HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-11-20, Page 2__ 11 I . 11 I . I I I - - .,- I 11 ""': "" 11.11, 1-11% �11.1.1,11.11���,�-�''.'�,�,.".,., 1. 1: to tu . � ,,I .1 '" .4, . ,�&i­ - � W . I � , . . I � I . I , I � 'N 1 1 � � , � 1 "1 1 , "W ' lo! n � 090,81 I hen'Thys - o fig, Order of, Tog arial _ �f H h , , , �j � . I I . � � I i . a s . 1"�: I , , , � . . . . I I I I 11.111 V� XV , OA , , � , . � a 'I, . , Q ' ,� - . . . . , A%t**X!A iSlik P r,IN .. A rrim " ` ' -*.ad dys , � .� "', '' , I , 1. 1. C'. NUIPIN AM - '_ '] ' T" 1% . I - I , I . THAN 'PE , ' � M.otukisaO Its ips tp.'Ov t . � � .ot P , _rve , I I � I ' _us , .i. *AArXX4 I � I I pe9j0o y6u, nj s#j r., I . ", � �w A, . I . :� , , oly ss,$u Ps all r X. It , �, I . , , ,,Me, 4 s It � , 11 : 1AW 4W I ii* I ow '400, 03�, . .. � I .. " , , I A . ftm 11%, 1W o0w Ift, . ''. I 1 , , , I , . *i$1K , � V � . . 1� I I . .4 , 0014 4 . , 4*"* i*;Oa , ,Aao�zl " I I . .� . � I 'i" , " : .. .1, . � I ­_ .. .1ft . zouolwattsow i4xiot I � .1 .. 11 . RANSOAVED LIFE . 11 ­ I ,� ­­ 1-1 1111111111111E . . --.-- -I I I:_ .I � yo&m.. - ­ . 11 , z . 1( , A, I '. I . -"FROM , . . 11 � IN ,Orr 10 i ­ � , I *0 I . i , . , 00800011- ! , I I � I , � I 1W I I ""a I C siaelps no a 9'n, wq*,Oru - Im I I ­_ a , � ,, I � I , � I � .. If I ,'��*o �� . ft tho bwal in 0404dan'trpa the ,= V to that - , - --,. ", �___ � � il � . ,,r I i - -1. --- . __ rozo I � , . c(Ratry from tea are ____ �. 1044:M'm t 'At Ing form in his heart. and that lit- I .1 I c,"A's V*X,� 413hos is in til's two at the Mthe "Tull: 0 % , V,U---(CO, .) - LAD,A c,slt .QtI1?,bI:`% *Vellt* I � - - , solip yo 14�ht " ol recent yeters, They toll a, won- � I " I 1 �4 Wit '. If. IV* §lIll 0*. Asnhk, With tic swrap of jagged steel came PC I ... , , , '' pleasure, but near ending all. At the 1�%Ck of Ain , S �� .. 11 .. ­­­ _111-, Aerful story 99 the development Pit 4 1 1 . L-, 1019044 0400 hillt $be Shyly. gave. mind there was some other thought ltl� t4q, '"." ! I I 41111 wthipl-to unp va torkitQrY pays � ' 14,0(*4 -T"Vot 1%40411419 Ou�, He ... a tear or a supplelon-14FIllch he CEYLON t�a ls,�4146'us 0,04, ermaoml,41. Black 1, � � t.t a St. Paul, rodx�llottor,., If - / ' c , I 3WI _ 0"',00111 Vlir ,'Ip Ar- .1 I - � I In eight ,years the Immigrit,tion In, I I , � � 1�44ly cir to ),%a could not cuktcli firmly or *so clearly, _ -8 11 ­ ....... � . -'I I'll I I I I" � I! to Canada lux. Increglited eightfold. 11JI I I , . . Mixod or Natulral Green, , q" - 1� �Ie.l 114,041i itrgogo love agoo, And which troubled US= tho More . . . � CN111 ..... ­ I V1014 *0k $0.4 only M 004*0 Ina, or am ilriliowa, I . - 4.orraW. Plitt YOU- JQn, for its vagueness. He still paced 11 - Tllo,-. ofPpor, *A ,of: Lyow", a ended with lest ... ­ 11 �� I t ' ­ , , I 1-11 the cu 0" 4 110"900 OX.MbIlleft? Ar4d Will thlit room reatkissly, bACkwards and .1 - PrOlilkh, 404jiollil!, vommundt,y Witt, ,rtwils tolatled 125,000, flvlki� " '10W . ­ ­� � ­ . �. 1� ., � I.. �� I � I , 11 - -1 11 I -1. - � _� '14004 4Ad U4410 of life not very Uropo a0pljod 1046 � Than two- .731tiq Ribbon C�yjorl Tea is 44par excellence" the quality tea . , , ve, 0 in' course, a6d 411 that ldnd-of thing. PLOG9110 TH 9ER18T 1"'I'l`9 I t U044 ,04 04ocra,' w,ere Itiod , of tilip influx. - Immigrants ax- of *197b yerillicil I know- Aud� forwards, when suddelitly, an be pas&. I 'I dQL #WI'V"t to Make the 'Play would have been an lqquos�. of thirds Canada. ­ � ed the window, a glint of wh4 B, RS1 Ji - - � . w ', rived thoro from ove;7 State in the -cured '�'Ai "kt, 0 a a .', ' "th 1"PQ ' though bad 18 MY the we do c ught his eye ' I uut::,Rt 1XIAilincip, 4y a dreryliftj serle Made frorn the most delicate leaves cif the tea plant best Wb4m'he -is concerned.", a," Ud But all's well that ends well, and .6- of Vol "'i"4114a it , mi WAssopereg fox� union, . tayed his footsteps. . -1 this business h k#"U by strictly scientific processes. L "WOOV'"'Mot too, Wickham.', Nato 8 I an ended woll-very, IN SCOTLAND BZATH WAS THE . In reg" IeQft*� ,,over tho better pq.rT. of 4 Nothing iu,d to the develop- . AP41"a , Love's eyes are quick and sure. In well ji,jdoed." Ilia thoughts were - PUNISH NT. cen . t,04 ", I I Mont of western * Udrmdwis more The'.taste is always the same-ricti -and almost thick -the � Th '0110todly, a second he guessed what the sleam, ovidonily elsewhere, lie was almost I., . bouquet odorous and aromatic -a tea for the inost exclusive fuhc- . ' .,, tl.� �bj%414.01'40 colonel started F - . As for' the qiiii.k6rai-m;typAcal ,,pa,_ striking than the littrush at Ameri- tro*-,4 ',b'roWIL _Atudy. ,�,.Ob -OW... Inepligrgifitt bl. big -exultutim, - - . Azd- this.- Huguenots. .Were Massa- - %-,e� .roalsterau..;the eaw-farmors--to till -Its fertile -,P170,117- - tioir, at­a-rnoderate�-prlce; - ----- - - - --- -- - . ­ __ %� monot In a second more no v suffered irorgeva- , afr*14,0t; X,auau ba,buny." - 1 am teom life window, tb�ougb ft long At the top of the lone stone stepil cred Because of Their I iorr 0; '00 mtt;.04'§�t everywhere. In years ago the numbor of ,. '040''You.spare us an hour or arched vista of trees, he could sea Ardel was waiting jor them, and E 1100,14, "d; let'. Eight ito Cianada with 'T* I Beliefs. Wing tfia relga of Charles America4a.who won w4ft 0 , two,tqJi4 111t. PlAy? " where two patho creased deep In Wickham, atilt brimming over with tile SnRild otIone, '18,602 of them the Intention of residing in the Dom- a Ar W11"1111111, - portod:� I as laid fiscal.,yeAr there were neurly -1 "AA Wl�lltt, ' he answered,sat the woods. Even an he looked, good humor, piassed ifto the house Rightly or wrongly, the Govern- M ere 440r,lactiled 3,08 were 'trans- Inion was loss than fifty. To the .. "Ing, Lucy and ()atonal Wickham came dis- with the man whose life he had three mants of past days �4re not nearly fj%vo4 beyond the seas .. - I � 4.� I I'll 'COMO-to qeo fair play. I � 11 U. I . Blue 1%1 b bol 30� ,,it ,ral" � Slow sid, " . Llact, into L 0 sun g or a mo- times attempt , . I -a . orant as rwAstance, passive or aria Soo n nds I . .A. a t a now exr 8, * ment, passing from shade to shade otherwise, as they now are. leceived. I U violent assaults 11 it In sAid. buys ample, capital, and Ti.tay,,wora a curious contrast, niong the leafy pathway. They ITO be continued.) Probably the Caintsards were the invetinga, - on tbel practically ell o.jo tsxmors skilled in P9% thoo' . , , 0,,jt**, W , , hq stood faeling each walked slowly, and talked earnestly 4 - most strenuous "pussive resisters,'' Few amp modem agricultural methods. Othilr"# " claso�fltting silk as they went, Wickliam's tall figure orm is now understood, arid � %% ilipplair. Ales Nayler, a wealth A quartik of a contury ago, the , *Xt . day, in .. It ,the leaders escaped Jere$ 7. ceovion I e a 1110 $0, jollil'In hand; before tho bonding towards his companion. Tre- the general way In which they were l4ittled pr,pVrietor at Wakefield, iy white population of w,estern Canada 11�0� 'Went on. Harry Trevor vor started at the sight, and draw - I i 4 , L could be indicated in five figures'. To- wlm,;�'M UNFIT FOR WORKI an the t , trea,ted may be inferred train the ful- York,shire, ';j4is br pdod, pillairled t Black., Mixed 1phould be AQJU for the lowing particular instance : d "09900, twice -once through tile dun Immigrants tire pouring Into its '10*340irs, 'Grotaxii 40c. rifty .. JRQ4 Label sturdy 'April I S11,01, L - . . wdnl�,Wthsl Saxon type, fair face and his breath in sharply, liko Ono in THE RESULT OF SEVERE XID­ On Palm Sunday, at. 1706, "o . I Apre, square shouldered and pain. attfling a groan, and at the In- I Its at, Brig,tcil. $9 unme,citul prairies at t-1 L stvo.00- 10,00, good looking but stant the illusive thought, that had NEY AND BLADDER Maxishal do Dicintreull, being inforill- I wei a thage , � , scaurglings 'that it . 125,000 A YEAR. � I __ . cOU0401313,11ilce, blue-eyed, curly haired bullied him no long took tlectr form TROUBLE. ad that some, three hundred of tho 1 N, EXV -W�k�AJMY, KILLV D 11M. Tilesp � axe the pea�sants of central -_ -1 with-1*110 ftslt Complexion of it girl. proscribed sect -men, women, i d I y"t "his 'Undaunted spirit uttered Europe, crashed by centuries at feu- . - I - - - In his brain. shaping Itself from - childVeri--worc, assembled in a ' u ' ill I 110ither Wurtruir nor groan as the dal oppression. .British operistiVeS when you ' vaothatit be.,. the rizima NO 190ROO more than ever a boy vvelous hints and memories to It After Years at Much Distress Mr. nefur Nisines for religious worship,' bungnian-10jiled ,and gashed big bar- and faxxq laborors, tailing clarly and i I . ?ontpp,4 hay a- WASHBOARD ' , ted, With Ardel'a IstatelY )terrible suspicion. W. F. Kennedy Has Been Re- hastened with a troop of soldi I "I back and sides, *hIlst with hands late for the scantiest of lAttances , X 11111ousphold figuft- , XA' the soft wave of Artist's He left his room and went straight he place, burst open the clooro"s to 111111111IN da-rk b,ra*jx beir there were touches to the gyrudaBlum. With curiou , a stored to a Life of Activity. t s, and � tied to a CAtt its horse dragged him and Americ" plct�oers whom the _ . I � " SPECIAL , Of wmt0r, "A jjablo silvered," but distinctness lie remembered the cor- startod to put to tile sword tile ell- Ljo%%'lY along." steady prosure of a. rapid increasing I Favorite." I , there, Vero ,no lines ,on the broad There Is probably no man In the tire congregation. E,un women, and women of gentle population and the consequent ill- broW,,,�,go.,dIMWIng of the dark eyes. nor hito which lie had e township of Pelham, Welland County, The process, however, proved some- bi , if, Nvere sublibeted to these brutal ci-ease in the price of forming lands "" . L - F 0 a U' Slo ' * 1� - AD* " ef i7l - so .-Wav Tile t;LjI figure that faced Trevoi broken toll. It was no longer tl'Pl*O. better known than Mr. Wilbur F - what slow, for, the people bellig - Publir wl'IP In a. - "Waverly." GLOBE." 'Ify; V ; , 1, Ft 9 Mary Clark, who have discouraged, are moving with - . gritcofu His suspenso deepened. The brokint Kennedy. He In a prosperous farmer packed tightl together, the soldiers "is t e ft r. to so suffor, Was - the this tide toward the Northwest. . , OB still In tile full prime frilgment from tile top -had it also and tile owner of a large cooperage, could not eas ly got at them. So the I wift, of a tvall�to-do London trades. The Canadian Northwest is that FIN 1. and 'Ill'ttobitth of . mature manhood. A Maxall ri , disappeared? It would seem so. 1-10 and Is hold in the highest esteem by Q called his men outside, after � oulo. Ma,rY Fisher, who "under- sciction of the Dominion lying b- INSIST ON GETTING ONE OF THE ABOVE WELL-KNOWN BRANDS Yot4* 601'rit seemed to ha,�p kept searched the floor caxcjfullY, the all who have his acquaintance. Mr. about fifty or sixty had been I The Best That Can be Had. his b64�Vyqlwq. slain, %%.,lit grievious scourgings and In- tween the Great Lakes and the Rocky , , close clean bare matting making the Kennedy is now soventy-two yei an e ill. Only 0 " o '�digl,itl­,­ was a gentlewoman of I it- Mounteana. It has, roughly speak- USE EDDY'S FAILS & TUBS. B`stW004 the two women who search easy, but it was quite in of age, and is as active and rugg'ed of the worshippers. it young Kill, wateho es- � dePI-O'b"It means, who bad been re- itig, an area of 760,000 square miles, ,d, the trial from the balcony train, Just on the point of giving as many a man years younger. For c ad, and she was hanged the next I -vi � vd i it pexaoi�al audience by 'USE EDDY'S MATCHES - the C44traSt Was not loss striking. over in despair, by more accident he 3eilrs, however, he was EL great sljf- claup the and includes the province of Manito- y. I Sulicin of Turkey. Mary Dyar, who ba, and the torritotles of Again WC21W figiftlep Imar J34D4s3L�m3p" zl,ww�w�,vwAxes4m=-_ kau,9,4114,9. eyed, dimpled, buxom caught sight of what he soughit The forer from kidney trouble and lie S mall -A .I . 1 . . ,l iboia, 311.. , � M ME . we or ia poop e rea a i %vas hunged. is described as a "per- Saskatchewan, Alberta and Atliftbas,- I Jecintiotte was the. very embodiment foil button with tile inch of thin Cheerfully gives credit for his present after this fashion were converted soo (If HO mean ext,ract arid paron- ca, 11ractically speakIng, it is one - ___ _ - ­ - - . - - - . of gn�.Y y9uth, Lucy of pure and "tool attached had been jerked by good health to the use of Dr. Wil� train "piLsistive" into exceedingly ­ftc-:tage, atilt of an estate pretty pleati, vast potential Ali inch of rain -qvenis to be about . genjI6 womanhood. It was curious the pressure that snapped it into How Pink Itills. Mr. Kennedy says tivet" registers; so that in the end -, farm. In Manitoba CAUGHT ON Tl=� AIEBOUND. � , - . to 1. . alone there are more than 20,000.000 a foot long to the man v4ho JS to 1164'�fbat the 1;0y'a eyes went up the air. and caught as it fell be- "Ton years ago, as the result of ex- they fought their persecutoral P(�rhaps. however, of all "Passive acres of the finest arablo land in the "No," said the fair proprietor of caught in It without an umbrella. fat- encouragement to the woman. tween a pair of boxing gloves that posure, I think, I was striclien with with all the resisters," tile Jews have suffered world. There axe perhaps 26,000.- the refrigerator heart, "I cannot be and 00 MItan's, to the schoolgirl. hung by the wall. Trevor could kidney arid bladder ' trouble Ili a 41`1`TERNESS OF DESPAI�,. I Most und longest. ' Only the other 000 acres move of the finest prairie your wife, but I'll be a shAer to . In elvdry.9ame, of chance or skill, Just reach where it stuck. One look severe form. The complaint at Much the same thing happened wILh da�. Lit Nishilieff, numbers of them grass, unequalled for natural pasture. You." I I'vOill ,the �CASUal spectators invariab- yvas enough. His suspicion harden9d times caused me most intense suffer- the Scottish Covenaraffs. It wasiwere Rluughtered by the poilmlixce, "Thanks, awfully, ' rejoined tile MInord's Liniment Lumbermao's Friend . . Hance Cftnada's boast that the Dom- lY taka sides. Which side did Lucy Into grim certainty. At the frao- Ing and great personal discomfort as not until the cruolties-inflicted upon without apparently either reason or jr-don is destined to boco=o "the youth who wag left at the post. "if take and which. Jeatinotte? They .iured ptint tits iteel had been cut 1 would often have to arise a dozen then, passed all bounds that they;rhyino. But In the Middle Ages' granary of the Empire." there is one thing I need more than Could not themselves have told. almost. clean through by a sharp times lit the night. I tried many took up arms. The nature of these I thIngs were. far Worse with them. that part of another it Is an elderly sister to "Prisoner, why 'did vou strike this . . Whl.16­the men and Women talked edged file. hindspof treat4nont %rid some of the cruelties Is again, perhaps, best ThfIn to kill a Jew' was everywhere the Dominion known as wesrtern Can- look after me and prevent me train mairl?­� ''If you pleasio, your honor, - togotber before the trial, Lucy was beat hysicians, but their skilled Of I ) . J� for Trevor and Jeannette for him like a flash of lightning. stun- forts were unavailing, and no re 'How old is Ann?' " ''WoU, what strO, Then the Whole truth broke upon - brought home to the reader by citing I accounted u highly meritorious act. acla, including Manitoba arid all making a fool of myF.elf.' s m tb-idy and said, � ' _ a - a particular Inst"Ce : 12ilen bound themselves by oaths to lands from there Ila the Rockdois and . ArdeL -I - But Whe]� the two stood fee- ning and blinding him. ']'he mystor- atilt I lost In flesh. grew very. weak. On May lith, 1695t a detachment , stainp out this alidn race. At May- about six or seven hundred miles 0- hurt did that do?'' ''141).k, you see, Ing 0e.ch other in the arena, each ious poisoning from which lie had and was troubled also with insomnia. of soldiers su�prlsod Margaret .Wit- ence, lit 1319, six thouBand of them north from the international bound- your honor Ann is my wife." . womoth felt her sympathy waver and saved Ardol three years ago; L the I grow despondent and felt that - I son the eightcon-year-old daughter of fell virtllu.q to popular fury. . ary, is about 2,321,000,000 acres, The Independent Order of Irores- � shiff trom. the champion of her first startling gun accident three days was doomed to it life of suffering, if a acIvenanter, as she was saying her I - At Stra.sburg, two thousand were Of this, about 25,000,000 acres are tern has now over $7,000,000.00 lit I cholPol till Lucy's interest controd lit before --ho knew what both meant not an ea,rly death. At this stage prayers at the time. , oAiNe in thelr� cemetery, At t being iitilized or have been transferr- accumulated funds, and these fund. Keep MInard's Unimot in The Hvise, I I provalled. upon to give Dr. "Say- 'God save the I cam Speyeir, oil ope occasion, the entjre ed from the Crown to the rail ya tile MAXIL, and Jeannette's in the boy- now. Wickham was plainly roaolv- I was King I' " _ I b )Pnt wa are increasing at the rate of about WwWain who, from the rat, seem- Williom:s' Pink Pills a trial. After harge ,-ornniunitv, Ili despia4r, set fire to for homesteads and for other pur- $8,000 per day. The applicants for l I If ed, at any cost, by any means, to using four boxes I could see a dis- if it he God's I their olvii bouses rather than fall p6ses of production. and thero Is this Insurance in this Order in October, ';harpe-Yes. -nted the ed IK , � Parker in\t .t4jWly and even no voodsly ex- rid himself of his rival -his favored tinot improvement in iny�-.00ndition, ' safest air -ship ever hea.rd of." Slowe eltel'UY the scone, handed to OACII rival -as he bolievock in the le, .'I ; rl. into the hands of their onemlies. At year under crop the ridiculously 1902, were 2,400; in October, 1903, ve I nt " was the Eslingen, the whole Jewlst papule- small proportion of over 8,200. The Order 1�eema to be, -"But it refused to Ov. You I . ' mat the'loll he had used on tile pro- - and I gladly continued\ the use of the �!Ihoi I ti I � Couldn't go up in it," Sharpe - V that was the fierce dominating pas pills until all the oymptornis of the reply; and as the gir efused to re- tion burnt themselves in their syria- . 3,128,663 A=S. 'That's, of course, whv I env It was I vioun.,a4y, and gave the signal to making wonderful progress. It is . begin sion of lils life. In heart he Was a trouble had passed away, and I was 1peat the exact words of the prescribl' gogue. In Toledo, In 1891, four a now paying out to widows and or- I . . q Shuffilag and bungling over inurderer-a cunning and Cowardly again strong and healthy. It IN no ed fornmin-which she deerned Im- thousand From this area of land there ha phans over $6,500 per diLy, o.nd has the safest." . '' . the nfu;l� task. murderer. Trevor had IL q iick throb axe of thein were slain in one b aised a crop which will give a already paid to such over $14,000,- --- L, Axe" ggeration to say that at the time pioust--she was bound to a stake In day, ',,'so that tile streets ran blood." fieen r 1111�1 111. 11 - , rM6.4ting' suluto was performed Of JOY to remember hou. almost I began the use of Dr. Williams 11ink the Solway Firth, and loft it to be � -Pearson's Weekly, ingincial return, It Is estimated, Buf- 000.00. I j -1 "' T - %Tlth: easy,graco,o, Ardel loved the from the first, he disliked the tuan, 1�1115 I was so weak that I could drowned by the incoming tide. __� . ficient to allow to the total popula- quatfit ceremony Of Ills favorite and how dislike had grown with bat- AQ­tL Wt- 't-Wen'YL-fi"rel-VVAOS---Wh-t-le -"'--B,V' . .refiWt?nPll#,,..nt_Crud4. T __ tion now resident within the ares, NewspaplIrs"IT lid Ciuntry'%. spol'to Mind would Tire ormit no pass ter knowledger.-III[Fe cb1d - I, ,, w_ -_ E__ flotlr�sh of the foils. cry appalled him. ,year's production. - home until his rural relat ves camo and MAGAZINE orlki�Vo �or - .he RAND WORK --- TV----- - ----- --- ­ bix(Jined, _�$I_, 000 kp it salary for this A city man never sees tbei sights at CrUOF tiiilih-" now I am quite sure I can lift as ever, after the rising waters had -11 9 A.11.9 %,P]EMODICALS, BOOKS. etc., . How strange, he nruch as any man of my age. I bO- but corapleted their work, she was "in disp tched to subscribers by first ritails by The actual yield of all graintj along and point them out. WMa DAWSON a SONS, Waited, Cannon ThO,n ,the blades kissed, arid for a thought, that this same inan-this Ideve the pills not only released me unbound and restored to life, JV%cin NEWFOUB DLAND wesitern Canada tide year, as estima- long MlAuto the owordameri, motion- inurderel-should once have been of the miser None, Bream's Buildings, London, England. I ' L .y I oulfered, but have she came to herself, pitving friends - I � The siargest Subscription Agency in the world. (-as ," an statues, and as graceful, wrongfully charged with murder. But added years to tn,y life." and neighbors implored 1-r to yield. . Ited froni all sources, including grein Nervousness, Dyspepsia. IndF- i with foils dW----vd arid feet firmly that charge was surely false. None Artaximilik rheumatism kidney trou- "Dear Margaret, only say -God DODD'S XINDEY PILLS ABE men's reports land railway mports, Is Sestlon, and kindred ailments, take Send for ourlist. Free on application. Est. I . . ploAted, ixd open left hand raised know better ,,than Trevor the ble. heart ailments, partial mraly- save the K lair I' " CLEARING OUT'KIDNZY Put at 3.10,000 I L 000 bushels, as wings before the healing qualities . of jsOB. Prompt and reliable. high _ over the shoulder. stood strtlngth of the proof on which sis, St. Vitus dance, and Lthe Walk V The poor girl, true to her stern against about 100,1000,000 bushels South American Nervine 1, seatWbag-each other's eyes. WIr.khain's innocence r DISEASE. , - . I"t year and 41,'169;529 In 1891. Hoskins, of Durham . op. Thomas ' I Osted. Truict- ailments peculiar to women are theology, ,gasped out once more her t., took his Ar#91 .. Vioved first -just a little cent, he had been In deadly peril, of Speedily cured by Dr. Williams' Pink own la�miula.i "May God save him, - In wheat there has been .this year proacher's advice, followed direct4ons, -1 quVrer , of the right hand and wrist his' life; now. trobly guilty, he was Pills, sImWy because these pills molts It it be God'o.will." Richaxd quirk, One of a Score I UXX increase of about 4,000,000 bush- and was cured permanently of the Billiard Tables ­bh�, his blade's point slipped under quite safe. The proots of his guilt, now. rich red blood, arid thus reach "She has said it; she has said it, Cured in One Neighi)orhood, Oil" oats, barley, flax and otb6r worst form of Nervous Prostration -1 The Beat sit the Lowest Price I , . Triii4j�a atil back again. once. twice, conclusivis to Trevor, wore worth- the very root of the troiible. There sir," * cried the 1$oople thronging Tells How Pains of Twenty. Course grains have been produced and Dyspepsia. lie has recommend- Write for Terme ... the4--tIMOR, elusive alike to eye less to the world, mere intangible Q.ro pink colored imitations of this round the prosiding officer. this year with a ratio of increase ad it to others with gratifying re- i I and'toueh, then his body went for- suspicion. He could brazen out the groat medicine but the buyer cum -Very well; set her free," ordered Yea_rs Standing Vanished Before that is in keeping with all Increases suits. rt's a great nerve builder -12 REID BROS., M'f'Lr Co.1y I ward, With a quick spring and Tre- charge defiantly, There was no protect himself against these impost- that official', perhaps not unwilling the Great Kidney Remedy. i in the West daring the la,st ten years. . ' L Vor, ,kalt the button prod him sharp- place for shamo or fear to %fLlca hold tions by seeing that the full, name to be convinced. . ts Is estimated ' 785 king &L W. , ly 14 nthe Olds. I of such a man. Vivian Ardol still "Dr. Williams' Pink nlls for Palo But Margaret disdained 'to assent Fortune Harbour, Will., Nov. 16.- at 40,418.921 bushels, as againtirt Sho--­Who rocks the cradle rules -- - I ­Opia for Ardol," the umpire cried stood w1thin Ilia danger; at any mo- People" Is printed on the wrapper to a lie, even to save her life. (Rpeel all. -There are a score of peo- 84,478,160 laEt year, though only the world- Remember thatl" lic- 3M.A618'M303M4:3l ,ft 40io I lts tbio�.dropped their swords' points went the fourth and fatal blow axound every box. Sold by all deal- "I bae not said It,." she cried above Pie in this neighborhood who suffer- 86,7 bushels to the acre wore raised "Then-ahl-you come in and rule 77 King St.. Cast Toronto, I - an&:,r� Lii�y jaulled -and Jeannette might fall. " Il, ors in medicine or direct by mall the din, ed from Lame Back arid other symp- this Year, against 47.5 a year ago. the world. I'm tirecl.'! JPVMSV 2K%a2XWwZ0fti0-b,M3Vas..L..= .#V--� � I .. poujo, TIW had changed sides Jvh . . from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., TIME OFFICER TURNED.A.-WAY. toms of Kidney Disouse and who are r r this year is asti- __ . JACKE PERINICS. STOLE9. RU;!r;t F_ \<� I ' I l*� at was to be done? what was Brookville, Ont., at 50 cents a box, Ti . . - now stiflong and healthy, thanks to mated at 10,900,461 bushels, with T., .. a! &ga, 1. b e in hen minutes later the waters h d Lifebuny S,eap--clislatecte.at - Is P 'AW ,Una ,M 0 Pli,-, Blind fo, �atsjog, The 0 ere thought of Dodd's Kidney Pills, One of the an average yield per a ., of 26�0, CEN91"a want4d. Bond fo2f' � t 03, six boxes for $2.&O. closed over her for the second a raw c] strongly recommended by the medi- price list. 2A_M -1 ,eXt bout was longer, but It Ardel's death filled Trevor with er- of against 11.8",4,22 bushels, with an end04 the same fashion, With a ror: lie could not think clearly. The last time, ' most serious cases cured is that ear d ant profession as a safeguard all(Linst I toubb, *n Iftovor's sword arm. Then walls of tits room seemed to close 0 Tile Albigenses were extirpated in Mr. Richard Quirk, and in an inter- average yield of 86.9 last Y ; an infectlo" diseases, ERCOATS ( . cold blood by Simon do Mont(drt and view he says: . as to ffa;?:� in 1902 the yield was hls,ICh*nft came. He parried -a him in and stifle him. He caught up A MODEL RAILWAY* John Oppido, under Circumstances "I suffered for more than double that of the previous ' - . str#lght thrust of Ardel's no closely his hat and escaped down the av- I;- . twenty about _ The total yield of flax this ,,-Mr. Mills," said the spokesman of and kded SuRs trquid look iietter / I t h a"t Me- " bk I pod ]its Jersey Of such wholesale cruelty as have years from Lumbago and Kidney year. . the working�men's committee, -we of owsioirour to-, wilte direa 2-1.1161. WIN: I 0 P t ro at enue Into tho wood. What Our Travelling Represents.- scarcely any parallel In the world's Disease. I a.1mont, always had a .year Is estimated at 748,84411 bushels, the -ode an it went by, Oradually tits agitation worked it- tive Says of the G. T. R. history. At Beziers twonty thou- vere paAn in my back, so severe tZ " average of 11.5 bushels an acre, have come to tell you, air, that we 1111111TISH A141.10AN nVEING 00. 86fore tArdol could got back to self out in rapid exercise, and his sand perished, "not Ono of at ainsit 564,,t4O bushels in 1902, want shorter hours ano-" "Very MONTREAL. - '11"" , lquIck an light 7'revor's course again lay clearly before him. A recent trip to Vgn de to strike a blow in defence tally unable to work. with anjLverage yield of 18.7 bushels - � 9 "The States" whom during intervals for years I was to_ ao well," interrupted the busy nannitillse- - � I � - , an acre. turer, "w ight off with ­ - I N A L L . lunge. 10ollowed the parade. His What he had resolved on must still brought "Truth" in contact. among th: homes or 'their dear ones, "Doctors and medicines gave me In five years th shorter dinner hours." right tkabd droppad to his hiv; his be done. 71 was hard. It was hu- other things, with the Grand Trunk deeming it against God's law." At little relief and after ten,,or twelve production has almost trebled. L PATENTS 00UNTRIM arm strid body went forward to- initiating to the bitterost dregs of Railway, and its Jndomps,rablo din- Carcassone, 450 were burnt alive. V - d � , , OR) a I Ila ,etb�,e L almost made up my - 0 E ., his , wholo weight and shanie, but the hope of winning Lucy Ing car service, A brighter, cleaner, Altogether, all the inhabitants of ;nInd that my trouble was incurable. otr*Wb behind the thrust, The lay bright beyond the pain and mere officient plan of eating whit DECIEDEDLY IN DOUBT. Minard's UnIment Is used hj PhIsiciags RIDO N OkUglit Ardol on the right shame. In a day or two, if all went journeying. does not exist twenty-two towns and villages wera Then reading of cures by them led TRNV . b.tJ6 on any either put to the sword In the Atreets me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I First Villagol-HOW do YOU like IT11014TION. brot4t "d the flexible steel beat well. he might claim her an h48 own, railway anywhere, and "Truth" has 'and market squares. or burnt to had not taken hair a box before I your now neighbor? Wifc.-­jaow people gaze at my MAYBEEGand for Handbooll .. �� .. wItlil'tho Insistent Impetus behind it. to hold and guard against the travelled on most of the loading lines death at midnight in their own experienced relief and after using sev- - Second Villager-Con't toll whether dreast I presume they wonder if toe say st4jr,oftONTO oh Pietenta, " Thelt ntudidilinly the toil snapped with- world. Then lot Wickham do his of the world, and is therefore in a houses. � en or eight boxes I was a perfect I like him or hato him." I've been shopping in Paris," Hus- � In ". Inch of the point. and the worst -ho would take the danger of position to know. The "Club" The Huguenots fared almost as cure and a new man. Tho cu -Why so?" band -"More like they wonder if Dominlen Lino steamships i end went on. It passed that guardianship. Breakfasts are an excellent feature, badly. They were hilated with dogs ra was , the fastening of permanent. " '�Tbo first thing he did was to put I've been robbing a bank." Montreal to Uvorpool . A� � - the mask Tits reverie was broken In upon by which appeals to Warty travellers. like wild beastig, tortured burnt at Cure your Baelcacho with Dodd's aplicii high bon.rd fence, and I haven't . Boston to Llverlinsoll I Pills Z � .101%ralsed the skin of Ardel's meeting suddenly, fiscal to fucc, at M The attendants are courteous and the stake, persecuted In 'a hundred Kidne be n able to discover whether it is For GV41r SlItY YKArS ,2,e aull F"t OteanuthulL Supwiar aticommodaties : throat;. a shade cloFacir had been in- sharp curve of the wo,lk, the man on y and you will never have ,,ek,,p ha :;.Alluanotilaniiifers - In And Rt a, 5 A- am a dbi �eilt,i,og obliging, and don't appear to be al- different ways. I chlaons In or my. chick- im. Ifft"Lowo 660MIX , 0 4ma o. Oh% be,o M:rasi ts A) pigs a voilliiiii fff opoig kul. 9 Ing. I st*ikt death. - whom his thoughts were contred- ways looking for a "tip.,, Even subsequent to the pronvulga- Bright's Disonsti. , rA.1.=,X,6LTV=1 'Wis SL 41 . Wei trw good , F. . � ens out�, .4 t4rMP . 'A I TWor recovered his broken sword WIckho.m-radliant with triumphant tiOn Of the famous "Edict of Jana- - 11 - . 0 ,-- rt"d 11 q86" , hb .. mlk sagar Agealk . I ristinotively--dazed by tile narrow happiness. The fine, heavy double track of y." which was supposed to guar- 0 we r nsl-t, It .. . 14 113-M "ate " . . 'i. ,* r.Z.00,170t= "a . I falls between Toronto and Suspen- or, They had been talking .8 they 04 " it R ell 6 owe Be mug and 111,01UNION LINZ OYFICES- I escs,j* -Of his friend; lncapablo of Tirlevor's face lowered ominously at W th I ecdom from.molesta- � $100 Reward, $100 wit r X6. th ,Sao oliravr." 2344 (IsenitisL.soms liaLf!"razzint8L.Kindinvil slon Bridge makes It possible to ti t5o em walked. She had remarked pauren- . -.1 � � spi6kh. Wickham rushed forward sight of him. run that distance without delays of 1 , prcivld�d " they 03LIY Met to- thetically: "Oil, It Must be terrible There Is wore Catiurrh In Vkht sectlea I ' trier for worelilp In baims or other I I as 4 '. tow drops of blood trickled ham's eyon and for a moment lie your destination right on time to ungbrisocrated buildings, they were out Poultry, ALL KINDS Of i with pale Iface, The woman shricked But the nun shone full In Wick. any kind. and to a man to be rejected by a wo- put togethek-, and unt)] tho last few nice a cametery here as we have in .you are landed nt ge of the Lountry than all othor di""ex Visitbr-"You haven't got hair I ft. hdrried dn ovary possible way. man." "Indeed it must," was his years was suprocid to Wa incurable. For I I W mars "c4orm itronounted ElInvillo." P�ozntnent Citizen arm ( f om�,ANol's throat with widening could distinguish only a vague out- ille minute. 1*2 response. Then, after a w ine, Ith s4i d preserfli9d local Bawvllle)-"No, I've always hearod Bu , cl-lVitsoij stain oil his white Jersey. line. In that moment Trovor's self The great improvements on the For thutance, an March 119t, 15C , 5 FRUITS On1�7#it'401 himself Wfto Cool. only a tow sh6rt weeks after tho sympathetic di Fit rigentiou guess, she reftiodlits an teoffIttantly falling to fter, . k, main line cast, between Toronto and exclaimed: "I don't think that I cure With lo -b-1 reatment, pronounced that the cemetery Is the only p rt . odict had been signed, occurred the Incurable. , a And Farm Pro. I could ever have the heart it oclance has proven catarrh of your town that holds out any in- Emma ., touclitil 'the broken skin at ]its neck "Halloal my boy. Is it you?" cried Montreal, have been very costly, and blistolicil to do it." to be a contititutional dittase and there. "110-11 duce generally, I .1 with ,,his finger tips. "It's all Wickham jauntily; "out for a walk have in some cases meant the at- CameL lit. ducements for poriatinent residents." reconstruction of the Plall'S 'Lt[Lrrh Chim mAnufaetured by consign it to us � . rlght,4� Ildetiod cheerily, "only a pin all alonO9 Could ,You not coax Miss most entire -IMASSACA9 OF VASSY," Arid there a silence between fore re Iraq constitutional troatize scrattho Get yourstalf another foil, Iloydell to come with You? 'twelve hundrcid IbWuonots had ais- them as he thought It Over. Z�. Noneyll I BOW road. The line has been straighten- F. J. Chaney & tlo-� Tol4do Ohio In Tnovdr, I Mean to pity you out for did you leave poor Ardel? none the sombled In a large barn, preaching the OtItly constitutional cuic 0;,the ii;isr. c. 0. niCHARDS& 00. aNj we will get thatilp worse for his (right, I hope. ed, the grades lessened, and "Truth" and I#nying. and the weather being , Take One Of Dr. Apow's Liver Pills k6t. I is taken Ifitarrially h dons Dear Sfrs,-A few days ago I was APOW you good prices. . I Is told that very shortly a train will sioniewhat warm, the large doorg Iliad &ft* dinner. tj will prolinot frorn 20 drops to a tows;pOonful. It Actm taken with a severe pain and con- I . e digestion and directly , tk the blood And mucous our- � BUO VoVor flung the broken weii- would ask You to Congratulate me, ,be put on between Torontd slid been left open, ovdrco , faces d4a%j1t�8yS1'0W. They offer one hun- traction of the cards of my leg, and THE � poo frOM him fdriclusty. lie 'was Herry," lie added In a -graver tone, Montreal that will make the din- n6 Duke of Gulso me any sill affect$ of too hearty I trelinb Conte riding b dred A if tat ally CA" it falls t6 had to be takiln home in a rig. I V ") * . 14,�lg ,*It over j%nd faint from "but ft Is a secret for tho pre&int " in very much less time than eittlag. Safe. prompti, active. paint Sand for circulars wact testliononi- Dawson Oommismon Ca. 1. , L re I I. . tatice Pin an and cure, could not sleep foil pain, and wag GodIll his tAtittered unddr his broath; Ing his carte and cutting. l,he loaves v Is aht' r.- I 111-1111 TO.UCDW L 1:1 act,14A. " "Thank God. thank So saying he went by gmily, whirl- The International Limited does with - a large escort. Seers pleamt. ThIselleictivaI little pill Wo UMI 1*At_1 L Inuotor I Two 61ders'of the con- sup, 't J. CHDf4r�,4'2"TUO., T.I.d.. 0. -nftblo to Put, MY foot to the floor. . V 216V gregallilon advanced to clone the planting all its old ackool nauseons purga. sold.o , . Druilithitiiii, 15C. A friend told We of your MINARDIS - ,*. I theA ft0denly be burnt out crying from the overhanging branches on . , . . like en, Ifigit I ��ruth" seldom travels on rallWPY doors; whereupon the ocildiets Of the tives, 4o doops. go costs.-tS 11111111 watly P111a an the best. LINIMENT, and one hour from the I . 11 , Of,lif-Al girl. , either 'and an he walked. Half a, Passes; the above statements Can tt.vort, urged, ,ou -by thoir leader . - - I first ttVplication. I was able to walk, 10 MA hiltant Alrdal Was full of d6zorl paces he stopped suddenly and, 6941111TRIT WE- FAST96t T11111 A�:- surptloot *pd kVupathy. Cal led back to Trevor. . therefore be Considered perfectly un- drew their swaHs, burst into 'the Most women suspect there is gain,, NO OnVELTY. d by and the palit entirely disappeared. I biased. and tire made purely b- builditil mischief Ott trip every time their hus- You can use my name as freely an TO "I Wish you'd turn back With lue, eauts of the excellent flLoilltlos ,g and betran striking right Traveler -Yes; I was capture . " -.1).oh't, worty, old man. It wan � Af- and lelt among the kneeling Wor- barida smile. the setvages, and serRenced to iniarry you like, as I consider It the beat I the pultillot CUM*. It could not It you don't mind; I Want a, Word forded the general travelling public. at ra, Sixty In all were hilled a squaw. remedy I have ever used. L happ6A,'.*gajtl in a pousand years. with you." Uut When Trevor walk- and bFo of the pridq "Trutb"' a 44111.6 - U iJgJy. t. More than two hundrbd Aostoss,­fforriblo I CMUSTOPUETI, aR,RnY. � It WAIll* itilftele that Ono of tile ed back by his side. he had nothing feels In at out great nattoned were wounded. And, molit torible fee- Isk for Minard's and take no othel. Travolor--Veg; bUt they had Santa Illillarsall, Ont. � , I Wall We special to say. Their talk, fl I foils shoUld go like that. . as they I ture, of all� not one of tho irairderers Mercy. Thoy'did not insist on a IM , GALI FORN 1A . � 1� won't 100,06 tir�:V Ith6ra it you don.t walked, turnod-Trovor turned it link Mlway Coin- was over Called to account. fashionable wedding. I L .1 � �� ' designptily­on tile incident in tile h' fl mistake q%o above, however, was at A TOUCITINO INSCRIPTION. ZMIIIAS YET IN AVRrCA. VIA I i I care 10, , and I'll -Alt doWh pettlently made no eour;gof , )i,L under deloiat. 011V don't take it gymnasium. But his companion P-11 nratter whon compared A German � . � Ilk" jh&t, jf*rry'; dofi't loolt j%jj I Wag not troubled In the lonst. . Ila control to Mr. Charles M. Heys, for th'ith tile terrible mas-intre of St. hood encountered much difficulty in acits direttlyL an q"Ir, $dmll&tda the Eastern Africa has shown that 9,,ob. � � 1 ,,.,rl!. over the reins of but 06 AwAll lady of recent widow- 0r.A9nGW$f0UlrQfti4"H0*r4 The opening tip of Central and . I I YOU bad Wit & ShoAt, or u It - spoke of Artist with onay ccnito�rijpt. Ua,rtholomew, whick took plaro tea framing ou lbscriptiolt for list- bus- h"Will fttl!� 0 L A . I YO ft more capablp. all-round railway ., =11-060"opeilk. st ras, instead of being nearly extinct, UNION PACIFIC . , --!!)ft'& jbt6ft YalthOlf, It the owe ad d of pity Ono might feel - band's sit sloo, w a"k Ilutwe & , _ . years, later, and In'whicli, fifty 'thea L e 01%, L I'll , . . 0 , for a hurt aintinal. man does not exist to*clay. historians siay elghtyi tombstone. After endless je� still exist In large numbers along the , Aid, johi eltonn through yall Mates, The,, Passenger . Depart went in most 81104-90`0* COhRultAti011" with her friends and Belot _ i,ot,g4 We Wiladvii I of 'Only e&atebJf)#'hjy *kill. yet 11 .0tail"., . .1 Tons, 11tyat and In 'Okitinba. A pan. DA � It won a close thing for both at perished. Coto a the 610d � 'SVP Willi 4 , L � - L I I efficiently directoil by 0, T. boll, IV. I boubafida-4Nguenbts yn nOlghbOts tilts Was the one aho, SO. LL Allblo substitute for tho mule has b6on . .. � I . Ou. "The . .A14 PJA - , , , , I I . . COUld h6t.100.k tillOto, #Itaiitljy�#' y my boy, ­ he Said. %te r. Da,, Par% alone six thousand tell. hod*614 glit 1 he In 161 r i ' , ,, Is and It. 0. Elliott In Mont- "Is lotted. - 0"t, . � 11 , . �*tt aILI) J.ljSti It'sy", he __ _, - I a uapoitFjoeai IiQdth, til lailtids1g,tiiiin founo in a crotising of zebr" with UNTIL NOV. 80th, COLONIST I , "Nothibir r-. --_' 'L I - ,, 11 . I I . ' IDLE XOTjjZR, � real, �Gvct� W. volux in ChIcAgo. and Ignal to lisgin wait given at mill, Ilest In peaco-liffitil. we vaset 'hart'dl ' , The Vbrld in eallod a gob. , ,�� 1 . , . � ' � tor It . THE StNt filght, Ud' 411 birb"flab thii bourn 'at fave"vUhartAl 1A 30 Istolti-12 hormi RATPS TO ALL PRINCIPAL I ,* I eovithol0d. j"I'Al I LOW, hd abW1 � . . 11 0 - J. D. ItteDonald in Toronto. is�' 1 . rulo. It ticitnotitnes shows the gebro, I . 'ift their 14%114 h4d Cable flut- We beftpo.nlk grojit thinp for the dtiikuoils tho elty echood to the " I- . ­ ... L- � . L. . ___i-� POINTS IN -CALIFORNIA �, jgIrlif , A ------ 6.--.-- . I �. � t*dj When little Ones ere Ill the mnKl- r,br%ks at the d,plAg and tile roar of " ­­ - ­ I, � - P MUM TO tmv. I striping dintinttly but tha genorial FRohr M18,810t)RI RIVvn I I � . 11 .. � * ,tiown to tho Abov of t he ,*ym- ble mother no longor doles '1�lietn Gr"d Trunk Pacific ltollma,v on Its the, burning hO1180A. NOxt luorhing I - -1 __ coldil Ill mate like t1tdt Of the lfbran. Tt"MMINALS-Council Ujulfil I w , . ,5 � nolGtii -It - Might liivo won completion. Tramp�fil&We# ibt=. rO DAftn0e Tho. 0,01prulea ts;*6rago 14 handili In to kansets City ititlusivo.- ,L I ., . . Att attlAAht-Aht! It lkastet: thttt's all. with Ilauseausi, griping purgnitive*, tho Mug Wbfkt in St4to -to Not" I WOrty Woll't 4CUre a Cough. ',trellita filb6tr doWn height,­-Ittid tbeY,dtd VOPY ditth-6 arid 1. 4 �. "*I L 1 :P4 L %ter Puta them to 81001) With , the No- I ­ I i I Ditintin to roturA tbanks, While eal the Wheb you find * found cul 611d IN I l* a- 4 tlowl 'L 411iil of ell ths t,jlutob Cough 1101diAg On in the, g'ttlly. - I Intallfg6rit, alkd bettor-tompored then I , , (1401,11* hit the fall of miled 11toolthing" Preparations, whieh ; MOM S A BIG Dnv wtuxer. 1. � 0* �,Mfieh e9teything Ott hat ITOarOkNV6f--I 'throw, It KW4$1, 1 1 1 the #pAhOW. $0tj UbOW, I'llft , the alwajvs Contaill harmful oplatols, U&NO OUT40VITL MALS. - L It the willo. 'The Indian gpvoi�nhlmit it; $26,00. �, . I I ' * . *0W&W 01110 Wile. tlloll& 11h ,b�l 0 Own Iftw Mr. Thrimidd-RoW WOUItt A, 1814, Thli shockitig etirdo was Planned waft be liso� I . trylhg them at , t I L . . I *fiWd I 4d6d.'t � pi,rt� It's t, tits have been ti"d � falud-tit Trillklj�-�Voll, *6'vo bftlN "awlMog aLttet Quetta for sodun din Prom Ohl-%Iro aftd at. Louis - . L I 4URO'look thA ty ;ousamls of atiathors *be ehor* fi*1 it Sliq rK6%Vd a �propftftl L L, b Ly Wotk, nod thkv are also bee 01) , by ewd jostigilitod uy it lwclmiati�-Catl *. tol.ho :It'll 104 91" t.,h000 two mlitto Allen testify that thop AM giiatio In, lifittAr 1 do, 5feald %,he 4ittftn-moil � I it, Oid'it' Y6U41 16116 UN 901be tfoltiih I pr6portlonktoly low rttte§ &to . I ,t), � I � I lot, Vfwitoy "d tw they action, abSQ'UNtely Sietf% aild Vpioud I ,� I , - Soll." * , ido it title ift offd�t Ity Ilrjor. Confiefetibir I L t she tlldwt Cam tot 'Voli, $1%6.� IM k6r, VVIA z: S . and ftiliii 10 end AtYWO 1090 #Ad 12 'tit, � a, � 'Wjtl'�U -.*a ­r%h*. �'X'ffldjy Vt f'o 04 dleilp sounoly -itit410014 too) twhittell't,', . . I . i4 1 flavofln*� omd. ,wid Your boy dwA, , . L With the UNION VACIVIO. I I .1 I ­ �, . � bitako littlo, Clio. 1-0, Tl!dtW6 � t a c4mvisufft" la .1 I I I � L , svw P". WAWO, Atid well R *4111- na onllv 1�1'ftll.i. th.%`tf �14kA- XL� L Ut'. thmthldtl.lfftil�*01 f�-Abn* kl�4 ." _.� _!,�IYOV�cllltOt,�0ils. lj�jL#%'ft toAlitIf Itll't t,htrik 'We ft* M I It I I I . 'L . I 11 . . . - ?, � ,, 3okm lit , U* Amili", . It'A j6y4.* � 4L troIll . , �''; 11 10ftwW 11,1110*0 Wine A0idyd(1l)i,*W ik ,Okk( , *OWN W#U* 46 tllktt" el"', �jt :hA$ Wait L . I I *00" WWII* Alrillmv," . bkto � I. I kftw&*� I � AIA'. I 6. I I foe- � -1) I 110pift X0111 "' T , , ; 11 " , . ft. A, 0"tMA IV** OUlt "_ X 'I ivid, jtkfta*�� ta& aw vittif 0004t. 'm Made IA'bk Irritable jid 400* 00 did c4M lor tho V � .,�.­­?t . Ott this 001tit, Ure. T. ,rA6fid-8IW*d, AV "YbW* UY 010- of 06 letill rsilmd, bilt., stdAti,b fley,is'."441 .� put 'to d44 ft's OWA Uble'to And 1 _____4"__ 1 S , 60 0110 % votY VANAblo pedleftio L JjJdi`tfftj. "L'"*'ft Wy is 046 A autu, Tltovtft� t =, % Ili t *I X The ftw 1ul I I010 h0i iili TWot 'PrIWA-4 th6b y I L $ft 04 bAd *J(014 V - , lit jkpollft � I*tA Not, oorlit.- , , .**, 84'butl"4 fleiV40 I 11 6tio', *h,6 . . , tt4h t,Ut# :611 the L tafj�t , ^V�%M�_fblb ybli ilifOi d6f* 00 Ili jt, t1jo lit * '31tt%,00, 110 olviii �wbrk 11 � 'I qt 11 L , * tt I voafio � , LL , birth 11 '100i., A"titu-44 Io*,gla ;* 4, lia ,V,j;*j2* � I 6flociftt'"I'llit'U'l0l"t *f&'441 W# it# L .*611ft V jl� , tUL A�(Ao%tt � _V f4t, JW')*"jk, IL W. $6 Ili a, . L . 'We $0#*$ qb� . l" 09iiWit"Ito us otk* X%O,,i* 0604 %;iw it *W 400 0*41 �x 1� W"'. - . I .1 *%,,tM** C I I . I, I I I j 11 I '� L '4 ' I ,11 11 11, I , - , I , , / . 1 I , , , I 11 - , 1 . ' I I . . L . � I 1. L .� I .. ;W; 1, . 4" , , . ." , � � � � I i A �*` " onl, , , , I I , _Ilil,...", , " 1 6 44 i ___ gibboti *tk%* Or 1*4 01614betlid! lot k. , k p vkmbls� � . I *,At* of 110"44vo , * mi"jilf4ty olk 1T*jr'PWAWit41* , _ . U" QL L Ad"0114 ,#Ad it, A"� "a 104 vt1lotioilrAw. wh"401141, 1W I*" A1101 "** of V*1_ �V*400* $ ti" N.Oure That Llims"(4htp. . - 4 . I � t I , I I. . , It Is, . viratt" tal-tutt. , .. ,py 4 tfwl�_ , � 11 I I V Ith 46e*1 ftti, Y" I ft% Ttw yo* t0iwy- I -11 letW40C. W *1*^46 � L I I 1-� "Z"=! L,% I I 11. 4. ,� !I ltoi� I,t�, ,4. � 1, -A�4*. �, I j I I - 1A I I � . -41 1, , . I � . L ,,-� ,*,.k ii, " . - to, .1 . I I . 0, A)LUTTerei I I i. taketf, ltl*ouflfl� J�gAko bg4v I . � I � I 1 . I " . I . , . I . � i�­+"+-1. � , Tourillit *100W 4 1111W*4 1 1 A visit% td, $4 I 60 rt& , ft�., 1 . I tf*tf4td,Ofl*A1V0k , Will *"I , *jWfMjIAf#0aW,%'L' I I . I L , lokft' 1wa# ifi *tt4t to"66,4 A frI01111, uufd$ I " I 1 4ktS#*1**dA"0 . I 10 W, Ift Wid., 'Wid"d, 104ut, tho f *I . I . I L 4W '041y tb�llle& *ft ftVt6t# alki tot%ft'A%4":�Xv I ,O,A*, r I . " . 4 'A' A '1110 * 1110 k4loleg P r I , . V� � t it zpl,& 11 �� a 'I . ji'llllleel�lw . �, XL,t *t"eg Mllldtft, khm mA thAt I tt t1i � who## ur 6"!l 411 WX _�_ lto.tloft, '00W IW tialik, , hot , - ", AVA000til 00* toolifflitil"s. , " I. .. . f Ir4wit I I . ­­­ � I . L b, f"'Atmim - L ktfivQ how, "th � 'A , AWAI A. It 1W * $A 6*04we a It. A'. , �q I , , I I L , t 1 , I 40 ay robl*14, I ! Ooi� At9t, 0. A.,' , i4telL, A", " 11 I � trll,Al 1. i* '06" , he l wo .� .;; . V'' 14 1 �,' ". ,� '�'_, 4� 14 L .1 n � In hill i , � a . " L JkA ^ I� !#& L , I .1 1, I 'A , W**ft%W A .� I ..1- 0#, L' � I k . t" I 0 low ; I ** . I ' #*. A* ili. 11.11 11 I ­­­ . -3 Win L . . I to �� -A*6 * Wot '* I ,***, . .. "I I I to 41!i , " I � I .., , . , d I . � " - _J i *%Liii j L"�4 _­ ' _ , �,.,._._ - .( ,,I;. r, el , 1, ; I 11, " �L 4 ' L ,k,o"r,