HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-10-14, Page 3- . I - r ,� - 7--p
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f 'o, I . � � . I OW If 00, v4WO-444A "� �* 1, *"" I I � I' ,vii JkO00494-� - A, U00A 4"PAtolf, Mal A "Yorit � I 11 . I 11
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. '. ;000�4 W Ill ft , I a 4ai.tischm
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I . 1. . 1 qft,J7 . , 4 00m;;z6oitua.� ot " t ofiIallit - , qqt at L 1. I ,,,
. . . bullat,b � 11 1 W)WUM'' , . -:_1 _Mm"", . .1 I , loan *
� � �, . �, - I .. . Tasw-pt** 'V,00**" C61DWOOKO,o 11 , "it , �. lix , , � , . . ,a 1 'Portiasupac, trolopa. At the colisidail, ******"** �-
I I I I I I . I I, V., I , . I , olialvQ0 xoVerfilli" 001 . pq,liot VI0414t* ot 1. 11yo tdcat. Tito 00vo 11 I I
. : . ..'�, , � . , 1111WAVaTurl I -.,
, I 1. .. "I - 1.1": 1� I I I *,9W* thak �� 14, ow.1, *t 1" '"',� mtq�,,�Tj . A . , Oplalith-W94 A .� I
ho,, � I , w ... r 0,1W ' , I* r ' TorgAto, I . ftr000x- , imatiAt'v 0 0ANUMMY, .
" I ,0ttJO4,% _r ,I14h(At,--Vt1kn1t9ba, ' tififtithsip. , g#to thil f4rfffla� Ild, Qu � l%nii.silixv wdu troublo with the t, � .
LA' . I ) 4 , � jaifso,*W"� qftes % "A � OA, OV . ,, trlb,44 who viro p4sbuoro ) 1.
. - . I .
11-104 1. . 04 40*1, t1004 , I wheot, boo on VOW tendeltaq� P mg . _ , It 110, avorybady who mfflas3
0 , .0 , � W I � 104 00'"its w4re *1lW,-ba*X01lri5*(A **I* loth', , , , I Oct. it
- -Cow " ''t : T060 , � " I ",
I � , , 0
I . , pp$ , . �. I I . I , ,Rg,00*413#194, *to� olist '40,41, A0. . , tie , at', w4gerifoll", 0M.). 60" vt too 116roros, who ifloildo time Ago: �
. . � I � � , I , , , * W 1 1,4 iiiiii " �Acl W-4 W01to. aglikilfiq 0.qrmofft rule.. sout A ,�p In Ile- I ,
- � Plifiablod to V I , , . matio. '119, maill, secret of muccatifis In , .. '; ".
I .. I I 4 AA omw- 4, t , , , I %re; No. I'yortlieral, 41,00 V � iff 1111and'.11014e. that are olway
. J 16cr - If* , umboilir of - 0010
. . . � 0 i�biti, 00 "t '900 of fitAlms , wpoitit'r, !RM . oAt Vp One co'A'%� 10 04*1 No. go 0-fla to 01,05*-, 0, at 1 , I
I �, . �
11 I '4W 01-wanxi., I 1 4 *4 i.('O�'jr;4 )Ai� I i afilo* ; 4040 0100, to retalloro'o4rider. The (III ,1
. �-,at ' N .',, ' I s4f:;4011 uI . ,,, � . 'W"'ki, Vairva0vis Wtqii�q is or so to, Aossioct tlis , ,. the maialift 91 this.serviceable R02A -1 11
. I- y III, "o, itim rok wit . ,qm,ox .
I . � . I � I . . � I . . ro, . � _ , to 01,01J. GOOT likilif . , Ififilim, ootot mis"wed W 4PI) men. caret, . of � I
.1 11 I I . I I � I �*tifraxtoift of this p..�9,44,,,#AA OP4, aifdotwr ,rise, I� ,, I .0. lif. b�? the powov ar __ 11 taoluffik* anairfilipai I 11
� . .. .11 .11 11 � I I . � I 11, i4tiono ,, ... I ... 1- " . . I .)�. . 20404094-J, 101tv, Pouni havo do, 110,01s. QC; itiorco gial I triff b� . - thitt Vomitullon maoItod, by. IVialpfAhk Agular, They,, tut.491talon, in to tak� especial Care, In
, �
. 1. - ' �' ' 4 ' .1 I 11 lr"Wllml i , 40% At W, "to ), C9 414'rip helIR 114 , rettles Are, L to, 1�ui'.th4t VAQI03� - - ec . r There are
I . I ". g the 011it4di; grade$ Are of It to w grg � � , I
, Z '. � Ut t , _ t , = part of the imilking. .
) , � ' 94 I "Wif U000 r ciiflv.ed*� v4portio , 's - " 'firomm N - 2_0 , - whlto�!wait it 101810". The 901 I rosailtig .tho, Cunene River, a rules that always apply, and .
R46,81lik" ,�Itaar*Mpox '00 v�aflalnv wg4h, 14'rilit, as. relmarkaill U91tioo, of C"", 41,04 or No , 0 dairy between tile .
�� , J'AP, . " strotion was to show tu,qt wbteu to thao, b U4 It thoo are never till4htc(L the result I
_ 9 $OUTJR Cr 9 4,'� Pol I
:1 . , 4 , �!, Thuroday x4lialia _; , , pproximixtoly" 4 - Wik,Q4t9*it ravetiffixte of, London 9, g spring demon , I
. I 'Boys ;��* -., I .
� , A detapatc-11 fi�m,:` to� Z!,F!ii. 4 Is not roA&MAltbaf millop bom A fop,ifalde; No. 2 gooNO. 8 0; spraying might kr9fitably be done as ,p-giltup,ilso and Ocartifian pogisdaStimal.l.1 ,, U(Iwl(;h. - �
tlfp�ql litf,goilis 0l' I .1sh, ��Oyftrdp, I"* ,then 40,00, S�ot I 't
r I , _ _tdo.irablo 0940,11190 0 1 em wills.,*040,707, ;fix Wroitiso, Qft Ised theta U.rrn',_itth._r very old. nor very . ''L ��
11 . hing is usually done to ,%sterft when the Cualabomas surtar
I , I 9 20 ovel! this cor,r"PO!'Rg . Ight Tito - ''. .
�I!Coioy 44g,to tho, 1401101 pAWS, at, itsitick, too �!!,�IIW,to* ed $4t4o to $4.,Ari, bj�yors* Oratifirlifi, Quo man taking the contract from to bush eat n . tribesp . 41
1 U IntomOng, rexii4ro 91, tho t tbot their 9418.0t, Is :,o: "OA -001 �Vo , plour 040 of 00 per cent, pAtento thrfo . -a- .
1* "' I "young" hill ,ad; that a day old , � I
war'neWls Is , I is � ,
, , tile . Tn� , W, )i '41, 1 . are quot at or �
, MeAtIAP !)F to, " -04 ;ki ' I best for the purpose. it you wake
_ _ � fit, c9rFeil ti� Ws;VIaX tl�* Otellamfir Vinlilral 0oilifild th ro4tor, , te, b"Jilois killing . �,
. I _ _ . � .V OQ,.g . . PA4- P t" yo .I cQuit,oteas. of minto est. Cholciff brands. for doing the work at a largo 111141111- men attacked � fiercely. .
poludint with (19n, Okut at 0, 10"tarth troo'll sydpoy for Japan, Thea V4*,P th44 ,wo 4q,t.' T40.,� Ns;ul more, , Tba, FArk �. . salad sacks, oust or w ' ult ona- woulading 234 of the detachment, of ,
Jap4riese army corps , , I r. M g
as 4 111tity try, Qi Dotooce bq)* nottAlad VACQ1 danger" , than I *8 4(iii yot 'tuilm w4i loth, 100 to .-Qq lialgile , plattobst, $5.70 her of his I your own broad, and intend to make �
. , Mug Tcorext.W on the, :�
I too "'cointuattliatt thol . or UJIJ�4 Isat yoor." tup9do vir. , I tq, for Hungarian patents,' $0.40 for ,bracing 3,000 trees was contracted whdin 109 were Europeans and 145 vandwiches flake the loves In 1009 I
south of woudem, who stro N of A0 I'al Vflnsf�IaWc, , in . pot, one - pow�g, 4,� 14th .6 r in atives, Ainiong.the dead are fifteen I Pont'. anW have theat about .our I
, , , 1,tk *11, ,f�,,NOVLe)bQV,, pr.lor . a.
, , ,.
two corps aptl Its C91matander, is, not , ;of iqutadron, of th re , rt .... � , , ed-ond patents, and $5.80 -for strong for and Mr. r .
. I Auomliari 11 The raicordskat thet CommissIO4 Urd.'It4r Magootid.' "
. MeAtAoiloo. The Corps, ,t`49 forms- prefleac -m 8, twale 49pot , To- played to do the work. Ile stkpC6W,- commissioned and thirtoen non-com- I inches high by six wide, 11 I., .
, a of tha Russian , I . It 0 show thsit I# the 1.0,0 teo Ilan I% bakers'. bags Included. on track umbor of missionod officers. The login column Make everything I
tion villch wad for"hadolived -that blit' 10 6 11 11 Ite'r 1104 1. � . V 03-0711T. off in spraying the whole n else re4dy See 11 r
at I , . understood' . , Z � ronto. - your .
I some, time asq. IF, boltol, a til�be cq�u- , as , 162 pqrapuq have lost the I a trees four times with one outfit at 0, came "UP late" and engaged the Conn I lunch before touching your ii,illind- ': I . 1,
� . � I rAllroa4 aqg Ixtpf'.�Thesc tigatiali are I , ,� fro ,10,og emigrants at Milifood-Bran is quoted at $14 t.. 1,
posts ,Ile ,troops) wit".0, havo'.b0ii -Ulgerfal Caftan" and in t wil 'Itittl As . follows :�_Isqa, ThqrQ . ; I W linings. The result is not stated, but , Ioviches, and have the filling :eady "
. . it ot it 1 cif 4�91[Tibqititid y . car . lo , 0 $14.50 In bulk. and shorts at $17,. cost of something less than 20 CM+ .1111.11 , :� -, �,
lauding for wettiWls post ail New- them and into . ritts - FlWal, AluW*- wflitka Passage. - 9 it, the, Unsproyed it Jai sounallInced that the column is I alixed before cutting the broad. . .
Chwang and going a the rail'- "at bo .11�V-mdthil to Or 8,,SQ%. Ispe, �,811% 1897, 'Q,*81. ex- 50 eeist or w est. Manitoba rallifeed' a tree. The alitalet 1111111latus make them its quickly tia it is puami- . t
north a lives % hat district are so scab- safe. 'rho Ooverumont cantor I �
� �. , 7,128; Igo li,, 4sahteeii I .�pro lost by an Orchards in t! . �,
. the , va port", 189$1 54; 1890'. , unchanged at $20 to $21 for shorts I
- 0 1 in 4 leri:440 coal mine. Uss expedition against I ble to do, and have them well tatulloo. .
I 6 . ?00. . � ,
Way by the rogdo and on . i, PIC, 10 , practically worth - sending a fr6sh
. 51 el s,401r; ;i9ost, 6,080, and $19 for bran, sacks Included. Tat- by an to be
. River. 064, 9,9$4, P by 6% iftew treaty, secured Tito contrast between the sprayed and the tribesmen, besides strengtheniLit; I With a vory 4ir.P. * �,
8111, I " I A . . n0fo cut off 401, . I � I
� 'D IN. 9'aWgs . .01 route freights. t
� Outpost movelifen" fttt�l FCqm.kR lip AMMUNITIOZ4 SMUGGLE "A comparatively -smAll pro�not�orai r ount authority in Xorocc Wees at 45c to 40e for No. unsPra.ved fruit is therefore very the pertuallont garrison in tile colonY. I the top and I ottout Crust. you -n 11 : � .
� I I
the only activio opbrifittlebS. 'rho Jd- am Tolfito .s4Ys.'--Jft0 L , to I 8Ar1-,QrW,,._hq& been gavotted Knight Barloy�P d 42c for marked. h llau'lluillafts Is find use (or till# in some department I � 1
A despatch It* of the M110A gn:1 Injurod"refer6ad, - - � �
have OCCUIP104 'the pWrt Arthur blockading fleet bit$ Cap- in the bullbt�n w , Grand Crass a the Order of at. 2. 44c for No. 8 extra, an Lilt one doubtless connqted with the revolt I c
. c gailsombled tal onicel'ic oconomy. filial slice the
Panesu are said �o , Its, 9t the pA ' No., 3 middle freights. The audienc, read .. tat
4 heights at, Sank'avaldhishun, Ilcitwedlil. tared a Jqn,k laden With provisions, . . J,,sc'gar Utah,,) ,and St. PeOrge. I r. J. C. of the Hercros, which the Germans Illy as possible without I
I l mines. A class. lil Call- Ryo--Is quoted at 590 to 600 east O'clock (it the orchard of M having it hroal, with hau-Iiing. I .:��. ;�
a The junk was endeavoring to enter 1. The De Be= Syndicate, which If a
I R. 4k I I I - Demand Is quiet. Norsawarthy and inspec6d vCrX caI cannot suppress. It is 0 Wally n- 1.11,
� 1 .
3 � stream of supplies and UnIluunition is o' 0.11 per con ,.,
� the harbor. The litatitiments Of the to of the world's dla- or West. ,
. Corn-Unphangod at 52c to 53c for billy a large number of trees, COW -t- 110110c,"d here that Germany Is about Spread the butter on thinly but, e%tll-
ceaselessly flowing tra's -glo t I. 0 1�. gals. I .1 I'll I LL III
reported to Ile crew and evidence found aboard the I miand 4utpllit, have announced that grakling tile apples. k9onate to send S.000 morc troops to put ly, and don't fit c h It , " I ,A
I north. ,ACO of a- fleet in It cars of Canada west. American at Ing and rathOr lld%Q 7IUttVr bit it 1, If ,It .
I 1111TED 1114001w, ride has g6no uIx 5 per cent. a visited and dgwn the rising. I I ,
tak Indicate the 044tc $lie 1) No. unsprayed Orchards war *.- around lily broad. than to ltve it , !,�.
rts there So junkp, organized to run the I - , �, �:
: According to German repo I'll I On the'22nd anniversary of his 62ic for No. 2 yellow, Gic for .. -
,,,, r . ug- I; QV exact hour 3. and 59ic foi- No. 8 mixed on 496121 huddled I,, . .1 ... I. just fit the .-nt,,-,. I
l is constant colluaturalcUtion botween blockade from the vicinity of Tat FIFTEEN TEARS' XLECOR, � birth. 'itud at almost the So ]ROUTE TO THE YUKON. 11
frisingehou and Port Arthur. and it the vigiletace, of the There is a moderate Inquiry. SOME qPRAYED ORCHARD Always put flit, filling Ili ,;e1loruti-ilY. ��
Kouropatkin 1 GMEAT , BRITAIN. I � and min'Tte, Jo.9eph A. Carson died track. - ''. I
is believed that Got], =adt','R_p11ee0t, to jurilis reach I . . Jifi, been inspected. and never use filling that is like It ...
common (lily . r, I I ,� il, I - at Detroit, oil,, 3 1 Onts-No. 1 new white, 824c to until six or seven had 0, fol- Policial to Construct
and Admiral Alaxieff are I RusslaiV lines at a numbe of � up a Tritill Pro- chl for drytiviss, �
. t 1�aigulrefx Dlo JTot All Show 3�r*- Messrs. An4ilow Carnegie allit-J. P. 83c east; No. 2 white, Blic to 320 The results may be summed . , "
qhp '&n, of, th'. the I and alic north and lows, 90 peace River, �frffall each separute narid%%ich. or I
� Ication lovith ,lilb. by 10)ci . landing places on the lower end 0 � Morgan may-1,paugurbato a movement low freights, In the sprayed ordhards . �
*-- If aide No. An Ottawa despatch says :-Propo6r- each Itifir of them, if )ou prefor 11 t "I,
I wireless itcologra6h. the peninsula. Tile jlankp .mtor-_ -At LXX441 lNottiloAtial. Debt the frut� would gr t ,-
. I . I , to CQUAteFACt the .Rhodes schoolardhip, west. ant a �'
The newspapers print Conspicuous-, tright, the Russian guns dad') Mine '' - - - rfaa4iaii. , students to go to Rolled Oatq-Are in quiet,doinand at r;hile in the uniapraIldd Orchards, fitions (fro being made for opening UP long, narrow orie, In It Ilitli't- 01 11UP'T �11;
ly a statement from-Ramburg in advantage, over �� pl,nd,io�, encourage $4.50 foc Cars of bags anti S4.715 lot, pe, more than 15 per cent. would 'on. For LhIS purpom, th,, Oiled paper I, � �
Pro- fields giving them t In the comparativitily small space the United States. t . art all-Caradhan route to the Yuk I 11",
fessing to give authentic details Of the vessels of the blockading, fleet. picked I best. and it fetv cents %%ill induce the
arrangements for imUUI_ of 300 pages a Blue -book entitled Fourteen �hili;tlreil installers of the barrels On the track Toronto; 25c grade No. 1. Tit some t,jises.orli.v 10 With this object in view A ,., Y,
Russian coaling Nylaile it is suspected that cant t1stical .Abstract of the more for brokeu lots hare and 40c ,per cout'. of first-class fruit Wag found body of itiounted Police will start grocer to ptirt witil cntmgh to, wrui� ,�
80 tion Is being S11111199164 in,; note has the "Stla' . Amalg mated Rubber Workers' Un -
the Baltic fleet, it 1* sait], tbAt tilgdoin", tells t as'the or -a for a ce River in the Attiabos- I a huindred sund%% iches. If �UU A-1111- ,.__�,
. 6 *01 United K he story Ill ion of United States, aft a met broken tot% outside. Ind on'sonto trees It was 01flicUlt.te" train the Pea 0 he oiled puper, U."I Lilt)
German and British rtPOMOrs, chiefly yet been f6urfa* fit the hundred at 6ac to u4c for discover ft perfect apple. Tito cost of on district, north-waost If Edmonton. I not get I.
ves.,els belonging to tfiif Humburs- junks that have been overhauled -it figures of tile nation's life for the' five-wepkil' starlke� against the I�adlafg Peas -Are dull all through , g I. K '. � ,I
- east. spraying was about 20 cents POr and construct a pack tr """"' thin w ........... """ ", uch " , '�
. I last. fifteen years. rubber manufacturing companies, all- No. 1 west of 8 Ant VOUIVS UcUUtld StOre IMI'COIS, . .
American Line, capable of carrying re- work tree or to cents per tal Elrod It I ly Rivor, from which lit -ho'4 are till "
no, havo been clialItered for During that time the national nounced readiness to return to - ,a .
. 500,000 to the venue has Increased frou� 89 ida"I't unconditionally. COUNTRY PRODUCE. a fair estinkate to sav that for ov .�,%atpi.,.' eat, be had With Dawtfun. And N%heo fit,, s,%udwI, 3
6pso of supplying coal to at ,ry 20 1 cent.; expend�d in spraying The route followed will be pretty � rotitty, don't dU11111'' thVUL I'liltili'll 11� 1�
* fleet tin lt� NIP,;l-age to the Fur ,afalt- - .. n niflUblisi but the Calo' Three Weeks ago a little girl Butter -The situation is unchanged. valuo of about inuch the Paula as that traversed by Into tt-basket, vail Ila- 4,o(k, but lit -k .,:. I
The'names Vf 1ho rauldem"Outl are gly- A despatch from Berlin says :-Ac- penditure, unfortunafft, has gIrCawn Vermillion, South Dak Creum,ecy. prints ... ......... i9c to 20c there was can inereasect Major Moodle, four years ago. The them enrefull,� fit it iresh pekstebualIl �,`
on with imposing cirlizitinst4plittalitY. Carding. tor,, the: Mdkdeq correspondent tq Ila even greater extent, from 86 Henrietta Hendrickson, while at play do solids ... ..... ...... ... 180 to 19c $1.0o. Witnessed by sun, of $25,0ou was voted for this box, anti tie Lit(, lilt on ficllll� I't I I
- a grain of Tito inspection was
', "' ,d session of Will Ltvll 1110JU Ill bilil 1,101t0c COU01- �
. . of, thi tokal '4nzeiger. the present millions to 147 millions. in a corn bin swallowt Dairy tubs, good to choice 13c to 15c (J. undortaking tit the laitit
� 2, Prof. Hiatt. O.A.C., UU0101, Air, t i- , � "'4
_' dispolattion of the entire Japanese Tahe national debt, which fifteen corn; which lodged In her threat. It do inferior grilides ... ..... 10C to 1: c A. Putnam, Superintoredont of Farm- ParilutfiefiL. and it is likely that the iiou, If th,. box is Ilwti clusvl� wrti .1,
JRUSSIA'S SECOND ARMY. force is as foll6ws:--Gen. Nogi is years ago was 688* millicalitio fell cgug�d her little inconvenience until Dairy Ill. rails, good to Ell Institutes, Mr. P. W. viodgettaf expedition will start early fit thoilled In pallor, and tivil aguilk, 14-1 tile 11
from St. 'Petersburg at port Arthu.r� with the first,# eighth, steadily to 6tr""thilliomi"'JIJ 2898-9. a low days ago. w1ion bar ciondition choicc. . ..... ....... ....... i5c I o Ide tiattal Fruit Orowors: spring. The necessary Supplies will nic loxes III get Lit lilt' Lillpi-M.I'l."I i
A despatch . Socretary I d 6 �
ays:-Q0A,l'1QTJPOhb1far1;,o wild was ninth, a,4,0 eIQYWh-0iVk,siQAs, �Wi,th Then the - t * mktan war began became allocating, and a ductor . was do medium . ... .-...... .... I'le to J4c, . aCCUU111141tild during the coining atilt defeest'le-ss % WILLI'lls. all - 'cul'
- � Association, rind a hall dozen cor- be ILE I socill dries Out. Another ud�allt-g-� . -
,�, -I the reserves end 182 field guns and examination by got- ,, winter. The mounted policeman
, - ately oijilointed by the Czar to Itbe to affect it, an it had risen last sent f6r. An Cheese-Quotal lung are unchanged �
I mith Ong. I. - . pontivrits of figrictkItural papers. of till, box. is thut it atilt). Ile 61 -
command the second Manchurian 450 siege, jung. year to 762i . us raves" the presener, of a pro- at ,lie to 9ic for large and 91c to the north land is the PioneOl* Of ci%-1
of wh,ch gete Incidentally many poilatti fit goner- 'i-lizatiqu, ani the 700 cidd Cat0l. dtill
army, lit" reltarknect- to, w6a, fit Gen. Kurqki has with 111130, the The amount of income on 0 in the throat and an in- tuiles curded %Nhen tile hinch is
. i tuberane ' life for twins. -0 w, up. I SOIlle ont, %%ill be 'glild to. escupe 11
which Oovernment he wa the mill- Guards and the second and twelft eived has iucreao- cision was"made. 111he grain of corn all orcharld etilittil Orill taken strutching frout the Pottee Itive' willi .
-for to his new aP- divje x1f; 8, forro,ol, 00 JjAidand! itill 460f U1111- was then fotuadl, to have sprouted. I Vggs-The ,,market Is firin It, Ilona Prof. Itutt drew attention to the be inado polisibli of UCCOSS bV means *A011119'' 1101110 411 VI"Ilt) loat' Or bU4_ I
tary commander III , loo,s, repreatelf,ti . � � "', ad ftotal -M, latil find is quoted unchanged at 1S.1c to ivatioll ,
t,, W,,.btlA?,b.O,V,eK�l,h#',�,rgfttOO4,�tci isbd,ihfoiatr� _§1,16O.Ca,valry"And 2,79 * harlog p�tfyt �sollcitor for a gas I tic. fact that, even though cut( of the pack traltl There i� little ket.
t pointmen , . lions, and the produce for each piffiny, , - i
. -1 An 0 COr I � V i � I and pruning we,x� miglected tit settle ,in tile trall Ili cotil- Nk-Nor take &I Slice of dl',� Huff', till"
be intelevi&WOd. � ' ' Ill " bilotigilug' guns of tax from 22,238,180 to Z2 535 -- � ,tit ficalso, Idullo, was killed, doubt that Wil
I al army Ile- - W. - any Potaloes-The tuarket is [Irm if ifirayed Orchards the trot -4 tin Inrush of (as ti.-A.,lic papkir, nud a,,livol, It lit be-
, rai� comp
econ Gen. Oku's force consists of the 862. A remarkable feature of If will , in bad by being shot tirree f the f. � I pleted thele will be
tone Land is quoted uIxtiangod tit 80v a oudod anti the specimens
clares that it will not be assembled third, fourth, and sixth divisions and turns is the sudden fall In.1he'.1rat?, tlmag,ad�d dfruck on tile hetid with u if) Vue for car lots on track her were well I
r �� prospectors 1%nd perhaps evontuully t%%ven t"o -guod-6tep-inuther , slices
in Manchuria before Mal -ell. reserves, which represents 48,000 I- of increase of profits f,rom buAinesk hatchet. Mrs. Daly whein arrested s a large. lie pointed out that halt cover, ,I, settlers. Surveys Made clur- of! unbutilt-red broud, its I )lu%v kot)wn I
fantry. 3,129 Cavalry, and 252 guns' . Concerns, professions, 'and cmpIoYW cladined Nbe shot in self-defence, but and $1 per bag for out of tore the Season been dry these tll,c Fall" Ingi the past Season ha.vo mude it to ill, dolle by people otherwise till -
I SEIZF, BRITISH SHIP$. Can. Nodzu has the fifth and tenth merAs, known as schedule D. Frolali�� later swore a roomer u4mad Farmi stocks- . could not have been obtained. clear thut illeasant (,amp, tit the ill If you 11SO IItLU1, uI%d (Ili not, .
divisions and reserves which .gives 1900-1 to 1901-2 the, income tax M.. Bond bad done the killing. Bpth are Poult ry-QLIOtat Ions are unchanged Ill
Vfit' of the Kletilail allid Oluclor like the prepared de%lied %Ullet3. bull
A despatch from Shanghai saya; him 25,00 infantry, '1,200 Cavalry, ral. I I c to l3c for spring chickens, a attl , ptitnall, Spoke (if the Success junction
turns under this bead increase by, field. . which had attended the operations of llivers .is within IlritiSh territory. it and chop linely, and lilix will%
I 1 Tile Javanese have Seized off New and 84 guns. millions, while from , . He to Or for old blarth. Due" are the frt%lt shippers' associations Of Conidd,01*11100 d0yolOP'lleat 11118 Elf let" "'o'"" ra"rito drossil1g, Of to e
Chwang the British steamer Sishan, The position of the seventh division twenty-one ----I---+- steady at 9c to Rao. Cath
1001-2 to 1902-8 the iucr?iiase was Walkerton, ('hotham. and St, - been "I"de in this part ,If the Vulooll. plain. for
with cu.ttlle and flour consigneo td is not known. 4 r ' '. IN BAD REPUTE- lialed ilay-('ur lots on track here arines, and ONIfectilliv commended this and live view pollco ]),)His have been I IIUVO One ill' two pet recipes It.
the Russians at Port Arthur. . Field Marshal Oyama's whole force only four millions. . _ I are quoted unchanged at_$7, .50 to systell, of disposing' of their fruit. established lti what Ili kIlOwu as the the making of lillings, and its 1 ly
- - fatimated at 1:",Qoo tal WORTH A MMLION. .' I WithISS per ton. I M r MeNcill slook,e briefly oil the Alwok district. lju�o never alope-arod art print, I Will
is thus a . id Can Castailian Poultry Trade .
ON MIKADO'$ BIRTHDAY. try, 6.50 , 0 Cavalry, and 648 guns. Last year estate duty was pa . Britain Below Par. I lialed straw -Is steral in tone and topic "How to sell the apple crojil." + . givo thein here. t he (gpa
Of tHeRe. 83,000 Infantrylt and 84 62.108 properties of the total value Ar, - JqUOt(-Xt unchanged at S5.I-0,5 to So par He strengly call Selling in Fgg Filllng-1,'ou thin, bull .
The "Plon-Tilln. correspondent of the guns form the left wing of 'the Ja- of 264 millions; including seven- "IIS: An Ottawa despatch says: A Ill ton for car lots oil truck here. bulk. By this ill-thoct the farmer SIXTY MILLION hard. but not rock3, then chop Llooui
London Daily Mail says that u. do- panese army on the Liao. and Run tates, worth over a million each. Thor tin issued by the ])apartment of Agri- - - selling it product, life quantity - � flnel�. Add butLer, stilt. pepper Paid �
spatch from Nagasaki states that ,way, 86,000 In- not value Of property on whiLlh pro- culture f,aN-&:-"Tlie 0anadiar. poultry was Intire
it Rivers ,and the rail . MONTREAL MARKETS. of which lie wag not in a position to I& Castle's Estimate of Western vinegar to Suit )okir taste. I
J apanese, officar from Port Arthur ?entry and 84 guns are tit Line- bate and succession were pald I wag trade with Great ,Dritain Is in bad . Oct. 11.-Orain-No. 2 estimate, to . can be no regular rule for these I-lu- .
maintains that the Japanese arc Yang and Yentai, and 10-000 'afan- 211 millions. - . reputd.11 � Montreal, the buyer who had Wheat Crop. [)Of. t tons, This can be m4ed as A 1'.
gralually closing in On the fortress. try and IS guns, the right wing, are The -.xtent of the nation's thirst The bulletin further says that, while whitu oats at 88c to SSic, and NO. spent years in buying and watoi very A Winnipeg despatch sn,vs �-Sixty' or -I little French mustard raila) to
They fire Most anxious to capture rth of Ponshin. may be gathered from the fact that Canada has been mocking tilne, other I :1 ut 874c to :18c em -store, for ex- apt It, estiolating the quantity of million bushels of wheat for Manilu-jadd-ed, but I gvoerlkll.� "lilt with it
the place on the Mikado's birthday, no militon gallons port; No, 2 white otal 304 to 361C apples on a tree Ill. 11.1so con�lornn-
, last year fiftY-One countries linvo beeii advancing. both 1.1 rye ed selling lippit's with tile under- bit and flit, Northwest 'I'Verit0rik'S is I 111111 US auticii tillilly chopped ,It.,,% -
Nov. :1. DAMAGES TO TOMBS. of spirits and thirty-five and a halt in quant it.Ni. and quality of- shipments. luflout: No. 2 peas, 72c; NO. I - )lilt thp Ile picked and the efithunte of.. this )our's produc-1ch,'M, or othe, illixed pickles. "A. 1, I
Russian pristifford Efay that a num- barley, 544c to 55c; StUnding . (1. 11. ClIsItle, Nvoro- ,,built I teaspoon hot water to eat"%
I within Takla says :-The million barrels of beer Were made, The blame Is Put ori the Canadian I at 62ic; No. 2 No. 3 piled on the ground witatil tile Park- tic" "utdo by M Mr. Coultle Ogg Ali lilt, tuiXturu alid betAt. unLII
bar of dead lie unburied the A docpatch from I. I- porters , flal,c to 54c, und I I 11 houso (,olumisulonor.
� ,,vbich means, roughly, It lqarrel Of exporters. it is said that ,,, No. A extra. 4I pack them. ' is usually
ftyrt.ress, and that the hospitals are jiji shimpo, referring to China. ers culn" If hatij just returned from a It'll) o"I", I atiluuthly filixod. I Ila% 0 never
he beef- and a gallon of spirits for kill by cutting the head off instead at 52ic to 58c afloat.
so full' that the wounded are now note requesting Japan to respect t Oman and child. of di.,loenting, tile lee.ck and bleeding I Flour-Ifunitoba spring wheat Pat- resulted in art extensi%ti tel'ri� , ory, cand - front Ila" knu%%ta otic sandwich so Iuadu it) go
I sent to ships. ira,'�Jl% hpxbdr. The Imperial tombs near Mukden, com. every man, w a in tile from the tongue. anti thut decayed ents, 155,80; Firong, $5.70 to 65.80: A 1,0',S OF .14) Pl':It CI -INT. . observations he ;A00" his (Ist'ruat-0-1begging
garrison in now stated tt)'Iluuab�r on- pares Mukdon with japan's rov6red Free Traders will rejoic $5.50; A much better plan lot, the fckriner as t%boVe, 14 11 c.OIJfEcr%Uti%o one. Tito: s11rdIU4, Fillbig-Made tiff Ubo%e,
8 fact that we bought from abroad food is ortc-li found In crop and straight rollers, $5.4 I) to .
ly 10,000 efyecti�v troops. Nara Kyoto- It strongly condemn lijons' worth of goods -last stoninvil. Warning is given against'straight, rollers in bags, $2.50 to was to pick. pack, grade, and mark yield for Mallitub't Is put tit 39.- pa%e that ctintled sar(linUS are uhthl
the attempts ,QI the Russians to am- 5421 mi lilitorra, We thipplog too freely around Chrifa-'$2 (so. )its own fcuit, aod then offer it for 750.000 bushels, being ill, average III,,teuti of tile ltickle,. One 11 % 0 -
JAPAN AND THE WAR, bitter the Chinese against the Zapan- year, and sold only 360 n In glut -1 �illfeed-Maniloba bran, in bags. .sale. q'he best wily was, undoubted- �iel.l of fifteen huhhels ,,,, art ticreago ,.,,,t clin of the fish will Llittko, it cou-
age by fortifying the sacred place, baught ;C12 16s. ld. worth per head, mas wheat tile market Is oftc 650,00il ucrt�fl. ,IS couiltaraid %% till t tile dozeo saud,wichvm Salmon IS
says) Baron a seeking there- and Sold Z6 179. Set. worth. In tin- ted.' �,!g ly. the formation 10,S78 on also olue itself fit this wu.�. NeN eI
.IS I() $19; SholtS, S21 [let- ton; 'Or.- of I, co-operutive of 2,
A despatch from Tikklo and at the same tim erect I, �ield last Near of'40,1
cc, in an ad- IS enormous trade only fifty- The Shipments of butter are re- tario bran, In bulk, $1 7, to $18: set I I ng society. whb?h would ' 2.442.S73, find till '0 -
Sone, Minister of Finan by to weaken the Japanese attack. ancing till I parted to have I,cached the Old Ill,,. 8 houses and ptl�kltlg H110(19 -eage of lelov out ill,- hill Witter %%Ith tile
dr s to, the Governors, stated that The paper declares that Japan will six million soveirelgris and twenty-two Coun- I bhorts, %�ii) to ,v2O, anti mou .. 24 III ure at an act u use I E. ull
ges to million pounds worth of silver chang- try in good condition, the qu�alltv to $2S per tot,, uccording to iluailtV, evaiti-til liltice nod ),five the fruit crillge . Vield (If SeVelliven bushels. In chopped vkg, unless �O .t h
es Settle 4 till.% year tile total froll, fill, lish or some, such inediulla I
Zbe financial plan adopted for the not be responsible for dama Rolb.d. onts--A fail- donantl oxis'14 plicattKI and graded toy men who were tile ,rorritoriv I
� carrying on of the war had proved the tombs incidental to attacking Call hands. good, and ill some parcels of extra I fo at 82.30 to S2.32J Pea' tised to the worlI. This inethod .%let(], US I'StInult0d h� Or "Stle'!fOl' moistening.
no part of the scheme operations. Our huge mercantile rnerine Is made quality. Only one case of mould was r tanall lots will be, 19.0511.iultl I)ushels. Tile clivese Filling-Thisl iuu3 be prepar--
satisfactory, the farmers to up of 10,330 sailing vessels and 10.- found. The favorite packagQ is thu bag, and at 4;4.90 pea- bnrrel. The wollid not, only effect a great Naving S 1,4)."10,000 LACces. and tile :,;!,lc ln,�Iltfollh wap'. k Slice Elf
having failed. He attributed the The Kokumin urges I gross for cornmoul was Efulot tit in the quill of Irl'it to be mar- AcrOalge I
success of the plan to the recent in- regard the unprecedented rice crop, 122 steam vessels, with a tota 5& -pound box. market r U%01-ugo �ield raineteen bushels. .so, Is thick it, ono of �our slices
. crease In the national Wealth. It is which is 20 per cent. above the ever- tonnage of 15,778,062, and Ihoy am- Bacon from Canada is also received $Ijjr, to $tl.45 per bag. keted, but by giving n large nurnbe _`+ of I)Ielkit, Und cut ilio .,Ittmo Shape kil
' e as Reaven's gift for the purpose ploy 257,000 men, including f(weign- With favor, anti shipmer,ts are In- Baled lilly-l"'10-8 are the-sam" at o4 packages of (lilt! variety and of uni- alice %%Ithoot 1111� * I.Vioululogs '' Or
stated that in view of the peolongar ag 0; No. 2, $7.50 to form grade would attract larger buy -
I war, and advises that the pro.'ts ers. creasing. but the recommendation is No. 1. $8-M to S ROBBED THE BANK. f this IS to().1111011, SlIrinkle it voith
tion of tile war, the Government will 0 * United s8; clover Iulxed. 80.50 to 87, and With
I be obliged to jurther increase taxa- be invested in war bonds. I The cultivated area of the made that bacon be sent in cold btur- nd Secure better prices __ po%%dvroiI sage, of, ,holoped lotvslv� �
tion in 1905 in is nearly forty-eight mil- age. pure clover, ,,;t; to $(3.50 per ton in "I's a crop around Inger- sonlo Salad
- Kingdo reference to tile ad Assistant Cashier 'n 01' griO., it will inix will)
lion acres. and there tire In the 4 cor lots. soll ihN year, Mr. McNAII Field that, Then Luck the Vault.
. The Government there . drL1i,l,,,ivg. An,,tlitir HINle 11508 ,)tie
fore hopes that the people will culti- TERRIBLE SLAUGH*R. --Clloice primes, 81.40 to $1 - he could font conscientiously urge hoy- - � -r SLrolig clhcesu. grated,
,vote thrift. country two million horses, eleven ORTING MORE GOODS Beans, luwa deNpatch I'll't III lath,
- and a half million cattle, xwenty-nine EXP 45 per bush.; $1 3.�I to ,91 :175 in citr erR to rainka, :In ofTer, inusinuch (,,I In A Council M"ITH, rt ,,r Lho''Illiol'--d 1-99
The J!jI Severely criticizes the ILI- The London Daily Telegraph's Che . robber wttlked in(o tile .,U� -I filld low. Ili, ", ��
- fee corresponden soya that on Sept. and a half million sheep, anti four - lolls. . I Cro'll"d holl, e .I,,,,
. the unsprayed orchords life"(- wal" '%I- so v it : - A 11 I en ,,I beans mixed
loged instruction to the various Gov t avv Conadinn short ,Milny Or ill(, In', honk lit Tre)VOV, A' mm" o thel - g"."I filling
matter of 24 and 25 the Japanese made repeat- million pigs, The value of the sea British Board of Trade Returns I Pro%i,iolls-lle . most nothing Io 1111Y. 9 hill sn'l,oll 111al, .
carnors to retrench Infthe . If to $is: light Short Sprayed orchards hall hi -en sold, and fifteen Itolvs of here oil Thurt;- I
I Ell and recklessly brave attempts to fisheries last year, excluding Salmon Show Increase. ,(-lit port,, ',S,17.5 t ,,I A-At"till III chilt 4am", With the
education. e ocal e I I. Ann-riettif tat no (lottilt With proper ouinagetikent d . 1, ,,, I 0 al:"Uhl"ottil of It It. -Nolle" '. gg Illl\t,o,. lit fluct, OW (-I�K nle�
expenses already are at the minimum, capture High JR -111 at Port Arthur. and shell fish. wns nine million A London despatch says� The Sell -'"t, $17 to S 1 7. 5( ta� peiled thill "Nsistaill clishwt, fill. -I to(, (oLIWbIlWII ill ll'Utll\ " ll� m " lth
and that a further reduption would Owing to the destruction of the pounds, and the total catch nearly t .)I backs, $I-, 10t American clear fit t the rest could be sold. though I Ile colo 1.1od. to talk(, $1,700 floll" \111.1o,l As
CoLa-thworks, their advance was Cam- eighteen million hundredweight. ember statement of tile livard bnck,.. 920: compolind bard, Ili to 7c; individual farmer wom Eat a dll,ad- Frolivis F -awvr nnd \ault. find put of toilets. \"IL't-tai'los, ct,
be a serious evil and unnecessary. under the , Trade shows a decrease of 811,SA(3.- fige to 7je: kill vantagp as compnr�d with the co- the crish tit � ill lito-L III -Al 1-994 ill I. clivalli-1- then
Count Okuma, leader of the 'Pro- Plottly unprotected, and Russian HUGE RAILWAY TRAFFIC. 000 in imports and tin increase of Canadian lurd, ill gIv, ricrording to operail%e absociations. tvio iuone� III a 1)Ug he cartled TIEVII11kn . %ailing ,.1- 11, thL, line th,- , V II -s -
the people n -led S-18,004,500 In exports. rendered, Sir t (,,h-
gressive party, warned swept them dow in The 22,438 miles of railwav enri (lualil.v: ho,os, lHe I(, I:iic, tin c on, the frohl) - the �oung "onlLITI, 'I% .\1".1"o, to o
rays of the searchlight the or dro- ill., fl..'-s'lly (
&chino guns . n the bUnk. Into tile W
to prepare for a long war, tile date In s 1,195,265 passengers and 413,697,- import, rcom Canada for the -_ +_ will) I�klh itiono I . t,id,-1 ,00-- omolml
of the termination of which it was Mo SOB. n 947 tons of goods and minerals. The Month of September wure as follows 132c to l8c: frO."ll killed nbattoll' t nod lo,kc., I,,., In, r,istotucrs, If g ... lig f.'r ,ill till -It-V till- toroal
now impossible to fortell. "More troops, however, came 0 - , nount VaIlle I hogs. $7, .-I(' to "'71 _-_I: live heavy FOUGHT OFF A MANIAC. vaul hnilk )lilt( till hour, �
Ile pre.- W total receipts were nearly I 1 1 mil- Ali . .1 )off;, coming into the 111,I\ I." lal".11 in loj%v, will lar -I
dicted that the cost to .Japan for a ith fanatical bravery," the corres Irl's""L290.1.4" sows. S4.50 III E -4.7!j: m.Ixed - girl'4 screttina f,,,' Oleo
�Clrulent adds, ,,loaping over the lions, and the working expenditure C,ttI . . ... ....... .. 15.5.2.-. to S6.35 sel"cil, S.5 ,)O to Fri.- later heard the 1 tin 'Irtliel 'I'li'd %,Itll N"Ino good mixtv,
two-yearr,' war. inelvding ,tile Jesus J ' 11alf T,nIllJons P 5,941 lo,3971 While Husband Wag Dying in heIll Und rVIVIA"Id he oil 'I'long Il.-sh ,.Ind%%Ilh nia., 1,0
b6dief; of their dead, coiftrakles, Then asixty-elglit n7id a - Shee . ... ..... ..... 65 ofy cill's Farm House. . po,Nw Was -1,11t,-d after the robh ... . .. I,,,!,- ,,,, thl. ,Iko 'hill, N"ll .�I,
which find been niready IsItticed rind the the Russians, emboldened by their Though there were only 1,772 Infles Wheat, cv% ts . ... ... 337,40U 127,292 IlIggs�_Selpet now Inid, 29c to 21c;
quent upon tile war re- v ca �d t, local, flour,- litrookfield, but wall 10 Midnight )I-, had uut Ill'," ,,,,,,. tl_tr heIrIL, ,,,,I, 111"11 ".I'll([ ill.
expenses Carol success, Rortied, The Japanese Of tramways open, the, ,19,1()() - - -alght Krit-nered candl(-d. i9c; No. A despatch trivial West -V1 I I__11,1.. .,Ih,,l-�%1 ii.,,o I f.,rozvt -
one rel- I .; i W�-_-t . I (), If. q st I ours with it
,at its termination, would total J)Iicd with machine guns. Jt was the 681,948,655 possengers-consi ertabl 6 . ..... ..... ... I captul
which would make een carried by the rail-, peag, I 1, ()"Ili 4,111 �2-111:lic to l4c, MUSS, , says For three If I 1.�I, it,., t,I..,o.I In I, ,..,,..I ,,, uearIN
. ,
billion dollars, first time the Japanese had b able more than Were cwts . ..... ... tter-Filticy grad(s, 20c to 206c; Shotgun Mrs. Frank Nlartli., of% Wvd- 4 - I"ZI,I ,,, p""JI'l.. ,,,l,l III,,. I 1.'a%l. I
their ys. Bacon, cwts . ... ... 104,71i iT,nry filiesi. l9ic ill 191r; w"St- nesday. Ikelot If ii�%jna ionnilic nitt of
the per capital. Share amount to $20. to entice the Russians from u 11
CORRUPTION IN RUSSIA. shelters, find they worked terrible woe are now mining over Tftc) -rall- Hams, cwts . ..... .. 26.11( ord . hilv )let- humbrind THE KAISER'S HEALTH ,'I ,,I.."ll 1,-- J "r.
- 267,752 cral dairy Frillt saild"l, J" l"'o I,e Iliad.. In
, ) Count Okuma said that cOMPtlon havoc (among them. lion tons of coal a year, valxa�6al at Butte, . . 1.7,c. her farm house W - � " :'I
, cwts . ... .. 59,937 was living When help at lu%l lic- I ,, I " ..." the .Iwps�
/ appeared to pervade ,the tailltafY, 1)0- "The soeno next morn -Ing was cap- e.Jghty-,,Iwht rallilton poundq. Wilialle Clicaose cwtR ..... 226,214 485,f;56 I , 4 bedoode JuNt 1,t,PO,t, That His Throat is I Ili ,'I", lk.l� 1, I I 1) I,
. leiTorfruetits of palling a hillside wag strewn with 'so 'gt. huildreds 8.1386 3,242 CA,r*l'[.I.', MARKI",71'. rived she returned to hi A , 1'..) Ili: .. ,.I % I -, I I,- I " p,l ,, � - I ill 11 ,III,, 4 It. ll�
litical, anti onarliqlal 'd the total VRIIIP Of all minerals pro- Egg as (tenth c.ime, hasterwd hv the ex- gain Affected. d. ..'I( ,.pt,10,11 N"th
, t' that minglea All Japarove bad- - 11.-AHholigh tile cit am ent rind fetir lot' his wif"'m "If- A clorpot,il fioni III-rillf Nil" " ;I'll w -I, -11"', I,, -
the Russian Covornhent, and slitin and duced, Was 1226 millions In 1902 -4 Toronto. Oct - I I,,,l..I "I I--!.' I -1:'.1
this corruPtiOn find almost reached a ies some of them gripped with gba%t- The rivimber of registered companies %1,1111,. At ,lip bi.dmi(lo of her � V�0,111- It,,_.pI.. I ,, ,, r,,,,
climax which threatened a revolution. ly 'rectlism. Boulders Were trickling SIS INCURABLE. run of cattle We- heavy at the West- Pa. pvror %lillilitill It h(-Ull 11 1.4 I Its- 11:;I I." , -�I;lf,a it,
IS 111,8911, With ft P"'d_"P c;lpllol of - PHTH1 ern Cattle ,1lnri,t.t to -day, I he ofTer- V turtle wils dislio-bod
- 19 husband. Nirr. N ject of tonstunt runiors ('fl- , I " I J. -I'll- '", ''"'I"d "ild I ... \I,l %-t;,
it was even reported that Liout.-Gen. With blood. albent 1,849 firlillions. In tbO Past -Officta ings Ili choice. well -finished anima by the frantic viTorts tot soolebodv ,It 111" I �111. ,.,
Stopsscl, noVv defendingr Port Arthur, 4An official Japatieso stat Snvingq Rank till- deposits ri-011ut to Statement Xade at the Tubercul- ly lifebt. Iluving door Look- port in plioiculitr tvn% th 9.kl ,If,' W.I. ,;'',,.�l 'I'10" '11L�ht�
and ,,Pon whoolie shoulders related the admits; the repulse, and confesses the nearly Ill millions, and last year cold Convention. were cornpaiati%v . lr�lng to get In the front I-, oflor op-ning lil-I 11"t'"'" "I i, W1,4,01"I " "'" t" I... 1-1--1
was ncti%v in the 1,(.41 descriptions. Ing otit of a window she 1-w what pero Ii.itittill: ,,if i'h1II1IlII� � fci .... !, 1,'I� 1 .Jr it- I. -I 1-1. ll� to
responsibility for tile loss of a largo necessity of a resort to it Passive nenrly forty millions were received doqpatch saysi- That whils. flit, colliftion find rough (I`srf'k` looket! like a wild heing, a man with Technolovv no ",I il"111,10 oil I 1. 11. I. '.1- olliev I " - 'h0l, ,1-1,1-1
share of Ritstailar, prestige in Pleat sit -go. d, ,I,be A St. Louis I Ili go Into "if
as guilty of dissipation during "Enteric fever has broken out in and thlrfy-nine millions flat -' sis of the lungs cannot Ile mrvd lions weri. haril.to sell. -droverq he%- a hetal gi-owtll of heard find n1mottl won 119 I"Elato. I'"n, It"I ,,,,I, I,f %.,-,I, 1,,I�,I, "', I ...... I I"Ing
Asia, v% deposits in the Bonk of England phyth In (18 Io slork united. Althoq4h thorough1v tilstock. h14 h -I I .... it ()It I,-, li., 11"Alli I ''ol,.Ilol I,i I., 0�1, ".N. (),-
the siege. The' speaker declared that the garrison at Port Arthur." timotinted to roarty-six millions In was t1hestatement, madeat the tuber- Ing ill cmict-do hwir ilvinan houghl lin. rind thill n
- Wednesidtiv by 11 posh Sales. frightened. the woman's rjrqt t t".11 ,,it Il", Julght In;,,- .,,,.,,.,III,, ..Ivt� la%
Ave m banknoteo; wilq I. und,-rgo iinotlwi I III- 11 I - 1)i,-,Ik 1)''
the weaknesses of the Russians 9 'Deep her last, nnd the aulasis convention on 11, tive in butchers' call- waq of her husband throat Rifnilot ill 111I't 'of " "" "�" I I` """'. I lh-� ..''d I,.
the Japanese many victories. lie UNFIT FOR A RAID. held Ir reserve amounted in val tic St. Louis 'physician, who explifinod lillying Unit flit- pool I,, -1 11" , I ,Ili
pointed out that, despite her defeats. the discoveries of Prof. (Itto von tit, till oil fit(, (.b(,i(-(- aninuils A -c -I (y I of t'he ex'citeltioni oillon hirn,
If " "" lfiR mill � 'r ...... I, ,It Porlt,,c ... I,t,%" .1"'s it ... ... it,,,
" I'll, I,. - ".."d. !)-
continued to hold a prornin- A despatch from Tokio says: The to ninetepri millions. * . (Illickiv ill Ili,. kitchen she tho itilpol'10111" 'If '"o-111" .... 1 "I I 1.1 ...... ill ". ol'."� he
�4chtoen, of the Royal University of I 1,��, "I d -i" 'I' 1, " GoIng . I "'
Russia C position it, Navy Deportment discredits the re -1 The total Strength co, .:�:, "I'll, -scrilt- and it (.&IT1111 It, it,, � if 14. - I - .. 11 ,, tholl I. . ,,,It 1'.
commandint; of the regular Naples. paper to be 1 to", --�, in. ,laid rough ,14 took down a loaded Ah0tg" ra ( *
ant and lot -my Is gni,191 officers and men of who sent his a.,-::;iao, I I- tion fiII4 N-111 IV 11 I I,I'd It.)[P.-It .It I)., I"A''l, ,
- Prof. von Hchroen expinined +-A 11,401 41,�Adv ill ill,- It'll- w Ith it w,-nt I,, the front (tile'* ory I I,, mi ... ke in
Euro e, and Said that even I'-,mperor port that the Russian cruisero; Rog - of hom( 1�2 - read. eon- , ere usolosI,. :
p Gromoboi, and Rogatyr, have Whom 189.R413 art I. find I InifTering front � ,I( 1: 'It lit- r;tands W ch -v r % oil I . %vill. 11 bv I ho- %I -,
William was "courting the favor Of Sin, I gland and that all patient , E!"'Ai'l..., -,� - III w,.r., w--nk in Ro she opened fill, ""w"'I'll)`r" �11'. 1, ,ald I
usgiAn autocrat." been repaired at Vladivostock, and Sir) nbroad. To police F.r sumption could livo for years In ap-lu;herv. 'llm"InIn , V "O" "At''" wer" I nor anti pointi-c! lhi, Ellin tit Ih(- wild hill, wa, r,-gorded [is 't prll"tl(A I.
the It are ,about to descend for another rold Wales requires V1,064 roe,,. pa rer, t health, but. Under- fav I I" nwclNed flit Ili,- 1111111-t, Emil prit-4-4 ;I I [-,I.l I I III\I-A
Despite'llor weakness, Count Okuma er a million i-inupern or" I man, At right (if it he fled to life rotation ,.I I he t,l,.rt ,,f ,I I-1 I
re- on, the Japanese coast.. The Navv There were ov c1rcurmstfances the gpirin of file ,],., I hrou ri-aithisl if ds-cidi-41v 1�)w h-V"I Woods, oniv . I,) rm,irn ,;,-verall tirnep growlh ill th'. %-,Ill (.ords. 'I'A I I -.1 III, 1--- %%Ili J."'I'l, tle I,
said, Russia possessed immense - Department further expressed the be- in receipt of relief inst year. 13.000. ease would become active atilt (I I- A solsill nMill'Vc of I""(14 (or 9'"l After thrc,, hours Nirq lifortin's n- I liv not her"I.- t.". "I".1"It"'t I 1.1 I .,I I .k,�J, ,-ill., '%.III ,, :It
sources, and had tremendous advant lief that tile Bolrdtyr to completotV criminals were convicted, 4,21:1 per- o I,,. forword. ilnd Sold I'ell'l- I,hvw. Alho-vt Deroi4or. orrivM and I "" "I :.1 ' I J.,Id,
age In the size of Her popitlatttoyar,firld Rons ndjudiented barillarapts, and tray the fling tissues. In ensp,l of fom,.rs (lit I tat I3 h,% ,I-'� "I 1111- w" 'I I I,. we ',, I, �l �' ,I',,
the ,rcittriess of her wt;lalth, and it disabled. eighty-three Orders made to wind uP Will iris of the lungs. the professor jiv. whiii. 4e%o-ral othei oli""I l"O" the lill Inlin (]if] not return. MON. oul ... Ifod. . , , I 11l IIJ:11 .1011 of
9 L . said, he had discovered a new gerin Wvre r ll�h.- I'..r,-Ivi OM- - I I— I ''ll I ,,, -1, -�,, , ,,,� I
would 6o necessary for the .Japanese .-*I-).- In Frigland nnd Wales, In ,-c.-,,i-(I front which it,,. i,,.,t nri . 'I'T'l- Ill -r- I "", " , "...", :,., .. ....
companies that lodged there with the germ Inal. Wow.. "'I'sh-11 hV "I).�rnforq The _+_ 11,4,1 fl_ I'Inp..r WI
td make heavy Sacrifices In order to TWENTY NEW WA"TTIPS, 1002, 084 crew and (187 paqq0119ors 'kl't rolt E-.,I rt 11 1-4 ,,,, ,11, I_ , ,,,,I ,.I,,.,,. t , ax I I r I I I
'r whih had hitherto been known hV ton(- Ili thl, fill" lilt- JiLtht nnitll,ll� lll,,,.t TI, jilt' % 11 h"' I "'"ll'"I".1 'I' "It"' h"Ill A' I -11 0�0 III, ... ....
attain succOgs. He ., prodict.gil that A despatch from - San Francisco Just their live% at qeO.-Loadon 7 c Nlow HARD TIMES IN BRITAIN. 'I I,. I I,, ". , "
tars tit destroy all nailoini )if,- wast ,.,I,%. tind -11- otol""d - ,
the via u Au,sIi'la Ir4m,biiii . doe Italhin vorl ,,, N,.i,,I..-r
to ai,*O.bfiljc� Rays: Information San press. v-v ,.n r I if"llig ,,, I' ,I I I— -, I ;�., Il it I, I
received in . It ., It 1'�,, 1�, I It- ,,,
and one. -half billiod is existed onl%r in the cases of P111,1114- c%,.t,,I loiv,-r, fc-lio o,.t,,d., I
- to,, f- -.1..i- nod ,1,,,I,,--,, l"It Nearly 50,000 People Almogtill'.I.- r.-Fitim1h, 1�
rq, anti Sold it would be IMPOR- Francisco fly prominent Japanese, It 4 I of the lung's. (lill1mv hester. thi,, NII'lit..'' and ".1-1h.'r I- V....,o I ...... ... hl'. -t %1. I 1. I _, 1. , I!, I ., r I I 9
Alblo to-Tnire lorraus Or Is evidently the purpose 'of Japan to If III,, 'I'I'll1tv ,If III,,,-,' St
delta tal Immediate steps toward inereas- THREE WENT TO DEATH, - 0 (unuilmn'.4 I .-In"Ill,i 1'. I... d, I I'-,, I",lIeT'.,I ". �, I " 1, ,,,I I 1, [I, 11
T; rinW A,dempat,ph front London fla;o, . lh,-to n-,xt '11111", I
caose the limit t *_ Icidwi. I I'?o,,, , 't 1, I "' 1.1,,�,4� m " will,
taxes in Itussia, be Ing her fighting officioncy to a very - TRAFFIC AT THE SOO- "',.h,. kIl'Pq (If 'I"I'.1, W,-,,- sh-,ldilv A a a 1110.1ing of the fall,mchestor rit.% -----+ - - ! 1- 'I .! . i'l.),
had beeli reached. that it would considernble degree. it is stated that Fast Train nits a Runaway Aut- - 111,111itain'-d Tthil'. l'olob,I "".I.. 11) III Council on Wedill-lo ' V it Was un- --- I , - '. f �, I I I "! " I I I " I ,,- I i..,t I) -
The Count predicted .ithe Japonese Government has d(- I ornobile. Canadian Canal Leads in Hand- -,11 _nt,, litollwe ,I I,,, ,,,I, wa- nil, I noticed ttlllt .,N,Ir,q III Ili.- hur(i LORD MINTO'S DEPARTURE ''d l" 11 � I I' - I, �Illj I ,�' ,I 'I'l-1
. Gov- I - tho cof
be nee jerayl to� place contracts immeall- A deapolkh frorn New York Flays :- III 11"Irld %%,. � 1.1 I- k f III,(..
ossary for the,Japanose ling of Passenger Tralffic. ,.I II to- I% it. I` I III I4 lind the deprii(lil in � ___ ,� ., 1, I �, I VI�, ,l,1,1..,I III, L"..
ernment to borrow 62ritlf,000,000 next I X"ll-I It, I",l..;,I.,r,. ,I�j4l.rleq bot%N,.ctE f,,IIV Land , Leaves Ottawa an wave,ober l6th 1, � ''I'll I-Il"I" I ... I, - ,, I I ,0 .I
year, and added that If 875.000,0001niPly for name twenty Warships, to Driven at the rate of 25 miles an .9oult Ste. Marie despatch Rn%- Th,- i1mg-- 1-1 foil V . ,,eopb. in tl,.. poorvi I sails on tile Imth I ILI' ' .I `1.I 1. !", .q. ,,, ,, ""'..,
were gocured abroad the country alaust, bL completed at as Parly a date as hour. a three-qvitted iouring car, A r Was another record hreak- trill, To"I'lln'll., LAI 2i) to, 'iI I l It -1 fill%* Hill"91117,11 I I an(
ell of containing nine persons, four men "leptembo. ;t,.i l,f tile rll� were prul I kill y on 1\ I- I .rf Il." i.-)� f-n, llollllj�
face a cleporeclation in the value of ittia possible. The greater numb -,-r an eni- Ing irnonth in tratfic Ell ."tililit Ste ,v%t .it, 1, .' I :'11 I go "f fit nr% ation Aimiliar I it (J.-splf,11 fT11111 C�ltll"" "" \"It '' I 1'. "
scull I I t I cs. Count Okuma urged the these Phips are to be constructed in fund fl -,e wornen, duf4hori O\ Iffairle canals, th-- total tortringe I- lie I.I.I., I ,, ,:,II,Fl(r I- 1- I he � e Ill.e\ 1, I I lit I"Indon atilt 'I'J", 1-4,11 lilld ("!uIlte- "f fill"t" 1.1 III. fre
this colintrv. . bankment at the southern end (it .14- lco�ll.. "*..I'. 1, � r''I to 1w, it f iml-h I cond it ... tin J I Kinll� I-- h-,- -,[, Ill-' -Ift"'Ill""i "I \ I I, I, I.. hl.- , 1.0 I . ,1. �I
nation In carefully husband its I - Ing neariv a million herl thnn if," ,,, -, 1,large cille" (if till' I'llit's I ,\,If ,I �. III'\ L 11 1111ZI-d 'I' ')I It '"' ' "" """
come civenura enrIv on Friday morn . . IA 1 2.-. fAl I.,., (.1, t::,,,:,,, I tit Ill Nvmhel 16111, I'll Quol'.., 1)., - . � \t.1
Frtrenafth and ii-e.t;ources, and expronged .fit year. The tire Ill % :�, I (loul. \%lier.- flit, I'linler 14 exi""'ti"d t" I— .I'll,, I, '. It --11-1 ,'I . I
Ing. landing oil the stooth-bound track the same month In I., ,,I 20 io,slo the liaide,,t in milm yvar,, ::tw, ,,I, \ I I , , " 1'. I I ,it,
the fullest conflifence in the ultimate F,NLISTTN0 CTllKr4-qr,. th,, heavi-t, but 0\01 .w:l -,.',, conortim - of .log lo., ,,dt ,-I 011 , t .. ,,,.,,.,,]I -f I I'10"i ,� t h, '' L" I—
a half ruilliong of gratin I ,�:,:,,fsi�:I,,._*-,.-,.,; ' fl�(? ('11' I a:';i:.-.';- i"'o., "" �'.-.� III ,
of the Now York Control and Hudson tonnage was I, 9:1 14) fj%lt 'it Ili.. 1)(Marer ,houseq. I III- li ,d,-,, I I Ill 11.11\ I I.. I I, T., I , to, I, � I ,,, rul'.
victory of .1apainesp arms. A deqpatch from 'Mukden to S t. Itiver RailPorld .lust at that mo- three and The "I' ,, " . �,,, ,; -, I I ____ *_ I ';I ,,,, ,I'll, ,,It '' , 1�1 ..Il�
Petersburg says: anent a southb,ountl local trail run- passed down. Contil cri 'fill, f.11hmoo' %V,q'. III.. q .... tl,?,.,n- I \1 I. , , \ I Ill- I ... W � ,, ,,,,,I I � .1 t toilet lit .1
MAIN AUITIES QUINT. hnA ning fast to make tat) Ome, rounded loadn In pns.qpngpr.9 and In w-obtrund I -t -L. -r'. .I'll f,-,-,i,-I,. - '4twl,.". N %till I ... I" I". I I "'I 1 ll:-\ - ,1,,,,l
"A regular recruiting service a curval, anti struck the atilt onnobile. flour and grain Totni firraffic of tl- it or � MONT PELEE IN ERUPTIO - 1,el ,it), .1 I'll \0 .'', 11 ,,,, I .I I'lllho,.% \'Ill
A de,aputch from git. potoralborp been formed b.v thait Japanese nrmy, ,-,�J.,. 111-1 I,, I"'O. III h -I 9't ,,, I ___ - - +___ __ 11-\.olt I., .,
enliqtlnf . the Chin persons were killed. two In- two rannis fair the month was .N.241; 1 I.. !Pll. ,., ill s�i, i.f.,ri, :" ! Sending Up Black Clouds and W ,,h 11- .,Ill
says _O111%, outpost affairs nare r I- T What is known Aq - 'I IT.r,-,t,,,, tuo were serkiiisly Injut-oll; 657 tons. . . .4:1 27, o-111111 .1 ,o,ork,, , No SUNDAY BULL ri(IMT.q I..., 1."', . \t� ;o It— -1 I ..... I I ( I I- .; ,
poripit in 1-iliursday'R desplitches,from pso volunteer militin. 'rho JaPal - and tile other four, g1thougli badly � ill I .... I, to, ., �! I,. S2 611 I Bolls of Fire �1A ho ''-I-- ,It I
taisMsted in this work by Lin a , I I. I --I - "I
Monchiirla. Thd linfin arbiales Penuil are ________4`-_ n:h. I., S)IIII 11, h.. I 9*� Ill WE 141 III"' - - . ", I I,, " I - 1"'., "I hilled mi, I, .It%\,
1wrolsod nnd %hal,ovi, were able to go I. , 92 110 to A desin, I, 11 '11,11I kinc-I.Mr, 14t Death Blow to Pop,ilar Entertain-' ,,
quiet. but the ccoutis on both sides Stop. a Prince of the Chinese Imporitail .11"ll" ,A:l to, SN2"- l�,ij,h, co,on I n I ,'III j... _1�1_..11 ,,,,I, li,h -�olo,14
V household. The men arc pald by ill(. home. WOMAN'S S D. $2 IW f. -ed. r- 11r,ol t " I ,).Nil "is. V I even I 04A V Tile ""�., 1, ,:,r1r, I!, ment in Spain I .It ,uv 1""'I" "'to lon't.. "Itil
KULL FOUN �, I W " I I -I'; , I\, "I'll.,
continile vcry active. This activit, but n nramod by them I 11 - g ..... I %:t ,,,, I,, :I -, ,', L;h,,rf -k,-,-I,Fl I tiritiAh 4h,noll -4111111 , It. (lek".0.11 f, ,,I,, lofn ,,,,I .o."n-rig
is con'tritlad Ifft 9C. 1*601'(411111.1t nil Ja�aneqp. of . , ll,.r,. ,,to it ... l.,I.l%, r. -I .... Is lh.0 wh-,'-� I , ,I'll, I. h-e � I ,I,01,vt flit, I �
fr neral belief that With the Japnifese modern rifles. They MAGAZINES BLOWN UP. Supposed to be That Of Victim Of ,,,,, to 1 21)o lv,� . nI $1 lo I411 21. Fier I (I 1.%Inn,i of The 1171011 .t,. ,,I .�.),I,,l It.'(111 It t ,,. ll,i " I "'..'..'. .I. ull�thlll, t T "
I confirmin'If t1IO 90 is use. Ingterld, old muskets of enbrm- - Ottawa Fire. 'WI 111, 0"Ilm'-T poed f 11 t i -r it h. , -I- I It's, lo"I'll, I . \\ 1, - i I . _ -I I . I, " I 1.11I ,.f \,,to, an, I
Gen. KouroPtIAMn"A 01111,1111 army "t.if lion- I 'ri inhi "'. ''f , I"'.. \0 1 ". I owe'll, is ,,,.t .0".. I ,I
N despatch from oug enlibre. The Russions have come Disaster at Sebastopol - f'oll"W."a W I., Ili" ,ill %Ili I-, -1 o`t`lot :111 N'""I't "'."'I I I I., I I I
I Ilineq I Tfie sim-Et.10'. .I,lk d(111.111i ill 1, " I
l3afely at Tie Pass. Attended An ()ttnwm do`�Pffttch RAY" While I h, , I ,
MuOen. dated late 'rhursday after- In Contact with thom nev6rni With Less of Life. excavating In connertion with Ih,' Nor -110ei, ny"I ,.,I,,, I'Vot"I .,W- WAll In III er-q.tion '. ,,I, 1,,,,,r,t Ill., t, I (.% I I , - ..I.. IA,, p"'t 1, I ''.1, I ,, l
Udden activity Is and their bravory to Invoratesillable. J.',7.', l-ri 1,11IIIII Q, 2 T 7, %%U, won- d I,v Ill"' r -1111,0.I 1, , I V,I' I I 11 ,� I 111it"'. '' I -,A ?'I," - ".0 , , '. I .)" "
A dispatch front I'lerlin slayn;-Thp now ()Itnwa University tmildingq ion r he rn,,rninq (It .
"Con Sy .,: I .-, 4 I f " of 2 ,, I-1111 14 in l .."I, ['I.- I . 1-11 l'VI'' I "\�\�,; �'_ I. 1,-"l ., I I
JiLppo�ent, large numbers or cartq -,Tbo illaphnime Ifirll,, #aid to make Morgen Post asserts that three Inill- Thurfiday. It skull ond Plore of 11 h" to, ,.A:l 1.1-l'. Ili to, 91 :`Ill J f , IV, 141hon I !,III ,,I I.- I]., 'J. I "'.
I park artimalif crowding The no secret of this organization docu- A (lilt, ,Z2 ill X71 :,go enfl, f'ol 92 1-o Ili,- if;,% rrieni lon."I if,,, ,ovitno 11, ,'I O.I 1, Le I 11, I , I . I - I., ,,,
. I and 4,tq -, folly magavinon tit, Sobtastopol %torp man shoulder bone ,meet- round In If IIIIIII"fid(ol. hin(k ,1,md- art - , , , I , , I . . 1, I I.-
" E, ,
T_ !:
on, � fliff * I
'AT 11
J , 1-1 11,11, I'
, I 1"L
dox'S"� �
, I "� et A Ir
1-1 I " " ". 8 N
,, - I
01 it ".
tuo' .
R 00 H
- , i . I
g "
)a I.
- .,
stle _. but offteirp no e3eplanatlon of Inental,V 1: ",
. prdbl of which is ettlif Ion 11 + I I. . 1,
, sold to blown lip Inoot Tuesday. (and that jot of debrili ,rhey art, ,,uppoqed I to zZlo -101 r'"I -'I '" " 11"r lh ,4,. ll,,IIFI of f,- Thill Ale -I'll'" ?�'l I"' , . 11, I " I I- ''0111.0c,l,
tile hustle. have been procured b.,,v the nussinins lloq� n,.- ,I, -0-1 I _ r,,Il,,, .. .,I 1-1 "I
n tile shAP0 Of h letfino addroa; nially men were L-IIIE'd. The Runqlan be the 914,111 of 'he Int"' "I" "An"', I I ,, to, �, it I ,1,,,t cl.owl. r.-por-d to 1;n',ve bee I � , , I I - "I I U '' "I'll Ifeill I", lots 1�1 y 01110% -
I god by venFacar brin Ruli,ne-sed all of,,f4papor who perinhed in Ihe fire aff tier. 2ii d ,,.,i.. Illo"I. 1,o_,,, vl__ Nio,slrl the o.. ,:,,., " St I - . I., I " 1, Ill I - , It It,,, (.1111, 11 I'll-, it lit
I . Il1-xrlTr.mr,xT tx AvsTnALIA. Itio Japantosto, 0elleral vitche to 'the f ca to the in)starlous occur. last, but whose remains woro novel ITo ,,IT , A I" 'n,r,m ,,, S', 7, -" - flit' "'-pit nil h � -I 11'allt, if ., %%,%�'te
I A despill'tCh from ,Sydncy, NA,W., chief of tile Aplilho" VaIlluar.teer mi 1,_ re bran i ludword Itilauds. ;0. I , - �,
" rence. I alls,,,overed. tin() lights. S." rwt cWt EON
1 ,lays .:�Althdtltllt thd filijf6ft thit two Us- -'I' .
I I � I 1.
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, 4 . I .
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. I ..... 1111`._ , � , .
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,la*,,,,�" 4;lj�, - ",,44L*."*."*,,W'4A,A,44�' "`�
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