The Goderich Star, 1903-06-12, Page 2IA iK ps V 4 q!::= 11, o ;V, tW%" V16%, elm" to oe'rut, Gr he=Taw V40 14, It 0 Talm t to oAIWIP44 ROV *46 ci"'tol Oil" "M Iser too �h Powil I* 4�09, 'Pot" ot IRat of gipholic 'Mot, Sit A4 to Toro Y.01410- W aOW ix the V41110I 114 enooky " law Ilis, tok,4 1,%q 4 thAW, .Act *tajo, 0 work, cb0colAto" Poulos �V M0409 Stronuoup ittis As t" yq 9008 owsla, or.d. for, '14 4TA sl *).*to the, tvgvp of VW911 t eig10 A Tho at eother sweet botrAg" plaggs Whoro ho tob A 0090, ArO Oak woXAOR%'VOVA� from, 46, .'hO Pagi. during tl'Qlr %W, f 1, 'm , , re, It,h it, A4449. ^ X0A , 0 -is "in 9 worat VioThe Tesult rQrn phloogg. SOQXN.*� licable, to the army of A 40000 I illsIalefisint or IV419409 ly TANIV 001o, U40, OW40 is 40 Rev. Vr4I WAk WAIM490. proxo- to, tug, foetory twoo Xq3POASWI@ ;or -the wark l3aff boo- Ship boik - k 19 boa, the moo took, 4, 10, 44APT 0.0 , r pep irdpqrty, ;do an at 44. A grid overworked ple SiA ad froui *110 following bely and overy, wimpt AA 11W Art no.moroI #0 he0010AVo 0. *' ues a" tin$ Wants Al !IA- 0 a � of- the '14T nAtengt1l. LiqIilld medicl klel xvil, 44, "AN mOltr, 09 i1II at,' - 04 I'lowhilitary to sI oto W sure dislike to t ��Tay alcoholic; they merely to bar dauotar." tor A, --ok"Qkolb f,tho 4 did P fall to i0aph the, ohaot p %Iko trew.)Xgat truth, oj, well 011I oLra SW IOf, AIR: aud, their effect is Only 0 P00' 11 W �01 of, xlol,, Stimulate tratsid by, po old yet 00 )MOW ge, 1Vpr4IpS tdg4thor for gand, !or toot" pot And tlp ot� 4, % , 4XII, I td, to teIs 4 .; , , 'ill . these thI were 11111" temporary k Voung f0row, wi x4to,140 achetell .1am IfIt woro"a arata: .0potmI lippared A. 11AI , OQ , -Pqt L WU people should tAke ST, go din the gi V4T leartled from tqoq 09. Q W0.4 Xt theho,� �ml what he 1104 A fragm intl CATOI �'Thiy Ar I Itow mf,44,4 tl, which are it r4COU* Iouotw � 4% it 'a n.toirtrod Out $V9.14 )10011114'44� tion. As TO . 'for :the rops ofC0000CFAtId- � 4 08. ^ XIv pi , sy, AP, thsue builder ; their Important. Jouroey. CQ4,111116 to" a, m9t1whood lins'luany Wilgolp vjuci At 44 P, TWOR "W'R-F I a 31,)� -rho tPrIUVAt ;structive 413cl a II 10009too RX., oasvrI pw , Ttsgre lasting, and a- Permanent farnkhotroo, he luquirei%l of the, fgrxxi�- Voice 060mingly hAre 40" 000 Cawing to meul� isim tarts wife for some dou4h WhIM had, 11 4t, 1). I Ialways follow their They �,411 have IlX Purpose, norr. the Ill oulo "not, e lorum and rezurniw to: improvement Will a .0 10' -b afs.,, SAM awhha rP1 Groat :Or t4lla, U A art �Vbo AI up been. jolt 11L.11ar I ,)m#d . he itultionc he had Nick 1100 "W�. AQ - to ot 5 helps us to =01 orm. i� il013"' itd :ir Steady Use. no from the"O&t Per$OrZm A; W-1 V T Will be When Lord oulach, Itio I 11 , poAtc4r.0 11 I urtil !' I 1, I help st I Quigi lilot, o :"at thw-d "'y A� - the the earth- h ST. JAMUS that'. wife And nio.ther owefi, p who oil wife afarmor's send thelitr duties at digest food an( thou coI through'tue, ood and this is the have plenty." She, I Chlo 13utler" who; 0V ovii 'IS or 004 you 011�7iai`,arottes lost or "os iI I 9P A� I$ A,O eI with twb handfuls. The At t health and fitrength, you00094 to XOI you In 19P1, I`17��' K.10% (I *M0 of Pa bouestwaYtOge it and In., silence drove OWPy Are ptony,liVArted And. tiefus0i ao"00 r Am% developfi 111124 the next farmbouRb be-Aaeo. Yo From I 0 411,00P 4; - ava'. the, V91100r, reseilt 17; Oct. Ili, to honor the qui rt man 19 bouseljoya,,, TI this cauStj�,, kind tbat lasts totoy Wrinkles PRO the car lit before, And, a, Wr� Butler to 4, 3.7�20., For IOU t 'to at 1 psted over judge of breeds the eergy which accom, fiaute questioll. T110 XAMWO' A bfolsolued sight of An AgodL pare 4. soal h' a I called for ECD said: "I wig), 1 could bar breathd forth t4a. I I a nt t a former hav NSTI plishes Much- We now have who are, religious do' not VOW lu-tilb"filk Iin V t: A a —�P, t V to ipeak-with-yo, b,.--. .00A your mot in of the- -neglected -wipe �mol Most cult a T �,,-Wl t t r - rilrAttier, -.1amentotic Ithe hope of III OC4i�sd at that is ImpoositIq ld woman who not b4i A a lsajactw; q of; per Ap# ua�e I �g bol consider ot-yatnes water a any dough left In thO 'Or$ Pon in ;the jocrlp, :grgJA of 0 a field. "When 1, was to pr no I al, F mc�gpo, r At the gro Aug, this chain, tilts house. my us . to tread T?%uo*II;qd. r,b qprro 0 4 'U — W WAYS i ' �j J 4 fjut� 4a A— pacst oxcell children ad mqdelsAta, 0 r, Cot- After three days he C Iled, t 0 -YD, U n 9 e�Jhhq WbI uer ture.s. , bread pan Clients. There 40 liq' fact i b f, V.A4 at the best judges lose"* "Ahl" said the Quplw pjap. pon, my Ot now, whOu I am The most valuable beautiful grain-cl 'Corn of together and told them t 00 1110r. The$. Brooks, lift." are treading upon toy those at the ratrAPOL oi bIr4 of An- slid tainly one imprlsoumpn� pw PF "'I'llig is tile home whoN. Pit"I11I 010,' filay' why' there 'I�Oro,ua niql1ra'.141kii lt� 'Ong, wine, in Eu- his arrest and P heart," Are ys: b Impor IPTAIN VF gootina. They Aro iManchester. Suff. oil going to show the worth abol hI I can find rity bride. For M tht Mo- ThO Re happened to 0 TIOW P-Irlt of 4 Voullsit'., 0- r-bri blot butloI 1�udbt his present 7=1 all Ali [,rope ik Ifin CO VLd has, it, Is.,well known, how he tho brtttat tthat to so u at frg And it WAS �bo PAclI istsuids, who wQro Occs- Am or rule, gray d,tj�or hig volumos., u Ilefore Agrippa lie had sPbk sly be the f=j." . sirsos Attain, IL ol/koxam towdPaersTd- sun their ku. thofe of tiny dw� In this t4attor. or famed fo behead or bury alive promise 11AVI o 1I poliants wo: F' 'groa,ter Ago th'. ' tyArtotcatt.' T 6 le open prquest. v or color, but Wta Kitchen is a verY� hope of the there that he a hie bride, the, Royal as tile f the prophet'*. OPI(bign, fasthers And mothers as soon as the to the import I unto the fathers, We- 0 t'044 of tile promises to Abraham. A I. the mother, so to bI d4Vsh4 became crippled with Aso ? Are they tutu -white, pre- 0- br! inlets are not sellinstbe give YOI hqii4aljold, f9r. Aq, it is who two I Irk Southern phitlk tbQ Car 10 t e��'pb, ; �. , le be are matted upon re- wo*aa going to ro h We t w"fen ter. you, u heartless IAI 01� On which and Jacob i t r4e at the Canadian fr;m your hu the An , t %T 9 Oil aides' 'Ovq­ th; 1opartment concerning 41 w cellit 0. - pro- toot your patents sold in Ouinragr gl'ain at oy PIT` all Jbe-.,aoAd cater- I%, 8; xvil, lat k hlob Induch V., Nn woe" C... 1728 The mother's life is inevitably U b" th�p I them. In er. � � i6P st. flitherlse St.. 1110141T481- ducad in the lives of her little girls thouglits,and aftections, merely be- intense heat, clothes Can O� d T ,iled "the') h4ps Ijave heard, their grhft Parents the nlug,r, -hip department Ord I Olt Is price in Casso, $1.00 twhom she rocks in the crA414. Thlq Cause you can get no more . service in the open speak of AI is diviq * know that 41)1�'�J �q,41ffercnt sections, Israel, And we ISix bott.1190 for $5-00 An elephant takes Up the 'CQIIQC So tbVKp, ivhoro the ac- -oration 99 all wit t tbs. Vindu teulPI6iP,' will happen ether she IN oOA- out f them ? How call YOU, expect tion in 89I 0 ,Iwalp,brought, bqt§rq1, tile the bupttl�og and sins(V - 'ly� sclous 01 IT or not. HOW IMP at your little childre to love each a,yaI 014 p4so,pt, so Allso and rest 'co4ill ortA �fd4njq at the Uitchgn are kept; cancer g I at 00011 then to it, . for the sake Of tit . 040 ther after you are gone when It goes round with a basket fixtell bat , he WA4 toothlosil ind his �ggjrd I . I bo als�d the Practical dQ- co c ed, with the returt ANTS ON HORsr.BAc]L you I . what #1Ay Of TNKI,lNcS OF TRUTH., I Video yourself have nothing -to do � with ad from its trunk. Canal Is nly �gta white 9,Ad-ljo. was supported -by pirilublit, 'thatlatWads to *0 order- surrection of the 14-0, whom they in t and sisters of your Alt) the in children and for bough the Suez 6 I and till le he is WO cri, I (Acts at once, He f'ot IIn E Ph heir turn Will JuAtt Ise. xxv, You can't tell a man a great A French traveler has discovered it of xaln of corn fA his Ing o_qAt for tile Royal Ithe Influence ChIldhogd,J IN it -nothing to You 09 Miles 'Ong" It reduceo"t so at; tbq;s that it, blo, it Ilnow species of ant in Siam, Or, Bbopld be tance from En ' �H� ICITCW;q . 0 speaks of himself as the truth; lie must find it Out himself, as never be- the life re sick or -in financial t gland to Tzoin. by BOA hand, but be iould sciargoly sea lopst, %'now trait he h mother's When they. a Ti bRK d that we forget ricilrV4,009'.miles. - -M OLI it often happens fare seen recorded. he creatures of the wholesome an beneficent trouble ? Is it nothing to yell.when " I LOO it and tasted It. � . .�iry, arti�la of food er of i e3us Christ, prisoner 1 The UnIqrsXty sit, FQur& Bilytr' $1` he MI"" ' �, think - of, this M has to pasi yet, do not forgiver partially were small. of a gray color and lived kindl The girls will be like her an ,ibsy Are dead 2 Why, Pow* mcktbqrs , erre, Leone, is alarid to be the small- 11W. at do you th. comes in;-� and to decide *bath- Lord steps I -To who feels guilty is in dam Places. They travOlod of- they grow up, who think they ara.goO4 find . true eve prq� little Pead the Czar to bIM- At eight And qual- esire to hear 'Of thee are, th ob- est in the world. . It has, r ifeen - AnYhlllg like or it is of proper w, 21, 22. We d innocent troops which seemed to appear in them. Theref -a mothers ttever protand to have any students, " ve you Ave When any article of fbod has hat thou thinkest, fat as conearli-A. - tun and In 20 Vbai calm it W No one can reach the sublime with the direction of a c0la- jact of this sermon I to show how 'heir, :parent$ Or brothr tossers, but lower than ;tllia- your Jqe? . be ity. Iout first passing hrough the stage be under ni a 46otion for t One, in *I b8 Londooeirs is 'Or seen , it been k is made, out the true wife sod mother Should Oro and misters ol far their AeI pauper relief. met for? t #Ave You 014 060, a4 9hO9 Ing this sect we know ill mender who rode on horseback." In. the COIAAty U -where it is spoke against. atridiculous. -who no- live. true a of-l�hg;aud 6 . ne in or They had hear i�� ,,Id ' `nii�6ii.­Tlie ­115e-14tablb result erflown iwra that can be M. g6loson, the Frenchman, She should not only be who was Almost I Ouci rn -a book'a dos�ription of the d nothing Agal I IL . I t The old -, . the LO, satire is a weapon ticed this peculiarity, was attracted to her husband, but Also true to her your own 4i is a recipient of"tharity, d 'did not lui it rrived. And ac. -y had board many be that soma day I -article, the time used only.at close quarters age tile Czar, P ay become ignorant by to thi groups by discovering that further and olother, brothers and a lo a each to bo paid lior It. SO tbings..agrkinst Christ an L a m As 01'"ron will ces's to , v A steel -Jake gras , from 018 VI ad And said, bI 04 all t Algeria, is ac- e' ading too much. each company contained a large ant sister,, and to bar God, as Wall 94,Ndver bough1tr,cotil are the It6y6l'Riticben Of lowers. d of con- 'that traveled mcI rapidly than'tife directly to the little daughters who other. Ali, mY trionds, a 94 cgLuic slopes of bran, It may have be n memo COIA that toPp, i re Ono who sets his standar en more close- will soon follow in her footsteps. As to hti thicker than Water, The ties elastic that it dan'bo used instead Of Sown-) counts kept that -Cho exact cost fort to :Paul to plow t ZU16 era, Observing th, tulLnever.-havie I mean I stimated quite duct too high is lit danger of becom- Oth noticed that each largo 'Lot he thirilks, they will think. As she which- bind the liatman heart to, the Springs in the manufacture of fumi- -this, A J.,hae bought W can b a as =ir&. dinner in that part or tile world had ly, he bome, of -,"Itilagod ought to be as ture. The orn, that, toal., jilym father 'still , O f1hre on him but 110 bad Ing a hypocrite. all gray Ant up- does, they will also do. AlWayS Very L a a -the., reputation depends not so always carried a am, strong at linkb Of steel. A new league hao"'been established toll.,you. Porhi%ps e may itave Rfth I ITELVing oWised thii Clerk of "thO at opened are of it olsewhero ' And A mail a lie plant "that, yields sitch,. corn." L 1, Kitchen, Ito food now Allos its way y il his Ali mugh on w a I t, old into the h Vosd Chef: know well th I 01 ­- hot bar does as on what on its back, though the remainder of BOMB FOOLISH WILVES- SyMpATHM WITH' TIM, AV- in EmIgland, t4 combat eh'.ljdo Y ,a u n d qome leasure ln ItIg" the troops were on foot., This thI provalout practice a Xit'L J0)I and he he says. a sent: for the Car. would ride out from Thin statement is axiomatic- Yet, IpLICI Vho omperon, the 6 nitounted ant on- drinks." The %dtt*- Of th league run's father..-!. who has a saaaTV �6f Ss,500 per on- since his Muster was being Pa the 11 the there are soma w yOI own; lIqUdr swiftly along omen foolish cooks �tiilst no, travel FF." , one of the be?t IThe true mother goes -forth in life- is. - s1pay, for -suppoFtqd bk,04c, n4m,, aud:ip �gainst ilia turn would come, IN A NAME? r, And ILPI ough to 6UPPO00 that thO Demo -British th;f though, like all great of ftko column Irom head to r so find 6666 t1ijIj miseries and the suffer With 'th6'bxdA0tI6U at, tho� at I Alan In :�tmc, and the patently overlook their ma,fieuvers. wife and oother fire not Sil pAjollament.; tile Svitqimh Rigesing 116 crUtFh: llo'cOuld 1 L411 sea qu I artists,.' he, is somewhat avid Kaphokohoakimobokewco- 30 troubls which are ara, Wgs, only gray. culinAry for would be surely ids lD Mrisson concluded from what lie and bave no conjoection or ings and tl a, trivial prayed M. evident. 'Her heart the oldest Idgioldtiva body it, tile ly''And - hls.,bd a corn' prone W regarL Waste as he 9 nab is t110 postmaster of Koekea, in that this speclos of ant, while allillation. They are so blioded everywhere self I . gdoto of Swadan has The omper6i handed him tI if. I 0). jan -Islands. XAPIII saw Is under the direction llfdt UO.V Cannot the.allvor bleeding,with. she returns ie jpp��dt.at-,it attentivOlY. , .1 oj�nttar, provided 'i, dinner is proper- A him ott , )r', world. The'R n 28. Thai., noC --glib as 48X�bok ir to -Whom Lhe expcuufloa­-�� the Hawni they all 6im'11i Ili oked.­ ­ On his point-,hoWk koboakimahokoweon'Lb — der, though such "ant letters of true xnotherhood axe. writ- Onto and begins to PlAlj­Ij4,W me bod--ly -co a a dif- -his lodging, mo of can holp the poor. When bar chil- as there is Any record. tie eso-'tye Clerk of the Kitchen take ingdom of 004. him ,Knpo- for short W a Iinm&I yral rides must be Voulato 'have recen�ly 1p,eqn for. ) littler father sod t asionally leads and testified the I; as', as the gen ten upon the g6lden background - Which Occ )ncei*ning Jesus; of the famous King Kalf"' ho)rs valuabIls, for he scaftaly Lod tiott the strong- dren w9uld destroy their old'Oothes I Peror, "And have ;oU' ever seen, n1!*fcrput,v4ow descendant " Wb true wifehood i 'Ito. f thit, :however. are usu- persuading them c< 9ttl tepokstmikokiwealoho. 6 was rare and to is that cut from she turns And says : "Daugliter, that grafted on potato PI klvlul!f� you beg" to war . disputes Massa Ago of missionaries This ever found more than one moulktod cot and best crad aste. That dress may crop of tontatb6a Above the ground like it since , harvest It ally. 4mica,bly settled by the Clerk both out of the law Of very fond od of the marriage is 11 sinful w 'I potiLidde ljoldW, potatoes and. have you S96A others. wn out of the prophets, &OM movii I . A or, ation was somewhat am- ant in &colony. a of MAternity not be useful ta-you, but it may And c tomatoes have, in their AoIdW getting his way,'for it is wall knot rerQvmnnd -At The illutle produced old Unall, ,,I that -the, King has no sympathy with till evening. -ad him the office, - agagco�fp: his house- Unlike many prominen tax. .10 -girl aud kcap bar grafted on biguous, but scout ust'vever 4O." rqplioo, the t teachers ol supersode or extInI -Clotho song) liti -Gen- flowers anot-, Umetfiel and'. a -Idw� — M . aster 'More that you -Volight any J our day, Paul . believed all, thin He may rise to be Postm lin 0 to. are I Winter. r wish bave never s000, nor ever the dutles�of the wi warm &I Ike thaer and tubers. for in my 'timep we written in the I XA WIVI would wra,1 11 11 7ho$. Choi bas four appren- which were Aw 6,1% oral. MiL.y. oman who ,to tru Ill, in a bundle uIltil the babies are barn. Then, in- -and-so's house. An eminout statistician says that doru'l Dt Use We 114all'then 'rho 111oad" L4) amd btk. did ni take it to Mrs So the British Empiro'produces otic hr Ad thikt we init1b, from tices and several a.ajiAtants, wilst in the prophets (xxiv, to be IW ttpz th" that It 6460i A- stead of being tiny longer the cQm- lJor husband Ig out of work, and I third of he world"s COO, onfiII-hinth Ou the 0 the Clerk ?f the Kitchen is allow lieved the Scriptures H ELL0 A fort, the conopernion, the helpmeet Of fear she is hwVIng a hard time to of its copper, on"Ilghth of fto Iran our harveritings, find we, gave away i I the. word of God and LEGAL. D Who �ail. four clerku for' keeping the ally stores to them in all who boliovaI ...... the man Whom they promised On get along. I Was to see her to-daY." a lead, one -ninth Of t�; from ally works their wedding day to live for. little girl carried that it none. But I do not know earn like'and two messengers. 'department 18). He also beliaved,14T-.. t3ley When that OnO­fl d ane­hELIf of Its gold. art howc,63r, having The efint6ctionpry. is Theme. ii' 8411 I sllver�thaua , . I romemb RIDU 1011.0, -lie There died recently in his ninetieth. 1 )It Say that, in his one quite distinct from the kitchen. Iv and III --t ir hus- this. rmly that Jesus 0 aheard roy fathe als,,each all that go said 116,.w V` IlWarthim. rear bury their oxi sticking out 'Norfolk, asof' 0 bet Ille Old Reliable u. their baci� �u�n dress to the home of destitution And stence, in eth was log try, office bands sad theta seen the poverty yearr, At Stalhoun,' ter it is coodu6ted by t*'o offidi .I privalotuadato son 6114111t From mortning erliblo. at a gk,afixy Of $�,500 per annum, the one of whom'Al 8 mr I sib ALL KINDSJOIZ the nursery, until through cracks a the. humble cot- land Mr. R, Middleton, who was time, th`9 Carl I the propheIA', R. 0. ILLY night and from night until Morning eL I Ing gre*th nod toduced bigger k femarle, asslstftnts, wild Nhad poAen, the Son of David', , the. X. 0. tage and the grateful tears of the th fi u he threghi t it."' with soma 9 these engrossed and absorbed moth- mother Who received the dress she machine in his county. and had'foir You must Ask hlro abou room, which Son of od - Israel's Messiah,' aiid 1* are think and drearia Arid plan about tlyne to bur; And they Want In search 01 the also assist In the boff9e uld restore the kingdIft e011V a GAMI lqarns & lesban of heart love she the innovation it in looked odtor' by two other that He we Car, HS611too =1 . 0 -A, L nothing but tile one theme of bally. could lehrn in no other way. Lgeount of old, 010 malild fat.4er.. to Israel and bless all She pieces in his gerit6b, On 6 . - E OFFICIALS. are, a oricb, out, where they. are, with bim� they -Saw A pmMAr. through her (Jar. xxxi, 31-40, Vz6k, C019031. No matter lbgrns the same kind of -self sacrifice the rTot4a'ft -caI .10on. they h-.-. the Royal household GARMLOW. L L B ALWAYS ON HAND r what sub- 0 1AM9 The It to Xxxvii, 21-28; Iser Ix vrborn they are traW119 0 treat bloggars in Barcelona. man cradt 'oI strofig, a Ballister. Solicitor that Spain, have enterk,41, into 4 501oran Ili before aon may be started which gentle Louise Alcott taught The I the .. emperor witbAdt nCq A month in most it CAUPIM to,11,nothing b In one of the best of all books, the kingdom of �iod 'or of heI lact of convervati I h slit baby. ohms. lit 'eye4 bright eta far- "to a= 'A is to be a kingdom filling the i�11016 061fitc-b-oo =nrtron flt� There are cvenatkt_ to withdraw from circula- crut a 0 iiu�tn,.. ftcr,� havin over 0 t b.i6fi- -a '0111 IT -3 n _sly rgjI "d 4U&Icd V tion all jb� set g, his boardr.-sear taught in,suthl'Pad, 'd- -t)�6 heads of the various earth Is Plainly F. bletery. Wtoa- -,Little- Women." starts t) He go BIJOX ground floor. th, Bw scrtuiwn Rat They will t cautiful lessons taught in w -by thomi theyr are Num. kiv, t Ve I" many b WIth'w again how mamy teeth their bob jut not Ono sweeter than they receive' from the charitable be could talk ery plainly corn departments COIL a finally before ait, 14; Dan Wed. him,the oiohave cut find when those t etli that book, I the; of Joe find Arai public. do as to �Ompcjl their bers6- The Czar fillo, connected, 'they come ii and vil; T1 3]rTVS X 0 WC you when the me ,w III1115=10sars, 4:0. am in the Market for 0AS111 came, but th in Ono factors -next and the'old man BY canivait tell to give thir% the COITL took it and looked thd Lord Chamberlain, the keeper of 24. And sonto believed the things the, Sharp, poisonous fangs and Both and Mog comes iz., fiVe centimes. at itlor a long time, f His Majesty's private puree. who which were spoken. and sot*. e, mt. I II1, In payment of all It hot to less &Us &be tow, 111,614 olktWiCt6 What Is pelff-to beth of buolnese worries that have buried morning from making a call upon A In v4lue—v alargb� ;;Ah I but It to Q,- 1009� It Kno 3 0 signs the- cbccl4. ayinent of all lieved no 'Or All coal weighed on tha market themselves in their husband's brains poor family. She in Substance Fifty&. inside Ito Saw. Such gralail" 1110 paid. Ae ifted signs the cireques in p We are nowhere taught that. "ths. 0 t? (Ifw 9 -sell. Na rii they care "Girls, I have just been viditin way engind in Britain U&S ills, luiputh, tasted It such accountO. good *ne%vs will be univel * reI of AM)=rVar all wellei; "This is th� a*-* Some send *111 61 A! I glust scales where you get 2,000 lb9 for a ad heart. Neither do the corn to 1=0 Din Glasqow to Duladea. 11 the and Continued: The hesA of Mo Mal 81 calved lif this age. Iry be. They Mrs. So-and-so. The family have tripl trip tri winger trorfftc'� On ;y's house- 4.0 osharp those fangs Tun, mistake, not had any food fix that house for It is for -pw. hol a Lord High fall by the waysidii, some on rocky can tell you, without one P gradlents.1 'low )0tween Carlisle "d thing, truly it fat" d is horaluAlly the There are a 4umber of stOOP dal 10111,;kIlOw this kind of earn, Steward, who, has a salary of 610,- soil, some among therns, but re ()RAN. 811AGNM Borriatn i WK. LEE how many times last night their two days. on, ths, Caledonian line, 401 "The y I said the Coat. "W4ore,000 per allouru, but the office is rO- tion will find good ground; some will P1 Ord,., left at Lee & Sheppards babies coughed, but they cannot tell little children there. Are you girls Perth gallone of water, carries live little al a Verona. 041 - t rd cm ids willing to give them your broak- 153,000 does t%rI , nod. in what season? be saved, and the church will to ,p% the real responsible iI MIT. V"sg as%, oiltreh.oppoe on how ulany, hours their busbaT aan. tons of coat. And Weighs 100L tons, gr9 to Colborne Hotel. all ever. gown and reapOd'AuY '�al household being couvpletcd (Matt. xiii, 16-23; X'00 a "ye to same night w'lkcd the flOor, tests two go without ?" '!I Store will receive prompt attention yc d Prl otuz=6b4&t4oftWALI&t#MtO2 the di- The twentieth century have Eftve y schold. This luorT the Master of - he 9011 ix, 22; Eph. v, 27). Even in shour after hour, trying to think and awer, All qfour girls. Under her the greatest number of loop years of it yoursa d Ittio, old, rection they formed a line. They ,antury — miLtutly 25. ,When I was young," ant , official resides now- permanently at next age. when Satan shall 9 ey could meet the great other kind the palace, and receive$ a salary Of bound in the pit, there will be plan how th , jAy now be con- walked through the village streets, pos hie r a ( will be the firat 'one. old, old muli, "we had no crises of life which rr the The 7' Bar a gum that Car- colivers who will yield only a fat lot In mort Irt. am I 4 fronting There Is many a carrying the hot mufffins and t eve llartlater.Couvsymolir. fourth year after that uP of corn than this, and we made our $5.100 per annum 941= to thelu. nI tainly cannot be said to be exce- ad obedience and will follow 9V k thial—wild heard 001cofteoi and the meat, and we over year 2,000. bread Of It every I ate to&" luan—niarl Wit and cluding the buy it at it IL11 true, helpful wife"I the hills and into the poor home and ,3Dtd ou reap it?" alve when his varied duties are tak when he comes forth from his will three times have five death rattle, C Folir the emperor. great re the night that fed replied the old, sponsibility they entail. 'He It is y ra (Pa. xvill, 44; Ixvi, 8, 0 GoderiChPlaning Ek ly association I on the little hall starved babies Sunday in 1920, 1948, and 1976. aguin demanded an into gLiccount and the son at the and of the thdiii'' Only a That book called "Little Women' "In those days as thoir first bab was born. d mAn, smiling it the rdetaory' who must settle all- disputeo' that gin; Rev. xx, 7, 8). MEDICAL. slbait time ago I had a prominent WAo only a history of Louise Aleott old, oli which L DO you youth, "We did not commit may Ise fr6Tp time to time in vft� "Any success Ili the days of her youth. GOLD. of his household, 80. And Paul dwelt two , Whblif man say to me. I have made in life. I hall* Won in wonder that her mother ritteed fine GRAINS OF, the, sin of, buying and selling bread - Anus quarters .01 the years in his own hired house fliao td -y It. VV. V. CALLOW, Spite of my wife. prom the day girls, Louisa Ale6tt (or Jda� `AmOftg Not failure, but low aim. is crime. Wo had ubvdr $eon &?iY =0116V arid mike L otoparations for the guests, reived all that cilme In unto 'him,, D it Daby cuoid she has had the number ? That mothii's heart —J. R. Lowell, every one had, As ntuoh broad " keep Ills Majesty 0oatAd in all MIA- Doubtless lie accomplished Ithat My rat I In of God and glorilled God as touch aw, PtYSICIAN ANI) BUROZON. ork. was not only be'sting with love for Anger is Ono of the Sinews of the they Wanted life matters connected with the 96n no interest In =0 Or my w vsx your-fial, little fart- oral manigement of affairs, and die- through Able; -aud, My Intercourse with my business soul.—Vuller. ftere i 0 411 the gitltants. all B and Builders her own children, but also for every =dJontraneyinefring no ioul OMM.-Ist soolk of Colutoome ftilding. ; been a Positive I sasociaten She has There other woman a children who were in The ben4ty about Is partly in him or, and where' -did such grain gr wit miss and engage gey ablo to Manufacturers of and dealers t.—Borce, persisted' th& 61mlibI This atticle would hardly be com- go to people, God brought. -podPlo, I dainage instead 611 heptrouble or distress. Do you wonder who sets - I PHONAI go In oil kinds at Building Me. Is many a hsboind Who is to much pretension "My field, sire an late without mention of the Master to him, and, though he w**4611114', that m hil- Where there to �cs, an official who the word- of terlol,,sucls as Lumber,Doors, living as far aprt in thought from every there Ili much d6eelt.—A,sidison. God gave i�a an to cultivate, 04LCb at jila Qor*rpoW he rejoiced that dran th� laws of gentleness rho �jpd gonum, and who It aor plowed: an to to, receivs $2,500 per, was not bound (11, Tim. 11, CIO was. a moll on verses have or�a his wife 0 it he we at sympotthy an doess AL he-althY.Old follow, Who 18 r gash. Lath, Shingles. kc1kc. re ten thousand _10 much as lift no d Christian kin happiest Creature IIV. live by. and nV is A. pettett, ndne of information Tie tolles sway from hor- Ir may c any a tobli is the Wbeh *be herself is, ready at to, oto said, lthlw qtio'eticissettei And and live with that -I'PI0iWed-' ntA of a Pro- "ThoY agreed not a teol but their qlaon- pick is thInT, this it my, �01 oselves, I'and had Plans and estimates furnished oil appil with her at Ithe tible ing.—rS 6, Llie same home, a i o 90 to the When a 34p4 In wrong and WOA*t is mine, , that a duty to marshal in t tons Callon, her. In I lailid, And ­th toy, opighborth.' th among thornildves" (for"thus''tboy Isoclatio lit, ab- neighbor's home or to place flowers Royal presence ambassadors am of a lleighbor,s admit It, be always gets "4+y. t ", Ise alstabuith" taLl tat and 6pifituftl 0 lives for hot 0I *b10110111I NY6 rasped tho, fruit talk anst An nages of high state, begin and end), tell us h0W PiL�41 toly dead. Sh hidHolibuttoln, en- vj i Ith It error in 00 Pot- Ise. vi, 0, 10, find rdinindefil I SUChAnans A Lawsorh Oolu rote Cil]iutenjed * ." quoted AI the Slightest 1 ilnilia lives for Ilia buoth011s eIlv.drd Are bi,,t Slow 4 ostd: y in there Is the great Tim cnURCHIS INFLUEXCV. at destruction 111, Comparison Thai a# formance of thWillity might that C �tjbidi g "a them enturles before tbo MI Between the furtlier, little father , t L ho,MsIlst dire yawning chsm=L at Undifforence, ever The true Mother is 41216. j1WALYS with, the IOtit t" safelice to 8, foreign Spirit through IsaiA4 bad WeI ty and a of those words About them.L becouting blacker sod the true chutch Member. all Suffering, Itself does, lAW oAlet the W�y th6 q.01 -ft in Sol tall. power. It requires many year jLdad widtialk eve) 11 are ronoy, to grant that the church senses then the gntldipatlol�v ofaguk- *fly'po, beAutiful 'bg&*? Ago olnute.AttaI to 81. Proaclift the kingdom 0 MOKILLOP looro foal'ali to marital love. ukity. QUintflish. Mo why I your 04odsn walks, With Atato otiquet-le before a person can tuid' teaching those thing$ *tjd�h Thim MOTImEt. of Josue Ohlist to the great P foringd-r- 111140 moral and hPJrJtU&t or ill, It I ouI lion', wltl$ ciecupy this Post ift Concern thd Lord Jesus Christ, wifl; 'OtIoNsug"aVolty STUDIO or Ru no' Call IprjulftV, far florcond*d two trutd a.#, $I 0111y, be quarlitiod w, Now tit to say to Ilig, tho 9"At ol&k8aL lerur ousoholdm;-Pearsan's till tonfiftfite, no man f0ijidding tenollof,ond dfiVeIOPOV 0 tault , to . ypu Ate still VI rou 20 nAotherg"I Wal And truth d - 6qd and; *by WO IN Mati"We, Awat U, Ito I I& . 16 69 YbI illinhn woman coonot be true ivanji 4�, IlPit It. of Plasol, r aurim0l. 4 -olati, It'le the couirtofI, sirm and Isolated Town PrOpirty you that AL munity, fh whith It $rht. o be the� more, thr4iiiI Adbr.. WharaL fI groan Tile tidVersaky canno ikd& fatiI unless at i1he OW41 iloII15 Allso A. bribVo tbu t lit Insured. X want to Hay 'thstt tiont And i aI(6aI- Ihou: tho,pther. C=1t= ANt *JXIX01t)1T. Vaud God's permission, sad lt� Was is 4i true wife, h*8 boon rAlOtd 1A thly ftdl`� Porittloi b4twWOWIP iaL always 4 "Wo S *IV** 10 Value- of Property Insure& up to it a WIN ,will 0 iWo and jit'jildit Ate thdA#OAt at this )Lord's pleasure that tdr ' thos altitess oil orc *4 It Out& Into the Alatonts. 1=0 over Tummis you, htvsl� 44 lair go =%4d,fX­oj, All 4"WAX edltalls, IONX January, 4901. $3,048,975-00- joys so4 bopos cupation nli&66 One �Yqtl 1rel.gAif -,, #r6tillift -Iftwitst two, years the word, should. 0 raw: teovit the �obaft. It to '.the holy Every bKOO OC I I an, TWO -book opens With Josils Its' 061"Oftpoid, All statt Uses —J.D. carts NXii Per,010mittals of the h"Allatio rgottio, -had dQlI in 40VI Your ffttll SCJ&tIJVdL Atheilift 0oukao. Ito. rOrrUCERS &no D1REjj,iX)L,4% It t MeUen, Pres.; T. Fraser. Vice Free.- her slide 0W sIvlotff to of holies 'tit, *hoo tAbr#4 Altar I 4i',' Sidney,. thbyollog,r*n 0 - h is by Its tro toliVioted of 1314 An 4ty othor.-Sit iord Z, � her and' hava her slitift his multitue Who *to *1*08 06CUP101 V0 th r Preaching the tht r 4y itii YOU U40 lt�4,, ttld, Jor A ? .0 - ly, a. Dalo, J. Widt. J. lovd. It kheel itud 'Publicly FOOP16 roktistly, mado 041illd pr6tost not be, true 'fo. tUollitd .to ljtilubl� al. 6I tevat htvd ))a you kno.% taffiltig to t�e kingdom of �and A4uznuj= l3vgns. J. 0. Grievo. J. burad%ia�L 40 Can' k 1611OW In, lier I ttlotopl* thalfo 1I - fit God. VAhY To'd&Y oIKpan,b+, "60 Lol� Ito wil for "Yok I-kfiow w. h - the. qVokfidA of the dificIptoo, 6,140, nit,theI lookout i#0ro 4 Vo IIeed tUbY 4104 110t#504fidOUt b(Ahsi Z 6W rk $u at 1114,tamor 'y,o­ Directors - W C134940y. Scerfortli, In. d&OXIstots, W Lot to tell YOI ilia*, uoht up,IA Ch.4400A 'and 11 to ,0413101 - " "LuIrd, t th4 `X J"VR Olit UAIU%IAGX n. Hayes we �IoaloUji;.&Ad,dft� star. , W .1 SMATrong. ,ch director ft& d,jughtpr to dovoloOit 11100100 h LAI�N *Ctok Oi w. r Ito' n000i 1100 anSefstairth. far, tsfar oild This jr-004- waismodo At the we bs,yo 41VO. -p t biy 6)� trolJ*hL the ohisret%,# JaUonoo. ftsift at Ol -owned � kilkeft It It"d it obe ham h&4 bdf,0013'116r�lll ri I lesson in ilia own ItIe that , Who III 10.011 Whan I lit* bb�WL 61&e is an inspector a old WkWhIoN.0 �4#� OA4.1%4*0, 14 district. imt1le of soo '400fiog hif� by, Illy itiverod-,by rrotegsQr A betrue to her did hattrt f te*Jthlotho ItInktionl" -work, Ime Of, ftVr4t In, tho 'ei Jostut I how J" C%jollhlog POioadvtklo-. ft. U64 fathot, we I oXNAft ra, t #' stated I , I I a'modern 001614.4 no Might, h4vim,, *4 In, ttia btioft� Anythlo9t 010I b4lo aI nor tet eie* a Power In OMA -6 . hilird4or AheAt thols' 41I 0091 I let w,'cba1^ 0"Ists'", istit bV410: 1001 IOU*, t It% the thsittis4 tied that ACIOA40 061 UIOck, lho�t OVII auft%ndo� "onl tor'.0 I ilsod FROU,, Y; UARTIM 4 Itoy IIIIJOL Y00"K, �Ybu� iftot, to himost wilile, oaid,im ela­o ry Cuts bro4dj4I,,r,JX' to thie; 1104d M - *As 34oft *Ithl* the four r "than IAahf*01(- 'It IILfttjajtj� Ant insits, tho pit& . h*" go o,VCLV*r Wflin, is %fs�o*ft hI 110 Ili, 4d4d, t, otouitIt4sto, aten44OV100, his' 0*A Ina4aI t6 btit, 1�'L C �egtivs of ' roI *hItb oldul JIM to tfilldreft 1�66, young to go to thI 44r. r. " Ito oceAsloAts 0,11, hP Dro, OOM oftturof loilplt*4 jt� Is 0o own PeA. t= `t tu i*1th tu titsiolt b4t, Aciento compollod them 02 how 900111 A i4 Wiled. As aft "4 V O'd JWfit(I You Must , 84Y. With T�06 16' 10144m4ol 'of " loh pt or. OtAoA40 sh kWrst Your bablelf iftih th4t ribit Wto tiveto At* tow I -04t, that SIMS 14 at 'tit olo= 04 J* , L' .�ooii lfa b101691ol 7W to do otdtlgo This wotio 'to' a` firfoL .61 goint- the .04- 11 Aftw Or. I AOdy ty PH119,690 to'. *Oro -Owsig 0 ieIfind 4#40 0 It is it �66 a the, '14to K00, but,*11111; 4 Poole to tell hot *hat *Pt " "O 61 Nio. 1A,%* jilo*I *41ridd, what Joo4ii Phifist, L ai�d ' Ist". & "ta 4W 'a I 'babltim. **%I*, W tounto, �Alid 86%tth-. Ic. 00104 rid th6thi to A ititfit ):ki it, Per to sItI llotaU&to b%IIt*N,Mt baby to thOrth It Atit know t" -(�j WJ 1 K d"lt M wild, V4r"7lo I rM ftalorlW" otrib#lle, I*AbA 6. Nil 1*%IIY, 6t the StidkI etloo0o. but th0y'6hIY, 804# /'my Vol: ig spirltvilli* fktt*t' to at"* It%, any, tor'lo Vfs works #A4 AroI 6000ons, *As" tbolti It.116 Wtt- 1410 latttd. "It admit liont, I,= und anthers" rO*V&t polpit or to ofteoth VI K0,0 40bleftitti, 4 10#44, - by "16*0,to % tt*�.0 p 11jAt$, 64 twh*y ulked, 1 52 hot daly 11havemetor d0k, Th04itist"t 1111I tO-110' diAthisilisheit -, tronk sula, to - holtoVa� 'With AbOtiluti � call. "A Wolf dihovtfifig Wi and cotoil� bor, � I filookoyt., ern Aide011o,poc Af With t1*tQAt3r that' "O W, th� 6=100, It Adil;III a, d1MtJVf"`pd*I 780 , filookoyt., in It "Ut of 0W 1114111101tv of oulAllor 04 'tu ps'"t up '11411th" 0*1 llit too Mo *6 L .ssnit Id tbill young fAsi tn#t JALCortludint 'thjo 64hWbh 411 The )Ill Mbettl Anlekeilsntwbl� UJAY o414 to h0o of 04a t. 6 , &Ig,,diI ftittift little thtldt" Im. 100th sids#i I Wilts otr OAtit Urd 6ftod, woff the"TtkAOtal lor Oftbeci *At V-0 ^W**O000?j*" A won* .itt A tk phatle bf",,bg felitiftitityl 'VIbIfty #r t1olony itt Ito, fifty to hortliusbaw il Wtuipitipt IthI 'high pottutl*l '44.00, or, t4oft 0*0 Ile'of "it Itialsigt* tonl4w Iss LOI t1kiii-motia, ft", ia tsbatlt #A4-teew Vftet U*V* Is, W:.� VK volt +*. [*;Ad I ago g 1,04, 4# odumlly, -it U bk,t 'Olt, for tho *otW!s:dlWt rsS ogyg of kno, CalifoirI Old lit tW ro lorssi It t lot t116 *100t the, t *Ad JoVeArA ef(ft JA.haft totto, Aptoid, Tow. 'Th6 ftI AbI '014ok I'* *4 oft �ftii 111111" tI tosio 1, bt ft A*A, tbo, Aft,laftkVit AWt 414 too, eA bo difittottoll PW oI 06i� 1*6W Was Pfido* `CastA#ft*d with "I". tom. - 04, tut jjj� AW146"'boA aviulodtI, SOIN itibViia" t"* W� '"*t _ , _ � Wr Ot felII oI L *It - I �, I I., : rA"WL th"UI pow" " to , I . tso,mostis orV lilthtily 4kitt" 1ho *I#WM. Ilk. affy &#Jr" peattoil. it, I OIL 44ftritif Aftof "*k*. # st"t tlok 4 MIA a � tt", 6if J"Ift 1410611law Thlj�` YAJ%4" Jhe play** 111I no ao"llo, ot Oftly Ot, 0* �6# 61 IVomat wl"y "it In ttoy *hklW rC.* lAft' WtAs II*it Wt ellft %voy A"tOla hgIlifossirw tit jmr -of t%# il*m of �ftioii* *1 *JUI & tw"44 t* 062~ *" 11A W*I ova VI t 16 ult bft erI ftft *Ala 0"AUWAMWOA 0I %V, - *UAW IIfuset V L frook, %I t*44ft"tt Tj�*� ji*I trooaloalty dw .041I tbo 1101111aft '11 -oft, tm 10imalolk 0 , I Mo** it ow , tx- Lorill- YAdo I* utok Uft *.b W tills, dollostu*'s I q . I A #0 *'hwit'veeoft 1K ouftl* t wtuft *42%0" J*," ina" WAs tooselt -0 . *01 . - 40iltit. AW , * looft* IV *tw*' 40k -0 OI It4!$ !V Tor . . . . . . . . . . am& It