HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-09-30, Page 1Is01!1.011111 I owl I bu A 1ArW STAR T" othor 14004alww STAR istholAVI" of: loo of 00 County of Huroo I' theC , oty4o(fluronto Otto IArQ ot ..... ..... 0111. PO%
0 DERICH W. Ardraw'* I tu� Wob*t$ (not, flOwerill, frul� Q' arant0o) Z arI 11 fox p V. &nmln
WAP Ilan I DOW. J.'L H, Whitely. Amateur, list NODT 'W WxQ I= I " RNA pippin. 'ry, Wrt.4 CAr4girt
t0ST* tirig IPA beeW 4 114 cape, Huron see] APY401 , ""E , wm. Blobarts
, . I� , . I L� � 04' , . A I . . vA $ .111, I , 11 . ,_� I , I Bichau l_`WWM WH m CA%rder, Ma. I timilli than, thitt, Of W� � Andrew$ �, lbotOO Vp _pIn, view, B,g 0 Atom IS, I Carder, A189-
Afternon. AW At- arder, ;"TV Blobila Nig of TOInq1114 flowers or fruit, ft the L*0 "uron T[W BOST Of' WEATtJERf,, BUT NOT Up TO THR 19han, Gordon Allan; times 90i, Howrie; 4ram"I
_rQhOj4e"4 Ot
lit v Ve TI Q, wedugoid;I T�ero *94 Ik lar 0untyl PRIX$ 'The fast TrWI*r, AVERNGE IN E.XH alI 71. j�o_vipq stut ci* nook ; cranberry 0I W- SAM- obj"tsincit Owers, III Or AD" 04101 WITS. White Yo
W a Ift
atiI To I r Dints eld, J. E. Whitely e,
0o,rills, RufX I to 9,114PT -rolitok. represent - ewarikees Thos. Arrier, aI HOWnO LAI being, directy Win, Johan; Hubbard- Ott 1041 painting, Merto. n "I be- walike, 1�oy WANTED. t l'o 100 And3401 t_ or organization Nqede4� = M lot, A,bapa worOw )y la. P luts,01I Win"' son a nonsuch, J. T. salkeld. Gordon agg e Howrie. yMxlep. TO *bow -ble and' trao neNow IVL'CthQds and UQtt Weitfield's seek no farth0r, Professional list, water colors
III CA �,VAL ....... rig
Ippi : 14 M
ftV _400, . - , lism 1, IP th , � interest War 1, 0, A, Wells an ouh4ecl,
W. Salkelo , Canadl mntbei the fair mwits Ella Fraser, Z,'� arder i marine vie
"i �p$g `W&NTAD.- it may be - A'At- NOE,Imoro the Great Nortweetepn H. 0. Attrill, Robt, Glenn, Win loning. J.H. White I lio 1wi 60140 Port" ........... Rhode Island Ori W BOO" 11 woman,mbo, 6I stle `R"q%IAb*reb%g*10h tM .4, eloligh'; gelding, over a yea" aid lkeld and 4on i aldwin. 3, Ella, Fraser. Z. Carder I Animals, Ela at , o4j"J"'ua tlown, Ma An to S ,4 eiag ��Xo4,1;k tk the pro&W
toi oil girl 1140 e0 Exhibition hall demoy)strotod the s McCloskey, 0 OrI prize givert by Jame W eld'Jos. U. Whitely I Tabliftns Fraser, Z. Carder t flowers or frulto
ours da be Ulu at o,j: ant for the tguall TW , , Q1 III a d ildistid-of Illi year' possibilities of It big county fair, at 1� Junes, Mro. U4)wrio; Inan mate jA� 00,�.% fc1leX sy the ......... s. It d Wd
ral C 14.1 lith*T@-*O* of profits erlob tp.' AIO sweet, 00140" Allan; American I
__Jsi W0*0110atllff -and tboneed for now and bUil;' a years W. $alkeld, Wul.
ANT tiallitiftlIN known I the Goderjeh. ATTI.A.-Shoo born, I ruiI Saltroki on fttuirno Apply, to� As 4901, at 2 OI Ill b5 -# 2, Yea" red J, U. Whitely; Eilo, ermine t OL 113severill t illit3 errors Th Is a up'.tadato method oOCin" of tbirtk-w. cl allied a I -eat sit the advantages old, 1. Soilkeld. Gii sower Johan I Can st of the Mould 6 lutetOt was dell I B Ki ., Z i i % . I III A4"Ou*k mrt.� old, H. 0. Attrill I IlArr, Fr ser, Z. Carder pencil drawin Ilyear, Phoenix. J. E. whitey, J. W, Sal. O"tioldols In tbo"Viii1ters.', atyerioben Of our grOunda and buildings tire to be ]b1VRJcT UA -Per. Ity, of ithaTliwiia*10.91 C91hor,01 foir The ........ a largaeum and M McNeil, Is a Sul Ella Fraser, Z. Carder - nell a n NAGER 'W� y luergas rig the value Ij c osett, loot Jon, arl a I the institution b: The E. C.Attril , Arthur MON01 , Ow u keld; stott,oI
prianerit posiqllu *,rapid Rolvilinoop, i0 Annual election of mointalneii as is town asset- IE- Whitely I Ink sketch drA-wing. Ella, aser, Z. saiary arld,ext) f4o inottuotteno ge6 if Ito atock, Th A. Carder. 00SO11' .4 � Ali p4rognp littvinw buatnei4 at 0 d V0104 R, 4 in that"leegill of weather fo oh a ilk, P. 0. ittill) 1 2 Outatjo,' Gordon AIlan C, .boalaoI '1' arcro9U1rQdtOAttedAtAWa4X 413 Ong Ion gg,ect6te resulted palf or 911dult m Charge depir'Able 00 ..... ..... I , o, Wtvill. Wells; $wazzgit, Polum; GrIso. G. CO., M J .. � ted 0 fil's4ournev _ uent W' Amateur list, water colors (copies).
,LJ itod ToOt(i, Do a old' board. and at a sulbseq d, Inde.ed they were auI elteiI hs..... could be deal" It' J, Salkeld Andrews tau Fume; orthern Spy, a Carder. Rev. M. oxford Pan arritly Foatift Co, Ieting of the lxmrd Ju. Cltirk'waii two special days in the nildet of many Artlitit H. 0, Aktrill I ohan ; Mann, pe, Bert Xu a The Fuo�ctlon, B444 ......... ..... ..... 6 'tug. Ana J W. oZuod, Win. BI �Apor. R
Aoirieb CIS* at Sold heifer I year ol marine view, Rev, M. "ffRLP WAN1140 qu I N�N, Te-filected iraldeut� O.'A�, Nairn vice been almstrOus to E. 0. Whitely, a. W. Andrews i an 3_11. atel , tritundur 464 I ave f) Turnbull, B. Carder -. Huron sce[I ISand be neral. man. which would It better 2, hPiter ciilf. under X Yea" Aylety Win, Warnock; era) NOT president, A,, MCGaW 96 ofair. The attend,imoo wits other N B. Carder, M. Hoi�irte; anituals, Unk� an th ttrill, I and aget-I. and 0. A.: McQaw secretary. to J.:0. Whitely. C. A- Well- or fruit, B. EI..w TI L aliderich OnL-Parl than scale of the board looked for, itir Heretord,-Victor and Thos, Elliott Ap ;oN _q - U? or, f owett;
TO Andrews, Gordon ()all Art view of the absence of -s,and took all III It. H. M. Howt ny er &tilt 1191711I BRIEF TOWN TOPIC4- 'Tilan. �OR SSA�Ei OR W 4e; original, a
anything like ore the only eXhlbitot or, I
.-Apply 0, Estate 1011p, I Times for the court- prizes. subject, B. Carder, M, Howrle; mono- I n upi-t64ate, and tbe'vory beat all Lombard. 0. W. Andrews, chrone, & Carder; pencil Orawin on A. Suixta, Proprietor, at Briefs on column EL wide spread interest through je.-cow, giving milk or PLI
TwPAEW mcEWAN lat on- abouRICH HONORED. Manager Addition and many Were the comments Grade Cattl 1
hie-tootood !IL� street laundrY. try- in Calf. qualities considered, 5. Fume,. O. A. Wells- B. Oat -der M. Howrie : pen and in Now a this, week Barn Lee, of the East
Ott David$ V111c I AND RMLIAD161111 patl6doral6of the Organ CO tell allowed that ties. Salkeld.; cow giving PEAcuss.-Fitzgerald, Thou. Hood, drawing, & ct"oe, M. Howric. brio veneered house, St, - for China on Monday. and opinions Wh intended with in the Robt. Glen, J. T.0 , ea ling, Mi.s. Ruipbor, 0. A. Wells. -Geonictri, sound block fron-� Sqare JNt corn tice that be had been elect- 1011I 1. ptte difficulties c( rallk, J61in Newc nib, Gordon Allav * 8 d Professional or aniateur L J Vk, Labor Is It eat demand these days, �pply to BM CLAIR rw Y. If : it ivea Ito COLBORNE H 0 T R L," rev mittee of id ruistakes lit tnauaganlen� 1, Arthur McNeil. J. GRI MRIANS ET0--I g in outline
eara oill n the eat orEeralective drawin ed to the Executive Coul Rod or unskilled bring pritat, RI heifer 2 C1 OR SILIC�
-sli and either od hits a bout of wet oold, Robte Glenn, varletlee of oil
OU010 AND q:rC� the Canadian Mahufacturers' Assoc W. Salie d . I year rder.
lots in one pw�64 with orchard, Dwel, GODERICH, ONTARIO.. Itt- en air grailes., Wul- only, high rates. rhe indoor exhibits were the der I year, Robt, a - noord pENMANSHIp._ �jpeclmens of writ- This to the governin bod o John W. Sairold I un 11 prizes . UO If dutiQn. aEstrin, 0. A. Wells. Ing and drawing, III. and IV. class 11 Story me, Stolle I tiou. 9 St. J ward hail the recolI Glen,John W. Salkeld tw3mr-old
I;=� I Situate 1. at. Androw'o call ben in Town to kridrew's smallest eer shown in the present 11
1 and You Will, be I -I'd the assOclation, Uving 100 mem , Reid having 3 cattle and horses steer John W. Salkeld, Win. Warnock; Stanley, Jean uttllot� EnqudrO �at 40rtl- tb "Tittle Di Its of' tha Dontia- ftir big rats, Jamieson buildings, but th( T. alkeld. Eprily Victor and Clinton, Win. Wa- pils, 9. S. Nm 14. ting ipped one yeE all pa that measured The dower depart- tink in , outlay lngOntreal. tv iterday classes were wood. earling steer, Robt. Ghm, Vistard. teacher.
Inches wit tilent, usually Otte of great begultY, wits & Son; steer calf, Robert
end AccormuQ41*11011. ton a mee bout coufting In nook ; Ito era' No. 4, No. 0. and No, 2 �# HONEY, SYRUP AND SuoAn.-Ronoy RENT the winter. ortunger �itde&o4. Good Meals. and a GoI6d House The appointment Is one that does twelve tile apples Win. arnock. Niagara. O. A.
ob6ulI centrally located dOn.t want more. n and this WWII the titil- uadly incomplete. and out Glen, J. w. Salkeld. Wells, Rev. M. IN11-11131111. J414sica, Mrs. Humber, jar of a well arniolled honor to our townsina, in the, fruit witli 'all , toodern conveniences and Wd he Wanton linutihalon of the town were up to standard JerSey.-Bull, an age, Goo, JAM%- Win. Warnock 1 Worden, Thou. in combs, bor maple Olifiar, ai, weu�- Congriatplatirm I =STAR OFFIVE . at 'T Ruin grouiulls. Addres 9OX DENTISTRY. II -The regular meeting shade trees is adversely quinmented on Classes. The butter show was A grand in eat or living milk. Hood; Winchell, W ning red and honey, Mrs. to 0 syrup, I.S. ALII abrot, fiand W.C.T.0 Our' trees should one, no less titan 28 Splendid lots cot)'- wait"; cow Y artiock ; IknY W.. H. Duridu ; 11 IpLIM FOR 8 by many citizens. walte, I and i heifer, a Northern liglit, Wait. a the either home otjug for the onerous prizes offered GOO- Laith loam, wall Watered w th oreOl LE 14 D. K IrD.-K, M of the W. 0, T. U. Waill held 11 mot be butchered to 'suit ld. giving milk, 1. Salkeld, Goo. other variety. 1. Salkeld 0. A, Wells W. E. Durn n. -fail Suitable for i;Zsture- bo.R.h. ft. Tbolu'. BREAD, ETc.-Assort- Itritins, house and barn Temperance EWI on Monday' utter- or outside corporations. fly the Bank 0 MOI Millhowonite i heifer, any agP. P- Holt- ti�rous, 0. A. Wells. nil reserves, Mrs. WS Qha�d. t. office,' Stood. -111 0 P FaaVcnlent 0 WoolusiI &Mt, A, good attend- A apectil train of ellIftleS arrived at THE MERCHANTS' DISPLAYS Goo, Lalthwait(k. PEAUS.-SIX varieties, S. Furze. P. "'Cut of hot"" 91m uOdo Wilt visit Dungs"Pon noort, 25th, there was peaches. Mrs. et
school and church. Seven 11311013 ore the depart. A. Howrio, Mrs. Humber For putibutara apply to J. H. SIMPSON. 1100fis. G. W. Thomson I Fat Cattle. -Pat ox or steer, John H. Blinglinut , three varieties, C. rich. ance a:ud h very Interesting meeting- the depot yestOrds ft rat %Veto confined t( 6i be B let, 0. A. Howrie, Mrs. 0. Nott; plums, Mrs. Shoppard ure of the early tra, n. It was the son Inusica Instrunientfl. etc., or At,,.,on,; fat cow or heifer, Wells, Win. Bichan i Bart e, 0. A. Wells; pears, Mrs. ton, Oat. LIS devotional half hour yroa take'! bY ""A L b hill. V Wells, F. H. Bingham ; Duchess D'- Howi -_ - filooma Cotral Stomhltl LIM . jDavlarin, and the business hWf special of empties for a week, and wits Ti i I ore (these ft I ElllotL OR SALN.-Tht, do I residence, I Mrs etc it Staunton, fat the fair), and ctor Humber, Nott; cherries Mrs. F " - sit and poltiting the much needed' by vitivIbers. aI reliable stadbys of Al&;rt street, hour was it^kentip ilk t 81 SHinem-Leicester.--Rivin, 2 shears Angoademe, Wol. Warnock, F. E' Howrie. Mrs. Humber I citron: Lena by the uadcrol�Me&-N Marie Division. I - ' Mrs. Adaribrion, Messrs. John Kelly, M, W. Howell, a display of Hyatt and over, J. A. ollougit, L Salkeld; Bingham ; Louis Bonus do Jersey, Hamilton ; quince, Mrs. Humber. 19I , Toledo -Sault Ste. now superintendents. e annual re loved the fences from law heaters; and other goods it, hl* o not 2 i Writ. Warnock, F. E. Bingham ; Jollies, J. K. wime p Were very satisfactibfr* showing Oswald Sturdy tr p hearling rain, Robt. Glen, I Mrs. Howric; Thohandsome d Freight. iorte iWCE FOIL Si1Ft7_ Passenger an the Union to be in a flour slang Ci 2ho front of their properties on Church line. )junk). John Barr. I and 2 ewe, Beurre D'Anjoo, Sam Purze. P. E, mixed pickles, Ars. Nott, Miss Wash- Pd' , on Quebec tie, S. Ful -AC; .,muOdjI Adouca port showing root the past week. Themovegreat- 9 stand is alwal7k; tbP uni"t �. Mrs. A. J. Gold- an b N. It. SoI is offorod for dition, the tressurer's rei D begin the ly impt.0I the sevbral piropertles. Thomson i I III for in ad- 2shears and over. Robt, Glen, I and Bingham; Beurre superti Goldthorpo, ington tea biscuits,
stroct� owned Y Vent 3e. -Apply weather Permittl1w.. a good balance on hand ti I centre In the I 2; shearlinK ewe, Robt. Glen, John Beorre diel, Mrs. A. J. thorpo. F. H. Bingliatyi ; Rate, La elotandeve on! '10 ial ul �� the beauty of their goods and Ise colleo- at sm RV e The ][� T. 1. will hold a see The new file and drum band. recent- S Ite, o 1: Barr ; ewe lamb, John Bari-, Robert Gordon Allan i Bourro bose, Sail)
MWIROS; M or Lenit Hamilton, J. K. W
kiNGEDWARD" ca, at their regular meeting next ly orriolzed.. bad their first practice the charms Of music, tb`y tire genor- Glen. Fume, F. H. Binghain; Sheldon, 0. A. tion of pies Mrs. Howrie fancy It 24T. -Tao ocarifortable and convenient "Mr. The Apron or day evening, under the tutor- ous in their treatment of the crowds, Wells Bileriv Clairgeon, Will. War- r to Ndence of CaPt, A- M- Macgregor, on i Bat. week. For meanberal only.
T6 head of North Leaves Goderich, north uII 2.00 P -n - unoconpied on at they distributed 2(m Shropshire Downs. -Rain, 2 Shears Howell, Sam tarts, M R. Howric, Mrs. Humber street. neat the = nlg Woolnes- Bazarwillheheld In the ip of T. Smith, leader of the Marine and the fact th nook 0. A. Wells',
eal, Is for writ. Ur1CU4Sr3da lie aBlock on Friday and ah abers were present, prettr nag pins made the old colors in and over, G. W. Sturdv I mill lamb Pu Oat Cakes Mrs. Howrie, John Barr AnglesIB i I be had urday -, South bound. 12 rze Seckel, Gordon Allan; Clig 8 ad, Mrs. A. J. Gold- art d f.orsault,-�Wslrle, Win r, DetroI store in Ackes band, Fifteen men Stur- in. hotoo-niolde live Om to
from ROUDFOOT, T& 7e; Lawrence, May' I ION. and itiI Late per" and ood progress was made. Th pleas rig evidence everywhere. The and I shears and over, Goo
tors, Goderich. Saturday, the 7th and Sth of October. ere kind eew- dy, I and 2 ; shearlut ewe, Goo. w. fvorite, Sam Pur �horpe, Will. home-made B10 tf. Her built call for the season of 193 will be BUSINESS ouAli;ou.-Mr. Fred. B1* will be practice every Monday even- utierits of the or line, ptanos v _g k Jo blue with baker's yeast. Mrs.
Ing machines soR by tilwfirm are well Sturd ewe lamb, ueo. W. Sturdy. WftftOC DeMallnes. F I broad, tuade IIrOMORROW SATUNDAY emagn 1. er the photographic Ing at 7.80. argely increased I and . Bingham It o or, Writ. Warnock. A. J. Goldthorpe, Una Hamilton. hey has taken by J, Salkeld and Son; any other variety. p le, of the Bayfield known, and their I list.- SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES For rates and fail information apply to.' - long and successfully con- Georre R. Fou . popu- Any breed, named, not on 0. W. Andrews, P. E. Bingham. business so t Tuestlay sales this year Show that their rses, James Archibald, OW -N OF GODURICH. W M. L E E, Local Agent. d acted by his uncle, the late Thos. H. Road, eft with THE STAR on not diminishing. Grain[)- Ewe, 2 shears and over ui iiliarling 'r FLOWERS. --Collection of out flowers, He= hol a splendid somple of second growth larity Ili ow a source, of pleas— ewe, John Barr. A. Wells Seafort i; light horses, Dr. Fowler T The new owner Is a native mastic black raspberries, grown on phones are n H. L. Watson i dithlias 0. URER,8 SALE OF LANDS FOR Bropboy. cb, and served his RPPrcn- do �T. On one stern were and entertainment ilI many boules, Fat sheep. -Beat fat sheep. ewe or- vorberins, Win. Watt, A. L. Wo,toon SeafOrth; cattle, A. Elcoat, Bruce. TREAS MRS, -MCLEODIS of Goderl his own propert are build- wether, James Hayden, I and 2. pigs and sheep, R. Penhale, TAXES. tice9hip faithfullY under his late a dozen or so, some of them fully me- andthe Messrs. Tho"On 0 well. hand bouquet, H. L. Watson, F. R- field; Itry, 0. Campbell. Gode- the lament- large trade In these i P10S.--lurproved Berkshire, James Bingbarn ; table bouquet, H. L. Witt- Bayliold -, pou rkbwo; roota and piI or ONTATUO. virtue of a war- C CURE master. At the time Of � tured. it is surprising how they came ing up a the Store on the 8 uare Is &I rich; grain, Win. Bu
it SPECIF1 able death he was on the staff of the ere frosts. A call at 5% aenied - Alton took all prizes. son, P. H. Bin barn ; floral design, 1P.
rown of Goderici through the recent sev a - Wntt ."the Mayor ofthe Town Detroit News,'where hie performed a 2, Hu. ways a plettantio,and no on Cheater Whit. -SOW, I year old and B n n..A. I- Watson ; ziniflas. vegetables, Will ; al of tho said ration. hearing date the Mr. and Mrs. John H. Grahan - J. 11. Salkeld 1,!h Watt; truss geraniums, ducts, Cliall. A. Nairn -, fruit, �l IV.
Be work. even for such Sowerby, d b th day of July. o' Tro.rao oitrmted, command- superior class of I Clinton 45 1 WO sweats, Mr. ron Road, are passing through a welcome- )ton alw . ays go to 06 over-, Goo. calf. Blyth and D. Fmn fillometolevyn ontheiandainthe following For longs, thromit, coughs, Itight Beckett & Stout sow, littered 'in 100.1, J. T. Salkeld, I single flAw eru, John Tancott, Oodorich laotheroon thatuntess C � is A, modern artist, and' will severe - exhibits. and and 2. f arrears 0 taxes x ',r with Z costs. a hills fever, dropsy, gravel and'all kin cities as New York and Chicago affliction for a second time dot f trouble with theii he: On Sunday their lot rp t, Watson pit
Said B r. os4o manufactures, Mrs. Jonathan I o oto n the =Ct the business at the Old stand- In tile pastgear Ul. pieces Of - worths.-Botar, over 1 yew . Rue ton. taxes. ha pit Said died aiseases, arold Scott, succumbed tile utany art latiC and_. reatf The Tam r old, Bin I, C. A. Wells; H Soccer paid, 1 6, - Or is much thereof, as an Being a y man of integrity and in ant son, -ouble. Uist year they furniture were much aduilred. Jainei, Alton -, How, I year old and A. aili I noters. Sam C. A. IMiller - ladies' work. Mrs 8 tands by public auction A,;Wnt of the taxes PRIC9 250, 6% it t=ility, THE STAR wet- to summer tt ells pansies, C. A. Wens, WRI. I BaYfleid, and Miss Marks, Bruceflold
assureI ofaca. In stilrin ti,oliove in having people see and W Single, Will. Watt -, I fine arts, Mrs. Stager.
be Kiliffictent for tile V busixtess a bright little son. rhe funer- over. John Newcombe & Son.
it thereon, at the comes him among the business men Of iods, and certainly Can Watt tuning
onday. the 3rd�day the humble Improved Yorkshire. -Boar, I Watson. NOTES. leof Od.ri.h. on M at took place to Maitland cemetery on test their gc
of October, M, at the hour Of 2 O'clocfk- Sold by Goderich. Tuesday afternoon. supply anything frout year old, J. Newcombe & Sort. I and 2; double L. owers, One of the beat features, and one are palteated: in accordance cottage to the ich mansion. Go tear -Collection Of cut Ill The, followtnir lot" AUGUSTA f4ARY McLOOD, THE TOWN WATIM.- For a considerable time, boys have boar, litteed In ION, Jae. Alton, oo. Am tea, is not valued enough by the cars M. VI. Howell's display of 111, and Over, C. A. Wells; six varieties of dahl that
Newgate St. cawro made a pretty at I, antloar Sol -I ; sow, I y C. A. Wells; band. bon 1.111t, Will- directors, was the School children's
Goderich, Oat. with the suggestion of Mayor Lew- been in the habit of jumping on , t ear old h this Is Jm Alton, Geo. Sowerby ; Is at a special meeting of the Council. which are taken from the station to tt. Wa'rn*ock, C. A. W0118 -, tah e bouquet, ial Tigort and Sec.
ock, and It is about time the at, was easily demonstrated t ('at ed I in IMI, Junies Alton. I and 2. ade. Ili -d. guided the
that body on Monday afternoon made the It on unusually good and 'Onvetifent Wul. Warnock, 0. A. Wells. Mil of the P. s. hom
PUBLIC NOTICE. Ater ben on, of the G. T. R. authorities was to be, appreciated In orruics.-Sow, 1 year old and over, folks from the Central school, -------- an offical. Inspection Of the w directed to n Monday it arrangement, Alton How, VEOWABLES. - SiX Varietle pota- Alt! INO.-The parttes _� the evil. 0 John Newcombe, James a y the Marine band, and a
t. took _the ape front every household. toes, Thos. Hood, S. Furzo ; early eaded h quested to works and intake pipe. A thorough littered in 1004, Jae. Alton, Jus. Bay- ro. A visitor re -
IQ rugs from my b A" re, truant lad W a narrow ese
rotor eat convineed the Council that there TROOPERS any variety, Win. Bleliall, hapV 4W they we
a a dot Tv.11s -, any other variety, Thou. mar oid on seeing Lhoni. -W 11, Gode-
gw-vold trouble. A. t sooner the
TI D. 4 wag actically nil leak in the intake, instant death, and the THE MOUNTED ))eat bacon h Goo Spwerby, o
r pract were a pop J. T. SaW n PK - -squash, rich is not
WN PROPERTY FOR SALEL - Brie - 200' -Owd
and fhat the fault is with the crib and 0 P0
tee is stopped the better it will be War and tneritorious feat- pen 11four imciii I I' C. -out the looks
4d , goinq back ft
low for all concerned. and horses were title Hood, John, Duff; ounimei
;6, U is, the filterer in the ore. Both ulen one breed, weighing fro
Z As It branch of the Dili' ol IOU ti) John Newcombe, J. Salkeld & Sol, ; of that cl housewith,two acres of land and terer. I prize by J. F. Andrews, Jas. Hayden.
go large enou It TalkinF to a resident hohout taking pociniens of this, David Bell served hot meals on the
Z.. beiI blicriard,on the- Hurtill Road crib is composed of Stone their splendid dril Hubbard g9pash, J. Salkeld & Son,
Ile propeRY for Person rettrins o e- down but fence, 'once Hamburgs, all class- I '-Ile,, - .villto I golden dth ra. win- nient Over any ttOrlOg
VI"er;dcairab he Said removing ice, aill
6, tive appearance made every. POULTRY. grounds that were a distinct improve
for kardimer. A� &&no@ that is 'ald one's fence Improved the appeal th had . Leghortill, y CA at the fair for
lom to Petroi been es, Win. Carter, :let A Wells
to allow dirt to enter, and it was c
d th cided to send & delegation of the street, but where a man had it- numbers n single comb and 11013C cointi, Mrs. eb A. ye TH. Ili quality, variety and quan- price and other places where similar systems side who raised at least tenfold. Their brow C. two vacant lots II )eople of Goderich v 1, va� � . Asi�antn ucementtai lultiplied yt
P led r O� n,nX, and four neighbors on each ugh tile J. S. Howt itlive. rom" coulb, Win. Salkeld & Son, hey HatisHod all, and futuro man
't. aten" 0 v.wnt & will are in use. The I thro 8 "" J =n lotA In St. Andrews' - chickens In I C to lite inglocomb,4X.Reld. A gd cabbILgO, .1. Salkeld *U It e do well to
bovoltonted. ard, whic large numbers, his lawn progritur was shortened
V9 rem In make a 'oil or, act blood 1,
hat the Coun ad A. ells ; r. g Inetit of the fair will
r, or be sold at ve in. Oar- Son, j, W. Salkeld; tul'til rOIlrIlgp sueh enterpriHe and liberal
0 enable prices. will be pleased to learn t in ground for their 0 people w I want property w Jug,promptlY to remedythe would be comme absence .Of stlitntile music, tile ')It 'P.�i.b,;w'bilte �i�ested, black, it mistake it thoZ do not enquire. travels and do radiations' so would not bez aware that ecial pleceG Supply. evolutions. ter. Plymouth Rocks,barred, Mrs.Row n w;lCostand
Commission. N BLv ANitxAj.-Dr. Whitilly's not be beautifleg by taking down the, were its for thbir varl. beets, C. A. Wells, Joh Dn treatment
to D. CANTELON. defects in our water fence. he prize list it will be seen tie. Wyandottes, IV white, Jainem Whes, John Duty C. A. Wells Cow. Tillic STAR would be glad to have
From it Hardy t butt and at et" III Win. A' 'A for a good Verrill of the live stock classes were rots, Thou. Lona 1411111ilton to made through these III
Total. ONPON COLLEGE OF COMMERCE dZrItio-indjudgment' On Monday residents of St. Pattick's Se e qual- Carter -, iolden, James Hard Lang- parunitill, John Dlify, Win. Warnock: what Could be done to Ibut t shans, Co in Callipbell. A d, U., A. I L everywhere known, arid, at, -resented, MuHiarlo' alle eand 0 e wardplayed bowls with residents Of but sparsely rep Was it theine of general red onloiyi Weatherstlel fall bow for Goderich what moulitto the Stratfa game that try of the stock Harry Reid lot and 2nd. Minorcae. l"It w onions, tile bi fairs are to the cities. Speak
Redeem y- approval E. 0. Atitrill's horses I Duff� tiny
A =cl rd horse show he achieved _t. George's, and aftr it i well and MrH. Howr(e. Bantarns, seabright 'Wells
TvPEWRITING INV' it Friends.
SRORTHAND AND by getting MI fr�rjed considerably, though Douv , C. A. , M(,' ado a tine display Of thclu- olden, Mrs I Howir. Turkeys, white. Will. Warnock. John st, roteable victory I in It cis" Of ed ended In fav V rie, 0. Pennington ;
W. L. TIORTOV, Tre" ACADEMY. rizo and sweepstakes or of Ireland by 2 a ots, cttle in other vurietY,
selves, find lie well deserves tile silver !I 1`28competitore, amongwborn the following being the players. silver, Win. Carte Duff Hilver skill onionfi, F. E. Bing- VVers I C . owned ST. G110ROSI'S toedal offered in those classes. Win. Carter; Geese, Ernbden, Will. barn, C. A. Wells ; corn, for, table, BRIER�TOWN TOPICS -LAW For catalogue. elentalat full particularo was the famous Lad roesus ST PATRICK'S
It. Th. the HE SPEILD TESTS Carter. John Duff, Thos, Hood Ili pa� for THE STAR to tile end
by Kids Wilkes, Of & ' ki t a W. Lane F. Jordan T AEX. C.B.. I Th" tea Judgv Holt J. H. Tigert flot Is (tractive its in former - Hamburg.,", Oil- John I)I I A. Wells N. Y flrattimeLady0roesuath, n Capsicums 0 bscribers oni.
2VA- Prl2clpal tee ter Jno. Wynn were Spring Chickens of low- of- Ilew 813 LL
in either Canado, orthi �ujtd Dr,%n as ter harman, the conractor,
Jn Galt, skip. J. D. O'Connell, skip. s And foe a time it looked .6 led, WinCarter, I and ; silver C. As Wells rod or purillo t,on'11LOOE,
P R. h they woul wil , C. A. Wells, Job has Htarted Put,iog down the grallo-
The first death aniong the C. yearg d all be cancelled, Yet �Ia:f. Win. Carter; Wnck and white, n Duff; Cucumbers, Wilt
her- victories being the St Ili j, W. Salkold col
0 ,fr, andMigs Wilkes was among Dcurred yesterday at Salt- IJOW13 'Win. Carter, I and 2, Leghorni hrown, 0. A. Wells, ,ch street. 113-1� They were pulled off s to WeIIH walk on (Ibut the first to congratulate the onial em3loyees 04 and 2; single herbs, C. A.
for , when Michael, tile seven months GUNTLIMMUN'd ROAD RACK' rose comb, Mrs. Howric, I tiou role A. W. w. saults hats added a mtory
C0'A_ _L I 11 e- collecti.111.
victor. Dr. Whitely has since so of his old oon of Mr. and Mrs. John P" H. Lohnstati... I .......... I Comb. Mrs. Howric .. white, min to garden prooltice.
I X. It driver to Thomas Tilt, of ' I w. T. hic Call .................. 2 1 3 3- comb, Mrs. Howrip, Jaulev HnF9`y- wells John Duff ', sli `i% A. over the kitchen of him recently pur- Y -LAW. 140- beautifu for a Buffalo wo :snik. passed a Tile little 3 1 2 2 chased (I weiling oil St. ocorge'8,0res - B fellow had 1v Wells: Job'] b"If- L
town, who bought her been in delLitie health to[- 3-wm- LeC ......... 4 4 4 4 Polish, white created, black, Writ, Car paxty, the price being between $500 Wag no, oney-14-wcoley McLeau Cent. A y.LAW To AuTnoru= TIM ISSUE OF ter. Plymouth r-)ck", harreo, 0. Pell- l;A W K. - -Patch quilt or log Improved the
CORPORATION OF COA—L i some tluip, and death.. her. from i I nington, Mrs. Howrie ; White, O. Pen- I , "" " WaAhing- The o.,r. it. Co. I&q DzuENTURIM OF THE and W. ected The family C, Win McDorold .................... 2 dy. N CIL , qui;(, Mrs, Nott, AI Ion by adding to
RMON, FOR TIM Pun, i.gto. James Hat, V aFillk quilt, Mrii. Nott . It 1pearance (,)f the stat
r 41.,Lss plots anthe east (It T 2 James Hot it Mrs. Nott -, knII trio Him- of t rem Courtry OF -On Friday evening The remai r ................ 3 3 3 dandotte
FOOT BALL. Wageroville. 12 n 2, buff,
poillit OF.Rirurfilowr SUM - I $20%W.00 TO - ) cel"Otel white, JI FOR �"� EREGVtOR OF AN ADDITION last. the teachers. in training at the terred In Colborne .0 MXOKCU() I n. Carter ; gol'Iyen. Jameo hard WIL-hington I end (if the building. Usig 'op'Itiptyale Yon Tug The undersigned will be pleased Goderich Model, came in full force W yesterday afternoon. I Wa ff, GO& quilt, MfS. Ott Miss Howrie ; - " I . :,
To TrIZ IM base*;. crochet work The Exhibition numberoli Farm
oj UMI A41b IVOR 'ITIR FIREC- in ampus of the Goderich Colleg- Politics asgume various p t_oeorae Letsou ......... 1 1 and 2. Orpingtons, In, �Uilt, Mrs. the, El . .............. 4 " -a. Howric. Couirr�y to supply anyone wishing to lay 11 C 9, SLITtinfi 3 Campbell. Andalustanil, Mt How Mrs. Nott ; gloves, Mrs- "A Corner In Pot it" and I late. in ordo hot"na Olt .. ...... ............. 3 4 -8 mitts, Miss Washington, Lena by SalloWS, BuroI IN TnZ RAW COUNTY- �r to prove their skill at Sometimes the Serious side looms up woolen seeks, Ing World contains two good PhOtON
TION or gold. A t I -Gundry Brog ..... .... ... I ............ M Inorcas, black or white, M, his winter's supply of Hard Coa foot ball. But 10 I they mot their as brilliant as glittering 4 Nott Miss A Corner in Sheep." They ifflams and John THE LOG SAWING r1e, Colin Cit"'Phell- Bunt'"lls, Hamilton -, horne-nialdis rag mat
ringittAg Ill ordor Carry the said recited Waterloo in a score of 4 to 0, Zurich Robert Wl Colin caturibell. Tur- 11111ton , Iloine- necessary for the said IMMEDTAtE DELIVERY. Dumart, who have resided all their n great event If a brighC Iden Washington. Lena Hit The'Cloak fAXtOr Is now rising, and objects into effwt, At �;ounty of Huron, to Issue __ lined up &a follows 2 - would have been d not keys, Zito, iVm. Carter, Deese Binh- ndo wool mat, yarn, MrR. Nott ; Its it will Ile tbeflIsibuilding of cement
Corporation of the �4 auto of em,000,100, hearing 0. IL S. O.C.I. life there and areproporty owners, number of prospective tauls; ho den Wm. Carter. Ducks, Ayles- I n front, hand-miLde, biocks ln Goderich. It" rifling will be 'a It but each tI, shirt, line
Debontitrow for tho STOVE, CHUSI OR EGG 0041 A. Bowles lit been appe led against as non-resl backed out lit the last d on, � 8 Hamilton ; fancy flannel shirt, interest at tho tatil'of.t. oent. Ir She Fritz, the noted rolr,;Wf. Won. Carter ; Ducks, Roll ffn a watched with Interest. rwcti, sve Will. Carter. I.A.1la Ham Iton � ladieli Mug dents by Chnrlev I
payable half yearly yL campb Backs W To man. It to event was contested of; I hand-inade, ar dodger ntion", Minnie M." aboo sto FILItH Fog ALL. M ,-I, The 10 Cents tA) end Of ye
me nt W 1) n citizens i -EITHER OLD OR iens, Hamilton. ,oun the amig St=on needless to any that Such EV . loile .% Mr. BILERDINO PENS traderweili do drew
( ; tl;o whole rt ....... circulated in the show gi AND WiMaIcArt uron, ESt. PETt d Prouse YOUNG. -Leghorns, I C%O I rt� Irk thiI in , of 11 R MCEWAN. IF* 1:10 aS good as ritiah gold I variety, Jam' Nott � enibrold n cot Itoll or non: ew snhHeribers to .411t IK, C tri%rd Half Backs ROC
rateable rooic L yd i7 inan Huron's to the Rat Revised And will have vot" 9 Brothets .............. .
aboordlol. 41141 E. H Lrl'y Reld Wyandotte8, O. with iloss Mrs. owric, B- Carder , famify 11 AM608MOtitRO11SOf"the,vfLelousMunt PAIRtis Ooderich, Out. W. Anderson a. Murrity infhe coming elections. Gol,clICH TV. VS, COLAOII TF. H,,,rdr iiardy. flarnhurgs, Roman &Ijas Washington ; photo paper, Tuic STAR. Oolcuirising thS.#ft1A County. is the sum of A. Narlor I.t CUL 2nd cut Penn 4gt(all, Jap. F he hire tile I J."accroatte Tpu STAR has this week added Carder Mrs. III ; Perch were again on t
"I'fione o8. (3, wh to Latin I and Prouse See' 29% `CC Will. Carter. Mill0rells- Mrs, Hci frame. ' B. worto Of the 6I l ma.cLennan ForwLr& C'Pul& s, large number of new patrons W. .71herandP.iI�h�r.3A2iI,iI 37 -C. Colin Oampbell. I linen.'Mra. Howrie, Mrs. past week, ancl pickerel took Wtog,� J. He Buff Orpingi on", centre plect.
turn debt Of the Said County 18 tb( A. 60 Edwards to its The larg- anyll OIP 18 VEARM. rich, Bert& Carder, II I freel several good baskets t& In- Nott t doylleH, If in ; and no imin to in RITCO, GODERICH MARKETS- IL lot cut 2,id crit Collection of ogffi� x ter subscription list. cover, Mrs. of tbo latter lie rig inside on Thursday fig ow start = vold Wh�atffuotuatisd Mmewhat the Test j. MolAnnitil. Lucinow. eat and best paper in Huron, tile ants, Gordon All.", Howrie 1 sideboard h the pr W or int;etost in too . week. Aefaree. X
ast or . . but priou III over are practicall n Friday Messrs. greatest circulation, the beat adver- Westlake Brothers ........... 430 II 11 _ Rectm InJurious to Ili lutich cloth, and Friday.
fteof hat they 17 M. Co"TI .57 , III 50 tee. Howrie Mrs- NOtt & noteA.xl) WIM"AS the Will liatiOnat re4olre'l to wers thlA Urne last waek�� The onfe-Ite n McMillan,'James meditim, brij I business front Dart Brothers .. ........... Allan. NT. linen Mr., N-t,t i tea o4v, linen, 'I'llp fternoon walks now Incl tat %%to for tb ,,,rVQ who want tC. Nlr.;'Nott, III Howrle ; 3 handker- I lop's Hill and thetTliley that noted In obfintictlAn with w In W�. Draper, John best on the OUTSIDE DEPARTMENT- INSIDE DEPARTME me of Th additions this week Stallion, any age. W. FIELD GRAINA.-Ill fill the wheat N11i Washington. Mrs. a mrts at tile foot (it tha ill, and on
debt at VA0.000-V= England w ore they ail van 'then ='n ant of tile ii Pro - 11 and Johrr Pellow were sum eblefo I!Pen, to no Young Jr,. uter"t.is the stat of t�, I bread ode f pearly (ona ce for anaulting cover rd. Carlow. filly or gelding, 3 years old, Rection" it rizog were taken by Sim. Nott. finedayll 11111ILIJ, pedestrians take the
eg rr 9KAUMD ND tT is 9mr.- (t IbI lost. moned before the P. M. Portor's Hill. SaittO Henry 1, on mill, or Satin,
TREPEV011" iii(i 1.) IZ. Wise. tiis rowed Nott r NNAI tir the ad at old rices. Port Albert, The Salnuel its on liolting clOth, 511` now proloon 0.
Of the Belfast, Dungannon, Bayfleld. Ben- Tbo-. EIIII L- W. Lav"; 1.0111' not j. Mrs. Howvio ; xualotoa Council Fleavas "A 4110b t but ter Green 7tt and -11mr, C' hat:10y, and large peon. Sa, it Nott, M1119 washil rvo old remidents of Colborne,
a' ration a the Coun of Huron, that It weakening. except in Prim* Ft Ipping gradoo. MASI rdtou, Goderich. old, w. P. Young -, yetu ton , InCe stlich C1,`a&01", Y Council to borrow "I hop are At SC911, I% drop of too cent& charge was preferred bi Mrs. Thomas miller. Sheppa 1. li". Votingi brood tuare, K Wime; jIlall polls. John Newcomb. ��amhll'njt,i n ro. Buchanan, I.,(,l for tile, al the of t I be*. the 40- other polVits. Attrill, NV I Yourif atiot Jno.
ofthh mid Corporation Of 6nt of
Cot- buth"'Id Ift, AIt being the sprinklin
poll the orwd o, to Green, the mother -Din : told of tilliothy need and clover tj h,
-nvTNP%t Thursday Thon. 0, Naftel, W. EI Dut Howrie, croH IntA)wn orthe ShO'i aid Countr Id up in 4y g of cayenne J - K w IN'.. on linen, Mis"Hit,tCh On I ne;), Mat and were w ItinfIte, lanof the f t6.Md A M(yaljOAL Xv tftel, W. E. Durnin i and J. K. I o Rotor%, trout ny paroon or eed: Sain . Nott, B. oration _ame, the said 81111111 gper evening the Godericli Martne Band 19(9 Thom. C. Ni wls"; whiLe Howric eebing, MrH friends,
itforesald. with price. ,Ili the aeyes. The defend d arder, lie.tr0y greeted by many Old Pot SW,I for thil%tmi% oad Ii been saild an tbill Pe and xero Gent- In a vair'of inatehod John Sparrow brans, Kan) Purze, Thos. Hood. er n cumition. B- ncludinK reporterfor thisjournal.
r1tered therean at. t rate of four per can& Potat4eii ti� p eaded Kullity,
at the Canadian 13&nk of market at 00,1 rtJ as the crop lit a largo, an and the Clinton Bapol will unite 1enkln�.*,Ms1I1tI horse. J. B: ofa, co"hion, any anti . Q'Xrl.'�jivaf Ic-,IT --the drut the price is likely to enced to par to of the case.- W FIELD BOOTH, VzotTrABLER. ETC.- Miss Washin�ton Samuel Shealli,,wil, a thorough 110411. Y the COO r and John griLnd promenade concert In the West Urb`itely. gold wurtzeIN, long, ohn Ott Inndry ling. M Ims V scaroo, On Saturday Wtn. Dra street rink, which should_prove gtv III t it I --r,,. C. Attrill, Kill I & son, uorilon Allan lobe Irg. Ilowrip ; whimk merhaii w inty atil or si - TU home gro "a Job u red "Is'" kind, Mrs. ellknowi. tn manT, STAR
glewd= red tille Cliver ive n ingo- Ofthly 110, re chat ritill disordi a
inon. in swris of not less gbolwj% unfis urblah it -am, r Mrs. Nott _Wn -Cunning uhLr evening. Every effort willp k 41.w: supper renders. litim Por haNed the bus nPaq on
)OI t a ged by �;m -tree- S Lik"ldp -in t froto his enZoyer,
Pot thecountY 0 thl to. ham V arty conduct And msde t0i good prry and John Salkeld & Son; intot holder, Carde', "al"Ilt"n "'F'" alions. Mr,s. Nntt, so to tass The charge Was i the novelty of the event about field Came, and that, jI,40bQ:I 4mch, f w the said principal Rum, a be lismissed. against it draw Aalt,Agn_ tallion, tiny age, H. C. John Salkeld & SO", J. W. Salkeld. migs II possessor On
with coupling attach Z for the paynOnt Pf the heap C lilkitiod, such Debell defendants, but In the case Of & lar 0 crowd. The prim of ad mission or gelding, 8 years Old. wede turniPs. volon Allan shade, B. Cri 1 oli N ' nday. Mi.. Slipardown Is ft gol-Al mid Interest y "Warden and countbt 01 J. F: Andr, Attrill Kalkeld- & Howlie ; Cc own idippoll II hogs to Toronto On he should neve� will and the lin. Dtirnin !arm carroto, John lia John
sated Konday, the largoot WWI befil Oliver the P. M, said
If g:Of tbe popular rate, `bI 2 weighlag 3 J. 0. White Y, V mare, 4. C. eitizen and deserves abundant succ".
0 be 811nod the Is Sold County, and s, Ili*&.; yndal It. a it was clear he whII calroto, Gordon Allan, wor Ie work, Write f the I h hands look for a big turn out. old E 0. Attrill ; brood tftstkr0rOftI utithwaltol, 2 re 13#en charged, a Howric ;,orien Al
�,Sitjd cotoration 0, , and Stow- al &son; Corn, Dent. John owl -le(; handkerchief Merrhants whol dootA what advert with tile II sball W 07016 In o 2140 itigalconor 10. of 1780 III never had attempted to annoy the Clinton I boast of considerable Atirill, Geo. LAIILhwft't'L' , (()'it of 'M" John Salkeld Carder rR. los, killea should have Hurow, I 5 ItI pair Ion Not It. %Lrdor fail JHing doe" flit- ho
county of the Firttl .3% of January art 10. of I Barr John Salkeld & �, Flftoon t6I front, - War""t whousuld Prwh corrected plaintiff. II Interest In the recent SOO olec- E. C. Attrili, Goo. lAtitil 1141 tile Flom OfIle., tile pa"t. I LN=._ Rph. Bott, I E' any variety, gain Furze. J. Now nowl It the said, int6tost in t e tocantime shopping htg, I' I toresilid. hallf7daft the ,ap j6 9tools of Thu"day.) PrrAIL MERCHANTS ORG) election tkial, fii addition to having tallached horueg, pk n they woold have seen
Iritoreet, to be mail le It A. 1), MrIA-an, romb & So whf ttalogeH of roronto
Is at the rat4r a ill largest poull Ili, Tbos. Mrs. 11-00; ac" dn"
Wd'osbahtiltiM Will Falt..hef, Standard (old) ...... S 0 05 to W 96 organizer Brubacher. Of the Retall the --honor "of claiming the ,low no Durnin ; king III : fitticy hiindredil of el
.1 0 Unod, Joho I)llff-, largest Squash,
the CanaI 11 (now)... ... 9D tot 99w, Nott, people, %nil, tkq ro. And the said 1 02 Merchants' apron, Lona H
ComTnOV6* at Godevich Ull ill Association of Canada, Is torioun Lack Kennedv as a fellow citi- 1, Salkeld. kitchen or
ftbIO At the I 6 'art _Abd'bt br the ng wh ........ . I 0 to -Brood inare, Wit', War k I largest turnips, Gor auillton pill had it seven cent
May b6 Iliolh digpo Zen OUNFIlAy, Punposm a
ter orthesaid. County Of We, per 1011�L. Wit ........ I ... lot, Allan I talks fleld corn, Tho. hovqenlnl(I'Fi III IA'"A riolu" C lly ............ dregs. Le '91arlibn triable, tl -ter, r, per owl-- n ............... 'I J. 'I" Salkeld ollgar 11I J110 tvtbit anloont spent tonqt, havo
e�Smtth. the rempondent, I
-and Tr6twu ?I 1905 r. 22 14 0 warkIng in Goderich and surrounding re. Itoliert Olen" ; ear Ipoco� 01 Bran. per to" ....... foal Of luo haby'R In co ton or I families I
toocodi, atrishist, t trofrom 9 all its Solk 1ret arg
are,,, for the b6dl lit 00 to 13 46 towns. And Friday evening last the with H. St r"han 00% Percy Stewart, B. and the short#, per ton. Mr. S. M. Trow Was "ancinted ling J". It. Stil N-ftel I mat�,hed Hlk-Ill J. N Howrie I 1waiding it or parch6i thereof, to 00 to Is im e,I Aq olany.a. 4, anti nuunhem LML ... 20 00 to 90 Dominion secretArY mar. at the time, and during his 8LA On- paciwood, T. C. lowrie � pil- 1 gathering of Kank. --Tablo butter, Miss Washington, MI- I rf'i%
bld by It is jurchais Ditsurer of the county, of 8orceI par ddresaed & iI ing Carder 2 .. tie CrRit o the To 0 30 to 030 ern, A
V Ili that III ma37 dIrI And oats (old ...... ........ .. ..... ban I Chamber, At deavored to establish a private tea,,%, 1I Salkeld, Perey stowart. DAIRy pitoDuc-ril. Huro , ato the flat e for I pu 0 28 to 0 �5 ta In the COuncl L. -Brood triare,_-Ino. ru. (lowrie som of Itarley 10 Ig it was decided When tile Central Bank occurrod the Flaited for osi,, rolim or prints, Loan I III
MI .............................. 0 eD to 0 &j the close of the I en, ri Ilow- Business Notices. shalt by'lliffilt tion to the PAT 110firli P60 ............ r .............. I neeth I foung broker left for Toronto. AORICULTUnA porter I filly or feld- Hamilton, A. J. Goldthorpe, toilet niats, B. CArder, M
Ing for the Ad 45 ........... ... ....... 0 40 to 0 the follow n land uplamlior, fln
Ittil .. to form a branch, an (f .11 lines of Aver Wilt. H. Durolo t tn pounds lit crock walia %vool ert) ...: ....... 0 to to 0 d6 , was & moot aptive man In it I.H old. ltt.ht, Olen, I Prey Chet, Nfra.
aJfIlKoNnd fort1heerocti6n, Oftridg0s n Wickwh per bushei to 700 ffleers. were ellown: President Mr, sent time, Lena Ilan) .,, I Tile Gioderich Busi-
a county of I urbd, tittes ILA ............. 660 ;ilI a base ball cloh, and ling. Yea Cedelo It i alted fo 'e liten- tie - Afghan sofa, ST I
tilt, per ............ 0 15 to I & Nairn, grocer ; fl"t vice-presiden Stewart I year ul ' ' Ott, Jas. Hillydent tub or Ho;vria -. homotiltelling, ru- C)
During ills curr�llcyof tho liar, h "ptirt.' Or' n -very 1-1-1 enterprii I A . Phr-nT ness011egeissull receyvingplipils. all
there bbAll bb mleed Afinualle 111 *AW ..... ............. ...... 6 60 to 700 kneller -, m 1 tisolk part I Sodkeld and Soli ; fOH,I Of 100� Una Ham- ,oldery nil flannel igs 0 IT to oil Mr. Ger. Port%r IN bred %Ath the training. )ropo�tty the aii ltrisi per d0s" . I ......... icared In last week'o led team. eri,k, not less than 40 Ilia., of whou, are delig
on I ratfAbi V per cord .................... # is to 650 vice.peasideriL L", Irtrd- An Item a Ili, J no. Aver� I mittel; ilton will. Plunkett. W. F. Dtirnin Mrs. Howrip; collp� in talfe tp Seatforth Expositor- Nlallo" k I embroldired, Call and see. int4rest on th a&td Debntures, A64 th 4 50 to 500 membant I treii lojustice to En ineer ten I *. ill 'M of ItarI tboi II Of W f0v I* isuret-, Mr. W. A. RrAs front t jam. Ch 4holul. J. An keto and Son. 1) Sim.
VAtu% 6 0%. ware It ck. Lona Hamilton. Mrs. linen. liection Rropt,I photo tudio. under the
rpbila of CrOfttlagk% A 3 I to 426 HEAVY 1111I lXPOnTE" On CAN -ill
the In,, dry merchant I I whil Goldthorpe; Robt. Ill. Androws; Ilowrie I tatting, Nit -H. Nott I cO A of 0 &f, 'a " the �! r6 t h d d Ob t h I r ol Y. CAttlej 0 _ gods fh does an ,h. What Mr. S11Y old A, J, ;T=ent of Mr. rrt
n Mmen Spring Lamb% "Oh ................ 3 I to 400 McK
fun or to 005 rewl, Mr. W. 9. Elliott, book-ke#P- Kel Y, Of Godetb of 8eafollh, was ADIAN Baerl.-44t.Itillon, It years rat-tory made, It. ellwitin crochet work. Miss Waghlngt,on, B, re
lAmbilipolb ............. 0 ii thtt" three
tie as forsid 091 r., Brubache.r r#pOrtAgood inicogisal said to Mayor Cluff adupwit,rd. rs. 0. Attrill i yearling, e. J. K. Wiso. ting. not les" plete at all times with tile
9" to 04 ) , less home toad A)ardor t mat We invite a
a0 electrical he. I -
each of Ulb italot Fifteen y6I -1o. 0,13 I eading the gospel" of Ittir trade. that he knew At severld Scaforth, I,, C, Attrill ; biwiol inre. A. Jones, c siticIpH, Mis. Howriei knitted lace. lateI effects in tile art
TPn varietlell. Ilaroh -r - nota continuance of your generous patronage. a IT to headgull,tterIll plants Interior to that of APPLIi B. (1,"t Thfol AY -U* kh'I 6oh" into 'ct66 a 0 10 to 010 ir, Teowern. Wh011 Robt. H. AtidroWlt, W - F. Young I waahington.
oato, Sid just wbi0b ceil a, itrient, deal more money. WHI 131chan, J. W. Salkeld i Alt v -A MiaR on the iijighth dA7,of Deftiriberi 1904i Ally oi. goldinj, 2 y1I old. it, IL 'nolblon,
..: 60 to 550 T t As to God,girj6h. Mr, Kelly paid we hold cocking, Writ. Bichan, J. T. c embroidered, F. E. Bingham, -IrRED 11RCI ......... 0 31) to 0 L II Not . k, b1=4 one of the beat plants In Western On- Andrews, J. So keld & Son i yearling- Otte", drawn wo iss WaSh Kp
T 11 co, � IP= I win. OOICIou# I a an. J. HATI Salkeld John W. Fialkeld I six Vafl' in ton Mrs Ilowrio. Died. M tto 0 Bargi,' They PrI66I thif It Is r. well oil
ilk"*- ell'i"Asort, Win. Bletinn, IL 11.
W III I - to 0 lattOrl an bI t* tAdo outAde the citt "at'
........ 014 tM AJII frA of 1004. Alex. Mom. R. An III TIN� ART4. :n Goderich, on 411I .rtesbi Is rt t Into MI ... ........... 00 Jeof, of Ittio" fact that few e;CtricaloStAnto, draws l Mr. I,. C. At(rijilo vilecial for Andrews -. D110110" Of Oldenburg, (Orlg,rialp) - ( i
to Joe oedure,lbetter toaditlow (at tbo VA�- I (I Landi I 01""I 11.1til,gonotJohriGmiamilI
law to �6 0 to )gst, towtim than 0 erich. T) WalliR t Alexan. imi. Ilaroid CAutity Co0nA ()I boAtitt of H ............ atrIsdo, Wewant to make it hard even in Tat WA *Ith Ours. In itieven wit" of Igal, I by Deaford Mat- Stitt) Put I,on Ject, M (4. ZelIA - ai and A 11MY& 6% th Wlltb I *9I A" 11*01ttAU" Ajay to do tight/ n conitm W. P a Ramilto St. linals, xorth Dakota. on
tu 010,141 (%Uhtyl 11. Andrewo. Young, der, John Bat on loarine view, Carder; nil vtok In ................ 0 t4 4 I td do( I IgbVe light ban boon lost, vears P. R. Bin ham. bout of fm ................. 0414 00 WingbAld %nd Kintatillas wftito to be ilars not 1% 11 71th an Packwood I filly or geldin flowers or Friday. Sept. �nrd. Iflim., ary av" I 0 10 t* 6 toWas to, III& 41101W 01111thO ' V Allan ; oravenitelin. ovilon I n rsa, 110wi'le, Z- I �der oi 10 113011ttl&
iW1, ttin,s Ana 00, I I record wide Will COMPAr" 6y imported or Z- Ca
� 4000" . ......... P4,11r, nd under, sired re, Ilowl'10
tb6 murno6i at "A 075 t igr6eldy.b"n, called of tho,cities with 6 duplicAto Caytign red streak, tea" Salktt it. fruit At
ing"t &I beI rql6itod fill ................. I itud MJtfI hsveoa t4it Canadian -bred Are. prizes given by 0 to Ilk6jr. ....... ............ which we do not POSSI W ........ and Oft*silaw let'
_11 46 0. A%# IIW