HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-05-13, Page 14�:, , I 11 ws-7 �� 7 4, .7�! 'ta, _1 %: I . I I .,.. I �, 1� , - 11� �'I.IlIll.M.",,.",..Ipl"""v "7" 11 . . , W � � . . `,� . �4_� 1 777. '7,11" �_ ... 4� I., � � I I _` " ''I ... _R71WFI"W - __._ , � , 1. _ '17 , . , " 7 I , I 7 I - , . . I ,41`1 _171, � . __�,111- , I I . 11 , 1 12:1) e I . �1, � Ix 1. . . . , I., 2 ,,, . ,. Irv" 1 *� o I I . � , , I _ 1- , � . . I '. ... � I I : ", It:4 , I I . . I Q I I 1, "I . � . I , � "f _ 4, J, , 1- �lit � ... � . I is I � I '.1 . " , 1, . I � N �_ ,. 1. I 1_�.,. I 11 1. .1 .1 1. "I I I I I I 7 . � . I �. I . �., . 11 I 11 "I I ,, � . . . � .'� ,, . 11 I � 1, I I I I I j I � - ­_ __ 1111 I 11111111111111 . I � I . I � . ;� -1 i 51111440�9=1 .." I I I I l . 1 � , ., , I 11 I$ I - I , _0 i . 11 1111M" "046 j , . � I . j ! I -A - , I . I 11 4 �, .1, I - � . . , 1 11 !!;�:*.= I— . . I �, I I I . . . . �,� � � I .. . __. 0 , ­­­, �­ �, 1 1. i i 011,'!� ! � i mil! , . I I . 4 j, . - L I . 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J Q^ . , I, I �* L. I I I. . . :g_ ­;11I; " - " , IFIR", '' , , , . , ! � , L I L L . __�_�_, .11111��� I I . L , , I � . I , _, , � L N. LONT-t FRI,I)AY4 MAY 13 . 11 i. t��� . , � ' L , I I I .1 . I DER1 . j � j , r , �l, .. . ,, . A� . j j , I � I !Itpmlg=;:�� I j ' I � , , - , , ;t� I j I , � � L L . I % . .1 ,, ­ . . � , r, � . ", 6 . ­ � , Nf I . I . I !rJ!:,!!,!! , I I r X � . I . . . I � . . I , ''I oggoola 1701yor L , L 41.1 . . I nit *­ �I; 0i . t�j.�,� �, - .�,�,r, , , I I � , " -,,,,: . j I r � , I r 1 . j . . . L I ', . . , - -,� - , �. . I , � : I � 'r 11 .1 , . . . . AIM W. Vt Now ­ " . � � > � ,. , I . � 1. . . j , . j . I r I , _ ' !I . I . 111. .0, - r . ,,r L , , V!I;= Lr' 4.,2 to Q, , I I I �, , ':. - ' ' 'L' ! " I I 1. . I . Lt i_._ '' . " 'r, . I - ! ! -_ ­ . . , Ills, , U I I . j. r I . , r , ,: , . . , ", , , . 40 WOO 11 ' y � , ! I �. . , . I r, I j . I'll '717 , j . � I . ,� . - ­ r , 0 TIT! ?� ' ' �' J� " , ' r , : I . I , 1111l,411IRM :TA -0$ nglo .-Vtke - rob 0 We, ORO., �_ I 11 i �j .� ,�.'r . .19 I - I I . , 0, !.. , I � r :' � , � - , , I I.".. �,;;��� 1. is, rL L - TO GODERICI Mort 0 I j I . P I .. �. I ,L . "I I " I - �0", , I r OXAMLIA), Irsatlbt;q- *'I, Xb I . I , , .1, j I'll I l I , . . , ', - " , 14A 053114111� r� ". ,,, , 1. I �_� *0'��' ' � _.�J � i Aris$ TOW* T 0 1 , � .1 � , , _�� p '' -M , . �, r . ' I 1. .. I � �� L., I I M=Mgnmo�� � Ut�,;� , � to ,40.4j� the lie tl � THE C R R- - I ';lli _r , ' ' ' : oto$ OL'Ojr� , , .Vr. fficern I TUMSTAA?a 0IrcuI*tIQu CQUtinuOil I ­� '"t - 0 tl . , , � j" I ' I L , � L� � I I I 91;* , _ .1 . , I A 0 T . 11 � 1, __-li_;�_ _!2 --!_� ,, L' I " .j , I I _ , , . X94f , �, - , . , O . I I . 0 is" -9� �-'!P#' _ q not ", I TXL al . , . I "'; - - , P ' I . IL1,04110 ' , - '� I . r I �e * ' , ' ' 1% L grow JA%er. E BETWEEN -- 1, - - I I* ,� "' # ,14Q , W44j ' I I . 1; � 't;:, LF , � . ,W , s#W � j , " ,�It, , Ok T _, � � r', Vlc�. L' f _0 - ., L:, LLr , .,T. I . , ­_; *111,),* n 't 114 . 1; J � Ij I . . I 'r ____ r L , , � , ,W , T 001414,14 '140,611,0100, Hook: - 414 shoo � I L . . - , AN 00, , I I I.— 'r. I I : " , PO , , . '30 � "4 _""­,mtt� l MIR , , , _ 11 . , loplogotl _ on Uor ()lub'. tooj� VIAOOt At. t 0 - E LIN � L � .L , � j I.; R $4 � . . W�! � , 4 A , . j . ­ � �Zj,g STAR ClOeS 9004 Rp t1slig '4t ; IT is 'To. BE AN INDIFTEND NT - Ij I I .. I 11WIZA. _XI) %" .! I io�§Woa of 19%. � -X 0.4. IrX I( . . . 1T9;R,A44. %YP ��" r � i ' I I A I � I � 4 X. , .. r ' J,ky ovep, f4f) L . L ; � , % . -09 11 . 0" 14 olistill st e okto. prlcQf .., ,� I]* hT L . _1 _­ io� i 4 'Alkoot.10g, I* I I 91D I , r .1 . � I � 19 &__ ,j I ­ y '';J*), , 1) I ;1411F. Atk�. being Aware r It a fine dul I CL I L . 11 I . - it A 1 .44, ., ti ero, r , % B., X 10, "r " � .! I , I I � I I r,.'�' ' Is *% r If L , , ;;,�.i;� . I I , , ­%,',iw,A&AX,Arg;7 I ., , ­.: '. . I I tl'-­ -drIft' '1)"'� t*%,T , � , . I I S _-W. ' ' ­ j R -A FA I r, r _19 .Vo'.F U AN ift J'u ku AtWTIORTAVO' WW 114t Target wilf be bQwI(n9 . TOAON T , WAPAR W _ Mr. I ,;: 4 el'gittP�'4 *T*4 III �L '', ' . - . � .11 , Th f slbe� $ � go ItuNT "MoV - � FIX. 4 .- L " � �, V - TO AND �,AKE HURON. . , I : & , ,J,4#;Vilu.r'4iJ, , MqDnt .01 L ti�.ulteplk not ' � . .1 'at W"U, . I , , . r - � ,, . 'Tang rk e .arld IMAIRT M . . ­­­ I . . � , I L �j ' ! , ' art I, P! J�.' . 0.41 I �r " L � . � , r I I f L _ 1� , , 7 ' , � I w , I j I � . r _to marK ; v 'L ' P'N Re were she on'tbo g"QuWaLmy ;ifterWolli. . - , , , , AQJI�V A r . IN0,01M South Huron 0 t .� , . I L ,Qppjauq�PJIL ;- �_ �-_____ told; JIM Itry OT XDQ HIPP . ' . I ?,n0QJRWWLpUAtb0' ' ' I 1, , . LAN t1" �]K_wajr4 � f � URAU ­ 1-1'_ . . !' V MTRY',.., , $4 i �' 41100 or- t 41M."il ' V .N, V" $hIAVS Maop arson IS QpleUtog dtl ' - " .r. I L N"tIlTilino ­ r..: j L � L I ,I gL In " " j , ple"la � r �. . � I ". � L _ igot" , J)",Tiopg,VIie'J7.'CRPt. ])OUT L . , ' - �:'�� : L , L jL' "T , f I , .h A40UT 44 THE LAY OF THE ID *I THE , ! . .-'�­' 1_11�17� -----I- , - R99 A srlQoJKpJJL; . , _ . V!,§ .0 ,� ]&' ,.,�T',��?� �. .L 'for -AV ��?� �. , 111140Q, . ,,"O , aLtIVAT91R. I%QATS, RTC. -TWO Ion at TorOsAtO-`-""M%` , mel!r fi '&. ­% 1, ... I - , "I 7' 15* '1:bo"' broker 9 014106 00t, to �Fas' Wilson ..= , . � , will � 0 j - 14r9 � 4 A STAR REPORTER T*1-KS I . � L On a . 'I lj�txqr grucia , �� I ,4 .� X, loploplaecl, 1 re, v1004 0 . . . " , , , L . , 4-P 'UL I .� .; �L.', I I . :� , ­ , 4 , WP Xtirsult , , , �, , . 'r .� , I 1. , drug, store, . . tory will r ,,,, . �, L -j 1'�� , " �! . )u RRIA 4W. .6 , , �, r,i,,,, " 1*400MOVIII � I �: r I �' I I? 't , M TIMM - , j i" ?� , , _ r .as, r NVAIA - lvv!�,�jjp,,� %,�� - c. P. R. $TATION, , � , � ., L , , __ -I _,_ . I I '- � ��L� " . L:"A,��, , r 7. *41014"'4TO�1:7711 : �W�4044( ; r , , * b*. -A X,,, , ,­0,OXZ";,NTA Uriba r9n choose fail . .L I ­ 'I .., ,� . I I L 11 I � I L �L , I � _! _ ,,r I I 11 � .. . ., 4 k, , * I C, 944..�'Tr �lIa7,� it ,T_O I-POVA vi" -i;-The CO3- The Iveat 1XII INTERe�TINQ F . , , pl��713591 oll -TIJE be the frleu4 of 4040*4* , , . .% Er'TRIC se"SMES. L, �jn ,� If .1. I ;__ 1. I , rise � An I r � , .*ft* , L, ! I . r I , begin this Jasonta Work until . votlu away by U10.1401fr# ! I I I _j___",-_ - - '$e ,-W,P� ,I �,wot. irlilIt, -Duell I j r, !" ,,,.:. . . �­ r oina4a' - r j � , ,ciyut' 'I *r`!- ' , , . r L I In Was Well filled oil not ." � _ It � fapqfi&;�o , -1,0 I.Ja a ' L at OUpFAL0 AND LAKE HURON. 9 _t ' ,., TV j � clhj�uj4ot_�#( . I I . . . . ,lVkt, " *4.Jc1A esils 0 beritA04 ,Qfr.� t 0)010� T 0 IV I� alsJ4 bass, �490 _, !,r r, .,,, r � r ,�,, ,_ �' . J.egIAt%A4d11tQr Ill Monday l lit, I . - 0-11 .- . "'li'_ � L � ��Ao, L ,� L ___� " 146Y 2or - - in tin t I T904, . , � ", I , at 0314011 M RF&I. I _� inn. . 'Ji ��::" I I , - , it r'l,r1ge L : X;;:;;;;;�, �_­ ..� ,Wos�,A*4 , evening, when President , ��, . to tention, to -Ox . . . say this I , , 1:1 , goj4i ties and vtslap,� ssltp opvtng. . . , . t r �1� �. , � I I"Wo,wotodrootpa;� noroOm I , . �: j � .y I tions, loading i;lise PWAIA , .,:,r , . ', , . j �. I '. L � rociirl"nsr. " . r :'11 � ... �j OPP, NO' Ter . g,, j wo I ­ ins�,* �EwaV,L661lisole it the our seed merchants or Lake Huron. It being the intention of . r,,,NJqe "'%� 'II"r.'_;1�LL I .� ANG OlIT94 I .,l , I .. . . . . ece. ved too lots 10%Uls L � � ..*�, 11 . , r � ,��� I : 1, lost t1sletweek.- - 4r . for future generatio�w';,. � vesult j pavgn�ol ',Apoy'r�,40g,%, ' ) � L wbich was a wel . . .�, I , ,�#4.1AIIIIII-M av I ,.Mr. , has been a 0004 Otte for the sale of The 0AU0,411111 Pacific Railway' construct a railway . -, - _1_114`1_1­� �, - 0 , - , , L I' � pp�s ttogis titst'nsim'"r Or need the pmgran, ..., cases wbere uelithi)r, , � L 1) I Qrlil;tl_�' ­ r le -a (4 I , ­ - T V4 Lit" ia[ldd t -VO -14 I eked, ; a Tilt Guelph tho.compauy to baw. .,�L, 1� .. , .. 'k; -1'4;. kwqAAIP*. � I : ' . )JiOU0E "% RErI4 , 'r) , '' . � , , I , 0, 11 X " , lato; tile Arlo, . , QVI the Q. 0. 1. MIS clover and timothy needs. - the I -1 '. .:.Lt: , " �� 1, �J_ t: . L '. .. � - "Itc Idw-gor, G a I r t: . APO I , ,� Q I 014 Jse, prvist4il. 'r - A, bi*R7 y -r- � ' - lop I lk .4 I eat solo. and rom ,'I ideredolluT7110 DY joulitharl' Ml�lior IS lowering the more ecirraotly speaking i wki, I , I � ­ _ � ' 39�� I RIO. _ "* A L ' We followed wito a Miss 0 0 erlob, a distance , (obs Gun I L� j 100 't . . . L' L r with, WAIT Pape 11014 To street livery stAble, It' 4 Godelelch OxtlsualOft Of that roll- f Guelph t od 9. 1171te railway country Imalroaxly fico on Fri- � I . . 4 it 'Zol" Ow�1011�4 � E04 1 1 L r ,, 0 aVe r Swann -ove a. well 'Written and well tiding fac- of about eighty -Ile r . .,4�;16g' L L, j I ,j'4qiW , eon, tiTAR Ill, such lefliklifull, ... it, I L �t7 r I a entering �, - I I � ": " . I VIVO U91 XW1110. pp -I :10 Apil you will, bq.ircatod � 11' t*Q' r t1lapalper, rj�R&.papqr op Irish history, from Its �, ., ,. L I � I - ­01,­­�b I wheiviuLT. tile le4ev,juvorpip . when the. from Toronto to Guelph Is an .. 1�' - 00 . with,. n 0 1 Cat �,7, _ silTer"Il earliest times w the lirese4 day. Mt, do eudeut concern, but its tile Call' the sleAr ruturer �A49, mill , , a., with ta qrn,w .h, I ,� L- I tot, water, 'Ovom 00, en�­WJIA . 9 r � � Ah -1 ObUille; Vt tiQII. It 0,1190 woll y 4XIltup PAYIN". '. and.,14 inapy c Wilt. ,II%7;t'-S king 1? IL troes'TUCC . Cod I rnoill. . , r . I half a dis- Railway has completed that tie grant us'llon"A' two wisall .r', L � . I from MJ%4r. str see ImJuW?, to jurchasers. RX tuond sang I'Satistil ad tin Pacific _QAb A ;ly to Al Gr;�d ApixiF4XIII0411410111, 1 - Dd with Life," 'r, , j I . I __ _ , Ill. L go 9L- - .. r L _ L r Miss oks, docks. Ill location Ot the Pro- only for a brief 00*#Q' * were this �, - r '. . 'r, _,,_poa�j j�ehds, 413d o. 0,004:40011le Our an rtbinal(INAT) 0 L r * " 9 satlefted the audience; the Surveys at . . In 'It DX,OQT, HAY. 4 B X , . . L I TOWN vs. R; R. T114s.-M.Any of Uty4ge, Tecitea -,so was 1.11 and gave _A--J�l wq Rut. ��r'L, r ,�, . . . "I _ I j s� r . . goes witihout saying ." - _­�',L,.­ I � oil 4 Al . � ­ . I I I. . t,, , L " differen" arld #five through- posed line, It hh undertaking With The .Oppollitliossf_'_ ,tboi.-_ Mae_. _ . - . - - .-- 1,� " I , e%,�o,� , il 0 o -­ r L .. r I - .w. -S I _ , I - t , _j . �.__ ­ � -r t ­ . tj a now, Is . ,� : 0 L 9. citizens COMP14111 about the as an asi.tom ,,spepiqtly JIM , - ok will 'be itiat tboy ba,va Qx.,S A "I'll, ..... I �! 't Ouse L j , L . ...... qQDERI CH -'MARKETS. .1 � - -and- -it. tinuz; �, Is ron 0 xuo--x chutro I. j 14. �.,; , ­­ . - ".. - ­ - um, 1� .0 r between 'own Me F. themins 10 143 style. .6 11'resEiMiss Ili g of the 5 111161114 an independent corporation- House did not allimate : L 11 fvlag"�AWTIICII, If.g.abs".9 iollegiate journal. It have can cause by the einkin 1, j � _qd,ly-illa j� 1, r 0 U .Q J, itt, %� d � .L, R. olt be.. Ott I)Ylce I :9 113�! b I ov:r.tbe, rTer,from SaItford, crossing )f the Goderich exton- I . , . k . IrA .0 0,10 trill should n Tile surveys It goverurnent sub.0147 Ple lnt;er- 11 I . I 9 (ourrezif 01toresall; prios cormted which they elm de.-ispOf a variety or subjects, foundation. racks near the toot of -ried on under Mi. coil L , � , I , r. e , One Story ILUu'p ­ MIA, . th T. . nty . ," I )I, furthe ulath ,a 13 T j up to �,uiois or Thu -day.) -Y, for instance, I% 'W( I .1ciniih-vis b..,,,n cat ;. ,,, :11 L j. , 1:1 -92-Y I .. I . SmariLleft, lot- of Trunk JVa, ursday . ' r L �J .. ,�" L � � Is & 9 tt 'all the town 0'rmo , tbqy'.,rft . Wing- Mquda 41 known was W.4 , at.,.. alfic, 0yo t1liI 'L 6r a expFese 0 c � The lost blo Die wvertised In last tea soaps, and then running onsulting engint , h ,';'r I M a ELF) it and 16 mixture Of humor and comedy . c ,. ,r � , . NOUNFO L , , 1. a Tonal m"kot,WaeoxCCU4ingWd reclated. Miss CAm­ Used - . �L�" " , -, . �' Ooderi011, . __4_____- � Th ad to the depo tud was - much a week'd STAR 71olund the oyiner in lose iny, who wift also look after positov, Had � . �:�� �der of tn - I w9ek, the ctort;3gs of ss ,a Struck me . 1% .-t f and 91. fAlthbrid4e gave It . after going to press. south of and close hostile that track, I � ,t;1 : . , j � I - _ ton an4 pgpt rain being th he cc"' s ,ters be- " 01WAS . �. I Tljr ' I In j 4 1�� 'f�,,�, L' I �. nad bovatticul spiall re, Us last Was buying I kne than an hour t p I ."Ohn, r an '!.i", � ,is ticket at three minutes pal the c-ri-tructiol) Ills headquai strongly as they did, 0 OUSE 190 RON 1: "lot' Ajply cat on rolaakil, ,and Prices we to seven I enthusiastically its. reaching the beach by passing between d ri h. it is undoriltood. "they woull . , ir I , - .� c4labrIS'lloadat, 4 "I . I I )y the R. R. Clock, It would piano duet which was STAR advts. bring resu Ing lit Go or o a Iu. Sit ,I),14 I : I', ! . r I � �-, ]a Wool,. r I I read a letter a salt block line 'ii,N V In � I L. r Cc Q Jul ve UX , d expedite encored. Mr. Strang completing the - Irde. . 11 � ,��o , .0 on S. Better and agp are plentiful, and lotell last -be S, great (convenlericO Am . The maadne are the Big Mill Office and bit hilt active Operations on the now �.T­ . '.',� ";� an r cl-Weiling - T, tin just 0-9 80013 Its tile ques- forced the govt m- , 11 ph , "". I - from Frank U4 dward, who has just re - �5 'l-l'i '��r'� for ' 01. It is expect v � I , I tin. 0 . second W0140 * 4�I ;r. I )?OR Till- business if the two times were even the 131,-... will be beK .1 '.41. I j �., ;, ­, 11 ­ . R or topical pri a at Normal foundation _ - _ _ _, ,, and behind Babb's hot Zil - . ,,f � AIAU"LX ;dwx . wask's PrIO04. , � measures will be ceivea the a. . � . ­ their bill," This POVON 1, . , let of those sold by and it in to be hc�pe� M ­ - . ,l - - house &%rid tion of rig b -Of -way b'" 'men sett"'d . 6 - "I I 011. , . _ ___ _ .. . - , i`� � ,, , I I .. , - _ __ ._ �, -otigh which tile It k Or Iy 1:� i "L "t�'P, I 11 047tmtb,�Gwat oad con- - -Potabo$ are TW searce, 'PC In T . I 11 &d on the The Inut)jOlpalities thr t rather 0 cc yon t. a' , , ,111 ­ ,4 ,1: '' " , , .1, , 1,11_`.,� 1:1 I � MAY is , a graltiorstioloictIouirlit4own tbO line. � be that In road voted sufficten IV,` 1.11 1 j �, � .t �0 M , t, tiott,40.11! , - I will past& have .1 r, . . "t " "'' ,"',­' � . 1,� vardent, y. a busted. T he bililds"'tt"ho ontA) patellae ,ovide a free %-I Ist-Of i 11 Z'�'. �,�'L . Y. ?I , positor, which L, I 2 story, frame 11w0ling hOuse a "vs dropped 20c 'r bag ' I . ar Obs' Is or depot bonuses to pr Towtia of 0110111 � step, and hiilt� � k, ,,,, " �. , ,�,�, - i i . I wood shod and born. . 11 complete hot at other points thFY ,a froull0b. 21�1 9 wa& while tile I I and it, wit" .1 . J, . I �� i . 0 to boata v"%o . up to dstle bee deroalt in tfil , 44'. , , . The hodill Ora cheoporthem they worie a week ago. I vo also voted Separate mouthed" con, L � . ." . r r "", , I I - 2 . �', L water system, mull P6 in tile to the Go erich lit), ;�,,' L I . j �, % 14. Ij � , , I J F AndriiWastalpilea twocars of Uvohl goveroment On i4dr,�',, ,a the � 1'� -�� . �11 ; wolling. t i to the undersigned. to *i,�;nto Ora- Xonday. Th.. we. 2110 . r occupied bonuses. __ 'L ­­.". Arisi* at ��, _11­­,r�.j,,�,P_ , I . j Ifa &ITti'm a" STIVAL - . ­ . I - - 'r 0 k �, , a-, - , .1 ,� 4 n 'L 'mals,'the price paid won $5.83, and beer Immi course the If there Was av*11444wro to 1, � , a s lith -ildne; _ ha'T'* ,­ , h W , �. , ." _ '' � I . , I � I �r & HAYS. rill Executors, ooribrIbuters.to the shipment, were Messrs. would not A meeting of the I)I'OVISIODULI direct- � . ­ . , I I .16ioOT T , �� " I I attore for Vonsio - I ...- f2210.lbs.. Jas, Lattlawatte, 10 . . position could/ I - 0 �. .1 �4 ,�:� - kileriluir, A. 0 osed electt-to line front St. w6i=btout, � ,­,�L,L' , - , � to receive ore of a prop ei I her measure, � :, !4 i 4ning ��. I .. 41 "' I . L 1�� 11 WANTS. . 1710 The., and D. Dalton. 10 of 1580 The. . I n Reen It done, bill rL L , - � L;1 ­'­ 1 L I ., �111 I )in in I . � I -com- Joseph to Stp1Xtf0 . Is min. r "I I � .......... -l'', , 1 , , � .... . ll ............ $ 0 85 to - rd was livid Tile t *�L Q I I I ., I ., , I b 11 I r �r I ___V-�;­--U_ BrUn- . 0 85 to one point Perth's Capital on To top IS not qualloed to!, ", I ; ,�' ,�',_ " I L _�4 ii .far I, L nun ........ Po esday I.IL,tt. . defen _� v,J'i , . WANTED -APPIen In I BROS, 41.1 : I Ing department at, 1031-1 RV pl:.M-1-4 11 total distAnce it, 38 miles. Tile plans oil that point. The 104 - th I �,:��"`,�,� "T" - 1,��? -7-7= : =-.�:::::� �. :: I '25 't- dissamin- " h ea.1 )* �� . �, I'; W ..., Ewy, For civib. . I call for a line from St. JOS�Ilbl th"ough B 1=11 4.1 "I ant; " �L' . _�N,IIED 14 to to years or . 0- .......... is 00 to I ;r , r , , :,*, i ,I " � OY WJ iwooct Parknp -- tin a grialts the village of Zurich to floodall, tell justify the cc a t I � 11 ;, 2-t ,�GRBj per ton ..................... 20 00 to 20 - the by , � girt � � �':, 1� t o6iJohmabi (It Ridg( ' thence to Oblool ,pocrito '7114t 9 I � , I 0 ArrEtimat Ridgewood park. screenings, pot ton.. .............. Is 00 to I will it be and uarter miles I � , who 'I, L r miles, t bonne to Full4pton, opposition w �11 .L .; 'L ------- - 10 "� L , , ''. "; I -- -j�;­)Clf, FOREMAN WANT- Oato ...................... a lour I Anse. Fifteen . , V L 1, 113. Ith it .' L . 'L , _ I .......... 0 28 to 4 C. P. R. burst, I , " AUS- Barley .......................... Y 1. .711 � rages Deid-no 104 time 0 � taken for passing tuldway III 11 1. �, ", 1� , .',tJJtr3TC hghost v :::: 8 No r. - , etween Croinart public welfare. * called W, .,- . ., � .�. L", . I � I,!!, Apply to JDU?C r. WAtivri'v. sechi- Penn ............ � ............. a, thence it I � I �%, , � , r . Nag IV.6-' li Ont, 4-t 20 .....::, 0 and Staffa, twelve mile' said, ,which on 11 �, � � 0 40 to 0 - __ " - ­ ..... 0 40 to L , I L, -fi� . , , alit ­ 0 -i);)� throu / I " �' I ,,,,,,i4-, .OtOr,BrOQkv'l19'vuw ­ - B,Y,%;4�;Iii; shal 7 00 to I to location ,ill Carlingford to Avonton, , ___�_, .- . ::,::: , , , " 'L Intostrat- allall ;Xl- ow, . . - .1"I � .. g pr-actinal Elarl ...... � �6 ..... ..... - - - -,.,* 01ne it will follow n the Avon River "� , ��L ,r ,� i7wigs �8A*Em TO AGED a Bit terl VO .............. , 1, I - ,�R gro, . all, ones. Saves ::. a To 't. &ter ford. Tte line will trava�al tb0TOw`-' WN -:3 PAPS U ' Is r -7. T.. F'r&yeaudevillo f3r"Ibell ft tro,%) pe -,-a I k, - 'r �!' $01114 itself. 'a r ozen ........ %be w - F. e, and hofire Bottom, , per card .................... 4 76 to a ,of Ray and a corner of Tucker- In out a ��. L, ­ , I Xq� "'r ... oina, to balloving. , , i,be cut up all' Huron County, 4kIld the will 0 1� � '! .. , brain' wor dozens, o . ........... i� ........ 1. 25 to I - t0r1r,"k , - � I 'I , " One sale sells ' 50 to F, v. r" n I Tittli TmItPlIONIC A:pr`UANcZ Cattle' D= 12 x - vs �o ry and bu hors',... .1 am th to 3101. stock ( . �_ Send Starill). Dept., F.- A_ %Zow. cattle, a 3 61) to , at a point Townships oir Hibbert, Fullarton and attra, '1110 ,iv - I ,� I !gr One M&Iloon Ave.. each. etc., in the store ItItkt, , I ,. ?�;"" 1, I " 4 -; I , 7 I . � ,." I I . I ,k 4-t Spring Lambe, 01 to 0 in Perth County. . '/ ,"o I I . 1, Unists, pat III. .. - - - - ,:,:::::,.: *. '. *.:,.: 0 the more part of Downie, Hamilton street, qod�&_" , . ". �. , �1, � � I �, �;, __ City. I I Sheep, per Th ..................... 0 03 to 0 Railway committee - lmne '0, �� , I , , I , .1 , - - --I am Pro. units, live weight .................. I 85 to 4 ure discussion on - � 11, .�,��4," ��. -.-:, �­A­ V,t " ORK WANTED By MAN spot for Its The Commons � is from the famous Ifirsti I WPared to do all kind,' of outside work, FIRMS, lCr Ili ........... I ....... ... 0 12 to 0 , , � I 1 � ­. -1 I such " rogrirg, Taking, ill or other I 1. 1 - g 0 � IN I tti'd I. . . 1, I . gging,'filling in. ........... .... 0 10 iner light- bad a liv*IY two ho )posed chartor for & cc., of Torou vet aw"i CA tumps, and will H,r . .......... 5 00 to 4 - Tuesday last on a pr( fore you buy. � - , 1� I . ,. . I terns, replLir rig .. .... !..1.1'1!�:.: the north n to Teeswater Ing and palntittg.�A, JXtt of way ,� , , ­ I 1. olcUnin rk, at moderate a arges, ...., i:.: ... I ...... 0 70 to 4 a line fron Walkarto, � 1. cateldagwoo" he very �est outt"faction. Sheep, skids ...... to 0 dock. At with an extension to � 'It I , I endeavor t,O,gvo t striletbao of Gardener Tallow, tendered ......... ..... :: oil 'A te It and Lucknow, Don't be discour It oted the 111"",", : : " . Apply st roe once Oil b t;,j rid an amenditie pro- 'i ,��, ''I., �', I card to 0040ric 6i 7 0 plenty of Hanover, at a a 0 � .&M. To .l; .............. .. nt to , I's end of th . of , r a ztl,� chioks, per Th 0 0 to I lont; t,o Kinnav- weaAber, you cat , a. i 1 I : - , .- . 81h4MEW? 11 . -Crate f d costume for a visit J I "� 1. .1 � OR 0 6mount of vide tot- further exte 0 hill id "' 11 0 It, -was Ill-ge -P Lumber v: j a. to ---:::::::-:::. 5 M to - , just as though the 1, I I 11; ___ '; 6 00 to I - Do' I I- 12 mile. -i at tile 1.11 ii` �, 1, . ­­COuR OF REVISION- fleal' ,4hT.1q=t-r;:: .: ......... : .... I r ... It it. dine and SouthatoptAll, 3% T sm, In objection that, to "Ion of the ". ,� .11 2.1 f 'M oil and & anidea I 4_11,_­___!O!�_ ..� A" VIEGIrrAlILF& ?ould mean Bl,uce toud, this title w Id pit I litiel the ,1f`l,.A purchase of I.. � � , ... �t,* - ODERICATI" Oranges, pot dozen ................ 0 20 to ' willell Was delight to yours ;, OURT OF REVISION. 0 inly at the Hut -on and Ontario line �horities, aim- , . Q"l - r ns, per dozen. . ... ..� ........ I 0 20 to and R. R. SA.LLOWS' $2U 000 voted \1:, � 1 . ; -, 11% I . . I t or.Revisdon for Lerno ....: .... 0 20 to ell every Wedne i, aWrred on, is �, ,� � .1 Zorioz that a Coil Bananas, per dozen barbor, so granted a charter Sonic tittle dwo, �, I �Ia, :::::::.... .... 0 75 to lile to re(pilre that tile 008 I 1. the Towl his, of opiserigh will -)told Its "rat pot bushel. �� I . I . 11 honsviii,tiVA Thu,ruday. the 26th day API.P.Pitupor bushel ............... 0 70 to � I work for an effort wan ill' ,vinitt(ld tol MAY 4th to Septeql�, tionar and � -;�,_ .;= � - spitingat 0 1. - �Jropoaed new line Ile not eril , ,WF�,:. I I <,Ing at; 10 O'clooic 8)" 1 f tiled Patrons will �lease �,X%d Ill, deal of . .,�."­Y - . I of DIU[', A� V-, ION, oalf=aa and roctif Ying wilting to I Ommence till the H. & - hit( 1 00 I I � , 1% . �, I I �. ­ . �,_ In �omp into. agaw , . 'to I T. H. BropheY, . � i � ts, ,,or thg"P111 'tAtill tittle- "'It ... � a 4,0 ,j I it or errore on the . � 2n elevator 0 construct with It It, eel 4 1 , . I I j, osont your. All partips. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 a bill I-Opol-ted to nounces that is .'Oguresof the , jj.. ; It I I t roil of the this was lost and th -,.� ,, ." . . I Ik awilsesdule 4 to atfuni), Pit � - or it would �, . .1 I �� � , , Interosted Ara r0,V,""" every Wedn"S LY 4ast SatuXday, , Iq ,,: sTURDY the House. ': I'll M - � , , inat It from - I 8th to Sept. 286. I majority foe " W.". ,_ , , � , gail ,Municipality. " �_ 7, , � "'114. I , f the s Worm WeatborGooda-J. H. Colborne...., I I � ) Clerk 0 1 1. � .., , .. �, 1, I Godorich Towashtp, May 9. � .- U.Irajo-Moth Kill6r-�8. E. Hick ............ I, a great 'f,� -1 LLL I . � BUFFALO AND LAKH HURON RT. bear this in mind. , A, -','i �', , I An. Aptleal- Beckett & Staunton ........... � . - -_ � .;r� . I , -1 . & 'Z:; ��.^T&�"V�.C"RT 01" RZYA-9IO,N--., , . I 1 at which -lit AGAINST t �` I I 11 .. � I . A - : , N OTIOR 0 ill.'W, -6 Worl Wit ralk-G. T: R ..... ....... The ri rid- Post 41 37 '. )Ti,.,' , Il � I U aport of the Buffalo lind Lake . -f I TOWN C-r-oopraticn. Victoria Day Rates -G. T. R .... .......... .1 ;Ion might HIII-On Railway for the half yell" a I I'? �� . tea of it -TO NOTESti -ds 33 :,-i�,,,TZ,-; � � .. .... .1 .N � that7bTiguarb of Revision of People W411 Talk. -P. T. Dean ......... ... � � Ithiltt - P"Oviding Spit, .I, F �7 TAxit OTI ., ed Dee, at Showed that af tel vAnced Ili this . , " . I ,,� � � 1, ;1 Zerich will hold,its first sitting Halve Hair Renower.. � .................... - d be built 1, 4 a ... �, '[� ii�'?, " the Tow � � ,� ,� l .. ; � ,Iftf)(f 1 f thaTow, clerk, in the Town lm�arlal Oxford Range ............. y ...... along the for the initerest on the tirst and Second witont wbIch st . � I, ; ; �; k 4 , , ".. - I .,� in It a 0 r t , a purpos a ............... tile avallablo balance - - - I.. , . �� - . � all, inento roll of to Own Of - mortgage bondR, has by noule me 80 , �41 �". r I . � a a the win .a, which is 1'124 �,�', ,I - .. I 0 , for the lyear on MONDAY, TIM Mahastind-The Alabaptine co ............ account, Including ,Aid fRi I it, V go - . ;._ at I 0 to the fore- revenue t forward from file I 11. � �3, 11 or The War pursio-DuniopTire Cc ........ : . teat for th* On " I I . " 11,11iount brough PICUSONAT- - I— . � �11, n An. a re(gisted tOfibtOrd- Boott's Emulsion .......................... . 3ourse the ovious half ell was ,1�14,224 1514. pearson ,%lid son �LAA � ,�� , I,, I \ 11 tie. interested at . d I . 11 WM. ITUIi0(%L -Goo. L. Allen ..... 1 C3 I's payinent Of the 'H -�':!U-i / . Town ,I,ik. points, ()lie, Varnishes ri I y surmlees, �Vtbls allowed of th -Mr. alid M, - J0 � , 3t48 Speclal,W or Trunks kind Harnasta­D. , 3d. it share. and ,op chIldlen s Nu made In "I . , d it thi ­ \\ Godertch. MAY 1',3,19"' art our people sualitiVidiand of 5! ' "' ­ .. . ...... ....... I I =��� Wall paper That suit".e.o.- Porter ....... a a I= 'If Z-140 Is. 9d. t 0 be cit"' slAtel., Mrs. B a �,,, In Nye6t: V, . __ in prog- fib vas paid mi.s. ,I'm brot I, - 0 !luence the ,r:i , , . , 'o'! 'r ilt I I I A, d The dividend Il I I That Bargain Whitowear-Hodgens Bros. I lid L. 11. It , , , al It ,-Xnne 25th. -11 I - .,L I I ..� ... :: .... . t certainly early in Mat -ch. The IA. all I wil-l-IIIIIII.- I - W ) Il,� ..., I � . 4 Pastorate, Let--Altiort Wilson .... accumbs to Col, owns the line bellwoe F4 rt, 14'rfl: . ., " til I IIJ',�Iu our ad- �. . .It Is ,,,,, ; Ill alit . 'i ,,� � . Rooms to Rant --STAR Orono ..... ... . whk , I .. (� irking par- and aoderich, Ont., 1152 tilites, 1. I Ile , �0 i I . � =77=77 --- Rilroad line lep-4oci to the G.T. It . at it fixed rcuta, I I -1 of Jean Dunbal lel the June issue 01 "... . � I Xowu Topftfl .00,0(X) a year, PiLr,111110 half r9l Y, hotel Ooderlell sipping World, I he city of Marrh I and Sept, - The cap I ,IV- ... - ino. MC(trity oil such 11 1 . ,t, there have belvill is- Smidayed with lit withAnterest t� �. I � )It, to visit, count Allows it"' V shares of 210oach. i complete : � , I -- I at week was the I 1),y. Isy)7), sued 52,513 ordinay. I—. I I SEEDING. -La has been paid 95,25,130, . S, on which thorn Colgluiell sly. , . . week for seeding our yeomen have derIch. and that there have been Issued 5J 'r I . PL . I ill 71on #1itte' Of tile 11 � ___ __ for many years, and as a consequ cent. first mortgage bondA to e NoTH,14 , As approved of . ­ - - last I IMPROVEMENT OF STOCK. theunusual backwardnessof the amount of 22IY7,600, and 5ii Per cent lent In , a coit�pany - . son will be less severely felt. second Inortgilg(l honds to the amount t,he ah,. -, .. of thil . ­ _,_ cy)[Lal in- (�Illl.o %_iii.d 7 -_ ENGLISIll- SHIRE DNTREAL. ,if y ,101.ruct It ratiwa I i D for fall wheat re favora ,4(iii,ir,s, making n, total th .Ie ,.,,,,rich, and witK . � HE PURE proopects" till half doubt T rich lines. It i... STALLION a owing piro. n 288.K1*4- , ­� T. Q U I S, 16639, timothy 'and clover a debtednelo, of E a - a behl In I,JV6t`p00I, 0110 w(Iti"I ho L, DUSPORD MAR fairlv well, and astur 0 V arly meeting w lot. Wait i , ot a con- I 'it 'n' e re � -izi t e . � Rod Book. . ? Canadian �,ng_ Mill -ell 21](1, when th t I collie 11) thiA , ,,, � � ,� gnglixb Shiro E growth during eri . 11 ph June- . A 32i Canadian Number. a I rig FoaledJun 21, In ra us e rain or � . I independ. adopted, and a resobition alit 101 Inlay at pre-sell".1 � �'­ I - average of spri Id cite up loronto and the payinent of till- dividend passed- n I aultal,10 f a to ensure , � foalledin IM and in this vicinity On I,' l'Ll 1. I I 1, � I. 4 . . TbIA splendid. Stallicr! "FURMUNgrs Bowden & ___ . . till,, lie line In the rebelled by his hall rt'o- I � . o. Ing on. 1 MD ... ill from the Usk 1&rc ilo;;3� Co.,, W110 the ayerage. wheat cro 0 cc , .1, himfortwoso"ona Bred bf W. & J. -A telegram I _E WE! KNOW year -- Ir. 1. ti. The i i1i _ . �' � used 0 OfBarunspa;k Deafor(.1laceirter MISS MCMIcxiNG. pEopi - ' * f time for ,; ' I . Rt*r"g "I IT. He is a Ue-1itifid b-Y,3%Qho ceived on .Wednesday morning � Its asin or 1 8' is I I nr -ion. "' f the extension � L ­­ a its. . . "'.. "its. 'I 111.1: C an white log". weigh contained news of Ill.; riAitina in Toronto. that far off r, . blaze on ace andgur Jaition and every other Judge Holt 10 Goderich was .1 I I -e I...." poull do and TH his YIW,on as has yet jewhod , M,. ,,._.,)..,,,Cc,!. ,witing in Acton. J,)Ilu Mool - I go,gntaa Jftne 0, Open � deathinToronto of Miss MeMick H f ,.q to Railway CA)m I '. � country. norning. The dec temporary '. He." 0 unton, was In town Ongat hi -16, Yf, lz�, *use of Commons. . I "I I L I I all Dukc,VM) bred by early that in urday. Johns t tw t, ' , He wan Hired by SOPW being lady had been Ili rx. z. licaton re it roll and darn some time. but turned to Toronto on Wed- , lily authorized to , Lord rudani, of Sowr -at circu- M 14thr this Yk -, ..".., �1; V ail;jort (I ), bred by indisposition was not believed t no.day. t. '3 to St. Mal . i I I IdDachOPIR Of I'l , oll . A viRiting friends in Cottle And &R. 'A, I , , ,)O,O,t rm.mere. mim FranveR iiutmnn I � Earl . so serious by her friends in Gode tell status t at " L gor.well Duke wOW,,t,htO Ilowinwrizes:- .orary did -�een secured for I I . ll Ittiseld, t Third. The late Miss McMicking will be Toronto. I ...."", ' , allenge on ow day" lit the Quoilli CItY Duih w Godericb, I _' FIM Hatildidtf,""t w at Canterbury, 1893: membered by most of obr cith P'. Jordan FVent a f Roy9i Count as I3 n'l. Highly commended who lived here In the sairenties of months thoi pWAtwc0 - I second. Hatficl 11 oil mtorday on a bleitno-ii it and Woolwich I. I . , blies ad by S?pw N 1), Ist'n PERsONAL. - .rated that pre- . don Show. 196- F eighties. and particularly It 'ruslo left yo . 1 . M. made bee IT 4 eas T )re charac- visit to a. 111JI ("!.�aindli for starting JW, at Lo I ffoph o I's saV!ijrU2O`RuTeUTo; George's Church Sunday schoo 6 a tow days In a da ....�'. � lit 7 rig MrA. Ono, Porter is ii,ondinir �, I I rt 1&aTemis IN red y a 8 as trifli ,pat�.11-#;�Jl. Aft g0,100' - B -P- cuts of those days. as she a1w Y 1 the queen Cit y - (,Ili , e I "It- of points on the , � ;. � . well Duke. named 608fdrd lacklittril, held an gIleading part In the Sunday a sitnent. S. Morniumiar left yo.torday on a Allots vimtt lonely In Done. I . i unbeaten show record In 18M, " work of that ebu*b. soof circu- to the Force ('11Y. - -1, W. Lilts,- AY is, I I , .. _. - vialted him old m * %dirlsed M ....­:', For extended pedigree Ace cards- - our Citizen. Registrar Coatell, onday ev, - 11 . � t is annual show hold I the 'Usk Shiro CATTLumEN StrR 0. T. R. H UICIn". .LJJL56LW1­-­K­ tion hagoffered to,Vlay last year'R will lie largely repromented. F. I'% lation, THR STAsL freely adInit8- But home on Monday. opt - 'tif that the line I ,; I . . a O" Ited on Onto a Wth, TOW, the men, repreAe n cia, the lAwrence will represent 01)(1elit'll e large kind, 1, maicohn.nn, barrister. at Loou,ow. Still. went It" the charter of 0 cattle I patent me wages. This to not gat Rf"tory to -rills journal has pitaltoremi, rallbich will have �lra by Dastard Marquis, OntAri o that tile well known re!�Jied called th I � I t to it a , .a kescilp- [ots, who claim that among the ticket "tell- L da;ed In oodorleh. [sit to ell front 10-10V � ze, 111 0 89 a tile chain Clinton, B yt a Favorlt la io"Opt) Whitely Clade a business v 44131, to 11-11, I 1, I At in . fore& larKe, among other places, ,,Doctor Pierce' masters qnd pil )-yet Mon any other news,60l"' Im take over , Ili ri Abo , TdL tAiL - cent. of alcohol, Id their Captains at, This week the ExecillivP (If tile last Winter. I an d n nyor, Chantey, LucknoW, Walkerton, an tion," con tied 17 per - some boats have 2W t $0) more than Huron old Boys' Association Ili To- this sertioto vf1he CounlY Of Ifur"', Clinton on Monday. wal, in town the Ivatielph Jet. Ry. . 11 � h ve began 9, twenty- Ills() certain drugs, and that those In much as from $ 0 linues to increase day Inaportor Pat"101', of ('11"t"C' round th a f", , rid rights oi . big Kincardine, a a ronto got 011t tho fiT'Ht (If their all- still it Coll Is a latter- company. .1 1 - lornle he * leay�p gradients sonde the medicine barrilf"I therg of similar elms. Th ay before veotcr(ay- lion] th. - Mrst a" a I I By h lit n. wag In town -tied home I ...... . ROUTE I Monday In t ,,,a plaint 0 ale. I I matter for their annual visit ,,%It. A gbeeio, of Port E I in. Is udJeF 8,1 - thousand dollar damage action against and dangerous. The Sworn com! ,nt a uniform me vert a n by day. till . . . I ; Own stable and gocood to I orb nt is and pilots wa, - to thood county on July 0. Theyall- All wo�k oil bu-Ineta. was their papers d d t run from �� . ""' �Ie Linorood. Mill - f noon- bonne to 1`006­011*8 Hobe - Trunk Railway charging ston. of the Lake Car f Tsip. STAR'.R circulation in not of is . � � the Grand Jiful and declares that the shove statemO President Living A Is Macdonald. bart-wor, of lirn-osIA, , "I I I :Yth._ Andrews St . "KIR4,01." .I 21JU, Sly false in every the state- t,c'p,1,,tI�Jn' trTch larger attendance than it has won , uiwAag he wit end to ThO& O'Connor's, the latter with -wrongful. "I piers' Asplociation, has madO I ill ariety. I I . Wednesday. Monkton and Wai- ...." . . bwl . proc. . once to Robert ttle" shipped ,b,IIY and absolut - - usun, , -,a they w the mushroom v n town on 111. . , or ti, Tre- particular, ment that it the proposition of that an litut STAR hoq week'% viait to I Kingstirl f floo inalicious detention of ca and that the medicine con sit and lealty Wel- its wav on its own merits an a MIA" MA Andrown'to an a APRIL 4 thence to Goderich, l 't leavou,s, st eon. ASN", " I I ht, - a Ingredients what- sociation Is not accepted by the mm- Illept with a form tend* in aunt Foreat- , , I Il , tv IOVXoa fo Mallough's to ,the Toronto Junction cattle mar tains no deleterlou, lients come to the County Capital. slid does not claim fr 9 mark,,, 40')ni somewhere about %� , WodditsdaY, he wil' ; thence to W- and none of the Ingre( NFEWSPAPUR, In MaAOC. of Bnloorseid. waq in Godit gdgmr BI wel and a further ; lion. for boon ket. At Osgoode Hall on Wedne d tern and pilots the association will 90 M,* Ch, Hotel, Dun " 2'� eye,. - I t to work the h0lit" yestevilay after"-Ioll `1111" all an'- what it it; not all on busi ne"A � L !, Vt"' f nlght� plat.ti I aboad am r prepared to have rt Tuomday. S'l ii"od to St. Mary's 1.11 -1 I Master decided that the itated In the article so published be sit to join the Oertle ?"Wo I '. I Jackliahn'll. Is, Or , Hotel.. i �� proceed to Boaga, , o upon one of their number of ;�edl- Union men. ployee of 1, ,I, 11,djoes won working McIver left thin we ." , I Thursday 'lid will cc to M. pframor a Bob- mum gpei Ing made of certain extracts without the placed on the balonces-and tested. Donald Warner,r from St. Mary's to ((( catlow, for noon, than a-bbe suit. which must be con- and roots-barmless to the --- � tile Wood utitting ynachlyipry Ills I schooner Hoohic at garnin. � L inillar. to night, D prey'a. 10 oilectively. Ol"al plants in the holt All advertiGOTS have free acceasto Itarry mocreath left on Tuesday for Buffalo, igoward ,,poll, have been voted I I Crod to Win, IAID aulpirt's Individually, not c most dollcate constitution. lit 5 lip a popition in that city. HiLrv#-Y ,J, Of-' of right of way ........ Friday 0 will litl taken The Meetiag Calendar. clothes lieviollp pot'allillell OdArlo tp,. tot noon; thence to Whpn he felt glim department. to take - t Huron Read, I The tell other names will bit- Str a L following from the T that rotis tile 1111'ehill"' the circul ' ,it hold I)Ivtxton courts tough 220.,hlto ­iidlig : WPII"- .� . for nlicht- - Th '10 ( T*_ hill week. I . t 0131T. saint treating of the c. o. F on I 1�11iyi hold Tilt, Tionor Judge TIC I JoblSorby's, 4th con W. Balk* off. The man Interested Allege thli be read tie . All members are requestel in (,linionand seaforth t -'on, $5,000 .. 0Z possible lit c,llbsr , Ba. lardav he will proc to John t, I th Ills cII)th,m ,stch, I Pelan clolght, I L ,gtils, lining that he loco. Inado his rexulaT �, �sfdr noon; th6ndOU 90,1,notablo. , �', all RlaO' the Grand Trunk discriminated Bolasevain, Man.,Globe will ant. tff-8111, tile r More Broken Proml win. Prondfoot, K.C.. tie Sutton ),(=. " . .... r I eld') IT the many -9 slut sovit-A and hoots' Eimer STAR, ,i,dt to the Queen city on Mon C ­ woo pe,rkr ni,whorehOwilroomind Carnp Ft. 0. B.. of a day. in tho'd I sr _ . ar against them, or the Toronto Junction with sympathetic regret by the ttnff nt InvernemA loAt all his clotlit ork 31a - - I'll; Wawa- ��.�. � � r MOO Corso. Ont.. in .- ey for ar.1101.1116,to be Paid lut Stock yaras,in favorof thia Toronto Rer"11L y evening. throttgh not vviry Iturnin =1111,11, (0116*1waitinday or,. . I riends and relatives of the bercaved this A - Ill olect next and received a ft'w, DICAR Slit -1 desire to SAY a word Mm it. p na,lis was called t - I - TORMS '-T6 In's names Ayal Temperance Uall,on W t h on Ills Peese'll- )�gh the cohimns of your this week bi the death of a brother , b .- cattle market. Their section, especially Tbgi!r '10 it. it, tile Tamper- severe sera V I'm I f or two thr( IC. 1, DI,-kinaoll made a ,41111th, 2(10.' r10 'Is =Z; t�.bli � .1 ! , I of Jalloary, IM& N 0 A ward Watson, parents In this , girt Mon yarternoon.st do a t the Millile "'a in ono of chap Garrow and wb 0 ­.;"� DIARI - 7"0*",,,. Thomas Mason, ,Ed, litib ance Hall. .eeeived two paper, which, to my mind, - total 111491VI , J,- � Orrita 0. wrtsom, those who met the dear Parade Just I profem�ionftl visit to Toronto this week t jealdorich, & I I 104t M&nwr. atilin, Thomas E. Diulnin. Illot tAtiong, calINI to Ilufflato yea- M N "O , -t 111 on"Irk. mr., wal, nirmil 1"� hAN 1. and Blyth, - 0 - -oil Iny lifo, Nlct.�y I I / I George P1 durinp(hOr visit here with her mother n Ontario. I have linen a Ito - 11 DTISDALE Albert Walker, Smith McLoan, Will 3 (Ibirill, 11AII, dil"'t MrF. 11 I Verich Bonn of E%and will 90 On '; "Ile the best I =Hrm _pRV, B�RED 0 L �Y� ter: On Saturday morning , I 22nd hnd attend st Ly a Grit of ht,r (loughtor. . . idt, Henry last winl Iny afteg"ITs" ILI ay at 'a o'(-Inck. wi,en crateR of dillot-l- and tidlet- `11" foriner, some 80tood hy ,,till worked terday by tile "or'nu 4 '1111""" I of tile I bot uses aro ­;­.. .. T STALLION, Jam Finlayson, M. A. Schm ek's intense suffering Goorga's allure n a u v fro;ii $I -W 1. lill-O"'I � ort,"a, %N','o.Ivi,i,,h 1, SQUIRS, 11312. [gst, after a we, . on arm will p ,,tell p)-plet-it toilet. "Pts Find have ever no mompre. Jan. TIM and Tho j Mark Turnbull _reach to theol. pri 0. F., VIA toWn k . "rho length of I CORSOC9 m. Jobn Martin, and John Wolfe- I from spinal meningitis, Rut . the Ig boring loaltem ai Ilp- Ver fo,,V (Ii.(-orah-11 He 51 With f the Liberain front ,. ,tod itcoloillor 1,mign on Kionday o OENZRAP�% I Harri 4,*,v h -a InviteA. V for the success ist have f onr � ,ou fish In 13 I, $7 'Twentv difTerelit away back. Severe coldso t,jil; to (Irides ich Is I I -. VANAISIAN Numisr.n. 140121 of Mr. rill Mrs. Regular meeting of noron chaptar, II.A.M.- Val,ietIPR to positions of tri nixht. ,ophord w" o.1tinviir anti thno I I 11 . I Bred by Willitup; It MorklAnd, Corsock, Allom ANGLING.-Tt. � yotingest daughter mail from jot I fr,no. DIn,er,etAf1.oIII$r)llp,P heoncomingand going since 1806. Chn". St . i ,%I ... irlion-o. I l4arit"Id on change In t $a expected that 7 ri"Ih Lake Brie and thereaboutd; you cannot A. G. Sparling, Ninga, pas next Tuesday Overing- were tlll.np(l out ottigen. Tile ­ ... 1. Mlbetit 10. outland. monthly tneetin of Ahtorek eho"" ,(I And ,ilded lw.pi,ce ommenved this . I .olC wIllbolioldin voel"willornry vOT-V litledf,vorat lien "the rameals" the Nledgell satur'lay. In from Tr . 01110. goo ". e . , I . tl) 5th this life of trouble an4 Pain into that The reslar �t ,onsent of Partia- . I'll() W I Mee , but, ington rotaroOd y "' catch ba" or maskinorge till tile I I I. as thr, c , - at 4 lt'Vn "(-sL4st!"s.It1( llIg (if power am 0 a CI.Oni Par "d wit Innate ' Illon ift four litlairIn old on tie of eternal sunshine and love. Chapter, I' %%al"I kisr, $0. Thin Atileffill $, lint (It, this portand north W r death has cast a gloom over the otthopourtiiau'.con Monslav,1601 , I tirnt4 8ta ,q,e.t,,,d ill hnio Or " Ill . E1.1.1f)"'. go if) we fl, ( fle[t)Lssonlil ;91alned, 11. A. Peter- 11hillatiolls. -- (]..%I I all for a visitat- it" ol" llon'"' n I I I i LsOgntiful bV6*n color with day of Jul el Member. are r Ado [ pe es �l ... May �fth# IOU, I' it tl�as m with rod she was a gene I "I' I 11 b-!Io ­I lit e 'ol k r been put Into exv, ilhortly in n initial$ tow" etilli of a I eltlin itf"Chlef Fngineer of the . L L strip on fAtetaid bind I A *1 He of it viya may catch the hole vicinity. as Va their a dlooti­l I—— am 1 to year wi Lawn tentik, W111,11 Wall llot Played have lieve It vI L, 11 -tloil .. . �on wor Pre ,vere to be made ill nov. w 1) MaFoo has boon 'rho titibargo of thi- engineer- , s all a to AJJOO of Wftlell tttn, , el w a""J"'.(I"ll pJd-,;",-:,.I ... i of CICI,,,r,, thl. .i ­k, bot boll", . . both 910 &lid (law the loth day of June; butno favorite with all, being of it, lovable from that illet - eutinn. Choingeg M I - - ton I,tqt veal, ,"St,,,a, coltert,ors, an vitro r 9 day. (Ii,and,10 Ity. Co. la I . � th%ldoal gJ IIJO stallion bf ItI06% audlineon ,i - - . ­ Ill Clit'll,', b I..g1liIii,ig ", Ito exelge officers, .1 - .. - 'rho gap she flille puperse 14 1:: it- verseera, lighthouse toboathl.p,wton un -el in i a I .1g p. Hyslop left on, M,,CAIvv tn inin his WCA lylloAdA ­ I all Is a liolate a raddol 0 ba" not bright digpiositton y golf, . � '(1N .vhere caught all -the life Brief Town Topics. . .11110 I 'g.,l';,I,i:.,. .- munnaters 0 1 tits -O wo) ", ill it � . An 9,111 - 16111itst alro, Ptlnt!O of Ky's 1102t5m)" 1146 mjXlettatateurrintg a full test inches must as 1, )e I III join Caused the ", I , I . that reed a child was a large me I lit),miaril?', Will tile I Will ,.,, I eing looked after . - Ono of the MCA guecest,afal Prize w J-0 light of the home-, a regular The rIppointinent, of a grain Weighe with the I fill J All to-pora, anA near only known what sialf,10 &lid Dnvo� 11'101'143�or. ' ; . � d to the Witter, uninjured it and anI?AI( . Ill"ll - It- not, but where does the sanetimonions rnmor ihat the strillo ­ ' '.',*,T,c`17.,,' Jet. Ry. Co. and by the . j. styllolilhorse of lie retarne �. .1 hearts of sunshine In the school -, a fficern! -ilon, I to her I I .1 Scobilb V and ossible. Th6 fart that a fish to , consistent member of for grain wet ed out to millers and ovg Premidel I. tev. rof eaRor re t. 4,ounisporand %Iro, it Thounilco (, f�l I v rb dealers In the onointon. was "lade hv 0 Iflnt, Dr. J. Nialie't Imes, Stand? 1ph, L grea lquirdlainfino,fil , the Dominion member for 11, sniiii. aft,or a thr" weeks VIRIt n, loft 1, gi;�d i-�, _WithistAt-Chiag Cbtflnd 0 1 %LlIOwhT1� t ittant and �l Guorto I Prelki( flays; Vch 01141rates the 0. J. R I T Cribb 'Bois also btcdOftt ,no t -i cor I - - -prildent .*.%,.r ,. V14emt Huron, ItOh@Vt Flo or i,omo, chicairo' an wedsiondily. - C., 01101 I I I t Ra Ill r., Ihn hard wilial . K I itollp 1616911t avis'Neen Injured by Swat Ow to the Church and Sunday school, It mem eottawltoovernment or, tile Poll G,op -, VIvP lit - Nil mise I ppomind I I promise 1 1 1 . C, I, Norman Me 01'U 1�1 � � adt"ObOagrsn lnvu#tdlon hook on being dashe4 against III, w no ham bot , "%n* . I ne4 n . I Is b -3eague I, she certainly th' M Ill at%' Association. Al. secretni y Ireptimn rer, J. Constantlite ; Pro , 0 early ,it winter, Is I , To eaelid ylle 0110111,111 Jet. IIY- lllo� I I . a all '. t V0 it OrMh 0 dock is 60 I Is I ag ber of the Junior different tiOn Of tile %IjAs Doherty ; 0"OlInd An an Ili time Libetai of I Ile old and flo;Xj� 'hill 11011Q� 0 [Iona Davkdo , to , e , "tied an Influenee in all these though it weighuntlister hax been chool I (Io,:idedly protest, to be around and hin I � Is . t n 11 P_ AsidstaAlt. ,:;nny friend,t hope lie S1___-_ - L 'it, f 6 1411 1 4t, 1) true - �. Fnly N. 11. Henry. 3- honorable 8 I con be allIO to ­ Ile sitl' Italics on ulo Ing over is Sale Register. , , I I , 0 0 h h Ill. blak 0-9 -------- 11Y Apheres by her life-spitrit and Christ inted the 1111YOV 114 not f0eced to 'in"' conimittiIe, as in" cannot I Wit a . 0 a toldch, A ,brel may be law &nA Ista all "I 7 r . u 16f it that will he greall il, and T. Itaney. Mr. Holm I lake. The muld, , 6 , .� lit 0 r 4:1 tangllt 11oxt Mon(Tay. And it ad liko character can - E. Parke- I ,� I I &b. I I . p the missed, and We I (T and weig notinig Of tile (:011og Tti itobort,t.ofmcaforillj�,00 I.Ofortonawl - . lit ( , TI �1; gral� weighers by the government g. Ho�ey, C. Tiods, %,%,. (). [lend and J. S. I ,owhol n B I h by iloutb, or east b vvest. ,I their sale bills printed a& . 41 wonder ,N-Ill ­J. steer nort me lit calle(T. I t is I McApre, 0 I _ro ip lowo oil Monday longer viru receiven. rTmm titom, - , . 0 � t,rout ord now, lawful game marts are .4 �hnlo,Rter, OnEc an The ref,ular is The 9fanIA, is lip. 'I the ,11ye thew until dato of lade 11�� .1 - Avot TH t to call at- her place." Our Is to grain ftfte 01119 weighed IA -0 Inn( tllt*l Boll"d wit" 'If"(' on the I.n. Or. ch n Those who betray I on a fiAl nu witel hod by tile AvInd tha floh 11,10 recorNig la. -Mortgage sale I Ilat At)gJar. It via 11 10611 if it Was not for the confidence We (lip' - I 11 Mill 16, I tert"hV'e.bovator officisla. 5th lost., Dr. 1're, ,Judge it the halto villqgu. . Tid lots on Bruce Atreet, I )%, IptIT9, Monday. bv Privet � II. I the &W)eabout telling fish. �)Jrotierlt fritin should not have Our water wan Rodlutul le L I I I _ , 10 I pa&.4 , M. I W : loft tt A I 116peckleil trout, bw I hA#0 )n Him ,,who doeth all thing* Ile - I Sher IT Rey' -. Tylor their own I am now "" ha 1�r live . . I I I T I 111;1..n citizong lit ., 11 IM ad to tell WI 11 tot"Iftotr*, hitthoo a t list Ill T�.i lit!"�'.-,,OI, Ciornini, for 11, .0rattitil property), at . ; - If I it, si�, *1216b sA I a I (1110 of 0110111, te!krogtora was WA 1) nolda. Di H: gympathy or supf,pirt, . to . and Children win now I E Ight, ,�-v I ", . . % until Well,, wo Would V "I 0-nd I � lit a, brion"4Wr . mon eannot be sold 0 hoprio. The f.,11owing neta were Out the doe'el fill ring. o vorthwe- to Join A I'- 6 P 'if Thanking I . . - - StrallubAsk - -Or ! r ,, "'Whill K toring Ili$ tetim at the Must Street f011"' ,,f�'CANra.Jno. Arhomon And 1, Nip. I all it) , at 2 O" , . "VoHNA, � #11MA 0 atid ulm�., f 'y (I Clock P. tn. r . , , I A Id "olt,61 hus ill", 011ie In th went (,lit Annie wenild airm of it , I b ill � ll should this bw6 Vt tain, (It Haturdit. � no I I i terq dvt. Proud- � The totser&, W !,,, tile lineo of one of " i I I., T0644 I 1w 'O , ; $$ter Jul lag low," and the sellitig .Oil h Col and L,,tocAshlre Ina. and ton HAVOI.I. wo" w Win. of a ',not 61 1 o t IQ '4 1 l,. Tho" �Illhftvotbc gOOO Vbft*rfr Ills), 1nr,'V.,','9,, , M W ,I L, useang 86 firse toilik 1#06 dh 5160(litY, `bA Otte of the tire , Inifilim CAUR It rolind the ty .9 , p1Lms,(I : f,ondon AN 07-D LlnXRAL- eeZi! so'licitors foil Illortga. r� �� .. - Ab 11 . w0trary thus *t6ulto -Vc ,I I phCno road 46 T I � � ant of li%fgoat 6 %it I*dlI1 hotel and the floral tied pulled (,,,.. $2.r,�) .. N. D. 11oll9vio, HUPPIlea- frientin in town and townsibill Witisiltistial6k h # - sil".131 , it .1 Athig. deale, _ go R P 114, Ere' " "Ity, auctioneer. � . will Im "I I You for space. Ind Olin , 1 �'., , a . � awd tootid, Bags At* gic - snd b 0 b(1fr$,ile1le[ls`s`t11tie thijigsillIntil. G.d.rich, May 12. ()OC. A. Mctthiemill- I '141 smt it to ', tj )It 6ff(1vJV(g#4 *bIells *611`611111111161"'Iff, t(5st' over. It 7.,,nr 60 Oeo I hi; I , r6i4q, golmodullits _ � - tb&t, tfik tsbiti, wind the (h,g, , 1). stodilmrt, gla I H� _­_ . .. - -- Tooklav I I 1, , I . , ki(Ign totst,. ofritill ,,to dAn W 1110 410 piondancer, I"" In tourn on ;� , It indet-, aid it * A lit degree tbio larfid place until ip I .;X) le, j. I . t, I ­­ attil" I I I'M 110'ard A CAUSAd bV'atchlbg ( Ident, Init It 111AIV not Ilortar, statinneeV, 0 1 1.1%, - 1, will 810 �Id. Iiji, er Wit"(piI�ads begiltis. WR6, a VIPAr stel't, vIdnind those WAtr`r- Thp queAtion � ,;iairs for Tan STAA tQ, - � ", I 8 I Mio C'# Worgell, I or, an,l t�tt w. lain,"r rolmr-41 tn an(I I L, mpplil-il, $5.50 ,rop in thl­­Ot in. 110 FIR '60W."Vo., "` 14, 61 11 � - he 1111"If lil;lre tA I i th e nv nionel's (I . I eflitted illON ­dn'Wedneaday'Mayll at tier I Of Ill"'iAltit 11 , . ; rr ., � I 4 �, T Died. ,,nnual trip to Vouninler. I I vololPlAtod 'f t -t' I* '. ", : 14"o XI%f;M'1i!1ftft_ir#'1 titrikNliff Saftliq btlapj'ai day t f pill 1. I - ., In" � SWA at Anil Ailiffig, -At unlawfitl , W Illib jymiltiltItht of tberwII016 c0thfaunt OF* a 0 waq , f t(,IrJNQ. dil whown ho Atto flat able to !! 'i. : . �1. '" U1 III A , Ing thpipitininial -I'llaning a dyniolso I t(mw , � � . CC, 2 Al�)14' Mr. gpd, MIS- Spar' - In with powar Washill avo n I I froon . I � f I �, "IV . -4 ettefiddidr.to O"', Ilia "all 4 . , I 0. W , � t 0 11 . t I , ,&,?, b , ot � I , I , , Q'- 5. - -1 - I 9_'; - . � � � ­ , I , 1-1 S I ... - , I r . . , , I I � I I i � I K 1: , ! I , I Ir ) I r, f6t A00m,'"W!o od f1tinily in thele siad 100-1, form I, lunot TwWonally W"y , i�� " . I � . . 4 ­ vO,,ti5W-,jf the PA,tultY Ots I I I 11 '� 11 . I . L , lim t 0 litideitys for 10411t, - i 1bg 1K I , f in knockitly Ito act, in At the 19LFL I � . I � I . ., ., , - - '&'It' ­­­ "' I- . I A * ,64 tri'llkiyolf" I , -it'" - ? . OVW *0 born Oti- JAM, 14tb, 1891, i"If 1101"'I"' "a I r! Z�l '.'Jol"Icilierlot. , I . L that th(V ojl�r , Itorl � b* I 'lit tA$ lie ertrofal lit koell, ,pfy enti;nAtti, 41. GAG, It . tx) the Ali, . %`ii,(AlJrth7A1nn, oldest rilAIRM011 (17 tel"o ;1.04on� I k , aiid(04 IvItso h6t Vot'. A Ing hoard then w1journed. gdq., M. v_of Toronto. I ; " 64 t6VUwP,0 't 10110 � I � I. v . . Zvo , , , whb fibet tbo P, we WOU V i ii% Ill Towt 90l to -M, Vs AIM Ott pif thd evoty V10,016u, Of them ,ugol,nit 140111, 11A tI1AY tire rstillaren Tuln tiTATIl 11% (16 loader- -1 ,� I ) , . I '' . tt , 1. - 1.1 I , lia : .6t. thttii Wit W '01, %W, 't out of ordor. . t mild wil 416a AV 10 . 1� I I of I I - tn 00 vlober.y Oft. i a lfthibi And 0 a eattily ps \ " � I 11 , ��,l L I I .. I I I il ,�'Alnpjtt,�Wt, in w1lifttv'Of b"Nf&410ilywilyt. y4ft. I \ I 1. I A� I I I'll. � . I I I I "-. I . I 11, I I i ­ I . .0 ,� , . , , . . I ISILJ I � ,� I � .", z I r \, ', % I % * #4 v if 1. . . 11 � I I %� I .. I � 1. il, ,,-,, � I I "A t, I,- r � I I �, I r . I I . I I. . I .j , . . I I I � I I I I .,%�,% ,�­S I I I . I I � I . I � 11 _� � ) 1, � �� " . � . I � �� , I I � , �, , I - I I � I I �,J ,, . - I � 11: I . . ,I., t� , , i � I " ,,il , " N � I I I , 1. i , I � I . . � ­ .0 �, , A, . . � � - , . %, A...". ii. �i � . I ,., I 11 1. " . . IL 1. , , r ,� * I �� , � - , .1 I I - I ,� I - .11-1-i I -L ,I,X�al "t -J, �,. � . I � 1 � ),.".,� k , _ ; , , 1��L I 1AA.A _. I -.&Alk.-dkk.",� _,.11A1lll1� I . -�I,'� - 0,_ ,� L, �, , .110"11, I., - " . 2,W & . -Z . " ., r* i _1­I,J___'_r I - __� 11 - ,