The Goderich Star, 1903-06-19, Page 1LMI% I. th .......... 404 AY, JUNE m i -7 . 0101 z4w Aux* r T ---------- cP*Y 0 teeV000d $0 "W rWWftU5* *Md !"40. 7 lull lis tow 11Y9 m00 1*1404 lit Vlt tb* 0worAy, alro0y *a- U", 11 *A, WAUrl" t000rt 11006 904bO4 ;xuy. TAo'soxx"t",.* -was I 9,41% ft* tp� � tA 0 air It 4 W%tAlf 00' *"Out# w a I wr And Wwr ri aaamm, 01;0 roixasoi � ue�i' d alfor oXoeao;44�, L, , lVito I t boaft'llo. 7mia"ar, whialt will "bi 1111,;4or to" D" oowelux, IrA to IV04 vw 0, 4114 T the ostop4loo of the JV ho �Wkut quito, voll Uow%, ot, n1i rvooly4 W0 of tu* voi�
0, 'it � 10 'go deaiDt h*V ilwvnp And' M�ghto �n Woo lot tile 0 an4moo A%4W ra Arollik, 04. ofAd; lt 0 toaq W417 00''w, qQrlx
04,36AVI* Ata 9" Atft And, tho4podmoo "POVA *A O%r 0M.W0.4 tuo.44 .0f Z , 4#AnJ*tk, 04 . W. ; t -
cerb. Almx I W owtliq ,on; The IlukOATO itow Amu" ad Ou W" 414 COW 'W -�Vlitxo, A., 401i heAlga"t treal : ,
IV forTor r I . a t V= % 0. 'Cliati 40 squib, 6044A W4� T4. - , , , ,11 1�, #_4 Wk 10111"00 014�vr 13yj)n 404 4 It"fti-0, .gro oo#t tho ill"tIll , r) e �� I
01:4, . � - , 1, 111. 04011 Rolm Ana `X404", 1� RIII At A10 P T40, foff, *WO# 4*4 ;mm"Qw, ltoak,41bg 11 W Pvl Itoro", bores, raw. Ili the 9'.50 speaking-. WAS curled out from a,bilud. .01 uld, eIillt iOiloo f�t,TQ!49,_,w41 ai�k Ito "John Xbkl�!')Y(w thretietkAfghth to PlIbIlit Achrml - loWn, overgraCne. t1itga StArti oil tak n PFAll 41W - To , We all Aptk hermeIx t AM4 Alt theL I)Acet J!ure� rail ell. whilo About 4W of thb, lav ralltArkAbly, Njoll 14a 164'' 4�, tilt
- ot IOff etre$tl" gat loving wore Comfortably Noltoil"fa wlowp 6th A tow suntinor vieftoAv bily� (410 I
'r 00. ''Tho'n 4W 00 xop*vix, #*Xto up dot I in 49r% 3 h ,ko i V, V*Aiih- the, pblUOT111. 'rho Auburn -00 A(--wot, -,.tl brass hainds ander the &Poll, they4stwool; maxtytore Wou a lo ted. wApft 'Woo, it caWt 000 a Dominion erl _01filt Z 1'. In the 14M, p 0- a v Harald R Owtono. t Asom) 0.1 C41 pave been 114 00mil Walter B." wall. $boon Re t to to oborty, malo quartetto frolni 90 4 , Ch alco, f.dO AA- VAt DaY oililobfttloll, we cdo Im" Old fvollt� 4#*� Avo 4 really title injisical prqgram.
tthing, the I th,b e ball team drove over Ponor y, GArvin. Joynb and XUR4 ell, On the 011 July, , 1IL&OR 04LL.—On Tiles 00 1,110 a itny nit ra n -Wove Memars.. X I ire,
1,010 orich branch Of the TO*'$t4n Ilk Itxd4t0dt to tb V to U erloh to test Ita strength with a '%lid Hoy. anvils, Of Lucknow, Rev. Dr. Danfbl� t40`1 00 'Woul0lit, tustitute Wks held. at, the Itite team b
aoillew, M, Johi oixthe county town, and the directing the pro., Book, oil us to, a couple of lilcia 00 oeedlugi in 16 most happy manner, home of`*H� mans result was tbo visitors were tleolavoll ave J. L. AlMen, ptosidif3g. Or black bOs, YCOUdgy- t1lowltnixers, by 11 to 19. The Counts Air. Win. Battle, s seareto
00 I,Vop 11 were tratty evenlT, m% yzpers, on -Nurav Dr. T41or pIQked tow. We own ttobeil, the home the financial stAterntint as gall, "_ ter Work, to , �owxlo ti, mason We, 10 I 1 4 Gundry nod a IV04 n
J0. Y x4on. on Sati tenin. alngL slight y t a better, and Arday. Juno 1A 9 splendid ggeop I *Us illopogolt-of 0, Pleasant half hour y Pohl had tile ulopire been able to see along Y rileetvail ft
0 vs After the busluxii )aa which were re 101A- Pq the Igul line when tho� Blyth boys 0kak(Id 01)MI006. 44 00 'tile WJ a ed tuldil; dinner. A4 wore I�ttin . the score would have The, response to thil, request was WAii. spent on the beautiful lawir of Vx _4100 00 WWAY the Oodorialt PAbliv
I olq
it* I �11 an 000.�_ T , 1'� 0 400 refbeshmexits wore 504 been I to 91n favor of OoderIch. lie most generous, the following, besides o0oo . rovin th , t, I Z . .
_ - , _ . to , qA 19 #Ill 1M.O. IN e,
tq,0*y-. thajooa u1;xAkr W-14 P. I- lgk'� Ire' rl Promotion o4awtuationswill be (;OderlCh team Wail
OeVy a Cis 0afthe St, Lw. ull made up of A. ""'after amounts being, subscribed: CAW,, 100L.tlog 64.4n awlu'V' some of the teachers Alloosbaw, ci, X. MolAxid, 1, f., L. W. Doherty, Clinton, 41%; .0, . t� having .bola It, �00wsto be coupled by" the 46000, a Bri 0 next meeting of already Commenced. Itill'this br c ill be hold -on tile f Alle. 3 b., J. Tait, I It., It. Campbell, Girvin, Mr. Mye V, John Joynti, 11?bt.
016100, ti)[0: pLos. lrqt .Mr. Ayer. of the White Star atllam- aK. M Villa IcLo&n. S. Pentland, $ao each; Av. 4.0 of allowl" Monday W., —,Pont Y at the bome of Mrs. boat]iue, remained in town on Wt4- v. f., Goo. 0qroll, 2 It., 1�1..MoD arad , Xfl - Wilson, In additionto $too ead _Au , to t��k las apd D, Somers. and We other err. $15. J W Vanatter, V. Co *Y114 P* ig lJopes.e, few, ScOQ#d are to 1)
to i I ; Oil ave a big gathering pifCaoil of the employees of the players, W. McDonald. B. M,A,th 8 leldis, W. J. Morro, VPuu a I X i4 04* to,the veal, nesday th send the Killoardine passon- o. L The Blyth battery was T. Doug- yen, $25, M. G.
wboro of _' nxx6sk "The: blond `401. S, GR D 043tP —The Sons or gore to that northorn tckwn. hollo6d a04 to& AN
aikr� Ch& ur, Thom. h oup e Idoppoeat olul to, 0015� oin axi,it WU16 Wal 'm It ir 4 8�,V;Xt 6 tli�et 1 db 'June 23 and 21.
ta Over Lioderloh Engine and Bicycle Conj4 L� StewarN A. Porterfield. R. Somers, Nile Epworth Jengue, $10 each t Jae,
x1plgate. from .11 part. of Canada Pafa%vveta among the excursionlets an A. MoMillall and D. Allison. Robertson, Alex. Glen, It. Glen, W, th jIben b#,*bA61_ to tkiohtj*i4tIbXL reyhouud on Wednesday. Cold, ndWbillI4 iii'ilte. Y, �i*o ts�-, VxlwPJAi4,t4 the street, on, which are oxitefted. It will be the mikothii* . V lob Oil Uellwain. Alex. MoNce. S. young, 11110� *e,VAVx3 from' 1"M folu tA tory ofJ�Mn; ': I. .4n 64inostore 40 I 0 Occasion Tat STAU has to thank Mr. Cliff, Marine -Matters. W. Cortg,,& Gruminott, A. p4ollwaill,
lextitTholl. of thwQr?Lnd-_Camp meeting, w Well "I North street. for a sample of his splon- ames obelf, $5 each, and other 7I.Tbee0will'b o" fig' 411W Hall its�& 80. Wirework A—u oryear. 10 IvIll lie tile
k nd Alt, 00.0n, will bi. started at once, so tenders first, = It an ever been held In did strawberries. They are certainly The schooner Han;iCoul, light, for smaller amounts Which brought the it -success as 1), hortioultr- Alpena, sailed front port oil Sal�lrday. total up to about $61110. Addett to this roLason, fpr - work, Reid inkirog elaborate preparations and are havebbdu atooPted from Buch Bratford, and the camp there Is ll�roofof fTito tug D. McLeod had her bollor a handsome antographOlt, whioll carpentet ZA *I Ha, 'I , determined to make It a big success. Last wqek Win. Walters, while placed on Monday, and mechanics tire wits sold by aurtiol), r, Alit holl
rtil ton On & Va., mmoliVir, and J H Wdrsell ad Itions to tin and inetal orking at MoRwen's SaItford had now plitti 9 er dock house. offtointin Me-
n call wotk.—Thoadditlotl (if v4t , n is to, be distinctly Scotch.. I A all, Vt Ilwaln be no the purchaser, half star I rs. rhare the meetings will he fallin a The iiAboner Corisatid, finding lt brought $25, Mr. %t tbo hot 71�1 o-AADIP —..Vv A- Fblldto*�East,vtroet.hacaddad a Ilea% d. Ill be decorated In the plaids -y' tn the house a block. He was severely hurt, to hard work to beat north against tho When tills Part of the pro am had 1`1 W '" " &E. . aha-
V,B 0 A�-111.33kiabpAotldlbelferj cottagato-thquiany comfortable— V J'� 'Le`
ibt aI-Of- .-Clrts. James- M no doing well. heav ed, t44, was serve by tho 111N. &11111:41 tchell will . w
to" 0 tt _41 — . �7' , ' WL`ThIs hofer prosperous resid coa on t ran into this port for shelter. I �aifpd`86pt, la4leA in tile Church sheds, alict goner. y north wind on Tuesday night, beell clO'
of prep 11 Hospital on fiat street, be'the deleg from InVerness Chitidit, Thr� colleo�iou I -for thu_xtir� Buchanana �& Law -lion. ode ch. -tug being bullitall the island is ounly bad they provi,lod fill. tile far 0 low,, And. b" 4�wfxixter at ait the the material for St. 0141ior WIffee 8 TawSOHOOL QxrEsTioN.—The Public C�ai z so far. Kindly put in your ribbed np to hot- dock, Ind plankid and, haff This was a fitting "^ ee , ell qu a of dwelling conclils on to the N,iyry act- 013.00 on St. lAvid street. iors and 5 of. pieces for the balance nearly up to, her water IPund not been woo Thu 0011 74W lam Lovel Maid" sainalirm expect to ,fial casion, and the ladles who e Works committee of the Council hold line. so there W.- b . i '�e year. In it probability of a summer launch. i I llNewtows , "Vided. '40 *dy ant IMP. -y of lastweek, and and s6rved It are not the loast�ef those e 131re I a 1ho a meeting Thursilk VokitUt -)dIloo,1141404 At mu# store on Saturday, and Is pushing '_�inuel Todd, a peg moulder, The captain of tho Turret Chief was 0% enslV 2116. ever imported Into the work thd on Wile Church so as to be among othdr matters that caabe before entitled to credit for this happ and p ab I Firot-CIOS-S T;aM Cond was before the P. X. on ednesiday highly pleased at the r%d 010vati011 atisPiefous even n th of S, _a' Pur- ready for the wasoay.—.F. Sipeeth has It was the request of the Public Bch % I , t I a history i.: #,,U CtIruidS., phxx�*d a;V.*,goddTrlce*-sim !Scotlandix, contracCA3d tubutill, at tivo-stor3l brick Board for $0000 for repairs and addi- charged with being drunk and dis- of his cargo, as the till oadiu took congregation. tkm orderly, and got one day to leave town just sit hours less than It did a Mid. 01.30 days in jail.
le�- 91033, i5ruwa, N.Y., vatroM ,a 94-.dpx Wcm -_ - . I— � —_ Building dommittee of the birrd was Iter -s 4 - very fine, bull, dam, dwelling on H"t street for Mrs. W. tions to the Central school. The Tito now building bidN fair to be one Ullynos; And- 1.0 Breparing 5o,000 land. ot bad for Goderich, Is UP of the best country churches in this 14tor Tli present, and stated they had sited for ..4 0 Us *Wbi
rw Alokwitw . 1, � -
joy LY vem. bigh a look itt ell- for St. Joseph. Was fit port tour days built of coment blocks, will prove mool. J MUsle atf,�Jauk to the ig, min. a sum for building purposes, bpt the piece of property can be improved In cedar posts front the Bruce Peninsula
lap Those who want to learn how a The schooner Julia lArson, with county, It will be 3axfi2 feet, with all oft or ill votland And . , r A BnAsj)ox; W DiNd.—The Rap- Micove I0xI4 feet. The hanotilont" prico*� Tile Clt hurch, Brandon, was the -had not been answered. They a sharUinte, should take, request farineii atia of the, Scone Of were assured that the delay was not ghleer. Brough's sunimer Cottag and waiting for favorable weather to ap- gerviecablo fop meetings other that, 11 ire *Avlkii *0vT~ doubt appre. a very pretty wadding*on Wednesday Intentional on the part of the Council. Its pretty surroundings, proach the now harbor arid left Godur- tbase (If Ille 811nd,y s(a,vices, aild- th -I= 13 . . . . . . cleto suen, good stock in their allilgt, afterpou Tune &d, when ht 2 o'clock in answer to the statement that there The veterans of 60 are requested to lob on Monday. stipoit -ticturts will bw of brick. Ah� aAijt'*iR1dge*oodk,'- is to-lio-,zopgratu- Rev. R. R. McKa�l Vtor of the wasno money available arid that It meet at the Court house on Monday. Tba tog whistle did long daty nit George Stothers hall the masonry II 60d, 4iiffo' suchim- tinct I of mat- was hard to borrow, It was argued oil raturb 22nd, to devise means at once In Saturday, Sunday and Munday, and and Buchatlaus & ft e'U the'q i�ujxit. 'ji, behalf of the school committee that as I.Woring their government land grant, was a good service to tile Turret CIIiCf the carpentr work, tile church to Ile Wil 1 14— -S the latter day, when she arrived with cmpleted by Sept. 20. TO Itev. M V.*A1f6.Tha ODriserva, Olt 0 It. conductor, and Miss the Council had 1PO40 Of School --J. J. WRIGHT, Pres. V. A. Hile Armstrong, f Brandon, money, only $11OW-w needed, which M. 0. F. Carey has bought out tile 102,000 bushels of wheat train Port Wilson, the faittitut and Mitch ell. torX of v* Alsia, examinattotle In theOi*', daughter of Mr. Robert Armstrong, could be borrowed b: i suae busi f Mr.. Cho heto. William for the Godarich elevator. teemqd pastor, too much credit cannot A:%,akos, Ukd-�ot Glen Cam, boll formerly of Godericti and Stratford. the sinking fund, as wits the money Show, and will conduct tt In hAure. R"a-fishill semson-E 09. .154Y. 1ATC6 ISFIVISKOM, bein oltlin the Tempe -raw 1, While.the organ peeled forth the for granoilthic med. thiswook Ile given for his untiring and self. walks. After tile Patrons of the now agent wIll ftnd him and the first ayB ang tug was fairly -al. and ho has twen ably PT thil Grana norick am T XT zt 1 v hft A T hursday,and FridAy of wedding march the bride entered the Building committee retired, the P. W. I =Ant,. prompt, careful and reliable. good, but tile past two days SpOrt Was a8stated fly N110181% W- lW110, 011119, lv churchn the arm. of her father and committee agreed to report to Coultell &lob tels slid ft# 111ho )[2 Mr. A. P. Warner, Wolfe street, not up to expectations, the weather Girvin and It. Mellwaln and their V representatlyt Toronto conBervA- tookhor-placeatthealtar. She wore that In their opinion the gum naked IL880 ciates of the quarterly boavd, "ati, nail Its, il Wry" of Music for Godarfoh, A beautiful traveling costume Of pearl was too much' to pend on the old Goderich, planted potatoes on the loth being to cold arid the water too rough awA F 14L it'. In aul o6erk4iro Tile orection of so fine it ow church presidifir The mumber of tapils to gra ladies' cloth, trimmed with silk school, and to respectfully ask the 'it fx1juil, and on Tuesday of this week, totempt this game fish frotti (loop ut Write, is F61110WIDgaraou fleexil: 1. a 'TI the lot It of June, they were roady for -water- As Is usual it few, well known "I an event of no little Importance, qua and medallions and large School board to reconsider the matter, tta( ingav and a few I not alono the rimary b j�iek pictdre hat, and carried bridal and tha,,_-nowbers afterwards sitting use., The samples are larger than anglers made food att Marking nR It doe, nony. Ill. Junior udiments, rages and inallax. The bride was as a Uounall adopted the report. lion a eggs. warm days wt] I give all a chance. FrowtIl of a rolikious denomination, n1ft Volt #"A I 0 lips pity of tile peoplecif that F, LAWRE IV,, Junior ilit tile. ze S Will, Harmany. V. Musical assisted by her sister, Miss Annie A BuAuTirurLC9nExoNY. -The On. Buyers say that hop are kept till The Str. OMfrage did not Call at 104 -tion o County. All honorto APE TQNVI� AOMT' Mstor;fit Th&�lluvllave6voiollt the fol- Armstrong, of Stratford, On , wb valling and dedication, by the'Clintou are too heavy before being this port on her upward trip, bein I( those who, with hand and purtio, have lowilig faces. Jffebatill, 13rue6fleld, made a charming bridesmad. 0 d for sale, and Andrews Informs delayed eonsideratil I f and 'f cF "I, i' 1"Wo" �Vl,, I.y to". inatigitra d Ch V, -lock, was gowned in cream silk poplin and Ciampi, W. 0. W.. last Sunday, of a TnE SrAlt that on Monday he had to stormy head winds. work, and inny the richest splIZI A Jatn6st6wxx, Balvra�e and 'Godeilo& Carried white carnatibris, sweet peas monument to their late brother, j. lower the price on 70 of tile &nItuals Point Edward an Saturday evening blps.4111gs follow tile c(Ing g a 4, G-0d0rj.Qh USrketa... The pla:up elambiatioti ill be bold and smilAx, and wore A pretty black VV. Ciddley, was a beautiful and tin. he bouirlit that day. she startpd north, but after steamill re ation s ft ,worships and serve" the great Head foorrodr4 �;40 to A64 Of !rkurvday) early. in, July too Primary Jobior and hat, -while Mt. ohn Moln dbly pressive ceremony, creditable alike to It Is understood the bonds issued by , few miles had to put back, eaull if tin, Uhurch In Its larger and rnoro IuUrmedla,V� riandidatevi; makin TV sultable Wh011it, 1*10411111 lit last w6lik�$ ipilitatfooll, t the local organization and the Order the town for the organ factory loan of transferred bet- passengers fox, G dor-
_$,it to� Assisted the groom After the
and4liet4lbait "i'listrutil 4W t6 tA1,01 40 Wipits In Goderichfor Causer- moby the joyous �rty, with the to a whole. The attendance from the *25,00U were sold last week for 071 per
fob and otbar lake Huron ports, and i4thituttlovis as comp left an Sunday morning for Sault Ste. CAU0 flifta, V1 !�md fiximbillate friends,,",* attended the Clinton Campivas large, and delega- centum. The summer hotel debon-
*"leil bilt 1114100 ArO004 15 cents thred yftral ago. In future inarria a, ropAf Marie direct, to try to Make up sonie WILL BUILD rO GODMRIOR. #ud for 10, home of the tiolas from "erich and Wingham tures have also been sold, but the to $4 0 Ouldbool !� at pbell.Will be In Goderich the bri t, Armstrong, swelled the procession to very redit- price has not yet been ascertained. of bet, lost time. de'slather. Mivr Wee],
Xill"t WS and phrl f a delicious able proportions. Headed by the The Str. King Edward reached Guelph
riot A Ii to 1i and $sit t, i It.' of last t at the change being caus- 'Wadding loncheot �Irvl Mr. P. L. Walto mawer of the Junction Railway Will The presents, Clinton bend theSovereigna,ae n Detroit early On Friday morning, and
compan. Goderich Mineral N ater arks, help- Boon be Oxtended. f! JA Lb IV POIntloOnt us OT94uist Of which wokiii very ni �;ua, weie both led by many cIt*,7,;xs on foot and in landed till excursiouists from thim I so Clinton.' beautiful and Cost pened with an accident the other day. Special W The Ma11 iuid Itnipim his
t TS comin vehicles, ce to the cemetery, town and Kincardine. Tito trit) was 6 'hat, wb 9 Tbe explosion of a battle caused a cut
A(AURIW 4t anti Mrit. 15 t1m. Ce of the order was In the back of the right hand which made as comfortable its by
from thVE are Chili blri a to where th Guelell, Ont., Junp 12, -It Is now
orl� darried hablo that tile Uadadlan Pacific
04d 6 1. _Abli the ohlit's but the journey was
Rlohaa4.11ovtow tolebrated the com. lived. Indicating the esteem in t ySo Shaw, J, A. required several stitches to wen,l.
4, WhO4.4 *0400d ... 0 70 4 Willett. tbd 'young couple are held. Hoover, err,and anot over P.44�tgant, ag tho Weathill' Was �t.lilway will extend the Guelph uno- 10 Q21id year of worried The groom's present to the bride was selections by tile b n and a vocal Id and tht, lake lumpy and fit conne- pot Pleflon of thel Dr. P. H. Toni In writing for the tion Itallway tA) Goderich. The whole W. 11IN Vt& "K., Ili ....... If& an Zug ....... MOD Zt, *0 Oth J04t. Tbe a, beautiful gold watch anti chain. male quartette, which added much to change Of hill adaress from Sparling, i.ttr wits disviissed lit Montreal be� %sir;* oar quence t xree-fourths (WhioRe (in board ........... ASA0, I OD Celebration toA co, at the residence After luncheon the wedding party the ImpreaAveness of the ceremon r Man., to Wellwood, says of Tat STAR: were seit-slek. The King left Wind- twenu it deputation Consisting of Sir. 0 "r ton., " ........ pan I - 441 enjoy the home news very much Win. Holl, Mayor so OD vf,tU#Ir too, W, . Narrow, Hamilton them to the 0. P. It. Bay. J. A. Ramplin, rand organizer,
........... ...... � 0 1� sor an Friday evening, and reached att"004"with &-fe*�old friendaAmaddl- station, w are, amid obowera of rice came down train &well Round to 8,11 41 -oing, the fog fMar-donAld, see, t .............. d it gM to see that your p or its Sarnia Ott Saturday ev* to ary X440411 1 I . t prospering so Thanks, 13r. having delayed her very mu4t. Slit, tcCrea� with ow �W Clan L'to roembord of thd family, and t wisheit- for & ha py and deliver tbg Oration, and an cloquen -04 4W �0 112 60 A1310tit the VarZ old friends were Mrs, life, the couple le?t on the arid Inipressiver deliverance It was, Big Bargain day on Saturday next, stayed at Sarnia till Sunday morning, U lit. 81111-ughilessy, of the O.P.U. ...... Came , aged t*rsi, Mrs. ET Winnipeg, who. they The monument Is a handsome one of 20th Jimu, at the Goderich Bargain fog *lid st,orm being the vause, and that Abould the different Del, I Aberdeen granite, a fitting momortal Store. -ough which the rowl on 24 Mr.003 will xeside. cial cheap sale of the Strat- reached this port on Sutkd,,.y [tile,. municipalities tbi thAi sw. 0 11) it", 6w, 11 Mis-Tail Kenedy, Im R. T.,o T. DfaTF10T MIMTtNG.- to the metuor *1110*1*41VI 06 00 rants 6Z Mm. It." Nrlies give Ruffiel"tit enconra elnent�
I*t tr of a good man and a ford kn t stock of dry goods. noon. M 414 ""Fill commence baturday extension wIll soon ho bill t, XV, W, J. Morrow, W 14o' It, as The District Council of Hurou ro peeled oft zen, and a creditable Thin It 0 11 V. it %5 *06i xl*f 604 testimony to this; most commendable morning. Give the cheap sale a call.- A= Bell r4tatp8, with confidence, that th#
........... Royal Templart, 'if Temperance? held feature of the Order. Every brother J. W. BnonnutcK. Bus tievis NotIces. oxterision will be cominent,-od withJua, i:w 26 ofQ*W6,d0ghtorandgr*n gttter 4 The insurance bu-iti-nq carried on Y"ar. The 1r)cal dir U 6 ofthotel6bratitap Thogroolub0pafted Its semil-atiftual meeting In Goderich who dies Is, by the terms of his policy, cc )rs are oxtw ..... .... tad the bride W4, and they enjoyed on Thtired*y, oud u, commencing assured of the erection of a monument The Park House never looked Prot- hitherto fly hir. C. M hn,v has been oil to take the Initiative in aspertala,. Ill arg is tier titan ft does these days, the re- purchased by Mr. Oswahl Carev, who what tile several munivIpalltil*
CM and train at 11,80 ix� m. Ali the councils of the coating $100, In addition to the Amount moval of the fence, the planting of the ,,% -o. le ing,woks bit Thursday one district wore not represented. but still of Insurance he carries. This to the will strive to give Ratiofaction to ti eiite w do between bet - and Godertoll" he taut announcement for "otich, oreon eat at t a time d . C p
goo motto* Woto uwtfid In the city of o4we after dinner A. at he ow It carried out$ Itho langthy dis- larratigententeare under way for the that mine boat, j. j. Wr g t, has an During the summer months our photo *to"440 mahoott oij, Juitio n, 1841,' and Choir ollblioh Cook Plate as to the advisabift- dedication of two In Maitland come. studio will be closed each Wednesday accomplishment of what baslobjX boon W6 dAy� lopenhig and oMers occurred last year at Wirighant, And ter ions to t ?uAlldin T end .1' line wlt� hill' -jitfirdthey, to Poe ily a.verY good representation waiaprts- second dedication at Clinton, one entrust their buBiness Ili this 11"VIT. NoTm -The above IS htt'j,
...... wlialt garden plot, tile cuttin if time to less trees and t FLITIA.,, f . w !1, all ell i4. 16L 9 witIvorlift. Tim STAft by of play! dent (strictly toey here, one to the mmory of Hugh artlaes eke for a pretty scene. Afternoon, but we are open for business omired ,nit conaldored as one- tio, hailm thtymoy foilearlf to come tiylipbraiice� candidate Ili the field f6r Murray, who wait a member of the J. P. Andrews shipped two care Of and guarantee the best work during till best things that Co"'d happen tb r V*- I,#* t4) itatlAft Sunis rosea. on their tlittlext 016tion. Many sit chtions American Order, and one to that of hogs to Toronto on Monday, find the other business hours. T. H. 11noputiv.
Iry wel fare of t It Is town. it 44 WW4[ljo ACudV0rJ*J+., 00 thill matter Were given w ch will the late Harry 0, McKenzie. it harder development Ilk* tUt of 0 lot was rather above the avers §P FROM T119 PACIFIC COA8T.-Buchan- no dbubt be used to advantage at our IN w large Owen Round. which is the, dhl# tWtii To ottmt1too might. There were 270 In till, t e tills & Lawson have received a needed toRtart thin town toW4v4W4It.y WA riett, ftrul-alinual meeting. A tow Amona The Ohurches B et contributors being Halkeld tity of British Colunibia shingles, proportions. , tW *%It ouch men, *Ito hate Neomis noted for Early celebration of Holy Com. ran 1% weighing 2330 Mg., Mr unit 'ITO* - AMVNg bit �Vneoty� ovsnini; *Ith thiNflttalfil thiS Work In years post Jones, It, welFbing IF80 ths 4 M ' They are better anti cheaper than ever, jMft Detral 6ANW n It, 0 Woiild� It elected, hold the munlon In St. George's church next Mr* and all who want it life Insting shingle Ab646 40pam'w'',to Sunday mottling. Cleve, 10, weig ling M50 Ito. An' r* should give the firm a c -all. "t 40 g6ra. tor Kineardlu;, power, and Moir Influence would. tell The Disdiples bav* not yet finished Waltero, 10, IM [lie. dor. Vill'itell XaX* 14&tkedL fill South street, but %wgooa"; thi� IM 'how hin*Co. far good 10 the House end for our L�qt week Tun STill printed a is Restaurant, West at. Our Ice Crearn iq an 041014 title tis lee Cream Parlora. Call at the Vi
0 ftbUriftnt WU, 6ame- FW10111". The ardat has sustained The Gorl-le all rillfary of this hon e r tho famous nade of good pure Jerse Crenel. cc *1146 doolakit, this, titoeo - btl� th4i losses duritif the pdat year. but one evect to have the opening services in Rackney borne, Lan Performer C Set,.. ..d S.ft I n Thursday of last wee 44hiowlight" that Yoblag b4dii tA now 4abudel hail been organized at bund&V, July 5th, Molt )rinlin, Pruits, k, FAA, WOO* 4844) 242, 6re of Mr.gto" pre-Milunt of the PreibrCtAf�1j,,*Wttj7 -bershilt of Theanqual garden P Confectionery. Tobacco, anti Cgors— atispleft of tbo WrItit Nhi!( took out Dtinganupti With it ment Attr 'R 'I,% % I We arty of St. Me Danegelt" (330) ttnd-.01-. w n CHAS. PLACKSTONFC, PFOP. Ile are 4xictalra v. A. 0. Stowar ,,Ot OV#r 4 12M h0t*1 thst4oillog twon ad Worge's Uhuxt woman's Guild will be we believe to be the most etitonnd't'd oerupiod the put 4it Oujila Alff 0,01d -attd, is, hb&Vy j74tti, to bol ave that, the 10 OW wnrk sc or hold on the beautiful lawn Of Mr. and largest ever hisized ft y prenn Dr. T. Ovena, L. R. C� P�, Mr., a terlan church Ott . uAd(W, 14 tbo ais usa, of thom *Olwo dixt of to*h Outflo for low will be ealied betote Oswald Oardy, ft Thursday, July uln, [a the County of Huron. The work In iallst on eye, car, nose atiti throat, pecli sense of ICOV. A. D. Do abo*tWwultv In , _"Ial tho 616" of the year. Tho, sooro 0604. *wlw is br _ ev, J. W. Robinson will close his of a very precise nature, and compris- be In Goderich, oil Tuenday June 30th, attending the, GeneW 4*NftW,4it woo from Was lostblot6d to f4t*ard tAii t7t, p teral torn, �nt Victoria St, church oil about T5,000 pieces of type. and one day each nionth thereater, for Vaticonver. When 'tilt jullfAbets for South, Went and Bast lext Sabbath evening,, .. U consultation Vvith phi qicialii; and ptientq. Woxfrw's INST� A- Allln At the reeting of Ahmeek Ch to ."-tt 4PPrOcill- will preach In he `P"er, Glasses properly fitted and supplied. ineet Ing of t li-.3314 mill CIO , ft. bf the t4nd thoy t6bk in the VCO ',*no by ling of one zntll. email" 0 tiler morning TliangbWrs of the Empire. In the Law Office in Goode'a drug ateso. Iltotttlito 41- time V Welt OR tho bill for t1le Prohibit! Library an Monday afternoon, there Ito At"049; 04,104414r. The sorlitq of enwittainments, ad. w 10thirlilt, A101t7s" to blocked thatillositidito a and tu 'as a discussion about the purebare GIMLIUARN, IP Yov Ann HAIM, *#o0*Ciit Towit 00064 St, ent, with a nutll�r veringn each briltIC At 4aylight h�* st*ww 6f a building for the Marine Hospital. See Prof. Dorenwend's art eo oar ea oun ito"U" Xtk*At4*, wa, Aar tb bo h04 a lUmfleld. dh �.Tixlr �Jtb POOP e's Guild during Was In w1go and toirpees, wor" "" n a satighiptot $�A L tollph W� bolog w4to boWkovip- rifit' Toewl'uhip It! friend . 4 of on Mandayt Itil(I blit no final recomriendatinn in Uk U40titillAtHot, �idfliie 0 the pAlcois During the meetin, agAinat, colds. rtrri). ote., and givo it, horth 140' Weather the GuIld'a nOnsideiation. 0mli*1k, Q�#, T�lwt, tho, , "Wa "Noda WtV. A2 vi�k�lr o"Witir. )$It* atid t t 0 I a inside, sind the Matter 1.9 still ender of litmit". They are 'I' T ant, t el n d ill * the regulr J'armiti, tile AcCePtary rPAd a PtEparxrepare( most natural and younger a ppen rance InAt Year to 124, at oth* OtAtid Council Ontario *111 IcludinguL 60it t Ven 1. VfW PIP�^'Wt Lit W4, rttdW 00004"o, pism *U1141 Is 1111*9 be "Pectod w Adatem", This by, Aflas Florence Bull on Ing led. to the fare. Trying on and , . Ql� ftbfo # 0m, Wile ad 14eyt 81111dAYi, June 21st. will be lWaVd. monstritting the Auperlor art of tht-po goods free of charge. Ile Will be -it 6 144 W" M *hq *,ft* oA 84, ims000n4v �k'o Childrep's Day'At, the Baptist church. Mr. A. At. Polley. who wm at Phl* I -I- t il"a Ao"Cowshts Alts6tivo, good W136 foot U19 service at 11 welock* flotel Bodforil, ThurFA ay" N. 0. Sty. f tflod will hi 06ftth, to 11146 111vor laxt. week, Informs Tat STA 01tw IT Cilia" tile d1roctlon' of that chlm ban broken out amonl4 June 25th, Dirceto -b, 04 *tffi*0*. 000600i U0, oftdit, Is d(Wth& thii & 6- 110101!4, Mt� J. X 1AWitt, will tilt ogs At tile ping It 9 h tile value of their Mpg, Creamery, Ifew people re. Oft of "ettelt 'SiVeb. tht Wvolorn, with ill,# and Govarninont lallpbetor Dr. Ton. eyes. TJie benefit of perfectly fitted Win. Wi aby ft4 - ant of London, and D. GAdoft and J. glas."s chnnot be over-efititnated. I have go! ;A o� the reist6fl' WJ* 61ordlatil will eo stra_ , pt oto ea Otis SL ClaJr Walker of Ludknow, slattarlitt, intade a thorough study of this silliject Alto. Jf4 %I 1**fth1S- 4"" � 4*1 ho"M. ill# I�. arid am propsr�d to lit glossies sciantill- A,toh% hohlbo inembwi � bogL* In file Po"N at tile f4e ovy. IM 11 all, And ably About tell cally. Can't,, to tile with your Z�e lit" Tho rvt
appr ath�A welm onso 'I'M mvvl" At the troubles. V" trot, No nwm% f6ut), to ba froo frorn tile 41N. Aftc 84464h, d4y "11001 bol** Xweladw *lit 41*6. 1W of the tyVe nit of dro;4, X bxjW#"* W , W hogo watol dlogtroscil without 11 Opt tr*t,,,b,r,,,(,,, buffiett t4X6tb6r Willi alltIJ6 p(."$ K114 ulaUe no, Obillge for "a ottwit, *ko 'A 1^11 )Ubllo to lit 1* X 1� ticlaos wowk to Cho tho doctor# eire taking ill* mo;t 810114, L. TA101%, tu I11,09 to ptAtftb tile, Isio 0 apecialtst Olt i Ito, a. Ott, �*�XN4 &, fr6m 61tre, (ling. A ni I Ito wtb'K Of :# It 11Mford. Wq Volt 96061141", AT. kii, luly RA &V U100it to tiftf 6f, low, boo Lul IILI 4