The Goderich Star, 1904-10-28, Page 6This is 4 genuine Climring Sale and Endless Variety includes all lines _4W Of China in stock 4 at present. Vill A 110 n ainies A Prices range from = Q__T Y4 to Y, off regu lar marked price. Terms of Sale, Good Values-' SPOT CASH, HERE Is not A Store hcreBbOuts can show you a variety in Furs Tthat YOU can $Cc here. We, do not make this statement boastingly, GEO. PORT but It is a fact we want you to know, because It means some - PT R thing to you when you Come to do your Fur buying. You are -not nar- PHONE 100 0 rowed down to one Or two styles or kinds, or articles, but there is a Court House Nuare - Goderich C ' h, oice assortment of new, popular and stylish Fur Garments here to- day. Wideness of choice Is not I the Fur Stock's only recommendation, Its strongest point N't . he sterling quality of every garment that finds a Ube 00berkb Star. Place in it., Each"garment is made from choice seleicted' skins, -cut, TXLZFU0?(X CALL 71. watched and Put together by skilled and experienced Furrierq,, They are the best Furs we have been able to find and we are willing to stand FRIDAY. 90TOBER 28, 1904, behind every garment we sell. Furs bought,here are right In style, A Threatening Situation right In quality and right in price. Ruffs $3.5o to $25.00 A BrItlab war with Russia Almost Collars $3 -So to $6.00 a Certainty. StOles $7.00 to $4o.00 Caperines $6.5o to $40.00 A few days ago the Baltic fleet of Jackets $25.00, $.35-oo and $40.00 the Russian navy, while enroute to All depenftble qualities, correct styles and good values. We pay thelEast through the North Chair- particular attention to the fillinF of�,special orders, and should we not have nel off the English Coast, fired into what you require in stock, we will get it for a fleet of fishing trawlers belonging you on short notice. to Hull, and killed the captain and mate of one, besides wounding sev- eral of the crews, sunk one boat Be & I. CROMPTONS and damaged others. We Be, Tho SILVER KING RANGES In this Range we combine several new features, with other stan- dard points, which any housewife will appreciate, i. e., shaker on back as well as front, which cleans all ashes away between fire box and oven. A patented device in connection with the oven to regulate the heat at top pr. bottom to suit different drafts. t Also maqv other points which can only be described by seeing, Every Range or Heater we sell is guaranteed.' In f)ouble Heatem we have the prettiest to be seen. They are the IDEAL JEWEL line. A car of fresh DURHAM CEMENT just arrived, which will be rush- ed off at $2.00.per barrel. HOWELL'S HARDWARI� Successor to McKENZIE a HOWELL. .. an s-ruel outrage nas fl- Ug I_Orsec; will mar tlie effect of the most stylish gown you can called forth demands from Great have made. Our Corset trade keeps growing because we sell the best makes we Britain which have not, yet been can find in the market. These are W.B., the leading American Corset, the largest sale of 'having complied with and yesterday's ad - any Corset in the United States. Croulptors, the well known vices are that the situation is now and reliable Canadian make, and the B. & 1.) the new bias fille, Zorsets, that are Mr. Lewis' Fair Proposal. growing more popu one of the gravest possibilities. lar every day. Londesboro. To the Editor of The Huron Signal. Vote for Lewis and a Greater Can- GRANITEWARE! Meanwhile the entire British navy W.B. Corsets, $1.00, $1.25, $2.00 SIP, -Mr- Holmes is correct In bla ad&. is making ready for the serious letter to the Signal when he says that he asked rue N) hold joint meeti Mr. Lewis asks fop an absolutely Cromptons Corsets, 50c, 75c, $i.00, $1.25, $ emergency. __.Oo X clean election. I "' but he Owita to say that I went b one better and wrote him it) answer B. Corsets $i.00, $1.2S, $:2.00 COMING. -The concert on Nov. 10, offerintr to tight out the election our under the an ices of 8 8 No. 8, Fair Warning I Wives, alone, excluding all inside and Yul]Ftt, in the;pwn nail, Lon4esboro, GRANITEWARE! outside help of any kind. His answer "' Omg to be the event of the season. Electors of West Huron, be on Logi d was a printed list of big meetings. esboro has not been privileged your guard. With the exception of Mr. Elliott and with a treat of New Kid Gloves EnLilish Flmnelette Mr. MeEwen. have been flghiing the . this kind for some There should be no 1, boodle tirae, and it is hoped that no one old No Flannelettes like those battle single-handed. or young will fail to hear the splendid -JOB LOT. money in this or any other cam- We have built up a Kid Glove trade England. None made in po in which is being prwared bby E. N. Licivis. P.b."orla not local talent. 0 8 by selling only guarauteeable qual- been known to do great things . in the paign. that wear sowell. There are strangers None that keep their col' (ED. NOTIL-At Harlock on Monday past, in West ities. No low-grade Glove finds a place or like them. night, Oct. 24, M and sustain its re - r. Holmes referred to Putat on. 0 Huron with "money to burn," on our shelves. Cheapest because best. isgoingat" who Every pair we sell we Customers the above, and stated In addition to me nd see for yourself. are wol what he haddreLJ011,81Y said on the r ma -Wr, -king day and night in the guarantee. That protects you fully, who buy them once never like to take t that . O%V a didnot send interest of Robert Holmes. and we give you an assortment to sel- any other kind. Big range of fancY him a notice of his meetings. Mr. BMRF�g-D0pdeI1 for Exeterl- MI.. HAVE just received a job lot of Granite - In addition to the "foreigners," ect from, Patterns and many qualities in plai Lewis' meetings were made public, Thos. Higgins is about tO open U a ware that I am offering at exceedingly Yon find in few stores here- n and Mr. Holmes has bad it representa- barber she in Fanson's block.3r. abouts. colors. a -nuMber of local enthusiasts are tive at evez one of them. 'Mr. Elliott Will Bage aw is erecting a fr9pt to asked Mr. , 9, low prices. very active. olmes If it was true that his, house near the crearnery.-The AT 12%c he had changed the Place of a meeting Exeter Roller Mills people are cover- GRANITE PAILS SAUCE PANS If you are offered a bribe it should AT $1.00 In Aahfleld from GraiiVs School House Ing theip building with a coat of sheet English Flannelettes, heav weight, plain to that of Laurier, without letting Mr. Iron, which will add much to the or twilled, soft finish h g assortment 0 Lewis or Mr. Elliott, or any of 6 ap- be refused. If you accept a bribe, Ladles, real French Kid Gloves. made from f is I pearrince thf-peof. -Mr. S. Powell lb- PU.ODING DISHES TEA, COFFEE POTS a I n pair uaranteed, all sizes, dome fasten - the safe way is to vote for I-EwiS. fine, soft Skins, perfect fltting, eyery _�Jor combinations, OPPOt"dents. know. Mr. Holmes, with a I fornis us that some disease has attack- new-Patterris and c re d DOUB�E BOILERS different from what yet, will flnd in a lofconfusion, confessed that ed his flock of chickens. "Hehas Your ballot is absolutely secret. ere, tlacks finost storts. Wash well bad." since out wear, per yard ...... greys, tansi creams, etc,. and give ex- Has Mr. Lewis done anything 'Sunday. lost some I) flne birds, YOU 'Itlay never have a chance to secure Remember this point -In follow- per pirtr ............ cell' Ing this course you are not as dis ........ I ............ $1.00 .............. 12)44c ofthiskind? Rebasnot.1 OBITUARY. -We are sorry to have 0. these goods -at the same price aLy BETTER QUALITIES to mention the sad news of the death -aill, and it honorable as the Man, the criminal, AT $1.25 E xtra Heavy English Flannelette, plain coi- of Percival W. Brown, advant�gc to call early. I want to know also, in the a d at London on Oct 24th, at selected skins, very soft and le vege Of 28 years and 5 moittlis. He pink, cream and white, per yard,., IS and 18c calmness and in all irgbkn a a Real French Kid Gloves, made from choice Ora, very soft and strong, wash well, who die of Centralia, is to your who attempts to buy your vote, ,';'Now, 1 Vote for LEwis. table, per- ess, you and family. His Our carload of Happy Thought Stoves from tbr, members of this parlia- remains we=ed in Exeter cerne- feet fittil1g, dome fasteners, Vlackfi and FANCY -FLANNELETTES 20c ment, from whence comes this ir- tery.-Tbere passed away on October are fast disappearing, and ---------- all the pop ular colors, per pair .......... $1.25 VerKaflne qualities English Flannelettes, resistible and compulsive pressure 23, at the family residence. James St., give that Satisf action COUtinuing to EDITORIAL COMMENT. ndsome stripes, absolutely fast colors, under which we must drive this Mr. James Pickard, after a short ill- which makes theil so Jar. Lewis asked Mr. Holmes to sVee AT $1.50 suitable for childrbWs wear waists, thing through now? The thing nOss. Deeeased was at one, time the to havp the contest fought out single Verr fine French Kid Gloves, pique sewn,* shirts, very flne. per yard,.. 20c was never mooted before, and the mains ay 0 Exeter, more than all be pOpular. chria up the banded, that neither candidate should ftrge pearl dome fasteners, rich shades PLAIN FLANNELETTES 12%c Government took no actiot.11 til B.. ) pjace and. named It if you are thinking of purchasing a the Grand trunk Railway-- r, lip blaiselz coming fpom have inside or outside help. The help Of 91VY�) castors, etc., sizes 5f to aj. a Heavy English Flannelettes, very thick and y conceived that it would in r. evonsbire, En land. The name Exe- Mr. serviceable Glove, per pair ...... ........ $1.50 pa r Stove this fall it would be well to call oil Holmes is after and that he is strong, 34 inches wide. pink. cream, the own Interest to have the ail- Pickard was a ut t e only name here white and blue, per yard ..... .... 9 swuring at the eleventh hour is from 12,3%4c way project liberfilly aided by the for years. Some 16 years ago, Mr. P. Us at once. Because of the heavy run on desired to promote. That is the Ing retired ever since. He leaves a outside. Among them is c. S. Hymen, Parliament of Canada which they went out of business and bag been liv- these Stoves all Over the Dominion it is Of "Pig'* (det and beer" fame at London. secret of the whole b..iness, that 9")wn up family and widow to mourn hard for the manufacturers to keep up with as aged 83 years and in �rder that Mr. Holmes may not bi is where It originated." his demise. He w )�ders, and you may exp permitted to deny the fact, here are the -Hon. A. G. Blair. 0 months. enence some diffi� words he penned, In his own paper today: HODGENS BROSN culty if 'YOU leave it too late. "Aliublicineetirigin the Interests of Roberi Volt.�es, the Liberal candidate, McKillop. We also carry a first-class line of Heaters. will be hel�; in the town hall on Mon- Vote early. and a GEMMAL NoTzq.-The Orst anow fty eve33ink next, to be addreued by neighbor votes Part ee to It that your storm of the season visited us on Sun-, lfou.. V_.$ Y. day litat, and the eight of it caused CALL AND SEE THEM. H nwof London, Actin 'broken planks" are like Mr. Home of the timid ones to shudder.- -ic oiks Robin 110 The M", and others." Holmes' broken prom.ises. Another week and then for the battle Goderich owes a debt of gratitude to of the ballot$. A meeting in the In- SATISFACTION OUARANTEED. "And Otheri,­ and in the -same breath LA PRESSE ON THE SITUATION. R. N. Lewis. and should reward big Mr. 1101331ts bays there are no strangers terest of Mr. Fraser was held at Man - many good works for the town. Montreal, 28th OcL, IM4. ley's school house on Thursday even - in West Huron. ISSUES OF THE CAMPAIGN. Ing last; the v kers were the canal- SP60W to Tux Gonswer, STAX Mr. Holmes. In speakinK at his Own date, M. Y. cz cLean and J. L Killa- fAd'eftse, which has been Laurier'$ meatin at Harlock In the townabi rAn, of Seaf6rth. Mr. T.* R. Rays ap- Mr. Holmes, at the immin4tion In Dun' backbone, says Quebeo will be more f HulKeett.,on Monasy eveningf calIN peared for Mr. Gunn. and the meet- Xmmn, ta* Leave Aside Details and Consider the Main Points. 0 , it ing was two to one In Gunn's favep.- Ae what lit thought we$ a THE GODECRICII STAR bad names ttmendous hit at Rev. josph glliott, evenly divided than at any time Is really too bad that the late member Mr. 0. White, the efficient teacher at In flfteen years. JAPregge says Should lose his temper and any nasty Leadbury, has been engaged for next (who hsA opp"�d him in Mr. Lewis, the Conservative RAILWAY QUESTION. or untruthful things sbout, this behAtIf at ttiost of the torrrier,s mettinp,) excellent Party has put lt� familt Journal vOP- year. and Miss Foy has been engued 0. LEE because Tan STAR to teach at No. 8 school. --Chas. D d9, Laurier Stands for Borden Stands for sin -the abItofqq eonstituencles ; &I rail. 'Ang all It says on the veteran tat collector, is on him by tharging him with dishonesty and dL candidates in Quebet, pu�llc matteror, e're sorry for Your pounds, and the PeDPI10 are all com- will gain In Quebec niote than in Any To way. bw t4emper. dear Robert. CtIt# sddu(ftg as proof thereof the awr and that Borden (1) A now tvanacontinent (2) Way. (1) 'A new transcontinental rail. tion that Mr. Elliott, when assuming' be built at once FWnlry about the li�gh rate of taxa- PLOVillCe. IAPreeee says if the Ube_ (2) To be built at once. There's no election canard about the too.- ohn Lacey, w 0 has been out ChaW of a Presbyterian con fir'Ption, iAls am boAten they can blame the UM 111:1111;9-10on cash and guara es of thtt people of 0 n. (3) Built 10-10 on tile credit of tbo 0' P- It- COM1119 to GOderlch. A few a California for the past three or four '100k the Globe and rttd It In order to Syton �ana&6 but own- men have not been put- on the work years, has returGed borne. -Miss An- -Fisher-MU)ock combination and ed by the Grand nun Railway. People Of Canada and owned exclusive. for s, week and the work to be dropped nle Tully, of Chicago, In on a vi -lit to 1:1111ke We people believe he was a Grit., not lAurfer. Evidently the Uberals ly bY the People of Canada. the 3dU After the election. There Is a friends 111'and arotind Beechwood.- Good Position This JoUy be a gr"t polltlW grgument, (41 Controlled by the Grand Trunk (4) Controlled by the people of $7 are pritparlal; jol. s, fajl. Ral way. plant here, the work is S MRS. McLROD,s Canads. 0 being A tes-1112613ting was held at the Pres- Si`14"041etc -"ictU031 of the G. T. 0 pullted with all 1� For the development of Port- Po"IblO GPOed, And It bYtIerlAn Church, Walton, on Monday Always open for good S nion, but ad an parts. nue for over a year hence, evening laxl� at which Miss Alice P. scheme, In Mr. Holtues' opi THROWS UP THE SPONafl. Im , Maine, as a termloal 1�15) For the dayelopment of Can- will colitt tenograpfl- SPECIFIC CITIRE hereafter we will hope to be spoired read- The el tY Miles *111 cost about Dandas, of the L#Adbuty line, gave & ers and Bpokkeepers. Xontrea.1.28thi-Oet�, 19DL J) Tmasportation rates controlled (0) Imbsportation rates controlle an ro le. -Mr. Gunn. the For lutigs, throat, coughs, night aweata h lavr suits before the Railway throug commercial competition with Sur alonqthe COU"61vative ean (date In Sonth itit thtL In out eftnty ex. atftW to Tax GOD2,11co, SrA� rJ d rtlon of 9010 fit good at CIUWZft that "Mr. Itobed Holn,40, of to Supreme'Court, 4 Hu- mISSiOn and Ilihn08.97r, Lewls is a 'man who does rOrl, to meeting *ith goW sueee". R A COURSE IN THE Mr. Artbur Datiserfty, of LaPteaset, U a government owned rallway, d 12101 C=efft 690, chills, fever, dropsy, gravel and all kin, e C1140. occttpled the pulpit,,, ctc� MOutreAl. Sir Wilfred rAurler'slixisona Management ot the IntercOlORI&I (7) Managementof the Int6rcolonlal things, and give him the credit he de- In A, ttenial an kind bearted� as well GoderiC4 gUSinegS 001180P ol,ed diseases, Aon absolutely &&a broad minded geritlemah, and if tD- PRI*k 210, "d Ild 21*, friend. manip'tilator and wire. 14,Lav by the Govermonent to the by an expert coMmI& serves. e clidton New Itts. todAy says: and the gaberal mittis advantage of the puty, free from political Interference, --------- his friends do their duty be will cer. will qualify you for them. ginf ed1tot- df, g StAt"*oit Of TJ?X C1009MON grAJR tbf4t TAPresse sails for Paris th is week oik tainly represeut South Huron In the the eve of III d Qsek�- AUDITOR GENERAL. ORITUARV. next Canadian Parlihment. Day and evening classes. bt h&vo fthivoolin rture, Mr. UstroOss WtA to In- eau frankly ebecwIIJSI*oeowAn3r An Auditor General whow, &clalonq GRAi[AR.-Paster GrAbarn, of Vic. 0owl 116forinem' Is not now Mi* to 0 CorseftatIveit t controlled by the An 4tiollbor General placed in an In- torls, i1treet Methodist Splendid equipment. AUOUSTA MARY MCLEOD, �t`, , Governt uL4 dependent church, on F)ri- ------ The New Urs, way not kuow the fActs twOntY 0onaerVAt1v# sata in thih WhoseACCOUnter are Critielge, can obi . position who" deelsions day last received the "A new Blyth. "Wit ANII *60M$ "Ilk IrMs Newgate St. ; Province fstho� ittlahillitno Mr. Dabmi- y OveNruled by the Court of a tilat :"At 6FP14111, R"M 11"I"IT Ooderich. Ont. *ttthtf Mr. Holmes does or does not I eAu gives to Borden, He s*vs tb&, Excliequat" his brother Charles had died Kuddenly IIYxjcxsAL._A Very hap ONDON COLLF -Eo- �G,Eov 4*00ttr4titation. T9X8TAx is Liberals are appsrebtly doomed th de- THE TARIFF. tbatmorning. H0 leftfit once for the took plate on Wednesday atp event INnIVIWAL t148TRUCTION. Visitors It on the Y, home always welome. trbi�aii�tbdthe "mysterious strjt1,gen,, feat. Its &oyv distinctIf Old home, St. Ultrys, ithd was we fisgist 411 our M It (1�eTha tein rwnt of Mi. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson, wben gradugites to TAurlee* fat,14 brit the 4u t of nob POtAry mintanatico of (1) The permanent jusint,@naftes littliefuneral. TfiaSt.M" At* h4tel' their'firit litulnem hos been to thar pro tioll. f&%ving o __y*Saurnal th6ir daughter, MISS 41anet, WM united good positionot. SnORTHAND AN, tion of and EOrfectlng of �rotectlon becallge says Of the SAd OVentf "Mr. bmbeLm In marriage to Rev, Mr. Aitcheson. of BeautIful circular for the asking. -Mr. Winlith,011mrs, though leving pro- It Wl botieft itil e awoi of the 0&n. WU stricken Of AROPIeXY At Guelph Dortme flt'0 r4SUtI0"h1rft in the Cablapt,. p TVPRWRITING C4 00 ]pMaiiiient locid Retomers, Aetna F10din ACADRMV. Of t�AW h;Xh up in the_00iinstIs of the to A(r. Bitten, Sir Wm. Mulock Wilt(itio to bey li�jtirlojjs to kv Thb happy couple left on farmers aind hdian people. 86111tat'llim and di6d Idploidt llnetftntly� the 3.8S train for otonto, a,mid abo P4# Mr- 8,U herlitno) mid Mr. Fisher, L%n.. W the nation ra Wffe, vv , , suid it"t k4mytterious st"eft.1 ereau 41010% away I# very sugge6tivo 0 A "tahxttrium and minlit 2) A staple pratectIvo t4&rI1rthAt H#hAd b"n Suffering trorn % nerr. "of rice 4ndb#st wishes f0i their M. L. CLANCY) "-.Od%r mottAlro4n full partioula" JWV* been 4drlvft through the "V N. YE � 1 4 In tar. vA1,11- ouit Offectiou for some pionths of the I eA t at he does not wjAt to' till- dependent 11pon the fiction Of few Week �, and a future 10%ppitiessi PaINCIPAL Rx. C.8'. t�rjoctAlwonft workers. ley (a foster hol�e trade troatmont.11 V"660,W.*,,ntdttoGbilel,phfor PXPSoNAU-4&Mt$ McMuMble Is In wmwoft Principal b),0,Pro"nt When the final Ott t0t* f6relll!U nAtiOns with whom he desir" (bi de*elo r*' home 'triarket for Itriki and it was he mprov. 12 t Little, of JWftf0ftktt60d Of their hftltb. alid tO t6iit6ktrAdM so that &A att of the howo produets. that he would a aric itinerle soon 1* rotored to Perfect h"Ith. ri An Oorigt�ft ot of gome other (0 save the cot'it of tran"I'tation Wt PA40 moming while d"Ing he fit Sund: with f ends 31" Holmes koo*s 1L Ceueritl dtuistd Vote f6r IAWIS and a Qrftter oodjt� 161*1gri TA slatw* May have the to distant warkqts. I J' S' Go' "0 Who Was N0T`H1Ni0�S(JdC9EDs '11, A! In his �Oom ha 61 =6 by the Illness of COAL 4" Wb*29 Is not WhAt the electors epiL den]Zo, reduclal, the ph). was Attick0h down. b ther, loss rtturtied home. we 10*4 butit �4" enr litoa put of Mr. Vote for 1AWN Alid s, Grftttr 11' (4) eunbla Oan*Ai*n ritariti&c. 4,11" S. Qi%hatn tftt[Otk RIV,6n to tonuIlait aduatfles. wm the 'Itir tiamrs to Intrft" tbe(r outputthAt her, of ut.and Mrs- W-11-tou�tgestsert W that YetYlittle holie And nothing mak" suece&% like prqrm. thayeemitebralto t�ay higher wagm is A2116 st� rt *1"VZryf00 vrr, Cooper's meo-O&T.- V05 for Lewis and 6 litaloidenetotid Miss Xdna, Haml preiroal'ont#. r rftt*r AML. to thol" L Working Dien and MI dung man arid Wit* Men Went to Tbronto nevipitper Adykrtising. -r Pros. thtir goods, 4t I#* 04660red. V44 toe UW14 &"a arest't low6r pirloss, whildvio *As 90 yet It COAL .#Wvy*� voto for t&*Is mid 0, P. a. at the MM16 0 I's 6f age- 11021,deit b1s: 'Ast "tit"41ty- Where 6116 111tefids tak- 019 * ftbt*6 In 01M Tbr6fit6 ()Gnserva IrOtt MAY 1001c the 'Whole world totl� mo MI%Vltfg "tft poftts' Bit btdth" And two Alltft* tbr)rbf Mgtgamt UoOd. over and yoft will hot find a tue. 0 P lot bill" T&om); of (Iti ti*ot sunda;v with her ct"ftll 1)0011*66 w9d wh* I# not it ergigned will be Pleased Ur. 'R. 61wt the .0 4t, 00d*kb sohoul(l tft� Ith'o *lft� b"tA, te "a 0, P. it. of �he und T"9 MILO)& wolwro. wftt xli"ti HOW,-4AWfti7otW. mAvkr. to atipply g"yone wishing,jo Jay X&7ot' R� 10 *110 IIAS b"ti *orklng In 9. LiVo V*fc' l!0#tA*6#,hd Gmtortk#t, W�.ft 9 U11 U04t4o be t X6 it". mifthlln !h=ton's t000 in � 0 14"07 ti) hAvi tbo it) So milltatlow. pt#, Gkit, And X61 W. a, e 0,660 f0v stitao 41me hisow1nteros Supply Of Hatd Coal, AVA OotitAV T ftoovrA tollit1k, tw it 'VA1rt.1%AU , (2F A militl* feto friun F*ttfun 14. St. mr, Grab* in UtUed t6 lils ftriie it, Port Albert no persisvlit ttl your advtoiAtig L In 4Whot I I �ft of 860tift nnLrVPRV. -'%A- s**I**4,d6hs t6. tt�, " Iftalstoil try looid Dun. i b* 61' t Nowt Eldee t0eir.: V$), SO or% xdtldity�-Mlgw Amy, 4" W004 k1d, and. tbo taltim t 8� on IWOnds; J*A#0We0*d AA tho h". #44tt,961111fia done mouNts 6f th" Wfar att*bd6d t� troog ho"le P*1*i W W*4,V*, 0,0 00,00D P414.111hi by tho 0"Ik4 A x"I defonc** of eitt" "1 0411 11 "Pok .0 Tult 6imlittell STAR, witIt S"Vll� CL"-ftNVv on r 'to Trul K -1 ery "d-twic'ehar 15 of 1:116 =kM6 wit #A0, U04 N600114% t A 4ii VOT-Wed for To t"Id fl If h r or erto tOk Its ArAtt ft (,h# (4) A, 4 a64 *0 his %woo, 0(it A it ft'' "I*. '16rm ft I of bvok*Vftft** total tirmitle. jmu Y. the 4 JU 1 � 4*46 it toWn on WAN4 aoiveaC4, I A