HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-05-22, Page 1IV 7W_ N F JIM =12 00 11, rl= 7 al 1611 loolip"M== to The Kit Yol Wit IN tity, cirelittl for n WPM The, 0MOL141 'N*w$P- apor Pt t330, 0, A AV "giectita MAY .19-0 AYs 74' 0 .0 All TAUTZ, QQZ' 0r s OPPALL Tim Tho $t � I L " .. 01 1 . �. 1 0 A, jwv�10.04*y, * Fq4v , i Ame IDAX04""�0,' INJIil ., ­ , eAM IQA440 tit *guilooil in, Gododolilk , t, the, TIAVQQ UAXe 'Vl�jng ROMP0,1010, li),, A 190V % I I P,�,. Pohl aurww. T "IRK '4!o1w AA r000 ok "'A O#til'ov. of ohl'tinto t 0 Of tho, POOKI . V*'.Qt tui�� 4 .01 k 0 V #444,6 hold WOO, Otatuotiol ill tuo, court youd tit$ flyllis A gil" 40, thli, 06own, tug Ot 71,0 Alex. IWV1 0 0 wlloymq. P,, 4 1 t 0 0 X -b 0101, U - ­ �., 0., - 0tr 00,0wou)w D ott4**N, May W"The 00490* OUR - 4 IWA4 04 "y 1.0"illotaft TbOft W40 0, fitir At- 440,wo.*, molps oft at, . �t_ : . J4 ng low WIM till ball V lit itlaht bild kit "am t;,U' h awousf tit. 00s9ph � � V _W, Q. To 94006 . W_ 1 04 0tor, UN triltuil V -4v voyl plotholf 94 -tion 01 TA y tot" toll, 09; kAuil itivyft t k 1, ah '01 Tp- amprqva V r the otiluit4l. pro�m, 1AyijW L �jX­ t t� boy 0 the A0xVtkgA­ IJBINO lilt and gol Mr. lJoRwisit, the UberAll meiiihor ve oi�rot suitt then 41, table A riu� ofW GAN OnAu tSupsdTogs Imm'.0N Itoiyol VAing Po*d 4 Bro- us a Willits of money. O . -1,TartCsa.1dIbWo4IdbO the 0111i at10 tho thor Ill tit oat I atu a'P qvklzx� -4._U nreangedo between- ftelahli, and 0, lool he4t comfort, w lilt it 06 t. sp 161ST "44t or t4o, wraixich 0, 0,01"ti lodge, room, Wall 'Alsed lAM Olin AM spomwo grollu4s, INIJIM - lux 7t Pon V4, (a to fall at 00 it *lt!yW,aWVXI3 V � AliVIANY6 hthere, havIng but. 004WOU641i I'matittuto PrIlt 4'�Vl6ty All, The atIAMOV, X*UV6 Grace *110 A Tor Nv E% "rulas thlO boat that cost, half a -million, wit 0 1w Iand, return y .3 ��.Arg, 1w pit j'Qy4p16 AlapdVroAtAble 'At otrip, On W431111"SEIAY'. Aft0r; 04rPot beeIilp- Mr. Tarto ra006"w eIla 46 w� I" g taaa1l6 w.111 le4iiiii"tOmorrow Tor tuaU009 '%ugod to the loi noon atbodthe trip , 010asu*0 -1A help 6dl 9, 0111,1040tOrY tiouble game, and was not a llIt I h T ' Op hall, jn4 before stralk t Liberal. sIan Bay. Mr. Shorritt i0ouservative, North the Uill opened 4�,omtortablo accollmlo- Xey4n,A,, W dation hvA beep 0 The-ofte on West street 90 n 31 -,per has and W. A. ThEreburn _wvldod for soatitig Middlesex) -joined in oprosing the ox� a Day; arrived In Is it Ila struck -otinrit- pendittiro, suggesting t ISE Oily., 01 airgely, and J. Stone, of Gor 140 guests. outalde of tile lit Th 00 h t o"YOT Oki 04 oow x44es6, 09 �tltjot boate to 04 &nil it. 640 or TA . . .... town Titoway, with tile, Inwiltiolt, 0 PIV , -Pogo tlon of the floor but little time was out, XAOW%� Ounto a' P101 't, Quee, rInAbo, hollif, of that busy fitting out stea. tier Long for 4 as the Mr. Tart broolk 11111, AN 44 Or the, It. JAW I spenj on tile lodge room, a accused both lion. nlem- ll41% no$ IL Ii1%'for I � Ing, Ricomfolittoe wisel concluctea I— DV IAQ Tom, PA14T w..1 be title bers of OPP6, 'I tile project bQcaujo A' hat''fits 1pfie. Q 't �b"4 Ounty- 9* heanoll, The loolliberShip' of QJO OddfOIIOWS not Ile improved by tile place was ca led St. Jote br-Allwo, Kr '14 of:: thoJs0to"014 r,' I Lumber to being sent out frollft ratty hall cot,1211 it pit. o4 MO. )"Auto' T 0, tile Ikt, 2i3a Sub, lodgels abovit 100%ud the of heItit, -be tile'utimber 1) find that 2W -,4111 NQ'ra ft,, nts lumber yard and the 450, ocorations. It was nearly 9.30 when Me, WNW= 40013VO(I th t this ­Wocr bUri to both town i4n - F " " a yeArands. There vl�lll be 11, 1)19 list Of toot dooked last week Is being "catty tile London harpers layed the Brat a falsolloo(L UP ot 0 1, P, 0 Itout, vas allowed to pass on the V7 C YIN w7orl% f 000ft. reduced by shipments to Lou on and wltz, in extia, and a that time less V v I t�, jiaox,o r4it"Au A CorldlOA InVAE61,4911 a- catildillitte$ for Monday ng. dollarf of _411 'a inoett Brantford. thala 00 people %were present, but by understanding that before n of. on -TO (11741 A0&J4_"XuOX rf­p Ju-Evarytblp $4000 19.14 tlutt number had been Increased tile vote wits .4peat, there shollId be an Is orowdeil around the Ito ba 16110 §1 kini N41 IS, D tI , 4 annual niniket house nowlAillva Ings b The steamer Rosedale with, sup- ongincer's report. W40,11AVO PI4911 Yzlati,—�Me exporlongo all by too, and from that hour until h "felled this Port At Qlaila 1 1440; pen ustlets Of wheIt rL vxqit 0'a A - 11 statonlont of thearik of Would not Tie at) bad If t o Cattle and commenced floor was OV. ALM reqnuy ;a rded and Torpsl- Ile".1 to that city! -th� year . idlug r ruled. At the conclusion Of MR. MAYOU no p mr, I Q P14011, lo"tud 111414oll, Vow P300 A.11 andilalti not no%%, nevued 4 it. in. yesterday �h and gentlemen of tile *yjXAy ftli" wil 4vd we April 00(h marks the were inoy unloading tit noon, oil the departu 0 ?dw anall7104 to *219 at* U; �, X T a J, but Ing ro m4t ucies-ful twelve rpolithe in the of tile T Ail, Itt all alljourned to the Town council, tie doubt you will I, w It the roller Iniglit Ila afforded at of fq C a ir anti , chorolle Supper n Career Of that. famous fifinnelal Tor urret Court.' A for, 0000 t - the trial Ito Thapeptot it.. PriviolpalTige t that this good town tins Ito Street In lower hall. where A r" g' The Harbor Lumber Co. Is allipping till kinds misses Wiggins, McIver, Stowr0qud having was served, dolloacioi+ of Vesta Watson, left fly early tluir, liffir gtn ow oith t'Ash 'D' rATA In#8 yes. largely these days, six cars �Iautlful profusion. A happy 8110etor, of- officor charged %wit)% 'tile 0 0 =,Qw, and Another million is xx wrs� &rrvy man the*O,,t4 �g ftrry ;reangevo t Wl- total $,I, been sent enM on Saturday and nearly 001119 to hat tile streets are V Truillic has mikile AAa nday, tb attend the annual conven- tile function was the Holliti- (luty Of "c"119 t it other days. The will is ToRtUrc 0 kopt ill woondition in hArinony with Added to t0f3.r0'4, 0,001111t, which will chars of Wast HuronAl as litany 0 u0sts jC. A. Darn, oti-Agriculturo torim. 8 tipn f the t- tit the salue flule Pit- -WkDN*apAV, to tb6 Do�p#tulpo ar tow'" has a full staff tug. Of all tile Iters out' 01AI'll to be %Ilep healthiest and now refth We I ye figure of $ runnini full time, and -Ps Of !or Them Was -A eflillour current wa] f I As; utuAbet', of T arom001). ThonoWe.0 t elAnkinciropla this of Snip oyces. and the exellent cot No. &. prettiest town In Canada" (%we used to Oftige Or care forme -a of 'W line; -to-44rifly rIle -om the niellibet in, tt) tie also ,the cleaffest!'). As it, I TIJ*JJ%1sbA to on Snip, h ooL,. -amo: xtt-ejrht, millions,- week* that, the- Marine, Hospital, Trust -it ft (lifterd.0 po.lu 0% 0 - I Trio W.t 6f the bunts built on the tile midnight blot N for it well known At the conclusion of his lack of atipervisloit , �woltltl """It t46 GrPAt t�1001, ' de�osljj not hear n Interest oes were negoiating ce of t ttrao% U 01 - ex ort 'w�W� IL , nom.� OP. noon to trtlal fox used its a hos- island this spring was launolied yeater. ineal it short rest watt enjoyed before ConSeqlten ED. AAJTO�,o wells private residence to be r0h, 18 pro OrK, 8110 VIA LQ IT or T $21,1)90354, and t ose bear The tug will be used fort fishing n aro scattered around the streets pa.rod t*,AQMI)t,W n irixiAAV, W Him, f0r, pritaill,. lie"A �t t4 the enormous amount pital, but whather a do wits coilolud. day. d. C was resurned, and thok period thot tvOw .180x. are W 11 tug intere! oses, being built for tile Dominion f in Ilk at time until Gold save tile several Walon loitdii of weedti, loose that, oil noon; thino, tofiq. J. OThe market ad has not leak ed, out. Ir sticks. old tips, Out Air, afton, of nearly $72,000,ODO. rot aeSitannAty, to F 'Jil 'Clode 869111 1 Molhilay from W1 Vi? Co., the manager of which named to at 4 a. in. was most st"lle-4 tin( Paper' txjjrd�, rI title, price of Dank of Montreal stock OR G M. Elliott was this week showinj her the D. McLeod. �Ing played Voderipblipettolt nj.y as the rookil, qL, . near4hate, Or a wits less ashes, sods and other rubbish, which geutoW,_ on Tuesdays. April So was 255 equal to $510 per it rilt-taile'd cactus In his window, tin oth unsightly and out of place, for Woon;thenca to, to,( -lit , ibe air cooler, and the inuale are b P66 p6iik anix I The , schr. Hattie Wells, with 700 led fr6m "Chandierel unction, DAlludetA6 shot*, a notabTa Illustration Of its it was worth a good walk to see. Froin at a as well am inconvenient for bloycles, Alloftlax. ille root some forty or tirty tails den tons of coal for F. B, Holmes, frOna seemed swooter. As Ili usual Boo ? top, 0 10, 10 be'pldd� IRt U at 0 Of f44 s nbo% Potilit, prosperity, Cleveland:.' and- the schooner W. H. gathering in Goderich where the vehicles find pedestrians. �bll rsdays from VOU SUNINfER Viarrolls. — J�. 'J. over the flower pot, and front souie ord, Thu tee Rounds, from Toledo, ',%with 651 tions gentler sox is represented, there were H�MUkW 2a*AnD 0, ATMLU alterations he tails th r piore flowers growk of coal for Holmes and Mcriwan, loo otty women prettily dressed, tit OBITUARY. Of 1.96, LM!litral. W.01140)1`0118 stQt,,,1r Wright has made extensive ajnc� of the Goderich r to to all"Ou. all will be vemento th fhe Park House, pr ton MORAN.-Died in Saginaw, Mich., The annual Ott W164 arrIved on Tuesday. Of thoh, costumes being rich in or id as frequently as &nil ImPro Oil. ln@t. wilita held on Friday (to- PU R,*13 gut, 39NO1418a, SRWIG� Th Oro wllf� be tee ontents cool and Will be prepared for seminar it, at the AgrioultUral Commercial fishing has not been as and trimmings and unique and attrao- on May loth, Mr. Edward 'Moran, .0. 114 necessar guesits nextweek. Mrr Neil McIver a day). May 2211 Its will good as is usual lit this part of tile tive in design, but among tile niall ninsic deal" well known lit Huroya -tothefr Ship - .1 -f hs, 1,0680, thrugt ji !Aeotinatiop. -visitors av k. Several preliminary oval to keep t 0 c making preparations for year. The reason given tot- the falling reations, the belie Cc% and Perth, alter it long, illness from Bit "the -ning, WgInning Its ftim Atud 330ok. cop wJU liq ch 1'. "1 he present to be a ay Is that the fine weather causes The programme He wan thd'secoud young- = Canadian NquoboiA', ppre by these, 19, raws,!. expecTA Cr.nteatd 1. tire met net I pneumonia. DO XCIAT'Al lit 10 o'clock. The public are cordially sw consisted of each F I 1:he ca.?etak r at 1 28 numbers, 14 In ;�� 0 load tal It, the fish to leave the lake bottoll, to eat Son of Air. Dardel Moran. Of town, HO ad car upual'im than e season fo tourists. without an for teeing or t Ing a iuvit�d. No admission fee. sthe. Summer hotel is prepar search for flies and follow Steamers for rhart, and extras cheerfully give" by an(, olives & vidt)w (formerly MilJP X01 itdraws shipped a car of bogs the waste thrown overboard. musicians, and it need not be Cashill, of Stratford) and a large 36imp �:VhWaAeAHdIa v z _W I., V At bW la$I J11A "don sKdial sery a, 6tablishment for openin no j. F. An W, of, otemal ifirt.wedit who Ttm DErRAorT ExeURSIOx.-M E 1`13 kday. The lot nou- %written th&t.,the Harporsgve the oldWou 00to ON 11 famkly�of children. This Is the fifth It Veck.ftut- , a oponell, from th ame is yet set for that functio to Tpronto on Mor till eat coptributors Shovtly after 12 o'clock Monday Wt*661finse oasoniu Brv& orlo the bered 157, and the larl eatest of istisfaction. at the lq44 it.. Bod, him for, two 0; H Ayer,,- the enexietio advertising Smith will not remaelt G death In Mr. Moran's family wIthha 0, otX. tqd).-T, ot holupso mornh;� the steamer StrAtI100111t, from E�&ild. He Allen 1 . ' weighing 2180 Fort Illam, tied up at the elevator gml bite 9tar Line. Is hu - Brat of June, and it may be a few days were Messi: )Wnbers of committee did their part few years, three other sons &Rd -his with agent of the W �'s mother is seriously Ilia.; Sullivan 14, 2110 Ills., and Buckley ced by the attendance, wife having already pas8qd awtLy and foar-Wbito Is It we A and Is liistYlo action Ali iovOW GTOW1 t1ing through Huron and Bruce this later, as the Ind), 5,000 bushels of whent, and by well was eviden 6�02;. �. �4 . Lawrence- 11, 1870 Ilia. The price paid was $5.70 Witt' 10 , and -109 , N 111, .1.11 in. Mrs. Beck, of the St been dischirged, and the supper and the progrankille LSON. -There watt it very' spr- inea spedGen 0 bite yameadhell Dufferlu, has everything in readiness hall 'and the priep for next 6 a. in. 40.000 had Wi :. . L 1, .� Week, letting eoplieii know thd at a men left for supper on Mon- their earnest offorts to make their It _4XIE.JONZA: VA�LXDAT It r8l9n In both housds, and from the enquiries Petp, inloeontill be $5.50. no allukAO(IOM, red by rXitigamouts (or the annual Oxen all before th, J , igh to injim: nee to, i w1ilM by S-lAni day the Sbratheona was moving from esis comfortable well the hearty rowful fanilly gathering ft) Brantford lie 1w -he ate havlog 4"lyo boinL by t it, It amer nit rooms engage fh..kR of all who had the privilege Of IaHt week. when t 0 fulnilY.Of Mr- 329 - that I �Ajorl still Ww th UtdXe iiIiiiii,offt I ad h Uhaund, which this already reIrelved a A the dock on her return to Lake Sti. old .0tand., glxth, Qi* 'Dosfgr4 Dytelfais Of Bridgeport; (7 7), brood y t S)ihert Goldthorpe. of Saitford, is - WilHoll, -job, TO year will include 6cardineas well as will have no difficulty in filling up h week congratulating himself on perior. attanding. Thu members of the com (if Oodat Naw&t#sn&Hs liton ATOOts, Uaa will be FArl Of X1108111terc ns. * The these comfortable attractive havin tittea, wereil.). A. Alcolaw, tiettalkArer; , I to pay. their loving 110spect.forl saluto of 6111 Dalke wob the folio Goderlebt 'and Julamd ton and somethingparticularlY good it, The steaniers. King Edward and Os. and Messrs. 0. tl" I t0eld 1892; Fh11114 Hatt $ er a uartero. IZ� I -kept fairly food time so Sturdy, Thos. WudIju8(IHv. lliviiided it gW&IL0Moi #nLd eery V�ow at Canterbury, M*- 'on a nes Otis residence of C. Whitely, H. Mr. well-known Ing mare VI Inia, 2,. s1frage have I tile �atboi we Kineardinelt 6 a.m. anterprise, in adding lie is the owner of the i0b le, hone'liesh. H, D. Straiten, sec bfather. AN Im d vil Ill Ill.a. he law SPACIC 'Apo or, tli -arr -tee -GFLITOW tile -foriner having man im Port Ing weriotfitliwllh� aften. June 17, alid. tioderich 21 C ild ime-f - dill d -y all' a with d dward", W. W Me ival. Its liandson* a ropped a fall, two daughtel a in Saturday and Nairn, Harg, E Undon She* ZrM brJ3opwbl to, vits nun gardens is 2'11 I'll lb, Wild 1;�J.0, �2,tIO4= northward - bound Vicar. and I oland McDowell, and tit() hIrm. Androw OPill, 100-- .4 sac; r�Aoints Ill y Hire( th 1� H. & B. and roomY - ftlWas SM nine" 'o, bix.commented on, it pas at Lord Veto It* ellia, t a Ossi Duke made. ffd southward yesterday, while th Ler, Mrs. John Okes and husband. ot rfhfJo]dJHa=e- 2 qg trit an alo avorably bv Gentles &Barnea, of tronessem were Mesdames It 'Wilsolk eL ill no doubt lead to mires ou M . on's a& 6. A fill n&. neill reach Part, in t n at r. lion Ids r Art a V in one o; tile best in Canada. frage made liar downward c Goo. satisfactory ad- will. Proudfoot A. D. BrILlltf Ord M I% ItIld M '-ill, wall DilIkeoriantK-Dodord, lwkbird,,'bbld sin ue 0 and D, trolt at 4 p. in. I arranted Monday and her upward call o 'W ). i�, Whitely, Mr. anti Mrs. Byron Apron st noon Nancial returns. From Such Stock Albgrt a vt NICRU, J. W. Smith, ( d fituilly, and unbeaten ihow record to W& day. Both stea r and ft diku4 r London; 1-UNTY COUNCIU-The on the return ties, marts had f r -once W Wilson ILI ArSTINGOV CC Foragondoil Ard the latter city - On Friday in expeeping good results. F wt W , coulA14 he county Huron 96"Id"byIl. Vit: Shle- Ad leave I A PLEASANT VISIT. (I Cargoes o t9eir Messrs. Albert .ef ek OuThursday. June senger lists and goo ;"fa ,lot t Ila trip at one O'Clot M. Lane, manager of (me Natru. Among tit() illvitud and Harry I unou chamber, ta the Town p tho a k 2ptb, M, the Wilson, of Godoi )nee In' 00 a 2nd d Horge Co., L Itod, on Octaber 0.0'Cloolt P.M III Id etill Dastard Wsiojulb. '18. This fare from Kincardlue will be last Mr. G. trips. istis present from it distance wee and Mr. David. NE, ujar Istrue 00) wag low %LAAAn Creek Sanitariums Alld tug wits lauched from Mkoxl- `kiurls. Dudley Holtiles nrld Nil" Kent, Wilson, Of a brother of do - v. 3tme OM t prlzb 4aIW 6ham- 1160 and from. ooderich .$1.00, with of the Battle Among The Churclies Rz&to4a4 Goder[ob, MaY Wit. taking z in. was sold for a lat& On prim of show. and ill special reduced a T. R. of ft similar institution at St. Clair labor the anniversary services ton's1sland on Monday afternoon find Mrs. (Dr.) Clark, They, with theirinother, tnourn I th a 311olland buyer. trip. Thir Special train will City, came to town on . the invitation Rollie 'Of Wingliani, for the rail was shown of Victoria, Street S. S. on Sunday, was christened b tile manager ol the Orangeville, Mrs. and M ism Hondermon, Lhe departure of a dearly loved father Iton, and way stations to of the Board of Trade, and June 7th. Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Nile, Dominion Fish &. the Minnie Clark. r8. Frazer, ALrat- anithusband. Mr. Wilson lettOoderich coukl:l of Uavislon Jeave for Olin beat on arpund the princ at points of interest Cliaton, and Mems day 4th, attai at built for ti d 1). 14allow HCAUT)Z: 14021VAT I ie Do - 'P, , aand proceed to IN Stratford on the arrival of the by the offleers OVA the binned, Maypr will preach, and there will be special The tug has been ford,,)an f Woodswvk, only Rix wookm itgo Ill Ilia Initial good leave his own stable r - 'e litt where mpany, and Is anothor Llia ack of p win remain till after Thursday night, n and church ininioh Fish On, Albert Robertson. health, but it Novel _ned t Lewis and Dr. . L. Turnbull and M. singing by the childre a ad that a court R&TIA10 dinner on eliday. WEDDING. -A recon, addition to M rlton'a choice creations which lasted Ott flve dayull Votic A DzTnorr Hanalink. The visitor, who IS a choir. AV thif Towlhigog Goderich wil I rob, TuzgoAy night at ThOd TAWISeB D P. monthly meeting of in ship archittwture, and will soon he SUMMER SPO11TS. entlRed Ills death am State After the last sitting at, 41jo Issue of the Detroit News records the wide &wake business man, evidently. ink gaine NVj1i-rEt.v, --Rohort Whitely, covm1nainin :Ax church in the Georgian Bay engated in fish. Bowl.,No. -,rhe Brat full I isu�' commencin in ur 'Dasr's Boundary A, a, youn the Ooderich Engine 'o. having athis season last I of uudevich. who loft here early g.lad well known well up in the requirements and possi: the Ladles'Aid Society of KnA: aul, or apurpode loon" Ln M . to,win.Halls, inarriage, ett a to a number of Goderic eo?Iii, she hilitles of summer resorts and saultAtr- the president. �Mrs. (apt. Wilson, on- of- machinery. y in Lho SiXtieff. (tied ALI, Uhicago -oil all the. 00raliblints Colborne, for nJg L Ittand. t -tertained about 40 of the workerm In the COHLract, lot n Friday aftpi'lloon, and wam Ittlefil itas TillonsElAy to Edward Oroilgiee, Met bavi on a visitor If -.1 -re wits it ruinor that I he ate. him, we# given a whole lot of inforal useeisiment otth say CtIntested front tititrt tt) u concession bolloorn or noon; thence to ation find discussed the Posibil- the church parlor, and a very piasant, Tilt t, aged w yoars. , He hud Interested are Af PrIday Im 6rge jAniare, concession, Godairioll "In cc church, at high noon id advantages here for a Itirge, time was spent. Strathrona:-drawing 17� feet, while winning by one mhot, tile Heore and lfooling well for a %week or so,' - em lelpellity, Get a of Miss Ities at n 12 Clark- a no Ell, or n g to -day, occurred the marri character. He Wits A verT �Ieasant surprise awaited the Moving to the elevator hetwee players being am follows! anderichlowiethJ"P, a7i, I Worler W. institution of that Unox silyN Nvilliall), stiff of townsman Akira-* stufd Is, 7th--concendon .cars J1 Matbewshn to sur- It I church last week, Ila fi�nd I it. in. ynitiorning. struck won. l.ane n.*t in john 9warby-it, 3rd eon! Sadie B. a toly Smith, in it letter, find the Bud- T10.V OF �COURT or ISION. to tot of the hit f Now yoVk. former y of delightd with the town and its e or o rbor. j. F) i n..11 cc 0. or Ili Deagon, 0 )remony being er- roundings, declaring it to be sup rlor .8 spi-ved cake and crenin Lwice On tit(' toot F. Juntan K. Detroit,,' two Illembel V S 11 ILLY. The DA Farr Dries. Hotel, Godoriello for the N g he had yet Been in ntural At regular praetice. Of' Wednesday the str. Turret Court, TOWN OF GODDWCH� fin his Atcoarr(Al, rector of to anytbin at tile ci("o of tit JILH. Vato", skip 13 t2 took )I, e )it it a orwn stvaMble' Ridgewood frlimed -b3r Dean o in his eon nicely drawing 186 feet,, tied tip tit the olova- 'TAKE No"cli: that the Oft If MVISIOA of n a , who On Saturday there wits it fill] vink -d Wits it brothev (if t1la late W_ -rs Whitely Oat he w remain till the esta resources, and was positiv Tile choir is yrogre4sing very he Towage Gooleelch will heAlts flftt sitt or fell,, in y noon. the chur". , There were no with omialp of Mr. Loth. ter without trolible, and on Wednes. lac presetAt, the - riode being simpy" at- clusion that a strong cojnlgtj� under the load in the offlee of the Town UlQrk. in the %'Own Tefims --To Inim" a foal, $15, to be Paid bridge, it was on Monday Alt Tuesday. it neore of the'fornior living: (lintoll, n if Mark Whitely, Who _Hnu tot tile purpose of hearing appoillazalust f Jainism, 19N. n LL beg modd, Miss Karolyn P. capable inan dinent, could ui(d rn fit day1he water wits Slightly lower than n and ono iLt doublem, the play4 Ila (it a t=lehere. Howillretuu fortnightly meeting cd L11110t)II, 'for some bPoopt tell of the Town of G grich, Y Berin Th ilthe' EDWARWIC. Arrsmr� h elphia, Pa,, and the vory large ,, 0 e regulal entering IL 8, willi,111- for he Year IL94 on Tit - asnAlit. the 29th 00ant, I n I I "IV, Owner. his city. a few weel r as scon as Ilia align P. was held oil intly he that tile Stratilcona, IlLttVl' Wits aIRO SCAPIOU81Y, of may at 10 O'clock In the forenoon. r . In Ill . ill Auener, of t ill allow, bringuil, with 111in St. GeOrge's Y. dient presid. the harbor during the darkness of w- Isill" Jordan I it week ago. Robert Whitely Wits All";R� lataiwted Are railill"W, to 1111,4112 edi I after the ceremony. a ments w gentlemen wL Monday evening, tile pt" �f tile J0V0vi,iar,xktp 14 Ii.6. itoyfolda. skip U Itor abotit thr-ce years bridal brea t was served at the one or more are asso- Ing. There was a good attendance of night, strayed it little out 0 enterprises. title channol. but that there Ili It cleat' Oil Monday tile following fill Ink it vik Iliso will he it, ahock to Town ter which At. #Ind ciated with film in other u ILA All (I Ilia (let Godefleb lot k 11 VIA R1 Russell - hous , !jg' on I ft for Cleveland. After A LiGwr TRoullLE.-There is trouble .. embers, and after tile usual to course for 18� feet boats wits proved I oil 13 ends, tile score be Ills ( . He was for business, Miss Waltpn read a paper on lid-thrit, friondo here XCITICk. OF COURT OF REVISION. DIM Deac Oil Wednesday by the free entrace of F., 111, YO Inany enga &i0days"wedding- tri� they will electric light metet 4Truth and Honesty." The paper, an I with Ben Allan, "I over the town the Turret 0ourt. E. L. Dickinson NJ. li'lold elivelry wholesaler_ join& In, Now 419, a, W" well read, the reader till etV1CTGRtA­-DAy- -and At. lookwus though a, rain. excellen"n y good Pointy STEAM ti-ARG10 DURNED, - C_ Vw... Ill OF -IF The Pratt -eyed bride has been a ody is not tie& The Hotel emphasizilig the man J. ll.'I'Vert -13 Takeilotii* that tl�courtof gavulanl6fthe v, dark at hand. con on Wodnesd the , kip 15 %Vill, 1,alle. kip -Towasid � of, Wborne will b;ld Its first slitting long a wide circle Wed- with much foreq. There will Ile two Just before n 11. W. all. him Inany reladvem In till$ section. very popular girl an Redford wires were cut dV on as Ropity HiiooT. - Tit(. first Hhoot Half tat the. W111004 of nit IL Mr. Dea- Ill, front Tot. - to MAY 24th, 1908. of acquaintances in Detro g man, Beef- nesday, and Mr. Davis, the proprietor, more meetings of the society, and then steam harge P. I o suirl'i-Attiv. -- Another highly ire a the members will take a rest till tile Owen Sound, was discovered to be on for the trophy, t silver rup, plot tip by of Huron joined- stristr the agswnsnt I i ennisal. awell-liketlyofin ptly put in the old coal oil HYs- .0 ship, Or the year I on oeting on June lat. it is fire. and so quickly did the flames Ooderich Olin ('1111) foi' Rpected pionoer Atitloocl kin a forem &117 indlo business, hispresent position Pro' the former a tem of fall. At the ni, 1 11 In"Jority in tile person of 27th Tilt 110100101 to Wrurja Tickets will be issued at Undet sett Thom will a st its niembers 166 W. Mo NAG being that of traviellhi salesman with Item- e BeZ paid expected Mr. A. Bis rea that, In a few minutes all hope nlo wok p ave on the 81 e t to V. - New York electric lighting, th n. Having tho vessel was given upi the jeful) range last 'Friday evonin scol) hoppard, last Saturday, At TO arir� Alloy & Allen, the blig SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE manufacturing hattm. $27.45 per month, and this amount take up the subject of clocutlo LAI I(()( tilt, a% of 77 years, 10 months Air Davis tendered thecollector, but fAliLilklaniont has been asked to grant Tile Pohl. which had I 10o tOTI8 Of cool Tile shooting On the whole, w, an dAilflons In Qattilds, also tO Tizz W. ExurarrioN.-A meet- it ;Vas refused. some of the other charters to - couple of vhurch mavin for the Goorqlan [lay port, caught tilt, eleven Ilrerm woring INA hirds, an ILII,l ive (bays. film wife, who' loa,� CO. Y.. DiAtroM, One of them" exiNts Irn fire In the engine room, and In a few awrage Of 13-911 Ile" 111311 and bm, ill for movile years. predo-. 1?or Sale or ITO LeU 961warnseispela arloc or rate, the associations. ,eaRP(I hin, but I.. few weekii, ngo,' The minutes the flinem had oxiiended Of ov A. IiIartHardn, c 8" Ing of the united boards was hold on hotels have paid the form Church, Toronto, and c.ntg- t, Androw's - 25 Sitturday last, sit which progress was extra amount tuider the trieter system F instances fit the same, over It wide titirface of thilt, however, were favoralok bepliard liad been In Poor' IF &�RU WANT O TtX79T_, 0-y-ott Ing May 23. 24 &nd na for the fail beln left for future Settlement., while the object In all at, and although hervu. "tancem, t d r this Good GO t among children, to departnisi good mhooting, am till, light WaH go"I from dropsical MaA In was charged over $50 for to promote thrif master health for meveral years TMXQ# an advertloomen un e In the preparatto I u - lean effort.4 were made to and was an of W' " ned spent a COUP10' heading In -Tax OUR Is wUrO tq help it turnitig from destination on or The at aWa oValid Are before Way 21L Ift fair tp hip held Sept. 29 and 30. one mont and $2 for the next, There afford bhyB and girls attending 8 n it, it soot, got lieyond Conte 1. Orders Ill I- . is certainly it muddle, and a uIck day school a means Of layi ng it 0 The following RhOW-4 the Iloodprich, Clinton. and-' t m . wntary read a number 6f replies gbym( .. ey, then IRtined for lowering Lit(' order of merit oifthip, which seemed to' - life from school teachers regarding com- it VS. Von 8AIAH. remedy, should be applied by the 8oun- a few cents at t time, an placl :w, sontustraicto )mown Irdion's classes for he year, when at(- per- boat -4 anti Raving tile erew'm perBonal revive bll decililln years. Ju ni bit. At this season of I where principal and Interest anti Lhe Rhip's instruments, stable Ntor Mae alo with a colonist Excursions petition In the eh ed and visitors invade the townt fectly secure. The Ministel; Of Finance effects, t pan Molsor .... lit tA) Ills flume at P��dd 11"n 6. ns6tuto study, all of Which approv tourists were bro .... or eatilart &P I t# TH a. has much at stake and our If I'Vell notive Of it bill to provide and nioRt light away. Jam. Masson lK H flithing W. syliloodo; ..... Is .8 Oil sllrlilg�, ont., where hill son John clr At tile time the fie(, started tht J 11 (I Onet way tickets at. low rag.9 on sale until heartily of the idea, but two or three Goderich oespite kind care and Into Ilk Mon at I flotation shouid be lqh-, )oniv... ..117 Ext gel; 06doric. Oillorado reportedthat circumstances would not .6ulationm td govern these organiz June 16ft to pq well-earned rep mil to take tug Kett K.In Aiaptain Dan McKay, it'! it itmon .5 02 U�%, oragn, Washingt*n, Url Ph Celina- - entering the co Ott- li In authority. ations. wherever they a few ird ft away lifting ants, alld Illedwal 4kill survtniA)qd to the lnevit-, ply td PR;UUD. tected by thos( - tit(' ('111) will take Ill� rather and inother were C MT, last year's Council, advantage as the firewan noticod at(- natives and ripperary" Aar .1 it SICA140N.-Pasture farm 1 b At C fornia. permit of kheft Of its prWisionii. It will wits The next mhoot 3.&y8,LB"AstOtso doerielt. M- T�k M . -1- on apply to lion with tiny hope of success. 'hus ters bought by I I1,000, are not yet contain fulli, directiong under which tit soon allied pbLeV next pri(lay evening, stv 231th, For tioloo a ll far, however, the rr.?sPects are that " war 0 Ing vessel and stood by -Ing lit at a -cost of w otieR can Ito and fnrlhe burn Iminent %,III tatpo to this country or 1IVX51X,5 ZOM St. enough entries wit be inadO to Secure puld for. and Or(, not likely to be for these snel motile time. and when asmialance olay be Been lit Itotivvie's hardware -obably W) yea" logo, tile subject of pplylib good competition and show the value some time, and still some members of managed. Ili a DANOzi. F. LAWRENIC was no longer needed, lMcKay store. thim In-jef olention being born ati ndloterestofstieliaclass. Tholocal the Council are wiffl to buy more. RALVATIoN ARMY took the crew 6n board anti flninhed Committee -which consists The dissal Inf (;ol,F STAUTF.D. Irbe (ioderich Oolf Street-mville. shortly after. the falikilly, 'U0U8E,,,0th all tontiftrirfoottv mat tisfaction I. comingtoore The well-known Self-Donial week of his day*m %work, find again returned to to Point got the miatAr. - Sittl I**Ji T6tirw Tliket 111P (linh boAl a grand movPd to township, whatio I&W, oonvahlont V, .4. D. voo .L.., 0, - . Mornay, acute, and may A. 'm links, file Iayaly to of 1. olnt Martin. Messrs resultin the businss the Salvation Army will 111' Observed the Fohl. By that tinin tile 'It t hey oil lot -21). eon. 11. The If i,�O wi and 'the secrelary- blocks and hotels putting In their own b that bod frO11l May 24th to Wit)', do aftprnoon Salkeld, *ail had burned nearly JAI, the water'm ed P coinfoirtable at,, 11trolt Ski was one of for lighting plants. 'flitt4. A PRQUDFOOT d to 0 aence Ifi A, jib house bah I)eell ereeted, tind the f' powerful &III well ree COME 0 canvass Unusll&l activity bite taken potifle"HiOn 'M I'll large fatially o 49 -8 In nd after it short wait Life vessel br TIW idri6 membership and special subscriptions 1MpRovED TRAIN SunvcE. - On of the Army's enm-getic Tilembet In two and Bank, without leaving it -r. anti rs, the six of them On", TO IMN . 'event. =it proptortioned I '()tile of this week, and ThA vr,t it, rairlyp good ordt to 60 nil Wednesday fire sign � I Is Hite went d )IV till- -olghing about LW cotlytr atiolAtheleaft litV614 ft w%dleb tile time tile firia derldhM&rJk0t9,o Warnock, and Wodnesday of last week Mr. James anticipation of thisgreat �k title spot whort ltnrs were entortallit at tint- 1,11110 vi (Odrro�,4.s Mears. Valwe and agate from tile Board Arnlys beneficent orations was dim- tip lots -Spared in alsoia a uigit watch, la� law conlai P iompson, agreed Mitchell, tie do), maintained urely by t o free-will down A embers at tile Of the aftel" poondit. 1,11eilvemurvivin araGeo .Ouse_ Messrs. lAne.atid TI a table was being pi tile entertainment being #it Nilp, CILpt. IVilliffln, Of Pottage 4 44jr led the second confer- 9 - ton Rorved lit pienit' hiall., and John,.JaInes *ud two. U I W s: nWitl orain aj,Ankirlda sems to have swittladoldlim ova two days! assistance with of Trade, attehi Thp neoda of covered th f 66ndivagiiijk,4 Ills Arrla pply on &H4 to oMh"I mcials. held this forings of t e POOPIO for dinner, and befre he mun had act noon o play. In rke Andthints Im littliehopeof Altrilik, in oirel ont q()Ir the proto ittip"Zitave tondiA to the committee. A circular from Supit- ence Witt) 0. T. R, its vast,inissionary labor among the its Boole time in the compally's, office In ToTon- style. The plav w tinleH exeit- Tboinam. at clinton. Mr. kind Mrs. .O.n tftrto oloaloidill'bly- cultural Depart heathen abroad and tile downfallen at tile Fohl had gono tA) tile bottotn, ]ter u .Ty rokit. SAjX. Creeltnan, of theA o doubt helping her (Inick the pArefit4f, AIMADLE PROP I ILlwnyR Interestifig, anti H` John SlipPlined, What *Aslilibld 1*011)1110*1 am Mattishod tit the items May home are chiefly met through the carl'ing" The vessel was About 15 large number metill, enqntrqd W ether the board to, The dAYutstion included repre Ing and be 19.1 judges And rds of Trade in ott (of v Atorm folh-ed awaynbout 70and25years At and pad said of ittf bovine& wished to enga t sentatives from 11011 -denial. Ttio Army is rth west of this port when Pile ilbtlikod Q 10 e x er' Waterloo, Berlin, St. Mary's, aen�y of Fielf miles no players round the links. getting v, were lit ill to rest in God'xAeftat, 61titioll- bide Latsbotim",bill' __nrl work in Its Industrial Bank, and as the lake wan comparn- It 6 1 war I,& Out rot to d f2 *1 lX, t u t Goo utor the Circufta %eYng avrangM by Guelph, d6ing Splendid =�Aftd AninIte ligaust With ccuft*6 to"* talirly WelilfhtY an Stratford. Fergus, "e- H (I Maternity Homes, ble point -4 (11, the gailie. The elld) ville. The late Jacob 8 CPO lie cue an e tif tIvely calln but little difficulty wits villointly follualed and I ... t It inan of many WOWS, bil IlArlan otildt4berl stoweloxmi, the Department, but Its this wOula Wiarton, Itlut-Ink of datel the rich Bram'0611- Hinjim, George- MomeR Rtab- ra 16fitoet Want spring Q watt. watag t oulid'buttitir 140 to 150, and likely Ifivolve �, change en's 4nd Wornen's Shelte xperienced In Itwering the boatH, hount, is entivi),An a long dititance JAY 11114 long life lie was ever faithful tit it pear MC- if(] he seen fr( Adred to� 9 A 1111,66 Pluld"I'a a rainIN have tiful tbat woul this W;;iA and Weston. The railway 0 Ilghed In different centri-A in thIR coun- 'I personal effects �wa. bft tWb- P 0 the, lattlit " qn, ljoard decided that them E[. McGuigan. trans- Ing ark. it Unfoll ohome and country. of broad vlqws and " or a- .7. quotiatiollignottarairits evalus. lals were Mr. P. I try, Willie the world over, tilt- Army ov the crew its)AIIAInKilimillng Un iialtistil,417, It, Me select their own judges. A meet nil n on board the Rea No w that tile ham been forni- t4l t mind, with a kind heart for n sold on A ad are fig searec.. sad sound tnilt, year Mr. G. C. Jones, has the th"'a An 1, Ao a Of the vi y i fellows. He ws on oval, 'TU ColininIttee Will port M Blinilar refuges fol nI, of the burni ow 0116d. thou fatobO 0 anti Val - toes. "Ithougli freely In Ile Mans Ing ation manager, ally opened there will be Ilia%' dail A pioneers who helped to o lure &P tADIcklaaft GOVOW-4ft �"C . and make the first rostaway oil West t, T.Ai -Th -k Is _1114, ar 1411dr6olb *till he beg1loldt Ate& the fallen and demitittit.. The o . I �Rt new - crew at Afti6titit QaIkaho 14 the c district superintendent, Mr. W . ...... It. to_ I President. gh n by thk assallger traffic manager, Mr. in) vation imto them- Rr , fine weather. and ftm J, le bop down Fill *hftt6 flitilifid1lilid,, o ......... 11110 a $00 67 BCqLVIxa NotW. a frarne work Davis, 1p With whii 'I t. ( lrk fi.hi g Ithat -Itered thov STAU QZ*1 cDonald, distirict passenger Holves enter lilt-) wpf hen thi- Rea King &Privf coached and well mht fritilt 101, ft:k $"our& .......... ow s It was suggested -bably be %vil no doubt he large tl'ILN't-111-41 IWY r. 2� of Rag. Black!a new dwelling was -- - I OcKlerich, find adia, alteloWl hl� at ....... � 2 23 to agent, and others, roinarkithlo, anti It wvold lin o-teltivo FiLlUit Pftop%RTY FOU a-. per awL., ........ Into IN -tit nutribor Of citim-lim were prement to hour. per Perhaps tile -s of the, brot hers In similar Work Ott ilillhat i being aafkj�' . , %1,- -1 OD td 16 00 started yesterday by the contractor, by Mr. McGuigan that C made In hard to find a wearer of the, effeet the crew find hear the detallit (If t he nienibet $A K_C:fttAAi rafollangen would In addition to peronlary -revi, known as tile Hutoti Itond. Of 1W IX Itc t41'$A9 too;Uoto, -And, 4 P. Stneeth. - Buchilitifths & Lawson f6ilowing who'bas not, the rainjolty. (!Iipt,. McKay anti it 00 to 11100 Able, viE - A new fast train Tile Meeting (1alandar. i rig him whole life"111% 14061111104 ttall�lll t otluxur port Of is is I* L:ba 4th 06006wori. ORO, 80"Wit" per ton ................ have firdolidd the 11welling in Elgin the ttoom I y are to he congratulated Am being nottir Ali hlownhiti-in or M". 26 to 097 US, it ) a oft 7.40 m in. Car- or partial neeemmitv of fo4HI ()r clothin IA) render ttaf"lar Ilwetinir of 1 extensive, Sm r eastern linallai a now fast train wily of discipline. The self-denia en anti on thoir act ivitY in. (""On or. Illay wai L ) owe Rio mail alul �flgo, OTI(I t Ati . is "' r 11 Oligh to the Aitent"Pr I)el rvol we can ttlittlifit .aay It., tin suit Ave. for market Clark rer"on.-They leaving'TorotitJ am, doldch bldto Wild a twospo f [I%, i,rne­ M, 4 6,,T't1 a ley .............. tr- _r yin by op, 3 00'0 60 *argladah arou kid the Commercial how Iej%v nt London Illy 1111glill oulAstola "t Ft sit 6.3o a. Tn. via Strat, fund in mtold by "I'Abnnee. should (to tolt itoirrilorrueetinan rot doing what niatiner 1 1. JdAy Inot a living oflefft:�. The n 6i BUCkW1166t, par etc., reaching nil by while Id ......... flo !tAiiingandwith 1700 ft. ford, erlin, Ou�lplj. L�la& froIll tile 1"y. do 12D I k Changes In assis"Vire front oil 41c friends far and iner tit dintress, at of (inilerivii which wok ................ atU hinger litsts. It to 015 of nor spaea.-They ItAve have handed To&nto at 10 0 6100 - near. IL"d tile %.,.ot.tliy effort mhonld mat o. c. F., n-tt. Titarmloy Hu lb ............... I bla mon-hi-iwk, Mt. Stovp- � ) PM d6sft ........... I too 6 1 t schedule sa follows : Tr In. not btA forgot44-ta kly those who reltPf liar oat, -110ot oils Friday evening (a too 00 in- t 01) t( All's at ell over Ito the tflustwo of S. 86 Nm 1. ju.. Ile con� i"t. wo wish tile n.. Goderlab t0*091ilpt 015 tvwblp� the now school F4e=&v ng Toronto at 4 p. 1ph. msq. Froin a patnph- Busineas 140tices. Plat 1). In. milarp, Iloyal Tolvilplarit afterinoon to 26 to 75 Oodavich to, riet moutina of tile Ace --.o- flie one burned, and liedthrougb tothe turluel from One Army P A1104 tarristot CAttlibo' 16 IIM, to replev %ving TorotA6 tit 5625 Jim by the officor Ili Call at tile Victor- Huron Ili tric� lo,revoliora lie of the largest 1611ter spell In 1% 75 glean in Restaura 0 = Kill 50 school *111 StAl 6.90 or let Tk m4all. avetion, boing fi�lly it #0116 HAI t v sis. Xifoaj:� ,%. so itatno AM have a will Ile a direct tla o", a of the local work, we lit, west at. our Ice Creant is on cooneki of ft ell n. & Tuesday.m-The Train le. r ice Crea"i Parlors. lee 311not ...... eon acted to build, for west, be changed to In length. It WA01 )kjuldilit the 4 DO This latter oban the ollowikigretnarkai)leinforniation- tiande of good purejernev Crear tinm on,riiemay. of L. 0. Vif WIftlell it Stratford. as It will allow Ad 'Wm. benefit to "a ell and Points to Cor noots. P IAW Crellin .1�mlas and Soft firinka, 1'ruits, 'I's hirick 4*611 ng an hour 111.710 anti Cigars.- mald he wits thos to-Abder, an4l for z T1 October lst# A two story P4 an4 Out It. 1� U 101ir ()Moore Oadet and nplovetIA It 06 it'o I 0"a RZOV. vatifit..-The wond half of In the city, and ... 44.321 Confec lonery, Tobacco, f longer I ....... ............ III'm CliAs. BI.ACR.qTOvn, Prop. NoTICH. Till, splendid milOwel. we tn&nF yeArs this protobtor it. All Ali Aft XVA tba bildlaq f6r�#Aji many years knoWn and I% bat trafn I andmindn ...... . ning was just tile 0- villa rz f wheat for�bjld -vel W*MA station was started still makes connection with the OM We want 5 t Ito crops (fueled the INIASWIAI YOM *AA6 0 so tat 005 Alt the 0, 10.40 p.m. Hold it -no Anneik. V 11rotenoinu ronver one InutbelA 6 tin neRday o Md X Wednesday. I re prepared to; thing fiPeded tx) frenhen if Jim 1=t off on, lu reaching here at 011'ali i. I n I o. Ilawkin", of Eplaeopal chutl4)II $it tile mil Will "t) Position been possible to mike catinecticM at %.,.(t Let price for thesatl� -e WAS 0 .44� for Itd 44) grinding pur�oses, and go. 0,10660, W, M -,a-. t Wit, P J atK4 irl to be orning eekly'a Me ly r' ...... 21 pay 2 ctn. over warl Deitrict ber wan visiti Witt) hill, sin. grave Ingi by.*" A :4t:effl Clinton with the L. H. H. Tn I gA' , while M010A -jg lilio,ov.li, uldgy.-The lnw �b Print"(1 so bring along your wfle-'lt- jh1JR week. -,Ile. -ont1qetedhyPX ntiOdsby TiftkooV0 lit !**Is Poxk bY )5att owe" of *t" or "4040 #to ftt* Aujifir VillaftAlstAW work trA ...... .... 13 qon. d6utftetotN for this inasout At, H ,A .... ... ..... 0:10 to 6 )w meeting the now It same in one lei; two for 25c. on oftholl"ObItoUbrAVYbAirlding "the chablied to alinuirAndon at Strat� r., Ratrd"Y., Tholl All eato commence ran It fig train IV a......... t)poared to I I 1 11 Of thin roll1r] I It 0 I'M t at Pine A tivog, Mr. oldneisthbot% Cogrii '?40 this At l Itylpog- the M)Plla Ieaf` Grocery. BuY then' 1 hiot rel but 1111A Board, Of ln, our earl a rl in rq. J. Tilrert, t vinitfing wrt train would finve been rm. os I Nit. Romi 'to it Thom this fl, here ..... 9, 'arne in 651, C-1 Ell Ott* ftodatloo Ind Coh9derablo Of tbO fO now for cannilig. "L a basaffitlit 0 40 it djotIeed for th sib ra*Aafle. balf one year ........... ... 00 , lack. rid that the A gi nt 4unday t0p, t M if"t dt4fto wit leave at a o p v Hawkin-, tilt, willbe laid- 111111t f#W be utilized 91(im ponts ......... it rOjjdo not advertise In Tim NT,%R I allant. Mr. tind 4,0ev *01* hil t%No W Foold and Molter DO .... rl you, re Inore inoney titan it-fili OW w0b0or 441%� and 69 tile strdetut,6 rises the hodr wait. at 13' that tIM6160 or for thto 1��t . A n will it,). will, Of Md. Oodod�h T6,641 iq, but, hatilb, Asllowln 11, Ind thp,,37ttaln will I AVII(Ir 1111MI'll" .... Irs. itoreen (if WAN h kit, 0 bat.-tti matkIlit, *111,W hiddeft UOM VIOW outgoing Mal oib etn Of N' m � r 1169 IPjit_� .3r 11 A walk throni i to Flee i4q liattiv 0 ll hat olir eitizenii have Ilre please iIf the Fall I b#hIrld it -Will be villinvon a tW town othown t - of and IM h noiti, reitchea ere at the eo%vq (AIlt itgnill after ber neverp attach of fArR, of 9364AJ444% h oliq for on no oftloidog tj thj� libeq *h06 ft i to be Also Start' '&Evl I naiiiiii - ' - - M a ill lon tie chot 41 bY im To t1laelal'Inat rojilp to tile eonc-limion ft n1eicneq "il, itilited train Wit C rot. W. B. Orit, h blot, so Alit -At It* NOtig A ft A* *I,. 'lead Xlitl6ft Nit. Hod kneNt nytiolberiy to remove] in every 6 01kill uttifig f11 d. lo, to I P. in. ........ at large, for man. hy. . '01 w0ra if ly Elnplal�t will Ito "lore root 1111m, of oodorich, tietit Sunday with tht it oil time, we Would 0111wroilt. fences alf�e being I It, 4n4 Vho could OnIY' Ue KOPT In Clint it hlo, go gou"11114 the In a n here klv well g0joved. lind till$ t W or be M M 46001 Flanoo, to try to welure. Poor Penn lat ...... 4 A% 16 fill