HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-04-22, Page 3___ - � - I I "I`� I ,�iliI 7J . � IV , I . . - .1-\7w.ww"-7.1111.111,111--.".".,��, ,"PIW! , 111r1IPllTlV___ � " I Isillit"117ffis?w , , W1,111I " , I . I,N"77 1 �� 11. I ' 711 WWI" r, 7 I I If` , IF " , . .. . - , 1-1.1 � 'w"""r'-sw I ­91PIR, , tip, t7lTv-, � W - I . I Vl­ ., � , r � 11 I III . * ,:, . " I . � I � . r P tI I .1 I r 61 11 I l, , t, , !', �, � . I I , I " 1 I` I I I 1�1 � ,.�, I I 1� . . , �. "! ,,,, " TW I I -�, I I ''. r , (-, (x7` I - � I .1 � � 1: �,_ � .1 ,,, 1, � �` I . . �� I I I I I - I 11, . . r I I . 11 I- I i I I V .- r .� Ir I 1. . 11 I I I 1. r�, . . >-l! � . . . I I . ­ , .�kl I I I I I � I . ,� �� ... I . I . 41 � I . .. . 11 ,, I i "I !, - I � r . � ., W � 1, . I I I . _. 1. I 1� . I � ; I � � � . . 1, I 1: I ,IV 1. . I � I I "' � I - I "I'll", 11,1111II ....... 1,1,, . . � I I 11.1 1, . I . . � r ... I .� I . �. . I , r� . : . I I .1 , 011111 III ... 11''','',''i ; I � I I I � r . I ''I - .,4=11'111111 . . ,� . I . . I I . � � I I � � I . I � � r I . I - 1. . � : ': , , 77—, 4, r 1. � � � � ! � � � � � � � � ;;; "; I == � rrrrr rrrrr ; 0 . F% I . -- ­ - I I I I r I . . � � � I I I - I � � III ��� iii III ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, I I I . I . I . I . I , VIM tho , 0,4110, . " ; 000 I I I Iti ,,III,,,, 11,�� ; ,110, ,I,�, .... I I I I I I ,'I 11 IIIII . I I . I , � % 1� . , � I . -) � - I I � , , I II 0 W,#, ,10 11, ­ . 1117IIIIII I � � � = 1 ;!::::1 ''I ''I IIIIII 060 I V* IIIIIIIIIIII -_ ­ �. . 0, � . ,� I � I . � � - 11, u 14t; '** , I ­­ --W.. -r -.1- �. I., I I I It 1. *—A "-N-' II A* % k 0 to iiiii, 0 1. � I I ­ 11 r I r, I . r I �' I I I � 1, ., "T It" 1" , � � lq�� , !,O! � !, !. r ... ­­­­ . 11 '� ­ __ 3 .1. � ... , I . . I � A .n in, , P ; � 0 � oum *04,vou 4444twAlt WI - X, X sWI to . : , I I ­ ­ , -1--___ I I � t ­.1111­�,__ —*A 11, � - ,!­ � A"Pa, ,-�*0_.O"_,W -, -041 .. 1 i�;�� �_` I , ,�, It# . "llo. r ­ rviti i , I , It It, talt YQ M 4 1"011 Out vrQ1*_W4o44 OP113104 414 I" V U11 ,W IM.4il I VwAls" Au 0104;� 11111110 .-nis ��� It . I 4 TAII Via -Ir'st 1.0,9toileitt QW.4% 1 .yI. & I � , , ft 'A;I _11�. r _4N DI 'Von Ord AV sllilfilI � " -*AQ S" if, (t Z#V0 .* . I i � - WA -1111, 1 PVTlItz, - , ., � r I fir o6aborr4co." I I W W, r, . . I I ; 01 r . I it I . ' . 1. . � . I I , . ,,,, , liftQ1 I I � I � . , ' Ir ", .­,,��,I. I * 'r _��­ , � � .. 11,-Allit, ��A �, 'M " rd I , r � . ,� ...1:1-11111 ' .�­­., .., z: , �, _, _ , �,.,Qj . ' � I e � _ . r _, �. � , , Mg . . l`_ . ---,! 1111`1 ­'..."" P, Qr OV14 qogolit. � , I - � 11 11 _ - I. ... 'r - . , T,*# , I r . , . �*I , , , 142, wil, I - AP , , ;$ _' _'§`l1d"4*'+Th*%-tr A,iozon- rt4 . *­�, r". ,,,.,,, It.. 41 -switaftburic t4ft, ", � � . �� ,: ,�. .I: 1, , I � . 1,11w, -01* or." ,V � O.Y., II -4&-t- III 0,.: r Pl*,.fhal , I I � - I ,� ,, �I 1, �` 'Uk"(4y' u_pJ1J­ P" , a vp 40WRg"o PAW0.04I "410gill L "I N I ,. , , 0 10. ,K ill" - ... Atl J . , I %, , " *04- 1. ,.... ., t;:j,1,"W 11 *I, I . Onsoledous, , Vii,*X Z�0. I � . � , a ­1­1�1 ,4_0 .1 , .1 - ,I 1A �1, 4-- , , - I Ark , r "Y4 N V - YAO , �, I , , . 0 -1l;o, .1 .. X4417 U149444 I VII . - �_�f$ r , , 'lli't, If -Tb . �" � �, Ill - r , 'M 4J.X t", W_ lkfoo noroolf 0 4 1 A �Wlwooc C40110tili, I 1. I � . , , � kff� ­... .. ...... . � . , I ft� _*T�11 � I I � 11 . 91 A VW 4 11 OW *qJ . _ . ,-t rifIorl **t TXM �PXAWWO *OOAU A C , .1;0 J'AX% 7 J* I � r , , r .. ­nf, � , , , . ... ... FW�_*6014"o ,A.11, . I I " (Mr,ftotof It !III tbill4rillo of, . r - 1. !M �ZQV= ., �� . ,� _. A"A 'r, , 'h,f, J% W -flit. II 170110I M4,isho 00 * 44 "i��'�Or-,,vr4lq,g�',�W.,'=,tT%4,' I I � -1 � �,O� I I , -11 , the. suuti* , Ore =0 i4nx 410: Wit "O Ulllt lAt , Ut � . , . I i , -1;11 1, �� � . pism* A$4libI *It . I ., r 'a .,## r , ,-" "Wbolt, QU , G, 004*14r 14� tv I �"'� A"MW � , W, RAW JOY* 'A I , 0 I , �� # y I I , r , OS , � ,, rg , 11 hillik tusk000-sk � V, p"for Iftolm" � r,,10I 1 , I � I—— I " , -yw,ra Auch '0104. -� vvlk witill, , `0 . � iw� IW *illoeir , UPW I )I " I. , r _. ,L, I . i I I I "'" `�� # . I � , 4WROC-1111, AI * op! . �,�� . , r ; 1; "�4 , .,, *r,,, , r ­1%,*yiA1,ADiI0 , . 7 . , I .. , "li U. , , 'r; It ;QU4 , , 6i, , V. , .i?v . W , , , _ " " 1 � mili V 101, .4 � ! WsW4 Abli-011#111 .sow Ole 4ralothko; A040" qtVarls� #.# , , . , fit . I � � r i r . 1 .1 I , it� 1�1_4, I V - U.tI t I , � � =4 44�4% �#rA VQQ,k lbe food of, ber, ilktIllfirI it r d Itt itit �blt( POO of 0, 'rrielloAtittiollt %t tio 117�"5 *14 . AP�, t4 li . � 1� �,�, , t, ­ - _­� .-,, "�,., iI k , 0 "'On4r.' tbrel. $;#X(?.W4r,"I X44% �40 .1, I 1440' %ft *ARe4 " - " ,�14 I .. . , . 004 , rf. it 4o $0 , I limord'vovA , 'he olfttgo* , to that ' 41"'M *4 , I - , r � , , � r #J1,0 14 , I . - )140004 ChAvA 4f. ki t"1W AgkoI , . V I I I � r , `40 . � . 0, ,_iyVI. 40* r' 4iPAnosa "N , , , , � it . 1*1* 1�1 I li#oflij P104 04 �' _tI %16�% .4 *W� ' 0)4 �" �A# J�"' ­ ", � P I nor� � A I *1 rotti**. - , " � , - 4- � ; � I'lI l' , . W I 6 li� "r #**r*$*N ,&I'sout, , lb 41 i � ", , , 1k 4,� 1,001k.4' th�,�� , AKI all r iilo* 1 _ _1 ,4 . With 'I , , ` , , _, - X ��­ 01 � � , ��, _r' v,1'.1.14..4, 44I4 " 14-W Ikult _ 1, , . v� I . . , -,OH'4,4�1.,. - tiom tI -r.... ,,,i, -,,w.' Ilibi " oblifil. 'I , A V li l" I I,-,. K, � I � 4, 10 , A " toinon I , h: . , t4oi'II "'. I . . . , , 1, OoPlItrt - I �." I _�j, IWA thol 14140011po in4d4 'Wop" thif, Wigo � , 111111110 WAR � WMI �10 . T'he Porellilittitg L r I , , . , - � , , . , � - - Alk # 14 Whfi�n , I - $1. I . I 4 � � ' I � , _ 0 . 11 �r ,�*4 , 45 .att g ("t 0, Ir .� Al , r �� I 41 I I , Ur � V �; 0 0 � poop g %Vho roflll� "', "Moo, rpW I I . :, .:, I � t '41� 0" t As 919 r,k,,A . ot�tr , momi I I , ,r � 11160,14", iowifiri thol 4pt4 . him ... A* , � Jot foro4n:, d"fifil �Ifko.l Mat Xif - h9w 1bW0b,A*d,I 00 I 400 I�r, t 1 �1!1?soo,111140 � � I A , r I 41 � . to t . rv*� . I., Yf � I - lit P'lowly, *9111I Who, bato trpilimalk..4 ,U1jjl nurses. t,lar..plilld "I 101 -javm . I r . I ,!tqg, i- 0% ,iI � -, �4 =, f���9,)oplo)ntl9l,4R�,.nt�lvpt,qr,-,to V�boioqfI 15. 044 x:,40144 b4 P r . ch, I 04, *11411 'WAP11, the T$ 1� RAW* W "PI 1 $*.# � . 0 � I , VJ�Ji*'�4'.14 4.. . , r A� ara�tti ;( . . 41(ll" "41mor, "s 0 . 04. ,�. , * AIPAIM `04,44*41 Q4 Oro I UnbeAttl3,04ek hoolhA , bvots,I o, � WhA1,004 ,04* 10111,34 Ili V 0 worl ., " � IQI 0*04iUAx 444dild U494 .r4t . I , Shall �,4?1 9�bby .4 � 11 , , 4 0% Jq 11t$0 rr .1 . time a "' ii, 101' all that them, � I -tona, , too 'I444 to . .I *. � XPIV �A car. P,1110 - _0 itays PRon, torself, W034oft stwo$X, '0411 )ROAlifft Is how .0 04 4VA100VTOOK hills 0I trade I , Mj( `0 'if qp"tillit L W r �� 0"4' I 4 ,�?,I:pj etTJQt.9l,V,. trh, " )J�L . . t- r - -, ­ -, M" . JVI live Within the house, ano 0 Iiiii ;lot r.(QCR-'$ 4iiil 1 1,%$pf 1 I I � _" � , �1, .1 'I 490,0111 ILI; - . e4braft,", I � ,.,PUt_X 4 _ � . - A Milil'TRAAW pn� -� '44pp. - j4t't , 11�1 ,, I I I 11 I 41.0ftonti. 04yLfL AZMAIIJon Ann � z a 1. 1 I Vi I � Tvl)4-49 pag4I "WbAr�; at ,S,r Vqjog�,*to� II14"I ,W, . j14 *,Q 9AMlim"I'li'A IT � y Arbyler" . , I X . . $I$ lq�; I I . , . 4 a � f . fg, .�P� ,j4, : , , _ � I . , It Wntot A , more . %, - 1. r" , -k ,401�1#.�Qim �,��.rr I 141 _Outr tO oxplgi oms;I What X 0441 'g" bl�4 W.0 .'W60.�d go Put "with ullrollean, III at$ � 4 q, , .Q .V P401004 .th� -Iqwor, , T. I., 1 , out An , It a " r , , . , � 00 X I't , 0 1 Uddhiat i,eatIvitil I I . , DO -,, . 4. as T - ivil 4. bl;atmfosp� , - , I 1. 1; " � ite�::� -mrlzo� do u,,,, , - , P440011("k, �� , BaI and p e , , . I. � -4,'', 4I ow"tho. 04010 be, A.I 1 Wyotf","T oupploi*i*I A v iryfo , . . I� �. Potillo .4 . r Oa ,0, q Orttk- , ThorIl I `r%f i , i r b,,,,, 0 When a woulak'a Ilus fulnotiont... got UP to )(ill thae, I, ! 411411 � ; Ippi,o. 0 " 4 qfr thili, re, . Aft:ty, . female. serv;Ia . Q.Tot, 00 1%J;.q,t*0'_d,WArf1J, iVilo'llI L. Ito dolI to tilcill . � ' : , 'flibatinatq i6ol . Or4lil, AQ,tlio, Saventeolath" Vpono� a �1' AA�hWQL" ', '1,4 tb -T, .1, 1009% 1,1010 If, tw* at , on. Ot J, � t" she shau - IiI lifttr Ilia lNe"ur . I � .. . #jV ,44Q .!Mow I I 0 �f,' A r " , . I I r r t�slf "'tho, , , , , , , fit, .. .. , of 'Or. an her , , , 111finflita. ThI I biI No ' their cilptzi,la $.A I _ , �OtCA � I Vori!14- 'Wing roo- � I., 1, I 4.0I, W, Aw'!' 044111iI ana" 411 " draIy do'VQ�Opf�brftsip V .1 tiI b. ,,, 9 .4 .4#10fUll. r . , � _ 0 �Ps,,4 hualliko, tio "It, . , Auguste, � lItIM6 'oI Of A 'Oft � � . "I � 444 Of �64aket,,,J� Tho follol*fiI4 ­ ' L ' -4 � I .4 not conoidorail. h mind Is Ignorant, Ito, .�d, ,�Y-(, r n � . , have no, collpip't, ".,� ' ) 04 )ul(fdft,.,' 40A cQ0)i- I � r*� t0A tbo' Alll'*:4004041.W�,,Ar, kPorliI pt tu`111- Of 0OfA40c!h,gk,.A c6ayq WbOAll, lilr z 4�04 :lq ."�!lnfflflanlfili �trliido- it 0I as a Otipll-' lIllons. SocII . I ��, �j ,,� 1 4OF 1 t4roo, , tittJ94�.'J`Itutorad 'and verhoole �, 0 `014)141iilfl�ir X )Ire tind,04 littli) 1; I � . I , ; . t,�Wgofl their l� the znmttai-a�,ft , vittallip" �4,04. lr'.Ihq�, and *ban, she !,,,"Ifl I 1111I 111POA-41tat coMmerco ol, �. � , . I , � 14 14, , 064 P tromilln1l � ..-" Tlj�. rot duty, Q11, ftakee st, Spiltv at the Tel tiv" 9f eet;�"A� 1"ch I .Volpblilf'� 1? "� PAJO,x9fantif. gle, A 44 (ato . rlropp#44 to' Ltlj'ilf, V 'r , g, -, ' . L ... ,�Ilf dckLq lIllo, vaV It wowm "Gl4arg _410it' tk�" jjJ]Aie0s$;'b4 Im � .. 1 6 gh.? 4,rid*" � heI icavg r " (T Cb vawttrI - I Py,"414; .1 ., � I 04I Jt lidor . . III r nieft I ; fi -, 4000-,�Iv l4i`Orly, UnJOWAva .,to %i1I(I,;N4I#t.4JJ4�,,j,, � I IiII011; , . .6 In , �ffi ­ _r t to ri6r - Wt; -T , : I I I gr,, SOMALA, t �= V, 4 , � 'h(w. t 1, - 0) � � I k�, V14hoo , . �t " " -Q' tl[16 " phrAno -,ugger toll" I 411I ft� of thu.- Japanese.- . . 11 � . ,,, 'r it " 4 : WPA14,Pcit 4 A � � ltl�'At 1040,0000, v arad _#4" fairly -J�44ttor*," 'L'. ! ` : v 8, ild. 4 111114treas'a husband, she ,�Jll sls�nidee Ittl It ,14 1 _ : -, , . ,4, ­rr 11 IV, - ri pm, t - � I , k , flays, a wr,I , 41401 , - *4 t ',9'thenf; And 'It 'her ldjsttell�14 J$'Dot ,� v ' ' J14 that 001.0 are 10, 0 persons I ) * "I II I ITAOt by, ifol"Alti .9 Sao ,'I*,� rah lf�44W to , "A 4400JOPr 0 WOR0 , hefi 'G' ��j lt�: xdy� oti)(1i'llioth 10 I , . pid. *n4bef '0 it a. vag" t� III , ., 4.or �* .VA,th,,oIr,11` i�, I PlArk WAK 4PP4 0,M4�, XTer. go r; hop And UL , � _U$kti th arailft a0v. . , , . r', Ano! at, A (40'r- 0worot" ths; doctor,or 4 '' . Ing About lit a clety. who are, it ,not, I.­111cl � "', , I" VIFOPIr v "Aly�,LII C ., .- ,.VINIA0. she will biI , � ,,, ,,Lro .0 the Ilevnio do I'foLl', I q Ong -- 64-- ­#70941,%dvM1Wa �,� � " � 14 to litconit) a 6 . q, wilt , I i � ; , 4 00yinhil, tiOD's �aro tra,di,tiotlak i I Ter"14" MW .A- ofy 1: qu% , , 1. �, � V 110111MIXI ' bran � WAL 0 the JAt0;rVJcW took! �"Ifc . lava, to., vtl,- DA311-will1b'her hutilbapI IlI I �� onormouoly� We It ortilink I* l'ba 0001m 4LIPLIAic ganceli of t1l , i � , , SARIJ . Certainly r - . , WA � W1 It A npw- ta. TIX4 J , .. ,4 . mpt or'la-le,w. I 'I , ,I ;.�E i il'l � UyI . (til .4 at�'� _ 144 boo it. 1A I ly. Alt her Q All ritillie, lliohuIifitx� , V, votr)�. � , gizI.from Full, OWPr *ck"04a - --ago . I III 'Ad's Itlopilit, 4'wore; , , 0 rxvll�. , qat 4"I'moome's, Ittalf,a)JOI WUW1449 tu*p preferred, 0 �', "I . 1�1 - -,)e t �­6 vic, utuo On 8, 0�vn, , Alt � �', ,4 40�qbikngj W'Itt0h, , O�Vjfar, I)a4sld With oxcit I � t, , . t bei ma , . 06�-to,,��.iwll.-4v;�.-ti��-Ant4h��.I ,I , _ . . igid . by I _ � � �iI st.4 . *11 ,v "that, ca . 44 traftelatioli of t4o.'e0p, N. %0Z*t,J priniou, I : . , * ra to p 0,nveh dis- Antinlo4illito '�et)llnactlona ,p4ri, . .. . � , P��pVlliiarson, 4yerMo, to be tho,fin O II n ,bu_ t r, h6f-,0qftej On liationvItI ttiv�p �, .. aw-4tt- - WJ;nd*,-!0T­q*4r6,*4u . 'v Den tram A, -IjT1%;Q., boog Olt thet plites L, "I (itme , a vull,br - IVOU13 - 4"Olout oil V , . -0 Is I , No; 61I �pl�t � a3t . grins 4ficiv.his A0,004 ,tho, JR. ifqlaal.,Ohj�k�lafit . , or . 'T )a e wit I . . , ,t4 I , , , buoino I (4ishore, ,As pu,p _ Dan C0LSIIy­happen:-thfr for , Owelthing like 6o,000 per-, 41 avorne. White the cirms, I I � � t0vtow . WAS - . � "Ic thOr 4birgis iiVoo-&g" . and PuPtO111-5'01 4044, Pub- 11111D. must not beliva.ber sl4rvAii.l.,a, )Ao 1, ra. � � . Arpat, � A ­ , , .. I vum�'-Aml , ,11 11 ,�A mock In �Weowlll 1011telicks -go F9, )N ,J Alsti, 11 , , war,. i , - 4,1404ra 9t11a11qkAII .,�rl*4ta As Or f� ,Y, halitled thin IIII ta, II pona. 20,0on of whj0h are nit I � where, ;. , tii­ ' "L. ­. � ', "I ... , ,I 0# k ."l - , or of a con. WCI arld dist,itr4. tile famIlIt, p,I A- ,D14,. , f or�)' sUOI 40 I .I,rol. it , -1-1 I I __ , - , I o 00,14.4 -fror You, .ro 10),IK. Ifs 4 . I v Ago. throws m . h light upcI of her.,�urb"4'r6I4tJ%. .9,.b,I Tho J'r6pI7'hL d*�rLis',. Jj I 1-1 I �Iye'l I'd i . ri ted"altbough h , naitI cO4tI#Q5 �fllro, c4pt 4, t, - a ,6 o I till 0 r It_ -,, Vilbrett, A very good half of thIg 4*96W, AtroiAlzed, , I I 11 1� 1. , ... Wt 4 %pre them a quart X,0841_ A,�44,0­ ,4,�,VoXdA1rI;A4 RW,,',qi­ 0, qxlartepgepl� swcoperel _0�r R14 -T .- '44 go . _ -- it*oprp" , ­ � �"ILJ' ,� 44 tit 0 if 0, X,b . i, nXIMbOr, L nt,il)g capital 1,%In,! . �­Hut thq jmp I . - 1 las Ime,ijon in whith 'women 4ro a hon'tt, t silo wIll''djaw jj�'y h )ofita`115' An"cry ChAr4pilli I. :. " 9P10o ,rqcroat,J4�zl pat .� '? , '' to the chlot-.013ginpor ,al the Snapping frorc P1,4to,,60I.D. gregt 4 buxled; he wAis ,,, .1 I i I , � I �. hoaringt-yeattord4y I .� , I 'IIurtle,. ,,wbo, � clil, In% I lore and upon cQrtAIV 'JaIxtit." 101y Porsono, ,09st "V . I that t I , - or. alit 111104cipol fir 4111�'169' tb0:balst part' ,' f III walkilm. Tv,toe,tI , , jill, .qV,Art*r_boI , Put �*`Viorlhthiebd I "ItI 411I 4 ­ , — 11 " It comes aboard, ;A awaolilhi; Of"jilo dIQa�lR,0o,,Jm,MadILv,qlott, I ygir alilill Itive if), U , O, 1�*)cit law 11 . gliftS, resides I" this �4*'Uohr'o 0 11 - . � a ,� , � fliciefal customR." I tM�11 Jhi)fhjJfL I 1: -;, I& . A , , I ,� � , Ino "brit' 't'N, sOii t I tibili Lon,ttart . I , I P'Laeullar siiWe an it., and ,iaqw ,yei'll Ato III04gii4mbood _ ,I ;quaptdoobo-At' iiiiiJI w 1� '.1 11 ; , � , , I I filings. A wisad mitlist 004 her 4 4011,800, 'which oxfoo 6 A 'Tapda4lon is. to'lio, ahI - The, 4��brt . I . I � . . I . I I I . I Qr it VPV 'L . A �IiObb " '14III A� Ah . to ong INQ o_,r9om Att I I ffor .;R. . 'Im L Fly at'10&404-�Evfir� gj�r-'W_ :' J an Pl* Mr II 4,� 1 .�� I v I . , L 1: , � I 1, I I � .L I � beat W , . �� , !! I , ,, � firlo ' 1� ,�,r � � ,11047 -POW" I .-1 VUria '�t)l � nto the cluflift0r,I)OW and _ nit - � ,�,�� All - 6 thittlee'llt'"..."'.1111=41 'd " a, to ­ I 1 ,.'L�� .0 dl�nbr�40prt '' 'a Must MATTY 0. Wahn bf 4 differolit. i P 0 � I . " ' tO' 4' 41011,y, tlpiprcCiatjv�o .audlentca � him I in lirW Ili t .T1 ".1, . ,"i!V"1V`R4r,P,itP r Voptod'019. TIOW .,b4otdotitim" i 'Vot.mnin Who I i �J-, to' �,��turqfv " and 't-kililiffs­ to ,thq � I 1) I 'bamitioll by t'$—V40t01,4t;Ari4i "' BPR, OQDE - 11 . I 0"A. 04 W* IT r, F obrustiI Ito Way. �hansing accifietiI to biticowill, litt4chod ;I bAyQ-JWQ . . . tilde 'SIgealno , roob; � HgR t.�ervant wrion she 14000 4, halottiI prjt po I _4a and' be dWightdd with' t,ho Ave,- � ' 4. 'YA, wib 09-49yi,* t a W I . E IS T d ... V,40 ,p ganilip , . I ow - "�j . . _ .,,��,Uxqd It-, TA* ; ,9f It 'I I . r -i I 0.440"I ,- Vb , I , " I 111TO. �. I .- Port' tQL' r , "JuOI the b"Alldino. to the L Man, Of q , I � , t I - . low illualona � 'L I 13 watil 4 Ina* I- 4114ght"turn. r .� [a :, 0 QJ&jJ1 I � L , L 0. It fit n V 4 t J .1 I � . 14, , Ili-, �O-Ples- tCLJIMI�DRIBAII ta.the flow- I i , , "' . , , (thj*L . 40 whQ4 ba fs;,tbdfo 1, U . 0 , lef"onongler, being a, (Old �I . MPly. thereforeftt�A*4tV,tff,"1,b0 , 0 A., ' Anger, Ho, ,hv,o ,ilbrQatellpil ,t4pit,�;iij RLWY fill' that, Partied, abd aft 1% � � 1 . . And much, experience --ordirs' .4,4uJok ruapa P; , , ca . ire careful of her , education "i XKi", 0 y kia - clilddi W,ta.ining 0 9 * f . .1 I '' , 11 I � ilt P - I rg I 41� 16, ,t:II��ardlfri of _y, Xf., the r9i*1# illid the IZ19 L . Ary paama" 90 ChDlstOnOd) ­Vali tbo4order, ', - k,,,. 4! _ . , . 11 - I 0 silo must bo sub- qualities in women- hal, th'" .fitti- 'I � .V44 ,4S bad snifTed cont 10 . I "`�.d , I _." " " .k h , , $ , . , � �, I il . that, � F wl,41�,40611% nq,IT�lo' - w � I _ i� A , M '' CIO , $, 93#47 0 * r, th ,� I k ,f � I )I I . hi ji� . 11 tho atkiffl, IVA IT,. 1� Rr Pight,Aq Nall, the amolint � "Titis 4apaneso 'wi;j 4r*t , ,II I ."" '� L I - Xle . thOr-111-14w find mother- � der A 1, �­ . 11 ,�, I , 4* . ''I'll : I III JO -law. and serve thom. valri., laii4x za,� C4 A* low qg. Ithe streetai of their clitlea. empeeiftliv 1. I ­ I i 'r, � , ­ I . , to his Senior enillnecr. I , * oil, 4118 � atbar% -illimild., darifil that AbIti Aw th"i JTdiI. Xagoya, zad� -Iftotoi in. ftd;A . " I� 1 , I I . , I "'WhUr do yoil' Wiint to see Me about?, the ghost of a .a ?4 gapt It;.,V,e , r, k9.iWd.h,Q, -WA@L. 7nubby .or taVe, A- pw�w,t2§610' ,� tow" " 'A �-tl � 1, iI , Ile thia. d1rectioll, is appaill, craptuoual, a -sweeping Q' the 4�ffterdel;k­ whorl A 'T'IIt,.'0rrP' fill Snbbby. �. I to her la, A a � _ %2" tI V. nil Dow 1_ -�Usvi � q I I � a P. InAr�- N 1!�Lrblf III ,Itbo commander. '#Ah, yas,­ 04id, tile impiain, � 11 she has ,LTv'Jqh1,x 'i lie'ris of thousands. of Pounds in 11duld'yolly well tiffilk _710011 "Polled all "not fitrtld of fitat lif -tonch. 'bulf,V. aggl:og%to are paid' Over to "'lirlonif " tbLt a ­ . ShAnyt 1, a � 0 Will qlaitfrel'.' with ' 411. ' � , -, I ­ . din �a � " 1, I I .1, " j , L' , �. .0.4 kil I I A# I dop 0 il), b�.00O,- and all of tllp� OPOetf-cleh P"OomAed Wore � , _ ­ . I n 11 _. . I ­ :�! olgcq# I 11 , , . A ! . ",C�, � . , , 00;ceably surprised.,". . 'Well, II A�out It?. .C,I kIyc�,1CuM5t,4nc0S tl havo , 1bu 0 A good mind then a beautiful �:. "Ap", they bq 141_111,V21 ii%ill (i Z 44a III AA.� J2.0 per cant. is paid out to . ,� .�� , -i,s_ YO R4- Peat d"tor, pb,p ,,, I men to * I R 4 .941 it , "I I , , Voulth, mit - portion of thain I � , p1tPh I "Ito -tit'$' "011 -Pits I shall be swered 6nubby aa,bold , 'fill- . - '. I g tAo:. I dq, 11� r, their T." � . , 'Oft vacpInation turn out, - : cctjW�._j ;ii L .,� * I f . . I I " ­' L ' "­'� I Sir,' XMI - 4T , , � , says tll� commander. ,,AVaut th , I 41lafto hovering r . �,'or husband's 4 _g F _like It, 4s ithiny, IMd � I/ ,I lit M tu�Rthiiiso Ill Oxtrafte Piow#jre ist. t 0 Jtz,,4Qa,t,rVn, is cloan"ohI molpthi "One L vat9a..: ,,.,,. hu'l 1� 2 M i . I 11.1 .pum k I , j; Second -It is etter for wi� J� , _.I exception of, �u t�,you-will agree -14't I pearanec,. . Wdfueft 'WIla have a T. I 6- 0. 011M . � ": " " ., . , ,�� " . * I , Incu as 11,110 PrI of thvir labor 41ftd PoOplo am treated with thogreatest - A I 11 , I" -As I m do b ' 'U'r-7 gc*�o . - TIAZ wO ' 41611*1 will' their fit.mNe.,f. T ` 00. Under the ' V - , gi, , as. The greatel ilt ve irzy . I I t�ez efoa % �J , Tile 2 t, I I I :,who inaptalift V r I t It I 11 , I � 1 ame from ill" . 1. � noft it) , , f declaros­tbot, gbiI Jo, quito"Itappyl fta.. for material auippli�il, . lip old _ aill 0 club A c011seJOntiolls objector anci a ,ionic- , N A PPIA , I "' q a I r�ill I I ranialit, -d,A kho, is. ­ NuguNtoj �sh,& SaII ." �t,� ,,'' . 11, n I am going to sa,y_11I ?,1Q,J4I1P,f4e 01 J, ,,� rl, 9.1 y I -, . , ,J, 71 :, , lt,b�t_Qwl4g .to' the space JA , as 10,4q - � 41, , , , Rey 'ad sicaan to be thing- Pr3n4tivo sometiltUVI yow t ;tit, thW -1 . Every proserifti.joh at Court me L 4 tell par�. and W i III mind, their passons, are turbu- I!, 11;* Conaldevation. Wd, Ordal , dy �6t six I tiorh1q, _ - , l Z ,4 4r ,k%;*� 1 L'� re �f, , ..eI 'seem -Argadjult. thelt , I 4 In IP 0 "I, 'a I Silurf6ardd wq's rather qytp�-teinpOed I � r 11, IT (I A c0tch them lv�ords, 4`lger? I 1* -oil I_ _ I , . , I � :. I 'IN - 'r I � . S n . aftiffoor. , i- ��. IA9,I when ILI h I!- it , 0, , repiloill TY , Pr-ibattgri daxlc , " � PtiPetuctilly to thA-MOMent the cruWr _ * III ,I I. . Ir L� , lia,�wft. � , � I , , � .m S: . �4 at least, 9 Ang , "T JJT-TL1% O�WXXA , - Whiai i I ini v P - , ­RAq,*Abfi,t' 4,0 W ,20 PC I , i ­ I they IV I tell t 0 see- stupid than zn!ui' i; lit "!nd' r ,�01�:�, -ra,P91 A . p head . , Vr, 0, V'S" n . 0 . 'Q � We and . I ! fittly,ow 1,.bD- QQAfined Wliv 1. , 9"docidodly I I s,,01ey. do rot DO ' I drovaed in bright 010M. art cavr%d a. r4)4. . thr Stood northwards "Well , ,,�," dvisablo tcilghio h it - mental that She hardly Jikq.'tpLt .. � - A LOW AVERAGE. � " the ba of th .� , I I '"It'', I ,'ghad On" .I b Rid I , , ;� � I ough W Malacca, Straits It was says, using 0-11 a , them 'O .,it full ratio 1�:�' a ' 08 laugh at and mock tftfi'what is befero -tUam,. and lboy' all that he had said -for gospel rot , 444 this MOZAY to paid awa . I , �10-14)I and I , �'-,: �, I r people laid armo.v *nil W spite - . I It ­ IL'� %"i 1. Oarfidlqr innocent tiorist$lis; tbg�; 0 %ik' -r do hope the silty boys will at P I labor and for 2-aterial stirpm f 0 1,901 fond a,. -1 14 d9elcladly be _ Ill r of . y as itbqlf Me ouroffilvim lit Is. I I . ]*()at " n. C 'Pueb , , . thO flne-ulbatbar soasollI t At Iiiiiia. t, ... t , , assay � monttt'�Vou -hatuth", , �ropll�� do � to'war d them These thing 114 - carte 11 wre stserst! , tbft4*h jile . : ;I 1;� I .z.g. d I I �'� Ovonn -;id as thq to' b � "", 1 to his - .9 are thP incsA Ot otliers.,' Ailid ' Pee right about me," she said. 0 ., �, " 0 t 0 Ina yo , - Plied in the 'miliking of costly g4iwps cravids , . , I actor. I ,. I improper for wWAu W do, III ch dreii, al["to the di-1j;redtt'6f` and so torth., .., .1 I ` I 1': oared 0xi)ur mI ? 21 --soulathl . F( 11 � �. ;a I y %Vare a, T iI It �,,t,o,agf.t : I RS 1� I . - This Quochae (ftDicine girls) I"': ! " �, . . I .. I case Of 'there I ' 8�j an ,�;%glishman . P finitive 'W'AndII questl :, , , I I ought t6'bB'�hX&tb, amiable and treir husbandil. Women are 01UPI THM STURDY JAP� . is pot, J40luded in th)mt appear '" the 10" cO6041,60 wbAcI4 �� �� �� I back; . DIGthl' and .nof�ta aubm t to no- arls6s.";,ptrattid t U109 . t,er,14re. Piley must be humble "it . vely low sum. It we Atilt, lodicato their pro%il"Jon. 4 * 'I, L , '( L * lease degrading- operations,, ,, sayi it . -,� �, -Paxents must teeth that,. — f - ' ' "L - , ;, . again," and the captain could . , . I . , Irl Wa's 'A ,,� the '664 , ,,it a' ,�O b U . I 21%11#1119 I 1= ts p . - td- Kin . r", We. t �. , I Tj]iey a , i �, I ont, to thefr" huglidnAs. In 01 H'vrdy � -Beckuse -He. 41&s ,240eu- .ju- m0V`O along With A joyous '' 11 'I himself where he went YOU QI do You?, answers the 'OI "Ruzn," said the doctor In a grava' 0,�u era to 40111P.A.0k4rate from the stations ' , to that Z200 costly ringra, brocichave 6 � : and ",' " 1, . , DID coni- 11 � .. of life, the wife mus 1(and ured to :Riscomfort. ,MV dy � � I 's ­ . ndor the circunistaLM isthe . They musi or behind )ter huiirban4; though she may I buckles And so for;Ji--cI vory , were 0-pty­tRatR,WasI -bunkers ,itn4lir.yer'y quint. - 'Then Sir I ,� I not see 19. the streets 'there are "a A turn to' Sing,qtJore�whort. his d, f 7 admires them. voice, I"Would If t p1m1axits; coronets, bracelets, clasps, f t 091� bdth I �1 " g4e&# ,"ntfl�on iI the as- b3 most unfildvitiable.'? - I bal InIqq1toup thing. The I 4 , " I . "I , old ` 1. I., thing - - ., th Prilp4' 1 14 40a t3lat 4aPan is ft rich debt.ttanites-maka their fir' I al,routino 4111 ,r _ I've somp. Right turn,#, , ha%o done good deeds, She must ,lot Little? � The few I9t*kt'bazoAr6 and milthly "ttle - -mail 11 ?' _ y I'll �, 1, lal)a of l4t)o PeOP16 to. 4t theI bid* at P'4b- Their parlor lamterns give out a ii. of a , L shops. of-wgr at sea" pf vV iq, aye , came the file 'a vejA Of t,h('Mr , " - Wt, A4vcr' �4mltt�4., 'jr�t�'O a, the Master rablo t S, � 4I �Lfid *kzneVL! sh &I I no t 8 t lie obeisance to Oetr Af4jesties WIth,, �.y, ft a it?41­v4&a me; �?q 0 e went on with R4 clockwork regular;- 'T' d' _At_nI U thal r . :rhough it be said ;bc, JR bad, site a half-truth, n% thcre2r4k doubly mfg- out earPyllig 9,41heit" porsons ori�p r to " - � I." tfi� clirnmandor, even March. " 1. * the same mat, nor put td, utrai*e ligh't, like that'i of an I _ ,. . 40 91 In the same place shall &hall not reI she %%till captill a tor leading, says t ii Lon all Iliall. The . lty; but On,t& second day out, just � fot6r, th" �qforo; ,And, then.,O. turns., � 1 I ut pret , in . , _�,_ O" ll ass tit ure rho WOMM eje. ,A .. �T All the a' t� J*riidy ,(thj� (a the ,generic name "But sIr"—be - � .11 u new: in 60 . . . _iI had lighted Ilia After- � gan Snubby 4 -h ' oins, r Ekbal' I I I . for the master,at gAIII flOrent bAtfift Improve herself. and rage .rep we sqo� 1A Pi, rpp,� glvaa� f we toft , Ziiv " 'Silencer,, I not - bo.careful wit "I'D ,q tp-ld"I into way of jollt"bai�*" Amino the sturle tot* SAIG, and bar- a ' thundered the captaInit gi r take anS,j',hIng �jircctl to repaeat the same fault, end ,ba, ,tie fair id%t, of tbo ;I . Luc of .his amount ,apollft �rj oddLe lain just for fun, In the till Ina ; � w" 4 , -_ I`Mc44DW cigar and had composed _arms I and is sup- his blue y from 1 consideraticI if I Ian W I �-,. '% - depths of axi arm�chpjr Posed in sort Ong L 'he comparts herself wisely, ' �i., � � OiTIOI In tile ' %-as flashing fire, 410 haniL =it ends. per, � 0 . L An Thi. Ilia During the evio tile in- itoople- Ile nearly alway' ard' the vfWtOrs take tea cream . �1� � "rfvod ' h ' 0 belongs to haPS Z500 will harldly qqver all the . v3ystic WftY to be do- pride of tile trAdc-union quelled Vis,; IV I Wbi4ii.P *01I kR,J; th6 sh -, � i` fd.read tbu Fink Un, a knock 'CoMe 6'am. gaidariucil �tnd ,says, ibly, and, folla lili tiolacy between -het-self andt her bus- the professional claosta =dis"of crushed ice, III guter. ,I 5� _' . 1� sentry ,�Iamf1as . tt. Now, , the exponsee-jacurroo by a debutuate. ,,. .� _�, I Axt- th()� cabin door, and the 1, 9 , wed by the master-stAl"41 4 lantern, and (in walkin(r ,oil t., hand through life Trill be a happy professional and prosperous Ja , I b I ;.�, � I � a ve this man. "it Ive 'fin 'is arms, made his way to the quarorj 4111'antfth their families, men .must keop One- I one must admit, as a rule am" and 1.000 prosento,tions--its many a6,4,_ "But Japazese gayety in especially � � , ,,� ,, . tAll,r At In Ills head. a r t 9 P 9 Every tilrawing, room goes tit le"t *Oba* . r: .., L � L O-nio7olw., , boat, into APhIch be bumbir I ­­ I oepalie- trom, - t The folegoing lessons all girls Shall of apparently little stamina. Malidtasted at popular feat a, an .,� LLL I I ,�ttt 11 ws� .__ fl-:WHY466b*,'"'blr, -U-.VM- . I ,.;Ir Wa"-Caasmg WhotIr"StM imtAW� betrAbDadle, relhtfVes. I He 000 persons have boon preaentc%4 ,at iVV d ... :� ,. . ' '?- I I I!i like to speak tcI - 'YeOman-ar-tft-sigm Y a n I PcI ,who neglect t,hI I.uj4,g ale 0 taught from their Infanvy. and lgivost one the same Impression (is one SittilligIL-80 that the cost at n til , . ery often, I lit . F; , _� wdttld I I thl ff, is that tharla-Sulibby, ,im ar, b eft are frequent. V , � . somethings " re ark( ad SPeCtAtcIr If � IS purely local, on the am&- I ,:, I "Ask him to come In.- 1.1 an undetected listener a xv D"'" li6V41ite And `brfh9---a repirrmch on they shall study them by reading ,does tile Paris boulevardier of buying single dirawing-roctin function r,mno vio '. 1, L I The -staff-surgoort; ti. tall. Inid t 'T of tile whole Performance from . �helr ant I Ilep , don , it frittered , awa� his manhood on into about 2800,000 sterling Par A � _1 .., . . ,:, WOZ PlI vilic In .d the � . P. , ,4. sibol, M,zo-Y , and writing, so that they t of same analm-arsiI processior . I . I h 61bffZA. broa% of tile .pdop - _Ojked,Snubbg Ulth t". N . � forget them, niove Around' LL �, agull man, , !,�"P,".".t,'�,-,r,T,.,.,L,,$I . th 0 D - O( ' 11011I par� . ., made his, ,AppoilicurI ., P St myself e`] t S ��`jh,14�'P(111- "A worthless things, But he no more, every 1,000 proa�ntations; 4100,00 4 11,01111PIA; the stroetn ��� Ith none n a "MilytIlIng wrong, Rolnjosej,j a , , WAS flattery .disposed clAn the cUtter lum. R�aoftgement at 06 in I 1-1 .... f" I . 0 j . � 'It, 1. . . ed- . 4 -- repro opts t1lo tiveraga,man of his Of that sum (20 per mat.) 10 rra"v- are illuminated And 4poeuted; litt'lo ,:�, � asked Ithe"fi-thiire falley relfgwions, a(, th'ou I I . 1, ewcaPtilln. "You don't usually fa,; I 9PIalt ,,,.n.d nc"OPPAredid tit SO , the Ycomaill fled like a 'lapiring I a mad gh silo im�ets with such -OrOLIGY, 02 SVP=&STITIOX� people than does the boulavardler rep-- ad as profit, and the remainder , Is InOlti-colored flogs are suspended he- . ��,." vor me at this , tilao of day. . nl� t , 6 skipper the lower dock, and tho whole a "O It, as to be killed, she inuat - - ., 'Tr- mat" &I twedn the houses; wid Paper Imiltierna, . , : , . I ­ . ".1 � IIJP" 41lore was one a' compact gave themselves over to ,' a i.verago supplied. 1111�,Fun ad . !� I � . ",am Int -boa! bVX I n -sent the Frodch ponsant. , Paid out for labor end �, I � down and have a cheroot ­ -Slit , - 0 .k.p ,*9 s)iid ,s, nilad as ,2110tal- and AID, Insano. Barber's Doings J12 a I I with harmonious colors, . . Th st4ft-'I" , . tied TIffles Just such restrained and decorous mirth. i,J.P4 alrK , . - . .. Portugal Village. . The t Japareso'llawl, while I 0 f , , . I . . I o ,,�,i,,,,, i 11 I . . JIQVALI blue . I i 0 goon sat down opposite , another as Snubby" .,and' , not tall, given one the impression of "I"here are at least four Ny little umbiellas zmado if r to bIfI A ' yi;� 0 comes 9n On" again did the "Still"' rlbg cI ' Do Nc UNC � , � II j4p ( paper, are hung bed each 1, �_ ,AV I An almoat incredible disp,lay Of 1g, being probably 'thd'hardiebt Man on dra,wing-rooma, in tho soI boo des dieter. The streets mquMe. aspecial ly . ��'�,, .., 40 1 HASTE TM. NG. I the � 'f the quarterdeck and wants to see fro glo i I 'I . oref?r . (81,Ptafn abailI ,ja I ' Fourth-r'ho house Of the busband , norance and Superstition has just tak- are %imust ,as .1 �;-? prof= c . �V -olig(on. ,A1,eithl �It fapt;Ut r% and ourth,, . Jle lj%cpa, .perpetually in the Stsc�o concerts. which . . the I In- � olu i r Z redth I Is that. cI wife. "d toliatugh her ell PLUck", at A Village In Northern Par- OPPA fail- and Ion the itimplost to costly &A the former funethmis: and real certARtAc seleltment applied ',;�`� d I "I regret to say, Sir, that I have RI the old & . U A i n, i ,� in the evening, a strange aspect. A : , 4 . - ,­� � ter -a t -arm II 21185- through the quiet evening all.. ,.jD, is CU cave. , Ward -room second -Stow fxd, b �44 Ilion materials of the o.mmoneat kind, ,,,;, j What do those, M , 'what's .11 this? with curiosity, The Pipe abrilledibusband b Poor she must not I t0gal, near Coimbra. A I so. taking these State cereinc-nifils to Very bad nows. H_pang, the Chinese ,I want. " % man lifts home consists of papal I screen& I into account, we may folIoNv lip ilia to Thi+e was 1l1Lq--houS0;bJf she fines aAd vurc. having to all iripearan.aa .d, the which never shut the air wholly ut, , -, �1, reiman and a . a ordinary You 'ear there? Engine-rooM srtiflear -, ad It ,Will i a I parto of bill of Deals, and work out the total . h I .",,I :; III ,I L - ec qr to. vaccinottion; consel -. ,,[ XeaMw .why s. man called in a beXbor to,ahavo him. foav- I the 'day. I 11 , The captain took his il�ar a t of 410 9 ' in. - 'They says , answers j t OI ,I bar life as being, In round, ,)tall, figures, Attack Ot ald6ll-paj af+r I i AMP-stoward 9 -assistant Hetherington is 4 conscientious dt--lirrmce to bar all neighbors Wd him out for burial and I "I'd are always opch a great NICK ab Paper. woOd, stone,", Math- , iI I .�t � Jorind I ,Pq. . I Ore and Straw, produces, charuting , Ais moutil, whistled, and pui'itubark I .10' 'Bometh,ing abo ' III mixy div, co Ilia . f.8,000.000. and fradle objecta of beauty which .. "' I i� again. 11� - Ilut I (Icn't rightl ut religion, Will'not be vacellintetl aa,530 . as the wife art, Seven Ing him alone at night with the sup- The individual socj�l functions are are a4mirpili by all, rich and poor, �, I ': I � 1. � � . ntly 10 - Ile Is hardy because lie has been In- I . I t I posed corpse. As a. matter of fact, ured to tile most extreme discomf during eariaraj eveninall, 1:.�', . � . I WhOn she i disobedient to her faU, -1 . "Thrit' Y understand I . art as Costly In proportion, uAd as fic, . , a bad," III said after a iffOlf, -air, whitt Y_ rest 0 the ship' cOInPpnY; but can- J ,c.r-Jn Illiw 'tXhrlfd znot�her­in-4w; when the old man was ilpt dead, but only since infancy, Ile does not. "At Yokohama I ,j-jtae,qA.Qd �.. a � � Pan . strkring ,.it the man apposite.to, f'Therc's il, a into ul .. . ban about I the I ;� I ... � � they Wants to be am 11. . when &be js Joelious in EL f1t, 6rush tou,'.,1 wbut comfort 19. Ills home hals,finvao0w fewer t annual III of boys. On LIII day, 1 1,1` � Be .hljl-cll 0, t., sidoring that an nvacclilated ina.n.15 I and directly the . 0 Englnnd,' says danger aboaril, 'e in put in when sb lepro , when aho I, . � 5,000 FORMAL D114Nrillits, I I . sy .j sd his face he rose up and began to tically no furniture. Matting, bed- !be Japanese stick up bainboo poles him, "WIlat's to do now, doctor?" �the Id moin, 'there's Roman Catho. a great childless! En he . - �­_ "I have quite made up my mind as lie , ,C an 1 vs; 1 , 'and there's li�,oslervan� quarnultinc III a month. The first steals, when she � talk excitedly. ding (no bed) ,and a trav for food receptions. balls and 96 therfriga In front of their houses, On the pa I 'i I w �l . three, weeks will be In the Port quar- has a am I a I _ W 1_1� ng tongue. I The barber was so frightened that supply his wants. , In a iand cold (somatitnes called "crushers") Are of these poles are at4sethed linormOust - I I to my course Of action, sir, dnd v I you ch o' 'Pra do You belong to?, -it ter -boat till we return to Singapore, To the III reason the explan t ho went raving ma.d. and rushing to boN of held or given by Many Of the 5().000 paper fishes Of tile most brilliant k I have come to You for y8ur appro 0 . c 4 OT�v yonii belief over 4 large part the I Other r � .1 W." and tPhliouslec'. #ill? ' Says "Ji 'I'Irry, 'me when 'a will be sent to the qua sin- olause is 4ded : -For tile gnb1y.IJ,.Ig the door of the tiouse, bellowed until year, lie never has a coal fire. but person,, of smart. society during t3le colors. and, these fishes swell out III 1. *'Well. tell us what you propose.i, we belong two good 4nen 'ere tine station. As 'a will not 'ave no of 11 1vOmo. ofton'destroya tile, Peace the satire village was roused and the war"Is himself over- a box hoidi g a Season the outlay must c6mo �vltfliv flutter in the brppzo,u. . ;., Lord.' to' the Church ol the opport6nity for to take exercise. ,is f familleV � n - aye Pi,oplo flocked to the house, Then he few fragments of burning charcoal. 111,00.&I distan" of that requir- ' - - '. 4 -arid t)ie isolation must be complete, I t)'e old . man. 'Now Idt mb toll n ecyw childless wife, this showed Oern the old man alive r 1. -------+— ad to build up successfully th6 I,ow TTIE 14UAIBER or-FTS14R.8 .- a very bad case � 'T�o lQburch d, whnt?' a rations will. be reduced to "Mir -upon- oil in r tile � "It is a bad case , / . s Is bad for the I "If she Is amiable hims burial clothe ­ .. � I bad I hought. with your ricriullis II I 1: don 'tF have no fAncV ittiffe is, Aided.: -9, and declared that PRETTY FEET. great State functions. - attached to CaCh Pole FignIIIIII the ­ . . d gentle ­ She &half not be divorc- _ Thus we got a total or about A:6,- Duallbor of boys In the house. - board quarter A0 fralty ad but herl usband, Shall allapt, a 000,000 sterling to be spent by Rd- way -boat and plI III Instryetions,' says any Way whatever will be cons acted r d , or, his Concubine have Raising Corns. the There's t4zr�W laid down Any one Communicating with 'fin In _h;I power t ey Are the Ilia parenta express the wtal, -or thr sta�r� Ill ill ­ of riinring a Shelter a% I aboard 'or ti . religions case, `0 will not be allowed no grqg. an he the In rber) was Christ and had Th. Best Adapted for In this . i .D. ,an', 0I tnke your I d child 3 VI bath none a ' Ito called upon all who wished to tish society during the great season that their boys may be able to " I ' P&I'lont' It' there In th-18 f,n(y-- wea- And. (to choice, as liable to quarantine. and will be � . 1`0 save their souls to follow which Is now commencing. cend the carrent of life, ororcoming In The shall not di,orce her.,' - ther he can c0u;0 tII hat .inmol, ,a sa hen 'it,that enough for Ina Ms. "What's good placed in on� 6' the 0 I him into The popular notion of a pretty Those figUres represent . =9441V nil obstacles, just ns the (arp goon I officer.of the watch can Bac, to ther boats un- thn village church to return thanks foot is & small foot with a high In- spent from the outer ring of so il, - - a ,900111 Julough for the der the same restrictions," the eii4i!of oil. the ress,nns for for the miracle. 00WIS P the rivera In spite of the current 1. 90' ODD Is allowed to gQt 1PLO ,the I like, O' you. I'l nvO you to know., - The c dlAvo`rce it ittCadded. "WbOn a. woman foilow,qd The entire villaI step, but this would not command best circles . .1 I .. � "And w blef-boutawala," Mate prLused , --the private side of them All the inhabitants go to the tops so It as it were. But there is the ofliefittl of the neighboring hills to � at ' " ' TIfYy do?" ask- and Studied the- paper which Is one driv -at her hustband't; church. where he ascended the alter is too -short, surd confloquentl � .. myself and the slc�-bay I ad ' 'I'd ;'r,T , he held ),Ouse it is - �. Out the Yelling maniac to tile Itself to the true artist, becau enjoy the � man who wit) attend upon him," a leadlhOg .t k I � I a I eat- re Y not side to be taken Into account, . n, "PrIed . hich be had , ff -ft- , queer spectacle of the ril% nii,rinount- I . Anything else what ',Rnlibbv Imade this long announcement. Than I 11 saint. and called upon them all to lo,idY. and the unnumorablo officers of "Capital pla, I 1) Oach to her'.- ,steps. took his place in C6 niche of In proportion to the Size o Starting with the Mug and Queen Od by these singular fishes Ahun- I --- , ale I!n his -hand, and from - Ift Pr. � 10 , A. I ^r -Wh girt 16 unrit propose?." 11 '0I to do afore 1 a,$) very ut I he. gave anoth IS " I re, rence her Parents but a the dolace at healthy ant$ rheap amuno- I "Only thia. As I knew that Bin I (,),IrJvr.'* I _ er chirp on his fiflVer 'after In A ,' her faIther-la-lat ' pray, declaring that they �ould only Notice one of these so-called pret- StaW and of the household. nuMbdr- ruents III one of tho chorreterintiv, I1_ i 1111. I , t , an,] purthaso pardon b,V, ' absolute obedi- ty feet. and you will find that the Ing nearly 1.00 ft and clilefs, and traits of Japanes I an 11 and, proceeded: "The captain will 1 D'I'lli-IJ -or. th. bec own _a life . " " r provirled rlo�.splf ,".ith enough 13, " nd'A Min ityrn-ont it,) to I be very-: Pleased to Interview emy i paren It . , rning and ,evening 5I,o ence, to him am the representative of toes have a aecided terelency to then counting the rrI Pox was flanging about in �Singnpo I St ol"PhInlno barracks till along ol lother ' I ttince and Prin- "The J&pajmft tilt, Njo,gula_,,I� foll(i . ni h relivion rint, thup', men aboard o' this 'ere hip Abell in ir after the health of ber . God. double under. just as though they cess of WftleR and air household, of long walka ill the countc, * I to VftecMat�t the.wholo ship'n I, said the s'.rignnilt i -hat considers then"RelvvEll to be on-, fatheir-in-la and mail .. TI-ev . M I- , of r".rf (,Is. "P, �Ilon come there an, 11 ior-In4aw, and wern trying to grip i5callething, This and afterward passing from these admire all the' chillig" wIIIrh t-114- Pal'Y'- It Should be done tit ono , WrI to ( I the f 19clentiOus objectors." 1: The terrified people clamored for � � . "I quild agree doctor: and , Toll -4 I ask It Elie cdn be of any Service to mercy. and then. by his orders, RI foodenry is brought about by the I'loyal parsonages to other metabers find In ilia sconery--rill thn difTerenI y 111"P; hot tbp I t am; tind,"Ifliewi je. 'do ' - th 'trI amid the wildest I arch of the Instep. the very charac- of the noyal family and their qsPqr- colors of the choir till Ovirch J There was dead silence, and then a : h '- ' 11 they bid Ped . Shall luiII a st;rt ()it me. If ' cnilldn' I ilia � man hilughed: and then, discipline -her; and if they scold her, oba * must Citeirt and marched round the t-wistic that gives tile foot its ato hougeholds, t be &mount &I thO reflOctiOrt of Ih rnonn finrl the , land find ,,tha clont,rk, (Ion(' it will shaw -tile whole ship's fi�rqorl w - I inbl, '6I 14ti it � church. headed h much -prized prettiness, Ilia tendon by thorn In so inany different ways brilliance of the onf , w �, Ill haro, o' f(I liollow, end one day tile riot withstanding, such. a shout of alho,shows an amt- y the demented box- 1! (�� (10711I the nmessity Of it, and we As talkfnv to thO sergeant- merriment arose as ) Thoy follow R Walor nil ; able disposition. finally they come I,% ber. �, han't have any trouble About tile d.t(.IIR 'I had never beeb, I,, stretchvil, and the toes double will greatly tter�" Wnr*r, ,,, in all swell that spent by pri- with the aYn of all AI the move- . ma ni. ' I about ot. ,I heard board a AlAll-,of-War Ill f 1L Pe'Lc"fuI,zOt,tIemezlI of ih(4r dIM- � On their return he told them to u I, tie r. vato per"cons. It cannot be "Then I ,i ' "R N` - 'to asqzzr,n the The ca(P)It'alrl was a discreet run - -r,-,, cul(ip�. I 1089 Monts of an anfrairil, of a hird. er -it; get I-li_,yo on.' lie ReN ' 11, I - themselves and return to their -rhis cramped position. and the than Z50(),fiflo in all. and wn , Nl'hqt,p rptit-nd to hit; cabin. At Rix that Sixth -71A I wife I c Oth, Oven of (in triwet. I httvo -nen .In - cutter at once, Sir, g 'r`kO tp-c thtl there, , asIcs the in , "" I has no lord or h ' they had been I earl"ted frict that with feet of this shape one Then there are tho great diploma- partw;e (it a ,---ry hil?"ble %littino in ' Master but her husbard; therefore fr(m)"sn'sin aaand born again. . on the bell of the foot. anti fir circles both British anti foreign. life, wtiIiI for F:�%ernl rn,nnrrt� I ill start the . Well. OVerting., I qxactly one hour after, I ­ I lv,,%1k_,., it bale Ili the centrn of the whose regultir prosonct, at -lint"I An admiring tile mu)rkn atidinq itroenlz -row-Inorning-,'" it till to th, she must do "bidd&ig.-And lint re -1 It wam not until the next d tecination .'ta,incin the rifirsLIn e aJor. r rf)n-lor: an 4 the nlnidr " rin't"I'l `ht -hJR own rerlit The )a which women inuet'tho priest so n o the boot, leads to file rilining societ.N. functions !ends such a d6sh ,ot reined about the jib, giVe ,om Prel 1711flary (trill 'N'O Is oNdience W111M t�,o wife scene. color to the gorgeous public Itaxilpri. They I soon 17 d"'thO unpleasant visita- "'a"n. 'Vol, trave *rm I') ree. T,II ,bors's Journal, it 1, I "" Oro tri"I at ­1 11,, lirlini-ni; nf a 'Verl we ' D� turnq to Mid "' 11-irzile'llis wnrdo. the wittrito Snubby Was vue. d ,be, 'I r The hev'-apo .9st,7-ChaM­ I .Illta,A� 1, heard of thi s dreadful , ia rominent portions. of brilliant Ip, -r, 'Inn, fa , , end you'll . linow how I" evening, when Pe round like ns if ___+_ tiOnvellics uIto her' ' - �Iie must I 'I'liern are so wariv of these proink living Picturps to be seen I?y a f �,r after quarters thnt R husband A.- . th take n Interest 0n thiturs to which werr, w"1414"'t they WORK AND WORRy. & so withI IIID9 lage nad hum- IDIC4P a I rent portions. privileged only. Those diplomatiqtri th* " RF -ATI REALTRY, IIIII a-ristitive ,,( Fororoann are � firnen dismissed. the b,ilzle _ .1 -he f,nrrnrk t1I " ..I , It Ut be rude. Thl � iq I '. , — ' o I 0 t .,. - , . " — Itill w.rd, .�,! Such a foot rr,oliveg to hrI n. spenil freely, in t.he aggrognt , qu t indifferet For f1rI ,it.% I lidod tile ­RtIlI.­ Lver '0w flirt 'a do ItV Put in the or- Lack I tho Principal ct4ty, of. bont made ospeclallY for It, but In Llnf).n0() during a single s�nson. , lis,vo n y blue- n1o,I Inate, of Syetern Causes Women; the, The Xalural Cure-11.bit Easy to ps.rtioule eTntion. ,"he luort pop - Jacket, Stoker, ant' Ma"Inc 40cam,- an Failure practice if d(si,% not II this tit- r if - . a graven Ima . and Breakdown. w)IO must 01�13� the It bond in all Acquire. — ular II the natior d festivaIN . "W"ll, "' falls In the choir In the . I o tontion, end a rendy-made beef only 11 . . 9"blalroom one rc,T;r oil ,am tile pta It Is sOmetimes- a aJtgkk4 ,coulpimpa, ngry 6h; 1pusf GI when � . are ,elebrotod, not as lbe�, ar� . -1 1. Carry on r- firm for the man who is not' PoI bu-t b be prarfiI Incrittines the deformity. SFNTENCE RERMONS. , ' among us. 14, mI tile rinnivergaritilt atith that pipe, chief. Fo,rc( sido' end the other- roir ohtpls' 11 too often in the open air. and th,, I'here iq a fact In connection wl h , , ViI rr . of bloody hat,tleq or ,.f ,rotchod to� '""" Ph"I'Sicallyt -or-Mentally, ho mall. with. P b, to bea:vda. I w velluttoll'i, lint. I') ,%---I,-nr 0'A ap- "'Itsweln's ry"'tte," L"'Ild-tVil" --In,A-' ­rnn.W,0;..,,;�4 bt-Olterr do" A li,ZOM41I SPA.'; Ink their clearer and purer the air, I I . "I c. "I, Saw; '.?I hilighancl I .. - ­ � nna, 6on I I 11 " t he ,I ibr populgr prolly foot whirli ill y N never mushy. . fit ienrf I o me while I gl%'( I" ��ou early - � licit came tilt! call heart-diseasc or kidnev-diseesp, Iplont not resist their hu, �h ey vou Rhould breathe It will srPin n ivirrurfsp most pv�plp it is this � Regret cannot upritiot wrnag It'. and th( train Iq th . n dotal' ter tile neurastheni to - boast 'thiI ; fladur tha sbil 11 9 Find peafah'a of ceill'Irl f!"I'eim I he, 'ol', the vnqtwnrd po..;ItIon iIard task at nrst, but nn,� soiin will Sorh a foot in r^prvqenlntl" tit the Labor is the self, of nul- II% --4 In a mfghtv there, ��, b ft cd , I flnd it PlOnRarit, and the rosaliA itill gris stage of th(I dy--volopment of n Iloulits inako a pot),- I-Pi,Igp from moNe nlonw , DI , r Kays, I not thard work Was thec'muse, of - tile beginnilig Ili CIf, iri~ 11 .If I l r In &0141ma, , I I Is - clo)llg, It hll�akjotmh ,MOW IM I— aPrarent In otralghter sh,nll,l�,R. crippled foot Of course, this does duty. In lmol), h1w,I,. III - *:, Q,Y,o,D viii r en pir'I . Whpl.p =u q PUNIS1411I OF IFTFAV .N. till I �. 'oving Illroken out', Ing in rhure a "IlV60'tf_to-br a-F,ta"iI ;catlso than dissipation, or at least it, "� the bulsbanp a rela- , Ic In. It takes more lban a foet*r to Inalto ary, to ii(iiiiire i),o IsI,,Rpoint, . � t? ­ ,11 . SO%-cnth-All' - III developed chest, clearer q ,,,it mean that the owner will bt- d fro, A I 'fa,� w I lind IR -hat, you pluno true,, im,l t .. .... I.), ,dn�, i, I Ir;, 111011I I vot, ,,,�r- , I, , - , She must, not quax- and Vwe�-trr breath. ThIR method or come a cripple fit laff-ir yearq. but it. a Frardon In rMobraW fl� their ,,I,] -nil! J'hv, accirnife I pq to 1would be 14 It-WOre th&-,Cs,1u8e­Ru#x+ho­ rot with theml* or the if I brobtlilhg IF; fhA real 'elixir of lire " inpans that, if tile prettiness be per- A shallow man usually has Ilia tiout go to Kin. t.l,o 4.1-ri . 1, ­� : I bl"Jen"NI "I'll ho A I "Vas a, e hers Lm ' , ulte" sn,.A belJov. , . * 4I f I ' t'nrilon best tr,dical authorities and hYgle.n- 11happy; she must be An g%(';`ndwte'rmqe and better than tiny Youth ro for, . ­ , & , w6t 113 onlyflioaneca(VI 3roll 19ts" beliel'i'I 19W Inepilbs, fovpr u , I. 'it IN. brill"'IfItir ,., If ,I III� F%7r� 4)iO 1,116 stay" stir; , p Invited in Ific children and other Ili his skin. A. . ­7nlr,h wfir'liij, but AR ii,nri� I 0 ,r ' it i0i 1: been iniiollaly�­]TtNr,�d �` With the wife of her b aid- lit the market 111,1'scendarI they n -Ill become crlp- Th,ro Is no cLear thini,ina titiart liaq, I he at%-, flint at I ,, I,, k, ,,,, lo,k ,q I then e 'ZOOR oil, round NV DNA bi-other (he being ples. the on yonr *0('IR tOX he".' That there , 06 b " .." "' t It. rroni clean living. protiariv dA,, I W-49-bl& ,W ,g� t"'n9 literati Ili a short time you will he rm-ath Affiv l"d il't, ;,,III., Ill . ..... I h M ecording p-9 choir won ,r 'far I head of the family.)., - The ankle b(ino is trio high, end, Nfan's noblest right Ii flint ,If giv- Ao' . In witu," � , I ­: i,,,..., . r rent to sea after bin'd Irith TrOITY or hard ,mark - ­ Ing correctly. AAN'ako Or asb-p. it IF1 a ;.t flint, the way, f JIDY , fodwiu- ill f7A;,�Q,p Righth-Tho wife mu,l 'lot be JAnl- to be remembered that derp br,,nI Ats ,I conso.,oenco. tho herl 4n,s not Ing tip film rights. of tilt, lonpip frceq 11-cl I I - ,00"If, I urn. " . fl. out . Itho linischief In th '7 '"" 'a; I Of linil husband, if 11 i's unfiI Ing also Mist out, nnrI ai % for of thpir dtI I'I-o I , - - I, m, Ili cry on," , I , 4 * ; . . I 6fi`d­WfL'V I ouch the groond of Its own first is rollgion's; opport,init In All'Ing r-invirioration. No�omhrr III 0- thno , . "I es. I I I - � ,educen ,,, it h n big one'll boat, stupribr. I , I a MaJQII Of -ca-'I full to her, but must . monAh him Ichoeks. cl,I the lunffs, an"I'l I hollow c,;rd It I.% almost like w VP,tl*' ejaculated Ihe captain, *' In R gentle. kfnd ' - P 'the abdomAn ,her herl if) . � a �('),`Zfiel'Itfolln obiveio Slindkis '��J Of coursci1hqo?�2.Ay*1,Jqqctz, manne , Of cours Prert-rit chilracter Iq a proph,-cy of I 1 poll, 1 F ' 0 , ,,�hr ;r tAfng wher� pbe IS jqaJQu .. zwgor- I� ii I I It fig a corl'iloarntively i-asy jo,?k to nyrd the owner of the F`ot wn)ku future Pondi.tion. TITT-'. C"TtvSvN*I*r­.%It i Is � it, Shrurfir- r. r )II q1II, i dnt all- 4PI .11ler !'I b(, Y be tonch rhildrpn who have riot iLcqt;ir(,(l more or) NothInK blinriq the %mll ,-litticker In th, ­ih,trh�, ,,f t- - e,,- ,it,,. to surn as ton much -work,L_�I�W olipft . .,it You're, al�-`alr,e , plicatiou with face, an,j abe wil file trivit; than ofher por- In qn!M As this oev,4npq, tit(- ankle ion. I h a *ut7're"04t101a of any dialiked and abandoncNi by her ]ilia- fixed had habit -1. whose clothing - . I . " - I:er?" -, I I "at "In NO­,qort;_but even In such�a Ca bdnd. d- bell,- gets higher, and takeq the heel than winking at Bin rach Villogo is rftmnrk�oo, f,� tbo I wit) usudlirsh64 t 1h"t � r 6S� -,.,t husband �Ijo D,I .1w, act) . In- narfirr,on,lpl, a,.(ncI I �nt,Ulgy , Whorl she 04n! islion bpl'�I­�,,, -f perfect froedorn, I)ow Ito who Icaos no love for oth,,rg to,. number III It.q flow(.rA I I,#. I"shli ; . , "rt*q tbrif buddina-fien,let, f,,f' 6t Of system wjilrh 'Irk, 6,ao _7, fb do it w, -perly. The hnhit with it, and there Is a cruisforitfy in- all life tor bimaMf and vilato garderin ,,i -, i�rar,F.- , � Ours of I s W work and Inclu - 6 h ". "'i" . VIl.ot worry wbilin he won't' IhI # I nd top t1at I Is. fIntipectabilltv mav be rpjlt� diflar- I nitogoll-ir flif%­10 f,.In, wo- In rn,rfnc-rGo,n art1firor Ilet',orint,11:11n, 81 aI t ­t1ft fin -,his, p6 '"t; - --------A- (-IT They have ZrnI ,,,04� 1 -id --i II Man tiloY call Soubliv oil the and burry. onqw t I a'Lkind iam and girentie . 1vord- IA formed quickly, a o f erortaJng tendency to wnlk on Ilia no )t t dKdt who mIrs iR maintained f- from 1`191`1001151110914 101. "Itect'-Mul heIlnfe,�IIAI­f n varilt complish tho-gre4ok­ii th Thle worst blamphnniv in that of pro- by. pine, end invi I I t".. ,I,,. ir- � ' _A� �eerd t add DQ - ,"� Itho. Imittint or -howl in, have thg II to d6 � a ZA9J ,��,, LIFE-SAVIN(I Q LO 11 F,S men qv I ree,, I I lit, it rf I r., , ,I i , I .1, r ul, - ( , :Zk I A" � �, Sf .A ,on . pr fessilon w(thout practiry h - ill#, -,i, 7 ,,, ,hot, �,,a,e. C'nor-clentin"S olifertfon "'to rnO for this 44 � thit tjr& 4$ .Q"on , aaX ravffe,ain., . -rl t heir Successful trJaI9 were tonlos, roron,tly Vlatittsd,ts against, gin are as harm- , tak,X Ft. yt1rd F+ 4hor- ,n,athing o - c won fm . "no"re'l to the Prim " Oughlk 'Rymornati7od,' "I n the dangerous collat Of JuAlOnd fli) III applause for %in or fInwtvii. 'rinnup ­ n Inhe f.h." I. I br il the' do2y JA ! When she hoar 0 giretuill-, I?, Ivig,-et. I ''A "-ntI %Lr or other whirli re-, not begun wIttro I16;111106 Incit leppn,l, I IT ArIth two of the lih-fiaving globes in- In the divine scab,s A dim, often e'r 6, I r P'llArIng glitnee ' . - -J bad over ,all that, mI btk� famong r,� ­nh-d by ('nr)ltdn Donvig The wind wolklin lool-n that, a dollar. aft on lanternm end tiev �,M,,tcl.qt I . . W(mild-,be vatraill.q.ted ildho hero III all ef Wht'll f-n, fiw Indin- "UL �;` - � - and ntgRV--thiflid- a-bialifillij _q Ton I J- "In'ring n hi-avy gain. with clang- No Tran has any tIldrituril idessing c mor 1bP`,ftvrI rart." reiti! -f4-t9P , pons'lible olernents ,.r � gin. - On the conail, r, I � In -?:v on thn rrI The first that, lie ron kenp t4i hlnns�lf a -li,pame" � the doct(yr bore Mid s . ,I I I I garden Th-% tire nrinnitild Iflic A I I L � 'in" about Itl_" Q rAb with ballast equal in .1 : � I ;. I ,1 I No condoninatibit or wtI ts sa I . I .. , Tot AP"t for. ,ind nr)- ell up, and far the*jiyf* b6thif tfyA '­ inen: the other. enlectiv-o - ' 13410ture, 1`61owirk, thr rwl-�& Of retInI .. ...... I I . . . 11 1; the romm,nilation of I ae.qthott i,nn (Inling from il,#! tiftcII .... � mind -ts renOmt-tild"Updh fitht �o I - -f. collinfiI right. oiI and %Alvfn.j�- a4vo,Alog to file "ed vI tri-riv-h. as - ' If n6th Ing - etilto v, yjr&16,1, � e ;nv,,ntor The fri�ndsi 'me can never lose are difforvilt I 1, it, f,hc ir-rden f,1 n Wit clead, P,ir,' he day. � Whe,ft thig iff,(I'liho _fit. � tnhll- the ntI vk,,, snv wi, tha"gle-k-biriv I linve loqt In ton house of opoI ,, .Insita,loW friand 'I .. hman tak'en 010 ' "d, the nekt, o ,I- death qaId to II 'In two weeks ell Osaka ,fm tip, in nm_ tina tvfit'n Inigrit ,.n,-ov I A inen IR worth what It, t,.k, t will comirl limp Ili th.� olorning to I ?.Tvn our rinthop r"Alblatidn- of unnc- -�rld. net what ln� lI­a%ft14s`n1in witnt-qq tile opening of tjlt, iris , \bb: III at no %6irry for the I . '��,h tf,e fopfc, tit It its & JaL% , I ­Fre`JUf`ntIY In '011I q'Ir"t, famous 1, 1pt out the p).W. but for ilia btI of Ita (I or for y to coliII I Night or the fu_ the mrictrificerwo of the huvdzr,,%p6, rL � lore ul"I"I't- work of tile � � failure ,,Lnd I woo4fland. sit, f4a,lid. . lake or a � "I's S. , Anothe- I camade, it temple IF) (werted. 1T11I � \1 h It is I is flint II are." frimllies love to gn tthOrp Testy bring the old people &ftg all t.he lit. \�'o. � IV 17P 0 1t NT th- children It. Is tile go,~ of all . ,�llo(? e'a If I � I I ( ; 1: A . I ,bt � piltzi-IrnaiI A t firsit f+w,,r ira to � %, W - 1. 1111 VlOdOlfs ,"Into the grift The rMv6I jeftrami ffrift'll In tront of the tomple irrarkles, neuter . 11 01A (tot ,If tl,e pilgrima, find III thlF, . for wxv twtiflos tile gods that virAtorR 'hap- I afr", ft,;r,c­o,a;,,,Isoig Ill~ vlAterp 1-;oofs I. eir ,,, end Map their hay.do I A,- in I ,&I) the gods, junt sI they do I.,d ill In thoi tav^rnsi let coil up thn IIII � iC on- va"IA Than. with �Mllfqlx (seen. they rialace. �ay -, qhnrt. prillyor "d drop their of ,,,,- "irtfirfNillons fnW th(4 hoter", aft or f() hit" eI 11I TII the N"nPIA, 11,111d ad- � be had retire ff.� funtique wilriturem and the Idulga in aliffed )ilevluorg. IrInAlly they nil I A, xallood MY I,, fainfiv grraturin to clint end to . ,k%^A Into Illuch It, V,ol fft be,,@*# effitablighed VIvitor- Ill t%, noffirlsbortinad fif the holy . . ,,,.� pf.I " - 0 ", ,u),x'T WANT TIM PAMMY. . I 1� ." i "I .bod at hist ietiftu"ontid op cout­ t o . r a al, r a pa " When. t 0 lit&. ,q s_ , , I I "", � Ilmont fli-, blustering parihat I 1. � I �, . I . �, , , , . iod 'kire %no rapstble of cup- I �ff a family, air 7" I i, i I . . , , �� , � - - ' , ' 7 7,,,, " ,,�,, ,, - ;;�, 4 1"*1"r"_v".1r­­� T. 0"404I I 1, I' 1i � '�. 10. ... '. AW W4 r_.1i # , .i� I 0)"111" I , i � lwl, I I I il �11 ''I - . I . �'�_141 I , I� �_. ". I � ^ 1. I __ — I ­ ----,—�--.--.---.7-.-.,---.--�—.-,.,--�---,r�:.---�— , . � , I � I ,., !r---- -1 11 r ­ I � II "I, . I Il-_- ,I I ,�, I f 1�. " I � I . - I 11 "c"""10I L . � .. , � . — 4_" _. " _ _,- , 1:1&_,.�­l �46 ­.- � 11 I I .�� � 't.e�.� ��._ � *A,, i,,.. .. - I ,� I — I - � . 11 � - I offlillple 001000000111asSiVAMU .... I .1 '�"9� 111111111111111 �� I , 11 7­� 11 11 �.. L - 7-1 - IT �, . I i�1111 - � � - - I � , � , I - �Ir - , � I , I �� ­ ­ ... 7M I .. ," ! �­ -1 � I—- L_ —_1-I-.-. 16­�=IAZI' ­­. � I ­ - �f ' ' , -r. A-- -111, ­�� - �, 11 III I — - upv�­?-I , ­ -1. 1._.._1 I .1 � �f ,,