The Goderich Star, 1903-06-26, Page 9titNX 2W'000t =*A2X.AX1X,,,4Q" 4* xov",TgM AXM W 7" Ono V%M 60 waft", !0W wo skvit ui* of %*0 wor vwwo, A 01,41sanild on 09, 00, M 04 oma, 3,ft to Zwo6w. UK, "A." 04 word' or 041*130, OA4 Itiolitom" trk, JA f-60 `= UMM, voillwm ir rt A"". %UAW 0r IL 11000 04, two ;W4 lia04 VA. portil" *V4, �Vhoft- tit* 4101140 104 t -but i is: titill, 111:4414141, 007 low 44 kuvw foto hilt X4, owwtMuctA is WA OX0401 Vr TWO voili�-fihcs VM0, 1 10410, ft Turoo t4oussm 104 VV014aft 010-W411914 I". tilt IS Ilk U* 04P -0104 Of V;;j; iwg- 04 X*w4#,'4WM^ #,?A A'r#tm �Dogo. U00`100 all410� 40904 11"; 4000 -0 it 414 gllo Ilk Vo A Oor 4 U*Vok wilvoiX, ith how'Aw. ly, *u troopw from. . PMW 4A AW(Wi0f. Olityti'thor Lonfillou: Wtw eastilt"0124; st, imd Awo �b# ila� X11 Up-� ait b lenit IlVITAVA, W go, cQ4, 40OV6 Oft V Qt",t*. 40,11frovoria, Is: At* stainoo, 411'au 'low. 4W Yur� Vol L ism Alo the VO.M"AtO ksom.' t0*' AV44, 14 Ita, VA 4A ��J . prry� V., latiot the, c4trior Ill of, �tow�o With tho V40 44, V Ndoi, . 0 00. 4p '00ru 'Wism, triticil kt the to: the UM lite.' I *r ;of- *A- -A qqv6ilt 1�41 off IM -9 ont to tql`�41114� , 4 r4ia so Ole# 4160 tho thirtl b sent a' his Of 00 Wto #AY -�VO.Allftjug that her thO, 0111ru, T)F.�n tbato I soX 4 4 14, w 4100i log 041ifillit, at 0;I otwloltlto of phoAftow at. almot ,04ro to %yor 'A AA V4,0 t's, 1101 Int 4MV6, 14, 047,�4it )#Ovq how nd no I�W;do for, 4� prof *JP#A 404 $0 tv iJM6_A . t4loi )4ml Icalcon Vim 4114 tu ti uW-. VOIWt Of tO* Sv Xcolbuit $A IWA01601ty I tu, 1* liefil of It (of, t I of 'Los d 1 91 W Ord, lant, �rjotvrnod Ik bildly NVOP10 1. Which Is komaiq ably Interest. then, let, 414 Jug alfp piipp,�. I -Tor W*10 ses;poolall Places Aret 00 out wheri fall (me be P011111, _4 be 'WOOL -W kto'Weet- And once IA)OrO returned to been caoufterrW oil fointalo practitiqu. wthell newly 11404 CH 11 of 0A ap. q# 11= 1 141,41 of 4140" do '0' Pat thie Ilurilllif building. Again Aho are. fiWiloilquer. A 111XI ou .0 *On C'4014 IIIAOIC With 4410ther puppy,- I% �Ths list to by far tbo Ion ant it his doopart.vikent Allatod hotel him lit. sad \V41AT little ukore staged this thav hilt also, ever forsued. o4d ill toditlen to those rot)uru coWtuininj Is number of, wit - Of je� _,04 hill l"also !1, ro VIV14,00 11or own hair. was now ullade oat, tile IU* -41 VIVO 1-105 a,, aufat* wil* t -ho inflations d dint at tile Patti. by P -I pill lo: _bUt.L iffirulA 'to L ,7 Tf X. %t"4 � IV 4 P i �gre tft* ftn was the rist it) declutaids. Lord Randolph cot- ths, 1044, Wat,,Wiiic�h 14 . '40 Open Bile dropped tile pup in the street got ifal hospital to alf0ohit ladles to toteriplatod it helplessly for 86 Willont, orP, aand ',lio4proble, way, of sceeWf 0- and started back again. Ito, laudical atfT. and till) now *too- aiyt then infurnixtred: "I nover could IMica VQAU 411 lityi it "-WA 016t But a young man who had stIood pital for Million, wh1oh is aonly ips, the 6stoma of War fadt only con- by watching hot-, named Arthur V lit byttho sox. there a ti-tielbor Idols nallantlI, Oenttrelk yAko out wat those confounded y cqriflefss­�t box o,I, 60 (Ater, dams ctotateAlIpts to spreall the Gilathell, caught the dog in his arinso,' by positions to w-hich SIR K.10-NIUM DIQUY. Adon Its - A, r illud krr�, ,he �ifl olp 1vor';A Olt, Adirs , rep, algo thp use of. 'elitin and In spitO of Itur frantic, struggles lo4dies have been dMolted rA We 11, the- very 40ancy- rocks writ- aboot ']From it to retuna to her portsilli.na family MR "VE FIRSal TIM -F,, man at tile Hme Office, and his RVITSED'V) LWV MR GO. Pro �or voldW is latr. Ak ra-Doutilria' right-Alund 4, 11488 Lane#, for In9twwo, Is now OC dutits are funny and Varricitia. Fronto 91 tiq Alch' the Bf]ilgsi�lfeus now talk of Had he not dollis $a she wollid 6lialt in title laildic,11ti department of the grarathig of certificates of natur- haro; 7ty miles Awav in a miagul- using has been tried. or at least ilrug- high, gested; before. Ill,"itl in the United IIUVO gen() to her death. So b 9A l the Latoon School Board: vilohich l. ftlization to allonin, to the licensing to, ad, 0 rn AQ W WhStates, dtfring. tho*Civil War. tin ilt- e avo cantonal that so has two or three ladjoat an gen. and of inebriatrs' honww all, ambulance was calldd, said silo oral Wit'Xiatcal Qfters; M-liss Ilrystla in they range: wrid cover the protootion "A �GLbUIOUS CILMATE. tonvt to introduce the germs of yal- and the pAips were taken to the dog rosildent intivilleal dificer at the caln. of wild birds and the supervision of :uWr -rqqed to visit matod UPAY, 014 wortnob, low favor into latorthern cities was he an& Una meditated. It does net appear tUt all where they were detained berovell Iri-farinary; alld Miss coin- till prisons find roforioatories. Tito the aMis Intp. 1" �aftl littlie , toddli#4 0WIdireaut in tile tioncell 'it, or. even knew of it. Pile - 04 th ah.ovi �hoxa iftsoo, they left *4 'of tra4e; A few t1101111111112dis the Confederate - Government flane- for neaya weak. Ot all thu- livo broak is a medical officer to the Asi- lolootaco 0111ce also attondo to smelt tit- esenV'ou building a railway -up fit- stock in that building the only crea- cheat Ocrithar of Foresters, arild wany vu -se taknottvrii as the *reports of a'arly years ot.-Abb lost century. r] Illotlit'! tures saved were the two puppies. actoro lately norailmitted to important Ryal Its alrd the conlintu- to these hills, and In a tow years a sident Davis was a fugitive at the and they owed thir lives,, not . to t - IWt even naork, urtrikiang pot� tation of doath enuul� hirty -miles. or great British jettlemput would ox- timq of Lincoln's aw "striation; but a , it#- naart, but to whout in this In 18 t1he fact that Mrs. IStowrt ufacture and storage of explosives. lat--tholrej - - and Oil - the trade of Ilvatbably no one believes to -da that at L least, artance womeop, and children $Outhtarn Yemen, worth At least he had hul sympathy with either of tkoettand men, proved to be the nobler an* Dodcon lilts been appointed oovern- an tire illppotiltiucilut of the Chief in the craj� Imal. intent Meadical ofilcor of health tot, 'tho COIT14WH tuner of tile Mot"Opolitall cut a ;�OOQ a year, would be -In our t1lestl , to, met od of fightin s0 tiffiet volc4lia. In this bandit, Instead vf, as now, in those ruel as war is, the distinction be- deatl of Delay, 'a beautiful little liivolves tile inspection of a consid- Mr. hable as� b Mpther love was the cause of the GIOld Coast Colony, a positicaila whic!h Police tho 844- by a v4rti. of, the Turks. tween legitimate procedure Is recog- fax-torrier, the daughter of Mouse, QVIRWO n1irbor of towns, and Miss Salstallvo Of -SIr 'for "We don't want it," we sal nized by all naticans. Into revolu- Or i Is eight hundred d to sa noted prize-winvier, tho prop;rty RIIL41don Anaos and Xiss K. Nturigbax, aniallife W.C.M.0 wit(, was Once is h, the ire te hity lives. When the question 6VDana- tionary leaders in Turkey, having no 0 a dolut40 hpaded by lox.. and was spo-- to th". Rare) Ger Cat tile f A. Stevens, a protail- are assistitaut medical oVileers fit tire a sold fte, 4,,Wor,49 orn d its b ins. Y'. -11=t to the rest of erman moore some of responsibility to 1 44 illo oyao one at, to latembers, 9oulth-WeAV­ ant ituillicanuire. Daisy belonged to Quarturithno Departucentit; tit Port cial duty under the War 0 And Africa came,up a few world thallin a mulailloc or tin dirsassin. 'ya&T9 Ago. "It is only a desert, are restrained by no -such 1 into the beitor, World*. 3cruples CAPtain Woodall, who has charge of Said ad Suez reisp(�cttvoly. Aillintiratity. Iflis connection with the Jefinahe It 4gont4lig, toill It tram lately been estimated Lhat Ocalotuhts ties lasted since 1874, when 43 210 d 0 lie barges of the Now orsey lee they t often, Intraft, ad up and, of a use to us. You can have TPAIRIBLE HAVOC IN MAST. Comiparly. Daiy was.thill moutbor of therd are ninety lady doctors in 110 beenjilro' I'riVatQ SoerQttlory to tile or a. churlish,, Ilot It, and Welcome ft%ar ppits London alone. Some. fit addition Earl of Carnurvon. who was then lague, like the Asinct- N, or t, is This deap The bubonic p aw which were boorn to her ail 4rly y 90 Ito the fact that the na 'a Day, and she was the to, thull. ark On hospital or institution Colonial Secrutury; but lat, only mile- or�,!Ajctfe High- -tive obtain, King Christfaii buld tie chdlerao ban done its wornt W prouest Parent in all Now York work, have a-vtensive pr1VUt4% prac- cooded to Ilia prosont office it) 1900, be Jn" in the Far East. China, Japan, and lying I (in Oro live in ice-oavio state. tices. and 14axley street, wimpole In that your he lynis oil tkW' Royal a Others, #ad begged us to assume a Lludleg"I 't trves in "JibIA'L the Vast glaclor,-Iiap which protectorate. and that Mr. Robert Eolpt have sugared terribly from 0011 0 it. When it mixtic its appearancoln In the' second week at Juutary s(ruet, Ilorkeley %troet arid sucli f(,- Conotarilsolon at the part" rVilbitiefti. eovora -all , Igortlla&h Greenland a British subject, owned a Canton ill 18:94 the mortality was last Captain Woodall url the tit&- vorite cmtors of the professiQln al -o Sir MlcantaKue, fit tire c(io;r,4q of Iris Jug, alloiloijis is, perhapa, the most wretch- huge t grodo., 4' by the If ract. near Angra Pequens. Elio IM,0001, in a single seasoh. Scov- co'very. that one of tire paipptes was to be toullrd anlollg rosuts. dad dwites at tire Col -nial Offlice. helps vs- "-and,-iscalfited existence It -is p6s-- claims were set aside by ther Ger- 0 Ky .23 it has al 110 co 9 _t acoral times since 18 )Pear- dead, =it when Daisy wag AWQY lie everill have estalblishod a roput an to I)] nm in titution f *now Co beman Colonial Company. and we of-. �Iacl �ings" are always wet. owing to the fered no objection. Now every day ougli. AfelfiLd southeast of the Mlaralayi, int rnal tilt, en'tott"Olitil of existing Ones. the bullet b4b, ri4iii,ba4k. Is showing fresh 0 A7 d floor treakures in this 0Xtigg'of the ice walls � ap that wus IYO current to carry it awa, Ill,aladies to weapotio nwost formidable outbreak being r owl sex In -At the India Offilice Lord OqWeil allife t� conceive. Their "dwell )Is,, throw tho'little Into the Hud- skillir] and oven driving Hurgeonfi, as- -as a h m the Pan. Out ae tide wast -low an there pecially in thoso firle lanial Legifilatturps, end adviso. on Vor fall six months of the your the buge'tereltory. The mountains are atvviaen TUO mother roturnocr to T-ranillton relie oil Sir Arthur God - I tit 011e in tbaa� I darkness of the Arctic night enve- full of copper, the. old stream beds talk sce- loy. a brilliant Irialiumn front Left - 01, She On -odiftilihed 40tw-thew.- Ther -ice is around them, litter with gold. There Is grazing India that a month or two ago No rooted at so many points In British litter she instantly saw that one was wit4i Mrs. Tbornu. tile honorary rein Bolbay late in 1896. It is nerw her liable. Ili the course of some tile retarr of the London S of r1in. who has been Poricrounnut Under hoot tlurldg.tlia nig4kk but this'"y :be beneath them, above them. In nine 'for millions of sheep, the hinterland uynber. of cleildlihs a wooklin Ithe IVXN'b WILD WIT'll ANXinry. Ardicitrav, w1i herself. witic for. by Beach alk being Dr. So- Secretary to tilt- department since caaeAr out of ten, If they venture teems with game, and In the woun- whole Ellopire was 80,000. Within and raced froul barge to bal-gi. Inuk- lihia Jex Illeko, (now retir'ell from 1898 lit- hen been call0d to the powooAnat lonely thoroUhfare; ther abroad, they' ili Quso to the broathe the frozen par- tattle are wide tablelands. where tnice last six years the deatlas in In- Ing. for hor just pulli,y. At last practice), Dr, Garrott ArWersoon. and Dar, atn4d for two years hnol the dim - Mart) I 00126,1�01` the ticles, and the afteraiiation is Iskin to roses, apples, peaches, wheat. and dia tram this one cause have been 00 caught sight of it bo - pioneers took Ilia t JaVarder. 4.o fifty ,frards diLotant. lFrom, thii whith comes from Intaftling the otber temperate prodriticts grow with bbilon up other Inction of bota�f, senior private scarcely less than 2,000,000. In the and dOAVn Ili the water.. and Ili almost forgotten struggle to on dp retary to Mr. adatone, who trends, the least ail , him on Intend Revenue Cominxission- th"d 'Vod� It'is be- A FURNACE possilile attentill0ki. What City of Cairo alone there were SO,- Instaloot she was after. 11. She swain 11' at tlio�murdtercd man is a �.BLAST OF the profession to Illation. Ole XeveitliQlass theyl.refuse to move s even more important; vast tie- OW deaths, and so= 200,%0 in all to"the side of the body, to . ok it in that the possibilities I it fol- t U hemd Ivan , latorailki'. Jgyp o carpor of Sir Tiatatims H. San - of posits of guano have been discover F � year. 1881.5. her tilcauth. aild turm-d aire contantly widening, trad I t in a single t1� off6rt states tha' Biaiaff,4 further mouth with the approach ill,, ng. I ad Europe has sufflored -repeatedly, shore. But the icy watt-rk of Lhe c a',, rose, abscarbs tile i Jority P rmanont Undrar-Socrotary . Ap- n len�jled y a woman wipter, �.a do all the other Eskimo Ina fit. dot's tribes. They take a sort of per- AL from visitations of this sancloal till*- river were too� inuch th,. ir, ulld Liedy Dufferin'l; fund tam at the R' ign officc, Me been a hose "1400, go a,main who lodod In heii- house First one part aAd t4*n 94- bred dog, and though she r brootliffiflit, theIT aid to thse, w . last I .9sting one. an tie may outdo the odior would experience an ppidemle witast, heroic efforts to sa,ve lierr id to )leave dutlia# ttd last tow Verted pride in their loneliness as in For its size, there Is probably no ease au their nallift. "What nuatter," they Piece of land on the face of the )011 creod or canto procludes their seoll- I vtory ell be wearte cold and hungry? Vo - earth which for mineral wealth com- Of opWling- prOPOrtiQ%0­ Thqre and the puppy,, which she fundly I,,,- Ing even noo-dical treament OdAt., 'lpv.j% epr6soldflitiVer. 4is--prouticutifig-4ftirther- It I, were 46,4DO0 doitafto fu, lWareerillest in aglued still Which *1 are.thal last of all peoples. We dwell pares with New Caledonia. loved, it %iftc, AT MASCULINE, tRANDS. lite first entry knW ill*' Public ser - tin, platinum, besides 0p, 76,0010 tit Vier" $a 1S79, omit and after a litth, while she to I aw., tie ublishod IfaLtat' at the end of the world. To IOU of copper bT� rove up Zrol I ft nXiANIOT19 engage also IlrM vict, won mad an r S8,000 In larsts"tio in from John attentirat as it Load JOb. till -d In op c 1. �tbifi north of us there 113 anow, there game of the rarer minerals. cap- d befury qualified women. ad oralighteoned na- gaint tion a junior Dp 'Spon A4 dathum here thile sainfle came. Loloddox) lost 63,� help could come she siLrak, carrying tive rulers, can, I (mt. 0%11co. Hill, .0 a oral 14, ice: but there is no land, �Iand tain Cook, qu his tam xturgiAe. t1hu Niz- clerkship In -the coins, 4 voyage' 696 of her the Plupy with Isur. am of It to two Itid in and. alorallmd,lestiLblitill hospitals has been pirt a that live.';' fireathes" Janded there..- unfortunately, tile Captain 1%looklull was Jaw't for wotatork in t t -tliore 1x6A-VP- or me'liviaW. white 9 dW or has independent movement." . reAphaing the wrong�-the north -side hole States, Luid are of our abl ore lo-oiinacloua of 0, feLint recolleiftion tribe of natives of the is nd. reported the approach epojdal*� of 11,10-71 in, 34oscow car- grIcf­.wti`f0kcn fur his Pet as Dalsy glad to occur fluglish ladles to di- Lords Derby and (Ir VI avid hud been for her ultr4ming, and of- rect theta. aassiated Lord ri, I'don. on 'Al - of ittiti *fritini; on the dnvolope, Uio tis, 1898 a wild ried 00 25 per cent, 'of the popula -it -opam - fro in the Wentworth.dis- as danger Us. ig I oko Yeu,, It was In 1,1011t. C(hilst*t*-Vil lf"� probably fered e%,ard to" fit,, two bod- Hut a Htwinisingly large nurnberor abamost" clitime, Is decoi , is uth Wales, whose For ha4i a century New Calledcania. esces 61 3) brouloiT. triot of Now So out with ics, which wits soctitro-d by a bargee, ollialyol litllivrart s ill est it b I itobsuen too (oral ail Interesting study. sdwellinge and mode of living ap- was a tioulan's land, French and tAle "blaa:4 death" than a2kv other aJ16, kh �thqy 'Dour Cecil. my Idiat love.11 he Ain rattenlif)t %%dl; 'till I, to bring Ufa where wolinen, girls, or young child- was umohr C.B. In ISAO IC C I I)roximated almost exactly to those British missionaries and traders large - 0 XI;VL. -they_ r d you were wrong to think 'ity, in Europe, being one of t1l"al illwIle littlt' QVIA)"I's oil the hot- real are brought together is now fit 1887, K.C.B. fit 1898, as real _of our troglodyte ancestors. The were there, but no nag dew, XA tba chief gateways of cona"Wreol tie, millicoll `tlrcecK"`d so well that field lj�, inedleal woollen. 'rho Gvn� fit 1900. � Since 1894 he tnis be'u. frhEighot, of the Power of th"thillot tribre had its origin in a runaway 1858 two frigates were lying In the Ul`Y rare F)<)%% Krumving up said ul- (,rat Post 0115co fur 11 as TInder-Secretary in thl' '6*m her hoga -blaek fallow hidfj&g In some tittle harbor of Sydney. Onif asAfteitch, �ffgu rl,, That available Int.a uld orruug4) to unvJerstand the retuinpit the ervie,, of ilan 114ditit department where Lord Salisbury so clitefir, to punish with death t 4& of,thrlififthYdn wh6 . fall tlj�stuud by Amgat ko Wito country for thirty years with one British. To t *=� CAM& . sibialif- t�o dh.,. h.,. litago of 0 �Jt hoove to 1,,Ok tift.-r ilia, livulth or tilt loong relgaivil supreme, till ter thble,oath. latl taken back to to go 'Ok tlloae wfto were attackedl, Rut %v'lll(jh Calitaln Wuudetll's little sun felmilt- ntaff, anti ulia Cork, plac . I, to , Lord Lansdawlso. he gave a few gins. During that period the taneotisly orders 944 1ailix thawayour refusal to.carry out their horde had Increasciiiii to above thirty Now Caledonia. VIX11LOPUY, tbi witjhj7; t1he fast few years in is fired of telli-Irg them, who ha" lately beetruie thiam of fit,, It 18 nut necessialy to do more than e voliggauca On a traftor, you, VrOuld women and children. British ship was c , cammanded. by �ul nitortality an Ong But porsons­men, . 04, athulmill have 0� isly. t a n tIv& casv in whicii a clog Inedo st-11()(il if maralicine, Is the invatival nientloin Coloml Sir E W 1). VAII V I been doomed. 'Whey herded together In two low old wormin in a n&vAI uniform. Iris ' -Ole to &ova the lite of exullyinpr to woluen prulivnern fair who recently succeeded Sir nalp yl rataged from 50 to 0 , r c illt: 4 6irst, I'VitIt"silivo You,:. Whan you road tWa r to ,q4ves, which they had dug for them� ship ouisailed the French hicapas go per cent. oul in th,- hous,- f the G-o%ornment annuities. 4eviiarial )I Knox as Porlmonniant Undtc-Secrotary Will bb a, dead wan, joelVes, increasing their length as when he arrived oil hall avertage. Flit.hy trurroun I mriter, J"k IVUH u wire- the letultug life ara"uranci, rtniollitAhips tit the Whor 01fire, for his brilliant froglif arriyals I I t ,=� but 'Pasaft, -in' oi n the shape of babies eentembering the vrarp of a tropical climate pr h4rul arid after lie land been n-uw engago wcnen p4hysteigris in tire otiocroor in Smttli Africa in otill fresh and hand Will 'have alai' *itlx Th I a P at fboo to avenge my fater, Usicsirliltatied. more room, -Their Q41Y tatin Cook_ lay -Ao a ad sopread of this disease, and thwo� fainfly for a few niontlall u Banco callacity with regurd III ladi.m I n moliall naltods. loach of the ftve It-Ift -hilt -to - Protect wa load consisted of- kangaroo, wild taking soundings wave havo been broadly nourished a4d, itt4rip.l. wam introiluctvol fit the xhafma who denire t4o inke mit A" great pertarrancent clfflorlicals mentioned acquainted with, Bronikrag W :Out, "d ant eggs. Their sole wtos- 14'renchnion ad in thif kwor nothing of personal hygifte Of A itiolafk,' little black King Charles inspoct"ra uf boarded raut hildroft, abiava, has tin annalcal Notary of $10,-' few., ftio'Voilifterifitis to kno* that; the oppoi- ponts were spesda, and th6se * *4ro Wel the rocks, succourcilb easily. Hence among the = o 11hi Ito did n ' . =�l 4, 1 anorl Ill,, low ,,rival as resident ducturs of gn-ut MIAR1.1- 000, and the itorteral Itintarevirioll is Rutrila 4114 tu 'merely stenlO of malles wood. pointed a ut 1�. 112111d Ing -it ship Furopeans and Ancoricans In it place llood talons ull�$t I require will occur Within lb W9111, tin- orphni-IR, anyl ilia gmni,rcol Chat they well earn It. 144 P Allotty ohoursof CoriLCIliding thilli'let. likel, Bonibay to -day t4w notortality in flatin C ot through in fit,- Ole honlill, of ifirls lit And barbed. They produped fire by against a -lie for frobbin two sticks t6gether, and Safety, isn Orning the maich lower than among the other uIral .-aling the a aute high schools. nre Incrol"ingly AR07JND THE WORLD. 'Platel, %As dt-%utiod to tle culled rut-, In I he lit lifir a- ise'll' return -to ninalislitL their wAter Was contained in bags British ling in be- refiridents. w I rt had the 'akintia of kaugaroo tw-een fcolor was SCMNTiric SANITATION. I lio jim,do flip f,,nd*,r Taken to Do It by, f0port, to the ' 'chles, simply that Made they aru also u firin The Time It ry peacefully fut.ting Both Ili lilayui. djobity in 11, -been 6beyod, and legil notedlas a curiettit fact fWlng d the new The adoption of scloatific snalta. Different Routes. r, Oardiek' 'I'. JjdVl" you at OeCe Jai: Ceimmun discovered the station IVen th4;i When Brand Invit- foujul h -r in this Inklia cand tit the Sputh At W) tion In Western and Northern I- dw%W0. I""Itioll fit- would look ontention cauqjs Lilt, Inch "Ic 021 con- Twenty-five yeare ago J ules Verna doato-�V ri, enoloso qtidil) bilkeks, had the grittist difficulty in- a 1, "' I V ­ ad �O come. rc(pe Is a great safegurd tagis"Ift 64 her fill lit$ thou. tak- initial hav(o t-alledalell" I lady Wants thoulought too be trox-nivagant tit er TAL further trouble. A coal 611rixate also n it Cawthorn, whu Iris romiancing (I nuin around Wool and iss insiliquk the w114 tribesman UAL skMay fitand them, alt4ough thirty year. 0 0 dintfouralges the rapid spread of the VtAl", (1-.% hrtcharge of the Oirrot,ral Plagun world in coight) draiys. If everything VAK vnkllslt� VA:�Word tbAu'that'LIlfa-lf#1lI be to, MA ly they, l�untlb&,Ve IMIr spa, disease. Nevertheless, quarantine IfOrlariltal at Poona. in um, If Lhn burdOn unbearablo, and I shall not Sir officers at such places as Londcatfa 02111 OV(*ijg he rrune to couid be proper ly marruirtagod, we could if4f. 001 IR4 Iliq off I oil I now urtaku tilt, 2)4,000-intle trip in. Itistd to flied bk caroy, -w ul,,,rl tile ydelf frOth the THE' AMM Hamburg, end Now York, feel that Wih a 1 fh:71Xlvty. clanking a ill, liotL tilke of regret thit Is burning r I hy knoi;iori 11iria nietlAl rg), public service less taticton lrurt�-flva days, according oCuliar If harli, halt willow to Mr Lk-t-reirv, coAltur of Bruit- tpft�104, 1,66f, heart tiWay. GO64-bye, Cecil. IMVon the lake -dwellings tiho utmost vigilancp Is necessary P OUT wahlon there is a danger from ti a14,iWility Ste In the Empire falls 114m,t) Coal- tearn They believe It vastly prof- than loft t' the. uttatlaw jiiy' yqu bb-happlbr lit your love Ekirbapa of tile f lirl"l ferrod 'Phi, Ifoon. M J.H Mo. torlett- t we sup. source. wfill-lifill Its t tin Olgit, J)obt6hjo0.1t- can be parallolSd In many P t 4 4� rage. wh10 W its v I % I I surge, m a t t ho (),ultln, Tho trouble is, V �b erable to prevent the Introduction of 40 nVa. till im, 4�- Ilia it drost a 0 tild W6rld 4t this present 11, following direct conarectitic'14 are not yet ticado 'I . I IN)klvt, I I.- itlWillord:,of-111nocartance Waith -infirriteln, antiol germs then to try to suppress n 101' 1... k log o t it I P%,,ry that not Inariably, a Y 1161Mquiah- t . between all flip lines, Ito that it re- Wifil r M1404 nalma at lilos is i*gdil gitijLd. regions altogether sava ai; taken over outbreak after the disease gots in. 19 1. 1 A,.,,v just I he;i q1lir"s, WrIxty-1,11r,,q) das to got of di:1190 the loadift ail(. Waterston, uhn lellilerpol such vi witoitt to irdlet, W" froturn., otefo -of the firiest ikuld unto er There In less occasion for worry airver and took fair tit,- service to tit#, arorruitl fare vkorld, if One takes tile to Berlin thian Constantinople. becaltisce third time Ito ),turw,,I %%hiii I roast, 111"t, an& this mirstery 3hardorn joile. villag011 14 1 a, which is in '114 I;itql neat ruouto, coo sixty days It one l(IlliPli %I'll<) 1%( Ill It (a clean and situated In high nitid followed If.. 1.41 fall' r6 ils'd"th *as, rievir, eiucid- tho Gulf of Matricitillib; richest eontiften latitude. As for the Turkisharapi. through it -over, 111'all' t the of flat- (-artl to nvols o�prinrxd Of the lattor, 1:. f afficlal 04itor ta) Houth Afrio-11111 tinand almost under the 0 of old Is that tilly thero air',- tAu cousin rotes, Mr. Ovt tie crayev , "Mae 0 4, tal, that Is So filthy that It would Into t1lookittiil fort. bombarded some Guiana. HOW afford an inviting soil, Sltjl$3ut any ratirge, auld plag it- Iiaback by the Oarman man -O ran(] Olt] Sonwrtiot remember tbRt. special activity an the part of tile oven. The w r:11 I f,... 0 it, Ilia ( nt 1 0 1 led by the Canadian he people who inh noty years ago, revolutionfilto Ilia placoo would mais hld go'llor, to h ­J Pac c liallronial rut(] Lite Peninsular 'Upon . �tbe2c strange dwellings are known'.., tall of tile richest uAmd ()rlorintal line. The mere retal s opean IIS&r- oning the d 'untarnowlt In tin, It ra; rill (I or f lob' 0%.xisjIfroast, and are believed to halo Ao 4ft aboriginal stock which It, recent, was In our key in a short tima after it had be- ceft by the Mgb- Constantinople. *QU0VonII3 t 11016 ��,J I l'', had 'lot frOt MALE BEAUTY SHOW. cau 11 W 0 willing to nnd rroin Yokohama car posseliffilen. of the country long pri eonie epidemic In ry, and might 11111frege provinces have a population Peon,, I b1t;rit '"M I lwf�f I could have- sm-9VA 1.11 lol,i ow Appollou Chiefly NOtal)10 for a IDung kong would constitute a -he- the rsed that was other t The 4 this day had the! of 6,000,000 or- more, and might taken too far gone. Display of Muscle. 1 thrit-thugh nioll service rho record 11".0 to) '", front Irung Kom -aort - 'be doidrds arrived; ... fic low-pitched, but are strongly at, the trouble I caraily lolso 5 per cent. Inside of a *elief force. In-, 1111liq Ill. lit my power, livifill I side me, The � it-clarin Alhlo-1 IL ( tilt) rP(,-n(- w or 1`1 lit t%conty-fifur day .9 ContladdloWly built cat hown tremi single year. would not that irce, seandalous�, worst of it, either. It would be a looK Of, I anxiety an his fee#, I h 1wid it b-'aut y all"w 11"ng Kmig to Vancouver i't Ili 17* days, frorn, Vaticionvor to, 1,olrl- �rUtiliffro,17ith floqrs of dp lit bambok -attsms;,ebtro wath. They ar�� lsha�nefully led, practically Jinpossible to confine thr o d4 Slowly, good, and I took', to the %%a4 I. 1.a,r3 fail,, "ItitnklitiV If Lim- fill, tit x, tvhu t,",k I?,.. canial trial drx.%�, iiiaking it tolal of <1 It' rod with tdpochod; feddi t Jib abacke by dug -out !qd* and the clireasp to Turkey, and wit --d to with dinitnighinfir offoct, It w ire foloc, un- 1rarden and lawn. gAvea Jack friall"a g,..olt­. It; It.—St. lit th,- proce-fingo mixt)-tor,) rtrid it half tlu�s. Thpro­ .1 7 aq 0"Oto, Punted -bvdi. the shallow dolubtadly find its way westward and friend, lout lola nosV "Itch C01114-111111 1111-9h :OIV it In to, ruallklain n fit) ay mcr%i(v nroulowl thi- ffi -o-ahi wit&h "IF wilitfirill:1,1 * notehod pold Of1res as a i A" A- U ..44. tion are s are t ay Is one of the, northweAd over the whole ecitntinent 0 n I I T. ,h cult -'n do- ran aff, did not� � for Ithroo do a I I I.. I r.'.."funt lot the (ollato It'. till linkrunt rut Volatiragconcies I "1- 0, W. V - -1,11W Is a- o our a on as. a Mup ope. e 9 . rumfl, 1. ''. and wait cry eapposito. Ifore alLirrio"s tile mortality might not Ile dirty, bedraggled, atA, 5m JOWAY, drivoo that 316 shakiness to the V I .... ri-e-I tl,.,t Nor tivany -.eiij,, The of lif-ir, that foreign route which --id. I ad 1-- n I r% I Ofr thQ'61nek, PbVieoDf1JbII4 aVies *hen Jile rotimiti are faille of the Way we throw great, Imt tibe p&fisibility woAltill to my lencowliodge. did rig t,, 1"'J- ­ fiction ngaln, %4 -sos, it ild in likely to (onripoetc, with ill* lit erowdo.4 " with money there, A few yearrof cause much callorcefety, cmd, Ire- filtat k I-d .4"oIlln' hol 1.. 1% it 'Allal 0- Ilion 'of noble eAort to 70. 1' cfarf­ -to-(- whwh c,yurn,etn Vladf. tain I Ounninghttim. and sev vicaking a rigid quarantine, paraly7 -11, 01 finial thut ta grotto o 4#� hit it was nol�(,. ronvit, If 1- 0 gentlemen Purchased thit. eqntmerce, to a vexatidiun degree, 'to,,lof-k with the niol litAdyners for r; of cano Ina I I I A PROOP VOWTIVDI o Work winds at hlinfl�a NIA,-lionut fly %al, of Tocuruffa 'Phe 411011:1110 � 8 -- Ilia ilia. tmol'i 1. 1. t, th 1, A, Whoilte, jade on the west e4ast. venteA. late miccoedirt, Il car the Parille at hIWh speted A tolinineftlal, not the jllr%, %-U14 .�t vi-, -in fit G Wam ­sO)bawVat iromitilkablis for Im ty t1folitilantl pounds wag LITTLE TIZOUG11"R. %till ho looftsible b.s tho enormous, sp, on mining p1dilt, and riall was -111 a W4.11 tutil-I .4, 0.1-111lotor Of Ulf, (1r,qtt Northern Iliall- Vg1lbeqIf,'r4c6ntJy found h1witlf In a ITA w., vill Whell One, dary a, Vrench Love quotes poetry while acting Y'S H ING STo or f whieh i Wo are alreirdy L 90 V I "'Al I" [he Tho, native romparay will coin- mt t at) dArt'd, Alld ft French prone. Itln� Xict,,- notiolit its *11* ptateetling quietly along it I -er,- m 1�41 wIt ararN through procar,aptigern front Tea- 1treat whow hit was Buddenly 'Ce h -S "r tbill, . 1,;IrN low al� F, I Contarited I&bor digs� the grave of aly, tin upite of h a dImIftt P antod over the spatt -k arid thero t Ito 11� Unnfilghfign *" Ifif0ttlied worry, ture. which ofi:� Inn. --W. 'hol in hwi,tw,( draw. I (11YUL 110 New I'm ddayi1rout6d. by two Itego tifid, rough- thai, OPeratl6nN interfarcIrd witig A in" litay toolk ail day, an I it yet but t at Ilia oneirifen' jonl­ 0 hip- M ill,, Internationn I Moreantilo 1, '.214 on 1.1� It floberyt, tle Won Obliged may nothing., for � man of daunt) %latrine UOT c lipain) will forinu theta to to, thii pliv#. the I tO It- it till"AftVrOtUrn to rAlg- fruit nerven, ft#, itniso oy tho 6 , Lhldn ah vmpty cupboard contains f I— I of tlty 1. tIW0 'ViNfAmated by Mr. "I Ivarn ago 1, A I I ... o f hot I I 1 111(. 01 c"urale nobody would eckre , to go"00 tro;vollpr�, *10,0 04 A lihid., i ity0eh food for thought. !I(Ilot, Zlolle III 'ie a (ontintioun trip of (14) daes flatillbot of the 146*ound. I Wtoulder likO the, biftit, Of dru-46dr �Rorlll pr6ftififico rbosis oil a parch fron 1 11,� w,,rtd, but gurb a calocaffis W" omit, oviv :V41Tta. )Atkd he wag a no it Wd- " - - I t%jJJitft%t ittito Colony is Which facts Aro bdrred. 'r , ).,a 1, 1', It .,ol we'lld Ili- ur�ml by pLoplo lie 0 tbAll Ift of A li*�f iiii tro� losroscl, year U00lause f of a- rami, 014,yc . ry , I I fit(,%, c%aftited to go: and be-., XV -1 *W4 ill, #oJ4 lot It ikt tho to 0overfiffibot 0111 "ot odf,.� It ftbotll 00phiollable qrld safe to gins then 0.1 fd*k *11(", thoy, "out up., t1alwit. MC4�;, with fatKlaueo, itor, slid Watt & tifilt" When he Ist tiown, if praceaded -It it would l", of great Wie to it atu tt# MA\ T)a n I(,, ucait�oa0000 world in tho nattot c I fho' AOOJ� 1641 to 44 06.-� o)ldo4 Never got botWoon a dog anA his $040, ibis 1344 A i4o bonot, Df blatWbgn it man and Ilia ant f, lie of tranluninnicall. Allixilt",a. 60 Aiw timilti. `td, tot *10tit P60ce- ! I ;, � -4� *AX Wt "a; 0011141tio)(1111 L46,41 rotan forigaging aervantNIo-" is toy flioequite ftowleago lif tile �t or -now that t all to -lit ilia course Yoal ni.11,11, k t1UV'rA1*11 '4*11kal'y 11low Mot ho 46t. wlrw� to Collura your %latilds, *A bl*, ph;lIaw" if 1140 a I r tall no, Xrftt 1: to me 01; At AtoWt tkwk 00. - 1"" U 0, 06, ej %A1,16 A, 6,,� co" � 11 1 11 , ", Jr.: riplit itlaid to flour it woo*a%: . 4—laii "'Witst W4-� 116,161c, thall NtAtir, Did It "t, h'ettt of a girl har- tvjtl�� Ir"Why, r thouAt y" t*4 do" I,,; At vo,ir tittle of Iffli, and 14, .-,1 a -nin � w0man C *tfb it ffyip*4 wing it pinch h tot,. It Wolill(Wit, bre, PrIplo 111 14 Will If Visit �Idl hill lit, km 'I* t two, Xt, 440 Aftot *404lt ft*A 011114111 It Mt )th gmau"d the' rig- I Toachan—'What ill t1to 011ifth, I Ins drac&A an, I tkvtj 111 411111; U.4 00 ih-It I lit hAllop,611916 llootAt W right r'oKd dftl "'arvan, ,, .1ofirany-.4 tot %*j*d thfft %"Ottg *4y. �e­ tAl� .1 ., ", 11 1-- . -; I lk �T *ftow� Al �d by f send sontento' Ili A laic It fingoto, I *6rd to olifild,11 ' Jto It 1* 1" 01frowAte th t ***me to 't. 7 frw* ft0wil tbkfi, It Ito � t Alopidity aradl,�,,,Khm a Macul alto doito o i" V44 Ito* 114 pi vlaa,,L; #a, he ffivild 11010104, J IN, - --------- - 'A N r