HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-03-04, Page 171
'"I is
01_1-11.. .1
T"R 000mca STAR is thow1vat,
0 THE 000ERICK STIA10oci�1*"I",
04volation Out P
4"y other Now$ , Alor
R O ktto_ 0
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T 0
It 4,A b
t9401101% to Moe tha VeAr �k"t
To hoprOvo. F.41 'Folm, somethin wottu 'A In -TAVAC
6 Animal. W311.1; mat
el,. tor� lldesa� W04
00 v4-tra X wleal, wey CA
-9 Alit plOtlij -look -o proylog uptop, no
0XVIFINTIOX OF�Tft Ve one r"
haa stA tbA W
71 awl "i 1141111111 t 6 j1paii AN. VAI., I think one Sm
i � I *tpVk1jt af� ot r
to, l ittre -mv, will pusip wigo the
ou 0 0 6,11 bit din Wiled, to the fair *a - "ason oRip Iva , ch
is Ali tlkm $a nottooloary, For his, 0 91tagaddrosa by
O"b foulan., 01 of tile
ve up "A liallowknip on
ot u ill several obwe as. Ilulivow tile in- �04WHIVAUQ 91y"oulp Tor rledisplay tO"U"14014.9 tlng� i4, r vot.� street atojoliting Sttio Ot thb More Vote*
t �10 One of tho polut djacumodp w" year 46 Intelad baving 40 A special Fruit Ivislon, 160 alhalAfto tile aAme a0mall; tobolitapete 10fittAre a qonl Zittlou open to two lad� r- Uvlalaou tit
e-04 pro
Atereot 111.)(t coinpie I or agricultura "Anstiatent of tit
tow -04, st on aw un. 0 wMano Into qlas4eaf,
lamillm An I . I and hortlatalitut
0 T"y I ItiXtandoy gfteritiata in, the pi guide
... ..... rixe ]lot wrough
vo, 4%6 Q I ducts of the several Townships."
0XhIbltol% The ,
r 11 ffellet-0i, hAiintlinent seemed to us Ill J. W. Sliepirril. of Cayuga. advo. aru-no W�;Z, To" on'thia, OVetallf)a Of the Val;* and raVop AW4 ImTollow"n'; '3, t 1401tIng, but others tbought Catod to a 41 4 od 1100" f,44 Ab by 11111ot W41ak, shipp 4 tri H RO$4 TsL of bjs� q0t% xiallali*4 A-Sroolathall for 194 wits 1I WAS. ovatter to' bo goverbed by Dep tit A* it very effective
helil 14, one, of the larf;e oomillittee tatient of 4riett tire to Inoue 4
Q! ll Est sof ortl ulturea
PkIltaor, 1044g.0r of Oe Mon
L I 'faalch who tolghl, he alpialled
will toll, 4rranocniont is it copy
rflrrdll far the
Fair Books"
4y0;U*IAI :meot 00104 Of 046 047 114o Toratito, on to The following,
In thel tt �Wlorohfp. in to ton
Iwall the title of fit. paper ky 1)1.� A. W. Whera the depart ent'l elf . Ili not
n33011, of tile Indoottiat Fair board, but 4"IlPly tile Ilion. Mr. aboppaill ad.
W WA40814 to
t DAV Tlknaetho4 surroundiftigs and his sat d o
ohe 1140 Qf! the, I vlo6d that exhibitors be require &pea er, which, womill be led out
llleticia Of commercial
r4 54 Mt osout eta -pt.", a towilitbill. `iiT*-up*ltI4 1`110 iI110 10 flOur 10 Alit 0onvettlen It deotafil Improve. delegatis were 41109st unaming1joly PPt tbuir
of And AWAl. iKod the pialo sheo.ta .01altillaited to tfae
WA of oil the exhibit*.
expi 01 leg UZI a argee numb9pilf not an
ticket Ot'i'achetl to went on those attending 'tormer declared to lie too touipueated tot. the said, lie, .1livould italadoll to
clarrying out the oducationa it Indefinite U for the amateur
loaf'o keral broad "vor*g I I eo, be
_A6 lit$
wiesfront Moullat filli, &aid It may
snap At Lent o Mayor UralubArt for. r'be said that to this department Cause "lou PeOP16 %VOIL'Id know who
It I WTI0X,WAtjTP, AT, 0 Q113PWe" yhey a Te the 4194t, 04 work the Assonlatiou flail not hit 0 ar hu4dred cups aun saucers 'Daily welcomed the Asloolation, Of ra It bilalted a certain article, and 00,alld (a) Com"lorolal vivislon. Class (1),
cware, 04carte 0 a. at 5
alenqu lar ow this , Ire'litiora that person A4 to the Q A va. domestic vAr-,
to which *it$ In appearance and matitO Yet reached astalutlon of all 1111portilit
lae'wiptr, ii4W' atlarly'WelL. Ito Cents o 'tterailon Moreia0t- this would Land to $halt out
10 they calibre one to command and kroublegotail probloul.
91 , lot es (not "cloded a class 1).
V or Ao nolus lived In the production of It IL
wo ma.k� sla;ciolty Of O"Ir. W g) I "Al Of (b) Amateur Divittl6n, Class I—Des-
ArMONOXxat, Cxn4u for It A A Are-Warm-tiounded at jo a, m. from an oulooker. TUB UVICNINO 612SBION ea. (2) 0ooking . varieties
001464e, 4 Jerry tile professional exhibitor who goes sort varlet
WNTtli AT -O 4-A sn)Ot it'oo habout from Place to place exhlbitin
glnd�g,.11 I yesterday, an
A4)pIYp600sII9t0G go Atiarba to lend' a hand, learned With energetic workers tit fall to
March Aids'.' Oulj 25c. aQAIj.tq We 'to: PA's the Two of the most enthuslastiol and w"jP;sIded 9varlyHon. Mr. articles which tire sonlethaies bough
rpa d those Dry,
tolloot,440.0 book, stautifio. *tia 10 11 '(not 1110lu ed firk class 1). (8) Decor -
b 1 .8 for the purpose."
"vAtdh with deep tnt6rost the'ttain den,*_ Italater of geloulturt wit ative exhibits.
4 amp title 114 his bottle, fatim It
Mal that occur in the beautiful relrc'ular pleasure, that It was but 'a oblualney Rev, 0. R. Clark
w Ve to who has been one of than his Cho
8VR4VA$T 0 RL TD, to the Old hUMInS. lit the At In reside 9100ift DAY—Tllurnsoxy. ecar,
i� 1pr
X,. IN ve new rAl road and gar street. it, we it tunlragAropm tables.
We '1�40A4 just tncntiqn' W at of ?h It 11 sonsatiouill and ungdocative a%tive -display.
,,I've l�q, nee' TrAf&'* the leading men In the Ottawa Via. devi so for drawing gati r colit
to .4 to.
our FOUNTAIN SVRrNOILq Iflor The delay hitherto Intsoulng the It I I Wing- unit HOT WArtiit BOTTXAS. worida or TIM $TAR, A04,10 40 fig P_ vatat bat ee I �ad eft and lad -
Of by tile a. T. R.'authoritles 411062 harles, manager of the the local ft%lr ""cold "pil!"a to' 11-11 catue In fair some sharp criticism, with.
ipik t"o ley circuit of model fairs, and r. t). '1 belleva�" said tli"'Allater, "that Government report of the con ti
10 -" Dan lie$ some kind Thq. thaw of Saturday was,. titken ad- veration
we are tol
Foryariloulars inallutris at TOR All siteo, and at preseint we Oand during that night and StAnd4 classes of citizens, and It It, Is to do LIP, his ry are
ala Up foiLlife Staoorib_ rdorobants' Bank, Peterbort. The this It must be clean. But whether this W. L. Sualt h, of the Potrujors, 81111, stat. lye fell rO 6 t
Ing hina a h M
',o k out pudertakit)g to place the lame, p. TED.- selling at GRUATLY RE-' long trains.made up9ttreight, and former a ir.
CO er. . How will fbaf do, Data p enigtlea. mostly the latter, arrived In - eald he felt he wall not lessen- be true or not we InttTk insist On 010411- Ing that this complaint was common to More impartnrat I� tile stAggestion
tut Ducitro PRICIIS. Go Arinh- Ing tit
to 10
I A, no r. ilILL AT �OLIMVIALAND."On Weilues- e dignity of his profession fly linessinany case. We waratthefair most of the stx)ok asHocltlona, all of that till collitaloa.01141 oxhltilti' be made
1'. SWftrlL%' of in packa es But W6 market
iet in Ill 4.1flohes ng. Come atsit- see our stock. day, Mr, 4ohd' Bjro�hey received it Wfngbam. has Rlviog sialue time &oil thought to the Lo serve as on educator for out- boys wlium had frequently asked for Atmore
r: work of fair fill provenjont, and girls. mind a fair cannot educate rible' tot
00 Classed from W. W, &rr4n, of,81111. He be Prompt publication of their reports If for whiX tile re Intended Export
Ell too, ill fruit would
cotasot, along the right lines which his take they Ware to be of any value to them, 12 ObOW4 Ili ��rwq or
Thqy are paroateed -for one message IrAam,010vel It
his old6st and only brothbr. had been It nth of three last horses- lieveA lit doing that, he was perform- shown sand gambling as its chief Lit rsol
eaHarry,lwl f- - A ation was passellasking the boxesi tile domestic maikets would
Ataver," 2.M, "Taildf," with Ing it Part of the duty Ateirtal vInA upon tures. We want toaae rnorR of deft -
ANTRU.-.Stivora; Irldibitriou4,poreqRs jr striffiken With paralysi, andwas pass. a lower ma , and "Sousa," 1 2. Department to see that the report of demand haskotti wq welL This would.
W -each oliato to travel for house Ingaway, The severe -snow blockade . rk hhu its a good citizen. nitenesh of put -pose 14 our young Pon- this convention be distributed not Of course, a obange In the
list e a v By ... ... despite On Tuesdaf a boy about I ran be- ple, We warat more of a public spirit
to Tor-Rucoll tais'preven led our townstuan, much to April 15th, so It could be slid, ice ra Bent a atterit. fildislap taintmailtfrona going to Cleve- on lettidir go and more of a readiness to eaerillbe a Iltilized
go bind a sleigh or at ride. Mr. Charles, ho was the organizer litter than odia of jtidolp� -" tho padliage
00 1 one of his feet caught in a rope that lit the Gait Horse Show. and takes by the varlous societies In pre- w"I'la at it propor k9p or the total
I Air 'ttleotout
041 and hand. I I'llaral "ropitay Is aged abou tpersianaloomfortortitnofor par.ing t
ex Ill It 0 ill$ c I. a1h, t trailed behind.. &land the tiny was an active part jai ill agricultural ruat. heir prize Ilats. marku or Lae class.
We do 11 Bat tion
to an DRUGGIST, bit rictUtare, gave thd delegates it schadulelor the use of secre-
Me a on Ali , . rilened to be located for the time go strou I
0 , earlier'Ornes reAlded far OoderIch a however, heard thi shoutsand quicli t word 11 If
size 72, a carpentir b trade, and In the' dragged sonso' distance. The driver teruln the neighborhood.in which he be utilized all one meand to thito end. C C, James, Deputy Minister of Ag- M, McKinnon w" asked to prepare
lit the pubirb good. The fall, fair should
0 1 .. oarbOlAn St. Chlon, good m he -topped, v hen At
any 'years.' At one time th g y do I feet along thi If a
Was in -the nursery business hAre. It wall found,the boy be fig, said: "Why do 1. as a bank ahave of caution, tarles of fajr boargo, i�anr of whom can
Successor to F. Jordan, Fsq.' given notice In the Lagim-
;;as unfuJured, the snow hatving been manager, spend time and thought on lature of an amendment to the law "A few years a o, when money was have a Cop
by sending their natuds SAL113 OR TO LET.,
hasa $rowntipfainily. The afflicted very soft. matters of this kind P to the Fru t Division. Ottawa.
gentleman wail Ili comfortable cir- Beca"RO I under -which officers of the Crown will urgently needed lor now agploultural
jili YOU ANT fO RICNT, BUY OR SELL reallyA that the rosperity of the In. fair educational work. #ill MI% McNeill, of the Fruit. Division,
ANTInNG, an. advartliteilient under this cumstunces, and had reached an age On Wednesday morning the Gode- stititation with lob I ant conneutedi halve lower to go if a tile restions were," "a
In. T Aft Is sure to help You. It to an)oy thefruits of his labor. Wckey Association recalveoll 'a on it during the fair p a len Litt, hQsAld, "freely ina e from several III that frul't-rikull
rich 4 (,,d C Q coutosts. to be
t it the pros ritj of all Iftlancial and ro trters, that the grant of $70,000 fog- 4kie on, proved both
A SAm DRLAy._Urs. j. fro mercial stitutions In the coun lug and histirtiettye feature
it it memass064rorn the Preston te 0001 Ze ZU111 fairs (fairs wfilch were then In fit by Cliff r
coon- 9- Hill. Ing L�rtt as 411 trains an that town try, depend upon the uplifting Of The announcement made by the At niany fairs. In
Of 19' 1 as T1 oronto, and 9 many, oil
FAT' Folt "A"1119 mom, In'tho NOTICE. oldest daughter of Mr. James Mantle, were cancelled for Wednesday, the Minister was heartily applauded by 6eas doing poor work) might some cases, he said,
it c n tovrn. Con Y agriculture In the Province."
of Tilsoulaturg, died suddenly at her col"d fiOt Play the Goderich seven those present, be out down and the tuo%4V I loys have namett forty out of fifty
Qvit a con , n store. First- �s we are reorganizing that evening, There Is &'rumohr Those Who have been attending a" in other and more r
41 land I ucle an buildinaeg. honte in Whigham on Saturdit Speaki generally of fairs, M r 47, vat 1000stillOwn. Xhis wa not only of
ill these gatherings for sotne years,could The delegates hardly roftliAe flow near value, halt it could be
a to r t r,4 is oM :Pricia our. Company, all accounts ow- an attack of peritonitis. Mr. from round twn that the first seven and educational
fort er fare av conductor oil the London and Wing. hibition they were tit that time to losing their allude Lt means of ft(livertlaillij the fair 11 is& another picked seven mav play an at- -tick with the many dozen of weak shows there should 1 0 Fratita. About that time, however, fair thrAltighoot the country.
Ir it Z vived that Instead of half
I not fail to he sti Dryden all
tol, or- Ing the firm of garne Alt hockey tor the lasages In the personnel this year. one strong one.
tf W. lana branch of the G. T. U., find when benefit Of a most deserving propgi- many of the veterans were absent and boards seemed to awakeh, and since As a clonin suggestion Mr.'Creel-
SON he bad6 his wife farewell iza go on duty titan
131skoragh's Tools, Apply to WM, she appeared to be in good health, but
do61 BUGhAltiAN6 LR Prof. Day, of the 0. A. C., gav
R, SALE, CIfEAP--a complete set of there wait a larger sprinkling of the e an that time they have been doing Annuli man advised I. to for A tit 11 Of local 01.
)W Interesting and suggestive address oil
W1 must be when he returned house she was dead younger men In the representatives. better work, but it is liecessary tbat, district navociationii for flit- Improve-
RRO 8, hoppardton.
eERT R SALE. A dvalrable ace' AMONG THE C"URCHES. President J. Thos. Murphy, the Stock Judging Contests as Holuca- this work should continue If It does inont and mutual bouont, of fail fair
Thk funeral was to have taken ill It
from Tilso"burg an Wednesday, but There will he it coletat fficit'llt a9d secretary of 1011 1 Features," which contained not, the BuggAwticins njade it few Years The election of office
ropd,ty in Goderich, gituated on Trnfal. Sofflad IMME01gTELY -ation of H411Y 0 these points amonfirst Pat - f,)r li)(14 re.
Rar a ect�.sb-przisent occupied by Mrs. John the body, with the friends who a- Coninitanioll at the clost. ofthf. 8111-Oe's illolloll fair, opened the rou- others: ago -111 beyond question colou to tile solted as follows,. President, W. B.
Prid am inc, proceedingil with #tit ittialpas coal. As stock men we must remember our frul't a9ftill," slandorm orStayner. Sovou rilowgil fraiTio catmize, wood Collaitatiled it, were storial bound at Ing service In SL Gourgal's, next i
Allied 4 #Pply to F. -J. PRIDRAM Code- This notice Is peremptory ifolog i4everal valliallh
rich. Clinton frouk Monday worninj till Sunday. 1., 3 stiggestions (hitytowage unandfikeonfilot against, Then Air. Jairiva to olyor ilent, j. iiv, sheppa I of
and -no exceptions willbe made. W 11. -11tinual itnin-14venient, While tile se' -tab aultnal. We must an intuit 0 a general 8 rt ednesday, and ca-uld not resin I the St. Gaul 04 a A 6 lie U irestiouft Ili regard to Socond Vice- President, It'
-ge's Chu wonieli, Guild Ills sentiments wkirr eonourred in no constant battle for the Improvement fait- inanagoinm
-ErOU$W VOR SALK -A brick house an the Ech (!)toll of Goderi It
.1-11. corner of St Patrietc a4d wo-Alington Rec Poling ecre-
If costs art- added aft& this old lannae so that the func-) land to held its repildr An4lithlif''Inecting in f011"Al e -don was taken on & ad- of the herds of the'country. ',The usefulness of it aIto laid, Lary, Alex. Me PR sale 0of OttervIlle;
streots, two stoity and 4 half. containin
bodtolont. aoubl% Parlor. dining rpoul,
date, vou alone are to bla . me. be postp�ned. Tuesday afternoon, at �whielj, in addl. It (RHthict defect In the - Live stock judglat contests are it "is not governoll by tilt- 11oulbar of Clorrotiponding SeerotaLry, Lt. B. Uow
hallway. bwme N jotba.. with modern convert. tion to routine business, arrataKements Ceeduiv (if the Association beretop.ro. suns to this and.
AT Tiau HIRIlon.-The engineers an their purpose is to members In tile socitity. Fair boards 'In Of rorouto; Directors, J. T. Atur'
ionees. Spiclous grouncM With Iron tones made for Pendluf dele
olvergroten tress. etc, For p7trticulrg ap8lar on gaged lit taking soundings off were Intel, t which It is hoped will in future be assist in improvement it) the gOn"t-Al 11110ttld rOtllqnlbeV tile objp(lt Of their I of Slalcoe, Jeff or Bond Head
p -bor unquth, completed their don this mouth. and fill by referring all addresses average quality of our cattle. creation, Thotowrishipfjorialn
the bar the annual meeting to )e hei In Lon. remedied
the. roonlacti. or address MRS. LYNN. ode WSON C. B. Clark of Russell, Chits"
oderic -he plans for The annual meeting of St, G portantgapem which are not We cannot expect, " it restalt of ad litinjartly to adVance Lite of Irrin, W. E. sillallifeld Oi
la, Feb. a, jqa4. work on Monday, and t I Im of l
ARM FOR SALE. -Four miles north a eu me AtelY it allied, to a Committee these contests that till I& contestauta f the people of Lhat,
Goderich. 78 acros, wltti basculen, barn, eD2.y, for consideration and recommenda- will beentne Rules' or Cruic not of the neighbor and Allan "Pay (if Uxbridge.
the proposed breakwater, aro now On Girls' Auxiliary wits held I'll knitank'". towt!ahi!, ntl Itonfl-ew, It. It. Hall of Parry Sound,
tousic. orebard. Arnold water suopiv. aft acres or -The work of cutting out the, stearij. vented tic Is only the tow who
hardwo-Q14 hemlock. 5:0dar etc., 61AIrty-ilve Odl In any )tile It Tho same holdN true Lite A htlCMINO OP TIIH Ntg� rj.XXCU*TIVE
JEU route to the Public Work Department. when the secretary, Mire Barker, pre
Iddroaa. J. airmount &a aid Turret C&V After Its Capt. MuSlaster, the veteran se -e6- hieve
tars fer Acro teents em the annual report. renj ditrict fair. Th invinborm (if at town -
I greatness, but -an lutelli
erg was so, Adoption the election of offiLars wait tary of the Agric tilt it ral department, ariny -18 essential to the success o the ship board nialle a great inlotako whian Wit*' tiolai at tile close of the couvell-
ULU FbN, Raimitton, on AUC'TION SALE far kadvanced'on Tuesday A; Alt they cited with, the result being the wait down for an add Pass Oil litntilltiell few who do reach the high level of th"Y adVertist, competition as opon to tion. lit which Pceo. Saunders and
0 ve and lot on Willihm were moved forward, and the ainaloud. proe
ttleet,atpresent c by the unde 111.1:ctiOn of the offlcqra of 1003, as ptheved from the reports. bpt an full distinction. tile world." vice -Sheppard and Mitchell
eigned. Houso t a 1.119op Ith bair.Aj
Ing of the first named was started, follows: President, Miss F. E. Ball; per cent. of these reports were stir, Prof. Zavitz, in ellargtt of till, grain wet -6 appolpted a committee to on -
PURE BRED REGISTERED and the Fairmount to now ligbr.- Vi6e-President, Mrs. Tlgert; Sec'y.- Crulelistoinks accomplished a Won.
and idorolot, fru r etc. 11ii not forwairded bv Becretartex, he could derful woo of A
any jime. Apply or drea LOVX. Robt. Clark started cutting fee again TI -ens.. miss Barker. tivo no detalied statement. This v r -k lit Improving the general OPAPt' lent lit the 0. A. vo it (leavor to Nertire front the railway
W litatin street, 06 Airld - thisweek to supply tip town e
A ST FAR 10 LET for As it of
rought up a lively diselission as Lo B But. standing allane, with- (its Laid nianagenoint Of ex pel-i olftj till 10114. Irri-P t v A h I People Tile of beat production ill Great very eontialtite exposition o I ftothOlitIOR 8111910 faze rates for future
who store their own fee. The cotting fortniglatl meeting at St rit ev I a it 1, 0 total
n , 19DI, onto mile rom a 6rich, watered*by took place between the piers, where Youn� ;eople's Guild. held the enforeement or the Fenalty pro- tier of delegates In attondAnce. Sov.
rl n otroana Act, each farnaors of the eountm who ppreLila. Incidentally he n till
Ing the ice is clear and thick. -Tho east evening, wan largely RL. vided by the Agriculttrra out the co-operation of the tenant plots in connection with fall fairs.
Apply to PROUDFOOT, I) he, ljolliteil Olit lhat ..In suggestions Inade by 411pt. C w
t tended. After the Al oceed It delinquent societies having for. Led the value of irood food, ho would tilt' Your 11)(K), I, lirte, the w. ill be vonkidered lit the interitn by
wind on Sunday eaused a break in the Ing,,. Miss F. E. ,,, POnlllt A felted their right to the Govepuzzient have &I.Colelplielbed little. pallfirld and fil"rogNod I" it
rro RENT.-Roorus In tir Redford - Block, AZLM� Ice -two or thrde ruiles.froln shore, and terest- by Dr. Vidtolyr, - tit- - -d w -'s tIng 1.0 tit a grant, and a resolution wits offored in So too in I rwo yt,,L(4 late,, Illet-ting Of tile E'lovelltIve ill he 11041
X lately occuplo one large lalpfore the win I -OP e - paver on . or MUsloijis in I tile
corner room and NcUrnaller oijes. Modern GODERICH, ON Open space sevarti infileii in larea.1th. Northwest." Oil Toesda M - - - 9upportofastpict pplication.of the flit] country, while all , 1 (1116119 tilt' lodUbtlial FILIV tit Toronto
convenience& 41)Pljr N, X. Lzwts, Solicitor Rev. G. R. Gunne, of �Atoarch 15th . tllrjx� `w�o take part lit 11-y" stock value of the saine wit.4 lit
n, will it.' law by the Department jud lug contests will 'lot beei-ano lead. $14f1.(XX),tXI0." lit I—ar WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9th WELL DONEI-In the claildPen's liver an address. Supt. Creeluiafi read hie last annual era fn -he live stock Axorld, tile Rpea I Iden of experiniental plots is
A in oompriSO4 of 50
prize competition, conducted by the St. Patrick'& day will be celebrated Pep rt to the Association, and b majority of them ill doubtlessly growing. Two veal -B livo the firlit, of Titic MICETINoa_
no re in and �b ronglit
orial. I OF orl h .0,.mi-th; muroll Art 1.30 P. Is. Toronto News. one of the contests was n tiodorich by a sacred concert and out a good half hour'& discussion. perfortal better work than they would -thit"O PIOL4 wall started ILL Another Ina
-ge and appreciative nodi -
so Of a IN 'bush. litod 19. C. Gad E. C. Attrill contribute 9 be&4� Peter's church on the Ton Years agn, he said there were without thf, stimulus Last year similui. pi(Its felitill-f�A,
rl, tam. G bk for a description of your own town ecture in St Of the Judging
Afid Miss trend PrIdIliant, daughter cli evning of March 17th. Father Stan- reported 2.057,882 head oi cattle valued contest. Tile to 0
and An, waor, PC "ion Salkeld Bros. contribute ........ s head. anwhol whas it priz of five full-il --tit Renfrew, Owen Sound, Place gathere I in tile Temperance flail
cS. T LT, ley'. of St. Peter's Oathedrad, London at $47,718,025. .Will At Wittliterton, Brantford and .4tuarne. afternoon, Sir BPAA`l`d` John Jamieson, Laurier P W. C. Prldham, aged 10 years, was In IN2, the number for this Fjort of w )rk ILLSL .
all G L917-tf 0 Ill deliver it lee iHOZZO was Q1141rillan, and Air. Javneq
arded'a, place next the leader with w ture on "Ireland's was 2,60Z.582. an Increase of less than take I& greater Interest anituals -The value of this work hita vattond-
contributes ...... ....... 8 head. law Patron Saint." halt a Inillion, but the value had In- thr I a, tile
ALUABL9 RESIDENCE FOIL Herbert Morris contributes ...... 2 head. the following well ritten sketch March (Ith being set &-art as 11 Unf. creased to $03.517,342. Swine, ag in, g outh whic!h lie has been enabled to oil InTond the liniltm of We tile speaker. Thalkiroin sing.
GODERICH. a A At )cal distinction. The develop- have even had tipplivatlons fit,, seeil foil. 1119 W RM glVaLly 11981stod by tile leadoz,
to glor -street and con. Ge,). Sowerby contributes, I head. Godompla I*,? very pretty town. it I. it Bible Sundair", fiev, James A. tell Years ago, were vitiated at $0,622.- uient within him of the power to do plots In Qj iziboc said tbo aritime I'ro- ship f Mr. F. C. Belcher, who ita it,
�lkty lit on South
vetaltin rusted. The buildingvt consist of a tatozzLike uron,attlitituouthoftheRivue'r Ander�on announced to his people 129, while to -day they tire worth $It,- Koad work in tile Judging Pf
2 awry 011e dwelling house with kitchen, R bert Bean contribu6s ........ 2 lltmd- Maitland. In the contre of the town standsi that be would observe that day on file 2A2,205, an Inc ng will vincoli. and tit(, lion, Air. Fizilier ham tint, forin ror that "tirvice, and 1% judies
wood iland Atfoll. ban. rease of nearly 80 pot- breed a desirp to ssess CA of the announced hilt intention (if having thlF,
The house ls- heated with a complete hot Thomas Beattie contributes ...... s head the (:Ourt HOUA0, In It very nice Park. Around 13th, as the Oth was regular Common- cent. Horges also have Increased in clitsa he has b" of AflsseFi Drew.
' the outside of the park am it raw of chestnut Cited in tile ring. feature Introduved at )tit, Ineal filir in I
Water laystelia. and is a modern, up to date Thomas Amy cobtribittes several head Of t 0", lob I k very, pretty In tile sprin Ion Sabbath In Knox church, land that value to tile extent of $5,000,000, wbile 1,1131ily Whitely, Forden and Nicholson
dwelling, Yorkshires. hen a flowers are on, Around this This is not a luare inatter of opinion. BPI) The plots Rhould be prepared wits it intich part of tho
carl. an opporfunity would be given the all farin property, includingfitallolings, The .8
TUSL SPV undersigned. the i t for a a circle. upon which the uAl truth Of what I state has I)Oen (or t 11 fall. lthough In Rome ramf Virofiralo. Next Slanday Mr. 0. F.
Dagd V1 ntj I
the - congregation of contributing it thank. Implements land live stock, totala over demonstrated lit fol,1114 where Judging it)(' ground was lot broken till until a , will Ili' tilt' speaker, and the
471'C8141091108 ready this waokM n h prt of the wall In oltuated. There are offering to the British and Foreign one billion of ollar& In cash. A lid all
r & IfATS. ith rinct I streets loading from this circle.
to, 'V..d.AW Ear..'a tor. THOMAS GUN Th4re it, a large summer hotel. situated o Bible Society. these Improvements have be contents have been a principal feature. 111)1*illg.* 11 )91119 -11) be of mpecial Intorist still
DRY, jr,"At the.... At - Where stieh conLeRts have it a Ill answer to it fille,itholl an Lot the nietit. Everybody Is cordially invited
—NOTIC AUCTIONIMIL the bizzilk Of Lako Huron. DI ar The Pnerialment of the Lord's Supper rlished without Increase inan accont prolive
=flas there are lots of vi,dttirg and tourimts, will be dispensed In Knox chore ne tio the Polata- Fluccem It Is simply won lerfi, the oat- coot of 'Ing to at tend I home Ineet Ings.
It Xt At NrePal Fillet) plotm, Mr.
on Inc fro.% the Vulted States and larxecitico. Sabbath nazarralral, Th tent to III I ' Interest lit stock has Kydd. (if lativou, said tilt, total is-hatsby mgvu t,%�LtXpncatiozz Ve hitya a splendid beach for bathing. &lid on arstory The increase here, as In the dagg of been dovewlopcel
, 4 GODERICH MARKETS a botdsy there ard many peo�,Io take �nrzt� Service Will 1p dituro for labor, I'Priving. at his
will be nagdo at o ex so on of,tbe be h on ;rfSraev evening the Increase In the value of field Businesv Notices.
jlamcZ? ol. Canalls, by th:Guelph Junct on (Corrected up to asolon.lif rAursda ago of it. There Ilk only one ra, Iroad (the Grand at 8 o'clook, when Rev. JP9. ftartallton. mentioned by Mr. Zavitz, crO 9 The contest Is of Kroster relative fin- fill r, was $ 1 (A and Ov x I year W I A h I lie
Iway At Trunk) coming In here now but we ex IN an NY I nee tit a small fair thall at A fences airrally put up, thoex enRo will Oy%terp! Go to tile olit reliable Oyster
'Why for an Act antiniffing he Wheit, It will be noticed, Is down, Chics
of Incorporation and authortir, e one. becautio at a large fair flit-,,, be vory tilt ch loss. flot Victoria Restaurant, West at. for
in# the Mftizaany to dOposo of its Raliway, or having dropped four cents. and It Is thought t Guelph In the spring. The G. T. IL built a P.01r,
Q inpdn C. P. R. to ran a branch line from are to be receive and cards distributed to Five yesrsajo, fortax. Ae, not live fr Ise'
1 IrOt tile B. A., will greach. Now members Will date to Improw-Al niethoolli Ili forming.
marOlower, Locally but little grain is being and Frys
ank plft theralot by lease Or r Otherwise. to in- Tt 0 cih Ovoers, Stews, Raws
creme to capit prettr building. The R ver Maitland hounds . no Bogs Ot evellta Of anothep "ature A' A11% 04'elly1fto said tit(' total Clillt of
now station bore fast (ear, which is a very intendin ininunicants. On Sabbath per cent. or- IT= Province art Frults, Tobacco anj
talotook and bondinF powers to offered, and local buyers cannot sell. as iled
authorize tho bulldihg of btAitich fales, InRud- ill not buy at Present prices in a flows hatc 1xite Huron, 0 -ad fill. tile CigarR. fl own on the east and north Ride the ourptuaccollection will be on boh&lf were of the type now requii detrart altoutinn from this one. till! Whitby Plots wam $'I-). and na
Ing it branch line from a point an their pro. 1.1-pnoln"t mitrket. bounds It an the west. and Lakq ffu'ronal I tbepnor, beat trade of English breakfast Ifere are a tow detall rules filig- many Of IbrHo are In perna lent Xt-Itsm. prop.
poped Godefich extension. of her in the Town. bacon.
all of NnWjwjch, Pool or 10 &AIq are five cents better, and all other farm con- To -day, We lInd 75 pot- cent. goOd niar-
a The annual ontertAltament In ' geNted - 08 010 4-1131plifie In molisequont Years will Che'll, sale of Boots and Shoes at Lite
a lit oth I atild A b clicilloy, to the (Ace I jaractically-uncharaired, Ax. SN.ToymiLH� EVITNING. - The nection with Nomh street ethodist lietable anlinals, an tile Price hits mi- tie conmiderAbly loss. Itarguiii
Unith line front At an litore. A j,.b lot �,f
I-0111pel Ition Ill r at Shoeq will lye placed (in tile tallies in tile
the "Ill btg� extension in one of 40raw" had made prrr church Sunday school %vita held in that vanced it opt in pd Of It CiLpAblit,- Prof. Grallialo, of till* Poultry de.
all, he I ,,iatlobs to hip event of the social seasou'at the 0. A. church on Thursday evening. Ii was quality of the stock. flow (if shall be backod 1) partinelit at tilt, 0. A. centre of the store All will lie offered
rbint towns Do to t towns of 8k mar I yoAtorday but had tostog d livery. and Itlitoks ro to the fair inindt4l. man w to
IF .J." as lfthci�; would be no 01111or C. was consurnated Friday ev 7phrttane, Y rules and authority. gave 1101110
taton, YIA Stratford I and that t o - this week. Last week his all _y or shiprazintA uIng we #attended, a large number of isovine in Ontario has hoen rovolutioll- 2. h ry exhibitor atextreine bargain ptict-si.
of the Cinnizanyboo declared to be for the lion. 1 11 vor intPro-41,111K I)OjutA u poldiry ral-ing We are bay.
,of Uslatilat and for other tzar- was (1621 two detkii. and ho,paigmSciat Of hos" February 26th, under the most aus. 2d V being among those who so lzed I" much a short time that the fill Rhiptalent. He Fiald tilt- poultry
crattaliftntizo .75, and was g thia client) male before rentoving to
poselo. By order of, the d. - buying for Friday of this week at $4.80. nust bring Out Rome of life stock, If a
It lhtry of tit Province [is producl lie lie N Silue St"re On I Ininilton street,
A. X rlu ONALD, T At Guelph Mercury says potatoes Mire Rev. Dr. Daniel opoupled the chair. competition. th attend this cheap sale.
plefous circutaistanees. For nearly a healf"Y enjoyed - the evening. The reat-grandmotber of the pirg of ob IN
AtAllingiat 65 to 73 corift par bat by tile load. &no, Wall? Past this "coliversat" idea had The programme was an excellent one, would bar dly iccognjZa IPV Own for (all, people frotii s7,(XX),(xX) to qim" it will PAY
0" fatall at a flu rittadvaho". Owing to thOP100, been gTowing In the minds of tho e And a bearty applause ofthe hearers Improvement Wilt promptly at that hour.
tr pring.
Ro. I& P. , '17. 3. Not it tinjoand begin your coal- IXNj,(Xm) a year. J. W. Bat,mlikicK.
Guelph Jan. tiful crop 01 last year that Price started In ofally ambitious, been coincident Mi-, Grahnin than nilaule it tow Flog- A Tile fol'owing flat
— ratharlo*. Thor Well, how, so but until Friday tegti ad their, appreciation of its many
NOTICA il h0hby a Ion that an plicat. ever, showing lim tea bit of PoL Fbaritir the evening, fortune failed to favor the merits. Ith and largely due to the education,
I are not keopJn w 4. Sult yonr Classes flit. tile coal, -
of past weak there has boon an ad vianos of a to lot The opening number was it A , A gentiong In regard to tile niallagplijent, indlent0A who does tile plumbing in
Jot] "Wits trailds the ParlIs VAN True, the event was planned I CRtilpalgrk curried ova by th petition to the prominent Industrie" of poultry departments lit full end whe , re to get first-elas
Ckuada lit Its next Session, on lialittif of the canto pot ball due to the small supply and thi, chorus entitled 11 Iting, Yet Bells," fly 0 Do. of Your section. -8.
Berlin, tottoo, Wallooldy & I- a In on account of the bald roatoliL-1 I for a somewhat earlier date, partnaerat of Agri work done by a practicla Plumber. C, J.
Rollwayi%lboan fizr�ftuzOndmcnta lee 'to 11 whent, standitrof ............ �Xing QuaTantine" for some hilt the S. S. choir. Miss D. Parleo then 11, this filet re elliture. So Clearly 5. (live 70 11114](11 for plaring the lit I'dzes Fillould ho, given tor Ftingle 11ARPItit Wits IlWilrde(I tille followinR Cot,.
can- time gAve 'to excellent piatio solo. A re- rdii, lostead of for pairm, am it is a
Act of Ineurpora. Ott empowering the, AIM
A cOgulzed that, aft Mr. 11 it loods, and W marks for the re"ous tractq during tile Past semon: - Plumb -
By to tonitir rate it llav 9 ithailt standard ........ . 0 aid the reins and threatened still of tatio" fly LeonArd Rwafflo)d was. fill Ore )man mnld� "thfire ralver WHIN It tbing if) flnd one of it pair, ing,
'dtlatidto Ivailway - assigned by the contestant. healing ond electric wiring D, Pey.
I", in a 00 tit a -or Basis o #ill 3 t Pat OWL., gatent ............ S, .2m I er restritint. However, "youth lowed by a mot on song by a number thilei fit the history of gpir Iturp gOO(I and thP 41thOr 111forlor Ill nolle
_W Q enesio u 0 onfentlauslaartn'
in the oozgtrat WAittlEw, t6the town,ofs= per OWL. anally ............ 2 to 2 an( like love, oft laughs of prilliar when the farmers of this co'a 4111nofoVemants in Fair MABIL RU40n: P41111hing, hCAting and' electric
ford in the Wanty or Perth. to the town of SL per ton ................. .... to LB IS 2r glils. This number, en- a try 1% sin0e bird might be wortil iring; Carnegie Lil,rirv; hot livaterfaciat.
or ton . ................... 2o Alit awere trying Out tot. A
MaWrl thoudd lit. Aniarth torly, dimetion to go at long delays." and an energetic com. titled " aty Did." wat very w6ll Instriletion, &A Anent" was it practical Fitilljoet wit more A han #ill Lite other exhibits In the ing at d plutublog, Reg. Illack's resi.
throng A thd CoUllithis of 01h a -, Huron to n nitip. tier ton ............ ....Is to 18 mitte&composed mainly of members done, the little tot who questioned the tile are to-dar. Tile Agricul ti ral brought otil, many good suggestions. rhism. In suvii ramen It 10 P tleally lie"Ce phl"Iblag in two hoilles for Ilen.
the town of C Inton, thkindef?'"Al Mal, In it ...... 0 to 0 1 of the Jutifor year, and presided- over other children winning match allantra- full a ninlit to I to C, ailt Y : 11 P"('
Y di6edtl6a to Bayffel a the ................. 0 35 to Rev. %It-. Clark cited am botaoijoial 1111POW1110 to 11WILI'd A. r prive-4 in it 4wilxer�, plunihing lit
......................... 0 by Mr. Loxan, & well known leader In tion by Lite charming way in which the At Ott. courme in live stock nolstinR (I MA1,18fiLCtOly Way. WINota'a
IRTZ.,oklit. 911chtathet feasible 0 T It Comprehensive and in",",
& rtft�4 lif 40614frd U'n, mind 080 social oireleal,amen demonstrated the she Pandered tier woo oolok At rclta- 'a Proving Most popular: tho dairy ljollrove(l ,a. electric wirilig
to I ....... :: , 0
. 0 1. a ...... 0 r 1Z, list, (2) tile encours A (,lama inight wpli bp joa4le fol. lit 11- firnpliev'n reiii4ence stean,
10POAring 06 y to it re by lame 0 M possibilities of such tin event. The titan b Edith Morrow flallowed, after "Chool" blkve the P quota Of .1-011 "lent Of root find grain CIANAPS WIT,% Ity breethi. Ltod thore should 11,160
Or purnizaiiii, the IMY0 ofln. hot railways. ........ �6 .......... ra_�
ateaut or elcottic is mat railways or train 1`0 lit S I"llitt'n residen v
r per I .......... I ........ 0 is is twia buildings, d Capt. Huckstep's Brigade and roen and young w on; tile Farmers RhOtild Ito i1twmaiwil by tile expert clas for InI ted fowl,4 alive. nia 11 Rev ce in
14 _� down ........... o go y," were connected Itistittit a IV- I,. Wit1w,11's store amil.
and to conitteact 0 sioiatifte, own and b.Td8 lfregh� j;i 022 mass by it covered their leader. In tile pi-roon or the gra- or ninro popular (3) tile employ,,, Tile entripm of eggi "hotahl not Ise In t�ltl itreet 1, r-,,,, In . P. firown's
hotels, T ro f& per otim ..........
so together %*Ith a) er such =otlii unit 376
a Ink 11 -6 plarialialis lit ow, or-fts. a 00 to a
Ai lax0vInklirito =kothor 2 handed thaunnelves In two Aunialer cot.
iks and' ploasu and bountifully decorated for the lant, captain himself, created much t moment. and do7,ens, but Ivy live Or Wit dozell lots. rc%idrn"-
....... 4 75 to 75 walka aie thvl�v I Keg its ne of tile tit 2-3 ellanges from lid than !r
W 3,10 occasion. During the early evening alungenjant and Splithinsp. Mfjj.jOl.I@ 0,(XX) women have (In noth,
11 it Li k __ Is the crowd assembled Ili Convocation Atkin then gave a recitation, followtul together In Wonjan's Institattell nol entollf-titlo would givp it beitpr Inth--ation (if t,itre- for NI %o, Le"; Plu"ll-irg oil Str.
Hall and listened tO the' following by a Along (ram Gadeb Danlot, which are Alrylog out for bett"r 1110ti.0dia land countv fal". 11ft-t rP6Lr Renfrew 1111,41 plumbinq in IV. A. khv.
n altiong"t tile taverage proolovib,al f a M-ek. Nlanilmi�
tjY fteddiositry. for
the *0006"ittl Vitftlr 0
0ofitcatillAt6d. 49duPtif istittAlortalkings ....... 04 00 4 40 hsJVW1P Management in the home." ill(- exhibitor'l I villnibing nntj
rt lit, .......... 14 0 After this the wits likrticularly good. A nlea recita. Iraillell a hanthlonto tanner (.it- having l prokrarnme.
-AM IL ITANNINO Bacon, ons clear,.. 012 0 3 guests repal�A to the Government Lion by Rose Atkin preceeded at very lie fall fair should tako its fal'art it, had tilt- stieres4fol and bet joull- giv if antil one tit bar,, their exhitt1j. I hot lie %nvig bi� Rel& plualb-
filibs ................
fol"Clao A 500 6 itit, in tiew ,r Ont, ....... I ...... 0 40 to 060 buildho w era demonstrating A lit NII I,eq,i Hniq 1,ot wnter
I=jntia. Nboop skIns., in amusing lasekward drill by twolve tia Pilucational work. art- allowed to tlinhing
I It Rhatild j, fair, and this year t aC(
Nt6d this soill do* Tallow, fondol;iX .................. Al chemle rK, physics and biology enter- girls. tile PVIZI" It ir. That allows to littip ti,op l:,:..
of 4,mblift, A� 1). A The drill wits excellent and tit# remembered that tile fAirls not fnr toy I ho Ottawa out'nal, u -no it I
Diackit, per Ila ..... ............... 1 0 1 ttoo da 5ij iginad t ose Ficientiflealtv Inclined. odd costumes of the girls were erneed. the 130110fit, of a few exhibitrs, but for secretary m office bill A; (if v,11jelit, (!not. (19 U(MUtinal work. heritimir it, llpti Allsiz'q residence. hot
M I'll 111 12 The sights of tile 11111"Uni, the enter- ingly droll, A rocitation fly Hurt I, Oewlo wter healt,is, iii ('.Po mrtrrl dn141vely fillat . .............. 0 7 to h thore to learn frilayl tile Ing H44 doubted If it waq wino to tirraT b, I %,alet in C Milk T'�
will be nuaild to 0 PAtl 4moht Or Caina. id
a Ili ""Inal tofAn . - for ljoultry t fall. resirletare:
&V to ID60*0ratit chi 00 1120 to OM tainment of the proinenadfts, And last, Thoinson closed tile first pit exhibits, tter show ringo Rhotild he AD 11
to 015 rt of the
he-ozarpont-Alto= 11cof, We qtUl6rtdrs... 00 to 5 but by no means least the dainty Pa. prograrnmA. viarrigivo itivritorlm IN PAIRS. hot air hirn Victerift street Methodit
After a brief internibi- orovided find more care taker, in j.p. thought brtt"r work vould he done by
a T116 dalpill mild 06ft.rith Ital W410. 136o I ?. bind quitirtbrio ................. 41 Ale to 6771 treslamento provided In the p V le t . J,qr� flage. : h"t air furance. ItIrs.
"lly. With V11toT Aft VZO)ATAALIM 13 it ill sloin he savand part of the lato rainino gArd to Prize Mts. Under tile belul of detal Pit NV talkm to gioups fif litteri-mPtl at t C.
chm room. served to wile away all Was opent III,, lo', hot 1volter heatinst
Aid alli.0 Ad fly A 11010 fro", MIRP Xva It wits retainniefided that tile prize I)( Renfrew, Itolill, oj tile snthis &
4�BtlAtininusit oftaAAW- Per d6t6n ................ 0 20 to 060 too anon the remainder of Lite eveti- Anser)POOke. In which tile soloist did for mnoral urplaffe animals he done ineanic takau to attract tile crowds to purpose it judge mhool(I I . kt I right
ity, m6gong, Par down ................. 0 go to 0 M
X1Q ftft6or'fii*0th6Twa6f 06f,joh, or to Apia,% pe� I hition 'quare: Plunibing In
list all -W140 maig"Als, 06-001011 ........ I ....... 090 lhg. then with a few Parting trips Of oval, junro than ujansily 11, giving awa; ",ith tile now Idtin fair In Ills Reetion. on tile spot tilt throng)) t;le 1 tile '�
AUNP 06tivoltiont 0:9 1 1* the light fant we 4ttigether, and in 1911ppolt reidence, pl,tobing in
146 � 60 :astfc toe, the partr
t ft A h y wit A I great Pleastiro to the beat*"- AIIHA OftillallansitiOn itwasatated thistone "Arrangetnown Wfire"' Lit'- said. In the aftern000 go.qlon (if toij *,mi to 70 tit 070 btiok# tip at an earlr hour. we I 11pyalges gaive a recitation In Filtroillent expert Judge had reported that Alt one "11111110 for I-011dillit notlet-A Of till* fair it reunWas to) tip- b"tif1g, iii R *Iva "Aittolitsit, a%= t41rdlia; 'Wit e"Odl with tile time well ape tolsidem e,- plutrall-
toniatti brAh _tit. unit manner. it solo by Miss Nellie Colborne show there ran only one Lentil I" thp In thirteeit piper". A special P
getat] 1141'r 00t, tot r.t a conaltill 111-4. to I-I'vile 010 -111 -ti- ia it Itll%.' relthience,
lit"o 04tb6 jj&Tn it NEVi kOVIIIATISHMENTS. Coping tor many returns of tile (fay. was mueft Appreclafal, And then toll- general parptioc elam, and they ware i-ile (If I(MM iiiiiiiiiiiii-e newspapers, t"tion a"d rtll(.m of tho
w 11
tx cOlIvOrAlLt Is over for another lowed alstatprn drill in which logirlit
PAN* not worth moral that, $200. Yet, they dontalraing A full de-terlittlan (of the "'tit r0laOrT at flext Allmin) owedlig.
t ftt', It must live OUIY as a menitaq, took part. They all Carried Allender took three 11PAt prizes, amounting to pro
h 441thelt, Of W"A I 'The Itutnt, W6teI_kfflA firtali, .......... . . Lit pleltonf; Indeed will be tile recol. rods, beart distributed Thp nansing of the w#o, I. -ft
The Meelin-, Calonjar.
aafy* Ariff0infou All; lights of different Col. nearly tile value of thp atlinial". tit oligh lit the storround- to tile IfleOullog who after. liii;u at i-itnnit or liaron 1o�jgo rTolTilt Atticles-11. W, Triothao" ....... ... A le6tlbris of tile joyous bourn we spent fam, unit �bo le;lftea in the nanny wltcll- CO11011010K, tile sitino, the j IdRe said lng dimtriet. The outside advertlaing wilird" eliew .............. I to ofte? while listening to the splen. 'attended
ir di eRod graceflil evolutionlill that of tile nine
the A"AWO Wallit0id-lits, A. Stritchaft.. ... fillra he IrZ Obtidned for this paper paid tile cost ti.nilent, Serretary AjLtf-faj'jAjj�,1 iI'l,ige Vc, 13,
ft Ifir Moo "i" Wt a j, W Ottha WAAlle-AtIfto aft.. ...... owing of to rptiring %fr. %fill- A A 11,
, �W - IT'llf Wait exceedingly pretty. not % itingl,) general purpose borne of l8lazing It, In addition to this, the = n
tholakaph N"U'* ft thia PrOV16halift, or In sOCIsil c� 0 In t. Ift4 number W" the lameemnion of under three years countryside wan placarded with phv. z4.1,001 (4olterPA-4 Itoallie fair Tvoli$ .............. I no%t Atunday 'of V440 car"# before large
br Ar i6t tb# ft"t 'AlAtintily'Arrang.A by the Inontlas, in Whielt the Now Year, hilti. Chat in. not one flt for the I-eslr- Laid stuall politero. Merchants were hl r. lt. B. Cowan, the new Puperiti-
06k A. ftlatiWO f4a' M4 -0. 1, PrIdlaint .......... if 01rh4ftletil hands, The fatuilentiq Ito 11-OtIng of the Town ouncil thin
Mal, way, 9WI ra- the Old Year and the Twelve Months I-lasre or taitildle which tire two of tile also asked In make note of envelopes tendelit, who an tile ngi-froltural edit"'. Frid.ir ovelm.g.
tujAlf OAIC-Vrdt. Nutrified I taffift fo, tfi0jr 1*6figahO guests dispatti wero all represetibod by sultithly coal irAt 6wit ItAll ........... prinelpAl lie a sItAm In a anoral pur. olvinj Lite dotp on which the fair was oft ho Ottawa Journal wiliq title of t tl, .'It.trular 11101"a of I but-th6Y hgve fo 'id Plft*nt Ita, Wined piartlelpants. During thfia tatini- po;w�ljnrsp. A14h. said lift ........... .. stalot lit the ffarse jutiges to lie told. 'Wo realized that we must title enthusiato of I lie 0ttAW&
ainto her relidings of an explanatory and
M* 4 other daytti, itud Itis th"o thit thAke
"A"Olto ug" that tbil a9ficultural plass in all hit the people In every possible way. of�avp a tow remarks outlining
llusitrat lye Imitate Word, Von by M r. right. Most of tit$ judires itlon recont. and we tried to do It, Wo, took Rpec- the new ideas lie hoped to Born.
....... ...... 8 tbib AVOtillig dotilify oloaskrit;i lit Robertson, mind a
lit Al 006d& ......... 4 y 11ftelLIST? 10 GOdetiell -1i the tailtl linit tb �fr.
elta onnil that thill "Addlo born,- should be fill pains to linpresis over bod with finvat ennaldered tit* comIngledr. such
t *OR, flit tholke *t tifflaot brIetbutyery Arm In PC 4010 Was gived encouraged Mar6. Anil that faraert' tile Man that 10.01-9) people would lie t aq (1) The
........... . 5 Oita, Anthility; feel thail she hah #rell Mt0z!A MAPY Ottelaol"an lit A 11PAtIO1101 Find '-Iot, 11 0. Deckrit, Aoia 1.
*ftk *iAtiot-4mot 60661ty cc ........... -Goolph firlacurk.
*W161, h Price. The VviligrAmnse boy" "110131411* tillight to ricle and to the (Air, And that Man. wornAn I'le linen In a two fall falm, (2) formation@ Of
4 1togother WAO of a Ver Died.
to Animal being one (if dreolip, wIth tho . ........ 3 apild"Idedlytiterltortnim Miss Conn. f-trie PhIp a great deal. and they Pre- I lie 10, C
IrA 1. toy. ftallem _p varied nAbire IlreAl. IIIII'lles fhtf) the sraddle. Towns- child votild afford no
140410 1416-1. W. ...... 000. We actually managed to Anent of plane e nian by each, AfeOnArrmv. in Ooderleb, on Thursday.
Al. Vh, It John Meoratten, agivi 39 yotu*
MI`& Sohn Mori46h fell oft the ley Misv mildivq cam core an attendance of 7.0(Xk tint) l0ime work should he it) work In tile
....... COntifthlot o6w "t Shiwman sod- Woo tin& Patifee were farm rather than from A tra
beMi" CIAM oi, toying their, bursas direct from tho, so
................ a 6mft 111toko lift der. In would have roachod tile 10,000 inark ucetions fop t 0 pronatitl At
tile latter edw. the horso hitia lat-an but (or unfavorable weather, 11170119MR, - Albert, an Fait, egth,
t on oaou IjughttonaX64 IS year$,
Then, of the fair" thertil n. (8) t e fovinatio