HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-05-15, Page 5r'
Jim D u9npp kelt tl'lrl4:4l9filA HMO
To cage at, atter-dinner pails
Which 4'00.04 Olt hint hie. belt`btilowi.
Aird Ailed bflt World With indite.
ilyiippslir•howl can't bother him,
POI' /t ForCR'r ha#, n1Rde him flaunter pm."
The heady to.flerve cereal
gives worst
Ito weali
and supplies
A 1i'o. to Indfeeatten,
"Every seminar I Shoe had
to tike tonics, bet now I use
lfor'ce,' I via eniQying .eaioel-
leet health; it has hunt me up.
•I eat '-Forco'_at night and it
lgles rues a restful sleep. It
lds up, satteties andls pleas-
ant to etat and a top to igdl-
"Mae, 'Ken W. Dow
W. as .ilk► -1E :II -' '4016 S'
11luslins, Silks, and Dress Goods.
Otar stock is now complete with all the newest fabrics and designs in linen and
Parisian Waistings.
Panama Waistiugs, lace insertion and open work stripe Weirungs, satin stripe
Delaines, etc., in scroll, floral and conventional
patterns, at , 25C, 35C and 50C
Exclusive High=Class Muslins.
Swiss Muslins, handsome embroidered designs iu all
new shades and tints, at 15c, 25c and 35C
Summer Silks.
Printed Foulards, Tussore an 1 Shantung Silks, in new codors and
natural shades, at per yard 7 5 C
Japan Wash Silks. •
Heavy corded, fest colors Wash Silks, i9 and 20 inches wide, in a great
variety of cokes and effects —a very stylish and serviceable Silk,
a ,
at per yard special 3 5 C
Japanese Mattings.
3o bales of 4o yards each Japanese Mattings, 36 inches wide, in fancy
ere. .- • checks and artistic patterns in settees of green, I� 18C 25C �C 30C
blue, reds, browns, &iZ
c., special values at per yd. t'2C, r
Wool Carpets.
Heavy all pure wool yard wide reversiole Carpets in a e
GOC f OC and SOC
fine range of patterns and colors, at per yard ........
Of Damask, of Lace, of Chenille. The largest stock we ever had. The most
select, tasteful and exclusive. The best values we ever had.
tae'3obertcb Star.
FRIDAY, MAY 15. 1903.
The Electric
Railway Bill.
CUss Ir.
'I•he Town Solicitor Inatructed to
Oppose It.
Acting on a notice issued by Mayor
Lewis last Friday evening, a special
meeting of the Council was held that
evening, all the members present.
His Worship reported that he had
conanited with several parties with
reference to securing a road way
entrance to the sewer outlet gulley as
g dumping ground, and apparently
the best he could do would be to pur-
chase an entrance and sufficient roots
for wagons turning from Mr. Furse,
for $50. This would give all the roots
necessary for years W come, and the
matter of concluding the arrangement
was left in His Worship's hands.
He then explained the object of this
meeting, which was to consider what
action the town would take on the
electric railway bill now before the
Legislature. rhe matter was one
requiring the must careful attention Miss Barbara M. Stanfold, a Victim of Anaemia, Im-
of the Council, no matter how we may
have regarded the scheme heretofore. perfect Circulation and Debility, Is Cured by
He had asked Mr. Dickinson, the town
mosolicitor, to attend and explain- the
situation. Our flnatcial condition was
mosttsserious. We kind ntoprovide
$1232.02 for the summer hotel deben-
tures, and $2248.64 for the Organ Co.
loan, and the $50,000 stock in the
electric railway would add a yearly
payment of $3,079.09. With our regu-
lar obligations can we raise this
arnount ? He thought not. "He asked
the clerk what notice had been given
the town of this bill, and that official
said the only notice ho had received
was. It copy of the bill from Mr. H.
Eilber'about a week or so ago.
Mr. Dickinson produced this copy
and explained its objects, so far as he
understood them.
to upset the ihylaw, noir.. In PinItYMP
td) {hula. Krum t'a objection es to the
eban oaf _teiitt', Mr. I)k'kiuhof re nal
iron ''tlie Collwrne byl&iv now being
adtyerttsdci to blaoyf ,that Aulwtt'n,,'
talo nut. slither'.
The bray4r said; there were Verge
coureeisfee the counci -1, let it ctan
(L it Is; 2,instruct the 'solicitor to. op,
pose the ill Mt the grqund lair dept;
or, Spoto. attend. and, it he cart, stcure
alll the info iatllon lion" con ed 1'oep0r#,
10 the Celine% Bet in any event.., no-
tity the Ilrelneters.
Coon. Llipnepson The- electric) road
protesters won't by concerned letlent
env-Ananpee, its the $fiO,OOO they went.
The tiiscussioii wuskept up for quite
'a while, Wee or lees to the paint in
question, and finally, efterseveral pre -
'Weed tiaatione, ft %vas moved tly Conn.
Elliott, seconded by Coon. town,
that the solieitor appear before the
committee fat 'reroute and oppose. the
coteirmattpn'of the te'svu hyllnw, show-
ing the *motors the financial posi-
tion of the town. Carried,
The -Mayor reported regarding Mr.
(*arrow's bill for f$2I13$, that Mr. (Jar-
row, iunior, in answer:. to the offer to
Pay x;2000 iu fell, haul said the bill
could its taxed for more than that a-
1'i1a"unt: The 'mayor- had -been notified•
that, if the Council attempted toay
this without putting it Jo the estlrm
ales fqr this year, action would , be
taken against the Council, and in
therefore proposed to may over the
$000 received from 11fi'. Holmes, and
place the`biilitnet' of theado-ent in the
The Council then adjourned.
to be 'understood as seeking to influ-
ence the Council, hut merely to lay
before them the facts as he under-
stood them regarding the bill.
The mayor said the matter. -now
rested with the Council and he caked
them to deal with it.
Coun. Humber said the bill should
not be allowed to go without some at-
tention, action certainly should he
taken in the way of opposing it.
Councillor Elliott said he had all
along been opposed to the scheme,
as he thought it not a wise one for the
town to enter in, but could not see on
what grounds now we could oppose it.
Can we prove that people were mis-
deed ?
Oouns. . Humber and Thompson.
—Yes, we can.
Coon: (Elliott.—Well, we certainly
can't pay the amount required by the
Mayor Lewis.—Some of the Coun-
cillors say that statement regarding
the Colborne bylaw Was !Made.
Cou ns. Thompson and Humber.—So
it was.
Coon. Brown -1 have always under-
etood it WILE so stated.
Chun. Humber declared positively
that one of the promoters, during the
committee's discussion of the by-law
in the clerk's office., said distinctly in
answer to bis (Humber's) question that
Fifth Congress to be held in Mon.
treal, 17th, 18th, 19th,
20th Aug.. 1903. —
Among the events of the present
year in the world of, trllde and com-
merce, none will be of greater import:,
ancethan the meeting of eheChambers
of Commerce of the Empire, to be
held in Montreal during August.
Once in every three years the
leading representatives of the busi•
ness world, from all parts of Great
Britain and her self-governing col-
onies. gather to discuss the great com-
mercial, industrial and economic ques-
tions of the day. Their deliberations
are followed with interest throughout
the entire Empire. Their conclusions
shape the policy of our times. Never
before has this convention been held
outside of Great Britain, and Canada,
in securing the honor of entertaining
it, has won a great privilege an
obtained a grand opportunity.
The idea of coming out to Canada to
attend this meeting is, from present
advices, proving immensely popular
In British commercial circles. AI-
re•wy upwards of a hundred British
Chambers of Commerce, in import-
ant commercial centres, have signified
their intention of sending delegates.
The Montreal Board of Trade is in
communication with similar bodies
everywhere throughoqt the Dominion,
in order that the delgates, after the
convention, may have ample op-
portunity of visiting every part of
Canada; and the railway and steam-
boat companies, realizing the import
once of the gathering, are generously
co-operating to this end. it is pro-
posed first to conduct the visitors for
a week's trip over fertile Ontario,
which will towards the end of August,
be at its best. The Toronto Exposition
will next receive a visit. Then the
grain fields. of Manitoba, where, in
the first week of Septetnbet harvest- i
ing will be at its height, the ranches
of Alberta, the forest wealth, the
fisheries and the mines of British
Columbia, will next be seen. Return-
ing, the visitors will tour Quebec and
the Maritime Provinces, visiting our
chief manufacturing centres and the
Atlantic ports.
The aid of the national government
has been invoked that every facility
may be provided to place all that is
most interesting throughout ,('+Lnarin
before these distinguished visitme.
Loral Boards of Trade at points visit-
ed will co-operate in the way of
banquets, luncheons and other hospi
talities. literature, giving full par-
ticulars regarding ('iutnila as a field
for profitable investment, is bring
prepared for distribution among the
ft is impossible to estimate the value
Results That Astonished Relatives and Friends
Ell:' eX i & + eland,'
tit to un 'bed l trh
rit two F#.>FZo'kt:;
the acme of shirt
Look for Ws name Wide tho Collar.
For sale at an Crest dealers.
Couuty Items -
About 3,000 bushels of lime has been
made near Belgtsave so far this spring.
Tiro Rah has in stock 3(1,000 ..enveT-
opus to clear at close prices. We eau
print them while you wait.
Adam Halliday has disposed of his
100 acre farts, 5th lino, Morris, to
Win. Armstrong, of the same line, for
the sum of $5,60X1.
The four-year-old daughter of Me.
and Mrs. Alex. Long of the 12th con. of
Ashfield, was horribly burned about
the face and body while playing near
a fire in the yard the other day.
An Old Country paper furnished the
following motto : "Lie, Steal, Drink
and Swear. When you lie, let it be
.down to pleasant dreams; when you
steal, Tet it be away from immoral
associates; when you drink, let it be
pure water; when you swear, let it be
that you patronize your home paper,
pay your subscription and not send
your job work away from home."
1. The power asked to issue prefer-
ence stock. This is a general power in
all such companies, but this company
had, rather peculiarly, omitted it in
their firstapplication for their charter,
with the result that when they naked
the town to take $50,000 stock In it,
they had not the power to, sell such
'etude. '
2. The application to confirm the by-
law voted upon by the town was the
most important part of the bill. Are
we in favor of it ? 1f not., we must
act quickly, for it is now before the
committee of the Hoose. The objec-
tions to that confirmation from my
point are, first, our inability to raise
the sum required. If we have to pay
it, can we do so as we are situated.
According to the mayor's statement
we have at present only about $1200
to wor,Y on and this means a payment
over 0000. The Council must care -
'full qq' consider this. One object of this
conthmation may be what was un-
doubtedly a fatal objection to the
bylaw when voted on, the notice given
was one day short of that reeuired by
law, and had this objection been
urged at the time the bylaw would
Undoubtedly have been quashed, but
the promoters took the precaution to
have the bylaw promulgated by
*publication and no objection having
1, -en made within the time then apact-
tie1. this• defect, he believed, was
i The second objection to the conflrm-
atlen was the atatemotlt that misrepp
resrntations had ben made to the eff-
ect that if the Colborne bylaw failed
to carry then the town's obligation
enter the bylaw was released. Such
a stetement would not have been
true, the clause in the bylaw re-
leased the cOlapany but not the
town, but if it could be shown
that these statements were mule and
used to card' the bylaw. then that
,mild be a sti'6ng tiigettleeilt against
confirmation 1101e, lie did riot wlsh
in the month of May, it is an abso-
lute necessity that the body should be
furnished with a richer and purer
supply of blond for the establishment
of a health than can successfully cope
with the enervating effects of hot sum-
mer weather. Poor blood in May pro-
duces listless, amhitionless, sleepless
and sallow -faced men and women,
who quickly become victims of some
organic disease that ends life.
Intelligent people recognize the nec-
essity of cleansing and fortifying the
system in May by using Paine's Celery
Compound, which speedily removes
all poisons from the system, givers to
the thin, watery blood a larger pro-
portion of red corpuscles, and arouses
all the organs!, of the body to healthy
action. Paine's Celery Compound
does a work for victims of impure,
watery and stagnant Mood thatcom-
mands the at ention of the most emin-
ent medical men in the world. Miss
Barbara M.Stanfold, Hamilton, Ont.,
For over a year my health was in
bad condition, and I became very
weak and much depressed in spirits.
Tilts OF HER Atli
The Great and Well -Known Kidney Specific
for the Cure of all Kidney
and Bladder Troubles.
Mrs. P. Bertrand, Breche A Manon,
Que., writer:—I think it nothing but
right for me to let you know what
DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS have done for
me. For five months I was badly troubled
with a sore back, and such severe pains
in my kidneys that I could scarcely walk
at times. I got a box of DOAN'S KID-
NEY PILLS, and before I had them half
taken I was greatly relieve . and with
another box I was completes cured. I
cannot help but give them all inc praise
I can, and will never fail to recommend`
Ahem to all kidney sufferers.
are SOe. box, or 3 for $125; all dialers or
The Doan Sidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont.
Hair Brushes and
We call special attention to our varied
stock of
We have flair Brushes at 25c, 30e, 35c.
Inc, .5oc, hoc, 65c, 75c, '5c, ,)o(', $1, $1 25.
$1.50, $1.75, $2, $2 25 and $2.5,, Soni,
of these are extra value. They ale al.
well worth the price. Some are in light
wood handles, some dark, some whit'
celluloid, some ebony, etc.
Call and see. No trouble to show them,
We also have good values in
in Black Rubber,llorn, Aluminum, White
and Black Celluloid, etc,
My troubles arose from poor and wat-
ery blood and imperfect circulation.
My appetite was almost gone, and 1
was afflicted with insomnia. After
several doctors had done all they
could for me, I was weaker than when
they first began to treat me, and my
family became anxious about my con-
dition. A neighbor advised my moth-
er to have me use Paine's Celery Com-
pound. Before I finished the second
bottle, my appetite was better, 1 felt
stronger and could sleep soundly five
or six hours each night. I had Ho
much faith in the wonderful com-
pound that i continued with it until I
was pea reale cured. To -day, after
using six bottles, 1 am as well and
strong as ever before. 1 thank you
with all my heart for such a medicine;
it saved my life when other medicines
failed. All my friends are astonished
at my happy cure."
If you are in need of free medical
ad vire, write to Consulting Phytlician's
Department. The Wells & Richardson
Co., Limited, Montreal, Que. All
correspondence is sacredly confided
L, In, the , goo, ,old shower . time
;i4' rlaeu you need
Be; ahead of the warm weather
by leaving your order now.
• 'Every piece of goods is new,
and We have a fine assortment to
select from.
CENTRAL 1)8',i SToap • • GI)nitRICH
"Always the nest. at Hiek',."
Is perhaps not yet ordered. Why
not inspect the goods we are
offering, and get our prices.,
The Fabrics are the Rest 1
The Workmanship l'ne.xrellr'd
if the Colborne by-law was defeated of this visit.. What it will mean for
the town's obligation would he re- Canada to have amongthe members
leased. of each (Chamber of Commerce in
Mr. Dickinson, in answer to a ques-
tion, said he was not sure what were
the objects of the confirmation sought.
He thought the promulgation was suf-
ficient, bait this bill may be an extra
precaution by the promoters.
The mayor said the promoters
might not Ito familiar with the town's
financial position and In justice to
tem perhaps they ought to be in-
formed of ft, that if they do demand
the $50,000 we cannot pay it.
Chun. Humber thought that the
change of route now proposed cer-
tainly affected us and was an objec-
tion to the confirmation.
Coun. Thompson favored leaving
the matfer in the hands of the town
solicitor to oppose the hill if he finds
out the towns interests demand it.
For himself he had always opposed the
scheme, and he fel more like it when
the promoters had broken faith with
the town in their distinct promise
that If the Colborne by -late' was de-
feated, the town's obligation would lie
In answer to Cnutt. Elliott's proposal
that the matter be left itt the bolieitor'n
hand* with full power, Mt. Dickinson
cxpttxincd that if the last el ruse, to
!canflrm tilt towti hyhety, tt�et;e riurtte'k
out, the bylaw would remain just :is
it Is. ottits owitv:tlidit ,lteOende►fiedby
'� on canbe shown that wb id goof a
l.8tilE8 rota nrdre
r and riddroxs
E ,fiM.trt� 11 1 reratwf R
PENlllhl)�il 1f`AL T A.
..rymotii.rx,ialayinliilthetter ryt`OlkOtteS01L(hlif
ra, rf lett aMCiialltlt%I6M1045/72
every city throughout the Empire
one or more influential persona who
may be competent to speak from per
sonal experience of her resources and
of her possibilities, cannot he over
It behooves Canadians everywhere
to give the visitors a most royal
For All Forms of Sidney Dis-
1 the undet•signed drugged am ful-
ly prepared to give the following
guarantee with every 51) rent bot lle of
Dr. Pettingill's I{ldney-Wort Tablets,
the only remedy in the world that
positively cures all troubles arising
from weak or diseased kidneys:
"Money cheerfully returned if the
sufferer is not relieved and improved
after the nee of ono bottle. Three to
aim bottles effect astonishing and per-
nuttient corm. If not retietred and
pored, you waste no mount'. Jas. Wil-
son, Goderich, Ont."' 02-2m
Jas, Sherrie, 4th line, Morris, clnliv-
(lrtd It hogs, of York -Tamworth vale
fete, to *los liph Clegg, at Wingliaur,
tor which he reedited the tidy mini of
, $111, Who can beat this for good
reform; P
The Prices are the Lowes! !
Three points which must satisfy
you. Our stock for gentlemen's
wear is now cotnplete.
We also carry ..
Deady -Made -Clothing
Made to our own order, from our
own purchases of webs. Man or
boy, we can fit you with the best.
flU6fl DUNLOr
%\ new French process of nlanu-
r 1 facturing Silk and Rubht"r so
as to make the lightiest and
prettiest Rain Coat in the market
—a Coat you can put any place
and it will not crush. Water
proof and dust proof. The "Am-
erican Lady" is the newest style
of these Coats., The prices no
higher than some of the ordinary
every day Coats.
M6K1IB'S Bust] store
The oldest eslnhliahed ANext door to Houk of
In the County y Montreal. Goderi,1,
Make Weak Hearts Strong.
Make Shaky Nerves firm.
Nervousness — Sleeplessness-- Palpitation of
the Heart—Nervosa Prostration - Faint
and Detre Spoils - Drain Fag After
Effects of La Orippe—Ans)mia—And all
Troubles Arising from a Ran -down flys•
T11E easot , 1903 is
advancing (lay by day,
but never before in the
history of this country has
there been offered to the pub-
lic such values .as we present.
The looney is in every
machine we offer. Each is
wolth its price in the hank.
When you kitty horn us you
ate ass11*et1 )(lir money's
worth, and yon do not ask
more. Bicycles will be in
F.eater t1 111.md this year
than ever, but people naturally
w/.. (•,11Y SR/./. 1.01' 1111.
Tho [test, \t -1 it torn. 1 1 , 4-1..rnd Kronen 1 ,,t ort I h.. market 1141
and nor 111,•111, iLsk for 1.11,-. n 1,1 1,11116,. ure.,t nen) „f pnryh.isers.
Its ng vour w'h,el Hepn,r, 41,11 ,ts lits- 1•rd,11-. Knn•. C,.a,trr nrnkr,
Spoke•. ':nines ti,.,,tinttor ,vthnlg ,ter 1.,prr11 w,,,k ut n",dernle
cllatges 1•„i t utiiI,,�l 1 , •
!•:rely I,1ot1n11•nt 1-0 .a header, and we carry the
U2,1// \-/r ),5' l'l. l\ r )5 ,rti ! O/,'(,'. 1.\".ti
11 .1/ //// ern,/ /,./-R/15
(,1 // 1 /,•., 1 /1 )/. /,5.5, /1, 1 /x.1/11.5.1,'• 1.5,
.1/. 1.','/ 1O1 INS, (, A'. 1.1/O/'//O
rv),n„u .\her'/r r ',II,' .1/1111 1.111111 an,l 1n01ancrnlu!
li'/,\'(; Alf, 1, 1/1.VI..S. li Famous New Williams and White
a nete..,ty 1, , ,,v huusr1,,dd 11.'x rover and ,I,"p haul. nil gnnrnn lred
for Ire s.11-
1,1fr s worth 1,1, Ing Ilave Comfort and Plen,nrr 15'e den Help you,
and the dust will not be great
Geo. W. Tiiornsoo Ec son.,
1 / Catalogues tor the .i'-kiing..The Square, GG�ODyE�RIGH.
Read what T. L. Foster, Minestng,
Ont., Las to say about them:—I was
greatly troubled with palpitation of the
heart, a sudden blindness would come
over me, and floating specks before my
eyes caused me great inconvenience
Often I would have to gasp for breath.
and my nereee were In a terrible verdi•
ti. I took 14'S HEART AND
NERVE PILISt and Rt they have probed o
bleating to me. I cheerfully reeene
mend them to all sufferers from heart
and nerve trouble.
Price 60e. per box, tie 2 few $1251 all
dealers or 'lrlin r1.' Milburn C6„ I.ietlted,
Totontp, Out;
The Stole 01 a
"Dorothui Dodd”
. 1 1'.\'1'R )• 1.5' 11'.1/
IC \' E It mind what ,.1,1 f.,shioned
people tel: lou Stdle .Ind 0,111
Pott c AN lily together in a p:ul rd `hoes
The . '1)nsnIn' 1t.,t,u" 1,r„des it
Thrs are the utmost height of styli
They err sines of grnnute .1101M tl,,n
The highest praise eau can gds r a sli,e
is to shy
It Has the Stole of a "Dorothu Dodd"
Y,1 the -The, thy 11.,1,1 Is the most
comfortable shoe e‘ et •n.11• You long
to walk for tl a pleasure of walking It holds the Lea 1 toils amend the
instep Intl sonl,orts the unsupported arch \ou ev, .,t,.• Ih,
witch tonus with some shoes. 1l gives a n,•w 1 II I1 ' t„
walking. Vtnl. tarrtage is mord Ilght and gr.nrin!
Just Iry ane pair
Boots $3.75.
,tom 115 gait
.wr bort% in
Oxfords $3.00.
Wm. S1-!ARM/N,Jr.
'And you will have to cast off your winter
clothes and don a Spring Outfit, and the
proper place to 'procure the proper thing is
at PRIDHAM, the Tailor's. We have the
nicest range of Foreign and Domestic Goods
procurable, to select from. Prices to suit
everybody's pocket. Get your order in early
to avoid .the hot weather rush.
PRIDIIAM, The Tailor.
THIS wreck we have opened up over $iloo.o)o worth of Spring
and Sumner llardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, 1)ry Colors,
White Lead, etc., etc., and we ore now in a position to look after
the wants of our customers properly. /hew (,cn)da were all bought
rigid and will be sold right.
I Painting Materials.
We sell you nothing but the 11 1: *4 1'
QUALITY in all Panning Matetials. !!"e
1)o,r'! Stock Trash. It wuuld'nt pay us, but we
are 1n a position to give you Honest Goods
at honest Prices.
Pruning Shears.
Pruning Saws.
Pruning Knives.
Floor Paints.
Paint Brushes.
[:1VE ('S .•r
Save Your
Rebate Checks I
They are
1 'aluable.
Carpet Tacks.
Tack Hammers.
Carpet Whips.
Tack Lifters.
Hedge Shears.
WE 0.1.V 1'/, F.. I.S/i }'n)('.
G )ngRICH 'I'A'1 ham it, larger circulation
',inn a.ny other ;5'nwr paPnr In this ,nrtloo of
the '.'[)linty , •' 14ltrrn 1,
=TOW Mir
Big Bicycle and REPAIR SHOP
W11. handle all kinds of new high Grade 'Machines, among them the
Cleveland and li & 1), In this big shop you will find nothing but
the hest. which is none too good for you. Our Second -Hand Wheels
are :ill thoroughly ovtrliauk•d in an expert manner and are sure to give
good satisfaction, even at the low prices we sell at, Coble and see us if you
want satisfaction at very reasonable prices.
i boa kinds s as wellas sel
wheels n i l t 11 ki 1, repairs,
Remember, we real t pa
bicycle sundries, in fact we make old wheels as god as new, because we
know how to do it, but only on slot 'ash tutus.
Come and lest how gaud the nig Repair Shop and Livery can do for
Bicycles, Repairs, Sundries,, and Livery.
Flour, Feed,
le • •
The ( )l(1 and Rclial)lc Seed Store on East
Street is ready for Spring with a full and Select
Stock of Field and Garden Seeds. Patrons can
depend 011 being served to the best possible ad-
We sell on close margin, and extensive ex-
perience gives us the advantage of selecting the
ver\' best Seeds in the market.
If von want anything in the line of FLOUR,
NEED or Si•;r•:lts, do not purchase until you see how
well we can serve you.
Our profits are small, and the benefit is yours.
East Street,
Economy In Fences.
yOU cannot get a better
Fence than a Wiry one.
You capnot get
cheaper one eitl,,
Ire /tare a la111'F Sir', ; '
Ravi, Wire, C. $) per I;nn 'red.
Coil SptingWire, No.e
Lamb Field and Fig 1•••
free r rod up.
(The levee
herd steel w • 1
We have also a 1 , ,tin k of Othsl
and Assealed NeilImre Staples,'
Pliers, &c., &C.
Oedlity 1 rt, Nie' 1*,
P.hitc's 1 , ,
330.3R,CsitiVevitia, - GODURICH
ff /