HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-06-17, Page 677
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1AWASAl 04,
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GR '.,,'y I., � t mt-gail AttiI 0 A4" W*9P,',X
IN E xko scorm, at P00M A ocil OP44 44 0*9 coblo � 14008a A itlit, 1,,
Will. Ili
eof ho pure. the. bright, the
lrts inLYOlAtut
aW it. the tp Wh rucip to DISPIcitht MOO u4mes 'Povergii
Wu y as lot"wo Tho itilipsuill of wordless PrOY'll
Olt. *i�i Qmi us 01,44, '40 Abitiolis PolpriAl th0l 40 f ar:1, ova y daymit heT t
tj* the think; 106'
a'he dricams of lovo,anli tratill:
10.0 rfto long
hoWIS" -lawl0l tAt tAd �Jvgil after smrep%% 00 eql� Pal %A' d� sins,of V49 V Warn The SpIrIt'i Yearning cry,
*W, 011I l:W 'fAbinzi' Of paL Sol triat she r0i n too po�
�Oil al 0a)l can "t 0`uat4A% Is and striving ater better hopes
60 't - h These things over die.
U Jolopid'of 4s^ Or 5011411
inuabiol Oil v �Ien oAct of tbig vboh 4towulL t4is
AlVittiliesel nPerot" + � I Xoq�wu 111910% ., Veit to
sets df I tAk* POA out She, mall still of tho, tho, this stretched forth tcl
AV *ipmot� in X. 4 broke the 1090 0
thal wbele Pal -fliatill one A, tell their death, allies The timid hand
1A—A - 9 wis *14 ai tum will be. reasAW),or �, Abp* , ihil fallAil
Bervit"440 'for log 00 r4op� , I -Q ellitault ilreadyt Aeltd.. 00 they preiRte not aid
went andI III 4T, ago6souS Pooplahe'va 4041VOO 'a a Tal IM Atio Was P, ftili" 4natuer il brother in hit; need,
in the never g3'4414 .19#4 Ills All thus Sul be A midly Word in grief's dark hour,
litis for Or plual A '4440sl IFOI mind of, a process
NCO a problem of lieu A 10
SpArkableaY tA woo from thnim. 04ce -,A booll Cif j�ioll 'shall not
U Jol Ao%ctcx� SVSA server rvilm.04 N TAM, 0or Serving eal i
allbilied. ;x. xiii, 46, NUTA- ix, That pri
Do Witt TaLWASO �N�n, bustiono, IrIcAdmi, ,UQW Are lieIr dwellings At 1044 1 ociltoei After r do, thercl, -thai Coo a, the soldiers The Plea for morcy allill breathed,
'ill 'I K In trs
mpentl of keeping Out the cold, 1,04
Papers QX0 �r.ole tro .;ir, e%b 0 rival XXXII
she waA ro
ho $allowing text �tot, �.. 20). %ban justice threatens nigh;
we going to repay � our w1vils" opta and
SA 144 Ilrcni;iled from V PrIetenwent
'44usbal love ;VQA)r U00 Otnulattill JA fOutift 0 pierccid ills 6140 with a contrite hoart
%boy 1104 a. cover I Asserted at $11r, -raw Of CL
btrjal bal
the sac toy ;.y Cbeap 'And. dur ad, The woulax under tha W#010 of his Vogt Wealth.- forthwith Coma there ut blood mud The Sol Ar. his load of tea when 4% r0ilr4torAl a'- 414 what she did Sdripture, Till things Shall
suiijwo�, ll��liclf f has Winkly. 0111111,
'he inti ;r-hoy shall too,; 'on u1m,
110 OXAGM Two. atortliAg trial Abcoit Ill 'fob"' Same husbovLulto. Jusa0a C, wrlosmorlem, and
q4tv *1 ers.onality bay, cluty to my Whom they The cruOL and the bitter word,
U. Thl *b, hypnotic trance, at rich mav, Q, That Wounded as it fell;
Pressed me which is almost 11131 1 llsality f, ph of ArJulathcUl of S�'tnpnthy,
otaled by money she PN of Oiled' paper 901 for the body of -ne chilling Wal
r it 06 tough, PlIablo C011
iNall t
a. Iccc, bal giving exhillit"n"
Poll, 0 one the catiWatis of her al 9004 Person] church 11 that in very kind. Ali far 1ilin and no light salivated. Alch Gauts, Won as" pervious as t an ve IA, rinemice in the COrillthian ar'N.11 . stied
ir in' the XV We Iva your wife' has doobl Of Course, dabriolle Boolpard �1; MS disciple, A
w, ill II Who hacl eat I and ake out you IS atipossomer. I,he a!d of Nicodeml Ive feel, but c&rnOt tell
tr 40der his Ministrl to Jesus, and With I a that rhiiis the heart
DOW*, b*k* 1100-0 heknew Islas well. Paul bith' but her own Property". She earn$ tar rico this covor for vents, 11(al Ill not by any toell the, firfit OX -cion- ORV M0 pices and laid The hard repuls el -e hounding high,
t. wrapped the body to 01
"his t, just as Y0411491411,41-44 ho boo c A the idea ol
hey said, oul about, his - W vict l toneetill: and thu's JVhosa hopes w
qq I I it in Josep's new tomb,
tolim us that in at traprisomont -They made
his As- alt 01�w4uk� ftickilial, coolies arge tIn an unfalling record Il
ureall and a, right tO at least 0 turning a ter presence Odil roarle 44.Toolt uVes in His These things hall never die.
i, I It from 100100 last. IjIj., 9, VAS fUlfillold,
conteliI tally. Tho . 4
Ibla. PhrySoNtOw am,, 1tios, ,Vast reft ruantlen of account fluave with the rich
-nos, deq1ttrod hailtq� job ,coot low than is cents Sayne, twenty years ago there at I At the rel
g to Albert Bal istaii4point You slits, WOU eat of the chief I for every bamd,
_IDAS�-Vtl, ;l! his Pot Jews to Lot
AS 10 lillrorw i4o, lrtj� t fol yo%r,or mote with 0013: book entitled "FIVO YO$LrW nothing Pass
-Pau I I IiAm- priests, plisto p some work to do,
that I'll Stature keeper to dol tbO sivollill
bald." morol-for-her a's ritude, by OnO who has On" orruitiod the Ch. Must And
imtrly occutil bail crooked and his hand Was would lacil to PAY tentlis-lor �Stan:t U40. Tenal C.hzzmberlginlis, Private life chance to wf%ken love -
tat, trolit, t; a laper which 10 as Irbe idea was novel Of seal the tomb and set a W %h life Love not a
HA a =cirding to Nicaphoruts, Paul wages than $,our W�,oatd otio dured it." wh to ist and trUe-
Tru (Pot .to a. The work ran iA- own, though no mOrn �tain women, having Seer
curvatur of the Paper can. be 0, 11 ory little is Ito and t lic firm, and Ji.
30 ill -man with clothes and eutrtIftlosO An, W. Slit 0 ova At that tire
Is 11 littia i been More voirafullY I bbdv Was laid, prepared spieo$ nnot fade,
0-40 rIcal long for Itions, and the author public, career hot nzight come and So shall light that
Ow# stattonell t) vL4d ndent for 1110. they
111104 And It- Pill 011:111100"1 300, all a e mthe
phone*,( Milliten". 86. 10 'head like mou SAYS
m0 articles. 1V1,,11= indppo watched And Commented ullot, by the �Qtidmeots, that Batolf on thee from oil high,
9.0-P, 61 togur, nWd for its scare V 'NO
ity t has been ver.tuciestill, I$, just anoint 111M when the S1 I voices sev to thee
i my wit CLIMOSt And ang;
On 0 pity, R6 are nation. His The,
and �Mftl Me Since then the expiremen Colvoll sliall Uver die
these descriptions lie ims, ttewar the Japan, several times repeated, the last Pil el.. nd roothodical in privatell life for they had not re ill the in
at hair. Whether I�Why give lie�r t1 ords always made of bark paper in am 11 In the groat vitse
jibl: but It a' ILpoa'tic �00 commanded In the w jar itcle not eltiolly by VIVO goo to do so being Lord Willi I he in when eTll Ink much.
am- -or loved HI Charles ewould ul, vor Stim is said to Ii
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
W� ae cleared third. day,.
Novill, who had
that the Corinthians other,,14W, F.'. Campaign upon WhIl
a a anaL
tits likely Ely toAt. M4 jlu�hfull be but did a fll believe all lie
'595 , I ef blin, Aill did, �;Ill of il �o 1117a Uutsbill rkable of & good round sum by his account of brked-In fact. it intly It' t THE WONDERFUL WELL'
time n1oney Bilt perbl thil well tcm&
join does not
wrIters no near his own 0 is FIfe? No, 1 0,1 bich'And a consvoll. d nine months' i- Said thol Mr. Chamber -we children
t4gg that my at the week Ethel and Elsie were t
Nicephorms -o4ld duty t
trio il s, Itoo and AW the -Iiiniselsold are to three years an ont of bin day, 0679 an 'Early, on tilits, first lather and,
or UATtlittilkGIP on Chr.%16000111-c a waste a Worn their
`X 4 him, if' th)s sqcull for grantoq But that'l, not ll fit the APAinal carceration. )there, again, who English paper. the sepulchre 0X- who lived with They were
W. 14XA= da�,az, omll Ilave no dceeribe love your the leather par;ers of which the `tQ- The Ford br, which mother in the country.
,acting to . find I 'Photo
fectuil tuall Spiritual giant had 110 gives his cationloAdvient in .4 are shot esse J.ame, the notoelous When in realdencal 'ut flighbury. ithe women a doudbodY oint, 0
jid all, �bstcca pouches And pipe case Dars of age.
illix parlictriftity, loving bands art twins and 12 v,
Settled n "'Pal ritint LtITO They aro almost an tough as robber, made over nor 11irminghalo, he rise$ early boto ltt�cy might with a farm. which froze
made. 040 outlaw and tr in
all utollou the Superb no Chrlfilt 41110 French kid, so translucent that a summer. Utitil. h phal would reAll away was s. Well on tb we girls
ch bristle with your IlIvill eve] $20,000 between them within a few in Winter and did not ever in the winter, and the t
of stice ittonscill �4or can nearly we tUrough'ttens. And as 0 from gAol by gholl time sea bo often went for s' scemJngly used to titrtnd and look at tile ice,
Is of tlts lathlote's'arona. The the hurch -and, gilil watl of their relcas swimming u. or playing at vaudeville thetl in a swim before, breakfast, for know, of the sea
a and soft &a calfskin. The Ma, the which sparkled and was very pretty.
lighter, the gladiator, the Ah. could there be tiny pliabI a he Cl tomb. they find
%Mnl3ox40 QVI(I)A round the tfl19cdY- m, of exercia riving at the
runner, the 1, not of Filizealls, more devol I or more intense mail likartch written to the only tort, remb- they thought-
tortal Of which they are rondo Its
wever, he generally t the keepers t night, Ethel, being Or -
Struggle lvith the be busband's affeCtions than a fop. NOW, tore, rolled away. Outs wintry
'their inspirations an k usual.
d g05- Sure for thielc as cardbotard, but as flexible an Probably they would have made
all have is love �he, true wife longs Ore. but one night, while rval bl rpailif0t, ling (or fear and from
o$it 0 St. good deal So Silos this. or. examining the h went to bed earlier then
Pei teachings. Vb-the true husbonci in means -if, , Ise, heavenly raiment, Wit She fell asleep and dreamed that a
which Stands '400 fez., no it Is lo, performing at, Chicago. "d In, � ocnboq undis eaven, M
oey reSUM war% of the gar a,, a 4 all efferts imiri The -second (art M the audience, P, ably a friend of -deoers In the Or* Inz them which is recorded
V.0104wat ew*17vvbom as a hrst, about 1110 Or- the: beirdis should pautiful fairy told her she Inight
by- ivider lwith th to 7 of our lesson. Ethel
f, I Oted.
86 wiuch as ova,
VA4 giving directions for tho day. in this : Pl -w `11hifellse dev 112 pecial wish for anything she liked.
'contended that Iting Icy 1143 biteakfasts witl naked it she might visit the fairles in
e a ve, Husbands, D V REDD THE DEAD DESrFMADO- i -big family at fit this message lot us give 13 otill I the well, whoreuvorill let*' toll
bscholor. it has been loyal, Half -sal 06t tug broth r later hb' IS attention to the words -rear n Chad
5 of startctl shOotillig OL14 liau .00 quick-
eWas a member of the gaith Ivirea for their sacrifice torturn. The F0 eligbt, �and lip SOB
pay your , rda, an- stant
rr Inted love- GZt f He is risen as lie said her with her wand and in an In
murt have been me 1,04, life in the golden Coto f In How DID T1=8E TVWGS rom te audi, back in the greenhou I 1plaill comparing
and, It go, isarmicid, promptly, pipe. while sill his Pon- ,
v in Acts Xxvi. 10. olty NOTE THERE? who never went ul ly and tell His tl hanged her into a Small person like
but the etpressl uzzlor- ARRIAGWIS PR he result =91in"Cults-off a 'dead leaf hero, or Scriptures as Gen. xv., 1; Bell herself. ,his fairy %vas the queen
at) which the theory of his all Y hIS Jim referel to Pro=- returned the (ire, with t
a is vague and me,
X, VA Fil bill S'oldiers nod. Obloots that several innocent bystanders prunes a branch there. Gardening Is of fairies and h
t�nd tha many "fear note" be, r rrts Bluebell.
t ship in Coly later-
cill Sit foron very no- hobby. 90 Is do 0. With the ozagol's The queen
91.0114 Which a husband some British hose w ostarlo Vill is the Which Are Strangely 014t Of were bit; and this Incident. tween
I tarviz OW44I have amounted to no more than III Wad affactiolials
ticil upon al wilic a IRIS own �,Bei not with her wand _fj immediately A
turally, cut short the run of the his only
witness. On 00 times pral 1� 1,13.0 t I" not
!"eiiiIial all V1111110001 ested in every forilra of horticulture
0 ve(Aratill testimany of tible, because, in One PlAce. pl promptly end for ever. ; a and 1115 drawn by four hito
toy I I relerlm,%ry oll not, C4;r more cOAtcm axe for re-pottitil a, tell (verse 10) little sleigh
1. WX %' x;; wMan the Wife, in ab Then Bluebell and
k OR ther hill'tild, his argument in polatilly helpless but does not c afraid, f.
f the no- message to Mary Magdalene, 43wars an'ban inthiang ix, 5. clearly implies ation of the fraud. The eyes of every Britiober late lot- X%tlo Kelly, the sister 0 gucb work. mice � appe red. very.
url after the porpetr Ned .,Go to My brethren and 93Y uutd 'Ethel got in and drove away
both he and Burnal were as you lowting the march of our gallant 801- torious Australian bushral on READING HIS LEWEIRS. the
9 1 scend to My Father fal
however 3r, Say. what you Will, al numbered aM and When they got outside
Father a
ried. This condition, talk I tpally diors in the land of tbts (tirsind LIAWS Kelly, may also be have bad Wit les in t a ttd- ll -MY G04 and' queen struck the ground again With
TO no menns I hiol , I
edical that he wa, g1cl 8'y and Ppot .1 Thibet. and wishing the expecil- the ox-criolf-als who At eleven be , joins his socrotar and it opened into a hall'
floctional side of *6 6' 161 y- ` aoso mission I$ of II more enough or hardihood enough to turn the study For two hours bef*r i ,
ficient in the U Jt xx., 17). Compare her wood
i jouN, Tonaorfal Art, t UO t nition 0, witel opportunities tion-wbo your GcW' (John
K, 1.11111TOW1 is letters show the, ppor than 1-9 their mlslo,tune3 to good +account hand these Secretaries 110,1`0 been go -
street, 06dill eLturn. 14 vi., 8, azid congl4or It you are under the ground.
tot 1 ajwb$-d importance do -n,
ksi0.,.,rt1j,l shoMP001116, atc-A lavished an his children In the faill tave talways"boorr and nearly the,
I pectinjArIly. willing w
lil 4t1i4i four -sureel setys LonAcil While tIlD hunt for to Say
love thilit Ott III be. circurm its proil is being duly reearded was in 11rogVess, X(l to- -that The fear door,
v scribedl tb and great Joy Of down very far, and at last it Stop'
the ing through III$ letters and netting ,Hicre am 1; hand r felt the sleigh go
a side ready for him
the Let Men 91' them an on may be ex:
dtl "it
The huSl4nd lias gang 1h Aluick well aware ped before iittlo
1908-Y their offspring and that he was illl Wallis, of her hatal � 116 by the Jo war correspondents PLC- gal with several other members of Ly verao plained by Pa. it ..- � I I I I
k 000� ; will want to little fairy dressed
exceedingly affectionate. warm beatt' bin outgjda bestows ifitill the expedition, and so�rae the family, had been arrested. But 'the rt.al liticiax , and 11, ,Serve the Lord with fear and was opened by a. at
rht parents tj�*t iss h*1 ntile., friends as, wall S _empal t Silts of eal one, Jacket. Til saw th
od l0an. tic tol inerca rejoice with trombillaill also by ]?hill in a yellow
86NE-vI Its St cob Ned was Captured n al remarkable, Statements are beft sent they were never brought to trial, of littor
had an ored a pallace
should love their childre to the effect that require replies. cam- 11.,' 12, for there lo a, holy tLwO which they t
they that they should care for aapd soon after - 0 t- g of the fiscal latent with great Joy, A ing' ice, built in the well.
d or-
paign, Wr
sto grieve H
d ard their polrebtg� WIVOS'thilt they abol VDII the Coutittil aSession of the dead ThlbetabS, dis- erlain's mull Mv
the the th- home. Ono is 0
children many of the rifleo found in the pos- they were released- Thereupon the =11lie Is not Innons im is Always helpful, The fairies had been awaiting the
, I I I t� Who was yery "flash" and liked Chamb
. % I ' -110' honer their hu"baylids and husbal a ttod does got away Ircil the girl, aay. but now the fear is all we feel Arrival of their queen. ThCrO warts
still ry t
valt, si 11. on covered after the recent battle of ticed, accepted an engage- aged 800 letters a ''Ll
d joya. a Russian make, tus being no p to xicarly 2,- A very brief 91031408 Those Ilittle fat men, little w0men, 10*y
to In CA that the ahome. But f4r 'Puna, were of - numbeir ties 1xmlied tie'verses Ill to 15,
Iy to the kitchen, obvious
refe. Soon! suggestion _ant at a Melbourne raudie hall in -led to give their,children and all kinds of
isla, Iiiillt the
rel to [ Were well paid for
hon. -'It 4r OWN. Wife is anchored conveying an he proved a great I!drmw too, _0()O. These letterls are tied up Ethel that thm;h�d built
Is a for told
1 0 tb lying, but to-dilil Many will It for their quell
ItIng roth molit that I would aptialt to -day, btrilroom. and till nursery � of bol by which servos to indicAte that re"on Of course. bundles ill Call tse top with ll"Lichmen ev
53 1 I - Therefore Ir be failis of Britala's. adval Into the cc possibly, not p ace in the well
jJ For- for the CiblOntes were, rtjoLettl wilich they ft
M,IJUTAL AFFECTIOV- the children ringing with the is-tilloits of her fam tile title of file very little money,
be use, she was In danger of belA.
That, Its S, spottial reason at this bar and defratills hot *I his Promised hidden L9,acl* ily. But the reaction car" when refer tO. knowing their Father nor 7110 And an -old Witch Who
awipi the need of Jahus- "he in abliolutelY helpless' arl neoth� to. how tie might their final doom'(John vill, "; Rev. carried all by
time for Shall writes to a she had,the effrontery to cLppear On Suggestions ag Is m. Diantains.
- more than he can remilizill Ilitiounghusband a is, in counpapy with her brO- benefit the emu" ocove - in a Oil Sie xx, 10; xxi, 8). There must have lived in. the, 1134
L"ETIIIIIII OrgOn't"t bal being truly devoted and ving I joust suffel staff -its, After that 'they, took her 'cill over
E0111 src�. -$1MqlSeo0, finding the -or heard of
110 redress, lat friend "Itthill ijs;jLngOW out of ther Jim, on ther very day that Nod pocipto been much brillev all round when
guard of soldiers
Xnax church, to his wife, because there Seems to $be hike pra he has never Dec n4 showed her this
11A Iva 1, or himi Solme among the 9 could. without
it to he n popular tha6ry abroad that the ine gtycl bar. All t objects whieu aft strangely allough,'bil pal c
all Pitill ripe own, Voice rJul- hen was executed. ofear death, ttestify, that they slept ftq en's l'ittle bedroom, parlor and
i - R14P &VIll for vid fashioned Idea, at a family home Count of her husband's place. A Sew j*onths ago, w w 3 A sturb- of
It- however, on SO there a among the Worst offenders in this is no and gone ro"ver. But 111- - turns her back uPOn they were at. 11hadhil-Jong, this Cl tLudiance hissed, him A other roomal . When It was tiolis to
iWiriiil tillo, �clglcet a wife gerj,# ly be, gel Ethel,. bade them gooidby� SAY
I and the withorittes Intervened respect. It generally takes two while on duty. 8
IS car pril up a pair 91 004r� and stohij�'e . L � tA
to at, -roal hieves who wall
ling that the old Inch ance,
d of belle, him and goes forth to moot the wo Dp the e-.vIllbition. Nil then hours to dictate letters, "y very nice time.
love should be done then the Ing W6114*0 tberO again -the this"t4ek. In. .,Over his- is "for ar-aiiiI 't Id or could ling she had had
toned Idea of lis on Independent woman a140 the u -or; wi-Alfit, 4nt- the�.,Tatsl Pal went� L to Sydney. but -clothes lying as when Bluebqll and Ethel il drove awal
away with. I believe that, I its back. PO� do. ml little leave the grave
tQT " , "' private PI well ped In after a lunch at One, they contained the body end wrap the bedroom.
yd, to,ba- planU, us . t before r began rny Small, Gboernment StOP nd soon reached just driving ttway-
rds, tier, J" Ile and CTS CATUCATURES a napkin that Bluebell was
minent Pittsburg thumbed g Igh dictionary, with a w COLLE, carefully by Itself t11
-Ira ad in our ancestors' front Ya hSnatz rd someone call
liastorate a ver y Simply ethey should "read and gold to Mew carte-devialte Of m, young Englis mr, Chamberlain lives vOr had been about Ills bal (Jollu xx, when Ethel ben
be Cultivated inore and na . 9
affection way be One Ilail who t in the regal She started up suddenly, thinkin It
Marital I appeared bell devilish optscide we$ the fairy Again. but she woke
too cecturit of the neglect and thf, poifited ozV the ag acted. at Highbury, 6 , 7)
iful 11"On Igo in which she tityle his position might warrant But, leaving this
Ieflill most' betut lite- a. Call chuPtef f# )w III
LEA9104 UNDERTAKERS no 11cy Book de- inbui Sill of a brutal husqazid. tot QVta oil those two; Nevertheless, it Was Said at the and saw Elsis standing by the bad.
In on of myself And children" mitilt he Pro -
"Whose findoth is, wife findeth the p otectl possible to dis from his Sol a Christ to risen ntl;d thist we be, The sun wit 8tTeandni
logo They - loving in Him, are risen with )Iba room dit7wa
A'Q. MBALMERS - I cover the owners of time that the girl nottid enough by His food Is Plain' All t dairy of elders And Soldiers, let us rejoice
E cl -as aparal But 'I endorse. at her venture to �set her up comfor- ducts Council rul. on the th t ; Into the
14 no part of got s' I 'Would the lost property. an 8 late in the morning.
, :.L J.1 outskirts of Mghbury, which hither
vil bow lad it ell jo do oVer again I rate, other tably for life, er the management Of and ... told vith 13im In the heaven- She told Elsie her dream and Elsie
tell tell y nuffor British parliament to lial been undi
ONT r6ce#d in trying t4l� xvin pear any injustice and 7n 3848 the uch is av- Iles (Col. ill, I,. aid that she would
, Eph. it, 6, 7). Note like to visit the
the girl they desire brutality rather than, �Vst a dlvcttCO� Q0;Jl.OF -THE-WAY: IF- voted a London solicitor named AVil- him son Austen. that it 'Christ be not risen well, too.
S ns of
rather, in to Ide world del look intO A relative of it friend of the writer lion Henry Barber $20,000, 00 caml or he goes into the greenhouse again also,
The outs the remainder of the af- preaching is vOLin, faith Is vain, 1-0
Mv, esign and Spends 0 one in saved
to worry. but inon- Bg§y.
worried Snell to show their at e ttle C& Xuartoura, ponnation for four years' fell all the j0hilts smoking gins are forgiven and n A BOY'S 110
ctiluss of, % gauntly disruption n there,
urge - Was of which torill Blocs
e ioner finally broke ment suffered for a crime r a very black (I. Cor, xv, 14 but
wives the itteale defer �cizrtlesis poop 0 will Idways Iciou lip
mi,raaleriz- 4n a divorced wife as on one who when Lord Kit(A against he was Invaccoll, This is the big� a well-semsented briar o He in risen all is _11, slid a risen Many yeeLrs ago a boy who lived
the power of the dervIsbets
love and dcvcl that ch A ftt sblack he" broll ght hand, having In the far west of Anzel was sul
ad thern before the twl %'.00( , husbands, the British advance. t1pen one of gest auto ever given under much cir- Cigar. hembarlain in very fond of Christ at God's ril denly thrown Lon Ilia own reliontrogs
'altar, hcnrlri� and TMY- (lits, ye faithless, unlCl the dead dervishes WO 10"Cl't, litno cluzzlistance". 'h r
but that's are plenty of Mr. C &In$ in all an power In heaven and on earth
the marriage words which made; will I not be honest to yoursolvell gle eyeglass of undoubted Moyfair other instances of money awards in his library, whiclis coot his library and saying, "Go ye,therefore, and j, death of his Pmrgnt,9., M I11111
Ing the solevan Vol neary 5,000 vOlumes. T th I out to a farmar his eye
rud hcull tea
which is panciled In cial and lit -ith a All the days," should have hun- chanied upon this st&temmt that
k one flesh.. t (o your wives and Pol cut . Now did the dervish Come by similar cases Lch all nation$, and, 10, 1 am v' h
I'Vily to the true wife's Val abovelthe proullpsory note Of love it tlis great In 1879. for example, a young long rows of OlOatria IRTnPa' He Pre. Y u willing and J=tj�:n should know something
111SQI . pro- thousands of to
the price of rubies, as 11I Soloman you tried, trilen the minister Sir licary M. Still to y other ucivallist, dred of or
f I - at Rich_ laborer imilmed William Mbron, who fers Dickens an lything and also be a 81106
brtl obedient redeemed once rushing
or humbAnd's bus- mounted 90% and your will one :1un explorer bus to his It L had been convicted four years I pro Many politic.&I
Sho Is I i V, race Whitellul 'Will Cur- tticusly of L the, bu being. do His bidding and, like the Wine i4tesivaxlt morning the boy decided, its
declared! equal In movid il�r Lt reads a great Addition to his occupation.
inegs, Partner; her husband's till death do you part murder of a pl ion of these
5 well as In 'Shil lotus finds Which he Camd ACTO08' In the capital books, hi's called
brain 'a heart p ARTED WIVES- man near Manchester. by any pri- men from the cast, pouring their gifts a th his own, and becauss
b bf Intizil way, in the death kell Of a, husband's thal Dark Con- w'so
lights 'It m. In a finn BROKEN 11113 his Wanderings Aer'066 ol eing afterwards commuted perhaps, the best owned It's Sent' But It in too much- 1W 1,:svid the trail that WAS
Sent this country. An- at t of the tan lepers. Our t a battle of Attl tberefore. ca. , OVOAS 16 servitude for life, was re- Individual I ct like the 5101 to penal sl Mylof, Wre there earest, him. a dkeided to becolUill
also beAl'6 Saba, of the brol tinent at Agri
he"rel t at. a.
ehe,- husband. she bell. ti, right t6 love I ad fork., bearing,the nazzitel with $4,000. thing to which he takes gr 'Lord Is
Lrt Of & mother as well" Of a Plut collection of tal n cleansed, bu where are the an 9xpart upon lie foull
bar 191 rn hea fashionable London restgural This leased And presented
Milinsfafluoto of and dealers sainis rewards (or WWas prizzil jutereirt Is his not to
the it has Ttto grout draml jol zar:L-cit 4frim This act of restitution res, which d4tes-from III and Mtber iiAbellef Cr izagrati- willown that were rail intid, willows
Doildhilk, Ma. born that he Ilus for his. Witt. goinn mush more Pro' white and willow's gray and\W111OWS'
()Ij, sharper tban, evporpont's tooth fork was Sound been treiddem arily due to the notall Charles tial as far as he is aware, St re- tude, or both,,
barJ#4Ja4 **Lumber, Doors, to rO Alta etitjdl,, Which ha never before rossed, while under he ban ovation to '91m. who -yellow and willows blue; *11kro,
tAnost, most -beautiful a -j -Ilb
to' boI a by ie toot of a white man straight and ley had broken the record "a
been the III of some cynic, uyt till Stan- Pace, who Col bj' isnotber mur- production 431 every caricaturis over 1valen the d
a, beirmil Many a vicither. has learned this by or- Sentence of dftlilt t ingueptial J6urnalb. 1 11 that stood up
RI it -
hanger oil. a clinging vino. rience, through her A that 111; *03 lie what had shot published by An Admirer of 'gave nise lor its. emselves down Wool)-
ans, tithed all apis all or it human lefth sucking Out tMqie rived there with him little band. uring the fortY dAys between M9 It1g,.1 Ilgedcolth
bitter Irk till rcipect his IN ll.ctp4 choical specimens
hit the kpowili�-tilt, Q 'Ile ii( quedil never tired. I)
blood of her vinsOuIIn6,bhT1d-a sionduct.. The love t pignsy, whose tribe was UA clion and anceivations He showed
stial palvgllntus, tbi child 'naltitrally the life's fools for the mother then. Was weal the I Rabrcidii'g'�zzzcibil was jorestedl by Mr. Gould, and Is though resurre Mary infallible of willow Sol and liliftVos and OX -
great 'L of Singing his prol Oven Himself alive bil I the. changed with Agriculturists It
B. sill dtft Government at lits own request In caking a
Lial the poison 'that Aiartist, 'licirill her 426 11 neck an -an oranient. great cattic;Siturlst is Opposed to pioOle and WAS ever sp SUGhanan* &LV4Wjon, ijuel the fatlI min ralibm, In his memoirs ro,�- all farm and, Stock, so as to ren- the Lt of parts of America. Then h
=sli)�ggad beast in cazc�al sioln W X r, politics. g to the kingdom
Ajtjz, i1ndopendent for the to- 'him b things peirtOLIA113 ..
a moth I Little laten that one of the IlI I no of vill from. dovolil n1f, *ho contelftlit for th or t he Ood. if the kingdom was as much ed speciMe
child to reverence AM#.TEUR ACTOR. d And Ruo-
er husband, Wh le, he of an Abyssinian Chief maindirl'otllis flvol, upon our hearts il it was upl:Ln His, end Japan, from Englan
4 labors f ter nd r. Chamberlain hag dove a great I to follow sift.
on. weaving out 1110 h e a (leorge 111. wig, which 0o 6 Another simillill but in many Ways it We would be Mora ready
arks on and nier, but ig all The time came -ben teachers of
MOKILLOP - of straw. But % itur-teration hurled at bor by her jil head ,or octal ocia even.., More rilimarkablej cal Was deal of writing to his tl ll fully at tat costs. coluntil tell&
lifo, work iw a rope lands beyond the
idea of the trAlO wife- It a brutal father systerna- alone, How h 6 call 1 0 it It brought to lfwlit in 1888. TWO �Vrjll be new% to, many to learn that things but dross (40t Him, Our forestry in
tblkt fill not m h"band. With hi olpfi, narned lff&aki Brantl and 'Ile has written two or three Short z spoo
Intum-, Piro '1110 true wiI is 'a consumer as Trino ticallyl coatinver to frid tault Inystery,. evark. to a littlartfielt prayer would be "that I I sent to this.farmer strange fiAll
i nlao a ;m'it. This boodpleto be a 411 acted by his oflof the willows for examination and
113olatlid TOWA Pfliglill I, Consumer, but She ll� hi&, (phill. 111, 10.) Italannification. Ile lived and dibil. a
to If -,he pogjactp htl and rldl Ptiter Aturrlitv, had been convicted toy, whiclit bavo been too knvW Him and - the Power
fifiivejal producef he, h ift it 'll �Qil bl-jr and g t hOr. h Acts a London MaLli'ar. JA6 ��rls previously' of burglary friones; yet such is the case. And, HIS rasurrectionl
am what is more, tbe great 1)01111 Is Give attention to this study, it fcLrmer. lzut� If his occupation Cooll
at P ducor. h 41tample 01ch, big cbildtcli, A" Or' A sarge'nut Lin the In , 11 1 of the a 0 amateur al and
vaido ilit" Mr nt"Itt) Tuv Ttmo nb� to (dittail 1418 o4tifflath ativ vicaregbi; toar. Alnwlck. time permit, to gig various appear- ad him to his fields and Isizaaclovil. Ida
4;y lh4urtgaft 11* 1 ly to 0; We himself a clever gretit. nArrownese
n coarsely and fall at chrufal, Wben dtlb..,- troops has appeal at the bel ovens after ills reaurroction : To )lobby made
%goil $S -049,91-50I their rt A16jiFy-lond- ract, his or Wcaniall, tell Poll broadened the scope of his 1811 WWI
"Oh. no," il the masculine age- mother, oft call, 'Oil UP St TII TRUM CULPRITS, Mary, to the otb
tist. woman III not the is Ill to boozoid turid it, PICI( 1, many times, thotio, of 0013
or's circular of vemot however, were t6 couple 01 notorious friends were alone' privileged to Wit- to the two Who *alked.to EMMAUS abodrV4fidlill lent him tynipal
the intil;% bustintid. theirs, and teir nat&AI AtIvell for L the roads him frieudis in all the ttlitifittla
nor W, in the slad to tlkO OJOI all them Old tIt Is tho jngra�l- date JJOW it'liound Its WAY into loqa aod Goorgis Edgell rfaroitil out, Other-
ident, Bructillold P. lawyer, wins feed ber turnis to indifforete on poachers, r1allordson; rod tb new his *1 , etial 6all for no Then tbartl were at least of the earth,
Frasor, 11 the fla*Ors t
a phybieltill Stalms Cut vVII0 re hilial, that dintaint Lost %;Q.l4A4* 'fil C harles ay Wien yrt ChAhl Strait I
0.1 IV. r". socirietary-Trogul courtroom; all find fit owel Is rather five other lippeal 'before %U 68" roprosentatiVe oI
J. Connell pattootp: ON it Ito `2 thers. vou know aventualVinduod by the Ittiv. jndt�r anfuslOVIO't, -ftzscets or birds that In not V4t-11
ly� o1cluoy from log- Id in Mr. Percy. thoilviclo of St, Paulin, at the '11I that he CI � Play cavidd-to the eleven a week later at
11ortir's Bill, 1$. 0., G. Date. 0114 flgbt� hll� countryle battles; 411 A and PutliAng IS this fol
A most Interesting vil C*Ilght
h 010 AInsill to itil O4iiJO6Alb118 Of Proud amid 6fr ililay kind�, when Thomas was Present, to Jotmos, trig for scolue fairmarl's bol to 11141
eftea that has tome,+6 you train Your no cartt. g t Sea of 6611100, it, and, In del eta, the youth, 'Who
t. llarlock V. 0 be ritten on thl guilt to JAn nuithorltibs. In time, &hl one has
J. wat laiator. calripts laws, Which t 0 So these IIII al4enob in YAbdolz 0, to the -seven at thl ethbilied Ott"
tamhe, hhis vc
wittir the eXtemiti#ly light sell. Hlighbill iNT401IS #VOl Of- to child of liberty Ond At last )119 Itiftniii, Ustachwoodo 0.; J., dAl ht is rnqt greVesi. Your love and roll to strangely Olit of P111I In ol toiAdersiticits � ''this they were let ftl aill Of d4wOrts; 16 ail Iran to over rJ00 fit 0130
aritivili. 4. 11011411 WhO 60118 the Sao ulacturon, er ets for your real has kept VOU ease hlI waili'this voystliq Wf, i (' ill the " , I the day of 1411, litfthdld`v� Xdtis Also filled will And 411 he hah bb�ontlli
ov 1310l an hour pt itimotailon'! LJett �ui of of five .4oaral Ponal nori-Itude. Incluill"i; tor II the* poat-ASCOVISIOn ftllliftf"00
1:111O.SlIIII ptoii� Y Ztft -\Wore, to' t(tul and to John Al exat in. the Pftthwov that to
V06plo will fazziazaW AW Invariably Stelzbon.
'116V by 106 'Or urantiagait 'Latil otphy to wiser. zis, tliat. ite, all growth and haiv>iveS
,Wait touran, at once
JVOlotht or word IV Nill showed.
tent, influence. and how. In 16aill "d each Vill 004"10" 11atmos. ralobinal
eal till influtell IMporlai won. kille& - Ito 1164dy� eUfnisoll, And Inny we,
a 1I 10 htstrtodl�r devoted
adaj,,tal wife may ba -Vo OVOr VOI CI isttlpftd. Thd 84,MO,,�,
When you gi)o untrue to your Ox4rolprcl � 1.4yotatied a ith st, Io, 1011 coat. all Ismael who
r.lugenjo, who is Still Till amlil Togam" RZ1SrJ&dV0;e
tj that a. dril itl sboip;-Ok betxtdictalt he 141M. If *0 only I would illell d
her heelserto
Inal in w ill you dtO 011trittO tO` Y611t livtist-�-aftisr The Virst p"S Of �cl ,we
_04 in due will An altipl6yedi to A Mill
Ito d acquiri _I 'T 11&j 90.1dars. can, pAy *8910okk, met, litotbor was over, Inquired of ba, spol a W to. live lit on tills Contiliciat recently jil lea And tot their cardi rectal III vilift bro jn�lkr. 11.ut wilth drOv. call st the Course pra WAR XZDAM
W. 106il cuntail or At 4) drivitille form it M-c!PIrAOT AND DLTSRVN00A- b"Itl 16 6- sOn's, Vtothigr old V, w1jo vall & priabin-taught tooguo tut on Via ill Itt 46itl 06 X050SOLIll *lil Mir oft tfiat 6izigioo�ll arld also maching, ablillillif it kol&
il W
Pa. to
virok, riSlAtio MotbilAt Moro, I�hhiclhhl P 11 's 111 46 v "I"kil W,� love 0I witoal fly jhskcr,�
Xq of ill r Iftlel Old"Well, being. POWI�hll of dosvot, A�al . ..... I' .P.Osing III:, . VIA) All tonilillmonte the Irl S. utib igil fe lit mill *0
Is it ioliI �wiliftl Vou wife is tu"Icit il t it' Uttli VAlunI eallght in Alto bit hod wAtr -us4ill 0I
7 , V . , 1 Z , Of 1wardo,- littilking'lilth ,that. at- C�l
to detoct Inginottift in much DI it Itod ittift though only him sweetheart at the "Oro jal a trill wat btWetil ItIqUisth *A4
loan 81 her sowovoll hoo may Wl;al
timis of his ocovieticift. had ronNatzil Wor nt0V fAiLlittry dell log 14.
X waft taught, thoojlloilt 06 hot taken. for 1% Mairtl Issi gelded by bil 'The liboll *us tilt, cl "Itti We$ to 011I
jhlb Nu4band 0*0* ti A-Atub "I i ferento, Y00 Can VtOVA t6 , i. � I;,^
and dc ftoft aftrwort'ds A e*t D'AtIsh tobdallent V 10tififul W him, *1*0l land, SO t if In into *,,stitinq wen 'll.
by tut 'of the laitt of, lise. Sail
out ploal gong. vill6dal. Wrij)).tbar
So Lift her sell a
sortie Ntaral hgo vw ? V vlototy. WAS illral Sind #onto ItUA6040. toil 04 -h
Of-' '16414 that 1011en toil(ft it Inky U11 rlatilp Is *Oft and thkV gre Idas 111:61i 1W Plg�dl eIII to, r. This II Colony 6e,Xital
t Plpit '61unes of US$ it 61 tub, do0y ftpt!lvit� thin to Ill shotby te. obotoy. *Oro a loVOr f4MO Phti011 *d it w" to. SL1, to you qUltb bY gc�iiliant ttI4 itlialls il-60d Agnes r4tLctitl �Othilftgt. tut 6006 Of Introoll, V ity gl f1hor
to a lialroo
yall At I at walk ill 'to" 0. VA t Joilld bY YWie 1111`016toUO fill' 'her good dot', of jotal end back In lo
fal itilt Wisiftlim thill your hill Z104ot �<tv Pill of Pill 'biaft 4iftar,W*4 b im1w 6t
the ji Jh4t, tliat JolitteosfinWat 41 g4jokthi -11 00to'd
VMO *11IJ46 as tilil (to* Of iint ihis In A& tOlitilhill ifill ethl t Will" AnT to ;r
astal %l jil*follit 0 twot oslA -00 *01r1l,;t
t S %bjtj% , q1til , t( - W ties
vip wwik otKtt, 16ati, to f ilk .v4.*1ze, ot Small VIllicl
#"tot blithy A
A.36A L tit, a
he yoUt tot go Sater.
Wpal toll *'*It
treaWomit lit her V -Ovo In a tall 111 Pohips he - RefttoW sigh of *0
Out the Til of lAd:Rthilth. trial 441, 1, tit aJoittill ftill
fta you wtotthe best i tow bottor now the" 0fib the I ty *ftoned 'or to i141l *hft
ChInA ig TO11
(on Would bVtok W Ir watii;t, ItAto tb ;1P ftoe. Illownvot, $1
66�� , tu vow �tzoeirod lill toAtutyii A, *0 p"Ing roll lot it tarda, Its P&TI106ful unit towl
IS, 06 twi, 0ill of totI vl . 0* loAlt, i�h 41
vvitl ttril n4losl rrisoo. 04, piwonlit4 poll its VO& Aftestlil %tell, yesi* ANO. TIW ilklik
We 111hould itiii JAwomo: A tbur"6 U t ol vilutAII (it twals Uttl& SSIOSt: ft"O flollm* W It ol *jl "it of ab Iftoit 4t i� day joAd hlg�t III W1 -j�tft o�ff" to W till tittiote it down tO bW iklitild Nof ll likOftA to, 111I MOnty "t 18 '(*P.01rp gtlyth'&t: linato�otb �6f Parr
to tetd W 10110 litill In vol Ar A*
AL., yo t*gIll Jet lighift -' ttl III P�4400011 w~.0
Ifet, 01M 16, tot W Inijoii.
With 00' 1 UIA Of Out'l0l W
AM to 0A f4l 040 lAiliol it Motallid far fivill N"ll
11*1itol jf.oWsl SecM
to ("o. tl*w our t tohlito
110l 4 "It o it
fttfttl — botty fok
Y. tillI
thilthWAI10 to
now -d ow nwd VftA hl§
t AI vo 1his bollll *64 ttitilotbA M*Il
coo *611 tho iI V**" 'Ilk rolits tb it *0 lot V' o"rick lot tillil Ilh �4 got this 47.
What Illix koftw "W
*torti. AN that 611 PAW* I %ill.. 1" %041 JA the to Too Alki OW tft WrAtilit *0 this ion Will Offilid W h4.to to lit" *Alaist t1h& 0604 of tm *0461 Ott Vk" 46 1110 tokob#4 of W, J,iil tili
aoit you AothQ - W -40114I ft 6 04
-ittil't . L -
01till t 0", vwutol..
"IIII f A**Ute booft v1sills Vl* hat *Jr wifel has *Alft twft A" Istiftt Oft
t il I A06tril 04 AtM *"
III *W41111 bo fit OINIA, IIU ttloiliAzil ZI *A, ol
*141lot, ft !;,%* two,
-141IIISM 0,0111IIII atA, *k* I ftitir' eo*kl Sis t,*_
'4611, bt(J*,;tWf w1il b** lit", I
40*" J%i 0I At WNW 1W A" it% il all N i1r0t rM710, fris" ftwit, *" of
4* Ott"", **41t Owt
Aft4o VO
*#A Mo 10, 1114 it "Oft It$^
"W All *M,* 411, to tjiwk�- it" tw tilitittio its, V*C*a tU0A61** OW to, Ow us* ittolootuok 21
I it