HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-06-17, Page 1-1 `7 S T R'h" WW ol .9t,"Astion Is tbo lxr$"t t$TAR %ad- tb,O county -ot 0 N goo 0 �)r the COUX%tj 'l The, 0 ...... ..... t9 Ar4ONQ jUNS, S T m, ONT-A FRIDAY# rube "tons, for 2 O. Quis, of There w St lGeorge a HAiron opened 'If Poll with elvied laittw" tofol HonorJudgo, i Siasloi of the real W. 1qdwAl Of 'tixe' 5tb con" XentUli The 4040 jury sood two jl&t Huron a was Rex% weaki, beforis waq the Rev. 0. Seagal wow al sIX civil suits, tour with of ths des,00 lnl aOfti In A =too and W4.Xii Od, of r, appy wadol last po ottIle, alternato delegates without, audt*O criminal 17 �roxxx St. Joseph, and the plapra scene of A, Very U thouse for IA.* 1. 10 N-11"Incial8YA assail caw I ED Jornhibed death Or n4a will Who, Honor i Miss Julia Earl timing is DOW' I Vixen ber daup from Stephen town* W.a A of siteek #is Watineadal algilt. V Ise to t rueeting of the Toronto After its al case til stores IlSvIrt 9 n IATIriv the Tell v Col #ad barley $ter, 'Vill 'T"it $A )rgXt# Care pok pit a W031 Whitely, brother 0 Synod. in#$ excal Kra"I Mr, Jaae f the 'hip, The civil Cues vi I ral large purfilso V -restinreport 0 -Webb vs. U011zleki ng, '4101i F" n. Re,ii A fail and lute ii *il hili drop as, Cutting ttt�, 10, Phor I roftrfoll Attlaii now W at LilitoweI, nine harness rac 1104 Dr. W III ell to And $. S. County ill W -11A ".It, v ements of the carenjolly. The onventiptis at For Jury t �y of a her" toXy , And other lutill -4kil tork pefformea' n.ttetill &ooked WIngliam'. %a unavoidably flood Oval! an A loll on the warrant hipped o)44nda r1l an actlon Auloo, L . - is rove (It W been made AVOJAd title although pal nk vs. Eckhart at a" dasith�9littleall by oellomp t wishlog" t.* tific longest bride, Who Wll itigeorpriale. of evapor- .... ..... . t 0 ally, b- attract, lay w III IV thal beAutllut In 0, own of Vill till next Weill ce, 'it wilt i0 --recover the pries at a, Ow ill 11 11 I Next Wednew Spa rate About JUIY�'Isr, Call fix, in Tl sail you wlTo TU I 044, 400416. Actlool �aclll foul, tlist of f"t could be no 110i $a** unall of roaea. type, owing to lack Ot produce More has been xxi t for 6d an. unusually large an' day, and there I Lake Huron on % find carried the uesl Itat rig for. Sited a Cftntelon Va. "rand bildroll, vin uy be worth looki malilway CO.- Or, the Improper li,iLd � A I I I , , eftAW I'liqui hol And that fills, meet will oe the Bon for S, tl'IP qu After the ceremony being SIDAW917sul"i for that see cold rig firealli The follol officers and conveners 4*0 change, batter still being At Ito 1911004 Ll lying or a, quantitl 01 a"ry Pro" J*rA*J; tion of On Greyhound. for down to 0 sul"Ptunito w numerous t va yegg, thogrAnd Pasta" beat ever held 11 -enter- ?juted by carr Ivs. ROBB, An action 'ead Dutract fast The Presents weru 11 of the of committees Ave been sp neril I. I aseared. The Chas, IQ. Lee has the cl the new p, S. for the duce, An of �.Ift the over supply. IV hol tarlo Is all -Yalstlon in givinginli tting in NSISO heatr IKUO% church d Valuable' and ar,re "Y�utxg lady r for cutting A quantity F.Androwl; GUIPP04 to recove on Morl fflfie of the asset together at Lis- 11 Auburn for an 1 Loan food MOMAnn's 71 hags Itq Toronto, mud Mo: kgo onOUJ;h to brin church being e"CtPd At III estelsyll In will" tire bride next Six jas A. Andersen., eordwood. Ury Page VS. d American that village. ,a groom"$ sift to oirrioxiev-Prooldent, Re Vold on $ tit tful pearl crescent, without ER T ne Paid Was � - , beat 0402, fan An a Presbyterial to Th ENV, eMDsThl OxAm"my The III rat the to be appreciated will For trial the ldpaitint. largest a V"r"eal, will De al Nettle uOvinee; ­ &rIow Saunders; ourrespon The MaADQ 13 0 uare ths a on bailiff fix afta, made Its ft t lot vice Plell at at An Lctlon to restrain ce, The dat I 1,�,ry Mr Ch 3m siellifiggoods C our residents I row ii Juell" overed bX attientla F Collingwo Mol Carr 15, *0=,J�70til XWO Ills. by a hirg socre ad Thursi pearance on C (104l Odtarlo-� V, M)beftili Md in W "K Hamilton taf, sourf.1,1q, Ulu ul.nary triulturar, Min a chattel mortgage, r Wages a street, anal Jennie Nil treasurer and rorr"004 Tuesday, t week, its pro in las be, ft Patrick a M tit Nit an JonsHuron Road, in action to recove .-Came ltstray turn, next week, 21, 22 or and well plaviRdl Holen 8 IV" list Va. Kurl I ST on one 1 $6 yas$ io to oill of Thuirodii GIRL. -OU the evening 0 Niel, B us or CommoTTEVA-Lock-ou. for services as a blacksmith. Ill. on -40,01 Me 0 off! rd I— $0 $81 to $0 90 A HURON series. Co NN ri n -4 ...... by Rev. ',,vV,,'Ath miss dith gentlemen wrthir Fau whol mitAndil 90 elocution and Violin re, led on the Oth 'not rayer mactin answered ,ring whi stand ard ........ . 0 83 to 0 I litiourns the 1069 Of 06 were mall F1 so I &I 1) %VOIN"! A ply OU 8 112 al, to 2 so -9th an Church at St- 6 lChristpho Andors011; rho following All ideal, 401 june P 'I titiv lill 1% to their names as rand urors P ;WL, to t 8 Saywell and poison, evident- Fr West, in Of ao was unattended, Karl, Per 0 2 25 to 128 00 citsil was given by Misse flue terrier puP, from n ALE 0 TO LET, aSamuel Murray,; � T, U li"c' Militia 'Cattle Samuel Calbeck and 111 nilur, per Owl family residence sidorat � Very ......... 18 00 to ra house, ly picked lip near I L T6.uulil- li bi, wol,c present YOU Bran, per ton. - 00 to 20 Risdon;fln the Duacornbol OPO t the pup %Vfw James Grieve an tl pull the IF 20 friti - of artist a on St. David's Arco , AS though quite li� 'lumber upaalloyNirni Ali" Morris W, Ol Shortt, per 18 00 to 18 when a mombei ceremony. After the Huston, 'nZNT, TholtIlArgil dWolilul; TV etAr to the Toronto Moll Wise, true Irv, otorta 111121 per 0 30 to 0 W tact and abillt never away from the house at the took StOwl keramith; Robert St Too Jr ful Without debal Xrlson, Gray; led br�ntuuil Buchanan' I ght. Oats... 0 35 to 0 40 displillyed,wondel last Friday ceremony the wl�ddiug Party P Tot The houset.,flitodwith a a ............ !a a young 19; tarted ) onTuesday afterfiXiOu Colborne i Marshall 'a" J Mur of the Pl fPO4 the 090 g whom we noth Tire ma,8011it wedlin breakfast At 0 rell or a 0 so to amou 3sh, near Dun- $bi house of the two of A reschorche adist 0onferenct, from the Committee Chas. Marks Bayfleld; soul Theis. Th patronage ate, -Ayply to the own , Rev. Fr. lost prestillug. adopted a raper, BKOti H Macdonald, no it i0i tath rol Pass ..... ................. 0 40 to llO ........ 'IY Of Wawaxii E 045 forme� aisle bricking the WO the rector), D At number of guests prohibition and Moral rely St lea, Ash- 0 to to 045 t antion In the person of Miss D Mrs Rhynasill building oil -tit' oll,remperane,3, d doinuell- 6rdson and Thos n And in has h'viug There were of, r vor .......... ::: 7 00 to 75 tbo*bricka ordered last year feast, and Ali Vod Reform, which con to'lue a coll r It, 'tic proprietor., CH or er ti lit H 0 11 to 010, Wol As a profession she present at the an, Step 0 "h on All t0til y t in ...... I ...... Lionotry work, and her reached Goderich the day before' to wished to Mr. and ra. t1ou of the Rot's GOveraniont to field Thos. %tanley. safe rkil tend. _r dozen 0 Is to 0 It chosen el L* a chart1l, i Robert Turner, IIn air Vp 1frosi pe ........... I 75 to 0 60 under 0. P. R. tbinge'llivilo a who well failure to introduce temperance I elected ai; a drum q selections allow that she Is 'Due" Oft A surveying Pitrtv, ite a 'rho report Mr. Robert Huston asILLIPA. God 1&;a, per cord .................... a 50 to 6 OD She has become Godertell F rv. The brid, IM — Cattle, a 00 to A 26 ed for t -k ba$ itits profound dis- st Streil 0 utabors he work. engineers, started ii f roll ,�it, received qu lation last Session- Wirr on the Stage of St' 0 far their I ing travelling I ents, awon foreman, land when the,Grand Jurors I 3 00 to 4 00 uite popular , 6 - number of Vluable pres 81h ................ redlet. top -run sue- 0 'room a. thilaction will& the had been duly sworn, His Honor ad C—NT,Tl1. cattle, 'This COutcrouce expresses this week, And 11 5 provincial Govertituent gild 0 spring in g Ol- near t 0, Malt Bylandi Oil af Ili rob to I and Mrs. 9 li t., near 0 0 ....... 0 Wli manT frien w 11, been chiefly "toy Id then, 0 and the LWAl By -LAW. f 0 0 ' 'a 'Sj Thomas, and hem Wellig the 9 to. II lure in their failure at recent sell to the freedom Of the I at a Oe d 3A to 4 95 cess for he' -1butOr gold watch HE. eairc Willi tile tort", tor re t can ........ 6 ard wer cical in any it tanding t from se ght Par sheep. per of the d,esale rious crimes, L 0 1% to 0 1 and around Goidertch wil be pleased land and its cent' y �wn this waak6ch. liquor traffic, t he soull ROO, live . ..... ... aitior 11i 10 to 9 to At one thus On Sat" IIIturned EO t UY t "Coll K Case. that would be broil init, X a............ to bear of her success--COl vo he tily welcomed pled of ine tHonor Said there to a all. 10 1. 13 to 5 to ore were over 800 ad( ,iedgt%, end I f50D ON -All ar- tb, gathering (IV W.afdcsb� introduced, The GOvetitillen iief ore them. 0 ......... ::, 0 70 to 080 Tim Dwr W I -------- Idos...j­­­­­ ROIT E XCURSI - Square. a Pretty hig ends. root thus with its mlotall One net- in jail for crime, __ __ I hoe 0 demand their 1111 IIIecotone* for iR; RENT. -For sale or Do implated fox, The reaidence as but iris QR SALE; OIL or ..... to a f title night As a cOtls;qu,,, fulffed allo, 0 11 to 000058 rangement have beer) C. ot froln 8 to 9. I p In SALKULD-Gonjil at tb 0Yportallity . of such tog s- A b% under I0. IInil wall 0 ri per III 0 0 sk kQi Keys ho t"Iffic. 80 It t at the other I- ris' III as F III effectes, ly dolitil t' or refit the well known r, 0 US to 0 10 ralon to Detroit on the Mrs. laaac Sal Laelituatiy and machine hop a-- f* ...... 5 00 to Goo the annual elticia no of Mr. and il chit power will pill tea ng a watch. and were either vagrants wa Hy LA the town of Goderlob, known TnesdaY, and the Soule of our main Otranto Are the scene of a pretty for as Pro% after$ In 1 66 convenient Beef, fare qu. 0 00 to 7 001 -Greyhound " next as lunatics. sFk", an< to f. hind Q the their rsons committed Macibloo shop. Doe "' of the most the beat for hicycle riding, us - as 0 when 8 DAY AND FLOWElt SUND4Y Prill 9 warned dwellin Ill trip Promises to '30 0 dtl�ug Do Wednesday, cHILDRISIN' t'l 11 Wiled th,- law as to what r a gtue, te� TO Avifixonizill TIM ISSU10 or DYENTU Viscent there FRUIT AND VKQZTA13LEB' to a 00 successful yet held, The have mally t 0 biter Marthal Was married to W ( aintalt itil bodily 11-1721 I IL $TBACHAN, per dozen.. ..... 0 2D 030 int, gat'llel'Ing U dr'&Ilrdu�, of St 'Helena. The parlor at Victoria street Methodist Sabbath ow*vrAwol TO yorterms, etc., &I)P V to ...... 0 20 to by alinly It very interesting Ong it, and then took T" SLemons"por dote 090 , c i � Band's moonlight on Monday evening (illy or two Opt School was cart T C,,AW0.00. FOR T119 PURPOSE Well (Wn*hed to 090 Ire to be well patrottked. The lie approctnte )k place Was AS service. Throu h And collixtion aslial," stories would d yal tattles. Der bushel ........ era I or e Tait AMOUS iiii TO 17118 GUSIII, Oi TO I,Er - Two anot bod- Bananas, Per dozen .... 060 is also at ord where the ceremony " u ad highly en fact weatt r lip A y IN AID OF raortin to 10 h - 0 (120u train arrangements from Strat wheelsinon. Id with It ow IOU out the day t are was or, IDIANTIND t, either as Win, PO to room, or as two bedrooms. and the North Will k HickiIi Houber last otherwise decor he ol ion. of Seaforth, was n seemed to Loss, An Action with Jril ll COMPAN 0.1-� - :t-T-Iff $VMA this year rove richly garlandet BILDIECK Vs- F last long, wlsojt�hla entrance. App Y AIDVERTISEMENTS. N ti. Patric M for of St. conditions and the chi drol out a jury. The case did no a Turnbull. rec Arit of the occas I I �%Jaf 4AID RAILWAY NEW important features and materi4l,y ti I fore -k officiated. ,,no the enter into the op Honor re- Pill M;tj ' d OFF CE. Rev. It 5il in the choir l0ft� on the and Atits conclusion His aiakthg success, Mr. Aver le chat -god III. t Wm. proudfoot. Saturday With C ng a George's churc is property att the I in given away b The flow' the altar, were bil udgmen SALE. -A doldralil or I Pat. that -ide was uri latform end In f r Dickinson OR House Wanted -M21- SAN and indefatigabi adver f y bar brother served a he Golpit innel luran Road, bolorl to the alothatuto"Of Furnished Hl air. tI has worked long and the vf�g Aley hL grey o �flor Plaind wagal t JT_ C call tramo 0 Sale-Proulditoot. on the streets under the vf�gl Joseph T. The bride, Who waa fullity art.%xiged me, diso Pariele (local) ..... 1 til agen 3sults, and many will charge was laid rancy fdo,toull line of railway 9 lot �,e day, The ministr Wn of Gol the late Eo, CAMPIOl able trait Uscalet- Short nd Course, -T d ri roungin for d endant. Comps.6ti a- ali - Na.88rill The unroll nol Shiels ................ I bard for goo It leasure of ti aZ froin'the lit too �Aon will one story and a am', sful efforts. Act, and the defendant p ------- 0. T. R&ILWAY. to ,nOUDF r partioutirs 2p t OX40wers is widely IkOcOPial'a fill. CANTzLN Vs rtch andin he On OOT HAYS& AIR. ardters. W Garmenta-Smith Bros - thank him for his succes ar.0,01such ex n -------- h or ri the For furthe %3*tf Read to ear 4 Of ebsRge w terms not I ITnIa and Furnill conktuot their railway tht""M bloo-W. c. pridbam and not the least Of these he closed OR ar theit tied out Of court on saidTowrislaill! w ch"' cideri gol ly &C0 ........... 4 . a round tri to Cleve- they always t Oct Brydono' for plaintiff. It W Alarmed- Sturi ... 5 Wednesday for Vol( portion of the biled --Acheson & Son lorlydell I- RESWENCE yon SALE.- lmjIngummer Goods p"Ou. I ae oald ALUABLID 8 ving Detro t Tuesday out tumultuous great made public, after ]note t ti for $2, lea, tts Jno. Bell for defendant. "O,woroxii too Said t your purse-Linsoott Pub. Co !�ad esday in did filembOlves and the leader into, tho add pliolorl it to on south Street slid call- Ere 1"I's ............. 8 ailncoplincred Ae there were -JUr cases regfegi in World petition Over Skirt--M-V I iving all day Weill' credit and many favorable no non It .. the aid an to groSterm List of a -Committee .... d us the congregation red ourned 0 an. d portion �exd us he Domillion Day Olevelanif were hea' irt liar 00 LqiWittod house th tals.-Frodgeng Bros ... -The bricks are proceed the Cot of1h, freeholders resident 10 t d from. d. -J-1 Two Spec service There Is ril to W,asday. w under BUILDING from thb- mornin lwxlghlp, ilrod being al. 2 Ao Nol in to 0.80 a. m. ot the said Tc to vote upon the by. wood and bal I with a complete hot dwelling re talent: latent in od ground for the little doubt Of t' be VOWT4 enti Act duty signed in Aeliorlixonce The he is heal a modern. up to "to now on the A Voices which tuaY be SECOND DAY, "the X11131CIPill has bon presented to the ter eye in, and Is x0van these Y 'P I with the said their wwaiall g the -alses of the Al- Compoll, of the aot4 Towal'I'L114-OxPril I to the undersigned. hitelY Is trained Vill. le 11 EYOS," Ing of the Court. t Jury he said Railway by joartings For colors ap y The morning to I deldrot fill ald I dcanditions Datod lithJunclW1 y for his e Celebration alighty. was lPpI.,pI1aLc And �t,avboorll Webb vs Menzies, itil upon the terms at, aster borl of $2,0( )t out, PTUDVOOT F.couters. street.- A (Jenuine Old-Tilin !Lsled tirTwoll into'tho after- ly cli hereinafter Ilk that the said oltoril f8 ad to impress got')" v` rho ti . c being ill' to the Jury advisable' lane us ANb W`rrtRxAB It, 19 WILL BE HELD ON 9 - io the jury re a said Township Of West Wawa :;���LIC NOTICE. ph Wh lesson, upon the yonng Illinois All .rtlon Of th Mat the said beaus of $2'0" I'd ---------- __ meetin 10 1 po 5 in tho i`11 atel �,.Cc-rdi ­ th their llk CoMpanyi and-in.Ord" 3—ENEILAL A14D MARINE Ia has 11"abs a througho'll- itleto rne questions, Rio Honor the said Rat iv%ogslary to issue dahentureEr of 101ung fl.r 1904 well attlande an LEXANDRA J U LY 1 St - youngtil. Answers to for the plaintiff for to It twill be Del wst wawa Job to the 90 H. arry nomm� ram the ttuntion to ll il-ectod judgment 'the Township Of ,rest, for the gum A] SPITAL, GODERICH. Cloning dwelling on Victoria whole prog' linatt,orproy ediwareateby To ay I mos s d costs. of $2.0moo h%.bt hit6ridol to be . see if 0 ias the frame work for W. LIST O P D ATTRACTIONS gave "lost excellent it BIlLie cortain- $14g fter 41 j R. Varatolle for mountoi rocoodilaftbosaidlicbentures LS: )ft by the early train to 'es: EX that was Said Barrister that he N _;-i.olifor in ti by -Ill the V tJ,0 said purpose and to no TO CONTRACTOR Ic . cousin. The a street, afid I tile Cl CELLENT lot ra'ni -to invite deceased was It's Sidence on t1ofendant. ho �ltry having The Trijil of the GoolOrich HOOP'W tile late Bruce L. Wa L. Horton's new re _ O�AE I ly gives one the imin be appiled anry carpentry. plulabing, well under Buchanal'S haVe DON'T FAIL TO C it a Kin v8 issue the Lure for the rualle �ja -wiring and other man was �ognized ant 2,story ven- know" hOw to talk to 010 oin t other— to j.,- t a tnt! Acarly rill of it, rooll troe 1) I AND W111'all'Alt ad to make the (I y deceased' l"g-deldraill licauh Tirl �ci -other the carNenter wor children and so th'Lt title per"olls n t to calls notion .ris, on Oil Shorritt and the King vs. sal debentures at Ono time a t I( at the banding in the the body belu� C s bi. welling for Thos. Hai spatIAL RAILWAY RAT's a audience Are not neglected. .sit named was tried while the IrIL 0 able by yearly trades ran' eared I the old Folt FAFMOULAOS it) th itleill Town of ooderich iorio for had reached Buffalo f Oil t the said debt repay not endorsed "Tend have raise< And egg pROGRAM BILLS M. jury t prinp III rl A of twnLy Yea"Aboing code Be c aJune Char as, Lftir the usual formali* Nelson street tire platforul �Atll `uPol ill Wobb vs. Menzies were ,ams, uring the go a' I year. -. Blair, ooLyed up to noon a 0 lybtt li 0 amounLI that I , tect at whose N. Y. city It t Wootton. beat jL1 debentures, I,, wi �be re fuce . 11 Trafalga' stree , the Cartel nrespi I . re handed over to turning 8 Up onidatioll under it, not de Mi lerintli I, J - H. of court. year , . y 'he Ill wen and from ties the remains we put a St3ne rcl . F when arraigned for assalt- blo in each at ll, does can obtained, No re brought to a to a dwelling; the ,,,Ott, assistant ,up Id oil ex-Ou tt so p- Jury t a, gate Annouill, I - ot of the said pla, fo ation can be the' relatives and we in the family re turning it 133 )toy-, Millian and A. B Day 5 , aded guilty- CQUAI to to W Uy, accep I , lot nd Ing his wife, Ple will.. Proudfoll ninil Ar.iiiial I -Goderich for Internal. Copany have over 40 hAllots �'sul Intendants of tne Sell( . Its Fo anderi plot. ab 0 In call at atil on tiny qua Ifled wo it charming travelling linte'd wits not sworli- eal foi. his sL anti 0 period. STTUTZ.—The God- ed,iAnd are I tended, we these gave Suitable al"I P( It strong ap n total amount recultrod. by Wol a IN l that Comes along. falls at tile offence, the Case WAS hampagno Ciotti, with WhiW speeches for the occasion. 'rllo till C" lionor, after Speaking the an's to repe dress of a hito and to S. the W. a. Worn Ol —Mr. A. Six wIliat and a Prou"y rown and for the mornin and afternoon wnH ani oOffence, REDITOR TIIH HURON H vr ordered 11 at ton a 6 I cricl� branch of Ow, in ostponed. b Lot, which had of th, n a Id .1 f Port Elgin, are n Montreal irrown Straw hat, with given by the Re 9. line of I r It to yin the NOTICE T T ESTATE OF esday, silk and costs, lot I stilled Institute met at 2.30 P. in- To miss d faml 37, 0 nk (if occasio I by M I"i bond to' t b at I r vt N THE MATTER ruperance Hall- iii and give B pretiliso' white triumilings. The ceremony coni I LATE OF THE Miss an Of n of this Houl to this trained for the Milidded tho(lefenthint to givelt ch, to I do EN June 14tb, in Tel gave a short talk on full posses 0 opular ,ovi g to their new Lhe party Adjourned H. Graham. miss 11da Bell III") Pin, a hole JAMES THE cOUNTY Hills, of Toroutc I keeping the P y a,fternoo. eluded. w hare It, soalloont, ble and At rhe lident, i and two Iniretill Of $ to a.Mounr of 0 0 E I afterwards every promise 0 'Is in the organ. years, arni pay ept F ED. mq pular Ilbrella moi dining ro niuch keep the peace for tvvo load — and their ul as enjoyed by the C Am) WStRICAS tl)f# the Townshl Of , DEC 's deserve the to the 1.4 RON GENTL Food )king, hostelry up to the old-time P( of It jolm, the IIII.esen t titile. lie I S Eluillptuous repast W fificers al teachel rateable 0 HU in coo Lugh somewhat Goc� ant at of title the rosts of the plocelIcling ons �Ile 1) e_ of relatives Pres tile it is giving demonstrati, standard. Alth, town fit I visit 11 "I praise for title general exck waWaroof 44300 & and the amOunoOf the fruit and -ge gathering A uant to th RO- of frozen dishes, o Gode rich, Mr- Shiels comes h Sqrd al lai the c .... gregaLiot, getill courts. rhe c-sni Mont row it, 41,.310,Ry of the said fortion of tran er t UP _ftetwards it hort services and ,olkid N% neighborhood of NoTicill: is hereb, t t consisting 4 fixing � Mr. hav -lili be ill the whole rateable prois trio. (1807) Cap. t29 n t salad The attendance Was a tighly recommended as a thor is is III" that while he is fix"' the function, WMIA&r 'I very 'I -atillatinE ording to the ast assell viscid StatutQs 0 (�nvon Purg I dressing. meeting opened at b, an ligi I y Are to be congratillated advilier's the Sol To flying is niending himself tillie Was ent it, cO Doi then valtilly $ 4 I , With E Gordon, at " I w othe ii.roolitors and others haV15W ced hotel nian, It efficient and 11 toll 47. The evenin III oken r is, he thoAmoanfof oxisting de, atho ostato of the said late alues Aiken no 7 30 o'clock, witf an attendance Of 35- oughly experien or 20 Years- with lake breezes. ,,,,d M rs. a i such [In tile day IMont roll Is 0.1 ti St. 11 lens, fees ill have one. Ali who died on or alio the i5th day Of indly took the presi- been In business IS bilig par� 'y �tdillbt Of thox gold untelpailty Is $1, inter before the 30th da 0 provements, S left for their 11 spring flow- nearly livIlat the above, ,,taking tLIL total a largo benti � which lid putt of the principal or In- low, are retired Gundry ki president, Mrs. Carl the recent extensive in' net oneOf There vvere many porch 11 ps.8 linder it heavy shower of but the inter- The alijotirned at 6-15 t'll June 1904, mn4db III I or del ver dent's chair, thescrit, Miss Miller, of Mr. Shiels promises to cond ties it, from the, Will the The bride received tuany prea- li Of 7 P&'Irl.�r of Gol ., of the work all forest is in stroll unreal of the Car- w M;ll Proullfoot. so, will hig liallis Ll atijong boportalle Thursda and w- In ore the municipal C, talon. bell ,Home the best houses on the road 'and there In days, but its -ide it 0 on TuE all p of testament of the said deceased, thr Guelph. ad!JI As= the ladles on ill receive to ir tieing V10111i"ont dill went to Therat we,twawanosh rich solialtors for the executors of the la 0 fall 'ess I progress when por&ttorlof the Towt, their bt but that hew ents sil" ,, groom Is gift to the III -'stH at "ta OOL. and* elating, a statement 01 giving demonstrations On is little don, ge be will merit. ot made, file water It Among THE pultilPIN *813 A follows; ted by particulars Of their ture of their eepuritiol (If Nursir,15," liberal patrona - tingling. rhe its are tile �iftt,, tb, y all Miss Hill le 1 old-time 'bell fol dsolin" \Pearl pin "in pt thal o"Inis at t2powl.te 1H he -by h7T) f ctured on the Thomas Johnston, at distul er ad ,it b clear wa- b i were his chools are "t otWest accountIs and the Em - ,...an L At Of the 4aid Townq P 0 ol. to in,) held by them' handa I Hygiene. s relatives preset S the said portion Ili bereirafter defin notice that after Lid last �gm Miss LOU" 'e'! lo. plentiful. 110" 1) obe inade. Dr Gor- Summer � train Wawsixoi which in aid nd further take roccod -Practic.11 i-Zlerl bas been engaged all - big strings st of niple I - - rtant work to,' th( ell"rell by suMMER SPORTS 0 pallied 0 still here. Lei o oMentioned (late the fit exacttl(lrd will Preegod ocal solo, ACCOM ar arbi I eltl) Tf ix tho Gilti he furposs, =ts of t o mid it Neville gave a v I IV 211d, w and I lie M 880" Oor and qull), lie usual trophy shoot an to distribute the , 'n i.T. t fit There vill be t this the 10, a Railway 'I thereof to he said 017, titled thereto. heir r.fi by imlas Pearl Trell will RbortlYmOve st Holons, land Among the elatt the loWrol"n it but - Ellis Bros filistitilte staff, will t .0 ung P(Iii for leadet'shl ohJunottoll d for The Mess" o Tororl coultilencin Fng � nAAy School among the Parties cial of which nott ORANGE L,ODGE ov B. A. p�sition. with ii.Stir- Of tile colleg ate -e don of 0 study. oil the Goderich Glin %rleb through or ,gayhe said par gard only to obc 01 onto livalkelds of tin, Bit field Inft workf and Bible a on and that the said olocill GRAND having a.:cepted a into Part at Picton last 1.1 between Tr be prepared Lo. 9 all the S - an evening. I,t the gdd Arms then have been C meeting ton & Dyer to travii Is'l Vilin"lls bridti fanl Of m Of the Pres the said Township. iie-for the assets or only lip Illity now be seen For the Purpose Of R V I West W.- lorswtilaotbe b its notice of whose 6 The annual while his son weeks' coul'so III and Mrs. Millet draws, V_ 111, a prog chooat Knox A Ilice silver StOre. It Will a most uccessful gathering, And Hamilton for cigars, In the elli Miss Ali 01 aforesaid fill to any r.11 received by them at the 1 Ellis has soll, advanced in n week was it again el to, - and MI,H. Rutherf by the file"' rofthesuld T wnsn % ,ther St Helerl &ad ord bytrbIll Still' has just, reached us in Itougvie's hill debont f J shall not have on &D. losing At 6 a, in. on Fr y. officeni Frank wi C. field Road. ml f St. Helens. college, t V of the wano=t. tbe all of $2 ON rV Rev. It. III. Harn be shot for It in ndinpurnito n;t ims th"Slool'i tieno Of such distrtbutt -6th day at June. lows Dr. S,�I`Oule, trical business. m t ay take UP -ulara apply I,) nd Itev. Mr. What froul the ro after t 0 passing of this shall be I" I'll, Dated at Goderich this Town b g FIJI be raitb partic the We. 6)11 I (),it. itsleading Ritio club. ill be each"llivithintwoyall, h debentures gol,. were elected As to' - not finally decided, b Martin, a )III Solid I silver, and w Lch of while pnoTjoyol HAva &BLAIR, aM p., Grand master*' - Gal I W. big residence In Detroit. I(Capudli Robinson 18 t and J - C- tile invited liton, 11. A., tional llit y It pi-etty Piece of bY-1fl Of f the issue therecif. and shall KxooutorA, Goderic . Master ; hid tilt' first 0 Montreal, were Amon It excellent show del on the day 0 0 thereafter at Solicitors for said Montreal. Deputv Gri' post fl it for many foilt"I'll are ('Iiild study not elloits there Are be payal within twenty � ar,111age, of Luck- Mlls AxygTRALIA.—The Sydney, 4essor of it" flowers we ran Principles on Grand Secre DIED IN In guests. The bride who ve ofl,eaching. offlonothorl t 0 m Lockhart Ba of Wednesday, March Gila hil rich. Itis groviii -a at the homestead on the HU y Illethods. allIong the loembil I shoot the Bank, MORTGAOE SALE Ougan, Glace (Australia) Kal died Missionar Dankli 'MOD tico of the have heard of In God told rest l trophv wfollowing no hit,, with it tingo Of has for a long School tonber ought to At tho Gun A'Un ly hings : the -ning Thol b some OF ely, is w Iller. at, d d q Njacdormott f the 'Raid debentures lithall b6idgrl VALUABLE Grand Socretar 7' 110 gulf) or q SALE Dill r ,IT .. r. 23rd, bag the Ing nic [jet- by her son M rs. three t r th, mid Town the llotLiffland Grand 1realul Monnings. it to I Jth her sister, At least, n 1, and N. I) vi ii 1. -ill 8LI . -londs at know nriples It. Watson -law It FARM PROPERTY 'picton. Deputy death of rth Shore �olerl and her manY It It of tile pri ho,l,,od by by n MORTGAGE parkhi , an uncle Of B- Ill and Ithereof an the as - I on tile no a. ficholar, the bi 140 are ull well thus giving the tirst othartzillonaut Tre—rere ;e-- W Boult, W,,T �bo found rioe mine land by the t 1;te.061 Of P0 r of sale contained in a F. Harpol, -one death will' "ll aY. tile old An paching. ltougvio tt.Ahthereto It pursuant to th( ill will be Produced at er I James of this town: d the new hOlue vil (If Mr, wedded life. of t, 111,1111111% w i it. Clor ohs a Ifty certain Mortga formle Grand Treasurer rer I. W. R. nounced', on the 15th Inst of the Georgian Collrt the VOICIPA - 1" there will be Offered - Hamilton, Gritud Lectu Cottee, of Fil Stowe CO and hot. partner a happy i led for in the shall Pay Interest at the time Of "a 0, ry, &no Ifred The garden plots I-Ourid the by Kill: The gaid debentures .payable b public Auction, by Thomas Ound Grand Directur William A gentleman a, and Bible Aulmy on P I., E MATTERS. 4. 11t, of four per centli Per annum at po&mn,,3 Hotel, port Albert, code, Smith's Falls' are, Min- Strathfill decessed taLe Ronse are Dow in sumillicr dres MARIN the slot day ol IM4 at 2 O'clock in the i. H. Detain, The at poresters at church. I teachers ag Rov. the ri tFuncer notes -, d came to this 8 by 1-Ioluinion Day they will ')a It ass and attract VO dAank on licy �Ari of coreut W Stowart,.War-ick. ad 71 an I� Mcl;,adyll yogilystobid h year during the cum the fouli ;7alualit" Form I was 3 Ir D" dumber in lisill den, and' I ild in, 1858 and entet f bloom. A few more seats Would too M A.. (If KI1 SATURI)AY, JULY 2 of I lie parade of the local court i. �ob;lml,�NicuLli. ox A raii nindle UP of a Illillioll feet of thereof. afternoon. T. A. Duff, Grand 0 an front n it; ch&rIning, The cl on port thi4 Week front of the said dolin, namely: h A J. A. Bank. After a w lcome addition to th ')It ego- and Itev. J g School. logs, reached 'A, During the, ourron annually g special on the South side of MCI' Auditors. ntM and QXCOITng e ,is even on evenings dlan Order of Toronto; vilbleTralinin ho- Melon itiver, fill. the Ooderich 1,111ober Park LOto 4 and 5,D ga ervice 0 t e malinge Of title of the Cat tu�� j�oro gli be total bourne Street, in thi id Village Of Port izer, was rei k A large 181, time be bee sun-sbaded spot,. ;eHt gather- D., it psy rty I ng with- for bill WOr - loluently lot ig there if' it want the larl Ph oneJ, the rateable Pro a more or logs. ly thinked C without band plaYir Surill Wns 011" derich Fr, erick Tra Vol UP ,atcrp4lty described art, containing 13 Acro fencod, and and haplains Bathurst branch and suhl lc� *t I'niverslif,Y, Col"Pany- in the portion of the I labor thirteen to was a Waggn, Wagga- came of seating accola triodat Ions for tile ingH Of socmen Re"', III Go I ical,Xpert of oron W - 'rhe past week was it,. dullest of III roperty to well labor of Deputy or namal Lots T, fillot, ,,and &not This 'at-& 0 Y, in a good oiato Of calti- DIII led There bont I(Y) being in the follows, 1: ,To in MI'lecture on h0 r 0 nd the Boll to a clay oat', were also APPoln tO8 aney andwasgilpointedinanager ladles. foi, soulo tioll," at C t tile at the harbor, not It �rtwn twentyl,aIll Inc net the said Township- A ,test between , , Land and of the D. O. F- ril goodly d"i w,,,,y, 'Ph. D., i it NVorj� is eing third Concomitant 0 t ven Inclusive vation- the premises consist of a W.JI-fted. col and for next Place of t�o Au;trallarl Mortgage - The secretary 2) 01, Oinebill tjoll4lktA, beat enter 11 st noted ol umber Sixteen td t^b- c and Owen Sol He was a consult heque for $ -t At wrt, 1)"t-IgntiOn, la's TV 1% on the now StA "Y" The buildings on I CC Ailitt) til ary ooks all th fifth of $14 .111- stuall frame hou'llielill, of which ILTO in a fair state Finance COMPP-C I F ived, oil It C ,to the tiolls frot lit), Kindergarten st,eod lOtA xx adjoth an nd frame barn with R nIbe it I l4ho will b" I IdTownebip.thc Sura t'duo in lb,g attachment, a d well and a small Ing dilrector of rd Biwinim. toWAr( JVAI if the latter courtturning ormal Sch( ot, will got forth Cariboo, And in the four of meeting. Owen Sound being flnall5l, the M. L. an( N% on I Hoqj� . 1* Io, Inesville,and log and M Ism av, for Lolke four f pi%yina the amou 0 along of tho to droo.0 0 ot ofrepair. Thoreigal,4059no selected. Compny Up to the t me of his fill 11 eady to It —The regular IIII of the Mat brothrell o fig. pril for the P, rs for Principal an building full addition oil 11 As the day was prinel OR Of trong weeks fro I to,lay. the dat h Of ti said Yen obt archal of choice, fruit tril situated to THAipERNCH NOTES L especially W' depart ment 111'� (Jauley.-- tallotopout of t ld d �Ipalfty The pr:grt,.K is conventen eld )living the last twelve Months, I beloal a deRtroble h L enta The cheque will Ile 11, welcoline Df Citizens Wat'Ch" gotional, ntl (,,aptain its f anc is T. U. was Coltee had been a 0 to the fnnd but, the kindly sentiments fine (juito It number 1 Tbo. Coonel of the, gold Muni' and school, rou_ g of the W. C. (tiling, but his menta I and The Mi the by her cot," the ii Company the said bonus Market, c ore mail it, will lie t,O church both as to Information regardin know, thinks the A lot y let ods. one %who should IbAll Pay to house at or ri the Vil, one for any person wan ng a smil 'a Templemali Hall on Monday tivity was remarkable for on ond Hlb,olato the the favOr"bl" or, is flol and lubesional oPosed olitide break- as the litAtIon berill r porconLolithe Surobaso main in the 'Jile absence of the ac Holeaves fit widow and ii of tile letire flovilly were ssfill feet of th Mitodbolittet 18 created a n, TERMA:—Ton I _ I totheven Oror hit solo- ,, nj,,,Ie r li uldly I 1) C,h1),h tenders are now ask - fill on the day 0 5- -, loon. Iff his age. I_ r Wrest- The I d When the aff,41171 children, I c 'l and the Railway y be n. "y"i ance and Mrs. 0 1 I pro"" work in 11, congreg don %v&t4 ne son being tile matin er for It " a Io_ -r It) its Mission' e turn (lot Sul for; the balance in thirty president, Acheson Presided. agong branch of th )�aptt C[I tile laig prime requilil for n positi011 this tiny twelve ridyi[lid that tho said bonus 0 'a will beautified to 66 convey diUons ay the superintendent of the Matt teanurnber Of members of Ule ofthecourt. ' 110 I ionary ed ,vill be il of the the Said ut t�rcbascr possession. The oteor can nlb veill QIII Of England al"lleal-all" i ood stlyle. Wert". in mill active missionary coull"ItLee, And that the balanve Mollebea r, a lot into n Jfames Stewart. are An , - with RPH, standing can uk, another I" Sons I slont . I I Illooth, At the Vill rid tw n will, be the iniller y0stlg�d ma'l-slialled toy fire try library -q and q I pon fbo ofecti dittorg, of the being Flower D a with mercial Ba isro %010 with maps I ditto" :)graul it, accordam local lodge of till at awl y c 'I. gave a Pro ting 22 Be Istrict Pica c the director of corenionles.. a 'In 9 sl its. an(! , tructAlre W 11 be completed within tam, the ban 0 na after the wee Cottil --TIIO drove Out to Itilillslor ,t date- the nwDgbl fourt, of Jusi the day, ted r.v, ALEXADRA HOSPIT A L. 'Ph. v ongre- o hartal, _'i Illectings. These year from ;it Itnuott 0 hi,rifforodsubleette a re ii were distribu. .4li—nnion. t,o attend the It btrixe congre t&itthe'Old 7t'r ­W_�way I �—r ng officers war Its turcholl to ol onTOAGE SAl . 00. TWO jo—usns IN Ww"r, :rthol' day f H. Imonths: .11 fill affect THE TOWN OF 000ti onsil Ill 81 hillfby.low, Bit s a. M Hillcitt, I the pois - he 616CtOrl' Of t &sill Porl f 0,10 oontatned In 8, In thereof It of t ligh pursuant to the vi li Voling- Chap.. J- P, 1 tJ,o late John Mcofatf,A& W Vitieftell I Fin otIl saill ht of 'Wet 0 made by ' of September, A� " -Witt the foil not re %. 20th dMfor 1, akentlr. by% 167. l,otg't tAon, At W to fti theta will beOl sale, by Public H, ell Guard Hill ItinissiltillLO" t', mmonoinght tb be,," Auctioneer, at Farr,y the youn 41"Y of Yuno Ing by Thomas Guold7 _,I the forenoon and 00" , uwrich , an Saltul�d in I lohn WZters., 0,Wok In I me tel In the Town 0 , Itoll, at two 0 all ne The Afternoon of t 18th day Of June, A- D town Elliott and Thou'" mil $I0 a It In Deputy Return Offic- following valuable nt- Return the afternoon, the F -ol IsT trfalla Ing MIS, . McDowell, , , " 'r ty. 1W and,,TA 11% the Town of Otill'i ,ors, Pit t non, Proper - Newell, 611(of.61irts No. I. at M vart4 of lots has & frontal Of 5'Z (Oct ()I' liol John ItisturniV9 cor, riob This P"Orty, erected thereon a 1� stal The next regular 104,164 Matto �O %abliIAL110116014i 13rn;o Stt"t an(' hw,b,n attached and ac.ail on Monday evening Vt8tut$1�ol[urn1h9Offti fro house with Ill In lotory trillion barn h FOR I)OMINION putt I' lull"by in t o rear. Also It 01 i46 S 6LtTO*n41xlP` CA for all I I Di'dittal I Ljoiternitlig Officer. ttal ties will first be Offer,, and ad for 1 lig WI'P meeting call , tlbattg N�utyl anil co CrIj the large 1100- 4:04 The said PrOPOr � thd gUt Ogain in isipitrato par 0, it' � 0 a0ftut' organito for fway I abAcottagethiti6tiner. c,lobi a be Viiiii iWila 'Urn bol one P91`06 At%rV will be onerel tk* (14WA elo At I I, than Donliniou'Day Was P art ri,eins to at lid Vi the Volt- It not 00 go' M IPilot PC it(, fInal trothalli firved bid. n the cillors Claxif and loss, gLiarl and Att loriti wilinx I #dtsbythGflbTkJt',b6ha1f Thei?"Iftibcar",ex, Per cont,down a Goode, Kidd, N. I tof We I or Tornio of galot-9 0 balance n thirty days 8 a", tl (l,y Of and Ill son O. Sturdy. l4bylAwlp"Islit thereafter. I ,at,, will be —do known at Watson tielCoridill III bwn' Furthil Oatu rr th undersigned, or The, 61ork Of , hill Office fol It a to Sala or may be had " 0 ml�,H;fdy, . Ails Wtill 0 title the Blackstone- W- C the f6rAft the nu;�btlot 'It 1 it Datd at 0 ball and T119 13TA 110 ION. 104 to All - W, Wh- rep�esentcd. The 11V PAP "rill fit I Solid -wee, 46 t to" for the MOrt9A __ By, Dr, C IyAlril atillo Council cinim, r electing ral tits MU b selu Cl it LUM139R WANTIRD l!i W. C. at for Elm, A411 At tied by JA& JOHEST Pruem the KEN - 'i bl,%W Wh'th hs si 17 &CTony under- �TZ with the fiTON 1016 -t -t friction carrying, U1,11 nbA seconded by Jose itNTISTRY. Good, be Preside Ong, mon �glAl of h esident 0 A - if tot 1) D ELL McL6& 's =bo,10l WYK IKSA 1. tothbui 6ofta 13 §,Ith 'see' ot al 0 I hod6XN tA 01 Imol f tAl L 1 4"y offer. ney nd Reid. ILI t#_,hft ft&u h" Rlittable, 8, F" A topilft 106 1 t at, oil Istud FWVAIWY- I t iohw t t lor — I mark" a oheldeft novel ... C'Pitaltiltho pl-o;t-ty village in I, .... ..... presented. 11, --I tondant. Is InLruou- �;,aor thin headi'llf lint" Tom; ar'Atch I Super n Ittillent of JUNE Is. mottgnge sale ii for tilefirection Of 11 tolty now ( do SATURDAV, Bruce street, I 'inf"J. iii'discosti the Chiis-� I , "" . I Dimill t,00k for bill text Mhl See for th V AtloiI of the suff0l ill Rev. Dr. one ith the Interesting 87 otcoulle 0 tit in beving pened ye have fellow" Isslon- of two houses and lots on [roPerty), at -ethren are tile 1 McGrattan iMitch- ii Ill oil. Tbe attend ll�ally In the 10111,1111g (I a.m.) Anny the words. " We I John I and Houle Migisiona. ronment. the in I �Iate loll' For need Civilizild f lzlii Walton with Another," froul : envi I 2 o'cloc P. in. Was I .11 known dil"'It""Illoll I.,c I arv.S own spiritual life And the 'Illusion - 113r larlife , wit fit anti "long t cl and a6ppro- Parr's Ilotel Vt. Proud- Ad. OW oilgh Only fall - preached A "lost P articulars gl;,�'posters or ad er; 1111111- Were at tile 1-1 yet It. for Illortga- till pting this $fit"'(' firigoAll sermon. .an e In every sense ail dil ry It wor rs W. B. -sent all he tile At the conclsion of the service the atures of this Mt llays & Illair, solicitors tions land All clal"'PS being pro jigh, though oback to their hall, on, (If the (jell htflll f1 , Tho,' (, gee "ri anctionel. le nist. The key all (If t he -hed Pont- V 2 Nlortgage on tile ceremony. ill best there were Higns dint tile M ForeIrters uuLrC re school I. the resilence, Of the students or"MIL. I- , where e 0. H speeches Was loyalty to the fill meek still tilt, fell g, ound (if Mr. whet, after ii con, III I men ta I odid Re FATVRIlA Mitchell.' the meall of Ali s were vote(� I)r,. In the c)vided lot, both ladill falln property�atcp,arson',; hotel- "Oil III %is held and prlge Of lit inception, And that" B ul,ii sooth lrirk�, thank the modal Ion is 111" noderate VOSt- Albert t 2 - Clo k. p. it, being park ter for anteiR for h A ('Is(' I � acres� frame Oba g th, erni.all 1) t and gent,101110TI at isle of another ,ontainin -1 t,. ,th. -1119 funds. Amon asbel-I it yti lily lots 4 n -c tar, e 'he public wort In gathet tceel Horoll 1'. I. Hensall Ir for the "wee or their kindoes I?vel fiing gives prorl %r frolu -1 I Ir of O .1114tees f R "orcess I Asion this y", house Ifol ays 81 many Speeches good tollob, tile find tilt, t I Or cer Prow ly, night withers of Ole Friday Ill"t- 11 The inell I one of the ('11 ch- A,,un4lry auction to to the wall . [tan and in granting th" 4t It to It b- ;olicitorg. , thoge of W101den Bowr beirl blvilIttlo, fron, tark NN,hil the court Closed tile BlaiT, he coming wer, V Thompson- The t ch�',g, by tile local Acting M ad come t, I il ItL, Calendar. ,r Robert ti (I 2th jolv there. taken in d by Coun- g All, showed lie It Itel id %%�Jllgllafll irricyling U, the l(ing The Meet THE WORST KIND. former' 1*96 1)lmtrict favore illobil n"d Jo nion I a hospital .(leric n inne '24t it I I.., In, t()oltKirne or the U T4, F, for long e conchISIOU the go there. on, I Edw toons re- The next rowilar r reli nd Messrsi- and that, tAtking and will likely to it stltll� ook I A After I'lles have ex'stelt Wit. to t, set 4lown omeward S. 0- S., W'11 le'vIonn'it"i �11�11011 I throngh blverent, neCA"Ity in to Little and Pftii at D all things intil,ensiderittiOl","Pechilly f railway Inel11,10t.Mron ala'noo lis c sit ffering Jq int 11 Iclia Parkhill. Wall ill was notabad not'oryfor th Nalton, the panitaryl IrT ,, unto on 157, a I mors forn), spot for Its ee po NM robh it ,stion. He spoke (it till The annual mactin tchil.g. it Sat.11-dily wait largely roi,,y eNtininill I J. Run-li 3f the - banner county (in tO t1h ling with generoil 4 NI odet I STAR F. nex chapter, No to itoublell ;Igllal werb ougo of 'in' ;ottended. about 2 M ",.a r Rgular rue-11"If 'f Sylliptorl in( Port Of the H Ref"go" c ,fly ent, pays for Tau It A M.. nolit 'reoli -,Xlllcll. ay ppear to A th""ghly pile -Rick g organized tile ladles who we,e 11 r and ra n �n Ing the trall' at tbl"tf`(f4k%eti:u4nwli of the end of lill fil Next, regular lanotill Jay ., orl J-00 0 d I DOMENIONDA' V R. T, of IperwO the only in- b short fl for the Inotit"thit"O ereel'i"i tbilill half P"reblullng V, - I I vir ill PlOssee 19 fiar and Conclude an the gentler All and the lesser half old-time T, -111 This I#, when I .moved, see CCA9 80 Unions h,%t A marry 21th. of & Ire, their all oliting if Ahelookebaptler.D admirrith5l h fl�ir the hospital and agriculturists ii, 'Ll'solt1w Ptle ", 0 APeOP were not allrate Huniter, W. R. body to know t held In town of) nog"Ill M, t at C 15 P-111. tol the hahas made Its hat we pro- )ne for the nflAcublage M1191"t nd other Celebration will he in tha court I loul- "c" Monday an entertaining I F, Ma,yor Police O.I JR2, on brings the remn't" fail, al the hose. Acl Robertson, W in. Rutson ill The bi attrctions refuting Off- fame. Amid much otppl , th IoYftl- I belong to tblt July lot n ChIldren's Junil for Ife"', 3son moved, Them son., speech brifilticcl roallidol Of Goderlel - possible Will no secul-ed. Lnd music, em 0. I 'm Oodertell It will Core the i'llost ptnhhorn CA�qe in I that W. C. t tovIle prop!igsi hol-Plitall, Class. game,. athletic sports. D, and Special oneltilsdof I itonded gnamnlea to Kidd vice- tK,,e who had Worrec, OUL ts intro 12). M.G.W appeared usual Part- , Mri ny o4ning. Juno ,.i.till anti N th "ell On Mondy W tAc will play the filgrill t4wroll that effect goes W, ressurer, and ped rus faith in its Ott earn, 1, the police Ull In anglArer- to a he n rurging him wittl behig there it 1, to he h, Illic m - 0 Riii proul Wl III shuld talk It tip Work .111 at the I 6 1. Or- title, . summons III cloux dog. The de- Every clitill'i rids istri Mull t W" welcomed by all In not word to their iii Dorn � Hompitol, tile owner of 0. N est flu the Alfixotnii lid not own I% V1431013A it up, and an June (I I— t- Shoppardton- ,tad officers, Mail .0 of fe�dnt Paid be 4' I that the to come- STUAITON in a ndsmith. ts", firticula% by the Daughtel I he harbor one M, .u,j % to the tea 0.3. and viclong One- i, the Wife TRA-MEETIS. Joillodat""Of Indge doff. nor (it Metbodist 4. StWA irt. I I lulation wits not a' usiness NOtIels' Ati)urgatioorl on ell) tile p- (f. Unt'llperonlo M' t, Ilwao hat 11, 8 BA %W ii tilepting at , 11 , of ionic ad V- QLl A�v ra�her. an- at c. C' on the ve cOlatnittels, Mithell 0 Rel Jol A, Anderson and An" Inlaid thAt file lilt T. Bf0Pl Photoll A Special program it, courso of nd W 11 Kerr vill father' ftnd li hi, stli w 11 0 cloll STID, to find P '"t nouncelt that troln May pItration. mond even- Wj;a,#bcw6d thilt, LOP 1104- PlAyn"lle 'Irl Will tol"nexi '�r weduill afte"On Fifty col 1XV11 to the Of In the one of un, s neo every pal will Itindly tbA Ll tive Pital fifill pretty ill'al root bitten by OnIN adjfrurgla� 18th to 546pt 28tt. the end Of 19(A i"Jill ir? I IN county of it ii 8rA to tile Case untit tile return (if A' beat this in mulo' .WM.Wd Fifit1w cen a fdr Tito G&W from Whitilpeg. MAW thtl erA Of I I'd C ILA, II164 14i