HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-03-18, Page 17,V'7- 77 A
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or"is 00q, "OR
Alrly othot
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Op JusTio
AIRWIR., �Wmk*ib;" 1101r; 4 0 Tust ftA is plicull mber 00, 111144 Y'
0 nov 0"i, Core olloqfft AM mortl Its -4.41:001,044 that)
QVFA ell
:to 4104,14 T40. C00,CIRS140 Q! The 4rint sittin" Wen
oU40 in hijbilPs
trom sod.,this
TAK left 11,
it ,T4 vgloopto At t4 the WbIbIr As, 111144 boxi. $01folog, 0 134 4MV-0 tbPr.fUtUM�,' lit ;hQ Wf ease at the 11.10
4, 111 M On tho 'R, 14 111410, 4 the, I h I I
amni I" lkwori,
low J) gaK hVAQW tilaCk.
A. art I t theo, Conclusion of the saotlot
Side, (if., veits no" I OAS 'W Vs. ThQUIlAroll
01 _ hi�, t1i T ot AIA
-A pbrofto, it $unO*y OVM 9,A Ala §Vlk
VA rill ibly the'vilat Week unit.
OR with Iss. A U I
thth 111194,Xft the O.'Sclundeto ere
In woelto �a at poirl, I'llit A nattpr !0#: bil — keIn
p4Y 4*'0, 0 attlig tA6 tiou 117 means of sleighs. Glad to nee
"Ott W
AtQ0IQ trang.aut on. an 410.
part at the action "a
wn 00 The r gill Light Commttee,
A. ilowl, aged,19yo k*, his, to cull, at C041 tor the
b, you 01,100 no bifithat%
00 to to Orav qq the counter claim "it
4J 0 paid to Cast,#, the jattefr
per, wlalob 41 til; he riand wall wel it I f will its ar %vithunt Prefudi 4$
10 'YA any othor "mody the. dete ul ral-publlis meeting beta fix
1. , 1 1 11
foo *bIOU )AAr if Thompson may be entitled 0 Wisighaill a, low weeks ago, addressed
that he
OR TAF VA r voo� . V. The 0. T. commenced to clean up,
,A& ) the" W"PoMI401 lipllit, — 0 1 1 MO, by Dr, MoDonsld -And Robert H61tuep.
ittransfer of the stock)
two V Aftil their I tiell up the dock last week,
y, t nxito to't he coUvervionco a theirs, own 'eiception, to
aa I itle blibitill egalmit tile
XPAZY, Ile" 014t. Ity, ao Ntov, 114hmeuto
iterecruatior rho Plate Va., tot,
4 tile
orWli atir of'os
014010 mregarding tire public
ressince 23th 8
uinathsile 4t'�Ihlm ariou'lp t at 0 IN a I -rend'e'rTn'; ospauditurvis for tho Dominion which
en To r roll bust.
is unfor k e rIJ' 'ellitrarii0k, Upon thl plal"tiff oulk
Just folr&0, Irl 0 4 L� Oor of It41*12410 low.
.10 me, Uello.
. 1 1 . �; � _. �' hisor marlignt at company's notti, appeared In tbe'Advance;. of that
einsto tire 4 little In said compospro
'a Itso Spdf�k was thsis tirso one Ono for part ratio On The Manitabso, and Lako Huron MIll 11
C i'In
A 140 V towns alld �vir wildly simita iho editor
t grA Colo, flif Ors, am putting in a view leg, In with Costa, which Is flitiod 0
The 40' the one it replaces. The alteration the Tin Plato 0o% costai to: ru a Last weak
ntoo, Tb!� vottliff. thi hc�Urclbest WAS It alloul *4 ishoolist. after. A Abort L thei Ot fit
11 wrige Wooks and the otterldiltiq )m Pri Interval
IV41* aac12thl, fri th Ir elevator, a much larger one than $100, Defendant Thompson to piy riiih6 WOUIXO.4 a WAS )n
HOY, oil 'the, f�'(JO4or1Qh about 'IML YeXre 'will greatlyacillitate the unloading of FLU"ft VS. KENNEDY. an actioll ditor Hall. devoted r. In reply
t Quelp Top
46UI in'9010i. the bonus onit spring since, aP4 *btlo a resident of this town for damages for seduction, was Is
Th. -
3' illengaged In the flailing to the A it quoted table* from
i0 f3AtU 4y,
to I As.
w I tter isloving to Port RUPOU nest postponed till the
110ford bI null; of
The new steamer being built looks consent or call
lino, one Of the as; though she will not leave this port next jury tatlat lost Year Book, published by
sitting of the High Cos
n IN sea, he'stordlitil law and beel
ra rrop a vitilon Day. 61th
tak .14 1 rr 1 4 PROOK
9114n U W -flat. ve a o1blSbInK record, lead nach before Dot tbq Dominion Governmnt, fully. con-
loursday III III; And Friday-mornfol Old fl.letkas 11, this Xloln Vt 111 regret ruphing the work.
was ais4o ior Godo- Ing attorneys Of thitt City, HIR 1,1
ire toor the county. Dudisy
)fl:s4L, gict. coolld'insit too; 'for, On tb, 4,64 forri. wssntbaolq�w tbere,10- kup her straw blookod plaintle. Will. P—dfooto firmlivol; h% previous statements., Its
�W' 11
r also th ox VIcibo.
9, d, in tollear this,
a41% %�
odor',thto Its sir� t eccentric 2. Leonard 4616 s e $now X. 0.. for do the duty of tire angry U. P. to rfoute
h !r, JIMN 'Whil. 0 4
_%Ihdg Is'. . I
r �j and, thove as 671140, train did not V80
ttlis %loolo'bis has soross the river," The-Detfoolt bloo side and Imperfect timber much NO H B. Co. theass it' rio'('and we' don't think lie
acan 074,66 shogg Nbv� Ikade'of turday and k xidwit Mit, he spoke too
nibit Ay'llsUve n lar OvInipg. Free Bross of Sundal"t undo the head., Of the material be had receiZd losing Dy'DX0EDN8TRvCauH&ctlou to recover the
Th 8, Q, ing Of Part Huronhus ro, &tire of machinery supplied. wall
V far Who, tk X0011 I Is at townsman'$ I: .4w. R, Lears. ettled without trial. and by constant bitattly.
I toism.,w hod*- godd�mleigblni. �We 'hive no d erg to 0,4,r rejected try the builder. a ft) 0
ocallit so til Marlton received several cars of Lim- v
r* looked f u t wil me One, it dispute thee te-i On, rm� to glerlait'ass man t4i'two'
to CO, itently 'there an
xole to,ghura 9rol"- FIN%, lopti.to but we have catioulted..mistord,' 0 WON. ard. ^ well known -attorney tvoW'for bar the p�ast to of counsel Him Lordship directed
rod; All a) rrowing a sou
itn4 old- tolvii1iltilixti.- t. he
04001 1169a, woofp-, buttillass,, o, lrl�pr 10 lual."rrhio. ewlite eccentricity, dred,at life home In large otoftworking an the steamis oil' went to be entered for
to snow blocks
I to timir, g4iw-Q The sun enters the sliq -too on. Porb Hapon t;o-day. Mr, Looist-A was Ics-build[ 9. 475, with full costs of so t on the Strepp*artra Satgrilay Night Inia sov-
hOrly . extl the just vvst�, f Itorial vitriol
lent, During, our V in
popflarx's 04, 44 0 Tom a u( 0eat orlghlallty,,�id for a has dela in cons derablY. " carti i Court scale, including coats of Oral 0111101i POursd Its ad
1.�� tor we tKs� "Equal of ship building timber were In native L -R. Gamey, but the man
May fflshed a. paper otyl xaminationli of the parties to the on'Mr, IL,
it be a plarissitst an 7'rdaf qurne ng ease fordlecoverr Proullfout., His" from A-t"llitAns,111) lot In 40ma light on
in y-Owee, of an ter Ablio- 00 U. w'hich liu(mikits it liselvi favorite Instainces ovet' 4 1410
40, , * I loto Is It he asked Mr.
Oct of. up'to ie pi play utternoceii an - from the shipping p6int to oderIO Blair for plaint Howson and Cresi.
This ilay two weeks wilt be Good P -T9 li nth
so t% r al r ay# litrdo(witilecl, who was harlil In
t1hatl's anilmill hFriday, and two days after 'Easter Thingstsire %ttingrite livellat the wicke for defendant.
MIR q Its rk.-6thillod law after coulinif harbor those aye. any or t 0 V*A-
ece r, anu- New Yo being paid
or 151114
I on th I I I Day. Ali will hope that tho.day way WEnsTan va. Tits: 0. T. it. Cr Stratton it any paper was
0 1 h 11 04 rich lics.11od, rivo " " .. r here, and was oxxImitted to the har and eels thatbave Wintered at this rtare action for causing death of plaZI go for wpiting up. thp riblic. Institutions
"034 be Able onouglis to wear Easier gar. p fro
h J f
a p* A JOAtIce of thill P8040-, Us now preparing for theopenin It vi.
twositt and sollh n 4 s, IN gmaxnan.-Mlames ments. husband. Counsel consenting, His of tw provilipp, T49 Provincial See-
': -On Niredneeday 06twormlikiii, Isevil I*W AVe Lordship directed judgment to lie
to- SOIL0.3 O.'rit lin4 7 , a' - G.- - It -R.-mav ed- -4 ad It M oars, Petit ry.uuder hose stepartmentlecon-
b olle, Mossrosand Marie Baldw is Kurvived by, Ole wife stud the follow-
er 'eu, a held claines nui _Ction. Among these are the octsemol,
u It rn rgw_ MuQE®pri for 45M without costs, In full
10, at rd --MTIW� isV H. Willoughby twmy,�bmaeaats Rnto. 10000W., P=Q 'In I., I ladleg wbofor threeook Inber of care up from the, dock, and 0. Benton, ML Clem- r, IF W911
Of I _AA .% a _trp _td thd %sylums. reformaturles and
clot it d a a were, mewri! foxi� IwtMjE1GJ f� jisiliby *ork;'at Hod� it now looks as though the. morew elit of slafle
01 'in M. 111. 1, Jolxn6tonr.� 2i ot m l A1111 and grain V. 0ameroll, St. 1AUI6- Evelyn, Slishold and. Cynthia, at of action set forth ln the atete. prisonst. replied d7ftlg"
0". PAxk,L P of tw.,- a , At - card. Coldwater; Mrs- harbor island being p I i and it aWearing that boln tb,[r,,, , turday Night for the
I of laliot�m on V - j, � i Is" 0. t read g pafo
.-L for Ve 9 from the elevator w 11 soon 'be con rf�
powle ra. H. D. Schumaker mont of olaits
Vill Flu they were tiquous, launching, ana preparations are 109 the decomrso Thomas obster, left work, tile.paper to supply Its own salts.
ch. If made to start work on several oth
T4,1; od6,10 Miss I Leonard, Of this city.
I iltooix or othree Infant ohildrors.-viz,, Job T
#0 r rencessibered try being presented With Our voillilluars atv busily engaged and 4
ROY O."Uto eSt. "Then the ix artioltzro that have ali-
'h I, still -tfro Wrig-till) eon. Win. J. Leonard,
"p) to Thomas Webster, three yeario air
'17 to k jiviable souvenir spooLuo by a number preparing apring hitts and bonnets, Louis, Harvey James Webster two yearis' eared already have,osidt the province
d attended the Classes, end from what TanSTAs reporter has AMONG T"H C"
'BIN 004 1 of those who ba At old, and Elizabeth B.S.
31611110i4, � � 4. xnNum".-Ou Tuesday evolving VRCHE Welistest, sit nine hundr&I dollars," "marked the
*r# wo V t USX owin -t
in R the,.11tk at their COUP sy, nobit- already seen there will In S, to
If XA %, and motho 5 of IUI- be some fancy creations on elitist Man
.porcxssCwojA an %VTO far lanu6iti ttut ilia de=u it I
u:000 :Ors afe JsSt� Mr. James Alkenbload, a, well There will be an early celebration of rhantlis old, --au4 that all of the, said meinbor for Manitoulin, Mr. Stratton
wlg,l�olfoltar. I tiowlecim In, the art, were for Heater wen known and respeoterl reeldeni of holy communion at SL 0earge's Ono chlldmn realclot With ild are tualor- should have beiiin asked to state the
foSunday usoriving, valued and supported by the plain -
I ly r, cla, During the term
The Varmony Olub's hop last Tuem- Godericls. passed to hill ' rest at n
*sun Knox church annual service for sail- tiff, their mother, that the said sum of object to be gained by the Provi ce
hoonokpoifto"T.- of Torah who To 0 r a no re laillesilecelved Instruc- day -evening writ one of. tbe most the 'good old age of eighty-eight W he disposed of its follows i lat, through this ratherexponalve, adver-
ran Juba t6 IT.4t. 1 n, tion in Vert a branches of farre pro and fistrevoless will be hold on the $5
inin town -O 164drIals- Da,thq J) I tileasting dances ever held to the Odd years. Ile was loorn In Glasgow. In payment. of costs of the action L Olosji% or
r gr
aWbrx T,
acrall'of pill t. came of work�, suit, the lessons should Follows' Hall. About 85 cougie less- Scotland in 1815 and when six yeare evening of the 27th inst.
4& qr� frair, xgwul, Baptist
tt oillsond a ex- largely to the interest of our Fsk I j,yd-a. Ion programme to t is flne The subjects at the Church Zud. one third of the balance to no
*ood 0 W Icbillave yar to be adjusted.
"or sJoereal of real estate. the 'with Irls parents to Canada.
bat, to& 4. ; Ad came
-Britiols 4ft'otiOD Of Oil arlseto n a large Eettling in Larrark County. and wh"n rd, the balance to lie applied by the
THOS., T Show. by lacing on. elbihitio music of -the BlacUstone Orchestra. on Blind "Th�' gald to the plaintiff for her own use I
e ' -'r. r . tatic have been reallmd priest number or funcy -articles that will tw Temple Goa" i event I "Waiting
L 1 7' 2reAbhorloodA. Tian StAn to Indebted to Clem Pon- about 23 years old he moved to Took- plaintiff towards the maintenance, Noxs --Mr and Mrs. Will. Sloth-
aA.L&— I _M ,#0 go new- to the pubUc. nington. of Troy. Ohio, for enpiem of ersinith. where he resided for, many for a Convenient Seas'.11V
Fall wheat, stangrg, ............ ;0 to support and education of the said vislt�d their sot). Cantion, Irk Gode-
Sror nAr heat ?% claril ........ . Viol, to V 9D - Ro -AmuDW Hic Fisumck Liwa.- Ciatinnattt dailies detnerl4ling the years.. He wai thum one of tile pioneers Rev. Jas. A, Anderson has' gone to three infant Children.
i can, k.,
118 Troporty to 1h curl per ow j 1. 2,50 0 2 rich, on Saturday.--Nir. and Mrs. An -
't is liglit, *lDon' of this WARDICR 4-8. Bltf.l� ;%it action to lion Finlay vigitea friends near Luck-
Awan Outcome, of the conference at negro I"ching In prinurfield, Ohl,l. tit Horon, and did his share In con- attend the annual meetin
yorstarst, tuato(L -a. hoist f 4 Flour, per awt, and!Y
1xice-Awell usi-,house ito,kitchon, Bran, per t0lo ....... ... W.to says he saw part of tho rVitinw. -4t t -noting several of the fincl roads for Presbyterian Board of Fveno Byron-
, W I , -- - 00 ?3 0 Detroit last week. to nectiriN 'uniform Olem, Kiekley spent
Shafts, Of toll. ...... M06 1A regtilations concerning the fisheries of and was glad to get away from that which that secdon Is fanions. He was gisolization in Montreal. His claturgem on the little of ion now on Ft
pulpit alleged detective butler nod evigine, Sunday at home hare lie w no-
Tht A6094 19 heAt64-lth,a, c6aplete, hot Soitmffnlrs� per'toll ................ is 001 V. an
schaorso, up to date Airlay'n city. This case commenced Into Thin-allmy eompatfled by mi friend front Dungan -
Oats ........... i ........ : .............. the Great lAkes, resolutions have to4i'lied about 1844 to it dangliter of next Sabbath will be supplied by Re
ili.......... 0 35 10 0 to Vlosr. the late Pistils, McMcM Illan. one of the Joseph Elliott, B. A., In the morning,
The family of Mr. James Me evening and was contintiod oil Friday tion.-Horao buyera have been through
....................... is 60 to �o 60 to' the following, effect * town, 'wore surprised last week to noe foundera of Brucefield. and -she died and Rev. J. 1,. Small, B. A., of Auburn,
For Mrfledlane it Ryo ... .............................. 0 0 JD ly been passed till 0 o'clock, when udgment, was, re. thin sectiou, solid mouse good aitimalt)
ostcil� alitlh-JuvIci Briakwheat, per bushel.. ......... 048 0 48 .(1) That all firthing he prohibited in a yellow butt*rfly floating around a about 41 years ago. Mr. Alkenhisail, In the evening. nerved. It being uniferatood Lhat His have been tiold. Anson Ifinlay dis-
D so He ...... 050 came to Goderich some 22 year" 590, The sifts
hd But ........ 700 Lake L?rleherweenNovouiberl.5 and roons, as if in "the good old summet, -i-noon ton, In tile lectill-0 Lordship wanted thOpILL-titill to tire -posed oflite team for it and figure.
rA f, V-4 one EftailtOft ty&t,, per b ....... :� ............ 015 ; .0 111 acid has resided here almost con
0 16 0 n March 16. in Lake Huron between, Oc- time." The little stramiger bad evid eh t- - rooniof Knor Church tinder the issun-
]fta. trools) Der dorcon 0 16 tinu nuit tocomuto nit agreement. Ales"Pic. and W. J. Treleaven solfra horse for
1, per cord ......... f 7& to. 0 70 lobar 31 and -December, 15, in Lake IV been hatched Out. somewhere in the ously since. He was married three of the members Of the Woolen'" Mahao and Morton appeared for the $175. .
-1 to 10 Superior.between October 15 and Nov. h he wait welcomed and crtre Missionary S0cietY,_`wrls wall I I t ff, and Messra. - Shipley and OTIM-911 Monday of last week Mr.
WANTSo 11 1. v
4 times, his second wife being Miss Bar
260 4 'MOfil-wrid �Iris Other IAmbA par lb, I A, 0 to th 005 - bars. Yulli, of Lituark go., and , his
15. (2),That the netting, sate and ex- to :n arbinger of spring. I ttenled, considering the storiuytay, V]i�;' . 'for dot enclan t. FIN'llard FlIIIILV re-
Mut.3 00 to, 4 M Part of black boloot, swaiskitionge And third, who inirvives him, Miss Mary A totally teis. was provided, and Imid MrmJ Thon.
Shoop eOn'"Werindaday evening the Saitford McDonald, The survivip); children The Court adjourned at 0 p. in. and calved tire must Intelligence that their
Hogg, 1 600 '500 ki d trout be prohibited. (3) That rewery and the Colborne House t
good refdrells!" 41toy 'to IONFL. lois t ... who had the fortune to ))a presen
Rams, per b ........ it to resumed at 8.15 p. in. oldest daughter-, Afro. John Hold, hall
-- ----- 0 Sg to.ro 13 c Case seAson* be elltshlished for black are Dr. John Aikenhead, of E"ton In so, profitable and pleasant fit r-
Irtscon. long clossor–o hookey� irevens; played 4fie deciding died auddoniy in howtalon. The de-
. ........ &Kjbrz;,.�� Md.;� Peter, of Saskatchewan, ana BscLoEv vs. YouNn. an action for
—0*40P. -To n.1, -,0 �On_ the -.-West, street. rink. the Willismi-of North Bay r and.Ars. D. The services laRt Bond" im Knox. "flinfliclion on liale Of Maine stock of ad lady was hot 38 years of ago-,
_t 0 ilk no ......... and Ititna4tst 101,44flIg of sturgeon In the
being a, win for the Colborne by Ferguson andWra. James Smyth, of thois In-opeinod Huron Parking anti Got&
-a) lis oy. ;TAM Tallow, rendered oits Great Lisikes 'he prohibited for flve Was I�prktrently I tilte strong.
chance for or �qtt�j,.wStrat M"111,00 shop. Tfrrkilm oar lb...,.: 0 so t4 2 to 1. The three games were played hurch were in colebratlon of the (Joe- Heart failure 8 suppose[? to have been
STRK6WAI -it Chickens. Par ............. 10 to 0 12 years. from June 1, 19%. That a Detroit, and Mrs. Hugh Walker, of ' and Storage Co., was by conneut of Conn -
Beat, fore quarters ... ..... 2 with a great deal of force. and were Vancouver, B. C. Deceased was 1, trtary anniversary of the British 111-1 postponed till tire next non-Jnry the caulle (if her death, altbough the
... 00 to 00 definite weight shall be ostalil abed for perhapst the roughest of the season. Foreign Bible Society. At the snorts- irLiculars have not yet been received
8 to 00
Jissef, hind ins&rtaric
ly �VA_sera& verb3mi 4oh, under which nrinti @hall manof strong convictionsiand mtrict ervice, the subject wits "Holding "Ittingot thelligh Courtot Juittlea,
gg, � e-retabled. It to expecte -ne The Public School board met on Integrity; be was for many years tin for the county. Mr, L. H. Danevy for- Y Iler-parentu hore. Basildon a bus-
rbunil cl that thf
tornist, AX -oil in hessialon,
'9=01, 46ft, Marile 11 I%ChQs to 12 Oranges, per Amis ................ 0 '0 00 forth the Word (If Life," and at the
I . Thuv:dA evening, 10th Inst., accord Inlintiff, Air, Will. Proildfoot, K, C., hand and three chilch
rovisions wl I ahortly .. lWictinte law in older- in the Presbyterian churches of evening, ,The Bible asn, Search-11glot, oo slotory, three brothers
In djarfio�OP and act 4'J obeArIdug. Lamoice, par dozen ............. 2D 0 Y)
080 ;en Ivania. Ohio, Michigan and
Ing to Journment, for the purpose of ;a or deffinsiant, tilhe leaves tht
Til COB Bountiful. per 0 20 Min- Clinton and Godericti. The - funet:nl, Envolopea were dititributed. for Ll P, I nd )set- father and mother hore in
will be paid. delivered A considering the tenders received for will take place this afternoon -from 'the butionq of the people, to consist BACHAND VS. PRITLY110:111tilt et
Popg=� contri Anblield, to uoiurn hot- loss. Tht,
Llitualial ....... ......... 0 Ts to 090
r bliblial ... ........... 0 70 to 0 7"5 re-covering the root of he Central family residence, Bayfield Road. vertal monie myolpatily of t 110 ent ik-l' community ig
STORM KING AGAtx.-Onelii school. but after considerable discus- III Palming the 111510,000a%kedfor front an action to res-ovio it
ANftD;1 BeLvert�induFtri� Canada am is thank offering it) th. Paid byplaintifffor dorry)(lant, Wag litooded to tile in'
"also; state to rar.h u morethe railways had to wrestle with scion the board again adjourned 'to
9,X - tl� Jury -
so , pitrt
years and with NEW ADVERtispmerrs. The Temperance Meetings. Bible SovietY. postponed to the next noo sit this, the Its -at break In their family.
I t the -anovs, storms, mild blizzard meet again at the call of the elial.-
tti 1 of the High Court. Will. 15r md-
into the wcod,t mv Masser went,
iindroll WAttle., ,,!OAr, Schedule of Coni icttom;�C. SeWr..'. o of tieveral hours on Monday filling fool, K. 0., fill
� ly
Wet fill Boar for b5arvice-John-Laaworby .... The London Free Press publishes It a up the narrow cutgagain. The TorDn- Standing room w -A not available at oon for defendant. Port Albert.
'despatch front DeckerVille. Mich., cluall furscont, nual. Mention Boarfor rviae- Thomas Amy ......... . I Temperance Hall last So Tito R. BELL ENOINIt AM) Tiinusti- NOTVR.-Willimill Brown, Hugh and
wall Sn"al to and Buffla trains -due at 1.80,p. In uday into t a worid a in y N star came,
og= ....... .... I dated March 12, which says --"Mrs. Foreliont with love and shame sit Co. vs. HAmcinsc, an It
I that stay did not Poach hero till II.3D Adam Cart. for 40 yearm a resident of noon, at the gospel temperance meet- But the olivop thuy were nut blind to Him. ction to Will. Gnuley, are house at
Chain'Lost-ftotg OMoe, ............. . I ibed sizvressin,
I c Of the The little irtey to kviiia were kind 14) Him, COInpeI defendilstit to accept III times -3118. Me e
SpAng M1111scary-01m Dowlt ... . ....... 3 Tuesdo, but- everything Is fairly on� Forester township, died -at her home [till, and this spirit and Intetrost from Brantford. Ke , J no,
rCWANTI3lY - - I The thorn -tree hail a mint) to Him, stock In plaintiff Co., wits settled In McMillan. Sank Brown, Allen find
13 k! I time since. Dos to I Whom I )to the wo
Icily a Kundred and seventeen years. TO out at the woo(le an, Master went,
A.;- it Jittay. starlit ........ -Ing the storm a rear- bord%y at the great age of O.Ue servicew" most gratifying. M r. A. 0 Ito cause. accordance with comment between the Be, HiChardatio lLrO home again front
;Iucisi �Pxm fdr
_A;� Licilim' Suits-SchAth Hroo. Co .............. end collision occured about three Arden to tbo onit. Shepley load Hay
L isbar at I a - And He wap wall content, Oliver, of �t within.tholast few months, she had B. Davidson w" chairman, and filled
of ideal Fenolne-U. W. Howell .............. jemAt of Seerforts. The pay train, In luirentient of the V.r plaintiff. W. Proodfoot, K, C., for
401 Pup -R7100% 9 coition. out of the woodiriny lilaslor came. A visit Ing bin brother, James Oliver,
I OT T. FAdtortY Godc4% been able to perform moat of her every rec:
iin&�tf c Our Exhlbitlorl-W. Achosion &Son - charge of Conductor Gordon, be Contina with death and shame nncame t last, Of thin section, at present. -J. A.
....... ... stalleil in the blinding snowstorm. It household duties." Capt. Pattsenclon. of he Fleilvation When Death and Shaine would woo Him
==t:� Wall Paper--Kidd's lJoalF Star Army, gave the addr so lemcling It From under the trucia t6oy drow him Wit, Hawkins spent this week at Dungan -
e Merchants Bank of Canada ban with 11, fine vocal frolo, U her del. Maize, 4th eon., was III tile
IMPROVEMgNi -OF: STOCK Orml; walrW. 0,Y1401111, . .......... Was folloWed by fifreight and two Th Own 'rwas on a free they leW HIM - lftllt�
staff. Business Notices.
Marty Palls--c6latral engines In charge of Conductor Skrat- leaned entirely now fifty and twouty ccompaniment on the guitar, and When out of the woods 110 Carol".
on ag , 1C 6d' , - Both Sidney IMator. Village Oil Tuetid Our snail gervive
a -V(4*a!l ............... turf. *In the otorm the- engineer could dollar bills. are of exquisite was much apreelated by the large and. I'd, I - a
hearit -Air this was her farewell ap- At the annu Ladies, retut mber the opening display IN like a game of co --only chanc i,
con. p, G socials tlnitxfoat�- Rupliesix)a A� McLe not see the stalled train and crashed design. 'The fifty dollar bill &I meeting of the Pres
11alt,lisr oirvioct, on lot ITIVIII190 Of "turn. -wict. Hutchison ............. Into the rear end of it. The caboose the figure of a stag and the twenty a lance. hyterian Home Miselona Social, of tniffinery at Miss Donogh's, Bedford never Kure.
Tatinosidis, Tot
pearance in Goderich, she having been block, commencing Saturday, March 26.
Aofqkto TffO 'AK Voilorlobt March I tre, ffou lato for last Wife.)
Gir!! Wantod�-Jliise Attrill ... Ii caught fire, apparently front st, bullock's head. The latter Is designed appointed to the Clinton charge, the which was hold in Knox Churn
the flames soon spread to to represcii
stove, and at Its use more particularly managers of the temperance ni:otinF Toronto, last week, moine Interesting No suatter what the market price is NOTICS. -Jais. Crawford had the nils -
for wheat, we always pay more, See its
red and both Were consumed. tock -buyers, who seem to prefer decided to present her wl orts worp presented, and It was
so sty Ltvtit% Hog for arvi er $ lin X. pay car were all the alreques for 1)1.11 twenty dollar bill to any other ith th shown thatthe parit,yourbad beenn. before haulin5 o& your wheat N. fortunistolossea4 year (kid Colt this
i"W_ It . 110 t lection for the day, and that the pro- week, which at this time of the Year
Vdth.Vffiv%X1Zoof return,it it Who cry prom
otatwili'll- vyinta I for
k , iob if .1 .7o- and these went uF in the conflagration. Chas. 0. Lee's team, which was tied was evidenced -by the subutanthil arn-
sale tall the workman In th;a Stratford shopp, ti drawing money from the bank. posal was appreciated by the audience v on@ one. Rev. Dr. War. MAITIttell & SON, the Star Plour Mille, is worth monoy. - Tom
W Ooda- don stats �Ist In anticipation of the Goderich. 53-t.f.
yet Orpon in about to Purchase it new en-
Towdslolp. fear of a deflelt tire receipts for Feb- Oystersl Go totbeol,l reliable Oyster
Tfie�otslyperaon njuredwaaPay Clerk upatthe lion Saturdsty, br�ke away, ount contributed, $7.40. Mr. W. C. I I that's tight, Tom, the hoot Is
it �Bu.�Dlxa NpTUD.-The Goderich
Alexander of Hamilton, who was some- being frigialtened by the whistle of an Pridliam led In the evotional ex- were 15,000 In excess of the re. House, Victoria Resturant, West sit for 9 'It'
none too good for your buninens.
Dlil;ORATINO Planing M10 Ibrissupany exp&C their whirthtulsedabout theleg: The for- passing tinder it bridge. The raises, and Miss Gaden gave a Insist celptq for 110 sain time last fresh Oysters, Stc;Rs, Raws unit 11'r What',, wr ... �r,witli lie . Ing the prood
engine Y8
ac11 yoor 111114 ? It is
pit owner (If aT
Pape,,it new machinery,. to reach G ward trucks at one of the efigines; of iran to North mtreet, find near appropriate vocal solo, The Broken making tile tOW foll"ll"t call Fruits, Confectionary, Tobcclo, a
aill thalreight were torn off. -The G.T. R. Capt. Shoppard'Is got Into a drift. leav- Pinion." Next Sunday the IV, C. T doring the year $114,W0. It Wall do- CigUrs.-C. BLACKHTONIC, Prop.
WK Oada0ph. Ont- �vltivtni two weeks, and Mabager' Ofts, reported that anothe.- St-hool o atrrea4 over, a 41, OmOdL� � thanks of the people Ing all but the front hot) there. They U. have charge of the ineeting ans� cided vo vato 055,000 for tire purpose The Ladies' Aid of Kiiax Church In- Is about to lie Selected fit e0tw'm IR the
a a. before Buchanan, Jr.. expects tb commence are Upserving t
ar n v od Not- Viosld:% aldfig the line from Stratford continued their course rond the they announce Rev. Dr. Daniel �s the of profrearding the work went of Lake tend holding their annual hot supper in Tier (,if the 4th con. ' NVell from C. moving Into the hi4ok factor. C It I.
*tall dooltsmi,oution I to 0 erich, for they have worked, Square and were atopped at the top of ker, with Air. J. E. Lewitt as Super or, %,here 50 npvr fields hall been the tit em t of the church on Thursday jaVe I --Thti recent thaw han taken
and son and - Cambria streets with *Ith A wl sad spent large flums In Harbor hill, after having had is close gert "1 r eittablisched; $10.000 wailAppropriated evening, MlIfCll 24th. Stipper will lie away considerable of the Know,
B! at. of Taranto. Prices it ble. month. At -present the Co. b" s. man, and special singing In being
6 L the 'bask 01' 94U friction.
ro 4, 001 number of hands employed , n. this kep 'Ing t ared.
yx* _0 9 Is dectlPts open. One hour shavoof colliding with the Port Albert prop for the work of the enmlng year, an merved I rom6 to 8 o'clock, Tick-etil 25C. Which is hoped will go lift in Nliplis,
cabin work of the steamer N fla?i before the train arrived on Tuesday flour sleigh. Increase of 111IM010 over brat Year. Of A full otock -of clover unit grasses f an Ice Is a great depth In the river.
I If 0 There will be no meeting of Eareliar lsle amount $20,WU will be d6voted to
MUSWAL. the Harbor island, are pushin a.2 tb* linow plow came in with over two Goo.p.Smith, of Smith Brp.and Council, R. of T., next Monday even- the work in Ontario and Quebec. tile verZinlitat quality. Parm and gar. OmT. -We art, sio,rry to have to
DUDG& -Organist i s, one and so. seaft of mon. who had twen working -.gular ineet- dell be fit full otock, also seed ran$
am] half � frame dwelling on, Co.. returned ft -Oto Now York City I)" Ing. but there will be a r( again chronlele the dentit of anot,hor
-night clearing the track between egsibir fortnightly meeting of
Owl at-, ho*'Q UrOL Victoria stroet for Sao. Lawillon., are ^11 Friday. and brought wit -hr- him a dip- Ing on Monday. 28th. when a faAturo The I . .1, end spring wheat at our cleviltor. ve a of Our vitizeno. ORvar Huston,
(411 to V6601VO priock, to following Bills, this and Stratford. lama certifying that be had passed a of the programme will he a debate on St. tlenrgo a oling 1-isople'm Guild ()it tin is call. -WN. BLIRROWS & SON. 53 3t oil
otklturo ortartilig,the frame work of a -cottisgib who died (oil Sunday inorninF, uKVd
Mass, pliseQftail. Vol- eIs Iftiar6ditsir Uzi loth street for 81nion MoKay. CoLLuoiATP, LiTicRAIMY.-The fort- creditroble examinatinn Ito the science the re julve effects of war and Intoul- Tuemday evening attracted goosr A, J. Cooper tins Just received a
tosorr. INN 1,4,dt, on Ek -fal- nightly open meeting of theColleglate nts. Mr, urged to findience, the i1chool room bring well cur 78.years, at the s"off-
insiciatidu*, atic to ",841Awt04y_1_ and have sent a6ven.,,loade of mates of 'butting Out lAdles' gArm8 personae. All members are In ioad (if tile celebrated Victor Feed, good in law. AVilson. I lind won
4 layurld for their contract In ithat Literary was, well attended on Fiday Smith wan air experienced cutter In attend this meeting. filled. After the Initial opening pt - all living anituals. lie limit also it re,"Jifent of thI4 p1mce for over 20
I E —r,. I;o1lagewith-Dr, Metcalfe, of Det;roit� other lines whAn be joined the Now etlings, 11,civ. C. R, Ounts, At. A., of or
evening, and air usual the programme The W. C. T. U, held it very sue- rl' Timothy and Clover So ad gn re, salleof ear -4, coming from 111tig P,Ant ts�
York Institution. and the combination ce se (11inton. gave an siddrecon on Ancient 10
Hommy NoTEA.-The hockey matth the opening will place hint In the forefront of pro- fill inotbarls' ineeting oil Tuesday Blitish sovenen, his Pointe being fine quolity, and lie 15tto all tire a ad Krie. 11 is it i Is. was a good one. After Is I 11t Will aloollf, two ypars Ilgo. lie I.-avew
ya at Clittou on I Genr afternoon, In the Temperance flail. 11111"Lf.ated by views presented by Mr polls and barley a con get.
ceiz�so rdeitiagwas Ist; tl�riff Tueade, roceedings and tire chatrussin's ad- tensional cutters. We welcome ge Tire pr6ldent being atisent, the vice- ' The hintoo of spring millinery and the to Mourn hill III— till" aligh I
1 Pal, 418, Thursdgy of Iasi week was nob ex- 0 home Again, and hope the proposed H. u. Brewer, inarralloor of tire Mot.
fro fu AcaTmrsirs'-Aft I Howellgaves piano solo, president, Mrst. Duff. conducted the
11 all to hard. dromot Miss Cloak Company in ons Bank, ClInton. 't'ho rov. gentle- near approach of Banter sore"brifailing Mrs. Wilson III this village and Mrs.
debt pal, T4 Hurrii!ols, as clUng. as the vialting club wast ' At be as successful meeting. Mrs. Davidon triak tire do -
0 0 1d . anil the Collegiate Glee Club rendered heng#, signs that spring fit Fit hand. Surely Ito Just, Young and Angus atheson.
an the oruitulyers 17 the company can hour. after which Allen trial% commenced with Stone two otep-qonx, Jun.
ILI al'' W* 19* T, ationgetiough for the seven votional half tire seat of the -ancient Druids, and other litne morenapp 0ore MIT, � wid
r ch, ut up to meet Choi*. The g me it -nice song In good style. Miss BrIna. vr(ah. Lewitt sang it solo. very owpootl. Mrs. 011111,11118 our �isi o thtte, for litiving 111,11to, Out..
Illedfois.15, but it was just one Straltan recited a Scotch placein ex- The Insuratic Company of North (Rev.)Githadi gaye A very eloquent . aF
Was 9 then front thm lending fit the R I to take I am see w lint &]fit will Alo
by celloont style, and Alre boys gave a H stopultv can show you. and stpp-danglarr, Nltv. Jiw. Fritz-
TORSORI'AL. hour after ifirst viihon, the train Arfierim of which H (1. 55, till the tlmlq f Cromwell ana
W- B&II Is 89*vit, and b"uttful talk on -'The Ideal him tronolden, every lerisling feature of Having been solicited by hundred ley, In ibis village. flis forivral took
owhich this 01 ton team came readhed whistling chums In such grand form is paying halt a million dollars as Its Womn,- Taking for the foundation 8 of 1, on Monday to Port Allsert
1410 that they had to respond to an encore. Britilth history wrimpretiented by wordo our many kind friends to slid to at Pill
t ttr6ort, caloric n
If share of losses by the recent fire I of her remarks the 31olt chapter of Mr. Onnsi'm siodroom, de- it ImIl were NV.
C it Illularl thir, to a Ic Iready large stock of PianoQ. Organ ",
IN ntarterf the efi6ott Wing the Auccessur Of this Raftimore. a multi. however, wh h Proverbs, commencing at the 10th ,nd,p vthre a. 11 Foitnk act 12 the ve -ed if, eonvomationals-tyle, wan par, gewilig %lachl'ien anti Bicycles, a stock lion -Ilrl
I litart. it looked as tbough evening. iTbe Collegiate 3ournid was does not reduce Its aspats by Ave per verse. she portrayed thow Ideal wife, tire 't If. Fillt.!ev. John Mc -te
I by Miss Dyk6 In a creditable cent., an It xtffi hae eleven million dol- ideal mother and the Ideal Chorlistian. tirldarly IntereirtinKand Inst-ructivoo. n" a( pmtage Staropli sin I �; ationery, xwe was going to be a close one. rear nts being exceedingly It,dealt, with Of the groat I'llit"rics'l have put fit a first c,�, so I oacielt, aod-inrl,
S1 but after ton minutes play the visitors manner, the Pat lam to inept future losses. Haltatiffl- telling also her thoughts he to the Inond eventre (it that long porfocl. such as the ed every Article Its plaill figures, sto IlInt lllcn.A.Ivkl� Ali- ttraiistth iseensed to have petered slitt, wollmqe- Principal Strang gav" all lion In folows would cinse, up a large Woman In business and politive and
Magna Charta it Kill tile ons'alleatchild canhuy niorherip lot N I %%I),i hilm visit-
lie'reault "the Call of haltAiftlp InOresting and Instructive iddregio, number (of Insalrance cornpanie" I'll mocially. All were (Wighted with ra. "'giviong of 11 , fill" i., twil %%Ilil
J& to 2 An favor of the home tifam, and Mr-. (Jarripbell, the critic, gave X, thh,Contlovent. hot It practle-Kily leaves lohn. the hattle fit Illoiting". t A trin. their parents. ll� actriet attention to III%( leg n fill bet.
Ortiliam's address, Two new mernherm
andrittliefliflah:18,toq Thodililibn title etIttilism of the evening proceed- the a4sets (if the N. A. unimpaired. A Of Itip wovin, 14.4hopoi, etc. At the ron- blininess collibillel will% himb Class, got'dA left far
wore reivelved and the meeting clompil (- a noinin-ir (it we hope to Inerit It fair 01111re IJ out liolot, -,it ll.. Thos. liv.
simen waro tit a d1sadvalitage In bilying Ings. Daring the fivenjerg a time was -o like the 13: rindiOn Of flip from
the bitil recelyed a fit thriore cone [it a Can withaitocialcupof test.. The rogitlar failloliq English rittliptiralit 3"d trad,. -41fto. W, 1"14 %litiling III
(1141 11 1 nt
'Chorleb,lot of� Cjwvss, TfudTliv 0 hurry. to the rink from the dbpot set, apart Mr Impromptu sPeche"', asilan city Would leave A large nunihor ruesittingiq of the Union tire held not Were shown, mv tise paml woek. N I, elti'll Id Atid. dAuDiv Andst4ittise game wltboot radtite five minutes being allowed to sciph tntile without Insuraner. Tire serand and fourth Mondays In were torned on Sir. Brower threw on we
il ors, detent breathing spell, clot this ripeaker. Ton students took tire plW, 4, "'
tit America has been in exi tence -rance hiiii, tfio fi�dt 6 tile epiciech. wool Is, $it 9 p. fit., in the I crops The Meeting Calendar. ill"I Mrs.
* 1. lift1willfficalty did not inlike the dift- forol, and although few of the esinvas a ntinsher of vlowA, taken
'a loweg; erence between t 43 moores of thir ely took thlb time allowAnce t I years, find still lives find grow* ""d Hall. All friends to the canne, f tell)- by hillou,if twr-lvr years nince, most of of the Town Coun,11 thil ilat', heZ wer satisfies Its patrons by honest dealing. in,,,, are cordially invited to meet thein being of point -a in two 11139111111ir 11111601311111 w ek.
t Ithout 11 )�i
t�eA�, The foll6iting wario the play, gengrottly good, and almost p P rl Friday oveninic. kit i, 9
lingly laughable. The with and Join our raukif. bathing R,-Pne'4, a view (If the Park ttainilmor rilactinir nt 0-10rich Lizzie Shelipaniton,upent,
tOAROTTE 10 PRADLY. pt4.pR nti one of Light housir Point be. U0111i" ('0068 "Ott 51-fldny 0—ilitilf, f(,w iny. IN -JI 1) 114-1 (IIJA Wrok.
fifilloviiing were the speakers . Mine 43overnment Reports.
6iIiIiIiI60, -POSITIOX. CLINTON. Dr. Sheard, lifediral Health Offleer, I ng very A hearty vote Of lot Tonicier"noo Hall.
trolit Ttiotter. On nature study; Miss Minnie t — took (hal,t@r onder file
r k expreesed it most thmnlro having 1wPon arrived In the A rvfftllllr plectinir of Ato r. thi benefits of lm romptu a eak ng. rnpbatle opinion on the Injurinuot of- lecturer and,r. Brewer, anti rooml Court Illitito sitist. blianday. at t I P in k %lig. itA. N1, %it hills,
rr tow Rutherford an Outsiders, Mr. Lon The follovoring annual little books round. hX"'O"', will im h -l" it) tht,
nan of Toronto. thin wet
M, P21t yfib. A?. 0-v atlenth-d the
itMr. Bowtei an hootoy, Mr. fieAu on have been received from dw resposet, #f6cfA of Cigarette marvolsing. ran c fly the gontlemen the meetin lary attndmom im itartionlarit, *I of I he i dv'� her. no. Ale.
& iffl. ',r M46"
1), Me If Dori= Vowriting and steno Mr. lve Onverninentioduringthe past week, any that the whole trend of use(Ilesi with God Save 'the King AZ matt- of Importance will bef"n' in (lodnfich WON ChalitAr.
WOlt"Ioill 4 1 trainiets, Ir. liflotil and tire an flip at Tito STAR office for
Itt k 1-10111441 it) him tied
on is diametrically optioned to tho benediction
oalinking clsocretteat" said ho. Dr. thiA %r --k .1. A, 11 kk% k In- N fit Don.
es. Mr. W. (;An Township Councils.
Ion, simain Ito Mr. McLennan the Convenience of anyone fixtereatod: 4111,11d, derceribed bnw the e[garotte Born. N%,wk W. bon-
*een it t4atri from And kr!p, Young an thill of the Provincial Ifuntilpal Audit- at In itadendly work, exciting certain C,1100104R. wn- ill thevillage if] onday.
11*11hoo 1*6qkitflN, -Tho ow and the cold weather. �ltnctfonsi and nerven and at thiii insist Fluvois. tv Yloleh, an hlarch 16th, the '06or tit 600*411n, Well 19ft"Irt of the Ontario Gamd wife of Idol. I Ervino, of a son. met in the Township 11,01. Xfr.h tive L, critical perloil In a ynotb'o extistatiest Intl. do iDied. the prej� -1 mosting war -i mmd and wt-ipt,-f bl%q lil.po inid Ilp fill-
*Viddlio I rending Dee. giving film 11111111011A which be Should cu
th* toittlit Noos Pow The Wxos� arto ottionated for On rat ;1tobh, caloy'a claim fordamalrolo %vai limit I I
(I to' St. never hayo. "Such a youth," Raid tile WRA-rTICTIALP. tntiran to.aft it, The (lostifell haviag silanitmA the s*At ihW Abb 16ft to the 1 M, wrinto for Qjs ml, Medical Ofticeir, "is next door to an notodily, I?th Vot) Mot 140ehil AnWo. tho in tiretion In the mostrillimil, anti 14,11,111 11 1� tho ereathr, It. Ilawkina
I - - * ter 41 Thfoss. oather
10#4 bt f1w
n# ftot, 4M, two airs", 81wrotser 'King. of thal itUmerich.ont, rop.,%lr. Mrsir thqt no action Ito tako,i In ....... (,it I he I i.t Nlitin Lizzle
a81!a Public Aae
twa Inotiline asylum. I coln give yan case Ito Int r. a L Thirty. 6 Ont.
d' Lod o 1 ilopondent, Order of icionsal report of tb -h. haif 1wen stay -
nation a after case wheiv tire cigarette ban got aDAVY. AtIbill"rom cantle, line, ar via: Canino Oblitholin tot- use of to 1-40 -
WA AII001 *111 ,!it 41 A116 Zatoniq sialsal 156610t, far Ion in its wntlif with voinaus effect. Of Mahn an For). RIr Vold Ifurtor: t froy _gilri try," Troodit? WW the 014 ftsoare now 20 Iodgd* one Etal meft: Alrii. John hel-0 for time.
4 I ?r
of t a 111for Olivetti WIN of RovTNIAA end fkrt� ontsilin "'. rarld wilAx: ino. te,
tJl#r*k *irk cftlmbtt*"%ad that III *Oita *16 bolt 01t Amylumistni'll" courice. It bag tint the samill effect on ivarl,: left for ber hcotoO this IV00k agaill.
*&;Its Ont*rlof fikV14d6 A tOW i the late Jo In Iluntat, Inton lion,
0,1 worl $11 Andrew linnMt, r"I
fit Tho pt beltvihmof, AVM op 1, 1060 hatfollh I l4t4olunisoorthsoProvInce. an ftdul� over 30, but It to foll for o 1. prinlins;
it Wt lift 41plitillor (of the Tiondwarliffist YOU" Ulan to Indulge In tire habit . 1,
rtAtk I IMA04"t pid lor print no namea., ty file nt tm- v-%wr he aeon at our
VILA ment "00ra.. of: ortl. ii�,)�lnellf
4malL 0 1*10 , oA%.WaJL 1 6ay _,.I mt.. &I* N" So Flnitt. Atroor, London. R.Q
%64 �1 if I fat th Qn To Cure A Cold is One rniloand flial oll ) t, llo.,%n, work,
;ok, , "'" lop o1ally between the ages of 14 ana
of the coniffilimonor of 10 0 W� lotatif fill$ hallitshave beef
W, 0 Ifo Stdk I*n,, JOhn frm of mnil at that Uddro-A2 iloam I'.
1: )Ble filed.
'bit Mrlter. r01141 %VO
pr%, 344
oo hirrilware John NN01vto 'hwl work'p,
0, A44 �gl report of the Impartment at the Mally adultA stooka elgiLrettes 6 let.. All ruggtatA refund tit it he istail m4nivanowill,
040 Amblih Wawa. they Aris hatoorty, do no� calries the sam, 0 ruritroy AuAltor,061- extra ws"I'tt A ('001101 tutfOur"OR J ('%x wt to
ookliI 44V
nIt 4 the fttixtoa of Nnsisla, for 3 odor as so, isipe, and are tho tashlonabb? ifftfailetocum. H. W. Grove's alg- to meet alfransin Saturday. April lath,At2 P. if). nubile.riptlons or advartigosisaaw an 441 V&
*0 *Z Wo
nature to on each bat'. 25c. F. W. 1,101)"AO". (Iteirk. halt."
Mop At, $f11%$KfA. NW. V ofil*