HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-05-22, Page 3T,
re F4 V l4000MO n0"M ff.T MIT V00Aft, 01 isft" ty J# Aoik oll4t 01*4t 'VIP M 4b4m W4."# tot W"Plilft" Ito- .4* .. � a 04* L � �A 'ILI
" 0. 41W vq� M %Tm. AXM%;;,*V 0OPMA IWO. 04. 04 Othsr 4400. %sc 'A P*4, to lo*. V*tw_ wi* 444 .1w, WM li� 04 t illthoa 04top 04- flow4d 3M to �V#"- '0000, #V4, ot '#*A �*4*A Uw1r, lip,li Iro 99t for
0 . 0*.. ow, 3 , b - ,A 4ft 40i %4** YAW Xoltr* -ta 00—y * it wo WmPly, tho, Iff U"A oa*406 tot-OWi, 14 0 Wit 0"14 , *�., IWO Ilot
*tgtis, or 46 04 fo .1 1111 I 4 , I C 9m11 Wid, tho IWO
Ill %Ox st** wit1w; - 4 T4 V*Oq4, 100r. rpor, has * VAR
it 00" Ay. I , - - a$ —log, 144 by, sk 01 W, hes- fi.noilly APIA94 w roplqt; it O) 4 yorkllhi"i I70", ho, #lItil4lity Of 001r, Ilaot Is 04011re
pt "�Pq 40100, A tal"As I 00II04 U A* itll0,-W by" 00 P "n ee-QUA Agb*t.41K hor JACIP Who, tieviolp apog
ethe. lost 0410lat k 401idou ago. k%* 4% likorileilr'In tbs. Cl(W004 Allt(ijl or I$ as f4ineW. V 4) turnod PW 13110 sbaAr , , * to Wasitiftill Vjoilor t#A 4
lot �04 ohiti, 191slure te.0 0 9t 404 -ware te0 9 4r#9 14 eebrought ,dowii� by he Irrl�v obe" 04 -wilt UOV0100 4- Orlattoo, ti tit coolso the study of i0 *s�bt *to t trom the Uths, of N1,41114"i the to 4.9 roga 't III 00 together the vocrotaxlex at the thus to X t0JA ort "Wow 0", or, A, (104*40, ills InAutineea at rig olvilix Principal 1104h traiderAl unt000 mid, or at big own #Xpensil took thiInx to the iat hor. couoto Alliatio two J"Opt. (or OurialAin butter a)itqq� to QP410# b
e the Purpose of on a s% 'W()rW ,44JtIVaI4n W,Q uiaptl� , , $- , I. Pro")III Ofte mo U
'Pt ill% report bat bull No ilp- it 1, no 'ON TIM at *40 io. the $000 of 401 gremor tliAVO. 00 llixpt now I P It* beau III sto . 0141it itd cared t. porhapq. out, of' ploca, to
ftroAse"", The 401994tous iflOr to their opla, Gartildisit brethren . 9"AsAly who r
rcbt tons quit avixerally. but agr Woddill, the well -t AgrAcple., wbolit t4o RomAll. ge7A�ral *-� tht Custom U01140. we find Mssrs.
aJIMR�04� 01004101414, put 'th.0114 and Many travqlars hAw serious com- tho point that whUo-Orlitfuji work- lknown dairy produce author
fr was 1,04nix, "%A4; 0. tho,ohaotillir fail itee it the pulc 0 the rolit- ,Pt tol,-Wwt 400 641114, i-09 10401[le, SpIrAt six4o PW of tbo 0, tl t y otained' the log the same thing. TAw Q;tA%
9", Ili W eat deep Oat* PlAilltv to =44 OR 00 deAlIngst of. men have nothing to learn ir al than ;0rQ;4A§J0r tel "tott gaily, 'Orovrk, W, 0#9 V*404 gring,I)y Scottish varte*t ygiryox�uey In IA4;0 i Jr kisba the Rufl*i0k Uftivall, but MIN, A, H, s. Ainerim ruction, ^Ad It Of= a, ''PA, A44 I Or ly " '040; llo# 4".4 Ory, t C104M Put forward by %ba, oblitaluall, 5 CIA- * , 0W. Ilk _; workman. the 11ritl h #nthing to wrong as, tar till he
�_tq gw Iall at which door Lilador. in "Acml* Coveed Landoll' P10YOra, are not " ter ailivAnced In 'Who -0oalare.4.that 4C. possessed reo- tells an AmuliIng IrIct'dout w4ftli(I Ox- their uw of Machinery and In the Concerned. he will- Imp.raY4 nullters. 4m 0140140s, are it
In his prefaco to the volume, ]qr. ease. however. we think it is not so "u'. h4k-Go' FOM IAROUS,�Nb YZARa. toreAt. In Air, Landor*a sleeping car Moseley Much the farmer as the creaniory I* SlXO",'f'QVER DOGS." I tot pro 'the _X:AQ04 olda wblo;b,shitwod his taxtilly ltroublo* and ariboyance van- maudget Wilt of their empluytw.
of dilim ki a Of titat we luoy rest assured. In thi* Marttil 0 ...... huve I)OVA AIX existence $0 INho before courteuy and kindly In-
tqT4! . iA g. Women 'ell Ileorr hillivulf seems to be more ianagers and And taking 0 rich- mble Jil., lite- 3LIM o4'4 bill 40 not 90 in for On X414-m1w - Jib�r *0600, . AttokI- qlh� P44 11140, as FA A40 the shipping people
ooil rp Alo'd next toe* to 0 fAilijklitilr a,44,tipr shootog, take 06 irge,Lat he dootop'S 40.1%4 ere hili*In
Vol. a, vW01 be .06 tatattar I The, 1"t .appearC_12 C,% lilislight ft� pimtr 41p, grouse �or boasting. It m0r4**AAtN Olt IlWir We$ to the fitir industry than his delvigates. ifu a4i __bA that Cana- ]he Aft4ed ter tJlQL 140 tiormocir sort,' of 14fpiA yields to illiq qqmtr _iWoW
Pr4ruitinct, 1# iletwing wol y tit that regard , Of MzhnI Novgorod, Ott perceiving thni "the Antarlean workman has a clian butter ham dopiveimiqW 6btf- '4 Paul. the - of ' uat'�UL `beiis of Bad- Cerrtur'Aes before the mythical RO. then bave being tile English markets ist saliO, the Due -Acla oboo� aq 7�boovsiut shooting. Of these. as his two ries. 4% good-sized uIlImUlli-, far bettor education, Is Infinitely bet -
'49 . d U49 beetil Australian arid New Zee,lnud. It is.
pitfo uqQ' -AX' SONUth XMIUS roaxod',tha jails of his citoll fa"Ou Case and twO Carrier". Ono of ter paid. hous4ol. fell ;Ind Clothed terx'Or. to t o ford, o4sto of, I to tKe I of,. top*114 law# 0, Pape tile Felt Me -it takes first rfink� 'Ili(' fare thq fatinea tow4re of Illuin ovol, all these things would be cOnflillcUtOd and adds - "It we are to hold oull oguaolall I 0 the banks of,tho !vollow Tiber, tie- these gentlemen informed him that and, moreover, much Inure a recommorilfied that the
vtpVO4, to' the 04go frice, for thir ell) they tco. A than sroi wany'yqar Goveram. t, which Oos
01144 Gagette'rec ently, P,JiblI4bQd a at viia the bully waritiali in En , '11
llojgi�a ,to despatch fkom Nalityre, the chief,, 01an who looked� the ailinlit waters of the Mc,di: 'at the froutter, own much for agriculture fit the Do- 464ta�, �Vaj; the comatorto of the worlt 80
Englih, -vrojilpn 1,'AcWateil with Nvent in seriously for "shooting over apenn a 1 in
WQ17 town of 'the Britiva -Ce4loral' Aftice or by- *,Evidently,.' abautOit One Of tile the Methods Must to droppcd IIII011, should insist oil IlUving the k� trr Ia see Vs B
log, Tho4�rook� A nr#A6hg,JfL -'W -dogs," She always trained her own t end Frenchmen, at tire top of ilia voice, PlaU , hloch ioyi'd W woulon lon was And w1diwistillylpht. eel 4 And the old machinery abandoned."
P& qVOCftr1gL Pratectorato. which lies between the..: in , th 1 U(ri Or. gact I sty ]know dogs, and wh9u,sho wo.nt shooting! this AR. oil first Journey abroad? tie expros3ob 11IN belief in Pruitt Qxuadlau creamery room. -i thorough- Zilintbeel River and the nr en OL how to axon., Havup ae'the flarce nalinals ly disinfected every spring time. and says tg� ,go shoov b�tter,tlrcttl ll�S bither�. was always accompanied by two they hjj%,Aod� t�he d "are givat truvelors. sharing, and wolconios tile trusts as PtOglitod the P1404ral Lake Nyasp4, t 4 Wild Wastes V$Ie. ethaf the temperaturo of the railway 4V ' Irr"99-1 to been buftlerit. Th I�pllinlelfl and a retriever. She prefers by the We from the appaplto ade.L P, qr 17 Monte Afe n progrvos lfr the tdomeotic we have bee citrriagem should. be lower dasptan'Seu. tile Chlesu u once before in Rua-, the best mi when
knethat the,l,d m4m Who thiato of,96*1irg save her Shooting over a course alone, or were peo�lti dwelling In cities bill. of in- conveyin tite butter train tile agrl- ,bd no, crult% of 1,POO native laborers In tie tuat bepamili with one or two friends Of, entitled �Icr port traid and the West Shire diA- home and rather than with fixed laws and cumtoma ancl ro- .,Yolu, axe great travoloral ex- dustriuI dolvelopawnt. 110 concludes cultural districts to tile seaport. rgalligatlon of to licarinlro it nothing else, triet of the Protectorate to go than- relic of tile PUSL going with tea or twelve nin joicing in a iviliratiou unsurpassed elainlvd.. with tile claphasis very ca I The butter, too, ought to) bm kept sands of allies to Work in the party. She prefers shooting singl even by many r slixotig on the are, and pretending Ili- Pital on tcho one hand and Di� A DUHLESQUE, : �oderu natiods. two or threc, days Ili cold s,toruge be- PUOTr gold THIS WOMAN DRONE THE I'M labor on tile other will solve the I') birds to shooting in flocks, which u- auAnes of the Rand. an race the Clitueee belong to the linse, admiration. dustrial problem. fore It is put art bonrd the steivul- Milrguortte," Port krald is the most Southern The first woan to bkoak the ice latter she recently said. "is knare Turanian branch of tile human fa- Naturally, the Franco-lWaslan A17 Rletl the accompanist. hawill I rig town in the in the $pOrtilig linor"WaS tile�Qoulp- ]lot sport." mily end are, therefore, ak%n to the Ilance was dragged Into tile cou%er- NOT ALL ONE WAY. era and, after till this Protectorate, Oil the tesse do Paris, who livid Ia England The Duchess of Newcastle Is an- 1urka, the Hungarians. the Basques ation, were I a migit CARN him 'the � MUSIC, The artist lorol;ed right bank of the Shire Rliver just a I While Lite various reports recognixe at Bqotti' and Schalaba, then b ke little W�at Soule , I ro above the Zaillbesi. yvarp ago. sh� Was entertain- other' Well-kriwn sportswoman. She found in France and pain, tile fare less badly. Tbb Russians anol I the nes& of Amot Ica n thcT before, Iho. butter should
into a"JaUgh. "A burlolilquo, I su� Shire is the ' moot southerly of the Oil by auvoll Victoria, audl wits much its a great lover Of dogs besides be- Firms, the Esquflnaux, and accord- the 1,4ronch were brothers. But a und tire. roadinoss of mduUfaxt�4rors be Pecked in thicker boxes, which should alho lie 'Ury uuj sought by the Prince 91 Wale%. now Ing a lover of spLrt for sport's sake. tug to same ethnologists to the red A hated English- � to discord adaul-ni9trative districts into which old Liachinery for now side before being urwd. Tilt) vegetable JtU WI. British subject? ill -
11 ple"a piety- the u*151 the Protectorate Is divided. The U- King Edword, The comptesse spent She introduced the Russian wolf man of North America. mun bringing Into Russia two rifles, land thus Incretwo the output. duct
6tralght, repliect the dQciq�, add- f6rts to ilise the desired continfro,t a considorable portion of her time In bound into England, and has long The Chinese system of Government two r0voivore, six hundred CUP- whil? the result Is shorter hours and
also, which is employd
Ing in an undertone-, o'.1 -hired you of laborers Outs seem to be confined England at Sandringham, and took been Interested In raising fox terriers. is, in theory. an absolute men- tridges, two camoras, a large casV higher wages for the American work._ In bving put rouuki tile t)utter, ought *1t1i that' utideratilliding." Now- it to the most southern part of the a keen delight in, all the sporting ar- She has her own pack of hounds. arby. The EaVero v is supreme Of scientific Instruments. all of witierh nothere are nointod out %tj,y to bo the E1111 articlo ond riot Itafta- w*la the accoullpaniSt'lli, tUM to look PrIDteCtOrate. ranglemonts made -by the Prince and She is recognized in England as one throughout Pie citruntry. ills word I would duly declare! tion. 1, Why? lius- tru.nkly certain defects In their in- No no doubt these mat- "At YOUIr Gervlite, Mine- The undertaking,may bo regarded Princess Of W410s, It wile uguttl in of the *finest judges of dogs. On one Is law. He is the source of all au- nia was not Unglomill I would dustrial urethods that are worth con- wlhavo curdtut tttention Pa I the dairying q (huritita of Call- . ttl.'* "At your service, Big. as purely experimental. - To be sure. those:day's for -the Prince and his or- two occasions she has , been thority. H has stur4ily to speak to soon experience how Englishmen miderina. It Is true theme mail were 0 CAmponfid," this was with a Pro- Some, thousands of the Shire Its,- gentJeman. friends to go shooting appointed judge In dog shows. Tier advance whomsoever he may choose were. treated in settle countries, States loilir ell- ada. and Ili Otum drlLWPnK attoillti011 not in the United found bow. live$ go South every year to Pnd Over the courses, and to be sub- fairness is charactocriatte. At none to the loftiest position or to send "RustAam," lie exclaitned, "hav Ough to got &Ill Intinuito arid wholly to thoin we do mo quite as much to The prejUde Was -over.-- The ac -4 work beyond the Zambesi, -but mQuently joined by the ornon. The of the shows over which she presies to execution the greatest in the riot it polished munnor like thom reliable view of the Amorican Ely&- ,'how B"IbIll rlivo our
con4rioniat had outdone himself In ther a large number of thoul call be Goinpitesse do Parts. however, ej�. as judge will she allow any of her land. And, no doubt, were tile Prenchl Ah. nn? They are s0141- teal, but a somowbut hanv arid gen- merchants tire Ili the 'JuLtoretit of our thitenessos by way of heiote?aing the. induced to go so far from their pressed a desire t9 accompany the own ogs to be exhibited. ' t1lixone occupied by a man of strong barbarians yet. hey respect and era[ violv enabled then) to atit ver tru-110 ItNalli. us to show how neces- oontrast,.ho thought. homes or whether they would sue- men, anti wah laughingly permitted Ijady Anne Blanche Coventry, now obatracter the monarchy woul be fear the French, but riot the y Sary it ill that we Should riot fail to Then.the great garde scene open- Coed in the unaccustomed labor at by ' the Prince of Wo,its,vith the Princes6 Victor Dbul6op ingh. is a absolute in reality &Is well as I,, 119h, per exonLplel" E`ng- clearly certnin outatanding facts un- colue nil to tilt, requitocavu-ts of our ed'.with a Marguerite Singing - pits- name. D confusixt by details. Ai any rate cum thegolld mines remains to be seen. warning that, -she would soon get lover of hunting. Her favorite ut when the Emperor hap. he frontier station of Alcloan- here is what t;omo of than, say customers SWAO -like as PAttl tried T w natives have been traieW tired." Instead. however. she ilk- time, In a f1shink season. is salmon Mr, Janie:l Cox, the delegate for town, or the pri%,atL purchasor or dr and bird pens to have no force f will, an at drd'vo was ivached, and a hordo of be the grocer In tire nearest tuarket
to In her salad days, and a Faust during the past t)iirty yeas, to a stated on having a gun, and it was angling. She is also a fine shot. At present Is the case, his power is terror-stricken passengers alighted the iron and steel workers ill I n it a as PlAnly and fine as Camparrini's considerable degree of efficiency and not many weeks before shA became an her home, Hockwold Hall, Brandon, frequently usurped by others, I (rare the cariages, preceded and ful- Litiq whollemak- cltXtler tit a ditance. it when the tenor cointruanlided $5,000 a are fairly industrious, though they Norfolk, many Dr 7gi-ioe's lowed by b.g., portmanteaus, ralmighty dollar Is th ova- is only by selling it I-cully tioud excellent shot. famous hunting par- close relation to the Emen tioned king of 1,'hicago." Of the new may not be superior in this respect , At first. English society women ties have been entertained. Princess then-, the Opportunity to dominate alls, arid bundles of umbroll", t-offict, there he says A ny article, made up In tit,, beet or niubt Both used full chest notes, no fal- to a' po I 8 attrnctlyo Wily, th.ut WL� CZlll hope 10 liho herd up their hands lit horror at the Dbuleep Singh has the reputation of hJ8 nid,nd. It is notorious that the which were hastily conveyed to h th rd rate curparation in Great Settle or- other Ittles. - In- LACK$ OF SOUTH AFRICA. French Princess,, As She was direct- being one of the "aafest" shots real ruler of China to -day is the long table" of the huge oustout Britain would halt, accomplished the hold our own in the butter trude. dead, there was it the letter, ly descended train a long in -ormer- house inspection room, ",41 , 01
that even tile Patti entj&s�, A considerable number of thc line of BrIgland-that Ia. she never gets ex- Rpress.-Dowager, a WK),mAm I but Of lin are -St. Louis of France cited In hunting. thus endangering IN, a but who by the dater- The two Frenchinon had their be -;work In four years inNivad of eight. litsta, bad- no, time to, think. 3Mt brickmakers, carpontors and bliwk- kings, however This is IlustrcItive of go% orninent SMOKING By BOYS. round hAr. initiation of her will, and te over- longings next to mine on the ong ork in I. Irnpreased them was the broadtAi and uniths of varne expertness, and 'ba.va being among her ancestom-there the lives of those a whelruing Influence sbe possesses It, counter, a rid Invountly un officor w
Wits no question of "blue bbol,od" not Many other nam ell- made a,fairly good record in it few es nlight be In Mr. Cummings, of tho :con 'Employers Ur British PirtrIls, clearnes ' the timbre, " of the twal' the royal palace, conkpletely keeps came. They were Frenuh sub�ectsl the country In subjection. ai�d they had nothing to voices :d the high notes the signr other crafts and in ordinary labor. being on her side. Her example was tioned ainong 'a list of English , tind '-teal buildersi, ropres-ntu Ill ment Againat the 11abit. They are accustomed to be paid in Doan too Strong for the wotuen Who spOrtswolasn. Suffice it to say that declare ,r.
and signors achievpd. 'I livi r e William Crornip lie %trying it Bethe duet was'finished the money for their services and "Uroat l4itaill"t iiw,itfoll w, 1110 An Owt. i4 lijailu to linve Anir with shooting is daily growing a "fad instantly ordered open arid trned many at first held aloof from hunt THE, CkNNESE EMPIRE 'aboratelyol-scorated bsfi4 vve:
of them are very glad Ong English women, and it will is divided into Provinces, each of u ld bravos amad h to earn guns. It was not long befora several am upsi-do down, while the ofticer Search, enact legis- fimmally the tAmult bomme so th w Ich to buy European notable English s6clety women join- not be,lorig before shooting parties which is ruled over by a viceroy, � Mid unlikely to'be meriotair tuenaccid I ltion agolvst tiguret milloking by great Inoney Wt pd with Some gusto among the con- eolianw-dities. ed the Prince of Wale*' hunting par- excluslivaly of women are organized. who is Immediately responsible to tents now spread art the table. There for tile next quarter of tt century boys. The "brubust of that, Dr,L Rieti gave the sign to stop at the end of gL �qrtalir flourlsit. Industry aniong these natives has ties, and some of '&Pit became so Indeed. this is on the probrairrare for the Emperor. Within his own juris- Tile social an uioral life in the been encouraged by the zeal with clever with the use of the gun and next season, diction the viceroy holds unquestion- was a sniull pocket cumeru, two Am- tho are of boys. Than men and women stormed packets of photograplhic plates Prica Call forUi from Mr. Quirunings 'nil' I)oy smoker in the workshop Is plittform to shower kisses, queW which the Government looks sifter rifle that the meA had to go The handling of firearms.by English able sway, regulting, according to rue . 0 "Unnobling nythlutz but ix)1jular with him and exclamations ,,On 9. Into his ple"ure, the laws of his pro- so soiled handkerchiefs, a Ilax; this sovere criticism upon till) ere their interests. No one can emplay Private practice to "sustain their women was riegarded a few years age In effusive southern fashion. a black man Ia the Protectorate un- reputaticilria." as altogether ultra womanly. To- vince and drecting all Its public af- otild cuft, a box of fancy note pat- "I'll pleasure seekinif appear to be to"- hir allies iteckitt has declar- d that ho would certainly not per, a bottle of scent. a pair or( Pill- 1`11uro,cterlstics., The dim7egal,d for is fairs. Indeed, although every China- Maw. Schalriba, and the new telmor less a Government official approves ROME LUCt ANGLING. day, tbo fir9t, question a woman br%oidered puritalliflos, and a [at of huluall lifq, tile a buy sumaker to do any Work had gfeat difteulty In maltin them- the contrac�. asked when she, visits a country es- man, If he be churgack with an for him if ho could gat it nousjncok� At first. a offence, has the right to claim a fair patent brass studs and ctuff links. CORRUPTION UN POLITICS er. an -Li Sir Ttiotuo.s IApton has ex- selVis heaed. When finally they Tile tium the laborer engages for ngling was little In- tate is "Of course, you shool. V- WI-th the exception of the soiled antoild I trial. he may be adjudged guilty it) the pr,3somod tire mtrongest dk%approvttl of ,I 11111weeded they Cried: "Give praise Service, the amount he is to be paid dulired in,by English women : but 4 linert, everything was svioed, for all lfiorul and Ph I where it is due, to Master Rieti," and all other conditions, must be In since the Duchess of- Fife' enthusrias- should the viceroy so determine. Y"ical deWtoration of tile THE CAUSE OF SMALLPDX. were liable to duty, and some shurp XUSXpLtNS WERE OHARMnD. black and White. Th. hwl.y.r can- ticall�y entered upon the Qport bull- Next In order to the viceroy comes the PPOPle, atilt must be arrostect it Sir Chrili-tupher Furness has found the mandarin. The ciass to which words of reprinnind wore used by disaster is to bl, avuidetl not engage him for more than a vireds of oth�rs have followed suit. i7tive Presence of t tbe officer to my nuw subdued thut cigarut sliAoking mittong boys Rieti invited the professionl Vlu- year at a. time and &-mitist. give a Two years ago the Ducbess of File his official belongs has churge over liof tho operative brisA_ riot only causes deterbacration of 8telana, '- operatic Impresarios, guad bond to defray the cost of -his jour- caught the largest vuMber of salmon Micro- orgarlisin. ille, districts into which the pro- French neighbors for attempting to layers, would tv sorry to see Ainert- phyhiqu� but "tends to develop the critics In 'Ube audieltice, to his ney home when the contract ex- that had ever,been taken by a wo- At a recent meeting of the Boston Whees, are split up. Fot the manner abi ts. with the result that % stituggle. Then tire afflolir noved oil ,,, an,thods of building trolopted tit luun-ging'll, In Which the manarin exercises his to h4ugland, arid hit-. Dellar. uf the tile Ju%villit, minuker'n work Is logo Study and requested them to give pires. man from the river Dee In one day, Socieey of Medical ciences, Dr. W. "Monsieur," murnfully remarked h authority he is accountable to t he the Fronchulan, ''now Yell will be ,rest deal of talk, but f1pall, professor Viceroy. The people of his district bad, even in the N%r
their unbiased opinion. There was The native Is paid off Only in the and when a o - is AayG9 At her T. Councilman, Shattuck Ilia Union found t4le ruIi&cJvrrt�Joua)y done, and he Is lack- a g y a presence of a Government officer, famous untry place, New Mar of pathological anatomy In the Mar- hit,- Ing Ili sprightlinovis anill ulortaoss. 'a with done for. r
consensus W" had. who sees that he receives exactly Lodge, silo gos fishing frequently, can In no way Interfere him IFOUM' t10 pays him ro"cts to Where, as is often the case." Sir vard XvdiW school, Made a report The), are entirely'at Ills tmrcy, arid I declared everything and produc-
what is duo him, If a black runs either with some of her friends or on his recent discovery as to the of a Lpecial permit. which had been Te(It was to the effect that Whatever I HbluOut0ild y Haying princl- ChriNtopher adidis, ''the buy Smokers
too often they tire merely considered Pal sbareholder inight here find a (Itrudestinely. habits of decettfUlaosto 11109thad )led Produced these CxceP- away before his contract expires he accomoanled by her hu4l�, cause ' of smallpox, Do ter Council- by him as instruments by wbk"b he very coutriously given tire by the pood hie observers, may till his coffiers. tianally fine singing voices in per- Is punished and returned to service. Another entiousift-i'tre- sportswoman Mn, w I t the help of at Russian am-bawadir, and handed It Place to expend hia millions lit l%ill probab�ly be formed," Sir (]*a.
SOPS -heretofore bereft of hat qual- It wIll simplify the labor problem is the Couctess of Anneslay. who Is bee shown that the drvaded disease to the officer. Having eagerly rend ln4)roving the condition of the Vitilliamis' on1wrience as an amptloyor ity, or talent deserved the highest of louth Africa if fairly good ork- realIv first among the fishing Sport Officials In OhIng, are notoriously working PeOphl. I Would for this ham conctutAvely prevv,d to him that pralse, being pregAarit with good men s- is due to the active presence of %I corrupt and money, not the welfare it, he stood with his heels together I things, wit(h untold happiness for can be obtained from other women a/ Eagiand. The first fish she micro-organism. BiologtErts who have of the state.' Is the object they keep 4"Id gave ilia LL tallitary salute. %%ith purporla forego tile pleasure at (lo- a buy In a tar front Satisfactory parts of the continent. Such a pro- ever caught was & BaIMOR weigill'14 exauilned specimens declare the in view. They Intpose the heaviest a- pr,l,,,d bow he begged me to n,tIng llbrarlt�s to totvns in OrelLt work-er it he maii,okow, " he mays: tba great mass of miumical PeOP10, cedure would probably stimulate the twelve pounds. and that encouraged smallpox germs W bb 'protozoa, and exiLctions upon the people; and in point out to hitit till my tugg %a FA) Britain " -The effect" of intralciaig, with its -ho have the Will but not the pow- Mr, teadanan. who reprm-nu-cl the torIdency to encourage drinking. am
U Kaffir tribes to render better ser- her to continue the sport of angling. not bacteria ; that is, -they are ant- the cages that are brought to be that he could have it stsunped It -1 er to sing, and for untold millions, vice themselves. The natives do not In a recent Interview she was asked mals, rather than plants. tried before them, they give their de- out giving ate further trouble llt� Yrimmentury ('6zomit-tee j tha to reduce a lad's to lesmess. in hearing good voices enjoy the spectacle of laborers I'll- how &a had first taken to arniling. Doctor Councilman and his assist- cisions in favor of the littifunt who politely declined to ust, tire keys I 'I rallies Union Coagress. him intelloruall -=-I Y, pit t. when suall pleasure is to be had for ported from other parts of tire con- She replied. archly, you know, ants have been able to work out the can ofter the largest bribe. handed him, eLtid thin'king that I that for solid and well finished work weaken his moral orbaracter." -
love or money. tinent pocketing money whIcb they women take naturally to cIngling , complete lite cycle of the parasite. The Chinese have no aristocracy "'!lIght (eat unCointoIrtable lot the , the British workruan cUatict be beat- EN'vLl. EUPPINICT ON �MW MWD. After that, Rletl consented to give might earn themselves. and I suppose 1 am no OxCOPU011 to There appears to be two stages in like that of Ru'rope. There 1, a no- bustling crowd of JAC' Iry con- en In tht- world. The fact that evvry groat pubac
Is pWi) statement as to how be Tho --e of the lower Congo, for ex- the I ilia,,, 111 � that I lgtrieral, it. atromcm that. while school In F=gland probillbits time
built voices in the two persons pm- ample, would not work for white the cycle, one eAexual, the other bility, but it'IB not by descent, Ed- `C-V6d n- to a chair viously considered voiceless in a rau- The Countess of Annouley, AccOm- sexual. The, first stage occurs In the tication Ia the basis upon which It might fit down. 1 keenly conuriuu4 of American com- among its boys, arid purAshos ousxu� men until many Libettans, Zanzibar- parried by Lord AnnesIty, her bull- protoplasm of tbe epidermal cell ; stands, and It is open to all, In or- I turned roun-d to �ook (it the petition. th-, delogates are by no era wilth a artrong h"W, to eloquwt 91cal sense. inns and others had beA b,5ought to ban, spend a certain pdrtion of the second stage in the ucelus it- der to enter it a man mast show rrlonbhulvn� hey had .)together 'nloans hupob-ns fi,r Great Ilritain, ol tile evil eMct tobacco has on tile
,'As the Phonographic records the river arrmd the indigerrilus tribes each year in fishing not only In Eng- self. � The two stagills occur early in himself to be Possessed of certain lit- collapsed for. cancludes tilt- report : young ullod, says the WbaUrAuster
taken with the assistance of well saw them spending the momey they land but in Scottish and Irish we- the disease, and the parasites are in erary qualifications For this pta- -1 t��gbk you said tbut FtigliNki- "The worknien who have built up Ullicigut The Leads school broard
Tonowa mcdIcal and musical experts at all the na- ters. Their famous Irish home, Cori- the irpore stage before the time when pose examinations are hpld,,at stated inen wvr,� hated in Rutaia, arid that American Industries tire largely Brit- mK)ttw Ilive ago enlisted the awmicalls
abalcha and Sig. Bur tivs like to po6ew. The Congoose tjew,11an, has yielded some famous the disease brings death. One of intet-vals In the provincial capitals, they would confirlcate ai) my things ish Most of the inventions lit of ujortnent medical autharliklies in its
otti had no Singing voice -h4n I were thus stimulated to work them- fishing sport. The Countess has Pub- Doctor Councilman's photomicro- the successful competitors at once you we they ba%e confieratell noth- American workshopm, come from b&tAI6 against the clWilt, and, thri
took them in hand a year seles, and now many thusands of lished several articles on the subjec graphs shows that, as generally be- Passing Into Ing," I nieekly remarked it) the nken balling from the old country Plymouth board circularized the
said Dr. IRIett. "At the sarna time thern are in the service of the white I. Proinchmen, whvn thev rt�turneol it, Let us mdoilt modern niethods n nol teachers old Imlill" o of angling. She uses a very ligh s re carried to THE MANDARIN CLASS. the "Ieupirlt (ar. I do not think Englaild will hold hot- own in U Ilfiltlb pC . A cobarodttima of those pholingraphs prove tati both obations along the riverls. rod and Is so particular in the —t Ofe Bkfn by the blood, W r0n On th t
the lady and the gentleman -are ter of weight that her When a man is thus ennobled, It is that I have met with nwre Polito euninlercial rivolry of the war d
blessed With an excellently con, reels are all I '' the Liverpool twhool board whiob in -
IN THE SCIEN7UJC.W)ORLD. his an ewtors that are elevated In cumtoina officialm a,nywhere volvt1gated the almlotior dl*W*d that
jArveted larynx and healthy reqAr- made of aluminum. She advises the HOME OF MUSICAL FISII. status, % Instead of his posterity, as ,out. out,'' inottered the stouter ,cl"rst smakt-ug affects. like
atoory organs. Their lungs worked Scarlet fever Is unknown in the use of a single-handed "fly rod" al I the with us, Chinamen cennut unider who was evildently in no 11111111111vtoolm .1
ojerffttlan, Upon this hesithy trpics. split come, wftb Steel center. which Lake Batticaloa,. Ceylon, has - Frptichninn. THE TO generally, and arrests 111111""'I&I do. being stand why u. man's descendants inood to Lnter Into further caliver- WN OF SPECTACLES. and it would be ponibie c libn of the lungs and lary" she says, "should never weigh more probably unique distinction of To otdinary eyes a ninn 11000 than eight ounces." the home of musical fish. The should be supposed to possess any satim. to quota thousands of mush Opinions my method Is built. yards away any, on a rifle range Mariner in ,'Let me interpolate here that Lady Alington is another famous mounds emitted by these are sald to virtue bY reason of the blood thut If, Which an African Set- frolux the e-cluemittioal side. --appeas all a dot; he could not be English titled lady to take up fish- be as sweet and mal6dictua as those in their veins. Arcording to t.ho tlement Received Its Name. It goem wtth4jut Saying tilliat taw WAA a musician beforo'I became a knvm as a man except as being a Wild, NOT I ItINN. lor in tho sliury ot entraw of it* surgeon. Per tens of ears I smaller dot thiin a borge. Ing with the enthusiasm of the true which would be produced by a Series ChInese X+eW. whatever 9-plendid doel built ohn Rukr hullt a cottyrn,%dio" rl-- voices in the old way, improved that Sportsmen. Every Aeolian harps. Crossing thalako qitliti, a nhan may possess, the 0 Zutilo- lWaret fur boys "fill the evfd9ti,C6,11
UP Prof. Babinet has proved Reason finds her Of Theic in it pariUkp,- tit th Odenco a n1sitiber of vtoarq ago 0 a HUYU fir n4T0%& Wileon, "poists to
all tbom, too, but neve sch " Comets, Instead of having c. solid f1shin4 for sa.Jillou Ili north of Eng- in a boat one can pWnly distinguish credit is ue to him ance9tors,e who gical Gttrdeull in London that has U. a u't'hi, is of in tho
eX�eiit aiftor gaif�ffv.tlw. All over body wJth a gaseous tail, are much land waters. the pleasant sounds. If an ar is are, therelore, entitled to shav tile ll,,d for over half a centuly with- Shire Ilighiands t,1 I'alie NY lite unuermiming ill a growl,rig Is4lo
econ he melody be- horror lie enJOY9 ut oril,king anything Many nil . ..... by indulgence in tobateco""
tW world greAt FGgers were b I- lighter in weight than our air. Rem Go IN FOR IJIG GAME. B t "It lit not in regard to th 114 lit- is the ogi-rit (,f the AM -
Ing riVer, While the most high priced 8 loudr and more distinct. turaltyt4 have a theory that hare" an I akes C.n4pany, which ling 1% fir Wilson contines: "Axild, to If a Comet were to strike the earth Anionk those Who go in for big come alone that the peoplo, of ('hinu are never drink. or� at all that st,-aluerm till thiq the ILWrtkl PflaCt - that Of tail-
rnaa,tbra arid mistresses seemed n- It would hardly penetmt its atmos- -4 at varicince with wes,teru rucom Ili W Lake Nvoirmn
game, the most prominent are Mrs. KILLED By YAWNING. tQr is riot it necessity to their, an,d Il4ta haIt 1. Pu - I"r Ing the air*-ady precerAoUs, bay
elble to recrult now OnOs. lillere. Alan Gardner and the Duchess f most ew%rything connected with oxiqtk-nr,- , tile dew oil the ging IA to bmld up m. prospuioug buRinwqs
ill still Mom Pr--rucions, and.of turn-
SCRET OF GOOD VOICES, The venom of snakes contains orily hunteod From Oshkosh, Wisconstri, Cornell their life they are the very ntIpod,-s u Ing hill% Into art InGufferale 1krig,
intertireoliary bodies whic,l alone omerset. Mrs. Gardner has ppurred to he sufficient liquid for In jrtu,-, %1::'1a t%ltlk(fillt ft'lliflK 14$ -
would not he virulently poisonous. -a - io the natl�e,; ,,.a tirld you thus conemn the hablt
,ht. till over the World. She has pene- who yawned herself to death, For seat of honor Is to the right. With breed of gazelle that never dill -1414. ( outpall) I anti otlwl i, a- front anather point of view."
"I gave this matter much thoug the remarkable story of Lx woman of us With us. for instance, tile thvir wanti; There Is a cOrtuto ton or fir: ;,,r
knowt of course, that with the vo- but the normal blood ocrum I SM&_ trated. the Jungl6a of India and three days she yawned without In- thent it Is on tire left the Ilairnas of Patagonia live Ill, ti%,. i't)tN LAXITY OF MORALS. eel c6rdi In a cortain position, air ceptible animals contains ilia boarded the tiger as well as the lion lorruption, Physicians decided that our haLn In lolcrn of respect: thpy and clitlt,4 and 11tv ,driven through the glottis aCtfi lt.�orn , e so b- tafices which, by conjoint action in their respective dens, Not only sbe was guffering from obscure lesion keep theirs on. Our mign of inclum- Years without tailing walor Ili nothing 1pit tl()tlj. wirl, and Sir Illenry lAttlejohn, the veteran 0 the - is it purticulat (Ia%,) of "beitillig. end tbo-aronger the blast with tile Intermediary badles f has site bearded them, but has of the brain, producing laryngeal Ing 1.9 black. theirs is wbite We France there other thing,, wimn add to 1,11" Uto, 111krbl'al AMcer of health for Edlu-
flie! sounds, the singing or venop Molly polsoing. attle neso Losere thiat rarely tou(h- ft)ri of tile natives and do till -ft) UU burgh, has used his great Influeng* 1, cause tire d a( said dons and spasms. Remedies and anaestheticr shake a friend's hand on met -ting r spiakig voic-4�, In a rpeent articl in a widely "skliltned 'em" for home Importa- were administored without effect they sbak their own On the. strievi "m water This lit all the agnifuct thp boy srntalker.oft tU"y _"Agoin I considered thtLt the pitch read magazine on "Niels Fiavun io.nd tion. Mrs. Gardner's home is full Unable to sleep, she !�,pwned until we keep to the right; they to ill(, 4pe(tioccl-, and Rrounda. mu,11 there Is notch fle" ill of t1* V*i--o Is prituat-Ily dependent His Heating Rays." It in mid, All of trophies won on the field of ad- rho could do go no n.ore from lack left. I'Ve blar-ko-il our Moet, "Olk t -f a ii(h (palitv Iroln wh it IN the nuii%v-4 -11 lim, Maj,"Uls Ilia that "tho protaticls lot on tifid size of the larynx find that arilallpox venture Tier count -y place, Newton is likilde gilts" iw lo, fraught %N1111 tlangerlls to x6clsty at to the world tiliglit now have of Atrength. The sparrow continued, Whiten their shoe-qol X% - ; A witheut fear ot'disfigvirement," The .... .. larfic'.. owlog to We txK1c9y with the hetlan of certain iflu3cles In th tlldq otelt, Can be owing Hall, I)unwgv.,, exhibit4 many evi- and finally. after Fe%,enty:six hours of upon the brain or; the "FX -At of 0 rois (I rcd light treatment Was experiment, danrQ9 !�r Unexplored f1cring, dissolution occurred. loct. they the stoma�h Th(- ti (�d I I"x bbat changes the tension Of rr-,cli have held a Rpeclep of act oil wit long bcfor� and I M1 Nlolr 4,1 stlaw Ilia, 1, rig at nigbt.q. bb tl* vocal vords. Tbo more tightl 46 —_ �j of our comprsi polutg to tho north, HOW To 11FAII. PLA N I 0 toloadeney y that publimtio, itn'd tile revults fascination for her, Slip Nas trav- 'r.t I ito I'it ice crear" Fifuat)is to Itsmg" tho4wif Stretched. for instance, the eled extensively ttiroul7,h Som-alilana FRUIT ACIDS. theirs oV%p lend Pon, If vo'l W�1,, lold Lhfif 11 1 'fir herof s it... tuout4s tbat fiall beow, Fhou the quoted statement to be on- left t� Ife - lfftth6d. In the tone of the warranted. end AbyslArria, and has wandered The act -da of apples are exceedinly perroliculatly from right to left " e m-arce I V 1-1 It,o -Arid in widition We hal-cl nIt1uc,1I,. I�Weo, other things being equal. Prof. Vircbo,-x sald that the Al. over Africa, Northern India, Nopaul, useful through their stimulating in- cut our finger turils. they dee It luan:4 4lly ttwy 1k thinks ff,,t,, tiw iltd,urf-I-,ard of the propriotli in
miabariaria.1,--ve the most intellectio,al Assam nnd North America. Ifer fluenee, upon -the kidneys, whert-by rilitocratic to haip theirs from "` inethod of Iwaring'' IIIA1314 91A)W lip thou, Ill rherety a meeonical in !'Nrope. They are, Ito file other nex whiah is rkull- how, book. "Rifie and Spear with the poisons are removed froin the hodV to five inolies long, ofu-n protectinq in the ripporatiAm the growing 1,laiit at(. ill ing in o'll. ruldvt a laxity 'r kr9tted alter stitillylog the ov-.r, it-17,od of the idea that they Rftlpoot9," 11hown that she ban riot and tho blood and ticisues purifieti. them with a Atilver F,heath A coffin .Of rrl.�, ... anill,physiology hgtve a better right to extAt than shirked the post of danger whalit, the 7he acids Of apples art' all highly Is thol last gift we Fyhoul-I think of in conoectod with it tit%(, Ill �lp lthe ttLture, inn", -tr WATI: Vdito aili well it" A layman 1"'y. h ri n a other r1aces, Post camb her way. useful as a, means 6f divinfecting the tandering to a friervd. tbei, ,on%lder lim rentrp wt inlilroitot wimb it vvr,� I Ill 1, (og -1 I lol f fru 1 I "But 'tow 'Inprove on 6' mech- being interior. are on earth only to Some of Mra. GAMner'a adittirk-s stornach, since the ordinary gorins it the most %igibly tNl*,-n,m troarr. long berore'thol r, -1 outW&W thAtt ray ftlethud Ing I � N E P 1. It -110 w f,,r �A Nil WVU for groat tla is) 4 'A� Atuo When thtt wits eettlod In 5erve tllenr� Death has no terors have said that in Africa to tfils timt grow in the stomach, produc VF,%Rg J41) of pubtfo, rot the Albanian, for his highest ay, when At is reported that Mrs. billioumess, haduchil "nd other iuice Fll�hlng ninung ear- moll fir., 1i nati-I it 11". firlpt i,4iubd a eirv.ular to Ili ophilosophy Is in the saying, Dylng Oftfdver in hunting. till the teally troubles, will nut grow ill fruit led &n In rather a ciiiious fashion brol,gla ll,f mwlt;ittic, i9arget;y Id pArtic- _11161fis takb to the foothills. or fruit pulp. They �Rol a long lierit Ili 011- han.frier. the i i,g l -o ihe-oling tho orm, tif tobt1re" IN, Is a plagu; but It to half a plague Illeft0lble 1,W03 85 *too old the" end to live.- 0 an Aetdtd iDEPtt TALKtUO 143 POPIVL&It� Iform nnobl-PlI to, whith lit oit.,. , .,lI CHARITIES OF LOND1114 .;PIVS. .1 Ill, III i tind m4nd Was to ?A tfiybol, OME BIG COIN S. ltiothor very formillablo nportt- In attile a n, hpor,il, "f ,f ii 0 -Two, tti,* #& r OaKeill tb� firnt *dMoti'll; the Duth"it of 6mrsot The London ewlsh charities rainn Tbe fistr4rutan itils; (in tht� h"nk Iq I) ...... t une, and AWnipt At vof�A &o tivig, a good- It Is said that the largest gold Up to a tow years aga, obe No& In the course of a year about 8600.. tho atteent. and keer- the n,,t ,,,,,k to 01C. Perot. ylaofea 4tie04 kvilitv h1hibelf f6r coin now n circulation to the gold polissionittel$ li,,b mirfarp of tht, water. well. -%it in nor owla pt�ulltiv ill fond rot Avort An which 000, which im nearly $5.75 per head below tl that plttdhe� t etpo�rtmeiltbd WI Ingot, or loor," of Anam. a French qp6ing J=V�fftgfit4idl pr6iulnr�ritly She of te ewish reputation of Lando . 0 + in Ate 1,.al lativs Ppohillifit"
n Ing C ill ie,11v (or tire f1sh to ell him for 4V* ftoilths, killd, ften Had colony fin Eastern Asta. It Is a flat, a C t V years in the far wose an average of $60 for each contri- ter No it o, hook Is ompinvo(I qI-R%A%I1i I'Afillllilll -molring 1, tilt' rAvly oil to gif up, 'he bradfleal vAlu# 0 roUbd gold piece, sLnd op It Is writ- of the lu"Itd very Tho "olatcl, dep--ndm finriv f States. and there are butor. But thin amount Is I14-111 PV dodtlefi,� it *at nil. rt ton In Indian ink Its Velue, which foW thins pho does not know about far from rePrvwnting the wint-tatal tHbo"D Own W h, .1) t he 1�11y not nok, the I, i *69 Itt,040, sh*f#" Or f4t,oving uty Its abouf $2241. Tile t1ext sized coin camping out. she was a fine shot or It ri y dispensed bv London weather tit fntletn�t the fi,horumn hV lI he pftti _#Vf - *Wof It W I"& it toll this valuabl# but Ottren'toly awk- in those days, and enjoyed "rough- Jews. It halolly repreolen't's n,,,h hufl,oln for I' I tw;, If on the bank. h"fats hoarsb fibld hhicd� Vbw6*it, I ant ward one is thd "Oblift," Of JAPAn. Ing it" immensely. Since co more than 19 SAIPP000d to be given clogo to tjw ,f th,. Rtreavu. Ming eIrl'uRt. of Will Antall ptpaw wi,lell he it iA %I iItrappy tal "N" 066A *6t Over Which to Woilth a"ut $1030, and ndxt b&411t to LAgland she has shown Some away by a Wrilglo family -the Ra,thri- the these Ili A, -W, Abettor Miff. I- puritijell the pimca- lI Voice C01110 tile "beudas'l dt Atilhafit66, of 110t A001an friontro what oAn be ohildw-whow charitlea tire oidid to fithe boy 1;buok WchtetJ"Wittif it Value dt itboUt- dolle with melins or a ginly 10 tile ....... !aulp total nil in the courge, of A year to in"fal art. elected 1,%lild'd % tj�t *At, d 045. The i0alltoftlA $66 jow P106 f1t* 4vdn With r. lack of tho Con- Sometimes It Ili% methad of gold % I, All t Ill- + PTbritta ov "O"Hofito; tar is vorth, Ittaut fh& mW6 of If(#. Silo prides hbr- fl,ithing fly crup train- MNIA of rho f(ing. t. -i, Obtolevaddif toiuot XWO tU thp 'Ibbittift " The helivickt 011VOr colij A611 an being able to "manAp sort ml lltt If% i�'t.At tllocepile. - S -slid tta", tt boldn#* tb� Altu%ht, h6*L,,, With tile fo%vext #bgviblo cot. ir, allow nib the 110. oon ti- n -k f Ia circuniptrineen f,,r lif,, lhat th�, titr q,-vt, .1 with ir. Youk imli'da with ou, just by p, Oil �Fi �*Okig ft4WItI#*, ftd hdri hmn ftowri aI 'of Mifty I pa ,V whiorb thb .611w acd a A" X t tbowing that kno,tt In n wing t 0 tho Moto 0*00Lft Aii meal boallUfully uftdel tile 0 Olt t 0 A'qb rbuildinliq t4poo it ph-asAinf IllibeAlt #5:t Oft W lare." "With 40Y.
�o lit 63 t,.h noth forrfra�� between ,hitngi, v, I tionit' ALI ScrIt, PrOell"ly th tire Saw it
lrh# 'on 0 boat Chlne� and wer,,! n -hlpwn whore rorvantm who art, I,,,, 0J lafll w,t ol�am uanm-d clearly beia,,e no*6 ihsa I lic-%4 to worlt arn lit, on sheltur and Wrr, 1119 i310A Allet t
igir 1!