HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-07-10, Page 3l
K!*Ay WU W44NVOW *A 44
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'e, �� *114S Wo 11livev , .., . 0 0 04" W - " , "Voloww" I ikogfui, W7 iv4 Q; W"t4io 7rm III no Poo" "Wo mom"O'. WMAII WOW A" wom oox" -r** lActurt ***A". = , I " OXOM"'to I$" , fw* 041i* oq - - 11 vilo"', to Uft *U", wtuVor -a tfl� Who fitremoilipAvIt *-A,t JrAprox:404 V44 Wilt 44 ''MoVA 41
vtof lro** 1,04now Or al34 04*k* X No' 4' rq4' *4#4 VX'sl CoK #A0 Volvo" ,T)w li!l r*4� 01141109% to, 40voloo tht 4left 011. AMI)V404to I60 to 4a, 04 1�� 0=4 10. islItsm t W. at .171 Ono #=1to*,2,§ $oNr 440#0 09 AXrIcUItw#,WXtU, tho, Q� Ti W ho $ *Q fliestIlt K0, 10, i 6t 464 1,1* will, b 9�qlqo Ioctl "t 040 tar ol *A"*, I 4aw olvAn molAttors; tw.v_* out 00 "Istoto '044 014004r It 01 W4. _� I � k)* tu -t" , , I 11.1 �__ 1. I 1� I I *"Ll, V 'low Zito.. 411II. TUip 1111111 for 044vallif om Ptle 9,0000, QAW OP900 Qg, temolf 414too., a'A'0d tt filti to 1540, JVr J1J*',Aet, 40, Tor Alo, a qW., ky 0*44t all VQR WA to of to .0% OWW4 men"or 9:4 to i1xv W4.. � G . , t9n. no0ft.4-Tit, X" Illy 4 0940sr 4 ly roulitAt � to becolno protild svir to; R but ow 16AY yewis h Oft Wit ,W� No io011041d, b 404vo wo# . Is
)AIA 00'eh, Of *IJ, Oo nor. *A ofisfil A prig" art, 044 W1- tlwtl�- Vol, 011, OW4 ffIl llecular si on U04406Y Fish 4M 'WAR orow awill nQ to, 0144 . y owt in tooko uWat of The literoll V, KW hally". oc""o, atiso 0OD , foq� t1het slt4v;�Ih of tiltiq was e6 native o! to are saw 04t tile _Lakq 9 given -an in- 'rho otal collactio" on 131 billt tiona at If IIOUkliiiapf Q*)). 8.kW,o04hX- Ill wAttiah. ho QIaL I de ad t 4V9 i�y IiKit at r4.1)04 ithel pwant" Nviwb Montreal Oust U" .0 4fid when the flillit, lo�� done A�IIQ Slultain of Tumko &ad tke Hull 44 uQ4 of for the Month of June As,oft 414240,� to'. It U at cince* toll 0overAmVid WMV both op- act). I -A, ow
-not ox"ed -jar 014 _44 9, "U. to get vaouth"d June is Voto*�, to ttci 30 101,180 %%a Worse than tZt ally time Ntice tile I"t year. sA ni With AirsIq and, Servo w0b JdQ. CQ, ... ... .. of 64A�040 W am it Auto onlm 4014*10)y Mxw Wo ItAles an d-naged 404or '.qqwx ... ..... Z75 C3.25 the 40MLth Of 010 1140putuin section egg sauce, fdoltvM of the Tmikish note taut O -V 0.10 o#Iio It
The West PoTtAto iThough most OfIttio pri- dixt0*0 tat* ffotatlaultee FOREIIQN, OP ' Ao-.d 10i tihia7
4.79 -Atacic and, _ . . ,,. W .4 - a
- jat� ,,60 t Ilok� t014 '9 -4 U 44,x 4'40 4.50 unions. a level fabloopoork of tight P' 14 40. fresh arests ILA" lintwo ersone lost their Ill IA%Llived J0 Wti�Ady, V fat,r to VO: uWallutuilk 01 430. Anow POW aAff.% Ot. good 4.00 4.8o '14) atit.do And Z1,000 refrugoes huvo ar- tornado at Huron tetAL at fJIcJjQ'tQ $37, 000 co choppeo parsley. two level torspoorts Mw%.
Allo i0 -*�DrIXL 41.0 qVto ... ... ... 3.7.5 1111110- riyod gt Adritillnon1Q, TII'Q A11111 tit Tuesday, governed 'a th6 AlIyIii- oV 2.50' 6100 r4tilais-tA be, c1inxig,cid ave -to be- Of totAttir. 'Rutleir A.- PlAdding- 41sk Wed !cK fAi-wk iWe- ollfiiirks, the Promoter is rapw,tod Tit* United States P x4,Zh_ d "to -10 . A Ind pu
a- barn -.0 Wo, ltva,v, 8,75 4' 46140 t t In V. layor lif'po"t' as saying, la tile deliberate
004 Ianlitloba ItillIfeed 'quits, rt, 25 tba, control Olt lithe Govor ff,*�Oroelr, inch deep. stprluklo with, salt 'lilivid otating ulljl4r,94 ap -toy- Pany mAy establish . =His Urpris- 1; k rto. lob Impoluin d dot with,butel, and qu-
11:11hel M04 lis AteaA t �2 tot,, 04M of sho ... ... . :1 8.00 3.50 nor sh, OLuAnclil or OTT) 1w1wely, COm-
W1410 toibiationi of the llu.ligarlam fix Mace- plant in Kansas olty to -di a I' jfqj�tl ____ _W -
XIIIIAhA'i �. mlsslon� but
TO AQAr JOY tit AW b %7,5 Boo _cu_ _I&V q�pvAoI114nVRt poppor an of -by mothods amlowly sibort of- Beet Trust. 0 If 8 411 asoningla scald Pot, 410 00 � no titto ra!tun are -not on' and parsley anti *6 linam aind Ilia, high cifflafia,18 Ili he total money in ci Feilidlers, short keep, 4.40 460 other layer with no roulatttols In B, it, 4111 lowit,4,rtag IX103 -JU W Is'stcaidy at 4,0c for No. do modfum ... ... ... 4.00 4.40, tai baLoeit- diown to A fligfune Ul-"t %Vil Turkey Are priontiothiff tile war tile United States is #9 46 8.4W. level M 94 lz =A% §heslp ago 1". 41C fbc No. 3 'it $is oa?t or 40 Ito 8.6,0 1.00 proveiit tho conVolt hiolm paying four cups Of milk and add two 4 ultovgmnt. Al. Patroff antictipates 1), being an Inomase during the N' Qr1 jot e4d e FBI 0. 8.rjO 4.00 010 on"%). roiltiall. tablespoons of flour dis4olvd in a wAr na e.Xilinouses contempt fair the t year of $126,652J786. 0 10 A� r*4 tbo. Well wtoat, - Is sitioady at 41c for do common ... ... ... 2.75 8.00 bar ri oomiplafrilos are to be little cold milk; pour ever the po. Turkiidl whioll. he alitys. can. An apparatus to being platted in r 0 grabited ruirning itigrots owr the tatoes and bake in a. hot even until not Into ctlyi.
of r 1pgo'd to, the 11
4t4lah, [1,4 V, 15141, - No, 2 east And 46ft wid?lle freights. MIlob cows, e44b ..... 25.00 cii Iiiii. side of tw�o miantiz,
I placqq siouth of the Gorlol Position on the summit of Mwe w Is stdady at SIC to Ziw few F�vo�q owes, per cwt 3.75 4,00 Waa-nipeolpoctom sladttlo;u. This is the potatoes Wv done. ( is whereas Bulgaria call illoblIblie Tall Peak, Colorado, for the PAWPO" at �Ii be Galadi"Jine, dAd he hopes they;, ill NO:� east. t4l, bitkol per cwt_ 2.75 3.00 to be a triattier of mutitral agroo, Horseradish attice.-Thiq s(titco &*V of 250,000 well atimoad mia'a drawing down r.90k; be 'in' coi with the Britfall OM - Is artq4dy. Catf-SA;da to Culls. .50 -a to to be served with roast beef. Mix very quickly, It is pasviblo, he elsotplotty from the OXZP WE R 0 each ... ... ... .. 2.50 clycrltA and In the oveU of Pallas
bQ able to q0OV,Q1'r- quoted at 4W� for car lots weot. A:O SIT,riol; laichis, eub .. 2.190 4.20 arrive At a fi-taritilly unAersitioNading, together two tablespoons of vi ar. 1A . at te SultArL. in order tu
1109 a th heights above. %1� i r 3o U :."W: t ..4 t a 'or lult of t6o X-ttllqh, crien is TIMotted at 59c for No. 8 Calves, par lb. 0.()4i 0.0)5i tAic Gov4orn.moat will proscribo the four tablespoons of grated horso rad, Wttart A war, nvay mal-ko olonloossiorip, Carpets whfbh have been cu tile b IIn his movome4ta vullojec, of course, to the fall, one rounding ablespoon of line unless ITO does 40 a cataoSUNciptle door of th ju I�Txibobly; mixed aAd 59ic fo No. 8 yellow, do etwh . ... ... 2.00 10.00 toraits, t Unit All ad sting room In the he isNerossing a OA the track. Toroitto. Hugs, stelectW, par ci &.76 t).00 rlighits vehich tiho Grand Trunk Pa- cracker crumbs, coo level teaspoon is I non da t ra It United States minil for " years IPart of the country, ThO 0 wits - Are ateadiy at alic - of salt, a tablespoon of mixed muo- nival far do tat, per ew.t .... 5.50 0,00 0c PO�Sei as Ia3ROOsI wild QPOrAt have yielded $0,000 to a treattiaeat vei riel rp�,o, Mrs delstyatoll was dateld Juno No. 2 white. high freights nort1h arid do light, per awl, ., 6.50 O.,OQ QIAS of thOJI-ac. tard and a pinch of papper. Heat a& qu for gold, . Ito JI014tillatr in T4 tCQ 4�rocvt west. at 32c middle freights, and Sows ... ... ... ... ... .. 4.00 425 MATFJUALS TO 13E CANADIAN. all together, Add one-half out) of RICH STRIKE IIN YUKON. A 2.0W ft. oil well has boom tapped no, ."ft Is tbo ebinipw4 plractico OFFICERS NOT PRISONPI S. We east. No. 1 milite axe ctutotdd In view of the Government con- 8weet"eream and bring to the scald-' at Santa Barbarp.. California, that General Mamll I com- 'Oft 24c, amat. BLOWN UP BY DYNAMITE. structing, the eastern Section of the Ing point, Servo the sauce hot, Twenty to Fifty Dollars a Day spouta forty barrels a rodautos, fifty to 04,041he heat, In'-io0fid, ,s"ta,iok rig, tihe Dritist 0, UlAndeil' In Soloalilattlidl, EASt Aft.lca, Oatmeal - Is steady at $&50 for ailw4y, the Grand Trunk Pacific Sauce Tartare,-Ulx onmtaboloospoon Per Man Taken ut. fact above the top of the derrick. er4entlal 14 making I r 'I L J# to have, a good tidurld-tiorn. has telegraphed o the War Offloce cars of bags and $3.65 for bawrole The Gorge Railroad Building Goes Company have reduced their capital Of mixed must Id one level teaspoon A Seattle, Wash., despatch The mot popular of retired Ger- 4r4d'tA.V:- build- discrediting t1la reports that -am $76.000,000 to §4j5.000 000 Of sugar , oneyb�ol teaspoon of salt Ays, man ifenerals, Count Melsen Hiaos- is orAllnourily Stec Skyward. ft A Special. to the Post Intelligencer tar has solid that spirits are bad I a 44M aIii in he egnter of the crol British offIcors am prisoners W rulore for 11TIGICC13 lots. Peas - Ave ctuiot. A lot of No. 2 A despatch from Niagara Falls Tho t-lakp4my, fts I. it A viden e it( and a pinch of cayenne. Stir in the PCs Irbo gen- deposit $5,000,000 unbeaten yolks of two eggs, add one since March from the vast stretch of a Aare ttle otiack is to starid. the M6d Mkilla)x's clamp, from Dawson, says:- The firut news atilI beer Ili worse, boicaluss, it cau t igiltp says: The Gorge Electric Rath OnitiMv , Eliitting thurrdles upon it', oral Buys deset-tors from he' Mul- SPI'd to -day at 62c high fro situmtqo In the Bank of Montreal in cash or Cup at vs of fatigue and creates a thirst. For Adually sloping t-hq lab's forcen TiAeny the vu.mors. Ap- north and west, anIJ tey are quet, tation and promonade, I I and three tablespoOng 2,000 miles down the Yukon Basta,
on apprqved securities. As fat- as pos- of vinegar alternately. When tile soldier he rocAmimiends water. cof- jlom and R. the from Eagle to St. Michael and Tan- foe and to&. k,ti - untit t1hey are almoist level Val-on-JilY tile only f0u"datrion for the ad at 64c east anti 63c mid -ace about midway between the G. T. mixture Is smooth and thick add one ana Ko and Rainhart Oamps roaall rumOr of a British defeat in Solit- filaights. stool arch bridge and tile Whirlpool, siblo,the materials used fit the con- an the outer corso is Ad. rounding tableApoon of chopped cap- are to be of Canadian ;Are"boing Talways takn thi moist ablalild was te gossip of Somalis, below the bank on tile Auterican attraction and Kuskokwin Water Shed cat-ne on GRASSHOPPER RAIDS. COUNTRY PRODUCE. side, and occu,pied by Mr. 13. H. manufacture. The Government have sea and chopped pickled and one t6a- ueZy on the steamer Rock 19. f the blimdies (to rhot touclit tgle Who arrived in J110tLtit, Abyssinia, spoon of onion juice. Serve this land from Andrepski, rho steamer Insec Devour All Vegetation O=d from Nichols' souvenir and fancy goods made a point of stipulating that, ts Vro.und. , api*ently ruagnify- Butter - Tho, Inarlaet collatillues kkloy,s wherever it could be done. the birtf- sauce With broiled chicken. fried fish it,, 'Passengers from all camps notan- the bid Plunkeott taffinir. The tore and, Mr. A.rthur E. Buic I.. �Wihen the fouAlidation is oampleted, Ing kflovady, "itill prices are tracUali.tgod. a or cold tongue. Animals Starve. hu -n, photograph establishment, was clos that enter ' into construction tionod, mostly train Tanana. A big �,the- chlef thing to look after is to stry-bears cut its rek tatio 819 I?Aweits con-tinue plent4ful, and blown up on Thursday. The prom- shbuld be bought in, Canada, and Creamed Poached Eggs. -Put strike has been made oil Hog Creek, A despatch from Butto, Montana. 'Ah that the mWidlit of tPia stlIck in tile naties said t1ave whitos, It L a is a go-od domaind for "' 0 th,2* gated enough boiling water into a trying I, the Xuyoka, and from $20 to Pays: Prof. Odollw,o�tho StCAO Ac- fAislWa,ys kapt hi..Jl %id ]).a this bad survived the disester, arrived FAcL.k onade is used as an observation the company readily %greTed to this. majority of the directors inu at Denbera, June 19. .As Derbere. C,jvmmlor�7, pri!raa poibt of the Whirlpool Rapids. About [at be pan to nearly fill It. Lay In some $60 1, being made daily by the mail. i-iciilttLriLl Colleffet t nomenlau, has rayig extra aeurses of bundles, al9c W 2()t 7.45 fire was discovered in tile resident in Canada. Mr. C. M. muffin rings and beak on egg "'to The steamer Senator bell arrived returned from an Investigation of the back and fdrth on thein, is Only thre hoturs from A,,den, the do mlijds ... ... ... l8r to 19C each ring, Boil three minutes, or here ,And having 'tIho timen who -pitches "we, it correct, would have reach- Dairy lb. rolls, ahoice l5c I o 16c switch room by the only person on Hays is to be President of the coin- front Nome; Alaska, bringing grawbottlWorrlidden djetrie't About �kriim the wagon always thro-v tile ad London the tiame day. do tub. goolit to c1hoico I 5c to 1-5-ir the premises, a young lady attend- Party, and Mr. Wainwright V Ice- possibly four, but not longer, and "O.000 lit gold u.nd several passan- Foraytho, He sayoo that itho initiate bal take up carefully so as not to break d ant in the bazaar, nained Miss Lydia President. Aniong the directors will Ore. Tho Lawrence Motel at Nome have devoured everything in a 1111,1111111 N on the center of Iota stacdc. do low gr"o at- me- attackers do not &Itop on the PETER'S CROWN, (IbAm ... ... ... ... ... 1& to Iju Upper_ formerly f Toronto, Out., he one of the RothschildET-probably the egg. Put each egg on one-half was destroyed by filro just before the seventy miles long And fifty Willis r� who wits waiting for a car to -tako Lord ]Rothschild, the head of the slice of toast, Make a sauce from departure of the Senator, entailing a wide, sold tbat, 9A a con"quence Of L,L4.j0_A o. in the outer course. This Cheese - 18 about umcbmigod, her to her home at the Falls, The groat financial housL-Lord W`clby One cup of scalded milk. one�half lev- ;0AVes them lonse, Tby will settle French Jewelers Are Uneasy About with a Slightly eaier tome. Large ' el tablespoon of cornstarc we loss of $26,000, their raids. range condltAtttuo "ll �iiiloklo than tile bundles in Mic con,ter, the rayment. ape quoted at Ilic per Ill. and girl promptly telephoned the main Sir Charles Rivers Wilson and Mr. h ad t very serious. He says thiLt tits 4,rld consequently will slope fo,rward, timB at 111c. ollice at Niagara Falls, N. Y., arid Arthur Sinithers. level tablespoons of butter. S;ason pinins are dotted with oatt4o thall :t44k1ng an�outer layer almout A despatch from Paris says: The Poatoes - Old potatoes re notified them that 'the station was Mr. Rays and his associates axe in with salt and pepper and pour over have starved to death,sts, a rosiall; of IMPERVIOUS TO now King of Servia, through his quote ucilutinged at $1.25 for car on fire. The answer came back: earnest in the desire to begin con- the eggs and toast. It parsley is SHOULD AVOID ALCOHOL the grasshopper raids. t'�,-'Wfhcn these two points arla careful- brother, Prince Arsene, who is a Io0s oat the tack hem attilil at $1.15 "Got out of the place, and run up struction and push the work to liked, add a ll�tlo chopped fine to ky IlookW after and att-oniticin is giv- rcsident of this city, has ordered a to $1.50 for pVtaywas otut of store. the tracks as far as you can,. or you completione as rapidly as possible. tile sauce. Statement of a Veteran Gorms.n. JAPAN SENDIG PUOTZST. 111MIT Ao la�ing 'tible outer coortse of gorgeous crown from a well known Now Stocks from the south nijin will be blown up," She seized her An enormous force or men will be Whole Beet Salad. -Wash now boots General, !*Olos &.0 of jewelers. T - per hat and Junip,.-d on to the track put on, and the work begitn wimul_ but be careful not to cut them, Cook A Berlin despatch says: In answer Objection to Russia'it Action. in they will not slip, a, good Parisian firm lid- firm,- about 0bas'117 at S4.7, 5 to $5
fit boiling water until the skins will rta�k is 4 cortal Of, Willev, a though appreciating the great ban- baral, and now domolsitilic stiocks sell running lilw towards the taneously at fifteen different points to an Inqiry by the German Tem- urt000e too In reality a or, Is In a quandary, as they have at about $1.50 Per bublliol. Falls. When she was about 800 between the AtIanLiC and Pacific. lip off readily. Out off the stent and per"ce Society, Count, Blueblen-Hus. A despatch to the Loondon D&IIj bo-imidii with had no Lintimation as to who will Baled hay - In lbiTonitoj,bare ap- yards tip the track a most terrifle Construction will be under control scoop out the contre, leaving the ate", the '*east popular of the retired ed y the 'beet in the form of a little cup. Par Mail from Toldo, says it is reportall with MS large pay for tLe Royal ornament, and it Poars to be %�Mcirnt ley arriving explosion toolc place, the flumes hav- of a commission appoint a German Gencrall; and a irupposod to- t n umber and fill the that Japan is sending a protest t4 w wheat or rye. IS known that the Servian treasury for all-parpotBes. Poorer quialit;ies Ing reached se%ural hundredweight of Governmeri . Flo far as the Moncton- tal abstain�r, has written 1� Than begim to "do.w is absolutely empty. Prince Arsone, atiore, willing baldly, as ti.cii, collie in dynamite stort-d by the GoKge R. R. Winnipeg section is ('Once) -no they [Lee cold. 'a to'- Roselle, regarding the I&ttoer's act$ The beets aftel Or cover lows:- 4)13
the boots with vinegar and set in the ..During twenty'fkw yearn I drunk econtpetiltdoln with a la;rge qu2*0ty people under tile building. The most modern appliances will o used 111 in Uanchuria., It Iel also stated done 8r0&-al1Y so when ordering the croWh, said no- chest over night before Timing. Great Brixt witid-Japen are !t� t the AN buirned Oft thing about the money, except that of baldly salveld hay tlhvt is Still in shock of thu explosion was heard for and an eflort w -ill be litudo a earn- ice neither beer not- wine. and never took sending a . boat to the, -Ma R*vA
the hankis of the fairmans vvbiD MAP- miles around, buildings oil both sides plete the line within front I ree to Pour ft French dressing over tho cu- idly, conseqetil' n before the crown must not cost "over $75.- lettuce spirits, except on the rarest occas- Mack &Ww3 too gr6a t,&11019111. 000," and must be delivered w ply the sitriout inw*et. No. I litay of the river trembled as though three and it half vears. The Grand cumber and set each beet on On the Emperor's bi'rthduy I to vilatch Russians there. ithin is ha,rd to get, a2id tba dicisland for shaken by an eallthquake, and heavy Trunk Pacific C ni quilt leaves. Have a little par t Inakes. unnecessary wor to� pany are to e sley chop- To
these weeks. A sketch designed by a took it small quantity of champagrie. ih it to the top of a very trigh tile ffling's cousin, it is gpod, Milt Viverto W littile Unity timbers and AIM,ria from the wrecked the line with rolling stock, and they pod very (Inc and sprinkle over tile Prince Bodijar, of last selaWin's of t9ilits grade. Tlha building wvre blown In the air 100 unclorta.ke that there wil� be no do- top at the cucumber. In 1878, after ft serious lung affec- BATS HAVE PLAGUE. 4. Whm the top has been, lion, the physicians advised me to accompanied the order. This rush ruling prices are %19.50 to $10 torilect above the bank. Hundreds of ficieni in that regard. Those who LDate Cottage Pudding -Crenni one- flog, use great care in cmplet- order for a Royat crown has greatly take two glasses of wine a day, I Many Died an Ship Which ATIV, it. If a laTer of prairie hay or No I said $7 tio.88 for poorair quul- people gathered on both sides of the know. how fully the needs of the half cup of butter, add one cup of atinuavd Parisians. Hitherto there [flie's for car lots on the tlatk here. river, only to non what was left of public aro tile( by the present Grand sugar, one well beaton egg, on A soon recovered, and no one Is better ad at Marseilles. Straw be placod on t6p slyd Pr45- has -been no crown for Servian mon- " cup now than 1. I am convinced that a F,AfflkV pery weighted down, there will be Ba ad Straw - Continues plenti- the building burn to embers, with Trunk inanagoment are satisfied tha of milk, a salt spoon of Bait and archs, and neither King Milan nor man works better without at A dowatell learn )MAILI-Willeg EN&yp We or no trouble in keeping the King Alexander wore a crown at III w situation, four cups of flour -in which six level Spirits are the worst, and Wlytm the steani*41) 11eancot', fti Car lots on the track hem are down th,, rapids at its side, , The so far as rolling stock is concornisl. teaspoons of baking a qtacdc from tkin water. This, their coronation carer powder hav ,,,()a t an bad. becauan it causes Ill Ayrols, arrived on WoldhoS1111114II tI Ile the dematild is linitited. millions or tons of water tossing the requirernmt.9 (if the� � boerc,o,".ol_- arties. The up of bowtolver, Is seldom practical, con- qlaad at $5 per trcin. loss to thp building and promenade will be fully met. been sifted. Add last one c rate
firm who so unexpectedly have been chopped dates. Bake in long tigue and creates it thirut. For the it was foantifil that sjDnw thlirtY "ouently f1thall the top by cur6fully will be $V,00u POST -OFFICE ACT. hal- a) Idler, water, coffeu and ton are boAl died of te buborilc plaglkle. '11" de Servian court jewelers are rak- BUFFAL -AIN MARKE low pans and servo with Italluid werol a6dopted ing 0 OR IrS. brea4l and plackng the longest ma Ottawa. July 3. -Sir in Mu best." n000snAry p.recItUtio; Ilurtille%. m1trich sbould be soler-tod Ing their wits to. find a way to get SALES OF WESTERN LANDS. I sauce. OTT of the iduring tibe codisitriuction of t.he some guarantee for their work, or Buffulo, .July 7. - Flour Stead . lock's bill to Increatie the salaries a tio pravan't dismirelinujU to learn if it would be against court Wheat, spx1ing bl-ghm; No. I Norl g(",mis, anti the crew ware PAut uk'"O fvtnclk�, As 11 TUI0 MP F�heals certain classes of post -office employ- TITINGS WORTIT KNOWING. DOGS AS ISCOUTS. clon, &6fc; No. I )�Wd, 893c; wintor, C. P. R. Returns Year Show as. and -generally impruve their con- frp stiocks are best for this eCiquette to send. the costly hi Ito offlarkogs; isop,lroal lit 83ic Car $4,500,000 Increase. ditions of service, wag passed with For clouning wtilub-lis arid vtqvAIts r gear to Belgrade C. 0. D. Piarplose. At intervals of 2 Or 3 Ko, 2 winte; No. 2 roll, 91c. Qyra, periment to Be Tried in the A do-spatihe from Winnipeg says: practically no ulLposinuu. Tho bill I have found corrinwat claniponed x German Army. lIfir, 4antporton (Irentolooll,1101Y) f6ot alog the top insi slender No. 2 yellow, 55 L c; N a. 2 c am. I - with gasoline tit it,- %vry e(Tective, sticlics 8 by 5 feet long, to keep the ARCH OF ARMY WORMS. Tho P It land department closed also provides for a decrease of pos -141sm Lydia, I walot tto toall YOTUL alic, Oats, No. a NA-hite, 43c; No.l,,, The Germn anny is to be Pro- lou"AlIcts In place. Wattel the stack cul %,-ar on June 80 with ita age rates (roll, i(. to ic AT pauud on Lay the garment oil a papor Aproad or - Ato otild, old story,-!' Than 04ring a stormy period arild if any Column 150 Yards Wide and Three 2' mixed, 39'c' ll&rlLkN-' weAorn rL-ct.il)tN x' �1()() oil a tablo, put T t�dspoullful, Of Ibo vidod wil h "rodale torriervi for hu, a.gitatlori gpt t1hoo butitar of folmo, �1�ed 52c to rylk-. BpL, No. 1, :Ieedink by about $4 500 - newspapers circulating within OUNtei nml.ny triati, R.It(I his lv%u". 14yuNu or,. bundles are blown off, Epee that t -bey Miles Long. 57t aMod. Civili frelgl.ts hIgher; I 000 )f the year preceding: miles of the point of publication. It meal on u solled place, slid .,I b evootuting duties. are put back at article, A despatch frpm Tacoma Wash- ulhoat 41c, coi,in 4c and uats &c. to Ing Jurle :341, 1902. The increase In la estiinat,-d that the bill will oatail around an,d around I.1gorously, will, the Alrodalu aikd tho Uvritian point- lui- sinnipoo-n. Ntwez exittriod if It is __ I total acn-ago sold Was corresponding- an additional exponso to till- a ploco of knitted und,.rwl-al This or have proved to be tho nvusit tit- porthaoo 1-%ve never heard p�4 - '-GROW TiTRW1S. ington", says: A 'mighty best at Now York. office Dopartnient. of between $50.UW 800lus to ' take fluid" of tho dirt telligent for will udir, but th4, keezi-, it bofture." army worms in a solid column, 150 Iv great. the aggro"te for 1902 be-- better than emything elme (,Iean4e ness of scnt of the fult,tirer places it The rellvo I advocle the grorw- EUROPEAN GRAJ�N 31ARNXITS. inK uver a million- alld $75,000 a year far ahead Of the OW -111.101 type Offl-" Ilrufessor (discuastnig oqmnic anid yards wide and nearly three miles res less than thus until the garment is thoroughly in,)rgaxdc kingdoms) - "Now, If I marching through Walla. 'rile monthly returns for June -d od to the Uorman anny that tho, Ing & tkirnips am an uvlimiltod scale long, Is that of the year 1908, ending June BUTTER-MAKINO, clat instructiono have beeu circulat-1
eLL%,orytooll, Aly 7. - Vibeat at) leaned, which you will find bul Imuld shut tiny eyes - so - anid aboaply, oburiAantly a -ad in so short mot tile army emerging from oe Walla, Us 4A to Us 4J; NO. 2 red yes and -tum Of ail 'riny lit th., iyou an - sold has increaed nearly of butter, and thu making of ''pro- and Salt added, ninli a very good as they ary 11LUCIl"IltUre to I LL loll But I Ino". I IL.tA,p Then not a crop grown %hat furnishes so Oliver Dwitt, a Dry Creek rancher, r4a., per ertal, Us 6JId to 6o 7d, ac red os, terriers are to be enipluved as t -be drop my h(m
is Walla County. Tuesday morning Spot tipiat; No. I Standard Oalliw are mf.n more favorable. The total manufactun, of spurious Iniltations N,I-)y slightly damponed wokild say I All,
th-at to my Itntowtodge there Mr. Fisher's bill to prohibit tile work. toll - so - and remain
AIL time, so large a quantity of hu- on -third over that of June, 1902, cf-ss'' lOittA,r, Was RISO paSSod, with Cleaning 11LIXtUrt'. L)OIL't IIIak4- it W t bit, thtul rimn w owing to lCall V4.1ce from it xr- th" rotor ''A clod -hopper for Succeeing cros, w,rites Mr. Harbet's wheat field, about five miles wilutur, Us Eld too Us 5d; No I but TiotwithstandIng the average tb (If sOlOu tin I till L --Just a fi.w drops of wttt(-r from th(o visibility, for certain roconn iscul"O out. He tried to turn Bome of the Morthe in Manitoba, Us 6d to 08 price paid per acie has gone up over amendments prLsent,d I)v Mr ends of your finger ked ila. a work fit front Of an onainy. n Van Loon. hile I sell large leaders back with a stick, but failed. 6J,d; ful�ujxs quiel; Jfuly, On 4JkI hall it dollar, last year'B price be- Mr. McCreary it vigorotui naticer half full Ing Tho AlrMnle t,,Iner con unearth it We WASE1 flown as a humus orop afrid often and&, but had no effect on the re- 2;IJ value. Corn, allot quiet'. Illix- goods patrol NAhich Amutild ho biddon I flurn oilt to be a miclivey crop by dis. matador. The worms are from ij to (kl Aimarittm, par cental, new, 4H 1 yvar s averages about MAY7. A big of buttei makers, but Me Muiiv Itinds If wit I Ito uilk anti satin nan, and for (-arr%ing illfOXITIMUO 11 ULM CURE *u 'ties of tham, they are always Hin horses and wagon crushed thous- no, vlVal; Septombar, Us 21:1 to Us about $8.50 Per acre, whlle this protest on behalf of a Winnipt;g iirm Don't use (If ark
mg of them fit the mar3cet, I filed proporti,on of this sold Is between 22' 'CA -250
Go eal,19faCt011y tilat On 1173r 2 Inches long, and are brown end Plid to 5a; futures quie Jlv 4a Ilrock pointed out that it would nd I. wo d"a to eloo, All"woo.] =1 t' " llaitleford and Edmonton. joopardi/o gi.-nt ll9bt ColUr" WAARII WVII tile dOfill 11111 Of -114 "i"rabb, va lue y(2.noo by the Impraed 11l.w small ruazy, with groan stripes In somo Fid to " 814 value; SaptiartitW with soup, Try a aimall piete *I'll....,A Call Ile 11i t )et%vo"II a patrOI .14 the aloo-ol, cl.n. the &If farm conodi.4ing of albout 80 dairy interorls fbr Tile sake (If Etll.v lirst and thi. main Or for linking, ps..C.3, All dropp'. ..'r in the tt*es. 611vory available acre in t11e cases, and are like caterpillars. The 61d value; October, riloyni-I. A Flour, TWENTY PEOPLE DROWNED, Lne firm, and the bill ranchers are alarmed or their -11ilhirleapolls, 21s ad to �2s Old WL'Ilt through th ... A "d I li'li I , Catarrband ayPwmr III
late surnmer or fall Is sorwrt to tlur- gar- Alcohol will clean (talk roll wool of, po,4ts, and, 1,�Irlg 131will. arm ".."
thout any opposition goods that Floap and water would prest,rico Is unnotimd A nurnkwi f .411 d-loort, r 1),. A,, W. nips of different varieties and Some- den truck land wheat. Loudan. Jluly 7 04TIPI-11119 - Disastrous Cloudburst in South- w' Ch.- t1mics warlot clol seelid Is mixed r4hoat on pox -mag easy tar wtitu, ruin. -d Dultelft clitifut for ted; pawrels No. 2 Cml- It Ironing ribbons instead of pill(- tallied tot- brooduig ni.411 DARING WOMAN ROBBER. western Part of Texas. Ipure brod be h- nuitta club, pros!5age, 29% &d. Col EMBARGO HELPED CANADA, CHILDRtN WERE POISONED. A despatch from San Antonio, It 14 tO Lit UAL It TO It Wornotbrones oaAtl" tamt an um- g the ribbon ill, tile ironing board aW.citedly large crop is ralseti wbere S"dbagge& Her Victim and Made Ott ly-sago firlin far A-ArIcul", (luil 'h-xas, gays: A cloudburst on'Thurs- itrid pnsFdTig th Iron over and ballallon t,%,j of ilit� hor Da;adbian. Witiat'litt iD Engkuil,if da% Ate Caudit-k StI14M the Streets none is looked for. The post fall, Rich Raul. One nrvl Wallin; forcritats w visited the Routhwestern section ExPo rt of Live Stock From Mont- the nurfi tit(, romitn will hAv more tmirruni iritfllig.,mr- tialimil it, wry� o-witi to tin early airld very de- A despatch' from Milwaukee, aTln T;'T'V- f I'oxas, causing the death of sov- real Went nil 100 Per Cent. satli,ifactury If fill- ribbon IN drawn front to rout iind rottitti Ft% of salonica Structive (rest, Wis., gliti r-ounvy ronrkID t a Alai Persons and a heavy property A front NfOnti(-TAl qa%K, tha A %v;hldll OcTaurred In says' A. A. Adams, Jun., wife of A.Uw".1), Jul 7. - 11111'"Alt. 111d"t Nd accurate despatches of he he Im- 9tock fi.,in llift- not 14) 11, d,(W�n dog. lean av4 sevoliAl child"r)m cowm were a,hricist entirtty. desibnoyed. liter, 1169f, I- - _+ --- - - A
our Acinity, hundx(jrliol of acres of tile Vice -President of the F. F. Ad- (julet; No. 2 rod wl I 'i'v of ]Ito can be obtaineKI, as the till. port. of tb,, o1wi, hon the day come -i that (till* I,- lOoo clit-d horo a, the It-Rult Alt oat Xtflirr crosi, ilubb as Ittle, beena, to- ams Company. report(id to th) police t1pot Anvdomn ortiouxi, W2f 6c Flimur, t'-'I,-Trroph wires are down III the fuse thuir Hholtei got rid of llint lift, In-nir oil 11yeduesday that she had been sipot Mlnnapolis, 26f 6P. Ing of naiNigatiOn has IncrF,,as,-d In what it m.tm itllc-g�d A%,-jr poison
mwitc,63. and vinos of all deEcrip- sandbaegod and robbed of $18,500 PaTIs. uly 7. - Operjx"g -1-11-1118WOpt section, but enough I" 100 per (-(,nt . n4 rOmpari-d with away They rin- lto sort and INIM I In ,d I a Ili,, .41 r,� A - Tlitu
ticias atiffered likewise. In our o*n while on a train eh route to this tone standy; July, 124 1,11ow to Warrant the belief that at rourp4pouding p.-ri ... I Infit yoar �4,, (leaned the.v irlikke flne %ink Or III, IN Nfr it atOonif In,3ult. him. Ii, th. .0looh
boom wore kilhod oictirigIrt. Tile ewe ton acres of compeas amId sloy ft 4 0- �--ast twenty peophi, mostly Alexican IllI city front Chicago on. Tuesday night, bar and February, 22 Aborars and farm hands, perished in far this wmson 72 N,-%svI9 hn%� ciat� n I" W Anslult 101111 sowing of this entire flold to turni Mrs. Adams States that she had tlror,lo quiet; July, 34f� "M rhA ]I%,, aggregati, nunt -4ponwIng woolen TAT.- 111111 Irly ITO it IIthe flood, Ianv' lint Pa twell , I in time add long befiore tdial killing gone to Chicago art Monday to 'draw Folimpory, 0f 50c, I`WnAb isI11TIO'', i frost occurred producal a 4,uly won_ her $25,000 inheritance from the rrial,keog quiet, INSANE, HANGED HERSELF. TAnd 144 dorful crop. First National Dank of that city, pitrml with 20.21A43 head of rattli� x. Tin'. to hattio agninNt InOthI ltThe result I look for neart year After livying come debts, she had CANTLE Add 277 anti 237 bors,-s bist 11�ul. still (arpf-t bOgs, One-half III itit(i Who is thim, arV9 ' Niniv DLA14 GODFREY DEAD. i gtkrted Dack an The pro,wnt Incr,ase Of ho 1. I oz oil of cedar, and This fiord witill itis heovy crop an availing train, Torainto, -Ju,ly 7. - Trade In 1,11 t Taking Her Own Life. e4l)--fTIv brother, virm MI. 01 ington Woman Succeeds in gutn --(M N Oz Famous Bandmaster of tile G ren W vines. suppdoultinted wi. with, $1,0,006 In cash and a certifl- du(� tolthA enibitt'go against Anwri- Cowp th 1I,noN ran Wrl'y good At Ill-, i9~,al tons of decayed turnips an 11to of dopogit for 32,00. On tile roto UE14LIa Miarket to-JoN. bi,t A despatell from Kingston says: ran c0tII( Spiinklo 11tiur on o. (arpet I 'Ito Nlaiv (,tit ... 1170 adier Guaids aiIarie, Willi way she Went Into the toilet-rooln of sligi-gt woa),rIm4j was till. NIT's. qcott, wife of Will. Scott . Inrid #Ind QOd 1h,, fa- has tw,n ripill it will Alt . .... ( not oukv ins,lill an ideAJ a 11 Art- w"? ` It A fiefd tot; gircowing vegriabim an- ponamor graes a f c cut It 1,. I, sitigippi, fillintied herself on Wednesday Orl, tit,- ki Takv ill, and wnew I- but will the car, where angther woman flOOr nlil tho oil Is till out of lho h, had his h-ard Ith. gTolw a large cli of any kinid at a terod and struck her over the b4ck (olves anti ho,ga. Irict-A fill 41, k 110.1t-vanflIg. tier mind was unsettled rates from Illo n I reu 1. find That makvq hiu: Ivok I. coYiWarati.vcl small Outlay for on. of the head With gL billy. She was alVeared ft) 1), 1,�*,,: A AN, 11 through Ill -health and brooding over 9 111,111 " I fOrn dwnfT1) 'Malring the Bel). Tile ccsuwfx, I hvo knocked uticonsclous, p.nd when she with aa Ara QUITOES Tile cano wat-) With Hoop 1111d Wn- 17 ti death of her mother, Mrs. Ale- MUSIC KILLS MOS followed In grbwltXr soY"thing be- 17000Vered tili Woman was gone, With locor gria-40 buebers' mAtIv - hitth Donald, of Elphin, two months ago r Own dry In ill,, wr It 4 widect weards an tile soil tous been a the money and the certificate. are flAtinable frt a de, lo r O4 I A-1. 1,40VOral times she had attempted the Cannon Paralysis --Selectmen of I" ' source of a glvftt deal of mtIsfac- I ft per rw It - The run 1;1 d", but without success. Three R.urpriqinlir how, th,l rnnos will tight- t1do in malrAtainflig oltoft fertlifty and W"T Te lrn,�Ca. feving was modorate ill o children survive. Brookline Experimenting. n if TIT,)%, tit(- not hrOk.-n ntiv E m ac i atw d By is ono of the Secrets of raising gand majolity woli 6 A ih-spatrh from Ilruokllno. NIa4TA If You have norne cick,,, either Attirv. vagatablea. X111116t.6;! Of EdWittiOn 36siegedby cottio. flTe wtal mm TO PREHISTORIC MAN. 'I he sol(wt men Of tills r4t or In Al, ' chiink." (hoot in I I85 c-aisi. intA.Aing I,- with it plon fOr gltlnlr'V ft) triIt It' a lit' f Kidney D i e 99� A FEW POIN7MnS. 11 1,609 fx,gli aTTAI 39 Wonderful Dincoveries Made irk d,,Rtroylng mosquito- bv %,�Wlvl thift htTn a co%vr. n lard pnil
A 05PRUll frofn Toronto says, m"Ill" 1 I
qU form uhmild-be a tinagiAtfooelkir- lion. HicharId Hareoturt is receiving ea rm, Montana, muffig, not, -q rilo wrl 'i-rm 11 wl 11 dO, wring it naphn lightly out Ing e6tablighinient, rxpol,At VaLtle - f)" nfllpt of 1),-tng by(if hill water. it Over tho lot, b0li0i; no Ira* an P40011Y bal'96' 6utriber of letters 4% desputph from 111a Tinibiw, sold pul 111I.. I oI;,,,tljrhIlv It 11rt Suffered GraRtly From Natiliftcho, Sleeplessnoat fin,il He daaho-
WAX01tal, 401,41fil"d bet OW fibl6eO of late train Ehiellshmon of flit aiteg, thp ](Av(,r pOca1 Iral InlioratOry iinih,f SuInt" NINhon thool 'IN T IT who stro, . bc%ers; bopi tfill, b%, I k ,f thoir,li,100t., Bas: Wonderful diqrA,%(,rfPs of It has do- -n clikemert-6 tha; it cortain (al'o, to 1)1-"ttv Anxious fle COlnu Otit to silvfT Uwe. but there i%ns I, fair (It,- fossils and bonne of pro -historic men rollirAcill -.tire ill r,itulll t,) it" filat Now Enthuslactia In Prelising Dr. Chases kidnoy-Liver P is. no cemomy In Mining Candila and tepLab school. ,),,q "I think," ri-oltorld for the I,vRt (it lllt, , Is an ardirials are being made in the w, without Aviv (laolpol"R nr clitromilni-qq cattle, grai food anA 1-tWe-ting tpiA tile Minister, "that this Indl- In ovlww 91,WfAl, I'll, little rinto Crook eoun y real, M. count, osquitoi-q to oxporict"I" ;n nnv port. lIch nq It w011i,I fialOre kidw-y diw-asi. AIL the I 1,r CIA, c It OInvY- #�Aiqlxllon wllfM# both to a foottelk to calks thAt the Interest in Canadian di -n and compleff pnrnk,lis Not I I%,_ All r and a party (it students frn iavci If wrnppi,d in ft diturip c1011i arit,luol A,[ f1m,11 .Ind wilslin, IIfew eoridirs Ili 1widening ift DritiIJI). Mill. bull nil 11" 11 in nn1V IIAR A T. health n madcTalte a Most rolotty lavil mollitninAl University. Into remain q r,,t th" in,,-tt Ili flight. hill it NkIll th,- tin,] vftor as it,* w.-, valotoras a M 1.130.0- cattle lit 11,1119kif of ill cj�y holoniTtuff to the ston I it frow cm1i or wall, A Inc), ill,- vi(IIIII f ...Iq 1111rek hon I
sfxTa,&, fleg(Allier with Mich crolps as -Of a limiVertit. 0116 Of them, how- $4,S)(I to 85 15 Iwo- -%,I 'found aiwoott romplet(' I he hur over, in search of a position, dpv of Lit 4tratille Wont (if pulf� fli nic 14 wt,
tAt�y can ates roll at ab"llt Ps -1 TO fo RUoloton of a mail nine f(vt high, and kno 11h,nk f II%, sroc-1 wilth In
the mrimliWool" itudifOry RvIllom 'If 1, In
ctsh "tlior tboir owtv to "ttifoly two or thrP13.11fies of his letter to 44.0f) Aredilbins Tire Ahl-tiq F*041101npotbor keleton, Norm.whtlt ouna fer It I hI4 (Or itiort, sickrivols, diring I III- n III gi 1, A will) Any Oil— Ill" con. titn.V ditte I elgo tffift do it. et ill plungt, vndml- than xpw4arro t,, th,- a reiriody %an"L,, li I ould explaining h1s sellolastip Standing, pf 94.131) to 6 00. ALTA (.t1va uthe. It I a tingly toward Ov. slAot tile weather If we will thorouvhly air br-Acht back llealth tid i ) gi- bitil,. 14, Oi� foituor 041i for fWag found near by, ptobalAy tha o aumeo tho in" Afs f"im(rig la,nda adv&ffro In pirfea bUt ft 1`0011r#0 thtto or four pages c I ianX(A a t 8 12 7:1 I Ill) 8 I a woman. to describe bin Atfil6tte ftitttLinmenta. It Ilult;lrrs' Vattle _. I'le I'(st cat). mutic qtortq nor titd0rq it av t,v ,I �uffitvrq anA, w ... Oint f ItIon"', I ay to 'X t io A; a n in iti (1-1- A I wipre esp, ftoot kidn,� h%iol fwv, !t�� XILLrD HIS SISTtR. openiOrf windowm lfOr
,MJ,jAXRj$ L lip
Wng, (th CoSi larid llipoVollf 10 I., I y of ligMiter AN- lgf,tn. Tf16 STRIKERS 00 SACK. thro� or ft%- minutem, ill tri -t ow of 11,11datch, Poin 4 iduoy-Liver Ildiq but. con- rum Arwit fatli Ialgp. 1,114 ItIbla)y Accident at Laureneatown-Young door- (fir n walk nr oil r.omo t,rrnyid �)flt Atat"s -A as for ln6fit dotriv�d learn 940=111 14JO -V"t 011106rtfj I$hpw qcanfAvvd of mderall0v glooXt 1t0 vuar,I, IA gl�al -ifforor frtmit I ha- vvory roaRoo to be floi 01"01 Women, Shot Dead. Durismuir's Miners So Decide After Ir" �111111 nt)t ITT, llwoXws, Pith lv6fy h&vy 1000 fo� 1`011111,1011 cattle. 11- bef-t ptf*od a secret Ballot, cold , Don't milk,. th'. I)IIAlak" frorli 1% -h Abroad daq A,linif a,i thov c), dirmtiv on the 14 A de"te By t el)oluf 84 CO fal h from Ill'ali(ax Pan Inita r.,old a biindillig the throat toll Ill, PlIse I'll, (to,- I had livl and how"19 Dr. '&Mmitch� 00M Lohdo says: TIIA rmd (botre ran pt rarmi 91.4 lt� the ftecidelilted diGebarge of a gun on A des4rinich from Ladyarrillb, It murA thi. rt.ot ntI� prol(,etrtl frOnt wet FJI Till. .11 All) agra Ch a qo s 1,111A inFAlrd
ntaVott3a, fetoffts tot tho 4 vnterl tamIl'I'mtv , ti Illond Ilooll cirrulation Uamr ond- r!,4,50, Fair to aaA,d 1110M& I'ller,49LY Uor00 lialcolin of Laurence- ilayq The gr. -RL of Ilunquittir'Q nild cold wnII4 Tract Out fnl(,, log Aty, W�efb 4 w1tat oatolm, Olt fiblAl"t $4 to WWO, hiltlapolis CountV. Tibor dead coal mines rindmi tin Thursday nlqlit throutiril tho nostrilm find say t 'Not, I-Ioituq to li�rfelt ondottan A)( th digeS 1110600 bf 011426, Of go areo VoIet) we"D ralil. vs. (11111 tit ltiieJ�t litill listar Aritle. alged 2S yearn Boll- whAn a crrot ballot rnialiffird Ili 143k tti npr%(,r4 and dritWq lie I'". T A c tond hendarha I I tivo wllap.s Oth, pill x doi W1 tll)Alt MpOtldib# POt 0 to p,50 to 03.75� colffl had loaded the guh to shoot voting ft) return to Ixork and 117 lion ( sit or NIRIT41 toll rloq(, inRoninin �vetttp hvx at alt d6alerol or U1. lv
I1A n'ln 11,
f f0fil 1.
1W if h,A*Jekt4 eftfad, Qo lift# JJ�P*Jfj Ifti. $tpotatg and TA"b," and,_ In passinif Into the to coffillhilloo the ntrikv Dirnotinuir window or door 1hoo-Cs &,,IwlyA a romili-I wn. lroro�to. 1 A 0 A' ";Aq..r4Ao, 01 It kitchen the Wealion wan dimbarife.d. artwordot,46j94 lVa contillue quiet. Tbere Is wine every point in the ntorliggle, drnught al,()ut thnol Filling with kN' Iv I" f hml 1 onlai prot(h, �oll ah"In4i inlitAtions, th4 inquiry for tbalie tla,100. mot this", 41 e eroo hip sister's which lasted four flionthn and roqt the [luck np,nlnqt tin wall Ili ond 1,� nnd hill lens ,I,f p-wivInt"t tv,d migrulturn (At Dr A. %V, 406* *06 okittite, rovings are 11016t. (41-talit'00 back, Causing 4nPA(mt docktil. Hiii in wagen holf a nolliton dollars. Thp %ory brid for flip luntrii r,,lOf its I 1,,ol lotten trontrilunt fri ri I iTaRo. tho famous r6i boat, (jtJ4 And f,6rWttJ* 4tfid 1;JtX_ af)6fot ocady of. S440 trill 00 Lot wlfo, who Was otandin near, had a niffierk renounce the Wentarn Fedora- Pure Ionian Julro ITT Amid ic. Ito 4uro 6, i ro** ., , L ".
cll,,r, to no niftil I I hor, suv m,fo overy box of his JW I A *I a friend, dics.
TeITATTIiweeoloo PO PAO 4 It, Autirlitio #aIrtalsoll, tion 61 Miners, A^oth f� 40" av,I%turlial favor wcu-TiTIM. It )"ally on the advice II7
-*4'A 4=14 .1%