HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-02-05, Page 3--- ,--T . - ,� hs�­ � -z!,T,,'JE1F*' ��F',',llf "Iilr�jtw , , � I - - . , � ­ .1, , . I �7rn,77'7 , 07 . , . . I - I , . , I � " ... 0 . . I . . I .* I W-wr "I --air - s- W1111 � .1pr . 14 " '' . I ,,, 1, I I I � I I I - - I . . �� '" I "I I I-': . I , ,1,?, -W --r f - I � . I I I % . I -, --.-,. ­ .. 7-"Vw-."r---Nqgr-,"Tlm�vr--,"� 11.1 W"W"Ns"", "": � . I . . . � I 11, , I 1�\ I . I � . 1, � -1� I %, � , � . . . I 0 I I � , - , � I � - I I . I . I I . I . I . i I . . I . I ". 1, . � . . I I ,�. ., , . " ­� I . . I . I , , . , � . I I . I � . 11 , ­ � I , i. . � I � .� . . � ;, �!. 1. . I . . I I ,, . , � 11 . . . I . . 11 . 11 . I I I . . � 11 ,� , III , I I . I Z, 1. I I I I I . � . � .11 � . � .1 I I -1 I W . I % I . , , 4 . �:11 *'­' I , I , � 11 -.11 I I I I � . ,� . I � I I . . � � -, . , . � : � I � I I . I . . � I . I I � I . � I If !, I I ,1 �, I �' I . I . I , I --1 11- I I . ­ � - 1 . � � - � :, ... . I I I 1. I I I . � , . I . ­ � .- � , . . - . .1 - I � . I., �� . I I � I , I .!­�­ I , I I I ,� ,� ,!. ­­., ­ . - ­ ,.m,-.*-- � o", ,­­ , I 91� -11-t ­v#­� I � 1� ,,'-., ., -.1 I ; I . I . I !, 11 V 0 1 � , I � .. . . . I I . � I I - - 1. . . - --- � - - ", � �, ­ 11 . � I . I . I . I I -- -1 ­ .I 11 - .­... 1. 11 a � -1 � I , ­­ '01�� � � � ""'.. , , .%,, ­ .1 � . . .. � . - .1 . . . � -- L b ­- ­ '' - I I - I . - I ­ I ;;iii I I 1- '-111- ­­­:­ ­­ I . , , . I I � . A I : , 1� a. � I � ­ .1 11, ­­ - - .111.11 11 - � 11.1 - � .1.1 � ­ 11 1 RRF110 - M ! 9 � I Is .1 ­ ---- 11 I.." � 1. 1. ­­ . � � 4m - . . I I OF -Por 11, � ,, I 1� . 'O . , o . . -- - , , , , ­ ;ii i"', 'i � I 11, � . ­ I .. � ... ­ �� - .. I . .11, I - b . 1. � I � I I - --,""I" "., -, " �, - b I 11 0, , , . "MIWA;;��111 Ll ­­ ­­­­­ 11", rl ... I" I ­ ­.- I - I ?­., '­�� ­., ­­­ � � 1=1.1:1111: III �111PII 1� ;;;;;;&;. " ,� il ­­. ­,�­ ­ i - � 'A"m - im! I AVAVA -11-1 ..; ­ I ­ 11 I . I . . .V, ­­ I - vin, I . ... 1 � I I I I Anw,1004 ***O� lolt*, ItZ r1w#, In I 1111111=1 . X AT To � yR 11112,," " 0 ., , AWW ,..U&*U%" It )�M h*** Ur* Wr ** I= `LJ:kD1 I '14 A'A 1111, �, , , ,WW . , . ;PW,MK-#T%#" ,. it, rittt'*bor OOA I opot, Vin"A"14), W *�, , . � 0% "tMA P1, 11 I ... 4up, 1 1 1. ', eI­ " .91 7 , . � * to, be filalllil# " I 0 , , ---.A* I . "P "0i"MI � , 11 * �� .� 1, 4,., ]WINS POW, M, Zr-,Wb*t* tolaor 6wov , - A 404101 w0*04 pontr*Ota, 00 v4s, 4,,,W7 4'reall %took$ ITT430 1*4 I I '. ,, " . -, , , . . � . . ,. , 1, 'Willow.. � " I I . tAke 010-00, ,,, � I . � ,. P. 10 Al$� .. - **, xroxitm oxim. T" 04u, 41 , : , V , , � I . , , I . 10i lillot at "", ,f,4t *01 stop tittit, - , , ...,# . � �r * , , , rimp L ". ,4.4�.­ 40 -, aft;'*Wsmo auovt� . 4:to of ""Q �� T� �, [,�,fhi al ", , I b I 14 . 004 , b i ' IWO, 401, , - , I . � .N �, -0 �.o W44k W A,440,110" "14 14 ulp", .x*4* , . , " ftef* A*f 90, I'lour, i0b4"'stit. I , - � �, b* I I � ---%­ , � W-4; flemui,, Mb . 14 lvvgxgAUZ� . , A N1.444r0i '"list 04.0 04 - . , 1; Is � I I , . , 1 ­ 2-%O:,, mv.. "E, �, � , '- " , talrA � 1i 4, .tiat 11 I " 1% ,, , " I '' I , I'll. � -1 �.­ . ,�I­ � � I � iLl ...,"', .* -i- , - � � 41� #Uesls';;�"f­.J",,#J ��Vx ... � .- 1.11 , wr- ­. - � I ­ �­ 41111,10,111, 4 '­�­­ ­�, , - 3 , ­­ 11 . " " ­ � ;94,1114 AQP-141%2-�Pd A*a x--- -o*,m­*9*e,- *.0oW4o,U.A­***:IP."0 X I I ql , I I I � ­ - - ­ � i 094"4, 011K . I ., -s g4govili 'Ve �� ; I . I I I � 14�;, ", "110ION. , I I -,", �. I . I I,.. , , :�, , I , I �Mlf fir ' 04 -by, this "4011inCistionliI 4k#l% �, " �. WC)o At, , .. 1. . . v Ir N . 1- ��4 illi U4, �mo 0W.4 niluxii, .�- ". �- �, I", L 1 �efi# , j b 11 'i. "%I, W low"piJ4 not 10)4 JIA dlowp , ,,� - Mw , I . ,Ft Iiii Ug"d on t1he 11 � I "I � '.1 'wu , Z i :WX - � ba.,4$04 lud , I I b %"%" AAo , &nT9M - L 'IF -f" - , XqatMl , X ---,. , � ,ril, Jaw 0ainer died nC9QVIY at 11,.", -fTkf, #wop- b . 1, ARF � , , 7, OWN lr�,fn" - , - "MAW � . I I 'ThorsilOyl of ytu , rl 0 sillid IC44tus 'DoWulpa, City. manito � XVEV TUN r"N "U1115Y. - 144�ar 4 ET 01;400, Side; I ITAW09s MOVOIA.W that ** , , - � - - 4 041 , J.Uilos� oj� it, 1j;,viOn, - .Q sk : , lr;iilli, ,%,�,,*4%*t-1s, 01*k MARK - - , 0 .1 b d � I V �, " , , wwv, 4.orn , � , , %W I . ivlsmv.,.�-­�' I ! : . . - , I ,wk,tp, . - Very I ttle 4-" .1 , tal,�44,0 lo� $0.2 W 1 ant , m" 11w 9t Qntar , " 141 tworlts, WJ at, Julian Thom- , . � ., X*"., of vatpr liviniv, Aorn � . 909i � '44molaw � lin � thit 6nivia Subject I& �� JX--`-, dilnV *4 � 40 111. , Taranto. )r0b",2;-,-V4ahtaa% in, Vat- 00, #0 4" . b I ko ` , , 1, irso I 11M, paig L and orini,�,4,,410.1 " � Irrioupments are being Im.a4e for 4 400- � , ­ 10hist ifl(4`46 f44, kJoVeloped Cana Of small, the LArififial, lifteeting of thO'CKJX0AJab ; V44k\k7 to r9a tt I U J-0 . t* , Kit farrof - 4 . roc"A , -in," , - - - to ley": 0, * ovit aklniw hoo. mist 111. To 1406 onifloy JaTmiag ,, Jok, , , ' � I . I �. , I , ,�*Ug 11 - , aii 'pr'I'llo iii: to' filairymm W. ;:f A. 0441CR. in tilirm 044''Orlod, ­, I ­ OW' ` "" " ' ' '- "" 4" '�; tJ*'Ljt0 it. I �,�'d ,Q " " NIK *lit ,*.#$ In th J# gcp . ,, ra , - ,� �, .p", , ­ 11, " xn(I WIW4, 440 smo 'Vow � 00ii , to * " wiii� ... �m%-#;A44 -toll"4#40m, , � Ott ,. , it .# , Ak� , , , , 1f,90 IQ 'tho' 'J part. but 1144 *(� tho- 1 F4 gxv0 . -that of the AwChiro. OAP 19%t`14 � 'a 11 Out .00. 4 or 404 It.40, , , " tiltemid'y Jal; 100-fox,$0.4 It., 0 r1ptiono,'80itch s9Id at K20 oc tfho " ''emw 1:10 , , vy Association in Toronto Oil ..W . � _r- mpsi "I" On Monday eve6lax lot , 0, vorblitt P16 tamilist to , .. A( - ' - 11 1441rk, Division. Ott wQi, I - match loth and IM1,014 Aa Illotir,�Q4 ,,, t, Ill '� Oq�"* 0031 -I'M av� price* Would foleto 0.01", that will-, it followed. - Card Thii lincrultatit do)%*t Atick tip with � 44" , ,$x , "* , I , �� I'm an, I - IL -Iii *4,,;4 , ;it , 1, 4"t. ; V " .. -- I N , ,a 1,04 . 76�, � tor Ila 11th. � i�,gtaad,v,ei�, pIto,to;, IX I PC , - ,C. , .9.1 00 r4p been, lie I � have ini'vie an OXCeit"t ellect upon the ,,,,,, ,gilitlitbor of ., 0 attended a 10 qi# ,ttkm, liiiadir% ii,�iitr�* , trop, qix*A , t, -of -,j;ly On Vo � T,ilq Toronto City Co I I . * � 'Cotil., 'od rub . mttovil� 10 .44d, not boeli go high..., . If& Thoraloy., then uncit awarded Winter go.043' In ispilng II01­f0k004 1� 'I'' �1' " L , ­­ b jX . � . I 0 .. � I I Cho '! , PlAt.041ol -419Y" ' - I I . coutirdet to a Calialoalit bprIng goods I fall. Nelthe I . t'. 'It" ., noi with *00, . Ir . , . " #I , , 040 , 0hk P '(0r, I a Can- seaso, �U,4 " Cement r dQes lie ' , - . M 91 . , , 91, _ ,, X(fi %' �0, 1,',#9XtharA ft�np and Imeabs War* scairca� juild Ity of thei 4q#qr.oxportod tr stilkScs of the ill I a , ­�10,�,,.,%4,x­w ]Row, loor"Itoo,orsvi.oi 0-4 . `if,,-th-a'*9rvJalt, ther, � Will b0. ^,Atc,fgy.-00,1� i , a , 0 -A At, �qoqrosih . their 11 ' it.the Cart )ceop rw aghe �ha italpit scfr�.pt goods 0 4 llorw^ , -V , y , L, Jr Apluas wet,ii titrQpg. J)uylailf g,dise 110L *aid� In V�ArkA- rm pro, 11 , , ,4 . . it$, present. tiho 4140 atteaded Company rather then to an American I lau I 140 41444 ould p . ' I I 004*00fl."'fillop"', '102i -a , r,t *ioiia 0AN41144 In In tl�tsq was active. and morn w ,,e 4a - the loweat tpiderer, .. I i .41 JIn roviiii.paqt,, after thQr-.i*�r. pq il,'itiId, . � - I -all -the, -year round. Practically he . rublof4,off. , b " Niu ,V % , ila-, V03gi �. , � . , % b .r quenTin, - Ae for butter matimlactur- mcing assembly held in the Cl�y COU111"y me, � :dip*hly ,be ort;I a* � ow, we Ong" 00111V I I t1744iWA , , 1� . I t ' JI; - I . Dxz. W. Al. Linglish And I(. A. Cai- . � I I era 0 ge Ill'' n. to- .hpa two Or raoro drops - . .. , � , *4 . I.." I .., , .4 � 1,, I �Jo'jr but t 6 , I � I I I 1. ." to* too, .11, **L, #04 WA. lik , , t , , . 1. I - � � .44 have �914- ,a be. lJow does our ,t1a.11 about ton don #Lgo., wbe osse(l up a coin for the chair- (Itirlog the � � . , ork . �` � , �,�%Vk1t,,J0,,At* at 40,10 Two, car,,Idlaft at blAtAllifirp" gatitle �r British trado? AVIII.0 Cardin, uthora t I Ar,epla-, � , , I � , I to plVold0ta'. she h4d ,al- � , ,I war. by laytrit. ,In atoclis sultable, -to �VA r4k 1. U to JA0* . ,'to � .P*0400, t,lea*t, a obovoup 0 , if t4� 0 4. 90' *'. colit. p0optio we V 19to V a0phip of the London Boavd the so%son. It the farmers will do , . , �'Xa-s k but tit WItIf. tWO I I 4r ,COX"" - I' , , , , ro qolo gk,llf 41$; .eind. A to. r ,. 6" 1, , f) L [11 "? a.4,ot , ,Oro Its det"ta, 11 any, And how IOU. ,#%, turilow you 111-00 hito A 04t, -Utia -b � I In. or V414410 up to $4.0, bAt tbo� It -was for rwily contracted the complaint. Xtur-� � l'thlo,* , ­ ovilio, " - r t It. lo . � too, WIMP . A , � . Lttil,' they be rifinedl,ed? In answer to the V% likowifiti, they will farti, bettor, Thp � � - r y OW0,111 .. 04"Chippoll` its- ly all the prominent men In the' ofty _ Itlit and tile to n1e. go - , ", I' , a 0*�*;Aiokqd� " chalm .,I, , ''..: 441,,0,t`axjp0rIqM�a'kA mixilng,AI ,,, Art.*: 0005 It , fi,,.�o I �rhe Manitoba Logibiaturc, amended . , ' ,t�e prepaii'44 w*V W#h,�O�- thin WwAt better, Oft � 4 a 116111lit ,'... ­ . . I , ', , - -a - an much as, possible. Title cAnuot bo pt4 1; 4, hot istimmor, - -4 � ­ � �xov , ey I a a so ,.aq qqfinkk to tholea Rua)ltT Artit, 111,90WA3 WAuI4 Jw$ VhlAt our danted with th I . soll should be tie handled an to yield I " i.04 , � Polish � A4, 4ith* CIO V, �� , 4. , � ,,�,.� � ,,� ; I � 7, I . rp, w to ,AQC, higher. expartox , -Ivry the. Vactorloa Act so that boya may I ,, * � . Iiiii, 44 . , I I. �A I - 'at *4.44.0 � finest Wttcr gives OX001100t ast", 1Wdry precaution bee been takeg to L � � ' , 1 '. . , � A#.ItOV1% 4.94,15 itoidy I ,ft ­SAOL l,9,Tk1bq .there Is a dia- start W 0),Jj1e.'..r0b thei. l, I . L' I . , "It . werq ,iq b.rW1t+j#fRctiOa ankj��Jt to doubtful If ork et� 14 years and girls at h4 .briish 9.rL' b�," . I 4, 0" . . ,, prevent the further sprv,pid of. th ,b I)X b crop In Juns 1, rpy HOME, L . - f6i, 4ra ot .10*4ii,rian p4tanto. dfaiijaia; Q�IOWJQUG fo'16�i --'­E��;I*' any better, buttor 0.0 the atarket. The case. Dr. J. 4. M;iOarry,tha o hour day woe also adop- find lenNing tho lond to rest until i, Arst * .. ' ' I I I ' local 15. nit, , flo.gr-acroax tbe�gralpi �Iimd WAith A �m I I *Ati td, *4vf t art e*sp. ;8,75'to tod. _ . L 00 for , �".Cqoo poon a )'041 export bu*Q trouble to Ulat"thia quality is irregu- health physician, hali,quaranti Ijulilrtg tinia next yonr: and lit the L� . . - Tl!I6. v tpu.#J.t�, 'L' 141X thingif or , e I ned he . p I , , , , , A , 04-44 Vk* 40949r, Want to- a to p, g 0 " buttlitora, Shoop, 218.0 -- I r. .#. A , I tl�4;.: grelluatterwAN, , V I 9 � , ­ -,, a-- S �1. a I'Malia I . _ eket , to .­ --- - 1. . �_t"� at 0 re,4ulsitin to 90044 I -. � vorimi in'Otit" "nomitky. Md- -blta­ file -- -11teaftx4mo, 00-" --faritter- Wttvaaw , PII'"W"or�F _ttk J440 _ ., 011 - . 1-b. . -34AZ11-444"A ,4, --- or � AO& -0 I ,, I , L , � , , � -WPV5�AO,FAT,- 1, tforit I I I . I Ifir. - tdw-'tft,vIv-T9roA-- -w - . . . 60 --to -6"Cr- iw , 'llealth, ftituldN. he reason thtit hi) cannot 114Y off thn . thar4ughlyb - 0 i t W. .1 I . words, it to ii.mirellable. A dealer may I t, . , # ,t*�,. dooi,� � �� � , ,,�, ." , 81COA), Ott $4 t with Dr, Bryce. Provin . ,� . bboo,,iri A-WinglIg" - uph Ist§J,*i.- I , 0 . , '., *,�.- .. I Cwt, , a w 'all , - 01,44c, - -0,1 afOiilt�adto. 0 � . � Cal , a w A , ;,r 1191dr1mlill,'baert. �Atlq4 ,�i7 � . . . get one lot tin excellent condition And )1"4 $mallpox is increasing to an ftl )aortgggle on ills fiame lit begause he :, ' � � . *ovqt`�Y'a , Itiop" ,plitead Officar, in regard t qu 0 W , f node*- �'t.' tt 6aulit be I I , We $6 per owt. Calves were 11 0 - two C9 is I Ax A ot , - I Mfllfoed[74� � y at $.17 for stleady at of choice quality, but the next One those, who were exposed. arn'diii; degree in Glasgow, ling net land anough to mr4ko ' him I , �$Likhktrd OR * th. ctooilillim,", and Irk" cif'sh9�tj"', ," � jq�,, bulk 84 to 66 per cwt. 4nd 42 ,to $10 , .., i ­ . pq grao in 1, - I - " - � It In expected that the emigration f 11 fish Wt. " , �� � ihe btkya to n0t,ut) to hth 0xPectitiOns - ­ more then a bare figbaliAteave, There I � .,a . be thit Tatit.flAtof, rot, oisat�4oe �mldolo fre.lilits. M"ItOba, ftch. . so that w - 14 !L r , Ifferenire 0: 15 I . . . . 3 quote as . 4ea-,ba to otIorod Canad, u arc farmers. howevor, Who t)rVtice a 11 ! � ' 4 �;Alf " be Osoare and brin In * I c4 ` ' I LaSi' 4'', $;29 ,for- cats Of Hop were unchanged. WI , Jan LAWLOR KILUID 11INSELp front , Belgium to Canada this a in PC Ing tile t , 31 T , a- X8,4 a; J butter again, he Ili inclined to give ,.., I U , I wemrit �,%111;143,, of A 1,S,.:1Or,'briA.' sacke in- follows --Selects of prime bacon I I I mar, will be large. inethod, more Illm tbAt-of tho 41;VceW 9L� , to J' '. _ "", , al. . oti oaa,of � I 1A , *Aku , Itk 'day 13y, 4sy; *,Ile 0%, ;_ a price eqvill only to the valuo of At Vassar Hospital. inorchant. Aii soon as Otte crop , , , i Oro aLoa - Poughkoopsiv. 1111 , Or4'fAls quit - over Ali. mi �)roltctjn; mnap,y 0,04 �J'i 4 4 -0 - ' - bt allty, not more than We Wife and 4. . I b�,, ,� ., L ' 200 .4or less Ms. 1 I ')%',' I . AlRout P0. . � , T.drc,mtq A*Ig a. - . N Is gothorp and � . L " , I;,;,�Io liliffic(i 6.160111t, u ,Toronto. t,ho poor lot. In th . 0 airf� 0 . Is way much of Mrst MPounded Y,, radlurn to being used for the garnered they pro- tll�jtali�ly L In nothl will a the I an 60 the. off cars, . L - warifil'icou . j$,�IOLXR, gt6 th I opr butter does not receive the ter- -Law. flealt time for Cancer in the eye, The pare the, land tor another crop. taik- so, *,� , L 1�1,y iiif 44JQ for No. tu I '. , b4a of ad, 2 awd 41fo V3-12111; i"N's' mind lights' s-1,87 V. at ading which it deserves. The but- i A Toronto despatch says; After lost six Ing caro that the crall, shall be suit- . . a "houite litnia, ou O9rW;.WlII, n6yor . L , tar 140. 9 eXtot, And, a9c solve. $8 to $8.50; stage, $11 Ao $3 , a , trohiment will probably I I L I I i KJOAdi, Ito . Cb Car (to - it, *Oin 'OA* -1? -I ,, 11. , ' for fLaea 'ajst�',Or.,niflit' �' . ,tor that to at known quality and shooting bin wife Edith. and his we4dks, ad to the season, (ta well no to his I - SwrPIN0 33B Buckwheat .- " � 41 - Anif left to . root.0 do�: It MA013 . TT411, A7PLES. .-. Is L., steady . lit 48b for ;Or Cwt- , uporlor . .04 . I 0 1 that can always be depended on to aister.la-law, Mary Jane Kelly. Sister, PhIlamona. Atather 9 purposes. They make their soil ir%�U' to wear ch"' No., 2 east or west. , -to a certain standard will Thomas Lawlor. a professional golf of 'Mercy Hospital. lit on Oil' , bring two cropti overy yVar. which Ili I ,p. house oboes � -- -, .1 , 'L nome up- D AT set WIWI* Otiore and,let,t a ,*oes Zxportars Place 3atter on AritiIIII, Ryo�lp� .qtead�,at 460 for No, 2 WONDERS OF RAD11UM be mQr,q In demand than one Which �06 lff,�q Wo L I . . Xatkat' L , . I coach, putl a bullet through his brain IOWA, has fallon heir to an estate a equivalent to doubling tile size of the 000044 -,.root and t shale. � east or west.. . - good, but which is on Wednesday night at 71 Niagara $a,000,000. it conals front an uncle, field. But this cannot continue to L . . � W600 am old I r 11, to wear ,` I I Corn -Is in go.od'* demand and Remarkable 'Assertions of a Rus- may average I tie , where his wife. whq had not -John McCormick. 'in Melbourne. ,,i,.!a r,A;'o, A aespatch, from Ottawa 6011 :- frequenW of nferior grade a6a well an Street he done Without foodiixg the soil. . � unilkir rubb . 4 gi 1,174tiOn Of Iteppirting - to the Department of ;Atime-dY., Car,# at .Canada mixed are Wan Scientist. of Cho , , at LqU&llty, Our butter is lived with him for some months, liad In Delava be It a farmer would double � the weight , " t � W Ott , $80 I in, Ill.. m farm to to I tho'- , feet which lad% Oar- sxcltiliB 117rado' and Commerce from Leads, 4u9tbd tit 87ic iud,yolla A St.. Petersburg despatch Xd' to deteriorate very quickly I'lle-i horho with her mother, Mrs. Mary started to manufneturs by cold pro" of his hogs or cattle, or increase the - I leather. I to strong gr, .,49 steady at Prof. Prince Tarkhanov. the Well- I after It is landed on the other aide, Poer. Three shots wore firied. The coin h perfect milk'powder and (root rtillie!L #OOd '' John �, B. Jackson, PolladtAll, fOr'Caro-wolit.. AmitIcta iullk of his cows, he must,furnish . ,� I " I'll olled In ­ 'O,rC comments upon., a- for -No. a Mixed, and. 51ja for - I and that being so dealers r.ro not en- o able to then, CA010, a . I and Reep�',': ;l,%le, .',improvq quality and packI4 of a yellow for..'covs,oa the track, known scientist, lecturing recentl . first was at Mrs, Lawlor, but her shr- creata, so the people will b food. To increase the produ%,, , ., fore the Military Association, ter intercepted At,,and the bu lot buy powder and koduce It to milk. I L %, 16402 made couraged 'to trade to it. I want to tivo capacity of his land, It must a)- , winter to outdoor w* . Lr,'..`)Uow shates fi i It y be , " . aTe. better for houriio,40ar bemuse q Ian apples plated on, the Bar Toronto . i � so be fed. reeding his stock will I-% they - permit of ventillition Th. . q -- 'ark Oats -Are ate44y at 811c. for No. some interesting statements in re- eMphasize the importance of pleasing passed through the I tu*9 band. ' he Dr, IT. W. Hill. of South Bond, Is �, Ig, ot" He. PAYS they, are a . �% I gard to the possibilities of radium. I the 'B'ritish merchant as well aft the second shot grazed Mrs. Lawlor's attempting shortly to prevent a enable tile former to feed )ILL% land - .- hand is free'from maLny. of the ills 0 gobo skl*lc of -the best QsnadialM i , white eiriel 810 ,for No. 2 white I He pr&anted . to his audience two of4tomer. The merchant Is Inclined forehead. just above the right eye. newly born nogro child from turning als for tho��crops strown on the the foot partly because at Its con- ,pplea, and probably lietter $ill round east. C�roaa millers are bidding in e a as I t cancer patients who had been cured to handle and push that particular end d th car r a the bliich, lie will attempt to nd can be passed through tile cat- - sea *ko.. 2 white are quoted i . The third Prevent la 0, tinublus ex. a4 ale, In Canadian . postitre, toAbe air. th fairwofferrod for ii more the . Iffie w4t6r in whitli, corned beat is towns. They are retAlled in Leads . , of malignant growths on the face by 1butter out of which he stands would-be aturderer. ptimontation by exposing the child to it(,. making them grow, and on to ca,649dl should on no &cqount be for $4.25 to $5 per barrel. Hd lo6ke "AW midole Irlights. . the use of radium and expressed the best chance of making a profit. I Those in the house, In addition to rays of violet light. the land. mAking It produce; And . bjeaAy at $4.10� 0 thrown away. After Olin hot carried for 4pprovainent in the trade in ' ROqQd Oitsie�Are pinion that the problem of deter- CAUSE OF DE.TZRIORATION, the two woman 4nd Lawlor, were William Dawnport, a wealthy lar- their with a littlo rotation still a � , � � beef Is taken from I he teibip, t, for - pgrs of � 14" Now let us gee if we can dotal of Imperial. Nob., was cmught q be Cansid - ,1­axiii **.35 for.bar-� mining the sex of children. which -mine Mrs. Lawlor's mother, Mrs. Pear, her mer. good deal of know how� the more afterwards eateh' cold � . ,, p . �Ian, - butter - and- -bacon -trade. - rels on the tiratk Tolionto, and 80c, Prof. Scheneck had failed to 6olvoi the cause Of these defects which cout- son, Percy Peor, aged 15. and his, in such a position in his waggOn' the soil prodneon the more it can lit It in a and reports a good opening for Cam- - I j, lots. Will shortly be settled by -tRo aid 0 was hanging down - stops !a�r and pour Jtli4i poi . ltquPr. adiantiIIIiiads office furniture. more fox bp�q,�i 62c for No. 2 pal us to, accept from one 'to .two younger sisters. Lucy and Edna. that his hoad produce. Many farmers with 160 , � over it Xeep �ho tW�f in 'L the liqVbr - Tho,"Manchester Line steamers car- pea&-Arii stOady at radium. The Prince added that he Conti a Pound less ill xf than ,,..,a Percy admitted Lawlor .1 the -treat word, and he found it Impossible "I acres would do letter 11 they would U I west and I�Bc,�d"`E had prevented ttio deVOICIPInCat of ,,, .u� contipartItor. reprl'v'e. I believe door about 7 o'clock, and he at extricate himself. After remaining for make pasture of half of it and double . ntil the'loxt:ot It has beah eat"li ried from CAllmda-to Manchester lost . � . i ' i5c, . -in dog , . very few words. once rushed ,Lhrough to the kitchen. twenty-four hours in this position the yield of thn other half, which can If hash is ma* use the I or ' hydrophobia a inoculai;d with it can be stated in a ce ' to season' over a milljcm and a liult COV�j%V PRODUCE. mo,04n, it in the syl0r., � bushels of grain, 17,897 boxes Of . - � rabies virus,,by using radium. Wbon It is becauiso the butter is not kept exclaiming that he wanted to see his with the thermometer 20 below Mira, often be done by rotation. fertilizing. Celery is easily kept In. perfect checs�, 40,000 barrels of apples, 10.- Butter-F,verything points to con- ,large quantities, of radium were . c4mclitIon for savor , . It ' t tile �rerimerles. to wita and his mother-in-law. His wife he was rescued, only to die an hour restorative crops. good preparation . I M 'daTs at pur 505 fioad of cattle, and 7,256 sheePo thinted heavy receipts in all line& Of available, the Prince contended t o exposed to heat unnecessarily in had In the afternoon refused his ro- attar. ticin. The farmer house. It is wastled, then put in a in addition to large quantities 01 butter, and some Use,lers predict &':'whole 'syst6m. Or in dern warfare I ihi&i,g to Montreal, and Is not al- ,quest to go back and live with him. Mrs. Mary Trodway. friend and should knop husky by keeping his sail , caJ4 place. The tops will have to pulp, paper, timber, and miscallan-, lirgo sqrpl,jq.ovcr the amount ra- would,.be revolutionill.d. as powder! ways frozen properly when it arrives 4 - Companion of Queen Victoria. is dedd busy He can get nil needed rest be, trimmed on to allow its being eous products. quired this winter., The market con- magatines, whether In forts or in there and before being placed Ili the I I THE KING'S PLANS. in her home at Cheater. N.J. AIM by changing from one kind of work - put In tbo Can. . . -�-- iikities easy and quotations for best the holds of vessels, would be at the 1cold storage chambers of the stoam- - Trodway was 94'yonro of ago. I -If r in another, which In reallir roc'rPation. . � A chemist says that to 'It remove FARIM LABORERS CON"G. . ary ' pridto are. quoted In per mercy of radium rays, which Could ers. . I Swansaa Dock Inauguiratiop and maiden name was Mary Willintrison, His land needs recreation and not glass stopper irom. it bottle, tip it to - = edsl6r. explode them at long distances. I 'Afr'. F. A. Knowlton. travelling in- I Trips Abroad. and her father was physirlun to the rest. � ons, aide and hold a lighted ' match Ziadications Point to Greater In- Creazriciy, -prints ....- - 20o to 21C spector, who made numerous tests family of George IV.. and to Queen -- � under the neek of the bottle till 00 11lax This Year. do solids ...... ...... ... 1, 19ic to 20c ABOLITidN 04F SALOONS. during the past season c?f the tem- A London despatch says :-His vlctc��im after her mecossion to tile FEEDING DAIRY COWS. bottle. but not 'the sti5pper, to 'hot. A 'despatch from Toronto says :� D'airy, Th rolls, choice .. 15C to 160 - a the creamorles Mu,iesty's plans .for his annual so- throes. -Mrs. Trodway end her hus- Filocling cows in winter requires al - This expands the bot.tle so tliaLt,the 14c to 15c4 Manitoba Will Refuse to Grant and as delivered to the refrigerator journ abroad have been entirely band came to America about 70 o4opper may be removed, Or give There Is every prospeqt that Ontario do IgLrgd rolls ...... ..... changed lately. It is now sQttled together different management than . . chottle 15C to 17c Cars, reports that the lowest tem- a . the stopper a sharp 'tap h larger influx of farm do Wbs.'gW6d'tb to 14c SiLloon Licenses. perature he found was 83 degrees on that lie will leave some time Ill -------- 4- in the summer. Almost anyone can knife. holding the Anger on the op- laborers from England than last do mbaitlin ...... ....... - 13c eg despatch says: Attar- March for a cruire in tile Royal SIX, KILLED, MANY INJURED. get a number of cows through the pobito side to modify tho.jar. year Mr. Thomas Southworth. Dir- do poor ...... ............... Ion to 12c A Winalp Campbell at two occasions, one lot being frojn kyacht, I)ut instoad of t -ho usual stay . - summer without a lose it he has -a "no proper -a at noy-Generej and the the R -a. -ill food on, but way �'to dry wool- ecto; of t1fe Colonization Bureau, Cbeoxe�-I quoted unchanged other from theord e7del Farm I on Fatal Explosion of (Ian in a Paris Supply of pasture to lons," says a large manufacturer of said on Wednesday that the arrivals Itic per pound for twine and Ile night's, session of the Legislature Out- Co R= Iviei his Majesty " . U'f lined the proposed changes in the li- Creamery. The hiA,)Ost tamp_._____ pay a visit to the Xing.of Spain. Cafe. I %,cry few farmers ranks a profit on woollen goods. -Is to hang the garmAso, ..... favwera more numerous tha or large in job lots hbre. lency to- quor law of 3fanitoba. The main was 64 degrees, anki, the average of It is his hitent'oli.vtpo, to land In 77 their cower in. the winter. I suppose meats on the line'dripping wet with- last sesyson, Last week 90 men I Ffgs.-If there wag anv tanc� the Government platform fifty lots was ncarl�? 49 'degrees. is 1 ltu,i6fft and pay a isit to the Czar, A despatch from RognonaN. France, this accounts in or no � It dried came, _ a easier mar"i during the planks of . . persona were killed and many farmore h4va g Ine"ure 4 .0 out wringing out at lill. � and a4vices have, been received 1 waro are: . it &nv wonder that our butter lacks anti Czaripa., this last arrangement, says: Six I in abaedon�'d Ila in thin way Cho shrifikitge Will b6,06 of 50,or 60,axpected this week. Its Past a 4. do,ya the present cold a deal on fourtelin injured as a result of an d St nap ' away, I or course. iiepending airy business in the winter months ht� it to an, and. ocks 1. A good license law properly en- uniformity 7 Mr. M. B. Lon I slight w to be almost unnoticeable." proportion of farm laborets and men has btwo gl I Far East explosion Of 9AB in the cat" (If tile and do what they can ainng this - forced. who is refrigerator car inspector at I the .state of affairs n the - campho%el)a - knitiwn, is who want to work on toxins out , are qd� Ost depleted, and the m At the end of April according to Hotel do France on Whursday even line in the summer time, writes Ur, is is. well L � - Montreal, examined 400 care and ng anva�j moth; but it of the whole number of immigrants delpQr.' e very light. Quotations 2. Total abolition of ail saloon It - useful in k "I contents, as they were opened lit I proront arrangements, the King will Ing, A dozen persons were sitl Ing 1,., F. Brown, 1� should never be ,"Imceii near sealskin. to larger than I&st: year. The 'do- are #aa' nace in railway yards. He reports 9" Why not make it Pay the year .q to firin.- Now laid , are ceuscs- tile visit Swansea to loaugorato the at tile tablom whon an odor of . . . am. it causes title .fur to change Pertinent halliseveral means of reach- I quothtl� ere at Son to 35c, Rplected 3. Abolition of wholesale lice tenippr4ture of butter an varying work of th6 grand pow dock., Whon penetrated the room. MIuoL Martin, through? If one has it-., money in - dolor, producing strodko of gray in the desired class in the I British fresh 'at I c to Boo. cold-storaga, at rural municipalities. filing front t6 tip to 68, and in it few coes comPleted. in $Oven years' time, It wife of the proprictor, lighted 11 vested it hardly seems litisiness like and yellow. . . Isfes now. More farmers than ever 117c to 28c, and limed at 23c to 25c. 4. $tringent legislation do as high as 60. On the whole the will accommodate the largest vessels candle, and started for the.kitchen to to shot tip shop like tho summer re, Grind horseradish 'in a, meat- are applying for men to work the a are with interclicts. I it beats the grating -iron., "ole year round, aad more are pro- I Potatoes --Cars on the track her 5. Improvement of condition of refrigerator cars prevented the tem -,.float. and ,Wll cost nearly IWO investigate. An she opened the door sorters &ad go,back to the woods chopp6r; ., Iquoted unchanged at 70c to 75c, Po- porature from rising to any extent. millions sterling. 4 a terrific explosion occurred. When until warm weather again. Shove up eybs. li'lding cottages. in which hISed help , tatoes out of store are quoted at 85� bona fide hotels. . Hem soaked in milk,ovir night who axe married may live. Wagon 6, Elimination of undesirables as If- Tn fact in testing some boxes It itas --------- -- the body of Mane. Martin was found tire blInds and lot scale light into will be found exceedingly tender and will be fully as high as last year, to 90c. . ac, conse golders. found that the butter was colder at I POLL -TAX ON CHINAMEN. it lyan almost &capttated. Her your buainrHti. l(nock off the bo&rci poultry -The demand is fairly the outside than it was at the cen- -- h,usband, father and daughter also you have put across thd gate of your sweet wbon. used for bre4fast the and Mr. Southworth in desirous that I tk;io, and for chickens it Is keen. Quo-- There will be .no change in hours. ter of the package, showing that thd British C.I.mb�. Will Get $258,- were killed. The body of one patron hosincon and lot the outside , world . next morning. I sipp in as early as tations are steady. Prices are steady 4 temperatpre was even being lowered. 000 for n-alf Year. -- -was hurled across tile street and know that you have it cow, that she if the water is blued w4eh cleaning possible. at 12c to 14c for chickens, and 5C to TENESUBMARINE BELLS. The refrigerator car service Is cap- I struck the opposit � c wall with great gives milk and you nro keeping her windows, they will retain th9jr bril- 0 6c for old fowls, go to Ion for ducks, - able of being improved, but it in An Ottawa despatch says :-The force. It Is feared that motne of tho for the milk ahe gives and the profit liancy Ibnger and polish much incire DYNAMITE PLOT. slid 12ic to 18ic for turkeys. Purchased and Will be Located on better now than what the crommor- Province of,,Uritish Columbia during injured will die. darl,ved from it. Iffhat axe you In thi ­qg1oily. . _pbna _one� q AS :e�ri�!!- --- � - " - sit provide for themselves. To prove the last half year got quite & wind- - I . - 0 ­ - .IR94, L -- the -Dress Hogs--ner market is- steady - Atlantic miad Gulf - lee 4 - business for9 -t riot for the mon- an, article upon how to keep & teft- Alleged Attempt �o Slow Up with a good demand. Caro on the that it is possible for crea,merfea to full from the Dominion authorities polsoN IN rHr DisH. ey tliere Ili It, . I kettle clean, eci few people ever wash King of Spain. ac a quoted at #6.25 asked An Ottawa despatch Rays :-Hon. maintain a lower temperature, I on mccount of Ghiqose immigratial'i. - Or have you an them. (on the Inside). but k4p�putt­ Mr . Prefontaine has purchased ton need only quote the record ma.de at I Airy province Ili entitled to 50 per oking ,V tile most miser - Ing, water in with the . A despatch from London says :- ',and $6.20 bid* ' A bmarine bells, which will cos the head ta.x Seven Girls Attending Co able-. disagreenble and urCofitnV14 - * - or The Madrid correspondent of the u the Sh brooke Creamery from July cent.. of amount of ba%p tIr $2,000 ,each. it will take about 20th lo 28th, when a thermograph collected in tbat Province by the vocation of ail creation? o Is It has been &tmnding in t .�tle Seeds--QUotations are unchanged. School Are Dead. no one knows how long &,Nine. Ve Daily Mail says that during & recep.- Local dealers quote 64 to $5.50 for $500 annually to keep each of them that makes your lot agreeable of '. � think the kettle should ba V` tiob at the palace last Saturday In , alatke. $5.50 to $6 lor rod clover per placed in the refrigerator showed a Dominion authorities, and for the A despatch from Berlin, Germany. ashed. on bells in order. The bells will be lo- re varying past hn!(-�car the amount British mftys� Seven girls belonging to a diongrocable. pleasant or unpleasant, the ins4de at least once ik itay. and honor of King Alfonso's saint's day 'bushel, and $2 to 58 for timothy. per cated on the Atlantic sea,comat and temperatu arc Profitable or unprofitable'? Cian YOL , .. - Columbia will revolve IF; 82.1�8.050. cooking school at Darmstadt dyn its plot was nearly success- I d ROM 32 To 86 DECIREES. fresh water put in every Ame it is lo 1. The police noticed two suspic- ,loo pounds 4t outside polril., an ,.he Gull. T'hey are net " t1od ter F For the present half-year the re -011- dead. and six others are dying from blame anyone elm? I,- coffee, First -probably a premium over these prices the St. Lawrence River. Tba bells Now. I think I have said enough to if') will be small, as owing to the I par- If there Ili one thing above another pour out all bench early allow 'why our butt,er is Irregular in Imposition of a licad tax of 8 00, poisoning. which r suited fron a good live dairyman likes to oo in the water that haff, ious looking man seated on a would be paid for extra choice lots. will be plated In position 5 taking oe a dishe made of cann,A near one of the entrances. The men.. Baled Hay,­Recolpts tire light and next season. quality, and why some of it deter- , been standing in the kettle. I t1li. Immigration of Chinese has prac- hears and ment. The itivefitigntion winter. It In to feod his cows and -- - . realizing that they were watched, market is steady at'S9 per ton i torates rapidly after reaching the I t I c I, I I y ceased. exact fratut-6 hnow that they are Ili good warni left the bench, leaving a parcel be- the . has failed to define the 'DOMESTIC RECIPES. for car lots on track -here. PAVILION IS NOW READY. other side. After butter is packed ---------- #­ , is now quarters. Profit depends on thin, ane' neath I t. This Parcel Proved to be Baled Straw --The demand is fair - in boxes the length of time it will of the poison, although it . Ortinga Afarnrialado.-The season for a Ader- - I A FATAL BLAST. thought allamto-antoxicurn of sausage, the man who th1uhn difterontly Il the making of thl; dellpioud-premirve a oldered tin box, with it am( d . and receipts axe light. Car lots on Canadian Exhibitors Asked to keep depends almost wholly on the . I not the right kind of a dairyman. . . Ing %Ack attached. It wa,s examine god Rush Goods to St. Louis. temperature at which it is hold. ' poison was the cause. con- the track here are quoted unchan - � . Tito size of tho dairy has a good deal is at hand again. as testified by the at a laboratory, and found to The age of butter is more properly C. P. R. Foreman Killed -Two 6 ' quantities of Ora%ges In the grocars' tain a, quantity of dynamite, gun- I at $5 to WISO per ton. A despatch I rom Ottawa says: calculated Vcording to the tempera- i Seriously Injured. NOT ENOUGH PAY. to do with conditions under which windows. The Seville oranges are powder, broken glass and bullet". If i Word reached the office Do- ture at which it has been stored - we have to operute. for if one has a accounted best, for this marmalitcle it had -exploded there would have MONTREAL MARKETS, minion Exhibitions Commissioner on than from the date on which It was I A Sudbury despatch says :-A ser- Lord Wolseley Explains Decline in largn'dalry of say 5() haltd. a cortain by Many, but othbri 'pietsi 'the less bein many victim%, the palace being Montreal, Feb. 2. -Grain -Oats are Thursday that the Canadian pavilion made. Butter which would turn I Inon c.ccident took Vince here shortly Recruiting. amount of help in empioyed the year bitter flavor of that, Waile from our I sto I nftrr 7 o'clock on Friday morning on . 1�1 ham". -own or"ges. Here 4a a ro- crowded. There In no clue to the ve" firm W spot owing to light do- at St, Louis is now completed, and out well after several months r- . through rind the Rtock as well as the we men. but they are believed to 0. I ready age fit 10 degrees oi- tinder. might the c. ],, It. construction work, In ft despatch from L'ndon sit, *� owner 14 to LL cortain degree depend - t I liverica. 2 Anve boon ,,lor the ihst&llation,of exhibits, fornler� cipe from Harpor's, Bazar that is b sold at A to 'gr hieh one man was Uilled and two Field Marshal Lord WolRalov the help It III hFA - � a Anarchists. fold at am wits received rom the Of- become quite stalls and rancid in a I' jont upon Illit reasonable ,. - , -- . I 11?JG to I*C find No. 8 were E tie] it , others Injured, one totally. It op- iv Conimander-in-Chief of the 11ritifli ;my Intention at this time to discilris Slide very thin. removing the needs � -7-­!`� - 18411c. No. 2 oats low fice of the Director-Goneral of the Ex- few weeks at 40 to 50. Bu - in y ppnre the previous evening a hInF-t I army lion again writt,en Ili referen­ itille help questinn. in the process. the rind find meat of CARGO WORTH $2,000,000. freights west for export, 80tc; No. 2 position asking for names of Can- be held at the creamery at these nd .Johnson, a itn the derline in military mcroiling I The first thing one should do is In o o w - ll,vas. 64c: rye, 52c; No. 2 barley, sAinn exhibitors so that they might high temperatures for a week or so , 'lid - nol go off, a � Empress 'of China Bringing Silk 481c: No. a. extra barley, 42ic: No. be Included in the first edition of the without showing much deterinre- S'AO('G foreman, was driving a holo ,in Grent Britain. Ila reaflIrms his lool, ever the arnriont (if fried on hand cre.uges, and of six leragns. To . Exhibit Ion catalogue. The Canadian I tIon, nevertheless the formentations � nil top of the charge, to pxit In nn- habof in the nuperiorlty of the army land ontLmatc, as near an possible how', ovary pounit of sliced frjif� allow to Vancouver. 8 4lic. - ad to push for- hich proOlice bad flavors, rancidity, a t.lier detonator lo fire the holo., of the United States. saying Th. long it in going to last to leed frnm ih'tx of cold WaW: P6ur it Flour-OwIng to the divergent authorities are waxn ., have been d ; when it Is supposed lie struck the American Government to wi­1 Ihnn and if there is not protty good proof three p A aespatch from Vaxicouver, B. C., I w one that had gone off. resulting in ours. they nay their men well wit h over, and let all stan4 for twenty- to views of the market at the two I&rge WELI'd their exhibits without delay, as etc oing their work and - --- - -­ says :-Raw Oilk and silk goods congestion of freight is feared. Com- shortening the life of the butter. flint the wintet',, RuppIv in sufficient four holurs. Wan bbll &Widt an hour, ths, value cif more than $1.982,000 lifitultobs milling companies, their 11 n c xploslon. Johnson had the low- the residt that the Amerirnn Y, to r -in iintti spring pn&- oir-gritit. the peal i&.tendbr. Put It o are 25c per barrel apart. missioner Hutchinson Is well mcivanc- These fermentations may be checked o"'T or itritil are we route -across the Pacific to I notation in cold er rortion of his hod - v completely so far as it goes In numl,ers the if,sre cnt,,,n then other conditionm aside for another twpty:6four hours, a onto r9aigo from $4.75 to S5; ed with his work In this respect. and when the butter Is placed torn -d In n few rillnuifiv, � ,h-,,,, or irho�dd, b liltilk,fit tot, walgb, e6nd to every pound allow one Vancouver on board the Empress f ;at $4.45 to $4.70; win- five. carloads of exhibits will be des- storage at Montreal or on the off. "d dic who wore ntanding Anest in the world Until we ins 'Jolit " ,ronnid- . � a sugar. Boo about an China, due' .W arrive on February strong baliers' . .25 to $4.35; 1patched from Ottawa this week. mteamer, only to start up main 1"'To lt"'llt"s, It similar method or oblixinisig re . rail in If �iig latil n help out votill 01 8. In quatitity and value the ship- ter wheat T)atents. 54 - . - with renewed vigor when the bottor ner", were S*Tiailf,li' inlurold. one so i -riots our army will novor be in a the fe,,l Is 11". nit-,Wethrr n had liotir, or until it will jelly, stirring t is & rocord-breaking one. not straight rollers, $8.90 to $4,. extras. I is exposed to high lemperatiir�s on badly that he cannot livii thoroughly satisfactory strife - thing. "PIrinni I( t %ev does a mail haN a I . I , yor men Sg,134) to J8.65; straight rell.r. I" IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. I __ A gh of all kinds of f ­d to ru If , y., . carefully to prbvent breaking , 96 tar ah this port is concerned. the other mide. I thi rings of peel. Put It in jelly_ onI3, xtras In - I enou I , but for* all other Porte on this con- bags. $1.85 to $1-90, and 6 1 Radium Used With Success In Cer- Lot every creamery owner givo f INC -.RE-- IN# INDUSTRIES. FAST SERVICE TO FRANCE. him hriiijob the vi,rir �Ithrojt buy- glo''Wes or enna:11 jars., tinelit. The shipment measures 960 bags, $1.65 to $1.75. 1 tain Cases of Cancer. this matter his earnest attention I - - Inv. and thin in another part of rtair%. $Oman Souffle. -A souffle In one of tons, and it will talia twenty freight j Feed -The demand Is good and the ' during as coming Reason if lie finds' Census Returns Shows 1,000 More Premier Notified That Firm Will Iniz or the rpsidt of dnir�ing- the huv- tHb' ��hiost delicate way" to serve Cars to, teansport it across the con- market strong, it beinglidxpected that �'A despatch from Vienna says: Prof. IthAt with proper management the . I Than Ten Years Ago. Carry Out Contract. Ing of R -rain and feeding the I "Iffih aa�lbadn, and ,will 'be ft-reve)ation to tinent to the fillic mills-itt W -haw- ills consumption lf0l IaFff# ". . so .u..'rilitabor, an eminent surgeon, ha temporriturf, of his refrigerator c"- , the housekeeper who has contented k The previous silk cargo this ,out. blanitoba bran.in bags. disco n I Ali (,ttown. despatch Rays ThF A despatch frorn Ottawa nuvn The feerl arid the farni in nil the fine Iln- ail, N.J. vered that contraction of the not be kept down to 16 or IIR do- � . herself with turning the cootents, of record -waB held b,y 06 steamship $IA; shorts, $20 per ton; Ontario ,gullet caused by cancer can be allovi- grees, or lower; the Insulation ('enwis Buraso has just issued the Prime-lifinlater has recoived n t,fl­ pro,'ing One hnrdly rralires lin%r a Cki'l of salmon on a, platfer and of man- gram front flortor Fabr�. ('arcurin n ar�at fin indusiry dairying is ,olfil it which, on October 4. 1902, bran in bulk, $17 tc� $17.60; shortm. lated In certain cases by the use of should be improved until it (tin Imiletin Riving the statistics sending to the table. Make a Tartar, Orient with 589 . , util,turing Induptries Ili Canada, so ngent in Paris, stating Vint C(flarn-liv, ninp� in rcirlsider qomo nf the white sn,uco of two tablespoonfuls, arrived from the ,g,9,f,O to $2q; niouille, $26 to $27 'radium, Tire experiment ,.s made ,be. - ascertained by the consum of looli, hier Bros. of Bordeaux, lind inft-rowil hennfitm dorixed from it emch. at butter and dour. one tem- tons valued at $1.500,000. per ton. " to quality. .of applying sixty milligrammes of 4 nbift4h- him officlifilly that they vtr�re in n po - - spoonful of salt, a d"b of white . Rolled Oats --7118 affsOcifttl on price radium In a rubber capsule contained NO ARITHME'FIC NEEDED. ,The litatistleft apply to est to carry out their conLrart milk,, add # a6ems to be In force, $2.15 being � in the end of a bougie to tile affected --- I rnpnts employing fl�o workArs or sition DAIRY WISDONT pepper, said one pint of - L asked for bags and $4.40 for barrels : port. The radium rays decomposed meter Hands Out Cards Telling over. and show that Ili 1901 there with the Canadian Governownt fi, r one cup of stalo bread crumbs, grat TIURTY ENTOMBED. were 18,679 establishments. with an it Rtonninhip line hetween I-rpner if tirl Do not forgot to put lrrlank�tn nit od, a few drops of onion Juice, it � on track. the cancerous growth, enlarging the How Much You Owe. ann,isl ,olitput of $868,186.797. In i"arinda oil the date speclil-I ,,I the the new born raives if rour l4tilbleA teaspoonful of chopped paraley, and itftilway Employes Buried Under[ MILY-Owing to bad weather. daliv- gidlet, and allowing food to be swal- I A Berlin. Germany, (lempatch Ray R 1901 here wsro 14,66o entabliph- rontrarl The contract cnh� fnt � arc cold in the ]'�Lksf Yon calf nm the salmon from a single call; freed Tons of Sarth. � orles are light. and prices are tem- ilowed, thus obviating an operation A patent ham been ts,kfto -it here for ments. with an output In the conmun mroithly ani -vice between I-raiwo and gho vnur young animals tot) mucl� train 6kin and bones. and 'rubbed I porarilv firmer, We quote:- No. I. for the Introduction of food Into the a cornhinAtion rretor calrointing me- year of 94Rl.n5.q,i75 Montreal rind Qunbec. in ritiminer lin(i comfort and warinth fine with a vilter fork. Mat tb6-111- A despatch from Berlin 9&38 :-A 69 to i1o: I'lo. 2. $8 to 158.15%clov- stomach. The experiment is some- which, it liallifnic anti St John Ili %vinter The T -o rn,je!h ofn-fis ca,n not he ptit %if, grodlento .rro%#Itz, in Rds- , I hat dangerous until fur together thorofig'itly. t hugo landslldb at Ke ,, mixed. J7 to $7.50; clover, 6.60 w ther know- chino and automatic press. Tbn largest Increase to In the value h is predirilliI will rrIndor ffif;puted be- of the otjtpu+ of butter and cheo,on, Railings have to commence with I he on the inannet Ili which cows or, - beat in thd volks of three !eggs, = sian Silesia, on Wednesday morning. to $7 per ton, in car lots. Iodize is obtained. inasmuch aIR tf%o . , �y men, who were , Beanif-Choice primes, $1.55 too 01 - much radiurri will decompose the ul- tween the conwinfors of gas, water which was $10.607,879 In IR01, and opening of naiigation treated it, the Wattles lalitly, fold in tho-'whit 0 1 18 0 . lioml�pd thirt and Pieetricity and the comMnieq or $211 462,402 In 1901 The value of -- + - - A ,ow soon (omeq to like, nr A,, beaten indtff. Turn th in rep. -,in ' orkkl on a railway. The accident 131) per bush.: $1.50 to $1.65 in r leer so rapidly that there In risk of moni,inalitles anpplying them clol- , - CURE FOR TUBERCULOSIS kNo a porqun wI,o ,"Ps for hor, a., - a buttered haking--dill ; �e I 'ektfto , �Rtbout warning while the map !lots. ca 1perforating the gullet. lonrincesmary rind perhaps lmpoqAlbl, log prodogto increased from 846,749. 1 - . rarrliog to the way in which sho is moderate oNv% the 'dish . in IWIVO Provisions--HeavY Canadian .h 4 5O.A05,0S4, wood pulp, from I � . d6gaged in repairing Life road- - 00A in $15 hAndled are buriod beneath butt- Illy the im of this machine a ennAurn- fl.n.5,1.942 to $4,24A.791, Serum Injected for �ho Fiftt Thine . - Wen . ; a or, I MEAT SCARCE. IN INTIIA. or con ascertain the am bin in Canada I hot wiftit, ,hout twen I v In - -ey . cut pork. I;IS to $18.50; light her, Pet yo-ir cows. talk to them call - of to , irtes. Serve it onto, olt a M. "Tf .",of earth. Relief tofees hyount of --+--- tut. $17.69 to 818; American short hill at any thrio, for simply turn- ' ' I Ing I hern by name without a Nall, .3. were hurried to the scene and the o 17 to 817,547): American I miss alattie Burgess, a misslonery. ing a Ifiver he receives it cord upon Thev soon ],!arn to rcfm� nt rad Little Pips I.- Blankets.-Fif teen work of extricating the bodics was cut clear,3115 SHIPPED WIFE AS BAGGAGE A despatch from Mrintrotil mnv� I begun. It Is known thirty men tat banks. 'SIB to $18-50: compound Jost rpturned from India, Rays: "Dur- which Is printed the amount he ' - � Fnr file firnt. timA in Canndn an,l land it) expert a pat or a izentlo large 6yetem's. f,fteen vlo" thin slic" lard. So Canadian lard. Sic to go: Ing the last Year of Our Ata,V in In- owes ! In Danger of reearing Made Herlprnbnl)ly in America, serum has hoAn ofroke yater were working at the spot of the tie - of bacon. I-prinklo eftch a posat- I kettle rend4od. I oic: 'hams�. 1 1 fe to din we hial beef only once. Motion 4 i Presence Known. � ,n acted Into a pritient in a ptjhllr , (,.cod (nod will be lost on a ,nw with a vary little gait ,and poppet. eldest, and It is not believed I . 14c: fresh killed abattoir ,twice anl fall about eight times I hospitni on a cor� for ttiborr,ilnst. ' Trim the lin,] off tire bacon, and bla tbat any of them escaped. 113c: bacon, ADULTERATION OF SEEDS A Crool ton, Minn . liolit, as Lhal In eirijolly or carelearliv tr�atofi - ----r If. 47.75; country dressed hogs. hi e ommon we got I $recl __I_. "' " ' At 1 1 11 clock on ThurvoRN more A difleronce, of torninty-fi%f, pot cont I hog . - save ' : I t lit; rl"rinrf�, , hi, dlitirrivery of vr I wrap cacTi d.Nstor in it FlIce and PIA ! $6 � 75 to $7: live hogs, $5.150. icf( thorn. In fact eblekAft, Is libomit Got ' ill I r.111-ci.4 to,. from llfl�,n ;"(z 1,n prodoct, has aft4n been 1,nown to . it tightly 166 tl�o back with I% small CANCER NOT 19CREASING. . ed. 80c: Most- 'the cinly kind of meat to be had. The Mr. Fisher Expects to B tor, Minn , to Buford. N n , a vroce Mill-morek. of Parim. ,man injo4ted h\ wooden toothpick. HeLve ready it - I Egirs-Candled select om Through This Sonal,in. rin was hondled Into a box in h,i ' take place between cows that won, . ; t-weI Ills baggage on the ticket 1 1 to real limAd. 25c: wostorn limed. 22r. natives are vegetarians and aeld I 1'r 11 .1 I 'eml,llx.tnf thin city fli,, eq1tally good They were fed the � Set trying pan and lay in five oyh- Professor Says Spread to Due to 211c-, refrigerator, Into (till. stock. eat scent of Any kind. A butcher A despatch from 01tFova, sayi, - Ivpurrillf-ed h\ her hurlhond holog nt he Notre 11nin,, e, b,it trAatod differently toos and coolt till 1 o bacon is .. , . I'nfnr. ! Vn I lont 5 , 4'. in Statistical System. week and The Atinister of Agricullinre hopes to ,I,- I lInspitill one aMictod with t,1t­rr,1i I own riho,ild he fed and milked &I tor,owa, torining, caLch orit over once. .1 . 8 24c: summor stock, 20c to .came to our city once & It torintel ' %. hnive%Ar, there wnFi a , - Is of I he longs, And the other with the narnp tiniff enrh dnv rind in the brought goat. meat, the only kind to sectire the ndoption thin FP",ion o In, r -f -t 4dieffer irr-thfir oven on a hot plate LA ift-spatcli from London Rays :- 21c. .� of two finurR, doring which the OF I t,e had. The natives eat either rice ' the bill fie had he Ire llnrilamnn I h I I f the knee The n4ml ". ,�vgn , , n I Butter-Flaffitern. 10c to 21c, ar- I I bnx with the hoorian freiaht lay I I ft " on " c f" : same ordor. They quickly form ha � tist Kut ii-ftes in Ni-lin ail I I ill with the door open and cook five "Mann, One of the IftA jenr to pre ­,f the adisifer t ihe platform In the bitter- enlodl fr.r1c'en f file, nPrinfir was sur-" lil hita rind any Iriterruption or disap- fff6Yd;-'Vffd'U­6ri­t1Tt'-A1T' ­ d 11 I can- carding to quality: wo.storlit dairy. In or bread trade front wheat or a 11 , o 'T' -o put theta on it long, norr.. pi..J.z., tr rays the reported increases in tube. JAC; wostern rolls, If;Jc to 17c. grain porialiar to the country. In 1 lion and mixing of maeds Ile is sst- TT,P wrininn wan pilicUN and detnr- in the highest fegroc It will be in pointment In quickly noticed by thf. C I 10. laic to life; the grain districts they have brand Ifftfirid aftor con 1,,tng that rareln-n ' lrorl ard stood the oncomfortabln iorted for a period of ion finvit Thon leMened product in the pail with Pieces (it loman anil parhidy c Pn due solely to Improvett I Chm1Ne*-Ontftl` vend collection !,no resulted Ili. the of . siround.' # Or. you calt pat thch methods of Ittatistics. Thorn it; no township, Idle th INC. I it is a two-ireal-"ay country. The � d of rnom-% noxfous woods nnn '(fliailmn As long ns pnFiAihfe Atr;thn patients will hn%e a rest of ten � Results simply show what kind ­' ' "I'le, on a narrow Istrip of buttered proof that It is due to a parasite. or Potatots-rer 004b. bag. 75c: 60c rich people live wall and have dain- "Prea . l"I in (longer nf clonth bv froozing tinvo. And then if noepssAry the a in&?, Is behind tile cow -go If, , L. I,; rietormined that. thit; menace to vs�n,e known Sba tr�ntmenf will t,o cnnflnoed for an 11,060A. IL yq4 da -011. Inake, 06 that it is hereditary. to (16c tit car lots. ties. but the poor lira on rice and , ,grirolture slifili lint he permitted in h� made her p ""' Ihot. f6r the Poulte,il-turkeys, 18c to 14c: ducks vegetables. Neither knives nor forks wn, rolensed and the couple left tile nrlditional ton days The food of the heiffirs at,int N, 117fit, and keep it 6" toatit I � .A to l3c: chickhris, 12c; fowl. Re to fire tired. Native servants can be continue Tbero won strong nppo-i- t ---4- Gurh that it will nourish all partir ,,, oystotp will act 130 good unlesot they 12c Arb esten soon after they oire COW- BIG ORPEA VOR RM. La. Do-, geese, PC to 10c. engaged for 88 a month and provide tion In the House, however. in the A n t I'm -4 the body . I - their own homes and food. means, b which Mr Fisher proposed I MARCH ELEVENTH. They may mane -go to live on ha, , ed. - - . C. P. It. Platte 40,000 Toldil; With EtMOPEAN GRAIN MA,RKETS, to tchieve the object he ham 1. A GENERAL INSURRECTION. - huI they will be stunted In site a%,,, p6riftylvaittilt Co. . III view. . suing of Tim USEFUL LFA$Ow, I . Rising of Tribes in Cerman South- Date for the Forms.1 Op wIll nover equal their dams. thougit . -om Montreal nos .- London. Peb. 2 -Whent, on pan- MAGNSTIC POWER IN PLANT 41 - Parliament �ths Piro may be of it line of the best - Otte of 016 b&qt all-rouqd house- A dd$patth It indiffe NOTHING DOTNO west N:...Ica. hold doctom, and hy tar 06 eMalf6st ,The Cillifindfaili Pacific MOWRY COM- Ange. buyeti ctive; ear- Thorn has bnen discovered In the An Otlaws, rAeqpatoh ReNn --it in hufter makArs, pony turis ordered 40.000 tons of Corn. on pap.sago. very Ina Afr Cliftilua (sternly)-I*vo come A Berlin despatch Rays -A news.- I Is in ordinary solit' lotAblit. wbitb� � I forests of India. I% plant which Poll- paper polilkhod in flarman South- settled that the fdrmal opening of i BoAvin that. their conniltutions will can be, bouglit for a few efisits. It steel rXils , from the Pennsylvania Woes adowitai, lf.o.r.t.. steam, prompt, sonsps astonishing magnetic power for tin explInation. fIrtrlinfront will not take place . until be weakened, and thay, will be nubjact voit bailfo a tMublosoms �6rn, g.se, Steel 00111pany through I). P. "d 3d,, FAillituary, 26k 11d; FebruArV. era Mire Gidday-About what? wopt Africa. Jost received here, on- FrOlay, March ilth Thursidn% the to o1pry epidemic that comes around ' , erf- The Wind which broaks a lost to flounces flint In consequence of the it a hot vittir'"Iff 6vt hfifo as rwteh Coughlin. of Montreal. to be doliv- too lid; Corn, parcel mixed Am ' loth. will bet devoted to the viection I M,-o'nnco or twice each week 11 . � -'abritary, 110s 6d: shipment it Immediately receives ft shock. At Mr Chollus-I want to know what of the Kara tribenmell Ill ) his, poisiblo of the com, roh.r#alli ered next suftftiw. an. II You mean by being engaged to Jack gat he, I ng Insurrection has of a SImaker. and then next (Inv few apploil potatoes or carrots to 6 bliAd. §1i I 0 1 - within thred,. ititliokiii, 190 7id. Wheat. s. distance of twenty feat a magnetic Gayman and to me at tho same t line thn hills. a genorni his ExcAllenry will deliver the ol;oorb gi%ff vnriety *Ith & Wits of Iftlib'd. ati, . 'a mother. "I patcols No. 2 CsIcurtits Club, alffloat neadIR fie tiffocted by It, and it will hr kon out among the BondoliwarlIn . . trio Corti the 16146ft "Illea. %"W� " "VIII., said tho wife a Oidday-Nothing. Ire from the livers, I Str^tch a wire, the whole length at ii"i,� *ft it *a* a Mistake for my daughter duo, 30a 0d. �orft. cargoes La Pl&ta, be quite deranged if brought near MIR lboamen Fifteen white men havo (dr tbiso'nights atid YOU *tV .11t,0mcbed thernopken at Looderielf- - --+--- the stahle hohInd the cows Attacli . . td Mar& , 190 ft the energy of this singular Influence t . yott at Ito. Shot is )uet wollbie. ryo tartfig,aAlyril-May . be Wlthq�t-#,. JeOlAtlo­ ,,,, -i ,,.., --1 I . ,krips with the hours 6f the day AT TPr, DRUGGISTS hilcht, tho mnot Important port of orflmiq�rn to a way to hays fun In 'a anap with a tinsl on title ivire rind It alke or other Inted till ..". 11' AN different ttoali you In Avery ro.'Juno, .10a Tfd; Joinvary-Pebtuary, v . " 6!t� "Woll., wall." OR 7id parcel. At thn IlAight of its power about two "I Any. eon ynn give me something ill# colmn.%, and there III da,rigor that yrf,ir Inin(tination hang the Inciter" in the snap It I I xb� 00416t OR shib 'eaft bi." , I the .ntf�o southern section will he .% mor, hap IJA Antis to be Droud can then be% pushed (%long where tht tit �& row 'drops of IL . t, re, I p, p6b. 2.-Whe&t, #p6t cs'Clock Inithn afternoon, it in &be*- I for my he*41"' , ,,, .11 J -p V tepllvi 04 , gr#14 brute. "how you ,Ant W , W r 4; Mist; &;,Ijul 161t. Corn, - spot ,lutely quiescent during the night. I -No. I wouldn't take It as a gift." devastated, of. bis daughtera to love. most lia%t 19 needed. . �4 ", Amter -MOVt .1 . . I 7,i',"U'%"t,.i#���4Li�.x,-�tL"."�,��'- ILI "'N I .. . � ­ 1. I .�P" 4�1�1�- .1. I � " . 't I � ' ' - " '' ' . -� a ' , , I I � I , I . r� .�-*. , oworta, Ill I r-- I " i L W , I Z "' I ,wnvoo 7u 0. ;Mtll I. 11 �, I - I , � , , - "I � " vaojal� I;= to Q be 749 1 " A .1 I , I I I I tIt t.'Irt � I I I I I I i � I,rn�J�F�I I � g A � . I I � . , ,li'' , , � I I. L I I I t I I I. . I 1, v I i, I . I ( I I i I 11 , * � � .1 �, 'L �, I I I 11 " � I I I .11 i r,, I 1, 'A 11 .1 . I � I ,� , � .1 I I I �, . r i " �. 1. 4 � , 1, " � o- I I .1 �, I �� � . 1, I L � I I . - 11 I -X . I ., I ,,, '. I . : I . I- I I L I I I . i,, I 4 . At, . . I � , I . '11, I -� r,� ,. . ­ I . . '. . (, � I � . . � I I I � I I `Jlll��"Ililill�­­ - ,�� I ... . ' 1, I � ­­ .6­'L..��,�.L.. . - L �� AA , . " � �,.;� , - � - . .A-- - �� � -------Am&- "I'll � -Y I , 2�-�oiiia,is" � '11111111I ... L- .."111111' , , efilift", I,---- - I - ,­�.L L - , diiim ,ibi6so - � 'L. , - �­ 166". -.-c,�­�I,L, ,,i.�� I.L. � * I - -t r, , IR I I I ;.11-1.1 , , , I ,6.1 I t. � I I I � I I 11 L . -.1"... 11 11 IV . . . ; . � , . I 11�i. "I. 4, I L 11 I , d ' .� "! L" '', ,. . L, .., ''I I . . I . ,,:? - ,. . . . I , . , 1. 11 � I I . : , .. ,�. . . 1 -� I I I I I -o,�- "',�­' I" . I I � . I I I . . . . I . I , - . ,, , L � L� 1, I L I . , : , . : ' � 0 , L , I . :,., - k I I 1. 1, - 11 I 1) " I . ---------'--7- , , . :�� � - I � � 1 , I I . I � I I . ,,, . L I , . A , . � I . - , I �!:, L � � . I � I-; 1 Z J� 1, I �1� L L I . �., J I , �! '.1 . , ,'' 1, . I I .1 . �,��r, :� 1: � .� I If 11 I 1� I ,"i . I 0i * , , ,A , t, '' , . . � % �, . . L 'I L. . L, I . . I - � 1. r, . . 111"1:, .. 31 ­.- - --;1 , ,� � 3 � * , , , , I 11" I ;I : , f � I , � ­ - � � 11 LL� ,I I � I 11, . � I , . , "' ­­ � � I 11 . L "L� : , 7 � ; 1. 4 . ­ - ......... , , L ; L : I— L , I .. :: ;�: , I , . I . ��, .� , � , . ' ; �, I L , :� ­­­ , �, 41 � " ,�, � � 1, . , ,-�i., I I . �;t. ;, �,. " L 1� 11 I " '�J , I � t,7