HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-04-22, Page 5Mr eon .Carpet Department at Saturday-11onday, April 23-25 CARPETS. RUGS. ARTSQUARES. The most artistic assortment ever brought to Goderich, and nuc immense stock suggests •bar- gains of great interest.. ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS. Special 75c., 90c. and $1.00. WILTON AND VEt,V 3T CARPETS. $1.25 and $i.5o. UNION CARPETS. 36 inches wide in floral, scroll or conventional design, at per yard, special . 30c. and 35c. DRESS LININGS. 2500 yards of Percaline Dress Lining, 36 to 38 inches wide, fin- est quality. Regular 15c. and zoc/quality, in black oply, Sat 121,4c.urday and Monday COTTON BLANKETS. zoo pairs double bed size American Cotton Blankets, fine full lofty fiuish, perfect goods, pinks and blue borde-e, in grey or white. Real value per pair 85c., Saturday and Monday per pair. .89c. CORSETS. 5 dozen pairs of long waist American Corsets, new up to.date style, made of fine Coutill stock and finest steel filtes, straight front, all sizes. Regular„75c., all at per pair . 49c - QUILTS. 5 dozen American 4 ply Crochet Cotton white Quilts, double bed size, in handsome Marseilles patterns. Our regular $1.25 and $X,35, Saturday and Monday at each 99c. LINOLEUMS. Our new Linoleums in 2, 3 and 4 yards wide are of handsome design and very superior quality. A wtde range of styles in patterns to choose from. Ii, I 4101111111110110111••••••••••••••••••••••• 1111•••••••••0041111 INSPECTION INVITED W. ACHESON & SON PdlAnnnAMWWMPnn Iftade'toathltitlil by taking in then. olgrunod -o .e d by. hlr„t, Lan. lrtigtt itis . deed for teaervat on • ;alp rttoring the e 1 Somof the councilioria' thought .. NOVO,' bad ,already been ma a, =a the trabsg0.041letcdt batt alt' ap p f7r 49014doubt oxi thinpo and..tea matter dropped with -thea The:..cotoraittbe. however+ ere to a. range for; .•the transfer of rtoluio• lo' taken up by lir, Ehartnen. and tlnot" lit the audikor. report. Tbls led to a. reference to the fee stated itf the atidltevereport that th tOWn-dkl not bold the policies of inqui lanae. ole the Ketiiingtaln Furnitur ,factory. and: the clerk was inetrileted to eyrie the manager tasking that the • ppoliclee or 'Elia v'onertrat roceipt be blinded itt to the town treasur'oikh. Council then adjour ped, Thrufll►ttde Actittirll It 01A 'Dept► Habit. The dope hii it.Wheinit Arae 0/ by thoUlnitadal of Canadians mannish uainit tO•,1iafed cairns foe catarrh containing Iant excretive, amount of alcohol and ether dangerous drugs. Deetera claim there is only ant] ttafti ant1 certo,ttt pure fee catarrh—fragrant,astir ea, tarrhoaoite. which cures lay m related vapor . that la breathed• direct to Hitt. Beat of the disease. ',Cha balsamic via liealefsole *Tete, - pneodropping iale the n the. throat, keeps the nose deer and er- rnapently' eradicates every trace of ca- t%rrh from the Iiystetu, Catarrhosnne can't fant tt s , guaranteed. Two months treatment SIM, trial sire 24, Messrs. James Gladstone, formerly of the Pacific Hotel, Owen Sound, and Charles Gentles, of I{ineardifie, have Berber soknown the l..sgthehotel Kipliug use It is .one of the largest summer resorts north Of Toronto. and has 41,1ways been well pattonlaaed by both Canadian and Amel i.:an tourists. ale isl•a., Oladitune and Oentles psuucceed.nd popular,and will dobtl ARE YOU GOING TO THE SHOW If you cotltetnbite going to the big show at St. Louie, the way to go and the road to use is the Lake Shore Rail- way. Its "Special Exposition Service," Itpps two -truck roadbed, and the high safety and comfort which it gives to its patrons trons makeit the ideal transportation between Canadian pointe via Builalo and St. Louis. Advertising rate n Tiu STAR are advancing tbe Goberich Ztar. T¢LCPtroxs CALL 71. Liver Pills That's what you need; some- thing to cure your biliousness, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1904. and regulate your bowels. You x - - need Ayer's Pills. Vegetable; TENANCY NOTICE. —The following gently laxative. "Lur. Lowell, n' as._ from the legal queries column of the r, rr _ s Mail and Empire is of general interest : Want your moustache or beard C. \I. It., Sentorth.—(2,i• -- Throe year's ago 1 t beautiful pbbro����''''''w'���tt n orr� rich black? Use win Inn.;oof a of yea .w,Whatt.Pvnotit should hu, _ .'500 0 KI,9 Y r7M BY E get or giro to terminate my tananey. Ani. -1t appears that you took the house as n •` .'trrr ora a P. =Ilk CO. PUIOA, N. a situ c lyto hange tant ho nature of ayoutratIw aaned cy` Tho fact that your root has been raised several Uwe. duos Hot make you a yearly tenant. you aro entitled to a month's notion, and must give a m ulth's notice It you wish to put un end to, your tonancy. (t.1s1I FOR FAVORS. - The Bruce rented o home by tho n,autli, payable wont 11y . Herald says :—Nearly every week we are requested not to publish some- thing that would snake art excellent news items. Sometimes we do nut mind leaying out an item, but we cer- tainly do not like to see the news published in another paper, the editor of which was apparently not request- ed not to publish. Henceforth if there Is any news item you (lo not wish published the charge for keeping_ the same nut of the Herald will he ten dollars, that is, for a ten spot the. editor will think the matter over and if he decides to publish the news you will get your ten back. LEGAL NOTE. — In the Divisiona Court, Toronto, on Thursday and Fri- day last: Tichbourne v. Tichbourne. W. Prr u lfoot, K. C., for plaintiff, ap- pealed from judgment of Fticonhi•idge, d, C..1.. dated 28th December, 1903, dis- missing the teflon with costs. The defendant. T omen R. Tichbourne, in 1883, Was in ,eht.ed to plaintiff on geurdlffi had 1 hut st plaint{ note, Ina although" sheriff's it been paid. while the net” ant made toad Goderich and the defendant, his wife, without' to defeat and defr and asked the , court : the grantee holds till she is still in posseasl trust in favor of her The defendants in their de that the conveyances wee them bona fide, and on the s of the incumbrances on the p who threatened to take ptoceed enforce defendant's liability on enant op a mortgage on the Ool Townah,p property. The plaints the appeal contended that the eonve ances having been made without eon. sideration, he was entitled t, have them set aside, even if there was no intent to defraud. M. O. Johnston. Goderich, for defendants, opposed ap- eal. Appeal allowed with cont:. and Judgment to be entered for plaintiff, setting aside the conveyance of the property in Goderich Township as a fraud upon creditors, and declaring that plaintiff has the right to follow the proceeds of the sane of the Godo - rich Township property into the Col- borne Township property. Thia judg- ment -not to issue, however, for one month, the plaintiff agreeing to ac- cept $275 and costa if paid within that time. to for 3276, and the note ewesi, to time, (lord unpnal, 16194414110 ered judgment on tho interest and costa, and 'on was placed in the c amount has not iintitf alleged that irrent the defend - of ills lands to e 'l'nwuship5 to Tichbourne, ration, ser ate e red i tot's, care that of which t to a ndant. leges e by TOWN COUNCIL. The Business Transacted at The Semi -Monthly Meeting. INSTITUTE MEETINGS. rorpOrrenrrr Otving to the condition of the roade the special West Huron Farmers' Institute meeting& advertised were not as largely attended as they other- wise would have been. The Porter's Hill meeting was a very interesting one. In the. afternoon President Young presided, and after a neat opening address called upon Jno. (loX, ex -Warden of the County, wito, among other things, said that (OM- ing was different from other indu tries t while the manufacturer knows what his finished product will bring in fact puts the price on it himself, the farmer does not know what produce will bring and the pri set by someone else. He is thus ing at a disadvantage. The remedy probably is to produce beat at the least possible cost. thought the municipal council she d t enforce the by-laws, especially the to relating to noxious weeds on e highways. There was little encour- agement for n tidy farmer to try to keep his farm clean when the roads were full of the worst weeds. It might be well to hove an inspector appointed. Pres. Young thought a good many farmers were to blame themselves for the increase of the weeds I tbe same day a leadsman in Goderich had said there were four bushels of the inferior clover and grass seed sold for one of the best, showing that cheaper seed was more to thein than clean seed. Do you, not know that the kidneyaa must be kept in go $ working condition or you slaninat be well? That -delay in this case is very dangerous? That the stand. and remedy for disordered kidneys Is ',Willi? Why not use it at once? All druggists sell Bu -Ju in box of Fifty •Pills Fifty Cents. Reject all substitutes. 19 rk- be e Thos. McMillan, of Seaforth, gave a timely address un Soil Cultivation, after which followed a general dis- cussion taking in horse and cattle hreeding, feeding steers, etc. He said there was but one per cent. of the fertile contents of the soil avail- able at any one time, and it is slowly made ready for the plant by heat, moisture and manure. The soil con- tains enough fertility for an indefi- nite period with the exception of the three elements, nitrogen, potash and phosphoric acid, hence if these three ware supplied in proper quantities the question of fertility would be solved. Some of the requisites for soil culti- vation were thorough under drainage whale necessary, clover, rottition of crops. He sows clover with all his grains, thereby supplying the mostim- portant element to the soil, nitrogen. He follows a three years' rotation, clover, roots and grain. In breeding horses he thinks to get the best re- sults the Shire and the Clyde should he crossed ; they are originally one freed. A good many pointers were brought out in the discussion and questions on horses and cattle, which showed that Mr. McMillan was a practical man and well able to ex- press h:ntself, and also that there were some practical (nen in the audience. A Question of Dignity. To rho Editor of Tris Oonzlticn S•rAn. We read in the public press that the well known lecturer on astronomy, Rev. Dr. Marsh, said at a meeting of the Astronomical Society in Handl- ma, - as published in the Toronto d, that it was beneath the dig - of a scientific man to debate with • McLelland, the St. Catharine's earth man. w we find in the Bible the scribes Pharisees always claimed to sit the uppermost seats in the eyna- ue, teaching for doctrines the tra- iiJ�ns of men. j`_- At the Council meeting last Friday evening, Coups. Thompson and Fraser were absent, also Mayor Lewis who was detained by illness in his family. Coun. Murney was appointed Mayor pro tem, and but, little business was done, only routine matters coming up. An account of $50.00 from the Signal was referred to Finance com- mittee The Finance committee recommend- ed payment of the following accounts, referred to thein at last meeting : STAR, printing and advertising, $41.- 07 ; Wm. Sharman, $10 ; Goderich Engine Works, $4.45 ; Chas. Lee, $7.52 ; J. H. Worsell, $10.00 ; Pack- ard Electric Co., $2.04. 511 Sir book take Sir take the Go These. deacen of thea well Gt made a old lady The in lectures, earth is ed, but much lar smaller t number rman Lockyer says to his aatmnotny : "You have to roved that the earth moves." to Herechel eaye : "We shall r granted from the outset rmcan System of tbe world." (;nifled gentlemen do not con - o give even one single proof system, so we may just as for granted the moon is green cheese because some as said so. R. A. Proctor, in one of his said : "We find that the of flat, but a globe ; not fix- es very rapid motion ; not er than the moon, and far tan the sun and the greater f the stars." Bayfield. FAME AnitoAD. — Rev. Dr. John Scriulgour, of Montreal, son-in-law of the hate Postmaster Gardiner, will he the new principal of the Montreal Presbyterian College, in succession to th e late Dr. McVicar. He is the un- animous choice of the committee re- cently appointed to report on the question, The choice has to he) con- firmed by the Presbyterian General Assembly M Canada, but it is regarded as assured that it will endorse the committee's selection. We find 1 indeed, by what authrn- ity? Whiere :s the proof of the find- ing? The iearth has not yet been found revolving round the sun. gs said : "The earth re • and on its axletreea once my -four hours, subject to lutiun of the United States," silty of Josh Biili volved rd every tilt the conati Now, March to' perch, an sense. The hall was filled in the evening, v hen ex -Warden Cox very ably filled the chair. Mr. McMillan gave an admirable address, comparing, from statistics, -farm life with professional and mercantile life, and asked those who were tired of the farm to con- sider well before they made the move. Mr. Young spoke on the work of the Institute, and reviewed its work from its infancy to the present. F. C. Elford said a little on poultry. Though some considered it a very in- significant department., he said, the hen in the U. S. during 1902 produced more, in eggs and poultry. than all the gold and silver mines of the world for the same time, more than the combined incomes of the railways - 5300,000,000. J. J. Colwell also made a few appro- priate remarks, and followed with a recitation. The musical part of the entertainment was fleet class, con- sisting of solos, duets and instrumen- tals, O. W. Potter and Misses Start, of Woodstock. and Woods, of Porter's Hill. The Public Works committee recommended allowing the G. T. R. Co. to lay a switch track to a ,point past Holmes' siding, and then ((cross the road to a point where the proposed grain warehouses will be erected ; also to allow 13. J. Soups to cut clown eorn`e trees opposite his property on Newgate /Street. Adopted. The \Nate and Light committee re- g A. L. e had appointed parted that t qpp Knoll, of W(uikerton, as successor to Jaynes Andrenle at the water works, and be had begun his duties, and they had ordered an electric light meter for Hndgens Bros. store, They also gave the following statement as the result of the years experience with meters 00 the electric light system l'or 1111 nieton, Installed wo have ro- aelrod. le.. Loan tho Ont rnt.e. 'I'hnn We add the Intermit on investment which Is and duprcetation en molars at 6 par neat„ making W hon all other corn preparations fall. try Holloway'* Corn Cure, No pain whatever, and no inconvenience in using it. $ 330 43 40 00 5' 50 4351 93 Tn rneet than Inns .vr 11nt1 ave mode a oaring on coal na follows : krone 31.1. March 1902, to Ist April, 19(X1, wo conannied 1057 300t1004( ton., old from :EatMaroh, (9i3i. to lot A prll, 1901, tvu "21 ton., which shows n saving of 108 1300/2000 a. are have alAD ratios '212 extra ltrhta of which wonld average at least six 15 tr "at15nd ped cIWterlthe twit year, 14,286,303 hih ompare as follows' oonl, 151.1300 ton' at $3.75 .. $ 744 93 (pool to 21 h. p. tar a months, r h. p., making .... .... 242 SO Minna or water pumped 814 31 gallon.a 8l i21 74 n afore meter. warn In,(CLIl- w an, 21z1t at and IQ at ser. GnJet•ic e would advise Rev. Ih•. come down from his high give, us a little common ZE'rE("rtc Ai'ruuNuylEll. , April 18. A road Statement. uncement is made witho(if ations. Hem -Raid is th.- tion in the world that. it. Tisisrann any .qualifl one prepa guarantees Hem -Rei Piles. It i it is the ternallyy. It is impo ed case of positories, I, pliances. A guaran package of 1 as month's tr Go and tail it. PRI • Talks About If you it is sure to POISONED. Rank Polson• is Created when Food does not digest, and that is when Sickness Commences. If the Iran or woman who does not feel right will at once look to putting the stomach right they will strike the right key. Every ache and eve.'y pain is ,, cry of poison, too much of which has been made in the process of con- verting food into nutriment. It may he the backache or the sideache of the kidneys telling they are overtaxed and cannot filter the poison. It may be (weight,paim or distress in the stomach that tells of fermentation and decom- position instead of digestion. it may be headache, dull, depressed, which tells poison has reached the fluid which surrounds the brain cells. The first cause is the same—hack of gastric juice to properly digest. ANTI -PILL, the (creat System Treatment, is a new die- t'us'i•i•y which so acts on the mucous membrane of the stomach, a natural supply of gastric juice is assured. To )rove the wonderful action of ANTi- PILL, you may have a free trial bottle by addressing Wilson-Fyle Co., Nia- gara Falls, Ont. Sold in Goderich by H. W. THUMs0N, druggist. A Two Minute Cramp Cure That isn'tequalled the world over is Nerviline, the greatest relief for crarnpa and stomach pains ever discovered. Nerviline acts promptly and is very pleasant to take. "I think Nerviline is the finest remedy in the world for colic and cramps," writes W. R. Wilton, of To- ledo. ''When I take Nerviline i know it is going to relieve quickly and for that reason i sun never wit hout it. I have found Nerviline good for sick headache and stomach troubles and r•econlmend it Jot: strength and sure- ness." Excellent for inward use—good to rub on. Price 25c. od Mof 5aking1:.81.81. n no House Cleaning Time H 4 pring Clothing buy your Spriug Suit front Pridbara; the Tailor, be correct in every particular, AND WRY P Because he sells the Best Goals to be bad, Our help—you can procure nothing better, --and Our Guarantee goes with every Garment. What more do you want than the genuine goods, modern cut, fit and make—all guaranteed? OUR Spring Shipments are now complete and comprise not only our usual large display, but Novelties in Scotch Suitiuga, Fancy Vestings andTrouser- ings, that cannot he seen outside this store in this section. 'THE Scotch Tweeds we are showing at $16, $18 and 520 are the admiration of all admirers of nice goods. I8 1:1 3E 331 And to aid you in the good work we have— Household Ammonia, Electro Silicon, Excella Silver Polish, Silver Soaps, Gold Paint, Magic Clothes Cleauser, Sal. Soda, Concentrated Lye, Sponges, (all sizes,) Chamois Skins, Cheap Whisks, Sulphur Fumigators, Insect Destroyers, Bug Killer(, etc., etc„ will cure any case of 1 in the form of a tablet., my Pile remedy used in Bible to cute an establish- iles with ointments, sup- jections, or outward ap- tee is issued with every ern -Road, which contains atnaent. to your druggist about. Fifty cent: the end of 14 o n t. Grand Trunk Again to the Front. The New York Agency of the Grand Trunk Railway Systein are now 0c - (espying what is considered to he the handsomest railroad office in the world, on the ground floor of the new Dun Mercantile Agency Building, at 21)0 Broadwav, New York. The floor is finished throughout In Sienna mat bre. bronze and pelta glass, and these dec- orations coat the owners of the build- ing $100.(Kt0, and it is considered the flneet display of this handsome stone in America. The Grand Trunk leeneed the entire fluor and called it the "Rail- way Exchange," having as sub-ten- anta : 'Great Eastern Fast Freight Line, Lehigh Valley Railroad Co., Maine Steamship Co., Clyde Sten niship On., Queen & Crescent Route, Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co., Wisconsin Central Railroad Co., Central Railroad of New Jersey, The Central States Dispatch, Pere Marquette Railroad 0' Georgia Railroad Co. The c0neolidetlon of is a new departure time that they hat has operated to • the roads ler' small an acre pang and ' 1)1000e8 I The . tilt ri• ays for THE S•r_tlt to S. E. IUK, DRUG STORE CEGoderich, - - - Ont. "ALWAYS TRU BEAT AT }ItOm's.•" The teuutinsof the late Harvey Hall, ,vlo was killed In a collision tin the railway near Uuelph i00011tly, arrived st Lucknow and were iouveyed to the Dungannon ct•nletery for interment. Nr. Hall was'21 ye+u's of age, was lite ,•Idea son of the hate Rev. R. Hall, a former Methodist minister on the Ash- field circuit, and for three years a resi- dent of Lucknow• The remains were ace(mupanietl to their last resting place by his another, Mrs. Hall, her daugh- ter, Miss Etta Hall, and her son, Car- man Hall, who reside at Clinton. Fifty cents pays for THE STAR to the end of 1904. Singular .-urgical Operation. (1) urham Chrontetot. A singular surgical operation vras erfnt'i erl a . few weeks ago, by I)r. McDonald, 1 ,n a young son of Mr..Ino. Gray, of V arney. The boy became dill, and t iacto unable in. idiagnose tit • case to his nati f In some way -s it seemed like appendi- citis, but evidence was lacking, so a postponement was made, andaperi- ents given wi th very indifferel t re- sults. The docts,9iwi an at ifs wit end t0 know what to do. Other physicians were called in and a r :onsultation held, when it was decided , is a last resort to examine the intestlnc ,I spil if possible ascertain rho cause 0.r6'L1 The operation follot and it seemed that b flamntation of the seemed normal. The wrong with the appe serious ailment, and 1 more baffled than ev, up the wound, howe were again examinr covert' of a lump ca that the seat of aro This report adopted and an irregular discuss 'n took place on sun- dry matters. Oo . E.IIott thought if the meters had ti nest oat so pri fll• able as stated, then ' e Lew!' should adopt the system as a whole without. delay. For himself, he thought the meter eyatem the correct one, gait how could we raise the money to purchase the balance of them ? No sohition was offered, and then as chairman of the Oemetet'y committee, Coun. 1•:I t i, ,11 urged that arrangements shim hi 1, •sS•...••••••••e•649.41u••••••••0..1.0.••.,••••••• • • M ye Et NP•�ts1 fir It..1f• • • • rk- • If.,• • • • • wi tian4 • • t w• , fiery 2110. CLI PE5(„artot C.te l oma to Ctuc at o IR) Axl Veggie' eft malted. rt i)•a•i•••.•••••••.• Write for our 14i rc ol)st.ruction. :Wert accordingly, ieynud n slight in- tntestinee they, r • was nothing ndix to rause any �he doctor seemedpr. Before closing 'ver, 1110 intestines d, when the dis- used a suspicion icion tilde was DOW lo- cated. n a liv- ingt There Beet. 151"5 ihrivion ens ing thin inside. A •rceps the doctor -d worst, eleven long. This had intestine so as ,ciently large to II this happen:NI ago, thnup clay. 'r' ter,' Deranged Nerves made, and with his fu drew ant a large niz, and one-half inches been curled up In the to form a lump safe stop all palmlike. A about three weeks only heard of it Mon well now and the gn juice Oyer his mirttr,i One advt. able as the AND Weak Spells. Dr. Wood's Cali and see us. PRIDHAM, The Tailor. Spring Days Are With lis Again Norwe6y Pine Syrup And with them comes the thought of Spring Shoes. Spring Shoes and Spring Days go well together. The JUST WRIGHT Men's Shoes. and the DOROTHY DODD Ladies' Shots Are the leaders for style and wear in American Shoes. WE DEDRAW This prrl nAgfindsour of Children's TO OUR l Shoes SHOE com- plete in every particular. It will be easy for you to decide for the little one. Osres Coughs. Oolds. Ir•nehltl., Roar seness. Group, Asthma. Pala er Tightness la the Chest. Eto. - It stops that tickling In the throat. u pleasant to take and soothing and heat. g to the lungs. Mr. E. Bishop Brand. the well-known Galt gardener, writes 1— I had a very severe attack of sore throat and tightness in the cheat. Some times when I wanted to oough and could not I would almost choke to death. M wife got me a bottle of DL WOOD'S NORWAY PIKE SYRTJP, and to my sur- prise I found !speedy relief. I would not be without it if it cost $1.00 a bob tle, and I can recommend it to evsr7oDll bothered witl'lioe 23 cough Cents.oid Mr.R.H. Sampson's,Sydney.N.S.,' Advloe to all Sufferers from Nerve Trouble Is "GET A BOX OF MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS." �. Al mfrs., i (iron lib' i dr. bass for everybody. Vows, 23 mentos ann a nays oto.. --v. ern. ( vanity to ra..: • 1*troprtotn�r II4,A rrMM . 4 �.' -._ *TA lt;101041 oft You Can Save Money Save Worry Save Wear By getting your WM. SUARZ1AN. DOROTHY DODD, AND SLATER SHOES, Foa \NOM EN. ilea MEN. CLOTHING - FROM - Hugh Dunlop We guarantee Ha says t "I have been ailing for abort a year f nerves, andvery m often weak spells would come over me and bei so bad that I sometimes thought I e m. have would r tedably tosurvive andshavel taken been treated but nooe of them Yelped m Yelped me in the lent. 1 finally got n box of ilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Before taking them 1 did not feel able 10 do any work, but now 1 can work well s They thanks to ono box of your pills. 1. ,.- made a new man of me, and my en any person troubled as I was, is of Milburn's Heart and Nerve lox, or 3 for 51.25, all Limited, . re Fit Price Quality WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT? 'fhe oldest established in the County. Next door to Bank of Montreal, Goderich. gyt ;i It Pays to Paint. There is nothing that adds to the selling vaine or the renting value of a house like good paint—there is nothing that makes home mon home -like than good paint. If pays to paint. The better the paint, the better it pays. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT pays in the beginning because it goes so far—pays in the end because it lasts so long, and looks so well, as long as it lasts. Thera is no paint like it for beauty and durability, for economy and satisfaction. Sold by N. D. ROUGVIE. T}IE BEST FM BUSS THE BES'r FOR SERVICE 54.00 WALK -OVER SHOES —GOOD COFFEE 'test lox uri'-A that t nuitt- •ten to man. 11 • ..'I Ito arra acts \ie lent to • in Better leather 11as never been tanned for a ,$•1 Shoe titan the kind that goes into \V \l,K- 0vr,t A,Sittitl•'.;. They arc the best l,V test itt every particular, so • •t say hundreds it the Hest (lr('nsed illt'll of G o d c r i c h. Stu int; styles in either 11t •I'- fON, 1..\CI? Or 1il.l't III.K, made of \'R..1 hilt, 1y.\TE.N'l', V ft 1 or flux C:\ I. F. REPAIRING DOWNING & MacVICAR, mf VRITE Stationerg Mind Sava; r Rimy inet la Wade ed. Made in .'itiereet size. A c drawer calotwt smil 1.e used m00% en iently beside s ,.::r desk. FOR OUR CATALOGUE thp is easel it he- y and e ‘11 ex - rid core • re \CIO°, f t .tosts no tin 661altti Co„ Lin Kai On! TORONTO, ONT. 1 ose