HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-04-01, Page 177 T -,r�777"
ityis 0 tho county t1his Section 4
Oi4 RID, Y�, g�w volt" A . 4V*314m"
t L 1, k904
I a rty� BrItIf Tow* UP1,40. THE CORONER'S INQUEST
Agr HDi elito'li4hi ABOUT CIRCULATION.
kabi, dlty isfter�n te. re 411110 Ot Tole STJ 'lied to
in Ol M Oat re m to corn,
)XIernerit this ee . Jue 'alit listo the Death of Edward
Interred $All
eretol seiarpostIngeof ;Ruroio 04 S�4tm
the ';ijiled 11 T' the late V�Olwar4 ends the followin
he wolp of hess, The Signal 6
�14 -tre,and ri
stable �;IL
it is flielate, hustiso 14:14141C. Use or;t Itist'Llui U otery inthe ro
llAn o"I'A' . I g , 011oWia, "In 0olborne e cola his Prot rest- Maske1J.
rl "" 1. 0. O� P. next week a�A Ito Rom i, of WOO II Tile Wro. Lee has statements broadcast
P"111ILL10 lots of Tton, Qh�`i-inls sit that So NO. I crr a ermitibero*L
e, of cootinu0talkrat tud4ytPliAl 10, At Porter,& UII14 d borne street to P. mmpqszl� 'the sullorUIZIN 1; - .,.. v an)
tt�o' McMillan, jamami elling excep lorially (11 cklit, but the for to. very nice sun'.
the ill- T'Llesday, Apri thaw of be XV trav- dence, on Vol A point we Would CtIrlshl"tlit IS The
'Perfoo anodarnhise4 by BItsiAm, inAsince 0 death.
ilfthe be" too. On Thursday evening of latat wee ritual,* sulmilor usefulness to advert1w.
Fal Connolly, John Cox lind others. funeral procemaiml arrived at the live The Godtirich Gun Club era, A year son there was no better ad -
speakers - Thins, Will have a
iAll ould,. AnIgIlLiL a part, of Lot z�6,g. in the ocide sp order WAY
initomal WorJA 0 hoot at their box on the take front qilroucr Dr�. W. J, a. Holmes opened
%pill Coo, I Oro Division ofAlle tow 017 so I asial no . Wednesday. Agril 0, Ili Temporons�o Wltho4t %b"oCoUrretice Of all an vertloing medium In the district. With
I I a. e and this afternoon. iat 2,W o!clock, ,tit inquest at the Colborne Hotel, on
mos oirzoor. Colborne, p# described Lit a drea roll% an irs-Thoo. Nq- ,rho churob, qe%,vice at the hot'$
�cuhatxy 0 11 In in the year ite circulation has Increased
'to sold the ery I4. Hall, J*aburv.
LUMB a ppi-fortned by, tile j. B, Hawkins has purhased fmIll the body of the late Edward Maskoll. over onethitst. and we a" now able to 01
Milian, Dr."Ctavk lit tile rave W
EsT P 9S.
t0,95)91404, Ion M44
01401"Ittift'" b rector of St.
A Rev, Turipbull, Mrs. '115he,the residence n1Aw the foild-whiggentlemen beingsworn guarantee to car golvesittalog Patrons
x870�,,jniii wit ell said. and others.
land, 'go this 014P Mo an Thurildlay, April 7. In Teintol,8310 Georgis'a, and the Pat
PUANIT . Areofre QrLesst I OT d Lu hearers weris led by ohn Kelly. on Arthur street. facilities absolutely unequalled for reach'
oc oT IL
oil ibla.?rOwIty, therizio, A $%Dan framo bit o04ic" R, Jewell. T Campbell Was in St. as tile Jur D.C. McKay, foroman, Ing the people of this district."
Hall, Dungannon, Speakell
Ana for Elm' As V109t0u, Win- Baltic dry, Jones, Win. Burrows &Intl Aggesso Ana will NVI. Blitrowe. Jrzo. A. Walker. Ed -
the oI of isle, the 'Imr� Milian, Jos, Hethl; a w4txl this waqk, Tun STAR does not object to QuF
. rk;h SEE r Oil RY Guitar. and others. Thos. Bean. Gent B. Graham, Jas. porary tooting
QUO, A, 1. VRA, Bit, At each place MD IN following completed, MoVicar, A. J, Cooper, Stephen Stot-
Par apply to the meeting will soon live the tweeament of tile town w*d Acheson, Win
AISUR, com, WEDD North street contem t
once at 13) -And, 7.80
Anctionctr, Vtodor's Solicitor, in In., 41114 -dy, Goo. 0. Blnok, its own born o honest lines, bu
VI � N, accoulpany front a Joliet, Ills., paper Wills be :-suit Mr, Jno. Kelly has purchased tile herv, Them. 0. Stitt
;A Qosloliqlz. CO., who SEEDS1 musical programme wit penly declare& Vast the
"Utli ItIML A 1.�
'�a A,D. leasuris by the ftlieuds of Maddock's property, on Chur-ch 11tre0t, Joseph Whitely arid Richard Walters, when it 0
1904. WM at the, d, have rec the evening addresses with p Signal is "now able to guaxAnite
It I Vid stan - at Occuriled by Pill"olpal The jury viewed the body and then
WHY -unT ill* bride and her fAniliv in this sco present a School. to our patrons facilities absolutel;
Hov� C Q ce� lot of CL9v4R, TV, re T MUST RETRHNCIL� th 1 8 P, in. on
TO QP and d ;till --A pretty weddin tookplacis Tigert, of tile Pub I
NOTICE ,EDITORS G�A�iV d ly adjourned tit Friday,
Tile following figures will give some home of Mr. arid &rs, Charles Tile Thameaville Herald recent: unequalled for reaching the people
:n Ott the -eet, tit which t states What is
le 424LNorth Bluft all owned and edited by Rev. Re. Magee, when the inquest was resumed In the
We ham idea why tile Grand Trunk ltatlw4 Wiles, of this district," I
t, W in FLOUR of Gode- of Goderich, was flooded with three Col;Uell Chaniber, tho County Attor- An -
tile payo,", and Funtli lit 10 DEN authorities have leaned Instructions all Miss Otnerumm, Grace Me Arthur f a few ney examining tile witnesses, not in accordance with facts.
Ida of of water during the past
LATZ ricalong the lines for retrenchment in fill rich, becaulo tile bt e It other deliberate fabrication is this:
otp In Tag MATTER Or WIL14AM GOUTMAY.11 Obarleis Wiles. Miss Alice Wiles, a days.
its sinoigGood Hollglt4 THU departments of the service. The fig David Sare. proprietor of the Col-
DtONASEM 'A year ago there was no better
it THE � TOWN61UP OF AssVINLI). 114 a forthemselves for the past sister of the grom, acted as brides A change of adt. for George John. he know the do -
We nitsire.- UNTY OF HURON. YsOuAN, eG Ursa
peali maid, and the beat man w h ton will appear text week. Now borne, Hotel, mald In the die.
three months. of tile bride, Alonto Morris. The a re he ceased Mr. Maskell, and heard that he advertising medium
on Ishei-o given tursuant tA the Re Jan. lWl 1903 Dec. 10; that the earth appears once me came to the house #,beat 2 p. m. on trict." TuR STAR does not ovm
PUBLIC NOTICE, $5 performed at 0 o'clock
yfalostatutag oNntAr ItAD 65,722 ceremony was is wants to put your bicycle In shapo for
STO ( an) unap, 199, tha� 8 to ler. The bride wore Monday. He saw him at the bar all the fruits of tht earth and the
�a2lll 417M
611cleintioragnA Mars 41`1119sinins"" afzeung� by Rev. Sellues the season of 1004.
Gourley Who [IV's co f white silk, arid the abibut 5 45. when he sold him a cigar. fullness thereof, but when it talks
AsSOCIATION, the astAto of the sald' William 16 to 08170d7�w Iset.07111 it beautiful gown Boy a ticket for tile hot lunotteon al He was then txiider the influence of
died ell'orabolitth"16th day ofFlibruer 19", 2 to 31. idesniftid'" dress was of the same is no blow
1, on or before thofttst day ON& Feb. bi Hall oil Thuredgm l4th It nor and lie gave him his 13arvonal about circulation there
"The Goderic7h, curt, are rootialres: �d the Od(IfellOww'
1. L904, to eandby post, Trid, or deliver Ito 7 3",6w
'dud 6XAtt &a r intioul, will be held' obarto of' 1 41 fabric. The bridal party ontort
John M.'R 610,754 inst, Thare will also lie a daff it tea- isIVention Deceased Proposed to fo or bonibast, and the publishers are
'Holiptiii Ow _6urt house, on Mptillay 10, The tikets will be 25 eta for the Imich- home, but oil account of Ills coulpla u-
�bo air of Dungannon, 0111to I , :: I.'
e. the Executor 5*,765 parlor tothis strainsiot the weddi
ce cif In'tho Vountvf Wuron Equ r IK8W ch, played by Miss Charlotte Hit quite willing ttat the Signal pro-
oltig, Aptil otb,tit if Ocloclg� Alectlol of the last &-andTostalliont of the said T2 to 29 670,Sm mar 5c. for the tea. In of Illness and tile being tinder the
eqtoisi %.ha Other 9knes"It bug ucs$. deceased their Christian and oir cosines, ad. For extern�-_,7�_� March , a consinof the bride. The con and Ir in ceed at once to tnake good its
U. CAMPBELL. uence of liquor, he (the Witness),
scoctgry. drv"es and. desert tons. the irs, of inal 3)�Rc on%. IS iti 400.640 SM,682 Eanter colors. Read every advertiserntnt in Tun
full parl"cull "o W�l 14L 719,980 137.m decorations were the I
toment of their unta, cure for Sp 11: bet- of STAR. Morchantlo represented it, these I then statements as quoted above. Tun
;i0th, 104. 5A. their claims, -A 4 o'coo llaease,, I Diwe=' T sto 702�63111 9.2,170 plin,ple and greeg. A large nuin asked hill to have some tea, all( -
A it t�oniiturc,et thesocurittee 0fally) hold by flatiatory Rhen; P 15 to 21, 610:3W it your trade oil mutual go to bed for a time. He refused - tile STAR CIahU8 to have a larger eir-
_q t.4. I . natis! ends and relatives Were present. and columns sollol -s unassisted
16N f the special Lumb__ - sure, give tea st'll
S5,N4.950 $7.14SMS $1,578.0% 1 but walked tip it
fop.the coat of construction A" IrUIATIren TARR NOTICE that after said Lungs Bruises throat. Weak and So Totals ..... in ally ba it (Janine presen t 9 were received 9"Ounds, and vvill, we at* ut culat thi�n pay other newspaper
Ii -thosaid. executor will A [InC weddIng the very beat values going. and lay down on it sofa In the fro 1.
it and Nelson an last asset onod date reins, Stiff jointil, AT THE BORobert Clark by the happy couple. Is section of the county Of
Of preened to distribute theasacts of the deceased and all -$
d on FrIday.#6 at ft ell adred diseases. It -rved. Mr.
be and Mis. The Public Schools having burned romn, outside of which there is
hour of 8 p. ra.. tit 0 01111- Am having be. made a fresh scart cutting tee on Mon 'r WAts as
the parties entitled thereN
bicht eY 044A ;&%kild a cure for throat 71fets will Intake their home in Joliet." e past win- balcony with a rail 33 tactics high. Huron, and is willing to be put to
It purpsimilog boa or re only to the claims of W affections in h6re more wood than usual tn about 12 feet front Is t It
illy, out having the trad None genuine with- day, for though he has filled two big wood piles, and the The balcon y was t e Coo
asisessm en have'nottee.iand thisttliesuld executor ter. have Small After leaving hirn Ili tile
1M%"tAou r WM not be liable for the gala awta or a rk on labels' arid houses, he wants to be prepared for ha's consider. the ground. yinf On the
a d IOU me Contin alit committee
e Be tits roont, lie next saw him I
grt thereof to tn� porson or persons of wh" wrappers an tter As It Grows Older. fftlj�Ulty in L keeping up
P' 'by Alms notice a a not have been received by ment, Goderitil', 6nW- McLennan's Lini he hottest Of Summers- It Lis Rome Able d r
him at the tiulls of such distribution. bottle. t. I% stamped on wax on Ali is In ItH round abouttoll feeteast rom tile
seal on each had tee cutting 68 18tQ Tuic ST ftn-ty-tifth year an of the
IF$ 11220100* or DATXD the list day of March, A. D.. 19K azz�ears since we pply. dcony. He was not Inscus ible, but on behalf of the proprietor
March 2 coil lained
onto the gon- manufactured only by, 8th. -F. Doty has npicrly and Is better ag it grows older. It has Quite it number of views were taken I of his book being broken, Colborne.
PROUDFOOT.AYS & BLAIR- m contract of installing been under the present ninnagement of the lice -bound river thopast few A ToIctor wits sent for, and with Mrs. $are, wife of tile proprietor of
Lot Executor. EUPHEMIA A ga i loted his I one taken
Solicitors for on t plant on the str. Fair- Six days. from tile break water
rallip six years to -day.
'HELI, clerk. Sole Patentee gtu� McLENNAN, W ectric ligh and owne ntionian, with it others the witness carried him Into the Colborne, stat4ki that the room in
I- by agofessional ge the house. lie Asked deceased how he
Proprietress. by nt.-A number of men were at -toed eight tile con- which Mr. Maskell was placed had no
AUDITORS' STATEMENT. Newgate st. Monday gathering drift years ago this journal cotnpi well nown young lady as fell, but he did ant know, The Inside
fie Goderich, Ont man col on inches fi - , key, tile outside 11 hl� but the electric If bt lit the hall
ts(Jano Per LET. six columns each, 20 trial door had a look and
ofevs,., rg seem d off the ice on the river alon pages, gure, to very attractive to. trasight Into it ; 1hat the enter
OWN'OF GODERICH. ater, a dangerous Torl -day Tun STAR is Comprised At the regular meeting on Monday From the time lie
he 04ya th T GODERICH A fittin he breakw long. To 4
one a spring lock. door was fastened with a book, and
BUY OR SEU ARKETS. "All hands aboard" unins each. 24 evening, the Oddfollovvs appointed a left deceased tit the room until tile inner ouWwIth it lock, for Which
rose thought. t pages, eight Col
;ntmit under this a -
is little 0 Ig nd' Wheat holds lit last be the order yesterday, for Of cigh trge committeti t make arraing scoidentI about half all hour elapsed. trio vas no key. She saw Mr. Mas-
th, Aiihmalig o brely e P, help, you. olarket, but id v k a 9d in the locall far d to pairing, was in pro- inches long --or, in other words, Twill it tits for celebrating the anniversary it but there v
t6, To Tror MAYOR AND COUNCIL iliv ME And the pri at or 1 0,44 �`d`.n.`oa1Jk, and Li arger than me Witness sold a cigar to decease
�4I;4#h + r
�4I;4#h + "afittiliese. STAR Is about 80 columns I this Continent, did not moo him drink or et a drink. kell In the hall In the afternoon, but
witu t Il A rise and Part vegael In the of OddfollowshiP on
act A good ft work. TOWN oy GoDimlcm dioate a rise her of on nearl rhtle the sub -
there will '66, an cont _A I, : it cheap. GENTLE] an at home, on Tuesday. the 20th Witness didnot consider 1he roon) an 'lot close enough to tell if he was 'In
.41010b r -Wo have examined the so Hogs dropped 10 cents, an her Mill it was six years ago, Oil
ul-rily at iping o so HEN, *r Ones. - .-Th oderic ar Ion price remains at $1 a year In by
flapan6se, counts of the Town Tresourer for the year from strong Ott that Price. a the market to I . The der the influence of liquor,
ocar, Godefich.,, 1903, comparing. them:with tawa, th mber Co. bought quite a num- script inst, upenfe place to leave a man in
6 CF79ps 1 0 . yalU, ending Doc. 31"t, potatoes have declined v4 mostly soft advance. It has grown until Without how the elgar wag Jam. Chishohn, of Colborne, saw do -
0 -Tw 0 0 vouchers produced. and find them correct As ing and if they fan into th increased offer- decided ogs this winter, The Finance Committee bad it long coroner asked
'Palloso ca from - doubt it is the largest newspaper in -
thit ALE. 9 11.6 nor w%lno with n -by M ntreal It Ot ay evenng, audit- served the witness said it wag served ceased betwoun 2 and 3 oil Molld&Y
lid4zi Tt is announced y of Huron. The endelLVor sess, Tucad I In the ovenislif 0
a . per statements herewith ; Tiz itiatk;ts are not likely to r. ion on �Lft r 0;
roacfied biaaAn. lze,lt S I I have , ever- nd Expenditurce, mark. 10 9 list of in 11, general way, but lie could not and &gait
A summary of Receipts ft Rhipw a am Is a higher be tl�t the Marine Department has the count
to lisizve fortill ki'and Av oth r do J. F. Andr�ws, as been to produce ore' report for IQW and a Ion e hors, remember tho names 6f those PrcglOnt, witness was in a rooln wit r, New.
Aldetailed statement of Expenditures. Toronto on Monday the priv on the tie, clean and reliable nowspa- r
men2h 11:1 1 leb1ho .7too h t the Canadian rules from of the riblishers h tecounto being before the in in
t of Assets and Liabilities. 'There should have tis�an 6, latp. knew several of them by couibo
tF w1lon, deceased entno in rind
it a strai lit to warc, A sitateim3n goshipment, ut waters. to the beld of the lakes a readg, iltwo'3 report will COMO UP although he
A wip It vailing per, and the success which has attend- The coultr a
# th -tocillpto and the bad road" prevented the t Ose re had something. It inay linva been
I San, tin n. Out A summary of Public School I hogg bought for that dali,'s shillelivory of many to make It e same " th it next Tuesday eve Right.
-tl - tog, In sipplicate. te t
the a (Currene wholesale pricegment. 1 5 iTe of the Old our efforts has met with a most before the Counc cigar; when lie roturned about 0 P. ul'
Expenditu . ); will he in Thited Sta a a Whitely saw deveasod abou,
riese cannot Ucll do trans -
et, , cordial response. The circulation of Ding. Dr, Ma8kell was eading it hinch in one i
Jap , I too, ndloton William Copies of the firAt three have been soon of rhural corrects' I I ti n will be necessary the city 8.45 p, in. oil Monday, and ftplandned
Ono , , Or 4 C, other I roil led by the under- itted to the secretary of the Bureau of In. UP 6 .......... Jday.) session. a a a 10 ive, and TuE STAR was never in as healthy a A Stratford newm Item to the sinall rooms; wittIess did not take
owing Y, ralao wth barn dustries, Toronto. Fail wheat, standard. hangs operatil a it is to -day, resslastSaturday saidc "Tile Str,t' his body, but foond no inarlon or I
advan ossession ai to 1934 Spring wheat standard ....... 1.$ 0 as to $0 90 W. EL E ' ' tit condition or as large a I. drink over the bal. with Maskell
_. el e I. RS. LOVE, The balance of cash Dan. 3111 �tito Cr7ank of Flour, per owL, patent .......... 0 go to 0 OU a roduced at the P and the extensive advertising patron- ford Radial Company, which isrulses. He compladned greattlY of that (illy : the last he Raw of Maskell
0 ad rLrs 54-2 in Trouurer'H office,& 63, in Flour, per 2 60 to 2 60 bout noon Ilia -attire and pulse
counfl� erl b. treaf,s2iins5, Total, 48. owt., faintly .......... ks well for the judgment of alreadv has a Charter to connect t pain, but his tolopet 110 was walking nlong the budl towitrds
Bran, per ton.. 2 25 to 2 40 sage from D hilairless people who Mary'l were Jilin again next
is MAD. -Last, Friday & Value circulation. cit with Mitchell and St. normal ; saw
year. and con- Shorts, per ton.' is 00 to 18 00 0 mornin tile stair.
on 3ALE. Tile His�c�- W. find that the guarantee bonds of the
with, it complete Treasurer are the same me Iasi Screenings, per ton ..... ........ 20 00 to 20 00 the death o lisBros. received a mes' The home of Tun STAIL Its W�Il as the WiT, ..tend its electril road when there Worn appoar-
Sh at Carlow, factory. tornol trouble; pre8cribed Samuel Gardener, of Bentuillor,
The corresO oia a 2 two fire placc& Also a Sbod alder the security gait$ Oates .......................... .... Both left at , troit informing them of facilities for work have b*en revolu- to ooderich." ances n toulach would cattle to town about 12.90, and put tip
Ith sl1iAoCo&sary outbuildings, And The Treasurer holds, as Collateral security � 0 29 to 29
Times at S061i pq - for loans fire Insurance goincleB on Hotel Harlo� ................... I ........ Lionized, As fier as possible every- Reason on nourlsbui8nt, but the 9
I I . egand _ vtqog. Apply toAN Ps . ............. .......... 1 0 35 to 010 the obsequies, r, their older brother. The longest skating' on tile maine day lie at Farr'H. tie crossed to the Colborne
declo�ratioli� YOU�G_ Goderich,'117,001),on Goderic Organ Factory. Rya ................... I.i ...... thing has been modernized, Until to' record closed on Mondy evenin between AG arid 5.45; Raw Matikell
QI tg; not retain It r e$25 oW suit on Goderich RvatOr rii gue"ntes Buckwheat, par bushe ......... Do (,Do t. ov The-Niews says III fo Detroit L�atteptl day the plant is practicallY'new. other There was a good attendance at had to use morphine to case the between these hours in tile bar
to fo OSALM-410acreo, n It o coun. has no Policies On 11, 0, 1010 10 0 4' Willing H. Rin, t on w also hall to use it. on
t of Dabontures. 150.000.
to F!nIt relfactory. to 7V
and 9, Bu I ming tesdaf. costly improvements are in contemp final, and ulany of tile skaters present and Dr. Gallo did not see him take it drink
baidness,nien and a -out
We examined the colloof-pea-r-olfs for im died at i p. in. Th _;ay he
zoI101p1rdTllTPr`lntoL Rmisine u 6r; 6
colurs of H gi [frialby pbr din .. .......... to 0 lation , and will be proceeded with as thanked manager, Thompson for the On Wednesday a sort of tunior ap afternuon, find could iiiiiii
c , 80hoill. and store. First. to ooa, per cold - - - soment, be had provided pearvil on the 81,01110,011 arid tit tile that
Iratatton. tile county town
alt C a d 19M, (neither of which is yet returned ............ . "14 W 0 15 Where An olgration Is time goes on. THIBCSTAEL has faith In �vam observed, wits inder the influence of liquol;
lur buildings. (In 16 to 0 76 forimosm. a bad bet tie of DetroliI suoceAful id town. rind will Nilasant annu evening a great change
t! all cleared, And good it ......
14 crop is air.. Price the Treasurer). and findthe amenoto shown Cattle, ex V u*6hars nigh attainments, the future ot-the t, iern during the winter. taken to witness had joined In five or six treats,
resell. coflc�ctzd and paid the Treasurer. duly Catle, o nary and 25 to 1 60 aga, since August, a' R8011 Of
this car sly at Grace hospital. continue to advocate every measure 000. M. ElIllott ham a maple trot in and strong measures -are r cause it movement of the be
,,eN4 m.1nisters k I. his book.. Lambs per lb. . ...... . .......... 0 60 to 4 00 tions act in later, to roil ormod in he hot tnost, of them hoing cigars.
........... 3 to 006 was decided upon. it been perf In- the whole P6000, the
ht*s intaining of Indils- big store He, with Dr.
r. tell. window 0111' Clarence Walters, of Colborne, left
111. It LLI B uran Us. o 51 -if We examined the records Of police M&gis- Sheep..... for the good of ma and the without success.
f104 b h ftneg. Hogs, live weight. 4 9 to 4 00 55 is Ill with Brig
trate C.SOWP. andfLfidthe amountO Hams, per Ili ........ 0 oto 4 70 Mr. Mile was bomt t d abdominal c0mlinca- building tip and engaged boiling Ilia horses attlic blacksmith's to be
Russ and came to Detroit tending to great- apparently )at inortain exarnin
RSALHAb-rIc houseonthe so, correct, and was paid to the Treasurer. Bacon, long clear. 0 14 to 0 is r Tho ve which the operation tries, and every %V that comes from It, but impliether low, ["ad ' a Injuries to tile allod, Own went to the Colborne, and 6 1 ' W MARIO- 5 2 to 0 13 tered the employ 0 -Ity. th"T t is the reRill pro- ation. They
distributloh Of , 11W examined thersecorda of pence Hides ............ .:: ..... or prospel Net Ing need he maid
of lt��an Wellington I to 665 Loading cigar dTJter, wit CHIC if of tile ab- was there agnin with tits horses about
0 is toluor in the pot
ntailling-11F90. trati, C A. Humber, and find no lines accruing Shoop skims ............ .... ... 0 site, a in the past, kidneyOl and the v
Tallow, rendered .................. 01 to 0 75 seven yearL n anjears ago in Toro he c about politics. As I be ascertain -
24. He on- due oz- an imitation, car
�ocounte of the Turkeys, per lb ............ of to 0o5 Daniel scotten and Co., w 6 ago Of his store and
11w ).6 colon con dorboZithgenI 9, our i inside (lid
motto will continue to be town domon. These Injuries, qatined by 5.3o. the first time, he saw Maskoll
s3o 'ind is pass to one of the small rooms,
bit with Iron I W have el Chickens, per 010 to o 14 ed four years, at the an w oil rat, the wide world at- Col by walkin the fall from tlie balcony, wore the
.-Bilaeldno gi, I on tibrary Boar�j and fin and country fl, Tge adyt. is. good one.
trees,oto. Fo;XartICuy1oNN(.L once' Publf a1tr'r0yMtoo10N-cz" Beef, fore quarters ... 5 00 t4 0 12 started in business at I� to thank test Ing it. calle not see the deceased take & drink;
r*..Prlt - [or employ of -a desire of death.
Is, or ad&c With balance cash of LoLia to ........... ter. The publisban two or throe, but did not
Ps, or. Beef. hind quartarm ... ............. 6 00 to 1 00 sit both wholeRa torcd it A he remain- witness I of
the Promise e RS. W, I the bu 'dill th when h
Iwl-21n 3 have examined the accounts o 7 00 t H , ilk t of which time 0 one ind all for the liberal patronage 11, Mel(Illop the snow in some see Dr. Gallow wag called to attend do le
r to ImititutO which FRUIT AND VEGUTAN1,95. too now quarters in 'thistirlwil mes of some of those he
13 20 ort and Griswold bestowed on Tni was
Ich, Treasure of the Cone M STAR, and to express tigns is eight feet deep. Michael Me ceased at the Colborne 01) Monday, JLuoAv the it&
oing In the Bodford Block, we find corre, -05 to Oranges, per dozen ................ 020 Mr. Kula was a thirty-third to and ristail. When y 0 th of Senforth. drove for wood to but an examination rovended u o drank with ; thought deceased
TORUNT _t, with st'lance of $2,48� Lemons, per dozen_. 0 2D 60 Ing a member of ZI the hope that the same relations In ra
lately &�'4pt-a- by Dr, whitely: onl large carry to 1904. '0' 40 00 On lodge 9 erected he moved continue to exist between the pubal the fa�uz of Mrs. oetzoineyer. 4th con. - bruises. He complained (if InJUry' to tile worse of liquor, though he walked
ritr room id two sniiiijor ones. b 0don , - Prom the gotten Of mettland Cometer Bananas, par dozen ... 075 0 30 chapter No, IR,,& A. M_ Damitnir to�pply to U. N. LEwis, Solicitor rer shown ?d 'one Aliggs to cry, IL T., of will he was Ola roalion for him
,ivoa a listotiosiots not ip - and the publishers. tile back but bl,
ro P. ,per bushel ............... :0 0 it few days ago. piles of wood four Inovinnents on tho quite straight, hill
I Vh� a nor bushel ............ 90 eight o non
or )coke, on examination we find 1 0 or-, and ichtfas S( degree "is appearance, of Mr.
70 a insular feet lit Is wer6 driven over and lie hall bed did -not Indicate silly serious In I I was the
eviong to IS91 a was No. 1, Pen at
lily so on d for an paid. The rema it ithi gone command -
to on , ran F
ARIA FOR BALM.-Belsix comprised of 60 ins 101:81 216, 216 Rua 217, NOW 0 o is, or commandery. -I. for Notes from The Lodges. to dig Ewn four feet to discover the jury to that part (if tile AFLILAell'o fat -e.
in and t, 0 or Wall a a charter member of N�c rest( acres, known an the Imrio farm, we kin up Is r w. sparan, wi Your Chance If sistAt file], tended on film till death, will('I' wa` Jno. Grallarn Bald be was at the
F im,nofooderich on the Huron on o n tog o 0 taint After a short service at I ). L. 182 gave ft On Haster M011(1116y there Will he 11 no (loohl, estilsed by the Injurlew froll, Ott Monday for two or throe
iidjoinjug the U iSuited ounc that t so wind be transferred to the ramalsis I& member of The W. M. of L. (
f tile, assent, of the field avenue west. become rand tile fall. And saw Mr. MiLskell and
ROVIAL Six acres of hardwoa bu8IL is owned by -t of the It. W. 0
Good brick bills Cie] zigo.for3 other to to the asonic temple where the row to ismicry. very good repoi large gathtn-ing of Millions Ili seafortll, lie, Dr. 0allow, colleor
for small dairy or fruit farm Possession ut t a all ter a not complete. A. Snazel, of Goderich, agent r until Monday uornl6g when corn oceedings at Brantford, at when the Fit -lit degree will be exelli- In Dr, WhitelYm evidence arid also I" to lie was Hitting In a
house (Lila barn, and good water, ring of deceased wax �rossmtod �ncc7lflq can- Lodge pr Goderich on kile; tholight, 110 was solver; slid not
onog. A MOS. TILT, British W. R. ROBERTSON. � Auditors. the famous C. B. Roll OCT Wall P after which the funeral took ere removed the regular meeting in plifled sit 10 a. In. LIAO Second tile Pohl i'a fi�lny to 19 '111;d at 3 p. in. Win- mee Illin take it drink that day.
0 0 ch. 17 -ti W. HALL, Decorator Co., of Toronto, will r full Templar ritual service was, V lay In stati g. The official Organ ul., rind tile 1.
Godorich, Fob. 5th, 190L t Ino. Ne wcombe, of Godorich tow"
AALUABL R I EN E FOR SALB.- Dam"cus Commandery Sunda), t be Masonle Tuesday eveuini - he Sentine invited to, attend, recalled by Nit.. Proud -
y or niccon-ra AND the following places. dill )n Knights Templar formed a tri In his �on. of the Orang- Ordei I T tire of the Craft Ion, allip. Was it, town oil Monday from I Mr. Sure,
con- SUMXAR EXPENDITumail J. Walters' storia,Sa the caeket, in the contre, and the b pla . The published at'rilronto, which is owne nil tile Goderich delegation will leave about 0 P,,inif; Av 8 with d0- foot, said Mr. Maskell told him ho lied
ty fit on south street and ti�� rfornied 1). 111.1to,
gmed. Thebuildingaconsipt Ofol -om 0 . h't'or and ed ko, M. P., -VP"- train. a anabonr; first Ilet11 lit for it week front Ii gr pe; voidentg% to FOR TIM YEAR I= A ril 4th, ft �.30 .100k wfo embowered with the fiorgl tri ted by E. F. Clai of W. Bro, by tile 7. 16 atcelwe( for about
dwelling house with kitchen, Berimiller,that afte tomplar sword and plumed hot Of rnoon.
I at., a terday, printed the photo islet week greatly it]- snw film oil the ntreet, with Ilia eamthe 11111ch h at took of Was Ilia e It
2 wore placed on the lid of the cmkot, le with (,,I, Tile thaw e
RECEIPTS. nil d, along with a brief sket, ttor, head cheese all
hot Balance from 1902 ...................... 1617 70 noon and evening. he entrance to th 9 we American ftag At t s7'Tl rod
with a complete he 0 iverilenced a nomber of our citizens &lid afterwards In it little room it, tile of al I
boom Is heated 2M 28 5tb, at wmathaLfmast. Ancloentfuncra Ig their rollers, and where hotel, tinder the lliftwifica of pickle".
The system. and is a unidern, up to (late Taxes of the year 1902 .......... Kintail Tuesday, April f bla career.
................. 2819094 delivered by Judfc P Ilip T. Van r. FlIlis b 11 he xge. the county attorney
) the and tL@ At tho -c were furnaces. room whe
Taxes of the year IN3 Mo 33 Alex. Young's Hotel from 9 to 12,30k w%R yfloodin putting out, tile witness Was 11 At this nt
I conclusion of routine butil I the
717 to the ursidergligne& Taxes, Non Item. lands .. ........... 2000 o'clock. w Job he Wit a glow gf tribute 6 to ness last Frid evening the following filrea. momt of the ii�I ffererm declare In, And had two Cigars; did not aid lie lied no more witnesses.
�For gartioulars apw, Market Rent ................ ...... I ... zeal and benevolence the ops
at4d is Ilth June, "In these throe to f. orat n testion of Inavyerness Camp that tile sI lit) outconle. -olight In
Plans from P. X ........ ............ 9 00 rti Tuesday, A , Tand chars lto Zilo, In 0. S., If fill- Thu coroner, addressilng thin jury,
RouprooT & HAYS. IS06 Port Albe pril 5tb, ife of nee him again int I he was fit
Xtiollbarg. Water RateA ................. 1 've Yoll V(ok' I In on I honor. And Huron Iodge, 1. 0. 0. P., slivrit & Ing In tile old drdins, the
cit4ra for Vendors' in Light Rates ........ 02 from I to 6.80. �71,. filtorITIOnt e re In , w Injured, when he assisted in carrying
8011 is rothar Fini(I that Mnskoll varne to his dealt%
Rectr 0 eur wncre couple of houris at carpet balls that runs itiong NN torloo street, hill, upstairs. thi.oligh t h, fall fron, tile balcony, Wag
Public Schools, county, $16o, Studenta, con'
M 0o) Commercial Hotel, Bayfleld, Wisones Is In a Itur. wnare g tip with coffee and cake. The Tintchison has moved his tender ?it the hotel, init, other pointiq were not so
WANTS. day. April Oth. from 0 to 5 o'clock. I D 1878 Mr. Kill- was married to Mis in lonsant one, Piller Barber Jno. Bell. bar lear. %N*jtnfHm,Fs,aid tie wcLfidriiiik,
Licensed; Hota,S921 ..... on 01) o chi 7ening Was a nor north on Montreal an w, Mr. Masliell about 2 p. In. (it, (loar.
Hard, SW ................... ... flornor, who, with tw I n. ry el parlors one d
Oy gW, ell Come and see these modern Wall in The latter are Mrs. R. L. c 'u h, ro Cralgie helping tte Scots on with Ilia sitroat, and now has much more corn- Monday, and lit, wits there on and off he wits not a(,, hut tip was
if r�ply too. c. WHIT
B RLY, GroT,, DobanturesigpId. ............ MW W Papers. They are the best and cheap -
Hills discounted and ronow ......... nVer, Col., and W. R. Elliot, Jr. pipes. Theacorisswercasli011Ow" and tell
12415 '25 have another t�iniel M-11 mrtern, - Modorn new mn- Ili the afternoon ; wits there whi'll lie, ertitinly more or lo -49 intolzica
two MattlandComotery' .......... P. re In ors,
larcous ................ .... 1lg wittionH, went
..... nd all new patterns -11)(A goods vc@ the leasing will tilig soliliAwltz chal I )ved infirr to tea; Makoll hold );Jlry 1:1%ti to consider if 'the man
397 60 Ost A Tum MATTLAND BREAKS arlor & -e of
April t2th to 15tb, lo- from 4e. to Me. &r roll. Select from T WMH I ANTI1D iN art-,, Maid and the other in Sinking Funds and israr . g the Ice on t u riit, Or next Friday evening clishionod aeRting to, andt I several drinks, bill Could walk With- to take cat
W girit, otiefous "'fith"iownslits debenture ............ 31M M my great range of le while In ursday evenin hjmR(,If, and if hn was not, dill tile
Seamstress. must have aitford broke tip S. of S. 1, at rac ve oil( half an houi
so House,maid slid As your villa If d= I -ill also itIsAnd want of 8 A. McNevin T. Nairn premines inake the place t litaggering; at v with take proper care of
Apply to MI do your paper hanging an ecors, d Was driven, by the rushing wit 1). 8traiton hefol,p mopper Her
,go. C I film it
ferencts. Total ... ................. iI47,il2 01 lot d and coinjortable, and one C of tile beat I -s� tilt, In- in,?
[ch, McLoall W. Tlkomp-on to be found. drink t I e Wits then lindt
or EXPENDITURES. Ing, It requested, at our prices. to V ton. 81ilp 10
dtrte w2t ,
MIDS. - Bond allds the river's mouth. ral4ing the Jam, Tait Hklrll Mr. John F from butnot lhto "hort, conNultation, thojimy
C 'a F. r Martin A fter it
BOU'v5NIL Goderich Organ Co. logo ............. wit W ill. NI si?!ausi ion Ilebel, Writing lJoenre of liquor,
otsizarfor$snploa er between N. B. Smit) Mich-, Lo "Pt llll� 'law thnt tilt- e Platt's dam and the 0. C. Whitely low IliH at the 11.) came to Ilia
it itilloseLabol6fg asking- ATLAS salaries of town officials .............. 8415 29 lak is .A. told Grand Rapids, STAR hP IR One
go. Y r U, 8. A- pipt 1 vony at &
Surnme ow ink, C. It, " -16 all 2,t). tit., and again when fly fa Oct -St,- _ Ing �asd Advertising ....... .... 31SOB NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. about two feet,,, but not enough Alex, Jot) umber. Rklp llrnit ETVv42:E"t=rd itylurance,.. ...... pit" to the many Y10thoOl of the spring bg gRqIiotsd in -mrrying hin, i"Lu Lhe IlotA Lit tuldedthat they
W3 84 Islands. On Friday nf
cor Fire Daartment .......... ::: - no ubmerge the I The Grand Council of the Order ( have eanned great do thoogtit illp itid 114LIC011y shotild be
SAVING Ho 8 67500 Alaboatine-Alabastino CO .. ............. i &I floods% whlrh houqe.
round case fa .0 Chor . But- pring Clothing-Priolhant, the Tallr .... 6 F rid or break occurred, and durin� Chosen Friends at itio session last pPrtTtln that r in oz- t a to Inches to 12 ...... U39 201 a n ;;admit to the Order of pro
ter"fit, b, t, . . No 20 C I ht no extensive o e too 11 dt rhe water roge 18 orgall Jones Ivan ar(loallited With h"tt,
dime 0 long. Grants omfort_D I eek, der ( e rtsps on Friday I
Inches Goal 6 Ir 3 so nx & Movicar ....... .. . 1 0 e reper-. -m and clorkm liat 110 and deronsoid, and saw bl, , at the 16 1 to Is Coll Debentui�;li;h�ii�w:.,.:,.:,.::,.:::":.. SM To y floathll� Ice was ei . bartersolei slid wits no high tl Mo J,. M. Dyer.
Thedst bolt$ no C ff U711 311 C. Prldham.... 4 Sliec far�tgor tip the river. on Satur- v t Ill and had one
N, interest coupon ... : ............... 14:rn, -W my lilt In the past no p(Ill. mornin
.. ..... 9 top of c break- Cie ho fie (foot 111H fittil ly Illa saw 11111, filter, when f Detroit, was in
will be IhWald. dallv 901 21 t -ried
Al Int6rett Bank of Montreal .......... 1, ":'n7=,F.nt"r withl morning the 11' " d to be cat from thei, fit t 2 1 1 or, Monday, fit(, linstling jolly ad
Bills, Oald Milk Of Jontreat ........ MOW 00 Stuff�.Achcaon & son.. 6 wate n 3 feet of tile �R or leaned for amounta Ins drink w vertising agent ,
ANTE A ................ 813 Paper -A. Smizal room , and as there was but little 11 , as tipcided to take poli- house. fuel prott good, arid tows, this week, and has put two of
D86vorsl Industrious persons Ir Witter Works e .. . ..... ItS73 11 go, vr(L , an it W Advance AFrut Ages, of the White lie seemed to fie took a I hearing hotel regl.*tem In the
Vit 2= Y oc r WCI,, for 0250. him Intl
state to travel for house ost&b- Water Works tria, titonars" -nine new ll;t before Nix o'vWk,
W each glectric Liflit maintenance ......... 1115 ......... It the mouth for it to min out. d Seventy lip [,In(,, Detr8lt, Willem -r of
eleven yeario and with a large :apltal, to 4015 13 the . 'in it RLar Fitellift , 'it. lie wits tinder tile Infloom hango hotels.
Billed u ll .................... ... 8 ter passed tb Is the struc e n ments were disposed of, till(, I that tile deciding arrangis- ry If dford and I-Iritisli, Exc
call upon inefollealtA Wild agent$ for uccenful Elactillo L ght capital ................ tit two qualified rite STAt but was not v
681685 ture a 0 ))ad had
and trofitable find, 440 oil 6 harbo T. track to the that' decided to r the all- Pormation 01) et Public schools ....... I ............... By. (local) ........... d over bout the
I travelling So V Vlai: FIM the hot onr drink with it Creased but lit, best thing in that
Wag fir dealt salary and �&zato Schools ..................... For three or four hundred It e accounteof the ments Are now, completed foi I'lleRP tire It arid they are only
and M0101 ran n Is see COO lowls, Insitituta .................. 2OW �0 W. Daily (local) 4 feet fr end, tkere were asest ore to aud id Councillor ruled stinal ecursion oil tile flnP AtA oit. dereamed, might have had drink. lt� Jilin yet invented.
n f �l ........ 3W Sp 'T W. Thomson .............. 9 inthe east ts an r. The GraT one of the tnany effective advertising
08 Mention Granout to Walks,
s Nt rice, no 124021 Hatching -- Chas. C. Lee ....... flodded good siLed streams; these th C no Vouncil could Pay &"ell" of (,,reybinind from Goderich Lo Det, gi-beinem %It. Dyer controlm. He's an
f6ralloclan bit .1 Re -it d envelope. Mwollarcoug a ,
Loan Co. dopoialt
('efit I'lip date IF, 111esday, Junc 21, will, two otherf"
r nuran and Bru(r an of the lumber pileg. find r any menther, ex -leaving there at 2 -ound (loare go I fellow,
I no sty=ae
T1 to llnkln sells Bros. ............ . 9 nearly the tog$ Clue" and der.ft monts fo, (lays In tile hig city, Parr. one of the propriet- Rall '48 act of charity, The repoTt of 0. ninoti- the I,zlion Ilotel, know Edward Alas
grand AOCT
1904 Sigeoloraln-W.R. Perrin ................. . Huron, "lieu clock ThUrsda7. The usual
DECORATIN43 hie *y itt the dock. At the W@l a
Mare for Salli-P. T. Dean .................. west en these mmittoo on the State, of the Or- light exenrolon front here on tho Nlon- Isell, who wag at tile 'Isdon between
NAzzL Pain tar, patior gor and T IRA ........ $14716" 01 WiLtited-O. C. Whitely . ...... ... I round t tile water forced ie channel funds o wed that over 20,(XX) inambel-H y evening. A srocial train front 4 and 5 o'(-Iock that (lay ; MaYed abo"t St. Augustine.
ollorlob. On a donee, *ij6AkJfi!9ON. ) tiditars. Boy e breakwater to the beach, gerpluile the rolls of tile society. Of (In lit oll"otoa, but did not have a driiik, The bridge oil tile division line be-
D000ra&r, 0 W . - W BALL, Asinumill, Meeting-Oarling and Skatinsir carryin f4t r ford, and possi )ly also front Kin
the Asiloctation ............. ............ &ry wits ver 8 000 a ladles.
t strriRit"Wrar SIMI offt N ll All the, hills one, arid
n. done, to Godertolf, i;b. 66, IML the Ellen t�,ha ice to within fifty feet of til card tie and stationa down to Clintom boeauRe I refused to give tween East and WaAt Waivallosh
time to have your wor _ r In toy I _A -ASSETS AND LIAHILITINS-PEcEmEn Financial Statement -Town of Godertch I the arbothalsrotect the wept 0 $420o , the 6rdersbowed matisfite irr. Lho gentleman who was With loin' told ilie aitland river, known as
tg -selaaa- atin n
b fro Girl* Wantod_,3IWAttrIIL..� .............. 11 the river island er which lie did bridge, was carried
Organ er The Grand Councillor' Ido, to take a cigar. ill, Ilotinvhrook
and Rom. able, In, lovii submerge 'kell had had ""veral awav hy the flood IftAt Saturday even -
goo of all, cat
Ittut my, of Toro , Card of Thanks -Mrs. Lashatin ............. t COXr Business NotiCeS
At of sefte tion. rivier from And the tee cover od.at s7ft Ormnd I t1longht, Stan
Pt Worit Lend t ASSETS. he distillery Date to the rand Treasurer, $&50; Orand g The voillity commis4ioner plan-
Wvo your oidir. in. lake, and It No matter whAt the market price Is drinks. butilld not think hill, (Ifunk.
A&ITYr. �tl ye quantity of water Th, S1,100. See US . knew Infliding it istruetural steel
.. ...... prssaingunt OR lar for wheat, wJ always pay rnore. Win. Iltivrowti, grain dealfr
all........... W 48 ter It Creed min opening to lar me Got your wheat. N. (,*(.eased veTy will arid saw Ili"' thin Henvoll ; the (Old
MU91CAL. IM2 74 the lake, 8 before hauling ood, was condern.
Taxes Of 1102 ... ......... M 98 ..ere tirass Z that on Sunday morninj Tapsu event Flour Mills, ',;,,tat "lle" Lure living of W
Tallest of 1903 ... _ negs, Armen Mo 5 -t.f. lit) wag driving Into fowl', an(' 39"'ll if qt
I cid wide channel exten eting Calendar. tAXITaICJl & 9ON, the StAT twir on Monday
R GA Ion Taxes of Non PURPAIZATIoxs ADVANCING. A Ing Into the ' ondily 11 1 3 hn(l owing to age
Choir 39astor, nox u 0 lAnds; ................. 620 W fke some four or five him. nc%t far Ceti tirif or tile Town ciluncil nott GOdcricll- 'IeNairs' the neighbor.
d red fee to the old reliable OY ter about 3, In him grain warollf)"Re: was
nI cub- 117915 'I*h,v or Hattis .... Gluelph despatAll In the city papers on next, ridgy eve it.. Oysters! Go
p of Ca t and giv 1714 2 _ neltin&eN As the da tit Weet at., (Or tinder the Infloonce of 1141tior.
ive ro Light ban tile If the Public School board If walk pli town, and Ott
ce.. 210730 esdity"14st, said: Col. Macdon- ed In w dth and length. . Sleetin of 1 ouge, V16toriss Restaurit
Wedu into" 112arn �Pad _Pryo j5pup"I h ins 0 1390 17 imlirts 116ar the tiloatIl 11,ioF P "on �rtja_ rainli.'H 0 A.- ftesh -ayteft 'rti`w2,
aid has received word from Engineer was pmeticarlit, r matters coil n I's whero deetkised Ila I FUNDs. on T Tobacco ill
Mil. and for it I rosIll tea, , Kippen.
William DILvis to the effect thAt tie "Ale regular nioc lock baptor, naiisritters of "it 8th. 4
dipotance tile 07 1 prop. ... of)
JAZ TCHTO-IM, is.... 04 82 tinel Into the lake , w I be held at, LI) Con e ft man In ft cotter N(IrilB. -Thelboyq of No. 11. StarI
�iithlo had fintHhed the alterations In the ice banks -, thTa -estinK on the field tutc In be held being tile last ill
quo A It PRAISER, DANIST1911� Solict- Welke ....... ...... 11, 2241395 Goderich extension line which were of the lake anY1 ice i Cratirla. on Thur* necto( with tile unchwin and A Intl At-ck Of Clover sind gross loin Atreet, tilat lie lie it friendly gaio� of foothAll
I welve in very (I unlil .
it the matit rue Court Into On Deposit .......... ...... 1201654 l feet above the d rising to nearly It ty Farm (Ind F"Ir pla , Teti
Offied cast aide Court On Satur- Animal n1loOtlit . is I stock, alqo Need na with tile hor (it No. 11). )it the 18t It
m 0 Ling of the Womr.'. filott
being made If saw him.
th Phi ) 1161t, tothe city, mind the plans day, when thwater line. the home of Mrp. Alex, (fell tI A In
FIXED. will return . a water was running Agsoclation oil 1% on y, April 7th. mt 3 o'clOok sail piring wheat at our elevator, .1ve hilgi, 110,gip clposl a ' niii Phe w"a illst.. when t to seore at .... 1 3 to oin
forthe right Of wILY survey will his through the 'nv . .
Water Works Srs�iml .... $7447925 � eakwater, it had a 53 3t cond out of " %Tile[' pill*' favor of No. 14.
UDICAL, prepared, after which the land will be dangerous 100 "' nd some 0� our Au I Ithe CorlIng and skatinir tin a call.- Wu- Ill!"ROW9 & SON' 4a n4r. Alaskell falillig. Rhe crilled
Electric Light imp 4 ay evening. April it. nottly Day at SallowLs' Photo Studin f I - who was pasising I'rRf;(JNAt Miss Whiteman has re.
....... ftwor srotam purcha citizens watzl:0 0 n -airin look to Nfuldoch Mnrra
road proceeded w The right of tile ice that town to dynamite erpsrtia, tt turned to her home Ili Exeter, after
AA11OW. .......... IN77 md and the construction of the IbHLI FAItAtO . . ........... IM 00 ltb. iThis great event to, which onday at the time. and t. on Tf
OCK 110000 gropoet. *d the rivet -'a month. Tits 9TAH U, tit Into tile
MO 00 Way has bee secured on all the route he bough a good one under tli. I unt I Register., forward, (will take nding a tow weeks here. Afro. R.
I rn. 4are, spent it few days last Week
1000" excepting t1ij Elmira and Woolwich,, could not Ila CA In bills printed at May 2. ',Ct the IttNc"Coctlego ready anA hotel and told N
j3ttW., fd1m6l); br Ing lion ried out� and towara PR IDAV, APRIL 87 air NIL (Ion,t fail to come early. ltvefY hahY M Farr a tr0prietor of the Union in Ionc on, attending, the moating of
ese municipalities W night tW It! 'I, tile Woman's NIis,,iionAry Socitity.-
I Ity 6030 M &till Voting in th stock, try ocove a. ritus myrTom
4,x)f water bad made a of far", ed free ot charge, Hole w�o new Mr. Mankell, did
oto Mo 00 take plact AbortlY. channel that ec I Anta of Aftle. photo
tlft ft im 00 ered the river. farm &c Oil lot 9 C %lot see him in theiV hotel oil hl,ndrsy, Morton, of Exeter. In visiting. in
ft. 11 ow, I I slowly, but surely will
110 so 1997 COL. CiTrnn HvItT.-Huronites, per- On Blmd& Worn east field at one ol g Ing cotnea 0, the witneRs. wa around the' bottle of Mr. John DinthAte.-Mrs.
$1097 �11 K�bglthe Ice at the lementik, levelop. Not althotigh h
and of t to brift, valuable arid It4 I
Whital X4ANIL hjsps even knore than Canadians gen. Ithin 7,O)o Cat Ilrophey's Ildl day.
are jobnaLon was viniting bur Roil in Clin
three feet of the flitivatar oIV- C,- Ash- less (surely do the Pilot -. q� -Mr. it. IteConnell's
t Oatiol ection of art and tile M I(Ch Murray lrAV by tan I"t week.
I r It*rs Co. A 00 eridly (for be is a luttIvisof tblecounty) it was just four t th� "I'lemw harp. Fatale studio show tile lierf of
X! tACI: F, difference of1cit iRO8HRTq."Ccu- Colb)(ornin when he 00* many frientlearo rojoicedto heav
that Col. W. D. of eleven foot, 11 (illy Sunday the beauties of nature aud artistic skill. Volt the o mit d Ills progrew; toward recover , after a
Uodetioll "it were g1tved to lin 1, fit pr, 9 & 11LA I U. 101" never go away disappointed. ell MISS mow called severe attack f It a V.
8�,,ye of va I u a rrea.
Otter, of Toronto, ad been thrown witibr, ivshod Into lie lakis, and there
from his horse on mnndAy siro,ening were no d
at tile west end. it YA.c 0 - wilAnn. of
& (;Ott received In stock said a, man had fallen from strat isa few days
MIlst and sustained qedoub injuries. but It kept bilgh at lit, Mon of the o'clock noon, pArt of, lot it, -- Ditortgage lend of English Wilton Vel- cony This than Att0rw&t49 IRqt viseek with lit 034 vicinity.
lot ia Tivnk and j#bo June lierty, at Gun. - W as id r' ht asikell. Thoma.,% e(3vtnent h$91NM 00 ue 4wa tiding his famous 01),tirgitf, Grail toVorillnent break- D, Aj vat and Brussels Carpels and 71"zoleallis to 6 t this vin-tergin *
If lcrt, IM 00 P*Ady of pieirdelwg. �Ittetz§, thie 04A striss a At tills StAget evi- turned frorn King, wheic shib wildifildlM
06*4 &lng tho flow of with it framis hoitse leficil, t T2 'r0 FATt%IltR9--- TWO Cis" choice itbis coronet
NORIAM 'iLlist Xlhelt hewh6fidt6d, by W. unningham of tile InOstiter to thAt ;�jezllovv spot. Tile, erms cash. tit coil., 8. wao but Ono "I i�k hoforts on account Of tile Ills
$119700 dor's solicitor ; T1162. GUN I acrefl of land, tie al t�tra. Win.
had boe To Oro, A. I To ln who half
if tb peas (110 bit&$), came 300 miles u Oolboh*j When tko snimal- RtUrn led scene on RatUOKY 1;1 donce that d&eAstd 1 r (I
a river's mouth )bbish raisd stroutA I
*Ion with It t*
t,6�$ *diil�i lit lzatiI A 40 lee� and throw his Irider. they are full of bu quor4, ht
JaWAYA, I 6table. don't 9c ill tho Col
be #Jot, lit t lie barikit little ter Jourlitne � onis
.1 . .0 RAIIH forAll 4,11t6livilm It (A Nee yulot
t ¬ion- sown, a 8,
lot t illod, who bell
Or hurt, that he remillit Wintilite field "of Lnd (fill not nix ore. such
sofi, hours betoto tile 1AWIX
WARI ratid# but mil6h of were it tille aptivitil only nifew
on oloi6 tj
till nevir Wednesday. ter I'll-, n11 not give good
tile "[VA 111) having tie, am Ilays 110 vitolty and wi , 1, *n for exam. been Ill of CA110,61' for & lent(Ifile. mf�
a OT seed. Ott The t'e0Ott# I 'he gr&nd annual temperance "0 04f McClyinent lit Wits,
In y0of&tday's papers worn prived our t tizistlit toti, lid V1 With hot
Arid ft0#Ct#XI0 of tile U crop, And therefore not ill I Tile Inquest WeiAlleu ipi V qkb ll f1but. WU6 *Ill IW&
W" rt. I fr0A W joy "Idih tiaud broakit); Ve *'lip t1lifee pelt on Ing matter will he fountili It Ter C. clinrches, Only thO best rhou her grandson
taric, viest of T at go "Ill" ith bit W34 ud�p
W. IT. f"AtR in oil Moot,
b j�l, 1. 0. N her 4ok;- line at It