HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-05-22, Page 7IAoilitql. wwpy coftpkoy, itt*011, i4t, 4. logo'". rsit*74 Rod, **4 49AW4 1W axAtsiow. 4t VQ,OX- t�* 11aikkiox OM4. O" bill WOrKI Crow] foxy Ix, I out it, IAV 04 *16*144 tf�r,4 rwtop wom #Iyq4,4-q 't" ft -d *t he illilitv, Xneeting of tilt 4k POW1#04 ob), Olt view# U4 ovs. The, Q -TA. to to ,swt of OW 49111160"411111* tX040d) 'WON. t4A1RVA'tcxTeR0 4000 4y X4r' -Z hott0iiii, k I It At, Pr �04 1* AtOrild 6% 4i, iorAMOA t "A4104 killing thilil, 00 A4 A ij$ Arat, 00 1**At9, NVAIII, 0944A vow *or telf"4040124", iW-Vit or* lit too, 101,1ly of Loirdqu. tlw . 0:14, yA r , , , be . 4ttgr, 00*90, 04" lillw '10 ik 09;"mal,
(ciftp t b4rA`ft" Ot 72� for V*A sWid, wildto, ow. - 9wo. V, , . , h _* lourill tit Wit .0 C404,04�, i*bo. Ill DAtilk positurii, the PAW011. I9A W -Ifilill .0t $*It, "A, day' qp.IAJQ4 49t," icjddI#_fr4tX#. U %r,, 0040*0qua, - the T lippot W.4 ivbilo� 0 4 04II00 fg.b. gatro "AtIt *401. I ( *00tirts nl� Pp4r"Yot toilloot, f4rov �vilrlt at Aso, to; VO4"I Ilistilealkilt %fie, 11�kowtou pou:10 tho lipow W4, O—Rop W"A'. 0, Mr. 101glit 44,10 vl4iiiqt llqwor�-Colw IXiliko FOA, � . , �4 s =4 ,,, *,�. , . WOO, 001404 orgilk. , a rol *.4g*nAjtoA, of tia be,xilR Is tQ be tA NVIX101POW, Paid Ilitt .1% U*,*' 01*44 ik. 04" w4lifA, , i, * I I tr 11*110 'Londo 0476 der ,X I i I . , With p cimparly Allil Q410, troliblor, 0110, the orp are,, apt -10 $Qr. la.., �1,090, Xor Oc 46rcrb�siijlil, too, 1xie, TvVo ilix riij � Aftiiir 0, wbltg,, the, A To onnorw 06. 416 t twIiIt bai;al 0611r.. for 0
Nylth, ri AW44 4* ot, p9oplo -141ir rt , - 'Q4' 'or I hictill, ebArter, he 474404* ,it,, ToVilt ot Allsk 94v Of( a. b4ij t it charitable 111stitlittO44 Of 5t, JOIIAV� 19, "by lip t log vm gyo now al 13frov:
crclp*.� For. "Nom rto, 4stmoll", Q01horo, , %lie Iffils of 1,1411anco sekld� tbat tile 'XO, 1 It" Is tollowl: *401, will, loat for 4, Wtalikilit PDX, Ito, t6w, lat, Ito MA NO tIleir lapconek ToMu to tile b0l, vl�oxa th,at it the It is Said the American wire
lop-thi 1. ia. I Toro r. rYnp- ismp* to, the ihtho'. Q0 � t* onto �, �xbor. )Ar. Gto, out 0 A %x * Dki power to lend ;latempintlog Tqcwting hopiouili to, no* Wrno� Into if thqvIln, of" Motsvift 11i t c0*007 Viiks" ffivi company Is ci;
#W. tho. rave toney on %Ile stock Of'Oth0r, COW- its Canadian ilr%ui j%,ft pli e$n,91Xx0sl ch at Port 001- ectlug the U4,011114clilIt Voct, 0 Rappctino loodly which of hornie, Instead, of I-TwatlWA, 419, fit
,008011 and '61 lenku ov the As, 3wor tiley had under
�,*, o".701n A Isi 19
Re, is Inikeict"to PPAS gia�tas OAttl fro.0 with, 0q, roviotoll OhOrter, their aftirs might got first thought, reopt car Waroct .000, iAct. �Inkxed up, U was also suggested Wltipqrlo quarantina st-Inti0h for to. o V the 0A*_ OW tile A860AX011t
AR, on Ire are6nd- thelflith eQU00111 hap9wtor of A
thi Ilia kind pro.
for etpro pationts h4a 41cen rc_�Opeu-
i'V9.4 very "'p, "j, . ny Liiwhefa� r�pe jj,. se0494', sof Hu4*044 Vi4ia 10ii of nald MoLood., 4 young- AXAU
rojeIll. Air: (1blvan offered (A the city on A
$heiIlr w4groo ed. Do lAt_q #g"-0 Volivapy t e. k1oh TAND sit from The Hie Ictionq to'L + bifsl,� 10 erestj but not to have It' '0'06- tit" 4jaclilid �T itise w*4 Ilato Idro yqA itcut
a JJL,�41OO de iirgalat� 4,4 UA1111pWAY :VAO4ru1QTS,, Davis' bill to WtM tile Act and the bill istooll, ollbr. aul, IS aufferb:ig train a bad tYl* -A lghkirt. William of the disease, NO 014, O or. _1 4, t44'PrAw get �In'to the We pprollic 4;10(� of Wiped car
fj :041 th, - - - , r I ?je" 11
gtlo - �c . , lto proviag for the ii, I P Opt :-T .. .,
oIn' , �y pci,j4ci stfor, �WOU but Of, JVotrQ- certain IAVOR, for tile volulavtMOVII WhO ORfor,) rA will, 1W. 4,14VA kiring, V , It.01A t,you'r mioa, durbij th# 9pe
+ AfcaMoto -I 'I 6i h 0. ahokts. A00A Of t e;.sogtip �qg 84ralq. are RiqPkinir liflecirporkton There are twenty-two cases Of foiawho sorveld on the forruod by Sir IN the South top; #Ad At, protootp the 40SIL, OkInadjotils disabled Ili smallpax in Detroit.
arli�.VX,716 .;, b lai, , 4 i t'lie opeAfiC10, an' .4si the St� Ja 1860. orroDr. osiBop took the ground that AtillvAn Wnr received the same Pon -
on of ulo.11ritish n4 All tile railroader in Florida are
sitliw% lit XIliter not ...... ... .-.at and 0 ale 40
ifok.Wil it .4. and 0 CoMpeknLy,.,PrQPQPO$--'bUildilIg QI StOAin I Whawas known at tile M1110 aWns as thq Incapacitated on %ccqunt of the to Wile art rig n on Is. Arm . The Canadian QoVornmellt a anti
to 1111; ut ltiie from aral
S a, who were on active service, floods. Is tj
A a; v ca,
4do for xo�� j�&rxca �to' Stl Thomas, With power shouid certain co buted nothing to this. find had K 11 d I say that,hamdrods of
00tsed by e, deposit of sand In the he, Q.nR., the G� be allowed to PVxrticiP1NtQ in tile ny not 00"Bille"Od tile Liciv'Rati'llty of of famine In
allo4utf esited to connect with but -did not fight,
f -now 444f, 01 a middle that sand is dopo people are OyIng
prg 4n, TlH.. tile arid the Lao BrIti uppleinenting tile Imporial pension. Kwangst province. China. de Simi 0 w tile others. 11 bat, o1ja fdr the GRAND TRU NK by I I ar to th as in birds, ]Detroit. RAIlteind. 'rho comir. out that IIAILWAY� Nine Aldermen And ex-allitertlesn, Of and jilitic Opplil6a the b foil it bond v 11011, Mr. Floiding Informed Mr, Saginaw. Mich.. were indicted on
es- Or,.- D4tharod uViantures and Mr. Davis- pointed t on they arq� 2 to West,, eggs. Plin'Y's request- oil. oterans have tho ittivnutago Of mt-
,fit, freights wods, stom wh to produce t.e shells tOk their ratio for initial they Would get more Talbot that the Grand runk barges 6t bribory Ili connection will' rnnue frolglits, 125,0(1 a tlers in that 8. illcifog h(g1h.' aancing is now being recommended Issue Of
OSing, rApti as a over. evitIg the clover a clidy'eQl X01`11 TO Steady o orms in qhe body. .,equipment was. refused, and tho way Company held no loall various contracts. corn. for destroying g roviding bonollit from the 1`180 in value in tell tilt) t9V tyew,s. In rcceivvng free Of cost from tile Dominion Government eilice
Afrothe'r,44 t4oll'Of aidjoin rallied of- yellow NyQat, Axilerl- for only - crop 11�1fq I$ W40,0d feed d revolutiona are fatal to rate- usual powers They cents an Acre, they Coxifokloraticvn� At that timu the y, 3 mixed is Rapt
corn ls'oteady; NO. per mile given them, land wbrth 50 or Ito a0l, in, 'ofth4if Ose- Sdw the can a yellow mt robes It m4Wtained for 'a few 111114- $20,000; COUNTRY.
ted.'at tile and Nor. recent expert- also ask for $IQ,QQQ per mile extra 1would be receiving $80 worth fell callIpully owed tho Pro4o'co Of Call- FACTS ABOUT OUR at: the'.l.ate; ;ig three to four ciovor -the tit -at year to Improve the- quo utes, according to Which w Ila rver wIll bring humus l5po on track. Toronto. the it they should doublo-track. thing, They would be givoiI... all avollo. .'"i,prid$'por 10'ro allcigo Over witla an th6 oil y ext% O.Oc for No. ments, arid dancing Is exactly -.tforii Radia.1 Railway found oil their property. Its An That Will Be New to lilost Peo�
Cut the OvLt6'- Are stqad taken by the 'the 04. the t and ftjtpOgqjI into the soil. higiX, frVighta, forrin, of mqviement most effective in The 9t, -Figures of Interest.
nI impply I to three years, then 2 white, tiny orrenalpil. Company, whqao directors are find tax exemption for ton yone-H, No payinents hall Over' b00 I'Lade by pie )IIIIII;od 010: fave ril . igra-0 from one clover sod and re- rrolghxj�;;, No, i. white are th'i'I'killing Of OLK' . Sloan and John Jamison, of lvillich ordinary settlers do not get. tile company on this debt. From (4uoboc to Yokohainu. via Q, gm.t actil .:or iorav, When 1plow under the ice ' As a result of peated expori- M In "t a ' as- Chica&, llobtrt Paxton, of On- q.�. d t 82c �nd No. 2 white at re Port It the V,otorans kept their Now HINU OF North Bay arid Port the
aced if it I$ to be kept in and ments, a French rticulturiat CATC
,fjorit ��mnrtU lip� WWI it 18 POPsibl to 30 east. roRes IVIII grow better Dover, Jaines U. Ferguson, of Inger- torio grants, they Would reap a Rub- way of Vio proposed Strepp J�lr tile field before I ve cropa� Thorough tillage is steady at SS..50 fegjsierts, that 1.0111jeLX ivas Informed distanc by ot rat the harrow Oatmeal - Is than in sell, tin Suthe land of stantil reward. will bif l(L's, flad a lot of very important. Start caro'of bags and $3.65 for ba,revIa Wiriih placed near sunflowerii GQorge reported witbout by Mr. Profuntaille that flip "Ov"I'll- tiew Urdnd Trunk tilt lie
log time. , will q right to �uik� an The bill was as rompAred with 7,-
iii,des. which they will no Soon as posirl'ole after plowing to any other position. HoaliortroPe and Cicago, Ask th lent had recojivoct A petition fruit' (1,885 Iniles. bl � 25c more for
o)4 w'be e4oh on -tibe track here. and y1olato shotild �a placed close to- eleqtric road from Stratford to amendment. the fishing 111terostm of Llustiv. pray- 41:3 milou by tile present 1011W. via
el. retain the 140stul'O. broken. lots. , -' ter In order to got the beat to- Mtellpil, with branches to St. I Ing that tile GovOrAltileat would pro- Vancouver. 1'rom Montreal the new
to t in, but will grow Out t 63c for No. go village of Embro. SAY IT WOULD RAISE RA E m it �h (L lot of feed A Peaa, - Are -steady a its suits from bptb, and tile same aP- Uetry's and the T . hibit the catching Of (1811 Cut' "too LAS route propoSe to sliorten tile ills- Ja , rlhe As� the MASSACRES OF JEWZ- 2 middle freights, 62c high freigk plies to pansies and carnations, BILLS' INTRODUCED. land fertilizer. And aboo Prollibkt Life tance by 390 Is. or� fthdLAt 040 strait' which have great affinity for. one an- id of New The inatfulacturing population of r I! if 015own Aiatte 'late - lt� Me, Rpss,-Fo.r the construction .0 f Muilicipalities Are Afra list) of trap nets to" cull And as rou -I I to'to holy # follow' an At Least Two Hundred Were Kill- other. Assessment Law. th ground tijal, these practives Canada, erionted by c tioI cd in One Listrict. TRY PRODUCE. The nowast method of cleaning works of improvement along the on 0 � the h4hark-9 1,110 and towns of 4.000 or more, situut- cro 0 a, r o of! ba.rley , it COUN )utch front 14ramilton 19RYB: were destroying ad Along tile G. 111. Ij..,na.tubors 1,7 r .., * L, 1, 110 tO.S . 0 It with A despatch from Odessa Says: Dos- a con- chimneys is to burn a little zinc Niagara Rivet. The Act maltes pro A deal No Ilitteo of tile Oil- Government had decillied to act In . of tile it not qa I . I Butter - Receipts of all kind of gera in the fire occasionally; a very vision for tile prevention of erosion Tho L?Aecutl - Coma 0oo,g4o. or 18.7 per cent Ihe rin . AS soon patcaies Ir6m TirOS1301, a districit liberal, and the, tendency R tity of zinc is needed. and of the banks of the river between ta6riO municipal Association. at a 0- the mtl6ttev. total population of t.he country. ox, rpxIi9ved. town in the province of lCherson, oil t Wire lower basis. serial quan 't Erie, and for I cent nueeting this following TI,OUIS rXILIBITION. -flrsi.�Jfio grain eye 11 8 the market Is toward a it is to be used only when the cWin- Chippewa And Vol passed lit Milnitoba there Art, the left banli. foster, say, �rs the new assssanent Ir It w of the Dro a ne appears to be getting clogged,th rig Ind I-, plow or disk"t Q It d at OU90-- 30%7 it is the opinion of some dealq irovement of resolution on Mi-, Lemieux was infOrIll- acres of land. and ill tile ith' 4P &fx,,frQsh massacre of Jews has taker, 'rho Vapo th: r.=I.y es tile act; Fielding Lhatr Canada the rilpe, and 'Cove eho recent that second grades or iAediuzn d ir r of the zinc It also authoriz Committee, od by bit'. 345,600,000, Of which 29S.o02,240 reaming. nitore rapidly with soot. ordinary smoothing harr.ow. This place there dillil.ar to rbon; it cotnmi�sloners to enter into an "That this Bxcicutive g the would be at 114, St. is ttiritimil t'Oluolbia -religlorilsts In a method is 11racticeii, to some extent Icrassacre of their co ttan the's b1sit., c but tEel general opin- has.a, great affibility for ea a ment with any existing or proposed having considered ure Louis Internet ional -- On of acroo unoccu. "Pecti'll
Xisherneff, The, despatches State at all grades are mixs with the soot, and forms n rob there arto 200'(100,000 Find new chemical compound, any for the construction and firfunicipal taxatiO bill 'low go -I. III , ELI, ion seeing to be th part of comp arid hav- W4�
11rit 0�
Ad t forl�oor . find that the isiAughter of the Jews ivas qually freer. The. inIfflux of butter. -ation of an electric railway from the Provincial Legislature, Ill neyt be attacheti Or tile Iartivo--eightlivi us oluch 4, fo more conduc which goes up and out, and part opei "'ou 9 jop I
5 however, has no Con-rurismion. but -.0 A I Ila in �rn n lorcips a ted witli great fury and that e' t beem, large enough Ing carefully considered the same Wovild be �, t , t dedInU There is a ter- falls to be swept up as nail Chippawa to Fort Eric. cut 0 land unoccupied in tilt) Northwt m large numbers perished. lt changes from yes re- as far as it effcts tile assess prunted all tile cightS am 111'"'il"gon -veLge of all tilt, Carlos Lit ,c t Tirospol, to warran Patients are to be nursed ty me. Mr. Ros%_-TcL ameird the Act tilt. total tic, large Russian fortress a does quotations. ty, beg to rix findependent tift'Llu"al c011uilis- the United Statos. whit'It cONorr, 841-' but the Jews were unable -to obtain Creanlery prints ... ... 21c to 22c chinery, according to the inventor of specting cipeuses and travelling proper alftbrin our cot' -ivance Makes COIL Brockville 200,000 acesAVOID WASTE. c a now conti - When the Pa- e,hows. This bill tain till- I viction at protection, in Xleff and do solids ... ... ... Ide to pt tient is sufYering from a ritalady dur- portant changes in 'the present act. bet-, thiLt the bill sixetild not pa I In Ilie extent f of- in any similar tilt) Canadian west I. Do you know that even apparently Throughout this cW ts in South- Dairy large rolls, Ing which the temperature may rise It raises tile maximum license fee I ts�. present forax, flow reason- In the -HoUS0 Mr. Fielding moved Innil uninhabited A�N,regvltvii %IV RrId useless things have their uses 7 choice ... ... . 15ic to 36je form. ., its it is H at other Important poila ice joe to 16ic to 4a dangerous point at any time, from Sw to $100, the free being the taxeH urvelor tile following ''That a one-half limet, a great an torou it's The old t4n� cup and dippers make west Russia, alarming reports are o lb. rolls, &O of ably clear that Bed of that co%cre.d by Lill Ontario. irleal gtit boxes When nailed up �Lxot circulating among the Jews. uvory- Choose - With the British - mar- a nurse has to be in constant at- graduated accoridffig to tile size conipo to high) in the hen house, whilli the where the unfortunate Semites are there tendance. With this now registering the Show. it gortrabling is permitted it vvill not enable tile tatilliciPaliflus select comillittee 867 lidlovi, losts having an ensler tericiency, way unlas�s by I f,dustorri. Charltolt Casgroin, Russoll. In Canada that%, rand of device, however, the doctor and w te license to pay t heir I (346 cup hall Alay creaming the er ba- Barker, (St John And of single track I fivilwaY Alld till dle reversed makes a safe preparing to hide themeselves is not a very great likelihood have more leisure. The be revoked, The present law., Inakes , j� &( (lialdi-, rallo-4 of Necurid track. ,a lantern in even to desert the cities where AR large shipment& from. here in the nurse cam, Thk 1) yll ll�,Ok on Which to hang fixed'under the patient's it necessary to that gambIffig I yond tile present lifivait of two cents 'Und 'Iding be till- Sixteen ))Of' ('011t, or t1le sTrigle and stable'or hen house., And,,. by the their interests are cOncentrated. It near future, and at present there is register I ring lend- took place wit prove On tho dollar, and by rnaking tilt) Intrad), logrAL111, 1, any lantern around is believed that tire riots at 10sben- la feeling of hesitancy regardin an arm, and cauijea a bell to h tile knowledge and. roperty owners fur be- pointed to confoider t I'll sLato of Life 73 Ile,.. cent. ()I tile second track taxes to P Ili oil rallwa3 reswcti%OIY way, never use ly when the temperature reaches the f the proprietor of rage tax- laws respecting Doin representing the stable axe-ent the old safe non- off and Tirospol, which were ays_�incroased demand. . Dealers Say t, when the nurse hastens authorization - (i rent makes I is operated by our tematically organized ll�_uinknown a is less chance of easier, mar- danger poin the sh6w, but the, amendim � yoad any bIII1y or the Live Mr. Charlton's bill to 11,157 find 409 nilles, 4,
pxplos,l.%,o candlo r. lantern of in many I their yout- to the patient. this unnecessary. The penalty for payer to pay tile sallie- If u till t Illit I)ojoillion 1,.loctlotis Net the (,rand Trun-11 and the age6ts will be repeated 1, p We therefore ask thiat Uio bill, aniond tit, ho operates 7,- I..t. r
fathers never snuft.it in 'ince th , close of the it, biLrnyard. ot �t Iliv.,tand, notwithstanding the exhibiting without a provincia it is proposed to be passed in any of 19UO be to tilts ou tit- provide 321 miles of Single te" her P,: -,r -.m Kis,henciff say that over y Iform, be amended so as to olittee." of Second track railway in h orseshoes, rags, bones. Letter [It rt. d h ncrease supplies, t0- UNION AGAINST LABOR conse, now $100 to $200. is increase' -ag shot). -ci killed at least a firmer to $200 to $800, arid the maximum miles etc.. j1plve it value at the I least two hundred Jews wet days pirle.eLtave. I r the taxation being (1) uPO?I real Canada, or at) Lind 5 per cent. ro-
-slain Out- Cities -seven were d in Large of imprisonment is in, The .61d l4r&en peach crates and �thero. Thirty ati6ns are urrohexelge Building Trades - �prliiporty, arid 0) by a business tax, DIED IN BEAUTY QUEST. mo:1ce fine kindling,, right in the stre6ta and their bodies at l2jc per 1b. for large and 12ic to Combine. 30 days to three months. Any muni t to provided Ili the areldlikiii railway ainular to wha The extent Of C a cups and dishes, pound- I faubjected o the vilest indignities. I, t In cipA,.fotflcero lg,,�-,InK a local license o pplied to all tilt' - by the (,anadian Northern The broke t If not streets presented a horrible or we 5. movement continues A despatch from New York says : "it th reduction of a pro- act Wt to b 0 professional Uncooked Rice Eaten for Com- Operated Eggs - Tlfe showed tri;�Ies, business v arid ed up, make, 11110 poultry., gr he a and Intareolonial respectively [Lin- IT atrocities wore -an that of -Wednesday's developme, ts I I�eenjcr is liable to 80 days' and (3) till plexion Proves Fatal. 02 miles. ittoo fine or coarse. sight Revolting large, much more so th that the employers In the builfting =LL It instead of a fine at, by an Income ttxx upun oullts to 1.24S and Ill Ofri stump,9 me and children I... ". , 1peL'Sons, - engaged in business Ly And forty-four en-
Lke fine -wood if I coni'm it Women ast ye r, nd Price,, at present can wilethet fico its An ald to bellu The and allied tradeg in every large city wo hundri-d
it... � ho Act further provides front -offer's nod by split up, and &'pile bf them to jilared ncile,,Z than the men. cry steady at 13c per dozen. formerly. � or deriving Such Incollic pro
will 1rioters wore badges and operated un- Dealers here complain that they are in the country are now likely to Dominion d it,, in- fly irosulted it, uno cot gilles are ow all the railways work at when in.a. bad humor I on of leaders. The � join with the Building Trades As- �hrxt provincial and etoc- the real propel tv a"d oil itIquolit Northumberland, 111.ng- Ili Canada, or an average of 12 per qer the lirect) losing money at these prices, and, It free access to all * ch local taunici- edvicil it tatfititudo bf1glils and save Ing and the &ov- will likely take ac- sociation of Manhattan and The tives shall have colz.�s fixed by ca land, aird stNcral ottro itto prociamod Ifooling. Take it out an authorities did noth cted, they shows, games, theatres, and public Pali a, 300 lolleH. rauch bo . If to all Jewish 'a e-5Pe Bronx in a fight all along the line t us results of ill,, raino course. 1,110 respective numberti, of engines errior denied hinigel gatherings. cortilit, pot-tiorls of tho Lo.hery apa I tion in the matter. unionism. A national fed- centrolled by tile railway cot 11 th; atumP Pile.,4 tection. Every . _ Choice pea against -icts of Northumorkind 016 wt)- of Canada are am follows , nermintrin %ppic, books can- be made applicants for pro - New York, May 19 who give work Mr. Rosq--To further amend the Fine official appeared to have an ultzler 5 to oration of employers, TURKEY IS OUT OF MONEY. disti
Ir -3ir pieces of iron strips. Old beans are quoted here at $2.1 to millions of . men lay be formed Municipal Act by providing that no a men rogard pli,leffess its a distinctive of are its follows: Cana- I*in stra jo shingfes tending with the rioters and to $2-17b- the be disquAlifled from Pursue the Advane mark of beauty. To doco tills cans that unsolder make ill athize with their brutallties ; - a normlexi by concerted action to break person shall Cannot dian Pacific, 745. or 10 per 100
potatoes - There if on to election to any Municipal Council by Against Albanians. LheyL beer% eating)"Zarch fit va- olilovs; Grand Trunk, 1ori, or 22 per
and m1urders. About BPO,tO 1,000 Is 14 -ills, - 47, for patching a roof, being just as SymP quot, unions and to restore c " fidence -big as mslitingfbi ; and the lids make trade doing and the market reason of any contract or agreement rjous of it ked for prin o() joiles canadlan Northern, fine stoppers for tl�at rat hole in persons were arrested, an energetic ed unicranged at $1 to $1.05 for car the building Industry. rs of the granting exemption front taxation. I A despilteil from Vienna says cipully as utlopul, rice, and laun- or 4 per * 1,00 fillies; Intforecdoial, official having been sent from Odessa lots on the track here, and $1.20 toL The Board of Manage amend the The resources of Turkey Ill,. maid to dry starch, Rice has beef' inurti
the flooril Ion.- Building Trades Associatlion spent Mr. Ross -To further 280, r 21 per 100 little". I $3 Wed- Act for the improvement Of public bo so strained " palatable arid at tho Lill") hall A total of 2,604
to to cleal- with the situat L.25 for potatoes ont of Store. 9 to compel tile ad- pssenger, bag- of course you know enotiXomill. Baled Hy - The niarket'is on- Tuesday evening a!nd most of vullc anlanji to b c proved Itself ospecivillY am ill gAge and outit cars roll over the use all your ashes on the rich dirt. KILLED WITH "A BIBLE. on for car lots nesday arranging for the meeting to highways. Buspen-ded it Is believed that the Ibe case of tile dead girl and several refutes in Ccuiwtla. making Lin aver- Old thi pans, filled with track here. be held on Friday of all the asso- ANSWERS TO MENBERS. bilization of loo.o0o men W Its illkilling friolkils of ,go f 1:1 cars to oaCh 100 miles -
Ma 0 , title flower beds, and your Or' ly otiected with the old of tile Ach )ills fUlloo,ok-d t4-olo Koval- cars of the couirtry a I 'Medicine% Car lots on tile clations of employers In Manhattan In �nswer to Mr, Crfmegle's flues- me still., rs dAed make Beaten to Death by Baled Straw - e plans for tion as to the amount of revenue re- oil the Tilt, nssenger
W,astci chicken feathe Man" and His Wife. track here are quoted unchanged at and The Bronx, to arrang the labor e an,forests In I Sultari'a privoto purne. rho- ultall lowjog fill. boed. h-lotril gi,itills Art, divided IxVtw""t1 the ri%al colifir fine cushions to roll about on. fighting the demands ived from woods unsuited the former ho huouill gtoloo, is egardod parties thusly. Orand Trunk. 720,, On 'my' place not & scrap goes 'to A despatch film San Francisco $5 per ton. has just c of 11tithhu, oil the situt tunions make. So many applications East Victoria during 1898, 1899 - Itioll, and how Lill ha%ing (fit toore ow naturig or 23 Pill' 100 Irdle Canadian Pa -
waste tha um, says *.-A casiI of a native Hawaiian were received from firms outside 1901, and 1902, Ms. Davis gave the Said that his MajostY lots of tilt, tiLittil-MIJIlle glerited f th'. - or t2 por ILI() '"Iles; Can -
'Who was beaten a CATTLE MAR.KET. Brooklyn that till- -1998, $0.920-85; it is ruported, - I I I rifit. 986. anti Intorcolordid. tog why 11A it w to death with New York and figures 1 %%L,iN 1, 'y' I, �, 4sto when, It can be were following Ifi. 1901, $10,573,- itioned to firittricini comIllisslull to owl than K4jarL N M lux average e Bible in the hoods of a kuhuna. ter Toronto, May ig.-Cattle plans were changed to acinlit, outside 1891), $40,784, f111%.Alls to effect the lja�nwnt gits yvarb ago. 11 �:,,, anti pach, b rig
stable native sorderer, is reported from he a market to -day. employets. The meeting will be one og. I goo und Al- of [lit, 11"I'l L III 27 per mile We see so many barn and clear at the cattl � $11.250.94, In filloct-donia �or :I an
doors and window abutters tieing island of Hawaii. The victim was Such at least, was the very general Of delegates only. When it to over a �Ir. Laichford informed ]Mr. Pearce balliu, Live ut-illy contractors having orgatis of tilgestioll arld ('anadian railways rejoice in the
banged about by the wind, breaking Ili in bed. arid after being treated com�l�int of the cattle buyers. There larger meeting of representative am- that a deputation front the Hastings cd further supplies. ellevilly with it pflarv4slon ,I freight cars. by 'to ill
hinges and; glass, when a strip of a regular Physician sent for a ka- was a good run, but evidently not ployers will probably be held in one County Council had interviewed the for tit( fill( -
having more more cattle than were wanted, and ----------- ehio-ning 11LOtIOn %vilivil number 1, said to average
leather cut from an old boot top, huna. fa ' I ' th in the no.- of the largest bels in the city to Goverriment in February fit real Ile t EST BATTLESHIP. log f Now It IN %vil h 365 riles per 100 miles.
with B, hole cut in one Ind, nailed to tive 'medicine man. The kuhuna cattle exporters were obliged to PILY take further action. to their portion of Lao consolidat'-d BIGG 1'.1,1f, A ,I Iloo,,Ivm pproLing rvio freight citra of Carracial are
the inside. with which to button It declared that the patient was posl- comparatively big prices or go with- 4 revenue fund for the improv,inent f� to pr.-,o,i,antI inake read% y Or Lid Trunk, 24.-
bac'x, would save all the trouble. sessed by devils. and proceeded ' to out the caittle. Several of the larg- TO REGULATE EGG PRICES. public highways. He p,-olnised to Commonwealth, Latest Addition j�jd,-d thued ar
t joue hoes cast them out by beating him over est export operators `h�d already to British Navy. it,,- oodilarid usallivila- 4wi. �r 775 per too miles: Canadtan
A handy way to PrOteu 10 furnish Mr. Pearce with a copy ill-- It Wall in 21,312, r 291 per 100
,the weather -if The wife Of bought , cattle to fill utnise f the w- - I lie and Ificatto6ke'rroria the head with a Bible. Association Has Been Formed to the,correspondenco which had follu A de%pat If from Londun 140%9 jt,i� Hqui-4-/ing ill th, 111;:lt ellPt (,allettlin,% North
you have no taol'house-is to nail the sick man was also inducedlito do Space at their coXidnand, In the Fix Prices. od. �� 1,110 th,. larg,-�L th., fo w . 1.760 and O.(189. or. holstera of old strips of bootlaoiner beating, and then the kuhune. Chicago market� lefiving themselves MUNICIPAL FRANCIES1.1 aflout, was 11111114,114 -XI ILI If till- And -,44 per 100 intles.
leather under the eaves of the corn resolimed operations. The man ditiflopen uy the balance in the home A despatch from Toronto says: A Ifit, l6
0 p meeting was held at tLbe Board of in discussing I)r Nestritt's Dill to van )if the (INd--, ter
it them been mrj,:� bgt t the f IlbelIgh Iry the house and burn In which t a result. The kuhuna has lie buyars are in I Act, providing, ;11,. IN tile first vv4s, MILLIONS FOR CLOTHES.
Poqt,o:do, ,av,,,gcspace to fill, aol on Werineaday afternoon to aniend the Municipa Ave her to-ji No ill ougli using them. Ind for manslauhter. Trade for the exten- ove attle, and so the covullider the egg among other things. the Ill-Iiish ,,ivy to h they h to ha trade. Among I Custom in the Xortb, of 'd to sell from those present were: Messrs, sion of tile munic I franchise to inch going Ivy Exit Plot"' mid, Cur'
were enabled wqIlleu Gili?son ex- bol*j� I,, it, Ilvr other forinanient Eng land.
01 tmentigt600rtiLin 15 0' few daYI3 BAIIN FIRES To proTa to 701111 thmill Dr- ter; '21Q. higher than A Ikinter, of Hyslop dc Hun L. N. married .1 2 Itr I further of four- 2_jTM 11 guout, four I,, I",
-antry fo &all -e selling St. Arnan, War. Mellieurn, of Mont- pressed the opinion boroughiv Ili jilian,eq of life c'urv- pil find alimelute citirri that no A, writer in the Ucs Gentleman p feeders we' fli.IM-tilng of r es 11,08 n I ' glanil, tand every twin 101 Aflill.hed cattle at $5.15 real; Win. Flavelle, Lindsoly; ohn reduction in propoued qualif)( tbRil, he hag Icnown df th ee or .of . Id be advisable Ilb He'd new j,AttleRjIIp,H gpeed is to be ''11A. of spring
in red bleirdinlermirld Protrul oRichardson, well - 4 M(l"'kV`f1 Milli VLIILoA'I faver- la tile loss of FIL Walker, Chathain; houl. and %lit I`lk the "Wracturerm hare KIlarslittil6d M wits that suffe Iwor
V placing of the principle Of knoll
reaeb Place Lill question �Lda FZOrt, ore, Watelloo; tit(. t1je statute books a , j,,�v (if She Is of IG. IN little unaware of In
tinaciala a In the daily Prm and fulk yofirsiefgh, ... . . ... ... $4.70 $5.20 NNRalket-ton; Goo. M O on ild�,tkojn two to thre. fires, dur- �Llxaytldnkafitl Y011citilroullOwd I� rt. I t Moore & Co.. St hood suffrage the
bom what 4.60 h1clertyre, of J. D. bt�r Iit eatir Movit all ....... 4.50
rifiliq t 0�1 heavy, and the her unwime of 18,000 last winter. This fil . n C�O.Torcmto. I had provided the purchasable element I l
re Ilour weiney back It tic 1 Mary's; Jackson, Sinvcm, i0- 1.1, of tire provncog
the all. galarle of IMMANOON.BATM Bull- The puc- of the voters. Allot tile North of
ottleps,.dategold tile owner great I cw� - ral Toronto packers. i...... 13P.G%aso's Ointment 8.00 S.50 pose of the meeting was to roach Or legislation had been tile regi8tra-11 ... t.
I do ............. 3.50 4,25 princip h ill -I
lossi of property and act one to look 1, ...... ... .... ..... —+_ p. -�, tl,*- f lvaul, I glal,11 is I,,. gj_jt ittillual paying
Ing for F, I 9 t�'�o -rstandirg regarding the Lion enactment, Ind if(- felt. Hui- tht, t vvlli� ti". I , I 1, 1. heon flaed
the cause. a u rig r.,). �rht an undo of the Itut"Ife SEI.;DING IN TILE WEST- (IMN 11'.. 11" t of IIA1111
0 d -d be paid the farar members on both sides - I, od ,f �id whach
ard that all the'00s were =U1'es0iobY WORK FOR BARR'S PEOPLE. 8001 b . R .... 4.00 4.70 price which ghoul pallid Agul. hay. it was stated that th wore hertily tired of these pri 11th solely rot, tile
arm u' to 800 Itis 2.50 in and - %lIS 1-1 1-111"11111 large barn storage Of clover St.dc.,., 400 8.75 ers ror eggg. Most Other Iwill, I,
11re J.ppoak of was on 9-Siberiati Railway was anking All the Wheat oflothos, Says Lob- Tho I"t a The Canadian Northern Will Hire do ... ...... ... .... 8,75 ....... Tra (is opposed to cer- I Graina Sown. g'. t dairy and t)Ovo powerful competitor in the Mr. Whitney w ' I ... q ladv q it m r farin, and Them. Butchers' cattle, choice . 4.00 4.50 a : he maXinfrum tain sections of the bill, lmeallse I A des,pot(It frOlo 411" that leri,-jajo to. flnd tile same con- y13. do medium . . ... ... ...... 8.50 4.00 Brit 1911 market. tlet by 0.
A despatch from Wirmipog Box . or pickling eggs they represented a species of Pik!(701 Ydrk- 5.00 price to be paid I, Tilt, "Int in ditIong for. tbje,'0th0r forms. 4.25 lieltoday rovivvd MANN Q1 W11-1114 ime alone no Tire 6111-fashloiWd Method f curind The Canadian NorthOt'll Railway will do picke& .. ...... ... OT) ,3 3o was set at toe a dozen, mfivil for cold local legislation which should not lie office oil A k� less cloler hdy In dAllgeirclug . N$arety lies -grade one hunired rnples extra to Irlo bulls ... ... ...... ....... 3 storage stock, 9c to 10c. lie Means pagred bv It self-respecting body jinal eelliag it -port of lII fouc iterling P Ito ever this year in order do rough ... ...... ... ...... 275 3, 2r,
in long and.th6risligil, sweating Ili their vrestem line S.00 are to lie taken to make pac ra ad- -rho bifl Was sent to the Municillial that ll th., 1,:�, im-Iting eoptO n lie Light stock bulls. cwt ... 2.25 1 Th I,; shuwR a Ilothivig and oth took$ While the clover is being Ito joul, Ide wortc for nwinbera of t . ... ...... 30.00 53.(30 here to the orssociation's rules. Committee till. ffrokind, MnLl oll%' ...... It It or tomIgistion is i Barr colon3�_who have rrived too Milch coas ... ..... SEDof ilit. rouglwl' goal'] oil,,,I,; ju.,ol-v going In comr- $P011tokeesus. : , - villso IAll I -W husband. wife, apt to occur If Auti-dried clover hay late for farming operations. The rlogR, beat ... ...... . . ..... .. .... S USED GUNiS. The to fovotably (,irtaw JFI(IAISII� ItI do lfght ... ...... ...... ...... 5-8r) - REPORTER Ilowing private IIIIIH Ila 4sQd this veor s (roll ur( I'l. I.- Ili ilis-virnnd in great quantities. for project Was sugge9ted to the co sheep, export, cwt ... ..... 4.00 4.75 go the avelitli loo.l. Iand ltill, Ihe paying out be cut, many panY by Dr. Robbins of the Ilarr erg Defend the coolu"tten Btu tile pl,uspectls sit far ell, I,,' I A 0, and It Ken- large etopid tire 3.50 4,00 Valparaiso Newspap Respecting the City u( St Thunias tq jjo�jgljt luf;t before where t the officials last Itucks... ...... ...... ...... ... With Firearms. 10ae.9 are put 1� qIllelcly. I know colemy# who me ...... .. . ........ 2.25 2.60 Their Office -Mr. Macdial"Llid. offie' b&rn-11rio thh . t could be jvZek in Toronto. culls .... ...... 0 Buenos Ayros, To consolidate Lhe debt of I..... . tov lIn Leeds alone 09th- Of Lambs." ...... 50 8 0 A, de�ptotcll from for mora thad Cal,L.es, 'pach_ � ..... ... ... 2.00 1000 Sava. Advices received bpro from Town of I)PLieronto--lilt Russell I I ount l,00k bpri flip two Boasorm Spring lambs ... ...... 4.00 5 00 Vootpaecliso Day Inertial law has been liespecting the villow- of 'i'All' Ill- doing I Vol"— I- 11" - tit- , I e A $to ma h boliford anti the Womt4-rn Shoo Uu "" , what lookli.9 tit Hoot ,t of till' money In the Spring proclaimed there, as a result Of till' Willoughby. ;Iianging Mnd .. .... I vt ri IA%t for tile BUFFALO GRAIN 71TARKETF17 rioting t that place. Forty men party Lirnitt'd- I'Llit hour, "lilt it I .... �A I", andwich, %%,no�ior, for I h,- II........ girt nnual, fa r exhauetcd nu�alo, May 19. - Floor - Quiet., are said to have been killed anti eqectIng 'he "' I be , very Alisi,lt I'" I I in l.aricaubire, Arribe"mi,of g Rallway alld Indl 06stici," wid 030:2popaja the Natorcli.1 11110911.1111t 0 No. I many have been, Injured. N%hen the 1'. I 1 .411� Puierfatioll"i (%rtio has within or. qUite 980.- ChaSatv Nerve Food. Alheat - Rpring steati!,': were attacked (,ity ltailwuy Company of 11,111fisol" I (Ile I(I'll 'I'" ' 1 ' ' IIt' ill" ye of thei F.rouric tile la,,t I,w ayqpet,t traight ml&Y In at tAdIllvelill'Llilind Willtatt, Northern, 8216c; winter flrm� Me. 2 offices ,loting dock laborers the Limit,ed.-Mr. Auld � I white, 83c; No. 2 red, 82e. Corn- by the I efe-W them- Itespecting the Lindsay Pubt I(. Ill.. per .."t paper w1l. IDublin QueIll. Orits - 9t4 of that of NIV vvif, fall or Taro
JiTs. M. A. Sharp. U46 and onchangt The rioters 1Abrtjry,_Mr Fo x ... t I 1. siIIVorkqhlrp Most pdople, sittlor mor& or less atreet, roterboough, Ont.. writes and unchanged. Barley - selves with firearms ('Ity of London.- to 9" all" gct a f"ed"Iff I . ..... Iitin Olt the glo, flf,f,l fire to a number fir Ware fiespecting tile vomiing till 'A cithoH at Etiontet - Aft in . lCLO11. wi, Wigestiott " or some yearm I Was troubled d, Rye -No. I In store, have rot and I 11, P10 -'I "f a
in the spring, r houseq, In addition to burning the M r. Book. I g. it, if IV paying lilt tOL110 (Inri -ion) "d 57c. Canal fro�lgtxta - Wheat, 4tc. -h 'I' with indigewL which doveloPL t 1,11111,n Ch,irt t triaoy do lilbill rehlizo that tills preindsiel; Of tile Sou tli America licupecting S ' get th,. 01mg wrt tlio prolvions Y&LIF � Vilist uto bojvOus dyspoprAev, and besides Troops are 1, flip Ontario lie liarcouit duo to IDA gui6erielft from holivousncts, strangc� r,,UROIIT-;AN GRAIN MARKETS. tentoghip Company. on", liano%t,r Ill tilt! t))p PontuoSo of 6ie blood, and patrolling the streets. TIC-SpOCting tile Village 0 r.RA woyAW (,.Omc over me. Mr. Truax ., , I_ ,f nitiro it litto clizzy Spells hill Liverpool, May 19. - Opening I NI -All) �IONEV lllotchaubted n0ilvdt- Hearing of t -c ood results obtain- adly; No. I Ptarriddrod COMPETITION AHEA I'ghng, like the� Is Nerve Food, 10 Wheat, upot Ste liespecting the Art Most I.,,, on r llN. wholly new. Thor, D' The (1140sl4i'll'46 Of oil front Dr. Chase Califomia, per cental, 68 ronto�-Mr. roy till, ftit 'd t tTy It. After a Pretty' the Unit. dariev of Iwe Ill I lliw no nekv coAt �ad it W other Orgeiia of tho'bWY. are entire dthe'0'r'6tngft t'est at tills medicine Bid to 69 9d, 'Valla, When Internal Trade of To chanle the everything Ifttt be aorvoug System I call. to 6.q 7d; No. 2 red win- ed States Slackens. Town of Berlin - r Lncknor itIh ily do.proncloilt oil. tho J I It lita well bo idgalbrstcM, thAtt -00rgy or pVo.r which oil- Pav that I never uned anyt,bing ter, Os 4,ld to 69 5d; No. I Northern the I-Igin Loan and mAti4tiolit I for tho t IOdd. It Seemed to; despatch from London qavA- Respecting iit did Mt So much g no tock; tutures nomi- A IN .i,e,,Vl' ftmol ed Manitoba, Rley, who was c Ir Pcittullo) re\orti, illno no er on Weiplecting tho St Theimaq �;troct %var 01111 016 digestive be the, vilty tr6utlik'"t that 1 od" I 1; J 1Y, 31d nominal. Corn, Alfred Mci hip( of the Savings Company ham t fit,, ew, 4s delegation 01 Brit ish workingmen an or t Iw great couixottel. IT, do Ile+ the mUltefilerfl, con- and as it r0sult 61 Its U86 I am" wixod American, per cental, In tioll flulaA tell visited the United States re- linilway.--Mr, Mort-diarmid %on,. Ij,e oof the O'dut, 0 it,glation fif itild, stonjach quitel re.-ttiftd to IIOMltb"* utures nominal; M %vh ojjj) floto tl,il fv,.,t ,f traction Ma , 7d to 49 I bel. It 10VI' contly to ....... is welik and irM June, 4s Id If , Industrial randli- I, 7.�I 1 twilla mills, emvloyiw (I iffft�,, drell teciffir:4- 11c, yojjj* lterellacr 1h *61ght 4a Old horrinfill; out, tiona, delivered an address before to the following Area hhoill* " it the log, 110willitchleff, w,hijo asilrig thIA greAt food dtItO You hal; Inly, 4a 4j,d nominal. F1 A (,V(,I,I;; I' I'lle"aaand ,quentjy afige lhdf&At olvo worker fifew, firm (Wsh ' 4nd MintWapolis. 209 On to 229. tile Brittsh Trades Protection were , given other aliriff up thpill rKVIjIg addod to the !I,00*1 L($r,do", ,%fay 111, - Open-Whilenot, on Wednefbelay. "M exprenw-d th own of %%bill A a Idi7.vy Fren, h ex -r bPLU- -.Ing symolotrA, tissue lit bolag i -lot. r thaLt the compe,tition (If 1"4.n A cot price wh4510, T'l "vf3h thfi tptji I* ofirpened, digostiot off M9Sage, quiet arid steady; La tile fen 1, it f11 telibletil, peomas Wtd suelt th fine, A a invittle ivivarIketill of the world lteqpoctin� rlirxj(-, and A) punctul-InIR till- 'if to f Iful fatitlk �ltrillation W impr&ilied, ", re'"Ic , rerious when the inter- sin -41 .... ; rvached Th A6. Vk6ft tfiffin and Plath, t,o.r.t., Steam, passage, .Id t.v ll,,, lioll t I"
j real lit, the ftfAdy �10 4, Ugg pefid Or, Sample. Corn, on pas� f the tTnit*d States gorna Rallway Company Nir vnith Outride t 14 1 I- th e'y to-alfro 0 1per as dn Mt there, 06 rij,
and nteady: La Plata ting the Cooler lit" (a hv l(ithrin sit &(I'llird to�frljvorlfrlt do c ty of Lanark tiocni 1, t th6 chijelco, *nd fit ovf* frao, qtda in, Ir wtcon marrul"tur- lter4w oenoat I in in'itx4orking
Continued i,90 to dfrtrt 114014t(elft the atilklefielli thitt tW 1111YA yell M rye torran, pas%X'90, 21% Id dArric Mr. MatballOn. lie t(nik XO,449 wilty ex- tile right of 1% or% can 9 VO more attenion to a murkipr) of the*01 tAttif isi,billig'?WW'dit and built W. I eathet in England Line. I flitegfiectina th rvi th6 jj&t4r*1 di- .10tis of 0ort lidnineiUl. Ivir Me- %tio lV YOU for Wrint of 4)". bt. chaWa, 80 oftto t6ulary wheat may 1.1ght and Power Company inog,lly) lit"a, W I Tobb)(1v still 1..t ovr other igeAtive fluidq 11!0111L"� it be*, 6 116% yelt6tlyr,"'y gttIady. Cart. vidlei!-, be*# 6 116% 'Whoat, plrrIQULT PAnT. Iit beflow Aose- if Bruce- hill hole 'T lllaftloy, bt 4111*0111 &,fttworpi, Met 19. - 0 poslVecting the 'rown , ar''nerp raK. in. itter, loft. 46 thrOa-11 up Treminvr It, I,M, Iner Ims horr.- chaq0'a Nor*# Food, tu tittet ly. %. 2 fad *1 brintro -Afr. Tudhopt, 'robili'v f!,t- oy t mt red har hatn't m> t I , Mr. 1)CLI'lev I lie SlartiVuStreec Roil- she in Plairus, 011a 00,0044 Itilit air 'It To , mtX6d, Ulf Ile. the A need '' MI by .0aws the IfIlit4ft I* t lilt rilil, ill I-V In I tn t Mt ?Ied things In0 otchti cut*% othel hITOW11,111 W, ti, t Minneapolis, 25f tie. ow 1, I 1. I no thp vouvrI6 ka"r, I 0, yow, oatin' it, though.' )41*" turo 6 Iff* -'Wheat t"'r teral Olt and crilimfill'K a6w Ai*", turo Age td swall.)w 10 iteiv=02 'the Itami(on ad Uille tot vit*t 'powor *Uku f f#je-,I Rpt0.ftb0r,3Uj6. :00telty, Itt
III- -A it Lit, .60kiiiii.,