HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-07-10, Page 6T1W
VAM 00, 4144of, ly 14a "02� sot vanold"Oign Aot. -114 t9 0% to N OW a ft 04 XWO 00 b"WRIk 0A 14 tr�"W# ww*,Z",0 r I I , up"r U 11*1 J i I It a I" %liog"WA theft of �, VO 7,7 Ur usual r
7 7 7 -eraorgod radiant (roz*gMW V* "W ool4i .14' 1AUX0, #ft 100KI -oite,- vAlow b4th, ovary nor W In 7'ar ve tjllgllug�` fut I oVOW *Ikvm with vitality. 4. 00 ou tbo CA. k PICturo at vi 01, eA0041100111 lvi4i,140' "Voli Ith rous manhood, 91vo bero, into the Th 14004#40d: ft alawitt, to Tho cold p unE Rm"_s .. % .1 vil-.4,00, fn ",to tl## ottilo, 1W '17, 11 t000 his.: 0104, I# 1AfnVk O, 0 4,01, Ois lov 'Imit'sOh011 heA h the 140 W0.0 In We wet alothoo, not, hurt, him, in the least, "m vqvea A. omilo, W t1mo* llR,m$"V�o an0'R_jlAlfP Ago 06 Walter showed him his eittlogi d he hastily pond 4', Y04WO0, sent"o.broo,d Et.ab 0 I vo 'V at once choice W, ho X WA* voor I. Ihall stilt., 01,00m"IN quick g0stsutlall- Then. w a room. he fil efunged into ;04 ,woo -a. F'O ,.hntd bgre,p, rather blip qgaycha at I I,u bow window iloxj"� w acup as,$ran $a And looked out on �ho Thames, lost 104 Vkod To a 141kit 0410i "VA .0 OWA '1190, of �qulj# . f a t thouglit. a4400GLARJOU9 91AACO Sro Vaught hw ea� w like, the r a , broad, 1, %a to Out, `r00 00�-, .*b4 4v., 0, Why did she do It?" he pandered- comj* OW91, - �, _ I , -woo to �b,g,, vollk '0Y9'baCAU_6o $he Wai-so aioaggply -Ith4, warkpA mi, those lIX4 r Could she do It? She aaAWPI139 With the 9140JUIlti 1404- lfql�d pie
Ing, Tho air W tit, so qll,ajitly that have suffered terrlbly; that, at least. isWife #nlogo,4 ''O"gio v 104 AV the 84 _Y, At" was "041y, A T.O* "fisys , t � tjo if) at the doctor's watch Is plain, When she went to gri, t blue. Who bea.Utl ul world JO Ck She h4dgotL roo 40WA I eRound- --hearill, �blja - death for relief, 'T
ria NnC '* 'Ouio sported, and sparrows *40 these two most precious things PIGA. wiko in10�. 4. pack suffered so in echirped, nd nowors bloomed; on the 11bilit hio,flnger-tips touched he.And YOU tried to fling 1 le,l* Z .11, I S *nil 4011# th-and She ,a river - rippled And I;IrI10 SJJk4 Wrist, and he broke the both away. A dozen seconds more 014; not Ma 011o, Of Tight the bright 40 #, at 'J 4*0 In the Sunshine. But fit 000000 At 10t,- And it wag ill over; her young life hbr thp:,bQr, Ch jxlxtoot tie sh a CIO' I iw death. but a, -to I mna that dropping figure "'ThO �1!4114V, ItUrse," had gone out like the flame of adwid YPUIOQ qikenched candle, lost for ever in Itself felt. She was, to Vithy lagers still on her aAttle V ay, b 40 tt -ace w and
child, be lot a Oozqh drops of the strong blank darkness, leaving no ti be rultilk. 0Mkit for the li�,tok, had been Appearance, little mOm than a d -loklo ft-omAho spoon through bind. Yet she cannot be more than bel I , I it . Chief � .., . . -WdtJ0 " "!, .
shabby black dross clung close s0frit1i otsobre b �ai?j air paint The at, tco .40uruo 44=0 to ;np, ago 'to �,aooj� skfR4 4 r' I I Coll the blue lips find the t istles elastic. 'to her slorider forill, and a thick Yest the throadlilco FOxtoon oars of age. IK. �01't ftgon liqu*. - t;)' tile sUrpill0o plan a gqr I a ho of yellow Imir Wing disordered over 4uivor was more perceptible, Ireld of hL.r -youth, the btrL of her c ;L asat re-', ] tl* her shoulder, She walked swiftly., latut glow like the fliolcorl kS rose life butore Ifell, Lind she krce4y f01- air, the abiIX," U of I J,r 1110 glkad beAltit and bAV4 V41U.4bles'Wevo kept. H yet fAltoringly. with sudden stop* tint in Ull heart of ati-9pal Showed -folted both, I have given her b �10�,F oth the fdglii, T,ratuen�fber. no; or; till boor6agione trt,weam of t a ey-4. 1 do and quick glances at the water. All WAvaringly in,the white 'cheek. back by the stretching out Of my left t -IOU of the knof-Iny, and- for Vk, so got ppes4se AnLl Vr lospital discipline had hitherto- hand -how I wish I could do a m this the keen, dark eyes "I . �Akl Q, largo, a JewlTy.. Those be cionvioyed to, hid ,hip of the man see 4444,4 0 he os, -r e e s , but now the, much for mysolfl noticed half ouselously M he closed to st,llg him room.. banging over me aceppplIgon . ofts1de, An In on her at the rate of.ton yards woman In her conquered the nurse. The thought seemed whosea cleared the house, iftot off -to 1004 Via pill# hove done for oth- t1a she dead,' doctor?" she asked, to sudden Impaiiience; he leaped up police were put all his track 4 fair trl6l, -jSoXd by all lutid which doels angs, her to bad now. as quickly, as you abruptly before a great mirror that tence her lips. and with it wita, 4 alwil,ar: cirfmiatance. The or Sont,post by, and she In the same moment hall "NO! 'ter like to die, I hope. Got rapidly a dozen times, and paused sleep, 'half-finishad It,is hinted a -second. - B t Clear, collaraAnding for Inot�bo Situation. Will (10 Tar' VoUl
it YOU Will Tait wands worp and he had gone with a gasp of Intense cagernes from his Seat and paced tile floor Irk on her words -4- that, the
soll� by A recent Flrenli;h k%QTvI died; on so slight a thing life h to But suddenly, just as lie was close can; light box or "tx 'box" the Are In the room alld almost filled one wall of the room contentad��, little sigh she passed qliestign is whotber thp ilovqI did ej Ibehind, the girl swung herself over set tile hot-water battle At bar feet. from floor to coiling. again into A deep roakVtll*� Oat, drearaltiss, ItYll, Wood, thing In silwatiult the crime Imblankment, I Will ..return in twenty minutes- "I look the same," he said notic to the police or 4 bad one An giv- thp low of the L I boi r and wout down with a splash into Will that give you time enough?" "There is not- a grey hair or a no 4114 ! a own, ing the Idea W the -thief. OFFICERS ANR O)RIIG*ORS A "LUASLIZ 14"IlTME the water. "Plenty, air; a quarter of an hour wrinkle. Yet th best of tilY 'lifO is T R lold Its =* Aso. he soft, of PreSident.-R. L. 40yM' ES(I.L. It I$ ot miroasao able to'exPeO
lie dropped off behind his bicycle will do." gone for ever. The intoxicating, ex- story ot,rovlvjng, leikIth W.P.P., Toronto a 'roa) lziltion upont this property -10 paced up and down the corridor uberant delight of is lost to How's This I OViUttkro in Wh:lch'tho Xing. f at the spot where she had vanished; Iyouth sti ngth, ittlitt'�,tho �pulsq beat easily Vico-Pkesidonts.-D. W. McXerr within tvFelve latontto of from 2 his spinning And the We offer One klundrod.Pollars Reward 11t has �oublad pedal grated harshly on itaPixtiontly, and was back in the me, and old ige creeps on, with In- ants Oats a Scare, gi 00IYY chor, Barrister, Wilmipeg; R. A. to 600 per cent wris for an Pyne. Esq., M.D., M.P.P., To� in value since an op, the 14,lrbstono, and he was over the room shRrp at the Appointed time. evitablo death behind. But t. case of yaturrh that 4nnot be tIon was ob- 4 AnOlow or A war�m f1m blazed cheerily in the thoughts won't help or hinder. Lot tA cured y Hall's U%tarrh Uure lgilt evcnIng u F',inbunkit '"t wall so - swiftly aft J list thura'a, ut eight months ago.
the roe enjoy life an it goes, for death Tonto.
waS ridlng along it lonoly.hor that it seemed but one fiIiingo. room and the girl was in bed, and the pUr4sa; �Qatcred. We, the Ubdorisignod. have known Diremto�rs.�Jolm Small, Esq., before being i1nally.purpliased 0 by "I hope 1 h4% J. UbseaeWor,thq 14st 16 year 4W-ln the noriliom piut'af 4v,ilh- lie saw the dark outliqo far down nurse Standing, beside it. ends all. " -9 end "Cobselou to 'lot At"Q0 believe h porlectl,� honorable In all Collector of Cuskoms, Toronto; the Company. 'Whatever the pro- 41*444. As lie rodo, enjoing. the dimly through the water and struck a Yet?" he asked abrupt The soft -footed waiter stolo In away, cors of the Coln t lie ingrallon4tons. And- tkaaAP.Ia1NX_,. Winnipelp pts arq_ offi pany od ly. the room, and noiselessly as You are ift, 000� time, Aikrgo, y out 411y oulleatiorio.mill E. Morgan, Esq., JurliorC_o_6n1' ' �tfl __ hj�roljol dare are pn ._)*Pr 0trowty Of the Adric4n uVen- out )or it. The litup 11gure yield able to carr a. the firm. Ab&' hie h4ddtmly beciaino coyrWi attW -df liglitly ta hts touch ne he wont "No, doctor. -allowed no sign of gonla-in, an- Eastern story s9t the w nihe& -WhOlillMid 4)rUgJ4Lt# Judge, Toronto W Ui 1, same foQVnk;, hall'the Company' sleep JOING. ' KIN lunch on the table. X NA SteAlft, hipAvy tread oti, the lunging up to the surface -of IVA I L 8Vin4Fp Oil to bQ, Ilow, and I wig sea her early In'the Tol 0. ho�AL og,, 'T. -W, 'Andrews, - --bo-6it's are rtlwayfif'op� 11 -
Toledo. -a y9iir JDwq AN W Drug I gists. ad Wil a61404 hitm It scoonlad like the river. Luckily the tide sot strongly, Again :h6 lot the brandy trickle it wall an exquisite huich-vxquis- morning. Yog",k 14ARV Esq. lVinkilpeg; A. 'E. Howlly, spectiA of shareholders. Vivian Ar , 4n. taL r at sol�q hoavy, ofaskicut- and a dozen strong strokes with the slowly through her lips. The faint itely cooked 'a,ad nerved. re t without' f sq.: Wlnnl�pbg: J. J. Borebank, 5 Umarrill'Oure to Cklleh letw All cheques irayablo gn account ootOd' A%i4mal following Idui. Turn- quick current c4rried him to the rose tint &ow steadier oil her cheek del enjoyed the dainty vland:i And (To N all. d", bp Ulus flatly, acting directly upon the, blood 11�sq,-, Toronto; IT, M. East, at stocli,should be made payable v badly landing -stage of the stealabogto and the pulse,beq 1hore evenly at delicate wines with the keerA appe- and mueous -aurteclis, Esq., Barrister, Toronto; to the order of The Trust and n_011 IoQkin& iAtOL Ole close at hand. 0 his fingeit-Ups. A* he bent over her tito of health and the fastidious pal- Tebtimorlials sent (Fee. PrIc6 '74c. POW Campbell, Winnipeg. Co., No. 14 King St.. 01, a largo llou. The A human cargo -had just boon land- the eyelids rais�d without warning, by :,atti druggists. Guarantee
ate of the epicure. LDMflg%yAJ TILLS. bottlo;a W1.141y 11 are the b"I TH9 GREAT PRAIIIIII INY48TIAENT COMPANY, West, Toronto', 41o4 noted very strangely. ad there; and a choer broke out an 'he and oyca blue as forgot-me-nots look- He throw up the window, lit LIMITOD. Write for prospectu Ino his Iload. DOW loworing reached the stage with )its burthen, ed straight into his own; vaguely at cigar, and dropped again into Ills W`h I le man hag approached have purchased a huge block of STATEMENT OF AOSITS tho time anwaig tits Air and a score of willing hands war first; but remembrance and mia'ry easy -chair. The sky was still cloud N th Pole within Z otoo 9 - Uja or land within the corporation lim- Al -0 ost ammuer. stretched to help him. But lie need. dawbod slowly In their translucent less and the sunshine bright on the has�yet stood -within less than 7-72 its of Winnipeg and embracing T1143 Company has purchased WAS IL UAIPTI90 for t1le 11010. ad no help, Lithe as a cat he depths and bar whole body quivered rivQr. The summer Lair breathed boft- ITOW DODD'S KIDA PILL miles of the South Pole. 4,500 building lots situate in the 4,500 building lots, 15 X 130 S. e `110`100131111 not 11%ftke O'ut Witat kind of clambered on to the stage, making as though with paiu. ly Into the room. His thoughts ran I best residential $action, wher QUICKLY CUS)DD HIS LAXE fen t. Total frontage 112,600 APIMAl It *" thja� Could roll, wulk nothing of his burtbon. With the In the same cu The pain in her face shadowed rrent as before. What the impulse in values will be Apd-sit StAll All at the B0,11010 time; Strength and dexterity combined lie dark eyes that gazed upon her, 80 I pleasant, b trot, artr ffixity Years. eautiful world it is! most -keenl� realized. This land feet- 4,lwilmal witAt 4 red 0Y0 On eaclh pushed or edged . his way rapidly keen was his sympathy. A faint how happy is Our life in it! how full Aq OLP AnD WicLL-Mittau R Mrs is befilitifully wooded and is con- The Comr,snY'P 0AUTAll,to on pre. = for over allar Unit a brighter ne In front. M through the crowd, still carrying the pitiful moun was heard, anj her lips of varying delight, it it could nly William N. P sets by willions of sook tire (or their t?lldrm 1h116 ceded by all Winnipeg. inve tors Fent va 11 d 13agI44, of Xorwooa willal..'s bolothingaltruthas been 10. of the In Ad 1. from a U. thing, with tierfact wooew It soo 04 the Q '
0*04 tO POUlOtO POn UVA& Oil ifulli, light form, from whigh th moved in vain attempt to Speak. lastl So his thoughts ran Incessant- gives Good AclViqo and Othere t. be the beat residential part of to Iduatica rlllr, would liking, a being WUDSC'water dripped. kens Lhs Sines. allillis sit ?,at.. cures wind colic, he . A street car Ine Is ifeld at even on averaie a .
Than his face Suddenly L took on a ly , an the two grea., are Following lit With Splendid;. : he bial rixil"A for all haiiii, !a Plemant to the city. pass- $337 W 00 so oily. -three and death. taste, Sold fir runists a 41var 2to CYCJ L lot, Since tlio no A crowd had already gathered out- al inlyt cl the wor C "A '0 lywins I... I look of command. once, twice, Results. TwoutY-11vaq,604 0 bottle. Its vs us is incalculable. now being completed, Which A laiad*'�6iir side, and there was another cheer timLs his hands moved in rapid An hour later he found the girl 0 end "k for am ingowle sootbilis alvp- as within a few rods of the north pengea of wavagountnt; for I fit) as 110 came Norwood, Ont., July 6 lioI)m upon the qptiy" - 14101pamsea before her eyes. Remain still sleeping and the nursti readin ensuing year. approxininteAlat �iglilkloL minkledit owing clear over the branco and pain died at once out of illium N. Baskin, the we -kW ..... 9 I end of this property; and another a tall figur all 23-74 line is projected to run on the itat the window. She rose and stod W Own Profit balance to COULIPMA: attlitvoult. ho podol-i Ilds. - huge n tbutora- !it= ---damarellb--with -fotdett lumberman and--railrOad-contractior- east side of It. 17d eq, llulOttlPI a6 Ped' beckoned to a passing hansom. III droop till the long dark lashes rest- of this place, tells of an o*pgrience The first steamer on the Thame's his a(fiart to gbti hands as he entered. to XAA0 an Instant it dashed smoothly up to ad on the w#ito cheeks and she lay "I shall not require you for half with Dodd's Kidney VMS that I Is-- was the "Marjory." in 1814. ne JAM. 0 in ye a_Bcatt r placid of interest to - Richmond" followed her a Or NOT SQ UFE30NAT thoro torritbry botW the pub WEATIM STGW Oft Irlin aud the the crowd recklessly to right ang "Sleapi" lie said eof d of the respite. 116 g ' oneridly. -in lor! igfoi Abat a t Mark loft. lips close to the shell-like ear that eft the room, gla As the door closed behind her he "For two years," stilys Mr. Big- e,wicket and golf and all that samt Ah "old salt signs for we le cl "To the hospital, air?" said peoped from the thick turned to the bed with a pur Uto Lver'gi Dry Soap (a powder) of thing, y' know: tbqy'rc 6 h M. give times .4 is Macy the clusters of r pose in kin. "I was laid up with )�,anm Back ue In driver, as the unconscious girl was yellow hair. "Sleep!" and the Un- his eyes. Yet he paused fo? a rim- and Kidney Disehs47-. I would at tio wa.511 wo6lons aidd Bautista.- ly -sports y' know." will COM in lifted to the Seat. swor come back faint and far -away times become n'd havo.to leave if the Come- heSail alTnin, wa make weak a y4u,11 like it, Miss pepproy - "Thei Idem, You'r
41 positively maLnUislit, aren't "NO; the Cecil Hotel, as fast an from the mystic region of dreams-- is it fair?" lie asked himself, "to Off worl". Poop's who, know' o' go becoming a ant or two Irresolute. cion you can ..ga
a exertion you can drive." "I sleep." lumberman at ..11 the rain comes before te Wl that hilf, 01404 to have tire latatter Flo @tepped in beside his charge, "Yorget your sorrows," he whiap- capture the secrets of her life while 'd contractor nthe' )&a. Malupirop sometimes hits the you?" furl y6ur topsaTs snugly in. ound Railways, nail -on the hiald. It rained in t.or- she lies there helpless and uncon- C. P. R. and Parry S` Rainbow at night_ sailors'.: 'w th oway- SuiAlealy nd' they were whirled away. 110. erad back. "SIeep a restful s eep -he knew how sick I was. t rch -on -Swn� from bia A 97 To unveil her soul as t e 4wowd till, -ebeoring, and the, 4neivit- tIll-I tell you to wwaka� gdjqu A bachelor one dfyy, But the table light. before the priest?" ses facing i able policeman allowing In the dls- e g, placid little fiew irrijkting thda is1l" %-W.Uj�cbv- He "Reading of wonderful. cures by day mofvitinj without an n o in. his lonely abodo,with PI -for liadiabotv I mlng� 10 thri tho ukill Dodd's Kidney Pills led me- to try she ejacu- llaltt headlight full tance--late. sigh and nestled her check cosily to looked again at� the sleeping gitl. b ira Inary. wife and, take warning I used three boxes and Ara JaW Ameelf Wild an 00 11011. This was Thu hansom dashed headlong from the yielding pillow; list- breath ame "An innocent young face," pletely cured. I can say now 'hen sat down'to If the Tom cornea with silitti sult 1aCG 101 five children he them. Aoo ,XOXVtt fof:.the beast. It was chirs mused, "that speaks of life and 00m We_,busy street into a quiet court- soft find plow, and her sweet dine, and as he helped himiself 'to soon the showers will be do �,A heart innocent and pure. Sorrow, have not had any pains since I Used BINDE R TALIC. food he put the game quantity On Rising sun f011owed by rain� you'll Me livil's yard, an ought of rest In the very parted in a happy smile. 'Ortc, for At tNS froob evidence of heart of strident Undon. Pity, keen almost to pain, was In Others who have followed Mr, Bas- Sorao of the inVorteat features of each of the other plates and BUT- not see the sun -again. n not shuttle, hop brought her to this Dodd's Kidnay Pills." :at Itl* part of the RU-4alfga All round the place were men and V paso. it will be less pain to tell If f_he Sun's red In the West, ruat Ivian Ardel's heart as he gazed on veyed the prospect, at the same t I Errs kin's advice and tried Dodd's ting the cost. 1JZ is still a day hotter than the last. her story thus, and I miltst know all, . Kidney the Masasy-Hrrin Binder are: who broke hhumil in- women lazily breakfasting, chatting. her. that I mqy help her as I wish to Pills report similar results. No'form FOLDING DIVIDERS. - No bolts c0lopill 't. than CA" Ills big eye A stileak of red, then streak Of' lounging, or smoking In the shady Then for the first time her loveli help her." of KIdnay Disease can Stand before or nuts to unscrew. You morely rW bachelor. dir6otiou he leaped, the moffl_ gTay, and you will. get a 9100MY oil tail. verandah. Every eye was turned on ness dawned upon him. then them. lease a spriullf on the outside Dl- Till the harlsom that charged -furiously in He touched her forehead lightly tre4i of tho $6itft and I site had been to him I mare abstac- vider and uahock the inside one to Germany dug 101 million tons of day. Tom- t for and Witit a w Ild *Wh rotmatlsd I it a vory and pulled up sharp, with a sc tion, a life to be tough Ith big finger-tips, and a slight (old thorn. A youngster can do it. coal last year, raising her to third Into the jungle. ble and aduffle of whoeis and h passed. through her body at fully and properly. The Dividers rank as a coal -producing countrY. ag 'big fitas for his 0010. saved. *Now all at once ,or beauty quiver the hotel door. tilrilled him. The small thin hands. MR touch- UROWN lar very rigid fit their worklug pos- Marie "I didti't know you ever.' that awful At fraill They saw I tall "Do. you hear me?" he asked, In Ifl HIS MAJESTY'S won a prize at tennis." DiCk -"Of, 6b the bleyelist man loop Out pure white na the anowdrops, IRY Itions, and remain at whatever 0 clear, low -voice; and the answer course I did. I'm. going to inarryr
i(villt, now at I r6turning amid ougle they axe. folded ovor,the d� dripping et With a girl dripping loosely on the counterpane; the lov - Mind s Liniment - Cures Bandrul, h,,mi4 wet in his arms. g, h 'I hear." T= JEWELS ARE OP 331S- oeyor canvaillf, It in. August." 0 �110'lly face was framed in a thick tangle came back clear and low, * way to elvil"Uon. TORIC VALUE.- di Iva, a sovi,rulga, and (ItS11111301111'15" of gold curls. *The delicate lines of Your name anti age?:' ot so ("t but the eyebrows, the silken fringe of "Lucy Ray; not quite sixteen.' literally float. I The grain cannot So she rejected Yo, d1ld she? Your proposul dj4p't ple- her?"
be was recognived-by.the lashicluo,4,ja A or choke in the Massey-Riarris I the lashes, showed in clear outline "WhOts, have, you lived before you Ellstory of the Three Most Mn- Iti "WI, M d a . portent Ornaments on the elevator, no matter how much it is 11, I can hardly oay it didnft crowd that clustered In the voran on pallid check and foreheiid. But
please her. I thought t�ha'd never dah or loitered round the door. why waste words, when words fail "In Kent, close to Canterbury." Crown. bilriched. -It's Dr. Vivian Ardel," said ." utterly to solve the me of your IRV" The Most important historic Jew- SVWIr KNOTTER. - Capable, of w6ap laughing." Georgian Bay's great American. clean -shaved and long- subtle mystery "my father as a doctor. WO els in the present imperial crown are adjustment to take up wear. Wealto. Mokllr babies are a of those soft. tender curves and tints on. faced, who was dawdling over his IUDIDL. - Suited for handling Favorite Summer HOt-Is need 0 of woman's loveliness that fill men's Were very happy in our little homiet the large spinal ruby in the cent -1rial .16 Ikkathoirs. er a' 'I �bov ad breakfast in the verandah to the last yeal Jr ropa under ell Cormutions of weav- ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Carl h night mid d ay, 0, right of the entranc6. "The sm4rt,6 soul with such passionate delight. but he died - of a fever of the front cross-patee, the Is. go ther or lan it, will pick up tan callousadluinre THE BELVIDERE *var ito irlothcr out. Ilaby*s "Poor chiltil". he said softly; "so caught from &�poor patient. 1115 pale sapphire o ost - V the circlet of the led or laid grain -and lay it lisai ly Ilittle ortoillitch Is t in est man in London. I reckon; giv : 06 death 'ieft us Ibnely and very poori crown in frontl aird the Small, but PARRY BOUND
It our 'Edison fit*." -of rt'b twiliblo, it ii iery Wdak, trid Inii long before her, how she tribe r and finely colored sapphire In the center toultequeAco . y�ry ealily upset. And the richest," sulded his plac- have suffered to swk death willing- 1, to earn our own bread. We went- of the cross-patee above the mulund Or Wpm gra!A With splendid mlc� THESANS 80
id. cominorIplace wife. "They say young, so beautiful, with life Stretch- 6d to teach music, for we could both Mae; 61 , t, and we came to London, mothe an the table. tit,Als handles long
at the tell of the crown. ROLLIM BEAUTNOS throughout Tablets, will curb all lyl Stay with her, nurse." he said known. 110ON, amm P.O.
�Rby troubles. They re mildly he's Worth as many millions &J he to the woman who stood by silently. play and sing, 'Out no one would hire The history of the so-called ruby
% prompt relief. Can- can count on his fingers." every us. It was a licairt-breaking failure. to well known and is of great inter- to lightion the draft aild Wake -10 Famplat Bore - "Paimm, buit vu Write for ratet% Mrs. IL J. Balfour. List bar have a - little milk The are always busy W)1031 I COMO i." JAMES K. PAISLE ,#k**tIvo amd. igiv( work basy fq�r file horses. And the hatidsolgest," cried the half-hour till I return. She'will take our little stock of money slowly cat, In the fourteenth ce "A"a beasts know when they are hitebod 'y dainty daughter, sparkling with r Mother grew whit6 Mr. CyTII Can- 'rho victim - Blut still you Come 0li"[I,400, Out., paySt "I have Used vivacity. "I saw him last week. It without waking. Above All d allied away. Davenport in Th runs Grand Unfoll Hotel. �Osby'n - �OWA Tablets for StWhach things, alto needs rest." and Worn. At last I got a place as nolsacur, It belonged to the King to I Massely-n-arris-it do "XI I _ation front which when he'd what you call ,carried his the woman protest- governe a, and the people were of Granada, and Pedro the Cruel, OTI`AWA, OAN
rolIfIlled and 4oh4tip on. -Tensed 11 - (I Idnd 16 me at and- _Kr -king eve& Jeufakio iIny, fittli, '#I A! 846red batl -at -Lordw. -Tlw People were ad. "I must Drst-" p an ng of UaitlTe, received this Clara "Are you engaged to Minard's Llnlm ot Dell t1ftly lcuma her, They produced Cheering lll;o mad, and he looked just ., I will see to that," the doctor said I was clever and taught well, under- the gulso of frionidship in the Douglas, for good?" Uortrude-"It too fetching in Garthels." U Ics of Y LEAN NG OR oatigo. fttreshing sleep, and I !,oil Interposed. "I am going straight and life idokpd a little brighter. Alcazar at Seville. Here lie wag looks sa, X don't think he'll over Latoturer - "The 0,130 Sd J. OUTING Meanwhile Dr. Vivian Ardol, Care- to the malinger," "But alter Six months there was a murdered for the sake of his jewels, be able'to marry lyftll are very bad!, air." Proprii r LADIES' i sullys.
th AllY llaula less of continent. with his helpless Without a ward more the nume change. The only son came back al"Ong which was this stone. Pedro --No, air: tilrey're all rig�t. It was 00 be deet WI*10 04'ellwab Process, 6A Vlore -,thbro are little ouctI.- burthen went tip the broad. shallow afterwards gave it to the w0ap factory you smelt." dpo"ll" AmosICAN BYE
ly to her task. from "llege. no,was very gay And prince, INO Xotheep trout III part6of Canada steps of the ' great marble staircase and a while the Mack aftZlr the battle of *tIta, Ila of Baby's Own Tab- two at A time. At the second land- Them was much whispering pleassilit-spbkon, dnd for Nearette, as a mark of gratlWdli M-1 . nard'S Liniment for sale eferyWhere TOURP l#tS, PrOVIfig tp. avlalut that thev are ing he eame face to face with the turning of heads In the great hall of house was brighter for his presence, for his Successful helli, and it Is also PLAN 1qOW VbR SUMMER thd var wet killedlothe for tifi the a stout. middle- the hotel as lie Walked through to Above all things. he loved to comO supposed to have been worn in the MoGinnis - 4r;; did MU,phy No matter where YOU are going, It. 141nor Ills of InfArto and young thil- aged woman. Wi%o stared in open- the ulandglik"S room, Even in the to 'the nursery or school -room to! crowp of 11enry V. at Agincourt. On broak Itis XCXIWds in the United States, write to Line Steami dedo. auspatiteed to contain no hotel Ill Vuropo, Dr. Vivian play with his little Sisters. But one lowtnfg rox, care'Lackewalana Railroad. malatl I. ttv$t
took, )Milan to Well, cna box at all At the dripping ii'""t thin occasion it may have helped to mq(lininTA 101hwht?' WkXintits - Buffalo, N, Y., tor'rates slid routes. Ullilrpoet VIA QUOVAS- oved bewilderment Ardtil as ft personage, "d 1% vaguo day his mother found him there. And save a king's lira. a's the Due d'Alcin-
man kind the dripping womati liohta Vergitka of" tho rescue hall Aires, strangely angry. Soo turned yls, it blow out. &V fill' Win4ow, Very cheap excursions during the Z or, 41rcet frank The Dr. dy w4q arms tcon ainiod a blow at Henry, litth fir Alikeoll iff Init all boom slid staft"Ofts C -the place. libil out all the room, and then mid- wig turned by is crown. tli,,nw -after It. " lo City, BOStOU in Sol JdA 04 i h" be" 11"a to the .Sitow me to a vacant bedroom,"! been buriod about and jl�rphy, Wint minor to Atlant flit, p6dillatte
211 V#r
doctor," the in'Anagar things. of which I only vaguely and Netv York. EXcursion rates, issilad siollib and 116h,
he said, in that Wear, low tolto " 06ftAinly, WO OVE 139 IM.LMIW bAwotlp~ and which begets obedience; ,got hot_ sold courteously, In reply to Dr. guessed the meaning, that madQ me CAnIST1AXFNDrAVOR, D9NVEIt now ilk offect to all resorts. Plam W Ardel's explanation .nlid *equesti-It hk)t Wlth4 shame. I went back to; - Te a no is sly cloed, deep now, U 0 ,or Ir 0-niZZ7AW red n 1, a &I which is chief- Por the Inter4ationall. Convention M66 Wetted Penland ,*Aftl- bottles and flannels, and a I jUather and told her, And the - Was dack of lifandy. Quick. woment IV* gluill be aftetl as you, desire,
1 *iu see'to it myself... "griet than I was. wid pitled me, ly fouind iti the trieral beds of Cey- at Denver, July �10th to 18th, the 00fatM 6Xpl6ring,st inatter at life or deatlit" lon, Burma art iam. Like most onelial rb4te Sdlg!btqd by the Trans. "There's a tru o to my place ful ried. ever trial and we were al� "Can You telophone ,dr. makes little iWilgh too o4ulit 1 for 14 $a Male that the I Very Softly he laid lits burthen OrIffital stories, articular jewel pat-tatioll Ilaring4re, for Ontario Rud aIII 69
ide for 4 Change of 0-lothes, and 'Ost liftfiPe bogeth6r]Alit the nloti,4, arithaw If "Ientlao pritial? W4* �bt AX4CAlVAtilig 06 VAO Of all-jdoift an the deep velvety carpet of; at 'a al do*8 Rho do it?" trint" 111111bul r 1p ad Away. alid-t; It" been pierced, It a top of t he U, is 1#1& the , 10111ago and the patblit itlitod & ir I, it , , X I lied earned p inkeed9a 16 011111 aill atts GO 1)481114L
Lqt�fit V000h I$ lif"0000109 most the room. The water ktreamOd trolo bave thoin sent UP to whatavc piercing is now fille U'Atioloom t - Wo had d witli a 67DI or lki-wesitfn gild 'Union Pacific tie in. a PrittrarY tist1thily 11"t"I %tali, ltrilithe
give in d earn no In ro: It that *LtUL fair' Thb 011, -uby set,in gold, 4p d 8 RAl ays. Sildclal tralik of tourist itto went 611 Out
9VOCIt $late Of1her In little pandn and rivulets, boy II'd the ston Alints hall I)MU:0tood out In bright round b(ii,ads oil i ukkout,. but polished an the natural lotping carst through to Denver. a
ftblifigi and Its qattify 41-itho thick -tufts of the carpet, CAA Iptoollf the t As r, 11I.
Vlar ourfa". It in irreg*larlY Ticketis air 'alkle July Otlk, 7th khd I I *fis Cuklid of, Bi-ohohitis anti urdtj if ItV ghb, IftV Jb6to With thSdiQuV1rXfm1 *it* now. I drojilivIlapiod, oAd,fibout two inches Btb,, 110Urri, 11mit, ,August' 81st, Astbmit b MiNAUbtS T M V, NT Aft, TV -31411 asen101ingibg t.0 Ifer wotlWata lict M41pll, *&9 (AtIA49 6C A 1409 ift labigh. L90, Voiry low rated. from' asta, Iwo vIrs W3 wlth fG,-.m. to An Uts. A. LIVING&TONZ.' Inexperienced eys 4W Wh6, * W'brightmilia, fiA it The seband notable jewol in the tiod, in Canada. for alMcial YJ quitti doad. Iler body, aAd Iti%poflat crown is the largo pale gap. Ch�istl" Vndoavdr folder. ratesend at MONS ry 1�10 b" frAmpolits 01 limbi wom limp as ri nevol"hot to Phito in the front Of the circlet.
ftkly� eblrd%m. Ilop Tilill t6*0111f 40k0d 1111' It full . Int6tmatiOn tag' "' B"kigtt� 2 Iftheums11sua by MINA 0 W wo, wo" late waire doath's, tolor. IDIRAPS the warn in the crown of Oharles Cast Xing stfooto Tofbtkio. 100t 60164- Of Aalk�- thoto, wet" no breath from lick.l(pit or Ir., and itittlatoly tocamo the pro- um". I W r was Culled of &'severe atack at
A*1101, and "t IAN AWet ne WOW* 'Sig ltiinklmd ClUlft Illation at hr hodrit. ow .4" yot of Cardinal Yolit, who be- Small toy (to, g,rdkn&) llsfhan4 bay. 36111i VADPIt. CiallfortiIiA Nav Is. HAVE
IlUt Dr.- Mittel did not detolkir. In eeWWI, (T it to th6 Tifince Regent, An4110 tittair * 0oorge IV. Tlie Prince 141 hit dark eyes thtft Wss I% ogolutli 4s ictttwa don."0' 64ftlot - "No hi�l bov.41 log byINAIM9 Ui4I9E'NZ sovilloi. ff 0wieatim, and: 46110 %V11tj fiRS b(tifIft bht- to file Princess Charlattt, i1i) - JOSUUX WYNAORT. tied 'i gave it. SIGAII 'Doy - (lwotw 't tjok with. btoq tiowo sutkoyjh*,�* but oxi ber death it Vag roturtiod, an c of ' , �u don't wint, tuin .when Carlidiad **ety W164" All' Who AbbV0'al V1.104 wid ft". �Iiap . it *6s properly cbrisIdell6d W be a 01*60.11 We tAtt,atild 111d16 YO00 vet ucd a ph (:row�h JGWGI. It it% paltiOly pierced, YOU givil tho kfavielt Lana' slot� It tthdoi, tfiogirl'A dom, so that' *hleh, inay thealt It was, Intmiled to hat Piro oto tox vp*, the, holly Uy In -0, lklight Mopo, art the' bo, t*d a% a btlad, but ninver finish- ad -4 that OUT It luft"t W1AlilL'P§ have b0an on J1A0:30th t6 ouly 10t Indlu., w 0 WI* Y"0 0 for GO ttip, Jnt6M&jL tcl'Serleo for uslvly the V�*bkbh Will well tdund b�d Ittlir. that Ifi#* 41 6 *0 aLlf(fet, hall- da ik coft,or dood. ob, won *Ath wAf M, or Colol" Whit# eb�cskw tobtly with MR. 110pre _PJ0rcfGtt waUItJ.bc It IS Cut "llobillo, 0001V 00*04;r M6 "Aftc onctorit am mado trom� Odultdlk,, JAll, 06)(4t* flood Allilf 'till 4114 bh% to r6tutif '011,11 Autubt, Aut, lem on Juv lot to,�otb 10lusl is 011bld AW �O AifWfIO Od be slidt6ilm, of a so g cifti, low `MM 69durolo", , or tip sha*ed. Lo tu 0� P, I a * I-Olk, isslohiiisfift*" 011119 bVior, t1w '404, 10"M finnyYL 1Pr#"C%d ior l6lbaWA, to, )W*, 'tot um . triAll ok# it lit 000 two D10960 'C*I.# $6164 to ral" u6s ",to lwoi wdosi anal 1w"d JW viviat -till All" INOW"I ` It , I 11 wlexots godd t6 11tto nTobittlk. , I ttosy Wet oxt4dod '*t UIR forillith I)Vot, tol- thilft, AlhVil 1*04t Of wip" *ftlt mot *01 lIWO livow''OV01, eV0 lf`01�00! *ilk 1*tiftt%*r0l*t_ 0044l, 11,0104 It US. bf*n in visit, coldirkildo "il to M"t *fk� W&Ifjil pook*4gers, to , . t tallAil, probvibl�, 16ft bookirty *0 ly Into, Ut-WANt bot-� 14 to Ww, *A�o aOk ) l to havt DW tAk#d 04t Nt to ghd VCturbibil. the tblomp W14% 'All ItitkCAN tn touto. --wonrIm alwl"*Wly ,U*i ",rAji# J*r 006tt Rod th"L Joe, *am* hift), 6", it )to 0W Wet ml tAftift Rat #Ad A" 't of hm"N aft Attwobs w6b0h , X"*t, bt l -told *bo%t, It, rt. "";## t "04" foo* I" **it. A, littyt�? Axt , P***0*W Atoftt� In 0"" Of JJof,t*%*A Ctkir**t, ffl*r AM �1(10ll*p 0 Inio W6**# W boo'lit **m im Uw 4:j *61t%", 'With 00 *A*k ab"t w lI"A At-