HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-11-04, Page 814"? ax, AND. Tclophono No. 20 or 04 We, A. MKIM. Endle 4, ariety spo;1111 inducement's in all wall Paper now In stock, A% ' . AV,. 7, aS per cent off all Can - adieu Wall Paper. Hun- Vine...Quafities -NOTICE 0 EVEN, dre4a ofdesigfis to select from, We bAyp served Notice of Eviction on about WHISKS Ilk yards of beivvy,01.6th sultAblefor Jackets % and Boy's Qv49rc9ato,* It 'o An elegant line of b Good Value,;". Way ava goV to F sk, because they have been too long here. and stro lic. 10c, I n at up All Goods to oleAp at per yord.,'304 HERE Is not a. store hereabouts Can .,bhow you a variety In Furi All over $U .00. for per yarit._ . 09; See l5bow window. that you can see here, We do not make this statement bo4stingi 'd f T yt you do not wan eipporainiyouat'v' Q1% Tamit v"_TLT "on but It Is a fact we want you to know, because it means Some-* use, what better to give at, Won't cost yoki knuch and will be welopole td thing to you when you come to do your Fur buying. You Ure not naro momeone you know. G EO. PORT P11 rowed down to one or two styles or kinds, or articles, but there Is a OVERCOATS PHONE 100 0 choice assortment of now, popular and styl(sh Fur Oarmants herci to- The quantity taigetting less, so to the price. 01AIrt Mott" Square flrdarlot; day. Wideness of choice Is not the Fur Stock's only recommendation.,', $10.00 Deaver overmts for ............... *6100 Reefors %n4 Costs from ............... $2,50 up, Its strongest point.,la.1he sterling quality of every garment that finds a we wilit. They. also have their notice to vacate. place 1n It. Each gA.rment is made from choice selected skins, cut, their room. our loss. Vour gain. ILVERXING.-RANCES. matched and put together by skilled and experienced Furriers, They are the best Furs wit have been able to f Ind and we are willing to stand features, with other stan. In this Range we combine several new *dard points, which any housewife will appreciate, i. e., shaker 6n back' A - WARNING NOTE behind every garment we sell. Furs bought Wfe are right In style, as well as front, which cleans all ashes away between fire box and oven. New ;dea Patterns FROX TZB BACILL right In quality and right In, price. the best, cost. A phteni�d d6k;6 in connection with the oven to regulate the heat my$ at top or bottom to suit different drafts. New Idea Woman's Ruffs $3.5o to $:aS.00 of OrAwl" The location at the Collar's $3.5o to $6.00 MagazineLare- equal tn Also many other points which can only be.described by seeing. kid#eys, o1w to the small of tba Stoles $7,00 to $4o.00 �iy ioc magazines, and Every -Range or Heater we sell is guarantee,'. back, fudevo the detection of �.Ost kut"y a They are the. tmnbl4 a simple matter. C' peirines $6.5o to $40-00 in Double Heaters we have the prettiest to be seen. Tu'ume of warning comes from Swri. As back, In the shape of baclache. Jackets $25.00, $35-00 and $40-00 Mae$ Chet IDEAL JEWEL line. bolt salloct to cure it Imme. A car of fresh DURHAM CEMENT just arrived, wl)ich will be rush- dbWy. Sirlouskidneytroublewill All dependable qualities, correct styles and good values. We pay ed off at $2.00 per barrel. lallo* it yba do. A few dow of particular attention to the filling of special orders, and should we not have MILLINERY BOAR'S KMNEY PILLS, what you require in stock, we will get it for you oil short notice. The best season so far we ever had. When see the style with the stuall price You will knoW taken it time, ouffartax. Mr_=;=01. ------------ the reason. HOW:WLL S -1L_1XAJ0VJ-J Xvai N.D. Writes --I' I suffered fb� Successor to Mr.KENZIE & HOWELL. about two with kidney dia. *us. 131 BUSY STORE fit my back, bils Be Is CROMPTONS W. Be and, lev; dould not sleep Well, W no appetite. I tiolt oil* A'Imr fitting Corset will mckr the effect of the most stylish gown you can bw -of Doen't 7XIdoey--Plita, una- left, &x4 1 now steep becaus6 we -sell best- makes we theyeareame. Tbevinsb4*4811 Live made. ur eo s grow can find in the market. These areW.B., the leading American CorsFt, having c� Price 50 cents per box, or 11 for I the largest sale of iny Corset in the United States. romptous, the well known. I -a All 14"Itts, or TM D"x gre"y P= Co., and reliable Canadian make, aand the B. & I., the new bias fiUed Corsets,, that -are GRANITEWARE! Toronto, out. popular every.day. growing more BRI)EIF TOWN 1%PICS. TO CURIE! A dOLQ IN'ONR DAY - - - - - - - - - - $1.25, $2.00 a a A 01, 04 W.B. Corsets, $t.00, 0. H. Price & Oo. are opening a new Take LAXATIVE. hROMO QUININE Cromptons Corsets, 5oc, 75c, $j.00, $1.25, $2.00 groo6ry store In the store on the Tableta. Ali drugglota refund the quare. next. the Bank of Montreal. mono %%it falle.-to-nore. ch .0 is Witch A meeting (it the HOUE40-01 Retu signe'tul 23aly B. & 1. dorsets $i.00, $1.2$, $2.00 GRANITEWARE! committee of the county council pro b0HX. 25c. cove TZLEPRON111 CATA 71. called for next Tuesdav tit Clinton. -------- AT THE 0ARBOR. Smith Bros. &-Co. have made a Nat - FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 10111. tafhotory settlement with their credit- Sarnia Canadhin t- The sohoonor Endlish Flannelette are and are again open for business. Cataract made a record run from Al- *.JOB LOT... New Ed Glows, Read the announcement on page 8, on.Saturday, , For four days the� 146 Flaunelettes like those made in. A I a numbei of the employees Mat bad been windbound, avid when ONTARIO ELECTIONS We have built up a Kid Glove trade let England.' None that wear so well. ernage7on the, new R. R. works. t the northwestgale.blew up Saturds DECEMBER i,3th- by selling -only guaranteeable qual- eWheaday afteritoon and Thursday mornitig, Captain Win. SutherlaM None that keep their color like theiii. mornin , r dlffewWt parts of Ontario t out and catue dowil flying with the ities. No low-grade Glove fii;Os a lace nd over the -quarter. Sbe carried Cheapest because best.' Custome,*s to poll fil"alt vote. PWU, PREMIER ROSS "AS DECIDED A on our shelves. Hiety �]pair we se ve who buy them once never like to take Dont target the adjourned public ouble reef matuattil, single reef tualn ON AN APPEAL TO THE meeting In connection with the seloo- and three Jibs. Leaving a HAVE just received a job lot of Gran guarantee. That protects. you fully, any other kind. Big range of fanc 10 a. tu., the boat could have =d ite- PROVINCE. y tion of a site for the Alexandra Hospl- are that I am offering at exceedingly and we give you an assortment to sel- Patterns and many qualities in plain tial. which will be hold In the Coutt Point Aux Boorques In tort hours. Sall w House next Monday evening. the 70 bad to be further shnrtened,, or he low prices. J. (TOM19 Worlil.) ect from, you find in few stores here- colors. It would haye made thb bntlre* run in ,A abouts. last. ' ten hours. The Cataract' carried It Is now certain that the provincial The S. 0. R. of Londeaboro, will &1"' lumber. GRANITE PAILS SAUCE PANS elections will t4tko place on Tuesday, AT 12y2a a suprr o% Wbdneadavy evening, I ov. P 9. to boIr rethrono erich, Ben- PUDDING DISHES , rEA, COFFEE POTS _VM 6 or 18, and the warrant will he AT $1.00 Ruglilh Flanti6lettes. heav weight, plain millet.,01inton and Exeter, an a jolly AMONG THE CHURCHES. issued on Sonday next, Nov. 7. The or twilled, soft finish, brg, assortment of good night may be expected by all who A number of flsh�wmen" left' and DOUBLE BOILERS warrants for the by-electiono would, Ladleal real French Kid Glovefi. mado front new patterns and color combinations, are flortunate enoulb to be the . vester- acconling to the act poesed In the last fine, soft Skins, perfect fl;tlng. eyery different from what you will find In sy r e r Wenoticeawin ow- of the MAple mployedfor fishing pur'poseq uring session ofthe legislature, be Issued pair guaranteed, all sizes, dome fasten. moatatorei. Wash well and give ex- Leaf Grocery filled with flour this t You may -never have a chance to secure before Doe. 14, so In order to avoid ere, blacks. groya, tans, cretuns. etc., �cellout woar, per yard .. ................ 12ge Q present month. week. Mr. Hillott has laid In a car The Mission Band of Xnox church these goods at the same price again, and it the by-elections It Is necessary for the Pei, pair ............. ...... ......... $1.00 let of Three Star and Five Star, and -%vl)J h a social on. Monday evening is to your advantage to call early. Rose government to go to the country BET -TER QUALITIES Is pushing the sale of It. There's nth next, Vv. 7th. A fine musical and wore that (law. AT $1#26 Hxtm, Heavy EnVish Flannelette, plain col- question about the quality of theme The ballots am all printed and ready ors, very me t and strong, wash well. brands. litetury S.rn rare ab members of the to be sent out w local printing offices Real French K14 Gloves, mado from cholco pink, cream and white, per yard... 13. and 18c A lady well known for her many band an t9ers. freahmente. Ad- Our carload of Happy Thought Stoves in the various ridlugm to fill In a. the selected skins, very soft and [Able. per� I henefaiatibno has gencran I are fast disappearing, and continuing to enough linen to fu h 11.1andra, The; yaterl$r edr-41ces in connee- name* of the reepectIvo candidntti rn a h given mission 15c., children 10c. The general proclamations are print� toot fitting. domo fasteners, Vlacks and FANCY FLANNELETTES 20c t arth St-. Me thodiat chu rch 10 all the populav-colore. per pair .......... $1.25 Verr fine qualities English F14nuelottea, baspital. The gIN which Includes all tion wit give that satisfact� u which makes t1le..1 so od and everything Is lit readlucaq for landsome stripes. absolutely fast colors.- that Is necessary In these goods for will be hdId at) Sunda)k, next. The popular. the election. ultable for childrens w&i� waists, many wards, It is hoped will -be follow- Love Feast will be hold In the scb6ol� Item is one, g"At reason why the AT $1.50 :hIrts, very fine, per yard ................. 20c ed by giftrl of other necessary Oirnish. room at 10 a. m. and � the sacramen t of proclamation will be Issued on the 7th. Ingfrona other friends. the Lord's Supper4 will be adminle- By this move. the legislature will eno Ver1fine P hK,.i d,,,D,1,0,v, 14 PLAIN FLANNELETTES 12Yac B. A. H195ins, of Varna, was in Wred niter the preabiting service. 0 If you are thinking of purchasing a deavor to capture the voters' lists tined "rge P( _%C ON town this week elivering to Pigott & Stove tbi!f fall it would be w6ll to call on In the election to -day. Man I to. a Heavy Hngllsh Flannelettes. very thick and The fishing fug Minnie A.' Clork _y of the �Oo.. 0. P. R. contractors, some eight reached this port on the morninof us atonce. Because of the heavy run on 'V -b piln-W 115T -iu- have rvI pink, circayw. - con G v, *ouOtir of -hare". -barnessi-ete., -to- -b& -eloctior"ay,-hn;vtng-46--nitn-.bo- # e in or it o b�, r Pa W hiches wide not t been need upon by tile coun- nd blue, per yard ............... 12,1140 used In connection will% 1he work. ere on bourd ft-orn the fishing station these Stoves-Till"Wr -thed-Dominl6ii-it is %judges, �n�aln strong Liberal can. I Mr. Illuins to experlenced and reli- in the Ge.orgian B - The to to )low hard for the manufacturers to keep up with a L able, an expresses himself as beinF on her way to La e Brie, w ere she ttlencles, here the OwmIlu have n L-71 9 made onRny appeals. every effort lies well satisfied with his dealings with will be engaged for fishing purposes orders, and you may expqrience some diffi- been made to these tit"als certi. railway cortractors. during November. culty if you leave it too late. oy can e used In the A meeting of those Incereated In the Th Ba tist, hall an Hast street was to, so thatT, coming provincial election. fitleyto HODGENS BROS@ oderich branch of the ;4ational Sant- door last Sunday evening, tarl"m for 000sumPtIves, Graven' when Rev. Mir., Magee preached the We also carry a 6rst-class line of Heaters. PEOPLE WE KNOW. urst, will be hold In the Oourt House closing sermon of his two years AI*X. Qlonn visited Port Huron on Wedn6o. C5tC3133.3E13EtXC13EK. an day, (to -morrow), at 4.90 P. ni.. pastoral ch^%e bare, His text was to take "otive steps towards canvan. day. sing the of this e, All who prefer do- the apostolic itediction, "The grace CALL AND SEE THEM. notit, Kills. of llon"11. Sunwed at the old of our Lord Sesue 0brietv the love at hom. Mom" Ing so can b In their subiarlptlobs God and the couilitualon of the Holy SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 311* direct to the tl�easurer, Bank Or Cr'Dln' Ghost be with you.", After dealffiff 74. !Xurubuil loft Tuesday on a Is. . I . 'A merce. with the spititoil 4, n P. =t Sunday W1 lleatlon of th 1#261T 41Z Lai th Acting under the new assessment text he "ke frateto yand,hopefully act, the Brantford assessors have this of the work a Ma phttoi%te, and the jot (Urk =,:� g.saturdar from a w" visitto PMU rur raised the assessment of the Bell outlook for the cause as repr4witted Wows left on �owlgr for arltoaml T�!lephoua Co., In tilat city* from U000.1 by his. con atimi. While thd pro- ;*u1to an a wook holiday vt to $28,9W, valuing the property act &A grew hadM91n, without flopplah or this r 11waV' as In previous years, but on & boast, , it wow of a sufficiently pro - basis of its Trorth to a comobtitive noun= character to,place beyond BIG 0013mliaby In the event of Ita disposal. doubt a pevoiftment and successful CHAS. 0. LEE b= M VMS-G'1w%-w ill 1% oln" The Veil 0orticuY will Ubt the In' career for the congregation. Grate4 7 -- Mrs. W. at"" In the urt of revis on. ful acknowledgment was made of the two's ZA(=%4y tZ &=02t -bW,"' The month of October was a buy kludly relations wIt1t other PaNwre Thom a. ot the XnXln* Workm. -ft2!0,y = WAX to Poll ),to M." A H n.�U Y'r 0. CAI r I. one at the Goderich station of the A *%.a. 1, . ---A LW IWIows, ot Wooddook, In at the tit htu C Ujob otcost� ftw 16 two wooks Or Gay. Mile OtAg n011�odnonelim'(11 111114 I*# wesk at the 1 � �=k I ft -1r; TUsto#,t%�Unb of W. T. Wolsh W10 bs so" Mtthprantjoutfia Was exceed* Bankrupt Stock, Of SMITH BROSe & 00. to ba opened up Auction Sale Reeder. Akiat*int't Of flh*04y, 8: oWty Abe thi% t Rio tax un lJo xollrbkv, Nov. 70 0 gr in"t "Wit Wfitta It e loW SATUR AY9 NOVEMBER 5TH boln tit' 404 "41implittuft% W the (am of Toy* Pitadoul W 16. toot. t., 0-oddetith townslil opal of Zut lot I 00110 imAhe 46fth of Choice Fall DRY GOODSo JA01K6T$,s thin mue as Mr. Practoos 0 0A up TROUAll GVXbAVj f t)R�v COSTUMESo � SKIRTS* DRESS a We, Village. wj*bw, Nov. 13'ru.—Auction 0altot $10SU00 tILK-St CLOTHING, GENTS' PURNI-SHINO$# j. ftrio *wk oild implerouts by Cbial" 441" *wx oft otis'. mt =44*06. at 10t 1% cm- 4 06dftkb tJN08RW18A1kj HOSIERY and MOVES. %�*d k4willb� J U 3- the Iwo VAU mlqew-d thhem. and o� LOS' I kisid of two 0 0**ft#MA t I "1610 1 �;Tfiajft- wholemle Prices. bY 04 11166=0 It Ilict 61 mt nu Took 't" Evatubody ome "th-Is tneans big, SiMAX .47. ., 0W*%,416fg it.. 4 ft -to .0 Ott W, intor W rt 44, *"*Y- " At ww' 64. 0 AM OASH #10 1140*01011 lift-AW10i 11 r 10 8. Aw", 4 tht 'U" TH *ot #A, 'i . V 4 ...sks- q I &Akaki. � .1 lbl W Ing th an an �V. rough that e same a tb nd,cDpora- 6 6 of wbich 8W tion. would bb si 0 0 "g_ Uses 1 94"', bt the lium r t V. who will Ilk R11goibilltv be Rev. was. Itf attendance and bids were such a hurry. The fowl seemed to he leading viettlon, t 1,0vacic, Sy lively. They will leave for Thessalon very 60aTCe as the arrangements wore Rts tbp Ig Mill, an UVack w r* to bn BundAY In ^ week or so, where they will farm being made, but turned out -to be very 'Flir"0241, " namuraotum frota the and oontinue the Work. here till deal. and took after their veteran laud Plentiful, A large crowd of youn �ho Xeilalomb vilt-01. alon I grants. As they have been esteemed PM1316 came from Lucknow amd an! the Ord#t.L =rftched ad t%41[a iiettloment In named. the - 0 A 0- '%Vb # - sul's 09N In residents of this township for a num- otherfrom Dungantion. and even Atn4 P*l4h%0l1 tb* titior.' o6trivioll with all WhI have had the bar or M16 order foos,dreas Voasurej Mr. M& , , yftr$. we wish thern evez hotly Was represented Of c jQvi gc� t ourse h lumbla, WhIldh Is 6 lilay 66y t1ot 41"*elti hot " eb U00om Don forget the U 0. they expected something rod front 6110fter in Ath con., next Monday Oftwe, and aftAr coming a O*y t6 a happy -pull, 40;rex. that dis- $"tlqlak. *411 of t� ov. 7. A goidd progrokul and tance surely they Were not disappoint - tin 1b t bit 1pitattW4 dutli*r With 61 the oysters you call e&L The edw The program was sustained by I Wt. uotkllfuoloni th fb". Whiin" 111allett; OhA %V1 tbb %u6 IV BRA t6 lorkeft *1111. be Nive. Jos. 2111ol'th JAM- the following talenti The Misees .qualed Ift allibw hiva td Ak*`-h*q4tQt an ti IN t of W au-4.1ton and J(A A. Stwel .—The Johnston, Robertoon, nns, Cam t il' un t0wyk- W600t1inehU t1ild F)�y*hada gooatlitneon Hallowe'en, belli Mrs. Reed a Mrs. 60 and Milt is 19 so A" on . nd I r P Wedde to and 00 the, i)ut they msy hear Of It later to their M Yr -#of Lucknowl Miss Wh Ard", ub I as one hy tbet h4shrtitst ofDU tmon, and the Mt-, . Cott, betow an t d ot L Sao to 1 66.1 and ook of Olint4n. 9mv. 18111 birlotlblp. "eft"I' - a inch Maw. Tabbutt, of Dung% tot of tht e, fair `18� 16alt -with, shil oft a; Dungannon, was also ;6ri, *ali 41:11if her friend, MW 9vankle. Mose, prow t and gavlb s, very ebthuslastle I fair Ito last two wooks.-4frey 0. Dal- We - Openin and closing solec. I:iallrfouo ton 1, comin 1i b" vttady b6b "41e (Art 5 sitib. on.� 'Who hAvo 0en lip witif 0, car loa of cattle, this weez", h Ch a �%1101116 ItOln Win 1 6118 we" furn abed . by the hhoir of IT wolo"PoAbil hVid rftld- khd b . 6U,%Jfk-sonG PhVAWS al:ubted "bNoffhl" Tom 14. Oohlffil- pt bli hittid badly t6by th taWkdo the new ti l"V*", 6 LTh 11 Cents.—Note L bbath* torn on, a wirb fetiVe. biat we hope to *11 be quartairl? Matti - service Itt he*—W" At* 19"AST4 boar of ld* apoed�r recov6ty.—quitas; th6 (fiewd" elimrof 111%u WroyJAnd bas been IN, living d 10 Settlillf Well I i� for th Mr. FWA PAnAle, 04 h(Af thAh T, A11116Y. antion mblid fit Me An&, Crftt APP61ntments. olatw oil M04. turin but oct home A101."ime If Wfttatj Of the A OtA011 041.U, 'fterb�, 1AkhVr0y# dAr ulltjjt� _ L embb thvtsp- .1, 10ted bit re to wque&tc56 121011 t4* th pi*#etkt� *bob At *ok M MAd-4 Ittla jnterlAb hig to thtxotth- 401)lk Id 118 fatru ­ lut Pdobittib4tid 01"Miatt Mh U� M of 1111,0W t'j� �' r . JbL t *6t ''Iti M,' bkt* t 0 060fity, 0001196 A#k. *e%n well- ratod, hote: lot* tht *ork 6f the hM oilly %1%41- Sinfl, at *h MW IAII14S 00telt ea ftome 61 aiia* Mth­b6t filk hef I'tiltht4l4to ttifads A thilly 001111 *t1tw turraolhow , I - e. I! L eb� Uot 'It haire u _of bl& *ltt A *bft fit the 6011 thtiffill VON r "Ifewlth t N tA �ftUlto-d -ri d , troittaftt. to out 1%,6 lud 11000W - In *o f but- THE VeRy tjagr 0 bletbodii thoroughly at 'A 914'Wk flijolt jAftf#1' tti[*L on W to* *0'6fi'-J6hn` 146 ")#"o bAx tatltbt In bollittbe 144 114f"Ift 001botod 61666d ponitoLble, 4,11CIrAsbridge,— to f*, Wilon,06 1i._WL6.W , ",to )r"Allfillot6t WMt.16"Iftitto Wtho boolt XgunRo, g I,, ut, U41*41to 14. 86N to , �4, 1*10 -of CR , wt Qittotwithl kt?lk4cm 0 day;*, SHORTHAND Y 14" .14, 0% 44 4*4 bet 6101 119341 Vd".--A th thi v N1W_Ay o", U'll, 06 V6 004b %nd 04 tft�fid, the W6114 61! audlill Comint"Jal and Itall6h W00hew, 1. in '%00 Wituda W. W)Itlataa 44 1 046 WOW . 46 N* 4po oft;whft �tbk mr*04 X"tt PA11WO tirA The 04110ft att 6*- "bWa X"n 44 *ewtko� TbAyWillL �t htft tat"OjMlk.' 4fl; . MVt WQL M'tAo . . . . . . . . . . , Moth ON MV Aft t""*, 64=j jti"� tM 6(*# qk� *Int 0Wy 1*6 "Rig "I T1#A1f*ftTto*, Nflslf4flk .01 *ftuohliuv�, 4414:14L N*V= Z of*] wt i X 0 4 111 11, ­ 0* t1t6lut ret the mulog. na wt 0" AM, k*6 W" -Oft?( 1400 1* AW wsw 1000M 'wt owltist 00 =06 I : I.. L btro X4 110" ""ft th# "fttuot 11100W A