The Goderich Star, 1903-06-19, Page 377"g-1- V,
Davao, 18U.8 son,
"A 4flask, on ."*too 04
NA %I. tot 0MA"A. 44 *1
V" rXWXW*T, A,, or WM% l4tillog, 004 VW M441i Fell MAO** ow wo
04 No 01 foo suw in 14vo OFF
to, 0"Yort, At 'to pmt 0V
sow Ot
14 , INX.
IF. 1.1 . , 1 1
Wo Y, [or PPA4904 Vol)
ot 0400,000-4
to TO A# M#0 04 *0 04 lux t
0 Ito 14"Wi SWA00 div
TWX OW0446 . Ill 9 XQV4%AooiAlfliXW , 1,10 Wpm.
WAX. C4, fillotorwy. PM be VW , . who PAtIou'litAir, 3^4 AV b*
r OW I^
L tOl 04
mom dooll xot h* Pow
Im or Ile NwOrvi 044TJ ipqvy *M44ar W4
ot W000*0*w
1,44 M91%
WlIll - 4:114110
a, ittemit 0.0
Wit 0 WA .4744' A sid. 4.404
Alix�dir arfiiho� I., IAV#4* Ole
OWP4. wow 0"Utort"" ti" vvw w4t0p.-0411 '-A-R 91 o4v wit 110AMIC411,
1 1% '* for lwor"ll 9,19014 Vo 4W 4004, 7^A
olay 044p"u %I WIVA %,AIR Ill 0 1 1000
AIRA9,44t. Z ' t 441 filo
P 0
XXO,ri, 1A - 4" I"W top 99 104 wlgft-%9,� -f tivi r
OU04 "M #1 . . 'ACCO . lot P
lNotoos fit, 0 L mily '07. r 0, tt of tIW14 ItIr
PV Wit,, loym,
0 too tot filow 40. 0*4 Wita, 1�9%h ywr feet," 6*0 PW
po I by Ita'01149 4 XIIVP
990 am, 'rho 11witaii VOL
* ifiltoreq,49 lied forth a letter at to folit twx UPOU in cW op-
�W%M%opd* 444 VOU14 40ti so" a ' Itered ItO lovirg IWO oiimy,
A -i's - )*4101)WIty ot vtoplous, iftmv
041100,10 topro,*oW 11A bQ14, 11411 wltilis 000,04, % ift i4 rate, thof '911% tile noble SM, tFuro failit, A sig"All. Iffig.
-;a Wom �Qt. 'At %Ay a ff
r:fl of, *hm tboy site I
It Po U *44 cer', 100 *004111* lif ithkit W4110i W91"'fill brought tears to y OW
von Ill w's,114,9AW'0704� b3f k Sill a , I* " , an" Zllz%- allifilly ter summer UJIM, Will 90
so IIV,9TIJx6o, �u
t OF, P is th tb%tah, ta bar CK41t, be Ong Willy to meet the 44t-wvIt
'I", N"t9a he 4 .0 49A." 111toloams, part ro I I
V I# 0 10tol(n of
9*t, Auv 0111, viot 14tr Soiling has Woo
itt id Lot punilkh 014110Y
aaPA Anumes folitood favor AM0739 RmQt"
tofut 1 We
y derfitood that EM&P o6;T b�? 010X4 49 1% '9.1
I, To hisit I994TI #qd, juile Ikp4 Ik mtro 1114%) title no stockmen. The Livc 5tOelk QQM-
ooppor 1% J.oz Q4011y AkU at. for of, wiliolt, born wrateillol farco dragged on for
)10* luel to be, uot would 31g. tutally
tho to of all'
Wt *Ith *AT �tors, it only to less tuan thirteou years- until Aileon ml8siOner, Mr- W- F- that, 1P. *,a sir 04 uto him died tile froquointiv drawri attention to tte
A4 T 01 borio� Auluo ii. in 404t, Oil altialble 06P coil's deat.h. and in
tQ itlliq P04104" At for, *ffi, tA Ig bignefits stral emodow. &!be 1a etwe tlawl. edillsability of growing -we green
iTIO 0001 44 1. .. 1 flaalk bird", 004otructed. 04 thist is ine"diblo" last suitor for anki has
to M04, loo'bu Pill"Vh44''iorueol
A. son; Of an otio. ith 4 his, and this Olt beon for suzzaignor fecidt
* P , n othcr menlibs augur 0ood character flattery, but
ov hiln, for �V*40 1944 , 04 1 alcoarolvingest w iy, should have crops
f a Series of t1principto r.Js%wh rope
ap by. 4OW aIt is UK 14 in.o. no 14034b, at the recommaxioled a nlolmb
0, m, I III Influ
the the divaireld end
th. but
4d 1W hp� - ligelig lklist" $It number Wt. oporiii some iriolucomat t* last- as suitable for general grow
of A gre Sold livarrialles START.
tell bom within its orbit. Even: ticing solitid propo IXOW FIRES WAY personal experience will egionble
40lu�ti foior *00b", tho� c jug froust the '00 was Ili
ariftiyi ;A wiloi. DoXell Of still, hold in -'d r tiuvo the quill only
(ter hxl� rqikr�d trqin 'the not go M-tober, with whose 90vorrilug I"llix" loot the varieties at
wo , yotit, a past farrizar to Be
t thol *4 , Agee; the MD. It It "eta -4
oc011AP4 tlke opaIl Is iggArwovion, endows yogA old unitil she w6l ngs Tbat Will Cause to his ro-
440 UIA, 44 q*IPAS AV With hope and, s"ng lind there is 40 doubt Lihat Itillfs" Tbi foddor plants beat suited
Ito, -to 44 1 4 the, tie .eqATAP kicu- ba Is hill hillitil, 96 Word, it would be better tv" her children calls combustion.
91, lato 4 A. iti, a0d, r3*OAV^ oxieft 11kaor. quiraments. It will be necessary to
lot �hg 19A, cali'tho b tin-datic 1404up. both, took a great delight Ill thin ps to
Tbrell . I , op Damp InnIpblack will inite troull consloglor the =at suitable era
the fto Ape ox A has favir trt-, nable cluestiolilliblO, Peatili whicill
44frall 440 Ile IS comin Q4911, of th% same can be grow end tile periods during
Of, triangle
to bim TA Put four Birthday stolovs are flikshillo the Tito
it root, W Plir 4 Iota*. LOST Ing HEM)- L1110 Sun Rye. clov-
XaToy' 1*1111;'hio 003* a I just low. januezily's child has ft with each will be avAiltIlblo.
1. to make a box. and you for a birthatone, With it Illost cuitorl waste all,
tb.;, 111la, -Uta Own' of pauirt
6-orman; W The first* and Perhaps the said Of as ,old .(Its. vOtch69-
i,,istill, 0 Rand's to, Ple Aamirali ieh a1=94, fasten af,lot anitual oil. L—P, im, are the Idew,. Then attributes of Intgrity, Slaner I will Difford
used to be *44 glaes, hard or their t �ogp in, ania Carl
(0.� 0 : tio, oo her.) cqr- g"otbrift serrieion, of all Rlizabeal'1, 11tri, a attur will, Ill
eats. )Xoton boxes t0golit catty, . and the power to atitVaCt ply of grbon feeod
a', lit 'ble W01010 Or9br, iil that It wiftaL lfaroil of 0'aloill gkJ , I set
because It Oulski Such lasting rofl9c' black agid a little oil or w
41, ;Veit will got So liar conglitiona. ignite sitto. many friends. Februvgj�y`e 110stlings filons on her good nam, was under certain 'Lit a summer it sowitigg
glibly t4a a'!": xild of the I)IISAAal meat. The birth Nitric �o6id and
t is lizailpt wear with* ... a made at suitable intervals.
a "1 40 aftlair Soymour, wb4dh WQk sously, 1.4 , orop.- 41 box nl Pacific disposition, was reaidlug 10 OA acewith create spoutamoua rot,
01111k kiligury Is a Ini
91vii sides "a I
of 43940, the respo "d a amothlY on- the Queen Dowager Catherine Parr New priatoorls Ink on paper RYE SOWN Tx IM FALL
refined tastes. ook lit the
t t ct with steam pipu ill furaiall the earliest to
oto I �e tl
directing H eventful cOurse through life. Nfho had married Lord Allimill"Ll Bey when in coil a coil
seposition The
Inga. Q1. fk doutiAell ith. the 0%- Inddi" a low wecoka after the death 91 'Y' 11"a Apr nil. bIlt as Keglss is usually abun-
blogdatose to I Will ignite quie-ki I
Thus the h. it VITI, t thrie, this crop Is not
Parts 111111 t It t hat
turpentine ov-4esir.. rest of the person born in X061110 liar lannor Hour oil an unless it colu-
4414 to be VilloIded
its a up of be
is cat h9pizon AQ a signifies wisdom. courage, salf,,43011 Sl�temour, who was old Ono to On Cotton waste will ignite fit u, few I fle I y
L \ log AIWI0st Ovol" Whole Vol" no.
ht, 99 t ii, urltisu x4is %sell selling be Practiced
r It, fou -d-or, More and wPsta aystent of
it' NoItka"o '09, *&r % to like a blig trot, - all tile dominalling qualities Elizaboath's fh best,
0, - or such boxel hours under It Illild
Oh i 4L flock of . I, they Irrow well
ound"44 ft -10y pleasure except VIOlt Of amassing has for bIrthv�tOl1gO courtly In (111911- in time create enough heat to Ig- Ilho clovol
can- �aking, like Apt"Ll's child fierce in courage. will day, On 1% ays Uassier,g Congo nuixt all tile list mad
L 1�roiOp 40 �`tb`Q QQlr- accurately OW ted by typical of i0licks'etace ion. in personage OtatelY- in voice
the -even- wea"to fi`ig 1870. tore. -he was Ofri birds whose flight -is direc the diamond. Ito silo atallodusly led dur-
Qu liWilotess ifutiot! .sup nil d -1 good ft
IU . (Lit Qtlkleral'S The so-called find high- a 0 coal should ,tilt of 1119 office in London And offlicial. No. single impulse. dness. Tile ellilerald Inagotyleent. but quite "I'Llity of M uzigge llitulgidn�tls
1:0 sits In (tllogin parting part" of the apparatus has to do with the child a ilk cattle Ilk Ia
fered S, cigar by the is IN born in happen- 9 goa you Sir hov!lksio ougotter. M10MY Suspicious nia lit, stored wit- it w
base May. It is I most favorable natal airing this period. ac-
t rotor to
thank itious or, pt saltillot to grOw lilee"In' Or ai-
knows, without Mr.) Lipton. `,Althouxll I am the great llaerplane" composed of t - fags Occurred It cntact with wood part it,
ot Rah- rank. exactly b bu (OLIhod the best Of
A� or cableirnais e� Signifying S, future bound of Mrs. ain Efrogiand. I never boxes, and the boat suspended StIone, L)rdV,ng to the teostirtiany'as., be cut in
hip bf his navy is to- k r el I
where every a biggest, EIAO 0 What do you neath is of similar construction' Ing in hloy Elizabeth's govor" stuaill, PIP011 'a'
Ajtk":a�i3OH0AtSA 0 so After colutgais or #Against varign is. it call
1, Xt-ollipwal I, very it will be to-morroW. smoke ]gets.' A% This cuu, all 8 itoari) an rye,
Ila an 'IV Ore N, Seymour endeavor- dotip it it I" to'
r Ono was the. Surprised query. LOVE AND H*'PPJNF-SS- ilia I fe's death, very per
tings or aIthe coningander smoke?' that as alrouy stated. should 'lot be for it long pork- Ld, -1 it is retWily
what Or t or he drinks. -11lecon, was the Pro �� WILL FLOAT BY ITSELF- June has the agate as keystone to ad to persade T'liatialtih to marry Ora
W -sr, 00 a Zt 211`29. with but lit,, presunglPf"On cost Ilion be kept a" at lit 11, b,tiigglent Of a ion '311 ('f rich
whether he Is Tile spa4es used by ltih� and follllY, hi p,,Ld tock. but
-,AO- is -I have had tliO long I to, wea. d,
go say. Dr. characterls- Bell, in describing no modi ng It building whet er y on u d tell by till kinds Of
I s eehing -he ROYA� tiv. t,;:; invention, tyi guiries to clOuld the hirlife, alld for Litts and 61.41tor it should be Shallow - clu�ors it in apt to CIXU313 I Ills ore f gumbers of t his socheales he was beheaded, good lilte otllet
Of and 'liq has that. liked casions when, comitzio= that a properly-coustructed flying horoscope. July has for guiding bttious lit.,, freo from Moisture and utith, if ingiparting good it any reakorse 1 t �whioh him ffi Mkiniie about - 1111111 - .- said 0 car, have been PISAC4 0 -to of being star the toy, teork- it Elizabet to enonolo�, bluM uAr --Confound machine should be capable calzamess, paL1grOcoFthe tomper- novel- s,hown, fur Is If doa, Hilould be burned first
him in the West the Royal gardens ider Inteltwho Served. lit kite; and, conversely, per, was el Laoisture stuall
�,itk hum ere Silver, There a" flown as a a., marcone etrellich Iot water
ox jave Ile could tell You Many of t , kite slavat that is content with a suitall (jing it should be
"I but the that a property- Oil IWO. (I
�.siz6od spadpO,usod by onstructed I coal vokes or
Indies, ablexe of liters vanities. August is - sh wered oil this kind ill
the full Vic a' was: irg, villicor 110,1tuli6jodirlates and the aact numb .8 a flying and I'll- Lill ,*let, wit and ba gp.1
r of cocktails I drink 3 and I should be capable of use a I t ir kit 01. barley.
King and the lriote,'Of with the sardonyx. died I, man w it id retards anY great
(Vith, Wixom he: every time I go ashore. lfttlO'machine, when driven by its Own coupled within t thus nt,cOoN I W"Ilt)
11 a for that t -e
person born 114IL! , a
)dge is miniature Spades used by the . �,ra *S FROM fire tviod tit Vast
ad,' by ithill Man clopaodic kDOW14 whole propellers. Given S, kite so shaped P a MANY 1ANDS, %Tit eaching tilt- hli� of the oofai.ariel, dook�efl To this ency The and '11LlZR titig tile overhau . .... him ap Innocent, ulty of prompt or tite body of site action Princes and Princesses its sphere strong love Of family isr., good Need 110" dc"t'
are now to be ranged in a. glass as to be suitable f mony of the domestic virtues. Pride It was not witil hir sureession turnings should , ".I tLAM
of joined the fac that Iron chips. Slow toll gain a footll4.)Id *jth 'Pl6iiis, occasion flying machine, and so effichint The t Igo stored ill it shot) in woudon Id I vot the first
ano case. with the date of the larindiciated, but not arrogance. lintitui
InThey dis-' *. each was used. The num- it will fly well in S, good breeze -ures its that the great contest for bor haild - 'to asto WI a' I ) till,
bot UTTER, FEARIX SSNESS- on will sapphire, for September. (-tin a begoll. ,,Its difth:uIties, in the vaI, S. Tile oily w fell is not but after glint is kry
�11s% thst, ai. toggo'll of Ort- - loaded with a weight equiva- Eliaboutz, IYO xil :'
ourage over and over her, of toes planted in commOn"OrAP when sense of justice and overwIlolakillif. tillit)ng thent
proved Ilia 4 China tion at the Coronation has ziizvJ-�h izi- hint to that of a man and angine bairn a [11110 were voluentlY tlll'u%vlk
vatted on Anglo philosophic temperament - act S 1jrer�dh zaar- infa
IMain in tbo Crimean War, the could not cOlIt' atar- adds to 010 dang"r to( "Lis till" Ilkiflits well
wriddroll wift ano� it seems to me that this same
war of 1859-60, and the bombard- creased the collection. Lh It October has the opal for birth- riage fur Ma"Y Stuart ws frout tile llHLOW11 about till- first
playing them In one way 3soph, with an actual on- stone. its wards (ore born option- heir to tile Frowileth NoUrcu, if kept oil of lifay ftm. earl.N foi.-dong,
li�ou' - Francis Joseph. kite provided the told adidi-
meu� of Alexandria 0 f the load, or ort the bright side, Had Ito machine shot).
r. fulfils the old gine and man I Place 0 it 1. right to the th"OuO glut) be nulde at said one jots, too Ing ev laced uvereiron I
*io iron, 01 hAs Austrian EmPer -he'und driven by its own propellers, throne, arid hes shnever lit, I ional sowillgs ex,
called "His will Is I of a sovereign Stronger. Illess of di lull- it It is advisabla
officers, "and his fairy -book Idea and comi ble col"PAIII011" to live ter,als as des Mediterranean air as arts lieved that Ifiost Of 6v Was one of Gpat Bri- act." is &lWays ready to see and help in calm Ib '%rglau pnish sliuviligs is about two feet AV a r
arlirevized. Krupp at with. It 8 a than Eliza otl
nerves [Lia H I abould be sustained I of It's owil. A S nThe Hague. in perse bi enthusiasts and via- quoiltioll. grated it
n. Their letthers So far as the 'On . okkutigii, to incito p,
Several years ago he was at Lis subjects to a flying machine. the indomita a rl Arritio WEIK out of & ustioll.. Irvig, anti steel Al- part oil rich, well lorepared
Relations asking lot an audience are sent pressure of the air is concerned, it n Oc- fly,. this WoUlki 11lienititt' ilia atter- stid contil a (oz- turnips
One who was h luadron. lonaries collie into the %%,arid 1 3.11 ings when tnixod with vald to Cultivate ON,, nobody made a bon Wit IX so Germany and the rizipercor's private sociletary, In- to Barely immaterial whether the air The child born fit November on ings and to polmda of sued
that in Labor. tot to the new PA'PtOAs`glt ugly after tie I I food in, Otte to tw
he upon the were strained betwee glish ia
Just before.the Ell quirics. are ist moves against the kite or the kitd is by nature ri yal. The toPOZ is who were Elilbsth's "'Aillstay'' Un- a" will ignite "Punta"vo to til" seek!.
of the t Enkland. and tit satisfactory, signitV Its- I , dollop. A stviall, 01"' should be How
fleet at twice their contents, WCOUL
IpIQlatakists grea list. ill(- latter an f hat;ver rank he may thin point, Dr. Bell big ruling influence. Ing warm I.
German der such el"culast"Lnet'" It was bruadeast. double
ships left, IL I oneness to Put tural that the great iiublos of the Rainoot wood will ell tile best variety.
streiigtt tered the harbor, the writer, a w To illustrate heartedness and a i)warf is
ane the f impressing the Par to be, is granted an inter- flaw his flying machitie in a dead illeness. Decoiniber t tile, it) ignittl(,avontulit"Ously being leg of
cou th It I , I r,
jig) that hum happen sentiment before b isi t should begin to hot)( tillcvs large tittAlitit
with the idea with hie Sovereign alone. Noth- no of t.110 bust
fpplish and cruet, view by atte has the turquoise for a talisman. Prize would eventually fall to one Cr 1)"t-tickilarly if Low It IN 0
iabOt4,, calm iching the cord (a
tuguese, and drew up in double line loping ci's the t lIU4 green ftw
opinion Fisher exchanged all- Ing has done more to endear the strong manila rope) to a gal Children bbrn within these 81 days hentatt stenin ant al'id
ot :he 'VA at 0 f their n-unibur, is, foods for keeping Piga, 1111li
Emperor o his subjects than to the -ttilig
17 the town. these tile it-nilperatur t,atvolto in good condition. It is not
'#,Onf0r6rgce with consmmate 0 ad his vessels Out horse. The horse furnished are ondowed with abiliy for go
then I Succuse is their But Philip of t4pain. hearing Of the
lutes, and sudiemes, through which of propulsion the world. their Englist, suitors for Ule -y fill* lallch cQw`H. owin't
at full speed between Informal power on in Ilekliaorous the flavoll
have been quickly - -rat-s a ,,aided. Ilaving liewid oatisfaclol
k, of the harbor wrongs ' ITi ;� on birthstones and (10ell's Viand, and to' It" tondOnvy to injure
you have to wring it cWc Germ lines, with only countless q v.l.nt to that which an engine inanifest destiny not to b4, avoided.
udlik"' he Syou think the two or thirty yards cleixr on redressed. e tit might have given, and it rose and 'Me old treatis .9 amblumador. THE XING'S BAGGAGE. of tho Otilk.
y3u twenty One of the it utilully. It was an apPli- )rth in the froin hi I -- ()ats and poles make one 'of till
race their meanings are set ft was glut a Iw
)oUtA,ikiWrIngtbj 'it quickly- either side. it was a manaeuvre a election In Tasmania Soared be& that old-fashioned language couilittlig I he Iys Ready for -y heat Nailing crops for )not the chicken, intervals for dozen gen ral amic principle as involved, anything, His Majesty is Alwo
it that might have wrkked a the retirement h. cation of the a boy. who, that has gathered ceremony as it worth -rivs and all," dete-6alne vel for feeding
Itillsh*nt, -ALi;d recuperation- His career employed by the small rind o rouse, IF a journey Ilartinelarly
am pu - advanco lhe Catiolic f wthicil phev odlould be BOAM
hips, and only a man of iron nerve Rcibey fr blic life. 00 light to raise has changed tongues in many trans ward these days oil dairy cows.
k6uld -be the Same with warfare'" "cold have carried it out successful interesting Blood whoilin the breeze is t titattlil 1111h Wd as ljus�ible in tho 1111-ing.
By has been decidedly along the lations. 111. w 1, 4 the self -c'3118
t hesitate to a squad wo his kite, runs with It 9 and Unit
dQog.. no , he had trained his Mr. Roibey, is LIY busth -rouftor, at tho
war he Inki have to mal ly. N rv- probably unique. I � Lt.%
But was at oxford in lid. wknyring t1lo Pize to" vnd tit Intervnis th,
an -bitter hatred ran v it S, single vessel Swe ty,wo, grou neVOr o it n_011lig f gioing 11 lre,te of bo).ut thireo builikiels Per liters,
Tell. is now eigh tempt, which whit- to 10
om-Jho- -wake f his 04g- order,,,. one, occasion an at GIRL TOIL IN MINES- o.If. j.limbeth tIv,
-the early forties-, took holy On but ,:'It r days Lu 91 t
ed'a yard fr to having a disastrous yea- or No, pl, Itw
and their crews, Arnazed at his daring the a4vanced to the digiy . cema near -rfstic tact. Ily th'i visited befort. p i+
"fre4 , tieutly declares ,,that if lit,. ship. cliecred as he lid by and had when he iding, was ma4e to fly the machine Belgium Unable to Find Remedy me wi-th chootracti Alum- liru%xiriull ut it ofPenn).
I Germans lkssed Archdeacon entered public ell noze, when a for Arcliduka Charles (If c olm TARES
in time of war lie h I hips life in as member for West- I Ili good Sailing he lift- its Slavery. tittle tilt- lort)posed. and uin tru%elling lig-tgults, kit
kti!ghea the letter 1874 a to a GoIll
up to the yardarin, the n and struck it, -iticiallIS trin, had f
jill string them -mar- t ; ,r,, sJ . h n Fisher is one of n Legislative squall came up 1*10twithstiending all the cl arrived to P !J�Jg Cases, suit fluxes ti'lit girl, now grown in Called rly by
court nian air the two men who that I)aAaador rasa tile Hult bu�ol, drs IV
King owing year he Ing into the ameliorative suggestions Ili" extent, ImriziCALIS
voll'if be,haa to men in In the toll Of Work has III011 thul'- thardest working Ed7 Assembly. and tile of Prince o llyke.., are like,) to PrOV4
Here is an held it. Of coal prevail on socia tfail afterlNorli, account was leader of the OPPORitiOn, and in real they let 90 in- reform U1110119 'lugh IIV Lill the Pro""'U"S'
ward's service. stntly, a "bird of (if wadjagh envoy calls) loaded with I'd, I silint at IN Only dukr, n. ail .
shidw,ed, the'starallAss of his na ypical days at sea, es the year after that he became, by a Laid the gigantic Fring classes, and the dreams Presents, land largLi ifull'S of ry r�r he equerry W' duty to to( voLue in tie has beeig
of At- his t f the political wheel, carrying the boat legibc i n 11-1119 V"tc4
,,Ore After..tho bombardment I., a.. a' sudden turn a sticks, sociologists of bot? lavishily silent all this cutIrt-1 of rbo eouglat", 81
..,P,d out b; his Flag Lieutenant. On silk and its the irtiodern gvnvrall gruwtl.
Ca�te,ill Of A itis, Prime Minister I)enath it as an eagle bears were t III' what bign ructiall
fin 1882' ' As Writes hard until d Colonial Secron problem of how '"'nst tbt
the task 0, or- M-- gas, in hemigpheres. the %18 I)ald, U1111 t1ley shuvrn that
�he InAoxible, he hnd... and rpre.._ inThen Walks around the tary. in 1887 he was elected to prey in its talons, rose steadily Belgium cum edioply, decent employ- let's- Ul,llly Ul bags lUld I eld a I -.h largOt
7 the Speaker's chair. the air until the rope snapped under agent to its southerp girls rernailisl DUDLEY IA)NU A FAN'OHITH'. uut the proper If teI l,
jimizing IL Police tot owover. Lord litixelt without wly loss per sure nlooting after the sh P- a Queen of Is h Jilt
_&disorder suit Philanthropy is with th still to be so V was rising and WIL4 fgdostrue
8 A M. -Breakfasts with chief of the strain. I ad The kingdom 1,�on:x h -4 allkwilit of gru,
only one -four dl - IIIIIII, Ity. He shot the Flag Captain, Flag Lieu- Portugal da much A PasSIOD - as TREMENDOUS OSCILLATIONS. it l- ey r that 1.4 Io NU.V. lit dry
&Ilty on 01911t, and restored order guests, the hunting. rausic, or painting. She is but vainia, and yet ithin its boundaries t, Ls fill- Ill.- of "or
ithe st'611, U. bills all otliers. Ills peeked Ili iltto) Ile relished by &W hodrs. Some of his inti- I tenant secretary and 10 at at the head of all Portuguese chart- of a pitching character ensued, 6000.000 persons are On qtrengthi-ned by t11%,y or,- used d
even officers a coup mento, which she di- the kite was at suc an elevatical battling for their daily bread. -11 ill.. King IN of his latter'usually ideluding h Icleat)' of Ills wit", travel nlY. And wit' "r_ a,, etam,"N (if (all,, 0WI119 tO
friends, Ingidshipmen, to whom the meat is an table establish happened that Itubsit"t, , it wilt
*tos 0- Ith looted when - the accident the Ainerican gil-IN Auty again Ow I ug- tat" 1111411 lirlVe tilt- Foried.
p, were caught w rects in person even to the minutest Undoubtedly " - 'if I t1, sow
in vain for, to die and - I h' hattled uIrt I'll
-he time L lit obahl� bawful ordeal. lations had 1, it latist ha- fill I I found oJ6049, They begged urt- M work, including details. Many and many a time s the oscil the ground, Pity- their Belgian sisters coil it staircase," Haiti Uw - - 11 Nlupty I at thi. rate
cc 9 A - --olffica - will quit the palace at some early down before it reached demn the act Of emplloying the weak- du%;i1ho Charles lul%- likedial, is, 1,.Ilgtil ,I catryitig with
-He had all of them III orrespondenro with the Ad I .11r.0 Airc lid u ke ft) the On. busittle,
an d I save -'Punished. Consuls, morning hour unaccompanied, sim- when it landed safety upon an even on dilillgerou.9 anod strenu- 0 f "III, rely or sex up quL and the Priacu uf NT1111 0 M Is per
ty. AInbassadors, 111,4,
a subordinates re- black, and none of the in an adjoining field." g�llerile been ShAvoLl. beIlding ,')(I f hae.
'Fighor' authori- ply dreseed in keel labor in subtermuew n 1-19 1Jul, %%Iltill
.Admiral f colonies -and I t Ii. AVII.41A Illixtul
not love him. I -To a household dare ask whitlhor goes lifler Dr. Bell states that the applicabil- ous Bel an serviwn Sweden about his Litimll" ITTII I
spect.blin, but do is bound ity of kite experiments to the fly- just as the gi ill Lhingoo ah It's hugizz"t
for that, and f.Zeign countries. 1) fur ;hll) it -Li
them too hard I p. M. -Directs fleet Majesty, for all know She farmers' daughters have I atiglik �N IffaCtLeally h fo 1, Ille tolltillut of kierital hilitilp-l'4
detect their faults oerrand of rafercy. been for EL Own way. in Lidditio?, to 011". the tif ou ,arl,, %%Ill eficind
thio A t on some secret ing-machinil problegat has f( r ux Y YeEL
ft to. quick to mano once when a ell long time past the at work in the mines litake 1 ;.uvras vie guard, recgnilding guiding thought LInbesstzkorm, irrubably ha� -ah"s -u all Carefully gi
from M a -1, 1060"1 fof'n c !L1 that
Limed (ot. ontailking palti, par
lu tells o'clock in the morn Luncheon. her and eeing her enter one of till" in his researches. He says: gilris tv with hit light of their sympathizers anid seem d ill tholl Plant
at follawed to ascertain -r to adranre Inotilal whon the a catrit crop tIng ulatil 9 izg:�Iit, and expects 2 p. 'M. -More margoeiggivres, lasting Us I have . n1are an mi a- doing a Ill I it their puw, It)tItlng 14 isowA after 11 . Men lowest q aters In Lisbon, not cared satisfied witill tiell, rular 4ultm
ol�eja to do the game a afternoon. 1 11 - 111. U� 1.1111' 11 ...
through th to watch over her safety sib Nteom-1 a ki might be flown o%alet has indital-A wIlet 1
under him are apt how high to ' arable lot. Nne of thertz wuUld ills suit Into -14 g
Y!rho b%ve. -aertireff 5 p. M. -More correspondence. It vu owent No are pill
, c is men- ly forbacie him to, divulge what he The point I have ad specialty in lit arily change it fuir the ties- uirf-d I Ill. living onot 0 urge whenever his name 'oil,- had clultu 111alie ip-III U. 1,4 111141 it 14 arid if there is
r knows this, ana 7.30 P. U.-Dianer. )nd- had seen or to unninsk bar anony- mind is that the equilibrium of the ition of a servltit girl, Complaints RON, tival 9 to 10 p. M. -More correspc It, niarr3 nobody 010111 011"Ligh a tarl it. will
Ol- know', and not n,-(ssi%rY to) NI -RI I'll %,,t, Larly in
pleasure In it. Ile inity. structure in the air should be per- ft 1,11.1 a')
seldom arise from their lis, 0 ill t- be;- laind 1-nolifich to, 4
Once, then bed. Dr. Rich -ter. the famous conductor. fact- that the kite should fly stead. t r what grave dainger the day's site bad o, I t.. n% U fall' I I*UJ V
Fisher wor4ks Inight. kit, obliged, t tiijrty
Ashore. Sir John Fie has made his reputation as a horn play- ve from side It) aid,- E. may involve or to onsetjuelltl� shl. I 0111*010 nf
130ATSWAIN. if that I;Nl possible. I ly, and not me share of work a Of otlidli- too niarrN in 1.'.11gland. in WhL01 far In funingid, a
he is still probably the fin- when struck by a what wretched conditia liuoll,I. ji-weliv gods l".1 RA'I't, it w
4kT Ov, AN harder, er, and suddenly toy Ill"
01ty or dive real except an occasional est p rformr living a ry dif squall; and th4t, when released, it tuile they giany be doomed. iyuld oind nil flfo(Ider
inder hint in several 'no pleasu n th t ve thil t rot- oI apariese
V ed % I devoted to a in lulling thout LuM
dance. ilia entire life is f1rult inst�ulrnollrt. At one time, The mines wberain so many Youtig Roll luore ev,-ry wiwn I if AtIgUal are
ao�hae boatswain eventually rL ierfect b old drop slowly and gently to the ko.tid I'a3llcl('
'Rritish Navy in p keep up his practicing. he 510
no and Fisher paid keeping the order to ground. I believe that in the form girls are spending the b a d's u it I -i
on pensio l4c was createld s I halit, oilre. I r in any to Varl , 0 cottage readiness to fight On enciall ail island, w attaine(l, the Pro- their youth are indispul bly Ihl- Ile 1, _ j.. M I.., tILI(l inilt I -I( I n
a visit at his country a man- I the world at a mOlnent's Ise of people in the neigh- of structure no and the whole world, som-1 l3aron Dellbeigh at((' pel4onal I- NvIlith lna� 11.111 N.111.1"g I llkt)iqt N011
Id part of the surpr of strength, lightness deepest In t -ho n,,w vaTl t iclell 01 1 'to()%' Wit. the
Devotishire. He notics he could not I'llagine Part'" kit %a t Ped lonw, I— 14- In fall A.-
-1 borhood, united in a 11 . if IF it)
isorvant, about the place, who seem notice. . ........ ...... &-- ytierious music pro- steady flight have been reaching a depth of 4,200 feet, ut 1,,, plant
a do, and ask- whence the in a van- remarkable degretil." tizeir interior is insulfilriently ve,1111- on till- (
tht. heat In- iated, te a r Sir %,lry vul cA to have nothing t CIIRIOUS PETS ON SKIPS. ceoded. One day, however. Dr Bell's experiments were made ill impure, w,04 wit I h,,v Ill., Cidoot is
oad his host: at turencrie Bliglishman, deteribined to ind highly explosivit fruin Mt event. 90.31; Mitt 4 ,, - litint,-roi. - part, an
ng recent sumnier Ili% kmies Ut.r(,Iv )to - I, "noxir I Of It What on earth do you want him and duri I On his crevices. capable I ling ol 1 411111
At the rariew before tile King golle the inlystery, hired a boat Nova Septia, and the kit,,, nurnberleall "I'll 1,, ur latit"XIV
4or?" Malta t1he pet donkey of the Bac- surprised the instrumentalist at his In ffrent hignalgirodR of toiling great grtxvit�. )jilt she 'o 11 it sliiii'll,
the boatswain, iota, merched In 8, Played assumoll hundreds a' I t transforming - -efrain front put;ti"g Ile" lintid In Ills until tile wecL-
air," said chignte, we are rk. Fifteen years afterward e.Lt bodies into lifelesm Illass"s ill an tin I th,- warm
,,Be bag to cail me every morning at A doinkey,is a wo a forms. though all of the Numerous in- n,.ck. Ninilringil, tickling am,
I a'Admiral wants atilier bulloy sort of pet, but pro- when Richter w 0- havo been composed of the "tetra- expected jillernient. rs are oil rev- prench alnbo,88�dt`l &I'd 1 "le'""ILlig 141110'-d' %.�uli� en Illepared in
5"o'clock an4 roll over on the made a Mug Doe., a learned pir keleten described. StAch a otanices of such disuste hy " I haif [,)I'd Iflullim
no inaro, tiro i tosser introduced himself to film as hadral" a f it ilIf
to see you air, 'Tell The pri- iwill be
pet deer of tile Terrible Individual who had thus dig- box being recognized as the struc Ord, dig-' "I Ill itother side of the bed and reply, the rl"n I ttles worr b% the clut-I'll we oogain till (` a td thie'devil.' Ing pets is very much tural unit, as many as might lip a C ') icester would ithe Adt4frit to ,",.g feeling vilego of keep L ts, wile turbed his 901itu4O. ther in all nate girls durig working tie"" air,, I-.,. rodow
3 bleep again- ppreciated by bfuaJack 0 Dr Moorhouse would have made a esired could be put toge how- notaILle of blue lineon illigh4vat the honur, 11"t till gulls I [gilt anti I1.4
Then g6 to 'happens halt a dozen commereini inan sorts Of Shapes. It upult ItISN lhal; tt(Lia-
Inivirlit their spare time find a f Up to date. trong Ir"ll good. TIM highly successful oved most weight. and consist large paillog- w,"re troil tIII gmwth
and I feel better every their spare had Providence not ordained that he ever. the forin that has pr I ha n W. Is k kk 1) heavy
dky' ter Is. The Centiurion 4'tr- 'go -`d- diocese 0 10(gns, tile evid of bilutTate 9"- ur�-oirtain al ti - IWe. .4iting it (or Intce had over thi? f'patisfactory is tile aeroplane uphold- 11-94 furt. oloull rro hould, rule being tied aro"rod ill(, htnng In IIV h ' In that city he ha ille.ntu " If tit heRter. Ing a boat. above till" shorls. nli,, a Jlicket ie ntionkey tbut Man( 11 tI� it Its
a ru a plate and drink train proof of his businesol "In AqitL," says Dr� Boll, "kite-- J13"t -x.-rc iNe 01. '100 w, -n, thi. tioll"llet LIIII -I 'I'm
line fund of Be Star- gpoou fro - giv--n ample My can freel. tAll It.] I've, lead
th6ln iaipitaljy. When 0, glass, with a dinner napkin Lack- he local savings I)a"k flying has heron for centuries an wherein L,he bt . [,he heir is in1folil itend tells TOO aptit tie, and I (!hill- its 11julol:ulur strength Suou after. olkw,ild be
British North all tinder his chin the whilli. w hich lie hail recently inagigurated amusement of adults, and thil
conlWanded the quad- Be some, tilrod ha% -e (IF, Bkilfully envviollmod in a hanoliker illII Ili I'v Itio I
Amilericang and West Indian 5 Catis has; won the encomiums of the civic ese. aparti-so and TwigglaYS q ar held a pet 900 of course. are AFFRA golet. thuq priltacting thn litiad frunk sell lot ;r,,,. natural authorities. kit" v.-ry much I, IBout horn
,ran hi bad u. gun captain on the lie- back. Cato and (logs, Wh6n the Bishop veluped tailless do,,, wL,, as of 1, hall Tile French "beffigild -and lit. married, 'I'll(, whole caul -d fur 1'right nd .it
aa Dutchman by do co,,Vwn on bouild Ship. a curate perior to any form of kite shown to Cal mino it I-AU'Al"011 too'%
who w 121,arceau had a bantal" by the way, the daughter of his Oil us until quite recently. it is only `7U rent". and IN tit, ollarge
rohip in tl,,. likentwr tliut "Irl' 1�11)1 lit tIllt. Iwu ir w3 Pet. w4lict' vicar -be gave reinarlodille w parR that hu- Nil drollolo -wist. -tit- ll .A OoLth in the ck allied Bolulan9c Midland Ithin the last IP a week. In Lot hel
British For
gues fired. The 'Lv have 1, 1 rall 'A,
WitSM,.anything 9008 W crowed novel, Ift co whonevar title bne occasion that he lit kite ritructure licigian loline I*, -11.111. the wa 10 four
rong, Is idence on end recent Ir he rruy,id iit dates grey provettlents g I let of how sex a 113411 t.,
,Lord Stiffen the Dutchl" Cerman Prinz WilArn held would have made a distingulallvdI Ih 1,�) Iw ar- vis-, been stiriouRly considered. his I.Xet lit wn tilow SOY Is
VaTL Tramp ptollk, and the United States The poinlate AF610A -a fi. r ilot. llo"'ll A Wit is
prize fightt-r, rt back io thd dAYA *110n GIlica-go, hold it IA g, DOV0q, -farrow, will) 1111-1developmentS Of the at ha% f,,t,,n,, Iris 4 oil I -,V1. - tf, the nizigthead of ship iting a cousin at I 'largAv due ill tht, efforts of Otte FO r limirW work a (10' of ill-, 'If hotated! li; room -e of Ali- I man -Mr. Laure L
that he ood pv:�io agined he its alln0st Invincible as nen 11argrao. ties Ikelglan girl eartis ,xiNatit I..n I., Ir -laud ti ll�
1110ant p1gellins blackbirds,
flagsigip, its a at tit- 111 .......
7 from tile 00as- arb po o xv r. At last he got I sloal,oz. Ifargrave realized that
-,ngI1S h andl I tO fly his o"ith t6 diillieg the, r was exer- hoilsol to ut Oil the gloves, Structure best adapted for a ILI . List t he hn,I li,�
,otid day the Dutchman SOPORLFIC (7R,� when the zealous clergymen had fill- illirtil orill
run crew at drill. Fish- would also be Buitul)10 ON a 1;14 "%%fl VIM
owns, hits, g t he re off his youthful relative the
, fly
er odsaed by and noticed a, mistake. in some parts of Now 1phell for tho- construction of a flying ill'),114,11 111,, 1. 1- k
iffen the Dutchl' he ey- grass which produces a latter obseriord, "T'I'll a Pity !iOu Ore' V, 11, th,. lHimirn- 11 lom w, been proictit6d by
4"Lotol At Inex V Resetilk, - L
p your nerilaillegiouS effect -y (of tile I niv
Illis- Till,' 8I1IP1,r-4T FORM toll 14 f tile earh
"Citn't You re grows oil the animals I paraon. you would hn',e I chim, ersit� -if t
Rorscs after your fortune, In Me ring." AN
Indorroct?" that g1rozo upon it- Ilop of Manchester the niuAcillar Dr l(itfi, which has Lit- q,hows clearly that ioagoa and at -
Called the crew to oatirg the grass In nearly all cases of Hargrave till-- II Ill. Itiv.
year, to InOlot Am- ot1wr att oIn d strop otatildirrg, While cows and %oorhoust, romil-es S21-000 really fninihr il...... It may
Attain, saluted ilia Admira an' Own. It of two Iv. Ill deaf. -at I fire worship -
Mira 'n yerful shoup lmost invariably lie it ican bo%s. consists I)uku na solemn, PIM;Illrful ftrUdd. - of 1111181111. with [I tocitit that Its
has c ' Forogtilar boxes toy q 1-01lit owas for
6casionally happened that Ira Ilitg. f(),, us.a ill Lit,
the EUglishl Carry volors have Stoped to allow horsus WOMT.-.-g WITH WOUSTACITE.S. 111clo spnc,. between, h. -Id rigid 9 I.Irion. lOther fstifilell lip graes Ilell's hrst %vita (" by
feed In placres where t sticks. Dr. tl,,(,It%, through a to riginal inzluw,L-
and the ant- The Ainus. the a (411 'A pretty thickly that a i.narked irriprovem,-Ill c )"Ill lth.- h -most of dis- un-crod coPP-r wl
the StL grol.119 Ot EL can- anto; of Japan, live In the Islan of ffer t V )v making tilt' t)Oxc% tri- t')N c IT It 11.1.1111"UJI1 to 110mulas.
a ally'
,ughed and walked on. Iniis hllvo had time to e race hits hecome go Ile- i'ph bracing w(IR I Io not IIts OffeCts Y(`7`Za- I hero- "19' the
IV Lble quantity before inside "houtild hold so -I
applet than bell he stiolcol a In such 4jacid that there are ivow not
It Stool thetly-xvIvoo- n Fired unnerossal-Y. an Ili,, .41�1.111)sf his hLuld h14 Ili i.19 folthpr. thought
'd I by rend f riviturn in I'l
to tell against maifil In while 0 1 "ON Icasitil Va gono to sleep on lt�han sixteen or soventec itorussin tronger and lightor, I it rn( to I ttof fill
I horse$ bit the country. The mccording I
ad, and It IF, hard to OONiAl" of them loft in head I,pqiqtan(,,- ."Wrt,irs ill Pleasant tile Ile about, Loitering 1( Liof the (I Iticeable peculiarity .nrili
rho effect of 00 grass P&F!'03 irnrt no
�06 liko"r 'gods into port. thpM, we, and no bad At -nu women I tilat they have The next step tva-1 to vi.,tIold Lw of tile offeltd,
qmkm ill(- triangular Into Ft let I it- lit I.. PLIACti 0 Without giving a all I' Ing itrii i their uppel' and lower
ticed on ac- toned upon movstadhe. hedrOn-a box fortned of folisr tri- liu(k fion, tile we"twal lips what "If Iwlmv tilt, "IvvOilin
orita with rosii1q. have over boon 0 Ito imits i otedt, faiv roticoto of
geoly at- count of it. at- nrig), 8 A pyramid with a before lie could faJI to) till . . . - rli,
*.&a d The werilco are VIOL constilered 14 till- Illo%elilf-lit f the !LACytbillifts, V*)*
POITED GfIAPITS. tzilortive abol tholk, mlit-rinlDnial pron- for its base will reprnsent Ill ro ralml irtadh6d, to he PARA
Whelit thd rlybidh kdoilral Gervaig pOcts are quite Injured without this Thri pilpit-ton tootralledron niallp f ele, I gul.S
I I or)
braced in thr.,e TIN nei. iothe years, ago. Conceit Often gets a small man In curioto 6cotlktion. theri4orp ery ... ..... V *aa told off . by to OL large h6le. like Ft Solid arid is n NA.Vy s (If)AL roll. 001*Wbil"
tke'llanors to "It ishing," h # 4t) clarity is due to —4 strong. ill ftstO 1.111 Ito ru t) .... .. Name, of tht, 1AACI
;Tithok AdWrAlity POP . 1Dr. Bell, "how Substantial Filch Itritigh 4111141 al
41i Win to 09- what he dmqn't SAY TRIM OL=ST STAM`P. ilips-riniclit% ........ IlingloMMI
44" pears. even wh(n com- a yoar i"1 1-1 "[1 .. ...... A Dian hag it funny lack Olt his framework it f"or lit + Thol ldd4iof
boiit; iiii. oildw. , �st stiCiaps in the world P light ari frakile Ina- re n(low beilig Melia with %lw 4 it ... .... A� is on him. Tile oldi posed of very k Ilih, IT11118 fa *11
bti f0t "Ill face when the laugh ritiold It, lie that
he WO ave never tw6i HrIgirel It to
iii4b 0, h brushes cover tb.oso Isgued sit 'llong Kong, which terfal. Ivan been jingint ANIII and with 1t60d 41,
"X yoU tq be Very political whillowng I— Ito fences, h a changed sin-ro they that tile new coniriv- ults :41 it has lilgiv htill$ b Imultitude lit rotten arico devise by tile inventor of fhe, I I.- q,lallt lots anti 1()nV- r A mbeen alien all previous of- thain V him AL lot were 11.1,3t iththouted In 1059. nvcrY of the I
kildb), Itill *ralth brings Waq th
Ir 110 loses It. telephone ourpa thrigr of %IVahap1)IItVAIV'-CftC world lids rhro oxporiolivill'i
W6mtLfk begins to AmArt ch"g6d In tUe forty add years, but fort of human ingenuity in thlo tin-' ITIOU111' I.IT nagnifles her wron on Victoria On tile its extraoidinary light- ngin to all accidoeiit, tz"I 11'.11 for oxPre"Vilt
OVft i4w hitti, It, *Plot her rights Ahri 1"g kollif itiLmil hall never in . In proportion to its qi7c4
thb hotiall of Quia by roonsion of and 1701teve it Way invohe iIt berli s rou 0111 lit 1". I', t into 106h
man tiliftka he 19 OTIO boweiver, it appears lions nolarel t ap- in coaling stations Ob"F"' ft
Flood as not tot' front, the bKAs Vail
filitf `1 -
Ono of the olphiii 81toted. bout strength. that if c,loil loon till Pr0- bruthr Iit in the %tot,
Of 8tarV44 go matt, to aerial 1()co. paintiold out After nillt-17 It ting Lot At th.
that ft now liet oad 61 K11119 prodch thus far principle (thl' Rpri tit foreign stations c,,t , go, 111 M)
volltkAt 60iiiiiii6xiiii Ad thk 00011111* ibi,#. t6 the h hag thation on the soaring last loongoil bill M 1. q Plar'.11 consumond W00 Lan he vehicle of thOught, ter it will not on) a fitdff:�ar ue Min! Will qult I` till 80" thoUglits to ativocatog of which discard ballinonq 10 wirtdIa"Of M wfilleph th, land In soft
to, AMIAUut trio up to lor% ,
ithn& f�b6 oldest ifitamp I hopolpsFi for practical do nulitar loo,olidtfl,01%
Who k g 4do dft thO 101141fo WAL01' with the doubtt- an tirgivenviCti of mot. y "Ll M thig o,aluable Qu
P blic will await, with In- tarpoodo J)'Al,-ne n ofah 1011116 tile Billfold of c4t. and thd 11 npll'n firat guftrdr. a few PiRt"'0111" of7ering" to t_I 1,3 liar on h own
ant lit# ideiiid d(OdOWN4 *MIL'1101004 tereat the result of Dr. Atug With boato replacing the"I
sror 6� y4ifift a% 6, 1 lutdailii. ,of (4 *as first I &lie ettarApt run Ilia appar rnIlk
A 4