HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-11-20, Page 3I .1 I I I I � . I � . . 4 , . I lboss,wl I
I _, I I I _: �., I . I 1. .I; I . � IP4140 plik;o, K�'*", i . 0611"t, " Okily. to have had experience -
� I .. , _ . 7 ! - ' �. -1-111 il'. ',4 F :1� . _... . . I . � — . , , Van Nil 0XV3,03WO CQUIns eAusQ- INA111 � .
11 : .. , x9rw �Mr, U. '" rs has or' ,y�jkh, youls-bootii on, pitin, vvitli, thum-aft � . I
. �
11 ,:� , .1 � I . . -1. .. 11 - I �. . 1. � , " I .. . � .. .. .. -.1 21 11 cb*sed _ tile farttl OWI,efl)y %no y I
; , � � I � I I � 11 I - I . _ --- ght and da I bht relief Is 11
I ,. � "I . ... � . I . .. , Zd#wQ9TasQQPxAiqa0T*ik, Andrew ltaek0t% and will 69010 11 -Pain 'us ..
. i 11.1 � Stirs to thosp who use llullowiy's Cori) . Wh6a 1
� , I ,- IM 4r, � , I I I Sir. -It It is desivii,ble to. form a, list pow, owion.-Mr. Attlee Alton 6oh_` , k .. l.
,.:,�, .1-1 . of X,ndkio names by Which Wet topo- 11 Us, —
. � I ... , V-1, I I I A 141,111, Q110 OW04cd by, Mrs. Will. Ir' '.1111 Corp.
I �� . . 11 4,0111111� . .
.. 11 11 �� . 11 .. 10MAft XWA. 0 Gr4tPhical features Of Vilts'"O, were, to Air. 1�obe.rt, ljoury or Imneo. Air.
. I rare, known. f4p.m.os of the oWlete jitmeg Thom on, sold mo of his Tht� "pit I . ..
I . , j%_ so ,I -fed" newspapers are all on I
I � . names are uIrva4yon, record, but the fa,Mj ptock. In tile isprill lit, and i jtboira side of politics. to Wit the .. I
. riaterouep$ &M-sWattered overs, very famIjy siv 'k *a advertisements lit their ..
I Is "the Stitch in Time 0 ., . %rig to near Volesloy, pubillo work I I �
I 1. I I wide field ofliterature, 1104140AU49fiej Aaga�, Wh4L�ra in has I)Ought land. columni4 I . ;� )
there are no doubt man — I I
, . y local miteeil
t,lia# have never a , oe . ared Ili, printo , — - I � k
when epidemics of any kind - . but which are known to residents In Quntanno". Ihmn HAS TESTED ITTImO tests �
. prevail; when changeable f 'A . varlo" parte.of the provillpt, Indl- CARD oF T . HANIEB.-Mr. and Mrs. ;ill thin is, that which is worthy lives I I �
, I ; theme Ives Way reader valuable John EillOtt desire to must biuccrelY that wl5ch is Inimical to man'" welfare
. weather mares 11 catching =vtance.e tl�ault their lmin friends suit neigh- parishes. Time hugooved Dr. Then) -
I I'll .. It will, tbory I bore for the, t4lition and kindness as, lColectric oil, m a few then- Sudden drops of te
fore, to taken *A a pmpemture Are
Cold " easy. . . ahown'durlug the Illness and death of ilaxi ImpQsi4bIo In the fi�rne heated by, '
funit f&yor if ivoilers Wit � d bottles In the var days of Its i
, 0 �jTcilosss ailf their beloved and promising daughter, lijanufacture the dentant'shas risen so 1vt fires die out,
I I At the least sign of I I owledge of this kind Wil tiltnun . The ma and floral offerings that now the production Isrunnin in- hot water, Sto
; cake with the undersigned. ,ronu 9 hot air furnaces heat uneve I
I � , D Goderich, Nile, ,a 8 of n ys
%�, .. to the hundi*ds of thour not and the hot air switches to. other
f � fatigue, chilliness, or . %. .. — To facilitate correspondence, replies t migan re marks of e8t*elu bottles. What is so eagerly sought
f -% maybe forwarded. on postal cards, or list W forgotten by I for thust be good. I, , th ,
fiintnes�, take a cup of - - Me parts of the house �aving 0
� _Wlvv�- - otherwise, referring to this following and Wit. Elliott, as such acta will remaining roomis cQW*nd drafty.
11 hot BOVRIL. It will IAW �.. - numbers -.- , keep fresh the thoughtful actii of so The Loudesboro-, apple evaporator But with the he ting system of the
I : , give instantaneous ...d , 1. Presentuameof river, bay. lake, many loveable people. - was closed nown last weak for the 1 .4
� � - - - .- cape, Island, or hill. Lucknow. season, although there are yet plenty
.. . vigour and' lasting '0! ��j 2� Indian name, and its meaning. LRAVINO.-We regret to hear that of apples. Oxford .
� energy. - -- . - .1. 3. If, the.present A9,lR!,,_,is Indian., --e_ - .. - ---- __�__----� - ---
, .
__ - 11 �, *fiat le lii6'ins. , . imev. Mr.-Owen-�-of-the-Englislioli,dftli- .Sove * re colds are easily cured by the
I 1. _�W� . _ - - 4. Many Indian names — now here, has been removed and is going Bickle'a Antl Consumptive 110t Water
I I toHayeville. Mr. Owen hasbeen In use Of I -11
�, ,1 DOVRIL is just as ljood as a proveittive us6d in a corrupt for1ra. Give the old Lucknow four years and during that � Syrup, a medicine of extraordinary I ,
;� its Mifs'&* ;� restora,tive, forms. time lie has made a name for himself netrating and healing tropertles.
, which any man inay well he proud of, e V , 'bheder
I � I Correspondonts will please address ft is acknowledged by t ose who H
.1, �— DAVID BOYLE, have used It its being the best d
�. 0 not only among his own clitirch peo- mo'.ui`,",j inconnection with Oxford Radia-
.. l __ I Provincial Museum, e, but among the citizens generally. cine sold for coughs, colds. intl anti . tors an even, steady circulation
I Toronto, , Ve ham taken an active interest in all tion of the lull and till affections '
I ma 0 he chest. Its agroeable- of hot water is kept up throng
I To OUR CORRESPONDENT& - Our tters connected with the welfar t throat at7l, 11-
' dhitxict inews hits not been as abund- A LEGAL CASE of the village and neighborhood and utisatothe tastoinakesit afavourite out the houm � Each radiat6i is ,�
TME STAR'S WGURTION ant lately its we would like to see it� his good counsel Will be Intich inissed with ladies and children. diffusing tile same temperature of
— ill nim places. The St. Helens peo- heat in sufficient quantities for
and We would like our correspondents Of Interest to Fraternal Societies. I . also loose It good friend'.. Robert Govenlock, jr,, has discov- .1
THU GODHRICH STAR has a -to gather tip the news each week, if it the size of the room.
is only a few items, and send them in. Before Ferguson, 'I. - Smith v. gi,."Nlo, coming here the St. Helens ered an extensive bad of marl on his The illustration bclow shows that
. larger Circulation than any other We ask this as a special request. Now Grand Orange Lodge of British Amor- congregation have built it new church arm, on t a 3 concession of McKil-
newspaper in this f;(�ctj_9n_9f th ica.-Judgment (R) In action tried and the time and care devoted to it by 9 the the distance from the fire to the
� C that the cool weather is with us, and , p, which he thinks Is 4ultable for
county of Huron. Ad;ertisters the rush is about over, there is sure to Without a jury at'roronto. Action for Mr. Owen showed the good relation- making of cement. Thtu-e are two first surface is less than in any
Ing I a declaration that a certain contract ship between him, Mr -s. Owen, and different varieties of,the substance, heater made, and the water has a I
have the liberty of verif he be personal, social and other events
statement by calUng at THE STAR worthy of note. If OLIhve no laintiff's life for the St. Helens people. one underlying the other. shorter distance to travel, thu� a
stationery, send us word an w ll $1,000, entered into by defendants, is --- - - more equal temperature is main -
office . any press day. forward it to you. a good, valid, and subsisting contract Our renders are requested for their tained in the water of the several
to restrain defendants front canceling own Interests to,watch our advertising THEY DROVE PIMPLE8 AwAy.--A
� I POINTERS FOR MERCHANTS. - the contract, or from damages. The columns. They can always rely upon face covered with pimples is unsightly. sections.
— ===-- "There is no more effective way." says defendants counterclaimed for cancel- it that if any of our 8tores have some- It Will If Internal firregularit les which Write for our booklets, they are of In-
'Hard,a,. and Metal,' "for mininii- ation of the contract upon the groupol thiniF now or are in ki i t reduced should Iong since have beat% corl acted. terest to everyone with a home to Ittat. I
tbe Goberfcb $tar. zing the influence of the department that plaintiff made material misrepre- sale in any line, thvN�"v,'ifl ifitiol their The liver and the kidneys fire not I
TELEPHONE CALL 71. a than by the local merchants sentations In his app)icatidn for the notice in uthis paper. THE STAR I rinitur theit- functions in the
tio�e insurance. The learned judge finds that should be Red as it directory for fall tee.'al't'lly way tht,y sjj.�jjhj, juja these TheGurqey Foiundliy
** -, "
I tv all publicity that is within plaintiff stated that he had not con- and Christmas shopping. lArnples are to let Von know that tile
g .
tholinrgpower to the oods which they sulted ol� been at nole by a physi�ian — )lood protests. Parmelee's Ve,getable Co., 1.4.1t.d. I
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 20.1903. carry in stock. IThe deirrtweric for six ears next rior . I his examin- A Noted Horseman's Experience Pills will drive then) till away, and L Cans,idift t
======_==___==�=_=::7_=== stores frequently advertise argains, ation upon he ap I oi for lasur- wili leave the skin clear and clean. _�_t'_-`
but the great majority of the prices ance, wbe a consulted four Mr. Antoine Wendlin�, owner Of Try thern, and there will be another wiss,n104.
wowu Tjovics they quote would not be sufficiently ph sicians within rmont a mice Deveras 211j, and proprietor of the witness to their excellence. M. .;,.....11111ver
attractiveto getthe business if they iatel prior thereto. Is statement Clifton House. Brockville, says no Illif- - --- . -_ - - -_ i
were compared with the figures at a with Nerviline for
the of lainti be warranted to be true, metit compare .
LETTicits wK LiKu.-Mr. and Mrs. which local merchants can sell an it� amongst other statements re- general use around the stable. For At this titne of the year money is I
Abe McCaslin, in writing to THE theirgoods. Itiethis factthatneeds presentations, and anowers by him, ,strains, sprains, Hwellinga, Internal more plentiful than ikt Some othel, Sels- I I �
STAR ff-OM Serguis, N. D., on Noy, to be impressed upon the customer, formed the basis of the contract. The l?"lins and especially for affections of eons and therefore it should be a good ; . �
I and the only way that it can be done tatement was made and was inot true, Ltho whirl bone, Nerviline is unequal- time for those who are lit arrears for . .
Oth, enclosing their subscr ption to is bT means of publicity. The bept a led. Mr. Wendling believes Nervillne THE STAR to pity 111). Look at, tile
January, 19W, say: -"We want to medium for this purpose is the local and was ii, material statement, The Is indispensable its it horse litilment; label oil your paper, and remit. Will I
thank you for sending us THE STAR newspaper. An advertisement in the laintiff also stated that he 'not lit has st,rengtb, penetrating power you please do thiti without delay. . .
every week. We enj6y it very much 10CELI -, rule, is the I lasts y illness except a oligb t attack .-
nowsp�tper, as it grippe for three years next prior And works thoroughly. Every horse _____ -_
fo - I It �st thm� which. the country his examination, whereas he bad and stock owner shouid use Nerviline. I I
r a, w iving in c enTant gets.' No better meoll beenillfor two months immediately Sold In large 25c. bottles. � .
thouP we are no li 3rc out New rules tire being drawn for the
Uncle Sam s domain, still we are very 'no Ontario jails, by w iich the jalicirs are
much interested in dear old Canada can be secured than THE GODERICH prior to his examination, and had . forbidden to allow newspaper men to I
an halt we get THE GODERIO� STAR, consulted two doctors who told him The Mitchell Advocate Rays of it
f A farmer from the -isoners. The jail If-
,&ww, get the news from all over MORE POSTA,L 112GULATIONS.-The that he was suffering from, at any new subscriber: I interyiew the pt
the world, d that means a grt's,t following circular has been issued by rate, anaernia. The statement was neighborhood of Carlingford, who ficials will hereafter wear uniform, .
an t true and was material. The plain- never gave a Tory vote, called at our and be given two weeks holidays a - I
deal to us living on the prairie. *4* the Post Office department; "The no �car. Aged and Infirm people are t,o
I We are enjoyin,% life in the new tiff concealed symptoms of plithisis or oftlqe on Tuesday and subscribed f9r,. treated as if in a house of ilefuge,
count very muc .***Wb hope when Postmaster is informed that the do- tuberculosis from the examining doe, the Anvocate. He sa4 the . IV .
, A �
you �% . trip west you will -come and partuitent is in receipt of a communi- tor, which he afterwards admitted, to bdd been so m orthbir'-pr '61pl, and tb7 will be obliged to wear pri-
see us. We have pleasure in wi o hi n cation from the General Post Office, him that he had at the time of the that hereafter lie would vote Conser, son tin I ortil.
you every success with your magni& London, England, giving a complete examination. This concealment was vative. There are ui%ny more of the —
cent and noble paper." list of the articles which 'Ire oh'b in violation of plaintiff's warr-antry, same kind." . - -_ -_ - ml"
ited from importation into the 'UnE and was material. The plaintiff had z -=-=z:: - - - ------ - � M
Tim BLACK HOT. - The Willghan) Kingdom by parcel post. The ist, plithisis or tuberculosis, which, though —
Times aays:.Rot seems to have at- copy of which is given below, sup- undeyeloped by physical signs, Was For sale by
tacked mostly all producto of the field ersedes the list of special prohibitions, existing, and he having warranted , _ . 111DGET ' Your Subscription
and tree this season, and the losses I I osite 'United Kingdom" on page that he was free frorm disease, there ,, . ' ' I C. J. HARPER, Goderich.
ent pples, L .XX of the Postal Guide. "Letters, was a breach of the warrantry, even if S E L F - TO "THE STAR" SHOULD BE
1. - . ,��,y it are '-tinien8e. A explosive and dangerous articles, he did not know he was diseased. For I I I PAID IN ADVANCE. — -_
go-eb, turnips and potatoes are the foreign reprints of British copyr lit these reasons the cortificate, or policy ; �
chief sufferers, and the crops will works, acetylene, base or counteNeit is Void and should be delivered up W 4 �?' � - The g6 P
coin, foreign, other than goldand Oil- be cancelled. Honour v. Equit,able . _
consequently be short and the prices v i N", K E'R, T,
er, fictitious stamps and any die, Plate Life Assurance Socie% (19M), I Chy. 1 1 9 OOK at the date
high. The loss caused'by rot amongst or material for making ouch stamps,ex. 852, and Connecticut utual Life In- ' - L on your label. If
� potatoes Ions probably been the larg- tracts, essences, or other concentra- surance Co. v. Home Insurance C It does not read 1903, Incan () ent
est. Partners are unable to dispose of tions of coffee, chicory, tea or tobacco 17, Blatch, 142, referred to. Jud g m',O; ; I ML".i_-� ONLY
hir quantities a� a time, arid hetice (except in transit) indecent or obscene dismissing the action with cos� ,,,rid , It should, and a ,
thaf.e4 tubers are rotting in their- cel- I ts, books, pictures or other art- for defendants in their countc .1. in prompt remittance Is Vapor Gas Light
lar8. Tornigs have also been attacked, c es; snuff work, tobacco stalks, to- with costs, H. M. East for plaintiff. requested. All back I'b,,be.p,,I..Jst,.W,tiirboowt.wb. IR-kesand
'I'S bacco stalk flour (except by special J, A. Worrel, K.C., for defend&nts. subscriptions to TtlE STAR not burnansowtigis. it ivp.rtabl,,, hang itatir
and one of t a most successful farn"' M!�Im .56C.
where. Requires no P, pes, 't -a
is authority for the statement that permission of the British customs HE above stamp will print a person's paid on or before Decemb e .tilte, P.1711il!a-`ocl-113�7
fully half his turnips haye already authorities), cut and compressed to- er I at, Vhi. A $,lie ... /"-.,A U.d
` light. App—d1j,",
began to decay. Old pioneers 811Y bacco, tobacco packed with other TN AM I , ADDRESS and BUSI- 1903, will be charg
, 't "I 0
that, excepting this year, they cannot goods, tobacco sweetened with the NESS, and is one of the snost convea- . credit rate of $ 1. 50 . year and 100 Candle Power 15
recollect it time when turnips began leaves of trees or plants other than ient stamps made. Having Pad -of its placed In other hands for Im-
decaying in the field in the fall of the thotobacco plant, articles infringing the I 7 I Hours for Two Cents.
year. �' -chandise; of ' c- own, it makes a clean print by a slight mediate collection. No wicks to trini, no smoke or smell. No
law as to the marking of moo Felt Gay 'After the Se pressure of the handle. It is made in ehimneys to clean. superior to elect�iclty or
DESERVED COMPLIURNT.-A prorni- foreign prison made goods, lottery . � Further Improvements to cetyiene Rua cheaper than kerosene. "ving
advertisements, saccharin, and sub- ond Box of Iron -ox different sues at the following prices, effett�dj
f � its use quickly pays for It. Great
nent, sue cessful and progressive husi- THE STAR, necessitating the ,ar,l.n ix ur" for ind-ol .rid outdooT use;
stances of it, like nature or use, such as Tablets. 30c., 65c., 85c., $1.00, $1.40. Date& ,�h . the lZricer Inc-leacent V.p.1 '.
nesf; man, last week complimented saxin, &c., or mixtures of the same, expenditure of a very large sum LALUS), Itisperfect. beware of Imitat Ions.
THv, STAR when be declared that this bounty -fed sugar produced in Russia, can be used in connection with.these. I money, are contemplated In
,� � , 4ournal was the most comprehensive, Denmark, and the Argentina Repub- January 6, 1903. BUSINESS MR14 should have one of I O' Thera are More Every
�'� lic, except in transmission to other About a year ago, being a them for marking circulars supplied by i the ...r future,and patronsare "BEST" LAMPS In Lamp
' rid also a . urged to be prompt In their set-
t,�I)Atained the roost news' IL ountries, rag@, shoddy, dioused and niffenr from in(figestion (a bad wholesale firms, as well as for many ' . I use than ALL other
ha6�fiiie best arranged page he had filthy clothing and bedding. and live ' I t I a m a n t s. Don't blame the WAR.
, " '
everrad. "The interest and delight animals (except bees in properly con- attack), I bou ht two ka other requirements. ORDER NOW and j publishers If you neglect to makes combined.
, "he said "I would pity it year'a structedcases). Subjectt.o the rostric- of 1=-= 9 C geS avoid the CHRISTMAS RUSH. I RANTED
to mt _ ' mentioned in the for . Zer =9 one Rubber Stamps can be had for BUSI- pay, and thus make trouble and Sold I
cigars, expense for yourself. I
. paragraph, tobacco, including L I WaS ConSC'= Of an ImProve- NESS arid PROFESSIONAL mem, for ; . �
subsc tion for. You had variety, t'Ons
from itie cradle to the grave, and I .cigarettes and snuff, is admitted if ment,, and I remember that the HOVSK, for the POCKET, and for There Is no "business " In -
could not read on without many declared, but is subject to a fine in BY
cha s of deep interest. The more addition to the duty. Golh and oil ver the second one did the busi- CHRISTMAS GIFTS. having between $2,000 and
I re%ethe more interesting THE STAR late, imported as merchandise, must 13 Vour next order Is solicited. $3,000 outstanding, Is there ?
seemed to be to me. Not a line or F, �ed, and is not admitted if I andIfelt gay. I 0130. BECKETT,
column but was live news, full of deq el "sa Well, send In your share of It
thought and worthy of reflection.' be ow t a proper strandard. No parcel R. Pellim Crookcn&n, TFRMS-CAS" with order. I and save trouble, and at the Agent for Huron.
MAIL ORDERS P.-Ptly .1tUnded to and satit.
Such opirliont; are pleasing and appre- may contain coin (unless clearly in- 182 BrunswickStreet, 'action gustrantse4l. same time help push a good -
ciated highly by Tilig STAR. . tended for the purposes ,of ornainent) t
.rhe r bullion exceeding five pounds sterl- Toronto, Ont. thing along. Cmn be Reen at Pni-Rone' !['air. or nt
hundreds of new subscribers added 0 LORNE C. TODD,
Ing in value. roy residence, corner Albert und Brock
durin$ the present fall is evidence Fifty Iron -ox Tablets, in an attractive C,ODRRICH. 6661111*60111196" streeER, (;oderich.
that HBSTAR isit leader. Experts aluminum pocket case 25 cents at drug -
In the nenaper line say THE GODE_ 10 cent ays for THE STAR to the gjata, or sent, pos��, On recei Utf - —I------- ______ -,---I--- ---------- _� __ ___
RICH STAR 9 the best arranged ex. end of . ____�.__ ri e. T`ke Iron -ox Remedy Co., .
elusively weekly newspaper to be a. walketrville, ont.
found anywhere. When You Need Physic
CommA WORTH $45,000. -The valtle Get a box of the old reliable Dr. � Vl.-U �!�) !�i!VV5e)e-5!_1'-X*VX9- VX*X*V);_1V_X*_1
of correct punctuation is seen from Hamilton*s Pills of Mandrake and
the following -.-The Beatty will case Butternut, which loosens the bowels __�_
I � 1- . : : � - "
involving the omission from the in. w ' ot"' caus rig gr p rig pa ns. 0 Ooderich township.
it retniady is half so satisfactory as Dr.
strumentofacornma, which, had Hamilton's Pills. Price 25c. GEORGE Cox, Sn.-Ono of the old -
been inserted, would have been worth est, and perhaps the oldest, pioneerm
in this township, is George Cox, Hr.,
W,000 to John Beatty, has been de- The bylaw authorizing the purchase who in his 87th year, is as active, hale
cided against the latter by Judge of the electric light plant by the town and hearty, as many men twenty
Hord, of Columbus, Ind. The will is of Wingham, from Walter Green for years younger. He has been it resi-
that of Joseph Beatty, who made it the sum of $20,000, was voted on and dent of this township for over 70
in ungrammatical fashion, and the carried by a majority of 176. yeaxs, which period is scarcely sur -
construction of it has caused much passed by any of the few remaining
trouble in the courts. The court pioneers. Mr. Cox still does consider-
. termed it the case of a $45,000 Commit, Consumption Begins With A Cough. able work, as he jocularly says "to
as It was me-ly the insertion of a The cou-b racks and tears the ten- k!3pp himself from rusting out," and iN
comma that would make the will clear. der tissues of the throat. a to read without I Lies. He is it I 10
. Inflamation man of considerable agil'ity, and likem "I
'he p intiff amserted that t is pro- supervenes and then serious broneb 'a' nothing better than to sit down and he largest newspaper
.1 or lung trouble is established. The discuss the general topics of the day. The Goderich Star, t
" y il Emma Beatty
I rig hex, natural life and not in fee Important time Is at the beginning. In his earlier days he was A member in the Cou li ty of
P�l si le, an t at. at her death the Stay the progress of the cough by us- of the Council, also amsessor of the
roperty should go to him and ary ingi fragrant healing Catarrhozone township, a Justice of libe Peace, and Huron, with all its Local, County, Provincial, Dotninion, Britisb
rown. a court maid t t a commit wh all reaches every part of the bron- still ho]dA bin commission. It is it
necessary to the easy construction of chial tubes, throat and lungs. Ca- pleasure to state that the veteran Htill and Foreign News, latest Market Reports, Stinday School
the will had been omitted, that, had tarrhozone destroys disease germs,
it been placed in the will, would have stops the cough, heals sore spots, enjoys the beat of health. Lessons, Talmage's Sernions, and very triany otlier Special I
settled the intentiott of the instrument clefirs the nose and throat of dis- WISE'6 SAIX ov STocK.-The al -
and his ruling was made on the pre- charge. Catarrhozone soothes. never tendalle's at Ed- Wise's sale of th0ro- Features, can be bad for ..... .
sumption that the comma was oi�nmit- irritates. Guaranteed for every form bred stock w" not large, but there
ed'or rather that the Intention of the of catarrh. For lasting cure use Ca- were buyers from dia,erent sections.
testator was that the comma should tarrhozone. Two months treatment Thos. Gundry, of Goderich, wielded
he left out. $1.00; trial size 25c. the ll�mmitro and the prices realized I 10c to the end of 1903
� were generally vAory fair. The stock , -
I . . Was all hl 41 -f -l- -Alil- and
I.I.I......--ig caused b ,
(" Disordered Kidneys
I rs the v*rdlet of Science. Unhealthy kidneys cannot filter
the blood and polaGnous tnatters ar44 left in the system. Keep
.the k1dritys healthy or there is danger to life. Thebestmewls
, to adopt to insure vigorous and well working Itidneys is .
I . , " 1 6 'a :-'Z� J . U
.. .,114* 'kJ4'ney 0111 that Cu "O tt vms made exped*Uy
_ �
to bettifit 66 kidney,s, atid ex WA t , lit"t dWovetits
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,ot lutilltal tdt .tAft Ili 9"' lwisisa - I outo."U of
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. , .* I f
I I � ". 01", � I - "
.. , -1 It 'A "� 0
I . �k I I I
was sold Pimply because Mr. Wise was
over -stocked, Two year old grade
steers sold at er rairt graAe --
at �00; it yearmol(T cri t brought $112,
and a two Year Old 8120. The t h, wo-
.breA stock hold as high ap $132, tile
apurchasers being -log.
J. W. Johnstori, A. W.
Wier,Alex. Innis. R. ,%Ic-
hn Beattle, Robert PaitrHon
and Peter Cole.
A NAnnow NSCAPE.-GeO. Middle-
ton Tfaa JoAt teceived a letter fr4un his
sin James, who was one of the 4W
=Ir on board a C. P. It. train
aldo a roarvellouo escape from
deatructio)h recently, while fravOling
in the mountains. A bridge river thin
Frader River had been washed s way,
and the ebglneor, ,noticing & log on
tbetta& -near tho'bridga approach
rtvetarbis en$(Ine and put on all
brakes, but the thon.0- .... ... t -
train astocimuch to stop, and 00
t,,,gln and express car Went over Into
tit" ,.I lir, the otiginetr anti fireinar
anvinitheir lives by jumping. Tholl
br&ye ,L Was handsonly rccrigni%�q
by I ; passengers. rot, iA the elitill
tra Otte over, tile whole of thin#
wo 1 � (*ttainly have been drownik
Ilk In a trap.
I 11 .--�_ .1
I Iii th4r Gra*4
), L IteffeetU&
641th In a
11 little Otte.
L' 1-11
$1 to the end of 1904
If you are noOlbow a sitibscriber, this is your opportunity.
THF STAR is one of the oldest and niost largely circulating
papers in Western Ontario, aud stands on its own tilerits as
a Newspaper. Few local papers do so. Few local newspapers
serve their patroils nearly as well in quality, quantity or cir-
culation. No greater value has ever been offered or given by
any local paper. Hundreds of volunteer new subscribers have
been added ditring the presont fall, and if yoti are tiot One of
tbem, there is still rooni for your name.
: It "I .11 1.
, , �� I
''I � , �! �,,
� , . I . 11
, R, .
0i, .1 - % f
I ,
� �
�, j
10c to the end of 1903-
$1 to the end of 1904
---and don't, forget the CASH
Is -."#.W- . . I _�� I
' ' 0011111- I -1 I 11
RUN ang Brow, Lod'o, I � " A_ �,
anj I n V 6 St M e n t CMDanUi, I * I 1� .
HEAD Orylon: NoRTH ftitulm . .. -1 .. " - .
GODERICH, - ONTARIO. . % �, 1141' 1 . ,,:�j ,�i
I .1 I I , � I 'I I'
, , .
XOTAULt"amp IM& I , � 1, ,., , , , ��� , )
� �.',4 1 , j -, ' � . -I... .
I , � , , , 7�� �11
OUR SAVINGS BANK . V",* � 1. 4"
. I *, ", I � � ,�, 4 ,
_W�'AV . , , j�� ''
Whya�ur nitiontion to thq fact that our �f
nk IN lvw 0110 of tho partuationt - 10 I , J .
savinsio , 6-w"I'll ill - X10114 4. Y, i�' 'I
ution , a a ofthe ondnion. IthitoprOOM . A=4" O�lf . . - - 'j.",
ro tbe AltArt, atu�l w 11 006 Units Toi� fave nl- . I - �
I , to, anti laws" 161A..-" -"a � - 14 - - _ � � � � f'l'
ytbo t OX" b :QteWrate* ' Itcru have Arst 0 -4;jik .
. * -
IIOU 0 ��; :
on &"at* at thol Company. I _" � I .
, ,
TWuron OMJ Urtios IA Indcr 0oYSmm*ut "i4 6 , I I I �." "I
� � ,
I .
. I �
. I 11 �
eon , anti r voo UsPOR, to - � I 11
1161,011" or er, qrsu, in "unts"4WV"M I � 1; � I I I �
NR I . 11 I
Coat* to T.hr" I'tiousand V011V4., slickwIlls �r "I I I I I . . I )!'
Compound Interest, added every aft mootho, , ;1 1 ; 11 ,: ., I '1� I
at raw an agreed UI)OU. " k, � q , 1 4 I . . ! �
� C I
) i
P ftfl� , , , . 6�011D kfl�ji'? " ,
c Iniatuis T �
pellven Del I
tritom, so that�oey I .I
may — . 1. ,40da (lit I ume dMrAw* .1 .i .) . .
I in ,`U, . _v I I I �1
"t 1; oil troattle a 10 - , , � 11� I
A 91 as ntnud, lan, tt,r%r rog;m' 11 �
is directed 11 hy "' ; , 11
I ,
. .
. " '? - _� I I ,
. I "'.: � � I
alrowa on Ta= at 3 RM4 PA)r cent. 11 . XJ46 4 40 0 .
Thu Compan swil man% ,4 b 4M X. _0 111- 11 , ,.",
"r . I
MQU who tire tfmusolly Qvilver"n w i, q livill 11A 4" i , : ?11� I I. . 11. I i t �
I u over 11W , -1 ,� ��, I.,- - . � t
m ul men of I V wm, anti it 9 4W 1. . ,
fan r a a tit operation on us a Wd w" 11 11
and no till bad _X tw" I , I
. ure, ��1100, , -0 ____,:,_,_ 1, _
-A f uMI*th1%t11n1^rrI 1w men x4al ��v -A., _9� - .
- _ , �. --1 ..
217 ... " � � I'll I :,!"� . .� . I
. I'sair ,,, "I
and knorij it I Ily litakis do is damw _._� - 4,4 �! , , 'Ili
I -_ - I
out soy t ii r own nawo. the tw"M# In , �� I .. I'— I , I
, ,,,
lit � _.� In , . , . I I 1, � �,
LOANS. � W r,,!i' 2W �. � I 11 . . . . .
. . � j .:" �� .....
son" of 0 1V�;"_^sAAjk7 � � . 11 �,, I 1,
TbeCompanymaki Loatis=01 t-la"fatin , - , -, ., I, ` � �. I � . 1�
z 1�; � ,
u boo " wiididgk*�ss� I.. -7 �
proipart�, old , to t tat De � re itire thd � 1 il :',
11, - - I 11111 , �,
strongv kan watest wou�lty for tLeIr invv-- � I s� I I : I I �
rutin% 'ertulneg6retuadis olitutborroware,tho . ", � . ��
" �l Atralght loans and dImPIq �, ) , �., ,
. .till aria be � .1 . .." �
, , "I" Z�
to oan b�svnt. by until at the risk of institute MGU1000! I , I ,.,�, L
,joinder, I I - I I 1, _1 , 1��11 .
You cannot make your Investments with The supplementary incetings ot* the - : 4, !�
greater advantav to yourself than hvm West Huron Farmer's Institute willbit,' ' I I il
W. L HORTON, ?Awwww. held at I I " I � � , ,,,f� � I
F.JoNwAN'llros. W.PROUDro0T,W,,p,o Loudesboro, HtIl's Hall ........... D". 1, ,� 1-1- I I I � I., ; , � 1�.
"' L Bclk,rave, Public Hall ........... 44 2 I � ;�' "
Solicitors : PRouDrooT & HAra. . , . ,
Dankors t TnuCANADIAN BANK OFCOMMURCE- St. Helens, Public Hall .... ..... t 3 . �1 I
1. I."
Holuiesville, Wilson's Halt ....... 144 4 - . 11 I.: �
hQRD STRATnooNA Fercis JOFWAN Delegates. -Dr. H. G. Reed, V. S,,' � I . : , I ,� i
MM, PROUDFOOT, R.C., J. , Itoativre. ' Georpetowu; subjects, "The . I 34
11. DuNLop, , $k,, I I . �,, I
"I'lla IIOaTON- Aplea of successful Stock Breedillg* . , � �j;
-Pxiiw I
JUDOX HOLT 1). J. JAYTZL; "The modern Harness slid Saddle Horse, � '�' I �..",
� ��
I — and how to breed him 11 "The relikflbl�� ' : `� � J��
. I which exists between lmp�oper feedii1g:.',.__. , I , :, � 1"�,�?
.. . . . 11 and diseases." "blanagetnentofl)jkit� , I t*, "
li I � . I ,4v
Iga with a view of preventitt Dlls�.. I . I 0
. 11 I 'ell 4
__ 1.1111 JILM43 ease." Eve iiing subjects, "The LT40ft- , ' 11 �
ti .... of Ili, H.,se" toid "Fanni.8,46A, , . , 4
(10 WEST Profession. .� , �. �: �.: ., I .
J. It. Smith, Lan bank. --S bjject, , ,;. ��., .
, ,�W
One -�vgy Special Excursion . rj# ''I .
,:X?ej�ds ,,arhl feediag5 . 11 . � ; '.
Tickets are on Sale Weeds. "Good ',;v(;d. ' '20 ... §Oil I lj�
to Plant.., Evening S.bje, ; ,.�, � , I
Daily until . Ts- " . � o� �i
I '"Choositif an occupation." "Agl!il� � I 1".
Lola , , I "
November 30th, 11 ,cultural cation. " i . I .�,
. I .1�i . I � � ': .� " i
to points In 4 __ - - � 1i
C ,�� � _ , . �.�,,
Britit,h Columbia, California, Col- 1, -
orado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon I 1�*_�:
I :� :".- � "
Utah, Washington, etc., etc. . A Cours, e ln'-,�� , 11 I , .
I I �`
I ''
� I � I I
Mt. Clemens Mineral ftth . ,� � � I I"
" : dvertisi=, ,, ' ''.,�
Unexcelled treatment for rh,u- A .
watitim, nervous diseases, ate. k5`111- 1 1, . I I q
Situated near -Detroit. Quicgly 1
and comfortably reached by the 1 .1
Grand 7�-unh. b3i.e Dollar # ,��!_ r I
_____________ _
11 �
The St. Catharines Well. ���� , I �
I 'D.�� "I �
The waters of this fatuous well I � I
I are a great specific for nervous . � I
disorders. Situated on the direct MPRESSIONS, a monthly jour- ,,, . I � � .:
line of the Grand 71rwrok, tleven - I 11.1
miles from Niagara Falls. I nal of business making ideas � . .1 I I ;
I ___ __ - - - I.., . 1. �1, ,
The fast, up-to-date and con. . I.."
venient service of the Grand and which, during the Yeart, - , - I -�� I I
Trunk is unexcelled for those I . ".,.. _ - " , :" -
travelling to the East, West, South gives a thorough treatment of the. - , 11 . I I
or North. I I I I . . 1 '71,_
different phases of advertising, tit�jj,. I . � , I
Livo Stock Exposition, Chicisgo, . 1. .
111. Nov. 28 to Dec. stb. be sent to any address in Canada or,, 1.
Single Fare for Round Trip, Plus . . I I . 1
$2.00 the United States for One Dollar. �. -
0ood igoln,j Nov. 29th. 30th, Doo. IML I . I
Valid return rig on or before Don. 7, 1903 .
_. - -_ Send ten cents for a sample copy4 - I I 'I, I
For Tickets and all information ap- : k)
pla to rnt*-. WrIto to J. D. McDon- r ,'
c, I .
al . Die ot Pansonwer Agont. Toronto. It will be worth a dollar tO YOLI. I
for descriptive literaturoreigurding tho . I .�Ii 11
above reacirta. � . I , I
F. F- LAWREMU. I N 1) I? L -S _,�_ I 0 NSY-- , -i� � r
Town Ticket Airout. . �
offee Hours from 9 a.m. to " p.m. S t. C a t 1i a r i n,.e s, Ontariol I
� I �
kiii _/ �
\_-�W4Q-/A--�X-1'_V 4V�AWIW-�'X-elk-"4w�/', I i
I . �
� � Us S. STEEL ..�
�, �1. I
� ESTABLISHED 1890 � Corporation. L, �
, , 1,
� 'I'lle Whit, &, Kellible At.lato Mapand Voluenis I .
Of StAkti.tk�m "hould bo in tholianas of ej . I I
� ,04witholdor. Nowh.r,Dol"i.thuiuthioam`o' on' . . . .
�, of Infortnatin. fxlwo to thn jniblic� Thin
� Ionic Aiows by a I) vo'color Mai) the I-Atiott
�, ' of Omit.. ,,r land. 11rond arid .t.wn-hip
,�, Ili- an,l gi --fil, I �
��, WIDEVER&GO., � " 0t"N'Tuoints ,,f .... . .. Inge, ..
. L� di.t,lbuttun of 14tal, di't.i.ri of -curitidg,
4 v� Ineori,oration (iort fi,aul. Cull text of by laws, -
14 ,
�1. � ,looll-U, l"W'd dig -t of loort4XILto... "U. , "to_ .L1
BROKERS. .( ......... o"'I 1�, 00,01 ... r, Mi.
� � Price $5 net, to accompany each
� � order, . /
§ For Sale Only by
2 44 Broad St, New Vork.
�' i 1�1 The ohloot No- Almn,v of Witil 4LM0t, knd
NEW YORK. �1 Pu 1,1 kh of Tho W,,Il stm,t J- rna I
� I
,� CI I I ( "A ( x'O. � — Wall Street Journal.
, 0
- - - - - - - -- � L�
-1 - .- - - ____
You Want
A Horse?
Safety is the first consideration.
Reliability is very important
The solid combination can be had at
Robinson's Livery,
opposite the Coll-rne flotel, (;(Orrich.
- - � ---
Prices are right and satisfaction an.
When you want a rig call at the
office, or ring up 'Phone 65.
-----.-- -_ __
Alex. Robinson.
Save Money
Save Worry
Save Wear
By getting your
_111ROM I �-.-,-
Hugh Dunlop .
4, We guarantee ,. I I
I .
�, Fit �
?, Price I -
I.Dng [;istame Telephone6o. � I
� Quality
14 '
P. 0. Box 76. .� I WHAT MORF DO VOU WANT? � �
�,' The ol 4�t establial-I # .N, Yt ,Imr to nank ot I .
I , in the ro-tv. htrnif,ettt. floderieb � �
- 0� . . f 1i
N, _ '" "
. . .
. antity of VIEMLOCK or
I mommoNAM� Ally qu, 1.
CEDAR !iLABS now on . I
OFFICEIW H S T S TR fi ET, 1� h'tnl a, , , , , , ' , '
G,O DIR R I CH, 1' " I . '
�, 4 , I
I _,v No n's, Worod, Y Ard, . ."
I 11 W,_'_�, - . �. -ilo2sr* on. X 11 e!",
W .46* "I 1. w3azzi 6 I I .
I �� ; I I � . I . I
I �
I I P� I 11 11 , � '� , , .�. I 11 � - ''I
. � , I . �.,( 1 � " I 1� . I . . I
. I . I ,(i - � � i I I
I �', I � , , /I 1, `� " , I . -0 - , , � �
�1 ,� , I ,;; ", - -
, f I " *
. � ; k. ., � I * .... ....
I , - , "
11 I . I . . I iX 1, ; I ,
.. � J��6 , ,.` i 44� 11
1, 1, � -h , , il_.��, ��_ ;&j��.� "A�. ika I '�, .1 - .�
11 11 A, 11. - - &_.:., I _.,A61 i's.i.-Ala- � , ,
i, .1,�l �