HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-11-20, Page 8-w e t3 ter, KI � id.)Baba Co1utnbla, a s M Oa< CIa atta t4 er*gn 8erbwla et Ottawa. Jess 11414weal to $eafottb astetday at teyacowh tunteal.ofhost suet, the late Mrs. tof that Wens, Ceptatn Macgregor.. of folia town, wits also present Mt the ohsequ es, Jobx ll1Clkoaala, whom flnanolal fortune has with hined e mother ntsgedeef and of friends nod left yesterday ata Malt to nr, Tonnage at North PAY. tor i f w dayr. Mr. slollonald is connectee with railway infi'¢digg• The Sick. Mrs- Mee.) bun. who was very IU last week, la now Ole to take out door exercise. F. J. Mattel, ,hie many trtends will regret to bear, is set showing 'tiny great impreromarrt though gig ,ngctloa1 etteadante have not lost hope of lits raogpsry. Thee. Muckiest) lies so tar rum.oiod front lila severe specks, abto be eble to be out ocou.lon. aUY, and it to expceted a tow days will see him around bale and hearty. 1). Wl�{ ns arrived in town on Saturday. being eallgpd home by the illgnness of his parent). Ohio, Idspt permit* Wogeday lie ftmuch again for Themany friends et thefamily here will etzupl,thfee with Mr, and Mie. Peorgo *Riven* Ouelpb, in the eetgs of illness they are pase- hig ;through. Their eldest dem/liter. Miss i•'aslny ben been 1n the hospital soma weeks trete 'iwtth�toarlotrfever ; Mr, fitivon had at severe had not b000tn bronchitis, and All hero will hope.. those afflictions may soon pass away. GLE#IRIPI1 klgrd'oAx. CtiRIS iF ir4at9,:t4� A line of gee. and ,5e, Grey Matted ?Ietp res, Clearing at 5c. each. $1.00I►iettite$) Clear] ite A 'sec. each, $2,00 0ct11re8i .. Clearing.at $e,00 each. vVat0t alar Shaer Window* for other lihesweate'olearing at less than ,^t4h640414 'Coat ; ' ' ' NORDHI IMI PJIANOS, S� CEO. FURTER, IMPORTER OF FINE GOODS 'xelttpbooe woo B. Court [louse Square, t3ODBRICH, Ebc ecobericb Star. Txx x'1 otrwp Caw, 71. PRIDliAZ NOVEMBER 20. 1009. PEOPLE WE KNOW. UJoe ph Dolls tot W1ngham, 8undayed In ieb. Mrs. and Vett Pemplonreturned from their Tomato visit tin Saturdee. Chas. J, f'3tbttb Pett Monday for Stratford, where he goes w twke a position.. Captain A.' 1t; Mitogregor returned this week from oStokes Bay, at wch port be left the shr. Page. Mr, and M ciaopberson of Clinton, were the owes of sew and Mn. bhaw C. Lae over Sunday. Mis. Rabe tB{{.s�att, of Colborne, is spending a tewereeke with bar son `George and bindle. atthe P,QR apt. $renter Sutherland reached hoe en Saturday,'at Mm Me 010aa gt his swoon on the lakes. The captain'e aobooner is laid np for the ter at »reedati,'Ont. Mrs. WM. Robertson returned to town o4n M Y., sftera oix months' visit to her Lugb- II� Sheppardton. PaCRBONAL.-Mies Tena Gordon, our school teacher, Is suffering frown a severe attack of the grip at present.- Mlsa.• Edith Pellow, of Port Albert, sppeent: Sunday at Mr Vroomen's.-- M1ss;;Louella Tichbourne who Is at. tending the High School in Goderich, spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of her friend, Mies Olive Foster. who is also a H. S. pupil. -Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Vrooman gave a supper to a number of their friends last Friday evening, in honor of their guest, Mrs. John Quaid, of St Thomas. - Mrs. Potter, of Holmesville, spent hest week with • her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Richardson. THE OLD REL LE 1 Sodom. NOT les. - Mr. Silas Stanlake Sr., who has been confined to hie bed with a sore leg, is recovered sufficiently to he out again. -Hilton Ford, eon of Mr. John Ford, Sr., while at a wood bee, out his toe so severely that he nearly bled to death. Ho is still con- fined to the house. -Mr. -Harry Smith had a small raising on Tuesday at which he/raised the front of his -house. --Mr. Jas. McDonald bas 'been busy hauling brick with which to put a cel- lar under his house.- Messrs. Wm. Carrick, Jno. Ford and Nelson Stan - lake spent a few .days at the lake last week duck -shooting. They were very successful in losing none of their am- munition. Fanning t'1ill, Pump and General Water Supply, &c. The Improved Grain and Seed Cleaning Machine with its improved sieving, has a cleaning capacity fit for market grain, from fifty to one hundred bushels per hour. It will separate nearly all if not all, cockle, chess, mustard -seed, wild flax, wild peas, rag weed and Other noxious seeds from any grain they may be in, without blowing any into the chaff. It will separate any timothy from the grain and screenings it may be in while cleaning the grain. It JO an excellent machine for separating wild oats from grain, one of the best of clover and timothy seed cleaners. Can be fitted into almost any Fanning Mill, n6 matter how old the mill is and make it do the work of the latest Improved mill. It does not disarrange the mill for the use of its own sieves, and can be taken out of mill nearly. as easily as a three combined sieve. , About the same price as common set sieves._._ No sora charge for fitting in mill. Full printed directions and instructions ')'given with each machine. If you need sieves, write to have one put in your mill and tested. Sale subject to your approval. When writing, mention maker of mill, if you know, and width of shoe Wide. Old Vanning Milia repaired, Sieves and Screens of all kinds for any snake of mill; old Frames re:sieved. Bag holders ani bag fillers, coal and sand screeners for sale, Pumps and Water Supply, &c. Wooden Pumps and Wooden Pump Repairs. Iron Pump, for hand or wind mill use, and Iron Putnp repairs. We have the new Champion Iron Pump, said to be one of the caaie,t and fastest working l'uinps fp the market, can be worked by women and children in deep wells. Anti -freezing Cistern Pumps, for in. or out door,, can draw water from outside cisterna to inside house. • Long IlraftPumping Systems, for drawing water from wells, springs or creeks a distance (several hundred feet, if necessary) from where pump is situated. Pump can be placed in the house or stable, or any convenient place, guaranteed to work easy.kan be worked by children, Automatic Syphon Systems, Wind Mills, Hydraulic Rams, with all the neces- sary,,p�pp'�cI1, hydrants, tope, tank,, floats and troughs, &c. Water Systems for houses, stables and yards. Stock (rood Boilers. Revolving Clothes Reels for out doors, can be raised or towered, or folded up when not in tee. Armade not sag, large capacity. ARMSTRONG BROS., Goderich. HOME FIRST ; The World Afterwards AGOOD MOTTO this for either in- dividuals or communities, and readily finds its echo in the voice of every merchant in the town. Every dollar spent in your home stores adds to the development oaf ,the home industries. It helps the growth `of the town by helping the growth of individ- uals, for we are all more or less dependant upon. Each other. We are keeping careful track of your wants and constantly adding to our stocks to meet them. rk COME AND SEB THE 000D VALUES WE ARE SHOWING • DRESS GOODS STOCKS Most complete line of up. to -date goods we have ever shown. Values, too, are at Ahe..,,rock..bottoi11 of . _:price. Cheviotts, Zibelines, fancy Tweeds, 'Venetians, Broad. sloths* 'Show Ffsikes. It1s • r *ode i oar'tment you choke Bargailla. S etirlil x,e 11iI , $I2.oa Jack= 1`t suitor itt0.00 ats..$&OO It"1 AIRS! Stylish Ituits mkt tAISVA tows flit ,IOWer Utah oef Wired before. Does your Husband need a Suit? Perhaps he does and doesn't know it. Great Suit and Overcoat Bargains are to be offered at our store fust now. Come "t6 iia" itlfii 1H(Vd money`'" on any wants for men or boys. BLANKETS, COMFORTERS, CURTAINS. Keep warm --cold weather is here now. We can save you money on any of these lines. A full stock on hand • mall prices. Remember PREMIUMS will be Stopped jAM/A .Y hilt, x904 Absolutely Pure. THERE 15 NO SUBSTITUTE A MONSTER BARGAIN. lOc. for Tug STAR to the and of 1003. $1 to the end of 1004. Port Albert. (Joon STUFF. -Mr. George Hawkins, now In his 70th year, did a bit of work the other day whioh few then 20 years his junior can do. He shouldered the carcase of it dressed hog, over 0 months old, and carried it with care into the etoro house. There's life in the old men yet. Everybody reads THE GODURICH STAR -(-•Huron's largest and most progressive newspaper. Krppen. (Too late for last week.) PERSONAL. -Mrs. Henry Penfound spent a few days recently with her parents in the township of Grey. -Mr. and Mrs. Morrison have returned after visiting friends In Toronto and Barrie. -Mr. Alden Whiteman, of Detroit, is enjoying a few days with his friends here. -Cdr. Kettle and Mies Moore of London, are renewing old acquaint- ances these days. Their many friends are pleased to see them looking `so well. - Miss Meelymont was home from London for a few days last week. Nonce. -Messrs. P. Fisher and A. Mc- Murtrio went to Paisley this week for 40 steers whl$h they bought there. They are home again with a splendid herd of cattle. Mr. Fisher will feed 20 head this winter and Mr. McMurtrie. 80. -Mr. Wm. Murdock bought 62 head from Smith McLean, of "Luck - now, and he brought them home this week also. Mr. Murdock feeds from 50 to 75 bead each year, and takes them to the Old Land each spring himself. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. - Last Sunday and Monday wore red letter days in tho history of the Methodist. congregation. The beautiful weather made their anniversary services a splendid success. On Sunday the (bey. S. J. Allan, of London, preached good sermons morning and evening, and in the afternoon addressed the Sabbath School. flood collections were taken at all services: On Mon- day evening an excellent fowl supper was served in the basement, after which a splendid program was carried out in the auditorium, consisting of addresses hy the Rova,, McLennan, of Kippen, Miller, of Varna, Sewers, of Brucefleld, and Dr. Medd, of Hensall, and music by the Housall Methodist church choir. The receipts at the door were $GCI, which along with Sun- day's collections, make about $120. - Tho Presbyterians hold their anniver- sary services on. the 22nd Inst., when Revs. McAuley, of Mitchell, and Larkin, of Seaforth, will preach. On Monday evening a grand fowl supper will be served. A GREAT SNAP. 10o. for Tun STAB to the end of 1003. $1 to the end of 1904. Dungannon. PERSONAL. - James Whyard and daughter Clara are spending a few days with relatives in St. Thomas. - W. Treleaven, of the firm of Young & Treleaven, attended the wedding of Ids cousin, E. Treleaven, at St. Thom- as, on Wednesday of this week. -Mr. R. Anderson, of St. Helens, taxider- mist, was In the village on Monday and took home three deer heads for mounting.-Mra. W. J. Smith spent a few days In the village this week. - The organizer for the Workmen is in our midst and is enrolling many new members; he is a hustler -Tho Meth- odist choir hove a new member in the person of Mr, Seagram. He is a young man, active in church work, and has a good bass voice, t},INMIIAL Nonni, -The hunting party returned home from Parry Sound district last Friday evening. and brought with them their com. plement of deer, tan in number. The vension arrived in good condition and many of the villagers enjoyed a sweet morsel on Sunday. -The Dungannon evaporator closed down Wednesday of this week. the proprietor says it has been a very good season, with prices fair. -Rev. J. W. Robinson will exchange pulpits, with Rev. Copeland Sunday, Nov. 20th, for the annum missionary meeting. -Samuel Roach was In Exeter last week with a view ofurchasingg a dry goods stock -in that town. -The Goderich dog poison- er must take an ocaseionai visit to Dungannon, ars some of our meat val• ued canines are done away with. He or she had better look out, for if caught they will be severely dealt with. -J. M. Roberts le making his yearly collecting tour in the interests of the W. W. lidutual, he is aceom- panted by Mr. W. Rabbirk of Blyth. -- Apple packing is completed for this year, with large quantities of apples unpacked. owing to a scarcity of bar- iie1s. Why don't some onterprisirg roan his to mill he are forests of timber there, suitable for barrel rnaktng The Raine ber could by bought for very little, and consists of elm, and oak, oto the hunters say. -Pointers-ftr;Patrons. Tisa Sten gives the news. Siam advertisements bring results - quality, quantity and circulation tell the tate. The elrenlatlon of Tina" STArt sou` Unties to increase at a rapid rate. Not a, day but nese names ere being added to the mammoth circulation. tax STAB. htut in stock every re. qulrement to execute printing of all kinds, There's nn use „fel sending t0 the city for anykind of printing when superior work s guaranteed at home. If you are is arrears to Two SUN for subscription there Is not much time to wa ste, as the'¢l.b70 rate will be on and after December xtrt, Bale delay the advapossible. prise with as fbOW* s Ootd 'tlO4tir a , ''rake I*x*tlrA Ilton o quinine Tab. We. Ail dr ista rofttnd the >b It to flus to euro..E.. W. Giro ItignaLnre 1.011 oath 'box. se. o oderich Star a Leader. a» In 04*. TELEPHONE No, 2 5. HOD nth %lt ,W>feT 0 giAlletletON Sx, ENDLESS VAR I E FINE QUALITIES, C000 VAIDES THERE is not a Store hereabouts can show you a variety in i' U R S that you can see here. We do not make this state- ment boastingly, but it is a , fact we want you to know because it means something, to you when you come to do Fur buy- ing. You are not narrowed down to one or, two styles or kinds, or articles, but there is a choice assortment of new, popular and stylish Fur garments here to -day. Wideness •ot.9 choice is not the Fur stock's only recomendation. Its strongest point is the sterling qual- ity of every garment that finds a place in "it. Each garment is made from choice, selected skins, cut, rna shed a<nd put together by skilled and experienced furriers. They are'the best Furs we have been able to find and we are willing to stand behind every garment we sell. Furs bought here are right in style, right in quality and right in price. RUFFS $3.50 to $25.00 COLLARS $3.5o to $6.00 STOLES $7.9o' to $40,00 CAPERINES $6.So to $4o,00 JACKETS $25.Oo, $35.0o and $4o.00 All dependable qualities, correct styles and good values. We pay particular attention to the filling of special orders, and should we not have what you require in stock, will get it for you on short notice. The MANTLE Sale Still Continues. V. Such Mantle selling as we have had this month has been phenomenal. Phenomenal values have made it so. If we had not bou ht them from the mak- er at the end of his season we could not have sold them at any such prices. He sold them to us cheap and we are passing them along to you in the same way. In justice to your- self you ought to see them before you buy a Mantle. Styles are correct and the prices are money -saving. Ladies' Jackets made to sell at $ro.00, Sale price $6.9o. Ladies' Jackets, made to sell at $12.00, Sale price $8.5o, Cheaper Coats $4.25, $5.00 and $6.00. Children's Coats $2.50, $3.50 and $4.5o. Ladies' Underwear Not many stores sell as good Underwear for 25c and 5oc as we do. A few, just a few may, but there are not many of them. No better Underwear for the price is made in Canada, and we are quite willing to have you match them for value with any you will get ANYWHERE. AT 25c. Ladies' Ribbed Vests, shaped, 'fine qual- ity, soft finish, good weight, every size full, no skimping, nicely finished with lace and baby ribbon, all sizes and Drawers to match, special per garment , .................25c AT 50C. - Ladies' Ribbed Vests, enough cotton mixed in with the wool to keep them from shrinking. good weight, soft figish, well made and trimmed with e lace, pearl buttons, all sizes, Drawers • to match, per germent 50c Plush Knit Vests 5oc. Ladies' Plush Knit Vests, very soft and comfortable, made by a patent pro- cess, will not draw up when washed, Drawers to match, per garment 50c Better lines 75c and 51,00. ' 'Combination Suits 51.25 and 51.50, Children's Underwear, all sizes, many qualities. Bloomers and Tights 90c, 51.00 and 51.25, HODGENS BROS. G10 31013E1 R',Id H . i t7 EAMINGTON �USINESS COLLEGE "ORE YOU READY"' To accept to good position 1111 were ottbred your If not, lot u, prepare you, and'you will reoelve a superior preparation. We have the highest standard N gr,4uatI a end our _graduates are in grea�tdemand. Free cata- ogee "8' will tell you all about it. write 0,0 tt Phone 16. • A. L. IIMWN, frier Vitoria Opera House Friday, Nov. 27th. MADAM HAUSCH'S $weedisii Concert Trio, from Stockholm, Sweden. Under the auspices of the North 8t: Ret mist fir:• DON'T MISS THE TREAT OP THB SEASON. rrCRErs 28c and 35c.' Plan open at K,IDD'S Boole- .S'POlt11. erairwereewereemeereelesiewrotiedormweelaosele Tho Dispiap is Oyer Save Your Tag; And Get °Your Reward ilieSpiewea Headquarters for Piro, Tobattosi t igat'll. ipes fro\ni sc. to Lin lust opt'ned, Holmesville. -' CHURCH. -Tho Methodist 'Church will hold its missionary anniversary on Sunday. The pastor will preach in the morning on "Our Missions," and in the evening on "Four Pillars of Foreign Missions.' -•The W. M. S. held their sewing circle at Mrs. G. Tebbutt's on Wednesday. They also had it five cont tea in connection with it, PEtisowae.- Rey. J. Hussar and cousin, Miss Manop, visited friends in London, Inst week. -Mr. W. Stan - lin lei last weak for Manitoba witli n Geer -band of apples. -H. Mulholland returned from Chicago. -Mr. Wpi. Forster, of Markham, visited his brother, W. B. Forster.- Mr. and Mrs. D. Tudor, of Constance, spent Friday with the latter's mother, Mrs. Stanley. Messrs. Geo. McCartney and W. Tehhutt, and Misses Vine and Edith Tebbutt, spent Sunday at Nile. --Oliver Willson returned last Wed- nesday from near London, where he has been engaged making butter. THE STAR would rather have your dollar Now than the $1.50 after De- ceinber let. If you prefer to pay the $1.60 and not save a third, be prepared to pay the credit price promptly. WHAT YOU WANT IN 11 JUST OPENE.D New stock of X -CUT SAWS, direct frOlit the manufacturers --good values, `Large including the "FRAZER & LOGA,'N'," "LEADER," "CHALLENGE," "IMPROVED CHAMPION," 'ION," "PREM- IER," "RACER," Etc., Etc. . See our MITTS, HALTERS, BRUSHES, AXES, WASHING MACXINES and WRINGERS. W6K6nliO &Howell The Right Place to buy your Hardware, pints, Oils, Glass, etc., at Right Prices Jordan W. A. MCKI Ont. WOMEN'S GLOVE BARGAINS 3' doz. Women's brown silk lined Mocha Gloves, regular value$x.5o, for $E.00 I% a doz. " x.75, for 1.25 1 doz. grey " 1.75, for 1.25 A GENUINE BARGAIN IN SEASONABLE WANTABLE GOODS. JACKETS Not many left, and these will be less in a short time if little price tickets have any virtue, We don't want to have one left by the ist January. - "NOXALL" A special line of pure wool Cash- mere Hose, extra quality arn, full fashioned, seamless, f': color, special 25c New Idea Patterns roc. FURS Just a few Neck Furs left at big reduction : 516.5o CAPERINE for 512.00 510.50 , 510.00 6d AI $ 8.00 $ 7.50 and on down to $1.50. BLANKETS Our MATCHLESS is the best value we ever handled for the mon- ey, 6ox8o in fine lofty finish., tilli„ scoured. Matchless it is in quality for the price. Dress Goods. We have a lot that must be cleared. The time is draw- ing near for stocktaking and we don't want to inventory half what we have. Your opportunity to make 75C do duty for $l.00. M6KIM' USY STORE. ST R R D Y.& CO,, The Grocor,ry . HAVE as Fine a Stock of SELECT GROCERIES and HOUSE- HOLD NECESSITIES as can be found in any Store in the West. The finest of everything is kept in stock, and perfect satisfaction is guaranteed to every customer. A trial order makes a permanent customer, and we ask for the trial. 'PHONE 91. STURDY & CO.. The Square, GODERICN • zee Staunch, reliable makes that won't fail, nor prove disappointing. OUR LONO BOOT STOCK IS VERY COM. PLETEI PROM THE BEST TtANIPACTIJRi?f7S • . Have you tried a pair of our RtjiiBE t t3EN BALS ? Just the thing for this season. We have a large assortment of MEN'S LEGGINGS In Grain and Satin Calf Leathers with patent adjustable fastenings. Ask to see them. It rillpay yen to Inspect aur stock of Mena rind Wo►aten'q v PELT GOODS. Big tinge to thooee front at lowest pities*. kunseui-'wet fora may to ,mist toy •doettilalrCt, tit o ttNfi . , DOWNING MadVIC Is the cry of the WM. tlODG to 6tlT6fl UPS, BUCK STOVE CO. with their HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES and RADIANT HOME HEATERS NOW that they have their new -large additional Factory opened. Perhaps you noticed their advt. in the Toronto dailies, wanting too Stove Plate Moulders. Do you realize how manly Stoves that means is the output of this factory daily, • while their present factory is working a far greater number of men than that, and yet they cannot commence to fill the demand for the NAPPY THOUGHT' Range and the RADIANT HOME Heater. The deinandfai exceeds their output. I myself have orders for nine HAPPY THOUGHT Ranges and four RADIANT HOME Heaters. My customers are :: patiently waiting; as one lady said' that if she had to wait until New Years 'for her's,, she would have nothing but a HAPPY THOUGHT, as she' had worked With numerous other Ranges but none of them could touch the HAPPY THOUGHT for economy and easy working. When you art repairing your Window3,don't forget that Yhave a full line of GLASS. 1 an fit any window with Glass for you. ' 1 earsyone of the latest and most up-to.date lines' of HARDWARE west of Toronto. Plumbing, Heating,Fast-`'roughiti . and' every ` thing pertaining to Tinathithiiig is givefl a eeisi attention, ' .1 carry a full Hoe of Salt Glaredtoe from *l , rtrcilear .lip to 18 iriclles�.,,,, °, ctll.11 tut