HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-04-01, Page 4vox 15'00 6 (o e Nay,• Lea- esuee a. calendar, re of, Which are the eh tposseselons, and as. it. areslot ktlOwn.to all, we the list; as one 'which tlhould. every. Brltisier proud of he Straka • .ChannelIslands mien Island Cyprus en, Dominion of Canada, tette Egret (protectorate). Bermudas i''alkland Island. Gibraltar British f<fdrtb Borneo llrtticlt Honduras, tteh East Africa Hong Kona pelt Guiana' India British Uuinea Jamie^ Lave Culeer Malta Ceylon .elattd »Malacca -" -Nassau lalanda - _let. Helena Natal - SSooutthrnGeorgia Newfoundland St, Lucia Orange River Colony. 8t. Vincent Perim • Trinidad Ant�ooddaes -. - 'Transvaal eree England, Ireland, Sootlaan Wales. Thiele re largo list, and we publish it th the hope that young Canadians ill study it, and thus obtain a splen - id lesson In geography. DmD AT 100 TiieStratford.Herald notes tine death in that city of Ronald McNeil, the oldest: man hl,Stratford and one of the oldest in Canada. He had reached the wonderful age of 10$ years. A' fanill of seven enevive hilt, two having diad. There are 20 g.and chil- dren and one great grandchild. De- ceased. was tea native of Barrie, Scot- land, where,. in his younger days, he was •a• fisherman. Coming to Canada about sixty ,years ago -he settled in Stratford. He was einployed as a Alex. McMichael of McKillop, met masons rind carpenters assistant, and with a painful accident the other day. .awed' his own wood and did other He was working at a root puiper and chores up to six. years ago. In his old one of the roots ifet going in properly age his tobacco was ^wonderful solace he went to shove it in with hie left to him. Ile would smoke whenever hand, when he got too claw to the he woke up In'the night. ,He would knives and the top of hie Bret finger smoke es he sat In his eIi It and sawed was taken off. wood, . His pipe was a friend at all times, a companion of his old age. The deceased did not have good command. of the English language, but loved the Gaelic. He was a devout. Roman Catholic. It is interesting to note that the late Mr. McNeil lived in three' centuries, being both ,in the year of tale battle of the Nile. Bonaparte was Emperor of France wh n lee was a boy of six. .Fulton's firsts kg, Voy took place when little obald was but nine. The printing 1ne. hire was in- vented when he was 10. he battle of Waterloo took place whe he was 17. Trueman. Smith, of Grey, has dis- Mr. McNeil was a man of '32 when the .nosed of his farm, lot 6, col. 6, con - first railroad was built in Canedim. Gaining 100 acres, to Moses .I5oll, of When Mr. McNeil came to'itratf d Brussels, the price being $4,160. :ai••••••saes-M+sYsr•••nae•e ••••ege••••.•irl••esiaa••••• • • re - is. Speak* Aar Itself •• i • • • • eve. e.. / J i a t! ',t! Iti k slsu.a li■r ` e, r • • • • 4: • • took after three unday of last ns waa about 50 d resided in thio vieln- ee husband year 17, removed vedly rraspt She by u whoch nd de - know her. as she was a kind hearted.and good won1a11. The remains were taken to Exeter for interment: A daughter of Mrs. Makin, is aloe eery anxiously ill froth the sumo dieta.,e at her hone In Exeter. ' Every One with Sore Throat Should know how -quickly Nerviline cures. of can recommend Nerviiine very highly foe sore throat," Writes Mr. It. McKenzie, of St. George. "1 once hada very sore throat and my chest was full of cold and soreness. self 'pickle by bburt meg cured boat and throat vigorously with Nerviline and line to be be thgargle. a best general blremedyP for emergent sickness that one can get. We .have used it for twenty years in our house." Price tae. The ot1.er day at Exeter while a number of children were enjoying a piesaant time with their band -sleighs ridiug,down an embankment of snow, Clarence, the youngest sou of Mrs. Marshall, had the misfortune to have his right leg broken above the knee, the sleigh in some way going over the boy. A,_QVlin.r•QII..It11 ITAI ATI61f:-�T}ae trusionof uric acid in the blood vessels' is a fruitful cause of rheumatic pains. This irregularity le owing to a derang- ed and unhealthy condition of the liver. Any one subject to this painful affection will find a: remedy' in Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills. Their action up- on he kidneys is pronounced and most beneficial, and by restoring healthy action, they .correct impurities in the blood. I1erultl s ere sore BLOOD.—When theaction of the kidneys becomes im- paired,. impurities in the blood are al- most sure to, follow, and general de- rangement of the system ensues. Par. the! kidneys.s.etable so thatlls theysll will regulate main- tain healthy„action and prevent the complications which certainly come When there is derangement of these delicate organs. As a restorative these Pills are in the first rank. 28w cons ettbrug'ti ovtaaited. 'the Hind fNis••.•srss•i •wsitileii••••••••• Wrlte;for� ftitk:t real Humorous r 1, • • • • • • • 0 • • • • - lob y` land, 'after the fel ed dlnwhere eed of conveyance or y Berson, has had the right ter into ,possession of lands !ted- 117y such deed, and ,bas not one see lee right to make an entry or to recover possession of the ianda so conveyett-er granted will be: barred at. the expiration of 10 years' from the tired when he . might have claimed possession thereof. World's Fair, St. „Louis, Mee, April doth—Dec. 1, 1904 - :Fifty Million Dollars, ($50,000,000) is the coot of this, great Exposition. Over 50O distinct buildings: Almost every Foreign Nation has a Pavillion surd each State a Club House. Can- ada's building is finished and he Grand Trunk will have a fine exhibit. 15 of the buildings are giants, as shown by the dimensions. It will no doubt be the last Great Exposition held in America for a longtime. It will be worth a year's education to your son and daughter to visit. The Grand Trunk have arranged to allow land ateDetroitnand Chicago on Station the excursion ticket's, which will be placed on sale April 26th and continue for the ,easoii. 15' day tickets will be sold at Single Fare. 30 day tickets at Fare and ane -Third, and good until Dec.' 15th at 80 per cent. of Double One way rates. G nd Trunnkk ^tionAgents, or J. D.application 11e -- Donald, District Passenger Agent, oronto.. South Huron Spring Show, At the recent lneeeting of the direc- tors of the South Huron Agricultural Society, held at Hensel!, it was rr eolved toehold the annual spring show, for the exh1bition of -entire. stock at Bruc field on Wednesday, April 27th. The ,chow will be conducted on the same lineaass the last two years. The horses will be shown but not judged and no prizes will be awardeThe society, however, allows $3 for each horse shown to assist in paying ex- penses. The bulls will be judged as usual and very liberal prizes are of- fered for competition. An arrange- ment was also made with the Stephen and Uaborne branch societyfor the holding of a union branch fall show on the The grounds willf be held at society ureal at Exeter. on the first Monday and Tuesday after the Western Fair at London. Port Albert. (Too late for last week.) NoTxs.—Wm, and Hugh Gauley have returned to Brantford,—Jno. Green left for Stratford some time ago, where he secured employment in a machine shop.—Jas. Quaid has been again very poorly, having the doctor the past week.—John Schoenhals has bought a new team for his increasing trade, and the two teams Will be a greatbelp in handling bis flour and wheat. May his trade he such for many years to come. In 10 days he Bent out 22 tons of flour. How is that for local trade? Success and more of it !—Nels sports a new driver, so look out for your eyes on muddy days.—Jno. Schoenbals was to Stratford and Milverton ton on busi- ness last week 'for two days.—Nets Pearson Bold his driver for a good euro last week.—Will drown Intends to retnrne.te Brantfotd «gain this week. ---Jus. Hunter, "Singing Jamie,” Sepoy village, is in he village this week on a fishing trip.—The rain the other night caused the river to rise a little.—Jno. Stevenson, Lindon, was a caller last week.—The school joke didn't take very good.—Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Curren, Toronto, lately of this village; lost one of their eons on Tues- day week last, the child being 6 yearn of ago. They have the sympathy of their many friends in this village, this being the second death in the family in two menthe. --Thos. Wilson, Sr„ s rest- out.— thitt• . who Into been confined to h '` dente, is again able to move Wedding bells ;are tinging; hoodfo . Easter weeks to RH4 STORE use it eatafully ,aha We use nothing but - purest and best Drugs obtain• ble aucl otic prices, are reasonable. MANY YEARS ErXPItRIENCU . . ES. �- �CR$a CENTRAL DRUG STORE aanEiuc r,• - ONT. "Am -ears TAX oxer AT Moo's." BLIOJ$�IITif 8110P ! Having rented the well known Black- stnithmg Shop and,fixtures so long car- ried on by Mr. A. Kirkbride, I am pre- pared to do all cleesea of BLAGKMMITHING, SHOEING AND GENERAL REPAIRS: Give us a call try. My work and you will be pleased. GEORGE I0#KSTOJV GRAND TRUNK SYS EM WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, April 3otIt Dec. ist, igoo Festival Halt. 200 feet high, In which is In. stalled thLargeat Organ In the world -115 stops E sTEI1 f OEIIJJIYs, 1904 One way special lixeursion Tickets on sale daily to points in Colorado, Idaho. Utah, Oregon, British Columbia, California. special Settlers' trains to Canadian North West, with Colonist Sleeping car will leave Toronto every Tuesday luring March and April at p.m. Passengers travelling without live stock should take the Pacific Express leaving Toronto at :45 P -P1 - For tickets, reservatioh, and all information, ap- ply to F. F. LAWRENCE TOWN AGENT A. STRAITON STATION Anx.wr. KERS. 4 BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. I 3 2 STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD FOR DELIVERY OR ON I MARGINS. 0 0 1 4 PRIVATE WIRES. 4 1 1 MODERATE MARGINS. t PROMPT SETTLEMENTS. PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO OUT-OF-TOWN k DAILY MARKET LETTERS MAILED TO ANY ADORES! ,,,,4 1 ON REQUEST. if 114 b14 L4 Long Distance Telephone 6o. q El q OFFICE {WEST STREET, li WHAT H PPENS AFTER FIVE HOURS. Ter. Bouchard, the e nent French physician, has farniehed facts which show that If food Is retained In the iltomaeh more than flints hours It becomes fermentative and putrefactive, —aot tligespl ye.— and that this Is the starting -podia of dlseaae. too nzuch foods Fan elate rre IL W, 11111 This food mass be- comes putrid. Generates gas. The stomach dilates. There Is a seem! lump -weight, b Blood cella pol Inability of the stom- ach to properly handle food is mainly caused by overeating, drinking too much liguid, saes gen- erated fro diges- ix- lect MO to she thiti sale Fould take the 'Malta urs lu •hawing . our full range to .every lady who thldke of `papering, (btty or. not, just as you feel about it),. but coma Med :see' our aelection ..anyway---jjt will interest you. Kldu'5 Book WIT Agency C. P. R. Telegraph,, Ticket and Express 1, STRONG AND VIGOROUS. Every Organ o f he .Cody Toned up and invigorated by You will certainly need New Easier. Shoes. • No matter what sty'je ' you are after you will find it i44 ong our large assortments and the price will fit your pocket -book. Our new Spring DOROTHY DODDS'have arrived. We will -be pleased to show them to you WM. SHARMAN. DOROTHY DODD, AND SLATER SHOE, FOR WOMEN. 4 FOR MEN. DA Library of CanOadianinforrnET complete and comprehensive that no matter what you want, if it relates to Canada, you will find it? A work that answers instantly and fully every possible Can- adian question. Y Mr. P.W. Meyers, Ring St. E., Berlin, Ont., aye: "I suffered for five rears with el plessanesi and palpitation. the heart, of ut one box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills completely removed all thea dis- trefaing symptoms, I have not suffered mhos taking them, and now sleep wall and feel strong and vigorous." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pule cure all diseases arising from weak heart, worn oat nerve tissues, or watery blood. You Can Save Money Save Worry Save Wear By getting your —FROM— Hugh Dunlop We guarantee Fit Price Quality WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT ? The oldest established in the County. Next door to Bank cd Montreal, CALI, UP Teleplionos 16 or Warehouses and yards at dock WPat, street and Square When you want the best to be had in CO All kin& ways on NO THE ENCYCLOPEDIA of CANADA? Twe Hundred eminent Canadian Authors were engaged in its preparatioa. brilliant, reliable, exhaustive special articles on every phase or vanadium history, resources and development. These articles co -related, classified, PIM fully edited, supplemented by notes, elaborately indexed. Ott Royal quarto Volumes. Index separate. Write for more facts, FOR THE 44S.ING we Witivend you FREE 4 a Book containing Maps, Portraits—all aboat ..'V• the ENCYCLOPADIA and its authors, il'erd- q. •• The tell you how you ran get a set for ,,;b*Iik*L" '7'01c1011}44,41)118 hthers' - a mere trifle. Mail us this coupon e' le Please send to ad. It will be worth your while. ,,, „,,treas below. without ..c>.), plittle payment offer for YOU FORGET. a set of the lincyclopindia, Name Addeuse 404 It Pays to Paint. There is nothing that adds to the selling value or the renting value of a house like good paint—there is nothing tbat makes home more hotne-like than good paint. It pays to paint. The better the *sit, the ben* it payee • pnys fe the begin the end beeriu long as it I