HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-09-09, Page 7I � -­Wr!WW4, -, - . I . _ , .1_0 �. r , � -- __ .17 'T � I y .7gror", J111F , .— .1 I , , !1 i� ; W, IT, � I . 11 I - I 1. �r . ,� ,1� , � . I �., . 1 MIF , , �.�, '' I �*` I I rot , ,� 1) . I I I I . 41, I . v P I __ I I I 1 77 -1 TN. . .,*,� , - , - - T" '37 � I � .1 � I . I I . , ,,,�� -� ,, FW,W.?11TW`r_ -1 � I ,�, , r , ,W N7. , 77 � W: " TIT I .1 . I 1 . 7,7M � *�' t, , , , , 7 " I I I - � ,,, "I .11 I .. � I . � ,- . . I , I _1 i _W 11 T I . I . " �,, t , .l. I*. ­ '_',.$�o, - �t, . I , F W., * .11. '. - I I 1, �1 '" . ,, . 1: 0 '. �,.V, � :1 . I I I I �� % V,,e, 7 -TV, I . I !, � ,�4 - 1. I I I I # I . I , 1, - I 11 ) I . . �1. � I 11 ­ I I I 'j N." . I __ I � ­_. 11 I �l�li"oll:lll�ilvm:lzlil!p!lopwAfoqw0mv",�,*I ... ­ N � I ­_ .0 " I 1-1 1-1.11 -1 � I—— '21,0111 I . -­ . ­ ­ I .h, �. ...1. - I . .� I - . . . � ­_ ­ ­ � ­­ .. =::"."::,'!'ll" 1: P i - - ---- _:_ , , , M, , - I 1, . , ......... I 1 P12_�**:� 'Ili 1, �: ::': '': - ovi! �i I .1.1 .- .1. I 0:: . � 1. 11 .– ­ —,, "!, . . __ - - "' , � ! i � ii !!It! 1;i;� - I 0 . 11111114.11:1 11 11 11:111, 1op 010t, I pollmo,=01"Impioli , � N �. I I i I � I I 1111 Ili 11 I I 1111 111114 . , ;;W, �, , "I'll, . I , I I �, . � : - V.P*&T'r U11. ,� �, . . I . . ,, . - . � , ­_ - - .: ­ I - ­ VITTV11 � ,�� . . 1. 11 1-,� � � � " . I TITUMIN � �, I � V-'�---­ 11 I I � I , ' r, � I I I'll .." I lam B .T '" I - ,. 4., _ _..!...,.:;:;;j::� I . . - - . h � I " � I . . ... .� _, .___ I I.. . . . 'h ��� � . I � I I , . I I 11 �, I I , . . I : ""-POW . I I ��' � I . . � . . � 1_ , , ;, J r �,s - 11 I , I 04,14-. : �, I 11.1 I ; =w I . ,. � r � IV B PA,, 3*0*149 Vd"k , 4 � .1 I �­, _ I, i, "'�� �� 2 , , � . I . . -1 I ,:,.: � � I - . ...... . 1. 1110.1-1.- - �1 ,.. , �, ,�: '� , ELL I - I I I ;� . M� 1-1 I I I 11 "I .. ,. 1 4 . A" - I . . I � I I . I I - I f � � I A& 1 411� , , , \ . . I � . �, " , , , , � 4 . " I 11 I 1� I I I W, � . * .1 W ' ' i , . � if . . �Ii I � - Limited,'TrW* ,��W''4 r I - , 1 , : " . 11 , . , ' -`:� . 're*4 � ''e t� I , � , A - ,- . ­ I : , I � � . , " , . to, �044"I*11,""" I . I s " 1 . . 4�.. �.", , -, " �,� . , 'e, . r �' . I I . � I - ­ .. , � 11 11 "A� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. . . I . I , I 1 2 . " � ,­" , , " �, I . �, . 1. I � 1W I lose I �`** 041�k" I I.. ,.*,%, I , ?'51,01f. lw$ *-i , I 1. � . . � � *1h, � ,,, , ., " , ,, I I I . A#, flimot., �O—W*1% . I � I .1 Li I " I . T". , � I I , sin �'� I and � . . R M I r. .. . , . . I I 1!'�'rj' , , 1. 11, I I . 0 '"'I'' '' , , � 1. ­ ,V-V -4- ,�' , " _:_ I ok. X"O *10-w- * - e ­_ I—, -.1., .. .-,. -, - _ -, - 1___; ­­­,", I . ,!* I :, 11, . _ , I - ��`�,�! �,; ,--m,-�,--�-�—l',r�-;�,":,;�:"... I . - " , ; Arow� otiX. I , .1-11 -11-11 �,;-- I .I. . I— 11 _ . I 11, I ..� , '' , . "r, VA 140 � 5- ,. . I , I I , 11 I . . . 1. I., itolt I 10 Ito 414 4-1,", j '' , I I ig: andt, W111 �� ,� , ,4 1 1 , I -,PATC11. 0,00,$I. - �. T�iuwv,A. , � ... � . r 0, , I , � I J4 �io -to' 1000, - � "I, � , . . �: ! 11�' 17 -,t:: ; #4 I . I.t A­Wisioiol�o = . 1. � ", r*V91, " . - _ ,, _� I 11� , ­,�, �.�,, � UA 11 I , 0 ,� . , I , � , 1 r. � .* No, 4 I - Cv� �- - . I . -1 I I ­,' I I � I � "T TIM 0A=19A I i 11 I I � I I I . I t. i 0,900do 1 1%, , * : , , , r , a TI-Xia 1Xfxlgr0* I�W,TVAII;i, oN � .., I � .1 I ang ,4t I .1 � � � I I I 1, ". 11 XM � 1. , � � wk.,., � "a . ,!!:,)� 46F11V I , . , - i I - I � , � �:� , ,,, 4C' qAt�y '�W6' ro . I for 9'.*0 j *W4, lot . � , � . ''up . T4 _ , �,;i., . I �0 , . I Apx� -f � 4T, Sxvtrp-�Ovx, ONN 11TATION lalts'v � Or ... �':. � , I , 4,4low'A"I"'t, I . , I .. � , . *4pXs%,0 ., " I � I ft for, zio("R owrAt *W,tq, q� � ,,, :W� I 1. I . - I I 'J: Toili, . . I� N6',`Tqla;r;Lp4 r * .1 rrrr I . 1 4� , , 't , , -To . I .. I I I I t Aop** fro* "M on4ok 44** I . , f, I M410 .r , , 1, Z *4XVIAM.1% AW, � :�' . � . '*70,WP4* trom:94gaq whtphr'stateli .. 1. , , � . In. sti*tl�V�4t_A_-04 or, a umwilrltu ON, ormi'mm We, - - � � �. , j, � jarlor"W101 01�91011 41 , A, 11, , 'I', ­­_. . A . - : : . . of 46tom-mino, on , lit. §� � �, 'IXtO' A. Vilq�.'!TGOP,,T� . � . I 0111 0�11111ad. OtfV *14olo. � tuo-ppow vbcw. loft Fort. Arthu� , " A :: I . vt.n , � !.:. I . I ' -� r � � � Qr" SWATOIV� ikNIV QA4 , . 14 I. . I 1. 1. '0ii -W's ,-,Txmn� I . , . I I I A . 71.,ol , I , '� r� ' i6 �,�,Hvou,%, Vv% I I . - _1* r ,tWo '40.lyg%,�4 I .4 , , � . I , I . to. 6.4 ... , VIL 11 :' I . mr,. kxxaal) A" Q - oWis'At j 4,40"p . 0rI,,.o:ivqr� Ok:;,­�'�a � I ' 11 �#O,k gTA 4*044K Ulkougli , , ' ' , it I irk, Day "r , �,, 0 I I .. I I 1, iiiy"'. t'' i, , ,,, � im . . 1. , I I C � . , po- 0K*,;*;tot,f00tj d#y*."' ,� L , �* Ly,w , .. �, � I'll it ; .. �400,',j,l . .9t 4'9* , UiI , , � ,,U,� I in trilitisIt. .4 . woxr - T . ,, imn #m w. ,,,%N,Q wrmn , % _ � "T All , ­ '50, f6t v6mz., 6A)"vo, ,1�nl , � � '�111 , a#0 th '_-Ueu� , 110100440"ACIVOW, lklml� �,, "'� , �, , :. , ., � , � I . _ IV I L . - , � I , .% , �,it � i�f,�,j�t,. a I� I Pi NO' ' P" ' "' I : . . , �.. - "." _)Fi��," .*U, ,:f#j - "00. wr"Oent. platento In 1) $oris� '0'#.*" ; ' � L�j$ T . � I 1. : I At 'Or"li cW 4, . r4,;,t �.* � "' I fi1AT9pk##,-. x0f., too 0 'O . _ ir � f`%1,9� '�LnOacl *" foroft 'rooa"'4UA* .1% - , ;1;1� TOV4I-%T - - � . , � f . tivinal ."".m I weat, Chojp�'lbrooalj j%ro'beldr ''log, N=Ar,o',,LADt, MMN" AND rmaw, T"n . :i ". _ 4­cia 00".*01t ,W0i*,­,b4t,o*#1P �,Oliip the, t . � I � ITfM 00VIOUN03,01 . I I , , , Iro t)IJO�'X4liq'",�j *� I, 49got t9rU;)gt " , I to, �111K)4z'114984'. '*01t4g, tour is I I . 0 jrj�jj,R , 'EY lr,,�SCAP� 1, , _ �-. I 9'"o.Ak *nd,xjnp4prf� 04ot, 6t twrvo,� , � : V'A otj;f,%j;g,�jjj1 TH � ,,�,.� 9 JAP494" 1 , '', 11 ,,#'jor,j, 110,041 ­O$,TTj,Vq T 'AIN IN VqL,ra ,9rpj".Cr,kL OAR, Ag�,V I ,D . I , . I I � ,Wt $0.,40. . . I I 10#1 1, % , xti" . . I I . oto, The"Alem orto. T*0_4�trw r"loo; ,,* ,, , I I _ , ,,p 1, A . "t wall, 4A11' , %4.4,A� Wqt% " I ".111 I I ' . � I � .. - :,O� I ', ", r,' ,' , * 1, jot �si"Ajjj,j1jr4j.o,. t 0 Tho''A 016, 04V�Ito*4540 tora,neoAd , PlykUP ,I 1� �pt In'thilr"PDXit 0110-' ' ' ,'- 1 . ,town, - pot _,, . , , )4 . ��" 1?TtO0&IW,;D WPA - � . " � ,11 " t f ,Vkq.0V# $Pr. 4 HV:4D i :, s% - 'A.' , li� o,li, Allo, A wv�p , ��� 1� , trQpjR �f,,40WI, 1 , ,,, , r ., I V , � :1 n '' ��� roegint.Q.. a g,: axp4r coA, Jthfl' '10V dgIjV0VA017:4'014t" '4 -arloogM "'TIOZ , , 'PXo,40d* 01III, tho-trato , A , ­ 1%.11 4, �k . '' �h J?t)Lx* AND pA VISTIOAT11ON Avi bra*'k�.T . , - I , �',& � WITROJJT INJURY I It L , I I ,hitj**� , .�',rth��' 4* A ilfi#�&W 'A��w' Uji � p"._', ,­ 8, Atr 04y , , , , OMNI 14L WE , . , .f,h 'In �i it, ov. t , 0 I �, I I . -1 11 � 11 ., . A)lIlo "be , K- �. I .' ".� � 0 lo tortor, wbl*_,"I,j$!j# ,!MIIINO�Ta , , , - �t_!� 1, � � I , I .1 ' - 0K.14t, �,— � ,,,I,,, � �, - � � ; , I StAL,for.�tlirs_01 r.W . i , , �'. 11 , � 'llf" , , , N1114:47'iti sul'�44 �,y ' w0fl 1"i,'�aq0*1Alt,9tA1li01, 4#4 jjW Ilej. ��,���,�����������,������������l� 111111 I . , , .. - jr,ilo, j%r4 -41 - , � by ` t I � 120 I 11V I I iii h4htw,i,1it,Jh*;W4#:�0 4 , � AV ,*'i'dottl0s,� ,6 4wilotla t 10,1W V,z" v : I . 1 44 Tho'ojl,opgoeaa,,�"iire,_- only 4� 1. . � '018. )�: - , � .� � t . ,, Alio!"w t , �T , I . �' #j4 for bt,rooli. In, bift ��'wglkt il � to,lioii ill� bIgh;jki;Il0d"to 11 ; �� , ��, 400 10110 0'�. W00 FLA . � . .1 I ,,,, " jj;.;;,;�,d � 0s, ,Vtiih,� �66, t kil"li Virim. The Riiiask**k I . �, Nnj)jj4b,A, zjA I I I � I.. ( lshushanp*ol' ;t ­p , I I I . , llfeq4 J%. 10414Y ,VJTQ,� , ; , 11,.'� _-, .i�_ , " 11 � , t 3�ft* co m . I . naU%Ct41 L � � � tft,k�� � , The ',Vq.rf 4; I ItOWD From . 1 _ - -9 '! I .114*:, hrict Iii: ;aL 1*gjl,: r 11 r (11ft � 11, � - , � �L, I " tex . Ijol!g*.,,.,T,Q'P,,:.-,r,4?�!I,fie,od�'�1).OYond 0 liantilly go 20,ifor cilim Qf,;i , an '1r,$j,Q �.," " �' 410 ,for �brilivk. VACO%B14o,011111411-11, To *94 . 10 T= QW1409 OF TUE1 �I , . I 4*0 !$I , � I � � . ot;of�tbq Bjj$�jjA.,q . opg gil of�4 h0aV 'tfinbera., t'l , � . I 11 �0, , - , A, — r 1, � , . - , I - , I" " to 9t t" G�qpo. 4 L �,_,.,Wql ltlghlk��. ,. ,A: , Lr " t .1 s . . 4,1;, umamo ,� - - A." 0,tet stubbornly, d al a t, I4 I'Ti 1�. to, frelltuta. � . , 4 � , MIr 9 . D.N , . , *0040*': b� I 1�1­ ,,'4 ', ' '- � ,' . , " or- I .0— . Wr-':-v , , arl , 0400, i'L�,.%f.4 . I 7 ;; � �. ,; nit#",: , , _., , ,"', _ ., ! � �A, . , �'4 r. to'thq town. ,I flito ' ` � - illairlci��Xo, � 2 to wilotsil at 4 -, . . , , I ­,, . . % � , , � ­, , aL.ro* ,ito:: rvevout Diptributtori *Ad sk" 4 I od � 11 pla ,,, � � �j - 01Z ' ,:� � � ,Nlogj� , , I - o ., � � iNin ,.-r I . tl I X r , ., 1'.., � q co. -a ;!octra, nodlAM for No. - -V st ItoW I :, ,� , . ". -1. ' i . " , 10-0 " t' � I" ,.X"IturtIlm,#q�-, As 8,1111 "ll I a '. i, , , I � . I 1, OW to 4D 0414voy Comiiton, 0 is a6 rfm�fog '. �� . , , . �A o'14, � ,ftetof�ro ,. logy �� �'.J*j , $1 ,; br ,ftnt. �, " - �, . " 1, OeO. �",:Ko%, " . - � 40. � lor , , , a .,C . " 447�, d`,,ViW41i t � � Tan 4� _ liyo,_41" firmer ,s;t 3SO W 4 , f1emu4r.%trtaUa.1, I . p'o , � *.P , . . I , tbohan, C.: 11 -Vik I b I 'O �� , �­ � , I ,�, , The ) 00halian Northern -11 ,? .1 m 11) r1g"`911P;Wn1 , ,,I X� f, it �, , . , �, � ?, 1,tootIx�-itisfts. � lt,, . Idties. * � L , ,r)"af !s �,l I � , ,,,, 1, 0 ��T#Pat",,,AXQ ,qV%yv, Aijilitobig'Is in pr9gres. %Ir , _,� ' vd�, 2 weat or, east. , arent do I 11 . I - , J ,,, I ciollAinal. ,at 51d, Welds not on CIVURO o . " `J,pturg � ('191 -n --cannon Is '.) Co. have file.O.PlAqn, for -the , � , :;�� ` lb�� 's 0 ., , ". . 1''. -'se'st. MolqVicoku Iso'easitor,4t Vt. ilinuorilonoiry Nvork nAd nnooyaolo, vwwluk 11 . �� . d L.10 oI- If.0i"Y'Are.; . �. '':, jn It'As,slAtis hhyei reop *96glifflt,i. " � � 11 - I - I., 1.111 , " ", ". ", , they to , I I ��­, � 'L 4 , I I 11 ­17�11�_I�t �13�4 ,�,�Kj - , , , f4i cAro jjjqot; ,,t,ho, I , 'I L' ��g; �', ­­�­'�' : I .1 _,�' .s '61010w � 71#* O" ._ f ,I( l4 6, � . jar"SIling, ,tbrO,*-,hjbg and LondoWn Pa '41 . : , : I - i , . '6140 do pulation is L.flow- � P l, " I 1. W, ,, ,,, . .11,' , X , :,� j. ; L"," : . , - ; 01'0 � " L, -friiv *hl�li- W# J , 6%; (iii, NO. !I *rellow�� I �11' .. �_"_ .� , r, �'�" "`q�� ' -0, "Nollchwd ap,*, -� � - I 19016 & th X � if$ grokla, 'out they sap the �, ­`, � �, , nit, 'A - .. . - ,., , . I , 1, ''. _ , ,j,j '' ". " � , , " , r. � . , - . - , , "; t 1, I - 70.1joig, mind 6he tor , - I , U, V 4 train tho pla'AtO or Last year it was 10,142. 1 The city i I; ,;. t -1 ­­ ' ;�l 1PNP.J?% - , , . 0 in C0 lots 'Oh, twis *&CU -I1, rqn,6,. I �`i.klllf . t4l4w hiWIs 40 chdl�Cheh And 34 hootelli. \ --, � , ok�io )06k, -ftym f-,- - I,-,,- ,� ._ � I , -0 LJT .,� h 6 Y L % 11, ............ � ,,,, I 0', 9,01" ... 16'Wjth­phb -0 - t)to� , 1.11 'p)MOct Merit 'of, 'ho , T go_#)i I . 'firo, clsoctlied at irops 4rowil, hupitea need, ilairticul- T 'I; L . ­ ti',�4013", gerB;LF4_,� I � I , 1. � I . I � �� .... I -1 I AMON; I AWAM, I I I . 1,., lnl:xbd I I �1.9, is Iarg- - �e C.11.1t. dop 11. I 11 rotarjl�73 r, 'XAM Igproceedl%, The a4skialt from� L W, I __ __ - __ � 1044 -New - - ______ ____ __ ______ - - - - __ __ __ - 00. 14 4 a A,�joq , _' ' I I g t%ro c Ia pr,q �j � '. �, , �,��,,�j '! " �ith. ­­­ .- 'A' -'j ,r, a I , I, 11% w9 and clovO e%red by burglars, IvIlco stojo be,- _� , e. _ ,* ..0'ji L'A'�' lig 1# ,�,,' 7 'j, 0 rolit or eoht- 0 , I jor 1,11 41aming , , _tite -'?V . . ilap, or vPe � I .IT, 4 st to well 15­bdi ,igo .*4 from the , j , r,� , o "L r' .� ­ 11 I �� 1 1 � � 1 ': � reap A IA n $500 and MOOD �, , Y,liq. K , . NU Z9 t op. rro�ycljq: qw pg i ._1 ,; I " 4 4T It%r Wo*. 1, ".I . 'm consequent- ' .1 I g I . � West 0.1pBly Premed- � LL � 11, :� 11, . Drend. of, APAIAMI Weeds ttqljot Office. 04ii, sqr$e,�ftroutkil,'.:tba.�--istt�7l�:o,'I "�44 , ' , I W, W�, 7 ,, W2 � �4 the � 'A 7" _Tljo,town in like a city cot tha6ci � I , _� - __4-�L ' . , got,', kkid, 111� ?" , It Is always, ,avvisablu to sow ljobart BaIrd disappeared .fr.. � -1 �� ­ = -- — 81011�4.t � 4couttoo, '41tiomili, , L P�. I . I , a J'�( � , ­aT'.,_ ' , 1! , .." t,Q 0 M. 'ang, , I i � ?, � "h�g�'�, I I ,I Fi.t!fTll 1� MrZ 4140"t "I v? 04 seven years aglo, and he , d­i,�. it . 3 Appo 00 C104 jt4j ,7 , .., best Bond ii4aitablc- ' London over 1 .4 lie `eo m;dv�j 1 '"" , .9, . afi " . , -�tojja'... .� 7,""-��Boitj - I 11 �� 5 . � A 1, , ".4. L , I � �4 � e ��,3" to—fire 1i it 'A 1 L. m 4 �'S , rij .. � Z a 11 - , - , .� ­ , 7 - . P !. Rolled 04 , I ��J$Oinhprjbf, qh4jters,�� � , , " ,".. . . . T." L `�:�jf�."Iklat\plr# Croon, 'such an CIO n9w being supposed to be dead, his � fr# -1, , , 5, P . , 1, � *ad Turned ,thp gugsitsift &r1oft,k. z � If I . 15 for 1) , I , .1 P "';L '. Rbr "90AIMY.: .4r, si, M, 7PT-FIRT , . , e , V$f4f4 r � , ua out bolforo t , 11i are filled, and the i cIrcies 0 rassed,-j*6E1_t%W#l(0 At 0 , to, 08P In . Dr, IAY.: Cau Ila W9011 141fa will got insurance of $1,000 or, . I I% clawti i-igjj.qrA1 "V'.�"` a aq .'�' I i' b, cljL'Cjro$fi is short. One firm along P 1� *ttowilpows"':y 1. ,,!"­ 1. -L � , ,F � I ,,,,, '. I rolp op �h4 rAq ,,� , itirlect. ggidniit , It, L -f _ I I 'rrig I - ­ , - P �111, r 4141%90*0� I'll It � 1 - r. � I � sue m rm geode l4otut0i, thus Prevelit'ng the bid. life- I 1. 1. Pf ,"all 44,11 1. 11, L -rn7,-:r, r __ — ��is'. 1340t 1� 0 LAVA,,UIAV_­�,��. , 4 , = I A I- �'. ,�� I ,; 'i . I Y',�i , , - q I I , " 17IM-713471 "T .1 .1 .�iAt,t,i�,�,*iu�u,thamt4o*.�,.AAO��� L ' - k�'#j ".. I I 11 il � I L iiii Jw ft I I All , , , . * 1#011 fat- live mil;Iutoi * Over the flou $or lta�" ,diKyWillcon weeds. Summer 4111- , FORRIGN. �, - On. Tha� troops are very Waal, .t %zA1kAX1%w-e"k1d*MAWW%d4 - pl to ,1P1r'.V,9I:tctk 0 011ted -, , 't" %a �jRvjjBsjAns, *oro, I -Lit'�0'.',41t4f , 4 1 . � I I . )� 7M"TA, -.1'.1" ,� %ttlyi�111cit, the ga's 'r' d T) 0, y at d to 14c id , 'tivuti'dii, Of t a stubble le.nit, follow- ,Olr 11#4,4,43��(L PO* L jhponase, on the Other hand, a It , , -rwenvllflmrm?N� I ill. . �,t, Peas-Alo I; . �.. -op Prop- �, �J% " ohn, ijn(j�..rar 'jB*t.; . ,%�(, , ',a " � �� , L: .1w e If t I - I -1 , , I X revival of the Bomar troutj- I, � - . WeRl . T A, P'QwACX H6 h ,,t t)he , 04.AeA,j,AggVoflX,hy, a. ljoed,ci � �, I A;) -nd 'cut j uts, ,4ad­tor.­WitlI denlITOY all t116 11 L .1 � � jd:'o6w'Ljn -px,og . 0, - - )f having reser4f - . :�,� I, Im'; ul"i-3,tif .eww'm eif�7 0 1. . biler' and Ia. , No. 2 west or Ovkf4n f, � '41io 6*1*1 Im t WhOr, -purrox 1, ., , I .. , �4, , n 1"' 11tre - stiliving to 4let 0, , V, $1 . (1, , iffmoki# ,�.;j .1 rich cerea I � t tened to Pechill province. China. I � . '0 '- h0: �� . le " - " E. , , Valeco hundred kegs of powder in 0, - It .,A, t g,f.j 4 I— il'?a,T.P&-,QQt`ftjM*. I., attiam for t1irea or rour , ) MIt � Sice. Cook In a lAile ' or longer. it Vol I �, , ' 1, , 0"'Wg= BufAdjo , - I. , 11 0 Zber t;ft �AtTS, liftr od stir Irlia -rodult, �..ctf this alt i All Vhose who rp C L ' ' sugar syrup -until tender. Une the , COUNMY rRODUIC ,I L orautt � a0k, " � �.b , pc .* 'd ' � , ( �W## . n . ", rot -a IA .'llo, ge"Alvinixto. , , , � . _ . R , unr "Clo, , fiza� 01,00 - I 01 are captured by the lap A4?, 1 � " - 0 . bott()m 0 a deep glass dish witit. a art to c6utlu.n, 1, 011 I 11 the be ' the Lattin and Rand Powder Works. , rosuWot thLo fie' R I ,41 11� Butjoj,i.Mh6�-daibaftWtfl:ki t Vic , ;t a r.- j. Ruwokn ot� pradicate weeds it in import*nt I X I L I against. stir,rinq'�11 I t PonnoylvattilI. Pa., CXPI600 the " � tho, Ongtoym lir ,401- oAL . hey ' 4" ;�J, 6#oni;o calce or mazarocon ,. � , � I � M , a3jW' . � , , 9 )a , �cers say t 09 , 11 . � I I . W0,14 C13okifig, on accoun of MU other day find killed Leo, atkrd Blair, !�., .,�; ij *4�j - 1 KO, ] .-',, -2,17 graoos.,,fs��e-=, opd oft M%r)cft OPt to,- Xhaw something of their nature `:W M11 1,411316DU L Pour cover a thick layer of . .1 I erk, 44 t"Apol .,,! iin,c,kqc rem ­ -Z prumbe and golne am . ar . " 4 Somo, excellan� advice . , look, voreog � � in in I OW . ;wItht ,tinesii InAuccoill" , pgo�-_ZE4 the" A_&� ,it-ndm, .. 11!i%% 14 , . .,# th, seriously injuring-sciveral ot�CE§- �L' Mro� t 11 it. N A444 - �,,�. _,r bit � - O *004 , .1 0 ,� _, ey wi I prob �A y � PW ? -"T of king L tine 0 'K cr.cooloTy,. prints, ­­ - " ijas the �OmmcojfteIr. VaTtaties In : a 1, be t1k . y* I .% il 7rInr§;-hrtd! dovbt+; W - I I I � I i 77MM, I � - ,z , , -i, � &a 1p&l-s and 41 vec t9 � r,� , `Ir�hji,jA For mistwatin their 14-yeor-old 1 4% I y tvihile the fightingR in 6i . 1, �Ana " � , ,:, ** Sim : - ", ; 'g�l rp lf�jt FO Cc e t y __ �R?K , the ,�VoCaSlilt'y pcil� k M*bel ". ; ,�P,� i , Min, crumbs,ah6-015 . ' Rennie owner . oin-rIgut Centro 014 00 sanhom, I %� nee eco u ,V� I A ISON.q Or mmMm, I�",Ud . Aug ftgar, 0- f t urls'hipg And ,I%PPoU*# Pin do solids .... ...... .. ­ 1910 -til' � '00!: given bY, - I 4 Witold, litilton bi- ­ I Is At er., R . . 4.c 11, , ?T,Y,`n� Of O�jftrjo. daug�ter, L2L. , 0 ­ . osy , , "� of tK4, Ia", 61 0 than was sentenced at Cht4r;9O to 'poilIca tho�jf�SfdliLo. :I�jk, L .jftt" ' prpgiles JL�V � I 11 8I In . f theopparsl 'almd" , R" ��,, 'Itnit,ti�.p,gi-ally It ther4o vreio,'malan Dairy tubs..good to choice 13C to ofill. �jstjo. alld 'Perennial . , . �'.,r ' . ' P 'I av tw , Irds, , to 6,! I I ,- " Ir T4v Igi -3orts place thco� I Th�, ie" ,oh � � � %Tifo, , 'jj'�od�-�,A4"q, L " � , test 1-01 oW jilljor"jie' tifead "Ijtllg,� 'lift ;� '� f4 .3 youl 00 to the Ritoolalf lorc I it 4* r i',b� . .1, " I a �. Ia* bVilo.4 V t14 lorntly who 'hadi'to M-44 �C`ktt do iafcrAcX.�,4F 10 ...... I I I . pg:itantiary for life, and his 1. � w ­ � pnifeso'hilvanced positions , rl. In', 1, , " all , Pa in g� for thelr­�-dh,of' is C.� . I I I . f, Arthug thus , WTNII .little ItLdrodl WhIspets I*e%tX '� early �IA . '' . jt�, in,47. ptiosib) ,'a I, At it "Xj��I�pcm' &6 1�1 � ,tbo morInin 110 - � hose can be entirely viola, to a year's imprisonment. , y �b, 01.00- V O toot Fast, Fort 00. , ��fitwwl� o with 46�pdlf� 6t'thia a Dairy lb. rollp. ; ...... to IL80 �0 fie Saw gic season by It pro- I -I . L' , ' � . . . .1el . L' , :_: t. I 0, i of to ,� ,Halt is tea,blIj, w,prXi -Tho'close cormettiOn �� Vint r'licite * ' * ' ­ ­ - . .1.1 - - It ­ n 1: - I III ario o al� 1, nit a�itricho it � ,*to . Tt apd west, Ou 1 9,4 It ?-,� ,� .,4.' ...., _. :I,Dotb�12 0 1. �11- corn or, robt crop. The � -I Pco t'nil ­ . d ,V has lioext PTOVed to O)d8lb betv"Biti, 'In- 11 I . . I , 0. . ,coadoyl %%tara.;p"ls,- r' I ') oggpsi, w. � li T I C00041 0A Jn . Iwo;1IL11P. -Ilkh. -To n it. I 0 LAST YEAR. I ' . �j 0 tj - . " a�l th9,gj,OTy, Of t# a tl�i III- I " - jin4 m I thl, from . t, PRA� I ,p �proWs,;e# - ,�­bfo -� Iir.yt " '. jjjjtjqjIjg;,a%mlated sugar. and Ha.11A ,a. I I � L I. t y prepared food an, ifteese-To 8t -4y and qu0t" ng is to keep tham I 1. I ', . I Z��j I 14 �2ZI alt , h when ,alc, properl . a � I I 'r — I , 1, 114 5 1.44 a � ­� , 1, of jliiodjtp a*q�jjfst ruggic kirlAted Iff is on them, teaspoonful of lemon Lextract. or ho . hat cliftia % ound. E . I L' . , I , �At Ott , � - � Ii . "n I I N . 0y. � � . � m , , " bl"Ir-1 a -,kv�,.n s 'o .1 I L I , � , P ac 1-1 0 it iqg;w'_V%,­��-!I� '16 _ ,, n_ , , ��, R,4'11, w1b �y , rhite# _ it, makes it. �a ."4.,�* aboy . � Rt t6ft end, I �"j for As soon. , , t*jnjj Ana 9" �1%k & , � I , jor nitOwin Wor! tt Can be Expe6ted of �) tfi a r Athe 'd.r� xn� i thi on t a a joinin h �1� . '. _QA­t�- .., "'', mite-, *T yk�`,' � 010 loirge., . I 0,,tbo jotle in allowed to, grow and 1 , � 9, M A W 7m r of the bo 2: =1 " I � ih �, ,,'I I I . "' I I jA7 "" %p1l'oll" 36, Is, 7itma -� I "L , �, as I 4 of eggs ,,to �veli)p leaves it commences to store : :1 , . ' o '� "' ­ _ ,.',tot,q# . by steel aftimur pla, ,,-� , t a ,top I of tijii6 or I - he I tif to underground' despatch "Wa: -Ra- ); In ' - ,� W4 i:, _61 -pow- table should b� as well cook4 � TV, -, the inner to a � �d a Manitoba Crop. . "" '�' - -" 'k - d 'Mt . I d � ,_ " P9,Q,'b6lt'b tia, t�dt,� . J, O ""' i . ,ik" , rMA44! ,pb , ibl,D;:Iv,pd M L I . t 0 out are Is I adf, to &way ))lent fear( in I I jjjj ..�' o . , . 6d onioun i y a & Montreal . -1 Is 4,�;��&�#,, tont " , I qMeyoUp iijaxims are mounted so s y I , , ng d 4 s. so that �hy the time ports on the Matittobm Wheat Crop -1 _ L , on oig t the .. 1 - , . .. h n L i M Ia At I i Our who 'L ma gh 11 is in full bloom I M thQL glit thillit llo:�,, go Wr rtrl..�jl: 01 r pre I �4 i�jm and root - 0 an a . * _,14,0= .,;; , , A i,�� I seems t ,be r W1 , iri Ah,4�ftk . I a . d _ wAtIt"'M . orp ,,%', a!A4;,j,Pu ` erdpea lt�t'atldck within the, I P , j Ictfia t will have stor d �A ,,jo,,., I I _I have been decidedly bett r, Id, 10" Oilit"O . 4 I 1;, P _ through an- niarked improvement has taken place tc �'Ifldat '40ft'llIces- � � -6f r is atill rTp a ed sufficient food to live bl to 04'r"Irl a � Eta wasted. �',',-�-, � , quently a 1Z � - jd�%, 130V I �ili )ld ,bw� . "Ilb , — A tt!i t to imCji&ng04 fit other lienson, no matter what cul- in the general aspect of the crop -lie- ., I hj�F.-,tro le;�-4Vfj011f.rW�O`01M0.V �4 it 144�" � - .- .1� - . . ­ � C. - Quotat a a . I , , k R, ..M - �, X4 n4 - -113. "-no. ' ' ' -tivation in given *110 � Where I - L . i, - TOOK SIM land. trict in the past tan days�­ This � 17 rONT,S AT 1,11"LO-YANG. ' �, o mends be cow am --'It .Z,.�� R I , _16- _--ItGEST LIVE S otl ,111 I I, .. 11 L� 18c. - A# tll� L, - , � -, I., I I , . ." 4 SU ."c'. tire 50 a summer tallow is reverted to there .., ,, , OR,!, _i- ­ V_ 6,47 ting . �6j Oy above them, dre j: — foor was the view expr ad by Mr. F. ­ " i$121111 I ,a ,I-sburg enrrcl;p�ond I . Pointoes--0-110tationo am -president of .3 'llie -St, Pfltq ol.04jalf oj it grated nutraege twO - a 75c per bit w. Thompson, the vice . -it`*nd'?"�`tb'ist" t' 6y:." "a 'A -?�04,p 1 -1r1-,�j'_(,t,,, �-,*,,7­, � P I vA b , , � And not a time Save . I Tl%at Hold at C al ar7, N_'%` 1", ow t. higher at 70c, t 8hQI is no troubli M clearing the land of . - I � pellenuidoll I tit all gii�nfwit'h illanj Ision learns fiibmi' ''. 19V -P. "" %isgr �116,6,4 _ ., L - -., - I ,� "� �0 a 4 for out of store Fttocks. 'VdY Vast ot*tbe* I?otit Pat ,tI Ith nwip4d'y'. - I 'L .- Cc* ,clariftild�4kittAt'Borp,toUge'r . �, . , either by shallow ny on . gob w4h,4,pNlp�� "I � ". , ,, , - �V the (Ilgilvic Flour Willis CoMpon , , �� , jj� .� wid . 4'.d" � , , , the , Poultry--Quotationtio wre unicharited1plowtug or . ,,,i-;";:��,;' , I * , � IM41 using a cultlivator Wadn, ,day. fbiced - jo� oballilorl.,or � adst solidtloi- ofticer of the gcneral',� stmfq, ' ; ,� -; , , L I �. . � ­��P , , , " , "I 1� �'tl. �, ;;;; ; 'I, - .1 ill , t b ' ' L .. ,!�,.i"5','i,. , ,�n,�, . , � I Sam(, tour or five years ago . wit - -No ogilvin ecompaj clitantitics. of stores, L g, . 9" rrated it, ivicig P�by rsy has rbeeivad , . . . .............. .. 4 .� .that Gen. Houropatkin w be old' -Rills, the g eggs. and sufficient .11nely f torial.-Go,ttle -Breeders! -As"Cls- at 16a for spring c1hickens sod Itc, �O uts on the, tooth, 90 . � . I . 'doij Liao-Yan The posil atL least ' an I k9n !`.i � - _O'.arAhGm.­___- ren&.tcf.makw�atiff �an*1FmVOttr-XO`ld- Terri ,*Ia I�g over tho jand ()%ice every. exi)LI,cifitive reports from ftly, large 1� OVXR 02 C4SLU'A MIR ff.. ' 4t nearl I pc�g�- oriont.Auturno. tion initia u n r 12a for Old. hirds. � , , � �', , �iu§ at Calj�ory, In order t,co ji,44,,r 11 . 1 6 tlii6l, (,Own rendbrs The autumn with hot, wonder -loom in egg-Lbaped balls with the bowl of ned to be,quEet. three weeks until Augu6t. crop experts tlItowhout 1. I I � I A il g I tug water., ka , , develop I ft Baled FIAY-49 (nCli , -It. - I -it-, 0, 'O'l n4r lhlj'� '4,is�o�af troops equal ii nil - , �. I FX rr,� . .. 11 .� g "i ' "P &4,;j 4.d 4 .Oqoursge unchanged- t , " y 1i hereto skie, turns her hand,, � on track here are qu coted BI Ind Weeld,-This the wbeat b( and, boning its anti I tPl, - -�­- ", tki, is IN A PPI'1111"141t ff , 11'r a' 41 4;w -Vort. Kpurcopat I , . , lame spoon dr in, P Irg ttlp pt- Oar lots M, A 1414 Oro �, ., br:t , Llo� tbAV Q.�*-,*N �. �,!� I .#,.t, '4's�o �gmag . , 0 11 m- Andwl�o,, %�tqjiw , , , ;z ItL ,6 at $7.60 to $14 ))or Oz- - and corte Of the most dMicult weed& The full-informat-ton- to -I' I I - Fe, � . 0, in" I such � Beloit Stravu-To steady at hompsoll Said tho�t Motel - I � �- : 11, to the Japanese. U) . .tr In Ibi . ZAV on' �61'W � _ sbpi�t �t my "N'4", �',V �, �1 � kv %14;�l � I Ito �,�_ 0 I berw and morale � , t .Y.1.1mvirS 4 � 4 11 * I,, T�h her . T .' , _t ilE Q , 4.9 , � , and Be o with the increased production of id im- to covadicate.. ,On acColint, Of , ban ,11"Ir. , '" t rich - oy num 250,000 he f4rect Ia , A web no mortal skill may matcN, and I-cwdered sugar ry C, W. V48tersbm chffnW at $6.60 to $5.76 per tan twining patAiro and deep roots it Cal tQbh slid the 'Nrritorles��bU ,year 44aftlt- ! will lwotilf stock. Secretary . . ____ - . . Vt qB1 uli4qf six Stbarlan ank t"w LL I a single $art I � , --- --- It 'filsl---It,.baol-ixsluo�a--'iol�o,,ti�liAgojo,t- __ a .- � 0, a no the -or lots an track here. It wOuId yield 68,000,060 of �iheat- d oothix"W,14 __ a .. not o'en in Sammarcand'! lemon Faure, scarcely be killed I - . oft at -my corps, wit r4 � ,be )r.olk@ of sa�s throt. Air, ' I w enjoys for c where the land to In a U .­��W.f I 0 1 t1jo roport -of tba'XuddMKu1' ru t 'r,-.i,r pean 11 ... Pcar Parfait.-Diist I oirig tpe largeA in- 0cm, even �Thls would mean an increase of A),- , I L .', ;,t, " , , left liquallorcons of cavalry and :300 4 I . , thaL blzig)at hills until thAW140114 " I k1bal"tt P n of It . dawn, , ,lb the. - ttpancso � fftecos' The White hills, - 'Prith three eggs - 4, sale"Of pure bred 11OXIMEAL MARICIP". hood crop� The only way to kill jo�,,)ijc.on bi,;h.l, ever lagt year. I b ­� .�!, .1C V -t:ocjc-jn the' wcorld.'� The sale lust Montreal, Sept. 6--ThO mxrkbt for it 141i6rakighly to with a summer fal- this stat,oment," said � - pjarcei%tF,t'1iU'1'%' ,41,4417 ' ectur- winter skies a' cl�vb`thern, thZ -,1CI1.rt1`l;- ,I - sald that. Gen-�f a, #Ici�w' �51;dufxl auctio a mk L on i a The stall officia � �ly of a kupotol oyilu I - heights r 1.00f ,W* �40uth"of Liao- ad erected are d, Liho- The nortJI-wind-rovirfa dre't. .0 reserved pea,ra.' - I w4iked every elizilt or ton days Air, Thompson,,"T nth idlowing far .1 ,g- with . , , C rotund their 'Z�j' �61­ - Xtty_�WbS . "ot�& A�L Tirotid-Blittr6d -c-ultilinflir' : L a forts heavily arm -how'azij�-Ilke its songl . lin ble boiler 'tW;X_- t �. �&S� moldt*,,taicoultaging tco� breed nats is steady, a" dealern rill have rust ctamiLge find other d4procicition. , - I yaug!,4n&, vdist. Vt, 4%j1o"j*nI gemiicll+� Y niq 17 crests,4 disposing of her 100. , . . __ Zb__ ..�boTM1,111, teirg. do%.move e e and eta who contributed from MXY Per no trouble in Couch Crass. -To eradicate this - - - 4-Ai4iyAgt1#kt�diA'01;l:0XX , cry,. The superiority of j� (�P- Although ,�thcr,- wildf -713torm compass t of tiou of file Northwoot Torritoijes - 2 old stock at 41c; In gtore,l While Ito perennial it is advisable Of cour,so, we rellinot look ahead. and , - right and Contra positionik. with the No,uropatkin's cavalry compenstit,em., them, 0 ln�ait a'. inine, we love whip unill Cool, Whip one pin .4 PH to Albert to Oxbow, and troubleson we may have damage from frost. In " , . I . , It in jknoWtk' t�at to a cortain extent for the interior- ilry froth, fold in frOV1 146. 3 olits would bring 400 it they immediately after harvest, Ithat mso the estimate would have I I . 7 could be found, I victors In pursuit. 1, them,- cream to a stiff, .vtogntormoi to Morley. The ju- Now No. 2 naLs to P16W the oft6cess tO,Wljj4 several days' �t, At the heed- rd and put frOte 'the industry of the but it is � but riot rpore them four of eve Inch- to ))a adjusted, but &hould we Qlave . . 1. , v of hit; artillery. The,cold hills, tho,q lot hills, the gently into the'�pear cu&ta , ,ture bi Gttoc,lc ftXhtj*R404_*_fi,W ,encrgl start _t1ji�,d_. rr %I Pa& in lea and , are quoted at 87je afloat. deep. as the roi)Qpts are near the ­ *�A-9, �ixlatx&.s 'ot-thp ft"-!.�- g. t OIL it;'O - the thought that are .long the markeL, a' front, and there is nothing to indl-,, , 11 _� , - jW-u-mi ' , stanth..hills, iqpg I _. _._.j.nt9 a, plain ,ol . I.M do . .. _0_� - 1, trii� , . _ 'X ­.. � ... -.01, %4*0 t. the, V,rfC6t confidence Ili fo�ll: ' It is �, . - Ak - rihce , a', bil I -4- salt' ' ­­ it�'d three cor-lour. Mlitht - Y.Q,]W- -1i IJ -- Pat gurfs,�b. Whdjj -the ,wonth-er is -drv,. I OuOrMOUS Site' ' - I . 4 11 and let a Vi_.. _ - rood ,o,%mb#r of pure' bred somewhat. Pass ate . ca tj"'ll, 'ilow, the' very worst we various guesses as' W010 'number 0 niod'that Gen. lCouroptitkin's retrofit � 1. The glad hills, the 910'lihills,-how hours to ipen. Wjjen time to 6WT clilailty" will ease off a can be gathered Into rows I joy and sorrow ad turn out carefully on a shatlow crv- 91res available there, find, cowse. about steady at 74c afloat Montreal ' the root of the harrow sod sulky could expect Is a crop fully equal to �saualties CC're ,Vorth(608, MORT-MItc- ha.9 bren cut off. The public is less ' bloz� . n r eroccoura end by luouns - last year, ' grapa, �lc n" ... I . . -- quently a 6 60ic; No. 8 extra, 50c horec�raltc, The tipring-tooth ciiltl _ �.jt,_Ol ..jf -f Optirnibilop , , - - I glmxa:��vIKmoro thooj?aths where 5w dish and heap . "Our ra . 0 _hU, o?�001: tHi* he - Olt '�d�p 'te#,t lila-VJ0161oolb! ' ad oream around it.. - l;Iff vator in nisto very effectivo Ili drnw- ly encrooragitig, one Place ; koolial � sweetened whIPP ioi.ee No, 3 harkey, parts were h i 0 n*, C En l, ders of 'puko bred stock No. 8, 49C. on Wednesday - - _, �iz .� _�'t �� L �qi;, I Pa .will �be given in a, %;ootl cause, The Flour-9troug I I a fine, full crop, In (met ___ , tj b4hid bakers' are 011ftwl exceetill ng . heavily in 05MIll tint ZIAO"Talftig* - t)%It Ali. h * Me *1on CIlii4'§, to thate, Fear ClIv large ril directors of th, t1att)e Breeders' As- t $5,20, and patents at 85.5U; win- 781"leo � , 9� gen. Xuk6l(i adlults PAY FOR JAP A RMY. . tard.--Stow lour tug the roots to the ourfary I . a * , " i O a 1, end a $5.26 to 35.86., they are not no numerous I roport, ng So there are given no figure and will till lotion are tareful to conduct the ter w4heat patents, 1:11 It Abf I *f,rq k�22 t 1b, 0 t*` I Chefoo says '- Than pr block it up entirely. This root I ,the best oil record. e* ? fr, !I co - - -i, f good reporti; as wall as the is, , ' ,. #etL A d"11catth fr6m d The grant ..t , It antler. ess them sac $5.15 allowed � t (I ry it rod t I to 044 ','A*d' A*'�-'?$," * 1'&�or i -be nt6arnshlp Independent chart I hills. '%�l I perfe-ti annual sale Ili the most scrupulously . I a - - 11 Df bc,Tio'l, " 11, through a coarse. sieve and sweeten locted should be . R. afar ry ones." " the pan, %il,h a, very liitl,,, Witter until . Ati t.c '14 ,!� go �i' L _ . .straight rollers, to gro 25. Commanders rha�o =j4dr Loa Tepo.rt of by the Osaka Shogen KaiAlal Z, s clear . hills , -The '�F&%C'. � to tasto. Turn titern into a glass � honorable marmor, via that purchas- straight rollers, in bags, $2.40 to then hurned. A well-worl'ed ,-orn 111, , . their losses . 'An bstimab Of !W-,000 hold here on Tuesday by Customs 60kes plain era may nlwaYs feel assured that any t,2 50. ye'l 'will help . casualtics.'OR-P . ommi . dish, end Pour over them a animal bought at thO Sale Is Ob_ r Feed,-Hariltoba bran, in bags, $17 or root crop the next r 'MTV, SLEEPLESS. , ptli-414m In go. int ,9 volotter-, Campbell while 4ir, � - ." ' ' passengers and Intel- I boiled custard made with one pint. of materially in milbdulng The N�Pvd Klii&Vig'h�-�M. __ '"W"�. . ­ embarking he beaten yolks of three ,999. tained at a pric�, only slightly above to- $18-. !!thorts. $10 to $20 per ton; Ox -eye li,colsy_-The datify is Most Ifero is a simple find available re - I � . . -­- � 44ight., -.1.10 vessel in ongaged. , In USEFUL MNTS. milk, t lid half nhat other breadirs were papared Ontario bran, In bulk, $16 60 to --a medicinal hath for the nor- - � , tablespoonfuls of gugar a t')f purdhasting by f.roublesomo in Pitst"r" Anti soft land, clPe and these who Cannot "5p,coNi�-1=,,v.,m,r--ig"��Ift�'.-�� cn�rylng food from Japan to Now- �' very good tali r ,rAt, out 3�1 two t .posilftil, of ' armond extract. to pay. a fast'dre no $16.60; alhortp. S19*to $20; moullie, but Is not mut,h soon in well-c"Itivilt- vounly worn, � . A desp � atch from X,opdoti taysi- Chwung. Commissioner Campliall I r is maife by bormirf r -S, , cap I s of the eggs to a public competition which vii'll S2(s to $28 par ton, as to quillit.V. ad fields. It may be got rid of bV F4100P at nights, It was the pro- , conZncia that If she is alloved,to quo Whip the white d bt appe . al to most buyers. . . that 's . � . ' 11 , Rc,lied OatsT-lt is claimed geoditig only to clover, clotting thi fle"iPtiOn Of an Old Physician' -.."The Inlifte. Oft sopond##V`_�'LOC' '; lnii'sjuteFl ft pint of water, a pound of Ifirm snow. witan three tablespoonfuls 0" -Take of sea salt, four � I . it . . 4 y qup'.1,11, Iva . tkill 6-6 a ,violption of Ch ,adL ,it, . I I . .the. chopped rine of e- - ,iiP it over This annual event drawn breeders ,wee and Recipe . Tree ill.; . cto�r_ ouget. it Of Powdered sugiii ancA fit ver thB-West - fallen pricalt 49 fit prevail, bW before the dolsy needs Alum, fl r, spirits of ammonia, t %vo , , h3a or I I '"'i- 1 , utjaLIfty,, tand Inslatis upon,the onion , kht I � *iing Iiindod'heii. ' the produc- ounces. spirits of ra.raphor. two - ;d- I a qua�i � Servo' very co)cT.- The and stockmen from oil p being hold at $2 80 to V2 I124 Per plowing tip the ROd (IftPr tho ,it counces; ci, t eg -V BF,Ip� . .4 , a . Add to � , M A *;`ftyA _"' L a it tqa, a Ithiser 9trcsc4 - and since its inceptioti ,�ftol the top - lot 4 , .�� �� 1. -CmaRIAL-horo -has -protcated . MAd" Housekeeper. , -, i - bag or 90 Th. ted at $0 to'sih- oun,cs, of pure alcohol. aigbt ounces. tion in--"%�--ex-t-re�ot4lnoLrita�--i .�g.�LIO.S� of freshly ,,on or L,�vlattldAn the Tim - Hay -No. I Is quo ... and -j I, - fT- . __ - tle, , . a-nor's decision, and - TnNil �A- " ;­ffi�­­Tuice of fourlemons, L R I - , � has tori.. Purl. ated b- qr%iic , 1jair -Pigro-n-- W�ed ai c �cfejjf'jjot water to make a - ing and fIrtimil - '"000-ion'xil.-Y. the comnlissi' .-of iLlmond ex- he. IT y'�t least four .r ton on tracks; No. 2. 59; cx- Chose --All these weeds start to 11 U. 9 in full rfi0i�tt Ler6js a rIvjjr Which 6fprreli the tuatter to Mr. Uchida, and h'ilf a teaspoorify], full clunirt of the liquid. Dloolve the . , ,� due to thi&_ fact Spoo li lot I, I ' ,k 31AKI�i:; V NFAIAR. AT HOME. hul , It t. I rfe fly, clover and clover mixodl, Rand � . ., jil L 11 1 r ,gbd at . o , ' I thl q 1 $6.50 to $7. the next season. it tali whoat he a . I I . ' - .""_ ' ' �.j Ili$ 13 p�re bred 9toek in now a, $1.30 to $1 - tend until cool Pour Into the aJ- inloe - I .111 & 801tilseh .I-Taurt, Inspdctor-Gen fit the last stoned cljjrrjes and what- Beans -Choice prim oft X tifemtho rotation, they may cohol the spirits of ammOnitV And vinegar, for though it Is probably evailab e,r�.­ , . bushel; $1.20 to $1 11 dt I amphor. Add the QV, -1.1. coms for China, for supp:lt. , 'i, . .25 In be r Ily cl cated by rogoltir mum- s dogjk 0, the Jap4noplig Minister at Pekin. Mr. tract. Cool and popr 'over a bloc .� grew in the fall and produce III It ,:, d 13vp I , . I I remuneftElve cash ven, salt in the hot water, and "' ' t Ce � , ". , I jt - is ostn�bgj " riiha*.ti�vhilb has appealed Ito of ice in the punch bowl. Add to usewifp milikes her own ' I t. 4 market to . It., � Its P, a "' � 24i -t , It, , I o_ ,�J5 11, � The wise tie , ,�� dd I . rip dL, . I . c salt water. rear are two I ,ver other Ir"It Is desired. � ,a tIfIrsting for Its A CuBt ortcl certaInIn. rnmeb lem-4 ,4,1, -,j-- - 4 0 � , — 11 ahnie - M., cheaper car lots. . 1. thus pilt Is c6n t relt.nfil a I war cul,t,l shako well, and bottle for use. t)l �j'r '41 fW ,jitip,rip. ,Et. Is, bei to bay ad I ng L,�n a hot day Is trouble to buy It, -rhe knows that the SA'tWON., CAATCH POOL. provisiongo--rienvy Canadian short ,vation after beeves With a soft sponge diPP01 In � L i(:�.tea, to which is added 6 ", , 'i �7 � . - home-mAdel afti .50 to $181 light short get mint re .-By growing early tua- mixture w4cot over the Rurfilco of the it L ,3 90�japnh_lh,eybj�g a large sum of a , t- X and destroying the qaed. this , , dia is'lhicit only health� — 41te"�O, A o , " �1� to Ahe ,fronted .,it 10,000,000 yen ($5.00 IgI.- or r "'ity of F�sbL,.,J�x,,Vj'stprn Wat_ cut pork. $17 tt�ag ad iesiei� dti t1A " f! " t� 'AIX.t ! two or . riiiattl mint lmves,, stain, SWe I ' it, 11 , 1. cut, $17 t 'rjT Ing � 3 T Japanese nrmy. lot and less injulrio�s to the a F,11,50: American fat rops A nit plowing up the Invid whole body. Rub vigorously until . _ - death to arrest 6s '�otrefit. .lid, 40 000), to pay the i Iroom a pleasant ,dIflo- ach but filso much superior in qua- -.0" at$." 6A6d. bachs, 617.W;. American clear fat itninedlately after the aropD are coly. skin is rumored that a Japanese destroy- 1. "Y' A-tv §Iowj9L Wharf nor- , , are no more forts, fxcntli� , li- I ln1;`co,t,.1.htr is"Clade by putting In' a Ilty , to that. she can get of,P4 , ,�;, m 1� 11 the Inatiog pog on, * . er x4rrive'd late Tuesday night from r same fro d .1 il A despa,�Vlj, fro Otte.1111% 011ys :- I)acktl, $29; ell'.2couild lard, 64C to the need of the Reg Wood will he vous Or "boluo' or Nvakeful do not I—!, Iofttjtby� t 11 coffee f jdarIna 7c, Con,tillan a omi� the bath. . I grocer. per 0 IV ilAll k2ol-IDA jfo� Dainy and took off all the money Ox- inurer , . shly g oun " ven"d from ruaburing,,vild in 'Me rent [Ind re- lfijbting a pieCo.of - " .. Tt0PQrtW,; h , $to to 7je; kettAo and the bXV, 11 ! in hnAL camphor gum I commerce in VP a am corics, of Vionville'inind TjjL&Ln. W 1 00- cept 80,000 yen. Xi. The vinegar a �,.oizd, Ff9herlem are to the effect that randcrod. Rit to 184c; hacO"- 12c to f.r.0 yearn this weed will )G destroy- trashing sleep that follow Irill Ply c, " rPF,Of g tit I ­ v - � —, On top. of, M ,this gum burns it bv pouring a Very poor solution' 6r I generally he sallnOn fishing Ili E.fto' Inc; trosh killed abattoir 11098, $7.- 04., rspay the effort required to p"Paxe 11 L '. . 4 oTnjfg iffib lodor of toasted coffee, an .1coliol over beech shavingso or birch urinK the season- Just 75 to $8: live heaYy Rows, 1114.76; Wild (late --crInis Is .in annual It. �i 1 , , t APTUHRD OFFTCZft$, t,rn tv.tflll�. e The only mixe(l Intff, $5.5(j; nelecta, $5.75 to which Is vory troubleno"10 11 � 1�,tof"fati, I it d C.If" - - g, �� - ,all 1, � 10 It hat is agreeable to most soaked in - It very pool*. — L ftlu 6 " I � . aroma tivigs that have been .closed hits h( in Rome . tit . V �4 bi the , _�� . I L . V V,v 'i I I ­ f'3farZ I om Chefoo soy8:-It 'P�Popla., This perfurjin hit the ad- iej;ar, to whieli aul h I I tained in a . report *15.85, off cars. - It 16' best to work the "TAKINO COLD,— � I f the 0 t exqpptlon IA ,cron , , �'t6 do -boat ' 19 �O% Vill I for, .cid has been = re6eived from the overseer on the or v0h-14 Pa . OV 0 A d-,spatch fr a ectlans thtLt J paneso tot vantagoitof 'being bijot", ,And' or hy rat! i a -Ontaria, white, Ale, colorod, 8 tj# %r loA Napoleon Pass r� over is fith,tc-d �" I Choose ,anti as anou an the �xop in taken I Of all caution or "cold ' prnbably ,tW11 ej_"_i,if...p,1V2r1. 'I iLr- ACj-tj$yaro have waylaid an7daPt%jr- to be preferred to the postiles and These fire two of the strongest acidg, Maisie-] It ver, whieh lips to the notth Sic t.c, 9c; Quebec, Ole to 91c. . -q '*WrIiiq* , i M - 11unk copvcylng a Pit -� to - Ile says,in that nte. and off, thun encouraging tho seeds to I " "' the' most common. , �, , 0 - LrtV tit, Rils incensn powders, witteli to F -come a a In on litlo,",".m4ch'! _Oo _.At the ed'it a odor of t known In chemistry. Piire, thpy dim of Anticosti lOncid. t*,.ggF*_,;olQr,t flow laid, go-minate. The next nes4nti a hood outing homm at night � . til I I i n. * .. � n officers with important despatch- V^ry rickening. Th he uoIv4. copper, tin, ?:Inc and brass, and stlearn the �,ululon have, been excep. cavilled, rho 6 d y'9 wark. a growing , I W I. I' ifilul6e h , A I f!..,- , , r fa'ir ,;, " r , A I d.d .-- I ) tl§tfbeen &in ight gathered, 18C to crop nbould be put In . �, or .� J3, clued 16 I' - coffell will roti;qtors_zt.,on7; I)Ido Vol" vihe will tionaliv plontifill, .111(l in soix' dayr*-- Ara oco h a I n'toin g ,!ajo houroo* sleep over I 1� " The officers were ,,I, , or +'r..'J'au�', �ado . -tid(,4 �'oi t4w;6ni,to on- as to Port Arthur. in the too L , ' ,gAr Into ,'which they enter the I from Aug. 5(h to I.Ith_ t No. 2, 12C to 13c. pring the lantl should he now', 71 ? 3o ", '. . , . b,,� . for taken to D0111Y, TO , kind "the union of the cat I.hp tops of fruit cant; and ordin- Om# grain without plowing d L 41_1< rbkj,,�If0m&kI , , 8 I .I.14*1 11 0A0 I I �omphor v%ill kill ordinary disease jugg a n,41 an(i Soo sminion %vere takeril every Buttor-Vancy grades, l9c, . n 11 evneling part oft Lwo or three ttmes a liJn�tlla- t. 18c to jBic, western seeded down to grass. If th- land week, it young la(i,V heavily Aoing ,,ii610.tNal ITO gljj,7,� on the inside of stone nry fines F 06�id &�Iflo 1. .1 I -ound. pickles get soft find rnuOhv,- The clemonstrat ions In the qcOttIsh 4" Am. ,:: lid J44,�t.,Jjco, 141M. *oXl, , lonly NAVAL ATTACHE II,rTSSIX(4- gOTM1.9 that may he floating at jars. ' dhiry, 14c to 144c. Ili left In sod fnr thrvn or rnor �­sors the lienson or young children over- � 10, to, tatta, 0114 ... .00olr4ij Xq0tettatkin sburg Lrtmb is llesl left alone ,until It it nil Acose theft r,our taote, hill. ,If d sky. moFTt nt the flood will h0vo lost Its fail and v%jth short iflinwance, (4 14looP L - , L 111f_.e oblo , A, delopatch from st. Paten still , - dam- method of cleaning, r�iring end patic- j '4he jlpok;�l -mumon Ic1stcfnc4�N Of the victim ,',t , _ likit 116,111114�� out, Do CuveirvillO the bu% ntorlY fisnikhod 116a 91 ""'Ply course. the ninst end the wo-i *Jtig, which have heart coll- UIjFFAL0 GRAIN NtAR.KRT. p.rmintiting power. it ro ( tt tlii�f, ,.Of,��q __,&,%,6j�.,j1ke I ;�,t � jiliss, llayw-LI in the oven, with a .V, ,, ,mo Annitteb of the Ing hori . -Altlintigh onlY an for cold 1,oxury Ili favorable to .1 i I . I I '0 , , -al attache to the �Gmbassy being plared to the K Canso siner, May by WT. Rriffelo, Sept 41,-Flotir-443teadY Wild Mustard , ,��dft� �r, I , I �' ' 7 on, Ia ,�146_:otltho�,-L , I", t1la Pron,ch no% light dreadging of salt and poppe i""!s "ife'. cilleteri tit -Y trn"100- chill -t 119 �ery hot rooms, (oath- ' d'a v � - ,",h,.Rt ,4 light; No, I corinuni, thin weed Ili vel filcl td � ,hate, departed from Port Arthin a in Scot .ring, orro,rincz t I L �'j I , � 11. � I t lie The old-falk.ione4 cider vinegar Is -I- -1, Cowl h., -Sp kf9ff,-46-'6k6­6 0611it'itri el , last stage, sprinkle it , .., . of I,o,;,i, not -rim vitality of er beds, and Roft ;-hoil-rio create a Ron- ,- ­ , I ,it. fortnight ago,. a ctiritintre "Until: tho� month ,orlbs"n, 01,28j: winter, nothing - some on accolint of the L ­4A4.a,, , Oil lins not since been At almost , " I Af i1w cftf,47, - - - - Ihkie 8r, Itilli, Mift .Vrj� tuo, There is grout anxiety 'A I ji.b..'Papri; ckt.a�littjao­lemon�,�Alic �VZ7,.A,a.-fg,�,;,v�"r,r;,;J-i;�4, "& ma --will. The experlmouts atarrha. ,0j,ji, 11.41.1-0-11.__ ., so [Orr No. 2 vellow, its needs. They may lie in the sitivenons that lends to c 'no .s_qjl%�Nq�r,dt� ilitbo ode. roc. heard front still' "fiffieer lyine. yj-- - _: tho most onsily mode. Fnimern rim of November. Corn,-Steacfy; ohills aro conlo.ro,eted . 1. f h been %ory guccossftil, al- r,qc. jqa, 2 ccr.n, Spid. natR-T,"Irw, ground fror years sod yet. when Probably mnn� - gravy n of, fnak Mile I , "Id . tAr_ " . a 'fn('P Ill lTormfn- at ni-ght me at the fng �nlrl of the � , I v I.Nj'b`f herring tv cot No 1 white, 95je, No, 2 IYII-d', brought to tho [tot - AV the equil- 1:1161:6V+ �cof r ply Pa I 11 � u red people gel tipo of fbo.,,Ijuhs(sIj nrjfi�,,tflid brehilerurribs to thicken the R* 4cormerly, a- I Instead of tic)tr. ?,�', C,�) f-Itil . tO4461)t In It 'i '' 11 -.qtehdy. a to. Thorough nurfar- c1litivalLion (lay, whon ti : -yaw 0burAd bfth,ja 06ilerW Xtsurco- T11F IlAt,,ric rL _ .h " V ill giv I lq� �., I �4 40 AS16 �'j -"ni0r6` fi b ' � � .. .. , jan ,v it opectmu. Ca"I froighitic 1�� , EET, '. �414 i I R I ,�� ,� im '. 1, X . The , 7 p2je, Intiun disturbed �,� To inake ht;A't 1P � ikill'! : n ,,,'�, , _�tl- 4 � .vulinj iop, ittritan of their circu . , _� ,* . - i . I � .. P 0 �t — # — from harvest to time of fro t ry,*!o (4. ­poifliin, � � A Aici.� ho ,AbatidnblzAt�,bl$ � ' ys '-the ties mu7t I it' , &'� 'It , I th i witiv, Io hood crop0ho ne h either ovur-heated flitting'Coc'ma " j ­ til. -� ju oqsrntei not g, j I:ooifk� r ra � ,.O*11� followed by I ' . � q , I� Ty DROWNED. � y , (� r, A I fr - lj�rjin so. . u . doZ44itted hadroollon, and beds. -0 I . �­ � gft-hd 7MIlung 13 eqrresptyn- on to uim,. r. ,� ;.. I I — FlIS a ttle m I -e a clot d over f bunghole to nd- I I -U . � �,' I llt.�'64'p% , Icio il�', a P I AUGUST ITI, IT REPORT, spring will it pi� or un, qpo ho Icirg1my orridiedto in k I' fq, J�&8ftgo dent learns fr n a '�alno be de"irroytod in 1rhis Is, a 11 � &Iiij iM6 6 r or - 16046018,LU131 vy 11) I niegt V61iAblefter than the quantity of soup re- init all-, find souring In hastened by ,--.A ,.O . Z ! A4 'Ti V69 o spaelully thn 1-nato With a)(im- Wit hood, dolvii Alta ,totte , noltic flect on its I , The Terrible Experience of a Than l � 11c.ple Ili' so�h atisee the rat& - I IB . t, � ,hot 0 1 1 1 dt- source thilt, the (11111-od. To this are added ground ,� . 4 , 0h"-.M&#',�f0.!!%,,,,� Euv.p..o Crop Is Lighter grain crops by nprnying with a two 1.1' . � toOl ecost&, I -TO yj 4. i 0 dio(dZi,fiAl ,i), 1 � �, ,Itd,� Illef W not always done vimulatan- at IL11 , )tit , ,,t Will call at 8 Wall ArItimoatiod. Actlittion of copper sulphatA 4'' . '. , *11"u"to %lio Var cin" r MO - A despatch from St. John's. N f1d., per cent. t Ila cously. or in it singla alligut. It of - 3 r � It ""It. T. 6&� pliss ' I yali!44 - . � 1mr,ofy'A � gello, . �CAARM41 , I Iciel. The RuSSInns c1cialre to aria 1,9�-A)MA1N6:3ASf in , tir&vu, I %pf�rg q -0h I y � ji,o oxv tion ­1'he ( collodion srh n, Olta%vr%, re, nt the relic, of fifty gallonA to ten tilokes plorn insidiously, lixteading pAtkint, 11) illo ,tirqjV� haly%la pogttlon - I'Vilbelm, C40. 1 -sy Putting It in large.i.says: ' onner Troop, The Frult Divisio jr, � '�'-�% *bMi'lit .- through the Naimoli fru I t. IlKar' to* tas(e before se't" ;of the cider --1 P 11 ,. frorm-the Grand Ranks portR ins follotia regarding the pro- arrmt 11' � . q,vnitgtnrfi plitritq fir 6t, oveir daya!br even wee". ,1,11,%y, --"WBc'e (1o1vt'-'_- e " — twpla�ediieno�,MA,ice altv alrea0v have nakod the Uer- . , fishing groiinds, toporto that on Aug. opects for tho k� I 11, � C., , ��tljtj_-hp . ,: rt _W, - - - 11"t � crockvr; �11IYIIR --Y`XP0StfT9,-MTfI11 evuit crop.- .. __ a I ryF9j­jIWk,,j=VO. 4 cl9th coust ho tied t;p"Utr on- Ition w1l At Pa, .,,,,,, I lilave not neeesgfi�y, *fly . , -1 _91� , . 1, , .1m, it y the pnsF%90 can di'lly itltx Ing fly toasted croutcons 'to tpe IX4.. fishing Applas - Frospects per _11ght, �44�brjfig,,jj'i�aV in,,. an t, three to four C ' , . of his iarnly, alld"11118 ;,jjiiI� lie wtill 11ve be made. Irborelaro it is suppor-cd read., , . .. . 16�or titt"top''th 'Zitrio dilAt a�d In- J20 (,'apt VAII111101"Sh"n Of the j1RF FOR ItIC00ull S. ,The; aitilt,6. ikV6, ho- j,bot (jol.many will allow belligerelAq ol white �b -r Co)eralne reported h s ving changed materially since the last re- ! rent. � in hlttot�- Ir the I ,,tA , th ot)II1­0 'r Rt`�'� the VPS' it n' A young girl suffered for four days L � L v r That itha.�001 04it.of Eqar�toyd- and OULAnan parts' Leftuce should be prepared jq L be , Bob on nc -ench harkentino, rc 10 Port. in Souther Ontario the IMP,' Allhoug1h nniv a4ettll (71 thn noxious I -witit n cessation from `dngultus, � ,�.� 1 "i *ift 'Ttai , Ito' uga, the 041ahl - f 1 spoken it F, I weeds are (hern morfloned. if th­ without spasms to the introulke, . U; - mch .,A iiwid , so- liar certain, conjitions, ,rho best 1,104 1140'Ofall iliours befcoiA wi t, 1111.1 ,brIl"O'" it I" a WA�m �lacr' unkticown, 170 mifos rof? Cape Ram, will at least equal tho crop of Ia t caroled wit thpv � about thirt% - not ple it cover 'a,,efully, discarding Im-I , ' )J!�ej­_th� j1p,mobrano, .1 ------titir;--------�-,...-,_�,-,,--..� ... !­,,­ ., - in Berl do I 1, . I With only ifiree man left out of it krear in quantl end leurpastl It In Above mpthods art% �. sGilloarantly. to . . . 4 . in rmad, Circles - - bii­ -patt of parlo�pt-l-c�dVt�,t,'Iitkt'le&iillA ,the hearl:9 I � .1 - Q141 Ili ov' �tiiajjy, find WhiCh IF; , rne scorooll tji ttack hettig Ault W1160 she put .... 4, .. i, I � , .Ia I.."ll" �_'j �,) ,.,� , , ul 9-1 I , 1 I I tr&v of hit, the others having b4en I quality, In 1h ;($eorginn 'Rely end will clostroy fit, the srom� III . 1, . �, know of any reque ,taissict, to use or centr(I #TjTt0uchVl;. � iWash; rent hY,; ,.6,, I R co vi 1jic Wrleigul, plant- _ �g with tbolr dorIVA ario district "orytIhing of Others of )P -fl ImPortanM few losociadso it . the ,Hus jang for per I lost while fishin I a Ile Out =gafstrie ilillowder 11 ,,,AT. rofti,ke�Ittrit. I . and tenderly, soaq,ndt Medium crop, cleaner � _16_�� I out her tongue for a . I I loftf, daintily . I jp,f,6I­olrd, Y,+,w vilIpgar can bio , rando French captain begged Ca -Pt I " I founfl the hircool(h ceased. She -1 I 4- ,. , I , ii 16,thd the t -n , , le6vo 111-11. diAll of simply addinj sW(mt,3ne&I water. The points fro, a � �."R ' fioo# `l I to hr,lfs(.,. and find Nove ,qrotis. in dn-, , "' A� "��jbilitill-1116th ''.4 zimmornin WIPED OUT. , wall I I I , I I I, to board hts vot,901 I han uplual VILLAGE wns thnn ordornil to 4tArk out this tolid'iiii j)jjjr,Vrjjjjji ,�j)," ­ 6 A?l 0111d.ble goft,o �us the Ifint, . , kciCent '-64- 1 . -------4— cico, cold %val"At'ror 9holo little tinig. 111hil %ini or help him reach thils, Part, but UK, voinping considerable fungum Prince ___ ronnibor ,,, r,,,,,I., intervals for - _�4h Itho 'Ant- I y thil I -till - . ; , dvoijkAuwAtlit, jijv� About rai fictur t,eforo using, Ia 1; hilird watfx Is dArimenjah wfAthor we" ton stormy t,o pernilt, -Irlwartl I tot a reports no npprerl I of ,t.vl� FOR CANADA. in ,rt-,wfr&11Wft1ftf1�bo0- ThOW are. a IMUMbell Of lwm'�9 of I Terrible Forest Firon in Now few minutes, cot the tOrralm"On , 661 Att(lok, all Sr't' -Arthur, Iiiii,ing � ' A CHANC6 lettueo, geotjr , request, and it able cha,g,. - . complionco with this foundland, which only a few slight spasms tot . I I I ' � 11 w4k# , Aoo- � __ ,tint I -'rench vessel and Othor Friitt,-Ponro of all sorts ; lowed She was than ordered to ra- . gow, liftle'a J'T� IT 0 Wd 4 1 u-4 0�.k'Afio `r8'Lgj" T 'b t, . I ,� Cano y ' J;lands 'Ile Ito Lul Cucu.01II&A FAlcotllb I practurAblo. �Tliktn ft good vinegar ran - the PoloaIndAll of her grow have per- ' I 'A , ,,,I § %, I I ,to [Woer ket, in the refrigerator near thin led, makitiff vinegat, .1rhat I cider is It;, foared that. the I "I A St Jnhn's, Nfld , d -t, 0,', �,AVR I#. t%, i, '�llsl � r .but ridtiOn Iti - k � tire a light crop. Inump, are it tot I ppnt ,,hm tho Ainfifultun ceased &Ito- . I . ". for Cra,tell MIT111oxes. 'sliced thin several Hours, before u)( I lobed. failure In Otbro thAn half the or, FordlAt firef; have destrovml tbn Imm. it id not agmin return. It � � 0 �,Jiffiij0t­hh. jAPIr , abiv.. I'; be made, from pe"h or apple Pa V- I geli'. . an 4 I . loft o.to � � I liar- And 3100 fAmIllen , i4l,�w.­ i,lllli'ifit4j,"f�l'tt,tes"ltt I �10: in- I An 0ttnwft (10hpoff4h say": A ecom- .ing thow. Jald Ili '&'pan of ice water I Ings. -Vill a )Jltr half l"I'll of _+__ ebnrdm and only a light Crop any-Ill't rot I'li"n pay, I h, , -,',,ro. w0isid seem to be proper , 1 '0 aid on top ltigv, ocid half A CUP of MOIIL';so`s- t)ll where The prospert" for pe"hoo'err hnmalco�s- Two men have hPori I co . -tootI6611V Isykng geat Itr I h M LAird �41rathcdna ,with several pleces.p! fee ). WHEAT VLOU11. PURE, ntinuous or rh"11=24c trao- . LBs On 0 1 Inimical, loll ff It" Ily . ,� -n, I �'( hv th,3 I)c,par ,r--,- The mfoampt, T'i sperm nFi I i ion 0 the tonguo In these ofteas difhetill4�1P �iIt 0,lCl6hierpi'Mii 'Ad 01'gthl.; I bap been m-dv . fmbnt until fivne to .4ilve: N slicing thol up with soft wafi�r. tie n %inth over — Fifty par h vcith Ybl�or- cue ii,fjh d t4i wevinon ,inff children , patiotice. I tr"kjq '0 'O I of Tj V. fildtce ,ijoibel a, r4eq ,a I 10 hp' � the Jar end MAt in i he nitin Atififlyals Shown There is No of the corrempond"In ropnrt R =,1a,,,.Irt,d,, 'n PT � �J.VA _f,� -hdii anIll q no ( I U- I " 'dt'lb'pi 9V' Ok"04 An exeelloAt iliftegAt eAn It" Made mcluilteration in Canada. In ' __ 6 . . . �PfttiilV ,g ying the finery � rA fighting the fj,M�q I I. I 'Ptiblib ,fqr,,.h jiosftiohe,�)'011t' Ili, 1&� lence (O GIIpPI 1;(�iing th6 '44014 W11 failure Rlftrk,rnt has Injured the I Th" ,men a - "I , � . . � . I -orn., Vjit,a. pint, of shelled A dhApatch from Ottawa RaYs :- giape craft triArloly, In e " " fl�Ptroctivoj EARL GREY FOU 0OVERNOR . V4hV'j 1�.f)iotfo L tont 'Ay0- larifto with Wn0d - I first kinpear. ifrnol j — I .0"', �, 'A0, � onit ftabid for bit . - - to provotit Iho . I 1. � *,rI%fhfo6;* I'MOdiflOd- nho, crAte§ fiAd tOMattS A"d rotdto, of'mQklafthes I"CD R The Department nt Toland Revenue v, I, eys, dn. but the 'otop will setri I I I ;",r'ose , .,,.,. wtdnr area The 19 Successor Has Been L s;,.qmf- it ,Aqw, . Corned b&Af stew ran ofther bif,ecieW,jifid It I)IM, ring a RIXCI- j Earl Minto � I . 1h, I � . - iraw .,,rh,s stdi,jort wosl brought ,uP nil with wntpr afvd prorovoct ns hill, issuoti a btillptfro ifivingotho re- 1 114 rk $1610 ,to 'b6XdA mlidnA19111 the rouriff o:r briol.ret. It j Jar. 1 Govol-nment 114 prol'tding fooll. a It wlille.o,s�foo , be fair. , Sildacted L i0W 4)�)IirkiNli�.t, wi; t,60 -41n. I , and n, bulletin W01"I , " nbdat I hroon floisr Foreign Marketoi find Crops. -The I �;tr�� )oq- I � ,; "�-tess mmi, some time nKO- the, filtmer is uped it odloul.0 ;b,q- well I dirortod ' Ribovo. , PA stilts of te.0ing 75 flamPloll I ei 'other Amsiftfah­1 to the � ' ,,pjjjjj� ht)pVd I to the ('117prt that larded, 014 Atlitirwiso It Is apt,;. to be , Wt.fito v6II \41fl lial�o steitlif offlestrirt- t-ollortFit theriligbout the Porninian, first American apple" Sold I" (llan- . I A dowpotril floom Ottawa says - � tbLi", It �cnorhf sitlr- i hot, pub1folitcl L�. I 14LO ,that thd ptate, lial. i6 , �6rt ;hold, so %tbat W:1'4, wantOd Wn't White wo6d'idry 1,1 Fpjtf�_ of the mcl(a ,C*tWul ivinegal'. Ihnt will lint. rot .your Pick' The retticiligion of the chief analyst Sow ,at 12 in 14 shillings The neit- +__ , Front Information of a unrl L I oMeW , rxft. , lid it is ,_w6w thitt o pize't. Lord Striollicona noiV - on the other '3 1 lid IlIdt 114 t:hd Faafit toluriAlls of lo,that tbf)t(% is tit) such thflig Ili, Oar, character which has roci,' e, here I I * W,defOld- #Pocific lcooking. Tito brisket I t* a couttviantal erop fill th - OCK STRIKE SPRE&DING M,PMA little d"';t'l that , , oh - `4t"4*V�v*tj-6hgdr torWar( J4' o A Ot lilie varloust yg jljii;y� 4#4 tpnilor, *any tjjd,t r.*n " raodm ftilliltorlitod., Aith- tali and � ____ I flivro new . stfi,�,'ioi*y sil, il�. 11, .)icelAeAtf4I14 hand, to 4lwA I ._ " r market at, present. hill the frill - - I t6getliot *Ith fho I __ the addition of flinely-ground pat AnA I' rl OreN. atri not the Duke of , ,' M li ' 1, : oLk _ Oro, tv�Xdlfotto thAA t: , b0W 1*600� plrdi! ro Ifred, Throw aWAY th(l r-qt`,W*t6r IA00etl � - ' ' Ar I crop in lighter than trato nvOici roatens to Affeet All Son �1'1_.'rlb�rough, -111 be the next 0ov- �, I I I � I I � if ti, Oro ,llg � 11, , I , .. Thin thio holling is begun , ftf�er 0 To .X1 or by adrdlixt"re of the WhOAt though ptill a good c"p. Amarl River Parts T� jim liiIk �#Ij�f*.jierp, 101.1tolf 6b diblMe'lof, thd fiftm Room I C60X 'ClA",fVAL. fol , ttvfith,� , V �. � . " . 11 - �. I I (h Interior Atod chfkaper grain. ornar-thenarttl , � , , , ,X;�Kill cnl*� puytie".614 , I* t�jo f�lj jnr,r,rj�0i.j.jn htj obtaideft, through tho milw(ea, i4id in i1i'S'll'61 lqed�stippky ., - &rVinn are 7% per rent . reanhPo -,;,,III,- de.l.ot'll �.%n The --.—+---- - I t , , - put cabbage, turofpb, po Atoo;&� And ,� The bootloal to ,Cook clatrittal, ac� Avl — 90 per cev %in, 4 I of 'twII&O01 IN mt,t 4 6� dth, pritir,11 Con'sul at Toneriffiv. Vle on )I W rent and grapoq (;htjcl..t ,,%wriotondailt not l'4A;P"ero4,,-,*;th- o4-A#,_y,#*ljl OL186 �& th at file plir=Ips. LAt All ftiftilor'Keritly till V,ording ,to ,it ,t,00k(9cr teathor, Iso to TO frEAVI ,I_ of ti,,, (iocl, laborega anti ma- [Anut.-Col , lo It, croveW ljoe't A'Khwind I It LHASSA. a fell Ptop. , %v ol I, w 4 � h ro.i I � n � i n %pren cl t � of the Doultnion tom -nal, rnports I � �C�N . , ,0*,r,r�fio flihotfillit. tbloj, Wood from the t1i0lb fathqr e6e;bol i*9411 'm took It 4Y4 41$,,V, b#VOf`-,' ire &Nfv'tO he -.,.. 0— q,.,w nn, Month I tolt,141�1014'111 't ""4ft , "at 'J* of O'c 40 And h To one I v%ol, ,o ,he liver t.hat 1�000.00V ect, tridgv" � / � , fit, thn ;�jth a spoon, Stir W611 till 76' ;11 will Vacate Tibet Capital ont nt the factory Itol ),"cat I*tt, ' � .rof � $"jjA*t& tho t a butt tk),,!jtjj6,W tin t h,, I . W I . . t 'r'Z'6a,od%y ".ad Sweden, and t t ��riylNd 'tivilm TjTd� lisill, a tritim .Ornol�"� !'�41 fire being turned I Claclill ift Vjjkldd rkk1,Y'IN.,tf04 16 Inok ,, th -I of It, 'kind in the 1-11411 1 1 blatios -b#A ftUJAWS oWof noo at abeikt $40(),100 , tlied add (I tronAtt. ;eupfal d I or, lath of This Month. Tba united Irish It -ague coov. tq ,nd I,n ,ilvle working , ourn. in Ctddi- I , fitt-A avidL ' 9 UAL 11mbpebritid , V wt liod � two t4lPfuln , ­­ It �. . ,r' -1 91 A Ir hiliw t( I.- .1. I ' . r and - 0 - Ia *0 :a"Ill"a dua I oisp600rl, 61 otiopartyl in I is! Amording tit 14ew York docid0d to raise � %VI,,eh th. itio h,tr �% ba", 0, 41 tion r to r I 4tpovt*ders / I , _ W_ tr _.�+— tlar& � Tot ths I 'j, I tther nrtkillorv. I 1. f orold!04 . 4wt &t&., Tli$ue the Walter A Sim1n, (168PEtAl Ithp ?v amm, __ I Wo(VI I fibir't p_g,,thijf` , I west In the jilattof Of Will d In Engigod find � I r ill ts aw. 0 r:I I ­ 1*8 clibbillift as Noilifti,411169- 110ttil'. dWalyr 14 , c6ml in the too to r Wht Platte Old Iff-11,10h Mismon 600 to ho up# &4* I ; � M Itly lot t f A t *� th I 10 I I� ' Uth",,. .,I the loth lost. itind at the Nentrill 040"llooll. confronfe4l'. I filleosth or, by .1 11 ;1 �. , - �, 'i�, --I 4`i tj;. * Ise 'I auli*do OL I*Obwd And I ... Of We ,, � w , i4a 911040mi'lito iii W**4 . I �d , .T I , * . 4 � ' fda*, %hb ' *ti#t 0 14 . , ." " " ttAvy ovot All. , ,, I , , . , . � . I � I I "�, ,,- I", I , � �Ivl I 'i, ' _. to" u- , � , _� r � I I . 11kilk, , " - ­ - ­­_­ - � � I . . . � -, op 1DIV, - It . V k. . , � I 1. IA , ' ' 'I B. V B 4 ; I , 1 $ � r .,*jillog " of , _, ." '� 1) Q ,,, , I � -*, llsftv"e 1, 11, � �,� �, � , , � , . I , o % . _,;� � - .. IV C 11"o . L , 4 *,_� . I , I 11l I i I . �, I , * � 4 1 . . I � I 11 I I �, " , I , I I � . �� v I . ,a , � , I I I 1. , I I I o. 4 I , � I I !, 11 o . 11. I I I . � . I I . � . I ; , , �_ . , I I �, . . � I I ,� I I � I � I . � 1 4. - . � 11 I . . 11 I I . I I I I " o. SIL�-Ilkj�` I , " I I I I "I . . I I . . , IF,. I I !, I ,� ,� . ,� ,� ,� ,� ,� . r, I . I I ;,', \ � � I I I t, � I I ��., � 21, 1 , ­'� 11 I ''I ,�, .11 \ , i. I., . I . , r I I I ( 1 40__1,.:..__ 1 _ , _­­ -I � _J , " -1 I �, - , I . 11 I � I r, ',,, - I " "_,,,, ,, _1 -1 ,___. , . ' I'' I - . � , �, I ' I , ­ -, 1#1 �, � , & lio.�� . . ' __. _, _,_,. _­�_-4—­­y ___ __ 11 ___ _ , ­ ____.____;j__._ .1 . L___'��.., . A,440 A - ,it ,�,, "X� '0* a, A _. I.I.AA6AM" 11AL4& r . � �,Il." %,r '�t&*_4- L __ _��.. � - - ____ - - ....... I" I " . � — , � , '... . . I _;� 0 - -------- - � __ . I .. " I I i . e416 I � I I '�l " 11 ' ,:���� ,._ , -A�:__) I ­­ , . " . �� �i�, . � . ...