrhIp in either the Commernial or Short-
hand and Typowriting Department 4135.00
Fall couroo Commercial and Shorthand count)
taken together $41.00
lte$9,AL OFFER. WM not kos rooseated.
Addresa W. N. YERRX, Prinelpal
2324- C. B.,
Por lungs, throat, coughs, night sweats,
chills, fever, dropsy, gravel and all kixt-
dred tliseases,•,
erntre efer and *toe no Wm!.
Sold hY.—asostoiatiows
Newgate St.,. , • Goderich, Ont.
The undetaigned will be pleased
to supplY tinybne wishing to lay in
his winterte siipply Of flitd Coal.
ItinoDwri buttvgps.
sTovx, critmeor Ok Theelptztte.
Est. Poretz iViceWAN/
(took*, cont.
'Phone 498 r
DENTISTRIfe. e • "
nd. t •
. visit Pungiemon 044:
. „
PRIROI4 BQTRI44, GoderieltOnteePetes
tartly meaeraireet theeughout, bleat
etorming piece for the Travener end el -Armor
elveryhtleg upecelete ana_theeverg lasle tei
eoneneetwon. ettexes, ezoettstar.
THE OLD AND itimumm.4\
lean when in Town, and you will be treated
well by lsittle Daye."
Good AccomModitHell•
dood eteaxs, spell. Good House. s
You don't want More.
Conservatives, Attention-
The Annual Meeting ot tee Goderiee Liberal
Conservative Aesasiation will be held in their
rooms, East stxoet, on
Tuesday Evening, November 22,
for the eleetien of officers and appointini dele-
gates to attend the Conservative Convention
at Auburn. on Monday, 28th lust. A large at-
tendance regeested.
Secretes, Preoident
'• (Current wholesale prices correctod
up to noon of Thumb:tr.)
Tho wook passed without any distinct rise or
fall in farm products, a blight tendenoYin hogs,
living and dead, to drop a Points being the oral'
noticeable feature.
J. F. Andrews shipped 153 hoga to Toronto on
Monday, the price paid being t1.65 and $4.00.
The largest contributors to the -shipment were
Mesors. J. Young, 13 weighing 2530 lbe., and S.
Johnston 11 weighing 2180
W. Burrows & Son shipped 3,000 bushelo of
barley to Palmerston, and 3,000 bushels of oats
to London this week.
Fall wheat, standard (old) $ 0 95 to 1{1 00
Spring wheat, standard 0 OS to 1 00
teFloourta: oePerr ocZtst: rameateilnyt 2 90 to 3 00
2 00 te 2 00
slifiaortan, .ppeorrtotonn.. ... ........... 18 06 to 18 00
20 00 to 20 00
BarBirtiscaetdrea eioeynings, per ton .......... .. 18 00 to 18 00
0 40 to 0 40
- 0 Oe to 0 80
Rye 0 40 to 0 40
Buokyrheat, por bushel 0 40 to 0 40
Hay 6 60 to 7 00
Butter, per lb
Eggs, (fresh) per dozen • 6 50 to 7 00
0 14 to" 0 16
0 18 to 0 19
Wood, per oord ' 4 00 to 6 00
Cattle, export , 00 to 4. 60
Cattle, ordinary and butchers' sante t 00
Lembo per lb. ........... 3 00 to- 25
Shoop, per lb . 3 00 to 3 25
Hogs, live weight 4 60
iLmas, por lb 0 12 to 0 13
Hides 0 10 to 0 10
Bacon, long clear
Sheep okino 5 00 te 5 50
, 0 10 to 0 50
Tallow, rendered 0 4i to 0 06
Chiolcens-harnyard chicks, per lb 0 08 to - 0 08
" -crate tod 0 10 to 0 le
Beef, tore quarters... . .6 00 to 6 00
Deaf. hind quarters
Torkeya, per lb 7 00 to 7 60
0 9 to 0 10
pucks, ter lb........ 0 8 to 0 9
Orangeo, per dozen: ....... ....,0 so to 0 00
Lomond, per dozen .......... 0 20 to 0 26
Bananas, per dozen 0 20 to 0 30
Potatoes, Der bushel. 0 30 to 0 se
• Page
Farm tor sem-Robert Bowers 1
House to Rent -R. G. Itaynolds• • , ....... -• 1
Notice to Contractors -James Yates I
0. It GI. Dy. Notice -A, H. MicdonaM1
Time Extendod-W. C. Ooode 4
Make Homo Attractive -Beckett lic Staun-
ton 4
Prepare tor Winter --Wm. Sharman... 6
112 to World's Fair -G. T. Ry 4
Moister Glee Singers (local) 1
Family Herald (local) 4
$76 a Month-Linsoott Pub. Co 9
Conservative Meeting -Wm. Campbell1
X011311 Topics
- NOT A RoatawaY.--Since the re-
moval of the fence around the Square,
there have been several instances of
people with rigs, mostly from out of
town, driving along the ,foot -paths.
This may he done through ignorance
or thoughtlessness, hut will the public
at large please take notice that the
only roadway for vehicles is that from
South street to the Coun House door.
Unless this be adhered to, some steps
will be necessary to prevent serious
damage to the paths.
P. M. COURT. - Wm. '-'005Eltie Vg11.13
summoned before the P. M. to answer
a, charge of obtaining money under
false pretenses. The case arose over
the sale of a horse which the com-
plainant, Joseph Jardine, claimed was
not as good as reported to the buyer.
The P. M. did not settle the matter,
but sent it up to a higher court,
allowing defendant out on bail. E.
L. Dancey watched the case for the
plaintiff. The county attOrney ap-
peared for the Crown, and the de-
fendant conducted his own defence.
BUILDING Noncs.-W. W. Senate
reeidence on the Crescent has been
newly sided and shingled, and will
soon be ready for occupation. -The
tower at "The Castle" bas been nicely
completed, and adds to the many im-
provements that have been made to
the property. -The brick work ot Mrs.
MoLaughlin's dwelling, on Colborne
street, is coennieted and the plasterers
aro at work. -The frosts on Saturday
and Monday stopped out door work
on buildings in course of erection. -
W. L. Horton'e dwelling on the Cres-
cent k now in the hands iif tee pla
terers.-The foundation of Robt. Mc-
GeWet residence on Waterloo street is
now in, andets the cement blocks are
ready, the superstructure will rise
rapidly. -The Cloak Pattory on King-
ston street is being roofed.
Ax briettesTING CASE. - In the
Court of Appeal. Ovattan v. Ottawa
Roman Catholic Separate School
Trustees. -Judgment (0. A. R) on
appeal by defendants from judgmentof
MacMahon, J. (4 0. W. R., 68), grant-
ing an injunction restraining defend-
ants from constructing:a soh ell build-
ing evil aft propoged by a contract en-
tered into between the defendants
and the Brethers of the Christian
Schools for the direction of boys'
separate schools for the parish of
Notre Dente, in the eity of Ottawa,
and from carrying into effect the pro-
virtions of the contrect. npon the
ground that the employment of the
Brothers as teacher.: without certifi-
cates is illegal. A question was raised
involving the construction and mean-
ing of a chime of the Separate Schools
Act permitting the employment of
"persons qualified by taw fts teathers"
at the time of the pulsing of the Brit.
lab North America Act. The appeal
was limited to the question of„ the
right. of defendants to engage the
Christian Brothers as Newberg. The
entre Wat Of, OpiniOn that the other
grounds upon which the ledge below
acted Were euffleletit guetaili hie
jedgment, leit, being Reseed by both
parties to express' en Opinion upon the
grounds relied 05 by defendants, they
new expremsly agree With Meoftiabole
J., ole Nile et Wind Ale fining opin-
fen Hutt the eniellig eittexte does not
tletend beyond whet* it Weft Weeded
by lAttoe Appeo,laitaili6641 with otsste.
Onn,aggrtettrt-41./a ,A)vereliht In the
'fititlroa quoted'in last weelt's STA%
OVing,the yecapititlatlen of. the ,vote
In thh BUtniiiit0 eleetion IMO, did
an injustiCe tio- Mr; MeLette. The roe.
ority feeltiteleelteee Aftheeld wee
eheee gleen, the leeR.-O. At Port
M4 Of (11r, fignrPa 'tent,
1.4Awa4lithenairv.3,tted:rilpwv4,10:040) !,04.0tvauv!:eqs:v4hgeour,iio)i,edathn...etit vtoh,teia
wade the netjerity agaipet Mr, Me,
; Wend,
ed meetiug waeleld ;in the office of J.
A. iftacpbereote NOM, on. Tuesday
ovenin , Urpose of 'Vern:ling a
tiyal r ;woe ation here, Colenel
eoupg wee I:tepee:le' ,fel assist and ad -
'Nese, eed 0, JoIxeiston waa appoint.
sd aecretetty, pre Wine' Organization
Wee effeeeed. thti' ikillendele were
WIteeen as the officers :- Captain, M. 0.
Iehnston: Nem. phieholne 1st Lien•
tenant; Ben Sheppard, 2nd Lieuten-
ant; Secelereas., E. R. Watson. Twen-
eyefoue members jolned at; this first
'meeting, And it is ho organization
will be comPleted a an adjourned
xneeting on Tuesday 29th, with the
required nuneber of 40.
W, C. T. i/e-Tee iegular meeting
of the W. 0..T. U. was held In the
Temperance Hall on Monday after-
noon, 14th. . It was 'decided W hold
another series of mothers' meetings,
the first will be held at the home of
Mrs. Robertson, Brittanniel. Road, on
Friday afternoon, Noy. 25th. Mrs.
Colborne will take the Bible reading,
and a well-known Toronto lady is
expected to take the Educational
Talk. The World's Temperance Day
or Temperance Rally Day en the S. S.,
will be Sunday, the 21tis, in North St.
ohurch. A -good programme will be
provided. The W. C. T. U. will unite
with the R. T. of T: in holding Gospel
Temperance meetings on Sunday
afternoons. ;
INDUSTRIAL Nargs.-The Goderich
Organ Co. shipped a car load of organs
to Liverpool this Week. and are ship-
ping their other manufactures daily,
-The Goderich Engine and Bicycle
Co...report. proepecta as bright for the
winter, and are at present among
°thee things working on a brick -
making maceinee -Tee Co. have re -
delved strong testae:tie:eels of the
efficiency of the one now in use at
Peterboro, and the excellency of the
briar; made by it. -The Knitting &el
full staff are -working on repeat
orders, which are reverted to be com-
ing in more feeely than usual. -The
feensingeon Furniture Co. report busi-
ness as fair, and the prospect satisfac-
LEGAL Nome -Mail and Empire :
W.C. Goderich.--eine.-A father died,
leaving an estate by Will to four child-
ren, ene of whom is appointed sole
executor. Is it necessary to oetain a'
probate of the will ?
Ans.-The children shoeld je-t the
will proved as quickly as possible.
The executor cannot collect the debts
that were owing to his father. In
fact, he can do nothing under the
will, until it hae been proved. No
person knows that the paper or doeu-
ment which he alleges dvas executed
by his father, and under which he
claims to be executor of hie father'a
estatc, is the last will, or that it is a
will at 'all, until probate has been
granted, by the Surrogate Court.
Foos SCOBE AND Timex. -Th ere
passed away on Monday last, in her
84th year, Catherine Akan, beloved
wife of Peter Fisher, of Colborne.
The dear old lady crossed the river full
of years and honors, breaking a dear
partnership of oyer 68 years' standing.
Her remains were interred in the
family plot, Colborne Cemetery, on
Wednesday afternoon, in presence of
a very large elerober of relatives and
friends. The funeral took place from
the family residence, lot 6, con. 2,
Rev. Mr. Dishier officiating at the
house and at the grave. her sons
Peter. Abraham and Charles, and her
sons -In-law, Wm. Blake, Geo. Neibe-
gall and Jas. McClure. being the pall-
bearera. The late Mrs. Fisher was
born in Germany, and came to Canada
80 years since, her family settling in
the neighborhood of Waterloo, where
she married her now bereaved hus-
band some 63 years since, and from
whence she efterwards terooved to
Colbotne. In the new home the de-
ceased lady was one of the foremost
residents, and many have lived and
are now living who have blessed ber
kindly ministrations. She wag the
mother of thirteen children, ten of
whom are now living : Mrs. Wm.
Blake, town • Mrs. Mc011ure, Colborne;
Mrs. Moyer, 'London ; Ell, North Da-
kota ; Mrs. Austin, Muskoka; Mrs.
Young, Walkerton ; Mrs. Goebel,
town ; and Peter, Charles and Abra-
ham, of Colborne. Among the rela-
tives from a distance, preelent at the
interment weree:George Neibegall, of
Windsor •, Mrs. Austin, of Muskoka ,
Mr. and Mts. Young, of Walkerton;
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moyer, of
London. The sympathy of all Huron-
itee is with the children and husband
of the deceased lady, particularly with
the old gentleman, not in the best of
health, who irleft to sorrow, after a
marriage that existed for nearly two
thirds of a century.
Chen CnAtt4 Dismisszn.-Unusual
interest was 'thown in the case of
Joseph Wagstaff, one of the men
summoned by Pigott and Co. for a
breach of contract, which was dee
cided by the P. M. op Monday eve-
ning. The court View crowded, and as
soon as the counsel in the ease appear-
ed, the P. M. delivered an elaborate
judgment. After stating that he did
not care to undertake the case a8 flrst
made as a criminal one, he said that
Mr. Pigott's movement in the nuttter
was on purely bushman principles ; he
having seen an advertisement offering
to furnish men, had wired for twenty
English speaking tuen at 15 be 17e
cents per hour. Having made, as he
thought., satisfactory arrangements,
he wired the tickets for the men.
Wagstaff claimed that they were en-
gaged for other work than the pick
and sboVel, and agreed to go to Gode.
resit, all getting free transportation
ticket.% Just before leaving, they
were asked to sign a paper, whioh
they did, hut he declared they did not
sign an • agreement. From the
eyidence, said the P. Melt appeare the
men were deceived, and though all
the cages were not equally strong, he
thought the men were all honest in
their contentions, or when they left
work they would not have started on
oot to travei baek edentreal. His
ndin `was in favor of the defendant,
hitt W thout costa. Mr. Blair held
that t num In -Montreal was the
ageut of the men, not of Mr. Pigott,
but the M. held to hislinding. Mr.
Blair the seilted.thit the other eases
be atijou ed till he he'd consulted
evIth the ntiff. Mr. Johnston ob-
jected, fts e chArgee had been 4n
court ,sferee tit lOth day of October,
and he thetigye the jadgmene should
beer 'on the o „ter ektarges. Mr. Ruin-
ber sale h ',thought his judgMent
shotIld bear the other charges, but
finally con ted to adjourn then' to a
date to be Mud evert by .the counsel
engsged'ini his case.
buTcatIOLL 64 TODD. Publlehnee
St a Year In Advance-W.6n Credit
Lam Thter.•"-The funeral of the
late P. F. MacPherson, who died in
London, was held from reel-
denoe in Clinton on Sunday. It was
perhaps' the largeot and Lima rep-
resentattve seen in the county of Hu-
ron for many Year% evidencing the
tinivereaVesteern In which the deceas-
ed was 'held. Brothers from Britigh
Columbie and Indiana, a. eister from
Goderich, and eons from Ottawa and
Stratferd Were in attendance. Pew -
Emily thewhole populetion of Clinton
anti miles of the surrounding country
Joined with the mourners. Many
Mende freru a distance came to pay
their [need of respect to deceased.
Goderich sent a large [lumber of eor-
rowing friends. From St. Thonaas
and Fingel, where Mr. Macpherson
was well known. a number of friends
drove on Sunday morning to London.
where a large gathering was in wait-
ing at the Grand Trunk station. The
whole party was taken by train to
Clinton. Through the foresight and
energy of a, little group of their
friend% deceased's close personal
friends in London, a special train was
eecured and an opportunity to attend
the funeral was afforded to inany who
could not have otherwise been pres-
ent. On the train from London were
about 60 of the friends of the deceased,
and among them were repreeentatives
of the manufacturing and buainess in-
terests of that city. The funeral ser-
vice was chnducted by Rev. A. Stew-
art, of Clinton. The pall -bearers were
selected from the most prominent
citizens of the county of Huron. There
were many and beautiful floral offer
ings, atnoug them being tributes front
the Manufacturers' Association, from
friends in London, from friends in
Goderich, Clinton and many other
Apple shipments, by the cur, will end
this week.
Chas. Bates is still making apple
barrels. though the season egenear its
Manager Thomson, of the Engine
Works, has moved into the dwelling
next the Saulta House, on East street.
Wm. Kneesbaw, in a half day's
shooting on Tuesday bagged 7 rabbits,
thus showing that the cotton tails are
still plentiful.
Last Friday, Robt. Clark fell down
the cellar at Sturdy & (Jo's., but for-
tunately broke no bones, though he
was ecenewhat bruised.
Wm. Menlo beats all growers of
beets, at least so he Melina, his mam-
moth heat weighing 9t lbs. and meas-
uring 2 feet 2 inches by 2 feet.
The G. T. R, sent out 200 loaded cars
the past week, and is receiving one or
more specials daily, with the view of
moving wheat from the eievator.
The satchel found, advertised in last
week's STAR, was claimed by the
owner,' a COI:borne lady. STAR ads.
bring results, and :hey don't cost
Mr. John Watkins, of Clinton, with
the assistance qf only two men, has
so far this season packed, handled and
shipped for Robert Elliott, of Gocie-
rich, about 1,500 barrels of apples,
which is considered exceedingly good
The STAR'S circulation continues to
increase. the latest additions being
from St. Helens, Auburn, Dungannon,
Clinton, Goderich, and other points.
We thank our many friends for push-
ing a good thing along, and are plena -
ed to know that our earnest efforts to
prodnce a superior newspaper. are tie-
ing appreciated.
"Citizen" is again reminded that his
name must be furnished to the editor
before his communication can appear
in THE STAR. This is the fixed rule
of all newspapers. While not disput-
ing- the correctness of h is statements,
of which we know nothing. his com-
plaints are too serious to be madeln
print on an anonymoue letter.
The special committee of the Huron
Press Associetion, Messrs. Kerr of
Brussels, Br•adwin of Blyth, Sanders
of Exeter, A. M. Todd of Goderich,
and W. McLean of Seaforth, met In
the latter town last Friday turd trans-
acted considerable business. The
general meeting will bc held in Clin-
ton on Friday, Dec. 2nd., insteml of
Nov. 245th.
1.*:A family on East street had a very
close call, from coal gas, on Friday
night teat. About one a. In. a mem-
ber complained of a headaohe, another.
got up to get him water, and going
down stairs was overpowered and
fell; another followed and also suc-
cumbed, hut the next one t o rise male
for the door and opened it, and by
this action no doubt saved all their
lives. The whole family, though very
sick for a time, are now all well.
A local dealer takes it for granted
that the "piano agent," a stranger,
who made so many calls in Goder•ich
during the election, refers to a highly
respected business firm in Goderich.
Far from it. People whu want to
buy goods in any line should patron-
ize our own business people. Elec-
tions have nothing ta do with busi-
ness mattera, and that it, the reason
a "stranger" should not be can vas -
Ing to the detriment of local dealers.
Mr. George Lethbridge, organist, of
Knox church, will give a recital and
chorus program in the church some
time in the first or second week of
December. He haa in training a fine
chorus of 60 voices, and they ate mak •
ing good progress with some of the
flnest and most popular masterpieces.
In addition. Mrs. Meleillop (nee Miss
Eva Roblyn) of London, and Mr, Ed-
ward Webster, hase soloist, also ot
that city, will give special numbers.
A delightful evening may be antici-
Last Friday a farmer offering a
load of cordwood for 82110 on the mar-
ket refused to sell it any other way
than by the load, though the town by•
law gays that it nmst he sold by the
cord ; consequentij a complaint woo
made before the . M., who issued n
summons. The defendent pleaded
guilty, stating he was not aware of
the law, and the P. M. impoeed
nominal fine, RA it waa a first offenee.
it will be seen now that when a htiver
demands, wood mum. he liold by the
The Meinter Glee Singers, of London,
England. have been making a splendid
impreasion wherever they have lip-
p,eared, by their magnificent eine ing.
Nothing to approach it has ever been
heard In this country, aa far ae part
songs and quartettes are concerned.
The Halifax Chronicle says : "The
Meister Glee Singere nppeAred nt the
Empire Theatre last night, tinder the
Auspices of the Northweet Arm Row-
ing Club, for the flee concert of their
CAtiadian tour. The attendance, %Vas
large, and it ig safe to say that no
vocal quartette was ever heard in
Halifax whose work was an flnlithed
and whew voices blended go perfectly
as did those of the Meister Glee Sing-
ers, while in ;solo work the begs the
tenor and the baritone all geve Inflnli
satistaction. Every nunther was en-
cored, and it was Wit that it would h.•
over -week lug the talented singers t hat
second responees were not imitated lip-
oti. One of lie gond feature, MIA tilt'
101 20110011 work hy Miss E,,o,0,1 Henry,
who svae also encored,"
Tee Elevator Co. loaded 35 eara on
Monday, the 0. T. It. Wing up to the
mark teat day.
On Sunday the tug Huron and the
dredge Arnoldi were engaged pump
ing out one of -Battle & Connelle:
sicows that was in a sinking state.
The Goderich Lumber Co.'s logs
have been taken from the Island
beach and 'placed near the mill, go
that. the harbor ie now clear.
The steamer Rosedale, with 80,011
bushels of wheAt for the Goderich
Elevater, arrived in port on Friday.
and left again on Sattxrday for Pert
The steamer letylese, with 42,000
busheta of Wheat for tlfe Lake Huron
and Manitoba Milling Clo., arrived in
eiTernt,ifurgotu Fort William on Monday
The steamer Norseman arrived in
port last week with half a million feet
of lumber, and left for Thessalon on
Tueeday with a quantity of tueruhan•
dise front this port.
A few 0010 have been furnished the
elevator this week, but the needs of
that institution at present are at the
least fifty a day, and half that num-
ber are not often supplied.
On Saturday evening a matt named
Ralph°, one of the mew of the uteam-
er Norseman, fell into the hold of
that veseel, breaking several ribs and
otherwiee injuring himself. The in-
jured man belongs to Port Hope, and
Is a member of the Canadian Home
Circles, and the members of that
order were informed of hie accident.
On Saturday morning the three
Masted schooner, Charles Crawford,
was noticed out on the lake, apparent-
ly making for this port. She was
not carrying much canvas, being in
the centre of the storm then raging,
which the captain says was a 70 mile
an hour one. On entering the port
ehe struck the north pier, but not
heavily, and passed to the harbor at
good speed. Ali anchor was dropped,
but the vessel was making such way,
that it dragged, and the Crawford
brought up on the west point of
Marlumee Island, where she remained
till Wednesday, when she was pulled
off, eery little damaged hy her
grounding. The boat changed hands
on Monday evening, the purchasers
being Wm. Marlton and W. L. Horton,
who released her from the island.
The vessel carries 400,000 feet of lum-
ber, and tLough on the beach for a
few days, did not take in any water.
Mee R1BO page 6.)
Next Sunday week is the First Sun-
day in Advent.
There will be a celebration of Holy
Communipn at 8.40.a. m. next Sunday
at St. George's church.
Next Tuesday evening the members
of the Y. P. S. of St. Paul's church,
Clinton, will attend the fortnightly
meeting of St. George s Y. P. S., in
the schoolroom of this towd.
The local officers of the Salvation
Army have begun weekly services in
the Temperance Hall, Saltford, which
will he held each Wednesday evenlng.
Everyone cordially invited to attend.
Vacancies by death and the changes
of advancing yeare have III SAO necess-
ary an addition to the eldership of
Knox church, and a vote of this con-
gregation has appointed G. F. Blair,
Oeo. Stewart and James Mitchell to
that office. The ordination and in-
duction service will he held on the
first Sunday in December.
At the meeting of St. George's
Churchwouren's Auxiliary on Monday
afternoon, the members plucked the
annual I ales, (2) for Emanuel College,
N. W. T. They were made up of
clothing. bedding and other useful
articles for family use, and their con-
tents' are for the Indians attending
that institution.
Salvation Army great Farewell Con -
greet. in Toronto, Nov. 24th to 30th.
Farewell of Miss Booth, Commissioner
for Canada, also welcome to her sue-
cessore, commiseioner and Mrs.
Coon) h. Over 500 staff and field offi-
cers in attendance; Great Maesey Hall
Meetings, Grand Processions, etirring
times. Special railway rates, Single
fare, tickets for round trip from
°oder-lob at *4.05.
Rev. Dr. carman, Geneted Superin-
tendent, will conduct services in Vic-
toria St. Methodiet church, Sunday,
Nov. 2'70. At these services the trus-
tees are asking for offering of five
hundred dollers, seventy-five to be
applied on general church expense
and the balance to be applied on the
ci,st ef parsonage improvements.
Special music by' the choir at. both
The Ativistory Committee of St.
'aul's Anglican church in Toronto has
oneldered the question of the propos-
ed 4olvancement of the rector. Canon
FL J. Cody, to the biehopric of Huron.
It WAS RITI10E011 thtlt 210 statement, 11.21
to this queetion shonld he MS& 11V any
thosa present, and front this it is
that the committee (bolded
not tA, Ivo St. 1' till's stand in flie
way of the rector'44 ad vaneement.
His name may go before the Synod of
Huron as a candidate for the bishopric
Rev. Mr. Levack has definitely ac-
cepted the call to the pastorate of the
Baptist congregation here, and hopes
'to conduct an active campaign
throughout the winter with the object
of having the proposed new church
edifice an ticeomplialied fact before
next summer rummer -nes. Tit0 2211 12-
jeete for nekt tatintlay's mei-vireo will
be "Fruit Bearing" in the morning and
"Unsaved" in the evening. A hearty
invitation is extended to all, parti4m-
tarty those who may riot lie regular
attendant', at ot her churches, to et -
tend either or both servlees.
Business Notices.
Just arrived J Colborne's, a joh
lot of fete, rot about wholesale prices, and
a lot of ladies* and misses' coats, all at
reduced prices.
Anyone is antiiik to purchase a house
and a considernble part of ita furnishings,
should keep wa tc 11 for the an it o uncern e n t
next vreek. It will Ire a snap not often
No doubt you enjoyed your Than k
giving dinner Well, we have loto to be
thank fol for, one of the good thingo be
Mg the fact that you get the best photos
the art has devored at Fred BropheY 's
Studio, Coder -mil
The Goderich Business College la do-
ing fronouolv We receivrd an applica•
tion for o male oteuographer 01 a very
good salary, which we were unable to
fill. This !drown the splendid opportuni-
ties for stenographern.
Auction Sale Register.
re PAO Ion getting their wale billo printed ft
Tay .41 111 "III V1I, 1.001)i,, a Flom
under 11,1• hemline lint II date of .ftle
io,NESDAY, Nov 30. --On lot 15,
c 11 5, W est Wawa noali, farm stock,
nu- anti houaehold furnaure,
It e n( r . John Johnaton,
I 11 • yet 1 2 0.C11162 nharp Tilos.
1 Go Da V, au...tioneer.
To Which All Friends of Real Re-
form aro Invited.
To the Electors of the Province of
°uteri° :
"Driven to bay and alarmed at the
righteous indignation of tbe people,
the Provincial Government, which for
several years ims held office by tneatts
of fraud and crime, is about to make a
last and desperate appeal to the cen-
"In order that the large majority of
the people, those who desire clean,
honest and decent goyernntent, may
have an epportunity to diecties the
situation, I have instructed the offic-
ers of the Coneervative Asso-
ciation of the Province to ask the
members of the associatiou and also
repres e it tati v es from t e municipal '-
ties to meet at Aesociation, Hall, in
the city of Toronto, on Thursday,
Nov. 24th, 1904, at 2 o'clock p. tn. In
tuldition I invite repreeentative
erten in each constitueney, no matter
what their petty affiliatione way be.
and who sympaillize with our °Wear),
to attetni • also, and help us by their
advice and encouragement.
"In the presence of great public
peril ;tarty -designation and difference;
aro ot ettcondary importance.
Honesty Comes First.
"The fleet great necesnity of the
mituation is clean, honest and decent
government. The policy of the Op-
position in the Legislature is familiar
to the people. and has received their
endorsement and ratification by a ma
jority of six or seven thousand votes.
To this record we point with pride.
" The question of increasing the
meant. of obtaining agricultund in-
struction by adding it M the curri-
culum in the High Schools and Col-
legiate inetitutee, and providing par-
cels of land for practical work, aud
also the question of the encourage-
ment of systeme of sewage in towns
and villages, are among the questions
advocated by us.
Public Ownership.
"Legielation should be had to facili-
tate acqUirement by municipalities
on preiper and reasonable terms of all
public utilities, and also to provide
machinery for the prompt settlement
of dieputes between capital and labor.
"At the last seesion of the Legiala-
ture the Opposition proposea that the
Terniskarning Railway, constructed
and owned by the Government, should
be operated by the Province for a
term of years. This opportunity for a
practical test of government operation
of railways wan voted down by the
"The attitude of the Opposition on
the question of the proper assessment
of railway property was made clear by
their efforts to pass the Pettypiece
bill as a basis for action -effort whieh
failed when the promoter of the bill
abandoned it and joined the Govern-
ment in killing it. These are some of
the quest ions 00 which the people are
-Hut, I repeat, the first great neces-
sity of the situat ion is clelui,horient o rid
decent government. We Ore all fain -
Mar with Lite humiliating story of the
iniquitieto whieh have been pernetaat-
ed and by meant; of which a minority
Premier has been enabled -and, alas I
-has also- been willing --to defy public
decency and flaunt before the people
his enjoyment of a petition which he
notoriously hot& by virtue of such in i•
"By what the Goverrinient has done
in the pada WO may retteonebly fore
cast what it may attempt to do In
this, the last effort to avoid public
"In the fare of the public danger,
4Lnd In order to afford irn opportunity
to avert it, I have called this meeting.
"'Toronto, Nov. 14th, 1904."
Single Fare Tickets to Toronto and
A great Provincial crimis Is upon UR,
ittld in order to eormult with THE PEO-
PLE, Mr. J. P. Whitney, K. C., M. P.
P., 1 he Conaerviitive lender, has Issued
it summons to the electorate of On-
tario, irreepective of politics, to meet
confereuce in Toronto, in Aftnoelft-
tion Hall, corner Yonge and McGill
streets, on Thursday, November 24th,
at 2 o'clock In the afternoon.
The conference will he one of tho
most Important In tho history of On -
tad io, and it ie thorned that, every per-
son I nteremted In the well being of the
banner Provinee mhould attend. At
least one man fie en each polling nub-
dIvinion Should go. and tor many more
as possible,
A general election In no doubt upon
us. mid the writ mo y he horned any
day, possibly before you receive an-
other Inane of Tee STAR.
The railvvay arrangetnents are an
follows : A 'tingle fare for the round
t iri ilea Init.!' rillotirri by the railway
compatileo, gond going to 'roiled° on
t•it her Monday, Tuenday or Wednes-
y, 21141. 22nd and 'Xird Noveinber,
respectively, and available for the re•
turn journey up to Saturday, Nov,
20th. Thin gi eve hone who ilesirit It
prect I -ally six days in Toronto. These
arrangements hiritith• the wivem of
delegatea and also members of their
family who deolre to avail thernmelves
of thelopportunity vlsit Tor -onto,
It will be nem -emery in order to secure
the reduced rate to bity at the start-
ing point a oingle firot clams ticket for
Toronto, and Mao &omit) from the
railway ticket agent a "standard cor•
tifiente" for each Hicket purchieed.
l'his certificate being signed by the
propel with"? it y of the conference at
Toronto will entitle the holder to re -
torn ticket free of r }mtge..
• ---
tor. pays for TIM STAR to the end
of 1004- for new foubscribers only.
The Ontario elections cannot be
much longer delayed.
ROSS should go. No government
ahould be in office over thirty years.
The people will surely be aroused to
aense of duty and make it ()hang°.
Previous to the election, Mte
Rebates said in his paper that his
post office address would be Clinton
until after the eleetion. His present
address has not since been made
According to Mr. Holmes, those
HWIett Reform Orangemen who sup•
poeted and worked for him, must be
lied lot of people. Tine STAit
would suggest that the late member
make peace among his friends.
The Executive of the West Huron
Conservative Aasociation met in
Clinton last Friday, and decided to
hold the annual meeting and nomina-
ting convention at Auburn, on Mon-
day, Nov. 28. It is expected to be
one of the largest gatherings in the
history of the Association.
The Conservatives of Goderich are
earnestly requested to attend the
annual meeting to be hold in the
rooms on East street, on Tuesday
evening next, to elect ofticere for the
ensuing year, -appoint delegates to
the convention on the 28th, and
transact busineas generally. Make it
a rally.
. _
A CONSoLIDATED rural school 111122
been opened at Guelph with 150 schol-
ars, representing four echool sections.
This is a development of educationel
methods that bas proved popular in
the rural districts of the United States.
It admits of grading, and develops a
stronger spirit of emulation among
the scholars, who have larger classes
with which to compete. Another
source of strength is the added inter-
est in the work given to the teachers
by daily association with each other,
and exchangeof experiences and ideas.
The school that luta been opened at
Guelph is in the nature of an experi•
nent; but there Is every reason to ex-
pect it will prove successful.
Tun atrabilious Great Mind of t he
Signal can never forgive Rev. Joseph
Elliott for his part in the defeat of
Robert Holmes. Here are two samplee
of its venom :
The honoro ill of the campaign for intarepro.
itontation and caliony go to Tug STAN lied
Roy. 111 Joseph Elliott.
Rov. It) Joseph Elliott excelled hiontoulf at the
Opera Rouen on Tuesday night with maso of
misroproodntation. dlotortion and miottat moan t
to woe mild term,. Mr. Cameron °hallowed
the Rev. Ili falnIfer to meet him at EMMA. the
following evening, but the oitallortmo Was 'la
accepted No doubt It wan a CIASO of dinoretion
the bolter part of valor.
The Signal'm ablete of Mr. Elliott in
this manner is eimply blackguardlimi,
a tone that has always been character-
istic of that sheet. Mr. Elliott's repu-
tation for truthfulnees and honor will
not suffer by his conduct on the plat-
form In the late content, where he re-
peatedly convicted the Signal's now
departed friend of the very offences
they now charge him with.
- . • -
Born in England and in tide coun-
try it 01 time the political parties
adopted new namen, or al lewd illso).
ped the old ones. for they have be-
come mieleading. Commenting on
this suggeotion an exchange says :
this country we have a Liberal party
that is so d yed•i r -the-wool COD 2211I'Vtl-
dye that It, talks of State control of
transportation AA matinerie, and we
have a Conservative party so impreg-
nated with redicaliem that ite leader
Is the champion of the movement for
state ownership and operation of a
tranncontinental line of railway. Clear-
ly the parties are misnamed, and there
is much truth in the atiftertion of a
German gentleman out in t he West,
who last week eald that a great many
of the new comers misvonotrued
word Liberal on fire( (-arming to Can-
ada, for the party who called them -
Selves Liberate here did not under-
stand the meaning of the word.
Goderloh having voted non mono:loom in tho
Government, should not complain If It ho treat.
ed accordingly.
Thor. le no place in Ontario more indebted to
the Liberal party than Ooderioh. Hut tho
nurprine of nearly everybody IL VI ‘,0 the Op.
ponition candidate a majority of 100,
it will no doubt, be plooftant for hard and
feat. ConeervatIven to rejoice over the premenco
of three nupportorlo froon Huron In the Hoene.
but...their influence is not Ilkoly to count for
mmiih when favor. aro being naked for.
These three 0(11(.01.1ra paragraphs
from the New Era last week ore
tantamount te saying thut anything
which has heretofore been done for
thin county, and Goderich In particu-
lar, has been granted, not as a matter
juatice and public in tereot, but an a
price for Government support, a
straight purchase of votes, In fact.
That's the kind of a Oovernment you
backed up, Is it, Mr. Holmes? And
they'll put oti the ,tereWti 110W mill 1 ft
Nile it, lb, anything mote Who
owns and contributes the pit 01 I, moritiN
of thitt (imitary it the people, t he
government you now threaten will le
fuse to direct any expendit ure bet, -
During the campaign we were told la
Mr. liolmoo anti be New Era het it
%Vas 1 IlflitliT,OWitl ift itift efforts public
works werejundertak en here, it CI•I'
tainly WW1 high time you were shut
011 Robert.
While einking a 70 ft. well for Mc
Larty and Doyle at the brick yard in
Colborne the other day, there was a
narrow escepo trent instato death.
leesers. M. Grummett and Wesley
Steep were doing the work, and had
got down Abow 511 feet. Mr, street)
wits below/ad Mr Grommet t nt the
windlaes A fell htn-81.9 WW1 being
nd when hearing the surface
1 dem, heol. dearendIng,
tht• CTIti k, ond strut k the
r t 22 1 wan 111141 Op for
1 (Th19„.: 1..14;
at Lai
Rio i
Ind close
The G. T. Pacific Scheme Will
Build up Portland.
manor Newel
"The victory of the Liberals over
the Conservatives in the Canadian
election, means that Portland is des-
tined to become, within ton years, one
of the ntost important export cities
on the Atlantic coast. The vietory
meant; (het the Grand Trunk Railway,
with it.; Atlantic terminal. will be
pushed through from Winnipeg to
tbe Pacific coast, and that all along
this great transcontinental railroad
the products for export will be for the
most part shipped directly to Port•
"The highest ofticials of the Grand
Trunk, the officials of Portland, and
all others who are conversant with
the situation as a is and art it will
be, agree that Portland's population
will double within a few yen.rs after
the railroad is completed, tied her
property valuation will increase cor-
respondingly, and that her commerce
will increase probably ten -fold.
"Portland's boom was bound eo
come. It lute been looked for for many
years. So certain of the final push-
ing through of the Grand Trunk to
the Pacific, and the making of that
port the great ahipping point for the
road's mammoth export husinees, have
officials of the railroad and of the
city been, Hulk for the last fifteen
yeare workmen have been engaged in
0.1 111 tioeke and elevators and mak-
ine al ear Igt.11 1.0 accomodate the
i itertiiine of Imoinerts. until now the
work IS s11 fat advanced, that by the
time the Vitali It4 plitted, POTtibInd
iii 1121.V2. every facility to handle
shipping tut(' ail the commerce the
transcontinental road can pour in.
"There 18 great rejoicing in Port-
land over the victory of the Liberals in
Canada, and while this rejoicing is not
demonstrative, the citizens are thor-
oughly pleased, and the proapecte of
rapid growth have been the -one topic
of talk there since the election re-
turns came in."
Rho Portland Express.)
"For nearly two yeare now Port-
land has hardly known where she has
been in regtoei to her trans-Atlantio
businetts. Ever educe the Grand Trunk
transcontinental railway echeme was
first suggested, she has been, so to
speak, plainly, in hot water. She
could not, talk out as she would have
liked to, for fear of saying nornething
that would injure her interests, and
the ()rand Trunk has evidently been
keeping very quiet about the port 210
11.24 not to create too inue0 feeling on
I he other side of the line, against tho
port, and perhaps spoil their Peelle
Railway plans."
illiddaford Journal.) •
"Portland has almost tut much at
stake in the Canadian election as she
has in OUT 0011 Presidential election
in the United Stades, If Sir Wilfrid
Lairrier's Government ie continued in
power, the Forest City will get most
of the benefits of commercial annexa-
tion with few of the reeponsibilities
that would accompany actual annexe-
'r.norlier Laurier ewept thinge In
(The Boston Record.)
Canada with tho utmost ease. This
settled the atatum of the new Cana -
MIL(' l'illISCOtititThtltill Mali, the Grand
"Isrunk Pacific. The road will be built
in part by the state, bonds for the
rest guaranteed. Then the company
will operate it at ti merrly nominal
rental. That (1(tea not moan railroad
ownership of the state, but It. makes
railroad influence in the Dominion
Government so id rong pract irony
to lie paramount."
Hence That Tear.
(I tawa t'Itizott,)
When Admiral Dan McGillicuddy
retail ved the tvireless announcement
t hat the Holmes of t he People, into the
wool of which the (loderich Signal
used to go, had been defeated in
11 urtm, a large, moist tetekvlashed
Page 130,591 of the index to Hansard.
Se 28,00o
Mello ille Intellingenoor.1
The government eandidates In Ot-
tawa wort. elected by largo, inajorl•
iCS. The rom000n may be found in an
examination of the itinlitor•genorill's
reports, where it %vitt be frOittl that
(hiring the past four years, the Laur-
ier government have, spent in hat
pity in beautifying parks and improv-
ing roads, 11» loss a stun 41i. OW Do-
minion taxpayers' nioney than
Is it 'my tvonder that Ottawa imp•
porta the government, partieularly
when promises are held out t hat rwire
la to lie spent, Money HO lavishly
spent is as imtent. as bogus hallot-
The Meeting Calendar.
Regular mooting of tile °NMI. lof Canadian
Homo I 'itelon the Tompftranoottml uom.ht
n'olook p. ru., 011 M otidity ovonittg. Nov. dsi.
itagu Mr mooting ut tho Tntyn ouncil thin
(KrIolay) evening
Smola' meeting of Entoka Council, 11. T. of
-r . ut; Friday ovoring, Nov 2.1
it0Ettiar 11)001.11141 or nromo. 1.anip. SI. 11.5,,
on Friday ovonIng N 0, . 26.
The Kingn Daughter. wan meet al 0'0108
on WorillOsday mitxtrttoort, November 23rd, in
the mount toom llio Court Flown% All tho
°tern hors are rnourotted to attend.
Regular mooting Of the Abinook Chapter
1) 1). F.. In Lew Library on Monday afternoon
nex 1, at 1.15 o elock
liowitt,t,. In Goderich. on Saturday the 12th
lent to Mr ana Mo. Melvin Howell, a daugh•
e 19 ROUE 22220V. At Loral I', O., the
him., 01 r 22200to ori W,11i 0041411y
ovonitio, Ole fith loot . J I.. :small 1.
N. Mr Wm Jame. Meliwnlo or M ont 1X' -
vt• no..11 towrodop IN Ile It 1 1 to MI. Annie
of 1 1.1borno towfothip
We will go e Tint ere,. to
new subscribers frotn titow
tire tut of innuarx, inr,5,
r (2ENTS
The ta trot the price of the
paper nut. in nine cases out
• •1 ten. Move who tke it on
trial will remain with 0. for
vearx. Thin iv the reason we
cnn affird to give it so cheap
on trial
To an) person trending us the
nattier+ (4' FIVR new subscribers
at the above rates, necontpanied
by the cash we will send them
a 011,v tr STA 11 Vu E far
otte year
Reader. if any of VOW' neigh-
!, r. now outomrii e
if! STA /1 gel them 111 levept
of this trial trip Yon Will 0104
benefit thrill, Noltirtielf and on