The Goderich Star, 1904-09-02, Page 2., .,Fr- ff lid !,as 9r Zma, U U. WA44011* root Tx�l V10=99 9r 0 'Ark. 4#4 0 c Now XOVZI.) T= ricc 0 Ag CA nQWl PAP& Pollopy b% o.tran- you unle�� 41,flin)F th Two Worto On till eight . %a . notol. biglj girploo OWIPK to Ifow Jts4lo use hag this brAAdyQu, 4,e Nobody In VA '4119150 tdip.10014till 41 coption 1.0 Londou areTipt ret ngthebest- tj 00, OR A MIDN1011T CALL been beyond 04 0(tat,14AW, $_900 same , Me mlgclt� WAO wife ,of, Ar* , ChWvae at)iough 01to owall boy bolifor than, 00 was Tom-, A111111 got 113110 "41:411P p1w. . "Pi USE ncerest had rooina resorvoiX 10'r, I/ Is[ 441SLAND CITY Keopq I 0 pro'fir right strol.-in atone WAILI and p'ano#'at04 to a4count fox, 01" some- osurprite escaped him AV he th -grow Vona, u0neb, be or ia appar- � lgk urider tu be, I _­ � 4 Nybat Oarming ior at Alm ed SE AND,FLQQk white NO AP, Doi, tliq much &O'd I strallottlon stage. Hou; ,qt does, Indeed. or V � ne'sir'On6r ;,bAAQOQ 140,100, ooamid 10 tied up. The clul"90 wit li�d returned., *101t' David cat. Inulead of the I)gures 818 he staring OY", w.Jthj the; Jptqr._ Tlbo! proo noAnd � fa -11'. there is public ftAnCtiQ118 tit, X�OAOQU- *13 the size of. , 0, ismail tbt*n 4lavol is Wilkie Collins gone could real) now the change to 210- that great wild pg$ the CQkteiCAQ Is s0alolbo6t 1-16 1411Q.04t qan �Vp qqjd 1_ ri extremis, Vu 130is- that Butige uoptiv t4q a rule, and other As 1�lg art a gv,%In.,of barley.. AQ 8);lad9A P A T =4, Gaborlatt J1 Indiffirent 0, but OnO thickets, a similar to that of Mon. Pit' to 99NVD;$- Ali tolp I in r WIPP.And � wp Ito am delirium %rent- I A, 014.jilp. on We galley s;;0,.orAng it er , ; lit I �teale house here. want(, have pos.,ed inustor without Poach onfIrM this Alany of the guebts at q recent p9sd these ht'' to Gil tie was not -A;auA 'go WIII Cry In 34, IC4440 to I A` CDs, I,go Midst criticism by ninety-nino people out of exactly Joqu s, on, of all tho tcl,Cj�jc patina illtig. old the Ipp. plile I or a hundred Avith it strong Awe aluncheon tkog and am solpeately told in light W rubject, but merely III of tho surrQuadinra that I Can swear -Y 9 Would grounds of L011940414 Grrpge were rumble owing to MISWAOS -14 thOAV tho gqlg.r the C" Bills at all Hardware or been thero 1111141 the �gurca the cllrab Tito t1ot salUbl-101113 for naturalist ix� Identit. They, were given the imO havQ JlCVJ be- s with to ipodition is never lull a been noticed at alL cliolco of appearing in 0eitirt tfl,46,s. Draper, a iused 0JqvI),%­rM14t,. hefor mad Z v ngeniculart(iss Of p datory dikpollitlft.� XJ44oy Pills and ol's* OVtovt, .�Vmft P ontreal, T0rOIltO a; the whole cry opiAl As thmg)Qvc imits or ."ing of the handle VIlliplicity and i re '41gl�tjg ' darker., I & lau -Ind he," tilq q �j! llititer itched by the Cut i ced: oil moonlight 41011ta those uniform, or in, , u,t , , p, sthe scherlio Was Its his ore, as I , (I L�%a§ fusb a. of telephone fit the house of A dL at hou .otret hw i1ol .,I should lil,,o to have the noldrosl aflocrpit Udp,.w d to buy dividuailb who hati not ottbor'o the hPut gotting,la I inabroidered Isitialled, trusted,, 'A gotting'weaA On if prosaic. citi hmwho thought that Out, al.id WbimPer. , sliopliord late two first-aittire9 were froolklelitlY Mill' wlt UAn ;thq gloves..;: alld, ( ets hold of the ht, Aveji-od tliat'ho bad itakan for wAlters. 000, 0ontlOmAn aro,tal.voi 11410119 Zen, o:tio sprin I David said, drily. he 5tQ0PW,aII.otb6 trcv- the �,fto.vejtlas: colors for. tliosO � va",V- out t es a story of mine, IleD.V0113 "f1ro. fightiilg�, But 40- there was, vastly annoyed. as he NV49 0 of oI faulty that you are dealing seen two of sare k 7nopft hem gently. seeking his place at tho table, " matek! Butter, ApV1 Ow pebd(� owa into and fouls days lug from, tiosti� I Witil quite people, 13oll r- body could all Tn'd `w6ek he Ps, -Por exampiti, a Poultr Y' E rho synapsis t , was oliaily,col- Tboi I, , ,1, will.alsolit:, asdd4. ggsl Is fairly easy plied. *'And now I ba -0 shown y9u for cotain; a so it jawing to the action of a w0tor Rh was short, I how otterly ou have been deceived tall, that n0h0q knW. AlPY111100 waitat thrust a pilo of plates 0 9"Lilillr,li,f,blatl,;,Plfftle!�g.loVe has -white 110intso at of any of them articles and -0 -lit ,to at I,ongdcan Oal This cuis causes a Noting - ortly a few lines, say 1,000 words �tgos his hands with the remArIV: Eve ancL another . has lavender Points XAZ us 0ove your consignm6! My W , over the number lye will 90 ft little abOut the Pool over -po'ciple in the#4 pdt1t&1 as good Prices. sheet of paper. riting is farther. For the present. the way qiva place haft been 4.qd heavigr etrapol get 01A shut up' for thb- take these.1 As oran be ited ahow� those terrible OVii-Cidlig; ong smoill. it was tualed into a ba which the furniture trick was -ty Tears. bolng turiderstood to be in It was no easy ma,ttei, to re- alafti"131 'ciU5e. 9f, i darker bu . a tban those at. the 11 SONCOMA -Z ajn a mystery-' But, Obuncery, when the the impression caused by his t1idught to be un0vol 1, O.-- La'xenofer and white on TORONTO. evilly open cavO101-01 magazine announcement of cot worked must rem 'jind 001110r"D St 11 6P oil s d THF., ,DAW a office envelope, nuirked 111rof, urgent.' urniture here, or this vent forth that, a, distant relative of move tly;)t plates, and Gravel, are 'no longdr 1u3cbss#ry- Rfgat Matkat short there has been f baving been seen with Piqudyi.pild- burnt orange 04 There were the had arranged to live there Proofs O!, a room and the hall Would not bave the famliv the guest had consideralk difficulty, owg.olavi?s will appear, story in the buff envelope. beat, No carefully swept and garnish- n future. Is Which reached its destination in in establishing Ills idenOtY. I)ARING SP7Y. lbu�tdtd gloves are to be ali whilst thoi rest of the house rO- What the lady of the Grange Was , r , wal4ing and street gloves, couraw" say. She had ar- The Police force at Amsterdam has used or LOWER QSE due tn� t1WgVrct!jLITy, 'afid mciny of tlies() junins in so dirty a condition. If my like nobody could accompartle to arrest - of the Fussian Soldlerls, Zxplotts abear this morning. But bow ddcci%o me I cull sea two rived late 0110 night d by Rellievnd fame by 0 ibi eyes don't she chief Contable,, M' VralRsen. It ap Lines. . ­_ �'. ", 0 . p PRICES on earth—" The whole tiling fresh rialls driven into the archway CL nicco. and from that moment Xk,inistake can be mado in ;p0lig "Easily enough. back hall. on those had Clover' been beyond tho,- house. seems that the dblef of police left The daring advntuTO Of the RvAsh -� i now If Ono's summer target, alien on-. leadlugcio the staff ot'aarvanto. Ahw1ordam for a lopl;A411 holiday. cQstumes gets slApped into a affair nails Ilu4lg the curtulti, that prevent- None of the large Was Oria night he returned to the town Ono- soldier Volkoft, who'gOt thrgugh' 411ca kv velope, the kind of big-Laolith the Japanese lines and returnoOt paf(34 I wgrilrobe is rurinbag low. Linens ell you Kcabig itiore thun was neces- ever left the graunds unless it its for all sort" - at enterprising Cirrus send out cir- vutp business requiring Horts of frod M, 00" th This falls sUrY. -a 3ou still incredulous as to quit altogether, and then they ly a id in- At ri Iter fighting�hli; wd-� but, Ad thus �fQx all Culars and patterns Witt). to leave at night idolonly4lip described t Istead of being lace-triurtmed, are soon who is to the house wbore you tied your re� were understood tstat reitutru, and he rvoglect- n the ructin'll'011 wear, or lightly embroider A1606 into the hands of too WOmLul tuarkable ndNenture?" With a large bontis In money as a re- ed to notify the, police. His zealous the Russian PaPOrs here and anywhere. It will CAN BE AD IN 0 a the bottom of this and every �or their promise to evacu- subordinates noticed lights in his t confess that my faith has been compenso I III shaved my. hair in -front like a evOrYW rich worn next summer. 90 other case. and she rLads the syno- aitbout delay. Every- houso during his' supposed abst-lee, -and put al -40 be in st mil ans, & Tho asel riously shaken," David admitted, ato Sussex Chinaman, tied on It pigtail k P s well patis from sheer curiosity. But about the furniture 7 And thing was ordered by telephone from and carno to the conclusion that an a Chinese dress, with slippers and,that 1110 cco'nOlnicul woman a do- paiis, Wash GaOn fits, her case, and illcro, you tire. Alind about my telephone call from Mr. Drighton and left at the porter'e there must be hat. On the loth, while q, Cretan firo,as she who has no necessity or Any 9 0.12n OrApply Y1119- I don't Huy that ti�fs in ho%v tl�q And about MY lodge. The Porter was it stranger. ji� the opring-turl- Piro to consult her,pocketbook may 9TTING EDDYS. you Gutes'n town house? A GANG OF BURGLARS -was going on, I SPI7, itifirt frlick. INSIST ON 0 111111111111111112111111F happened, but how IT adyenturti, taking place in the verY, oTgo he was deaf and exceedingly I11- ity and slipped &WAY Into, thO JaPA-Pr cJW.q[fpJJy., invest in the I When did you done 60. at work. Reinforcements were sum- A gown ip fftloous- roxt house to the one taken by him tempered, so that long since ese lines, and the promises mig't moned in haste, ut collection ot Stuart dl 'es is One, past the I "They were at the Maine ad-, 't give you Clio date. Say nt iii ighton ? And about Misn. Gates' -age had abandoned the hope of got LoMon vanc,lig and�-f Na.11 CONV T16S can !a-ltoition whon she learrit. my, ldcAti- ting nything out of him. One ra- %vore surrounded by a strong towards our troops, nno'A frocks, that in its S WF14T they saw from ot gendarmes. A body of the police hade of sm7rLuris LOW t. -al 6aye." Do you call them coinc)" tidnal luman being were so busy that 110 OAQ 49tiectl trinaming s6wed a peculiar -ry, for so extremely fashion- De the Medical A0§pcI& the doors. passed safely, th,rough that color now ar urn through "And there would be no but Occasionally, a big man Made an attack on one of lilo,' and Via Ahe Chicago� and orth Western =g-ta- to can rot. )loll said, thoUghtfullY. the Orange ti V. ..V a reply -y 0 '-.No, I don't," Bell said, promptly* with an exceedingly benevolent face It was forced'open, the polite rushed their position, �,114 towardA availing The frock itself Rall-.0ay. every day frorm Sept. :L5th an at 11 - . I B Francisco Los Angeles Salt forward and about t t con, came to the village of Arthalsa." k, ne Way second 1.� : 'I, "And Y�u had no cause for wort are merely evidences of clever and mild, tar a,, blue eYes-a man full �dii ^119w slll� and was embroidered to Oct. 13t.h, setlers 0 5L83. City, L)eaver and the *rId's (31 Christian dullness and given tol, Not- need the Woman: I tables 'seized their dErto= chief lue, 'yellow folks taking advilotago or an ex�ol After visiting several other villa, bs in flowers in AM 6f rod, b class tickets at very low rates front 0 found it hao. pept the envelope I said just Itirgal;so to village boys. The Naturally- the ,his- and gleaning inlotmatl6t], t Ce and purple shades. ' The gown llra�q Fair" St. Louis, b3, purchasing tick Wh Inglo post, lont �jt!,ategic position. the and bound him� Chicaze, to points In Utah, Montane, ets sold to San Yruncisco, account beyond the delay Of 11, 5 now gentleman went by tile name Of soon found out, and OxPIa- Japanese forces, his 'real ' Jvaoiture. open at tQle nork, and lin wide halt take was .1 - I . which is only a rnatler as all hour at* Mot It Was an important Point ill I 11 'he said alcev anti, apparently i'Noviada, Idaho. Oregon, Washington, Knigiats I,cmplar meeting 15th ad merely taketa. the 11 r. Charles,*' and was�undorstciod lowed by the release began. "Stiold aa full skirip, -nin. also to Victoria, Vati` Tickets on sale free, Auptat ttle I th at Gates h naions were fol so fit London. If You 90 it next door furnished. But we shall to bave a lot of pigeons ut which he of M. Fi-arlson. �_l - cavalry ClotdchaittlNt about , t`wC6tV, little morq than half fitting. I Caltrol it,, good for return' fond. But who at The wide slpeve-q� were bordered d farthor we find that money is no ob me to that side of the theory in Was exceedingly At a fal�cy dralas ball 111614� man with an officer cn'i6d With couver, Now Westminster, Rosailan to September %yi.th stopover kct, llelcc the ZljDtir) offer and the CO Have you any thor "Mr. Cbarlas" was� or how be had �Ialta durldg the carnivAl a 4harm- 17ode out, and asked'in I ed fri,ngo, and on the all other points ill th K`00ta`aY until Octobor 23rd, D. This is 6 ofilcor heliotrope color ct. Correspondingly low rates privileges In each directi &rolul. and doubtless expenriva, in due course. got that n,me, it would'have puzzled ineso Voro the Russians were ald houlder pansies. Ditr itcal, I objection to urge?" sition. . Ing young lady succobaell' in "maing Ch were embroidered in it points in Canuda. Full an open rate to the public as tick slutry filto Your po "One more, and I have finished fop Cho wisest hand Of the village to tell. , and ellows front -a not sold on the Cortilicatta ipression heart of I a what was( their 'strength tpurples or heliotrope e,4t ticket agent eta at am gdIllg mi ars from neal, to enjoy tills case." run Cho prOsout. When I come hcrO­'tW'0- but for thii mo _ *11 my life deal' N, wih Jeaves lindsprayr of- ral Ag,cat, 3 -plan. The rate from I!Orouto�__V_111 onto to till the ifain high _61'*11 611144V it, Bennett, Gorle "You're we)c other nighL-provided of course that Of that hidectua bell and that belt of Cc t would be forfoited it I or B �orrespondtnglyl low you can g?t out of it,." David said, I did come liero-w-irnmadiatoly wildevness,that surrounded It, Long- On that of q milik4j,� i9flicstr, also for I know I . age. - - 4 - be $70.2ri. pon 'ad ' I pulled but. my ro- 1F,ast King Street, Toronto, Ont other points. Tickets grimly. 'So for as I am concern- he dining, -1-00131 the Clean Grang( was a cibeegful-looking of. high 'rank_ JA it mild werahchiitut rates from t a the It* he humor, Isn't my entering intly illumillated. and tl4p two, officers volver, and Q soldiers all There is more Catarrh In this, section hased going via Vanclau ed, I fail to sea t place %ivrnb litillit house. Any visitor emerging from flirtation ensued fired two tiots at them, of Via qountr3,p thap all ot.her dis-�scs 'While the Canard liner "Unalatia can be P I ova cities. this tile office you are after?" NOW', of lictly od with jealous ire. An prached Ab ' card -Atlaatic, 1,400 Miles ver, returning through ab he place was void the the drive would have been, delighted became fill ourabI6 fro!m hngland, a Pigeon- vice versa.1l trim actual quarrel was averted Only, by Be,th tbd men fell. put toFet or. until the last few Was in mid Bell nodded and disal supply of electric current Would be with it, Foy the lawns were 'bring years was supposed to be in F. Carter, TraveliriE� two excelidingly after n4 f gars doctors pr,,- sontly to return with cut off at the motor. So far as and truly kept, the beds were h oealing, "her" �­Ihcn I fired at the officlar, rpr a great x n vessal with a message from London. writing H, The "lady" t - n6anded It It I , sense ahol prespril)- By Irab urned out to Ing him to the ground, ani Oda Passengd Agent, Union Pacific Rail- rusty keys tied together ivith a. two or three units mptied the revolver at f9ur cl �ocal rempol,left, '�Ao by, cons Building, Toronto, of tapti. lie jingled them on ran judge, tome Ing Meese of flowers, the creepers Identity. I an must have been consumed during the ever the Grange were not allowed to be a middy belonging to� thA Mediter- wards soldiere.lost, thFLr Will l9cal treatm,,int. 610hthit place ailing to duro 'Fla. rclad, 14 Julius ng, slander f refingoir with u several Naval of- oUiar men. TJ36 itirmble. Sienca :-s Ont., he will give YOU his to visit. -There co lot not be ilyuly less riot toor extravagantly. And, � yet ranvan Fleet, so orultituLlonal LIMirteat Cules tion. air of positive -heads and, galloped ' away. and as PrIll'b"I"d ItItric roven, Catarrh to be 8, c "Now come along." he said, I, than tell lights burning for all hour. the trange Ipunting sonse of fear licers present were a*Afe 16' VOUr MOM I,' 'diwitise Now, those unites must show on the -No- and again a huge Lutdicrous In the extreme is the' they did so I. saw I their I tionar goatXon a gravt-digger school in arked tlbwn was there. had shot at fall severel from, b�. lill's Catarr . u is VICAR'S DAUGHTER. feel liko a bay who lifts m Itleter. Can you read an electric black head would lapltft from the COP- mistake which has been -made by all mo.nuta ure & thol the wall of atilrd'e saddles badly wounded, Toledo, Ohi I th at constitution- Brussels and all candidates for somethitfg rare In I &. ;1�rkUeoto post of sextion ir. gan, did you go III go back to Drunswick� neter?" pice growth, and A long, Yumbling official In the town of Retopin. The on t L Belgillra, to be Mrs. Mulli'' dear follow, there is n6thlagi "Then I jumped on one. of the al cure _It is taken in ;'Visit, nest. We w growl come from between a double duties of this officer include this seal- alloped away I t� ad from to churc an Squre exactly th me Way (is YOU dogs ing of.- marriage eprCificatgap itird, a]- life, I had -to pass,through We erk� tenspo lift' - it acts' Virqct in t lJ r married?" Mrs. Mialligun-"No, horses and g or my it doses frout, 10 (,�pfts to a ligible, must have grnduat %to nigilt Jt the eth. For the se f -the � t ys- this 5C L to it on bit. to - i'd ' ad "o-adl-and -mubous all ace. . �)901 - - take no- interest in approached lot us go down Into the�r, ... .. Vficti... they lived so br so the Inspecitiolf of butchers' meat. only,s lincai butJortunat4Y I 13094 tam. They offer l UrLdrQd dobarm miss; I don't I've t and nottle -and Sor an -it tells o cure. Pend for been to one.", great ndventure i - the Matter. In the fifteen or twenty acres of cop A short time ago he half saw our outposts, and I Todo in _X C'LJe timanials. J.,ever's y_Z (Wise Head) DisIntecL weddin's. There is pretty sure to be a card on pion round the house, where, they certificate prese'Atod to him In order 9 immediately taken into the PrW Cireqlpift and tes 00 ant Soap Powder dusted in. the CHAPTI-.n IX. - wa Address: CREMEY & 0. b �,LOWERS ay when were led regularly and regularly a m oper offici the water and disin. HOOSPITAL T "Any particular object In that the nu enco of General Samsonoff and ath, sortens tile last tenant wont out. see, the thrashed without mercy it they Show- unfoitunately he used the Sold by Drufgist% 75c, se�?­ David asked. I 'fit the garden. Perhaps they look- al scall na story." a,,,.k liall'o imay Pills for consti- fectil- All the hospitals and almatiouses in cour supply Is cut off noW." ad tong stamp. The result was that, P no. 1, Berlin are regularly supplied with 1 "There ought to be an object in As Stool spoke he snapped down fierce and truculent than . tial cOn- in the public gar- (3ub__,bloo& inatpq(1 Qt aaftling the rl�y F.or.-theYear ending May 31st last, fresh flowers fro 60 1 1 person on the-, i - w&e- by -motor- d a, "110 twite ,own In the hasolnent by the area haundS, but they gave a eird color S so CLEVER. Is receives from 100 to in #n -Inn Rfll ­ - " , , , M care and motor -cycles in the the LOn- naMonal seboo llirta,tiona;l 1,6 0"It -of _aro licit replied. '-I�tho hal tract, he certified t at some marvellous ro- terror pair were free from trichinools. 6 - door stood the motor. Both switch- to the place lent It new right Does your husband take as Much don Police District, and seventeen 150 specimens of four different ldrids tults by 4 single 3011-, speand OVER THE SE A persons were W.Iled. of plants for use at botany lossOnk, 11 Besides, r ue but on Bell press to the folk around. fore the matter could be set tonte uttered by pationt, 1 ing them down icel was enabled to The bell was swinging dolefully the powers of the High Court, had interest in horse racing do he used ts o be set. In motion to rectify the to? on the evening in question you were the stablo­t1urret; it rang out I to approach 'tllO light the passage -ek error. Pei Over Swy Ve- particularly told "There's the Ctl-rd," iall exclaimed. over note till the clock at Tells of Good News uticeived From young. Mrs. Tot- -1 bF Which Brought he ey can always tell'the Margaret's hollfro front the when passing A DANQ�,TG MASTER Calgary, Atfa., art STROV It" bass G" ought no *f motbers for th Ir all in a hue no. It asib. thud. sonena t 9 in naight hu -0 hf-en On Jd4y a#4" why he the I &*d ba tho labody � "Mado lip to 25th uno, since eight and then.moreffully ceased. At o before atrace which horse "Still Itho house ban been void. -Yost a the same moment precisely as she am- Toy Into His Life. win -and he da. College, Torgnto tjle loatk-out. anar the lvesmfl Road time the last seven who had to app6r beford a H wind call at" the I some trivial ofTenco la"h on read the motor. YeAl Aind done any burg tribunal for di thaty.eve cents a IlOU14 Steal suggested. ing to this the Vars the lady of the house desoand Here is a sincere end unsoliditcd 8 911".88 ..possibly. I have another theory. tlloit�a righl. Accor was the victim of a somewhat Strait- vr�" card in your hand, provided that the '�d tile broad. black oak staircase to error. On the dhar�p sheet he letter from all EnglisIhman W110 wits RM.6pen,Sept, 12th. Tlero we tire. Tile figures over the I h L been used eince the in, the hall, A butler of the old-fash- or At almost led to take his own life o;iTi iesidentlaf and daY ran) ights run from 3 87 upwards. get- t-1 jet-black ifoness has A high-class niken should read at 15 toned ty ad frolitt A beautill], I.. . t, 2�1 , pe bowed to her and annou- was described as being blind Ily to 219 ns vou brOaSt ) , He might onc6 he made protest against the as- uccaullt Of what he softer C. C. RICH I ARDS & CO. been added to the collection Of ani- school for girls. Modern equipment. ting t one o'clock in the make of the card 3ry politely requested itching, piles, He had doctors' ad- in Specialists of European training and the d'o '�ou I 'WhIch ad that dinner was ready. sertion, and v( mals in the Jardin des Platites A 15321 Davit] cried. - vica and remedies to no end and at Deal- Strs,-- For some years I have nd profes- murni, every b would be in have been the butler of an archbishop the mistake car Paris. Bladir lions Eire found only of the highest academic a t th -s, of suffering was halt -only partial arm. ig since the rpetor TO use of my means cloven unit] from his mlen and department, re was nothing w rong ter sixteen yeal sional standing in every department oint-tiness. Did you find Or. If you like to his evening dress was seedy and shiny rotted, as the He tells causlid by a sudden strain. I have in the interior of the Sahara. ,yealglat. 'rho j as last take'). uge and without hope of recovery of work. roe booklet apply to MRS. en? put it from your point of view, clev- to the last degree. his Patent leather with his c a letter how he accidentally used every remedy without Olact, "I dldn*t notice it llgl he officials informed hint that no in Ili ColdS, etCl GEORGE DIC�CSON, Lady rrincl- on unin usoid the night tbat I CAMO boots had long lost their luntre. his t oil any heard of lb. Chuse's ointment. ulltil I got a temple bottle of MIN pal-, GEORGE 'DICXSON. M.A., D1 - till I reache"I 219. here. -%,oil tire quite right, Bell, linen was terribly frayed and yellow. alteration could be made und ARD'S LtNTMENT. he henp;lt ro- , -incipal Upper Canada I rector (into P, nood ligoin. And you could onlT 0017.1 you la,.c practicall convinced me T t traca in livery. -stood in the circumstances. According to the 114. Milton flood. caixod me to continue flud 211) by the light over�tho l 00 Margate, England. coived train It I that I been In a* the hall. They might havellacen supers law of the Thfid-t1ib unfortunate man its upe, and now . I am happy to s y May -,,Why did you refuse him ?" College). ntrested n LI t�! Glady9--­He has Ili May. n y L Naturally you worp not� I far the first time t d d playing on the boards of a travelling will remain blind In the eyes of the Edmannotit 'Rates k- Co , my arm is cor,,ilately restored. a past. " May- and wcu;ld not have noticed tiny Tor;_?"to, Cali., I . other number. , Well. hero is 218. the more one probes the myritery the fho�tro, their once smartly -cut and law so long as he IIVOS- Yccl it my duty to Glamis, Ont. R. W. HARRISON. "But he can blot t tit." .Dominion Line- steamships to enter, and for more natounding does it become' trimmed eolits hung raggedly upon Another German, a soldier at Stut- Dear ,Perhaps; but he can't uoti me for a where I propose . Wfurt do you propose to do next?" them tuga�rt, has had to %tiffer imprison- wri-te to acknowledge -the great good blottert" MORTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. which purpow I have the keys "Find out the name, of the last not 01) - rftL�nt In cartzloquence of tua error, Flo J)r. Ch"ol; Ointment has done far lArModerate Rate SerVIC10-'01 Corne along." failed to salute an officer in the Mo. I bad &Uttered from it'shiA-9 Piles Second cabin =tigen berthc4 In be& a David foilowPO' W911din-ingl. Tho,tanant or Bell stlagest0i and suffered CANADIAN NATIONAL FACTS d.Ucn on the , anter at M low M of to Square are Illcover what the two houses Were WHE14 BABY is SICK. attract. For this otfc4ot 'he was sell- for over sixteen Yeat's GUESS FIB'S RIGHT. AND FIGURES. L 1�!,T:gol h4 at& tO rA150 to Lon no. houFt-9 in Drullsvl: jr.h led by toured to a coullilb Of 0 that iro- b olly at that, There have been don, GlaffIffoworQueent Irregular in Point Of I �! person. Also ascertain' why on plcado:Tat lie was tArces When I could and wo5uld have Her -I wonder why handsome wom- rbr -11 partiolars live Y t- local agents, or somewhat ,�usod for when they were occur The Independent Order of Foresters N W,il. S n n d one DOMIN109 LUM OPFICES, And 't Close him with nauseous Carl- PrIsonment. He t.0 it all if it had not h&VO just issued from the pre a a toting at t, Iteeture wnors are willing to lot ft Don ut 'I "" X.#Tulron .178LBacrament8h.21"tres of Illoothig (;ad. Him -It must be due to the Itict little booklet g no . wort, thii only matched pair tj ere- earth the a short-sighted, and accordingly re an end an usually marry homely mon? cro, not Wanting, ht)use thin size and in this Rituation tor oil or other harall griping Pur tricot b VM neat as , another term of imprison eon for the t hought S I 9 Vy - Lot Some people MAY think. I al -A stretch- that the homely men ask them. shouts, sum like LSO per annurn gatives. Above all things don't give calved r a - fall Ing At a point, but those; who have its resources, Bell ut, thott at one time (a d ake the keys back to tho hill, lioisonauti "Mothing" otuff. fol ing to report 'the la-MictiOn. great grist of facts and figures with the =hodl becu Occupied as one 'in no an We have had a somewhat similar re0ard, to Canada, CARPET DYEINO reeJolonce. 11ho tivo vntrance�halls agents., .- Those things only make him worse- -ountry'quite recont- ,sffered tt�� I liaw will Ugl%fll qata 0%1 t COWS mineral and agricultural, etc. Ws- and Ciesaing. This Ist 1, sitecIsItY with the �ak� and Stool was nothin oth to find him- litib 11; OwlJ Tablets are what Ir. Instance In this C geya� linvo -felt __L tax luttl -a"Iteries 4aad_.__ather_ _Dy""Q� Imell- ZQ to !!nd him L -At Imint- t _E�Wfi_jtho frogn W_ . litt a a a halt Cabadinn Infori but ,ad Obviously been it -doorway Cwt noeffK I'lley are r he Mooliterr4nean Squadron could tak way the nation of great value- Sgodpintemllknift t dstoaresurstoWW IV baby sleep be- man of t it I 114 , Ad**" ,Z I&L Montreal. had progress hall been mado like Cho Jaxative, and r4ake '4is man weighs paxts unt ks�o the bottom Of Dector-"It is eEOCi011y important This little booklet should be In, thiar leading fileirift one to It's Other s -match &twOu ause they Make him Well. They being the victim. T I nk (;ad it is till that vou refrain from all head WaIrk. hands of, all, It will be sent on ap- hoon plastered tip within compara- opening of a th came hiti, somewhere about twei ty stone, Is thtLovlliD �_" mastors. puld ypt, the mor Stool coot [its hot littid MoMh, built, and,-tho, - rvJCO Pa. - t wits quite by accident that for � few Weeks " Patient -"'But, plication tobr. orovillyatakha. $up tively recent memo" of thought or it the more mudAled clad soll- Atoultach, and help 1111% obstinate very largely Tho grim and dusty fle"OltitiOn M4 wilich will C, to know of Dr. Chaso-'s Oint' oltictor, It's by ha�d work t!ht I earn prenac Clifer Ranger, of the T.O.r.. 13ur- bow,11dored did he became, NO CO littlo tooth through painleaRY. They No not a uAilOrm Canada. -a be Ile back, the Marines were mont. I have Clad etot-W old-Vicc my 11iinK." Doctor -"Are you a Temple riullding. Torcinto, plementotol here by a dcapor d anything like the skein baby-aild the Older children too, ordered to muatOr In white- The un- and remedies to n the tion. Not thut there war; CtIly dust hall ever been thlor, Gro,,ojawood, 13. C.. fortunate big mail found lb an litter noV sfty flow Mae), I spent dn that X,m a hair dremserl" `%'ill tam Hunt Is S r neeft for her him. A wh Pattent-­Nn, 61r; an pblpty houim secratd I esola. plicated tringle It, the Wa Of & Plot are what every mothe o and and could litera* Cut- duc Mrs. Roo I had a C-aignVY Pft- man T know.'-' on the ground floor, wbich goetafted a thiq wits, thm111le n, dilid in yriur hands," or Ittila-s own Tall- bring ullont an al- sixtetan rsmoji hopeful young caTipid mpbwbllity t me tondiliern. I saw Your Cafe$ 0J8tffflDJf, Ilardcash-"What Makes Volt Lbink' strigiliar thing INVO11914-dered Witti It. 110 mid, ',I'm blind man on th' 16is oircirth their weight in g.did in 1411ce of button and button�holo, so. per sent, to hung end of a -string. A marr d0od with whorol.thetv arot &t1hrou. that Liked flst-,,'go tried to bar-, I�Oardn were was obliged to attbn4 "divisions" obtailmnt advliftlseol- It lust b and fogtoolls of brown obwobs from me." Rell smiled approving- wine In it I M' m, Ohh, l CA"; n14 it sold (or Itching r4yos rilivrinth. And It 0VOr'l ra#cf, is that I did not At 150- 41 man lids forgotten aboUt ow Money everywhere tons. IACIP a ornan tigain-" 1% rn jNfeir gtont orth soot , tar. 'Then 1hert% *A§ at, inqtli" 'by the dnd,saved painful Opera t ly. it of Jillose Toblilth will hell) Ot,40 child its I catild not got Dr. ChasOpd heart RAJ GOA Ruth Geacq's lovoll in nin. 'rho Andfirk wah ointment 4 In $1 vI r Q He priusod as h a caught sight, om When an old bachelor has deer `1 from my c 0 t C; 0 n 'to Mt. 11. tr6tible it'91of tile platonic bran. out to him. t of bitth onward, 0, to anoth" singlilAr thro"Ifi the from the mairic the (t!1hptWatCh' thb tolnrdflnder' 'Southwot s pa4ld Steel pointed the fact half the things he know at 2U .window of 211). and aro goarantood to contain no ad rocolvd,aen4' of my brother,, ft CURE paintIll the, foritor ashlid. *are ling it with palancholN; there I drug. liald*by all niedlcIH6 hat the roan h Alt -A., atid Ho Wit. me and ust when the undertiAlter gets -David stild'. thoughtfully the usual hitt tit Chatham, and that Calgary, rd of ready to give a Man the"�drth he is seat dir to, the mob" to 0(tat . by mail at -25 Cents weili, qiultb iniform-it was box. Before I bad ured ont-tht �M,t *ah� Vdis by MiliptoyCol Illwivat, and -stapt The in wo I jVllII4Ma thly thing aot ore lit wr ting sis not. .1t­boIlt,g Vfki� box T, %+its *rf"t-ly eurod b� this Heals The ulcers, Akars t�b -it Itlinedwd6d ok of (ICOI)Cst STMP�thy and feeling are etfill Ill d Compassion in her glor, h box inch 11 "a pin a in t is Rho slipped back 101,8tecl Medicine bo., UrOtkvtII(i. Ofiti, tbo nuirillo whot Id hAt 01tittifint- A piticta of atir of 24,000 A On y ures, the terats vivid trimsOrt blind in tho 10119 0YOh- 4bito' ObVItitta tlitit tbot ititin 0bu aquaret will stand a btf " W tha rotor of bOvLcd, and the rest of his SI'Loth was ht6, his clot Ott, hid re You will be �.urprlvcd to pounds bef6to c a g"4 Vev , ower Mixtro window. A at to, a base or thAt ?to Th In. d. 6 gat Ight, gpt tbiti 16te�t from thIs eorner of t d fitfralo. the WAIIIA Ill ljj,"&Iv tho,sonlo. The lost In ta, sigh. knot, to inin4lig scheme fecali f orn i a 'Led oft tn the World, but I felt it nky duty to ­U9w` Is thrt tit It'd dIAColor4ti6n by 1bo fireplace Is �end to tl%q pretty be gnffio,jo�tly roolOV01 to fit 'the 01111- lowledgit the �&rnt good 011. a(' Is Any 0HAPTun X. L': 'I'lloro o Lto 1120 st*reh'M fdrit, that atPdt wv I tj rriett �csllwltr,ll In It OlAtintilat 'hn.q done for Inc. In I oV `nAiW-XbTZS- thJ*L ilti th(i room you were rifully with 0. 6toellis adCollars any t 'All ralito , dil'of In uet 'k bell tollool Moor Ttio.gti(I collar mall a, 1yeb1cly, at libeitty'to thAke uso of t should of tlid o'thor 1, Ball aging tationto IIUO % P001fig 4&l"I 1 9t U01t0b to, the, beauty f tio th stiq ydtt 0 fit. All my A�ff�'p qA4,abd throla iltousand The hPotOUS fttl! tt cauti sletter ra- bell, Ott 1Z, r it onjos an,iitiollra�nioth- to anyoful who that I got. fro.iii nl�' Man &.1111 4"d ptdfOr'to hido their money 3 dbould like, to loxiii�6401biol'- 8061 CrIdd, no other Otick- 1uowl rbil r6 'tiful conifiltiltai that; tha. Ubp it In 'a. batik. One ed popularity, hibft suffers from thN bf thaM, thd OthAr, da�:V,L icLgo to California., one be all actidMit. 80 taight =AttNX0 T1t1RG!§1 c9olr. neattw or m4e "llaviiio bad,za, oil of tbA distemper. But, want, t116 The fashionable wdmau will -be In- bi, I,, know IC cbiro�4, With Macy jortuYie Idit hlm,�todld think way. daily Sept. 15 to hMilif, of veniolic .., , alf, torbrtlJol'to kn6W thti,tlthlb '00111V Oct. 115. a the At- 01ap 'Of no 'bettbr hidirig-placo 'than 4 in, Tour JJ6 wo, Are. A,11. in the APPrentida plain to have osdIZ -fd tir-littr -at- vvlt)i '"a a*rai�or Id an ist sleepers, berth rate ex tPl&yl&tIon, %Vhart a simple ellanito P1 ed Of fth 4k ivith Ott of homirtitAll-, bon pillit ptirPONOY with thO tra. "Iftirra to 0��h �jnn"Jti? n, strimp fbe :0"M itit � %I h thought no one sh 1, Arrive at brill9t; tint -,k healtil. and hp 41roits the dot 'hftsil Ith fdrMM48t tittla when D� Ps. sk urs wlth�s J� 10 We tola, ol. ith an 0111. of llletdbt;t�l .0116h tikg brtogotirld bL wall Sus 4obit Yftolloqo *oUld' no dditht, glady i K lad I � I= III pfat" Crib dq3t to of Jan orichloalliftir khow Thh 6datt; I _060ta oil 1, tt"fVes of 110, nm*&. Ida Vq broldore(I clyge, fire very. prot, Just �Vtr hift6t It" thtt"uArt- tiffAw6l, any q1toftlon hbout life. coioa. visit. to his haftril, he lound lntn pay at th6 AlMliltitr 6VOV hif, $ -ties$ 461lat t%"d cutV., t, of heavy linen ti, length, ho djoiSt-fittl6g, Moddl JLs Bat thard urg, shilihir COWS bank -not" 411 ,tr4nsformod VA I& do6t, With atIlictott lot, yeart t0th )lervos 'A, dntl n0ighbb -A�st, harbl6fing a 20 I 101MIng to� -t had d lint -dol" of N eh knq)t% All de it JaVbV. Sitovelf drot your oft 610110 so beautir4l salt 11tattl 3utt I wo ahol litart, troubic, I raet.ftiid t -of groon an4 ttio 00 i4nt 'I cat, liavo oldhat aOf J Ilink. Art- duo 01t 'a a. if, youpg mice. Nott it , nota. notItta nit (Ad pAir C)i steps UI the oga that jolt lawill yleftilr gluitlo,ii 4L*tk hoticoabl�\P ptalb, �#d buil- W1161tv ydil b, )am. JVould �,%1011 mind four yeftr. allot IlAd it VM6 tlovbr��V,6mhjhod as Chicago to Oklahoma. In- a, (Ondition tiult to life WIX6 eiribiltildlit*1 in iftilio btalo, are tbfvlbw. it Y61s larb lydt. I intoot'. not t. rnolibor.;Nii1b] - -cilutbrOldo 0, I uht; , . p1dellig thbuit ag apell& lit L ak, With Oyelots, dlAd �rcd 11110ats aro"SHIV4 (eft- w , it to . inq of Dr. Chatd'h bInt- th' *Itolo was reduc�d to, ft, Mai 0 Of d1hu Tor. and Texas; -ir tile tie alast the torlight for I rotild got 40 do;,torfi nor front the bilnb6t, 21" of fflie wobiltextit6 III bor ahrreikM At,00 wool,, round-trip. Aug. 0. Sopt� ItA Olue, f beleg bl'ollght" 4401it! 21, Amt--claqs, still Itervo. tned1cloos I Tills w 6 feNtora bt the no* collars. a Iris (or foill" however. thoy are In- threo Won"- return limit. heaIart� ilk n611 ttba 6to Melfth hbotb Own, 1161A 10 it hild IN ls.fllo�lx� 6wlog kredulouts find Ail -now that ilift All A (46qf(Ity Wunlen lilLVO ot Ijim."Jolf. trit'd b0al,10 I didn't 1, trodIV04 ffilith 1OW0 dil\Vrt�;th It, ft lias,Ovor bbon f an heartilk "., I JA Jspjt* ting' run batk the, lowkr i0 'NaTc mahtweb. tAftoo waq daily put dgb of tila tuv)iovors, bi�t tht bpring lhtd,61 Th6 i t sk r bot ntbi.ts b0totO VCtn lhkl Dra. a ld� Itut, me �,4olt% ltivo thOtA .01000 to the td)l. A w by Old wV6 luti-O 00d It 'Ai**b"is%9ta-16M i1old.n drunken - I ation he ore ti, 11filaboll At thb bottem *Itb a -( Aft(iftlitig to it pbV Ana vioul Ifdil h Ovbr Von Kd rtl&oh§ft4 $ Ifirkitly, lqoft,� toll6v bt, hei'vitv Oth- lid 6r. i'el*�Ofddft biliditait'i and Mles' 016ri linen has two 1*0 k, trifle bll, bold Veft 1.1i,intilly nt the roquost of a fried,, . liblig S6 that t1loy qi, Just In par L - .1 eft Oft to(Tan alad tho lium 'of way ArOtilid, w1ot, at, *006tt ribbon, byLtor (it the boh 'didarlsolli t4A '04004 tit oild Afist 11XV Wnlll It is to tho original "raIliggriloint of box, ut at fit- thrbllglj� Tis,tt0i &'ed�. Vaho plottil that tho tall watt *lft datmo ituprokled, ift 11011th. 011ttil Ustitt), I't Now 3t6xico. I Alaby -of 06 40 pecial (kil, of distitattioti. the Oklahoma rate. 110hito All AM A it-luiod lower Italt,' for tlio 6 Or 9 "061104' I Mvb 11bra hoi�,lyd & 116 to itilliteh, fil 4m Moro eoli"010004 bilitt Oil flot(ont 0 eb"n obtivolst free lkdm Itovattliftc lutoil 11110 of efo 6"dMItrod by tildmalistA kinking, W&kft- toe tisalw Aff4sboa pAst, Koo t Utlitti"t; I atlbet "I � . 104. 16OKKOolitly, t 6ris -aft 0, ll bO thpS* tetl 1"Itth A I I li I %i for Ali edge, hs pent TIO(i only p, 0V but, Ifil, thu t rkoumixtislA o$it I tet* Ing 51)0118 of horlitt ttoublo, othkf it tho 11trot jell I C41nd rtaint iho V-jdo *oft t16 of rod Mile. AA further InIbriniatfon, ask COMO 4WA froth tha sty volh(eq al of tho 4 0'" dwgiw� tot W �jt a6,,,4t: fted, .64dq,toy porfoint i'M tit th(s 116d 11"61fix tire 6" ICAVI 0001lftA 11010 4t 11-110 fAllk, 1101000 X164 it I$ 111 "Cloan V T. HZ1ZDRV, OtX. AGT. to t0110606"i hAld A poli wit) '',bbiuums Grl§*OICJ �gt,. 'tlid J)ICICO Collie$ L 0*0 � 11'0,, 6t Ndfk(O rlWh Y this 0,04a. Alittit :1 & *11 Ig tha bif 111110ft "01h. V tt,*hd*fti9 For, 06tsaJ%A, lj�bJ6,to, C&idp. I*Al Joi'toukod to, 'the, Defroit, Midi: It WIC101Y rottv -UPS of tAtRa'16w4rd tbt,wtook, �14, �'t 4M*tJ6% ot�: oit% oI I I �W Wi. lon VJ 1, inWow ffig' 06$ 0 Zty, vittig oft c6frob lar %6 VAribl# ilk #00A P, ot the' A6410 work IV 6rb Is it . . 146ftol", , of flut th th n I O. tsitt fdAA food, ft�J, �to An oM116ht Alvotit6i,fir "M vktk. or hot veo f0fo Olt of do, low is V469mmeotIO4, o, "ould a VO reot biA0. Dix. It Into - foo. r(Wit � - 406 Y , '13willi hhoiL ITO k 041 IffiAt'llot At *0 k 109 Oda 11000 r toblillder. th6 Mild stlMot WOW01 ptj6ttlo krwl� to, *Mt 11titil r YA)oh In, eolh jKekap. rat tho: f4ftlo iftill-foro - woul V64, to OIL littlo b Mado w Ityng bftP. YOU 000L, "Tho A04d ThN* , 04', t S . , 01# I *91', 1411 f tho 811ont ftwow. &vi* h1olfAdMitlitt At that OW -0 t�iiy I* rK. 014 Gontletatl -(Jot 6ut ftfo tb#t'f0A+ tinki look f4t It* tho, ftotle to K (M th to P4%14 b4i* 1A M&M 11to dol6tal elaugirt '60 Ility ftr* 1, With, ft (JIM0d. tMA I tL41 t4*1t*10* 011101001 "Wo"I I tu * ,A