HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-08-12, Page 5Iq
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11 I I . . .; , V57 ardo-V lllbheawl4el Brif I . 1111111111101111 000101"
L .11 I . . .PRESS 90006 'lit 41till
I . � peotry Carpet, In splendid . I -
I 1. 10 %r4s W fmcb Vretlob, Cbevlot pattorm and heAVT pile, 411 1 1 0 1 ,� I I
I I , . Rulting, mediom wof�bt 404 this season's, in ea a of from A .
,, % . flut. rinapent holsh, pure 4 to 25 yards, regular 6Wj We .. � . I roa
�, I wool U131wokand-Navylve 11, and 05c, Special, at per yard 3 mtf
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r, se . I
I lar vAlue $� ' - I
� i 1,815 a yard, special I I , , ,
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�! k clou"t 9
� ': , . I I . "4 Kra
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I DRESS SKIRTS 32 Inches wide, healry,
1, � �J ,. " p('1eo'ub'1`ofwerp Satelems in Black -
20 only Ladies' all,wool'. Vinglish and Navy dote and Stripes- I I I � . I I .
;L � " Cheviot Skirts. made in heat warrant6d fast colors, sult4blo COUNTY COUNCIL.
I 1. I style, finished ,NvIth Strap" tot- Dresses, Waists or'Mon's
. , 1, �Jngs, Tucks, etc., ^ regolar Shirts, regular 20c,_at. per
1, 5,OD each, special B410 at $ 3. 0 0 yard ................. ., _12 What WsAj, 4000 lit the Special
� �, 1, le � L.
I I Session.
. '
. $V2,31 I
� �, Scotch Linoleums air' w4ldytshrds, at 40c. A special Scission of the County
I � .�
'. . I Council was bold on Friday to
r � I I ''i I 1.111.111� I I i ,,... consIdor the Advisability of rebuilding
:� . -_ - -_ - � Zeiland bridge, to bear the claim of
1 I TAftoM SICILIA John Bartiter for loss of a, horse., and
" . . N other matters. The members were all
." 11 present, with Warden Bowman pro-
,, wwALIZ-41 a"Ir I 1'71 I siding.
A 41 holz
( y
� - -P Ve
I � I splendid tonic for the hatro makes the hot Ion dh" , A letter from Win. Proodfoot. K,V.,
�� & With Veto washout
' r9.1i1'WCh"cPoiV4r4 I . at Port Albert, was rof�erre to Road
: twilyprestoroscolorto 174T111111r,11111 the dilfir I-ence tollbe aprip
� I , on
Stops falling hair, also 11 LOL"t, 9
1.11 I . of for fifty vears.sr 1k&A_6r_.k_ �___;;4 and Bridge committee.
1 � - -_
I - I- -
-1 Mr. Kerr WAS appointed to inter-
, -1.1.1. I I �.. I.,., -_ view the Hunter Bridge Co. regarding
I I .1k - bridge contracts.
11 Uommittee were given Power toLorder Messrs. Bartner and Oladwati wait,
., Cbe Goberid) .Star. same. ed an the Council to Support the form -
I Tzt -PRONX CALL 71. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS, We claim for loss of horse. Moved by
- A letter from A. McD. Allan, coni- Mr- Kerr, seconded by Mr. Miller, that
I FRTDAY. AUGUST 12, 19&t. Elaining of water in his cellar, caused the Warden's committee be author-
. ____=�_Z= y defective drain or sewer, was sent lzed to deal with Mr. Bartner's claim
1 I to Public Works Committee to Invea. for loss of horse. An amendment was
TOWN COUNCIL. tigate. moved to PLY Mr* Bartner 10" for his
A re logs, but It ,led and the motion wag
uest from Henry Mai -tin to be declared carried.
allowN to cut down some superfluous
DI;Ings at the Regular Meeting Last trees In front of his residence was , Moved by Mr. Cantelon, seconded
Friday Evening. granted. to be done under the on � to Mr. Spaekwan that In the event
� vision of chairman of Public WI.Prok". oT a writ being Issued alainst the
Collialittee. county by the township o Asliflold.
4t the regular meeting last Friday A letter from the H. am for loss sustained at Port Albert by
d B, Lu an the spritty freshet, that we retain
evening all the members were present Co. reported amount of sinking fund Messrs. Dickinson and Gat -row to de -
I on hand June 30, as $11,518,46. F'O' forid the county' Carried.
� when Clerk Johnston read the minutes. ance Committee.
. OFFICERS, REPORTS. James A. Wilson asked to have big It was decided to call for tenders for
. The M r referivd to the death of name taken off the petition for a sowe, the immediate rebuilding of Zetland
the late,%e' ,k, Win. M(Wb,fl, and sug- Ott Quelicle is, bridge, and Mr. D. Patterson was ap.
tre�Vt, recently presented, pointed to assist Mr. Ansley to the end
� gested that a committee he appointed and the Pu ,c orks Committee will
to draft a letter of condolence to the consider. of the year, and to be paid 92 per day
family, and, if the Council thought W. Hutchison requested Q water and expenses.
.. the town's finances would allow it, service put into the new dwelling he REPORT OF HOUSE OF REFUGE
make a, grant of some amount to the is about erecting, and the W. and L. COIXUrrTER.
I family m his salary. Committee will consider. The committee met to consider the
001111S. AlUrney "d Reid moved that case of John Poster, of Clinton, who
. Thomas W att's request fora week's wants to be received Into the House of
I Cotins. Thompson, Clark and Elliott holiday will Ke considered by W. and Refuge. His a
be n committee to draft a letter of L. Committee. . %plication Is signed, but
Carried. , ,e
condolence. since the comp etion of the application
The Collegiate Institute board put his financial position Elbows that he
The Mayor also reported in:a requisition for
othertIty-law would be necessary .to I $28W for this has means of support, and therefore
ponsea, and County Clerk the committee has instructed Mr.
enable the town to borrow money, as Mr�'Iiloltlilfled that the county rate for P reach not to adirnit this t:rty. We
I the aniount. now tinder discount in the 1904 was $1107.05. James A. McIntosh, advise that A. C. Chryttal a-4ked by
bank was not sufficient Lill the co))ec- oil bob&
tion of taxes woii)d begin. If Of SePlkl'ate School board, the clerk to inspect the hoiler at the
He also asked to have same rate levied on their House of Refuge, and if necessary re-
. asked for authority t,o carry out the sopporteis as that on Priblic School pair it. .
recommendation lie bad before made, "' 0 ters. The Finance Committee
11 � - 1. that it roadway be made down the %vVXZI with .11 the.. H. SPACKMAN, Chairman.
I gulley "'the foot of Britannia U904, A request -from the'Public School The Council then adjourned.
to enable guests at the Summer Hotel board to have an adequate water ser -
to reach the beach. He bad asked the ,lee put In the Central School, was It's When You Have Toothache
advice of tile C.P. R. staff of engineers sent to W. and L. Committee. .
and this could be done and a roadway That the power of Nor Iline qulckl
made along Hibernia terrace. If the I, The clerk read a petition for a gran- makes Itself felt. Any vaching tt)2
Council would grant him permission , lit.hic, walk on Albert atreet,which can be relloved In a few moments toy
he would have some work done to "Ito the necessary qualifications, and filling the cavity with batting soaked
that end without 'oat tothe town. Und the P. W. Committee were Von in Nerviline. A good plan is to rut)
power to proceed with the wor
. it could be done tinder the supervision 11 on the gurns with Nervillne also. There
I of Chaim)an Reid, of the P. W. Com- getting the engineer's estimate of cost. is not a single remedy that has one-
mittee. On 11"otion of Couns. Clark COMMITTEE REPORTS, fourth tile pain relieving power of
rind Murney the desired permission The Finance Cominitteo recommend- Nerviline, which acts like magic. Ner-
was given. ed (1) no action in the claint of Win. viline kills the pain outright and pro -
The clerk wits instructed to notify Mr. Jones for rehate of taxes Haid: (2) that v,nts it from returning. You can't
3 orda n that the roadway around Can- treasurer's Statement bit led; (3) that beat Nerviline for tootbacl,e or neu-
non bank had been 1�avelled, as that the following accounts be paid: STAR, ralgia; it's the best pain cure made,
. .
gentleman had prorny; d to have the rntillff, $20-03; J. A. Straeban, $20; Price 25c.
cannon remounted, and the P. W. . D. _Kou I $27.56; H. S. Kemp,
CommitWe to look after the steps to $2.50; J. A.W,�Ier. SO; Morrison Brass Matinee horse races are bein held
the harbor at Widder's brink, as they Mfg. Co., 829.40-, Carl. Gen. Rice. Co., ever3( Wednesday ,afternoon �y tile
needed repairs. $100.72; Will. Loo $11.35. (4) That Soafoirth Driving C ub in that town.
. ThA clerk reported having .taken his the payment of the Gtotta Percha ac.
declaration of office, and the document con nt of $15. 16 be confirmed, and th%t
was dulv filed. of Buebanans & Lawson be sent to the Every Child's Health Demands
School lmoard. (5) That the Signal's The Ilse of,a laxative occasionally,
The treasurer's report was read and account be laid over for consideration. For a mild, safe and certain relief use
referred to Finance Uornmittee. Adopted. Ili-. Harnilton's Pills of Mandrake and
RECEIPT& The Water and Light Committee re- Butterntit. Special)v Buited lio chi].
Balance from June ..................... S 833 03 ported that they had found it neces- dren. Let your children Ilse only Dr,
Tazt,i .. ............... I ..... I ...... 84 07 sarY to out it, it new hydrant fit the Hamiltoll's Pills. Price 25c.
.- Water rates ............................. 179 M
Electric light rates.- iti, M Town Half yard, and they recom- , -
Bill Discounted ......... ::,:::: 7: _:.". * ?3W 00 inended the acceptancoof the, rehatoof Mrs. Jno, Forbes, of Leadbury. died
Refund Fairmount Coal Co ........... 183 3" W 70 offered by the Fairmount Coal at tile bottle of her son, Samuel, on
MaitbrOod Cemetery ........ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1 45 00 ' '
�. , Co. Adopted. - I Wednesday of last week. in her 88th
. TOW ...................... ... �42a�ao ACCOUNTS. I year. She had been III for se ral
I e' RXPENDI`rURE�3. ve
Salaries town officer ....... 249 111 The following were referred to Fill- weeks, Her husband pre-duceased
i � P, rtnd 1. T. Huckete'rij bill nneeCommittee: QueenCjLyOiICo., her,
� powting, 'd ............ 2 OD $6.32; Peter Steele, fixing hoFte, $2.00;
I. Fire Doot.. utta Percha Co. GREATTHiNas Fittim LrrTLnCAusEa
� Ruppliell ............... . 11 1.5 M United Electric Co. , $2.M; Goderich
;9 PubllcWorks pay rolls ........ iw FS) Engine avid Bicycle Co., $10 ,I)u - Muni- GRow.-It takes very little to derange
, 6 J oseph Bachelor . - . .......... 11 70f 19258 cipal World, $15.15; Car). 6en, Eloo. the stomach. The cause may lie slight,
!. INTFIAICST- Co., #iI.Xi; George Stewart, plants, It cold. something eaten or drunk, an-
� 125 OD $3,85: Goderich Limober Co., 3109,19; y ilety. worry or some other similar
.1 ,Bo&,.n4noof"m,.O,.,t,od".,l':::::::::::: 33 05 cause. Butifprecautionabonot taken
__ A. E. Swaffield, $3.50; Charles C ' Lee
" i68 o5 .06.74. An account froin the Fair' this simple came may have most seri-
� MIRVELLANE01.78 ulount. Coal Co., $1097.30, was ordered ous con notice". Many a chronitrally
I � C. A. N drn, band ............ 18 00 paid when certified. debilitan cons titution to-dny owes
,� W. 8 w.11111 old, work at clome- Its destruction to Simple causes not
I 35 bo Conn. Fraser complained that the nealt with In time. Keep the diges-
to9l .......... -_-:-----' 10 87 band were not complying with the
" A. PI -
T. fluok,30% posting bills I no tive apparatus lit good condidon and
,I J. H. IVICINfat . Special lmllc�. 0 30 wrius on which the grant of $200 a allwillbewell. Parmelee'sVetretable
Oco. Porter, bolf,phono ..... . 2080 year was made. Tions far t Pills are better than tiny other for the
I W. 111riiiii, relon ro ... � ....... played on the Square but foor nights. purpose.
F. F. lAwrenco, tickcta ...... I (oo
1. 2121, Conn. Elliott and others of the Coun-
. - F1 U C il joined in this, and the clerk wits In- �_
Punue scllool,a- 6t2 ft TEMPERANCE NOTES.
t Water Works catil., W. An- P;tl*uctfd to notify the Musical Society
L Hwy, service" ............. 16 sf, that unless the band comply with the (contributed by the Press DopL of the W. C.
'I WATERWOILKS, MAtN arrangement the grant will be with- T. V.)
I Pay roll ... . I .... .... 164 co drawn. A BAD, BAD ILLUSTRATION.
i � Schooner Hombol. freight. 183S7
� I
� I . Unloadin,z cc&) .... ....... 176 96 The clerk is also to write the 0. T.R. Detroit, July 27 -The strains of his
Enj=orklt, repalra..... . 4 or) authorities that the rubbish at the own sentimental tompoAtion, ,,Good
� A. . duty on coal ...... 5300
1 -_ ma 40 harbor on their docks WAS still unre- Night, but Not Good-bv," were beard
I �� � EmccTaro Lrmw MAINTEXANCF- rnoved, and ask their attention. throughout the large ward at the
I pay Roll ...................... 120 75 The by-law to allow the Mayor and Wayne county house Tuesday after-
. A. Eganer. license ............ 2:1 fx)
� I - 145 75 tre"urer to borrow more money wan, noon. and the other Inmates were Post.
L - I Balance to AuirusL ...... M 57 then1passed,and the Council adjourned, ed around enjoying tile topautifill me.
� , ; - lection when old Samuel Turner,
. : T(otal.. ..... I ......... ... st" So - known to the musical world at; Prof.
1. � i Engineer Kelly reported wine sup- Every Woman In Poor Health Jules Norman. Stopped suddenly and
� 'i" plies neMed, and the Witter and Light Has an awful struggle. 1A)ts to do, placed his hands to Ills Side.
.. . I . I all kinds of worry, must contend with "My heart, iny beArt," lie gnaped to
� I I logs of sleep, poor petito atid tired the friends who hastened to lilt, agals-
% VA -41%. nerves. Her only "ZI-stre is for tnore tance.
i, I Speaks for itself strength and better health. This is I
I ---O--% It was Prof. Normain's ]%at appear.
, , exactly what comes from u-iinr Per- ance. for a few hotars later he pitaeled
. ., Cut" Sick 11cadsche rozone, the greatest tonic nick y we- quiet ly away, and Dr. Harle 9;qva tile
J S%��__Xt men can possibly use. FerrOmne (lid ulan's death was due to heart
makes the blood tingle end grow red, dioemse.
"I Cures Nerme Headach, . t lie cheeks grow rosy, the eyes bright. No sadder life ever ebbed away in a
It . "t st� �\,L Fprm?or,e lavigoraleg the J,wAy, de- -once wenithy
!., I ve p new ntrength rind makes life public ingtitution. it
4'. businessman lit Montreal, and aft
.: Cures Neuralgic Headache WIT'I"'alving. Ferrozone Is the Sort of
� , wardg it brilliant composer of scares
1 W� �At h n le tha t builds up, it gives one n. re- .
. 11 . ,orve of nerve force and umtablialies orsacred and sentimental songa In.
- I I cludivir masses for. tile Catholic
.. �, Cures Summer Readacht .itrh ienittiv conditions that sickness
01��t Is iinknown'. Let every woman use churches ' liquor and dissipation
J Vi,gl&o& caused Norinan, as he was hout known,
� 6 t Cures 111lious ,jeaditche Forrozone. Price Me. bo drift to tile level of a saloon piano
. �,
I -"**,-,% player.
t. il / Cures any Headache Winglism. Last Des ember, when he mitto pick -
1, 11 ; ,, ) W �*Q\0_ Trin Toww Willis APPRAL� - Some ed up Ili tin uncoopHotis and slightly
, i
�, , I done ago the town of Wingliam ,P- demented condition on the street. bit
I , ;lo V4L--.\,&_t, 1, I'leoillant to Take pealed against the astsepsment of to gave Ill- Addrems as 207 Jefferson aventir,
�, electric light.plant, situated In the where W. A. MAricle conducts a saloon.
, . . ti
mwitabip of urnperry. The afisegs For monthis, Norman had entertained
f I Is Absolutely Safe nietit was #7.000, and the town ap- the eastoniers and habittles of thin
4 -, W� �kt saloon. After he wusi taken with his
T,., Qated on the I
,found that. tile plant
Gives Speedy Relief In municipa property wns not AA_ fatAl illness, Motricle tried to locate
iI *4106K Bessalle. The w , Isdom of Turnberry some of NormAll's relatives. said to be
- * It Council thought otherwise. and inst,ead WeAltby In EnglAnd, but t I he letter
WbAiit Sells for 2so a box of properly considering the appeal.thely was- returned.
"i I I __0___11% promatly shoved the anitootainent a to I The body Ilex In tile morotior at the
I *hb6-%\\t Simple box sent fret $10, , The town then appettley to nstit.tition where the Aged than (lied
, _""W-N tile county Jud 0. who, after hearing permiless and friondl"ff. Theprofes-
- I
I I ther cWJ idlowe tile own's appeal, sorts boIly mnly go to som(- medleAl
� Titr 1110ALIlo IK*MVDV CO. holding thitt tile plant being mutil,!Ipai institution as an anxtomiml Subject.
_1� . �5
� 0t(w lWbatir"I property Is not ft�sosaable-
1 . �
� , .
(�, I . t, �, .ill I Wingliam'S rate of talfttion IS 20 i
.41 004* .�._, I I I tt�A a ftta Of taxation is 23 nVits. mills. . I
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111111161�' ' I ' "
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00001'W'halt bla lAt*1#i1k1?4t*r,
� , I
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r . 1111arld .
4.!F y-`0 1, 0"Ata . :�
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VAN010 Xf 111013, � WAW InOAA,
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tig 1,
dhi a Uat oint 04i.w
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ojj� rat *,yJJn_%,h51,brf4A,
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^ Aor"01411 1# . . . I
" ' ' A011 I . I .
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iw 01 H
tiven4% loy ber guli,r4btlio Ur.
1_.-1-U .
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"'A A.404011l, ()V,1$"TOX#- NJ*1
. 11 ... I .
.." . � . . I 1.11 -
.11 .1 . I � . I .. 4
ItIonked yopy pretty 14.� blue
0 "Ploth'-VIt4 w4ite,0149 wAlst, and
I . I
�. I.. I . I I ., 1: I I
. � � , I 1�. I I
1111m I I .
11:1� ,1=1-1: :1':.1:111,,1:.2,1:,=:0= I I
.. I 1. .. I
I 't hat" Jlotitldeq�
oMIiW;,R.ayOIWrJ�%,(A' r*rvoW40
. . . I
. 0. I
� I 1-1 �, .. I
I I .
As Usual this Store will continue to be tile, 8 , � . .
, I
t, AT Or I I I .
wwt Ict4vo itio, 014 VN
114400014��*PA ftowqxl
. ., I �
L I . I
FASHION duriu 1904, _ I I I'll,
11 � . . . . . .
�o i irl.
r, if
mc.�). Ru Pp9X t"d
. .
. . 1.
. . I I
I I , ", . .1
I . � ,�
. "I
oxt ron, too fits to
"rido 0 'a opoil C tt
I � ,
,p � I I , . , ... I i
.11 1.11 ...
-1 1.
Never before 'have we carried such a rand galaxy of I I '
for �
8 '
An . �al Ill v 4411ZOI and
� . .
suitable goods the SUMMER SEAS No combinin 1: L
9 ,
Dun , Stick pin fro It v, and VS,
I " . I I
STYLE, PIT, MAKE, WHAR-a combination for pard, , ,.. .
Alan, 'Killer, on a fie of table
, from Ur. W. 0. rkeld, of Sea-
11 , �i
, 1�
I .
cular people that cannot be equalled in this section. ,�.
, . � 11 �,
, Thihappy wimle left orli tile
�Alp$oryjetroit, hivago,andst,
. I
'. . .
. ';l . 1 7
Our Guarwatee goes with every Garment. I �
1, tollow,pil 1) the best wishes of
. I 1�.
�, , ,
many frJorisli.
4 *0
� L . .,I
Prices in ay be a little higher than what you pay for .
Kippeon. "
inferior Goods, but our valties are in the end double. , .1, I
4TOO latf ter, I"t week 1.
I�WONAU Roy, R. H. Hamby Bud
y Spent last week at the home of
I � .
Call and see us. I.; ).
'atlier-ill-law, Mr, Ivison-ulsa
� �
� I
ev, of London, has been the guest
, , . , 4
* H. IvIson, for a, few days.-�The
a )autto of Toronto, are visiting
coilshiS, the Misses Dinsdale.
. .
. ..
, ,
, 0
4nd others 10 this vicinity. -Mr,
Wre. Webber, of London, have
. I
VIBIthrif that lady's parents, Mr.
qra. A air, lately.-Mr.woraley,
it"t, Av�o visiting friends here
1. .
.1 � 1
I -1
- ....
Peek -M al'asslet, -A ')
I . ,.I
. . �
1ter, Miss Jean, returned home
spending a week with friends In Ford-
wich. I
GENERAL NoTus.-On Wednesday,
27th ult., the Methodist Sabbath school
held their annual picnic to Bayfleld.
Tbo weatbor was all that could be de-
611'ed, wid a Splendid Lime wits spent,
The thunder storin It, tile evening
spoiled tile pleasure of tile horne com-
Ing. .
S&DAcciDirrr.-Among those who
attended tile picniewt-re Mr. and Mrs.
John Chambers and eon, Ira. Tile
elder son, William. roulabled at home,
and during the thunderstorm'was, do -
Ing the chores, and while, apparently,
abutting one of the windows In the
basement of the barn was instantly
killed by lightning. The fandly got
home about ten o'clock. and tile moth-
er,lupon going to the barn to milk,
found his. body. It wits a dreadful
allock to her and the rest of the fam-
ily. In fact the whole community was
filled#wlth Sorrow. Willic Was-& kind
kind atTectionate man. without
an enemy, but he Cud".ghost of friends
The funeral on Friday wits one of tl';
largest ever seen in this section, there
being about ISD rigs in- the procession,
The pail bearers were John and Hugh
MeMortrie, John Traquair, Harry
Caldwell, Freeborn Johnston and John
--Said Mrs.Surface to Mrs. Know -well,
when they met in the street. "Why.
where have you been for a week back?"
'Oh, just down to the store for a bot-
tle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil," and
Mrs. Surface, who hates puns, walked
oil. But she remembered, and when
she contracted a weak back there was
another cultomer for Eclectric Oil.
I .
John H. Galbraith, who returned
some months ago front the North-
west, has purchased 100 acreq in the
Oth con. of McKillop, front Arthur Gal.
br�ith. The price paid w4ti in the
neighborhood of $4,r)(X).
Biliousness, which is caused by exces-
sive bile I" tile Stomach, has It olarked
effect on the nerves, and oftt,n luarii-
fests itself bv severe headache. This
is�the mostdistressing headache onec,in
have. There are headaches front cold
front fever and from other causes, bu�
tile most excruciating (if all is the bill-
ous headache. Parmelee's Vrgetah�e
Pills will cilre it -cure it all hilmedl .
alely. It will disaqpear as soon Its
the pi Is oxerate. here is nOthing
linter !n t reatitient of, bilious
Thomas P. Cain, of Litcknow, has
rented his hotel, the Cain HOUSe, to
F. Mai -tin, of Grand V4dlev. Mr.
Martin takes possession of tile hotel
on the 15th of August.
You need not cough all night and
disturb your frionds; there is no oc'
casion for you runnitig the risk of eon -
tracting inflamtration of the longs or
consumption. while yoll can get
Bickle's Anti -Cofisu Ili ption STrup.
This medicine cures coughs, (.01 N, In-
f1harimation of the hings anti throat
and chest troubles. It pr-onjotes it rice
and easy expectoration, which iinnie-
diawly relieves the throat and lungs
from viscid phlegm.
____ __
George Hatokirk, Of McKillvii, is
stilichninpinn worker for his ye,rs.
Mr. Halikirk, who is over W yeays of
aze, this your aug M) rods of dt-ain
and. put lit all the tile and filled In the
drain and lie says he felt better when
tie finislood Lban w bell he conmirtived.
Mr. Hahkirk does not work bevatime be
hall to, toot because lie likes to, and
always feela better when lie Jolts sotne.
thing to do.
There can be a difference of opinion
on ll!ost Subjects, bill there 6 only one
4�plzl toil its to the reliability of Mother
Graves . Worni Exterminator. It is
wife, sure and efflictual.
__ � -.--
Winglian) Advance: County Ell-
gineer Ansley has diagnosed the 4ilm-
ortse afflicting Zetland bridge, and has
poorho sofitarecovery. Hosayolt
) br
is tl.( u ed with general doliffity and
chronic constitutional weakness ' It
aptlears to he something like tile fill--
tner's wagon that only needed new
wheels, a now tongue and it new box
to he it fairly good wagon. .
__. _. __ __ - - _ - -
� _^�
improve$ tft#`�' -141
fhe hoalV, " .In(
council metiuly'sth acourdin ton4loloin-
berm all prudent, Ittieve MoQuillinill tile chall, I
fnluutc,l Of last HitioduK road find confirinod,
Prawford & Hice presented petition gin Dun.
tralluou re cement eidewalks. Tito I ard ag.
reed to pity 404 of cost of walks.
Tito following chocks wore issued : J. Fos 0
fravel., lsoo; W, S. MoCroKdo. ravol, &31�1247:*
I. MurAtlion. advice, $3,0u,l Elect oil ox "
VJ 50, Thm Ilonry ,f,r,�,ve unis. ,Vtw ,, lVill"lli
, off
P.M Wo0oloh1d, graVe ling and on vert-, Milo;
� Wai. Wilson. wrayoulag, 87. 0; D, illowlor
obiwelling gravel and luendinh.,ga.
'r :
Tboli. Agnewo.vavelling on N, old
cr,t,&.�nl noot, .%: Thros. Taylor, codar loo.t%
.1 . INI. 0111000ty. .110i't,lunle ffavell $1,50;
3". Whytord. u%pu line $1 541, Me )oInt1d,
bal, of work oil unider, t�q� ; �&. ic. Johridt0a.
teams an !Vdor, $178 4, ; N. Cinig, plank oil
bridge, 41. : C. M. ltob,-rts, plank, 5k,. ; J.
Cameron. picking ntonc,j, wo. 1
Council adjournod to meet oil Wodnos,tay,
Aug. 24th, at 10 o'clook.
W. S. MVCltO8T`,
Council mot July 31, members all present. A
letter from County Cleric Lane, -tating thiti,
tile amount of A81ifluld CounLy tax for current,
year tvam 41MM.Z. A deputation front DurilItta.
ItOn Presented a PoUtion 81irned by the rate.
too,yers of the village, a-kinF for 112 rods of
uranolithict walk, the town 1
%h I's to Itay at lonat
4OX Of c0l't. Council agree to meet sold depu.
tation in Cho village All
,Just 4th, for the Tor.,
P080 of View -1119 the 01 Plank walk-, a, to
considor the pos6lbilltr of building 18 rod.,
townehir to pay 407. 7 he followintr ac�tiuoots
werepad: Ocui-goNi,xwil.i)uttl.,,..Oitiaut
riltoo and drawin§,1ravol, 4.00� it, at-eet,
iffarel, 40e. ; A. It )onald grill vol, O.W; IL
, ocrinan, repairing culvert J_ IL. we. ; Win.
ohnNwn, t4le, gravelling an(i ser,litil a.F9; A.
Iloyd,_ co�'crin If, I
,I bridgks'3.00 ; John mmloson.
tile across roa . 1.20; 1 Ross, gravel, 2.40; H.
Lainbartum gravollinir wit 7 n94 - Tholuas
Sullivan, 1;)-,�ioetinf'. 175:"Win. lVehardson,
V ailing ", rolon, egoldlort, 5J.75; J Mo.
it r I.I.,='t'i"""'e� ropair nor o
"d' 8 in, I ' I "*:,r',', ,',,,
Alfre , i1,,.r,,.,,�,,,ir Ili 0, 1, r, V. �r,;
I. � J .� H . G h treitic'ur,00n 1). L. 7.*--, �
,A I., 810 t, reposing cul,?ort, ort, Albort. lm);
Pzt - Mcolynn. rityel an(I �ork-, A.tij ; x. (%
.10111 t,. grILVOi 1J)Lr VOaC�OS�Joll'j, fL1).JKJ ; J. 11,
Sall l, ,it. jopairinq vul%-L-rt, ,8. It. 3 Mild 1, 1.3(1;
T una Henry, drawing �1,knk, :i.00 ; liegi,
8 art. IV 11*11) CiLlIVertl - It. 64old 7, Z.1.40;;
Timothy c0irtiy, repairing pul%*ort, ti. it,
3-ond 4, 100 ; 1). Campbell part I�iy oil loridl,o,
'A0,00t Nt Doolill. building rulgo, it, ,
Thomas FAoidy, evillont Clio, 62-50 ; llem-y I 1.(:,.;
Ito), Lrri,V-1.112; J-hn Hiftntrick, ,,wi� on
rnl4or 17-.554) ; (It,,-. St.%,,,rL, bete .... �, oil pl,, � i,,
At; Thoin" Corrogaii. graV011thif. S, ". 34tn(i
4. Idw Tile ituevo waH hIltillt1tod W btliu
-tfo- nuainat ill(, ( wmcy .r ij,�,,,,, f,,,
(191114gl3ki UUU�011 by blidi.lo 11b�tr,I,l,Jjlg tl,,.
1110kiroll dOl� 'If th- r11',,r st Port Albert ,':,,xt
t ouncil zilc.tin,c Augn.t _170l
'WN1. ST11T11EIt�,
I I,-, L
- -
Trip Through Thousantl Islands.
A popular and, dellgillf'of t1ii) Nil,
(irand Tionk train to 6ao,koollol,
wheit-connection isillade %viti, 1c.&
0- NnV- CO.'14 �tPuloOk' fOl' ti -ill 1 111olliji
ThoOsand Islands and 1-apj,]� of* .St.
Lawrt�nce to Montreal, ar. i I ilig tl:v�ry
in tile evening in time for LI-Itills 1, ) 11
eastern resorLs. Toori,st tick.q, )ire ol)
Bat c It 'I for this trip. (i,L)i ,It 1;111y1d
irtnXt3ces for- tonrimt litell,111r(, liod
ru rther Information.
- - . __
I Disorderi
Ar- no
Peoplao In every walk of life are troubled,
Have you a Back2che ? If you have It
Is the I first sign that the kidneys are not
working property.
A tieglected Baclaacho leads to serious
Kidney Trouble,
Check it In thrac by taking
"THIC d1REAT KIDNEY sioxcuric.-
They cure all kinds of Kidney Troubles
from Backache to Briglit's Disease.
30c. a box or 5 for $1.23
au doalors or
Torontst, Ont.
ic ,
brown appeanivice and cout- '111_lla4�., ...,#
side crispyneits an roasts of %
lamb, beef, etc,to keep
their goodness In them they
must be bastecl. In the old . _ ,
style stove thilit neomitated I
MAaching Into the hot oven
and moving the hot, heavy pan and holding It In the front of
the oven while It was bastecl. A tedious performance with
un"tisfactory n=lts. The draw -out oven rack of the
, Imperial Oxford , .'I
makes basting a simple and
Range successful operation. Draw the
lismile in front of tile oven for-
ward and the rack bringsthepan
and its contents out o he Oyen
. where it mav be thoroualliv
ever and adds to
ss. of the food.
Tile 1?nlaills of the late Samuel
Robinson, it fortrier resident of ANh_
field, whodled Ili Dakota, werebrouglit I
to Lucknow it"d taken to theresidence
of Ills brother-in-law, JOS. ,%Vilsoll.
The funeral took pla,ce to the Dun' i
Fautioll Cemetery oil Wednesday of
Inst week.
Cannot Realize Until You see
The World's Vair at 8t. Louls,the
inilliellsity and Inagnitude of this $50'.
(Xxl,(XX) Exposition. Every country of
tile world is there with palaces, sta.
tuary, Canada's exhibit being a special
reature. Rediieed rates it, effeot per-
Illit stop over at Chicago, Detroit and
ititeriiiediitteCiLnudiiLiti3taLiont3. Write
to J. D. McDonald, District Passenger
for handsome book -
Age "" " ' o" ...... 4 prig" Of illustrations
let" -Ing 4
I, ptive ,
and Z"t._..ij lit-ra Or' , Tickets and
- floll Inf,"th.tion at 0.�alld Trunk ticket
0 -.WA
I ( David Hut,vbl,ok.
LAME BACKstoolth, , clock,
is it safe and Kure mmody for diseases
of tho kidne). and bladder. I have
used It ter hunu toltok It noto like inegi(L
Each lipule of to, It. kidnoy Coro con-
tafrwa1en day'K1,roatmovit. 50 cents,
I IM dt'll"d-t-, Or by 111101,
&B"Writo for Ave Rittripto and book.
. . - - �
Z..,L Pain in the
A- Stomach,
. I Diarrh(sx.
. ,., �
11--X � Dysentery,
� ..-
- 6 100110,
Ir Cholera
t It _,:::� morbus.
I -
�holera Infantain, Seastokness,
nd all kinds of Summer Com-
laint are quickly curad by
Dr. Fowlcro's
Extract of 11
ffild Strawbury.
It has been used by thousands for
early sixty years -and we have yet
) hear a complaint about its action.
few doses have often cured when
11 other remedies have failed. Its
ction is Pleasant, Rapid, Rellablit
nd Effectua.l.
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
trawberry Is the original Bowel
amplaint Cure.
close SubstitutU, They're Dauterous,,
(ou Want
I. Horse ?
Safety in the firflt congideration.
Reliability is very ituportant.
The sulid combination ella ),e liad at
Robinson's Livery,
,)Poqite the Colborne Hotel, GO&TiCh.
Prices are right and s4tisfuction
WI,en you want a rig call lit tile
,Tie,!, or riaK UP 'Phone 65.
Alex. Robinson.'
�ou Can
Save Money
Save Worry
Save Wear
Ily g"Iting yoor
We are now shov.,ing some of the daintiest lines of cool
Footwear for the warm weather.
Dur stock of OXFORDS for men�and women is very
cornplete, and illClLides the MOSt Lip -to -date styles in all
Will be extensively worn this season. We have a
complete stock of these goods in Misses', Children's and In- -
fants' sizes.
TENNIS & VACATION SHOES in the most pop-
ul.ir colors.
If You have never bought Shoes from us, TRY US ana be
convinced th4a we have what you Avant at the right price.
--------- 11 __ - _ _
Sole Agents for
for Women. for Mon.
A -
when you require something new in
We have a larger assortment than ever -Parlor Suites, Parlor
Tables, Couches, Morris Chairs, Fancy Oak Rockers, Iron and
Brass Beds, Mattrasses an,! Springs, Bedroorn Suites and Side-
boards, at prices to suit the buyer. lt�will pay you to call. No
trouble to show goods.
The Leading Undeetakers and Embalmers.
Night and Day Calls Promptly attended to.
Residence, Waterloo St,icet and Elgin Ave.
__ -.-- - - __ � � 11, _1 - -1
The ho4e%vife knows her Coffee is good when the
cups, are p�isqeJ back tor a st-�ot)J filling. No man ask,,
for a second �:up o( poor Coffee. We spent a good deal
of time in stuJ),ing the blenJs ot Coffees.
Our hlenJ of .....
at 40c a 1b. is a Coffee that will always tem�t a mail
to ask tor a SCLOI)d (kil).
That is the test of good Cofte!
Better try a I)OL111d.
11110NE Ito. COR'S'ER 'IMN-
OODIMI(111, I P. T. D,;EAN, I TRE,kl: '4� r. ANT)
ONT. (1110( I It, SQ1 : AUF
Patients will hear of
DIABETIC something to their ad-
vantage, by writing to
) the Diabetic Institute,
I - , _") St. Dunstan's Hill, Lon -
(Ion, E. C. -
- _____ .-.-----I---
bested with the greatest eaa& VROM Have you .%evil the ratigc 4
. I The Imperial Oxford Rjuigo l(Words we arc sl)(miiig Ill
lessens the labor of cooking and I
insures the most successful Hugh Dunlop I ,,,,,,,I, and taii color!,)
results. I
Can at acts of our agend" or write ! You call deltend oil it, tllev
for the Imperw oxforri lefiflott I\Vc guarantee iare the %,cr1v bc,�t jmwtiralde,
I The Gurney Fit It will be a ple;istirc for You to
Foundry Co. Price ,;cc and its to s1low yoll olir
Toronto mewitod Quality , I 1'.1gr
34011,6raid. W410-isitiolf ftalia WfIA I MORE DO VOU WAN* ?
I ve,ftileavato, I Tlw ,,'-I, - t .tahlv�iie,i �
-4 _!d0!111",_ 0 1 1 th"Colliltv ?-Inxtdooriolln.16 WM. SHARMAN
40 of N101-1 )
r sale by C. J. HARPEIZ. Godcri(71h I "' God -t . Wo Agent for DOROTHY DODO SHOES.
\ ; � �
I I . . �. , \
� . , � . \
. . � �,, I 1. I I
I I..
, . I I � 11 L .. I , �, . .11
: I I I
. .. I , r ;, 0
&J._� r I .1 1; I . I .
_*^J ` �, It I - : m, ,;, , '. ), I . I q _ , .1: "�, " , ", I 1� I �* .
I . 11 11 I . � , , I
A , . ! - �,,..,; "" . ,,, , 11 I . 1. 1��,, * I "Ut _1 1�1 - w."V"
z �_. , I �, I � ,� I I V, � , -ir," I " I , - " '� ` i 1
. _ �
It " , ,4 lo,�r, . I ( I W ..� \, , - A � k. ;,� , C. .
I , . ( � I , . . I . I /� ( . .1 - I %; � �� ..1 , . IL , , r <-
, _ i f lt�_-1 " , , , '. .. I , L- --'
110-44M ---lit� _*__.�.__.�,_,--L_t.V_-_-_., ---.-�-,".ftl"(--La�.--.-,�l-....�.��-�.-l'.�--- S' 1__"11 . %, r, e , - �J _... _. ___J 1. � � --_i��1,1�_21