The Goderich Star, 1904-10-21, Page 7k I..... ... .. . IBull . ....... D1 9"U180011TY, 11 Allow . 1, I., "..* . - xxp No* %*A* **Ovto M. 03.kiolnry VO4 run V10"'i PDX" 01" govoxo. firm*11vil 4"Wow INOA rouvw i ow "d 'W Voxm Olt =0041M. .0h ogot X1,9fW*qA ot xoov, Wks, .4. W,ipIt At '91V 1A 01. 01 9*tw x0v Vow WU 04�r I 9* *04littlax *00A t;xtssmop Wa* 14 A4 tal, VIA It4 (.%4=00t, two ot um" tA t4 oglic9vogo thii ban fU*t ioutft 9,t OLU which will grot a-,Tbero wro 0, K14111% Imthv# I* *0 tuo; tbo, 444 )Ktigioto* 4ro of Uoy, it;r hiS 004 lug* pooblo t 9411 � TUA xxv". u0ply, Ot co;t Or nox oprfio 90%upillis 114010, "tho. V-A. tooro Is" *04 I t9tr%loy, U* Alt 111,044o' 190& A I, stlr�ery of Ight, who 6#1P 1#AW - flits '0;nptjqA froxii thl toq# tQ t49*0 who short Cgreer of 00 Mail Who I W 9W *.tq,0#A 414's .004 -- "Zotto; ot40 Ww '%�tihtlW SUM is Ad _*4 9f` Utk a or," 949, i 9 tA tu thw Otty Council. M114 W&A ­tbo, 1volf-ill IA. b tving brook the SI gops U4c o A., At I # IntlIttArs IN44 A0 Those *..grd* W06' Mkl I tRI, ano: 14 priq 4 aegbiwri sqAkilog P two, YqoL rtWI) It #W� 044loo o. fowim 1404 10VOR PW., altli, eats. up In. pl�Qla; A Me" Of JUptla, that I t nsin- soiltte, A'9 #14 . woo �Oqvs vogall; �`, oh %149 best the s1cla, a 00AW �tcll .0. not 11114. ftm t1it, r lad a on 10 " to loathsomeaves. ye4l lti� W 1�.tty� po'OhAO P1104 to The VildOrbriket- Of 91 04 there, I* s, groatt� Avoii'A'AA TO_ thtrA, lusilt: thox Awo, ire 01. I I For Pluses, thougli he could`briuil iFor 10.4 'to TWO auke, Intom" arawn, 44 orropy. 004 Jitratty. has voutured so far so, 3 19449;x health to hundreds. %%,us WM4 the. 40, Njobq�, AlthoiO44, nlq� A* XII14% had �Vondltrful to Induele 4 chair of young whistlers victim of a complication of III$ , eases. �AW -0�Mtstio;, �jq,4 f , , * of tb.*- Ailliq .154h, a unlque sy441A Ott 'QuolvilliAll ovhis 4jVqsttVq Ito, ow 0440 of '9, lorvw, "tt Vs as Inado their 4p- or s)a 4 of Into his. church. At 00t, bQw4IVQr, llid� 19 HIS, beart, gta � 40449 iAt -9*, Ilmilit whta..ther whistlers wdtaQrfted'� thut 14, !0*9st Im Q kA olore. tells the %kight te. �! . loylgr4ho "Uppor onl� lik th# ch4060 r9 11W govliq" nof the potailtiag bad tiMlis, cO'AA%B- OW0, c Lys, in the aller and the bg lCell, At telice of' e toolt his doctor's og A "ifi qw0a 104at joveral of the C6091"09"t On J011" ribagorit University in to 01 t otiolip, the V414 al, . Is 1800 Iit ;Q A TP W; 0 llhiilr4 leht was toon t4tr", eare eltd-OWittre, 4 r4morlit of)M9,410 19,4A " W't X jo� understands fro u rrW 114O.W. t, log - -Ot 0�s 4*04 0 It 90 V 9 V 113 o 0 t e1i %he time, gitlo di%thrigilt little heed tho spgoylv to Vito vr� to thil itlynow 1 heI; ditcord that many'Of th ladles 141t 4. at his Pucticing., his *q ; l,w& o If 47A40w, call, waa� no hop 401no JR e ong and another. 14sus, pro�esalon. "th ven, 0 ththe vl�jj Wwl It, A4, tq. be, h9p'-�d, I We"ri r;FIIAqq'Zr*W twoo '; halls from La province in Coattal, %at not be tile 045a start- tO rw q bp sprM4 po A c9l, p4lichIng, a new Vol of Wav1114 enota ever, t b that 40 3ormit. 14 iin or to 0, more o t Owhen, the congregutitla, become )Bid tbo world frolu CoPe"ILig It- with I$ t�,, MI 44' bour.. to: the needs, 9f the. UUM! *lj beocimes 0 'g Vg J.ton, 40_0 amvpritlimlii� o"444"U00 44. UES TRAINER'S METHODS, *0 e conditions. tht. urillouracellient that in certain Illist century. the Us of It Hants, own1r. Wilhelm Von Osten, 0460pa" OLD BY WEIGHT� eruptlyp diseases like stuallPox it Ltll ismot ,rp -4 1; Vince, ex- 00 gngq;,, Ltt"�P#A (to I . Ono 00ABOn. not so IOUs -halred. with cin rays of light; wairg her 0y, An Idisting,piwhed. but to All old man, white it ArA tuteir wells Afl is 'the Ilnea, yes alka, lb)YV Street Was taken by lohlifollablO tdn- ed the fostilop of charging the cUto- lmost every OIMVQ 11-�q lot" In SQ114 , flAing Chicago tailor ba� start but the I At tIe Or, *,UQ to lIzeyWo , I luflultely pt%tient look in his old o cludeki from trio uutlent's room there On oqi�ro=n Join $W94eu, O*car II, �14 I stertlog ho4oll, a Elptlyed led would be no soppuratitan and at) atib- Ito t fMors by weight. The custoluo is Hoilok mo* :we *Pts who begal —a milln to Whom the Of 41d As Apnos a man O line back, than 1818, wine and spirit merchants, Two aQ. I%IXA the Liguye hp,;kowu Sequent disfigure,111011t, w ie 4apikt NIL I0 Circus trislaIr are ittok eill OI& jowt�,, 134 I e dial ih the price he has to and t,6 Mqgbol, Bernadette, cl�e of P %home aristocratic tricks of th CURE, 0,10 LI)PUS. , tl*� tellooncyla were among There is nq lrelel,� th '-nts comill— I'Lla Ppil. 06 ot, 04 who Was JUMP94 IS. all t, who ASP repulsive. clothes. d a oung barone er 041 anitiq mapt,iorfit; W, 010111 I begewoll" Other vxporlui may bi, V0414zled. Iso.44 tht 91 f by his was, r and prifietiped by Will,, NvllkVh PV' lot It's aphy by Strikers thn,t till, blue and uctilkic rLLYS. sw�alshX 'throne I tan600'. It' 10 Illot 1�wl_ he vii 00 of *WeAvo, "tbotdato, o � tuo 4A aa figured as an autho Oqn bill, . � , " L " has sirm 0 no --is by lil-wor ItI ki" Aor"Ori t UstavuS playwright. was said to I v d ' V01 'unovat on' 0 he ItIp, 400rifineineut of G %& a MA Hans undergitando. Mums 10 the rek The 40 Of Photo Pickets PU- WhICh include -,iolet and ult"a-ViOlet- 1� about; it the Oki. a Ott Atgn, Wt, 'will bAl p at !lower 0 suit of four years of garnkst Schillylific is reots an -ays to Ina.vo Unv pli�&- Qa of JPI 4 his Ilgency, The trolling ,the at Try 41 $11101i are the Only I sol(Ay. %10 gr'4401; oopultwl 4 to rainifilixe. Ver M0,000 by applied to' the de01011mclat ct upon tk XIA, is' pelyi throne at 11111190 ff tile Pr tightpess, of Midne has � -Iiad pedagogy 'S 3u4i the Mighty hun- `aOMmU`U1o%ilOJf,Is� A �T40 1g, again at an unimlil's mind, came in. thus they tire ablo Air F. 04 ,ince he wine gencies bet one of Hans' ifts, is 0, keel' OYO to to, a an the battle of MAO�YgAfhhap, hick, , lqj�ll be 44011Y t course, of intensely moiI origin' iltnouns photograph clude those CllelaLFul I'll lroul gidi 'and,,j, .0 and�'oaqjly WrI 'thigliky popular, And several of 00 -'rottilly, ox pui lk,, t It,% the mded, In I oserl 'Instunta 1.�QrL Of b AI wali, at, To)n Junpago W tten'. only In 19$7 (Ud the,pro4ent Pt tice, work- rouni of I, suilitIll) I,Vp me6ftilly, they 'to , 1. icend LL4 ad to,, Shape and 11toness, So C4 rtailis, and the voun,e But wit existing, ltv- :r- erdinand of Coburg, af AIOXU largo breweries are now, repreitent d tjiut ADS, Tlime portraits fornk u. "black: use of reli cu ratLiOn, Of Ills teacher develotie tills isltursDr Finsen next 1114(le 0'sPerI4leut"3 namoL "Zoalou Interotlonal throme. gn ttiq AP ladies and gentle- ba of tho 'PiU41 Qd 00 W9 to $wlt- in Ian I , )TI In town by titled he call hcogrilm mail by their photo school he �liion Be, may ble-, 6�0011, andar of Sasso 4iQ It entice lor0igner nit at uecenow, and a decidedly - lillitt itut buctarl- t[3�"'Jorth 41'J' h6j,ly Suppose there are six men JeAry, , rC leallousigs add agorcia, to Bulgaria. Motor agencies tire another moans raphl". roles text is thtlt Of which com inced hill) IdroWg upon all, her ray., Swit- t t Evoll , I !tgriditzg An it raw before 1 -lane. Lot oip Ocidal stiltinjilf, got . qq, IrAther staTtlied, the worth Nq LEOlio or BELGIUM by which ItippecvniptAft 1%r1sl;9qrats are 0, action of tight was 1111lited to .9. That cOAtOx1t1OI1­­i9� as--cer"" slon by junlilling into erhap* the 0iA.tVIq#, most lacipwn- LID them allied 1, 2, 11, 4, 5 u6d 6. .Oxn Ulm 1) heuource B 'zero on one occa �� AOIdeas- that augmenting their income, and I'll- In Herr Vtin. Usten'S hands aro L tile It, appears Itai as apy 1-4ptherd4tic-41 t.rukh. ut -clad in top-bodts And �aat la�gUdgo is all admirable and popular monarch Steil Wals to the uly comes down the % S. Tito nx, effort would the 11hinel, iqh be, -had it to spoken ati thelf "tive his Royal line a menve commissions are, offered to in- ographic likenesses of these Uleu:l wrinkle lit, rol"OvOld - 11-011% electric light ILL Oat. . A, juck wil. e from Prince Ruential sticlaty people '%#ho will un- 0 UP, one I fit t UcQ at It �All by a tnd twenty but art, He holds I a illd powortul 1881, whon1le =up and ig for an incl'U'AVO fee 'hich the actinic 3'u,,h Were c EX'IIATI$T THE NATION ad fallen Into' thq river ted c photograph uCO 0 .0 mtlllon� People, 4114 to the lingua of Saxe­Coburg� was king �dertake to push certain moto.r " asko Mans. "Who" ptcLurO 1% tblu?" of $15. It comts abolit $4 'to have WIthOu.t be la's he wanted to get 'it out. of rUled Stifto of Bel- llugent" has become a as that It noilting it And Russ east, self-advex,tised And the s toot Hans, indicat tail of One's favorite (log frizzed. oiniLuenced his Phot0- )rary weakness Oxio of the I franca �f edu4 e nuisance in the best clubs that com- With hi 'rile doctor c IAL R,IVALRY, photograph by three heats, klin iety, about tI tillent in oil en Wnpit u temptation. to grant men is 11rofessor Routgpirt, who CqMAWRC glum. many cases been is NO- 8 Ix beats, una 80 on. �lly, fashionable see t of progressive therapeutic treit would operate a's Loters, this - iM- Newer still 18 the oilgin of the plair-ts have in atest novelty I% tha cn �Le of luptis. With o make thell* als,76vered the marvellous rays which howevet, obvIOUSly­r in it is or No. a's by's . enterprising is It to broonceived that RO I Fam!ly of Greeco,',us only triade. From one peer -agent E. dining parties. A chung so tkes place tit cacti cour aw bear his 11011110. The professor possibl a CAN TELL THE TIN 0, of Partners —a hand-ious concent.raUng tho raNA .voices heard. Now w are Aghting no rviewed, ilemer ausslaAs, Germans and French would I�L did the present dynOtY aSSUM0 ow poSSJbI1 to buy or borrow 'Ill. For in- the red oot oil' g body dares cry has never been Into the car and a colffiplete motoring cos- �Xpan alone. and r . torlteeance bit banguetted, and be has even te- givo E r(glanO suef, % propondering ad- Power without having ever had He has been taught the clock tiolautti, who takes a with tume and outfit, and thlo business is fine Is his eyesight that he can di&- Lance, tile gen filtex0 out throligh Tat..por will any imuleng vantagoi in co#imerco, as would of bor Less An "a" be relnot�sj political' conn,69tiba 0011, b7its with blue young proj . or our the ensuing negotiations ad sums at raoney offer 4 T a Present King bringing his lordsliip a remuneration tinguish hour und minute harld�. ail lady into the I tuonth 'ju. hi , tL -So, As soul' e., ,,is first p%tiouA in six brooked In ad m by Plibilibers for a, book On caused z,by the Cdo0tiOn at English as their s bject olman. numerals only during the soup coul peace., Iall it we attempt, not �o of 'advertisement, of 04- GW'o PPGr";0,�Js,the 0st King Of of over $25lOOO a your. has learned the It for a xasail p -uppishneas it. "Whitt 80 the course IS finished, the host*ss kind Saw helI til"O"O grow merely to detoat butt to suppress Jft� what he himself: modestly styled �'a icate negotiations 7 'andt 4114 thl; son of the King A curious result of hard from the dial of a watc rk, other states Interested iri the now kind of ray," Though Sixty, tracts, :of del xk. In 1868 PO Oreolg in society is the remarkable Increase time is it?" uskq Herr Von. Osten. sounds a little gong, and the geritle- tin the lltcO Pato�hols where tile and almost in card -parties. Those who do not holding his watch before the borse'n Man rises Iti order to take his Place lit hall colonized and euten up Carl east will vigorously urge* their he caMcd his years gallantly, and answePis hardly doubtful. of Vertme right to be heard, and a Russia, I k like a man, who has W Why oot return then to Latin? It were without a matnarch,!, the Post care to recruit their finances by ey les. Lot us suppose it it' I'alf-I)Rst by the side of tilt) ,text lady tit the Skin �Iumj,4 coximuldca- nanhhously elected ill -se, he IN succooded by -light Cure is flow a car life than one who was ankle the me, r Hans gives four beats with of coul itc, a "O u td Great ritain, the adapting trade resort to the card- four, I tablo The Fillson weakened by the losses. (InAncial, mil" has ii�pent he whole of his ma.uliopol tion boween, all learned men. .But Prince Alfred of ance at how this his hoot, then pauses, the" six more the -next gOntlen"I its ench I"an C0111111011 -place of till contillorlLs, itfWy a�d ia Ievery 4hoolboy knows tat even Elf- late Duke of SAko-Coburi;. The POs- table, As -art inst t tile minute hand a %40 It. is that eaell though 10 the ituagiliation it IN stilt phibicAl pro 'elected for is done a nobleman whose affairs beatS to show thil Q�Aisrtlkw �thpir tor elgot year#' qtildy, he woul atil,� ktiou Wai� pot t h0wever, F ons at the What � '9164 ftim �.4,ig�jtf'pare4t., .ad ter consulted his most lady will ),live a - ight at- nine poirtnerK It brollaht Lit ;would nd 130 has passed over six divisl hanges tits seat It thing. . i IfilAs -Olt� sol- I"' w. to the -We "can Pu , W Drummond Wolff, Ulie Jmve dt odAi 6ft the thioric pass Iof as dial before it has reached VI. during the, course of -the dinnor. tlIomL' itistitnt fitillo ry. Mculty.- 'ad over t6i the Prince Intimate l.en to whether he brought hilit diers into the f1014, 000ble Or, ty0blo olltinguislii Ambassador, used o it is, 4,F whaVam-thd NO; the da of GOO�ge of Schleswig-Holstein. Should file his petition. Is It not goiiig too far to say that V tow , poopie tire nwtiro that Coponlitugam tioctor. It the number of our battleships. carry possess a wonderful dog. This area- the Darby favorite. ates bacX far answered his friend. "of Werst,nds fractional? His y "No," Huns, ui N01131.1knidlitJ 'Port winle is tha�, finelit tbo Nobol Priy faiLet,,, to past; it ,, to. olln'Wl(lul, For an Empire that III , 11 the got. 111W. the OT1Q1Al'Q,9Q,44try' turla wag the bast-ImUraftered little *l- dit or. "whose civil- !our not? I'll see you through, astor draws it white,chalk-line on a true that tho of which ;Ie dovott'd to thal, institute i -,As—.xUoans thal- ICMft a line til- in the world. It is it brought WILL , low in the world. He seemed Ito i and it JsAoo 4rrogula:V�t 's have a card -party." hlackb6ard, then divides th -d in the island. he hall founded. and continue it till be oues� -'have assimilated the good-breoding.of of communication of ideas on COM- ization Jig thousands Of years older Let ifia party was arrung- t� hahlos. thirds, quarters. etc., by wine 113 ot product Nv hich he wt%s too on any terms, but the time and man political sub -1 than our own, the Chinese dynasty Accordingly, is fill- but it is ripened there. ey requisite to accomplish all this'tho gi�andce from whom Sir H04rY mercial, scientific and earll,u�bfng of it ith him in Inati, is Simply marvellous to 011JOY 'S� a simple, commOn are little more than modern up- ad, and, as D, result, the noble _ of the all would enfeeble our vital Powers to S' 'got blux in $Pat". who Land go.. 14. I, ad 11 line like Lot 'FN One day, it � is jcts. thorefod 3 b Until. beautiful D IT. is a desideratum. starts. For the Toing family, tied $80,000 in two nights, Ino PC 4 (111E INTRODU12F statesman could can- I said. '-when the presence Of many regular language In Que011 intru degree which no ,a �Wcn Mader hold swa at present. only calue the crash was averted. dd ducod the Wolff to target Several attempts hav mariltItil iriessing Hans, he saidi The i% -' template with serenity'. ClerWitilY W guests caused Lady am I � - visions have I LI1n4o in NIILLOW AND I t 11"" illuit which those feAtO cannot' IIIII dinner, the dog, too well -conduct- Some years ago Volapuk was Invent- -to power in 1648, and were, fir HARD -UP HAND -READERS. -Ions I -sit olonlents olinkilutt0d. first FluStin 101111) "I I'll 11C npon eighteen months . er I ad to whine or obtrude itself in un- F ather Schleyer, a Roman -the Chinese Mandarin point of vi Last year It titled grocer started this line?" beat five tituits all hat Lin yours lAi riPtin tilt' hats brought forvoit blastArIgs be adliloved, and no power, howev ad by heard of "La vulgar usurpers of Tartar origin, I ronttho ry, could wage a Reentl fashion, business In the West End, and is at -ill with his hoof. it takes about t I II lem 9 ant solvent of milit4l went to the garden Catholic priest. I have MILY Hans urierbtandR the IntriLuCieS 01 best kinds of wine, but settle Willem her heall froul I With bit off a Ito g ITALyLs Roy" FA He spent three months .1. only a few lutrents of chi (treat threatened or, and, returning, laid languae blouc," but I have not seen flourishing. cXCopL leave the war like ours for five or six y xJVVolff's feet. The dovrer it. IU name 'does not command it. roicery do- the German language, and Island tifl.t. found- tho lifelong in("stigkkre Ulell I without disastrous consequences it at Lad I must also be included in a list of -soleing things" in the g I or- that he spells phonetically he cut) years of treatment. ho New 071 was a forget-me-not, There arO many others; has any Ono newly-maide ace -holders. Their partments of large Stores as at time 813011 any word. land port is found to bo of great of tho Ifer hluiawt - N our well-being at home'and our Pre 0 D'upuy, whose remaI come to Stay? I think: Es�erantcl tenure of the frown of United Italy dinary assistawt, giving" his �v,LaLtetl tilt. ift.4ittotint, uf her tige abroad. , Two years. Is the ut-1 Mile. Marth rtlw�icintll usal. (topenhagen atild 'veil most limit to which such a ampaign able volume Of sonnets has just won III It is so simple that -all Who dates from 1961, when Victor Eln- in return for the ingtruction received all drinks, hOW- c0ulltr�ukull 'It r t a Prfile, have (any knowledge of French or ises. The Most novel Of t1lo without 1911vitg the quveted. Sully Prudhomm manugl II., King of Sardinia. as- and then opened his own Prom � (I s protracted sttic. � When ten Latin rodto can read It- It Is Pat*- sumed it. prior to that Victor Was Lit, is now patronised by numbers of MINERS' MEDICINE ORE ever, is I'liquid b0tishine," The dr�nk Ntlien the QuIwIl. tilcil L'r""`e"�R till Can be lasting truces, On the lives. in art years Madt, its first uppearancu during title W baneful and old she could neither read nor write. fectly vegular, andett lis'pretty. The the King Gully of a small territory, his peers, and is Soon to Open, up octure I beforo it Wales. pati(l it \iqii to state organism of the bolligelonts- inflected lan- PPRTIES coUrsO Of I% 1 III in 1909, She 9110ke ly developed Into a Post ilea is not to form an which in turn, his ancestors had He- another branch. to London "And the question which it ))a- but ultimate do -cly meeting of the is Office clerk. After eight years' ser- guage, but so far as possible to Sicily, Of I'alinistry was the resort of Doc OF RADIUM. s properties of., hooves us now carefully to stifoly d health away with inflections. i 'It Is almost which he was previously King- Be- 'ladies one season, and it was this, learn bout the marvollou I'lle phy-ichlola ire to be iletialed by vice shig retired with shattere Her incredible that the whole essential of radium. he lectur-roorn Was sonlowhat Iwhat advantagesi I 1 an,enthusiasm for Poetry. fore that, Victor Amadeus was mere- which really gave impetus to I to. Crow CIS Anxio—us to Work In I darkened, and ginfisell of the liquid refusing to make t�.rms Much Oarlier. en. tortly be Published under grammar of a language an be given The Ise of the present popularity, Over thirty ar- This question, in another form, was. block will S1 I : ly Duke of Savoy. tied to their Mines Where It is to Be shine tIvaro handed I-Oulld, whilo thol- "Idylle on Flours." All the In a paragraph, but.It Sllvv family from obscure dukedom istocratic palmists ad I that itair- fit, - clearly put and frankly answered at thatitle, Found. clilained the critilpos tig�itvd A -lit Sonnets are after Virgil, Theocritus, NONE TFIE LESS TRUE. to th, of one of the great incomes by hand reading. [and at oil- the professor e) Of �e c "bazaar" A sninil por- incoil the adjectives I Radiumite is tilt' Du fluorescent the outset of thomar by Ili group and 'Anacreon, although she knows lowers la��One It !the phenomena of most every "at home" and me which has tion of the ,level drink. whose khoWledge of the At one stroke half tly to the _Wa � ,)a&- tl(yu of esculin, which Is f Its COIIII'lt'le public men, -,nothing at Greek or Latin except away with- There IS no h,stcl, . 1. be found titled Platonist wI1O 1146 . and pp-eallkgrl Igive. to a -tl—gl ml 1-1 was dissolved ILL was greater,than their in of are done it each gItIN-4 subject whut, she culled from the pages it is I'malbons.." imagination. told one's fortune and pocketed, a Seaming pecullar medicinal properties, chern-icul, thill SIX, fluencer' To -day it Is balllg� word for "bud," " It nounced that Queen large fee. The occult sciences are which is being found in several of tht� filled with writer. At the bottom of Sell Ink"p for tho list) of the hu"Ott" TXCKLED BY OTHERS, Leednto de LIale. ad- no word for "slowly, When it was an i'gel\,,% resorted t Wha' c011- This generous uly"r wits, of Mr. Spencer Charripgton who so Dot go - Moll is a matt, Wilhelmina of 14olland would marry always lit a when see- large ini I the neighborhood of Mach glass was [a minute gait f ilekwt-tilent was twenty-' is "ImliLlrepide." "Ho -y at Mechlenburg" Jelly is suftWing from financial do- 2�est it tuini:Ig it ulinutt, portion Butte, on ana. Startud -IiIN hosd-ItInowledge and, power stand to pluclelly et out the receni Brtish ­homoj ram (pronounced LLOMOY), it is easy, luerarive, and Ioil It l'ut that orse relations, Who six hours' sod6runt of the the womam. "1111, bOM­18cbI opinion generally regarded pressiOn. diggers employed ja rlIdl, , This, by its act ')It each other in iry nd House of Commons, is eighty-six, "In homino" . imi UOUdeocension on the- iI for no elaborate establishment For ioars the of scolin, caused the cOntul-ts Of I ho One 111111, V. are becoming alive to its urgency a exited the Mile Rind txXOJ­ the women. Not is "ne,' it as an act of leit The Germad This reason there are nearly ninety the mines there have been aware ow in the durkened rou'll Of 1,1,1%,ite donors has silli- getting acquainted With Its 'various and has repties ne haveLs andkon. - I have Dot a part of her Maj nY. their part, re- well-known and fashionable persono the presence of radiumito In the glass to 91 rink (a tollst wil" Lit"' of 'he itdivision of Tower Hamlets in the princely family, 0 workings, and have become acquaint� in this interesting al 15 n 110%% elements. They are 1;egleming to per a interest for nineteen friend aIns the voca- who are augmenting their resources two of its pecullarl-,droinod to the far-gras I Science. tho I ondolI Hospital is can bold out long Conservativ Of course, there rein garded it as no small condes�ensloll calve that Japan to bear the years. He is a member of the fam- I r stock to unito him- by Palmistry, phrenology, or fortune- ed with one or esting novelLY i4 that wlWtt nollItIer of I&L111119 enough to compel us aim ous i nd despite his bulary. but anyone who knows I for 'one of that modern telling bv cards. t I e.s. med I' A very ti.ter latest directory f 0 — longer If our great age-, to Vitill hLIe and heafty I little' Frer�ch or Latin can guess it self with so comparatively n;us racing knight has bought hey called It - cino re" OULI, to be found in the III the direCtory strain very much and What Of those who do not? Well. it , RyI family as that of Holland- A [at hich ''rheumatism rock." and havol, been the city (It -%let'- is to cripple her permanently, I, politician. Pat I lament n ssem in the habit of carrying bits of it In file IIUUlC9 Of luarried ENE will miss h when he does retire, is pretty Certain that an English Far while the Me6lenburgs trace two pawn -broking bilsi e - w t f to convince and a keel Gonseric the Vandal, he intends to carry on uhder his di- rhuR object im child could be able to read. Ppenk their descent to r pockets at till times. They be- indictit-1 Ly an asterisk then, that the pursuit of that for he is one of its most faitfiful at- common western empire, it, rect, supervision. Ile ties reFently thet for miners' I, .0 will entail the removal of formidable g -room of and write it. For ell the who ravaged the incurred heavy losses on the Stock lieve it N u sure cure stomach is that lo%t-SICII d"Ill"'i" a' THE VIEWS OF COMMISS obstacles, which lie wholly outside texidants, and in the readin words are retained. TelegrafC, to- the fifth century,. FAMILY Exchange, and a sp�li of exceptional- consumption.- rheurnatisill, to see Whatho, S 11 chanxt, fur IS . ODA. sur- the House there is a particular arm- I III lemonade, Tozo, H ham ailments, kidney diselese. and various thatin. A brief to th" 11"gen es the battlefield, and cannot be chair which is his prescriptive right, bako, POSto, let tliemselives. KOm­ of Orange only assumed the title of 13, hold luck on the course, and I of the directory wilt Show their' if thl- to No. orn of sekillstao. explain his plan to restore kilo post- nervous dis,orors. a, Wil Devote Theinselv or money. Be- devised t The Butte medicine ore possesses loved on(. i,4 starred; if he I, th" - I hand, it is becoming and which no one else ever dre Stick, to begin; acept to accept—inany King, and Royal rank In 1815. Lion and credit. A gawe and poul- tional System of Physical On the other appropriatiDg. roots are found i e quality of emitting a dan,s lov, IF; iii-stoirred. It is fluit" clear to them that a peace arrangeed I The career of Sir Thomas Barham words with Latin fore that, the Orange position w as try shop is the method of aricither the Strung city Culture. months hence, I is would in Esperanto the same as In English, silliplt'. for ally ulaiden of thel The renewe lubstancv, or - is warting not or late Dr. Smiles that of Stadt-holder, a kind of Pre- to make money, while brilliant light tinder very slight INC- 10 eight en twenty one that the d attempt to create a belted earl -class restaur- tion by Rome metallic 9' .See Whether sit, Nly witheJapan embittered. but not ut delighted to have held up age dates froln 1000, �sidential office brily. yet another brim a firat rectjolls� th, ideit ivay be Ilwould be but an armed have been inple. Many people living univer-Fal langu Much IS heard of the glories of the ant over which he presides In persoul even with S..,finger-riail. The light terly defeated, the year of the Parle Exhibition. , Hohenzollern family, of which Wil- is Called a cold fire" because thero )vIIIg by other "tun "_ IaPPIN- tru*e, to be followed by another and Is an exal - I its orth Col. iI In Hampsfeald and Its neighborhood from many nations t, Is ab!)ulutelY no heat to it. an( th,, acqui— C p'ign in a few as a milk- Many individuals, liam II., is the prevailing ornamc Bamars lot- charities are promptly - palitles. Io-m-rg� t , more sanguinary cam ,a can remember him hen, the met there, and were dumb; tbov had but only in 1701 did the family at- is "hard digplayR are rrI brilliant under wa N( V.S y rs. led his cons rouril entailed whenever society APPLIA nd % es, wun, he carr no language in common. Foll6wing take kingly rank, having pre%Iw4Y tho pres,ril. "Therefore, the alternatives with he could see far bo- 1 to- up,1, md their place is taken by tor than out of It the French 'A 'JI, district. JB*t . d in time had on a lecture by L. Leau, a e0mm held the obscu.re position of Mar- at which MIGHT CoIsTAIN RADIUM, cunKid-'rilig till' "id"" Igt-w-LI ,I 3 will) is confronted can a the ed ori- Paris 9 llwhich the Either the I y nd his aailY task ton wao appointed to consider home industries exhibitionk) Easy be formulatdol thus. a0milk buftiness oi his own. ThIE: graves of Brandenburg, obtain, it is reasonable to charge orgarlisa- Wbl,, the scientists 'Ile l'AP Will I uesitl f the possibility of a unt- glUally by purchase in the fifteenth . O' was but the steppLng-stone to Cox'- 0 Onage and to decide which tion and other expenses. These have, making their wonderful experinwntla "l)"" I, thut tile 4 1" LUI lottlull The su" ruin of Japall, purchased by ruinous �r .1 JoIng century. As evevybody knows, the Isacrifices, or a treaty of cordial tinne Success, and his happiest van- f the ciflimnts should be recominen- enormously increa-ed tiu-ping recent with radiula, it occurr""d to it ", I,,,, r wed b� it a - - "Pl In of HolionlIkollerns only rose to imperial n3 it in notorious that at t1lat the little lu"IlJs Of collcine shOuill LTt ly Sd in the n ded. Their preliminary conditions I Ifriendship. t6 be fOIIOWC ture was the establishment of one OL milk companies. rank, as German Emperors, after the Ow the expenses practiciallI3 rulght contuin th., rarp element applialic" great ness of time by that offensive an I the big London � : (1) The language must to"" war with Fran e, in 1871. It is,tof a% ery all (ire . W, alliance which for Vears'whie to were of ordinary life. An C he equal the rocalipts dis00%ered hN the and I,, t1lut of t1int ui,ed in t1W I th. 'tat'll, hall .11, with its (arms convenient t for the cLIIeS defensive credit and th( rhe rww njuillitil, ul it the milk market in the Itho requirelZnts course, only to the 0 ARISTOCRATIC AUCTIONEER"i Way CLCCOUII Itwo Itio 1. We constituted the ideal of the Japanese greatest that rare thing—"a .11 Via 0 morce and science; (2) Holienzollerns that they have so rais in Whic goerntrie.n.t; Between the roads lead- world, RUPohed it must be so easy as to present no ad themselves in the world, and are. There are five titled house and es- Inith Of thi- inluerB, . Ill't no Sir Geor ere ie% when til- I t I%,- 'If t h, Ing to t tv go Ba kty for average The first of FiraIll SjIeCiUlells Of tile l be. lo -alt, living rupturvol, III 0 rat goals there is long-folt won activelv diffiell Europeans; (a) therefore. seIf-made monarchs, but Late agents in London, and writ to Paris and other gival Urs- As the problem stands ham has yet found time to n O it is only fair to any that the major- these began business last year, blyotg III feels Ito patio third course. charitable it m les, but while reports wt -re "'! ..... to -day, so it stood last January. and Interest himself in many THE LIVING LANGUAORS- it of the obscure princes of Oer- was so successful that the remaining tox 11, the,), 11 I),*, 0, It The ulj1)iiciion,4 of it it o, sted and philanthropic objects. It tht- four followed in rapid succession. awaited fro 1), 1111111oil..,l, A wirelcf;r itlast year, but Unhappily it intere to Attempts are now being made to many could give them points I I The pioneer is now making $33,000 u ant, of Ijutte. L,ecautiq interested III to 'hose who lackod the power - miner. und lle ('on- phi(. trf- only 4 get the Associntlor, of Acadernies, or matter of lineage. we year. 0 Ily one of them has added tife Nto�r� u( Ilic Ol SUpElLSTITIOE. -rluipTits I, .1-11 Lit, 11"ll S ' ve At present it is being at- THIBETAN learned poclefLies, to take up the Bearing in mind these facts. n of auctioneer. which, ducted it series of expi, Itentively studied in rinarters where I,,$. to object Of should not be so reddy to laugh to the busi else Lion ith the ultima yling however, Ile finds more lucrative than an entirt-IN. difforent deed and will follow each other at the Sun, Ing'the various Governments to scorn the French gentleman st only by He IiitI.... .. Ixrory short intervals. And as tile Strange Beliefs About lnduc r 'and to Make himself Emercir of the Sahara. Ile his agienc3. no longer pop- I it I'll. kfata for sound -opinion are abundant Moon and Stars. move In the Matta , ter all, only doing to -day what Insurance oigencie� at there ull� bujois for th(i LI Of Ierhaps he language S' cOmPulsorV subject In .is of ith soiI and are n-u%v rnrely I the inincria that the tnodicina ore' c,tms- -k @Lr.d available, It Is Possible, P The Thibetumsl have nurnberlegs schools. 'Should that be successful, many very imposing monarchs havet ular w ry araNthing land 110 I)Vg1lo loLII,.Ilt if) fit.. 1l'JI the most iml,iI could ro ........ Peace will be arranged the most curious am , a to da% accepted II hl� ttllprobable, tha . t. strange myths, one, the next generation will find th - d n ys not s I o very long ago. 1,, populnr IfIVestigiltiUll of it soomer than most p&)ple Im pertaining to the sun, moon and to communicate freely )OUR in increasing IIagille. Salves �able 1.y i)L- L.(I curom in Itars. of augmenting tile hicollill" I tIllIBut, so I remarked In the beginning, The sun Is believed to be an w Ith each other. from the North ANTS I-lAvr, rlvF. Nos'-ls- -ill it) "o"144 1119 111*1 n Of Altilosi withOu I I.... .. ldh� pshot -of media- 8 f and fatJ Cape to.01brallar, from GalwaY to in their antennae, or feel-rm I.f s Corning an ngt 1) it will not be the v bell Or round. inen and tSpirits of departed an-, �ras its jewpilers and djuniond Inerchants tion, but of a spontaneous arrangL whereon the Odessa. Fnirly rapid progress if; 1�nve Ilvo noseq. each of whIch %%(.ItN per cent. call, Ile 1,11,14.1.01 cl,I fill it I", .. ..... I ant IlIotween tho two belligerents, castors are Supposed to least, the being moide: no fewer than 150 q0cl- own duties to perform. One of I large, benefits it. nnil could not lit" I" 0,. ra utters which they are with a membership of n. hol ut (If tthill it touching Upon m light being caused by its heated call- ties, Tna y fill , en a Stars are portions of tells the ant whotber It k its Its 01,41 thu demands of the vtork art, not ridicul-i 1 o...... .r 'I - tmpet4itt' to dWido without - Th ;t t_ -urative its Well I,q at %VbIIl 14 lI, ditiorl. .6 thousands have been formed and the. i or at of an anotriv; :11, ,xa, ling Its in thl, otlwr agi-ndes, ,I t t ricit which. drOPPill ' ally. Wn d W111*11 PATH,:N,rs tcroachil.)W, UPOA:?.,;.the real tights Of t1lq, In,mhiria trust: receive recruits d t- I O'thernesnow, iscriminates 't% . ' I,v $I I It must be remembered thnt no a hile. at the Rame tirinp, .sort( Ila to learth, give birth to aninlaIR for 1,11glit fill third parties. nanco of gurfairing humanity, I odors of ants of the Stai itspif in th� hard t1ITICH 1, Then Ile Ori ["ItivilI f ..f .1 III fill' ", A .11 NT][AL W"�TTON tile Suta of similar tempt Is baling made to dis!'Ince any of different colonies: a third nasal (,I, talking ItR jewell,,tI On thf;, 111"tial his t puzzloll AN7.88T he moon is a lesser hall ad . The men anil will- -ning he w agreement MUM TIQLI texture as the suit. in re while the orn language will continue to gan serves the purpose or discot ment Nystvnl� 14U I illul Ilmloillmil"d 111111, if 1114.) (11(i ""I lI- t is being replenished for lian Of. -each countrV the occult laid down by the nili v\vn agent is HU%Illg EL 900ti '111ning" it.. nInLj,. I n -port )f!f,,,,i languages. but 'at t May be able I C' Land onIllsioril; to rarily be the certitude, that apwj is larger one NVhen sun and rnoon Speak their native I to feet, so that I . I (_ In One Citv 1,iank nione no Zrul� rJosirous iol'friepolship, as V,eil the morrow. days and the Flame t1lille they will be able way quite easllV: fouith thrill, (-ight Of the clerks un, Sol- of �recoilcd -only the Jugs to appear in cloudy converge land to write to those speak- trace the Si peace; ­For Iftithe . t cite dieltien are M personal -nose snielk the larvae and puttee: I lie nobleini-il will, have found it IinLx)Rsi- iory of radiumil s0n%al better to spring forwal-d We Should n(ghts, it Mount; thin' Ing a different longue. I Wily religious ab- tngland will be fifth TICISO detects the premence of 'An tile t,, it,,,:, thein in Rtril'. of lux- tion tjlan beforg. toi- Undergoing a period. of Opinion if; that tn -1 f 11 uriouS 1.11criess one uNuilliv associate. -it Mortal Iiv,l both be *orRo Off ,in And ttif, parched and ster- to join this =Snt, ene Y. it rin ant Ile depri\, 4111ce 11), (to have then we� should rhe vying with each negat gions Is as_ of the last -rage. It Is nll Ilartla of tho. world it, clertaire not-, . Condition of bleak re owinr .9 nutional cot it will live p(loi(enbly with file n( other in tnititaly."anO tia�al oxfocildi- h to it that It with enemies, blit it it rptnitim Its more end Ilia, comfort' to) sent' iaken Lin it, it, rind 'Jan. would be an cribed to.the fact that many t Ott- o husim-ss, Land I- itt,, ture. All ideal solut I a ago the nun ball slipned but IF; much to be desired fifth nose- it will fight the LI to the buys ont t Tip gent,,A III ,sand should receive careful consieration. r, the girls in nor Ialliance. and t1joire s ho, doubt tbut front the hands of its keepers, de- for there call be no doubt that tho.the death. Therot It; it difierenco in plar g n li�lng for Iwtt,, Lire tiogInning'niv �\110­14 t,, Ilr,,Lr I b6th alountrieg . r the earth nd Ions Vf -o-I -111 end nose of Parilln -W after the cended too nea promoters are It, earnest. and . 11thd lunct IIand when that no, oxtritordoiltrN !nt,-r,-Rt In: I ndl-r , nvo, Will keoy) that otiol IV 'vit fore being re-e4i'l7tured, iscorehed those that they are likely to. receive although they 011polar to III, korjet% 19 trilde i01P ?-w nw,ficine I,,ri,n war, litleallsill It Is greativ In the 'I'- it came In contact. port from foreign Governments. I=whntC:M1ike. Thiq svnRot of qm,'Il is the it llirnq to ll[Wl 1 IIll. I parts Willi Which - are thila ,L titled irroc-q. gj\#�o up lW,,)qIt1OX,* I4itattvi r terolhts, 61 both 11blitrit and Russia rhese illustration 9 out of hundreds at 0 till the anLq are thr-,o thert sincerity and at least give a drrLI IIoIx i-t f -I We" I But from thd that might be cited. th,r,,f,,r,. .Its only viltirI ' ­ -1 ­ I H01USE BENTS rN LOITDON. r 0' awill-l" 11 llo'llillig Superstition 1 R -d Igood faitti, 111-6 111,d1spoltisatIle COndi the iporanee, twelve liciur. ld are placed among flutil . of � Peace." hint Of I has iil� ilstcratic mother- foond ar,­ tiong and. brutallt-T of the Thibetans, at; entals Paid by the Cit to different col0ni-t-9, profession - f"', �'Ijk -, ,- I, Iof a. jeeting - othe.4 belonging li'll, n po n I N me touched VTT- no of their heterogeneous tribal Yearly It they will grow tip qlllto arnicni)ly. volts. Two otkie-r, M V ital. - ____+ II\%,,rk I), on in 6lit, donvaratiLloti. tho' exact theirlack of any real na izens of the cap nt not understand thrit thpy are It t Irelations Inability to 000 di%rellinS2�- a x n CZAR'S GIFT TO JAPS Wh ory Is lo ... hills I 11, phraseology Of Which I arn unable to ifaTit"i union and their There are about 575 mLxAd lot, because they will h ve i blind, 1. Ireproduce, and I m rOluctant, to 1-0- aggresP.Ion. a hint also of the hodsag abd tedemciltd In London. grown up with Ideas of scent it, ar- 0 "10,1i lw,-It ill Ihl' IIIIresist to Still Serada Pension to Xen fly peat from meniorV, One was thi- dif- greatness of England's task, e would appear cordance with their surroundIngs Sved Hill Life. Ificultv of mattivi overtures without between L30 and 941 iThe serme of Smell to theyn Is nq iin- a . I- '1'()kl(j hals prith- Ing an Impression of weakness. +__ r , , . lower than 122. a of sight to I'll- The T�rpnih Nlinister nt It "' :11 I k I'( it" , � I, : ., ,I ­ I areal br', h6*,evor, failed, to NITIJILE FLANNELETTE. rp,'70 bnonmomes' are let at those comfort, portent as the Sent; l.lnFot, %%hirh is lilln"6111Y I r, ii 1 And NONTO Man boings. fIllnit, the 126 3rV interloOlit perceive any greater difficulty herein able uprer middir--Chiss terms, granted 11�' III,. Ciar to th,, two, )in- ll,-% xperlenced when Flanj�lette is urield very much in I fortunate People get who %%,,r(, iriptrurn,,rital In Ontracl .rl(l,.n ,% than About 55,000 SALTING DARIES rikahu-nien wit 1, to, liftor I— 1k '11"e " on account of itt; softness a ) to L20 a .InjeSty'l; life .4111h of the -olile in 0- l"n" kl­ ,. , 'I We 6infIdIgn after England us ere gir ng hila N h( poor pl, is tijri spring an- The remarkable custom olf "Alting "`" IT) I ! or 1%%ild q1tirtm (on the defottt of Jibe 11ritish troops I)v and warinth, for tht1drews warnitants abot 86,000 ath i" I'lle %Aiii I)v reivirl j,,T at, tinuill flal-Ta"I'll the RoPrA. Russia would certainly and for nightgon. Supposed fire-., year turn babies in still prnrliwd it, (I i.i rwl ohe � r ng when Nwholots, 5 On theif rent. Land then now -1 Flurope rind ligill I hon ('?at I - A mb- remistingr ingredients are generidly . Ot ago rentals COU16 certain partill of I.Nitch. the wink of art,, t rhOW" ftn'y Anch unfavorable there are 58.000 Will -9 with the differing th It, no used In the manufacture (?f flanXI betwi�n_=) and Z20. The method varit I,nke Fiwa. it, ihe course of a tour ill 1 rnent f6r "ding the Present War, but I e rlg deattbyri their fire- That there conI that abild elnrnp n,tionalitlea Of the people Using It. ugh olinn war, Ret upon liv 11 ILLwho tnit 1. Whenever Slid did to,ke the Step tte but waabli thIrty The Armcniana of Rusoin colver the I hro -_ - - + It'resi;tIn� propertiv-SP, afid-the fftllt'c of surburia, the tri body Of policornaii with drawii Iwould be rhAnIfelit Itc, fill That the out entire skin of the infant WIth n ver% rieTnerited th,, jin Iih,- Imainspring of Her action was' nInI than becottlO so highly inflaninble or forty poundern. which gives fine Suit. Th f the hallv but he Ivas RALINAT'l fly Iciting litedidentli, gotne fatill. aveolues, ro III escantg and places (I The . n tilkAhn-men, and (hio c7ar's gratitude 1,.h Irvin tho- ...... . Ito Utterly umollass blood- that Rho V oto tirli - An invoinn of tin t, .. ..... her aversiOrl, -ece. Dr. W. 0 S'wo 1-4 -do-nesm, in the for thrm 1110 I Ihinn. Iln IT% fir . ...... thly further the In- I are of frequent occurl glitch an air of in With 'ri, We I Or Yns ince 1well Rhowl, hN who are in fill, shed. edutil C there Is a gad droill- wramlied 0 % (i the nwn. found Will- r"(1-1 III"' aAt to ,C150 a(3,o4fift, but curloluAly Mountain -fln "nnun I ponmn I . -%t and nln%l (If _1� ­ terestq of third parties Who dolLoiroi IH. Perkin, Of OwOn" College 1P Irill. of JIMMInor in o% Inlll\ OfTL thf, rar, nuggia and 1chestpr. hori Invented A trefttTnent for only a bar(, cd,n to tile L50 to rolorS rnerci than t Armenlanq, row (111110 "Ona" hnrd Ithe Wcalkonflitf. of both "-,flannelette w1fleb Uilotva it to be enough when we hev marre Surprised in receive the all Iq 111, llrlihl� phinta pan. Noll6d_v could poonibiv 1%av ricep n orn hill -if -6 7nenN f thr"Ll' f1l"n lot RI In %d &X611%. till thrend- Lot, there is it triflinit rl n,r�ll for t\vcntN four loney this Near F% nr� mil -1. - -4- DtA worthy motives. waskied ngaili Lill with n I hey nq 8-,0o ench. rind in Europe Ill#- Prie ... ... fill I r readily In- There are 740 happy people In Lon- covered 's tic cribe it to It Milltter was ralq6d bell but"o, without b0de'rult"I a position to pay- bluts. The modern Oreakirt sprinkle, hon war i-clarod, A I r4r­ 1k, ItThe rit'For bring out their n ramp- flon, that it 1v xhirl, 11 - I �w - I � r th� Inv"It t-hotl itaUpol Wfiethot"there I; Not only this but the don Who are In 49 ' and tipwftrdA tb�qr babies with salt; and even irl ,,oulrl �nfln hinve to hrunh Inil grildA,,h 1, qo f,., I I-hOuRCAI __+__ co\er it 1, 'a'.f huoLfd is ggid to hsve an on- and dt) PW -91.0 'i-thahari nanin oln,i attiner ottk o.bt.- '('his some parts of Germany salt Is Still hreilI piecl- will any public M valit Most Irriport Out rental for their dwellink rth, The nioth- proi,nbly ihet(, to n,, li%ing thilig hf 21,4 41 I -I qa:! 10 0 od vo -V known to t0llli tli"O farsichtplil. lt lalopt,14 ain unlvel� is very nearly as AIL as there were ued on a child at kil qn.v that hirdla' flight -Ight AUtegmantitta VIOW Of Via filturp of,propercy. since fia"ft6lette Is in tile w1joke of G;ftt 11rittain In orn liaginil that thfs will gi% �91 feet above till- 0117 lIq qe lind wi that i4 w)ttll 40 t dild of th6 teattectivo solly worn homt, the alkin. Dotal fortnes have boon ren health and streilgtll and keel) evil 1, mu, h munrly. P -T the far NO pIlLyet, hy tapan nud of th-O Invention &ft ot yet misfie ASOX4, So SOMO apirits Laway frorn tbalm. Ince of tho f krtq tn too thade in' London. eli1wlaslon had publid. ;rlssift thareo to *ht ALL. A. a A A