HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-05-29, Page 2I . . � i � � I � I I I iI7 � . " . �, , , '' , � I , - " ; � ---1111 111. ­ 11. ___ I , I I I � 11 I I . 11 I I I I . I � I I 1. I I - � .. 11 . , . . I IV , � �-, .. . I . I I I � I , , I � . " � � , 11 , I I . I I . I I I . � I I . .1 . , . . I . I I I � ,. I 1� . � i :, I � , I . I I . � I I I I I .1 I "! !.:,�.�_ . I I � . I � 4 ; 1� . � - � - " d . 9 11— - �­%. I I! - " , , - ". _ ", ______ ,Pqvr T. -I"?`V i - 111— - .�_ 7�� i . I T I ,e . I— , , 11 140911111'"" 4 . 17 I .- z�.��W"IF,t'w"JV"Jtvljlwl,,.".,Rll.plllllkw I - 7 11 ; I � '� - I � I . I I I I k . ''I I 11 , I 71 w1w", I I T, I . I - � . I , I ) . I , � W, . . I I , , I �, I I . � I.. . .. I, ,,, . - . r , , , . , I 7 , , . I ), . I , I I . I." . ." I r, . . I � � 1, I � .. � ,I I -1 , '. I I I , I � 1� .I. I . � , . I I I I I I . . � � ". I - I .. I - I ., �� I" 1� , -1 , � , , I 11 .. I I .1 ; �/ I I I I . . � I . . C . I I I . . � . I I 11 I 1. I , 1, . I . . I . � . . , I I � I I .. . , . '' . q 11 1� � . I - . . . I � I I .1 , I 11 . I � � . . . � . � . . , 1. . I . 11 " 0 .. � I ­ . . I � I . .".� . � I 1. I � I . o' . . . I ) I I . . I . � I I . . I I � " I I . I - I I . I Z"t,''o, I .. .. 1 ,w�­..'16. 6 I I , , . � �. ­ — - — , , . . I I , , , "I n,i. 11"', , ,­ , I I I ,��­­""--"-w_ . _ -------- - - " ,� .. , , . . � . ­111_­� - - . — , , o'. I I I . 11* lourin trom I , ,phere ilula more C = 01 L , IS ,0cirious piirti4li oji pil 144 anybody told Hienry Wilkins 0 il 0, 41 %, , I =re, lirn't, u,ie, truilit that no ther I'll. ra , . , I W1 d eat At, tile L" "'i.. w1wiiiil ,tv;w "A' . _ , ., , :1 . w$ 1 � j , I hat lip Was a cow"W, lie woul . . Verses "Big 11 AV 11 g ia-VO rioscl.Aetl IL f9rctilly-, bill, on the or two 0 ...... his story lfp� L, till$ . I Hints for Weak StomaG-il$, 1011110;=X1 4 "ol 9 ' I 0% .'. 'v'll a thip w�bq_ip_-e § t Ill _ ­ I . � . -moon -ached lAt"', =J,%, - compiled with AI;ACh , . " not olify read oLp !.,, ­ , OF at it that lie re FAIL SlOwN. faasticatitif the food thoroughly, evet-,-Uore, if ))lit ,,,, I I Li4loupostead 4nd stood looking I" . itt .1 il. it Was for tho ,�, � I pOissible, rnia= d in health. The liore time the food 'lug thk wi;i0,1,o tho, signboard of tile UlAlpier, Bottle Ward reb011it" 1z" � '. � ZVE11"tv. IM-11111411111yort"Wn says: Irlia vil of Little 1-lul"VisteaIl - In., and witil thot, I"- ­,,*­ ,1�1, 1 '3 "M a Dr. tits feelings were not exactly Indica ti.ftle, hoWuv", - j�.,W,, 'L .. I .4 I - U!t* less It will spend in the stomach. "In this SUrP46sing chapter the sev- Was not dif edge before hin, Ile put 411 lbq - * .. ., L opends in the went th Rev, Mr. Talmage Shows Them in Their Iva"Irly, Jorent from other ,I-ve of bravery and courage. ' L "� .1 AVO!d drinking at mcals in general, oral streams Of tnQ Preceding urgu- villages, And though but a short dis- to lify mustol'od � t , I �� . into tile recital. arid told It Wiiji� dyspeptic stomachs manage dry food I Ment most and flow In one 'river of trince, front London received little &,)is external detulls, eveA to tile ex- ,Ibe landlady %%,us present On W 1 � I . . better than that containing mucl, Proper Relation to God. the waLOr Of Life, clear as crystal, notice front the world at large. Ule tent of walking son* few paces occa%tull. And web t'le reciPieat f . �', L , . Proceeding out of the throne of God thero was Of A very quiet And UTI- down the road agaf n to got It Ili inn'))' 1xPressio"" Of 8yalln'thy fro) I L ,� A, , I , � . y fluid. F4t neither very hot nor cold und of tho Lambl until it aeoln,a to eventful nature, men goling forth to perspective, anod there being no fur- tile '.480111h)"d ('o1"J)a`ry . � I . food. Tile best temperature is th . . lose itself in the ocean of A. bllr#afui their labor until tile evening, at tiler excuse to roamin out.side, A- sh.uld loss 1 I . �, I i . at ac"rdbox to Act of -0 r -airy lie -ft b a fifty Us lie , � of the body. Be careful to avo asent. *1 U&DP4&. in the year onot cler" tuore, honest And keeps t10 otprnity,­ I have quated these two which period they discussed politics scrowLd up his Courage to enter And life I,, trxing to Sale a fellow-crel , . 11 I �. . I4 011island Nice Hundred &04 Three. nalusengery of crim- from Off till' verses from tile It. V., and they and agricultural questions Over rit down in a corner of the bill- ture. " ba-ld one of illobe l".0sent' , I �,, ��' . � I , I excess in eating. Eat DO More tboo . Wito. Daily, of Toroato at the streets, whe-o tb;.�,y might destroy state the complate absolution from 11 It was suicid! , I ) the ,wants of the system require. ZVOirtuasout, of Agriculture. 4tuma. Y onui-brewod ale at the Leather But, iiarlor. lie had 'lot lOngriseLtiod --you don I think , wit . Z . 'A - ) our lJobs - and daughters , it it is condemnation of all believorso In tie 1,huself before Mrs. Itylaod m tered, (to ymi" Notid It ' Noting I,, if') % . ,,, . hrx t u Nils Ryland. 11, Sometimes less than is really needed A dApatch tr tits foundation stona of A st.rong nu- t:hrlpt. The sting of death Is sin, I iirs, ItYland, of the Leather Bot- to whons lit, gave his Order f itling I . . �, -4 must be taken when digestion Is very .-Voll should � 'luk-h a thlill .... I � om Chicago says -­ tional government as wt. -It its that of and the strength of tit" 14 tile I a W, tip was the autocrat of the village. large ruin hot. Site catall bulik'ritla, was Is - - ,� I , � , " - , I '�, m r -,� ; ' � .'. ".'L.- . § - ad from the following text : us I t was Saut---liclore ,,, , ,..�. , .','� , , Rev. Frank Lie Witt Talanige pireach- the home ; If it Is title great isnotay but thanks be to Uod, who givetil hot: word being accepted as law, and tile steauxing liquid, arid. lit i, s, "'I'dow. ton." 1, ' , � , . weak. Strength depends not on what of Ignorance slid the leader in all its the victory -through our Lord.carrying a weight that amdol Itself unusual to have coutolliera At that ut,01110'at'd 'n'tht-r Ill � * , " "t I __ . ,tit angry it" "� � " �L '', � . IR IS ea d. , I kvilut Would I .o� " � , ,,, '' �z ten. but an what is digeste Matthew xxil. 21. " Reader unto ,no ventilate tUt fool. to the purify- Jesus Christ (I Cor. xv, 50, 57). !felt in many quarters. hour, and hot a stronger, she t rew-00119 toriv � " 1� Never take violent exercise of any God the things that are ood's." Ing and spiritual t'LOVation of the 3. 4. That tile 'I ighteousness, of the I ,phe house a fol,- he cuntinutA ;, ,, - . __! Many People talk us it this world I was In the amino Of down opposite and conversed aillica, want to till th"t , �,,(,. like 110' I I 11 I ,, I . I- sort, eithiex mentai �2,r p�ysical, either were full of rogues. human race, do you riot believe that law might be fulfilled lit tie who Jonathan Ityland, but it uright�'JlavO bly. ''Irith It humv and I . I., I ,,, I . -�, � . I,lu,:o g . 1� . I r do not believe you should cast : our Influence Into walk not after the flesh, but after ; been Any other name under the kk "You've got a nice little � �'? " I �� � . � I just before or just wter a weal. any such charge. There Ili luore hou� Its work le T Non not owe it'all in- the Spirit. . s , tholn't fib I & V . Un I Never eat more than three times a OstY in the world than It gets credit the creclit or benefit be lied here," Ifeary began, as a inedilis of I fl'ought 11"'tAl, I � � - .. of front its exhibition. He bringing forward the subject Of tits ,ounn' Inick to %%oik." It'spondo , . � � I, 11 , I I � I for. Indeed. it Ili my,belhal that try to lirge-len its teachings and And g000d; it is perfect aft aod Hinit- had been a _ o � day, and make the last meal Very ostiltuatIle deb? II Should you not The law of God lit holy And just � r-�,,Cci,�., set I "'Out People are honest. that � sailor, but, Corning liit* ,visit. -I shouldn,t at all uUnd set �,Aro, %,fill I, ,id, look ut the . � 1, .1� I light. For many dyspeptics, two people want t4i, do right. This most through it try to disseminate the self, but because of our sinfulnesslan u 0 Peeled though small legacy. fling (town in It spot like this; You ,nd ellgioo'elL I I 1��-:"�1_1; , - �� ' meals are better than more.( Never is gospel rodouipti6n which ,will save And inability to keel) it it becomesl had 'maXled And taken over C ;,&_,,� r. , ` � �, I �." , en I v x, rile I STRENM70 eat a morsel Of any sort betwee well to the sinnor the tininistration Of I Leather Bottle as; a Congenial, arid worse way of business." things It �ou thinJ, ill,"o," lifirt riot a world of hypocrites. All men "let, Chia side of the grave its the inight spend Your days fit a Illuvil ­�%,Il, You "llouldut say a" ' � - A -re not scoundrels. ' OCA �� " qJ00 � , R orn' Writ. 016 . 8 I I . � I i .. ,.!ON ""Gieff. meals. Never eat when very tired, In Rome lay up Condemnation and of deutb, shut-, useful way of enjoying )if#- )TIs "All! there's some As don't know the other speake,. .,It T, -1 , "'o cu mother some year �` 5. ting our months if, we would ktt- .. I I L , ­ " vlhether t3thausted from mental or ago was exannining a piece of jew- 'DUCATION. when t hey're comfortable," . ;-,4�, - ., � EV , I wife had not proved the helpmate said ful ,ith,, to ,111.s ljylnoL�(,1Jlurrtcu Ali RE 111115RAL SPlItITUAL If , '*RICO THE BLOOD olry. Before deciding to buy A big debt for a gospol education tetript to plead Anything but our he hoped for, however; 'ud while Rho .Mrs. 10 -land, ralsing her eyes tu tile Wilkins," I ". I � ,: -.�, -, - ,'t THE CONSTITUTION physical labor. Xcver eat when she guilt and pointing its to Christ, abar, her sov- wnII ovitr the fireplace, , ,ii, , � '.� . 11 * � . - ... the w I-ShOd trer daughters to see t.11,s I finki Charged against us all in tile who was made a Nin offering tot, us, reigno supreme in the Sain leaned fozl�al'd and wIllsic'I . �'1; �,�, , , _-�� ,A ruffled, I ereign lond acted as pat -boy, This Hoary Instinctively followed IIQr oil to Xfl-a. ItIjanki. nua it,,, that lad --- , -1.11- _ /ga3f)Wk0/(44. - , , mind is woi ried or the temper nanw, The Proprietor of the estab- I '4"'uc ledgilr- Tire struggles Of the end of the law for righteousness I was tile revers o nce, and his gare rested oil a fktd- nodded ill I'q . SVVl11e Ill' 10, , I ��, ., I , I I a- , if You c1u possibly avoid it. Hatonly 11"Junlent ilItQnu0AatWy wrapped up pu,or boys for a college ed,uVation of- to every Ono that bellLveth (11 ulvr, I tLt.illpted. I -To had pictureo him- ed portrait of Mr. Ityland, evidently feet ,, to III I i ) , , i I :� . . - lind-0114MOIT, - T food that is easy of digestion, avoid- the article and handed it to her. lie fer Same of the niost pathetic of if- lit, 7, 9; v, 21; Iloin. Ili, 19; %,It, 12; .. fi, ., , 'sltys it' 1. ,. I ,L, �_z 8 ,_ , velf sitting Comfortably in his Own taken in that gentlonhan's inore -,Mrs. li,� land, I . I �ti . hig coinplielated, and I ivdigeA told UIY mother that she could take luettratlans. Harry Is a farmer's x, 4; Gal I- 2t, 22). Corning as' " id, , � s " I .It t.o. the . ,bQl,el and boy - Fie lives in the Country bar parlor, siuo�isg his pipe, drink- I -A-PRICE - . dishes. and tnkiitg but one to three there decide And sinners, lmv�ng ,Iutltlflg b t 1.111 and' Ing his ale, . Youthful days, but recognizable ne\- Mr )�)Jkin s Just v�,roug here, An � �:.,� I - . Oble ' _z 4U, A - wairts to go to school, And how can receiving Christ as our tSuviour, He and chatting with tile er,theless. Mrs. Ityland saw that he she. wants �ou h, Illink '18 klealLh . - " I � L ,, � ;; 1 I "�� �-,: TBRITAIN A ER CA I what she wished to do, "llut", an� , , ; .. I I courses at a weal. Assembled Company. Instead Of folloo,ved list-, and conthrued: for, it was %el . to V0111 ': � I ,� Off Drffqqj!i� C 01vurod mother, "is this safe for you d which tho parl&r was debarred him, :,� I , %_ '�.. j 6 - be? T%ry as hurd as the family Unity, Is made unto us ,ighte s �� I'llid 'if MI � . � After meals talic tWo ST. JAMES tO do ? You do zut know ale. Can they call just inake ends ineet and thus we are accepted I I Ilc�s' all "Yes, it*s illy husband I w9S tit- All the way lroin 1,1111folt to tell U ��� ... LLL L � n I] Im be�oro � his wl re holding strong views lulling to. I a -1 , . eo you,re a sailor. the sad news. �1,hllt 11 � oil '10'. ,f,*, ��:::: . 1. I WAFFIRS, 'Ir be"Levo St. Jewels Vafqrg YOU trust all Ylau� custoluters like no more, But get an ediwa,t1cm he God, not that wo mav be tit for Ifts: ,gItInst-lundlords drinking with tbeir ctn,d It nbade tire think of John. I �,,;, �', ___ � i � ­' i then a hire ibq. cuost eompl. 16 combi.4- Ill. lie works on title furm dUring presence only' but th' gentlelloliff, � � I I __ tl"§ '?" ''Yes," unsvvel*d like pro- W A t we Inny I"Y'vustomers. For A, time he stood it don't know what came ever it 'llie %�nnts hv � �L the tarninior arid teaches school dur- righteousness' before )ill iltp sjlyl,)j,,d, arid MI .. I - " 11 b a I f it 'b0emn`0fT4V'6uUv*'s afyor, 10413ra' '11th rbC'rI'=1" If' Prieto'% "it is safe. I know you tire men command "till a fair amount of Patience, when lie went arid Ieft iiie and A W111kinli being r"ki'le'-d Io all 1111coul I _,!, 1�". , , - - �� ItIt.11 tt at) American lady. No American Ing vhu winter. After awhile, by God to men (I Car. I, 30; Eph. J,, then, like the proverbial worni, he comfortable business to get buck to roilqat,le .1111te -11 1111""! b� I � 11� . ; : , . I glassful NVI * , - ?: , Dr. z"acirt Wc1n:y", lady has ever yet deceiv,lid us whoo night study, lie fits himmit for an 6; Matt. v, 16; Ti t. Ili, 8)� tilat ,W inuo ,,'� , I 1, turned and went back to his old a ship again." publiclt�, Sain tolilintwd ' .1. L..'� of hot adetu.N. kills little savings he People reading us may see God. .� I . Price In Canada : 51-00 . r.,,I:,- b U. -C. C - I I a ft It. We trusted bet'. We will take th ac I love, ;Ireferring the uncertain a rid Heary nulde sona, nournalred rt�_ -It wn., ,, r .,Itj,I, ,-t, kind 0 - I I,, .! , ' v 'I t v :- , I e e enters the 5-9. For they that are After �111'� I . .. 4. � I , ­ . . .- risk." Does not that provo tile' tharigeable moods of the sea I. the mark as to it ploysing his compre- this gvIlt),noll, 1" ilo %'llut '-' 'a ;, uni a ,., .�,. " ,, I Slzbottlesfa �': 0) .t' li e y most Pe plis are hottest 7 that 'veraity, Then pi-rhaps he comes flesh do mind the things of the fleall. on,coasing tyranny of his wife at honslon, And, taking It drink of cool, done, IWCALISP it'� lltlt Is (;I('(' thilli I ,� , 'Zi Jo-, WaM,a,e ­Ia sir,el OBILL, PRESENTE,D, i home all'utled to the dangers that best, t to ,uni, and t0l it �%,Jllall ilia , ,; ,� help stomach, digest 'uad Li..l F-i)i � A UP to graduation With a bucking turt they that are after the spirit � , . �­­�. 1�1 ,,-,,Jv 1,1he­,,,,­d­I.r­e- cough or ruined eNosiirrit and with the things of the Spirit- * * * But: 1W 'made a couple of voyages, but .1. , ,� the uutritucut through 111c U*C,_�', -*"1-'-1r th- 1. 1h,".0.4'.fir Taking thlot premise, then, for his phylActil I i sailors tit sea and the sad cases that mhe's it �, I do w itud t1w childrai 11 ) ' .,­Ial' J."'hir. .,00. pee.fil Ith wreelcozi. A,h, ,ve Are not lit the flesh, but in tile : t , Ile ' - and this is the lionest wav to get �Vher, de.lers are art selling the granted. I 'shall boldly prelient to that Ili ptatheticlon, That III a stwrifire Slibit, if so be that the Spirlt of titric he had spent Ashore bad had collie under his nutiee of Ims- th,,'I, liollihnn.11 -- it iai,,s a lo " 'F '; ,�, � ; healih and strength, thd kind %`,ifelb the,, are nailed upon rei. VOU It bill Which i kIlUlU Vol, Will that is being inade lit e,,-ery p,ai,t, of God dwLIi in you. . wilven him a dilitaste lot- Ills old life, bands %%,Ito had gone out riever , N"'t .Nil. li%ilki'ns 'a . 11 1, - that _ Pt -f P'l- at the Catiaill.ri t i LO of vollrairv� lasts, develops an breeds'the eii-.r hilinch St. Jointo water$ Cot ry to Puv, 4t Is from lav Lord the ]still. Flesh an d Spirit, carnally find lie determinod to return to the ret u I -TI. ., d It - than -c Lion(, it, and o,)ti I"" glillefu) t, � ", �i gy Ilta and Muster. It is a statelcunt of Leather Battle sooner veritui "The i e's danger Ili eNerythfirg," tini. litit .�lljil' �)i . St. Gathcrina St.. Montreal. B t If it is illailletic to see a poor minded arid npiritually ininded or' )o�ing it I., tivL trAle- ,� which accoulplishes much. a __­ 0 the debt Which ove.-V III&L"' Woomn boy stz*u,g.gIing for an iretellecLuW (as in Mph. I%,, 22, 24; Col. Ill, 9. ' Upon a third. lit, itowt, go back tin- pursued Mrr. itylano " Bit :11 � and child, tO more or . I Jotot- suppo.,.ing thi� ouln ll� -ll"- all, 11 I less extent, ed).bca,ti(yu how no�rllo itiore puLlietit: ] 0) the old man and tire now man del- different viro:ut­iairv,-.q, that was than's not tilt, inall to run I lito it; 'tul)"'I (.�(']Nlmfly op �%[Ul it tilt C . � . Of , -ought all his he hasin't got tile spirit to Ile %ell- lies un,l t1,11 I _ __ 0weS to Ood. I du not 11p,olarld pixy- 1, I I to see 011ie struggling for a spir- Are other ways solving unsaved ,certain, and I,e Ili 'K., ,Is 'it, I .... .. r, 'alkiler 11 !, EGYPT PROGRESSEn. tr men t Of It. fOz* It to orouter tha I . tual diucation %Nhen he has ll�,in d saved, Unrighteous arid right. , I thoughts to tile out,- cent.ral point of turosome.,- ni, o. ; , . low It wros to Ile managed. ell. what %, oil I d 3o" 'I., tile I ; y. Abbas Ifilini 11 is more of a vou voulti 'ever pay. though yo, 11 I to " Henry finished his runt and order- :, — u born I the cradle of hill? 1%ilen I coins. The unsaved live Unto them- I Sain lyrou,wd will looked folid oil 01 � .� �. Buropenti. in his ideas than an Rgyp- .lived oil oul'th it thoumand v d VOlt- f, -ori i� possessed of a lit� " another, ,tvith one for Mrs. Ity- unfortunate I'ligilet-I., %%ho �ul OPPI . Crest Britain Has Worked Won- lian arid 1.4 tile Inost progressive WOrkod as hard "'11.9 a " I go dow n tile Street Livid see Yuen aul Relvei, enjo:�ing tile pleusures of .%It) tie inerney that he is riot afruld to )arid and, rerviving courage born mouthed widi uslonishinent. ''Vel,' ders 'in That Country. st,ussullikull rulor living, lie has sec, I want VOU Id - ons jwoturen whose faces front carly chil�l- for a season. They are lit boada , .� a's you col) , I tit go ,p,m . ,,.;,,,,fully upon Other" people. of the genJul spirit he was InibibIng, conjlliue�d tile sp( It 1,, � 0 I 1� woluj&sbed "ruch to that It' fit %our power to show your I chunte have those p000r Inortals? Sohes, but U.Ito Him who has re- 111 Ilpose you till" .jour has- hanged, fur- I �aov 'itti land it) L(M- . I I . furnis and has at vaolve that vou will Ito all r,in, I Often suy to in3solf: ­%%rlot The saved live no more Unto them- . Lord Cionuir a re(,eut annual re- "I'ded Loid Croiner's financial re- arid to I -Nir Hylton to feel Your ohIfirad houtl were searred arl,I'maried ,,!fit to tire world, the flesh and the dovil, I v uvod riot Often Ili, alone, It was warrued to hts subject� ain I deltd, i,o,itli,,i",(It,,i,\.,.Iltle(I ( 1,011, on Eg3l.i. arid th, S'Judun 0:1,; state of affult's that was an - makes It g ..... I 'I fo� the friendship t at' . lo%N,:,,t I�w Bril I -11 ; Inodelldie ),is ancient kingdom. gratitude to your Iluavoniv F 'tiler , Their futhers perhops %%,,I.,, inil- devoted us by Ills blood arid has "w""Able but bond when he is Away so muc(h ') " lion lroll) ill,, ,.vi,\ In'"t " is slir, ."S `-,!!,�,��,, ' (Ing up " -ts Infort IAN Thvir motht-rs were 4ilal�o_ given . us His Spirit to liot. tit , spi between Ryldnd and the .. Well, I don't get touch chance to [lose(] to u%�, fl0f,ti W!, wl,ii I %�a , ,,,, 4 , (011trol or 1:g,�1111i'll 111"'I"e, , I'llurt. 14 it givul. field in E,gypt for for all tile Inerries hnd c. 1% ! bi 'Is , , - "I It, I 0 and deserted theto perbaps oil 0 . � , �, "'Ince I I a (%/Tot of lot' 011"911tvaud ruler. forts Witt, which lie ties surrounth, s making us tolliples of the froly be lonely," site answered. "Of in to" n last No i,ek Nlobi didn't 11 tile Ililsolkit",11 (if the ),)!,it Anglo- I � �oc ad engineer, Henry Wilkins. on � , Fratuh (ontrol ill lxw Not onk will its delightful winter you durli Your Ills last voyage home. course, It's nice to have It inan. suN, an� I hing" Well, hotli nio it or I � .11 "Ord I ,11nattv, unit boary antiquities Col,- w t you lg I The left the ship an arriving lit a �4,, '. Cronner %%,is appoloti-i' %%IIL ha Ili'), Therefore. the day they were born. Their Spirit (I Cor. A, 19, 20; 11 Cor. , ,I li� 1,11gland linuncial ad,iser. (it,. ,ountry l,a4 i tintie to draw wealth front the uru to do, You must start cout,I)allions front youth Jmve been iv, 14, 15), This is the way thilt. it Y bout I he )louse, hut lit- doesn't sceiii .Nlis� li�hind 0­wahi. ;i, il,,. �,,con, ,7 o, I � %alid, the tourist arid the rich Joun In- to (10 right "WAY. anti in cirdor to ; thleves and robbers. Aud yet sunte bhould be, but It Is often not � 1, c till on in each other's company, � t,nj O.v ed It s,tvally I IOJWU�' enhi'll t g- so. , Il to appreciate the COMfOrItS Of a ell&riIh',c S0011.mi So J)rokl(l of is stor: 1,; � 11 -1. , ".. bill, it is fluid. that Egypt's un- do it- Vol' Ulust serve Christ from ,of these floor wT,,-tvhes_born in sin because after we receive Christ t"Oling arro-in-arin towards a fa- ho me. " %%-l I"t 'ilq ak, 'i, fill (if it befor, . I _g\V_ I t 'A lill then pr,jvIhAIJN Jul,k_ ,,, the %orite haunt to rest both body and II I IV Oil with your whole heart. have struggled up by The grace oi flesh. or old man, is still in us, And I "I should think lie's sorry now, " we ga�o *fill a hit or puni,looetit," I � r, jA lip,. indusIll,b ,111�1,1,.j, ,,,, W ,developed r,timirves are 01101,1110118. It A tilt; bill for good health I,, I (4)d in -to the light. Tht-3 hn�v by instead of being reckoned dead, pkt Inind once alore by a plentiful of Ra id Wilkins, with an attempt to bv SIN -rice N-11 ,In tl,,, votopat,�. 11il I , � , 11 I bIT credit, )tits bel -n te�-torvd. trude w ill onl1v lake proper development tit Cbargk1d tip Against , English beat-, R.vIund Wets billent ; "I ))as tle-wno- neath "lost of us In hlulio' awd Painful stages, won a hard off. deltied, it is yielded to, indulged. impresslive. -They often are when it kins looked . 1.01111(i till Ow conteullyt . ,� � double what I t � !,t,m Ininet. III uculth, for rxalrlple, to the ill%Jnu ledirer, Ilic mev be grow I earned b-piritival edil,cation, like , ()Ikl , parapprod, and thus tht, Spirit is during the walk; he was working 11 I " %Nub, tind \List d;ainuge arid irl-iga- it Ake it a gleat factor in the future . _ Y out problems fur- the fixture, an,d the Is too late." -d (jot's fac,-� tit ... tit nito. it!,,I lh,�n a � "I tion toorks, which "J�l insure tile , nancial world. J119 Old 'low aud have here and , I'llil, " for UMM �varos the rloor- grieved and God dishonored. We are Mrs. Itylaind start at the speaker, the do,ir. doing to rapid , ab Illudul . the 0 bettering of his pos,ition at Little � . indum, iul ... litt.iloinlo of tit(. to a few %enrq taught lit those verses that Id . I as though doubtful whether s.1 i I, lit his head oil th, pussibilitN ,if 4 1 I It Ill thought that fhare 4 rhounintle twIlla, : we tnav . h0ellk-r Of the Jerr% f4cAuley luls- I -Tailup9tend. But be said nothJng of Ou CQU I'- "'gyp' will AuPP1Y be unable to eat ,is Ile tilv of it)- I . I W . ght to taloto b1s,glass awav front hasty and Ytife oxit . '. tr�' IIANP b"'t'" 'Ol"'ttu"ed, sa'Ns 'lie � ro a" I ,iou, who wits a thief and h d st.r,%- anful nature never can be Improved i Importance until they were both hfin of, not. . I I . 11 Most of tll� gold And silver for Ell. Illgal,itible foods as "." . ' I'd he"kenteezi Years tit juil for his I nover can be subject to the law 0 warined and comforted. -GiNe Ain it chunt',. ' -aid one � -G rent Round \\ or ld, '' of ,New re di -I When . - � York The Khr,dive seentsi to Ile thoriough- Young, or to woric as rapidIv or a5 Cl ik1Le-. The% .tj'ugljlk-1A on arid lip, (;oil, but when we receive. Christ we "IMbat do you mean?" she Asked "let 'itil ('XI'laill " I 11 11.4 ( Joing. but roos I " We've lied some good titnes to- "I novel- was a good hun But 0.9 Nfilulable nuty I . v awnke in Ihe Posirihilitiol, A his .t of it. 11,1\,, !,:,,I hatt I Ing thvir %vu�N ,-tt-1) by step, receive a new nature, a divine na- 9 ethel. I Henry,— R d aid, when ,I at "It don't want [,I, ""i'luinflig, , ha% a been thtt strong htead:�_ 1. ealin, and ha,I not only .%,flown the "'A's And vcu"w of w.tod heall.h. We'lightlug Against till the inherited Iture, are born from above, &Ind we . y1ft a talking," he went on, "at least (0 anli"vrt-d 'Swu " 'E to.1% ni0st int,-lhgont interest in the great fiaNe bad YeArs Witt, two stout luiras terodericivs of (hell- pust lives. The) Irriust let. Christ have full Contro he thought the tirne was ripe foi- I hough; Ing hnad of G rwl t Do I- L business. , "I'm sorry we are to livdies, but I sailed horne with lit, ,&-d 'ale an vuqior tiin.e ti 'I" poo ... I at it. t lit, young Kherike. not Yet 11(j),'I'lls. But it the Spirit of " -Ian(], - .. irrigation done at Assouan, rind ca- end two l(cou eves and witt, good "tru'991"d ut" Out Of the )10%el uld Iffm hot, no,uJM voyages together. lt� and a nicei noun to siall ife thought, *I' Nvus (had alld unex ., tllirl�, seezu , -d railroads, but, what I bet- Ulgesti ' or"rans Arid good nerv,.R. the Haloo-or and tilt, gutter and " th. .1 ed UP Jesus froin the dead "I I -or met,'' lie added, s it) deser%e (rodit tot' A nals An - I I he with*l halve no% share in tile progres., of him colon- C men the question � � "lo am 1. o d mail; you've been a w lxlctedlY conjoi to if,- ug,uln I'll, ter for tile country, It(, has #,it ceed- I New ,-,',( %%,il a, b.,e Poorhouse, IAkv the fivaurn pcisscv,w divell in you lie that raised up real good sort," answered Wilkins, itli eurphasis, 'fill ollfl,ldv .1 11 0, 'd Mar fruill tile dead shall also - draining his glass, and replenishing it, n I? It You IL a boll I J lillivirot nai& it iigl,t for 1(, I I In IRI.Ing hlA Pooph" front their NY 0 "ecOl"Plished Witt, th),I coa L .N . tit last they became the I Christ "Oh, did You? And what 1w ­ ­ 11 - I �- ­ I lethargy to I% spirit of progress. 9,1ven blessing called uo,,d fi,enhl 'I sainted Mari , as spotless and pure, quicken your mortal licildies by Ills, ,it lifin pla�ing, bill 11 ­__ . I UVO We (son, allvAhIng more with 0" the driveirl snow. Spirit that dwelleth In you. I it again at the ol,her's expense. s -a -,ell lite a " 3 was ontnunilwivil, arbd lie wa � LEGAL. , I ___ - ==- I "Going holue, I s'pose, to the wife, . illy gaure In London . dn't than!tfill %� I'vo 1", ftio,nd lifirisel ________­­` ; flut, tiraink God, none of us - �no, The words ''in Christ- and "Christ I and kiddies? All, well, there's no be afraid to tell tile. I%Iiat's lie do- without lh, no,v i,l,,;�f1!lfj.I, reath '� It than to eat and Steel), and bri I f- belloN I, not o no--*-, er ))Lid to go — , __ I like. physical IV to enjoy ourselvvll� I 11) Yolu" describe the believer, the' place like it. I hope to thave one uf Ing now"" vr littith. INitil Lis limidkerchie TIOVDIFOOT & HAYq. Barristers. sotial I Hale we lll.cc�d that good bpAltil Ill. I I t,hrO4g,h such a stilugglt for a spi,r- Justified Person whu has passed ' "I don't know," Henry anqwerx-d� held to � is fiw,, lor�,%ifov ho had no, 1111V Own Solne of these days." - P tot, NI,l,�ri­PukJl...F.r,, (1111'es -or �HELLOA. the sieritcp of tile Master. as I` tual edututiolil. We had that in the front death to life and shall not :'D A be in too great a hurry truthfully: then, going ba('k to the conov out of tl)e ,l,­o,,1,r braille I ,a,N a Of ous- childl�co'd. We were collie into judgment for. sin (John I f It- n ro,n I thought like You oace' fairy tale he hall collie to relate, he 1, a-, I- I - 1'rwd hi� tilt, k ,ol Littl, , I f 1,qvil-P at ol.Nuri.h , L.. hear Reinoury allies 14110w We ouirbt to have done 9 it lorn in C�risqiaqi honies and ivared %, 24). but in tire re urrection bodyl sald: "I don't think he'll do any- lllanipst,kol Girdortell. ex Private tundo to Iowa a, lowe,,t You had been very sick and I Nil 's I bo. t I had to learn a lesson or t'Wo. lorld I'l, f.ve towarth Iktv� -uld A t the knee of ChTis,tfiln ni,othem, shall appear before the judgment We asto thing ,kflly Again, I collie into vour room just After the niohing how the woriten It You'll for-6rive London. W, ROVIDPOOT. R, C. It Q HAT Thip, Old Reliable Shall %%e riot be willing to pu� (2-od seat of Christ to fie Judged vIrange, when you inarry 'ell)." I lie rough way I'm breaking the To applv ill(, tProl dkilmrotrotmen, � I .- __ _ 80110"ar". " C-17. 111111kIll, St. and and 1 -It's vour own fault if you let news, Mrs, RYland, Your husband to tho fee'lilnur of Mr. R%larlid on tho ICKINtION & GARROW, Hal"Istarli ALL KINDS OF t I,- Iraq ghten us that fopiritiml educa- either approved and rewarded or I 'am,'' answerod tile other, "you was drowned a week before we reach- following morning wollid but feebl, � D — � crisis Was Past, ,,,d ,,:,, ''Well. Mr. track for this odUcatiozO Hocau-se he I ice, out- works &a salt t - Bar - So -and -so, )low Are vou feeling � I a t r feOdl , I I - hijuara, GLderich, oribf� . day ?" YOU would Answer. "Thank , Iton free, so that we con djscxin� else rejected (Rom. xJv, lo � cor. v, I sihou Idn't be afraid of them I,d ed port. " 10. L. Puriumoom. , � t; ud, I Am better : I hope I sho, it . Pxpvess the start. ,if their cor,ditlorl � — - , ___ CUALAIAM GARROW, , L L D soon be well," you give by that an I Inate between rigilit and wrong, ishall 10; I Cur. Ili, 14, 15, Ix. 27, R.V.) llike to see thp woman lirlic would Mrs. Ityland' rose and looked at a rid he Was firooliftod4to pour un � - .- - - - - - CAMPION. IC. C., Diturt-ter. Sollel,ar C 0 A Za SwOr all the credit of �our cohv %%p not I'Ow be willing to Pity some- The body that becomes a 'temple of'inake a fool of lite. Woman," he the jrerturbed but unfliniching Wilkins checked the vials of fiis ,rath Ot I Hit. i I lotnar3- lite, 011FICe 00 i, Invat on cence And health to God. Cull in I"' � t,hi6g at loast for our past Obaivt- thO IIWY Spirit ,alrall by the Spirit' contlatiod, poetic -ally, "after all is with an Indescribable expression of the shoulders (if his friend for hit I JF11.Zris Oper t'llouse Black. ground floor, ' ALWAYS ON HAND that God is I b, Ian tuition? In due time become an immortal .1 Ithe w6akdr voissel," .- amazement. lack of diplonTary Money to Lom not expecting you it) DEBT W -F OWE To GOD, body like unto Christ's I "Drow-d-dell?" she - gasped; - and .41U,t_tJle t1u,, I - -.1 .... I-., do allYthinq for him on account ell glorious Ryland loo'Led at him half pity- I lite f Affairs be I )rFUS E. I) A NC.Ey. Iftrri-ter. salloitnir I till. bI,s-.'lg 7 i A big detyl. we also qwe to God for body. arid for this we wait and lngl�, hall contenolptuously, Arid felt Making bark in her seat she repeat- Ing inade knowns ll� hoald to) athriiiii &a. Procter in filarlo,jule Courti &,,. &W 11 lest 0 . lowest rat � - alltoll Hard "llul." answers some one, You I ; I a st.lung d"iie to dilate on his - ed the qt 1 n- hardh to blame boa lo,*0111,11 at, — offloce-go, i The N1 84T, the bleshings which coule to us fl -urn, groau (verse 23; Phil, Ill , 20, 21 that Wilkins wato . i wis . "l, , f ,our liNing loved ones. Strange Jq I John Ili, 2), but it seems to 1119' flenry'li - want of experience; but " Drowned, " answered Wilkins, And his . cannot blaule the aver oc I wounded features litrovoc — grye ,lpergo.,., ,,or Ole fact that we rarely Appreciate a Ith.1; the,. I, I. this eleNenth verse .his that lie had gone through SOM4 - "Asal to% -EfteL Goldonriob. COAL ng more _ . I to I � for own sake he contrived to drinkIng off his rum to hide his feel- I � I not bet AlO-c?1AMRItON (for=' oflosmarea. In the Market for CASH good 9 dear' bric, until site Ili gone. There , some reference to the prel,rnt body , I rigs, troro)l- in . & tkdalineroft)'a glister Seoul k5alial. . . tolin Li, glance into one of adulit-a- Mrs, It the caivIe of friendship, I houlth, A healthy' man does! Plenty of morounilento and inern- :In which the Spit -it litka ccillo � M() of-Hamultan not think about his health. if that ' at'" to lion, and )its retuarks into approcia- y1and was silent for a mo- The odds in tile garne had been 1pr�i . 'be stroo, 611144ollid dealt I orials erected for dead Yowl, but %erY dwell and 71its power and willingness � tile expressionH of the other's ad- rybent-, then, as the fuln"s of the one-sided, and thr future for Rv, alvaire. Goderict, good hralth was taken Away I I __ _�_ - . ""'I seldom Any for tbo 11% Ing On,� of to keep it if only we will be willing I %ice and courage, giving hill& a short story dawned upon her, she throw land was not very brilliant. Will I, Then the tilt- nolusl remarkable stutuv,q in this I her Apron over her bond and, in- I W'lihirs left to Conti. Inick In life arre — All coal weighed on the market him If would be difIrProurt. . itind obedient. but descriptive sketch of his life at . CIIAF. SFAGICIL as,,l%ter, Solicitor No scales where you get 2,000 Ili$ for a I , lury. suad convellan,O., oilleo J,lital 1. I "llviduid would relalizie whht he had :,ountrN" Is that raised Ili the Bruck- 12-14. For as many as are led by; the Leather Bottle in Little Ham.p.- "'A'ad R1 ton. 11 of Weeping, burst into Iwal the Affections nf rfulude Thollims, 1-0 'Ott-Goderich oil I cost. But how can yt)u blame a intin , J�n Prospect Park to 4au,,s .S T the -Ilpirlt of God they Are the I after peal of helpless laughter, Ulf- Ityland returned stiolk . and a! d 67114 04 4 Per Mot. lotereaL 0 I for ,lot being grateful to sons vtoad. I'll"st. finalist. I "'t. CAterne llat,et. r a heulthy Sir ana,hall � re gne . Irort"Age. FILM '11,11. 1, 1�, E I It Wus 1111%viLd w,hilv of God. Joins, owing to Ills limited know)- Iv ill the Leather Bottle And dirty eft, note I cafifoccL Iver or kidneys or spleen when the Ube "gru,nd old man (if Broukiv.n" The spirit of adoption which I ­ I've been thinking lately," lie Ordeiq left at 1-ce & Sheppardiolw utere fact that t.bese organs are we continued, "that an Alarming shock e dge of the ways of woruen, plit I'Ankards, his life bellig made non, I � %%Uq alive to see it with tits own have rocehed beareth witness that1wouldn't do tiny harin; a report of this down as hysterics, and wa,4, the inort, con-genful hY firefluent let- . 11 Store will receive DrOMPt attention htvojtliy proves that lit, never knew � o' -,s and with )sjs own ears hear the we are the childret, OI ('.ad, Soule!Irry death, for Instance, might make thankful It was not tears. Whet) lerq front the second Prilzineer, tell. ,or in loveraticeir Proo he had a liver or spleen Or klidtittys- + plilogir, of, hl,+ lit., N work. she recovered and had become N. LEWIS. Barrister.('* , �"' Al.runlit) L�tlotn. ore. yqq'�,y to '­ � I- - I I" . "a - -­­ _____ ,Ile stall. 1101V does the -Spirit bear wit- � Mrs Ryland think It little more of caln, Ing hito of fill, , onol&�l , ,.Ile,,.T;fl ol r, Hatual 10" ralos. Private tunas. QMoat_ I In one sonse, illy brother, your an- , wtol h I tie willing. it our finances 39a ? And I they long for Ilia Wit- TW and Wish sho'd t.reated me b V.t_ arid self-1yossensed she asked for de- their ronlIrpirary - for MITI, at f llou direct, _1W3WzI suler Is right Whet, a mail logos his l wo,ild warrant h, tit ermo%% a hos- no . ness of the Spirit, supposing it to ter. It does have a softening InAu- talls. loast.-Londoin Tit -lilts - , d health he is reatly to give up [ rAtul or library or futirAlinX home be some feeling or peculiar ex -,1 These Wilkins provided for her, I ,I. . Goderich Planing mills 'gaoMt everything "O hug to win it to the Inprivury of a dead child. Do perlerice, ence sometinies." — 4 __ '. " di -ht of grati- I't Is um& so plain in 11 Henry %%ilkins gA.7A-d at his com- w Ith a fluency born of vivid Imagin- RATNIN(; ELECTRICITy. � I . IWEDIOAL.. e back. I we rrot Owe God an% -John v, 10-111, that any one who Is . panion In astonishment, as though ation and numorous private rehear- - - _______Z___ __ - - == CHAMPION of., ITUMAN RJOHTS. ! mde to t1he loved one's who are still willing to be taught by the Spirit be thought there was a little soft_ mals previoun to his visit Ile wnx- IlOw is it that fl,)%%,,rs arid planu I . I i A big hill fur rilurch pri,%Ileg a I by our M&9 4halitnot the father cannot fail to sco it. God says that enlng taking place not far away. ed eloquent over the sorrow the ,-all- do not grow so %,(.11 'Ahen watered . D IL W. F. G A LLO oi-.. find char -god against US ALI ILI e the arid hustralirri feel th he 11"""A to He loves me and gave Ills only Son "I'Ne thought it all Out 'very care- taln And crew al the loss Ruslalned, -rtilldtiolly as wh--n the rain falle . PHY61CIAN AND Sunoa:oN. divine ledger. Why -11 ? Bccause� "lake 801114' arkinowltudgrilent for the for me that I might riot perish full . %," the other ecrilitinued, "and I and describedl with great power how and W,ts their- root,, and tlu, ground COntractors the church of Jesus Christ is not chikiren and the wife who now " t (-John Ill, 16). I believe this and tillink it III beat mrnmMramra=Im bdr. Ryland half gone overboard I o about them? In the dry weather, 11 the table unit how with receive Christ and then tahe ITIs think it ig tire best thing, it it is I copiously Ue.1"C"n Ru'll of ConituarLo Building, a ra I, , Gvr 81de of S 0 1 Its sonle peopla suppose. a Mali I 'Alt, Mol at AV , a fellow-r(onrlide, and how, I)(-. the pLaxitm inixy lit- watereo IJIN Isitit Col?.' ' r" Mnd Buildera buildliV dedicated for a few wpd- � hirn at the familly ultar'I 0 Ili tore help could reach them, they had front the tap, but tilt, errt�ct of AtItc.1denco. Illy ward for it that it is all as fie says broken gently. I could come to life thliq Pnozilis va Manufacturers of and dealers clings and fura-rals and a place In , Chrv,tlau trieud.q. I do not believe It is : that by His sacrilice tot- me, again very quickly, I 9hould be gone down locked In each other's irrigation ig as nolh[Tig compared !�= ___ ___ , in all kinds of Building his. which are to bo 4athered a lew Suit. I we are Intrinsically inean, I do not I jrecefvivg Him, am a child of God sorry if Rho died of a broken hoartr' Arms. Under the influence of Other with the effect produce,ol hy a gentle I day school scholatu, It Jr, not. UK a are] will not lower myself to the lie- (. ohn 1, _12)-7-yrMY9 1, receiving and "I don't think she'd do that.' � things besides these painful revpla- shower, 'ill,, general ider, is that ferial. ouch as Lurnber, Doors givat preacher onoo deveribed it. I'lief thut wo have intvvr%Jo,nn)J) gone repti . lions he became hilinvelf aflectod, And the rain contains; chernicaIR which DEN;rAL. Sash. Lath; Shingleg, &c.&C.' ng oil the word of the Spirit, ,said Wilkins. "How are you going �._ - - , _____ ­ uierelY '%I, ­occleAnstioral I- lying � to 14"I hervtofore only as beggars. have the Spirit'a testimony or wit- to lip""' It broken - ill,, news, I `11 bstantlated his story with real Are absent from the water provided � . I)utr)inlun,** with It dead minister in I 'N't"'t "t 114 have Plot KloPP"d 10 ne�s, for the Spirft bears witness by mean?" tears. by the SUPPly Companies, but scien. f A! NICHOLSON. 1, 1). s_ Dental sanuo Plane and 09tionates furnished on appli tile l,till,it and dend howror in the think with ilow nially bleAst-rigH (laid Hill word, Feelings "I was going to Mrs, Ryland was affectod also, hut title men axe looking for another An. a floci appo,lite it's I . ratuin. may come and leave that to I - V�t olliell, .1 : I Ow 'Intl A, dead donicon pugsing tile ' h as ,mirround"d it ' rhereforp I go, but the ward abides and changes you," said Ityland, coolly. "We've to it more acute observer her atti- lower to � wo,lj- Par"'I'dro had Cold crooirn and, bridge I (Established I"ll.) (,(,It .( I tell Illate. The church of , have to-Afty tried In"Fdom' th" (ItlelliOn Tile latest 'I Dirt. 7 V %011 t1le tilde resembled a (Ionditim of nbso- theory Is that ill(, d1lT,l,Q,, I..o..,- -ve"'ally- Y -fire card exper. I BUChAnang & Lawso", Jif..s ( firist is a 9F,P,ftt gospolizing, "s of Chripilun ghing, the joyi, of not i;ofng on through this chapter been good pals" so I thought you'd `­fTr­-"0w_,-, .: I rind Just believing Ood, we rejo ice do a friendly iarn for me. You're lote perplexity rather than Ono of stilts III due to the fact till, I ,)�:. ,rain 1�, . __� vitah'ing. IntellectualixIng all(] I Via,%ing back to Ood at least or�\Ilttle nly man I know who could do sorrow. and nuirmuring sorriethin 9 Is electrified, linil lhitt it 1,, t h �lec. '. - . lit,", LY lo-oducitill institution, it � Of what we owe, that in Christ W,, are joint hoirs the about being alone, and thinking. Shp tricity rdthIll' ihnn tile 1111ill Itself I MUSICAL. ­Vou * re "e", I I Tho simple fact lq that but Jew of With Him of Allil that fie Is heir to it,'4e went on, quickly. left the roorn. Wilkins flat or .if'., , - ��, I r titilrb(IN ?Iran to live right as Well as a clever chap, Henry, and can do , , I In- base e%er begum to taste and that freely we receive in Him ., teried the chortricniq rotitained In it, � tit d,Q right- the a anything you try your hand at, himself lie had done well, And, hav- does the work. it hn, lwon domon. . test neclars which court_. from 11 things (verses 17, 32). Ing discharged his duty, he fell to mtrated by exper-irrivni 1ONSERVATOItY STUDIO ov AlV81C I MCKILLOP I'll, chur,h of VAd to thit, gron'test swell —+_ Thank what it would menn for me, that If an (�v. OLMN ,3AVV0 R — chill"Idon of hunian right.H Or the Ithe gospitil Afteyards. Many 3 mrs INS1,11CANCE FOR. SPINSTFRS too; arid If I can do anything for wondering how the other Affair was electric cUrl'"t Ill' "n's"I t hro,igh I- tti'vintOr of Planot, rie, go, gues a Gernian Iegtond, ,h 0 Orman &D4 I Init-Ify 1-0 lutuld Fire Insupance go. PITsent lln�, Somk- years agio I sat a ?.-in- . progressing in Landon. and hoping the would In a flower poll, "tanubALIO�t) of Too U* Proildred to , YOU III, return, why, tell me, and Q llow� P, f Ill Cooper lnst�tutp i,ht It gl*t.at limps M%s, was to lie wedded to A prince A Danish Insurance cornpany Is Is- it's done," It would be as successful. ers will thrive in')'(' Itix,,ritntiv than .111, Farm and Isolated To%v.k Pro , I a at The afternoon was drawing In and similar flowers *10'ar all or nuisical ex 1114lion., a .Ctitl Int'Pting Robert 0. hogrnl,oll � a um'dirig gift an iron egg. TI �-P fated not to bo. married. Any girl Mu no ;ousorvatory at party , 'If the far Pa.vt Ile seal to her a f4 ailing Policies in favor of yoyng girls The nuidacity of the proposal Ill Ilk. It,"'iti", %"@nt *a C"r#n to begin rs a- 'foil lui ad. 1119111"Od. Was I- the light fading before Mrs, It land but not troftted 'A Ith ,-I,,ctri(Jt�,-. retired 6nidauts, 8tudl I one Of the speaker, enced Wilkins for some inornetitfl. y , 1; Montle Store. All dembrii VolU*JrAt, ,h,lol "IL910101 0 1 Value Of Property 1)""'nP '" at" J pi-mroh I. In diRguat At sueh a pro.- at whoee birth the sum of 850fr. hus "I'll do It," he said, tame back, when, lighting the lamp is suggested 'that plart,, thea. R at length. I .01111d bl� . esumed her seat. Rhe had dressed electricity. This crin ho� '!On(, vrith. Weloinritil, 11 eza Joel on, Insured up tj dre9s he hurled at PL%- nt�dletnce this ,,,tit from her lo,ver, threw it n4vni been derMsiti"d %Vill, the company 1q, torningto his co-coilapiratorfor the r, she their, ,In',$ Aro January, Igo,, $3 f,tin,:.inif sentence : � atrd drawing down the blinds, irrigated With Water ohartro,d n, I til, Goderlou. -048,973-00, "11w reason I J tbe growt.d, whon, to, tbie sbell b m'kv if.utimarried at the age of thirty. to destroying of female happi e . "I'll I OFFICER.4 allot J)JJa,t_1J1OtJ8_J.CJ. otspise tile church ,it otlod I.% 6orallse . n as hprspll� In black, - t 0 ri 77 1 i I I I I � . � nl-J OT""n(`J- Ord In"10'mi thOrPhl xr MR recl-tvo An annuity of 100fr., which do It on one corridition." - ,and her exPr(kslilon out much trouble, and thlire Iq a 1 lUcLooll", PITS_ T Viraser. V I,W prQ . it blocks Pvtry wheot of progress." � a til%er fining. Ili great anm:,p_ annuity IF, to be Increa,sed by 100tr "T kilm , you would." answqred Was troubled. . 1113 thanked Wilkins firm belief MARRIAGE LIOENSES J. Connally, (... Palo, 'J. Watt, S' Afterward th, chuirman of the rnpot- i u,,n, for coming to breq the sad news to cLuAckly that they %%Ili orT0%v Inore ____ 1',�(Xtls, J. G. Orime, J. Rerun, .I� Ing Arose arid nuill - "I Adjull'o Rob- t lie Ininceso picket tip the every tell yortra up to the age of tit(- gratified Ryland, putting out a than wilen rain fall, oil ... Wet a. _ her, and begged him an a personal them. . ; - ( ' 'hostlev, Sonfort it, Tn- ert (a. Ingersoll I bedlov4. bill, to A spring. 8 he totvlwl R. and R (ore rhe reaches tile ago of thirty dage of hill fried, shaking it bearti- 4 --- - LA%P, 1."t1ETt Op, MARRIAGE lifiwitorn ; W . egg �nd folliel in this sVver linit-, lzpventY� If tile spinster marrtes be- hand and, grasping a rimilar appon Sparorth, Soc.2 Yost, " time, and to repeat his story to the W. LI -new. godarl.h. out �apector of Losses ; T rE, It a be Dart of the greatent orators who � op,med And, In, ln-iido "o ki _vi- Tin,. tile 8301r, are return d to her. In ly "What fs the conditioril" �favor to be her guest for a short A FRONTIE,R OF 1W6J.-'. tl_ - - - - _!�M - __ l"'PQ It Ea h director have Plor �LivM� 1AUt I glory At,. Ing wIrt'. toldell tolk She III" 'r- case Of tier death occurring pre- "Well, I've never told you before," M any friends who would be an.xioul, q - - ______ - I Is an Inspector of Josue& it, his owl, Ingersoll h , Inot tier .spring'. 910, to. Inpi'le vlousl were � I A g to know thv RtAle of Affairs, as she Ever since custorns Julles - - - 1� district to show "4101-0 1111 C til I ed i y to that age the company Paid Wilkins, "but I'm in love, and I Imposed AUOTIONSpp. . thin Church has blool(C4 tile wit bR I tile golden yolk glitler(ki a bcnutl.-�il contributen 125fr. towar-09 the ex- have been for a long time. Her (Was Join UpSet (o do it herself, It I each F�aparnte country bag AGFNT%; -- J.W. voo. 11olainvilie: of progrom. M%Pry ;rival onwNft'rd � 1419), so tire reason Point, Or hadboon his intention to sta had to Collie With sultr "lors. It.aiv ­_ _____ - ___ — Jag, Cutrit"lliff, Ilnmondvfllo� 11 1,r u1i pansies of her funeral ritune's Empdo Thomas her fath ' y in the � � . . I or R Illage until lie heard fro -in �Ir. is Ono of the nations whi I . .1 ROMAII OUNDIIV. Milinn. Seaforth; : . C- IoOVQTM�nz lion had Its a,b!vq chain- , ha%,l� had �,i lit,tle jo� out nt our a ret I ried captain - not that that v Ry- most. ell suffor `!, I T It Stnith. T-larlock. tilo,lis and Often Rill le)ilders and proqIel experil,rive J9 becut.-roe we have - Ik'TY —tters to you. Well. I've got tile land, Ao be found It easy to accePt o For ma y yearR ' I � Polley listslis"s am" Pay ase'rsamwirtill a" 11toot originators Ira tile ,tit,,, wirr) wpok , unl� IT YrARS AT A SUNDAY xerclsed in mi n she bill; been " . 1,11re Stock and (10156ral Atiationear. their sarits rilealsited at Is toitirtled the oirter oege of its thig Invitation. nd to di'4­%er a rue. , I - vast% ountart. dr at bv wook preach from ('ill Istiian put- jols I%e ha-.,, only F.Plilvilly took- SCHOOL. old tuart's consent to marry her, For the first two evenings, fie rlxth- thoo Of porl,venting dt,tho,,,st persfim I I " ll&wlltOn litraer, Goderich. Mit'"siall"s' P"ll"I's 01c2l"I'llf 8101`64 6800filti. but I can't get her to do the saine. � I I Its." That chairman Warl right ed at the gifts which 01,11 JhA,.q gj%.,,n It 1�q Wilte Usual In Wales for old or enjoyed hilliself; his refreRhment from carrying thino froil, SWI,e, to��, -�, . - . r J,eo;Ae 11 , I:,) to Sunday achool. Oirlq are runinly beings, and I think was not costing him Anything; Italian territory, but N%l� hout 11,13, 1 , , . .. .. , ,. . . , '. �f, 09160 made every whore and @611 afriarts inalle 0 . __ - - ----T--*T Tho thunderous applau!jp of the �u. 1!0 'is 1'.4( when we hoIneqti.j. slip likes having me on what lit- 1, �i . � I Ifolvillyou "lisfactlen. dietloo approvirl it t rN' There, are not "'Any oven among the she only rep,tinted the. Ptorv, ' great nwasuyl? Of FRI ... ...... r � 1 11I. � , , . ' ( I by a rolinverated We to pay latek calig a little bit of stAinig, and I'm !sad end . f RVIand's ItterldinS I � . � . The chur,ch o Wplsh ' il,vr boys" like Air. .1. to sympathetic 71steners in her Offort'll. Now tin lng,t ­ . Farn"'I's'salt "'Itcli 111111111ted, f 40d Is tile great In. I IC od hir what lip has duol.e tot- un, Pon,1101,4. 1,,dellile , Hall, Itindelipr,p, gletting a bit tired of it, I think Ilous Ital, '... I _'. I . 1101!0 I I11l001llP�_V .................... 0.a.saa Dr. HumphreysiIi tellectualt.-Ing force Dr "hal-10P return But lie got alt,O�",ther weary ran hat; devised what is h(q,log C 11 I.". f; . I I 1. I � ! L. I 01i'll we AbAll hiri've it Joy 11hicb, liko Who had jt;gt recol,red a gold Inedal she likes nit, right enough, but I of it later on, Calling frortupntl, at 11 frontler of bells, allell . _. , I I I , rhollipson circle do0ared that *,the ! tilt, fahle-41 egg, it...m.itpeq in ,.,line want things brought to a head. and tre Rtrptt-hed I Ines of ! , .. I I L . . I., I VETPMNAZY Aft*r fifty yonn Dr. llumphtqe Proollyterian chni-ch we,.1 mot t Ile I its %ii-li, d,),,, Into It. First, the for rogirilae attendance. Air. Peal,- tile Initial; Office, for the exproted iotter along tile 13 1- I . -11 `w-" --- -__ f3p*6fies eltJOY t110 OrliAtcat poirldult sons turn paPqed his ninetieth bitt 0 ourida. . h- Phe*d be nu%d enough It she thought which WoUld enable hfm and on these ireq are )lung a nulty" I I—' I . I, I � ,y church of great Viathed-ftla, but of ! IT0111 li"hell, thri. the sil%vr liming. oil A lolit me. Now. I'll tell you MR ,story to leave. w I It* W. F. If ).Anx, v. s. graduara at fits fmd IRM03t, We in throfir history, due to Ailmh collegen *1 Wilorove he gopppl ! then tilt* golden volk. tht,, tile gift- day. and has beeii a ilcholar at the W gaincid no additional in- bpr of striall 4. - , J I Ontario Vaterniary (,;Urge. ,,,,tsilto. I hat I'll do; If you will go and bells� "Ile bell, aill I olft-upoin cK her,* owgtN w I it hung on Aery sensitl%e ' I . � 1) I Intrinsic merit. Tboy con the sick. r1linistotiol go there you I find tilt, !iPring rully crow' ()h' Illy brot k"r parls:h church Sunday school for tell tier I was drowned at Milt, leirest for him In tile telling, and the NI.ring.q, go I I : ., - R' 1, fifty Years, Or drsire on Mrs. RVIrund'A a.Tt that it is Impossible to % � fro. eOlJogQ plautern. Tile Reho-Ahouseirl"I siqter, will You Ile one" wit,h I Pi I , I ollc*h the . ". -1 M -M ftytft . I killed In any other way that strikes 0,11 should know of tha noble ent I'll -e ever So lightly livith ... it I I I-Volvelso. r4arostious, raillillizzlituesta, .43 01'WaYs Riandn Under the ilglad,ow Or I (Nodl 11,111 �jou tr?. a rop(%3 him by yCitir falicy. I'll go "d do tile same d of wit troaking . . U-Wowifta. 17am resist. woft coil&,. .g4l the h I 11 t PW Where tl,#,re it (I cotin"rated [if(,*& mmirp for all for you livith Your wife. Then it'll IaV and the 1, ather )Jut I , I , ODD LAWS or non=o. her rVAPeeted husband eaulma the -.,it- the bellS liable with a clear ring 3-v6&iblbt.cwl.%crytt*.w4kkeration , . " " , "" hirr. When the I)vtlk.q of Borneb have, to be a n,&tttual t, tie tu he. that can Ile heard eaplIN, bN I I . - —_ " rarlinbly thorn js an the iv,�rrirsi ulth, which he has * benefit. That's my telane objects And objrt. t ro y tilt, pa. I I . 4-allartkes. at cultrois of Adults ...... .0 - , I rcI. ,In r0hooiliouNp , 1. decide betworun two rrill, Ion." tionahle in the extrome. � I'. it ;q useless 'It"I" 1%'01114,114 10 -11 I 11 SEEn .b."'k,u, 0, tqh, rnly�10%11 you? t lo-diny j)",�e!lt 01H distasteful , . I I . '. .�.,_��_ TonsorlILL 1­00ittlita, Oo4d% liteatill"a ... ........ -114 The church 11A the greatest purifier �bill at debit train Illy 'DiAlne Mailtei. PI%0 to ell(h tLe Puline al;,rml Julap or Mr. Ryland did tot spealt Irnint-d Vi I, to Tivnry Iers to attel"Pt to "Illt, tbl, 11 I I — 8-Stefiralcla. Tbotbacho, varsiaefre..... .g3 of the coniniullity. it is the ,Z;.,,.tt I arid King. GMt, <1110'0 Itunra arn dropped into I- % lki e, = IRICII An attplltpt IVOIdd OOJ . I TONS01111A], 1160 ids , . wal:491, and 110 whota.lurnp to dig- abll.v; ho' had no liblirw-flo-a to any- After lie had speiit roily (Iftyll InTrAllUerable hpliq rillging aA,l "51,14 1 ... "veri inrorriabor. Morterill.ors, tioU14 fl� . ',X�A*SOAID PLOCIC 0-116ahleelle. St 1lmd*cb31v*`t4*`- A114 j-1111,ntor of eirlitu'. I knew of o i y tolling llp'q ab011it him "U'D ilight'; in this stmo.VJior,,, Indu) arid bring the plAtro) down U. . � , ,, 1, W . , - 2 - - hod If Clostil solved firRt In derided to be in tim Ile wall Ifil Pon them Ilk I 4 Mhavitooths. 11-9011111111`6104t.lit I' I P,erl"S..., 44 , W, not it (OW hard thougHts C01 , A� I I � out .6000140, Lairentibig too Oys""1&461'PikitAN.Wesksuft&6k144 "�Io`ri- All"w"i 40911selts plan vtho 5-ivpd cornfortablo In ronda" ,ot,elit, In � X 41*"Wb**I2#d and frolut4[ist rong. or they ff doubl"tilcic tinni. . I 1, � 1*.Wtf I s-WhI its. To4protaso pt,"Ods ......... i4t, �,A a Rnmll Ohio rdty. 14, -.pry Year ,,,, THE SuNhy 809,00L 11 , put two live ghell- in$f the POrult- But he "I'llit" not (lorning the heoric nyli, i- . 1 i4i � 0 is 0,001 0010000 I I I 211-0it"Ori Lar"ditl * Kont ilr't�:rifr donnAirin 911 on a Plato- one for each litigant anxious to ,nd, Ile I 0, ._+�. �. - , 1. I....''111.1 ---1-1, � 6. notemates ..... .24 to nit 1111to dif- I to undert4ko ri. p1milar �cejvj,tl th, ,,,tt,r that ,. A 6 ___­ - �� 14-utrthlIllim mv ferillit ellurch — itilli'm IIJTA (,X- I 0 END ,% now. -4 �, I _­____ I— --- , _ - "Isiollu% Xmiltialat.. 4 eq. "not " naid he. -and sirl'"20 "It"VillrO O"r ther0- Job hinvqe1f; lid Was elluivbt. and he tt"In, r4tisfitetion. 114st , . " , � I 4­1001hinsidgm. Ittleumatfol, filittes....: **$ b(104111%,11 I not, a prt;!!�.r.1.41n, MTERNATIOVAt IMS09, T'ho vor,dict is given nocording to c(,UI,d not ot out of it ,Wnpiria 1. 1, f0tintor Chai-ged 'r " . . _____ *Uff � 10-Ulixtill. Chill -I Neu silad Alittas.. _ .*4 tr chh'iiiiiol, doiovp Iiiiiiiie land. with . I I I - I 'blIt b(J'AA;*V I belf0%,til t4 g Phrirtimn, ,which anualn fith s1irs fiftt, bo V_ Adprilate dtfl&m h1lik h Selby. ynrl,% Ign, .. � . l , , UAY 31. After it f0tv feelibb romurks on his 'plIon,tts Was that L Nliting 111.4 ,lif"kite' g, �r I I i I , � Ileart-broken at tho filtv. a man ."Id I y all I 1. , 1, - � ,� . , touehift& tU inadvlgabflft�r of! fieft and refluAblrl to be comforted, furniturt, an h" sr"'i OP -the .�, i�' I .4A Inom to onkility our JOAN ortind floor- - imposinitr birl Ono 90 ,,,bring, and a lie- 016t it Only neetiod hig re�;Ilrrectjon Jmraft oil, . , ; 9"Il-wit"StatrAltath .................... M hdiuge.q and critnitird rpncirtfi than Uxt 0 tho Lonna;,* non, viii,, 1. TO MATIOn Tlnll� ?.1OV,P,y. P'Nrt d Pill, it pit the JIM With 11 I I IM100 UNDERTAKERS I 2*�Xw-"` lb"a . ...................... �" &TV othor power on ecti,til." 11,110 I I 01 Text, UorA. vill., 14� A litd�P 0011110d VO 91VP h0r maid firiort ftni Wilkinfli rvlatli�46 to 3feg. holph"T It, flightell 111, I . 1'_ 1114-1coitaliv Weak$&" .............. , 4 ... J #ft"d ifiell"Itif ' ...... t6" tblit'di Of the tord ,*TtlsI1,l; Chirlsit, to I Rs 2" A" "Ildra " ft "U'llYlagii Pdrtfoft. Ift,Vinitut and tathorl&A childreh. lie (" and tll&t Ile Would 1010 a7nd end A, r0w. .1 ,, �, , . welthtif 11611" " in I ,. , cle: bO I`otA'I`r1yd vi�itft til)I)n aring, Wilkil),q , ., AN 9MBA E I 7*4140" itarri,'o. tie artitti 001,11000tome of a Pure I . " .,. 11h re 19 thorefore no%7 Ito '1110 girl t6t 111arric'd to a Inan of fifilt" In And necofitedi t)i,d &oMittort I .. ............ I .1 , I Pill Vint are, ln�lfljw ,�taflllvk, and 116V ffiffirfrotill. on 1;it(t lJotviri. IiiheN. diia�ets"d� rl f#WlWI'Otqb h0ek 6, 0110PI'llAg lotter, with ql,,A -N , i�, . .­ as --+-- t" ,�, , . to argtio tottittratullitiong all the AUCc*A.eJ, And - . 0. sir, it 1-4 111411(tio,lb1iii, I I :�i . ftm 'by &WA& ot ofts on rectirps or ** hOmd. we do hot It nVo � fue f tOV thil) 14*01f V10 lt�Whg 11111flo'WAS Atin a 6 It of tin* thAt prollillf;W to too littlit In London the I but y I .1, ONT I t ­ - a," trorry, Indeed . 10. . z , 0*'*-JN2= INOW hoist "m tilto I'dip 0110 nioniont -to try t Of. 11h, it, Christ Jifinus tfu%4#1 "A"Ot, vok-C wtiat a littlo, holill, PU00141 filtillgo bol tan i, I a at ill militillift , 84614. , I , Wlftl 0*1 titid: Ootaflg a t t " "I"0I!* f0116AVIng ulornin#. Infirry ,I oU,­ He I I , t � "ll ( 11770. f I 11 le" tll* I . of 11-rotil t I ftw at, , Ct�liil litAtO1111011t; It 1* tin vtxlloolu .,�I`Vlirpo frolu tho law of sin and of billut vatl llwai� got," f1ba, took , thl6h tXroy Vj&tjod, % nftos I " - �.. ,V10 - "11:01 I 11 11 �Jlt fia� plk,f,eq 01100 .,ft tj, I , , Ifli, Itylli'lilit Urartonlifint A1611 . a I .. . J!"Moiliroylit" 11twilotital 00., cio. wtma it rtl: el h t. NOW. Day biptber. I doall 11TAY, volOyiWa tho gid. "WIllit t6wo t)io 111*ht Sind tly uAdMA& tbb tl�o idea of Iftifig hin), fit nJqJIt . I "I - -., . . I ­­­­.. � i -1 , __ Milk 111i X4* 1*04 4" ill I. ,�, ... I OX0000-8 wretlw PaW, Me 1ho. . . . I �. 2 . - , . . I � . ?, . I re *if (;Qd Xoen your% Wo Map b VOIT tl!*AXKUI 101' 000 0461)14 3ydU #'q)"t iorVV# idolleyol 11 fttl*A t t, I - "Z In it(' waitio,"' . , , , 4 1 11, , - . 1 .21 .1 U P * - �. U htd W aW t4 thott ItA. t P4014 "li". 4,ifit 0.11d *Wd she that Inustri glib - or�' 04 1". , ��e � I , -, yi, , . � I �, . I , � � we Mut6"N. t b'e tirilihiC4 whiii I _ , , " '.1 , I � . is IiA� .�, , � ., I , I Y likid unddr ' I I 11 � tm-&Urt, to I # � , . I I I . � " I ", .1 . 1. L �,� I IT I . I I ! . "I , 11" 1 " . I I I , , . I . 11 I 11 � � I 1 . . I -1_11_ I � ... .'. . I I . I \1 V , 1, I � 1. . , ,,� I . . I ... . .. I ., I . . . t . "I 11 .. " il - I I . . . I V - . � . I � I .1 I i 1 11 ; I I tiLl' I- r �, I I - .� 11 I I . I 1. 11 ii � : � ,,� I 1� I . � � . ,,, " " , , � I I I . . 'I� 1. p I . I I . I ! , � \� I 11 ,� I .� 114' �1_ 11 ', , I . I ., I ��� I � I I I I . I I I I , r . � I I . . I- 11 I � . . . 1, 11 I . I , � . I I . f I . - 1) � I I I i I I I � i I I � I . ­ , �.. �. t ", , ­ ,., I __,jJk'e_ r, , . �, , , t � il , , __ � 11 --eft . At r I - , � I . I � I � , I � - I I .. 4��ekr - I 1� . -i- , 11 . I ­ - � , dd&--�._ j�,, I '��, __*­ ..... I'll, I I , - - . .%Wk 'I-, a,.. � I " I I ]� *w " I y , iiiiiii�������ll����� = "oil i d .- I ­ - �-111 . �_A_1, 'f- - AL,_ . :