HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-10-14, Page 5— -717 I I 111.1r,lllpll� 717�1,.-- .-W,4r,L7 . �� � 11-`11W'1'- .7"- - " �- ­r-­,7-rssi"R%-- 11T, -M,"T,7"71 1. , I I 4 i � - \ 11 �, � � , � I . .,---- ,--- �� .. 11 -- - ­ W ,W 177" ­ Tirl- - ., I -'VW-1lFW 1",�­TrrTR­ " r 7WR"I- " 711pir" pFigowir �, 0101710111111 - - ­ '111fir"M -.A- -, , 1 . I , I . , t . . 77- � I I I . I 1 I I 1. I . ­ . I 41ft"101.1 STAU - Now"Wo ....... 0.1- � I I, I I � . I , -.4im"Y40". , N44 0 stirl ,��ob 14omoi . An "It"W611r: "411111 r ,,,,,, 0 k(- , , 11 'O VM�. � . Mn . I I 'ttie 'action .wo to "!tlr I h I., 11 I � W W f% s NfIl . wt 4&,i" - - , � 11 I . I um,%poial" %M J-1" -fr-iri . '' . I . � I . ,*".., ...... 1,0-1-1- 1, I I � � 1 Glos`"�,' 1 " .. r � el FA41proi4 andoew styles At *a0h,,-­**, � ,OUNTy,Co1jNCIL CHANGES. NL , � I � . , . . . , W Yt)R' � it 0.4i Sasso f4 to � , KJACKIMTS ,111"Ofs-00,310"Sta, $40, ,� �, I ., � 41, - � � :;, " � I I I 9004,044.1 Is X , �. I . 11 .1 I . �,ij. - Z.Qpt I stiossiIA No. #* immialpalithut of the Oountri � . I 11 � 11 pure-r9W;, � � -1" � 11 . 0 of 39 -AAcIt", a � vy a hs,ye p I a for . a. Davy. M$TOMA W'" wiii� I iticuum, .. suo rowitit on , - V` W bivw,its, gsrnit . *11, I � as 0111L gre""es � * . ,-. toi the vrot.A.-,i of the - 1. . - perfopt goods,, replor value 40co at per � yard.. -, R -� . I .. 4 t'. I - - � I ..... I ... -41- , 23C I,, QW, 0404 ovoillift , the, litubtalsololl lation as to whether tm � .. 011"10011111141 Opp)* of thegue . waist, ormedluta waist, Made SorA kt calls, that. council all. be formed a" at Pre- 11, O.RSETS ,2-)Paitsc,f,4tutericauCorseto,lo% . ?air, . �� .. seiritt by repreagritAtIves of the eight a . And, steel fill ,ingulat 7$c value, at per I _ .. I I " or by the MAY- , of flue heavy coutill � I... ...... I... .­­ , . ". - t. t- 500 I I I districts of the county, I all sizes .............. 0-6.1 ................ . I I on of towns slid the reeveoi of town- Lacip go Flurds long, 45 Inches' WRIK BROS., I shipo and v.111ageo. - The Municipal So OURTAINt , ttingbota Curtains 49 Pairs Oul� 334 1 , A,rOeiidn . tient Act provideiii � I � 00" " . to wide, floral or upat scroll dealglia. 4:0.0 Y 41111110d, e4lics, relg�llir , 11D M I ,"In case the council$ of it, Ma Ority - ,�­. -,75c $1.00 a pair, At ............. I'll ....... - ....... ..... ......... I ... I . I 'I, 7 17 I OfAbe local municipalities wit in a MS A very pleasing varietj the new fall 114 county by resolution to be passed and 0ARPM ANO I,INQLEU Yostil4kSh-40 _ . tole � stock is. - � tied with the courutyclerk on or be , �, - Carpe warm color in them, suggestive for the T09014TO ., the first day of October, in, any year hi .to with just a dash or touch Of., I ' pll�� T, season. . I 0 cadjug'iyear In which a general T, I I I 0 tion of county qouncillors would L114OLEUMS i02,3aud4YAr4Awi4e- . . . .. take place under this act ­shall So r6- .it, ell shall submit . r . . ,.:. quire, tboseoupty coun Ol . I I � 1% . - . . to the vote of tile municipal electors D - 4, � � . .- -- I . —__, of Buell county a byl�yv declaring that A I -- I � . 11 - thereafter the council of such county, Ill I I - Keep , Call ' , 41 - THE 'he reevea Of F 1 9 eel b RECORD BROKENo shall be corago"All, of 1, III the ml- ft townships and v, ages, At t , filto One Will . h a -di- � I . ors of towns not, separated, 1 roul t e . AyersPIRS fouls or dIZZY L ef. � 11- - NORTH RENFREW COST $40,000 county. instead of representatives of b, ­" . - , I reedly an the - -- I SAYS LORNE HALE., the county council divisions constitu I t- � I edunder this (municipal) ACU' I Waot your moustac1hp or 1, —' ' ' MIS VE ­ . The Act says that the mid resolu- , - is ". The Government Won't Keep Their tions must be passed before Oct. lat. 8 . labeautNIbmwilerrickb1saVUSC ;;X#iL4 . majority of tile it . L � .111, I Promise to Help Him Pay ION, and that It a I � tfie Bills. municipalites vote for the submission 1H I I . staff. Was also given a w.00les holiday, of the notion, then the county coun- B I I submit it to the electors. There i "CW,erfCb �Btar- subject tOL E ngineer Xelly'a approval. ell ilial L Cbe %V THE FOLWWINGACCOUNTOL is some doubt as to whether the by- 19 ' I . TICLEFIXONs; CALL71L Pembroke, Oct. 6-ftecial.) North law shall,be submitted at the next It I . were seat itiance committee: TnE Renfrew is again the storm centre dl�, munlclp�l election, but tile Municipal J STAR, $22;.VD. Steele, $2.84; G. W. subject points , FRIDAY. OCTOBE 14, IN - Black $3,60; Engine and BicycleWorks, a live political disturbance. BY the World a article on the January. The 'i �1- - $5.ol ; 0. P. R. telegram 41c - 0. N. sworn statement of Capt. J. Lorne to its submission next ed resolutions 11 ' liarity.) Hale, the defeated Liberal candidate cOul F%3.1 question are C , r. -telegram and ticket je icilatbat have � * — '" for thesubmissidn 0 It 11), ' TOWN COUN I - $1.76; R.W. Doty, vilticial by-election. a I $1.50; Can, West- , ) . Ing se Co. electric supplies, *40.40, In the recent pro those of the Town of Winglialn. Vill- 11. Ing ft an accou ' flash -light has been thrown on the ex- th, VII of Hiretel, Town- ( 11 The"al-lobe. advertis tit .49,01 of Bly .V 1, ansacted - a of the Queen Cit oil Co., $0.2% was penditure at that election and on the a ips Aslifield, Col. rne. Grey- HOW- b Routine Matters Tr orderedpaid subJect to deductions. tactics adopted by the goyernment Ick, Hallett, McKillop, Morris, Tucker- A . Grant of $100 Voted the Family F COMMITTEES. machine. Mr. Hale makes a plain no- smith.Tarnberry,13pborne. Wawanosh of the Late Town Clerk. REPORTS 0 east, WAwanosh west, and the eleven � . The ()emetery committee reported varnished statement, in which he that seemingly are satisfied with the . having had sortie gravelling -dqne in blames the Liberal organization for present system are the Towns of Under- t I The ' A the Council the cemetery,to improve certain roads. contracting a large, debt which they Job, Clinton, Seaforth, Villages of P regular meeting i ouss,11, Wroxeter. 11 was held last Friday evening, all the Adopted. Brussels. Bolfield, H, members present except MaYof Lewis- The .Public Works committee re- promised to PAY. but which promise -Townships a Goderich, Hay, Stanley r Fully 15 minutes were consumed In an )rted that the cement sidewalk on they have not kept. . Stephen. 13 effort to elect a chairman who should Vilurch street wits being laid outside - Stratton and Vance. I t - ' act its mayor pro tea). Couns. Tbomp- the trees, under the supervision of T. Mr. Hale claims that as an induce- The Municipal World for October t sod and Elliott were both nomivated, Fitzsimmons at $1.50 per day. The ment to hAve him become a candidate decides that the 0OuutY Council c and the first vote resulted in a tie, but necessary repairs -had been made to the Hon. James Stratton and James must paw it hy-law in 190, aiter sonle chaffing and a semi-serious the agricultural buildings. Ado I pted. Vance, the Liberal organizer, gave him (] debate as to the legal procedtlVe in The Finance committee recommend- a definite promise ,that the Liberal that a vote of the electors shall be I such cases, Conn. Thompson was do- ed payment of following accounts ; organination would bear all but his taken at the municipal elections in clitred chosen, and the regular business Signal, $05.12; Jas. Morrison Brass personal expenses. Mr. Hale says he January, 1900. The World in Its legal goceede4. The minutes_ being con- Mfg. Co., $12.04. Adopted. has paid his sbare�, amounting to over column says : t rined, the followinir The Water and LI lit committee re- $10,000, but that the Liberal or niza- tt:ni I. -section I Of section ( OF710ERS REPORTS- ported having te&teg the intake pipe tion has not, and, as a result, re Clause (b) of sub and found it not broken ; .(2) recom- about $") unpaid election debts. Mr. 3 of chapter 22 of The Ontario Sta- I were read : at the election expenses, tutes, 19K (The Municipal A,mend- I Treasurer's statement for Septem- "ended. that the applications of Jas. Hale states th concerned, ment Act� ION,) provides that "the ( Buchanan, Jr., and F. W. D for so far as the Liberals are by-law shall be submitted to the elec- I ber: electric light services. be grana: and amounted to about $40,000. ton At the time fixed by law for hold- RucMirra. tll) that a sub -committee consisting of The disclosures were made laost Tues- ing a poll at the election of the con nei I ; � Balance troni.A.ugust ......... � ...... M 53 Taxes of 1901 .................... $71250 the chairman, Colin, Thompson, and day, When Mr. Hale was examined for of ... h local municipality for the I T the engineer were appointM to k3e discovery by G. Delahaye. Pembroke, next preceding the year lit wV!,',Lhr I R,xcir, non-rosident ............ 12 OD t rates .... ............ ill, G5 further information from outside in an action taken by Ringos r a general election of 37963 . an Bros., O"Ing 10 Electric light rates ........... : 14000 Adopted. liverynion. af,ainat Mr. ate for an P councillors would take place � Witter plants. . I c ... ty Model School studanta' fees.. III ,a own livery under this Act," Bills oil 6" 00 On moiion of Courts. Murney and account of $ 032. H e � renew :::::::::::�,.:::,.: 500 or P. M. fine" Elliott the committee were ,ppower- hire, amounting to Rio inconsiderable If the councils of a majority of the Market "at: ................... to 00 ' kim, and this Mr. Coal sold d to purchase a cargo of coal local municipalities In the county file Maitland I; ................ I .... 3 05 e . -y 000 ourn. was paid by b ornotery ........... I 17 60 tons. Ringrose admits, but when Mr. Ring- the resolution mentioned in sub -section —1114350 92 ' Conn. Elliott called attention to the rose sent in his second bill of $1032 for I With the county clot k, prior to the I Total............ -7- c livery� hive, -Mr- Hale denied auY re- lot October of the present year, the by - ......... : ...... its oq�is ondition of the bridge hill, and the IMPENDI'MR112- need of It cost of gravel, also to the Blionsibility and told him that the bill law mentioned fit this sub -section PUBLIC SC31100LB- $81214 advisability of taking out the locust would have to be sent to the liberal cannot he submitted to the electors of I.Ifficers' salaries. .... . 24981 tree and removing the fence now organization at Toronto. the county tint 11 the Municipal election I :.*:: * ... M 00 literest co:rns­ ... .... a B lis receiv ................. MW 00 round the Square, The Public Works Spent $10,000 Himself. to be held in January, 19W. If thii, � I .. committee will consider these matters tore, the . 111.1tERT- In answer to the question, how by-law is car,ried by the elec W�a4k BfMontreal ............. &'I 70 with power to act. e!Wenses were. Mr. county calmoll'tor the yt�ar followin . .incs CAPrrAl­ much his personal t in which the vote is taken. atil v. Harr,r, pipe ............. 39 17 Conn. Reid wanted to bear what the Hale, iiihis e3;umina ton. said *1101000. tha I . .. .... 5* 50 Council thought about Conn. Fraser's Outside of this, he said, all expenses thereafter, shall be composed Of the V Am Y, Kervices ... 46 07 and villages I. proposal at it Previous meetill to were to be paid by the Ontario Gov- reevee of all townships ors 0 XLECTnto Lioltr CAPrrA[,- , f all towns Morrison Bro. Co.. wupI 'it 29 48 make a gratiLt to tbo daughters .7 the ernment. the county, and the may county for cen. Geni. Electric Co .... :,. 106 V $135 75 late town clerk. Conn. Fraser then "Whom do you mean by the Ont, not .separated from the moved that a grant equal to the bal- . municipal purposes. (See clause (b) of Svixwo Fu - ont ?" was askod. mub-section 2 of section I of the above Huron ND" - the remainder of arto governm and ruce deposit.. 27og 91 ance of his salary foi M193CULLANEOUS- the year be granted. In answer to **Hon. Jan. Stratton," was the ans- Act.) F F Lawrence, tolegrou)[19 175 questions it was stated that the amount wer. czarL.Postage ...... ...... 3 62 would boahout$208. Themayor pro "Did he say that all other e.clienses You Have Indigestion I Na. Lee, coal . ............ 12135 Goo, carnt tem was in favor of the propo6al, but would be paid by them?" And conclude of course that the poll, labor ...... ou t SLurdE& 'o.. Huglies .... 1 46 1 Colin. Murney moved in amendment "Yes, he did." stomach is at fIvulL 3o it is. but there Wen, ampbell, 4. fare the grant he $100. No one offered to I to Toronto .... ........... 2 95 "Then you claim that this bill is is a cause away back of the stomach J. Kidd& Co., HuPPI104. - 395 second this, and the motion being that must be reached before the HLOUD- S 2697 about to be ut, Conn. Elliott said ,,, none of your Incurring at all ?" ach can be made to do its work. The PRTWMNG AND ADvicirrisroot- was opposesto It. If a grant was to -I do," was the answer. cause is nerve disturbance or nerve - Slirnal, printinsr ............. 25 25 be made why not name an amount ? cut to -day, Mr. debility. First get the nerves in sh e CoUocwr, pogtag) ............ 2 00 ' Tie ratton and then the stomach will be —$ 27 25 The aotilng mayor and Conn. Reid Hal . Y,-Oilp- co��4rr"rS'td may deny riatt, � .4 I ation ELlemnic Lworr MAINTXNANCM-- urged the proposal, but Conn. Clark I what iial. M my exantin I Ilut also. FerrozonebmacconlEBRIledli- c. Hoqmr. repairs ...... ..... 75 �r Pit ity for thousands I ( wanted some information and further was with me when the le w ose diges- . W. an C. Blake, darnagre" - - 175 ... th I o fieOp tie Ferrozone ) ran. Gen. Elm Co., guPPILe,i 135 consideration. I bdr.mn w,L made, and I can PrOducl tion wits complete Y 90 - maouror. roga 2 10 rove what I have said. Thank 14 food for the nerves and Works won- ' , T Colin. Elliott would second the him to E Pay rg nitincer'a 1::::::::::: go 00 9 to235 amendment, though still opposed to God; 1�m glad it's all over. I don't ders In stomach trouble. Where di- ' gestion. appetite and ai,similation are WATZR Womrn MAINVZNANCZ- the principle ; if the situation was as want anymore of It. Engineor's payroll. ... 13157 stated he would no. oppose a grant of Depends on Stratton. faulty just I Ferrozone. It cures Woe. Ansta ::,. *.' , Vrice 50c. at druggists- ,�. services ... .... I 88 sloo, though he did not altogether 0. C. Whitp Y. supplies .. ..... 83 "If there was the slightest moral thorcilgbly -------t — I Leo. supplies ........ 1 72 like it. claim on me to pay the bill I would do Cz,hc;trper,�supliliea ............ 4 of The motion of $100 was then put and so " he said, "but In the face of the Mr. John McNauglhton, of the 7tb D. Reid, unloAdings coal .,. .. .. .. .. 550 I Lu bar Co� lurn r... . 2D 78 carried, and V,e Council adjourned. lee I received front Hon. Mr. concession, Tuckennilth, had beer Trelnmrurer, postage ............ 2 50 . k,or.-�tton I consider I have nothing to missing his turkeys for Some Dighu Fairin t I Co.. cost .1927 04 T. ;�.n Ifr2: G. bt * **­­ :.7 . 107 88 Every observerwho walks the streets do with the matter. The oill was not slid on Friday Bet a trap for the thief I/ A. Farrow, cuilttnn� duty .... M 32 $222S 95 of a Freat city. and scans with intelli- incurred by either rupelf or any of On Saturday morning he went out it I PTBLIC WORKS- a.t o the colorless faces of more the gentlemen belonging to the local look for results and was inu prised U ge gy, -ge owl In the trap. It wal I Pay roll ................. .... ISO 30 th I per cent. of the people he organization, but by the agents of Mr. find a lat . ell measuriiq Goo. Stewart ............ *.7 2 95 meet's, ran easily agree with us in the Vance and the Ontario Goyernment A, magnificent citil , I,- Kerr, ,-In , *::: I', akes front Toronto. "Ve I *mtement that this age, which in I do not Intend to Pay fifty-eight Inches rom tip to tip 0 1 ,op.1;�:::::::::... .1 I 'no bird wits caught by one o C' 1 arr I I 60 Ica it, and I consider it rather an injustice wing. G. C B a�j, contracts ........ 7 60 such drafts upon the workin nergl F. W. Doity,seatit ........ ..... 50 00 of the greater art of men fn" the n- to me that this bill was not paid long its claws and bad not a mark on II Lumber Co., Lurabor . ........ 88 41 355 2,1 tense pursuit 4 business, has destroy. ago by the men who are responsible Mr. McNaughton will have it moun led CHARIT ed in It proportional degree the animal for iL It has given people a wrong His owiship had been living high fo 0XI A�Wltely, supplies ... 3 M health and robust Constitution. Na- impression about me, and I Was bound some time. 13tu�dy it Co., supplies..:::,.,.. 2 00 ture, in this stage of exhaustion, can- to answer certain questions to awt my- — — 5 50 not be restored of Itself. but requires self right. That is not the call? bill Slight Sprains Grow Worse Balance In bank ............... 1484 410 some stimulating tonic to strengthen lefk unpaid by the Toronto pe-ople, 11slanoo In band ................ 103 711 - a or, of a Unless promptly treated. The -- $15M it and keep the system in regular order. tbete being some $MW ItOgOth ' trength of Nervillne enables rtrelt, and in Northrot &Lyman's Quinine which I had nothing to do virith quickly cure 9611 manner of pains $in Total ........................... $15" is act romed, re- I EverT bnlll ol'i..I:�ndw,tlutt I reectived Ittr.l... ..I;prained my wriFit," writ( The clerk reported that the Guelph qpired. The peculiar operation o this )o�e pi d 'mounted alto- . tosome$10,000, andltbink in Leopard Milford, of Rocklan( to ooderich Railway debentures bad isiridicine In casesof general debility gether as to me that thegis deJ)ta ,,while working In the inill, but had t been sold for $10 700 and the amount ,ard nervous prostration, has under- all fairne so painful an . rved shoold lay off. it became deposited in the Wnk In Toronto. � .;f coo long find, close observation, and which the Toronto men luou swelled. I rubbed in Wrist thoroug] , have been paid immediately. COMMUNICA.TIONS AND PETITIONS. ; t its believed It will never fail, if pro ly with Nerviline tw1ce a day and III 'erlir and judiciou,sly administea, Heaters from Torowto. on a bandage. The pain soon wet A request from Mrs. McDowell for Prepared by Northrop & Lyman, rTr� 11!,n1t number of heelers were away and frequent rubbing with Ner electric light service in her house on onto, -and scild'by all druggists. bro here from Toronto and else- Illne soon cured. Nerviline is u Elgin Ave. was referred to Water and. where. If they had been left out I doubtedly an excellent linituent it' Light committee, with power. - , would have had a better show. At the beat pain reliever I ever used Const. R. Postlethwalte's request foi- Seatorth Expositon-Five rinks the time Of the election the" were 'Nervillne certainly lit ext- 900 a week's holiday was gk-anted, and a, of Goderich bowlers were here on Fri- tintribers of Toronto workers here and Price 25c. — --- st front Const. Phalen for a now day afternoon. and spent a few pleas. the demands made upon me were re I'm suit was sent, to Speclild. wit hours oil the Seaforth green. The heavy, but I met them at the time After suffering untold a ony fro unNier iftamator)r rheumatlain ror near committeee with power. . ioaforth bowlers won the game by a- and everything done by our local 11 is, Mrs. Slifer, (if Clint f Fl. Stowe, of the Water and Llgbt� hout forty shots all round. organizations. and all debts Incurred four merit[ (formerly of Goderich) wits Placed or I-- stretcher, Mondav morning of li . . � L � Lr � L I . week. and sent by train t4) victol -.-- - -- . I itAl, London, for treatmen 1. it - I — - 108? we trust.. prove of great benefit 1.11. . her, Showas 1­141))KIlled by M I A. Cantelon. who will "top it few 'bl I in the city visiting. nommmomwm E 1 -113T MRDICINIC LIFIC MAY BK I'l Essen t-t*al to . L40XoRn.,,-So wrote Shakemtwi I bro�e bondred yelirm ago. It ` I" ay. Medicine will pr-lo1w Ii " ­' but tie supe of tile qoalides o(J medicine. Life Is tit ofmiged by ke Ing the body free f..oln d1geake. Health, a,,nd Life o", at" I . IThomas;' Relertrie Oil list -ft lntA'I'nn will cure toughii wid voldR, el-mlic limit, overcome evoill, end g strenf,th to thii, respiratAwy orga is dis pullpa performalee of the fimW*n Of the IddutYll—tO remove Po'son ' Its' , ftolu th6l blooct Unc md em9es rhetlMlithm, newulg* pQiux in i0itits 'Rud Give t a trial. -- - au -Ju gets aecdy Ott the laneys, heAng, stimu- D. Merellan, of Hibliorf, obt,d stiffitea of the muselesA thepe III coo at lilit 'kiletion Aide I lawt menfifie remedy week: Pair 2-y6tr­ld gt­'-N� $ lating and tonitig thm imporMUt wgm,m It is the it � . one 2-ywir-old ateer, $fig : one pit for Idduey troublesi. I yeas - helfers. $ 100; title pair (1111. - $ . nnother pair on me age. $04 .. rAir y, I . ng , , .., Vi i ,111141 iinot let, P tt&d#4utk $7 Y;!Irllng lie (eri, bro,ight f, All. -B $51 t C) (L& ellf-h two-yeny.-Id ill � in b4w -0 so P1W -V Ill Rio e, drustletliti to OSM& from $1 41 (A) $1 � each, and 'k -1 "I U��Oiiu *411106 substitutelli, pony, $11ft L' � - - I I I � 'Ill?_ n%jlie of Dun annon, Is ­­­ I'll ­­­ - .1 L I.. , � L I . . � I 1, � 1. I . 1:1:11olIZ111:1Z 01 j. '!ORN : 11� 11 I 0 � 11 1: 1! � .1! ': i I 11 I 11 ­ , I olav H44440" liito: 00"d � I I I .Nluistimeli-outof too �� P4!00, . I - - - i � t �, . 'I) I I I I .1 I I I � : I 11 - I �. I I . I � . I . ; I I 11 I � �, . I 1, � I , . � . �� -..--A, . �% I , , I 1) i I I 101, I V* � , AWL ir,�-W, I - . ­��� . Jilia'A - I kiss" Lucie- 1,46L,)" . ; I ­ returning offloier for West Huron, , , — — W. It. Kerr, of Brussels Post, Ivill I ­ -.-. ---­� -,- 0- 4 after the East. I � 41�701�rm.­J,." ­­­. .) I . - , �,�w�iettoLno;w"--67;,-Du�.�74—�160vo, T�91 , 0T.,.a Iwit flrtii mWillmia whlvl� to it . � ,1,014ttsis ihQm rind Also to ii,Ijpply the L L L neceiiiiUry bills. I � . ­� � Hand L ,pgmo W60449 Falp 400%tct , Fre.e, Oil tip lc;ltI9n to, j, 1). MoDonald, IDIA let'VaWnger.4 enit,orit"dTo'llak RaIIN q , yay. Toronto. hie booklet CQT%r . talas a of Illustrations, slid de- set-IIIJ111111 011terature regarding the I World,s Fail,, and will be of great ad, .1! 11 �"­ ."IF% -117 1. . - ,..Ir � - , . I , I . . I . . ., I I . � I , I ; . I I . . ..J . . L L � L .. I Miss i 0, --;11--. ­'­,'­"­­­­­ ­ ­.J,� ­­ .... .... . � ­­ '' �, . . 0 TORER'14. i I - .. - I � �� - I ­ . I I - -441, 10;11:11iiiii:1 � 1,10 VA . . . I I.. At I I I 11�11 Ill I I 1 -e mkot il .0"'All..­­ ­­­ " - ' I � ; '. I . � ,­�,!,;� - - I . .. � .1 .1 1. "' L L' ' L'L � � , I . . . ,. . � I I -- - I I . .1 7- ­1�.­1­­1.$M. 11 , -T e � "I , r , I . 111-1-11 ­­­­ � ", . �­, L � -, .1 .. 11 1� . I 11 I I I LA-% - � 4 I 11 , ; e-� %�' . 1, I., k;0 .ir., C7,4$1.1 " 1,111040 I.I.-.0­1­4011.0'' ­ . . ­" . I I I I !.. I ;, I '' . I � I., I - I f- V , A a you ever calculated how mu.ch Is , � I 11 I I H saved In the long run by having your : 11 ­'. . . I Clothe5,, made by a Tailor Who unows I I I I his business? Clothes that fit, wear longer, I . I I � look better, and are more satisfactory to the , , I L " I : � f� wearer. 'Those who wear our, garments I I � I I . � . appreciate this. Our Fall Stock Is now complete, and, L . � of course, comprises all the latest In SUMNG$. OVOR � 1�f 1, :� ��. I .., . I I I �,u I 'I COATINGS, TROUSERINGS and FANCY V9STINGS. I 1i I .. �, ;; .1 � . , . I 4 #. I I .. . ; , �! I vIultage to you, when makingorrau c, vur Cutting and ruanulacturing Depar muNk S 11 mento for your trip. Ticketii may To Superintended by skilled attists, and leaving the matter I 11 secured at tiny GrotulTrUllk Office, . "I I I J, D. . McDonald. � of price out of the question, you will have the comfort District Passenger Agent, Toronto, of wearing well -fitting, smart and stylish garments. I I 1".. .1 �, % . . .. � � . . � .— . it ff"da" 9010=00116 VYI- - -,- --- . I 1� .. .. I I j polo, Coated Tongue, foul XM% 4 ., I Iart Num, Water Drosh, or any LARGEST and -B9 .. I I � mom of the Stoalacb. LIW or 86w" in Western Ontario, PRIDHAM, the Tailor. ".."I'', go '­­.:, Um.13"ir Nlis are purely vegistable i So for so we call learn no Business ta'anldloioit I I'll, Ithergirlpe, vroaken nor sickest am easy I, in Canada graduktt-0 .1191111495 its "I'll, �- s= time such a Ian - . . , , talto apil "pt to *cL — as does the � I i '',�111!1 -� , I '' -- 4�� For a Hunting Trip, CENML �� � " . I ­­�­,, L I " , I I And one which will bring you the �? i I 0 , . L h t 0 4 , � : It —� at results, spend a few days lit the 11111 I - � I �ivagaml District, reached via Grand STRATFORP. ONT. �ill�l��Ill, ,� I !" L '. . -unk Railway, This district abounds our ooilrosis are U to -date, Inetructore ex- � . . . I I., I Moose and other large gatue. Oall ri toed and factlitles unourpamod. Stu- L , �'1111 Mal 0 � . re a may enter at ally time. � ,", I Grand Trunk A ents, or address J. " ,�, ,; . McDonald, tistrIct Pas Write for ft oot catalogue. , 11111111"��, 11F L 1 1, � �� ""g'dr ., � � :�, gent, Toronto. for descriptive ,,, BILLI&M .d M.LACHLAN, - ' ' ­ Principalla, I L, ", ustrated booklet, entitled "Haunts of I .1111111,11�� 'I', ,��. �� , - , I " , ::� i sh and Game", which gives full In- - � ; 'I, . , - �,, � , I , nuation its to game laws, and the - . i ;' � ", , I . I . . I L i§t districts to go to. � I �t � 4 1 1 1 , I - 1� �Y,7; I., � ` Ifliam mlvla� . , �� Sheppardton. - - I . � i -OR ". ,W O/W;v I. "', j�� " , � �, � L L�� � L j I . Report of Sheppardton school for 0 i "' I "",LL�.� ,� . ''. , ­� , ­� , . �ptetnber. The cameo are arrangefflunter's Excursions Discriminating Women .. order of merit : V Class, Ruby I , . awkints, A ea Hawkins, Violet . L 'L",�L� 'I " I ,; f� , I F�a . , A,1,11- Me. = 10AW1,92 00D DOUND TRIP tile counitry over are careful to look tor � , Big e, nn lurows, 01111%j� . ��od - IV Class Percy Graham ; 111. Front all stations, Brookville and 9 this stamp,when buying Shoes : -n., beanor D�ughorty, Elsin Doug- West in Canada, also from Buffalo. 3rty, Daisy Johnston, Will. Bof,,e. BI Idge and Nittgal-ii, Am VLOUIllall, Viola Bennett ; I, ack Rock. Susp. Br I in., Whitely Doll herty. Reggie Falls, N. Y. -TO- 41MM- urrows, Linda Ifflurt-Ows, David 1kntwell; 11, Ild.n., Dell Brinley. Muskoka Lakes, Litke of Bays, Mag- , f1i fi, r �) arle HawKins, Threga yomig, netawan Rivet-, Midland, Ponetatig. arold Bogio ; 11, Jun., Delli Steele, Lake Nipissing, ,ill stations Argyle to � , IA Sillib ' Bertha Cantwell ; pt. 11, Coboconk, Lindsay to HiLliburton, evedith Graham, Alex. Steelki.-T. Severn to North Bay Inclusive. I � 1. It's the Inark of quality. �. GORDON, tOuChOr. Good going October Vnd to Nov. .'it d. It's a guarantee of comfort and elegance. -AND To- " �� I Am I Ics an assurance that you're not,Xayidg more than North Bay, and Poincs on 0. P. R. c IMPURITIMS IN THE BLOOD.-WhOn Mattawa 'to Nipigon and Oardon 0 is necessary for all that's of value in omen Is Shoes. ie action of the kidneva becomes ini- River, In chisivet also Kipawa and � QUHHN qUALITV Shoes have elel ie,"ou, alred,impul-ittesin tlichlood areal- - !Vith it they give a feet fit!' Nn'd 1.� lost sure to follow, and general do. TentiskaminK. per tngement of the system ensues. Pat- Ousid going datily until November 3iA , . , -1 sous comfort, and they're only ....... $3675 ielee'a Vegetable Pills will regulate All tickoum valid returning oil or .. - [le kidneys, so that they will main- before December 1011, IWI. '"'" DOWNING& MaMCAR, %in healthy action and prevent tile ---- ---- SOLIC RIGHT OP BALEC Buiplications which certainly come . � - -- then there is derangement of those lesson elicate organs, As a restorative tbeBe WORLD'$ FAIR, ST. LOUIS ------------ 4119 are in the first rank. - $17-95 W31PINEW.". FALL and WINTER MILLINERY Mr. and Mrs. Silas Davis, of Clinton, Thirty-ilve ID1108 of ashpait and other road - we worthy citizens well known In w'aL loderich, celebrated their 41st wedd- Art p Jaces consist of tbrue massive buildings. I have now received my stock of i9o4-i9o5 Fall and Winter ng anniversary aweek ago Friday last. Witt, stop over privileges tit Chi- styles of Ladies' Headware, and invite inspection by ", �- drs. Davidson was a Miss White, step- cago, Detroit, and intermediate . laughterof Mr. W. C. Searle. W' Canadian stations. Ladies of this section. Never mind whether you need !R� eel sure it will be the wish of their I twice � change or not, come and see these styles. nany friends that they may be spared Through Pullman Sleepers o gee their golden, or further their daily. Ever thing up-to-date, and workmanship and price liamondanniversary. I For tickets and full information call satis�lctory. on F. F. LAWRENCE, Town Agent, It may bell), triflini� cold. but neglect J. A. BultKit, Depot Ticket Agent. it and it Wil fasten ItS flings In Your OFFICE 6.30 a.m. to 9-00 P -m- M iss Cameron [ungs, and you will Boon be carried to ---d mi untimely grave. In this country -- HAMILTON STREE . . . GODERICH ive have sudden chantres and inust - -- -- - -1 .. , - - - ­- axpect to have coughs and Colds. We 'I- . -annot avoid their), but we van effect Ill - - - - - " i cure by using Bicklu's Atai�Oon- I lb Mr juniptive Syrup, the niodicine that. has never Leon )t1lown to fail in Curing COLIghfi, colds, bronchitis; and all affee- tibos of the throat, IMIgs 'Uhl Chest. 10 THE HUNTING SEASON 18 ON -,----- ­. I-,-.--.-- a 6I - ----- /--) ,eel -51W, -S3 f - ­­ , - -- .1jil When you go GoOd S110c 111111tilIg YOU a . '11 be fortunate if you strike our ( ��J"','ii �,�&,- , a. ....... mommommem� wi Good Shoe trail early. - . 7he Is"t 1p)"a In Amerios for Yount M.n W4 II I -ii Edumtl.a, lfticirth..d, whlill '11=14 - 11 --hip. T - a � Tums Bad Blood Into IT WILL SAVE VOU TIME AND MONEY. it_ ,,( Act�l Busi..... 0 ... i-onursi,­ a ads =11" 0.11.0=14.rp:111.11.t. -6. I Rich Red Blood. W.V. J 0 FOR THE FARMER The best Long and Short Boots that are - - - --- - . - . ­ No other remedy -possesses sucb ) nindeinCanada. SWOur prices are Right. perfect cleansing, healing And puri- --- ,------- ­­ � - --.--- . -.------,------- , fying properties. The I)cst $1.25 Strong Shoe on the Externally, heals Sores, Ulcers, FOR TtIE SCHOOL BO') market. Abscesses, and all Eruptions. -- . - . . - - . ­ . - - � -- -.-. - 'rile c,lebrated Slater Shoe and Geo. Internally, restores the Stomach, IN MEN'S FINE SHOESt A. Slater's Invictils. ) Liver, Bowels and Blood to healthy ­­­ - - -.-- - � - � ----- -- -- action. If your appetite is poor, IN LAIDIES' FINE S"OES I Dorothy Du,ld. your onergy gone, your ambition - . - - - ­.- -- lost, B.B.B. will restore you to the ...... USE OUR REPAIRING DEPARTMENT ...... full enjoyment of kappy vigorous - - life. We will do that little repairing job in a hurry for you. --— must be broile(L Yet most rwWes 1`111`111!����J . - — Thle Is a reprint of clipping Irror" -- -- -- - ­ -- . - - , - - ,--- -- --- don't make ProW Provision (or To Is R. A. G.. Ont. -A mare Ili- years old is lamb a "cent lospuo of the Montr0iftl lathsogfo­footandl�g. Ave."aryii-rC7- -spramily "sopalld and Wookly WM. S11ARMAN broalft. The broWng and touthl door of the Ill" I Id the Lamr-ii Is in the coffill.joint. Aid b ki,� ft ; teredforit,butsheigiii.belt.,. Wh-unding istar.'- The voterinstry who stne- "I ,h*j1tw the la� foot about twelve inch� In weroid tho Inquiry could not here � - jai � ,,. r the .ther ("t. After standing in the -ideial" Pads stable over one day mbe appimrs stiffenod up in advioe the uGe of I - . I isah for* I.W.. without giving Dunlop a free Ana. -Your ciilt h . ular dietit". for " n"Y"' which there to no cure. Sho ..* p­b.bly t -d advertleomenlL The pade would di loorilser work- . M -- - --- . . 7 trom ,istallion or mAr* suffering, fro. th. ...... All = ciis do to r.lis- It Is I. put on a 9.4 give this mare A blis &.4 turn --t to gr"G Is A W's'"ti.o. Ing life. - I Dunlop "Ideal" Horseshoe Pads 'I. ff , gd e t Put new legs on your horse. Cure or � Slop THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OFCANADA P help to cure most hoof troubles. The or Toronto I only thing for navicular disease. bp IN SIX VOLUMES? s 11 MADS my Tons DuNLor Tnts R ConirAtiv, Latrnip, TootoNTO 4 I!w I O (I Put an hy the Blacksmith Wks shosis yevr hersi 1. a . 111111111111111111111111- � , � it That It is written by 200 irrent. Canadians ? - -- ---- — -- a � -------- --' it------­---------­- ---- V- That it tells all that Is known about Canada? - - I. -- That you may obtain a set for a very small sum ? d 11 [1. To have a truly deUCLOW steak- 0 'Ve rrieltand Would You Like a Book for Nothing ? done to a tum -4t juicy, W, -11 -,,J V,,,, . Dook ("'t ,-t .11d -il t.l.y I . � , ' � I . . 6 � \ I L , f - L I , L, ,% ,�, ., . � \ ", I 11 11 � . 11�' " I I I . L . . . I . � . I I I , .. I � I I � I I I . �,, , -, I I I � ,. 1. /f, � I � � I *AI* �&-',00*#'pt ,� I I ., .�­ -, t. - *" , a�,,. ,­­ - � 1� I I W, . I . a�"LLI. 1, , , ,� 0 , t 11 ,*L*t,�& N, 4" .)�!,N,�.,C*,, , -�� � " ,�v -11 . , � ' . - I 1�� '- 11� I idoft � im aw &L_ L , . - �"&"'�AL, I , I 4 ",S**ik"'**"��A"--t-�'*"'rA'O- 'A, �' . :" ' o, t,,t,-;i4.t 4, 4� , - 1%, " L�, , . . ,. . .1, - -h, , -" ­ ­­­ , -VftqltA,A,1,4,�*1'446, � 1. . # I "orl�"WMP�L �-­ ' 'L - ,. , "'0111MI , - - - ­ , ".,t- � ­ I .., ''! 1 *4^ 11.1 I I .. , I I I I , ... 11171"'s"M I I - . . , C -];�� '171=-­;,�­�-,­'� ,,, , L , I . � �1 I �- L i . " 116"a e , I L � A, I . , I - �o I . . � � I . , '*-J , �­ I , I I 1 4 ql " - i �,�-u A W L L ., ,- . 4.�11 .:i , ­­­; � ,,, ""/ k - \, * *44 , % I , 11 , �, It 4 - , � -:�24W&J , -- , - . � . I - - - 2tr�t�- .1 -A�­r� � i -Ahffislss� - .111,k�^ must be broile(L Yet most rwWes 1`111`111!����J si-11.. V­Ilait., in ly don't make ProW Provision (or To Is ­W�i'­'w 9 ....... �,111.10, pag­ - in broalft. The broWng and touthl door of the Ill" I A, ---It -f thl W'"- '" " ft Furniture is probably not just 1,,i ,,( 1,,1--t ­g 1,1t -t-1 Fit -in jai 7 Oxford 3 ,1-1 '1�*?IAIIA r- (", th, , 'king. .." '.. k � y-, .- at Imper, (-> . The GurnOT (,fy"tl,.tw,:I..I"k�,,,,,11,,,t to . , 4 Foundry Co. I-)rop lit and ex-illiltic otir large and nioderin 11,A,,",4,t..n­f­Jt,V �dl 119. R gd e -t the.tI.0-1 ... ... 1-11-1111 ys an ,ar. dr, ..... 11 I. - tod.y 1WF(,RH Toronto -11 I.,. YOU SIX911 I . � , ' � I . . 6 � \ I L , f - L I , L, ,% ,�, ., . � \ ", I 11 11 � . 11�' " I I I . L . . . I . � . I I I , .. I � I I � I I I . �,, , -, I I I � ,. 1. /f, � I � � I *AI* �&-',00*#'pt ,� I I ., .�­ -, t. - *" , a�,,. ,­­ - � 1� I I W, . I . a�"LLI. 1, , , ,� 0 , t 11 ,*L*t,�& N, 4" .)�!,N,�.,C*,, , -�� � " ,�v -11 . , � ' . - I 1�� '- 11� I idoft � im aw &L_ L , . - �"&"'�AL, I , I 4 ",S**ik"'**"��A"--t-�'*"'rA'O- 'A, �' . :" ' o, t,,t,-;i4.t 4, 4� , - 1%, " L�, , . . ,. . .1, - -h, , -" ­ ­­­ , -VftqltA,A,1,4,�*1'446, � 1. . # I "orl�"WMP�L �-­ ' 'L - ,. , "'0111MI , - - - ­ , ".,t- � ­ I .., ''! 1 *4^ 11.1 I I .. , I I I I , ... 11171"'s"M I I - . . , C -];�� '171=-­;,�­�-,­'� ,,, , L , I . � �1 I �- L i . " 116"a e , I L � A, I . , I - �o I . . � � I . , '*-J , �­ I , I I 1 4 ql " - i �,�-u A W L L ., ,- . 4.�11 .:i , ­­­; � ,,, ""/ k - \, * *44 , % I , 11 , �, It 4 - , � -:�24W&J , -- , - . � . I - - - 2tr�t�- .1 -A�­r� � i -Ahffislss� - .111,k�^ is parficularly capacious. YOU C11111111, gtt fe bwP L0- broiler easily into the door =4 Ovet - To Is the glowing coaL% without I -- -10 fe. 114e #I stooping or getting the heat of the firill YOlivelt - �p- Furniture is probably not just )r. Ily I - CaU at one of our 19cu- cles ot writa to W (M Vour — -- —=== up to the mark, tie Ivp 118. booklet and agai ii, voli may not have enough of it. It is (-> . The GurnOT i otir special bitsilless to look after N,our Wants. . ied , I t . , 4 Foundry Co. I-)rop lit and ex-illiltic otir large and nioderin ( )I , stoci, of Plain and J�Illlcy Furniture. 2- DO : ILAmited I i I I NVe call please yoll ill Quality and Price, ,ar. dr, Toronto -11 I.,. - - 111402hol"all 'Wilissislosid T I ,.A & S I E `ON I I I to 1-3 Y U111 vs,ftsis"Wes �,, . , I I ej . - , I Tbe Leading Undertakers and Embalmers. tile Find ook — � I . - I .k�, (,6dle,_* - I Fkji t).� %w. J. HAil-Z, i-� t � ' I i , h ,,,,,lit snJ Day Calls Promptly of4ciAded to. Resilence, Waterloo street and Elgia Ave .s,.,- , a - I , k I . � , ' � I . . 6 � \ I L , f - L I , L, ,% ,�, ., . � \ ", I 11 11 � . 11�' " I I I . L . . . I . � . I I I , .. I � I I � I I I . �,, , -, I I I � ,. 1. /f, � I � � I *AI* �&-',00*#'pt ,� I I ., .�­ -, t. - *" , a�,,. ,­­ - � 1� I I W, . I . a�"LLI. 1, , , ,� 0 , t 11 ,*L*t,�& N, 4" .)�!,N,�.,C*,, , -�� � " ,�v -11 . , � ' . - I 1�� '- 11� I idoft � im aw &L_ L , . - �"&"'�AL, I , I 4 ",S**ik"'**"��A"--t-�'*"'rA'O- 'A, �' . :" ' o, t,,t,-;i4.t 4, 4� , - 1%, " L�, , . . ,. . .1, - -h, , -" ­ ­­­ , -VftqltA,A,1,4,�*1'446, � 1. . # I "orl�"WMP�L �-­ ' 'L - ,. , "'0111MI , - - - ­ , ".,t- � ­ I .., ''! 1 *4^ 11.1 I I .. , I I I I , ... 11171"'s"M I I - . . , C -];�� '171=-­;,�­�-,­'� ,,, , L , I . � �1 I �- L i . " 116"a e , I L � A, I . , I - �o I . . � � I . , '*-J , �­ I , I I 1 4 ql " - i �,�-u A W L L ., ,- . 4.�11 .:i , ­­­; � ,,, ""/ k - \, * *44 , % I , 11 , �, It 4 - , � -:�24W&J , -- , - . � . I - - - 2tr�t�- .1 -A�­r� � i -Ahffislss� - .111,k�^