HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-05-15, Page 8MIll . .0 " **_ � lm� 1, . . , S .4p# % i, 4" * * 1w, - - "I A I � MINE . , I I . I �r � .., 7 . I , �Fm'�,­ � " .., T r� ,,, ,-1-4,190 � _-� 7,A"- - T-1—,774 y _­W1lM9R1r � I I X, 77", -7-7r1-,,rT-'7"7ff4-__ -, W I, I 1, . I �� I , I'll .... I WW I 11W . , � I 'W:rr—PLPT�WTw� .1 � I �. , I I 11 , IF."" "', I 11 I ''I I. I I I 11 I �, : 1� !, 11 . � � , , � . .. I - . I . I � � 11. , , I I . I I I I 7 , . �, i) I � I , I . e I . I . 11 , " , . . , - �i I , � "I I I . . . .... I I . ., � . . I 1. , 1 � I I . � �. I .. . �T , ��, . I . , . . I 11 . .� ��, I " . . � � � . 11 . . -1 :i�l � .. . I I . ; ­­ I I . �* ') - � . "', , � I I I I � 1� ­ I . I ,.? . I ". � �. ­ '' I . �, . I 1� 111. ­­,%­ I . .1 . � � " ,: . I ­ . . . I I I . ­;­.��#*"�_­ "", . '. I . _­ -I ��­ , �,* , 11 1. 1; � 1. v : . 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I : : �:, 1 I ­ 1. . _ -_ -_ I � I T NIX, I , . *% , PA Ift, I , . I . I . I . I . . . I �, I Z:11 11:1,1:: :11�_:`.:,�: " 1:� � . . ­­­ � . I I I . � I I . _.,,��.4� r . � . � 1 ""7"7"""" � - ­­ _ 1-���,�,�,,��l.!,I�l;""rli;."�;�lt:lil: 11 I .- .1 1. I I . i � �w:�;� !, "I - � . Sr.os office on TUC A_-,�,­ u �, _:,-�'. . I �. .1.1. I I --1-r - r I . ..�., �.l ilt:':l 1:1�:��l,,k,:�..'�'I'�--��,�l:,�,,i�.,.:I�1.1�l�:!� ;;�":::"1;1;�:4,g� �: �;*�., ,01.,:!t�;.::,,- ­,'""," I I 0 "_ 7 '" - A" . I r I I -F " � war, 4vi , Carnegie sig, qaa, ­-­ ' .. :1!"'I"1:1:10'1'1�:�1l�'��,:::::':.�t'=.O�"o�,�0,11.1'r�:1:�:L:':' . �, mck down by tho *1 er QWIfl t r alivris iva, I.. ____ _ , - I—— .1 r, I. , r � I I � v sit to tut, Old 110ml oto make A I . . . $ 02. r , , I I � � Ao to tile 1A UM94 11 ­­­­ I 1.111- ­­­ ­', .0" �­:­11'­?,, ,,_ I , . (�_ I Tgrgatc, NcwI4 . - ­ !­ ' ­11­­�_,11111111_� , _0 , , I : xANOTHER SLA80001 I . '. � ,-.r.-..--__,_________-_ "_ e I ... � , . � . I liaos u I ero end U dA . to � I . I . , �, . I . I r I � , _ � _;,.. --- �­ '­ -, - �., ­ -1 ,6 , , kit .. � I - ; I - . � I 7. .. .. I � . , , , . , 149 big .. r t 0 ' L ,a N UV library building. bat 4 Wrong jWiliici� 1 W19. - ­­, . Y . IC611 , r r � 1 1, . I . . Q 1110 t 41"MIN41". tt fie MUM I .W. Wir __. _ U � - is Az wo III. 91 A04MV Oivllp4tt 1444 qlwro Tomato AV pub� . aA , , 0 1� , j , . , , ­. I - 1. . . nipMQ ting It Toronto aba"14 pipwilt :Ile. V , I ­ 04 -VQQ)� WX, sl� ,4 . � . I " I � I, . 1 40 ... N I � S -�� ,­� j- , I � . , � -1. 11 1, , ., , .,I . M �c jit.t All IficrQ a WON. NO D G E, N, , ,, - � ' 00TV � � " I "A 4% librory of books to -whIch. 11 � , ;fi 0. : , ,,- ,;,,t' I r . . RRO & : , , AA , , I 'T',. . b 1 W4,01 - . _ ,9,;,,,, __ .0� �.. I r, to could (hill I., . . ­;­., V-, . . . . . . �-, ­� -_ .. ,- � __1. , I I" , I. '00 $ 4 .4 ,ire ., - 9 9 9 , I ,; . I . I ot � I I I -1/1' . . _.___ :� �K,14 I . . 'k, ., - Tau Mox imam useful information about ft* country. �J­., ­ , . , . 13 - � r . .20 �' , � I , ( ��� I - - i� . .IF 'LL. I", � .. . , � , I , , . I it Hh; rilyMdointe will bo, much plowd to 110445 0j;litkon polil In contomptuono d1w � -r I 'L _.. 111.1 ... ­ 1. ��� r ... i"r J I , I � ,.� I . WAIL PAPER' A r- — " , � � r _ ,.-.,. .-.-1.---W , .. . I I . _ ". � t, ,A. Stratton b out * months 4&V be I , . I � . . ., , , 114K and paragpolpm 0: JDAIR44n. A tow I "Ok r 4 1 � � r I I .. ,, . ",!* � , � . I I . -1 lr,4"tf�4he�,V,illlu);c�Y))Oobluloft.oumo Iddu0cp gave an Ad4ross. lutho cavat of which he If Ir . , , , �1, � 0"W"I" 19 � r IV I . . . - ­ ­ "i course 0 a ow 44Y 910011h)(1 the Vatted Statcti. pictured the Wet . : . ,i . I P. Peter Mormarl, who has had such is Trocy . , . � I I I the" ` 1 �_�N) , . Il . Des* dQPrQ*4QU In QCV44ay and Ureat BrItain, . % all Milo 4 lvbl.it�qh impro , but it is going 011t �0t At . . , � " r l000 rolls new wall Paper, very prett and was A lowtolattoj)4 yeae arul m to Clinettip. g r I ,. L "T, W090 Of I Ile . . aglire 314allixy laa ,git t.hil� Lin; bouillilou nand,4,0 Me .� I We haVe a full Stock -at present, ;. I , r clearing at per roll ...... ..... t I H. Worliell bu, bolm alroun the store on gavo on $Jgti whatever of pmamolve the cic� . . ­_ Ii. 1. .. * r pirkes. I 11 I 1� I . I I I talAr mmolona. but he to al aPPers"EtV, merits Red possibilities of Indestrial dovelqw � Varitie I . � -, 4 �,& A 0 ' ' .,d , ` ... k , 1��t rapid recoverylibs friends ItTould I � 1, 1111 Ir . 1 X� actoo rolls new Wall P44per, cream, blue, t is, ment. . Our Wire is extra good this year. It is hard and well p r I �, !, _ � - I -^40 , I ­ � � 1.� � � pink and olive tints, usually sold by Ito into becti at it j%gain. lit an tlawlew ­ r 1, �.. . %vith the brountim . r V V .�� . . . sample book men at 8c and loc per f5cril, lourral, tie � vvrt� w hi t e, Shirtwaists . I . , .. ., r Protest From Citizen. ented us eaylm 014 Canada Can have no filliu- � , . 1� I .1 roll, PC" roll ................ ­ 5C cow In bring n" .. I _VEN(D]ENO ! � . . ,6"'vat Britain and tile U u tcd : , . I I States Into grea roymjtqth�. "CIA11111114111LISee I I I � - 1%. I � I 0 STAU. ,told Mr. ( arneille. "I or native 1pogillation . I �t I . � ;.S1 If you wish higher grade Papers, we To the Zillitor of Tu fllturooxvwtaaaparti�l, I, 0 United 8tikw, I � . .. L haim them at per roll, , ANY lines of handsome White Shirtw4' , I , , . fflu.-I think those members of the A�olvlly than that Q cot4and. r , ists came in ',#,a � I (' "le 0 , , st "wipek, FROM :zsc. PER ROD UP- r I , r � _L� . from .... - . - . � ..... ...... 10c to 50c public Library Board and the '"a," s1fle'O.'ry Adeil 'I , 01Xl tg. tier populati Buy your summer waists UoWand you "' "; �' _­- — -.11 .. I I 11 r J,�lo�j and of t keso 44 .OW came fronn't'e�-111:2 . M I I will have a �ch better ` I f . r . Genuine Sanitary e Paper Council, who have read Carnogle'li 9 Alone, can never olne it I", I rod ' 't ' " ' 8, suitable recent opinion of Canada and Caria- - net laft'dur"u"I nnation. I - . I '" 0 , ' r ' I 11 L Itchens, Ole., USU dlaus, will I 0 a *a )a t at i(x,idl; t t ; I , r " 0 , _ , _ t o L t a I , .. I - e " . ,� , � t for bath rooms%I c, t In assortment 6 SCICCt from.th4q jf you left it We can give you a complete Fence for less than 35C per c, c, c, c, c, c, '! W 4) v I I c, till th real hot per rod. j I .1� ally sold,for SQC ptr TPIL our priep lrAj.,q sorry they worked swo I 0 r it 1. weather Is here. These that arrived last week .. - - IDEAL Fence for 43c- . I , , , , , _� per roll, is ....... � ... , a 9 -wirL . . ­ I .1.11 bar -4 to ab . 041-Pogle a monev, Its no to alre no colon, are specially stylish 1: -1 AiL -1 I 35c May will see it was given with the Isis o Vo a I an) 11 4 , a It t f . . 1. a 11 '' 1. I ........ I Elul I � . I __ .. expectation of making Ontario a. state C 0 - r loni ,TA, 1. I hat is it garments, and of many of the best of them there are not more than " ... �1� . 7)W J14per C9110 be re-varaishl�d arO L , It oial) t) t we . . . 1. . Wisyr Recau$g,.. � .1 In the Union. It would be a blessing '� e or two.. the sbme. . I , ". . will last a life fitne; fan be washed if the loribit could be returned. Andrew Carnegie tioes not know what tie Is on E%�� .1 ... ; , 70 talkinigbout, or hyj ti)andcrs t;ault,ia dasIgn- , I it is Mcked so fl.&� like a tyle floor. Ych, truly, edly. �ullljlir on its pyranild of dothirs, 110 Is L - - I- ­­_ 1. I - 11 1W - R consp, cuous fifflure Ili England. and lit the I . Cwtomer - - I . ITIZE e I I .11 - - , . � ;� . ,. I . N. Present time his � tollariwounint of this tiountry Handsom - -ight-ra"We $10� I , " � -1 .� I , I GoderlLh, May Is. 11 wort( much 1: , e, I on latteral, � ' ; I ....... Vould be nettle him kin AV sq&Hority � . . "%I'm. Rome etructivo an"wer ' " - '0"`*$ .40 ___�,�. - . I � derhaotho 01tty of Shirtwaists -$19 $1.50, $2� $2.'50 and, 43 0 * , , it Is 1. .1 � 3 01. 11 Toronto by declinin%hit; 0 oi- of 350.0w for It- I � - ..$ ' of our IDEAL Because I I , , l k,,.- Geo. Pofter, , Marine Mauters, brary opoints, and & sending alotur a recital � 1. 'it ... adeofALL X0. , " ', !"; i I T a shi . ng tug Chtcas, Capt. of fee ooncerhing ( rialle-,pould, njake_;,bk%1t ,, Feudu& over - ... L I I I ". A� answer meat otice vojy. ___ --------- - . 9 hard steek .� � ' " " � , Court House Square, GoIjIMICH. ()rzlo� left ob Sunday for Tobermor- it IN true enough that tile pallulatioll of Can- I I . . ­ - . - � . ^*__� all others. - . , t,,�, , ", ,4 1;1 lmov. � , . I for the season's thibing. title bits not Increased at it wit 8factorr raw lip . I J , _____11r . . --- - -­­.­ -, � - I I � , . , t; Telephone ioo, 13. Ay to the trol'out time, but tile ruLwon a it Is lie . . . . . . . . - -1 .... I . - � . . I J. " :r" , �, I The tug N. Dyment left on Sunday ovidon as to deceive nobodk,,c erewforo the 11 11_­_� - - - � ,,,, . , � . I forGoreBay, hermuchinory having sairto law Chat bat; causol , f to to draw Carpets. - . I , The ". . 'i��, - , - --� been completed on Saturday. population from the smaller toV1Vn')'4 of Ontario I I I 11 11 . We sell it at a I bout the same figure hand woven Fences are sold at, �, � ,`� : , ", hnk4 catiliet the United Stitt" to draw a' be .1 , � I �11 n S W I 6 R The steamer Long Ili being re. tion frow 'anada. The Republic proctorTut1h. Carpet Stock$ are better now than they will ' ,� " �, I which are woven with"OC;XF�ii�-ffiat are light and do soon play out. �� �",' I , i'! and it is reported tuat, the Dominion intiovolopinente -rewivedthowerld'u later on. They are at their best to -day. Later on . 1. ­ - ,, :� . Mention it hundred yeaN earliur. The duclar- o or $i 1, I I " M1dn.t.!1(.1b Engine Company hills sold 'a'[Ion of Independence I -7S � I , TOO Bru - was Clio J."atcA h(lver. ' Whitewea'r if It want a WEAVING MACHINH, we sell the liest make at $8.5 1 �, . I I � 11�1 0 tier. t t niont ovor panned. Ili tile fulmigrittion lit- the assortment will. .be broken. Even if do for complete outfit ; or if a cheaper machine is desired, we sell theal at $5.00. ��-, , ,, . . ,�., rature of the world YOU ' �� � " � ,,�11 , t ) � on Wednesday, and it, being one of comfort It not wealth to _ � " ,1 , I , WEST -ST., GODERICH, The Laura not wanta, carpet rigbt-away it would be best to Have you seen our big HOLLYWOOD PAINT gives satisfaction -goes farthest -wears best. 1 ,�! , It "land" agro%o. The ��, .� Grace tried her whistle coull a,t: greld o ..... .... d Italia .. wealth I I lataft t .7 w, 'bld , . . . -eech kind, could he beard all nearl 'ill who cattle. And ),at, notwithmtall, - .1 , . � d I I I �, 1,� �.� -mises we are in a ng t 0 million" of people wrio er"..od the and put it down when you want it. 1: , ,� , ;,� ­ I . In our improved prL the set I , " �� select it now. We Wilt Make it up, lay it aside display of new white Under� , ,. � L. . better position than tver to cater to eve" town. ocelot to the I�g.blto in a hundrodyears, It I !i, .1 I , . I h the wants of our numerous customers The dredge Arrioldi was worked off tw" only )""to ay that tile liepubito ecased . wear? If not, Come and see Linseed Oil, per gallon ........... $ 65 � . D der I � . I , the piers nearly this week, the weath r ,end on tile moner of Eurore for works of . ") I, � ., � Call and see us -we wil 8 dove olron, 3 1 Tapestry Carpets, 28c to goe. ; I Pure White Lead, per cwt...t ..... 5 50 ;,. � I �� . r � It is oil y to-dity bat the lonkoncy � .1� � , , I bast to satisfy, , I The garments are so . � ; �0 having been exceedingly fine most of of the nite States finds release to 8co tit. ,; � . it. � , �-N - vestment outside Its borders, and it lit oil ly to. Almost ally price yet, want to pay in Tapestry Carpets bet 1. , ­ i,� ."", ween '' ., . ,, 11;�. lay tbat the natural rosoureas of C atterns, gocl�l colorings and values r2 ft. Gates, complete, each ....... 5 00 I " ," � I 4�� PIPES, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, The steamer H. F. Gould, from 'ggionl to lirlys,Uavestors w client 111.0it"1111.011.1 tha,t are right. . . . . . ;I 28C and goc, at every price, new p pretty and dainty that they , , the period. � � , SMOKER$' SUNDRIES, F,Tc. Buffalowith 450 tons of coal for the against tile tier adventsed Inva.4tunints . il � �,� 11" . are well worth seeing. You Nails, per lb ...................... 3 1 1. �� � f the bettoor known country next dour. The I : . I � I j .1 . lAke Huron and MiLnitoba Milling change has come, and Mr. Carnegie doet; not Tapestry Carpets, 28C' to goc. , �_ 1 I . ,,, Oo., arrived in port, on Priday even- know It. won't be asked to buy unless And everything else in Hardware nt prices to please. We ire in a .. , ��,, ��! s , The Brunswli;k GICar Store, ill�.be te Population draws poriniaLlon. NVIllon (,Ill- � . I on , , I ': W ,� oago wait being built up He inarvejulimly tile . - better position to sell Hardware than tither,;, Haikk%:'are is Our business. ,:�, , I �t Wright, which has been wish. This week we are. , -':� 1, I . 1. �. I., .— - same rumors still indueementm Chat Irow . 4, t altly to uIlt, and newly nutchined Young men In thousands from Ohio and At' New .Japaii Mattti . �, � U assa- � ngs in last week. selling �. We endeavor to get the Best, and sell the Best, :it the Be,,t prices going. �', -1 t surltT the spring, left for J011118 0111140tts drOw them In thousands from On. I . ,.V.. , , . "� ,V I Cbe Gobertcb Ztar. Islan ., Georgian B won 14'riday. Carlo, for the boundary line was tie barrier - -_ � �, 'I ., ­ 8 I's thort as It is no barrier now to the Unnatands ,b. , - 1 ,,� � The teatile Ni * Edward and of Xwericann who (ire �ourtn latoWe Can. I ' Skirts made from good English Cotton , "! , 11 TELEPuoNa CALL 71. AF Union Carpets, 2,5c to 5oc. . . : ., I 0881frage T I.Mm ,,rich en .,beat land& of lid I est. an tile ' ,%,., r---- were wel c draw string, shaped yoke, seams all , ': , ` - � . klitail wore settled there was the saint, These are the beat tluion Carpets we have been able to find. The . � I ­_ — freight and had fair pasgenget, lists on rush of farmors'etins from Outudo as from Now well sewn, wide frill of white muslitt, I M C K E N Z I E & H 0 W E L LF - ­ `L" ,I �,�, .1 York Stow because Old Ontario was well d the #olors will not run if W. . , , Il. .1 11 � i FRIDAY. MAY 15, 1903. their upward trips and goodly patron- ., yarns are clean. They are well made, an Ith five rows of tucking, edged -with I "] � � 1� the 1:1h, "'�J'. awn the downward.. settled, and now Canada was not opened up, carp�t gets wet. New patterns, and qualities that will wear. 4-113ch cambric embroidery ' THE GODERICH HARDWARE ST,7rZE ,�' r , N le steamer Norseman, Capt. ('ill- Pe=10 from Ru7?o socking hurries naturally extra good value, at each ... 1 $I-00 11 "M I , 4'� or t . well, arrived In Mort from Gore Bay ma C%nada by, or it was little known to Union Carpets, 2,5C to ,50c. --- --- ---.-- - __ _____ on Monday mornibi with 450,000 feet woria ov , or. There was not a yiner in Eng- I � I Ladies%Skirts made frona strong English I ,T,!'I " Peovie We Know. bon, w In the Republic was known the I . .. �;,�, _ I c r 1. . jtjell � Blirth, was at Godarich visitor on (if lumber for N. an A. Dyment. She land, Ireland, or Scotland in whic it youn . I ' " r - � , rdajo 0 ottou, draw 'strinjr, hshaF �" ,�%­ left port again on Wednesday for ,an desiring to %ome to ill(, now worla coul ,ed ", ,w ,� 11 1 seams well sewn, j2 Inc fri v Me, Jordan I Goderich � I _ . Mrs. I'Pter Adamson is visiting friends in the Thessulon. . not go to a not or %vlio had a son or brother v �,�f � 4 �-i D Scotch Lin . I wit fi e .r. 1. Forest ty. I In the 1)'lull.tted late" to whom a letter con Ill he oleunis 2, 3 and 4 yds. wide rows of tucking and five inch hand- Block Ont. I I . 1� �4�� 4,,� Clork Lane was a Dongannon visitor The schooner Comet from Pleasant t, cry, current action, the 1) ,K,, __ . some cambric embioldery . .1 W. kIll MCKIM ­ " , , 7,1, �,� Cm ay. corresSondencellymall drowticeplo froftimthe I I very -_ — � , � fi a .1 Harbor %vith milingles'and posts, and "on ) . .1 special at .._.... ... ' $1-25 , Unite Kingdom to -tie States and . . �, I I I �, 1=1" . barrister, of Exeter. was In'town on the schr. Julia Larson with codar Canada. Butin the nabuml order of ftleting0A . Wool Carpets, 75c, 8sc and $i.00 - I 11 . ,I i. We 111191 from Golden Valley, for the Uod. Canada's turn him come, and that man to not ��, I . . I - ,'I -� � J. Killor"n, barrister, of Scaforth, was lit = Lumber Co., reached this port wise or not honest who doilies the vapecity of We will stand bebind every ,,ard of wool Carpet we sell. The Ladies' Gowns made of good En I- � I&I . tile Dominion to absorb it great p,opilistion, and best and biggest mill in Canada 'made every piece in our stock. The cotton, V shaped neck trimmed'�vith � ,�ii' - Cown.the poist week. e lab �\041.7eiv--�VCV7"t 'Ni��-l-w.�,v.,A,,,�,,�-,'-,�.-<Vr�,\V.�,-\ra\'-.--,4--N',, Z-1;:-VrAX--1V­S1r1,j 1 I to become at great tiountry ill( tistrittIly. Our yarns are tPoroughly.9coured RN10 utely clean and free from grease. . 1 4 , next day for the ,� '. , � I His Honor Judge Holt hold Division Court ft, Bruce Peninsula, I Iwo inch cambric embroidery, yoke of �J'. 41' � , I BitylLold on Tuosilay. tritittlellso whvat field cannot be au"shed to Not an ounce of shoddy or co on in them. clusters of tucking and hernstitching, � ,jl,�­ I The steamer Norseman was me tile world� -Our wealth Ill woods and into it - A I �,,..- I—- - C��Sww,A,ngu lots, yesterday for Wingham e amir. -Ics and frutts W nowhore surpassed. 0111i that will stand hard wear. 1903 designs and qualities p!arl buttons, cuffs trimmed . 0 14 � % . 11 on -t on Tuesday and dul finhin _. . I , . , 11 - visit 4 at, this poi . I 1`4 4' 1% � ... bt -111 that (.1alinda Includes more than one- with 3 -inch frill, each ...... 7.5 c 0 1 � . I , . Jas. Clark left Atimilay on a weall',; business registered as A G-derlch boat. Sbil (. hot)? tile rl',ash tvator oil the globs, whM w1jr Wool Carpets, 75c, 85c, and $x.00 1, , -1 . t be a great thing for domestic commerce in the TEAR Tfl 18 OUT ! � 11, � rip to Gooritriall IJAY. a good carrier and pretty fast, " on future. In ton yoarpot �,_' � I �v �, . A..�E. Ila rimiting in m forelfa trade has Gowns made of good English cotton, , ­ ­ I �__ , 1", oil ob Vigt�g Exeter. wit. her first trip to this port she ran away grown kit a greater rate t an tha of any other . square cut neck, embroidery and inser- � 4, .-. I . :� 4 a is Y. �� � t 0 t double that o Clio I njEc(l st,atc6. t,on across front and over shoulders, 'I, from It now 3,005 tonner, much to th country, afill our per ovitit trade ]A now 4- � ;,� , "ill Honor ho n an e , , _. �r Dantralmon 0jj�r1rjdH1,y0I h. Id Divisfoll ('ourt at gurprise of t big o e d the plefts- 11108 English and Canadian Oilcloths. all . �� ", ", . . K . N1, In order to clear out' sonie Suits, and find out j, I I - I f the Noritsman's commandei, and .iir�,,C�rtlo 1,Aocs ,let knew an I I sleeves trimmed with embroid- '' IN probably too lit to learn. , ', crew. it ..Phlc ,Xtlxlng about - 't`�' ­ EXiCotuity Councillor Chioubor, of A.,lift.1d, "" ' I C widths. ery, pearl buttons, each ...... $1 24 .4 1 was to n ", . on Tuesday. -00 . if our advertisements are read, we inake this I 11. - ,�, . A J, X. JIM barrister of Scatorth, was a Oodo- Saturday was grand for angling and * ­ I I � . - . 1� I [a � 'L i I � � i L I I , i .1 I flirm nt, a I tb re need coacc v ar he It 8 tay, b it I a ti `, , , , , I - I'll I— I ,� - L I 11 I elk visitor 4st Satu;-t1sy, perch suffered greatly, as over 150 SWeeping Verdict Wantea. I 5 . �, Miss Lottio Hamlett. of Milvorton, Ill die men. women and children spent the Toronto world. L . These are .f :�. guest Of Mrs. A- J. Cooper. Brussels Carpets, $ll.00, . . . I . I . . afteracion catching and trying to .. $1-15, $1-2.5 . . I 0 . . . � I , ,,,�. I . . If the.Royal Commission finds no- � 4 — . � , .1 �� 1, Pjh,3olm Pridliam 1,i on a visit to Win, catch this best No better Carpdt to -wear than a good Brusse' 14-- . u. o* -M, 1'.. in Perth. Is. If you want a downright MI . � " I. of f1shes. Monday thing, public opinion in this country Carpet for a room that gets a lot of lise, nothing better to buy. There �11 - �. � Jl was ea, K will Ili till probability bid an everlasit. Al, Bring this big dolkir with ,i K. T i another good day fol t I' 2yZ,wa,rxd T. I I mar- Sul n er,oll. lit. Davlo, .of was on t ' is no doubt about thnt. New designs in this stock, and at each price .4 � .. 1. ?,Ill. oil, anglers, anti one who he sout Ing goo(, -bye �, � Rayal commissions. real good value. you and we will take it for f as pier just two boarg landed sixty fish. to good A.. . ! Miss 21,11. YountrAit near Rolmesville, It Every �man in Ontario knows that . I � -One Dollar on any Boys' or � I i � -, ­ been visit -Ing in town the past tire woqks: and others dio almost its well. either Hen. J. H. Stratton or R. R. rpets, $1,00, $1.15, $1.25 �, . �,�I- : AIM CAY16v Hamilton will shortly move into Yesterday there were manv Ill Brussels Ca _ values. . $ 1 00 Men's Suit we ha v*e at $ 3.00 �, le -I Of onmov him a on 11 I . 14 I 'j, I horrecontly purchased dwelling oil Colborne rubbiah, or worse than rubbish, i forfeited the respect of the . r;1 ­ 1�� otrout. I eo le , . ,I I- r - -- a Ito. 441, to sit n Clio leg- . -�. -, - Air. and Mpg. Win. Green loft yeste the R. R. track at the comul 6 I or over, goodtill Saturday, , I week*& Visit to relatives in Detroit an er"lit lattlec. If legal machinery cannot - . - '. . ��j on " dock, and they were exceedingly un- �� - - -_ -_ --- N 23rd May. %11,11 other . Place tile blatag on one or the other, 1.1 points. htly for suratner visitors. We .80 much the worse for the judgment I i """ "Irik the R. It. Co. should be compol- that cre ted A Roval ComullsAllon In- 4' - ,I= Armstrong, of Ttlessallin. spent a th L � with Air. and Mm N. Dietrich the led to clean out their cars up town, a ' L '�' , ,; Past Week. 4ffiZ7A57dV_1-�s,,_V.1��\-7 tN��A7,!C- J�� 'ot)%bIlIty Is that the Commission ,,_N_ 41!S ,�J, - � but failing this the company should be The P, I I Ur. Hissett Thom wait this week called mPfO,r* forced to clean up their sweepings - . I JUJIF to Now York city and will not rotitru or will bring in It V 0 S L e-V19V1_V1X.-Mr-N40VXW _N_12VAMrZW stead of 11, committee of the House, "DGENS B R' a A , I HO 1� Value day#L ortitet, The Worrid I . :1. i every day. It _ . Captain WaL Alacarefur hopes that it will he a con pit -0henelve - � . t e0who was p aell"totit The tugs J. Milton and Seaman verdict, no matter what party o I I New hot weather * t. V ­ ; k, I Ill 'in I hooked on to the ruillion-foot raft, vidual It affects. And If this v . e;,F..i � - _� -_ lot we have ever shown. The best �.'­ @ lutlther'� funeral, lo t home, I MUSlins at I OC. . yesw"Itty. 0, I ; I ox-rnod by the 0orlerivii Lumber Co., establimhez; the guitt of one or more I 1� ,., ('AptUnt charies MoInLoah, of Dotrolt, Nvab Ili Tobermority harbor-, oft 8 ( � �" g,csoot at lin lay reprit%enultives f tj � . ce gurl he burial of big sister, the late Airs. . to I h�apu I I 1, . . __77 . � I M&qL & 0, Fhuat. of Ntrolt� loft for home oil Goderich. Ati. I p. in, Wednesday, tul f t A A Remarkable 'Statement. I Sh* �4' , c, . . morning at 4 a. in.. and started for Should follow that STY I I " (Ta, Men's and Bo sl Colored (., wl r tie eK F Fri(ja ter -P 0 fie eul Its. y Irts; YOU never saw � J ,nothly,.. gra 10 a and pleasant visit to her when just one mile north of Port Al- - pr Gait Reporter. ut I� L�n , : , , . ; on. bert, the Milton left for this port, ex- ___ — . 166 bettei at 50c, our price is only 40C, or TWO for 7SC- %tion by P - __ Mir. anti mrs. Goo. itiongh nall children of Is This RepreSent. A day or two after Mr. Gamey x 19 . he guests of r. an tiz to g0t it car f Salt,,but not ODU- ei '(' I 11 � d Mrs. jaities, I I ted his charges in the legislature, the I IM-111'WrYboy return to -morrow. WALK=0 il. V r1i'll-re could b43 oMined. he Sea- latton ? Hen. J. R. Stratton printed a def enae VER IF Black Hose, seamless, for'ioc. , i., W- Om MOMAbOn. 9f Seatorth ham returned man continued the pull aldne and ar- — in his newspaper, the Poterbore, Ex. � - Ireal le B)o surimmis at rived oil this pdrt shortly after mid- Under tile heading of "Roady-to- atiliner. I , I I To. .-TV1,1`1,41U.T(Alviaboo tortho ' . suman)r. night yesterday morning. and the raft - ,, I Irt.4 a 1. Another lot of those 5c and vor F1 , , . I . Robert McLean has returned from Manitoba. where he distiosest the I(Vel was "fely rikoorod in this port, ear "eullit-DuClOn, the Mail and Empire of Wednesday stlys ; Therein he took credit for doing that which tho Liberal press, the Zy s L e 511111c that embod s all that is best I Owers, - _ - _;,. , � � I of car , of nh�rarig edl(LDThL, lie speaks we5 oft one JOG thopleturoorhaw - The principle of the plan devised by the Ouvernment is arty's platforria orators aild the in MEN'S FOOTWEAR. I New to hand this week. . � ,� : . �j . � I L - ST h spi t call from Turectur on He Wits Dungannon. � Vicronu the observance of county boundarlea, �saconsoqtjgrthoolddoctrtne I rolitrus9rits on Ity po li winds. 'Im ton is out to the 1& ,mithForcesof Evil alahned credit. He said: 1, ASK ;'QR -1-M . STYLE, FIT, .Millinery . �. New Idea Patterns for I w ,� . " - �I ,q o . * on 9 way n , ho Ing. Ortiel'14 M�- k _. !!-b!i! DAT 0oxcanT. -The agri- cultural and drivin -ark "noclationa In WorM5 out 0 now Idea curfouR QV m1ult-1 lire W ro to have conatitu- .11.1i; or tiparattim of the yrovin6e at the ja4t cral-ectionstio-ditat withi- i lac �� I , , -, - _n, i q �! . loc. I 1. , \,Q, no - ex the loftne M ar Ile sav()Q " L, )'� . � Q.- , Low S as rli�SOVUATqCnt frOnf d0foat," vi, 3 'A have set apart Monday, May 23th, for on"1011 Of 1% Inha Ran and vilypitituoutiIiii, I av 1i e- f? OMFORT and WEAR * - I - � �1 Halrdon Williams. of the Now I NIM ItIllivi(lual electors In wQT C Ask for' Coupons; there is illoney in them f6r , York brarigh it Mud concert. the object being to owl[( Me t )a same vou t o rblings On Tuesday the provincial secre- �; so funds to Ishm voters elsewhere, Onisvoi:frtaE:n,9j'.%lc,c`" ?,� of the Canadian Bank of culumeroo, 1, At t 6 E.N tairy swore th4t he was unaware of I Q:t vfkf,,t,V week's holiday. raf 4 , , old home Zrogo.t,tdi grounds, . YTU. i - . � " 0 c Our *no That distingu an Prof. constituencies will hftV0 all ]$Inch to say with theexisterice of a Liberal campotign , I 11 I time rosid hilarttly welcamed I rc SHOE have been so sensibly com- - mally friends. 154rd to the conduct of public attalro as two, fund] Yet he organized the province I �, , by lit, will slaclecil. of Seaforth, and Miss all ludbod t o In other emstliklencios, = , I CT "' , Um wat$03, who fell ighlVtvare 0 11�:�p . Pon t-IMN - I �11 , � __ from a ladder three AfeGill, the famous wng4ress and 4 .h(T The ftlutl= 0 of tile at the last general election and main. M �., bined as to place this make of I Weeks I k 48 tat, utio ,q��. ', . 1� ,,406n ,ft,V,,Ir9Pr9Jn,0� his ankle ill dancer. of London, and the best local t.=.1"01fnVP1i. . it the dis- tained an army of Workers in the .? . arctic Imoullibmw he aid 0 crutchos, 'If -1 ation. As a mattorot fact, "�.A ji , oltaient, will take part. Miss Cam- boun Arysystom . I I Shoe far above others. !& MI would er be nape aprIghtly st this fche ado Clan of the munle fleldl ,�.. �., jj t4, , '. - � " 'j I . I., , ! . � �, - � . Vm busy season. paigne, of Godorich, will be the andst t if to party use. 2101, inar f. nocesaary, What conclusion Is here admiss- _,liv "P . .. , i. I,- . : ..�,�, 'I' � # ;_ 1� Mr. ftecompanisth and a most delightful a`n'd're`r'o tticonstraottinefreauvo "mAndor iblep I'll, , ­ A I 11 I this manoliuvro to to ficap t 0 top 'ImAl , van IV it-WIld 1W."Al a Irr Is it not fair to assume that I l,t�;�, 6, � .. P A of A9 awl, . , of and successful time Is anticipated, atINn down whe q rosent' 61r, Stratton swore falsely? I �­-, 11'. They are made in a va � , 9V ng party to strong, Illi, �1'.";g! an 0 , - .. I , rietyMW111 S BUSY STORE, ­ — to extend More 0 party that to . . .. .� � . , * . . �� -, — favored Is weak. This cour" has betintaZy I ;-^ "., Of styles and leathers. Slaerlpardton. . .11., '11"41 " r . adop Think It hallglis thall Czarliston youn 1 -7, /�.�./�"! See our __ it IV I Fy, w0ch is Conserve Ive xQue rebal. .. — M le is at oEu � ­­ - _. __ ,r w NoTus.-The crops arar growlt! "I 111i!'1141!411� new Spring styles and be con- . � '/ . . __ MoTirisi= a.... hem 1��L� , ottlorIn 0 U'a' I Wrolleoll Kofnek glandidly, the trees ard Ila bloom, MI ,"'�Jjt,."" vinced that these Shoes fill the V . I I given two ulorn I for avopuletf, n ori 53 t 0 country looks bestutifut at present. I , " . Rue Man London has one r .& .. V I 1. .GFU _T[Mat floople. still Brent two for ^ Umber for ' _1k1r. Frank Allen. of Drunlop, mad 7, top notch in fashionable footwear. u _ ' x o r 0 1, &P" W' a Von, ,short visit with friends here an Slons- P, , ) One �oir-oiraii-WMMWM A , M 6d8h Talk8 E - me 'it" u mte U I X�, '6 I nifflu for mkmo ,;.p,(',, .,,rloa, tWrc . ftv" daY.-Neur. Nixon And Thomas Dou- ,ZL very �_ ­_'� '�'A : I What a Store 111.7ft Thus LambW Ith 00.1mil me to, has gherty and William and Soho Graham 1. I I bought a large quantity of the following goods for Cash. and I alit prepared t6 zaj We will be pleased to have I t ( 4.3 went to Clinton on Sunday 'to attenal offe I I ,ZR0141fflr%. and 1, coax. with 84. Mi, bell -the funeral of theircousin, the late . Al� �� you call and inspect these r them for CASH at the following very low prices: , 1, ­­_�11— .;4��o goods. � I � I . All% PAO. of that place. -Rees. ,. I j, . . , r FUtUr8APtjsI fiftDly, quald and 31ok-Bithows visit lit . I I .. - - 0 .V-W� I I � '110 Bureala of Mines 1110 isanfid a V ewe IaAt Sipid I I .� for. Improvements O', . 01 I *c4pipighl" . � 0 � - I . . . bulletin on peat NO), preparM under 2i0X8Y11b8P0Ut4 SYWI0411`101141114t . 1. � the direction of Mr. T. W-Gibson� St. Augustinet last wook, 4 . I I , I ; I � _. . -.0- M I .11M __ - � . -V� ,�,� director, and Mr. W, H. U. Carter, . I , .� RoOd"00- E. DOWNING . . !j . . I � The bulletin says: "It Will"be surpris- Port A Ittem. __ . - - - l- I — ­___ __ ____ ing if the oltizer - - 71 . � - -, ­ I I is o( Ontnrlo, -tire not LOOATA.-Mr. sull Kra. Will Reid Wort will be made to �xnako the school I I I I HE Sdul of file buSiness is seen in thI!1 season's inCtease . bwu ,liven their choice between cout. and child, of'Gore Day, Nabitoulln,are a success. let eve one come and them every success In life in thelt, new . vresa-4 Peat fuel and *cottl Instem of, vigitibf the MOP JUM -to, Mr. and belp,-The Epwol,th home.. � , ' I � �: Tof Stocks and conveniences to customers. This Spring .at preftnt, being confined entirely to V 0, .0 Eague at their - — - � . . ­ ", tbe)latter."' Mrs. . T. Pe ow. -Mr. And Mrs. last meeting Olftted the followIng � Auburn. � I . finds the old store df the people I-090 POROW, CheAPTen ILTO this 91161its Officer$ for the tu"itnt, year: -Pr I . . Tha4l*wu q which this prodiction ,01 NEW BuSUMSS MAN. -Mt. Alf I , of Mr. taid Um Sax Olivor; the, I tit, H. J hnston; lab vlce�'Preil- Aakwith as vnterolI the business � . ;, . I ; I lit 1484 1PDX0iii so paltimo to that Nst gentleman and 116 brido ate ou their 0 , flut;4 2nd vice, R. Hirownive; 1� I ,, � L brigu0tims c*q b,e r4ade hero At an act- wedding tour.-Mrst. H. Stowail; and .2 ce, Iss Ila ti1nadfi,le; 4th OVOU4 Of th a village, and will eonduat No. 9 coiled spring steel Wire at... " $2 6 . � I U&I P* of .$I 1# tQt), 41qd have actually son. of Dkin IMOO her I . - e lviijoti� secre lc0l a flirst-el4ft flour, fend and seed store� 8 *11`6 Page fence tit per rod ......... ::'::::'** I A GREATER ST0.1"n E ,k AW VISItin D I I I.: I j boon *614 r two A"CCWIVP 80"Que at niothe IV, - 11 1 3i . ,A rel, IMAM R11. tArd- ora, tor, t" firyt Ilas Ill the stand rectently occupied by 12 foot PT Oate .................. : ............ S 25 41a 4 ton. "to 4 . I Ithe h 4 VVUP If t Is son, V.4fa Wtak. - Mi. McLkian, 410ar 0 I, 018 M4114 Utnes*ratmg. He opened the store . Portland thient, per barrel ... _ . Aaced at twe-itlij 0 ) V 2 70 . F j . Nails, at Pq lb I Ili% lit At IR 01) 00 tftknAlii, was In tho upighbothood 4�34 14a Oro TvIor. ou wedjl0,sd,y of tbi, Week, His f1ftt . ............. � sly0wing a lgrgOt SPRING STOCK than ever before. , t "t %t $3 a t . .11 . . I I , 0 n lie OL ty4s to sutlaff.-Tho ee#jept, wTrk 0 Ole . PUrChA150 Wll$ 1% PAr 104d of floiiri bra,ri Baden Liniiee4 Oii,­a't­] -r* ... i-* ­­­ .... 3 .. I ft1It-hMCIt*,wAIAt440& n, " a ( , rl gal an ........ ­.... 65 . 1� I., I I I .� . 1, I I mill a a dwIn U, e 14,41 4A.bte tbig NOIX06AV1114. 41tid hhOxft 66m; tho Big Mill at Gddo- White Uad, Ulepliant and per hundred..... 5 so I Th* wot a refers to tbo dImpuluas I. k 6 Ut A V It *0 first riell, one of the v6ry Wilt on the Conti- White Ltad, Ro'6ert&o-a,a Pure " � � � I 1. ;; . that the ex fitnoutatis h vo h44 to S,Vtn! #41 u " fzftft -A ,Kurnup. *_ It, iL nent of Amorica. Mt, Ai4k*ith #_ a plilmouth 1111-1- Ir -2 ... S so 7 � I a, . 'kit ^� . . . I *` Vt .14, as I . — et,u A . Is lie, Micual at. a ... I 11 I L%ttiftNI'to hdr holho, Green Shed ,it * _%, 1: ; I . "I I Clothing Department Enlarged vontend witli, and to tts that many At, ithmt6l, at W hdr hoino. tended the r"liening services at Eb., Pulibilig, bustling, and e4tritiful busine-sa Plyinouth Binding Twine, 14 1* I . I . I Of them htO rahisrod, ad4jug thAt &t ?qIjV0rt0`ft ORAIll-The Pit 11twilbe. SnOlet, on Sunday aft6rnoon'And oVerl., InAb, and deaerves every "Ible ... 1. 11y, 4 Y, � I � � I ift. lie Intotme your Coi*0 I I I . t 0 tloid now "Olbs tO bO h0w tO -JohniOrIntouboopon upzInUrs, � � . . 11 11 I M1111"OrYI)OPartMedt gniflitged . 2 .Ing. aucec vorld. LEA VE YOUR ORDBVS,FOR SA,IIE. In - : I I Itee 0. t; I. I 0 foal lit tho Thos. H&wkfustl shov, with% full litlelof - 111MRO;q I h euttly%theisIttepitre-d-to bell by the PRICE - GVARANrEED. � .. I ,�� I I . I 61fte'S jP0r0jShIn$ t. i o Cost t or &n 'how to frogh grwrlox and 661161t# a ShAV6 of -OlArted totc-Mr- 0- COn"ll " pound Orton, and M priceiii proflutbifi � e �� � I 0 ,Departmaint Enlarged P U 9 bi lit a WAY low Par RAdbievo hila a ftlll,�Nr. and "bon 011d a stabJ43 at 66 pAr. topurchmor And *ellit I I., " ."'t- -) � lcb�o ,r-Mv- Leans Y06. & student of '11 . - I . . 7 . I . . Va. �r t to ____4� - I . I . � . ej "O v1siting &t Tees-, ,Stft ford Bbidne" Colle -, *rA hoyne, I �� ; I j Dress Owda 0epartment latilarged Pent bqp K" too wdwema In old �Valer this Web . �gt � .. . t , I I for SAturday Aind Suuff=mr. hud Tho 011RAb tactory tullain a 801 I . -1 ______6-_ Mr$-W-A-IkA�Yd.bf Atitifth4vitI. 16119*90 A quituber of men, 'butt e wait -mixed Di'lots �� 11 . . . ontkrlo *6 , tuumemthd. vrhllo In I 9 Kcaflu 14 . . % "I I �, " $map waftg mpartmeAt Enlarod If6w OhUkriollov & r*41us of M miles, Ited th6 latteed inother, Mt& Rout. tot maebinerg, toij(Ily hitAdiett" the � . I *oo)44d,Mm6enAg the bullotla isAys x1open. . I Z handle the best brand, and hkvt for t,he p"t . J. rr I'll I , tcdge- Ou Subd4Y.-Mrs, 9011hollsifid 0 flukd�%#mtliiht. The ep _ I - . .. I 11 I thovo AW, 1140001.11% 4 of, u#x6 milles ;i 11*tWNAt.-N1m'Un& Zort, has sonr Mrs. Atiatim smd ii6ris left WU *111 IT&VO Aftlil Up * thin I W100" Read.V-O-Woat ID00"t. 41ftleirged neer Uys he tht yeart, and the only compliji; _ . , M IT, & Week � n't r bave is . I; ; I � . t IWAWJ', W I N a I I �ffieb -ill n timp pro. Ono to UU4011 to midit for a thilo - Mon lii�t tot' Voibeblx*et 11 0, whorl, isudw.#rathe flylogit 0,11 ^b bAud. Ii' thitt they 84 , t � , . rb 14irit� -irt I this CS Rittlo MeDon*ld honit'. & It i1i tht Uest Petiot they evo�r lised. I _,�� a I bk n WX41 tolled i�qp iiatetta to Itsido loe bj;*fottu*� WOU14 N. hil rAnr%iog order inside of a, That Is A Wr guarantee than a 'Oobo guatan- � " .11 - : , , . . I 'Pioj to Tivortob Jmt wok on aftottat of I I ­ .:­ I , ­­ � � . I , I IA4100' VOdetwo4r Odpartmont Enlitted emnomw ast-siop=4 P) tho - r. O. A. Tabbititj of St, Uolotl% foftulgh't, tee froft a deduct firm. ,A I � I I I � � I ,dow le Illbeft of her mot'hist.-Mrs.W. It, *peftt & f4ow ds,ys at h 9 TOM . . ;, I �.. � 51 - o, , Ono of 0111, oxith"Al"0111 to Mat a . A , I I .L: atkIng, Oept", liftemsed paclutles AU imt1wato ot OIAATU�q hialmil tool , 9 �, Pft$gItXrA,n0S-4t -# 400' Thur*d new bubeo gamo 111 boitig. wairkod on , 1�1 . 'I . I .. - I . I Oross A Y, s(0 444 Af to. If. Pentound *Oro L "Pbr . ..., I . I I - . , � I . I . till, Is 140U464 to followst, i1i Vitsr this WPOR, rAtfu I IjP4,tW!0 liivoulal of wt wqmk MISSx.11tit unwaty met�l - I 11 � � L . I 10 � i's *41 ­ I 1. I 11, 1- -1 jllj'j'�'10 '� I"! �014�140,0 ' '11"I i jL j,j,jjj, j"ji, 4.,, ", ., ,1, W 1 11 % Attifiet _0011V,04 1� . , V1t,*r. WrO1191hout the , �* I . , r - -,-." _060 10,11"W46 tftL ............... tio'n of tbo . 0 . hollAitj R4#6 6 Aft,weli rtt�fol* beir 04fitty. A th4,rt OlAe'rolhi store, Don't fo 61, ;�j ­ �t I . I . Attull-M-wilfs ....... .... .......'.. Tit'oy,r$pott4,,Wl,o(ltlino,-�.yf,,, III ft'%l8lh,8tA014Y=*, nt beoutw dis I r9oll 4 0 6 .I , I ." I 1, " V f6t jh , 6 Sptjag� Arid SUMt , I _Alf r1L , 4#r bolne" nMV; hAVO (It"141i tootvOd Ird J,wt. 4y 1 I .V,109, A 06V6tbMC-1A W9# , aW I . ... I . I- ., ,�j­ - I W , w6od ............................... I'll t"' MI . 0 6voping thb b6m n 404 AA t4 Oat he Is lift 06 Wl*t i6viev . I ., ;w0l I. .. i 60AWS . � " I , � A In or* 4 441 M " _ Ateff4bit I - mit hgvo a Widott eight 11 I I , � . ; h1two Of tb* 40404 Of 9 bt0th#6 I �. � . ..4__..__.. Ago Ntsk" ey *101 a btAutI& V9=nd1#d AtT4 bit ,the 1060011 for,00 That yoo � I � 11) hUok# UrItliall 01"! ktift,to, rottimber tho wAtjy pl"Mht njoijak. Ire 1046 ovl�t t1to e y Wire V�nce Wilt foi TjjjW+jV)j I � 4. , 0A. bo I .1 . . I I I two-,Atotex 10 4 ,I)rjpAt, tl�,*w 'rftdrChAjn41$0, � V,goes t1je bftt , 116W ___ .............. �._4141111%69 1111IW6 06*001*00 about �**Oty muft thoy but - t t -fi OTS. per . .4 I � ') I -WA_-_--01_ t ft. -Oil I Want, r4do Wt , � *­ � . Nile, , 1itW01M=fti)f;th# ftfelb 0614 � whith- J* 41,�Iirif"ft,w,n �fld I ", hik" "Ie"howil'to, 0"Mmt If y6u vrumultte ymr put. , �00 40i And 1A'#i%V%My"ftd4 for OtA*6 � ; k" I �� , . !l � thAtA, 6.6ybililigIrb rri-I 6AN , why tiot bay a' mitchloo Arld, b .1 11 #� i I � h LMgue tboir *44 F. V, t!".1. I 110 . ydur Own Pence? It,% A , I � . Aiseg with us, Wet give , - : V"*riC--4h6 cottit htd,46 ,it, VIVO" !;0V*­1ll0!4tMA6ybtAbth :K#*40� _ The*holstt jTjjC&,tfAU4a.i 0 � I Y60 * hslft4wo ptomium pw., I niut*0#14 ,140166y4ft r � v . I 11hodlit,thAtth at Ile -1,,�j,jb Mv"*111601 *0010% f6t y6ij. " - " I I � : I. Ot thl0l At* Me OW SAbOlt &Wol 'of 01it, 16WIt M11144qr *Ohooll 'Ail" #�w i�d Tht-f"13w,to ve, � I . . , I %tMkA0hAff.`h6Wt6d ft *A. ht mr, 1XV661*0 t4lewid Ap*sftut "Ot it ., 11 I I 1%, � 11 I , 14*1 A� olkilt"o i Wi i oit ... oo N � 0� 1 N06 4 ow - e, .A.."-0, ,* io!"I'moh, t " :*I'll bo lWa oil 411"6 Imb, owl' Pitt. d 1;0- % fitibli?Y, b0d O&Idod Wit I - to I I . : 16, '. I � . �'. � 0 i . . w wo 1k,01111" 1A tkat *"V*46016. ayl, Oth, 1110ILl, for thli "M T010'6!aj%P&f,t6th6 6tAVtjjt;0fj,W0 btlw 1*1* khool. Wildlig, in ___-,_�� � L -1, , .. � . .. I I Tho offl&A Alir Mt* VoAt Mt z­-�; of ittio V I � '41 are . I ; .� 16,W)OL'o, v". A,ft4,0,DtX10lt etillittX14 folbidom tot tht %M4, Vim � � �'l , I I , -1 . Aii. I . 'A"6 11, -­--*e�­�- 1$l1j*Arif*fl40hh 11 aftgNIA. W,-AW040- �AR$i,411$t,htttik�,ftotth(tlkigtI I'low tiliilld&ux� W6 beliefoli I � &I * . � ' , . vilt 1* up� "' I , I '14 � I , . koft A%ftll 10,101i* *wd-* Ift itsuo treftiq ly, C4^*v1tl,0 I � Ij . . I �� i. " " " G J Diu, booksi I I - I I 4 - kol* 11 I 'S . A.' jir 3,#0twe'�, ofteriv*h v4w, Out (�Awjev IfAtigifit, 000to 01toft, It! w1deh twit, *I#pds'htjA1 tile ,to.41AW, 'It, ibj,*,tj, "01)11�e� *�& * I fi�v . � . I . ",Z I 4 *00tWt Wiit�h * Moil wilth* tw tuff t1olli j646u" of pt.ft&I . �� � Imp -M , 110 , W , I -m%*,*OfAajjtjj slekt T,6*A*g+f Of "'t �Io,,, F ii4k N4, =te4ft*d With*Mlift, kviriyapW,#4 �0111, bi & t _ 16 to- tho, litit. . - �, . 4 th#,uj*f,Aft*,qt a C"Aa# ' LE � - , & _ . I- -$MITH BRO 0 ' ' rim , E , ,4" ­ I v t a ft _ _rbf, I t, 16 0, 1. � I I .1. f##jjn I ,th6,10**t*WloA )"Pthodwi �% Tfie-�OyIi j ," ___­ir,­,­­ .1. X& I 11 ­­ __-.1___1..11. I 1_0111 011 -11 I I I I 1_--'--- 1.".".1.- 11 . 1. 100111,11 .1, , ill"", � , , ft* 04iintlehL . . � f4 1 A tlftfott to ft r A.04 "PW Ii4 I ngIt �,"__­­__. I " " , _ k AnN� t � ft I I eA � ftde0W.fh6,:iA,,1Xlb&f6*j*jlS0t , , t'gr. Uhk* M4 * jwjtt*jn. p plumbi " , $t,04ttt, -,r,1j,,'j."-A,, - , . � ---1. i * . 1, � I 4, mt. will I* atly.ugow*d b , ato Fleft , ­ ­­,­� ­ W tlm*nj, 7tilstiop *i�,#M U , I . , ------------- . � i;* *Mwwc bift4i t ** -#A1 jt WJAJ�wg 1, #A. I 4, , , . I #*As offit* *two,, I J44 now to 941hi " I V4 04 %I th"11111 iii�146* Wildt4l wh " . ,. , " , t i,# , 1; ''I 409k I I � ift 1 I I , " " I � � � - . � . I I pi`14 ft, C4110,1 , 0 . I ." I . I I I ­ , � I t � I . I I I : 1, t I � . a =- , . , 44'. � 6 � I � ,; I �) ,�, : " I I I " � � .. 146 1 1 � I I I �, , � I I - I I I 1� , I 11 I . . I U .1 I . � I � I I ., �, I # , I I � . I . ,?,�e. , I I i, 1. " , '� I I . 1� . I I . . I I . ,t . . 11 . � .�. . ., . 1� Ill, P * 1, 1. ,� ,.� , � I I 1. I . . �!61�11 k I , -, ..��� � I t .. -1 _14 I ��, ­ ,.tA&Ai&� ,, gli,'"'A� - Ifa ­ I ­ . -, �� r, I " : LwilahsLuil I ),;..jj,.. - . I � I I I I ­ , 1116A� 1*' ... I � a 11 _ .. ��-� .Ii�i,AL � i .1, Am � I 11�_,AdAi& tim I , I a � .�i� i