HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-05-15, Page 7Is0 Mo;,�ml oil! ill 00 to 04 RIO W" %alu" 111ftlor W 114fli Put A whillft I" tiounig, down to fsh# 44,1111t4w *Ou"lloirl 49114% UViliffigruN 04 thoo.l.woot TO. )MA MAX TAX% roorit, 40,41W.- kwi too, dw. I A)"AW" %100*0 *VAN V 14 oink virs,* * witcli. 40 i2e" to **r0to tog *169WAS Auto tho Aral, no 04, *0 UAM.Ow. wN *Otro", Inen I IN. vor lieciol olla, ad- 40010-sisf� Wu 0 VO4 W10, two IVision Oxx we 44ro. offorts)o vithe &V*ro$* $4*1*1; st000r4od, Aingoill4li, alig 0 11 1444 Wok *t OU A Xmvo� Al* notiliz VA"Itit, In 1114 0444 4004 411114.4 ins 4IR, blt no ingre teollQue do JANE *or* at n'tiosoA Pw, '40 764"114i 4T4ftP gict in. t4e, 19 00 W-40, 0405 j enoll 64t, to, 44t* tA 0, tom 'Aro -for his ambitI9112 ho quite Ileg,, 4AR you rolou 0 "No*' X 004.,ot" if wal, they P^ 0vow you SA9141 ted, the realown Of itlic, late Mr. in "KRM46d . ..... lmtjvgo� illor-tbat ifirbulit -1tv applied ter hetslot 30,044" be post on ob,". *0 twcooliA *X9 , _�;r. glitgq�nlift 3A9*rl$, U14 eatire iter99 were w4poill o.94 . t,#, thc! 131`11:101h of, '00, "O Of tit%a T#40 wo,rd 0AO of the ships of tile tial'ica x1hie said that thw ux"I $041likVi 0-Vil, , . Poo _014 On APrIIr';J'r, Ili abo%K,276 _04' 10 d hoo, nayOf rago of carthquOss wbo.gal �4"%s or@ A0 ot Port X01,41OU Into to INK olouth at the Glt of Aftit. wild A. tIOA POIItQW to 004 Walk Oil !illt is not ,".qvos; Ifis, 414 .W 9(ftcoro A0 bkh% t1to Were felt oil over , tb4 Warld 1.4 raobilo,4 by ,trition, at Abers little cast of south, of, Uerbora, the no white m4n, bisoli left. d that trog,ch f-07w.tw Wt" thar do.4 of, by- ATA got At OPP04tol 1011dep at *b'4 t's Wro.tIli at chief British tiort an that gulf. It to Urgua he woo too stout to got About ftlity aecoAtlyo 09wavW, 9P L Tpillell w4f* tears 410, *V4 be qtl. tho ooble 00VIgalt roqu t0t. ad through the hatchways. 10 0 1 We hoa crillsollO t1rob MWIt 01 a east of the center of Suarsuill lot 04 Arlit -k TWO VvIgra since tile guAlAtoliks of thoy"bave been more inumAquo. �a 4 Rhov 400P.ff� MOM, 4 of thel".W., to luir rq the three Years between Jog. ux.ry r viliam. W0,4,8, wl-dCh f0rkOd twice whIllsh,laqw, In the. height o0thoo dri tiffainit in Beat Who a ollue dIstab.04 from Whe" it Opens weasank, has tali the A?=+ Icomig tq� her eyom., I,w and Jactillary 1, 1002, the t HO lit -atworth. itear Atillitcird. Zrigiand. 1699, t �a 0"brows, oatols U04 She. t oil, ate AsPectil ho bor what an oor% — w4it's the mAttgro t9. AU, A0 bilf rowo a AiA the tb UtImblIkOoll n%r' Ott' wore obliged to refuse admittance to number racordeld was 196. .y lailierellooA , At It cQ llotQ the bayl 4nakinIg two Iougo to 09i next. end Ve, on 0111 MoJKl matter itti never as,- been had General Manning whose healliqUar- A female upor in consequenco at It tit only within the past ten gr Itdolteosa. 691a4OW21 WO Firstly, twelve years that saigmal9glais Hilf. tried to Walter, but oilhe tlrilv -41 t list, and when they Out in tile InTept"tIon, off 9, 4orth of the up tare -4�t Quialli. about forty her excessive corpulence. tie T Vi pwaly trom him. Ile WAR voul;ilirig tip the fibluglik which has hold tls,At� aThe Air grow hot =0 iLilia-4 ocattISO they had no clothes I v b a able to record laritrutifirifint- 0 the menu of tile It to 0 g,,4K� nough to fit her inumsive person bItIterly. in order that the ofte light in the western sky SAYS In IAS' despatch that 0 ligoia ight to free o Ir yl( t dieffeets Of the call'thquAkeit Oolc�r Inali, IOU &�* - 340", the gold. 1179u, to; a 'I" tituna PR cKviandly. because she could not at ong Stances front the place at 0. was more 4onso And wild thou that titpugh he Intozidod to march r .4A V. It W1 desired 0�ya- Teuvip6l, x, f/,k 0 tile" - with all ;,tW9,. pajoke sucilis comments Ike b f "tao9d round in,smoidiatay to relieve Col. Cobbe walk upstairs. and by rearson of hor origin of the shook. Thu selvigm- oil ers '014 It r4 to the north beyond tho'rougo Of from his perilous position, he would abonormal avoirdupois the workhoubv r Ili% w a lily t d myllul 411i'to go I O'k A fte nearly Ann-$ the gullky'llottlerigi wisli Joarned thaft Gone 'i the 00 U a 06 OR 4) about fifteen bl� cothi lit , romemb lie Miles b , n to the pub, the getting group, Nye know that It return At "' ra ago, for the purpose of recoli& 00 0 ot to once Galadl. as Ito could officials wom unable to Ill't her train -ound. 'injight navor, t 4 W T1 arnin just In imeligation at �,Ifffffl report. It has becIrt are. And halted on a rising carry artliffniont water only for the the gi earth incotements that could not "With all tihove WbAtilf illa Asked. MWO P*110. The statements Inside Slope. whore we could got a broakdor manch to Cobbo's clamp And back. At the time when an Ohio damsel otherwise be observed. Re PlAt bewildered. But not Watoheir WOW by General Miles Are the result of e of tile sky. W would, therefore. be unable to tivicaute engaged to tivo man of he%- In Japan. for eamples there are T="*Y WIGS SVXS A% vdirthwast, aiiiiVance Against the oneonly it the choice Rho weighed Init 230 Pounds— thousands of earth movements or tita arCould be got fiom�hor, pwd hoo wits LIVA151 I his �qukr ot iI�sPQct1QA In thus Philip' The wind was from thes X It io�Asl,-J[t Was, Aunt Jane." staeding lookWg at her witu An Q:K- last autumn and winter. An& straight latter hold aloof. it inedgrat wolght that. under th truniors every year which tire too pines ola0 the Afro must be qua pression of utter Aln=omenk ,or BURN30D TO DEATH. toWard, us. In the hope of reaching Brifildh Somaliland. Ili tile fall Caw Placid contentment Induct by tier slight to be noticed by those on the .4 Aunt June sailed In. a quarter at an W110, Tay 7 of the deltas of tile N'tra-1, wktk lovor's affection. rosts rapidly Awe. If- �, * 0 0 lopli X4,;g,.0 Their Crimep - The report to dated February-. 29, 0119 - tler; receivs a grvat deal of rain until ground, though It Is slightly lit Aurtt, A�dXcd­isk hour , .14e. S43o required 00. I1A%t0f4­ .: 1litih we h4d crossed About A 111110 axed the counoLcy is covered witil it isLNaclied the alarming figure O en rhore are sev- _404, Toiloor at 1908, artil addressed to tile Secrtl- to the south, we turnqd Vack And Urass. That is the time niflulti the 550 pouirls. This was too Inuch for Oral, rOVAILS of the but a qua#'er, an hour ductton. Ex - posed. ivy of War. General Miles says Allied for-oci.r lives. Ca -le 01�. the Illost corrosion Is a perICII-illill d WAS �IXIW4*01 'A quaXtex. at he man, 1 Suppose?" to -13at- W of miany thousands of horses, laoukuys her fiance, who proniptl aA SUAR,-Qt tq0A!. 9 *A thAt to going from Minima We reached te upper branch the only to find himself good for beeach pendulum so delicately adjusted Xat ft" overtook an, 11011 _VF months ago XOVMboF test, he noticed And nioules have most food eqld ke uRt wott�- �o b��4.-d,oi j',;b(Ld mAdo"' A In thi'Htroaa��Word tnet People tire iniossi Active.' ona.1ment 140yor whc IAut it' tile of prontise, tho deserted Itt,dy doclar- tile slightest earth intiverusint where Out to Winner, fair' "Row do you do, Aulat Jana?" hO to ing Me f9rituno by thu'laOsOrable PMO" tu t o country appeared dovkstat­ us. crossed it, nd suit Panting On spring and- duionver Scarcely tit drop Ing that, as 114-4. excessive weiht-- it standH IN tit once recorded on the lilistaribe". And rapldly'apreAO, over said. - "I hope you b*A 4 floaftAt itople at lef Ot him I, ed and theit* the pe.0ple, Were very the scoutillorn shore, The Sun had at rain falls, the county tit parched n 111SUPorablo bar to tither olWws- paper beneath ft. ltihe"W11010 �t 'her mavemelots, owing '40 ,Aid that --his whole till) bad much deprossed. Sicipping at LtPa. (it. and te fire marked ite; limits Conti hav'ren and viater I obtained both at-cunivulatv-41 during their On- At tho tinke of the great 1opaime w It he SAYS, a party of Citlesers, headed oil a wide.sweep covering the north- (klll.v ulting the tow rivers und fit tire Itor lover find, hy unduly vartliqwake In ISOI. It was to pasalort fpr regular- ,so-so. No thanks to you I be y pillar a on, apparently. a ver To. late fqr'brealitafit And "Dear Aunt Jane," he said softly. 4ro as to human rectitude., )z his by the acting president. mot him wo4t. ells. prolonging his courtabip, been guilty fly n wiutiogralth ON fill- it%% nfor lulich ..upzot -her far a.. .v- I r and.stAt thiAt they, desired to make As we sat waiting tile brusb W It IN Niguilicant that it% General of conotrib Shanghai, China. But tie line at ad to the porters to be po- papers hi"xeculor-LAme, 00r0it'll A tury mighlreincit recurring paymii mt. of complaint Creittiiiefft ­dt-tho c%led, and five - a I .. ofireeU, kin Rho �Iae 10 -to to. " of harsh across the stream cra Manning's despatch lie speake of the While RturcillinvA through that Unit, supposit-d that the effic,,tt, It was clear that be did not frequently oln. tile Woods ellonly,4 intantry. In tile wet Even- fair "blacho. the f Lilt, 911047411 for ov�oj�thlng. This was annoying, take her seriously. and I40Y was which no psirticulaVA Appeare. Ths people at the-. CQ=munitY- saying or six dear broke tr on -ated fit and stood on the bank. KnitIllig. I -a tilt, were disitribulml through Ific im-ka lu$g'yot; knew tier and allowed (Qr iuldigant. limoutito totalled thouands of dol- tilat they had beent concentoo lien grass covoi plains Inall tit propol't tolls. W,lt: t Jane, as they very towns and had Suffered great indig- Thu ail, glvw donse. A d1ull rour ' - lour arounal tile ouith tbUt 04 WOrO 41100t 91 the things "I hear," said un lars, and the executor Wall , and hills. tile oiIvy till j4hoirmlill. Who.;' X6t Jane dl�. She was Small, but settled round the dinner table, "that mii,h pu=led as' to how to Account nitles. "that fifteen of their people like it distant surf wits blow" to us an tile of their 1with aluch linligottill J. -I it-tilill It'll had been tortured by what is known fl -on, t a I clitribed half way has boon a grent obstu- Iyed 'a' deep base voice. you are a lawyer?" Eventually the ox h north. Jull-A-d what was tilt, list. If it Was J,ot until a oulloolver f poor child,",wasi her for these small. , and that one up a small tree, and till -11 cle fit tilt) British campaigns against All - my , . I at," said Tom. planation. was found In 4 confession as the water tortuiv in. vig-lit . T'Verhaps five "Miles awA31, exhibiting it ' rill 11111W W11,11 I tit' entrifillb?hk-od gr�ati�g, ,bbw Ill you Are looking." She had left behind nip n, a highly respectable citin t!"Will. I outgo "Never could stand lawyers,' Which the deceased . public rould stle oov inuch for I., thai it WON found that didn't know It,- said Lucy went on', "a nasty, deceitful lot of him: sas Pearson 0 Weekly. Aged 65 years, named VincenteLuna, Caine the fire, a sea of rod flaille Ull- mockly. It appeared from this that the law- while of the tier a wall at smoke that rolled on AT THIS SRASON nothing It wa4 talking ill,, lo-dil occrring Ion the margin of ut I serpents." ,suffering from the effects I I , out of alk honest Inan's loolith--thot lilt,, lIntific oct-an rotild tit- ,,you think ;lr.ou're happy, b "In -deed they tire," mid Tom, a*- torture, arrol unconscious, was drag- in advance. the mounted troops of tho Mad Mul- iftow better, poor thing. I . " loathly, crawling creatures." He yor had never Passed his Own been Before I descendd froin the true ull c&lRuIg and are ablo ft) Tickled with tilt, humor of ther. 1,11"O's If fill, I�tt-dtesl In - see from amintatior, in the profession he had ged front I -As house, which had the situation Lablache ill t,�ln� occur any. that the ainuke was uPOu Us. ORO of move loss rapidly. Illit the dry sea- it your looks. from your manner, shook his hoed Solemnly. practised. A clever but unscruPul- set an fire, and was burned to death. 11111rdol;oLlso iiyou are utterly miserable. Now, Being usnable to put the case more ous deputY,had personated him pass- They stated that these Atrocities Companions. noting tha,. the trees Non I" a fur greater to confess, baveWt I guessed rightl" strongly, Aunt Jane found herself ad with flying cQIOM and then, re- were committed by a Company of on the delta were of a slutullar tile Iiiitiblio than to the natives. Tho pronsli9rd to quit it,,. jair-groulld ilo,tanIly tile -#I-ni - I'm perfectly happy. " Unexpectedly with nothing in uteriant growth, thought we were safe" In Sonwift know where overy %veil is to fUrth%Vith. vock., ft) Noisonograpli- Ili till pur-till ,it, ore to fusing to tl�ccept the bum origlinalIv scouts under c"Onimand of Lie With two strips Of ' Oil another occa,�ion. loaNing lilt tilt- grOa,sed Jucy, dismally. "I mean, any, So she turned, Ity in al;WA upon, nad blackmail . d the Hennessey, and that their people had the lower delta, and be found and tlhe British, luck this Covent Garden offer 1,0- I Wait till - till-" - was what her voice, to Lucy. other -all his life long. been crowded into towns, six hurt- water arid an island between Us knowledge. The wells thentivives -Till you Caine," she My dear, I wonfolor you allow ilding." the tire. So we Moved Oil a few are quaint an being holarsni. tills varm, s0ig,-r Void thut thou t tit April last It. wanted to say, but her courage fail- 11 Sir George Lewis, being Asked drod being confinlad to one his I kluiddred -yards to the next inuut11 ')I deop ui,do holes, reminding one of bIV carriage had not colkled ll� Ille most 11111C."k Se I S. your cook to stay in the house. I fOLir-whetler Wits tVanatlis und 1.% theme of ed. Do you suggest a tolied at the whether such 'a thing Was possible. A doctor of the party said lie Was I that this passing of difdcult ready to testikY that some of the the streekin. lull ullandorred Sortie of Evil ope. you Aunt I WRAPPED IN SM0"'. them are fifty or sixty feet deep. Into which, with Nin 411111vult%. -LAY warrieldl" said batter x of -the garden for her?" said odaclar'ad ,y means of a clever six hundred died from suffocation WJE WERE a I of N11111, 'AINS that In till exurninatLons b This Soniall.4 ime'ladlers and potato Lablarho holi4ted, his Ill "Didn't I say Tom. - deputy was by no Ito tilt. wkstor,�! buckets front knart it) inait till It lie ('Illy tit flud hit If it tilt fill, ilIolisilit if June, triumniphantly. ;�-tly Interrupting. He had means unheard of. General Miles says he looked at the The rear of tilt fire grew like use 001. decided to assume the offensive. 1. Not only in examinations for the building, which was one Storey in LWI-ra. we welded ir -upped thern. top is reached. Each chlef has it edge of the kinnaller sent. T InIwH tin the (Inliks Ili- neat Tbe manner of Aunt Jane had a She ignored him. "This soup, law, but in there for the army and height, eighteen or twenty feet wide, too!;k off our coats and wt -oillvd by his at wlilcii lit, litst posilito, wits y. I sit I 11.4 tilt, 11:14t"4 If thl' htt-Vile4t NXI-tiles tit curiously quelling effect upon all she said, is disgraceful." civil service this kind of persons- and possibly sixty or Seventy feet wet about out' [leads. "lerl we no- well I ad themselves to be So did we were not alone. Ito-und witters his live oltucl­ Of hers tire lie rose tit do Nit the flo - of tile ve- 1, ci-al'st oo fit,, Wh Lucy apologized hulUblY. tion undoubtedly occurs at times, long. Else asked for a written state- tic,od u;1at proportiontJ uut it) tile vuriouti hicle. co list ruety'd on1v of lb,-uk ill till- 1111�!tbt'lol or thill ', allow it) otIbrought under its spell. Having ex- tood followed Tom. During the recent wt..- & large num- ment to be forwarded to hini at us, only a few yards awit , Illat w0ght. Pate WaN %N it hbou Ii anto'lially f'rund that tructed this admission. $)to Take away Miss Wilkins' soup, " bar of civilian doctors were adver. Manila, but says he nevir received groups of harried creatures, 4.1thknd daii�q. ' Nil, terrible shocks originate ess by a skillful cross -ex- he said to the ser'M111t, and it went tiliked for to 90 to South Africa. it, And adda us a black shape Jay in tile water, of the British anti till' nrti�t found John- W, ill) her SUCC oil laorl areas tire rallied or aniftation. which reduced tile poor before Aunt Jane tied titl:,L. to clutch evi-dently a beolir. The danger had forces in tilt% lield ill thal. they are stiff : tatniling io the i-iiALit Frow -ost Persuaded Among those who applied And were 13ELIEVES TonTIJHE STORY. 1114 If,,- result Of ill,, the plate. it was long befre any- as a certain yoo�W Livor" e,de the wholo world kin, and lear Real ly three hundred otiles from tile this H111141 r;it engaged W coast of tile (;ulr (If -%kiu", the lauKliller tit the lilookers tind 9 irl to tears.'and at "I have no reason -to disbelieve a lfmmkill�, her that her husband was the most 'thing else was SAW by anybody 1: bo was afterwards killed tatersovents. in filet. the IGf the common encolY had ruade all Itheir a alliallah; Leslie, to eatu they derive till their itpliliem; they tile tit vabby, extricated lown If tilt, rocks occorl alliono brutal scoundrel on earth. Every Tom seeme to be enjoying his' din- Pool mall ' w of Cape Colony. Aftor the driven tilt. olountlillot tht- 4 little instance of his irritability. ev- were in the north tances of torture In the case of the other. are in a country of which they Miow Ith -no little dify1colly, this nor. Ind"d, the two ladies s discovered that W11 a ers Settled over us, %ory Attle, wohich fill- se%voral munths ery little protest, however gentle, disgusted at the brazen impudence his derth it wa inalk Luna having been tortured and Abbes and child break was traced atout�ltvtorressi of breakfast or tough- Of the fellow. Lucy longed for the delCrce burned. to death are Collarmed by and we bowed our heads close to to t'loole will Ile alinom destitute (If Rod the tirets of N% It [0 Does of beef, was dragged out of her end of this ghastly ines.). and yet HAD other reports." the water, This, heal grew intense. water. It will Out be starprising if SERVANTS IN ECUADOR. fit.. pitri f I -lit by to means, carefully exag- feared what was to follow. lit last front an lasti.ttztlou known as the Conreming the fossiturse to receive Then vv,itii a stride the fire burst they tit) littli- inore than hol,l their The Traveler Is Forded to �*v, Ntnk It r" us t, General Miles gays : . We Waidt..d own, to the wells they Hire Neo Vall tod d embellished with details the s9rvants left and Aunt Jane Metropolitan College of Medicine. ol the staternen as brought over the northern bank Our , ILILVV aeti.mi until tilt- 11 of tile Many to Serve Him. to '-10 hvi tied front Aunt Jane's own in- cauZhed Lignificantly Tom look-tid Chicifgo, and that he had se- Whether kilky influence w to the gouth Bhorle nd walted. IlNo-%% Ilatirld earth- stinct, and fitted into its Place in is to prevnt their Statement. ts grew hot on our hends. anti rainy seubwn. P - Lucy said. tiliddly: "Let us ed any regular medical exAmination to bear )ercion, I cll .. ducked" again and agaill, I knassacro ill Col I'llunkett'a w If %ou were living in 1-1cuador and qakes or i8i I* I:i. 1% Iiich occurred In an elaborate and highly colored ma- go at All. The swindler who was at the either by persuasion or c4 we iolied to hire a liervant, �ou could hh, Miwt4mippl Vallo . N. in what it tale of perfect villainy. And when am not prepared to say at the pre- ooked at the fire It part 14 the greatest ouccems the said Aunt Jane; "the.ttine head of this bogus medical college turned and I Id gety, inore than a NJa. I Mullah lilts yet acthleved. 'flip Iliandly get visit- Ivy hiniself, ill* lltillill Moutiwastern part f M I tt 'dome, !%a difficLlit was It to recrunted, I shoo it wasr has come." had by some miliato- discovered that '*'It time". Jr. but would tip its taki. ittva ihit northeastern part I) distitoguiela fact from fancy - that Has it?" asked Tom. cracking a his client had obtained Covurnment General Miles then raters to other hundred feet end leaned across the fanN., ef It will sitwetid widely up vtith. it of thell AirkanHus, till area of allout 5.011K on earth & letter was fourd )sees, saying that on tile Island of Streatil. which Was fully two hurk- throuVlk eastern Africa T'his slic- I Lucy was .,tiondering I at wing far outiluvolveling fuioil�. Aquart, or Eta could ever have mai-irled the man said Aunt employme , and yOU?lR Cebo it Was reported And published dred feet Wide. Ullsoles; that leaning co" inny fitivve- the effect of in -tit ys it of the Mittiv- lilt average of abou 10 foot, Your coneclence, aniong the belongings of,the o offl- ill the Vip large number of Somalis living at all. Jane, 1-vist tell you that YOU Owe I threatening hint with el,. in November, L1,002, "that tw bank If fiustle, we cro . (its- dolphin lAith OF SOMI-, lr "And now my dear," aid Aunt to your wife." fellow Captain Samuels, 44tt Infers- water, wilich grew topid, a" N% as fit the Itatlian and Abylihinian a Cook Nots Aosold to Jame, "to 16110,w up her suggestion an , explanation Pastore unless he at Once paid dowu rierS, - 'eater, luth fou tlebt, animals thut tri:ts to J( tin the hostile faction. her hu4bund nod children, and Joel,- of thosw shalosen areas peol, Concealing something far -must it?" asked Toin, checking a $25(). try, tJ,S.V,, and Lieut. F I with the cuts" unentl% attraett-d dainage fruit ateg DOStILI Infantry -ha committed similar for miles UP were seeking shelter in MAD MCIA,Al-r hul-24 111.41) Ill -l' hiflit'r RINI 1110ollior lit- that he lb Hapopily the United St country and retuali woorse tban all this- - I.Ailey had mile. Your temper, air," gainst 'the people of that it. one of tibe twelve or fifteen Mot- ito N olir holuit. Is, Ised U1141 I ... dist I 11, -Don't lose gested anythin authorities have recently caused thu atrdcities a .11 his lo for us to PuSh 14 K )a never -9 9he always began It also reported that 'it it Was inIP6881b lahs Ili "tottialilund, also called '112d V1101 lall -riod of ronVultdol kind. but she saw now how probable said Amnit arke. * arrest of the Swindler in questiol, for Island. Ill We were it iki lit just tell me fully any- an argument like*that - it seldom violuting the postal regU(1fttiC0s,.ftu`d latiag, on the Island of Luzon two on to the net Hitorear aipd If the fire Sheiks or Widad.-4, wbo are the ro- or portable mg lof Live MINSISSipi) It was - Lucy, tell him what Yau natiwas were whipped to dell-th. dazed anti PLU'Cbed. ligious it( the unialbi. 11 IN Illallil , N Ito godt "I 1111111 tailed. he is now in prison- on it would have a which wt, toissuitIly regard a� thing he may have .confilded to you tha MURDERED EIGHT MEN. leArked this strea I foll'turinte fur the Brititodi ill I It 1pigs. dogq build may have want to know." Count Beni de Calatellane. gxught tie in the woods. Ile If the Illoet tooluble parts -of tit# and any suspicions you we, better go into it was re- illy head, a.,yd Rumber tit the Miulliths are teir stock lilts find Is that he is keeping anything, back, stammered Frenchman who married the irrO&t At Tarldbars, Leyte, Suddenly I ralse rilends, fur art- helping tit ke.-Illolu.N ha%e trade lit- fill- I'virth 0 the draw ing-roonsol? heiress. Miss Gould. was POSSibly the ported teft Major Glenn ordered sa , w the flames like cl",ds of tire There Ito Such things as sets otihere Shcould be no secrets between the oJ)eI1 t he tin(- of thiritIg the tl�ItN, but lit Inval .... . I Lucy., of the blackmailer Lie�t, Caulfield, Philippine Scouts, tip over our heads and seize vkAth tilt- ne and to 11irect the 111"I tinkes livid when night It,- n- graphs fit those dai,14, but tile] ram and his wife's AuKlt, I will protect you." ';'tie easiest victim a's immense fortune to take eigiit prisoners out into tho 10 cps on the NOutilern iwour"ce cultured the coun No, Runt " said Lucy, struggling i'mown, Me wif o to of water In till" dr% torns 10 fill- hos"In f lots faullk %vilo not turneoll fiercely upon Tom. "You d Jumped the anti �ourlj It woul,I he trN felt Lilt- effectli Ili those part, quite agree." was tied up so that he could ezutitry, and that if they did not tol". The fire he Lp shorka thtoulgivolut. it rogiot with her to t.,ave letters in a drawer in your The Count. wilod- guide him to the camp of the in_ bank "For imstance, does he receive lot- Y touch the capital. streas. lit till inner Soovulifud Is dov%itright foliumatlity to f -third of out For an'tiour 11.1 no I IlK w you to awdy which is locked. Don't den ly extravagant, wait soon driven to solurgent Quiscia he was not to bring we Stayed In tile we- lieti, Good and U114 tool it so. :11:1, R nt tots which he doesn't allO' itl desperoktion for lackof ready m0nuY. them back. It was stated that the waiting for the tire to loo rn ot rill a togie pr(moilnent Nelt vI t . look at?" Au- 'in would woik tilt- owl n,,-itji prelseilt ,11­1--�Ilon't know; I never asked a " I won't," suld Torn. It's prob- It,,, fibg,reflore went to a curio estab- men were taken out and that they ter, A great e XCk'fyt those occupied by IhV*;O I 111c rl.ild undoubtedly huvo recoondet on the nol'thern short, hatilinedion Ivaders. 'Ilse centers tit it roaster. or would bly quito true." did not or could not do 1 stupor,weighed um earLhquakes throulghout tho he sobbed. .. . B you lishatent, maintained bw a J2*tOri0u% eithei as wear population are oil tin a0tage, at ron (if your rook lilt%% lot- iitilizo-11 for Ipaor 'dbil - poor, vinapiv chil,d! r )*our brutal conduct poor 4u Surer and ought for $100-000 a directed. One of the men. who books! down. Presently we felt the nil' v e n ty nkilea almrt The� light am 11111fillig I'roll had cowed thiq easne of U" The very th0`91"t , quantity of Antiques. 10or this I't, A son among the scouts, WAS spared. grow clearer [in d cooler it was 'Ilie 14doNtial v allow of As if he would confess it! covivi rd I 9 Kpirlt so that she would agged to . wote built at the princilml sources raotids, weeding this gavd--ii and Lend - fact that he says nothi gave his ote. endorsed bv, his wife but the others were separated into taining, and we tip, I of water Ing the loRhy, foot fit., oulnel-oom arthtfilitskem in tile past make no inquiries." and bearing the legal rate of intOv- two parties, numbering three orfour the northern basnk. where we a , N. bek het.o quilts clearly list tbose lOtt4 tied together with ous, nottes close to st �rs ought to have Put YOU .,How did you guess" said Turn. If all tile Mullahs were agall1vt ft I r yd lot stilt to be "Ilght Itogensi" -day he returnedo and, say- respectively, and while the b"t I1% AsKani earthquaki on your guard. Ile always gets 13U t,st. Next I Ilrillsh it lto he foots lilt t I have come, girl" Ing that thp things were of no Us,, were all murdered by being shot or A am 4 Ill 1897 was due to a nosivement o down to breakfast befOe You, I'll be e rth d . lept. -ible for the latter it) 11 lit help If bound, Rmil gloats over them in sec- I can't deny It," he said. Ld him, resold them to .he dealer for byoneted to eath, some being in a Aftrward we learned that the tire pos; o ekluaru ottlest of Ithot hall remsain and protect lit tho interior dwltig or it. flecaum, , 1-1 no oul lilloot mt, eh?" "Afnd I a less than half the money, mceivinIff kneeling position at that time. The ruined a stretch of thritber three, bon- 4iry no,onths; for in that case the ham deert-4-o thot for 4i -r rocks through a distance 01 Y -Yes be does, ustu eipless niece forever, if nece&- R..; of the goods. This M ally; but - my In C h ingstriLd pretence was made that they were dred irriles 1011�- vilot Nou hilt, N ... I 1111i.l. teeulifths Illight eosvall�L demtrop ioktn� , The Cutc butr-I d;n,t know anything About sarY subterfuge was discovered by It killed while attempting to escape. miles wide. Wells Fo that they coulid nof be least a drovell exIcti t1foiltilh lo fe. it rarthquake of 1819 that something 1% tio% Ib,. pirlte,l ill fit,, Failit Idence the..gloatling." She dried her eyes f She wa-ned we ).clung Frenchman' Who professed to but so fax as known no official re- do avallahlo for n;unt'lis ulmi floo N., I Ili of 2,0(is a the kind might hapripen," he said, ,tit, ootless is( couittry and the ele, between each Word. helping hITnAelf to ft banana." be the Count's friend. He At Oac`3 port was ever made of the . circum- be�ond loursult to the souUt or West (.a1,,nalIy till- soridge fifty miles Ill ,,Njo; title houscizind I told tha Count that, unless he gave a,tanca. 'BICYCLE EXERCISE- I , vne�fj'at Ion Into the coluontr� would anwher IIN lit 11- .if that. 1. ,Are you going to show me those hini halt the money, he would in- These facts have been reported by I imilarly when the cents then be a ver.% lierilouti inutter. �Jslt. of a 1,,rinight ,I two InItinu length uill.­SUPPOSO she woul. letters?" Is long #o., �vwj %%ill t,ilt-rioo, it ,f igisn ,( great earthtlurnklas hat For ti,s-n Noulo­oceanic. gourvilinglis hav, "Certainly not: they are pKivate." form Air. George Gould, brother And Major Watts, who Investigated the the Heart and Lunge It 'rho lind Mohninined Roil fidul- lilt --Arrod doesn't it strike you as sus- virn I rustee of Countess Castellano, And caw, Boslides Lieut, Caulfield, civ lab, the Mail Mullah. wan on,, I Ill- Ilollo.gilig that the housemaid hasn't Aunt Jane tried to wither her trustooki. The count, Who know titan scouts Rmos, Preston, Corn Beneficial. Important of thege, r.-Ilill"um (logs, I'llivi. tkhown that vast dopressians hays piclows , with contempt, but was so unsuc- ding was illegal, Paid foril McKean were participants. It lot, a pity that the swing of tim '"N . the Ifult- 1, it sold 11114 f,�d foroi.il uirder the sea whih told you about it? Looks like a until CL 11 It- Lit-" T-1 lit' 11141011-41 itd"W1 I.. L . I IfIf I. I Iddl-111% I -t been raised or low cessful that she felt that, unless Frhe that bill procee, 's '"'119 I III. 4, ha% doostn't it, Ob?" eated in huste, she would lose lip tit Once, and is suld to Istive been THE WATER TORTURE. pelool,luni has resulted it' It s" ill(- it 19 I CoLutpxytre�l�chod her hands and iusid victimized Ito the extent of over "At Calbayog, Samar, it was re- toorporarily the Popularity ,f tin attil"de (it Ilostilliv ill "I" wl' ill. 1,1 14 Ili tIro., about 100,001i it her temper herself. SrO,(" by this adroit swindler. ported that several nien fit that (its- tlir Tali' For two %oars -44,111 is -d it, ycle, The i.nnioderate or ra- along the coast she ought to have sumpleetz "Comel" she said. Lcave him mort, than of the wheel ....... nn.,ptly flittd bou, wo so obvious. a obvious to his coscience." rhare it, no doubt that trict had been subjected to water I ber abuse. (.%i,r, lit, hold 1111k, fif poor cbild, th of tile Countess' fortune torture. I saw three men who had y dhJ harin to ,ally vvenk hur om-til Ing him rullgloUF1 ltt-I 11401110 I"I"I I I 111 I find that As they went out T was paid g -ay by her spendthrift been subjected to this treatment. 11�u t for those who 'Ilse it vyioiIf it, iflition ill the great earth is so seldom v1siblel .Ne , year gout. what to me ir I fe: "Are you a party to this sil- I tint hood r ...... rill% till. ir till- miraw of till- �lit people very often siviss hushond in blackmail. one was the president of the town, there is a fund of health In It that W'hl"h 1111uJ,­4 ry is as clear'as daylight." ly norsense??' but she did not deign A CONsIDEnABLE SENSATION Yr. Ronalesli. who ahowed one long can Ile fou'll i" a Ill" ' tit Ito other the pilot 111till't'. to Ni.-(ctst arvill fly lit, hh- ung'.1- is thut iloi,iii)oi itrinor tibockj4. a great ruarl� Aunt Jane bad never been on a to Answer. It VMS all beyond six Oeep gears on his arni. whiall he Raid polmlax foros of 4.xervist- #,Jlrl(,gt fit-111il-41 7OL11 ilhangf-o-s-on riinV tio4 41f "OlyiAll ate only by tht Went so hat. doubt, now, on his owri confessfob wits revised in Paris About rpre causeol bv the cords with which (:,,If Ito, no cli)ubt, OR ul"-ful [is a railli It 141kinn !1,j. R4 am Ilw cook 1wr-If i,, - Is f %7 i.ju,,grt%Ihh,,, It k.-4 suppo" to all CUPs* Tom strookod a cigarette. "v lottrilhe ago by the Arres of a nrt. kim%tit Ajdd have you access he was bound cutting into his flessh. health -giver of, It Is fatirionatirlif OCS F11INA' .11 ,lost olluq f thes.. shocks slight 3rawers, safes?" hadn't Ft notion what the row waF' wealthy -Lotookmaker named Bavin on Pone Second man wa% Irnmed Jost -4 a t III--% eF4 1% fill- %tratil lm)n the un -der boards, 4 or &pasolline, but a gnint, of 901f - ' t lie itoil eNvif lourder -would oblilliouldy Ile 'infornkution given by It trainer, Ili& I'll grent Roll pel HAI Simi %.. I t all. -d is, if)" Im. h,4 whi(h are titling slowl, , t 1114 g I IIA, lubterranet" so,,, was tile fiatering about, but there Ilorja, And the third was Padre Jose e %%lilt -4-think Ito peace till Aunt Jane went. Ile that Ravirs had Diazories. who stated he wits one f it%. dweller, anti It often requir R 1) sit I... tI lit, ( reply. Aslant Jane. he changed his plan of attack eind laid caltropils it, a fluld where he. the RUldh tittle to 91) to arid cools. frout of ,ill, 114, hall (-nll�.jl aroovol look it 'AlthotAl cutitkinu t-noitgh nio, three priests who had heen subjected Thin], Sol" said f mind for strollcd Into the drawingoom. The train -r. wil.; IT, the habit of exerels- 11tvA9 that o"IV llolldlv�e t hnir- r,)lhmintz mid hIdiaturb, -That's It PrOttY state to tortio-c by the tr(iophl mider c -:D twily at Iwo were on the sofa. Aunt Jane's 'alujut. 1'ent !)in Aeton lable k)" tilt Jvur t)it, rnIA41 I INDIANS rLAYT LACROSSE liilIt Wife. Take me to )via at A his ru4mhorse- Thvse caltrOPS, Mand of Lieut. h ( av- not his wife's aunt?" arm was round Lucy's waist. They .1111ift- le of boari Painted &rocu to re- tjry : that his front teeth ha been 11080. Tbe whe4-1. hI,,a%Ulg a lnrgl� iliffuellut. he .AP -0- Id because Lucy se"�rol- 100109y) ferociously at him. tunM ..otble grass an.d studded with sharps t belzrin ,, ,, .... .. 1, IlAoro AkIn to WIFE FOR "O 0 This Was as, knocke out, wbilch as pp.rvn WisA Irsill-, Warfare Than to a BEAT ad to hesitate. Together they went aray, shuddered, and were Filftt oRlI% force ill,!, spin ran Lt., laki every tlft� - W.. lit . st lival . 11 'It I I oif Friendly Sport ,tticulated to P that he was otherwise maltreated ft is that %%h,.n the wi,athor 1)) o% "" 111-111101 Wh'.11 the llritl,4 Calle(I Hio, a Coward and as of to the study. Aunt Jame sniffed He sat down on an easy chair Rt'll al -d Innill, any aninial ,,Vd robfired of three huodrorl dollars I Beat Her. cantanxii,tuously - took up a book. For live tninute9 oligilt Ftels upon thern. Ravin do- It wan stated that these fit,- bilhiest I Il4141% I, 'I'll.. Sol,tLet He It is 119 it 41"art ally' s,,Stnokel she snorted. " He Othig, was heard but IndigFunant -Pit that the incident had happion- aken out to be killed and it ere itllill, n a' Zeatbl,ng. Sudenly he I-emarked (' lot it year ar,d that he thw sI I, ligalli't 'Allill-"i J.'11,411, but II.- ,III tile cour coniv naved by tho prompt action (it N% al Duo admAtted it saw the doctor "itgoln t-qfay. the ill gavi "'; ...... . ....... I I..... ...... ..... w erson, but I've no doubt?" There wan no reply, Aunt ans, acc ;.I,pl1tAkl nailer, of these spiked arFIr4 lnlL,,tr lved lit and not it),, I.Its lot n -ohitil It ail" sIflit ittupporl, o ,,And drinks, on. who seat for them. Lieut Ca"Jot lhall �.Iaspcd Lucy tightly. T-* went (-%(.Ilnv file- . I. just suft-ient to 111, .... illfront Ill Join Afraid go. Ile had. he paid.bepro kneel- wits tried, pleaded guilt�v allot was ducontractioroll of I'," ;11.1 wh"n III, ftIII,, lie arid. "I has PY-Y So i,m afraid go." -11 ashed him what he thiought." Irlig upside one of them exii.inining It If Tillklich was " if.. 6 , you could hear oillven the trivial salitAltice of t hrm t I it-, I %,list lily wife. In tho rd Still a Pilene. * ill), accurpd n heott, Ihiq if rourro to -stills to ,f %%t,qtll1g ftoin I It IIA,nd PlaYA ca aw hork the trainer earn in, In"d. of ill.. Is.. ) this' suml�,nsoifvn from cotiv fllhill, s4s.- exclaiiand: 'Yot tit there. and increarwd Ili Ih.. inft+-1- 1".. r -4 ---think go, a little.' ifircir srholildpirs shrugged hirn rof haxiog [aid the forfritinit 950 1,,r month for the ' I It.. U104 W.s-ks .1Vctqr dearl What "I. q lilts. N11111.111 It'll w ...... .. I cotitnrit to strI10 e.%,ar, poor Old it was a little hard In "I"wed thnt on Inn Ills tli[IV r., til'if yOU wantg , Now, show mes ON,plaln the green spats, but. the ;,Irk \\I, - ''Id 1. it, 4% [,Toggled more do sivilinst Mill it lot, were ltot. sit once he -Ilsod not this hwret drawer oru were com, RTVI yellow ones were either scrillel preipilt(d ill ih,, mid ircivin- 14 deral'.11 II I 1- 11 I - the -It I I � tJ., , %%If.. at, of. She hadn't Complained rver or, sionletthing in -Itis land worn stiancen hpiog villon I ion t It,- 1"'I" I" " ],,it Itl--Ik - 1, I't 1), t if .. - is( anoth plaining . Itavin addell tilax lip had Upon vaV- A IMMADF oi�­l III is larg,- mmib--, .r 11,1 I he one, of glifty, but pulled the handles" Of quite well known In the profession ttingthened Ivy 1119 iticre hold ing blackmail ever since. and thist Jt R it I Ib, And at last found one that u er I "it that Major "o'n", Int addilt-11. I �'. rapid it vl-�ll Ill' I challonged hol on T,ucv And was looking at Hi., Wits Only beenut rp- n [,[Lily of agn,st_ Iseveral .4e lit- find [it last I i"Ilt. Com -r ariod the open air and ft)%' g vvv long( he ollit Ililltcoulft no, woul-In't open. r,,wd to submit atvv Insurer ft) the - ' nd native grollf.; W. -re Moved IIll.. ritloillt% ftIS becroulsol, illy owl I vot, itroor!" casne the tri- With or�ipn mouth. TT,s went on c ",o ants a ­Tberc . ..Have you ever seen tally, "I asked, wag it infectiou. ih,r's extortions that lip fled been from plooe to for flip purpo-ii, , ItIlliisiumphaint cry. I,- V -P was ILI isl Me Raid you can't tell till so", of oxtor nil stativineittv, lIv nienI14 of ifnild qltl,f,l, ('It illut the officer insidig this?" and ilia accuser got a sharp 0 ,.d t he I ouldn't remember that she body has caught it from you." tortur.�, nnd it. bpriviore no iinforiours, ifIll't or f)-i-ir roil), 'It'll "" f -1 I 1-11 ilt., it ,f intense excitement LUCY c IhFkt hill parAv ',pnn,9 I'llies Ond II .f I'lat, lit. ill It I,,,. .I, till dilemotim. I 11, aOhell ever wanted to. Aunt une was ate ding 'up. spotence fi%orito wnu rallod -G Ihe says. In case there Fould ()no or tit(! 1. Ildirilile " Whether it %oil popsible Ili ft. Ivi. I1,.% ii,ifor tlIlly Will- -Doesn't it lit it woroerfskilly?" leegpt lold Aunt Jane. "In there lie the ad better rwo I([ 161, I Ity's le for offienors ill t,v -ngaged It, touch I1,1311. 'it it I- Ithins, tioiet; to withdrav me WcrQt--posqihlv diq- letters over wtitlh he and the house- the ci�rnparky a( all the near rela- hotel Of !Rctq without flip personsil a is too otIowhich we id lost in the early morning. .1 tives of myself or my wife." credittible--of tile rich inal.'s early lot the General upon whose ottall' IhPy pl.-urisN. .r lo'liq Ooto tl­ M.4'all ....... I'll, ik Itvisth illy dignity am AMM 9 life. aird threatens to vent'late It lfiwere serving at tile time. nlqt, M'. %kin If I....... tsIlortif,00lan tiolleor. Ni. ,,R� L.Up -d up to him with alarm — , _y saw it all clearly. 0 Lucy hurs W to- he be not rald I o .... t,,AWd I have no doubt there have Aunt Jane backed a ge.1 Iluglu,", I 11" Iilit... ... sind (till not withdriv Mr. Ty oI Ili, 711'1' tit fit. It was my d it ty 1 to her face. son, thp recently deep i, it 'been tlu*g when N has told you, n-ards the dpor. others to cotOnk-toll-e f'. � ...... ...... 1-1 I I onnire cattle owner. ir. � l" for the instill preterkee. of Elyinpathy, net to ,Dear Aunt," he cold advancing Australian milli "Titc-qp Facts reniv ft) my notice ,.IwyT,s With iall It I 1- with a 1 , tackle ""I slick nix] beat Tay Ifp A""�ekf d by one of these r of -%14 tit. float wan Adjourned. krry to got up?" th outol,tretched hands "you're not was once . callike I way. anti nolliv ofhpt'4 diat lit - wt gentry, who tbrLatnd to publigh - he%:(- Isut the Ll did renfeirtbOt One Or two In surely?" Imlin'r chnrart�i )well orpportefil I go in g % ot, ,r i III. M %ILK itioll-I �l H 1111 ... . . .... Ilret­ohe had -a -slight cold. (4hip gave &-little serearn and tim allegood fact that he foundation In different pwt'R of rhe F157chil P'll so go inl lot, lost sig ------- 4­lt. tit stances, 4 I ."I 1. I jumpEd away. In it he f, tile millinaire'n fortune had tpovi ,I foillid that with oflicprit til,ow tilth r I I ...... Aunt, Je,iie chUcklod. mooment a i I Inetier met it frilatrAild ecarple yet was out of the room. Tirade by cattle "duffing- -or steel- , th inipornigion forp-,ailed IhAt mett or Ili it I Ie tit tilt if... all itill divorced at Ing and alterinkr the brandso. TvRon P t I,,. "hecl. awl 1)"'I t f and with your hit CiLghtfilt to be Lucy turned to him with concern. ac Ito Icerp JuMiflable -,,rill I felt It mV "r a in appar,,nit 1! ...... It-. If— %e said, "This trust be 11*11- "Is it P.erlous, dear?" She asked. made an appoint-plit to meet h I\l"I I"t,"A like a kinot on a I C and I will -Just -you see that Aunt Jane man, took a cowhitto with hiril. I dutY. In order to corre(t r. lit if... ally settled tbils'everikils I aro" Irnorteouto and ivricorouci impr(Florin thim exetris'.. fll% ... or "fralluses," yo,4-fl, sitio till he gives a Mt- eta coalliprtnilly out of the house." thrittilied t.1 -n till he could hardly If t n k,.;). I,,(. tit 1,011t \ \ Sit ay by never g nod to I,r(-%t.nI the ftifIhands, e"t"Atiqn. Ile Lucy trader9tood, and the Spell stAind. nuch acts holissr committed In thso i.-ity if the pol" Ill%,,(I h�tlrop voursellf out or will. it 1a)ft,t, lJoAr tXifol gers, levut ,I ll .. .... you, Aunt," ImIrriedly putting on her hat and -.1 tit Ing breall-i onmi 4%- ", Inarrip or American nittif, at allow tile spring JolfiAtloiln." vianishild. A-unt Jane was up Stairs, Ifuturo which noltit Impair th, -11 roin very 9VAM01 to AN OLD TIM7,11. -nt I.qisi r,r retod .. .... f,,t% lotsaid I.-I-IrY. at an;4 noluttering aloud. dincrecifit to our Service for ali tim.en art, those incid# - fin- I co onfrineR I ( f0jr. 11 Ing anti "" I1ht-onlit yoirr whisUers law toom, oor tl I'll take a room at the hotel till one of the not lif'st sotearn Ito Itilluo to he cornmoinel r thp .4 Inn -,I IIrustle; take O, ll,&A' beford dinner," I o-werrow. Send on my box. No. ever built is still the main Aource of lovrinlg letter of instrurlionq avoided 1%,rl," ". . It9 1\ Ilip kt!,I n- tier that rarturse ure ,*a% ItAijat re4ulre It," E am afraid I can't waitr-4 shall be power in an iron mill at Birsusing, e%en fW^ . ..:, t r Iup.1 ­ get up In Then follow,4 son orlior atirpit;F,pil in rqrntl� le\�l road it llIloadlog 0.0 why late VVHte and tell me ham, Elngland. It was . I -If I ... t Ias it is. th,­ Commandinfir orleneral or thin 1\ Stoilest mily on th. o, gtaJ,q flow be Is getting 0`11, atud don't foor- 1767, slid the original wooden beam hilini-irms, under (late of FebroAry rn.,re lho,ti TIne r 11.11 MOVII Ion it...... I .11toll .1 \:.. 1, , ild," 861d I 'Aunt Jae at to dialfifect the letter - wb.-' has lately been replaced by an iron r iq for ir.ont ilIvok- 1, I.... .. A �d I,. I r 03, In hich Gonerat illil(In h,,r. III .11 oWord to hint about lontinuoun 29. IS) lent forin of q oi vla%q. tind iltht-t It, sfridirk,t y (ilia attentloon ro the reports; ,if 'I'll,. I t1be do( ou thil me thia beford You lotie, after 185 years of c -am c Cbop cordwood, dig 'rill thi, till -111fro Vatt Would invited me? The inootalittencO Of 'g6rvleo , 4efdo train thin iron lit anti dlrect that ft",, c- 1,111110,21 I I, 122 tI railn, ifisoll Vr it till cyllirider that wal, put in new ntrocitles;;. Ills %I . I hlsi, . a 'IUITJ cialt, f,ut joint on A ILIVII 9i VO game doctoral a A InklO mind off, an at derso or circulars of personal Inatruct- liktIlust don't nit itirlet on tions f tiling illt stalts. 'Tom ebf dettroying over tile tarPoOtfl. 0ood-b."." She in 1802 the le"glille Is the name which worst(] itippire or encour- 4ho- Who lit I hat Mr had in h,lena wa,have " Was iltftt,. even to the connecting rod. hem Ile lit.. had Is tere ,lef t taitiltiolt 'it said to RAY 900III-1416. She por its special fliurpoco tile old en a" anv not of crueltv be annulled Mae ilod nIin tbe Imil .0'. ecl.: The order gaya that ­tbe exculiss that I ... kill Maq he been I... .. icar. dodged r0fdad him And out At the glue, Ifas hilen prono'11TIC041 flip V, ;. the girl 0 (*III ft� N manv hilojilern ongineg. the untilival conditions Justify itto love?- cams 10, 1*, lisA 1116t frtA door ad It 20 "flerobl W61V Snap- avirialeal thal r folled tfie� week after nil IL lo nouirt, "L -1110 Klial AtIvics his, W110. P1114 tit her hebls� and it to II, d her?' ot 11119 uldif"101,V likely tn do duty many meatfurep herein condemned are with affilt it ste�,tsst, but Xlul"fr- Tite doJiettied e6WI0 41ityled with rb- vatara lbarilli. out foundation