HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-09-23, Page 4wrwp",;.. . - - -11111- I ., 7"Fles7rWr -1 11 ... — . 7"��� - "F—RWI-7, I . , �1� . �r,vp. I - IFFIl , ,r;"r7 r4r,,--" — - 1. ­ '7,1111171rw I I ww"'rly" .'u-V,TwW.T7 , p. ..... _ _f - , I � I 11 i . --F"& , . � , ,,, I I _F - .,.W,llipqlpllipl)yW� 4D.117"Wow-T�. 771.7-1wWr —I '11, . I - , ?r. I . , . � . I I � � ,*Pr M � , , ,�: ; I , . , I I . ,, - I � I - _ � , � — � . � I I I 0 1 0 1 . I � I r, . , � _ I ,� . _ ffl� I . I � ­- � f 1. � � . I 0 . . I I I I � I .. I , . 1�;, i I I �, . 7 1 0 I � .� I . I . ,� I , - I I � 11 11 .1 � I . I 11 11 I �', __ - ___ _ . , ". , I I . , I I . ,; 4 1 . I . I I =�� �7­1.00� 11 . I r I.. 1, I I iii�ll-I'l.-!",ii-��m,�v'--�-lro--!q�I !M � ___ 1, . . 1 _11­11111111­�­711­ . 11 .11 1-1,1-0 "Llilmloq11011olit, I I 1i � � . 11 � I I I � . I I ,'­', i 1 ­ —_ - I ""______"A*"00 I - . I I � I . . - I . . 60-11 ­ M., -11,11 - ­­ ;"',"W-711 � '!_�, , i ,!� .4 ;.-, — I .. 1� I I sEmmm, p� 1"4 .1 . � I . I � . . � 0�y I 1- _­ =!! i -_._1..__ . � 000*'11"40""""�­�­v, m -w-M", "t . I � I _ _ _ - . I I ... I .. , ., , � ­ I � . I . , ,=CA � I - I I ., . . ... 0004�0000 - I= IP � 4. -1 IL " I _ 4 ­ TRIV G R, C. , - " . I V I I I I __ _. � __ I . I . 1-11 ­ —, "I I— : .., ,'' .1 I -11 '. .- - "' . I . ; � . � - _1-111.. "I,-:,:,*�:,',',w,i�,.::,�i.�.:�,�.�",,--:z-.- ;;;; r� �� � MA I- -1 � _ 11 I I �­ . . �, - I . I _ ". " .1 1. I � I � --..".1 I , ,, 11 — � . ­ " I 11 � 1, ,-. ,� .. - . I __ . 1. ­ .. oil, , �� , . " .. .11 4 , �! .0 �. I , I - 11 11 I Nq -, F! ��� I I. 4.44 sollw4y, N��' , � " , 111. ��� I I � � T-, 1 . � TRV � � I . I . I ­ 11 .,! , 1". . .......... � I . . j :!��",.!"�:t,,,-:,�,:'.�;.,�,:;� . I !i m7v_� . � I I . , , � . � � �:, . j I I I I . I I I I M � 11 � ­ ...... '­:­:­., .:" , j j I " I I . I I , ; 00 11 � __�__ �.." I . . . ­ � .. ,; I � � ' , . 0404419A �*iwk, , '006. it' , . I I I , I I I I _ -----. �1_ , __,_ _ �, I I _..�_, .,;- ----.L � . ­1� 1 _­­­ 1 11, : � 01 Guelph f1*011d ! � edida � 4 I I 11 I . - _., ". , 11�� �, I i '. 1, , M TO.'k - 01tAinston, is Wb * 14 , 9 I - 104' I I I '. .- I � '. I I A Y., gwk I 1; awt),Z 444* 0, , 11 � , , ­. , I 'Morril, - -4 041rik-1w. 14 , i --- __�','r � ; �� I I _­ ,,, ,-,r7,-- - 1-:; ... I , _'k AQ j "rich- � I . ...7.7 I � '. ... , , . _ _ I '-:­:-�t'��,�­_,­­' I., i ;­ _,_�zz:_, 7 , , �_, U___ j ,� , , 70",'. _� I � . ... " 7 , " , �K--* ',* 11 . ­. I—, �'. , "" . " '­­­ , e _ � i � " � I I I - , , I , j 1-1---1._-,. �. _:,�­. � , , , ", �_ I . I�Qm6a- ­ �#q e-,V.�A,-#U� , ; -4-_--1V- . . . I . � i 0 t , V �*�= tremitfAt - 1� I a, I , ­­ - ' ` �­­ " ' I 11 j I , 1 . b" 4.4 14U e Kohip, of 44.4 wo V , � , 1, 14"be Mg I.i2i'V 't 0 '14""- ,9,*:0-,s,-0�",i . j . '. In � . j . . ' ' � " '1� j 0 � , . IUMP, W1119, IWO1`110 Avollosrolva, 1 I ., ' I � ... 1, "Irl, , 4ble "ge tit #M Y*lw I �� I .1. 11.11. 11 .1. ­� I., I 1.11 �, I I— Ir"RaN 4"I y1l V0 . I I I I I I jj ;, "' '''" 'A"s, Too pilles'It ViN NIO&A Ap. "I - 1. t .. I I . I I I � . I i 11lys. - - 411, ` I 10 1 74, M . . r 11111 "o- bl"d Aw 40*1 ZWV�l 441041 you "W4 theils; 44 �t ilff,' .- '04ST. " _��I, . ... 11 '' i p, , p a .,, � , , , , " I . ----" . - qttI*140,XvnV proN . � , 4 i � I ava khe'Y' xre Awkits Prox $0'm � j j" & d2v I � - 4 I Wo givor"I'sa sitkulloo tal$4: llw4v. to0lAvlastio , , - , , � � , � , 111. . _4tl F , I ,� 0 , - '. - j I � � 1,',D, , � '' ., i I , . . I I , cr . I - otliev%flust of 100wato * W04 W . '441 �:: If I " illowl wC4 ,� o ds , � s y � I I � IF110,041101, Pic -Y,,94rsuarJPT.",. . I " I I . 4 I 11 � . � I then -1 r- owato olloveloollil the 0.04 Our colioj$ I _ . � I ... j I .1 I , ,� A", " � 1� k I I- , .1 � . � , ., � �- , . 1� I � i "I'll ... I tra, _�jtrelqalngnotfme. ,Wb4 or � . , � � - . � ,,.!I , ­­ 9 . I , .,. . I j . I ,.I*. PIP'W", 414r#� our. . ��.,'�_., .. . .. � W*P,Vl4P16Vsr000& 1 440 -nun t /11 a "lie Ili " , , " ",04yv ''N'Woor. .* , I - I _11", �,_; I I �_,_ I �­ � : � , . , , �.., j Jin aud of �d G�t,.Jpll will staxt a � I . 1, �� V � , �,st P int'"f* I � I 'of. . i I f � 4*fn. V Witt$ ulffin,y $uer . " , ,� , r � ' I I r t 'gjl" . j .1 � S, ,,, 1: I 11 . . I I � 1, - ': ", , I 1—f , � I I : � j , ormh ftavaoul _1"_ tbo %oq 0mo, At the Oodelrfeli 0 j .. 1 209 J,Wfli WE, ", , , I , " " r . . a 11 0, , , I _� _14 I Ift tw X:04W , I . , � . ­ I : 000181l� ocp"100�� if 4 014neoperations are being c4p �� 1 7j �j � � ­ . I j - I - . � ­ .. I 11 , - ... . . . � I " .1 1. . I I I � �� , . . . " . � I , " , " , ` . , We I I 4 � j I _ . . Ill . English 110alligg 0 AV0 WhA7, I , j j r� 11 I on more actively than cIa0VV)j0rf,4. I f I I . ji�-,'4300t. thlbo, f4f th 0 eat the I 04, ­ Most � possible far yow, dollar. I I � , . � I I . I , j 0 R1 , P1, A 111*1$ 1,01 � tho . don , I I I r I ... markat.* "Olro"R."A . . j 'O I " , I I . j � j "t*Itteod, j. ' . . 1. 1, . 11 . , . I I . I ' Tito two following 414patchescomo t TIR 1*0 441,0'f t elret, is 101410t 1. j . I . You WAN't, , : I , , , h he p ess as Its .�; 11 I , � .. � j.. , I I I 'Pick � UP'40Y 014 t r'a $i h � I n, tr h P., m a .r4..e t. � I I . iron& Montreal ; The Cauatl4m Vaol# It 4040ora . **0 fir sees, isit so"s, I . I / ­ 1. �� : I " WK c a It o . , � �0 Almllrt!33 o Oy focoww" , Ow I I �, A ; . � � I � ,I Ir _ . ;�g . 0 1 , ;�, � I I I 11 11 .&,$#pAri11a IV, , thist hvl,k the ( I I � , .� I I � � .. . . 21411way, It Id oolviolly ItippolipcVT I of germs 4p at the. Nemif , mr, , I.. ! eodOloti- , It" is trite we' bave#cheaO and I 1.1, . W. C 0 )s I , 1 . stojo,#*'00 4, , peplillat, boa coal ske, frovolt, of plortitti, otio *u*14 I to ubt- � , � I I , I . . V . el ZOO= I . 1.01 � � � I Z eas *11 bwo poil0d r -owo ,! -_ --- - '' - j j �. I . . I . I .1040 0 , Appetite, over the NortlIvrol toop-zaklor) "" during thc'nig t and I#. ark, damp rellam j '10, �11:!17 " 1,5; :1 �,P, 11 . .7 .� I , . ;1 , , I ; Ukas .pleted amang inents. to 0 0 t m9;Ad V I "o, � � t : � I chemist , . Pr tood, 90'�48,'s,' but jhp,y. are, great, Value at what we ask for them— , aon, T- . - , . � . .1 I . ' way. which runs t1wough Ili) excl,ug]VA) Ar, . � I jj 11 . 11 ,, , �9 �­ ", � ! , , , I 1�'_ ��`,. I.. .. � ! I � 4 * I . I I - �, �, I I - j � � Youir d"itor, ka - 4 '". . ." . 004�iojj : 40 . � MY, as .Well, 00 ,cheapness. ,Our .3 n . 11 " � I I I I � , , o*4 tbe M 094110 t 40101rij dofltro�s gentse, " q"A . z5c, ' 's,� and Soc ll es of Dress . I I rModyt Utio'd �Ior tV,YOM. farming district direbt) 4 nort� Of In V, orothei,orprilinuc ThA iswbyit . . .... ,, ' ',r . � I I Montroalp The purclsmo a of wpodal is ottolotproulightiolo7ourbows , . 1 I Two& and $401454 vols of cheapneSs, and wide width$ too- . j . I . , 44, Ituportauce, because it ues�mi ,,, r , I I " j � - I ire war , � . I 61M Itsaftst 0= I a i to t foritApIql(I nfluguix. , I I I ` � I � , . I . . �, I c I . !` - R_ - - I . R'Opu " t 'ug. I I r j, titio A ,, $041 . � I I - I . I - !M1!t"_" fi_!M!;;?__-_ = , I , t*' alld Press' Tweeds., 1 .3.5 and $1.50. I'll � I 10 , AtIffil I *'I!Ptqt and,Sorgical Instf, . 0 ,� 0 Cmuldlan P"cifle exclusivie control e; - " ,I1 � Our i . .11 pi , i ,Jn 40#1 , 75 � _X ___ - , � � � 1�1 . W, V1. r, rickoilchicr,40* *ft -, !Vr LL T A, ' 'r* in in . . Ir -0 , . _ � 0 every district in the feet dqvoloplog tQf4'VuAkV .014Y _f r f - : CI, 8SQ, $1.00, $1.25, $1 1 1 __ Cound * 4Z our"96, 4plattsposimigats tionto , . we havie� this, f4l 46p reat9st, the best, the,most varied and exclusive 11j 1 I � � j I j i :11, I . oe north of Montreal, And W. a - I , V . , , I j I .. . . 106. 4ctinae the Ze, 7"Ok no, I= the phriev; l4bi it, , , , j I I I 1�. 1,; L " � ".11 is- I . freti'llne cau eittelly be conjoutpott, "With 1116 W447 in 11114; triat- I � UP FOOTWE . , ­ .11 I .. I � . , rr I I � : . "I,* -IN for I . r''.1- r @ extended to tho section that will , Als, Iko; 900jew"mutnin - I . . " I 0440y ,,This is a store Of I 1, . ; - ... 11, � � Uv � stock to''belloo , I . . I MR. = Inept of , = — I I , , where In this vilid of Ontario. � ; I. , ­.. , he cflos� " .. . " _;Ib . . �­ � � I 1. 11 - . �. � . � .� �_­�. ;ed by the eastel-n section of the tbertfroilo, slid *44 tationg me orst to a4apt . qual'Ity.tO. 11V­'t$I#4k Dress $tufts we aim to excel[, and so we do in a . e, ., ,. �,� '. 1 . . � I 11 11101W Grand Trunk Pacific. The line I" 132 ris rems.11tablo cum to ino � .., will , be striotiv 'maintained in - ottr uevV Fall . . va at " . . ��, ,� , ". , � .1 I,.,, I �. I I t , y Coe. A WYOA I , I % wes fainavilaistookil " i 17 i'. " , - �PF� , talles in length. . ire Intsittifia;"Asity I I � . , ri . y Of new i1n4kosti Oxclusively this fall's productions, and prices to . "; . . , � ,, .1 i . , "�' I e . . be smateil by t .ift ' � I , . I I 1:1 , .1 . Tbb Allan Steamship vompany an- Not only is Dr, X V, Pierce slot0lit (or Goods. They ara b0o from all the lead . suit overyooldy, I , " � ,.�, " ,',�� . � 1 , .. &A nounces tbat Its new turbine ateatuor I'll'Aillgicii1tiCil ah"pltat,14 . % I � FALL, WAISTINOS A SPECIALTY. 1. 1, , . �: . t" %="v"*h11yA11y`Z_r_Vs_r`%11I � ItIttinelltil at hi r I . . I I " � , F, . - Victoria would , make one trip, its lauftlo, but nearly sk tbird of* ft I , : I I;L 1, I ­ ! In nlauufacturers,. ' , .- - -,�: - . � L .1. If, , � I.- � Itial one, to Montreal, title year, and he ikovctcd venalls mu- al,107=0 - --- �, . I .1 I , . r I C, � I 1. .� %tat:. during tile winter Ill be tattlil whill Were luit0o's repedles, sled on . . � I . 11 I I � I Reason w . 9- I I . I I . , I � �.,", , � ,, , onthe assenger service between St. veetfe4 11A putting, oesu up In a ibrel that W are " I , I �', I 1.� 1� , 1 F . '. I 1;, be Gobericti Jelin, halifox it would be easily frotured jintl reit4y't L04ye .a tile best values - In Men's I , , , I 11 . ,ff . L I - . I - . 9 use. oar,;"t atto give yo I I I I . 1 nd Liverpt?ol, and that This be-ekiltil Dw wit bav;� ever 00fred, � I'll � ,, � , ,:�,":, -, I'lervels'"Ata Willed I I I 1� " . I : : ­. Tu"W" CALL IL the additional turbine, to be built dui VINCOTtr3% ,It maintains the patient's on. . "st is . V I " 11 Ing the winter, would also lie used ex. tallon b 113 Men's LOJVG 000TS we have a big variety in Ki is LAMEs, COATS ... _ L ite I .11111 �11 , MTO I � . I � , ; �, , � . lal,ling him to tat, to" 41gelpt Grain and Rubber $teeu, bathers. wltb Good, Solid J I . I . , - L, I . clusively from Canadian ports, It Is And W4, lets trutritifars to , 9& It over- . Leath.prl . - .. . L , � � � , Counters. . I I �, �. , FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 19K to meet the competition from tbelle, cb-440tric Iftitlibill ty and rptgms of I � . . We aro � . .. , . I ; . � - g" Pacific iud!1e I evo � weeting with great success.so far With our Coats. Every �­. � . �., ---.---.--,- __ _ -- - - , - eteatuers that the Cimadl I on. slid lu,this way ever a Ist. Our School Shoes for bove he very I - �� �. ,�f , . " 1.1.11 Hallway bus decided to purch t Ilwe to atA411101101111 etc stedilues;aYNX and 4irls will give It One new, 16i'this; fail's t, Our prices �, � I ase IT, it i a tke Oy Zvwst the Terms of best satisfaction. . , I � rade. Canadian and foreign makes. .1 ''" I � .11� " �, . A Wonderful Document, morepassengersteamera for the a I I . �' � � . :.�1'1 cantratiViols, trip all usIM t build# � . 1, J;"� . . . . - -_ , . I , -vice. up the ssuca *ad cuts on beit. guy Iletib. I I irtt"90 f rOW43,78 t9 $J I.00. A fine assortment of Children's and Misses' , . ,,:.,, 11KIncardlao Ravlaw.) . lantic tier I a 11 I ,��, �,: A remarkable production Is that Those dindrin to now something All"t I � * , , , , ,t,, .. ". ,� , I I Tonsilitis is Oolax Around the body in health and disease, also medi. PRIlpias RIOUT .� f -oat,% nobbyj neat, pod colors, all ni-.w. You will,find our Coats latest I � . � 1, , . - . � _ L' bill of ps.vticulArs In the Centre Bruce , � ", � ,.� � � I tine and sulg ____j 7 styles, well'inid ood' : yl� � � � . I . election ,!74 Without technicalities � I I . : I I on' There axti fe"ty-five Arid everybody Is wondering what should read a Common Sense KedIQ . . .-;w I 0" cloths, antl.fit just right. . . '11 � , ' , cliarea rlllltl�l The petitioner swears todo. Here Is a simplIecture. Use a . . , . � . . I . , ., I I- he se _. Adviser,* which can be had for so cents In Sole Agent# for . . . . . � I 11� � �1, reason c all, oup-cent stiqups for the olotli-bdund b ' � . . ­., Z I I ,; .1, � I garigle of Nervilin livater as rb- IF016 . - - — -_ -_ . 1, I (­ dre . ", �' does believe each one to be true. It Ad u'Dr. IL V. Irititee, 13uplio, N, . UALITY I I . . . 67 JI .I ". ,,, lives him a chance to got back at commended in the directions, and rub . WALK OVER Standard Pattgrajp, redu I � 'I',". , 7�:" gmleb who opposed him In the election, ur throat and chest vigorously for Women. , . for Men. t. - . cod -no Pattern more thr 15c. An $-page Fashion Sheet FREE. . ':;�Ii ,,, I ,; . . " . I * � . �y �, , y1f, . 11 I . . . I";; - - I th Nervillne. This has been HERE AND THERE. - 11 - , ); , � , . . I for �he Is the defeated candidate. Ili tested and proved auccessful a The Financial District meeting of - ' - REPAIRING -_11 I . �� , l,.�� � , the first petition It was Liberals who I 0 -ft -010" - .: 11 . _-R-9 4 . �� �_'11_1 �­ I I thousand times. Nerviline in & Goderich District will be field in the : . . I 11 I . - ',�� bad voted against him (and some who specific for tousilltis and in fact we Seaforth Methodist church, on �Sep- DOWNIN'(1 & MaMCAR. �" � . . " ''. . I hadn't) who were the chief targets. k If uothiag halt so good for tember 20th. ,�� � , %, , �1.1_ "r". They were nearly all charged with now ( . IPHONIR 86 '� '. ��; ', . �k, . I ,�, � "' breaking up col S. curing tight chest � - 1 . baying been bribed. This time they I I TERMS: 1, .:`;� . I Gustave Goebel. the noted and I I ­­ I .. ", I � ,. � . are left out� and m&n who voted for and all muscular pains. Try at bottle Lfw�iliii�40wwmiIo�. I I 1 0 SPOT CASH " �, �,� Z- � � I � 1. I i . .� , , , 1, , � . , I . � I � --- `� _ him the first time and against him of Nerrillue; price 20c. ular horseman. died suddenly atRrt H : Colborne \ f 11 the second have to take the r - chall last, week. He vt as In 1-1- A -1. ,., — - I _�_ .1 I wilk"_ I . . . I r ,, .l.'' � I jince. year and was nuver mrarried. 1 . . I I.,�,� It to not likely that be knew - -- ___-, . I I I I I . L,;;; I I` , the A little son' of 0. M. Walker, of __ . - .. �� 00-1 M, . :­. Pacr put In. The WhiFhate, &Red about five years, Was Kincardins Review. The Globe says ___ .1 . - .. I . I .- _ . . I 1. . I 1� .�41 1 �, � " n 0 r, that Mithaffy'a workers weren't found *.--� . . e I . .�L I :1 � � declaration be makeelsa 1-bla k t" I a th a small brass tube, and out. Quite so, quite so. They were Pipes That Are PIPES, ' ! ! .1, � ' ' �� , one and covers all the charges tits It r , ; - �, �, '��" % t IV fnWhIls miritith squirting water. like Mahaffy himself when, the fight Fo a I I _. I , , , .''� r, , the "detectives" like to enter. One Another little boy, though consider- Za over, found In. I " . :, . I . ��:: . of the "detectives" was a heeler who ably lar Greatest variety in town. I � . I . I � �:,,. ger, kicked the tube while it I � ., .. I �, �. � '' took part in the two elections. The wits In c child's mouth, driving the Win. Wi"to. of the base line, Hol- � 011111111116 a 64111�49 . . . 1, � '"' . . billefliarticulars leavehicle forhint tube through the roof of ble month lett, had the misfortune to 1080 his Batkade . From Corti -Cob to Ideentell4uni, tosult . . . . . . . . 64111111111111111M!11111111�01 ,.,� _ , ' . ��, I �­ " _ " ,, ,� , to get back at the men, he hates and and tip nour to the nose. He wits lin- driver. His li(red boy threw a %tone I . all tastes and pocket books. , , I I I . I , , , I , .1 . � ,�. ?� ,,, ; ; ,be uses iL The newspapers puillish mediately taken to Dr. Kennedy's of- at 4110 All'i'llal, breakini One nt its I I I I 1� � ,, . -1 All Disordered . I ,�, 11 � I �*� �, the particulars nnd spread abroad, fice.andwhile underthe influenceof legs. Theanimalbadto w8hot. # du . there Is no Tobaccoa and Cigars from the most not. a . � ��, . . 1, ��,, "I .1 "I " under the protection of the law. a chloroform the wound was stitched. There are seven schools fit the Ili- rome to earrippre , ed manufacturers. � . a .� 1 .1,1- ,� " " I tissue of calumnies, most of them A second operation was necessary. spectoraw of West Bruce now with. vtil�h I ­ I . "111111 � . I I conceived and founded on malice only. ThoUttle lwy Is doing nicely now, but out t4mcbet I I � . I , �;! . !, � I � -s. The lowest i4da,py offer- .- "Always Up-to�Dtrte.­ 11 I .1 I 1. ,,, 1 . 11.1. . I 11 That is the serious side of the bill It was a very painful wound. ed by tiny of them Itl $300, but there I __ . �� , , ' 1111W~ I � ; . 1;; � � ,I!, 1! , ", but it 1188 its hUMM& We Nbs,11 rCf0l, - are no takors. ," � . I I , � 'I", to'some of them, using tie urimes,lor The Bruupwick Cigar Store " "It I . i, �� . When All Others Fall R. R. Higgins, ofDrucefield, deliver. " I . I . 1� t ;,�,�, fictitious ones,forwo 118,170 D()de8I ed a very no five year old gelding to BU=J U, IkusF s7 -R_ -Er, coDERtcm _� i, _.- I . l 1 7 I a I ,: to circulate the inventions of prot*ct. To relieve constipated headache just D. Donovan. of Senfo -th, for which _ , �10;t,`,,.`,,-�' , ,-, .ed slanderers. In onp charge ten men try Dr. Hamilton'a Pills of Mandrake be roce - . 1-- Is �, 0 . ,,� �, I � _�,,�, � Attack on � � � ,� � Mentioned and "oth4raunkilown " tire and Butternut. WonderfulIv prompt Ved the imug sum of $230, The Ist"t scientifio - I of � ! "I . MasterNorman, Henderson, son of k1dwy ftesses and rheum*. . . . ,'. ,-,'.,,j�, .1 . charged w11h having bribed one man. and never cause griping pairs. Fop Win H. Henderson, met with a pain- thum Regulates wealmad cc - I 'I'll, -, _ __ � ��; , It is not likely tha,t we shall ever headache and biliousiless ume only Dr. fid;iecidentat Senforth. H Ii d eloggod kidneys and thus ,61C�_TIAWS_F , . - . . �11 � ., -11 � r i . . . . . . i � I 1. 11. I .. � know whether he got ten or more In. Hamilton's Pills. Price 26c. on the pavement Ili front of emsckpuells rwWvm pol= I== the bilood. . I a - � . . . I - I � � ,� . dividual bribes or whotlier. the ten or store and in We fall broke his right . I " �11 . - . __ . . , I , - - 0/r V, �i`. more Individuals combined to give Mitchell Advocate; Day li� da,v the arm. , atell"ittelbsuisfilostilatifeilft ,0... YR , . . ,�:___. � , , � . him one subatantialitconsideration. In adulteration of foods and rinks is awm saboftom T" b"I PIWO fit &=Dries for y I ..... . I . �� ;., �, , either case It shows slovefillness, in tile be I nore extensive, until 4 the Beaftirth Expositor: Mr. Jonathan I boom A, sumfims rdvo&1411=!srXk.411.Ak ., . `_111 �, - . com ng I ==I ': � Miller has disposed of his Interest in "M DMwullr or FVX-�-UIDO Tkiolouith 414. 11 I I ,�_ � empaign of corru . I � -ofAaftAnusluess, se.vla 0 1 1 '�' � I I se . dfAV . =" Ura I � , - , = 'e'.140"MI40" .. , , that the respondent a agents'were jo. t,11 what out, 1.4 ",= , , I , ption lt shows present time It is almost itnTO IN6 to the Grip hotel to Will. Hergov, of = It., 11.11,1211 I . '�,� buying. here Ill a Ghtmis. NVP under"tand it Is � I � . , Illue in the art. heavy flue the in- S4 W. F-9131DIral . 0 �, . . , �1_ for selling goods of this tendou'9f Mr. Miller to retu 4wirax ____ � . � � "��, ­ In another 1:rticular, &*Liberal is ki I'll to . _ — ,- I . We T -i E A T-) in. .�., d, and any persori who suspects ad- - _­,­ ;�­ �, -- . I - - I.,. " _ , I a Ouderich, - *�_­ I - ,� �J I .,; ',� "'' , charved WWI aving bribed it, Con- .Iteration In the ford or drink they ,I-Ilerc is Bur,(.. talk among the Pon � � . I I ,. I 1P , ��, nerVatiVO to Vote Conservative. This- buy sbould take them to the town an. it_ fts, Vann. m. T.AHO .. . - . ' , : . � I .. 7 holding 0 . ­ -zed free a paultr� Show it] that towu. Tbe Is 11, in RAN I gig gig 11 I I .1", � Is reprehensible to a degree, but the thorities nod have them anal) tyfancier8ofSearorih about, 'WINDSOR. ONT. �.'. � . conversion seems -to have been pnu- of cost, The town undertakes the III I � " _ S. . I',, , ins, for this luau who had to be bribed ratty ula V it move to have t lie annual - I . UNS, ,RIFLES AND REOLVERS . I __"_�� I Prosecution. If need be, of the offend. Huron Poultry Show there, and no LOW RATE . . I I'll, ; ,,!'! , - .to vote for- 014r�, to charged in the or. Who, if found guilty, In liable, not doubt would make It a big success. FALL AND WLNTJCR GOODS.-Ghda. .1. �, ;1 ; , next half doxwell loarticulars --with hav- only to a heavy fine slid imprison- a . I I ­; 11 I I , , ni .1� . ': , , I Rg thtrrs what behad toget ment. but to tne expoaure, fit his shop Mn ton'" electric light Plant has FOne rich Illerchante are reeeiving their , Is I I . L, blinse 9 window. of a notice of "conviction of WrOnf,rand the town ham been In dark* consignments of fall and winter goods, GOING SEPT. 22, 23 and 24th. TV � , � . . - . I 1� �"::; .7 - We �s charged with having sold adulteration." ,.g, . . week or more. Even the PONER, SHOT AND SHELLSO I � � " _?1q,or t4o Brown on election day at New H. editor failiDd to lot the light which doniprise the latest and beat DETROIT . ..... # 530 COLUMBUS.-Slo 30 1 . — ,,-.w i-anges in their different branches. We PT URON ... 385 DAyTON ........ 10 go --- "_ . � I I Jona house. - In another particular "blue on the town, but proliubly he would remind proRpedtivo I CAGO ...... HIS 11MIANAVOLIS... 22 50 I � . . .1 . KNowN To TtlousAND9, - Parme- need-aasmuch light as tually ofthe 1%1A . 14 ,�­ I Smith Is charged with having sold V �1,.:: .: I I (11Z.1.1NWI .. 12 60 . . , liquor to Brown on election d fee's Vegetable Pills regulate the ap. cLizens. , erg of the ability of our- mer- BW y 6 23 ins a 10 " i ;,., - ay at tion of the secretions, purify the blood charts to furnish them with sterl- _ . � . I and keep. the stornach and bowels free dip a fet4her in kerosene and h lice, OLEVELAND via Buffalo, and 0. & ... i I � I I Jones' house. In still another parll- If your plants are troubled wit Ing qualities at a fair price. Give GOOD SHOT GUNS TO RENT . �C�- ' cular both Jones and Smith are charg- from d6loterions matter. Taken so. 'tfiern with it. b olar merchants it chance and we are B. Steamers, $8.25; via Lake .- I I ;' ed with bavin sold liquo i After a few mi rush Shore, $10.05; via Nickle Plat4e. I r to rdi directions they w0l over- nut's satisfied roil will not regret It, for , , ,. cc Ing to ' Brown on olectlen day at iones' wash them tho bly in good warin the:reason Lhat you will got as 43 $9.30. - I �,,�! louse. Of course, all these come dyspopsin, er4dicate biliousness, ,soap -ands and Vl?,U.9.e in WaXto water .goo CLEVELAND via Detroit and D. & � ­ - - -1 � 11 Could and leave the digestive organs healthy goods, if not better, and ull tDings GIVO US d Gall I Gan Now You I 'O , I have been put in one. charge, And str and the lie, will disurpear. For delfe. cousideretip at 4 lower price, then by C. St�P&MePS, $7.80 I via Lake 0 , but the gentry who Tit up the docu- on to perform their functions. &to plants omit t.he erosene. Shore, $9.80; S -_ . I i�: ��` t Their W.11fts tire well knowu to thou. trading away from home. The wer- t. Paul,or Minnea- . - ­ � --- -_ -_ . : I .� I went are versed in t o gentle art of sands who know by experience how Albert Nead has rented (he 160 acre chants who realize the advantage ie, via chic o or North Bay, - - - __� . - I � . �5.1:' . , IdIng, and they know that forty- beneficial they are In giving ton, to cliveon, on the base gained b reaching the public through I M-00. , � farm of Frank M 19.40, via N. .Co., ­111-1-1--� I I �� , C"a obatrgos look more formidable and the system. line, Goderich to%vnoh!p, for a period the mod urn of Tfm STAR will from All Tickets valid returning on or - I I T, I 1. suggest more corruption than forty- offiveyears. Mr. Mellveen will move week to week have something to say before October 10th. �1. 11 ; ,� . (I , :.��,;_ , thrim, They represent the Govern- to town to live. Mr. Neal Is a pro- which will helpyou to secure the beat 1i i I, , ,� ,. , ; .I ment. whohave control of the liquor John Barr, the well Watch their an. ARVEST EXCURSIONS. GE04 L., ALLAN, "I , . � ,� I -known krmder I elve ,young farmer, tind a first at the lowest prices. . 'S . A licenstis. Jones bad no right to sell of Hullett sold five Leicester sheep'to c 1: tenant. . nouncements In Tzm STAn. 1 $30.00 to $40.00 1 THE LEADING I L' . i. 'L liquor an election day. He has not John WaNZ, of Rosebush, Michigan, to points in Mimi NORTH SIDE OF a �, � 1, LL I , 11 I . Contractor B.S. Cooper Is an busy bl, HARDWAPLE DEPOT. 'Phone 57. . -, I . yet, been prosecuted for this alleged last week. The flock consisted of two these, days that he has been compelled t'o 60= 1 . � � . ��L , ,�, v 0 ation 61 the law, but It Is now pro. shearlin and three lambe, and wL*t e to put's walking boas over the K Saskatchewan and A ,;&InIboi I , . THE SQUARE, L ILI. il � 114 11 . I 11r, mlw I 'I I � r I I 'I" I — I I I I I I I I I . � '1��',I�il I I I., goin 'Valid returning 9M@ I . _ .1 � posed that some one else should[ be, ihippedIrl, express from Blyth station bridp church. Mr. W Ings- The Hardest Pain to Endure untl Nov. 28. . .­� I � " _ _ , J. Paisle I y., Sept. 27th. , " , L , � punished for IL The Provincial See- Monday lernoon of last weak. They been goting as ea y has Is the Pain of a tender corn, but ex. #1 04� 1 I", I . . re the Past tlifee �! �, � tatry might take these three charges were all beautiful animals and wof tie ,we we for ......... , �r. , , � eke, The license inspector mak perience proves that corns are cured TO 'tHE WEST. . . I 4141111111111�eIiwe 1, 1, It , L tat* his most serious consideration. shown At the Michigan state fair, capital '4W61king boss" when electIona gpIckest by Putnam!s Painless Corn -Reduced bus way rates to points In ___ -, - . - -_ I � - L �, ,:.' %%6yft" It reflitetiOn-oO his adminis. which will be held at Pontiac this ar% perkdlug, Extractor, which acts In twenty-four British 00111tAbia, California. Colora. . I I — . I.— . � - I , �, . triation of our liquor bt*iii. week, and from there they go to the hours. Putnaul's never burns or cAuses do. Idaho. Montana, 0 on, urkab I ;, ­­_—ZE:�� � ! , 11 _1 I . . The protected slander mongen stop great world's fair at St. Loula. The ctintriLetfOr the new Bank of gores. The only painless cut . - _� - _0 - I . I .11 L . - , . . , I Commerce building at Soitforth has narn's. Use no other. a&�-'�S�;��� . _. 11 I I L I -e Is Put- Washington, on saile, 7.111y unt(i W�W�S&-Sftgssm, � .1 " �: � ' L L , . Inot even at the gram but this 18 not b0en let to Messrs. Guttridge & Edge Octlober-15th. . �,,, �, I . 40neof the humore of the document. A "MAN is FILLZD wrr,u MISICAY., WORLD'S IFAIR 0A AR I . I Man boor a.*A 1. .h.f—AA —1.16 I, a __ -__ of that town, and work will com- ()( a E . . .,�., IV ng �; beenbrilieti, Be Ili not hereto admit Is Is not true of all men. The oil, mence on this handsome structure at 20c a for Tnic STAn to the end $L1 3M0017W30 I . I... r . sound of Inn w AND , , I *I Imfute it, Another win now dead ,1, clear of eye, alert and once. The new building. will be s� of 1;k�&Zlr now subscribers only. 7..95 WIMIrIn&- I . I , , , .1 . " is chisMod In more than one particular buoyant wit health, am not I�ls,, handsoMe and Imposing structure, a will . --W-�. Irish Vinuo on the Pike. �i ... _ _ able whatever way be ,their social credit to the bank. - __ Z Silver Nuavet, weigh, 2 tons. ,.-, with lisving bribed. He too. is not a" E X P E N.S- E S , - . : . ". - Istre to . refute R6 . iwdtherefor,d It will eonAltion To bewelliBto balipy. Aftera lingering fitness, the death With a over privil ges at 0111- - I --- - . � cako, SL tile, DFetro e I - � - I it, and lut,pl, For*tnan or onargatfo on to vieft our bodies In a hesatbful niornin of Margaret Ballentine. wife m6diate Canadian stationg, our Apnelits. to 66tabli-t- now .011M ! On the ealder to pto#6 the charges. keephilt 014 , 1 and we;;;n all be,well by gett ng and occurred a week ago last Saturday _001!22�1_ be ht . I ' � ' Thom two mililt vehid ,agalust the m&- - , . . _'_ 1i - - Procurnal; nam6s 5314 114& sm to ad. .W , I ) . CIAID6. JUMP on their corlises then state Dr Thomas' Eclectric 0111 will of Mr.,?H- Pace, editor ofTbe Record- ' For ticketA and full lornrination call vortise outufabod r n6at'Psgoar once not ,,, ,"d tbrow. mud help �11 to'do this. er Mit It 11--m 1* -hr % V asr- - -1. - 1013 F- F- 14AWRXINC96 TOWU Agent, OVAIM7. 0g. industry. I : ,f , t their memories I �t no . for ' ' ' "' "11K. Th. huy.. I 'J.'L � W I - " " W� bat matters ? ,A e Ia* Allows it and W Mr. 1b1coftr,7f,, . L � -tivnit, Depot Ticket Agent. ' . , ., . 04#1etia met objecL The work on the new Donnybrook forieral testified the big esteem � I . 01 I - The Bradley-Clarretson ", Ltd. , , I 11 .00 I d e Is progresalitim The bridge to which the deceased lady' wag hold in � arauttiorti, ontAdo I . .� I �, lirt the endimunity. - I I I . I I . tb " ( two "m: t a It dle pier has 11 OR . - - ., . - . . ­ TOB OAV 19 TOO LATIR. , a o � r. *M.draIuger&Son,ofHuJlett,h ' "I You Want . . r n built and the exes. ations; have av� . ____ —_ �: � � Mtooto T*gram') beien made for the abutments. in pure the famous shorthorn b 11 . I . ; I I'. i , The Cabinet Its* decided that No. about a week, it Is expected, the" will ,A(*Xdee 'Htro. seven years old, t1lo I . . I L - L - ----� , . yautber 17 #ball he Tbatikegiviag be cowTileted and everythialt will be Winner o Oventy-one first prizes but I I '11 , I a "orse ? __ n�!!�_-�__ � . I I Da . tftdy f r thaplachig ot t e iron stutw), no necondo, Im I r f m Soodana I " . , 0: I � I I & W2X"sl C*rWuIrL, thz;ee, and structure. , W1100,04derotle ear 7rthur John , - a— ' , , " r poIotibly x, bolidays th less than I ston, He Item Im t�wo herdsaud '* PLUMBING. - - , *1 . . . . , I". � . soy" wftts. .The gtftb lung nigialor is found in 11110W 0011111411 to the t I . He Iq worth Safety is the first 0'r , I ,talderation. , � � The tbrott , c6rtalo holidays ave that 4excellent rentedy known All 90100 to i�ieai even I you or@ not, a I. I ., Rellabllhy� is very jikpor"ut. I 1Utiks#1#In#, - Obtlatmu, and N04W 1310kis'sAnti-Clonadiltiptive, Syrup. It 411tobkmati. . I . I . . IN _ _ 7- ­ I 'rftes. There �Mft� alio'be In Lbe #Wthea and diplinishe# ,be vabilIMIlty Tht editor of the Bruce Repaid says.- ftk . . ^ T114 solid cm4luation can be had at AW . � , " bawii p.trlotl Dominion tjootlou day. of the membraile of th6,tilwat jindali, We invep't heard muolk about lice 'e Weak L- ft"116 Itobinson's Livery, I " ' .., � � protinclid election dlit�r# and munt Ipal an is alfift thtt early days when mother Mkt S______V . -, , 11!I I . i a soviieIgn romtody haky Xe ft% . I 061tictiod 4 r it cull 4#q4 to'961; at Wr us with a fine tooth � I 86 colds, heonent4o, pslit 'A '': The Jilgirl-dX-11. with, the Thsoksgiv a or 0 1 the chedt� b ncliltip. comb, notil lately farmers have been vhor Oft * sk" 0004 * I alipwitl thOC611104t I I lot4l. Godericb , HEATING . I , Day 4it6 4 obsnawity. e da etc. It h du r"lly w on sup. telling Us about lice spoilinfi their tiple"nesil, U -ft . �,Jricft are . �v XervbusAe#,SJL " , - - . I � � :.1 boactod its oltogat;W late, it it, to bee r - dvkhoed Iu; coMmup. t(Unir If they are anything ke the of �Vfglsk, and llittl4utfon i ; 4, tooth )at" I &AD t 6 date for the ten. . vaAe tv, the editor remembers, it wovft toergy� 18f4i ift, After,Ef- sattuhd, , . L L' . i U4 two Ym Midootober'la much _... .*I I 'n *14ts 'IA GdpM P;1p1tJktJ_0tof Whea you Want IlL Wig Call Tbe h9ppiness Of *very I 1 04 litts t tin long to eat tip all the tut, W . it the � 0160 sultAble* ft 46ft et"it'De, office or thig up ,jii;one 65. 1 1 F , , . Durin �, Aftaimls, Gift , tiome and the healtii of elvery ... _.1. � I 1, . _ a reftnt thunderstorm the 'a VII16ft t%hfIsJrmArubt6Qhb*V coonud"itryin, the bftit�kikd Wl . -11 . , WaigtL %If pit* - jh*s�tl - ­__j6_66�li% bsr"f_1aha._U_XcXebd#,ri"t_TiV_ .jc�hftli_ lin printing bell"$ tot, hill ttaubles skd4tig from . ' family, is' imperilled by bad LL . "At . 1_1_­_­� 0 # 0114u, was fiftd by lie, trily and tit, stliti(inhr -^ home paor S ifdtj�&%�ft 1 $ tft- --- _1- --:L. _­_ �, . I �, , :1, . . , r, *11en Irs Iiiiii - y t ­ I .-A C,_ R011_.�Sl - - . -1 -6i ^Rio-H_fi-'_­A1I`-6 . .- __ 4 * 16� ":. X&k*0W*k1l %a, strored. The leas w I be OSVY. 04 *orkinf, 0 the In"Iftis of bli to*n TheyttgWata the litares *Caft MuMBInn W%&W V in on. ;C I L I t jMlo4 room &* a few %ug, the nliladfiz was #, vot tint oftv sod ,,Atid try nX i6very Wig, . 19. 65 Ur I * 400d '6in . -1 f to Increase the, Stid InVigmto the ne"M work must not only pass Inspec. %"014 "rx'"W"AOtbat - tOTItAto it I this rear a i3to of NO ttfide 61U00.9 114 bus nm hou,*$* do- h4Ve dotie t L . I I ib this I A* ­­.. _ I I L 1 #4 UL% 612 ,* Thi's is *hot th , . I - "a litidy"th"heV acree" and the lust" IN I * wift tio, orotftdo4 against '016 Ant _ I . . . I i*( , ot J* *r Wo worl) Wh . — — . ,� otts $0�:*7&�"Mrjatojo I 100, , tion bu e I � � = am kw 4=1 = I- I , troulio4itutA of t46tbftp, $i � do the'swo I t catty our I . :. 1 � t-=,,,.,,dftIefo* h R 1)htk boust; othos 1.1 , . At tRJ. 6" .4 - � - I . L I rloraot* what tim ars 't Q0010"L,wile . 00 not,dela, 11 tlhw ilef 61, t1d who" 4t tit W)ft tb6 Muntry nlid JO'r,V6UA I At" I 20th Century Brand of I "�, I I I . - Clothin 1_____1 9 i_ 11 , I I � �� . 4- . __ ,- 4w, ,/ \.J -, - - � .,J , � . .,� ismakingR big bit this season, People are be- 4 � ... . . I . " I . I '' � coming acquainted with I I I � I the 20th Century Brand; . � 111:1 � 11 consequently we are sell- ' -Ing them, .1 , I 11 � I ard se;ling them to the beat dreiseii � 4 � " in town Peo I who never tbo�gbt oF egetting. . 11 � their clothes from �otberthantbe be,tt la,"W _ : � � I , , ore'lu town, But why the now, Its simpiv = I., .1 . . I . I � I there is a st f, e afid make up about C I I � . 11 I 1, 20th Century Brand that - . I .. � I '. . 'Can't be got in other 00thilig, and besides, they :1 � r � . don,t cost such I Prices. arge ': I 1 . 1, . . suits - ,Pain costs$12 to $1 8 I . 11 . . �� 4 .. ..... ,! 11 " I I , I I SPetills made to Ora,, $'-cc extra. Hundreds ot " ��� ''I � ill ;� L 1, � ­ -atkuwleff to &0&ti from. - ... I ­ --1 I 1-1 , !7 �- I i I . range of suits in our � t � I , .. 1. . ,?, . window for $1 a - . It I : I siattittlas "ItIvoub hooqo JW* W# not � It% 146d;#4 at%*611 wotto � "Rto a Artfikm I . I VLI 1111.0'an . paut'a Ual'affl.4ee . L . I . . .11 " % Ato rNit on W 0 , **"v uu&, . I ;1� � - �­­­". . I I I Is 14 �r the . . .1 . � IMMOU929 Z, , tm.WM4* kt , ilhator. A. fleil"tt *UV6 * , Nv# notice, hr. "d . L We Will gladly ,give estimates 1. 1. I , , "a"i#lA" " 11 11011re. I tugi 6=N'r'g,*% I 41ft #AktA* )AlWtAIW V,jIarii AN_ vitti,10 W"" ill is" at yhy do yaw , r w! t1i Id " thtt Robbrt ITM . .1, I 19r, I I 1"s.mve,atth#4401t, .. it'.1=4 f* IsatillwWal of U* save ,�,Otiiey We C, P te ' - I I Z A; tit# *0111khOwn 'Odittir a .4 'U44 , 11 �� It It 4414 'A*Vsaia"f4*bo*k�0%'bW& L I I lor. I 4voinwr isw iftro th on gny work you require. t. d'h a m " . , * I b , P'. I . I*Pek, lim Vuh&"4^ Abe fittv 1*sld�, ' , I I � 11 VAIII . [it . 11 . 11 0AC6 "a is 0 , rl ,,, ft 4 . - I 'L - I . 00 I , =. lot, a "�clas y*=(gfft0"-4"'%A*sk*, SIwe W,6t r.V � . - I . . I"* I , 11 I . I . I � . A., � I . ... .r.. I . I . 11� L, . . � aton Is a aw- for 0414i #A, fiotik It 1424 %, ! � 5 I I I * . r . . I ' - L. .. . _ 1-11 1, ; . ,U"*ftV*-Ot* ouft 01 luthd0stud'ovo w4i 00 lw%"i Ott" 11410=00 *6 , .%Ve W"t. CLOThiall, FU RN 1914 It - '' . I t#* kvhbell tim, 1% I*N�J%11 *0 4 . "'. . ­... --1%4�� , , 01W611 4thO 0*4116 tift1ii ,has 4 InAW #aIkt,ft,kh01dn0tJao L' I R and HATT12214, I '11 , I I t"fi thin "I Ast" %Q* 34lb`*0 34" W I - R, Worselft I I . . r . ' 11 I r . $1%Qb0t*111VhkhU6 been *Tanto thl�., It: *x" ho all ii# , 0 ,"Ai I V"A all ft* "*a, otI%U. *4 ' ft titttillit Itaft ,* I 1. L . . I . T04's Pwot Wig* Tt"Ma. a )'be"* . #4 _ . ..", . . I . _#*tAb",tJV#6�a,IIt*4*ef0& hwii* Wt W y fttd , . ht tb , 0, , " , *0 � , 1, I. I .. L .1 L 1041tit &4440`0t4*4d6ttIb#Akftp4 IAHWA i0di,U . I tatst ` 4 *" s"w I � . I - "ft3""s"*_'V 11 . . . a I I , _"M",;S,� " I I I I to, H Well? I I Itivribing, Us,a*ivre 'stvO ZawAr#,� I �9���11 I . , # t1w ah mixt Into your 14hp, 4*—W."b"U�.-O& . bkby tal"Aoi, B . I 46 I . I 11 � -, � , L W1 .,Ili! .,�,- 'I, 1� . ...... ­ ! '_L, ,, . , . I Um"Wevirill"41 isof . Od bkus" tot" =1 0414. 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