The Goderich Star, 1904-03-18, Page 3r 4u" wt 14,11.1 III THR WN: 0::r Wits Apitswistit "WA" � 46tifils, f, 1 1 voario;* tit . 1, 4 . % XA" At too Id 19,40r. T it2011, 4%bro M, tow I Da ro. I pmofso 414, FV V*%r IWOW* will bistio to 004 tho Aw"roolt: POWN10IN I ** Xinolik _111 ti 100 10or V"101 lot, %%, lowv othis 09N, CA" 'Olt pro*W, It at 494MV "m* o. TROIJAM, IN -At, for t '141114ifill Of! *4 hlbltjolfto� is A "W* t*004 tol. �iioa:II*est 4 44a. *Isy, liqui witti, th birwit IV 0 attim9lba, his t! - 00 'Gooli" W)"iriliff'st bolfts till PrO04 moro 44r., lop,, Onyoriali, 4atir at g6oill tiozy. 01s, ane44 W* INrqI4_ at butter. of'o, of St"31 "Ol , *Ad Whio Are, 'the follow 4 The "Olirotr filsity I'm r I* , ? -ilk tha x0lood *it, "O, to w"t 44014 Werls *0 ril $4.60 Ing, lip"g)i if I � th 0 OR- � �Z ,t W terot, to 04 readost- Aig9s%t.—' Uqn. I0"OF hgvlli: 1*00iod oogn its oquJistall, W for $ lf* , liet, of a 4, $O. QP0. ifixtro-, VbOtev telling, ot iir)l mt, Zvt 4 n, 4100pact 'a orto. iiiv go. frq, vroX at tOCeO. , ' *11K - brWil- imtki 4-0,04 - 90 44,T81u, tpafii*prt�- swito, N vr' pit' aft for iof tht end ItAftillt-00 vsIqlt A ait ript No "A 017 till, A to fairly oxtt,�*, Atow. at motr In Ito or, -.—TAO t4q., *41yod itid hor b0cs% too. It igh'A afIf 1), start llamnt It is 911r, first bmttortntlU to V" .4 iarl , lie fritic 1) I the A f00,4, , C ito a tbep *%tiff, in � I . , , _ , I . I , I bt, U, pxpreII4 p 'a, 98e, tot, n, boartfelt throok 040 Ott the Nolitroot oughl ftom *lttor wor -taltiil X Aront, golum4pauX —t fic, res,gars, or oypti, will onorl,. a . .. 040 for lixtro pithpii V1 GOO'll blitok. ;to la holften"fit ri"QN"Oett 'for to, the 1%1lite Of* tw are, $910. A,4 f $o to is tive or livas tilsperl000 do-4rihoitl g119;rr trils sit role" now tiOrts, �Liod iIod oifix,�AQ.r.W10 , I 0 I setbat,,� 0, I IN 0 F, 1, Tlit n a, -coating 4400 1pdlclkw�s thitt 00 milky brine Is ri:*,to wh 91, ore rl I �_ to V0,4fi hits, "''A favored, during tile cte In eckrilivel,19114 cMt4ptil b oviorrifics cr,flkm siI b fail - the, iii*ht, QJ Is( 4VoilqbIt� t A 110yod � so. nifor the $onvral pros- 3OU , 1.4 no to,stricip this crellm Into the hati v ktt w - Vaiw, 9T t rA rabit, t porov uZith or Omit . We "I 0 ot ethli 'o* A nto 0)(TOT ter. LOW exporters 110mrie, quotliig vills In 411 ruirin of �POU, of (;XV 'Veo 9 U 9-00 1 t - ' 43,75 toir coot.tio A Winnipeg despatch otis t�hat tUci ghurfi,' The Is jf�ii S. r p 4, - vii,tige th -;P) . 9 Oro WO for cars of PO per -.cut.. 110 am. ton. lerea Of 60 Which 46 Aritisli Columbia dealer$ will Till t'ho 01ra of a pinlic.sIlId and quite hard. or -atv vig to note thrit duo the prim of lumber Anti, tho.C,I M fail fV11qvi thsit,,routtf, It Is a�wfjl, 1,160 ltts,, - 0 IbQAO', Airlvjfi� In pr Sopt0*1bor. their tio4i giiiii Wait Lv cg;�e front Xqrd in the 91ft '; -am 00 40 Or - p R, tile freight rates. 141st eRaiders' kill vaiii incrocWns trade of Carl 94 4o�t sAtIpp, fus*p90,- irl, The, VA'W�rk Of 04 Oquipp. 4& a Olt was so amir that the A, I q pragtically)fte� %sruet to-dai QvIlle =11111conlill!lacted hilistp hard' lumps and nemployee at lAorc vAlleo at Wit which h, as bma etc marked a C In ad _tg thel 5ovecal lastifill squaOraos, In going Q qu -206 a0 past six year$, givats ti, aTof" of nhoop ant ii1i0lb -of- 141w, ftboktolnont. aqight* ,, 1009T A I - 1, Which wore, -d.kto of 0 not romovoo when the coilivOtlonIF ppomtl 'y IIK 40, those prices. )Aii,q)�tobA Prospect*, k �*4AX 0;10" 91 ilio %4'rpfillo 6jijoi -arrested, vitiarged.wAth was drown, 11 fi�oft pleo- ap�F �hacks anti inonoy trom lettro, at, i�l7 b9oltill, On- 01itli wov tllo, to of, krWiArit sAd tok.6,00 baits. A, no -14 I 6 nii fail that they'vill 44-.bod, 'dqst Our. agnifidetly, expele04, that Wittier IliA thor R"itoba, �wiid the the ow Rotjb:Yvilt. Landoii. -,will; ill no �ftp pracel, the. adNrqrist� A rdstv, lbut the marklitiv Ii pw- -through -40r to In th6 pr -A , 9; ivilizAt, wid lit to for JOW0,; Without 4 pOrA1101 In th1D IIIIAOPY 0 am 'fit stat 'by Lt, prov '4,ilrr; wtiXtr wisit prospects arii 40,0M .1 ohave to ifirlist TOO ior men to c filiq th� aiTo In now no reason for following R" ri weak. ro-ofay tretects the country. p ly with tile re ,bbir orwifip ilvifks� 410- iii even 69jr"Z: oUfii,��r% he; vier' quiremorills or the )o rloqvel by W014161l; the lt� t c Cats of H NVUDS OF G. T. P� . . khooy 1!00.40,� PY Ono tho 1vor it witfi, Aftilr0l et *#is 'All)(tia Deportstimt, that regiments ritnul, ti btiltter'lil the r . I , ilk. mtento Are ted 1, Ing, (tire 'ot our oW'V h; .9 proct Ibit' ck �i frQ14, solur�_ qual. q6t 06411k These' two ory im ortant raOls be e4cli l.QO0 strong, C�urn. lit the t11 Ili afAV,thur, tbay ttalittiIIiO second pAttats at 5. a - strone I � lid lead irresistibility to tlio a' rA, eadet it 1pef� ilkistroy W,404 fr= hpudl oVL IV, V, CocktibUtt, In 06 SpQoA be Afte %kors' h,t $4. 0, bage eluded. on 2,000 the butterallik bi , been aJIVIters, t1tip critivat , pit9itfoxi Or its b4ib and thtiab�. r O� fqpfs, the. Draintford Board of Trade. t1rinw1i OfT.' fill the churn to -thirds 3 " I i , - Jr.$i HoraLES S� that long belorto the TranecositIn", t - a evident 000 Unit 400 Iri ,iturf.4 the trcli; Toronto. , 6 at rtillway authorizelt by Parliament the l5foreauschtch, lvom fective, vigiggested that a fund vo raised to, ft Ther granular butter and ull of %vatqr, hoisted, p3y 6d go, th, unk 3aivor 8*49ra Every. tit Its last session can possibly be acrut"r a. 00 boxes, the, oh"!9 'steady ai� %7.50 tor ca,rd at. fillarta $usoltic a erect 11t PtatUtO In 100mury 01 PrQf-1 ,will fill rillp to h-0 slirloticil. because the J AP A%' AAd 81 6 - for bran, in bulk middlo, butter Is lighter %baiq water; tile 0 nqt, ik dekivo� d, In 05194w� ,,11, Inventor of the telephone. .W.04t. with .010 N'S NAtIONAL LOAN. i5pis til ita - Its vath. Alex, FK cruiser Up��arla But medium fig the pkq4licta of who comlpleteill his invention It' that hard lumps of obird, howeVor. being The subscription to the national mi'llfored is ti"ady at $21 for care of A AvIlke , Takla on Thurs r, it' omrial?16 to 144vo, okiwsifs aborts and ;20 for bran. oviclits in- Willker -ter than wist,or, will,gink and 48.,AV6 of the qu S�Tp our- loam closed at 1b Tie. Va., doopmrh flo": the west, ter our Atlantic ports will alt. sbari6 affid the Wyonling Valley have become apparent. independently liti rovitudO our their daW In lboxqA'at'all,' it' jai -'surely' impor-, In thol, avjent of trouble Arising ill they mqy be dr4ainad oft with the TU.q 1pAni,w.as groittly ovarstMoorlbood, clued, Toronto freights. vireto.In a turmoil on W6dingedw. The DI the many benefits thiltt will follow d'" wash wifiter through t1iii drain spout A;�4 1, 1) 14, bA 045arig A he far cast calling for Unglan jccgqct� the tiOin.ti times, It Is stated. Some of QX -111140 111hrle—lo steady at 45c for No, 2, front tits oponfil frig'I'did, note al Tc , rlity now, of water &do t north 9 �'P for cOlOrIZA- Intervention the 1145,4090 Of troops at the This 'foreign residents subscribed. The Its VtW&t(PU in 44c lo�� No. 8 and -18c for No. 3 branch'of the SUnquallspne, River a tion oftnd for vArloug enterp4vea of tIfic will washing off of wash o6ilt tes gr� e�O�ii to be com- C9, oft oa� great many -,isoat or east, thrQug Caadris to the Pao' I 0 wt of -the crew w9KO.A404, Prioc.11, t a ratiz of witer.,sweeptrig ei� tj.. northern, linirto of Quebive and jhlpjjl�4 4, ch aro,14nded oft Buckwheat—Is firm at 52c for No. oath, Industries from Ontario. 1�1 . an" be expeditiously by the C.P.R. water xbould be roMett6d until bv s, and Part were drowned. otb side Vasa _"five r per Illotivill be, redut;04 by the postpone- t ty 2 west or cot. 3ig lit its This was the outcome at it confoll- inspecting it in shown (,hat thesis ,o1Qr(, the participated Ittotown to Nanticoke are closed in tbA zttaock. aor pAlco­ viltis seriolts, Meat'r,f),t..RIAOlir,',WQt,4�s" It"s aintici- c. pt. iif� tho bo#*, brakqfi. Indeed Rye.-,, firm at 75c to .560 bid for The agreement made Witit the (Ince at Montreal the Other day be- oinall lumpin of line hard curd tire till three Sliglltl PatO th qme relpog.ta frg,pi tile Inspectors No. �-and 6ft oked ws�t or east. down on lic,cquilit of the flood, In the Grand Trunk Pacific Rallway Com- tween Sir Charles Persons, COm- removed. In this way the gronulai ort the increase in the no, ? confral portion of Willcosbarre bust- regarding a now trorrecorsti- marider-lo-Chtef of the British forces butter Is cloqued train curd. so that Illed Income . 4il amount to 50'�� fibeI #44-POTentails- This id" Corn—The market is steady for he high bl�lt - oly most It%v.p, oliflerli',w9re. 1v ness was viliplool by w ator. o000,"O yen ps. that one quarter at the, Corna4a and lower tot, Anlerican. atal railway contained cert t" In Canada. and General Manager No- it ma be safted and worked ready fta wun4ed. moneX. p4jol'tor tha� boxes as been Canada mixed. is quoted at Site and The brialnessvection, of Plymouth in stipulations which In effect required Nicoll. for packing. o'clock 14 of the eneMy P UN $rient 4'tir no purpa I se. And thIt tit yellow at 89c f. cr. b. cars wtst utudgr at,py, and the lose will be the G. T. R. Company of Canada if) P6+t ArtfLtsr , INA AG41N WARNED. The letter does not state what .h�pst,x ambled before not all, for, the brokem boxes In a The water backed up so Ter'- become a party to that agreement hOa"v kind of cream to received at the fac. *Ad-�r &. bon%bardpittilt *66 00gulls 71T American No. 2 yellow Is quotei at rohrac;N. I rth Rupsia, has seri,�d notice on China shipikaint, while 4etracting fromI the 8 todly front gorges that many families the b - to.,latter mtrl '�t, not send trQ,9p$ =4461 of the cheese which 58c. 'No. 3 yellow at 52c. and �Qlo caught In their homes, end are and to assume heavy I obligations In A Vrench tion-commissinned trofflicer tory, It it Is from milk which is eavy gqfiei of, their battle6b P . a� tht1t, tri mixed at ble irk cair lots oil its. respect thereof. anti his wife arp. to be tried on the 4 el, A 1-Isd the ittristila liin on, the upper. AgP'rs' r Th solusidroft at long tigycond,'the Great WAII, and that also ey q prin- separated tit the factory, th(!rc is Re c Iac .. Furthe.r tionaideratton of the chargo, Of selling secret naval decal. lot less cipal churches of the town &To agreement by the representatives inentit to a Japarieo cofficer. curd In the cream, because under "ThIs Tested uni I Wiilolek In the st if�rerciso hop, influence to re- excuse for havW9 hard pieces of aill,#4otiVe to the purchaser. Oats -Are dull and lower. No. I %tfer%ori, �Jt 0 the, en- strain L,'the Chinese bandits, who are erfp4r rod 154 twe The What ar* the reasons for this un- white fire quoted at 38ic and No. 2 ed. Commu,stientlon by railroad ban of the Grand Trunk Railway Corn- It in announced on rellable author- such circumstances tile biatteir-maker 6hpIlls. pqtifxlly under the dobtrol of Chits satisfactory Witter of affairs? , I n the 2 'lifilte are linen Cut Off. da4aiIe to our voseOls was iqsIgnift- c" pfilcers, from interfering with the Aitt lace e t 10 ana" pony and my Government has result- try that Prince and Princess Ariaug- hould control the ripening of the have increaned- the to ad in �showlng tho destrabilitv of cop- awn, will ropresatit tire Japlinese, ram and churn before it sours to 'A Too,* Its td at gilts ivest, 9umnitirig, up the situation in brief, ecipt, and they are ptaip ready for rolriiii,d and telegraph 'lines. weight of our choose, and, at the ". 81 .124. hl�b i". I worth of property tain amnlendmonts to the, contract, court at the St. Louis exposition, such an extent that the- curd coartu- and _I ov9r $1,000,000 lamifle. Olit- lorieos 6na oMecr fusii'l, o head this warning will be ewne,thiie reduced tile strength of $4.,60 for tins been delftroyoO In the Wyoming which, his a My eqnsidpred IL breaelf. of neutrality. O ikiLod, aind four.soldl�rn wounded, t10 lbo�7..�o Is at ving been pproved by Art a result of the collapse of the cites �nd ateparates from the tat of y using thinner veneer and cg,ra of bags and $4.75 for bax-rles Valle and over 2,000 families are Government and subsequently by the Darlington Apartment Heltit a The illumindtibla, Of. tile Stre, at A report just reftived at St. Pit- 4n infOrler q4dlity'of elm. It is an the track Toronto, and 25r, more homeless. New th crown, . It howeer, the fact ory night by the'searthliois tpounted at erabu�, through official military Docird of Directers and the sharc­ York, the building boy -law will be evident *41po that there axe many box for broiters lots here, and 40c more receives h"d vaparatur crem from our. bAtterics lws�s mait satisfactory. chantlels describes the Chinese forces holders pf the Grand Trunk Con- more strictl enforced. Over 2,000 farmers, to nsfikeM t,,Tho have never properly for broken lots ositAde. GENERAL IAN HAMILTON. 0 butter maker Is not III and several times isolated Aot6from in rching iiorthwar4 as being an un- loarxed th , 6ir tradg. as a large pro- Peas --Are steady at 65c for 140. 2 pany, will bo submitted to you for cases of Infringement have already t3raly reabonsiblia for this condition __pur- ba �jprka forced the enemy's tor- tit pl(ned and almost grotesque mil- b xes is Choice willing One of LOLdyflMitlit'S Defenders Goals ratification. been reported, of the crovin. In such it cue it Is --- . -.,IV- - -0b 42U_iQA-Qt west and 66c east, pedo ary orgiW1Y&t1b7fi dwitro 'At the cou?%airfcr=6 of the: be=- absence, of equipment and tratirsing. ONLY 114F PUT T09ETYISR. are quot-ed been deposited in the Rank of Mont- bardment, the going of the fortre*sroq- As ovi4arice of the unre . liaility. of The I Ing cost - and . scoirliAty 'of SOME GOOD RECTPES. ver sour cream that Is causing the Sir Ian Hamilton. who is uder- real In accordance with the provi- plied to tLe - enemy's AKO dimands, of cheese ma!'! COUNTRY PRODUCE, Chocolate Blanc Mrs.nge.-Roil trouble with the butter. no those forces the following occurence elm and Uhpo stood to have started at his own ons contained in. the original and one "The crows of all the Is ctteO '-A*-body of Yuan-Shofi-Xvi's- clients for, a cheap box, have induc- 13 u tter-Qu tat ions are unchanged. v;quest for Japan, in order to watch rupplomented agreernents with the stir In while boiling ry ships engAq- quart of alllk, The ordinal milky brine which oil I Of. rem4rkable coolnjAs cavalry was parn6d before French ed 'tb6 v�aacr clAiers f� reduce the Creamer,% prints ......... .. 20c to 224f the vver from the Japainese, Mole, on- company. four tablespoons of corn sla-rch, one butter sometimes has Vithout the Ili dddl& tU wbrk of and '&rmilirl milititry attaches. The th1climifts'ell'the veneer, until much do ............ .... I . ...... l9r, 20c tQred- the army in 18-7-3. and saw his A MILITIA BILL. quarter pound of chocolate one cup preselect, of these whilre spooks of the day follawad its orillsistry colqrse, formpr asked tho commander why t' thaV Poviv off6red for sale is ea- I Dalry, pound rolls, choice l5c 170 fiTst, active service under Roberts in A militia bill will be Introdced. of sugar, and never wititi vallillft. curd, fully be easily overcome by in spite of the' shells telling betwofers tile 'cavalry remnined in the town. tirel too filmay for the PurPoEc. It Ito 15C 16c the Afghan war, in which he was contalhIng important aulond- Serve cold with cream. churning the cream tit a temperature 'a"'I ro"9 the vessels -and' covei-ing them ith and had to held manocouvres. The should never be. cut less th, n I trib-, good to choice..16P 17c desperately wounded, and was, twice mentkl�'*a the present law, rendered Caramel Iludding.-Burn one cur, below n5 degrees. A rich cromm, fragments. Chinese General answered five to the inch.. A great deZ 401 it do medium ......... . ......... l8c, 14c mentioned in despirtchots. Ill the , - fill of brown sugar in a fr�ing pan. eburred at tills temperature ought "A bombardment at such a dis- I'D I neees;�7Y;.� by ill,, growth of the fortp - "I q use many horse markets ex- Is sixtand some oven seven to tile do poor .. ...... .................. IOC 12c first Boor war he- was with SIT and calculated to promote. its eMcJ- pour lit Ono quart of milk and halt to gi%(, it -.Qry clear hrine:-Jrl fact tance must be 'considered ineffective, ist 313lis the interior, and we know inch. I Cheo.�.oi market here.is quoted, (;cargo Colley at the disaster on enry. I rupfril %Nhjto sugar. let it get. well when the litatformillo. In drained off it but the Japanese cruiser Takeshas- the cNivalryiness would sell their 'Anoth" fault in the veneer is thatilinchanged at Ile to Ilic for twine MJub Hill, A copv of the award defining ill heatd, then atIr In three taMenpoon- may he noticed that the last portion ago Is reported to hi�ia been *can horses, disband, and leave us with- the log, Is often not boiled sufficient- :and IOJC to Ile for large. Tn--the Nile expedition of l8ft-G he [I fuls (if corn starch dissolved 113 it of tire buttermilk 'ns It core" from ri to suffer soriqus dmage, thfit ext I ant Out cavalry." ly to Par lie houndery between the Dominion and 11 the wood; conserift4enti.v 1 Eggs--Ariivals of Ontario eggs axe was once more wounded desperately; hol little cream. the churn Is thin and waterv. and, Iof the damage it fa impossible to %nife shatters it while . steadily increasing, and there tire orind his usual lit -luck folinvied him Alaska and other pap ,are connActt Carrot Ptiolding.-Take anti culfil looks more like water thnn butter- cai a NJSTS BUSY. cuttint:6"Andl gives It a tendency to still stocks coming from Chicago. In ill(, Burmah camPaign of 1886-7, with the controversy will be laid be- 'd carrot. one cupful at 9�rat, milk. Ce. Many *,hell& REOLUTIO, y. Another i&esult of Irs-iThe result is an easier market. Ear- at Chitral in 1895, and In the fare you. of grate weire fbred at,a range of 7* miles. Thousands of 'Copies of a revolts- split en -50. TIrnh grated nupt. title it thr inilkv brine in formed lifficient boilin or steaming. Is that In the day dealers were aski g 22c Til view of the widely extended n"a "I have the' honor to report the tionary manifesto appealing to citi- r expedition of 1897. He wag badly of grated bread one of brown when tire crourn Is strained into-11te foregoing to'your XdJest:�. zoi not to contribute to the -.vex the suits Of I wood Eire net am- �nd 28c. per dozen, but buyer813 held ' settlements now, forming in the ter- sugar. one of s,yrup. Ii teaspoonful churn, and vhurned t a low temper I q cen t wounded overy time, and every time (Signed) "ALEXIEFF.' triad were distributed throughout St. trao4td; con--equently boxes made off, and prices dropped another he was mentioned in despatches for ritorivii It will become neressery to baking powaer, one ruvIiii rif raisins ature d Increase the strength of the North- the milkiness may be remove' Petersburg on Wednesday. Some fraill such stock mould ver readily. to 23c, tit which price they Vrcrc his distinguished, and dnvoted gallan- ad Ono cupful rurrant.4 Stenm for by add!n . q strong brine to the churn 'To TAKE THE OFFENSIVE, "When I began buying boxes for quoted at the end of the do,.*. of west Mounted Police force, end auth- two were pciated on wri until the police try During the long Mage hourm and serve hot wllh a just obou, 9- tile cream breaks Into a tnitlatlo,,, oftPa-gent removed them. The manifesto also the coo] curing room," said Mr. Potatoes ­.Cars on the track here f.adysmith he bore art Important ority will,lik' asked for that ptirpose. lifLuce, granular butter. io��, of more vi orous strategy Russlan warris citizens not to support. the Ruddick-, 'If lnsistqd on getting are quoted at 90c to 95c. Potatoes part In the defence, and when the LoT OF ONEY. Scotch Briked Apples -Coro eight fleet tit Port Arthur is attributed to Government becaue it brought about heavy selected ^veneers. The box- out Of VtOTV are quoted by local Boars made their futile but deter- Giontlempri of thr House of C 0113- ripples. filling the cavitics i%lih a ORCHARP NOTES -rival. a makers tried to*iscrauade me to ac- dealers at $1.15 to $1,20. rallied attack on'Waggon Hill, be nlanlol.-Thn accounts of the post voial- mixture of half to tablespoon mt but- Admiral Afaichairoll'r at It is for frivolousky dynastic purposes ringed auggeSted that if the battleship Ile- war which 'will cost millions of rou- rapt the thin veriner, game trziming Poultry­w-Quatations are tracts was a conspicuous figure, On will be laid before you. I am glail to ter, eight teaspoonful or sugnr and UnlAachad Raises tire the '6eat forti- tvizan. Is" been remoNed from the bles and ruin the -ountry. that it would stand more Tough us- at 15c ta lec for chaice well -fatted Ilia men Lnd taking all the risks, say that the revenue will exceed the six teaspoonfuls of corango marma- firer far the grope viries. entratice of tile harbor, as reported, age than the thicher materled.- I 'chickens, 9c to Ile for scolded and General Hamilton is an enthusiast expenditure, leaving a balance to be lade Place In an itgate ivare pan ling marture In considered best for the now admiral is likely to take 9L AT ALL COSTS. have had to give two ceirts above c to Sc for old fowl, i8c to 14c for for better marksmaship in the applied In reduction of the public and bake. Afelt a tablespoonful. of the pnnrb. strong offensive against the apari the regular price for such boxes. but turkey gobblers. army, end. the right place, he wa deht� butter. mix with eight tablespoon- Fear Irene are mijeh Inclined to ese Beet, and to contest the control 'rho Petit Paris has a despatch it paild to cfo,iro, for the raports,-,on Pressed liegaII-Quotations are un- able to do a great deal of good in Tho entimatne for the coming ear fuls of broad crumbs and brown fit grow too thirloy In the contra ' "F3 from Takin, sa3;fng that there is a shipments troliji the curfug rooms changed at $6.25 per cwt. for heavies this direction, first as Assifitent Ad- will be laid before you at an early file even , stirring should be well trimmed out. of the sea� v�blch the Japerueso Isavot rumor lit high circles tb�re that the showed only one and two per cent. and $().50 for liglit-weights. jutant-Gonaral for Musketry in.India. date. Sprinkle the apples in the crumbs i A tree frequently replanted Krory hitherto hold. Ho far &delfs e line Japanese fleet is preparing to at- broken. Of course t"qe shipments Fisli-Chiatations are unchanged. a and later ns commandant at ill(' Hen, Gerrilerner, of thA Spnotp to which line been added ptilvortz. could be operated in b,thi Vladivo- roo Oil mare rpridilv than onto never disturb - cannot bor-gus,ried-at.- tif.cli: Part Arthur again. It Ili under- were all carefully landed into the follows '-Labra-dor, borvirelF. 50 chool of Musketry A Hythe. Gentlemen of the Rouse of rommons: t' tiger. with cren ill - ed. M each remar-m4-thsvp i.sa. tpn- sto-orr -that -Vrdem -haNe- been issued care and not, left standing tovir 0 at- to 66; half -barrels, $13; boncles�, 4 ic After the long protracted session Prunt, ha]( n poll ther.o still being no hint of its not Of denev in grow Abrous roots. othivig from prunes, drain, a whereabouts. There is is to block the hArbor tit all costs, five tiara high, to be thrown d 5ic per lb.; rod, rile to Oic per t year. when fin monv Import- tone and cut Ili? the It. In butter in cut awa th-� ([pact the .1 rLpari si tie concerrOng the sinking gunboats at, coast defence and smashied b the 'first shunt. lb.; firman limoliro, 7ic to Sc per Ili. FIFTY PERISHED. of Ins with, it , 1. pulp. Hoptu-trotto I he 1AM(CF1 stood Woo(l from it tive. even. It the tree is ve.%Scls it necessary, to effect that ob- Hundreds of boxes are broken in Seeds-Quotationq here tore un- ant matters were dealt latest action at Fort Arthur*. Noth- yolkot f two eggs, beut the ,nIks, disfigured, than to allow, it to re- pt ject. The clovertintent is fearful that that way. I holleve there is almost rhanged at $5.25 to $5.75 for red Steamer Wrecked Off 'Coast at not probable that your duties will adding cone -half teaspoon (If ill ins, is known of their losses exec the RuRnian ships may intercept Ja­ enough wanted if) trimming 4coxerl. over and $6 to $6.35 for extra Cochin China, involve your being detainod oil ill(, ono-and-n-balf toiblespoons of ninntrd mnin. what is conwi.ned In Adwirul Nak� patiese transports, either in the cheese 4aftory, Or. &t to r proraint Occasion for any lengthened butter and hit)[ a rup of Roger. "I'letit If sprouts appear on noix set tr,,Ie Iharoji I croril. choice,. $8 $4.2,5 for ordinary At- A despatch from Faxis announces period. T commend. however, in thily con etoomilv tie pinched off with the warehouse to inake tip this isike and $5 to Sf,�25 for choice lots. that the French steamer Camhodge, cono0deration the xublpct� wt. It adding a %mail cuptid of rollk. the' thumb and finger. 'ERENCE OF TWO UP machine thr your bent '$COUTS. WILL QUJTF� FINISH, DI n- NTS. 141ft I ne-nnrl-a-half rups,ol 0rin rof the best remodlet; r, -Ir th� BOYRS to $1.50 for *2 ashed Of 2,855 tons. which left Reagan" to whirb I have referred. and I in- N I irto 1:1 0 tile nut- timoihy end $1.75 to flail February 17. for Cochin Chinn i the prunes and a St. 110terabit"irt,�ogepstiondent _?axe,,, ire now worth at least one a "d voke the divine blonsing of your de- mog. 11111fik JI)e whites, of the eggs r1IR11 111log to tr ... n, it, one hundred �oung Tiger, lmve of- The id, fared to serve " scouts in tile Rup- of thil Paris Figaro cent per inch In depth, and that part : thrailip I,, quoted ll,,r,p,,n ports, has been wrecked in liberations and fold in with one teartpoonful of ter from it small been Repeat Re, - sign army in gratitude fat- Runsia's he interviewed Gen. Sa.1tharoff, the which is cut away Is absolute Baled Hory-The marke'ar car IoLq a a f Cochin, lra�Ing-powdoor Vtop Into greased eral a week- unchanged at $9 per ton I China. The Cambodge carried 100 HOME IAFF. 'Me land Ili the orchards "firsild be havitfig sent Medical comforts to the blinisteir of War. The Minister said It boxqs are not thoroug�ly dry on treck here. tigers. mostly Annamese. About puts end bake thirty minkites In n the concentration of Russian troops left compact in the rail nind'when it hell put all tile cheese. tile growth Billed Straw-Racelpts are a little pass, IDoor arnrs�'during the war In South s ttscrql for takIng Ink sinless moderate oNen Serve hot Africa. Prebably tile offer will be Ili the Orient was progressing in the ;jriore free, but the market, I , steady 50 of them were drowned. out of clot,l). Data Waftler­Saparstle the �o1kit[cAll be done, tip covered with "come This In particts- tarted. of muld Is r declined-, a- Russia has so mortAy Cos- most satisfactory manner. The will- imum number concentrated. there larl the case in cold weather w -ben Rt S5 POT ton for cater lots on track herbage. sacks available. h,re. EARTHQUAKES IN ITALY. Sissoked rellings should be washed stiff whites of two beat Pear trees require ItIR4 space than the boxes dry slowly. vkilh soap at,(] wittier olks fill thick mixing in half is L other fruit tri�ejii. aq few of them are In aiming to have the cheese fit hJuice nt n lemon in a rup of spoon of sell. one tables would be 400,006, He considered poon rRE0l.*I;_\T SKIRATISTIF.S. that, the mawimum Japan would be (he boxes,irlthout trimming, It is IONTRML WARKMTS. - Six Vill es Have Been Destroyed able to 4LItod would be 200,000. Rus- L N' blark coffee in exrolent for a sirk rugar, unit one of malted butter lof a siprilading horobit �'Nfnst of them Letters ?e,rived Rot, Chmon, from , well to remember thai s. box, which alut No Lives Lost. Vour in one ruptul of ruill, and Pill grow lit pvramidrol form. I% would require a'month to com- Montreal, March 15 --­(:rnin-Ad­ A despatch from Rome says: There Remember thni. ilimigh milk I.% a in one-ond a-hnif ciips of flnur. hool.- I The drall mt cotitintinlly rropping Mul0en state thrit Ilia Russianti are. PIMP tle trossiriprortation of to measures twplve Inches deep when 1,Ices iecqived from Fort lVillians by are continual slight earthquakes in If"juirl, it lncrewe% the lhirptt dirert- Ing uioll xnp)oth Add to this one in nfipn never noticed In an nrrhnrti extensivel frittifying the banks tit irrvirortor.. Nothing -seriolis could occur n4inly made, will shrink to leven the YoN Nivor. '114-n CosrAcks have 4 loeal exporter quoted the marke t Abritzro. Six villages h he,,n do� 13, digesti,in comrsitInraq. cup of rholplied dales. Reft I the:ttritil harvent I title Thr triles rnit in Manchuria within the next six nit a hed( inch(*,; an it dry out. The 0 re had frequent, i4kii'm4hes vrith the Welts. He insisted that the stbject "Rorne box will expand again to for spot wheat unchanged ar. Silic strnved end the inhabitants are un- Coloi,erns mixed uith %%bitewnt,th, whites (if the eggs anti fold tiI nith Vilostontirt, hm the fruit in often of In- apanese tieur Chelforris and Chang- of rf. _ Aearly its original depth after it, for ".\'a. I northern. and ' 1949fe to 89c. der 'cart, as No lives have been lost iised for ntoorc-itionns, etc.. nill keep olie tearopoonful of buking-poV%arr fi-rior qvinlitv 0 .Its, Corea. "trong rpirs(orcemen to provisioning the troops and gar IL warehouse for a %%",it ifor No. 2, the offerings being so The Government is rendering assist- ill'* -t life llool(or in hot tialile Iron, preftit lit n nioswirp if vou. dwarf the for, risons would rclj�tc no uneasiness. has been tire being sent to ntling. New. He be'ieved that Japan had landed or' too. because it absorbs mai%tu re I I ight_ however, that anien of any- ance. To keep eggs. brli�h thent w6cr with butter' and sprinkle %fill puller- of it Nnung. view t free that � k'q Chwang. llolukdt!% nb:l Kirin. Ap- from the cheese. Ili fitting dry boxes " thing over a few carloads would with thin gum awl park In dry salt find sgar I" ilbith has been grated makinx a rapid firnath, volt are nifto imirently Rustij inipries to c"ry on 100,000 troops in Corm already. to the cheese It is necessal-3-, there- IhILNe a frengthening Influenrc on HOW 0\-F, WOMAN DOES IT or (bar, am). the nud cot n lemon. dw,,irittir the rontri if Vim allco� The addod : "Tire war will I The local market for leRalsin Pinvilitwir-Mix one it warofPx1inutationkrepingheril (ill paintings tart lie uleanArd by Px'P 'If pootch lop on a feebW trion Vail will iftvg . -t fore, to have the cheese project at well riot active, though there aras a I keep an account book with three rubbing with a piece of raw potato senclod stiff chopped inli,fiv; tind half Ieee-rotected Ili file harbors. wheres Ins until a logical and necessary above "I ',or conc us on has been reached; for I do least onerquarter of nil inch - inquiry from several surces, and or4p In tile expense volume, and. hen dr%, a cup of rhoppnrl WAIntlIA Sift two Severely rutting back the drool unlyroltab)e tit rge I It 0 1 1 the edge of the box. One would fill, columns. bombarainent. not think the Russians sire in a think it hardly necess'ary to call tit- thp tone held firm, owIng to the one in for %that we re"hr, and the lIlonler that'lins siminered long Vklit 'rupfulto of flour Into a b(owl 'half ' ;itood in . the poarh tree will Forlarl mood to stop before quite finishing. tention to the importance of having lighint-ss of stocks on spot. Among third is for, untinid accounts or never make (o, good ten us I hat tram)(;nn r,f still, one and a halt i new III,- If the tree 1- I know nothing Of any pit horn into HARI'10 im of with- the Pies heard of wa.R ore f-arinad of notes. air(] when clue. I net ,jown ovitgnt, nild,one teewpoon It n %OW OFF troops behind Port Ar� the box of tile proper diameter to ' v,111th ions boiled once anti their been doAd rot the trip rind "and near the drawing the fit tile cheese snugly. No box will No. :1 In track at 10c, cqunl to it we apoi sell I krop pol,red on the one of init,ing poader. [full into, t herie The Cologne Gslzett;? has a ties- thur Find leaving the place to defend stand the handling that is not Sup- I lutation of 39r to 39jr. in store. A each trinnih on ;I F^parate Page. 1hp FInsineIrtte Aleeped in alury) unit hillf it lenropoon at hult(,r Ili trunk Rreeii. the iww little will anott .-pateb from which tseported by the cheese on the Ins I tie. ule if ffl learit one car 9f Vo. 2 dote of ach tiny and the trantrac- %(- a new lop the entrance to the harbor of Port ter becomes firru-tirallI. non -in- And ilien I,iir too half it c,,I, .( nillk Ito ri,v deern it .4 ern,ol'. of lorthor In was Inside at inc stn;,e. No. :�) tions. At Ilia beginning of each year w" a lt,dl thin street, %,fin Arthur, Is now free of obstruction. oats. 0litatio points, price-, I irro-ringe reparate pages for RLork, flarnm bit-. rho- orrh ar d ,, I'll I I, I it befor., FFFF.CT OF ATTACK. 'the nutritious value (if oted beef (fin wits wort r,-i�ins, and til,l, 1..,Il %ft ml6c. for expel I, .9ic to 84c Ono for rattle, time for hogs. one for- Is 0111 to exceed that of up ('lit rrol,,,,%%I or )I) I () rnmo`9 Into veers of bvnrinlr for ilur ANOTIIER 130ATIMRPMENT. It Is rellably asserted tit. Takla REPORT ON PUBLIC WORKS low freights we�t, No. 2 petts, asking lini'scs and one frir grain. Thr num- rile best wa to clean biasq cheilly, �liltol, alld plate ill a I)nl,(- ),a, . I'll inv ito, onriv venr% of ii th,, Admiral Ale-derif, %nder date qf that wten the Japanese off-mitted 65c: No. 2 bal-ley. 413(; No. 8 extra her rind olge of -.;lack are set doNs n in in plate the arlicler, In n ion) jar, oiw I I,o i III- mor ipiarlei cl,1- i I aemto blockade Port Arthur on Feb. 24 Expenditure in the Dominion 15c; No, 'I, 44r, .1 I,, ngirning cot the ,ftr, "" c vor them with paraffin. let theat gar end ,( tI Thuraday, 1,�Acgraphs from Alukden , 4-IlLiintit torp6dc-boat deritrover, 830,518, Flolir-Alillers report a firm mnr- number wid riot#- of invf�a�p, end if S torrid far five minute,,. lal,a t hern hill a to 'it. Petersburg as follows :-"The , bil tr�ing in ro­enl.,,r the harbor, conimandrint at. Fort Arthwir )*a- ket, rho demand be-ing active. hfan- till)- stock dic I nmko too, of 11, Olit, awl rub with irnitrinu Fl,,Rp %,Qtl.f and boho in it Ill 101 A4 r,ilp it,,- forner wl',,, ko­�F if )own hol re (loan anti poli,,,h IlArnitlit-P. qn o,er ill' lx%entv min--te, ports that at about 1 o'clock an teen Russian walshipq insIde the title] report of the Public' Works Dr- I � ,frvirk a mir� and sank. Of thn thir- Art Ottawa despatch sarys- The nn- obn. patrntF, Py. 40: strong lin.liers , 11horn we bi(� or, sell I Inif ... 11 i ilk Ji"It (,Ar i(to, thent he:t(l Thuroday mornin tile outifims a( 155.10; minter wheat patents, 65 to PrIle oloin IvIlest %4� threph and ho clean piece of flitrinpi vlb pm,nifIll P(nrl-etl eggs and inake a rittention tlsn mh,n 1,,ru- I It, harbor of Port Arthur. It is added, prtimern, Mt, the. past fiscal ".or has rtralght ronprit, $4.75 to 6-7), rnnsi� hush -lo we have. I l(rep A "- -P Oisabied fteept Finally, Pen issued. There was nil expendi- siralght rollers in begs, $2.25 in parnte ip,ord tot proultry awl egg,i dri off with a cluster. nna ;poliAl, iiir" "I iinvessels, ariparsintfy torpedo basis. Fit and rut, it we( inu tire fijititturn, gotirl wipper imb C.It oil, tinPl, are kept were dist4n,guialled tit sea within tile it Is wFo-ted tliat the Whaling- turm on the dorrartmairit during the $,) and biMer. All this taker; but n area of our Pritrehlights. Our hat- Hishan fort at Fort Arthur was half year f This does not and shorts tire firm and few minuten ea-rh ditY. rLnd tit the red hriikl) ter let, minutes Alth 11 lipee ir� It, it ligiot. l,Pn%%n In u little porl, i,,,r %ow% 11irb, laries opened fire (in them. At 2.40 destrichvetl . b the Jairianose shells. include an advance. of $900,000 to ricninnol gonil. lilInnitoba bran In bagrl rt ti -e your I can tell )low motom dn)- of rhamots leathpi . or I)Pcf drippirg this, n our torpedo bonts put in sea, end ;Ir librpt, batteries are thel Montreq], Harbor Commissioners. Grain some bevt (ho'cilloile nek, deep riji-li !roson with unit oAbout 4 o'clock exime Ili contact with 1l) to $20. sl­.orts, $21 1�,r ion, larit' Av 0 " It we hn,%e sold In nil by And make into n Illill linalp wiih solit. 0,P1 fill p, t A lot, Pr , I Ir ivil tD lho westward Of the evail.ble. About SOO Chinese and This Is about the same as last gear. Ontario bran in blilk, 919 In $24?, looking o%pt- the arcount bool� a nil it. hipped crrom Add n to%% dri)pp of broatirrumbq at,d 11 fq-A I%beef, IRiter . firing Russfar workmen have been rushirg In 189n there was nn expenditure of $2n.50 to $21.60� moullie, (mull sepoll'1110 Indw-fi, till. lighthouse t1a rppairs on the warships. $5,469,009. Thorn was 5R7,190 $2r. to $28 per ton. art to brought In. l n1r,o kee;, n Man .Ro Me 14piewl nit thin brpnd and good gra,y rt,n.,h some ley several -sbots the ennity retired spent oil dredging last ets.r. More noilrd ristn.--The market Is fi . rm. showing what eork was done dail'� butter Red tit I into fnnr3 (;hapes. tliens or, Ike nniori,, Pit . -et, 'tie il"' unlit -r Tht- -ine r .... f southtVard In the ofJr-ection of Shan- o men . N ollres of meat frI,Im nIon it nitwite or tan Rod re-il ()up torrindo bout returned to NO PEACE OFFER NOW, than halif of this was In Ontorin Dealor-s orA risking $2 25 to $2.," for anti exchringo of wi)rk. al4o It nn.v the )oInt nf, Iwo rerjulip Arrango, nko,io %-it, lie III for,, I 1, p tire n i to ( "I no, Tberp with S258.7713 sprat on derp- lings,,find 51.1.0 to SJJ-0O barrels on one C�amor or alont to town nro,elso­ them on a di0i st�d plot n -riall fn%ot cot Nrou moke tlipm js�,- ni.ti tb6 barbor'ni. A ro'rlocli. The;o were Fnrolgn Secr,,iar Lansdown To- ening the t. Lawrence ship channel. track Thni,r fliires rn for 00-11; where, ThIq ninke it. conrenie for rpen of b,ifter ,n each pll,-e tith i ialtain sent nut, it) reconnoitre. and O' returned In the harbor. holing nin- rlYlng to the Peace Commit'llion, The expenditure an public buildings bngp,.hefr.g alsb an the market futurle reference and ling pettird n. little Pall nnd pepper po,il- ovel� lootatoot-, ivil thoni flnelt. triol,tvn tsaid that tlA British Government last year was Cc tirrical-Prices are stendY at good many questions of intereAt I two rif Wnrcpqlrr or ullh it little ro-I ",irk In -,,I eifair's cartained that tile orrnemy�s squadron would try tit th , 41 earliest possible to S1.55 a ling. have kept a bqgk of this kind fnr 0 thor -nure. covet %lilh nlinthrr divh. fitipril now ,it %%lArh lialm,g v� ntt,r was appi-00-i Ili fig. The Japanese moment to bring about a re-matlan Ratl�,ftirog to bad weather, deliv- seventeen ears. and I -Ince in the ovon tot ),nit an hire I -en 1111%ell to ulaho [I f,rm In opened fire tit 8 o*clock oil out- cruis- of hostilities between Jospon and a2lo' air light. anti prices arp, firm --A drit and the fortress. Thpv bnorl (our- Rur,Ela In the manner proVided by A $15,060,000 ESTATE. at present. loop quote: -No. 1, $10 DRLSSINO WELL. Clough, limit wit tf�e polar,, PO4te fl,e Men ship.q. They fired the whole thin)%, I Iii-roing unit niormiding it all It btyfii il,li 1 Artlitle 11. of The Hagole convention. to $1 1'. No. 2. $8.50 to $9.50, clover It is evory woinnn'R duty ill dress dr� �Iour. C it irkto qhnpes avid bulI.P nwl r,,i*r olsro time from behind Littodshon.' Belleville Heirs i.lieve Their Claim but lit,, feared thdt such an -:affer $in tit I xed, 37 150 in 38.50: etc, Pr, 67 to just as W 11 as she can. 7ky drasing ARMY ESTIMATES. 0 n n. hot griddin ter, tell itilnuleR the, would could is Good. 87-40 per ton. in car lot� well oneadona not mean Pinboratoi lititior hot and moliNe im- TO motsic HE Rjvzn. not be u-4Lfull made to the IsMilger- A desplitch says: e-virrol Ponns-Visoice ;)Times, $1.45 per -or experi or conmvicuounly. Tili, Great Britain TI� a Power on the istiIAtin rchifurcementr to the ants at priesent. residrositt; of thin city, Bradford by bunh.. $t.40 in car lot, little wor(J cr, far more Continent :Rutir _. linotato, boil, few le,oplo kn,I,v h,, ftn,i o_th,r ph,, �,l ..p n1imber of 2,000 ai-tt reported to flame, ore Included among many (!oil- Praiiflont,­Hcavy Varoaditin short then many ��Iloblri If F 'I,- have arrived at Tile 4ANK BalTrSH TAR S. notion heirs to a $15.000 , 000 estate. rut pork. slA.tio t� A10; ight short Iniplips I A drspairb fi(inn I.noirinoti mn%ft Nor. �to iplllpe"� TI` aPpropri with good Ing th, fllm,u�si.n f lh,, nrim Prioti- If hill( III, t,ilwr hN �Rli,lng i,, in ralqiroz tild pliffilng to binck the which In now in Chancery in Eng- cut, Sll).2-5; American hort ,it I. tattle and geed .ffect, off tile ,uhole of if,e Akfil %,hi(h i,, laouth of tile I'lue, River with junk The B itish, Admiralty has rectivell land and which it fit believed they $17 to $117.60. Amorrictin fat can he in the Tinto- of Corrinionn on find torpedoes, S a telegram from the motherg anti will before long obtain possess it n ri ,,Rdtly nilzill FInIfnur " hat tile mn.lcrril� if Iion of backs. 4,21 0; compound loril. o)11stIre to her innvorsational povror% M'edn fill housipvFe., do, Jil't tr� t h a. Iniver; of tho Lfb*u officers: belonging t lir? id that Fro I,insr n- it,, ormv hom. th,� 1unt"oft Ito tt-e crulbo- Vfiriopf, and from the OnIv thing ilecessary no-* to make Canadian lard. Hie to Or , kett In i en- it n nthpr 10'COMPlightnertio �her Re . % to %i n partifIliAl' 11101hIM .i fleted, Atr to Pi, according ter painf, Ifv n%vary that the hup ,f her defi,rwes w,,,ro, in an III do' krinwro to .iurelf an belling ' It'in Ifoon other women of Libsu, t which port. the r tialin good ficipg the tintirriage (plantit%; hams, lie to ]Re, di P,;P Is fal"I in her co I Icirlon rind el,into (ondition. arl� Ill, 0. Ion , f thin the knife lt�nglhwt�e round ?h� orfl. Ruliflar and Infanese mounted the lwar flachod. expressing cortificate Of the hairn' frifidforther, itthrit its cu ill IFitouts egirbettig(ld shots on Wednertolk the kil; I o,jntry hv Ile o1arow7ed forro cap- -; fro�sh-Ullled abattoir hogs, L car caturpro in, tal,ing off t thin, nni,nw Iy ailel t nit Iness tied Infinite to $7 75. country dresfed bcigF,. S i The conticioussiess of looking her Abl., of'rod,tring it in wihmisqinti was r,irh the natural iric'mation to -o , a%, The estate is situated Id-Hrodford. 14< i of Ping -Yang. Tila nusslaps, gratittil , qo­-foror tbo trnatment accord- Zngl and live hogs. Irl ap to $5.5n. bi,o undolifitedly has much it) do merel.v a droam Fl,il rin mosr rotild I he tution-A in art sinaking r1neto -retired oftrr a few frounclo had been etj tdo nfficert; and seamert of the laid, 215c. to 27c. )ImaJ. fill her power t -o charm blinl himpolf to, th� rn,t that rir- trut spoil top Patiniz. ' and stroAm B RITISH FSTIMATES. Orbil, Thkre were no etifigualties on Varhq,�Ind Ktarhot4. who livetti tnkon 20r:tt 'rum9tAnCo`RI� th� FASt iverp making B,. 4 , serving thp Potrotorp Ii their by the Pritlith cruiser Tok VE. B ter-riiintor creamery, ]Pic to ;ren Prititin a great Cerntin"fal *'Jack,st' rho ripat Will top rninined b6t file, ItUrsieft were 'i 'T 20c: (till gra*n_ 21r. western dair�. 7oronfo araterror'orka coal in rnf-rrninp�jq with Expenliturs for t4f, Year Reacher, 'n pnw is another tip to the lapt arid the delicAlot Ila, or $710,000,OM AVANtSt 8PV. Irunk at obomulph, Inkuma" Treatment of as Child 18c to 111lic. rolls, Ide to l7c, rv, I oe. grvat milvoiry power and those eir- hast rroarr%cid 14patctl to tho Lontion Morning The rKarl of SkIllorne, First Lord b7 its PAxent. I I or, to Inic N4apoleou (ingraa )not his Wo in is ,,nIntrince" MIJ91, he tok0a jnto Re, oel-Arat'll ,,ays An Aa- T.d,tee,# f olit Ij`(Ctif�rgiti that, 'jk 40 06 AdiftIriaTty, Npliti thanking Vancouver, 13. C.. despatch stayst to-tilsbirs. Oic so gic nro which cle5trayed much proper ty fri,ult ln framIng rho British oirtiov TNI' A SArETY rl,.N ntp of 0(0 for tile .J4IlAt,ota ivolistan ofill IOft $ro,t thot, sendern a' tbo dwrlatch for their e sukriatendent of tho Children's Pottatoon-ro- 20-pot3nd bag. 7fle in t John 911,reet. Qualser, on Fri- stimetpo I Fr,Ij-1 xhihl- at melting 'r -, gena,,ous approotlatlon. snd adi'Ing ., P dav Whey) vivi hffvo erors-ion to PUR a Aftht lifith it ftutllw f Soclety has Jug to sbc, rse in car Irtto, - - , , a included in Majestls, winvy will always be Aid t reteolvod dotails if III 0, KILLED 150 TRIBESIdEN. tapp lir,l, Or twine through a h in n te(tir the 2:atsingisr. of Illoulinett 0"O 6f cruelt in chil- tw n6w, Ono in lifoidilrimto no Ince Curtain or any Pitch OT,on. J' AIVO totiffilifffil Rid too tbl� Fitoa- hil�rihlO I u commo rhevo and the Rn-veltuA edrer at Nd* lollestralpster. The step- BirrlI,AL() OnArN MARIC177S. om Itt, 1,46h , 'Of WWII— hatiow end anottiq In Cornwell, six milm' almar matailal. Iry ilp'InF inatbor of t*o Obililkett. aged six'sind Buffalo, March 115 -Flour-QuIM, tivat, hifirporl'frermliv tit the same British Toren Inflicts Defeat on fin . nittir threadin '15 onCIft"JOIJ dfft4b�," g I ho, cord throtyph ppat III'- total 8283,952,P. IIY WAIV OF' AMV4 three years. lit4dAlls hand of the old- done Corn time Mad Mullah's Men. the rincr and clasping the pill tit. j,he vith tl,� o1r.,ativ nnnouneod aittimates, 6V agsJ0811, A Old hft� StOVO Utitil thil, -Sitring; No 2 N51c. o 2 The Angocialed Chairriberpo Of ("orO., t - - I A derlpfitch from Berbera. Somali nprimite end )'(,it %ill find it li for tho ariltv (,not n9l'i'M totalling UP rrity-6119 io It.6 ot, A it ej A vr, flesh **s nidiii truriisklif ok The CM'-' torn, No 2 nueren parrostrid a rnsr,lut4pol vowrIng land Roosts, Itanisfug sliernod- more thun tFing the �ord- ' ltnpl-nrq to town, oh6lit tir 116 rittrk Visl1w tP6 , It 1" anted tt k. F`0440burg that dren w1l) VIf,t4t1i 4*xy ftoW thair -hit#, 40t. %Jet 2 mIgArl 47( Dior- rho con ti #tit of Loalt rr�a. TroII porl in surprilooing th- Miliel 31,iflah's at]. tittle noodit, ­ heiii-rin. the ondt, f the, th,- f,1 I 11 �hrlw an I burilfi- tubvfibes 26O.- Intirb e­iPtantiv catehi,­,g &nJ nottiond,fur forr thor, vAar 1904--05 of 031 iniwmr,tibg t(l, t1liq Vtor 0.3 pi#01ilind vrostialtion in- I.A.V-Nlitstem, 60c to 65c asked in land all n Port of 001 for Carladjan horossits Forbr,jary 2A Itillitty IN) of wbi,b it A t4tti tre, fintio to dij ra 006,OW raubles to fitttIA98. store. the Often work, 10,000,000. $10 000,W)) vast) boorta, Ithem and capturing 8.000 Camels holding fin abollit V Ar N ;914iii � IT &gift I t, 11111111